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The Book of Laughing Serpents

Volume 2
Written and Developed By: James Barton

Edited By: James Barton and Ryan Williams

Layout and Design By: Ryan Williams

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and intended for entertainment purposes only. Reader discretion is advised.

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The Book
of Laughing Serpents
Volume 2

Table of Contents
Demons of the First Circle
The Bishop Fish (Apallubet) 5
The Hungry Masks (Grimaboju) 8
Demons of the Second Circle
Aigokeros, the Demon Jester 13
“ T
he Dragons marked the sea from the sea, and
sent one to lay drowning in Hell, dripping
with hatred, acid, and impurity. Who is
shocked, then, that such unwholesome things
sprang from it?”
T H E B I S H O P F I S H ( A PA L L U B E T )

The Bishop Fish (Apallubet)

First Circle Demon of Piscaethces
Creature of the great depths of Kimbery, the apa- enough to draw close to their borders and be more
llubets are reclusive and feared among demonkind interesting than is for their own good.
for their habit of adopting any demons they find
into their vast undersea kingdoms.. Slime covered The most feared and famed feature of the apallubets
three eyed whales lurk here, feeding on those foolish is their mucus. The mucus produced by the apa-
llubets has multiple uses to alchemists, but a few
famous ones for the apallubets themselves. First,
it acts as a preservative against the harm of the
acid sea and allows their favored servants to breath
water, both from creation and Kimbery. The process
also weakens those who are struck by it, their skin
becoming amorphous and more suited for undersea
life. And lastly, it keeps the apallubet itself alive and
concealed as it goes about its business.

Apallubets maintain an empire by swimming throu-

gh the canals and rivers and near the islands of
Kimbery, grasping and capturing other demons for
aquatic use. The gaze of the apallubet is haunting
and piercing, driving those who meet it made or into
a fugue state of subservience. Those who brave the
depths of their kingdom find it covered in spiraled
and domed structures, full of holes designed for
swimming creatures. The brave may also learn that
apallubets do not cease growing—truly prodigious
beasts can be found in the deepest of depths.

The purpose the Blood Queen made the bishop fish

for is long lost. They themselves assert it is to bring
order to the depths of Kimbery, to fill the sea floor
with both knowledge and function of vast cities. The
apallubet’s capacity to recall events by past relatives
and of its prey indicate that there is some truth to
this, and their obsessive searching for knowledge and
power knows few rivals.

Sorcerers summon apallubets for all manner of

reasons: Some for their knowledge of long forgotten
relics and power, some for their capacity as slavers
and builders, some for their fighting prowess on the
waves or as exotic transport. Apallubets resent their
bounds, however, and often seek to destroy records
of their existence from memory. Once in a long whi-
le, when a coral reef fades from life and is covered in
molds, an apallubet may enter creation unbound.


