Salt Analysis of Different Metallic Salts
Salt Analysis of Different Metallic Salts
Salt Analysis of Different Metallic Salts
Preliminary Investigation
Preliminary test:
Preparation of solution : In a 100ml beaker 30ml water is taken and 1g sample is dissolve in it followed
by stirring with a glass rod. With this solution the following tests are perform.
Preliminary Test:
Preparation of solution: 1g sample is taken in a 100ml beaker and dissolve in 25ml distilled water
followed by stirring with a glass rod and with this solution the following tests were performed.
Group analysis for basic radical :
To a small volume of the salt solution taken in a test tube dil. HCl is added. No precipitate is obtained.
No The acidified solution is heated and H2S gas is passed through this solution. No precipitate is
precipitat obtained.
e is
Group – I
No The solution is boil to remove H2S and then heated with few drops of conc.
precipitate HNO3. The resulting solution is cooled to which 2g NH 4Cl is added and then
is NH4OH is added to make the solution alkaline. No precipitate is obtained.
Group – II
Pb2+ , Cu2+
and As3+
Announcement :- By systematic wet test and preliminary test of the sample it is confirm that the given
inorganic sample contains ammonium radical (NH 4+) as basic radical and chloride radical(Cl - ) as acid
radical. Therefore the given inorganic compound is ammonium chloride and it’s formula is NH 4Cl.
Preliminary Investigation
Preliminary test:
Result :- From the above experiment and confirmatory test it is clear that the given sample contains
sulphate radical(SO42- ) as acid radical.
Preliminary Test:
Preparation of solution: 1g sample is taken in a 100ml beaker and dissolve in 25ml distilled water
followed by stirring with a glass rod and with this solution the following tests were performed.
Group analysis for basic radical :
To a small volume of the salt solution taken in a test tube dil. HCl is added. No precipitate is obtained.
No The acidified solution is heated and H2S gas is passed through this solution. No precipitate is
precipitat obtained.
e is
Group – I
No The solution is boil to remove H2S and then heated with few drops of conc.
precipitate HNO3. The resulting solution is cooled to which 2g NH 4Cl is added and then
is NH4OH is added to make the solution alkaline. No precipitate is obtained.
Group – II
Pb2+ , Cu2+
and As3+
Announcement :- By systematic wet test and preliminary test of the sample it is confirm that the given
inorganic sample contains ammonium radical (NH 4+) as basic radical and sulphate radical(SO 42- ) as acid
radical. Therefore the given inorganic compound is ammonium sulphate and it’s formula is
Preliminary Investigation
Preliminary test:
Preparation of solution : In a 100ml beaker 30ml water is taken and 1g sample is dissolve in it followed
by stirring with a glass rod. With this solution the following tests are perform.
Experiment Observation Inference
Silver nitrate test: To a 2ml of No curdy white or light yellow Chloride radical (Cl-) ,bromide
the prepared aqueous solution or deep yellow precipitate is radical(Br-) , and Iodide radical (I-)
of the sample taken in a test obtained. are absent.
tube dil.HNO3 is added to make
the solution acidic. After that,
boil the solution for sometimes,
cool and few drops of AgNO3
solution is added to it.
Barium chloride test: About 2ml No white precipitate is Sulphate radical (SO42- ) is
of the prepared aqueous obtained. absent.
solution of the sample is taken
in a test tube and few drops of
aqueous solution of barium
chloride is added to it.
Sodium nitroprusside test: In a No violet coloration is obtained. Sulphide radical (S2- ) is absent.
test tube about 2ml of the
aqueous solution of the sample
is taken and make the solution
alkaline by adding aqueous
NaOH solution. Then few drops
of sodium nitroprusside
solution is added to it.
Calcium chloride test : In a test No white precipitate is Oxalate radical (C2O42-) is
tube to a 1ml of the salt obtained. absent.
solution dilute acetic acid was
added and boiled off CO2. After
that calcium chloride solution
was added to it.
Ring test: In a test tube equal No brown ring is formed at the Nitrate radical(NO3- ) is absent.
volume of freshly prepared junction of two liquids.
solution of ferrous sulphate is
added to a part of the aqueous
solution of the sample and then
concentrated sulphuric acid is
added slowly along the side of
the test tube.
Ferric chloride test : In a clean Reddish coloration is obtained.
test tube 2ml prepared salt
solution is taken and then
neutral ferric chloride solution
is added to it dropwise. The
resulting solution is filtered and
the filtrate is divided into two
equal parts.
(i) To one part, water is added Reddish brown precipitate is Acetate radical(CH3COO-) is
and boil. obtained. present.
