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Daily Schedules and Routines

The ideas that follow came from the wonderful women on my yahoo email lists childcareland2 and
shelleylovettsecprintables. Thank you for sharing your schedules!!

A daily schedule is the planning of the day by time and activities. Daily schedules and routines
are important in the lives of children because they provide children with a sense of "safety and
stability". Schedules will also make your day run smoother and less stressful. When planning a
schedule take into account all of the major happenings of the day ... such as arrivals ... meals ....
rest time ... play time ... learnining time etc. It is very important that your schedule allow for
flexability ... if an activity goes over in time that's okay ... follow the children's lead.

This article contains a variety of daily schedule examples that were sent in by those working in
the field of early childhood.

My Previous Daycare Schedule

7:00-8:00 Arrival and Breakfast

8:00-9:00 Free Choice Time

9:30-9:45 Snack

9:45-11:00 Structured Learning Time and Art Time

11:00-11:30 Outside Time (weather permitting)

11:30-12:30 Lunch Time/Educational Video

12:30-2:30 Rest Time

2:45-3:00 Snack Time

3:00-4:00 Outside Time Or Additional Activities

4:00-5:30 Free Choice Time/Structured Activities/Departure

My Pre-K Class Schedule:

9:00 - 9:15 Arrival and Free Play

9:15-10:00 Circle Time/Music and Movement

10:00-10:15 Snack

10:15-11:15 Daily Art and Learning Centers

11:15-11:30 Review of What Learned and Story Time

11:30 Departure

Shelley Lovett

Hi I am an in home childcare provider. I have seven children ranging in age 10 months to 4 years
here is my daily schedule.



8:30-9:30 FREE PLAY

9:30-10:00- CIRCLE TIME


10:15-11:45 ART

11:45-12:00 CLEAN UP

12:00-12:30 LUNCH

12:30-2:30 REST


3:00-4:30 OUTSIDE PLAY



4:30-8:00 arrivals, many asleep til 7-7:30.

7:00-8:00 breakfast

8:05 School agers leave for school

8:30 Take the 6 toddlers for a walk-30 min.

9:00 story time and or music time 20-30 min depending on the attention span

9:30 small snack ( i don't do the food program so I can serve whenever and whatever I want.

9:45 Free play for 30-45 min

10:30 table actitivies/teacher directed (arts, puzzles, making patterns, etc.

10:50-11:50 outside time

11:50 wash up for lunch\potty, etc.


12:30 short walk with all to pick up kinder and take an other walk-20 min with kinder also

12:50 circle time, finger play, story, etc.5-10 min'

1:00-1:30 free play or outside time

1:30-3:30 Nap time

3:30-4 get up potty, change diapers, dress, shoes on, etc.'

4pm afternoon snack

4:30 all but one child goes home. last child goes around 5-5:15



7:00-8:00A.M Arrival and Breakfast

8:00- 9:00a.m Free Play
9:30- 9:50a.m. Snack time
10:00-11:00a.m. Arts and crafts/ learning sheets
11:15-12:00 learning video/ lunch
12:30 - 2:00p.m nap/ rest time
2:00 - 3:00p.m outside play (if weather is okay)
3:15- 3:30p.m. Snack time
3:30- 4:30p.m. Story time/ music time
4:30 - 5:00p.m prepare bags for home
5:00- 6:00p.m learning video/ departure

Heidi Darrow owner/ Director

Busy Bee's Home based Daycare.

I am a home daycare provider.

7:30-8:30 Arrival and Breakfast, any bus children leave at 8:00 or 8:30 by bus
8:30-9:30 Free Choice Time

9:30 - Snack

9:45-11:00 - Circle Time, Learning Time and Craft Time

11:00-11:30 Outside Time (weather permitting) or free play

11:30-12:15 Lunch Time

12:15 - 12:30 - clean up from lunch, story

12:30-3:00 Rest Time

3:00 Snack Time

3:20-5:00 Outside Time Or Additional Activities until departure.

Debbie Estabooks

Pre-K Schedule

9-9:30 free choice

10_10:30 circle time
10:30 snack
1040 art
11 story
11 15 outside play weather permitting if inside physical activities


I teach a Early Intervention program of 2-3 year old handicapped children. Our kids come in on
regular school buses in carseats and spend 4 hours with us. There are no ending times, because
we let things overlap when needed.

Here is our schedule:

7:30 Arrival and center time

8:00 Breakfast/Diapering/Potty Training
9:00 Art/Group Activity-Theme related
9:30 Circle Time
9:45 Outdoor Classroom - interacting with normally developing
10:30 Second Circle Time/Clean Up
10:50 Lunch/Diapering/Potty Training
11:30 Rest Mats/Free Reading
12:00 Climb aboard the Buses and go HOME!