Essence: 3; Willpower: 7; Join Battle: 9 dice MISCELLANEOUS CHARMS

Personal Motes: 80
Health Levels: -0x2/-1x8/-2x8/-4x2/Incap Mucus Cloud (6m; Simple; Instant; Eclipse; Essence
Actions: Senses: 10 dice; Read Intentions: 12 dice; 2): By spreading its cloud a bit farther out, the bishop fish
Instill: 8 dice; Stealth: 8 dice; Lore (Demons): 12 dice; allows everyone out to close range to breath underwater,
Lore (Aquatic): 12 dice; Directing Slaves: 10 dice (12 at the cost of no longer being able to breath on land. This
if Skum) process can be reversed with a second activation of this
Appearance 2, Resolve 6, Guile 3 (See Alien Mind) charm. Those who wish to avoid the mucus cloud can do so
by making a Dexterity+Dodge check, difficulty 2.
COMBAT Skum of Conversion (8m, 1wp; Ritual; Essence 3):
The apallubet can coat a restrained or willing target in it’s
Attack (Bite): 8 dice (10 damage) slime for 5 hours + Essence, converting them into a tarak.
Attack (Tentacle): 12 dice (14 damage) Taraki are mechanically identical to their earlier forms,
Attack (Grapple): 10 dice (12 control) except they gain 2 points of natural soak, a major intimacy
Combat Movement: 10 dice (3 dice out of water) of loyalty to the sea bishop that cannot be worn down, and
Evasion 3(5 in water), Parry 4 the ability to breath underwater or on land. For purposes of
Soak/Hardness: 13/5 disease and poisons resistance, taraki are treated as Exal-
ted. Taraki can only be out of water safely for eight hours
MERITS a time--if they do not bath in water after eight hours, they
lose one dot of resistance per hour until they recuperate. If
Alien Mind: Apallubets are particular difficult to unders-
their resistance reaches 0 they suffer one point of bashing
tand and probe. When dealing with read intentions efforts
damage per hour.
that seek to understand their intimacies, the apallubet’s
Consulting the Depths of the Mind (6m; Simple;
guile rises to 5.
Instant; Essence 3): The bishop fish can consult the memo-
Depth Lurker: Any character attempting to notice
ries of its ancestors and prey, entering a meditative trance
the apallubet while it is deep below them subtracts three
for one hour. It gains double 8s to establish fact with any
success from any Perception-based rolls they make to do
speciality it has, and may attempt to establish or contest
so. In combat, this applies as long as the apallubet is at
facts outside its expertise at a -2 penalty.
long range under the water relative to the character, or if it
Measure the Wind (5m; Simple; Instant; Essence 1):
is moving up from long range while already hidden. It may
An apallubet can determine the supernatural nature of any
also rush enemies from long range beneath them underwa-
being in contact with its slime.
ter, as long as the horizontal distance between the two is
Hurry Home (10m 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 1): The
no more than one range band.
bishop fish collapses into a pile of muck and slime, sinking
Four Tendrils: The bishop fish may flurry two attacks in
into the ground to return to its summoner.
a row, at a -3 penalty. These attacks maybe launched at
Materialize (40m 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 1):
different opponents.
The air grows heavy with mist and fog flowing out pools of
OFFENSIVE CHARMS water, swirling to form the bishop fish.

Tendril of Muck (7m; Supplemental; Instant; Essence

2): Attacks by apallubet have a contagion slime attached, Storyteller Tactics
that makes even hardened shells weak. On a successful
The size of small whales, bishop fish can quickly become
attack supplemented by this charm, the target must make a
dangerous combatants if in their home environment by
(Stamina+Resistance) roll against Difficulty 4. If the target
grappling and dragging foes underwater or converting
fails, reduce their targets natural soak by 1. If this reduces
them into deep ones. Truly ancient bishop fish possess the
the targets soak to 0, the target takes a 1 hl of damage
Legendary Size merit. However, such entities shrink to
every turn unless they are full immersed. This effect ceases
their more conventional size when summoned (a working
after one hour, or by taking an action to scrap out the
of the Terrestrial level could call such a being unbound into
Creation). Apart from their mentioned rolls, the bishop fish
SOCIAL CHARMS double as strange or exotic mounts for western sorcerers.

Dominating Crimson Gaze (4m [+4m]), 1wp, Su-

pplemental, Instant, Essence 3): The bishop fish can com-
municate the most primeval of ocean born thoughts with
but a gaze. This charm allows the bishop fish to perform
a social action with just a gaze. After the first success in
a scene, the bishop fish enjoys double 9s on all influence
relying on its gaze for 4 additional motes.