(ii) To the second part, dil. HCl is Reddish color disappears.
Ester test: 2ml of the salt Pleasant fruity smell of ester is Acetate radical (CH3COO-) is
solution is taken in a test-tube observed. present.
and few drops of conc. H2SO4 is
added to it and heat the
solution. After that 1ml of ethyl
alcohol is added to it and shake
the solution. The contents of
the test tube is then poured in a
beaker full of water and stir.
Oxalic acid test: A small quantity A vinegar like smell is observe. Acetate radical (CH3COO-) is
of the salt is taken in a watch present.
glass and mix it with solid oxalic
acid. Then a paste is prepared
with this mixture by adding a
few drops of water in it. The
paste is then rub and it’s smell
is taken.
Confirmatory test :
Preliminary Test:
Preparation of solution: 1g sample is taken in a 100ml beaker and dissolve in 25ml distilled water
followed by stirring with a glass rod and with this solution the following tests were performed.
Group analysis for basic radical :
To a small volume of the salt solution taken in a test tube dil. HCl is added. White precipitate is obtained.
White The acidified filtrate is heated and H 2S gas is passed through this solution. No precipitate is
precipitat obtained.
e is
Group – I
No The solution is boil to remove H2S and then heated with few drops of conc.
precipitate HNO3. The resulting solution is cooled to which 2g NH 4Cl is added and then
is NH4OH is added to make the solution alkaline. No precipitate is obtained.
Group – II
Pb2+ , Cu2+
and As3+
Confirmatory test with Group- I precipitate : The white precipitate obtained in Group-I is collected by
filtration and washed with distilled water. The white precipitate is then boiled with 10 ml of distilled
water where the precipitate get dissolves. The solution is then divided into two parts in two different
test tubes and the following tests are perform with these solutions.
Announcement :- By systematic preliminary test and wet test of the supplied inorganic sample it is
confirm that the given sample contains lead radical (Pb 2+) as basic radical and acetate radical (CH 3COO- )
as acid radical. Therefore the given inorganic compound is lead acetate and it’s formula is Pb(CH 3COO)2.
Preliminary Investigation
Physical state : Solid
Color : Blue (Cu2+ may be)
Qdour : No characteristic odour ( absence of NH 4+ , S2- , CH3COO- )
Solubility : Soluble in water.
Identification of Acid Radical
Preliminary test:
Confirmatory test :-
Preliminary Test:
A pinch of unknown salt is Dark brown color residue is Copper radical (Cu2+ )may be
taken and mixed with double formed. present.
its quantity of sodium
carbonate in a watch glass.
The mixture is than placed in
the cavity made on the block
of charcoal. The mixture was
moisten with a drop of water
and was heated in the
reducing flame.
Heating Test :
Small amount of the given Initially green and finally dark Cu2+ , Ni2+, ,Mn2+ ,Fe2+ may be
salt was taken in a clean and brown color is observed. present.
dry test tube and was heated
with a spirit lamp.
Preparation of solution: 1g sample is taken in a 100ml beaker and dissolve in 25ml distilled water
followed by stirring with a glass rod and with this solution the following tests were performed.
To a small volume of the salt solution taken in a test tube dil. HCl is added. No precipitate is obtained.
No The acidified solution is heated and H2S gas is passed through this solution. Black precipitate
precipitat is obtained. The precipitate is filtered.
e is
Group – I
Black The filtrate is boil to remove H2S and then heated with few drops of conc.
precipitate HNO3. The resulting solution is cooled to which 2g NH 4Cl is added and then
is NH4OH is added to make the solution alkaline. No precipitate is obtained.
Group – II
Pb2+ or
Cu2+ is
and As3+ is
Confirmatory test with Group- II precipitate : The black precipitate obtained in Group – II is collected by
filtration and washed with distilled water. It is then dissolve in 1:3 dilute HNO 3 by boiling and the
following tests are performed by using this solution.
Result :- From the above experiment and confirmatory test it is clear that the given sample contains
Cupric radical (Cu2+ ) as basic radical.
Announcement :- By systematic preliminary test and wet test of the sample it is confirm that the given
inorganic sample contains Cupric radical (Cu 2+ ) as basic radical and Sulphate radical(SO 42- ) as acid
radical. Therefore the given inorganic compound is copper sulphate and it’s formula is CuSO 4.
Preliminary Investigation
Physical state : Crystalline solid
Color : Colourless
Qdour : No characteristic odour ( absence of NH 4+ , S2- , CH3COO- )
Solubility : Soluble in water
Identification of acid radical
Preliminary test:
Preparation of solution : In a 100ml beaker 30ml water is taken and 1g sample is dissolve in it followed
by stirring with a glass rod. With this solution the following tests are perform.
