Never-Mind-the-Billhooks Quick-Reference-Sheets-Version-Version-1.1
Never-Mind-the-Billhooks Quick-Reference-Sheets-Version-Version-1.1
Never-Mind-the-Billhooks Quick-Reference-Sheets-Version-Version-1.1
Mounted Skirmisher Missile Troops 1.5 10" 9" Hit on 5+ 1 5+ 5+ Always try to Evade if Attacked.
9" (S) Hit on 5+ After first Shot, count only half numbers per
Crossbow and Handgun Companies 1 6" 0.5 5+ 5+
12" (L) Hit on 6 Shoot Action.
1) Always Evade if Attacked.
Skirmisher Missile Troops 1 8" 12" Hit on 5+ 0.5 5+ 5+
2) Shoot once in a turn.
Houfnice Field Artillery and three crew 9 - 30" Hit on 6 0.5 5+ 5+ 1) Roll 2D6 per Artilleryman when Shooting.
2) All hits are Kills.
3) Three or more 1s = the gun blows up.
Tarasnice Light Artillery and two crew 6 - 20" Hit on 6 0.5 5+ 5+
4) Minimum crew: two.
War Wagon and six crew 9 3" by hand 0.5 (Missiles) 1) Wagon takes two Actions to deploy.
12" Hit on 4+ 3+ in wagon 3+ in wagon
(Three Pole-arms, three Missiles) Horses +3 8" towed 1 (Pole-arms) 2) Other unengaged wagons count as support in Melee.
Helvetia Quick Reference Sheet
(CHARGE) D6 Per figure Shooting Melee
1) May Charge or Counter-Charge - twice per game.
2) When Charging: reroll 1s, 2s, and 3s in first round
Knights 3 8" (12") - 2 4+ 3+
of Combat.
3) Must pursue Broken enemy.
Light Horse 1.5 10" (14") - 1.5 5+ 4+ May Charge or Counter-Charge.
1) Always Evade if Attacked.
Skirmisher Mounted Crossbows 1.5 10" 9" Hit on 5+ 1 5+ 5+
2) May Dismount - use Infantry Skirmisher stats.
Burgundian Men-at-Arms 2 6" - 1.5 3+ 3+ Save on 4+ if Shot at by Crossbows or Handguns.
Burgundian Bills, Glaives, etc. 1 6" - 1 4+ 4+
Burgundian Pikes 1.5 6" - 1 4+ 4+
9" (S) Hit on 5+ After first Shot, count only half numbers per
Burgundian Crossbow Company 1 6" 0.5 5+ 5+
12" (L) Hit on 6 Shoot Action.
9" (S) Hit on 5+
Burgundian Archers 1 6" 0.5 5+ 5+ May Shoot twice in a turn, limited to six 'arrowstorms'.
15" (L) Hit on 6
1) Always Evade if Attacked.
Burgundian Mounted Archers 1.5 10" - 1 5+ 5+
2) Must Dismount to Shoot.
1) Include all Halberdiers in the Melee head count in
the second and third rounds. They hit for 4+ in every
Swiss Halberdiers 1 8" - 1 5+ 4+
round of Melee.
2) Halberdiers Detach - see Action List.
Swiss Pikes 1 8" - 1 5+ 4+ See Swiss Infantry in Melee page 83.
1) Always Evade if Attacked.
Skirmisher Missile Troops 1 8" 12" Hit on 5+ 0.5 5+ 5+
2) Shoot once in a turn.
Field Artillery and three crew 9 4" 30" Hit on 6 0.5 5+ 5+ As Core Rules.
Light Artillery and three crew 9 6" 24" Hit on 6 0.5 5+ 5+ As Core Rules, except for Movement.
1) Takes a full turn to reload.
Organ Gun and three crew 5 4" 18" Hit on 5+ 0.5 5+ 5+
2) Hit for 5+. All targets Save on 6.
Italia Quick Reference Sheet
(Charge) D6 Per figure Shooting Melee
Skirmisher Mounted Missile Troops 1.5 10" 9" Hit on 5+ 1 5+ 5+ Always Evade if Attacked.
Pikes 1 6" - 1 5+ 4+ See special Melee rules (section XVII, see p.96).
Bills/Pikes 1 6" - 1 4+ 4+