“ B eware actors, princes, and gods alike, for they are accustomed
to wearing a thousand masks and the rest of society wears only
a dozen.” - The Sage of Xol

The Hungry Masks (Grimaboju)

First Circle Demon of the Millennial Mask
Resembling elaborate and ornate masks of wood— Despite their cunning and knowledge, the Hungry
including exaggerated eyes and often monstrous Masks are not scholars. They lack the ability to
mouths—the hungry masks are insidious demons for retain information long—often they have forgotten
a sorcerer to bind. The back of the masks contains everything they’ve learned in only a week. The most
a number of chitinous legs, and a maw of tendrils. earth shattering secrets sustain the creatures for ma-
When placed on a victim, the legs grip tight and the ybe a month—assuming Orablis does not hurl them
tendrils reach down the victims throat—and upwards skyward.
into their minds. Hungry Masks seek three things:
bodys with which to walk, voices with which to talk, For sorcerers in creation, however, the masks are less
and knowledge locked in the minds of victims. risky. A Hungry Mask won’t try and escape its bonds,
instead satiating the knowledge it can before being
In Malfeas, these masks have a number of roles— sent back. Hungry Masks are useful for dissemina-
most famously, they serve as a way to share knowle- ting information quickly, for uncovering secrets bu-
dge throughout a community. A mask can serve as ried in others minds, and for brute-force puppeteers
an expert interrogator—it rips the knowledge out of in bodies (although most sorcerers would prefer so
a victim, and can share it easily if placed on another. summon Hoping Puppeteers instead of the Hungry
Of course, doing so means trusting the mask not Masks).
to run off with it’s newly found body—a number of
masks have grown rich in favors with such threats. When a scholar’s image is eaten, a Hungry Mask may
emerge from the devourer’s mouth.


Essence: 2; Willpower: 6; Join Battle: 6 dice the Hungry Mask may pull its limbs and tendrils inward,
Personal Motes: 70 leaving rotting images of essence behind. Recognizing that
Health Levels: -0x1/-1x3/-2x2/Incap it has not in fact died requires a Survival+Wits roll, against
Actions: Senses: 8 dice; Intimidate: 6 dice; Stealth: it’s guile.
8 dice; Lore (Demons): 6; Disguise: 6; Social Influen-
ce: 6 dice SOCIAL CHARMS
Appearance 2 (Hideous), Resolve 5, Guile 4 Harmless Mask Intuition (5m; Supplemental; Inde-
finite; Essence 2): The Hungry mask curls up like a hermit
COMBAT crab, and shifts to appear utterly inconsequential. This
supplements the Hungry Mask’s disguise check with double
Attack (Unarmed): 6 dice (Damage 6) 9s—unless investigated closely, it appears to be a slightly
Attack (Grapple): 12 dice (Control 12) garish mask.
Combat Movement: 10 dice
Soak/Hardness: 9/0
Scholar’s Bane (8m; Simple; Instant; Essence 2): The
MERITS Grimaboju may only use this charm after successfully
grappling a target and activating Hungry Parasites Grip.
Tiny Creature: Add +2 Evasion against larger foes’ The Grimaboju may roll it’s grapple dice against the
attacks. Larger characters subtract two successes from target’s resolve—it learns one lore specialization for every
Awareness-based roll to notice Hungry Masks. two successes it has over the resolve (A minimum of one).
Alternatively, the Grimaboju may transfer knowledge to a
OFFENSIVE CHARMS grappled victim, drawing from it’s existing pool of topics.
Hungry Parasite Grip (8m; Reflexive; Indefinite; The Grimaboju never stores specializations for more than
Essence 2): This charm allows the Hungry Mask to engage one week.
in it’s most infamous capability. It can only be activated Regardless of use, the effects of this charm are mentally
while the Hungry Mask has control of a grapple. The Hun- shocking for most mortals that encounter them—the mortal
gry Mask rolls its control pool against the opponents—on cannot regain willpower from sleep for a number of weeks
a success, the Mask affixes itself to the target, and gains equal to the Grimaboju’s specializations removed or
access to the target’s skills, health levels, and mote pool gained.
(but not charms). Measure the Wind (5m, Simple, Instant Essence 1):
If the victim is helpless or willing, there is no need for the The Hungry Mask may learn the supernatural nature of any
roll. If the Victim wishes to resist the Hungry Masks actions, creature that wears it.
they must make a Integrity+Wits check against the Hungry Hurry Home (10m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 1):
Masks Resolve. A success prevents the action—but does The Hungry Mask falls to the ground, rotting away as it
not remove the mask. vanishes back to its summoner.
Corpse Driving Intention (4m; Reflexive; Instant; Materialize (35m 1wp, Simple, Instant, Essence 1):
Essence 2): The Hungry Mask can affix itself to a long de- There is a bit of uncanny laughter and rustling in the
ceased body if need be—although it greatly resents doing ground as the Hungry Mask crawls into view.
so. Any time the Hungry Mask wishes to perform an action
with the dead body, it must make use of this charm.
Rapidly Scuttling Lunge (4m; Supplemental; Instant;
Storyteller Tactics
Essence 1): The Hungry Mask rushes forward and launches The Hungry Masks are not direct combat demons. If an
itself at a potential victim—relying on it’s sudden approach infestation of them has emerged with a large numbers of
and horrible screeching to win the day. The Hungry Mask summons, they can pose a threat, but generally they will
adds 2 bonus die for every rangeband it moved towards be relying on ambush to be a threat. Most likely, any num-
the target before a grapple attempt. If this was done by ber of masks will be lurking in a sorcerer’s lair as a surprise
falling onto the victim, the Hungry Mask takes no fall da- for unwanted guests.
mage on a successful grapple.