Ms. Resa
I teach pre-k. I have 4's turning 5

9:00- 9:30 Circle (helpers, morning stretch, talk about our day, theme of the week, etc.)

9:30-9:45 snack

9:45- 10:30 Free play (large motor we either play outside or in our large multi purpose room

10:30-10:40 Bathroom

10:40-11:00(ish) Language arts time

11:00 -11:30 centers

11:30-11:45 Math/Science

11:45-noon music and getting ready for lunch

noon- 12:20(ish) Lunch How long lunch lasts depends on how the children like what is being served
that day

12:20/12:30- 12:50 Art (that follows our theme of the week

12:50-1pm wrap up our day/share/story/puzzle time

Laura Perron

Arrivals - Children have free play until breakfast

7:30am Bathroom ~ Hand washing -Breakfast ... If your child arrives after 7:45am please! have
your child fed prior to arriving

8:00am Outside Play ~ weather permitting -Older Children Leave for School

8:30am Inside Play or Outside Play ~ weather permitting

9:00am Circle Time ~ greeting song ~ jobs ~ calendar ~ weather ~ stories ~ sharing time ~
favorite songs

9:20am Preschool Activities ~ planned theme or learning activities ~ learning/play centers are
set up for children to freely choose from (incl. free play)

10:00am Clean up Bathroom ~ Hand washing - AM Snack - If your child arrives after 10:00am
please have your child fed prior to arriving
10:30am Inside Play or Outside Play ~ weather permitting

11:30am Children’s video or Educational TV (while lunch is prepared)

12:00pm Bathroom ~ Hand washing -Lunch -If your child arrives after 12:00pm please have your
child fed prior to arriving

12:30pm Clean up -Bathroom ~ Hand washing

12:45pm Story Time

1:00pm Nap/Quiet Time

3:00pm Wake up -Bathroom ~ Hand washing - Free Play ~ Choice of table activities ~ Planned

4:00pm Hand washing -PM Snack

4:30pm Choice of: - table activities - Outside Play (weather permitting) - Video

5:00pm Clean up! & Prepare for pick up - Bathroom ~ Hand washing - From the Hart School House

DeAyn Greevers

Daily Schedule:

6:30 arrivals- children have free time until breakfast

7:00 breakfast
7:30 bus
8:00 breakfast
8:30 clean up & get ready for activities
8:45 circle time= calendar, weather, month, days of the week
9:00 art activity
9:30 clean up & get ready for snack
9:45 music & movement= songs & dance
10:00 outside/inside activity
10:30 learning activities= matching games, writing, counting, letters, computer
11:15 children’s choice= Miss Melissa getting ready for lunch
11:30 lunch
12:00 children’s choice= clean up lunch
12:30 getting ready for rest time= clean up, potty, mats
12:45 story time= children’s choice
1:00 rest time
2:30 clean up mats, potty
3:00 walk to the bus
3:15 snack time
3:30 homework, coloring, computer
4:00 outside/inside activity
5:00 final clean up, get ready for parents

Children’s choice: puzzles, books, blocks, dolls, trucks, lego’s, kitchen, magnet board, computer

Outside/Inside activity: group walk, swing set, sandbox, bubbles, balls, bikes, play dough, paint,

Learn and Play Daycare

Our Daily Preschool Schedule

8:00-8:30--Children arriving/center play

8:30-9:00--AM snack/clean up/bathroom
9:00-9:20--Calendar time
9:20-9:30-- Read aloud
9:30-9:50-- ABC Lesson
9:50-10:00--Bathroom & drinks
10:20-10:40--Math Lesson/Activities
11:00-11:10--Clean up/Wash up/AM students leaving
11:40-12:30--getting mats out/watching start TV program
12:30-2:30ish--rest time
2:30-2:40--putting mats away/bathroom
2:40-3:00--PM Snack
3:00-3:45--Center time/Art time
4:00-4:15--students leavning

Heather Watson
Bright Minds Preschool
Highlands Ranch CO
Daily Schedule

This is for a Day Care Center ages 6wks to 12 yrs, with a morning Preschool Program. Each group
revolved around each other, they were broken up into infants, toddlers, nursery class, early
preschool, prek preschool, and school agers.

My class was Early Preschool (3s turning 4).