Result : From the above experiment and confirmatory test it is clear that the given sample contains
nitrate radical (NO3-) as acid radical.
Preliminary Test:
Preparation of solution: 1g sample is taken in a 100ml beaker and dissolve in 25ml distilled water
followed by stirring with a glass rod.
To a small volume of the salt solution taken in a test tube dil. HCl is added. No precipitate is obtained.
No The acidified filtrate is heated and H 2S gas is passed through this solution. No precipitate is
precipitat obtained.
e is
Group – I
No The solution is boil to remove H2S and then heated with few drops of conc.
precipitate HNO3. The resulting solution is cooled to which 2g NH 4Cl is added and then
is NH4OH is added to make the solution alkaline. White gelatinous precipitate is
obtained. obtained. The precipitate is filtered.
Group – II
Pb2+ , Cu2+
and As3+
The white gelatinous precipitate obtained in Group – III(A) is collected by filtration and washed with
distilled water and the following tests are performed by using this precipitate.
As the precipitate obtained in Group-III(A) is white so the confirmatory test for Fe 3+ radical was not
Result :- From the above experiment and confirmatory test it is clear that the given sample contains
aluminium radical (Al3+) as basic radical.
Announcement : By systematic preliminary test and wet test of the sample it is confirm that the given
inorganic sample contains aluminium radical (Al 3+) as basic radical and nitrate radical(NO 3-) as acid
radical. Therefore the given inorganic compound is aluminium nitrate and it’s formula is Al(NO 3)3.
Preliminary Investigation
Physical state : Solid
Color : Green (Cu2+ may be)
Qdour : No characteristic odour ( absence of NH 4+ , S2- , CH3COO- )
Solubility : Soluble in water.
Identification of Acid Radical
Preliminary test:
Preparation of solution : In a 100ml beaker 30ml water is taken and 1g sample is dissolve in it followed
by stirring with a glass rod. With this solution the following tests are perform.
Experiment Observation Inference
Silver nitrate test: To a 2ml of Curdy white precipitate is Chloride radical (Cl-) is present,
the prepared aqueous solution obtained which is soluble in bromide radical(Br-) and Iodide
of the sample taken in a test NH4OH but insoluble in dil radical (I-) are absent.
tube dil.HNO3 is added to make HNO3.
the solution acidic. After that,
boil the solution for sometimes,
cool and few drops of AgNO3
solution is added to it.
Barium chloride test: About 2ml No white precipitate is Sulphate radical (SO42-) is
of the prepared aqueous obtained. absent.
solution of the sample is taken
in a test tube and few drops of
aqueous solution of barium
chloride is added to it.
Sodium nitroprusside test: In a No violet coloration is obtained. Sulphide radical (S2- ) is absent.
test tube about 2ml of the
aqueous solution of the sample
is taken and make the solution
alkaline by adding aqueous
NaOH solution. Then few drops
of sodium nitroprusside
solution is added to it.
Calcium chloride test : In a test No white precipitate is Oxalate radical (C2O42-) is
tube to a 1ml of the salt obtained. absent.
solution dilute acetic acid was
added and boiled off CO2. After
that calcium chloride solution
was added to it.
Ring test: In a test tube equal No brown ring is formed at the Nitrate radical(NO3-) is absent.
volume of freshly prepared junction of two liquids.
solution of ferrous sulphate is
added to a part of the aqueous
solution of the sample and then
concentrated sulphuric acid is
added slowly along the side of
the test tube.
Ferric chloride test : In a clean No reddish colouration is Acetate radical (CH3COO-) is
test tube 2ml prepared salt obtained. absent.
solution is taken and then
neutral ferric chloride solution
is added to it dropwise.
Confirmative Test:
Preliminary Test:
A pinch of unknown salt is Dark brown color residue is Copper radical (Cu2+ )may be
taken and mixed with double formed. present.
its quantity of sodium
carbonate in a watch glass.
The mixture is than placed in
the cavity made on the block
of charcoal. The mixture was
moisten with a drop of water
and was heated in the
reducing flame.
Borax bead test:
At first Borax is heated in the Greenish when hot, light blue Copper radical (Cu2+ )may be
loop of platinum wire in which when cold was observed. present.
it swells and forms
transparent colorless glassy
bead. This hot bead was
touched with small amount of
the salt and was heated
oxidizing flame.
Heating Test :
Small amount of the given Initially green and finally dark Cu2+ , Ni2+, ,Mn2+ ,Fe2+ may be
salt was taken in a clean and brown color is observed. present.
dry test tube and was heated
with a spirit lamp.
