Semester III

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1 MBA (MSU) – Semester 3 HRM Sylabus

MBA (MSU) – 3rd Semester Syllabus

Specialization: Human Resource Management

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Duration of the Program : 2 Years

Eligibility for admission : Graduates in any discipline

Duration of Examination : 3 Hours

Division of Marks : Internal – 25 Marks

: External – 75 Marks

Minimum Passing Marks : 50 % in each component

Course Title : MBA Industry Interactive Program

Duration : 2 Years

Semester 3 Subject’s Index

Course Title Paper Code
Internal External Total
Management Information System MBAS3P1 25 75 100
International Human resource
Management MBAS3HR1 25 75 100
Labour Law MBAS3HR2 25 75 100
Performance Management MBAS3HR3 25 75 100

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Paper Code: MBAS3P1

Unit 1: Foundation of Information System and Management

Components and resources of information systems Information system activities ,Types of

information systems: Operations support systems and Management support systems
Management Information Systems: Definition, role and impact of MIS, Introduction to
Management, Approaches to Management, Functions of the managers: Management
effectiveness, planning, organizing, staffing, coordinating and directing, MIS as a support to the
management and a tool for management Process

Unit 2: Applications of MIS

Manufacturing Sector: Introduction, Personal Management, Marketing Management,
Accounting and Finance Management, Production Management, Materials Management and
Marketing Management, MIS Applications in Banking and Insurance Sector
Service Sector: Introduction, MIS applications in service industry, Cross-Functional Enterprise
Systems: Introduction, Collaboration systems in Manufacturing, Enterprise application
Integration, Transaction Processing systems, Implementation Challenges: Integration,
implementing IT, End user Resistance and Involvement, Change Management

Unit 3: Enterprise Management Systems

Introduction, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems: Basic features, benefits, selection,
implementation, EMS and MIS Business Process Re-engineering (BPR): Introduction, Business
process, Process and Value stream model of the organization, MIS and BPR

Unit 4: Customer Relationship Management

Customer relationship Management: Introduction, What is CRM? Three phases of CRM,
Benefits, challenges and trends in CRM Supply Chain Management: What is SCM? Role of
SCM, Benefits, challenges and trends in SCM Electronic Commerce Systems: Introduction,
scope, B2C, B2B and C2C, Essential e-Commerce processes, Electronic Payment Processes, e-
Commerce Applications

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Unit 5: Decision Support Systems & Executive Information systems

Decision support systems: Concept and philosophy, Using Decision Support systems: What-if
analysis, sensitivity analysis, Goal-seeking analysis, Optimization analysis, Introduction to Data
Warehouse: Architecture, Organization and Management of Data Warehouse, Implementation,
Data Mining for Decision support.Enterprise Information portal and knowledge management
systems, Introduction to Artificial Intelligent systems, Knowledge Based Expert systems and

Recommended Books:

1. O’Brien J., ―Management Information Systems: Managing Information Technology in

the Business Enterprise‖, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited

2. Jawadekar W., ―Management Information Systems‖, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill

Publishing Company Limited

3. Post G., Anderson D., ―Management Information Systems‖, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw- Hill

4. Gupta U., ―Management Information Systems: A Managerial Perspective‖, Galgotia,

ISBN 81 – 7515 – 085 – 8

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Paper Code: MBAS3HR1

Unit 1: Introduction to IHRM

Introduction to IHRM Definition, reasons for going global, Approaches to IHRM, Difference
between IHRM and Domestic HRM, Reasons for emergence of IHRM, Models of IHRM
Matching model, Harvard Model, Contextual Model, 5P Model European Model, Models of
SHRM in Multinational Companies, Internationalization of HRM: Socio-cultural context,
Organizational dynamics and IHRM: Role of culture in International HRM, Culture and
employee management issues, Organizational Processes in IHRM, Linking HR to International
expansion strategies, The Challenges of International Human Resource Management

Unit 2: Strategies for International Growth

Exploiting global integration-The logic of global integration, differentiation, Mastering

expatriation, beyond the traditional expatriate model, the limits of global integration Becoming
locally responsive: The roots of responsiveness, understanding diversity, responding to diversity,
the challenges of localization Managing alliances and joint ventures- meaning, need, different
kinds of alliances, planning and negotiating alliances, implementing alliances, supporting
alliance learning, the evolving role of alliances

Unit 3: Recruitment, Selection and Staffing in International context & International Labor

International Managers- parent country nationals, third country nationals, host country nationals,
advantages and disadvantages of different selection methods, different approaches to
multinational staffing decisions, recruitment methods using head-hunters, cross-national
advertising, e-recruitment; Selection criteria and techniques, use of selection tests, interviews for
international selection, international staffing issues.

Key issues, response of labor unions to MNCs

Unit 4: Performance Management & International Compensation

A conceptual background, Constraints in goal attainment, performance management cycle,

models, performance and appraisal in IHRM appraisal of expatriate, third and host country
employees, issues and challenges in international performance management, country specific
performance management practices.

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Forms of compensation and factors that influence compensation policy, key components of
international compensation, Approaches to international compensation, compensation practices
across the countries, social security systems across the countries, global compensation: emerging

Unit 5: Training and Development in International Context & HRM practices in different

Context Backdrop of international training, Current scenario in international training and

development, training & development of international staff, types of expatriate training, HCN
training, Career Development, repatriate training, developing international staff and
multinational teams, knowledge transfer in multinational companies.

HRM practices in different countries-

Japan, USA, UK, Turkey, Middle East, India and China.