Scuttling Horror Survival (3m; Reflexive; Instant;
Essence 1): The Hungry Mask’s wooden caprace makes
determining if it’s alive or dead difficult. After a successful
decisive attack that does at least 1 health level of damage,

“ O ne must laugh at the tragedies that befall
them--or sorrow may take root in your
soul, and make you old and feeble.”

Aigokeros, the Demon Jester

Second Circle Demon of
Sinadeean, the Mourned Response
The Demon Jester is unique among his kind. Not for Hates, hates, hates. When other people do not get the
his bouts of sadism, nor for his offsetting gait and joke. Not when they cry, that’s fine. But when he tells
size, which are both rather noticeable. Nor for his a wisecrack, and the most the audience can muster is
horns and teeth that make him look like a towering a polite laughter, the Demon Jester flies into a rage.
man ape, his face painted all varieties of color. Nor A lack of artistic appreciation, or worse, insulting
for his penchant for intoxicants, and his own habit of the art of humor by aping it poorly enrages the jester
brewing hallucinogens. incessantly. His bulk and bottles are far more threa-
tening then. Luckily, his mere presence engenders
No, the Demon Jester is unique in finding everything most mortals and lesser beings to join in his madness.
about Malfeas an absolute riot. It is absurd, isn’t Most.
it? That they ended up here? Like this? The Demon
Jester finds every horror of Malfeas a reason to Aigokeros does dream of more in this life. His pas-
whoop and laugh, from the irony of Kimbery’s loving sion for laughter is genuine, and he goes out seeking
embrace and the impossible summit of Qaf to little to sow his gospel where ever he is. Given his taste in
things like dancing blood apes and the ego breaking comedy, this often means wiping up riots, violent and
sermons of the Tezadoji--who themselves have such sadistic bouts, and driving populations to a madness
hubris! Large or small, no suffering lacks some co- like his own. He is often summoned to rally up such
medy to him. madness among enemies or to brew his famed hallu-
cinogens for the enlightenment of the sorcerer.
Well. There is one thing the Demon Jester hates.