6:00 center opens all ages together -floor games

6:30 movement

6:45 table games

7:15 school agers breakfast - movement

7:30 infants and toddlers go to their area -bathroom

7:40 school agers go to school

7:45 story time - finger-plays - songs

8:00 breakfast with class

8:30 cleanup and tooth brushing

8:45 table games

9:00 circle time -includes alternating 5 min. sitting and 5 min. movement

10:00 centers - rotates every 10 minutes between -writing -gross motor -art -reading

10:40 bathroom/drink break

10:50 movement game

11:00 outdoor/indoor recess

11:20 cleanup bathroom

11:30 lunch – preschool ends

12:00 cleanup bathroom brush teeth

12:15 story time while nap mats are put out

12:30 nap/quiet time

2:30 wake up bathroom put away nap mats

2:45 snack

3:00 outdoor/indoor recess

3:45 cleanup bathroom/drink break

4:00 guided free-play

4:45 bathroom/drink break

5:00 table games

5:30 join rest of center for outdoor recess or indoor guided free-play

6:00 center closes

Tammy R. in KS

Judy’s Kids Daycare Schedule

7:30 Arrival – free play

8:30 Breakfast and Bottles

9:00 Diapering

9:30 circle time, music and story

10:00 Outdoors, walk to park or play in yard

11:00 Infant Naps / table toys for pre-school

12:00 Lunch and Bottles

12:30 Diapering

1:00 Free play

1:45 clean up
2:00 Infant and pre-school naps

3:30 Snack and bottles

4:00 Diapering

4:30 art and projects

5:00 outdoor play – weather permitting

5:45 clean up

6:00 Pick up time

This is a sample schedule. The actual schedule will change to meet the needs of the children
enrolled in the program.

Judy Santos

Our Daily Schedule

Our daily schedule is very flexible to allow for unplanned events or other opportunities that may
arise throughout the day. Some days we do not fit all this in....but we try!

We do go outside everyday to play in the yard or park (weather permitting).

8:00 am – 9:15 am
Arrival/ Free Play

9:15 am – 9:30 am
Clean-up – Wash up for Snack

9:30 am – 10:00 am
Morning Snack

10:00 am - 10:30 am
Circle Time (Calendar/Weather/Story Time)

10:30 am - 11:00 am
Outdoor Play (weather permitting), if inside – large muscle activities

11:00 am - 11:15 am
Clean-up - Wash up for Lunch
11:15 am – 11:50 am

11:50 am – 12:20pm
Take Afternoon Kindergartner to school

12:20 pm - 1:00 pm
Story Time

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Quiet Time (Naptime) Children who do not nap are provided with quiet activities while the others
sleep or we may work on a special project "just for them"! Educational TV Programs are provided
during this time as well (Sesame Street, etc)

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm
Afternoon Snack

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Structured Play - group activities, puppet theater, outdoor play, indoor games, etc.

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Arts & Crafts

4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Free Play/Parent Pickup

Panda Bear Child Care
Piper's Playhouse
Here is our schedule.

7:45 arrival of children/ journals

8:00 breakfast helper washes hands and sets table while others free play
8:15 clean up/ chore chart
8:20 wash hands for breakfast (we usually do transitional games to do this)
8:30 breakfast/wash hands again
9:00 brush teeth
9:10 music/movement
9:30 weather/calendar/attendance
9:35 another song/movement
9:45 book
9:50 break into small groups
10:35 restroom time/coats
10:45 outside play
11:15 inside/ circle time while lunch helper washes hands and sets table
11:20 wash hands for lunch (transitional game or book on tape)
11:30 lunch time
12:00 bus children catch bus for pm preschool/those that get picked up, get picked up
12:10 all other children wash hands and face, play cooperation games
12:15 start sending them to bathroom for nap time
12:20 book time
12:30 nap time
1:30 wake up wash hands/ snack time
2:00 free play outside if nice/ inside if not- while waiting for parents to pick up

Kelly Williams

Hi I run a preschool program every afternoon from 12:30-2:30.

12:30-12:50 Freeplay

12:50-1:00 Clean up (everyone participates)

1:00-1:20 Arts & Crafts

1:20-1:30 Washroom (toileting & wash hands)

1:30-1:50 Circle Time (Stories, songs, fingerplays)

1:45-2:05 Snack

2:05-2:20 Outdoor Play/Gym Time (active games/parachute play)

2:20-2:30 Activity of Choice....(I usually take out the coloring, FF Games, Pre-writing
worksheets! , and some easy mazes)
Colleen Bellefeuille


7:50 - 8:10 Independent Reading

8:10 - 8:40 Monday - Music

8:40 - 9:00 Read Aloud

8:10 - 8:30 Tuesday - Read Aloud

8:30 - 9:00 Writing

8:10 - 8:20 Wednesday - Read Aloud

8:20 - 9:00 Library

8:10 - 8:40 Thursday - Art

8:40 - 9:00 Read Aloud

9:10 - 8:30 Friday - Read Aloud and/or Show and Tell

8:30 - 9:00 Counselor every other week

9:00 - 9:25 Calendar & Morning Music

9:25 - 9:40 Phonenic Awareness
9:40 - 10:55 Guided Reading & Literacy Corners (Centers)
10:55 - 11:35 Recess & Lunch
11:35 - 12:00 Restroom, Read Aloud, & Finish morn! ing work
12:00 - 12:30 Reading Rainbow
12:30 - 1:00 Letter ID & Letter Sound Work
1:00 - 1:15 Writing

Monday, Wednesday, & Friday

1:15 - 2:00 Math
2:00 - 2:20 P.E.

