Gomez2021 Article MRI-basedPictorialReviewOfTheF
Gomez2021 Article MRI-basedPictorialReviewOfTheF
Gomez2021 Article MRI-basedPictorialReviewOfTheF
Received: 29 September 2020 / Revised: 19 November 2020 / Accepted: 25 November 2020 / Published online: 1 January 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC part of Springer Nature 2021
Uterine fibroids are the most common gynecologic neoplasm and contribute to significant morbidity, particularly when
submucosal in location or large enough to cause bulk symptoms. Correctly classifying fibroids is essential for treatment
planning and prevention of complications. Ultrasound is the first-line imaging modality for characterizing uterine fibroids.
However, MRI allows for high-resolution, multiplanar visualization of leiomyomata that affords a more accurate assessment
than ultrasound, particularly when fibroids are numerous. The FIGO system was developed in order to more uniformly and
consistently describe and classify uterine fibroids. In this article, we review the MRI appearance of each of the FIGO clas-
sification types, detailing key features to report. Additionally, we present a proposed template for structured reporting of
uterine fibroids based on the FIGO classification system.
Abdominal Radiology (2021) 46:2146–2155 2147
Table 1 Standard MRI protocol Plane Sequence Submucosal fibroids: FIGO types 0–2
for imaging the female pelvis in
the setting of uterine fibroids 3-plane Scout
Submucosal fibroids are located beneath the mucosal lining
Sagittal T2 sagittal
and are divided into FIGO 0, FIGO 1, and FIGO 2 based on
Axial T1 axial
the degree of intramural extension. Submucosal fibroids are
Axial T2 axial
a frequent cause of menorrhagia or dysmenorrhea as they
Axial Diffusion
protrude into the endometrial canal [15]. For women in their
Sagittal Pre-contrast
reproductive years, submucosal fibroids may also be a cause
Axial Pre-contrast
of infertility or pregnancy loss [16]. Because of this, sub-
Axial Post-contrast
mucosal fibroids may require treatment regardless of size.
Axial Post-contrast
Management frequently includes hysteroscopic resection or
Sagittal Post-contrast
2148 Abdominal Radiology (2021) 46:2146–2155
Abdominal Radiology (2021) 46:2146–2155 2149
Fig. 3 FIGO 1 (≥ 50% submucosal) fibroid. a, b Sagittal and axial c Axial T2WI in a 41-year-old woman also demonstrates leiomyoma-
T2WIs in a 45-year-old woman demonstrate a leiomyomatous uterus tous uterus with one of the fibroids having ≥ 50% submucosal fibroid
with one fibroid (white arrows) with ≥ 50% submucosal component. (arrow)
The extent of the submucosal component is denoted by green arrows.
Fig. 4 FIGO 2 (< 50% submucosal) fibroid. a Coronal and b sagit- Axial T2WI in a different 47-year-old woman demonstrates a large
tal T2WI in a 47-year-old woman demonstrate a fibroid uterus with fibroid with just under 50% submucosal component. The extent of the
two fibroids having < 50% submucosal component (yellow arrows). c submucosal component is denoted by green arrows
2150 Abdominal Radiology (2021) 46:2146–2155
Hybrid fibroids
Fig. 6 FIGO 4–100% intramural fibroid without submucosal or sub- The hybrid classification is used when a fibroid extends from
serosal component. a–d Multiple T2WIs in different patients demon- the submucosa to the serosa. Two numbers are listed, sepa-
strating a well-circumscribed hypointense mass (white arrows) sur-
rated by a hyphen. The first number is used to characterize
rounded by intermediate intensity myometrium on all sides. In most
cases, the junctional zone is maintained. Also note, in a the junctional the relationship of the fibroid with the endometrium, the sec-
zone is slightly distorted (green arrow); however, the fibroid does not ond with the serosa [14]. A commonly encountered hybrid
contact the endometrium type is FIGO 2–5, with a < 50% submucosal component
and < 50% subserosal component. Due to size and extent,
treatment includes targeted therapy such as MRg-FUS or
UAE; however, the extent may necessitate hysterectomy. An
example of a hybrid fibroid is shown in Fig. 12.
Abdominal Radiology (2021) 46:2146–2155 2151
Fig. 8 FIGO 5 (≥ 50% intramural, < 50% subserosal) fibroid. a, b multiple additional fibroids including a FIGO 0 prolapsing intra-
T2WI in two different women demonstrating intramural fibroids with cavitary fibroid in b (white arrow). c Coronal T2WI in a 48-year-old
approximately 50% intramural extent (green arrows). Differentiating woman demonstrating a fibroid which is about 60–70% intramural
FIGO 5 from FIGO 6 may be difficult when close to 50%; however, (green arrowhead)
the distinction at this degree may be insignificant. Both women have
The FIGO classification system for uterine fibroids lends We recommend measuring the uterus in its anteroposterior,
itself well to structured reporting. Incorporating the FIGO transverse and craniocaudal extent, as providing a three-
fibroid classifications into a radiology reporting template dimensional uterine size can be useful in surgical planning
negates the need for radiologists to memorize the specific [12]. Additionally, an estimation of the number of fibroids
types. With the use of pick lists and drop-down menus, a will determine if fibroid resection is feasible and reason-
fibroid reporting template can be set up in such a way that able for symptom control. Providing the size and number
the radiologist can select a fibroid category from a drop- of fibroids may also help gynecologists estimate the likeli-
down menu based on its relationship to endometrium and hood that fibroids are the primary etiology of a patient’s
serosa and the dictation software can be programmed to symptoms and determine the best surgical approach. When
translate the selection into an appropriate FIGO classifica- numerous, consider providing a range of 10 to 20 or greater
tion. A proposed template is provided in Fig. 13. than 20. While it is not necessary to describe every lesion,
a minimum number should be chosen. We suggest describ-
ing up to three dominant non-submucosal and two dominant
submucosal fibroids.
2152 Abdominal Radiology (2021) 46:2146–2155
Fig. 11 FIGO 8—Non-myo-
metrial location. a–c Sagittal
T2WI, axial T2WI, and axial
post-contrast T1WI demonstrate
a small cervical fibroid (green
arrows). The fibroid is only
minimally enhancing (white
Fig. 12 FIGO 3–5—Hybrid fibroid. a–c Axial T2WI and post-con- endometrium (FIGO 3—white arrow) and the serosa (FIGO 5—green
trast T1WI and sagittal T2WI in a 31-year-old woman demonstrate arrowhead) representing a hybrid location. Also note the non-enhanc-
a large predominantly intramural fibroid (F). The fibroid contacts the ing cystic degeneration in the posterior aspect (asterisk)
Abdominal Radiology (2021) 46:2146–2155 2153
variable prognosis based on their histologic subtype [26]. contrast administration, leiomyosarcomas typically demon-
Distinguishing features of leiomyosarcoma on MRI include strate early, heterogeneous enhancement on T1-weighted
ill-defined, infiltrative nature of the lesion, irregular mar- imaging. Diffusion sequences may be used in conjunction
gins, rapid growth and areas of internal necrosis [27]. After with T2-weighted imaging to reliably distinguish benign
2154 Abdominal Radiology (2021) 46:2146–2155
Data availability All data and materials support the published claims
and comply with field standards.
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