Essence: 6; Willpower: 6; Join Battle: 8 Principle of Motion (10m, 1wp; Reflexive; Instant;
dice Essence 2): Aigokeros moves at blinding speed, a mass of
Personal Motes: 110 fur and smashed glass and laughter on the wind. He may
Health Levels: -0x4/-1x4/-2x4/-4x4/Incap flurry any two actions without penalty.
Intimacies: All Misery Is Comedy (Defining Broken Bottles Dripping Holy Elixir (7m; Supple-
Principle); Prisoners,Comedians, Jesters (Major Tie mental; Instant; Eclipse; Essence 3): The Demon Jester’s
Noblesse Oblige); What’s the point of living if your wine is everywhere, if you know where to look. It is in the
not laughing? (Major Principle); Bad Jokes Deserve muck and misery of the world, which he is often drunk on.
Death (Major Principle); Teach the World To Laugh By smashing his weapon, the cracks appear to burst with
(Major Principle) the stuff. Any attack supplemented by this charm forces the
Actions: Performance (Comedy): 10 dice; Com- target to make a (Integrity + Stamina) check or suffer vivid
mand: 7 dice (Comedy Troupe 10 dice); Threaten: hallucinations, inflict a -3 penalty to all perception, attack,
8 dice; Feats of Strength: 12 dice (May perform and defense actions. This extra penalty lasts until the end
5+ feats); Read Intentions: 9 dice; Resist Poison: 8 of Aigokeros’s next turn. Aigokeros’s weapon gains the
dice; Social Influence: 5 dice; Senses 9: dice; Incite improvised tag until the effects of this charm wears off.
Violence: 12 dice; Disguise: 6 dice; Craft (Alchemy): Bacchiala Breath (8m; Simple; Instant; Essence 5):
10 dice Aigokeros inhales deeply, pulling all the vapors of his
Appearance 5 (Hideous), Resolve 4, Guile 4 indulgences and lets out a long breath of the alchemical
reservoir that is his lungs. All enemies in up to short range
COMBAT must make a (Stamina+Resistance) check or suffer the
effects of Mists of the Eventide. Opponents who success-
Attack (Bludgeons of Merriment): 14 dice (17 fully resist still have to contend with the cloud of gas, which
damage, Overwhelming 4, Smashing) grants all within the benefit of Light Cover. The fog persists
Attack (Unarmed): 12 dice (10 damage, Overwhel- for 10 turns or until a sufficient gale pushes it aside.
ming 2) Opponents who are crashed by the poison effect do not
Attack (Grapple): 14 dice (10 control) lose conscious, but rather enter a manic frenzy of violence
Combat Movement: 10 dice at Aigokeros’s direction. An (Integrity+Stamina) roll against
Evasion 3, Parry 4 a difficulty of (5-number of turns since crash) reverses this
Soak/Hardness: 10/4 effect. This roll may be attempted at no penalty every turn.
This charm may be used once per combat, unless reset by
crashing three opponents with the fog.
Cult (••): A smattering of cults pay reverence to the
laughing prince’s philosophy on life and torment, typically
more fools than one would imagine. That and reverence Laughing Fool’s Cross-Step (+3m, Reflexive, Instant,
within his dark carnival exceed what one expect. Essence 3): Aigokeros may increase his evasion by 1 for
It’s Funny, See?: This murderous comedian takes pride every 3 motes he spends, to a max of +4. If he is defending
in his frightening appearance and terrible wounds. He against an opponent who fell victim to Bacchiala Breath or
ignores wound penalties to Perform Comedy actions, and Opening line, this charm’s cost is reduced to 2m per addi-
his appearance is treated as non-hideous for purposes of tion. If against a crashed opponent, the maximum increases
inciting laughter. to +6.
Opening Line (8m; Reflexive; Instant; Uniform; Essence Words of Vitriol (5m; Supplemental; Instant; Essen-
5): The demon comedian opens combat with a one liner, to ce 4): You would never think Aigokeros a preacher. His
tell friend from foe. The hecklers will be hurled, the indul- mockery belies a gospel of laughter, however, and it’s one
gers are in less danger. in which he is a skilled preacher. This charm adds double
On his first turn of combat begins, Aigokeros may activate 9s to any attempt to persuade a crowd to violent acts. If the
this charm to attempt to induce laughter in all his opponents crowd has previously been successfully inspired by Aigoke-
and allies. Allies who’s resolve is overcome gain a +1 bo- ros’s performance, the persuade effort gains double 8s.
nus die to all rolls(except decisive damage), while enemies Eyes That Speak (6m; Supplemental; One Scene;
find the laughter distracting rather than invigorating, taking Essence 5): The eyes of Aigokeros often flash green and
a -1 to all rolls(except decisive damage). purple when he goes seeking converts to absurdism. This is
When targeting those who’s resolve wasn’t overcome, not a mere display of delight, but rather a manner of spea-
Aigokeros gains +3 bonus attack and damage die. These king and persuading. This charm negates any penalties
benefits last the entire scene. Aigokeros suffers to communicate non-verbally. It adds 3


