Effects of Light Intensity Level, Illuminance Depth and Temperature On The Parameters of A Silicon Solar Cell in Current - Generating Mode

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res.

10(12), 146-153

Journal Homepage: -www.journalijar.com

Article DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/15820
DOI URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.21474/IJAR01/15820


Fatimata BA, El. Hadji Ndiaye, Seydou Faye, Dame Diao, Papa Touty Traore, Mor Ndiaye and Issa Diagne
Laboratory of Semiconductors and Solar Energy, Physics Department,Faculty of Science and Technology,
University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal.
Manuscript Info Abstract
……………………. ………………………………………………………………
Manuscript History The influence of the light intensity level, of illuminance depth and of
Received: 05 October 2022 temperature on some parameters of a silicon solar cell operating in the
Final Accepted: 09 November 2022 vicinity of the short-circuit has been the subject of our study.Starting
Published: December 2022 from the continuity equation, then from the equation of the density of
minority charge carriers where the effects were studied, we have
Key words:-
Light Intensity Level, Silicon Solar Cell, analyzed the performance parameters according to a temperature range
Short Circuit Current, Shunt Resistance, from 298 350K and under an illumination from 0.2 to 1 Sun.The
Irradiance results indicate that the illumination intensity has a dominant effect on
the current parameters.The photocurrent density and the short-circuit
current increase with increasing light intensity level whereas the shunt
resistance is more sensitive to temperature variations.

Copy Right, IJAR, 2022,. All rights reserved.

When solar cells are utilized for indoor applications or integrated into a building, they are exposed to variable
irradiance intensity 1. By definition, the irradiance intensity on a solar cell is called the number of sun , where 1
sun corresponds to standard illumination at AM1.5 solar spectrum or 1kwatt / m
2, 3 . Changing the light
intensity incident on a solar cell changes all solar cell parameters ,including the short circuit current (Jsc) ,the open
circuit voltage (Voc) ,the fill factor ( ff ) ,the efficiency ( ) , the maximum power (P max) and the impacts of
series and shunt resistances ( Rs ; Rsh) .

Knowing that the performance of a solar cell is influenced by the variation of irradiance and environmental
parameters, we will focus our study on the n  pn  parallel vertical junction silicon solar cell 4, 5 in current
generator operation , subject to a variation in the level of illumination according to a polychromatic light and this in
static mode. The impacts of irradiance, illuminance depth and temperature will be examined on minority charge
carrier’s density, on photocurrent density, on short circuit current and on shunt resistance.

Theory :-
Presentation of the solar cell
Our study solar cell subjected to polychromatic illumination, a variation in the amount of sunshine and a variation in
temperature is represented by figure 1 below :

Corresponding Author:- Fatimata BA

Address:- Laboratory of Semiconductors and Solar Energy, Physics Department,Faculty of 146
Science and Technology, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(12), 146-153

Figure 1 :- (a) Single Vertical parallel junction cell (b) Vertical parallel junction cell configuration

For a simple modeling of the solar cell parameters, the following assumptions can be made:
1. No recombinations at the front side and the back side
2. No reflections on surfaces
3. Recombinations at the space charge zone are negligible
4. The generation rate is a function of the depth z
5. The diffusion of minority charge carriers is inidirectional (depending on the thickness x )

These assumptions make it possible to make a simple modeling of the solar cell parameters.
Thus, taking into account the physical phenomena that take place in the base of our illuminated solar cell (namely
the absorption of photons of energy h  Eg ; the generation of electron-hole pairs, the diffusion and the
recombination of minority charge carriers), we obtain the following continuity equation:

 2 ( x )  ( x )
D(T )   G ( z )  0 (1)
x 2 
 (x ) ; D (T ) ; G (z ) and  represent respectively : the density,the diffusion coefficient,the generation rate under
polychromatic illumination and the lifetime of minority charge carriers.

D(T )   (T ) ( 2)
Where :
 (T ) represents the mobility of minority charge carriers as a function of temperature.Hisexpression is worded as
follows 6 :
 (T )  1.43  109  T 2.42 cm 2V 1 s 1 (3)
K B is the Boltzmann constant K B  1.38  1023 J / K
G( z )  n ai e bi z ( 4)
i 1

The coefficients a i and bi are tabulated values of solar radiation under AM1.5 7, 8 .
n is the number of Sun.It makes it possible to link the real incident power to a reference power for a given solar
spectrum.In the space field, the AM 0 solar spectrum serves as a reference. In the field of terrestrial applications of
photovoltaic solar energy, the reference is the spectrum AM1.5 .

