Semester III
Semester III
Semester III
: External – 75 Marks
Duration : 2 Years
Introduction, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems: Basic features, benefits, selection,
implementation, EMS and MIS Business Process Re-engineering (BPR): Introduction, Business
process, Process and Value stream model of the organization, MIS and BPR
Decision support systems: Concept and philosophy, Using Decision Support systems: What-if
analysis, sensitivity analysis, Goal-seeking analysis, Optimization analysis, Introduction to Data
Warehouse: Architecture, Organization and Management of Data Warehouse, Implementation,
Data Mining for Decision support.Enterprise Information portal and knowledge management
systems, Introduction to Artificial Intelligent systems, Knowledge Based Expert systems and
Recommended Books:
3. Post G., Anderson D., ―Management Information Systems‖, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw- Hill
Introduction to IHRM Definition, reasons for going global, Approaches to IHRM, Difference
between IHRM and Domestic HRM, Reasons for emergence of IHRM, Models of IHRM
Matching model, Harvard Model, Contextual Model, 5P Model European Model, Models of
SHRM in Multinational Companies, Internationalization of HRM: Socio-cultural context,
Organizational dynamics and IHRM: Role of culture in International HRM, Culture and
employee management issues, Organizational Processes in IHRM, Linking HR to International
expansion strategies, The Challenges of International Human Resource Management
Unit 3: Recruitment, Selection and Staffing in International context & International Labor
International Managers- parent country nationals, third country nationals, host country nationals,
advantages and disadvantages of different selection methods, different approaches to
multinational staffing decisions, recruitment methods using head-hunters, cross-national
advertising, e-recruitment; Selection criteria and techniques, use of selection tests, interviews for
international selection, international staffing issues.
Forms of compensation and factors that influence compensation policy, key components of
international compensation, Approaches to international compensation, compensation practices
across the countries, social security systems across the countries, global compensation: emerging
Unit 5: Training and Development in International Context & HRM practices in different
Recommended Books:
1. The Global Challenge- framework for international human resource management, Evans,
Pucik, Barsoux, Tata McGraw-Hill Irwin
Unit 5: Laws for Laws for labour Welfare and Social Security
Recommended Textbooks:
Defining performance
Determinants of performance
Performance dimensions
Approaches to measuring performance
Diagnosing the causes of poor performance
Operationalzing change
Implementing process
Significance of review
Process of performance review
Performance rating
Performance appraisal factors
Methods & errors
Reducing raters bias
Performance review discussions
Role of mentoring
Coaching in performance review discussions
Recent approaches
Case studies in performance management in select organization
Personal Development plans,
360 degree feed back as a developmental tool
Performance management & reward systems
Performance linked remuneration system
Performance linked career planning & promotion policy
Recommended Books:
1. Appraising & Developing Managerial Performance-.T. V. Rao