additional die to instill or weaken intimacies during such Materialize (55m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 1):
an action. The use of this charm is undetectable without a Aigokeros emerges from the ether, usually out of some
Perception+Awareness roll against Difficulty 4. If success- crevice in the ground, bounding out like a great ape.
ful, it reveals that unheard communications have occurred,
but their contents are forever a mystery.
Madness Beckons (10m; Simple; Instant; Essence 6): Storyteller Tactics
Aigokeros is king of madmen, fools, and drunkards. With
The Demon Jester works well as a diabolic mastermind,
a word in the air upon his arrival, everyone within 10 miles
with various means for empowering his cultists and reve-
possess the the addiction flaw or the Madness, Hysteria,
lers. The legitimate supernatural powers of his drink make
or Obsession derangement become aware and drawn
bottles of it valuable to Dionysian cults--a story modeled
towards his presence. This is a persuade action, which
on the Bacchae might be in order for the appearance of
Aigokeros rolls 8 dice for. This persuade action can exploit
this wild man demon, or an artistic renaissance in darker
any of the derangement like intimacies (treat the addiction
tones. Storytellers who want to give him greater combative
flaw as a minor intimacy, major if the character is currently
powers should consider the Laughing Monster martial art
suffering withdrawal penalties). Success compels the peo-
style, which he learns without the Terrestrial Keyword.
ple in question to seek Aigokeros out.


The Holy Elixir (10m; Simple; Instant; Essence 6):

Aigokeros knows the secret of transforming demon blood
into a wine strong enough to strike a hundred emotions into
a drinker. It is said that within each bottle of his elixirs and
spirits are written secrets of the universe only the Yozi and
the Gods know.
This charm is used at the end of the brewing process, which
requires a first circle demon, mortal, ghost, or god to be
slain for the brewing. The process itself takes up to a day.
This charm produces a gallon of the holy elixir. Drinking the
Holy Elixir exposes the victim to lesser Yozi Venom (treat
as Snake Venom), and is incredibly addictive. A failed (In-
tegrity + Wits) roll against difficulty 4 gives the drinker the
addiction derangement and the minor intimacy “I take joy
in suffering”. If they posses this intimacy already, increase
it by one level.
The Holy Elixir’s effects, however, are often valued on their
own. While under the effects of the Holy Elixir, a mortal
gains the following benefits:
• They may see dematerialized spirits, although
such spirits often appear demented or strange.
• They enjoy an additional 2 die to all Occult,
Lore, and Presence Rolls as the secrets in the
elixir fill them with confidence and knowledge.
For Exalted, these are non-charm die.
• They gain the Pain Tolerance merit.
These effects last one hour after ingestion of one bottle of
the elixir, with around twenty bottles per gallon.
Measure the Wind (5m; Simple; Instant; Essence 1):
Aigokeros may determine the nature of anyone who drinks
his Holy Elixir.
Hurry Home (10m, 1wp; Simple; Instant; Essence 1):
Aigokeros fades into a mist of intoxicants and incensnece
with a cackling laugh, appearing by his summoner’s side.
This can only be used while bound.

The Basalt City. The ten thousand
hells. The land of demons. Malfeas.
Many secrets lie in the churning
prison of the gods—from its demons,
which hold one hundred and eight
thousand courts; to communities of
mortals, both human and otherwise;
to weapons and arts that are older
than the Scarlet Dynasty. The Exalted
have long meddled in the affairs
of hell, and now the time has come
to detail some of the wonders and
horrors they have found!

The Book of Laughing Serpents is a

series of supplements that will cover
the many forms of hell—prehuman
nations, mighty demon lords, and
forbidden tools and techniques!

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