Recommended Books:

1. The Global Challenge- framework for international human resource management, Evans,
Pucik, Barsoux, Tata McGraw-Hill Irwin

2. International Human Resource Management-Peter J Dowling, Denice E Welch, Cengage


3. International Human Resorce Management, K Aswathappa, Sadhna Das, Mc Graw Hill


4. International Human Resource Management, Tony Edwards, Chris Rees, Person


5. International Human Resource Management - Monir H Tayeb – Oxford University Press

- 2005.

6. International Human resource Management – PL Rao, Excel Books

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Paper Code: MBAS3HR2

Unit 1: Introduction To Labour Legislation

 Philosophy of Labour Laws

 Labour Laws, Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management
 Labour Laws: Concept, Origin, Objectives and Classification
 International Labour Organization — International Labour Organization and Indian
Labour Legislations
 Indian Constitution and Labour Legislations
 Labour Policy, Emerging Issues and Future Trends

Unit 2: Laws on Working Conditions

 The Factories Act, 1948

 The Mines Act, 1952
 Shops and Establishment Law
 Plantation Labour Act, 1951
 Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition Act, 1986)
 Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation Act, 1986)

Unit 3: Industrial Relations Laws

 Trade Union Act, 1926

 Industrial Disputes Act, 1947-I
 Industrial Disputes Act, 1947-II
 Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946
 Industrial Discipline and Misconduct
 Domestic Enquiry

Unit 4: Wages And Labour Laws

 Minimum Wages Act, 1948

 Payment of Wages Act, 1936
 Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
 Equal Remuneration Act, 1976

Unit 5: Laws for Laws for labour Welfare and Social Security

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 Social Security Legislation: An Overview

 The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923
 The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948
 The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
 The Employee’s Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision Act, 1952
 The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972

Recommended Textbooks:

1. Labour Legislations- Jayaprakash Reddy R

2. Labour Legislation in India/C.M. Chaudhary and Arvind Jain. Jaipur, Indus Valley,
3. Dynamics of Industrial Relations, C B Mamoria, Himalaya Publishing house, 2008
4. Industrial Relations, B.D.Singh, Excel Books, 2005
5. Industrial Relations, C. S. Venkata Ratnam, Oxford University Press, 2006.
6. Industrial Relations in India, Ratna Sen Macmillan, 2007
7. Industrial Relations, Monal Arora, Excel Books, 2007
8. Industrial Relations, T.N.Chhabra and R.K.Suri, Dhanpat Rai & Co, 2005
9. Industrial Relations & Labour Laws, S.C.Srivastava , Vikas Publishing Pvt. Ltd.

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Paper Code: MBAS3HR3

Unit 1: Introduction & Performance Planning & Analysis

 Definition of performance Management
 Aims and Role of performance Management in organization
 Characteristics of an ideal PM S
 Dangers of poorly implemented PM system
 Role of appraisals in Performance Management
 Performance management process
 Relevance of objectives in organizations
 Organizational & individual performance
 Performance management & human resources management
 Performance planning
 Performance Analysis
 KPAs
 Components of Performance planning
 Objectives of performance Analysis
 Process of Performance Analysis

Unit 2: Appraisal Systems & Performance Appraisal System Implementation

 Introduction
 Purpose of Appraisal
 Pros & Cons of Appraising
 Methods of Appraising
 Who can Appraise

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 Appraisals & HR Decisions

 Defining performance
 Determinants of performance
 Performance dimensions
 Approaches to measuring performance
 Diagnosing the causes of poor performance

 Differentiating task from contextual performance

 Choosing a performance measurement approach.
 Measuring results and behaviors
 Gathering performance information

 Implementing performance management system.

 Operationalzing change

 Implementing process

 Factors affecting implementation

 Pitfalls in implementation

Unit 3: Conducting Staff Appraisals & Performance Review & Discussion

 Introduction( need & skills required)
 The role ofthe appraiser
 Job description & job specification
 Appraisal methods
 Raters errors
 Data collection
 Conducting an appraisal interview
 Follow up & validation
 Present thoughts & future directions

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 Significance of review
 Process of performance review
 Performance rating
 Performance appraisal factors
 Methods & errors
 Reducing raters bias
 Performance review discussions
 Objectives
 Requisites
 Process
 Role of mentoring
 Coaching in performance review discussions

Unit 4: Approaches in Performance Management & Employee Development

 Traditional practices

 Recent approaches
 Case studies in performance management in select organization
 Personal Development plans,
 360 degree feed back as a developmental tool
 Performance management & reward systems
 Performance linked remuneration system
 Performance linked career planning & promotion policy

Unit 5: Performance Consulting

 Concept
 The need for performance consulting

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 Role of the performance consulting

 Designing and using performance relationship maps
 Contracting for performance consulting services organizing performance improvement

Recommended Books:
1. Appraising & Developing Managerial Performance-.T. V. Rao

2. Performance Management, Herman Aguinis, Pearson Education,

3. The Talent Management Hand Book, Lance A. Berger & Dorothy
R. Berger, Tata Mc-Graw Hill
4. ―Prem Chadha‖, Performance Management, Macmillan, 2008
5. ―Herman Aguinis‖, Performance Management, Pearson education, 2008.

6. ―Peter Ward‖, 360 Degree Feedback, Jaico publishing house,2006.

7. Dewakar Goel‖, Performance Appraisal & Compenstion Management, Prentice

Hall of India, 2008.
8. ―B.D.Singh‖, Compenstion & Reward Management, Excel Books, 2007

9. . ―R.K.Sahu‖, Performance Management System, Excel Books , 2007.

10. ―Srinivas . R. Kandula‖, Performance Management‖, PHI, 2006.

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