Tuesday & Thursday

12:55 - 1:20 Computer Lab
1:20 - 2:20 Math
2:20 - 2:40 Pack up & Get ready to go home
2:40 - Dismissal
2:40 - 3:20 Planning

I am a pre-K teacher in NC. We use the High Scope Curriculum which has Plan, Do, and Review
the children plan where they want to play first, then they have freeplay and when we come back
together they talk about what they played.

Daily Schedule

8:00-8:20 Arrival, Wash Hands, Breakfast

Centers are open for children.

8:20-8:30 Greeting Time/Morning Group

8:30-8:35 Planning Time For Children

8:35-9:50 Child initiated Play

9:50-10:00 Clean-up/bathroom

10:00-11:00 Outside Time

11:00-11:05 Bathroom/hand washing

11:05-11:15 Small Group Activities

11:15-11:50 Child initiated Play

11:50-12:00 Clean-up

12:00-12:10 Music/Movement/Large Group

12:10-12:30 Lunch

12:30-12:45 Bathroom

12:45-2:00 Rest time/Quiet time

2:00-2:30 Snack/Departure

Centers are open for children.

Children must arrive before 9:00 a.m. and must be picked up before 2:30 p.m.

School Schedule:

7:00 Get kids up and dressed.

7:30 Brush hair and teeth. Make sure everything is ready for school. Childcare kids arrive.

8:30 Eat breakfast.

8:45 Walk to the bus stop. (Tue and Fri drive to preschool.)

9:00 Learning activities (alphabet or number flashcards, writing letters, number or our names)
and 2 -3 worksheets.

9:30 Play time

10:00 Circle Time (Talk about rules, safety issues, problems (Kelso’s Choices)

10:30 Puzzles or games.

11:00 Craft activity or coloring Tue and Fri pick up from preschool

11:30 Lunch time.

11:55 – 12:25 Kindergarteners go to bus 11:55 Burton 12:25 Columbia Valley

12:30 Story time or quiet time

3:15 Wait for Burton bus to drop off.

3:30 Craft time.

4:10 Pick up from bus

4:15 Afternoon snack

4:30 Homework time.

5:00 Outside play

5:15 Clean up time.

5:30 Pick up time for kids


Precious Little Angel's

Daily Schedule














100 TO 300 REST TIME






This is our winter schedule

7:30 ~ 8:30 Arrivals and free play
8:30 ~ 9:00 Group time (learning activities as a group)
9:00 ~ 9:15 Free play
9:15 ~ 9:30 Snack time
9:30 ~ 10:00 Free art
10:00 ~ 10:15 Diapering
10:15 ~ 10:45 Centers and individual learning activities
10:45 ~11:15 Circle time/storytime
11:15 ~ 11:40 Free play/ movie
11:40 ~ 11:45 Hand washing for lunch
11:45 ~ 12:15 Lunch
12:15 ~ 12:30 Getting ready for naps/diapering
12:30 ~ 3:00 Naptime quiet time
2:20 ~ 3:00 Learning activities and centers (for older kids who have shorter naps or no naps)
3:00 ~ 3:20 Free time/diapering
3:20 ~ 3:40 Snack time
3:40 ~ 4:00 Themed art project
4:00 ~ 4:15 Storytime
4:15 ~ 5:30 Freeplay/ pick up

Tina Brasseur

7:00 - 8:00 Arrival time and breakfast

8:00 - 8:30 Free play

8:30 - 9:30 Circle time, music, story time

9:30 - 9:45 Snack

9:45 - 10:30 Structured activities

10:30 - 11:00 Free play

11:00 - 11:15 Pick up toys and wash hands

11:15 - 11:45 Lunch

11:45 - 12:45 Free play. Outside play time, weather permitting.

12:45 - 1:00 Get ready for naps

1:00 - 3:00 Naptime

3:00 - 3:30 Snack

3:30 - 5:00 Free play. Read books. Outside play time, weather permitting.

Circle of Friends Childcare

Daily Schedule

7:15 - 8:30 Arrival, TV time until breakfast, wash hands get breakfast ready.

7:30-7:45 – Breakfast

8:00 - 9:00 Free Play, TV, or free choice , wait for all children to arrive

9:00 - 9:15 Calendar time

9:15 - 9:30 Circle time, songs, music and or snack if kids need it due to health issues.

9:30 - 10:00 Story Time, Craft, Organized Activities (Out doors in summer)

10:00 – 10:45 Outdoor time weather permitting, Exercise Time, Large Motor skill time, Music and

10:45 – 11:00 Bathroom, Wash Hands, Fix Lunch

11:00 – 11:30 Eat Lunch and clean up - children help in preparing and clean up.