Wet test for basic radical :
Preparation of solution: 1g sample is taken in a 100ml beaker and dissolve in 25ml distilled water
followed by stirring with a glass rod.
No The acidified solution is heated and H2S gas is passed through this solution. Black precipitate
precipitat is obtained. The precipitate is filtered.
e is
Group – I
Black The filtrate is boil to remove H2S and then heated with few drops of conc.
precipitate HNO3. The resulting solution is cooled to which 2g NH 4Cl is added and then
is NH4OH is added to make the solution alkaline. No precipitate is obtained.
Group – II
Pb2+ or
Cu2+ is
and As3+ is
No H2S gas is passed through the alkaline solution. No precipitate is
precipitate obtained.
obtained. No precipitate is obtained . The solution is boiled to remove H2S. NH4Cl is
Group – III added and then NH 4OH is added to make
(A) absent. the solution alkaline. Saturated solution of
Al3+ and (NH 4) 2CO3 is then added to it and heat the
Fe3+ Group – III (B) absent solution. No precipitate is obtained
Ni2+ ,Co2+ , Zn2+ , Mn2+
Are are absent. No precipitate In the solution equal volume of
absent. is obtained. Na 2HPO4 solution is mixed and
Group – IV shaken well. No precipitate is
absent. Obtained.
Ba 2+ , Ca2+
Sr 2+ Group – V absent. Mg2+ absent.
are absent.
Confirmatory test with Group- II precipitate : The black precipitate obtained in Group – II is collected by
filtration and washed with distilled water. It is then dissolve in 1:3 dilute HNO 3 by boiling and the
following tests are performed by using this solution.
Result :- From the above experiment and confirmatory test it is clear that the given sample contains
Cupric radical (Cu2+ ) as basic radical.
Announcement :- By systematic preliminary test and wet test of the sample it is confirm that the given
inorganic sample contains Cupric radical (Cu 2+ ) as basic radical and chloride radical(Cl -) as acid radical.
Therefore the given inorganic compound is cupric chloride and it’s formula is CuCl 2.
Preliminary Investigation
Physical state :
Color :
Qdour : No characteristic odour ( absence of NH 4+ , S2- , CH3COO- )
Solubility : Soluble in water
Identification of acid radical
Preliminary test:
Confirmatory test :
Result : From the above experiment and confirmatory test it is clear that the given sample contains
nitrate radical (NO3-) as acid radical.
Preliminary Test:
A pinch of unknown salt is White infusible mass was Mg2+, Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,Al3+,Zn2+ may
taken and mixed with double observed. be present.
its quantity of sodium
carbonate in a watch glass.
The mixture is than placed in
the cavity made on the block
of charcoal. The mixture was
moisten with a drop of water
and was heated in the
reducing flame.
No The acidified solution is heated and H2S gas is passed through this solution. No precipitate is
precipitat obtained.
e is
Group – I
No The filtrate is boil to remove H2S and then heated with few drops of conc.
precipitate HNO3. The resulting solution is cooled to which 2g NH 4Cl is added and then
is NH4OH is added to make the solution alkaline. No precipitate is obtained.
Group – II
Pb2+ or
Cu2+ is
and As3+ is
The white precipitate obtained in Group – III(B) is collected by filtration and washed with distilled water
and dissolved in dilute HCl. Then the following tests are performed by using this solution.
Announcement : By systematic preliminary test and wet test of the sample it is confirm that the given
inorganic sample contains zinc radical (Zn 2+) as basic radical and nitrate radical(NO 3-) as acid radical.
Therefore the given inorganic compound is zinc nitrate and it’s formula is Zn(NO 3)2.
Preliminary Investigation
Physical state :
Color :
Qdour : No characteristic odour ( absence of NH 4+ , S2- , CH3COO- )
Solubility : Soluble in water
Identification of acid radical
Preliminary test:
Result :- From the above experiment and confirmatory test it is clear that the given sample contains
sulphate radical(SO42- ) as acid radical.
Preliminary Test:
A pinch of unknown salt is White infusible mass was Mg2+, Ba2+,Sr2+,Ca2+,Al3+,Zn2+ may
taken and mixed with double observed. be present.
its quantity of sodium
carbonate in a watch glass.
The mixture is than placed in
the cavity made on the block
of charcoal. The mixture was
moisten with a drop of water
and was heated in the
reducing flame.
No The acidified solution is heated and H2S gas is passed through this solution. No precipitate is
precipitat obtained.
e is
Group – I
No The filtrate is boil to remove H2S and then heated with few drops of conc.
precipitate HNO3. The resulting solution is cooled to which 2g NH 4Cl is added and then
is NH4OH is added to make the solution alkaline. No precipitate is obtained.
