Opening Presentation

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Assalamualaikum wr.

The honorable the English Teacher, Mrs. Farida Awalia, S.Pd.
And all my beloved friends.
Good morning everyone

Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alamin. Wasshalatu wasssalamu ala asyrafil Anbiya wal

Mursalin sayyidina wamaulana muhammadin, wa’ala alihi asohbihi azmain. Amma
First of all, Let’s praise and thanks to Allah SWT, who has given us the blessings
and mercies, so we can attend here, gather in this place in a good condition and
without any obstacle at all.
peace and salutation may always be upon up to our prophet muhammad SAW. Who
has guided us from the darkness to the brighness.
I am ............. as a Moderator, an my friends............,...........,...........
And we are going to present about ...........
And the first presentation will be delivered by ...........
The second.............
Tha last................
That’s all from our group, I’m sorry if I have a mistake,
Thank you for the attention
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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