11:30 - 11:45 Books, story or educational video or TV time. Wind down to get ready for nap time.

11:45 - 12:00 Bathroom, Diapers, brush teeth, get out nap mats.

12:00 - 3:00 Nap Time or quiet time for children not napping.

3:00 - 3:30 Put nap mats up, get shoes on, Free Play, afternoon snacks

3:30 - 4:30 Outdoor time, Large Muscle, Play time, if rainy - Music, songs, exercises

4:30 - 5:00 Get Ready to go home, Books, puzzles, TV, Coloring.

5:00 - 5:15 All toys picked up at 5 waiting for everyone to get picked up, educational video while

Terri J.

Beavers Family Daycare

Daily Schedule

5:30am-7:00 AM
§ Arrival of Children

§ Indoor Free play

6:45 AM
§ Prepare breakfast

7:00 AM-7:45 AM
§ Wash hands

§ Serve breakfast

7:45 AM-8:00 AM
§ Change diapers/Toileting

§ Wash hands

8:00 AM-8:30AM
§ Transport school age children

8:30 AM-9:00 AM
§ Table activities (coloring, folder games, play dough, puzzles, learning games, etc)

9:00 AM-9:30 AM
§ Art or cooking project of the day

9:30 AM-10:00 AM
§ Circle Time (books, puppets, music, magnetic board stories)

10:00 AM-10:45 AM
§ Outside Free play (weather permitting)

§ Clean up outside play area

§ Wash hands
10:45 AM-11:15 AM
§ Indoor Free play

11:15 AM
§ Prepare lunch

§ Wash Hands

§ Serve Lunch

11:50 AM-12:00 PM
§ Change diapers/Toileting

§ Wash hands

12:00 PM-2:00 PM
§ Story time

§ Nap/Quiet Time

2:00 PM-2:20 PM
§ Change diapers/Toileting

§ Wash hands

2:20 PM-3:00 PM
§ Pick up school age children

3:00 PM-3:20 PM
§ Wash hands

§ Serve snack

3:20 PM-4:00 PM
§ Preschool worksheets (non school age)

§ Homework (school age)

4:00-4:45 PM
§ Outside Play time (weather permitting)

§ Clean up outside play area

4:45 PM- 5:00 PM

§ Change diapers/Toileting

§ Wash hands
5:00 PM-6:30 PM
§ Indoor free play, table activities


Colleen’s Child Care Daily Schedule

6:30am – 8:00am Arrival of Children Get school age children ready for school and fed breakfast
Free play time for non-school age group

6:30 – 6:40am Emma’s school bus arrives

7:45am – 8:30am Prepare Breakfast Wash hands Serve Breakfast

8:30am – 9:00am Clean up from Breakfast Change diapers / toileting Wash Hands

9:00am Table activities (coloring, play dough, puzzles, counting games, science discovery bottles
etc.) Art Projects (gluing, painting, coloring) Free Choice Play

9:30am Circle / Group Time (activities may include books, finger plays, music, letter of the week,
counting, flannel board stories)

10:00 – 10:15am Wash Hands Prepare and Serve Snack

10:15 – 10:30am Diapers and Toileting Hand washin

10:00am – 11:15am Outside Play Time (weather permitting). This may include art projects, chalk,
water play, music and movement, various sensory activites.

11:00am Clean up outside play area Hand washing Inside free play time Table Activities Prepare

11:45am – 12:30pm Hand washing Lunch is served. Prepare quiet time area Diapers / Toileting

12:30pm – 2:30pm Quiet time Clean kitchen / children’s bathroom Prepare afternoon snack

2:30 – 3:00pm Wake up time Free play Diapers / Toileting Hand Washin

3:00 – 3:30pm Snack is served

3:30 – 4:00pm Outside Play Time (weather permitting) Emma’s school bus arrive back from school
4:00pm – 5:30pm ? Clean up outside play area Table activities Free Play Time Diapers / Toileting
Hand Washing

This daily schedule serves as a guide only and can or will be modified to meet the needs of the
children in care on any given day.

I work with Toddlers at a day care center. We open up at 7 am and close at here's my
schedule for the day...

7:00-8:00 Arrival and free play

8:00-8:30 Breakfast
8:30-8:45 Diaper changing/going to the potty
8:45-9:00 Circle Time
9:00-9:30 Planned activities(teacher lead)
9:30-10:30---Free play and if weather is good outside play(normally during summer we go out
about 10)
10:30-10:45 Diaper changing/Going to Potty
10:45-11:00 Story time
11:00-11:15 Preparing lunch
11:30-12:00 Lunch
12:00-2:00 NAP
2:00-2:15 Getting children up from nap
2:15-2:30 Diaper changing/Going to the Potty
2:30-3:00 Snack time
3:00-4:00 Free time or outside play time(weather permitting)
4:00-4:15 Diaper changing/Going to Potty
4:15-4:30 Story Time
4:30-4:45 Snack time
4:45-5:00 Pick up room/prepare to go home

Of course working with toddlers, we are flexible with the schedules. And there are things that
can throw us off we get lunch from the university's cafeteria, and sometimes
lunch runs late......and we have some kids that can sleep to almost 3. So we are really flexible with
their schedules.

