Issm Slide Lecture
Issm Slide Lecture
Issm Slide Lecture
License No. 0121212
1. Physical Security
2. Personnel Security
3. Document and Information Security
Physical Security
Human barriers
-Key Control
-Fire Prevention
Interior Area Control
Types of Fences:
-Solid fence
-Full-view fence
Solid fence
-constructed in such away that visual
access through the fence is denied.
Its advantage is that it denies the
opportunity for the intruder to become
familiar with the personnel, activities and
the time scheduled of the movements of
the guards in the installation. On the
other hand, it prevents the guards
from observing the area around the
installation and it creates shadow that
may be used by the intruder for cover and
Full-view fence
- it is constructed in such away that visual
access is permitted through the fence.
Its advantages are that it allows the roving
patrols and stationary guard to keep the
surrounding are of the installation under
observation. On the other hand, it allows
the intruder to become familiar with
the movements and time schedule of
the guard patrols thereby allowing him to
pick the time that is advantageous on his
Types of Full-View Fence
Metal halide
Street lights
Search lights
Fresnel lights
Proprietary system
Local Alarm
Auxiliary alarm
Central Station System
- an invisible/visible beam is
emitted and when this is
disturbed or when an intruder
breaks contact with the beam, it
will activate the alarm.
What is a Lock?
A lock is defined as a mechanical,
electrical, hydraulic or electronic
device designed to prevent entry
into a building, room, container or
hiding place.
Types of Locks
1. Change key
2. Sub-master key
3. Master key
4. Grand Master key
Key Control
1. Safe
2. Vault
3. File room
1. Personal recognition
2. Artificial recognition-
identification cards, passes,
passwords, etc.
Use of Pass System
An individual, group,
organization, or government that
conducts activities or has the
intention and capability to
conduct activities detrimental to
the individual, private or
government entity.
What is Asset?
Description of a Saboteur
1. He is the most dangerous foe whom security
will have to deal with while planning and
implementing security measures and
2. He is an ordinary looking as the next guy but in
his mind, he has the training in deception,
knowledgeable in incendiaries, explosives,
chemistry, bacteriology, mechanics and
3. He can work alone, in-groups, or
simultaneously in several places.
Espionage as a Security Hazard
Description of an Espionage Agent
1. He is very dangerous adversary and his
skills in deception and his cunning should
never be under estimated.
2. He is usually a person of extensive training
and will be highly effective in gaining the
confidence of people and of extracting
information of value to be relayed to his
employer or handler.
3. Even how well-trained an espionage agent
he might be, he is human like the saboteur
and he can be defeated in his own game if
proper methods and techniques are
Subversive Activity as a Security
Threats of Subversive Activity
1. It can be local or national in nature and
their mission is to undermine the
authority weaken the organization, and
eventually take over. This can be in
business or any activity.
2. This can be in the form of rumor
mongering, propaganda, undermining
morale, and injecting defeatist attitudes,
and other emotional approaches.
3. It is an activity not easy to detect.
Pilferage as a Business Hazard
Pilferage is one of the most annoying and
common human hazards which security
has to deal with. This activity if
uncontrolled can become financial drain if
not a menace to smooth and orderly
Failure to detect shortage and inaccurate
inventories will cause inventory losses,
which may be labeled as pilferage.
Types of Pilferers
Casual Pilferer- one who steals due to his
inability to resist the unexpected opportunity and
has little fear of detection is no plan or
premeditation and he is usually a “loner” on the
job. The temptation to pick up the article is
basically due to poor security measure. The
implication of causal pilfering is the big
cumulative cost if it remains unchecked.
Systematic Pilferer- one who steals with
preconceived plans and takes away any or all
types of items or supplies for economic gain.
Pilferers of this kind can be employees or
outsiders of the establishment.