1-1 - Enlargement of The UE To Eastern Countries - Challenges and Issues - PR Mazé
1-1 - Enlargement of The UE To Eastern Countries - Challenges and Issues - PR Mazé
1-1 - Enlargement of The UE To Eastern Countries - Challenges and Issues - PR Mazé
➲Agricultural area
➲EU 15 (2007) : 20,2
➲12 NMS (2004-2007) : 6
➲Czech Rep : 79,4
➲Estonia : 21,6
➲Poland : 6,6
Enlargement (2004, 2007):
Issues related to AGRICUTURE
➲Active population in agriculture (%)
➲UE 15 (2007) : 3,8
➲12 NSM (2004-2007) : 16,6
➲Poland : 17,6
➲Czech Rep : 4,4
➲Rumania : 32,6
➲Convergence ++++ - Catch up strategy.
➲GDP/inhabitant + productivity : higher than the EU 28 levels.
➲Growth and productivity : boosted by fiscal strategies of
transfer pricing of US multinational companies.
Is there a CONVERGENCE between
the center and the periphery of the
EU ?
➲Like several Mediterranean countries, slow convergence.
➲Mediocre economic performance.
➲Stagnation until the 2008 crisis.
➲2000-2003 : zero growth.
- Infrastructure issues (transportation, energy).
- Instability and corruption of political insitutions.
- Mafia networks in the State aparatus.
- Defensive industrial policy.
- Failing research and education policies.
- Technological backwardness of big companies.
- Debt burden.
Is there a CONVERGENCE between
the center and the periphery of the
EU ?
➲Slow convergence.
➲Catalunia and the Basque Country (close to the EU economic center)
boast a dynamic industrial fabric => Strong economic vitality.
➲Andalusia and Estremadura (peripherical regions) haven't reached any
convergence until the 2000s.
➲2000s : economic growth partly driven by the real estate bubble (low
interest rates).
➲2000s : relocation of activities to CEECs (e.g. Automobile).
Is there a CONVERGENCE between
the center and the periphery of the
EU ?
➲A slow and uncertain convergence.
➲Convergence ++++ - Catch up strategy.
➲GDP/inhabitant + productivity : higher than the EU 28 levels.
➲Growth and productivity : boosted by fiscal strategies of
transfer pricing of US multinational companies.
Is there a CONVERGENCE between
the center and the periphery of the
EU ?
➲Slow convergence.
➲Peripherical location.
➲Low technological development.
➲Boom of Chinese investors.
➲Since 2-3 years, catch up strategy : attractive taxes =>
attraction of wealthy European citizens.
Is there a CONVERGENCE between the
center and the periphery of the EU ?
➲Strong growth in capital cities and central regions (e.g. West
London region) & Decline of peripherical regions (e.g. West of
➲Technological gaps.
Is there a CONVERGENCE between the
center and the periphery of the EU ?
Patent/inhabitant (2008)
➲Sweden 161
➲France 159
➲Ireland 80
➲Greece 22
➲Bulgaria 5
Royalties/inhabitant (2008)
➲Sweden $351
➲France $100
➲Ireland $149
➲Greece $1
➲Bulgaria $0
How will CONVERGENCE between
the center and the periphery of the
EU be possible?
Convergence requires the acquisition of technologies that
will help:
➲- increase productivity,
➲- diversify industries and activities,
➲- host clusters capable of attracting productive
investments (e.g ; Londres, Paris area, Stockholm-Uppsala,
Helsinki or Bavaria.