Jennifer Brown

I am a Head Start Teacher with 20 3-5 year olds and there are many things mandated in a four
hour period.
11:45 (11:50)- large group music movement, jobs, ect. Set up for lunch
12:00-12:30- Hand washing, Lunch, clean up
12:30-12:40 clean up, table toys , mat activities (I put out the letter or # and shape carpet
squares, each child has 10 blocks. they can build with the ten or join up with a friend), Journals
12:40-1:15 gross motor (outside and inside)
1:15-2:15 discovery time, work time (small groups are done during this time also)
2:15-2:25 clean up
2:25-2:35 rest
2:35-3:00- small group/ snack, (we divide class in 1/2, one does group one does snack we switch)
Drive ins begin leaving,Sanck includes hand washing and toothbrushing
3:00-3:15- Musci movement, story, manips( of teacher's choice)
3:15-3:20- coats
3;25- load bus,

Like Shelly's scheduel my times are just a guide line sometimes things run over sometimes things
end early. And you never know when a vistor may show up.


I am a large family child care with rotating shifts, PM care and overnight care ..... I open at
7:30AM and have children here consistently until about 7:30PM, I then have approximately three
hours before my PM and overnight shift begins at about 10:30PM - I have 2 to 4 children on
rotating shifts coming at this hour who are overnighters, parents work "Nox" shift at the
hospital here in town and all are picked up between 7:30AM and 8:00AM Monday through Friday

Open at 7:30AM

7:30AM to 8:00AM
Most of the children are arriving ...
Early Birds watch a short video while I am preparing breakfast - Einstein, Blue's Clues, Dora,

8:15 to 8:30
Breakfast - must arrive no later than 8:AM to be served breakfast.

8:30 - 8:45
(approx time frame) Short period of Combined Free Time and my prep time for next activity

8:45 - 10:00
Crafts, all art type activities - Rotate days with Reading Time and Circle Time, and/or inside
Semi-structured activities, etc.

10:00 - 10:15
Clean-up - depending on what activity we have done this can take several minutes ... LOL

10:15 - 10:30
Light AM Snack - Inside during bad weather, outside in the patio during spring and summer ...

10:30 - 11:30
Weather Permitting - Outside Play Time

11:30 - 12:00
Lunch - Depending on the Weather we also eat outside in the patio during summer.

12:00 - 12:30
Reading, quiet activities, winding down and getting ready for nap time

12:30 - 3:00
Nap Time
Everyone gets up at 3:00 and we do
Bending, Stretching, waking up - even the infants join in ...

3:15 - 3:30
(approximate time) PM Snack

3:30 - 4:45
Weather permitting, outside play time

4:45 - 6:00
Free time, independent reading and play etc., till pick-up

Dinner for whoever is here

Last day shift child leaves between 7:00 and 7:30PM

Late Night PM shift (10:30PM) is here overnight till parents pick-up between 7:30AM and

Although we do not put it on the schedule, we do diaper changes approximately every two hours
Throughout the day and/or as needed ....


Many parents have asked us over the years how we can manage caring for all the children: getting
them to eat, taking naps, listening to us, etc. Well, I decided we would let you all in on our secret!
Its called having a schedule and trying to stick as close to it as possible for most days! Yep, its
that simple!!Below is our daily schedule.
5:00-8:30 am Arrival of children
6:30 – 8:30 am BREAKFAST, brush teeth, clean up
8:00 – 9:00 am Free Play
9:00- 9:45 am Circle time –calendar, weather, theme discussion, shapes, colors, numbers,
alphabet, flannel board stories, etc…. music & story time
9:45 –10:00 am SNACK, oral hygiene
10:00 – 11:00 am Outdoor play, free play,group activities, arts & craft time
11:00-11:30 am Lunch prep, clean up, wash hands
11:30 – 12:15pm LUNCH
12:15 pm Clean up, brush teeth, potty, & diaper changes
12:45 - 2:45 pm REST TIME - NO drop offs or pickups during this time
2:45- 3:00 pm Wash up for snacks, quiet play till all are awake
3:15 – 3:30 pm SNACK
3:30 – 5:00 pm Outdoor play, group activities, clean up children for pick up
5:00-?? pm Daycare CLOSED, prep for the next day, Clean-up daycare, paperwork, etc.


