COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY Cluster Computing Peer to Peer computing Grid Computing Grid Protocols- Types of Grids Desktop Grids Types of Grids. INITIATIVES & SERVICES Grid Computing Organizations and their roles - Grid computing analogue - Grid Computing road map Creating and managing Grid Services Service discovery Operational requirements tools. GRID MANAGEMENT Managing Grid Environments Managing grids Management reporting Monitoring Data catalogs and replica management portals Grid enabling network services. APPLICATIONS & TECHNOLOGIES Merging the Grid sources- Architecture with the Web Devices Architecture- OGSASample Use cases- OGSA platform components - OGSI - OGSA Basic Services. GRID COMPUTING TOOL KITS Globus Toolkit - Architecture - Programming model - High level services - OGSI - Net Middleware Solutions. TEXT BOOK 1. Joshy Joseph and Craig Fellenstein, Grid Computing, PHI, 2nd Edition 2003 REFERENCES 1.Ahmar Abbas, Grid Computing: A Practical Guide to technology and Applications, Charles River media , 2003. 2.Daniel Minoli, A Networking Approach to Grid Computing, WileyInter science, 2004. 3.Mark Baker and Rajkumar Buyya, Cluster Computing at a Glance, High Performance Cluster Computing: Architectures and Systems, Prentice Hall, NJ, USA, 1999.
TYPES & ISSUES Real time Definitions - Types - Examples - Structure of an RTS - Task classes real time system issues - Architecture issues - OS issues - other issues - Performance measure for real time systems. REAL TIME LANGUAGES Programming languages and tools - Language features - survey of commonly used Programming languages - programming environments - run - time support Real - Time Systems life cycle - Real - time Specification and Design Techniques Natural languages Mathematical specification - Flow charts - structure charts - Pseudo code and PDL - FSA - DFD - Petri Nets - Warnier - Orr notation - state charts. SCHEDULING ALGORITHMS Real Time OS Task - control block model - Task states - Task management - POSIX. Task assignment and scheduling classical uniprocessor scheduling Algorithms - Task Assignment - Fault Tolerance scheduling. FAULT TOLERANT SYSTEMS Real-time communication Network Topologies - Protocols - Reliability - Testing and Fault Tolerance - Faults - Failures - Bugs and effects - reliability - Testing - Fault Tolerance. FUTURE APPLICATIONS Real - Time Applications - The first real - time application - Real - time database - real Time image processing - real-time UNIX. TEXT BOOK 1. Phillip A. Laplante., Real Time Systems Hand book, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 3rd Edition, 2004. REFERENCE 1. C.M. Krishna. Kang G. Shin, Real Time Systems, 2nd Edition Tata McGraw Hill International, 2001.
SOFTWARE TESTING Assessing software testing capabilities and staff competencies: Multiple roles of testing Defect Business perspective for testing. Building a Software Testing Strategy: Computer system strategic risks Economics of testing Common computer problems Economics of SDLC testing Testing issue Testing policy Structured approach Test Strategy Testing methodology Status of software testing. Establish a Software Testing Methodology: Defects Cost of testing Verification and validation Functional and Structural testing work bench concept eight considerations in developing testing Methodologies. TECHNIQUES Determining Software Testing Techniques: Testing techniques/Tool selection process Structural system testing techniques Functional system testing techniques Unit Testing techniques Functional testing and analysis Functional testing Test factor/test Technique matrix. Eleven Steps Software Testing Process Overview: Cost of computer Testing Life cycle testing concept Verification and validation in Software Eleven step Software-testing process. DESIGN LEVEL Assess Project Management Development Estimate and Status Develop Test Plan Requirements Phase Testing Design Phase Testing [Overview, Objective, Concerns, Workbench, Input, Do procedure, Check Procedure, Output]. EXECUTION LEVEL Program Phase Testing Execute Test and Record Results Acceptance Test Report Test Results. [Overview, Objective, Concerns, Workbench, Input, Do procedure, Check Procedure, Output]. TESTING SOFTWARES Testing Software Installation Test Software Changes Evaluate Test Effectiveness. [Overview, Objective, Concerns, Workbench, Input, Do procedure, Check Procedure, Output]. TEXT BOOK 1. William E Perry, Effective Methods for Software Testing, John Wiley & Sons, 2 nd Edition, 2005. REFERENCE 1.Illene Bernstein, Practical Software Testing, Springer International Edition, 1st Edition, 2004.