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Ursi CEM 2017

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32nd URSI GASS, Montreal, 19-26 August 2017

Analysis and selection of propagation models for Broadcast and Mobile services in urban areas in

Marlon Patino (1), Alejandro Rangel (1), Juan Vicente Balbastre (2) , Daniela Alfonso C (1), Zulma Y. López(1),
Felix Vega (1), John J. Pantoja (1),
(1) EMC-UN Group, Electrical Engineering Department Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia
(2) ITACA Research Institute, Universitat Politècnica de València Valencia, Spain

Abstract A first set of narrowband measurements were taken using

a spectrum analyzer. These were correlated with
This document presents a comparison between spectrum broadband measurements, obtained from a three axis field
measurements and simulations in the UHF TV broadcast probe, in order to determine the largest contributions to
band (470-698 MHz) and the mobile communications the field measured in the vicinity of the transmission
band (806-898 MHz). The measurements were taken in systems.
the urban area in Bogotá, Colombia. The methodology
and configuration of the measurements and the simulation 2. Measurement methodology
and the results of contrasting different propagation models
vs. the actual values of the measurements are presented The measurements were performed in a residential area of
and discussed. Bogota, Colombia, called Suba, covering a rectangle of 20
km2. Five measurement sites were selected from the area
1. Introduction due to their population density and proximity to
transmission sites.
The electromagnetic fields exposure level, generated by
telecommunications transmitters is a matter of high The narrowband measurements were performed with a
concern to the public. Entities such as ITU[1], ICNIRP digital spectrum analyzer, Agilent 9340B and a calibrated
and IEEE [2], with the support of World Health discone antenna, covering the 400MHz to 4GHz band.
Organization, have published various documents and The sweep and resolution bandwidth RBW configurations
recommendations indicating the values of field strength on the instrument, contemplate the characteristics of the
considered safe for the population. existing services in each band. Figure 1 shows the
experimental setup.
As a way of increasing the awareness of the public to the
results of the campaigns for monitoring the The measurements concentrated in two bands. The first
electromagnetic field levels and the compliance with the one ranges from 470 MHz to 698 MHz and corresponds
non-ionizing radiation levels (NIR), the Colombian to the UHF TV band in Colombia, composed mostly of
National Spectrum Agency (ANE) developed a web tool 6MHz DVB-T2 digital terrestrial television and some
for the presentation of the results of field meters deployed NTSC channels. The second band ranges from 806 MHz
in the country[3]. In order to expand the performance of to 898 MHz and corresponds to mobile communications
this web tool, the ANE considered the possibility of services: GSM, 3G and iDEN technologies. Simultaneous
adding a functionality that would predict the increase in to the narrow band measurements, a set of broadband
the NIR level due to the addition of a new measurements were carried out using a Wavecontrol
telecommunication transmitter at a known location. SMP2 probe.

The predicting tool must take into account the existing Figure 1 shows examples of the spectrum obtained in the
field level generated by the signals of existing television and mobile services bands.
telecommunication transmitters, propagation conditions
such as weather, topography, urban and natural obstacles At each point, three measurements of 6 minutes per band
and even day and time of the week. were taken at three different times of the day: morning,
afternoon and night. In accordance to the K.52
In order to select a proper propagation model for the tool, recommendation, each 6 minutes measurement was
several measurements were performed and compared with integrated, obtaining a single number corresponding to the
different propagation models. Additional calculations energy per band.
were performed in order to identify the combination of These measures were performed seven days per week,
parameters that best fits the type of signal and propagation during in two weeks, totaling 2160 spectrum shots.
conditions in the area of interest.
The behavior of the measurements showed that there are
no significant differences in traffic and spectrum observed
between the different working days and Saturdays. It was
evident an important reduction of the occupied spectrum
and field level on Sundays. Tables 1 and 2 present the
final comparisons between simulations and

In the case of TV Broadcast, the most approximate model

was ITU-R.P525 supplemented with ITU-R.P526 round
mask. Differences between simulations and measurements
were always less than 5dB.

For the mobile Trunking service the most approximate

model was the ITU-R.P525 supplemented with Bullington
diffraction model. The average deviation between the
present 11 dB at best case.

Figure 1 Above, measured UHF TV band spectrum 470 Table 1. Comparison between measurements and simulations
MHz to 698 MHz. Down, mobile band 806 MHz to for the 470 MHz to 698 MHz UHF TV band. Differences
898MHz between simulation and measurements for each one of the 5 sites,
regarding 2 propagation models and 3 diffraction method are

3. Simulations

Table 2. Comparison between measurements and simulations

for the 806 MHz to 898 Band. Differences between simulation
and measurements for each one of the 5 sites, regarding 3
propagation models and 3 diffraction method are presented.

Figure 2 Left, simulation of iDEN Trunking channel on 806

MHz to 898 MHz Band. Right simulation of channel 14 of
In order to find the appropriate propagation model for the
zone and frequencies of interest, we considered the
deterministic model ITU-R.P525, also the Okumura /
Hata / Davidson which is a statistical model and finally
the ITU-R.P1546 which is an empirical model for
Diffraction losses were calculated and taken into account
in the models. These were calculated using Bullington,
Deygout and ITU-R.P526 round Mask methods.[4][5] 5. Conclusions and future work

The resolution of the cartography used was of 5 m and A propagation model was found for broadcast TV
was counted on the clutter with information of the use of services in the 470MHz to 698 MHz band and for Mobile
the soil. All of the existing TV and Trunking mobile services in the 806 MHz to 898 MHz band, on the interest
transmission systems in the area of interest were included area. The propagation models presents the best fitting
in the simulations. values required for the field prediction.

4. Analysis and comparison of results The prediction for mobile services result in a lower
quality due to the characteristics of the different types of
signals that appear in the spectrum and area of work.
The evidence suggests that the deterministic models
considered represent more adequately the measured
phenomena, in comparison with deterministic models.

We expect to integrate the selected propagation and loss

model into the web tool developed by the ANE

6. Acknowledgments
This work was supported by the National Agency of the
Spectrum (ANE, Agencia Nacional del Espectro de
Colombia) under Contract 0054-2016.

7. References

[1] ITU-T_REC-K.52, Guidance on complying with limits for

human exposure to electromagnetic fields. 2014.
[2] IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 28, “IEEE Standard
for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio
Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz
Amendment 1: Specifies Ceiling Limits for Induced and
Contact Current, Clarifies Distinctions between Localized
Exposure and Spatial,” IEEE Std C95.1a-2010 (Amendment to
IEEE Std C95.1-2005). pp. 1–9, 2010.
[3] Agencia Nacional del espectro Colombia, “Sistema de
monitoreo continuo de Campos electromagnéticos,” 2016. .
[4] M. Allegretti, C. Lucianaz, R. Notarpietro, and G. Perona,
“Validation of Deterministic Radio Propagation Algorithms
for UHF Mobile Network Planning in Mountain
Environment,” 2007 Loughborough Antennas and
Propagation Conference. pp. 225–228, 2007.
[5] D. A. Bibb, J. Dang, Z. Yun, and M. F. Iskander,
“Computational accuracy and speed of some knife-edge
diffraction models,” 2014 IEEE Antennas and Propagation
Society International Symposium (APSURSI). pp. 705–706,

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