Ya-Ya’s Learning Center

Daily Schedule

6:30-8:00am Arrival & Quiet Play

8:00-8:15am Prepare for breakfast

8:15-8:45am Breakfast & Cleanup

8:45-9:00am Toileting

9:00-9:45am Indoor group activity/story and circle time

9:45-10:25am Center play

10:25-10:30am Toileting & Hand washing

10:30-10:50am Morning Snack time & clean up

10:50-11:50am Learning Centers/Free Play

11:50-12:000pm Hand washing

12:00-12:30pm Lunchtime
12:30-1:00pm Outdoor/Indoor activity

1:00-1:10pm Toileting

1:10-3:15pm Nap time

3:15-3:30pm Toileting & Hand washing

3:30-3:50pm Afternoon Snack time & cleanup

3:50-5:30pm Large Group play

5:30:5:45pm Clean up

5:45-6:00pm Prepare for home

I have 1st shift, 2nd shift, and weekend care. Below

is the schedule for my Monday-Friday 1 st shift
preschoolers. Currently I do not have any children
under the age of 3 during this time of the day so it's
a lot easier to do preschool related actvities. My 2nd
shift and weekend care have set meal times and rest
time, but the other time may be spend running errands
or taking my daughter to her actvities.
A few months ago I when to a training about creating a
picturial schedules. Basically all it was is creating
a schedules that the children can see. In the class we
used pictures from catalogs that corresponded to the
actvities on our schedules. I took mines home and
added pictures that I had taken of the children in
each actvity. Then I put in on their level (I had to
move it recently to make room for out book-it poster)
and each daily as we when through the day I would
point out on the schedule what we were doing and what
actvity was coming up next. The kids love it. Before I
moved it, the children would come up to it and point
out actvities to each other and say " See so and so
where going to do art (teacher directed actvity) after
we play (centers).
Creating a picturial schedules is easy. You can use
chart paper, (like I did) bulletin board paper, etc. I
used pictures of my kids, but if you don't have any
you can cut pictures from magazines or catalogs. I
would suggest that you review it with them daily so
they get use to using the schedule and it's best to
put it on their eye level so they can see it and use
it when they want. I hope this helps.
Be Blessed!

"Our Morning Preschool Schedule"

6:30-9:00 am Arrival & GreetingTeacher Selected

Activities (flannel board, writing, looking at
books)Breakfast Routines (bathroom and hand washing)
9:00-9:15 am Morning Meeting (or Circle Time)
9:15-10:15 am CentersRoutines
10:15-11:00am Teacher Directed Activity (Art Projects)
11:00-11:30 am Outside Play (weather permitted)
11:30am- 12:30pm LunchRoutines
12:30 – 3:00pm Nap/Quiet Activity (flannel board,writing, looking at books)
3:00 – 3:30 pm Routines (put away nap mats, bathroom hand washing)
3:30 – 4:00 pm Snack
4:00 – 4:45 pm Outside Play
4:30 – 6:30pm CentersRoutinesDepartures

Tenika (Nikki)

I am an S.E.I Kindergarten teacher in San Bernardino, Ca. Here is my basic daily 1/2 day

8:50 Math Centers/Activities

9:00 Opening Routines & Calendar Math

9:20 Whole Group Math

9:40 “Learning to Read” (ELD)

“Writing and Language”(ELD)

10:10 Snack/Water/Bathroom Break

10:35 Recess


11:40 Centers/Activities/Assess

Blythe Howland
Manuel A. Salinas
Creative Arts Elementary

I work with Y-Pre K 3 & 4

Our Schedule goes something like this

*6:30 A.M. * Our children begin to arrive.

* 7:00 A.M*. At this time I work with the school age children
until 7:20 when the bus driver arrives.
* 7:20-8:30 * Children arrive this time is for quiet games and
puzzles (I get my children who have already arrived from another
*8:30 * Clean up, Wash-up prepare for breakfast
* 8:40-9:00* Breakfast
* 9:00-9:30* Circle Time and Story Time
* 9:30-10:15* Outside play and activities
*10:15-10:30 * Come in and wash up, discuss outside time
*10:30-11:15* Center time Morning small group activities
*11:15 - 11:40* Clean up time and prepare for lunch
*11:40 - 12:00 * Lunch
*12:00 - 12:15* Clean up prepare for nap time
*12:15-2:00 * Nap time
*2:00 - 2:15* Put away nap time items wash for snack
*2:15 - 2:30* Snack time
*2:30 - 2:45* Clean up/wash up
* 2:45 - 3:30* Outside time
* 3:30 - 5:00* Center time/teacher directed small. group activities
*5:00 - 6:00* Free choice of activities/ prepare to go home