Group – II
Pb2+ or
Cu2+ is
and As3+ is
The white precipitate obtained in Group – III(B) is collected by filtration and washed with distilled water
and dissolved in dilute HCl. Then the following tests are performed by using this solution.
Announcement : By systematic preliminary test and wet test of the sample it is confirm that the given
inorganic sample contains zinc radical (Zn 2+) as basic radical and sulphate radical(SO 42-) as acid radical.
Therefore the given inorganic compound is zinc sulphate and it’s formula is ZnSO 4.
Preliminary Investigation
Physical state :
Color :
Qdour : No characteristic odour ( absence of NH 4+ , S2- , CH3COO- )
Solubility : Soluble in water
Identification of acid radical
Preliminary test:
Result :- From the above experiment and confirmatory test it is clear that the given sample contains
sulphate radical(SO42- ) as acid radical.
Preliminary Test:
Preparation of solution: 1g sample is taken in a 100ml beaker and dissolve in 25ml distilled water
followed by stirring with a glass rod.
To a small volume of the salt solution taken in a test tube dil. HCl is added. No precipitate is obtained.
No The acidified filtrate is heated and H 2S gas is passed through this solution. No precipitate is
precipitat obtained.
e is
Group – I
No The solution is boil to remove H2S and then heated with few drops of conc.
precipitate HNO3. The resulting solution is cooled to which 2g NH 4Cl is added and then
is NH4OH is added to make the solution alkaline. White gelatinous precipitate is
obtained. obtained. The precipitate is filtered.
Group – II
Pb2+ , Cu2+
and As3+
The white gelatinous precipitate obtained in Group – III(A) is collected by filtration and washed with
distilled water and the following tests are performed with this precipitate.
Experiment Observation Inference
A part of the precipitate is Gelatinous white precipitate Aluminium radical(Al3+ ) present
boiled with NaOH solution till it reappear. and confirm.
dissolves and then boil with
Lake test: Another part of the Blue precipitate floating in Aluminium radical(Al3+ ) present
white precipitate is dissolve in colourless solution. and confirm.
dilute hydrochloric acid and two
drops of blue litmus solution is
added to it. After this, NH 4OH
solution is added to it dropwise
till blue colour develops.
As the precipitate obtained in Group-III(A) is white so the confirmatory test for Fe 3+ radical was not
Result :- From the above experiment and confirmatory test it is clear that the given sample contains
aluminium radical (Al3+) as basic radical.
Announcement : By systematic preliminary test and wet test of the sample it is confirm that the given
inorganic sample contains aluminium radical (Al 3+) as basic radical and sulphate radical(SO 42-) as acid
radical. Therefore the given inorganic compound is aluminium sulphate and it’s formula is Al 2(SO4)3.
Preliminary Investigation
Physical state :
Color : Greenish
Qdour : No characteristic odour ( absence of NH 4+ , S2- , CH3COO- )
Solubility : Soluble in water
Identification of acid radical
Preliminary test:
Preparation of solution : In a 100ml beaker 30ml water is taken and 1g sample is dissolve in it followed
by stirring with a glass rod. With this solution the following tests are perform.
Result :- From the above experiment and confirmatory test it is clear that the given sample contains
chloride radical (Cl- ) as acid radical.
Preliminary Test:
A pinch of unknown salt is Gray metallic particles without Fe2+,Co2+,Ni2+ may be present.
taken and mixed with double incrustation was observed.
its quantity of sodium
carbonate in a watch glass.
The mixture is than placed in
the cavity made on the block
of charcoal. The mixture was
moisten with a drop of water
and was heated in the
reducing flame.
To a small volume of the salt solution taken in a test tube dil. HCl is added. No precipitate is obtained.
No The acidified filtrate is heated and H 2S gas is passed through this solution. No precipitate is
precipitat obtained.
e is
Group – I
No The solution is boil to remove H2S and then heated with few drops of conc.
precipitate HNO3. The resulting solution is cooled to which 2g NH 4Cl is added and then
is NH4OH is added to make the solution alkaline. No precipitate is obtained.
Group – II
Pb2+ , Cu2+
and As3+
Result :- From the above experiment and confirmatory test it is clear that the given sample contains
nickel radical (Ni2+) as basic radical.
Announcement :- By systematic wet test and preliminary test of the sample it is confirm that the given
inorganic sample contains nickel radical (Ni 2+) as basic radical and chloride radical(Cl- ) as acid radical.
Therefore the given inorganic compound is nickel chloride and it’s formula is NiCl 2.