6:00 - 8:00a Transition Time - Play Time/Coloring/Music - Infant Feedings
8:00 - 8:15a Clean Up - Prepare for Breakfast
8:15 - 8:45a Breakfast
8:45 - 9:00a Clean Up - Potty Break
9:00 - 9:30a Watch "Dora The Explorer" - Channel 29
9:30 - 10:30a Walk - Outdoor Play Time - Weather Permitting
10:30 - 10:45a Clean Up - Potty Break
10:45 - 11:00a Snack Time/Infant Feedings
11:00 - 11:15a Clean Up - Potty Break
11:15 - 11:30a Story Time
11:30 - 1:00p Nap / Quite Time - Infant Feedings
1:00 - 1:15p Wake Up - Potty Break
1:15 - 1:45p Lunch
1:45 - 2:00p Clean Up - Potty Break
2:00 - 2:30p Learning Time
2:30 - 3:00p Arts~n~Crafts
3:00 - 3:15p Clean Up - Potty Break
3:15 - 3:30p Afternoon Snack/Infant Feedings
3:30 - 3:45p Clean Up - Potty Break
3:45 - 4:00p Music/Dance Time
4:00 - 4:30p Story/Reading Time
4:30 - 5:00p Play Time
5:00 - 5:30p Watch "Sesame Street" - Channel 243
5:30 - 6:00p Transition Time - Story Time

Please Note: This schedule is subject to change based on the needs of the children

From - Dawn Marie Holt

Follow Your Dreams Child Care
Norfolk, VA

My daily schedule is more flexible, but we generally do get the activities accomplished if we
start out right!!

8-9 Free Time (puzzles; books; blocks; TV-only Nick Jr is allowed)

9-930 AM snack
930-10 Writing This is where I am getting my pre-k's used to holding onto a pencil right and
learning to control it
10-11 Art- We normally do 1/2 crafts and the other 1/2 hour what I call scissor art and getting
them used to holding and controlling scissors
11-1145 Lunch
1145-12 Clean up
12-1:30 Nap/Quiet Time This sometimes runs into 2pm (especially on Mondays when the kids had
a no boundaries weekend!!)
130(200)-1:45 (215) PM Snack
200-300 Circle/Music & Movement (outside Time if weather permits- we do the circle and M&M
outside too)
3:00-3;30 Clean- up/Good-Bye's

Christie Patzer's Daycare


Catou's Daycare Schedule

7:00-8:00 Arrival and Breakfast 7:00-8:00 Arrival/breakfast

8:00-9:00 Free Choice Time 8:00-9:00 Free play
8:30-9:30 Nap for the wee ones!
9:00 Craft/ painting or coloring
9:30-9:45 Snack 9:30 Snack
10:00 Songs, stories and learning
9:45-11:00 Structured Learning Time and Art Time
10:45 Outside play
11:00-11:30 Outside Time (weather permitting)
11:45 Lunch
11:30-12:30 Lunch Time/Educational Video
12:15 Movie and quiet play
12:30-2:30 Rest Time (such as books, puzzles...)
1:00 Brush teeth and nap time
2:45-3:00 Snack Time 3:00 Wake up and put away beds
3:30 snack
3:00-4:00 Outside Time Or Additional Activities
4:00-5:00 free play ,departure
4:00-5:30 Free Choice Time/Structured Activities/Departure

My schedule seems to work well, sometimes needs change with the seasons and new arrivals!


The daily schedule that I recommend meets the Early

Childhood Environmental Rating Scale (ECERS)
guidelines. Staff are encouraged to allow children to
be in learning centers for substantial portion of the
day or 1/3 of the hours that the center is open

Daily Schedule of Activities ForTwo, Three and Four Year Olds

6:00 – 7:45 Arrival, greeting, daily health check
Centers open for free choice play

7:45-8:00 Bathroom, tables sanitized, hand washing for breakfast

8:00 – 8:30 Breakfast (30 minutes per USDA)

8:30 – 8:45 Devotion/weather and calendar/circle time/story

8:45 – 9:45 All centers open for free choice play/small group activities

9:45-10:00 Music and Movement

10:00 – 10:30 Outside free play

10:30-10:45 Bathroom, tables sanitized, hand washing for lunch

10:45 – 11:15 Lunch (30 minutes per USDA)

11:15 – 11:30 Clean up/bathroom/put cots out for nap

11:30 – 11:45 Storytime

11:45 – 1:45 Rest time

1:45 – 2:00 Bathroom/put away cots/tables sanitized/hands washed for snack

2:00 – 2:15 Afternoon snack supplement (15 minutes per USDA)

2:15 – 2:30 Afternoon circle time, storytime, recall days events

2:30 – 3:30 Outside free play

3:30 – 4:45 All centers open for free choice play/small group activities

4:45 – 5:00 Storytime

5:00 – 5:30 Clean-up and prepare for departure

JoAnn Kelly

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