Density of minority charge carriers

Solving the continuity equation leads to the following minority charge carrier’s density expression:

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(12), 146-153

x x
 ( x, Sf , T , n, z )  A(Sf , T , n, z ) sinh( )  B(Sf , T , n, z ) cosh( )  n  ai e bi z (5)
L(T ) L(T ) i 1
L(T )    D(T ) (6)
L (T ) : the diffusion length of the minority charge carriers.
The coefficients A and B are obtained using the following boundary conditions 9 :
- at the junction ( x  0) :
 ( x)
D (T ) x 0  Sf (0) (7)
- at the middle of the base ( x  ) :
 ( x)
D(T )  0 (8)

Sf is the junction recombination velocity of minority charge carriers. His expression and overall definition can be
found in the article by Ba and al 10 .
Photocurrent Density
Fick's law allows us to obtain the expression of the photocurrent density. This expression is given by the following
 ( x, Sf , T , n, z )
Jph( Sf , T , n, z )  2qD(T ) x 0 (9)

Short circuit current density

It corresponds to the maximum current that our solar cell can deliver.It is expressed as follows:
Jsc(T , n, z)  limSf  Jph(Sf , T , n, z) (10)
D(T )  3 
Jsc(T , n, z )  2q  n  ai e bi z  (11)
L(T )  i 1 
Shunt resistance
Depending on the operating neighborhood considered, our solar cell operates as a current generator, in parallel with
a shunt resistance and all in series with a load resistance as shown in the following figure:

The mesh law applied to this circuit makes it possible to establish the following relationship:
Vph  Rsh( Jph  Jsc) (12)
Vph( j , T , n, z )
Rsh( j , T , n, z )  (13)
Jph( j , T , n, z )  Jsc(T , n, z )

This relationship remains valid only in the domain of large values of the junction recombination velocity
( Sf  4  104 cm / s) .Throughout our work, we fix Sf ( Sf  5  105 cm / s) .

Vph is the potential difference across the terminals of the illuminated solar cell.
K BT  Nb 
Vph( Sf , T , n, z )  ln 1   ( 0, Sf , T , n, z )  (14)
 n0 (T ) 
q 

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(12), 146-153

Figure 2 :- Equivalent electrical circuit of a solar cell operating in short circuit.

Nb is the doping density in the base . n0 (T ) is the intrinsic carrier’s density, function of temperature whose explicit
expression is given in these articles 11, 12 .

Results And Discussions:-

Effects of irradiance or illumination intensity level, temperature and illuminance depth on:
1. Density of minority charge carriers
2. Photocurrent density
3. Short circuit current density
4. Shunt resistance

We present below the respective profiles of these variations (figures 3,4,5,6 ).

From the figures 3( a, b, c, d ) above, we obtain the maximum of the density of the minority charge carriers in the
middle of the base ( x  ) . The amplitude of the density of the charge carriers is more important there for the
maximum of the intensity of illumination (1Sun) andfor maximum temperature (T  350K ) .
Indeed, when the illumination intensity increases, more charge carriers can be generated and the temperature, in turn
will accentuate the mobility of these carriers.
When the illumination intensity decreases 0.4 Sun ( 400W / m )few charge carriers are generated, hence the
reduction in the amplitude of the photocurrent density noted in the figures 4( a, b, c, d ) .

The short-circuit current density decreases with increasing temperature in the figures 5( a, b, c, d ) , on the other
hand it increases with the intensity of illumination.

However, strong is to recognize that according to the depth, there is a strong attenuation of the incident light.The
expression of the generation rate being a function of the exponential which varies with the depth z decreases when
this one increases.

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(12), 146-153

Figure 3 :-  ( x)  f ( x) for various Sun and Temperatures with z  0.0002cm .

Figure 4 :- Jph  f (Sf ) for various Sun and Temperatures with z  0.0002cm .

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(12), 146-153

Figure 5 :- log Jsc  f (log z ) for various Sun and Temperatures.

For the shunt resistance profiles (figures 6( a, b, c, d ) ) , the amplitude is greater for a low number of sun, a low
temperature and a great depth z ,shunt resistance increases there.Bestquality cells will have a high shunt resistance.

The table 1 below lists the data of the maximum amplitude of the parameters studied according to different levels of
illumination intensity and temperature for a depth z  0.0002cm and junction recombination velocity
Sf  5  105 cm / s .

At the end of this paper, and considering that our silicon solar cell is in current generator mode , we can say that:
when temperature varies from 298 350K , the obtained variation of parameters ( ( x ) ; Jph ; Jsc ; Rsh)
under illumination intensities  (x ) increases from 1.04  1014 to
from 0.2 to 1 Sun where respectively:
5.433 1014 cm 3 ; Jph decreases from 0.174 to 0.863A / cm 2 ; Jsc increases from 0.269 to
1.310A / cm 2 and Rsh decreases from 3.855 to 0.836  cm 2 .

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(12), 146-153

Figure 6 :- Rsh  f (z ) for various Sun and Temperatures.

Table 1 :- Data under different light intensities levels and temperatures of parameters studies :
Light intensity (number of T (K )  (cm 3 )  1014 Jph( A / cm 2 ) Jsc( A / cm 2 ) Rsh(  cm 2 )
(n  1000W / m )2 Suns) n
298 1.04 0.174 0.269 3.855
300 1.047 0.173 0.268 3.833
200 0.2 310 1.086 0.172 0.262 3.702
330 1.164 0.170 0.250 3.346
350 1.240 0.167 0.240 2.852
298 2.079 0.348 0.539 2.021
300 2.095 0.347 0.536 2.011
400 0.4 310 2.173 0.345 0.524 1.954
330 2.328 0.340 0.501 1.795
350 2.480 0.335 0.481 1.569
298 5.199 0.871 1.348 0.857
300 5.238 0.869 1.341 0.854
1000 1
310 5.433 0.863 1.310 0.836

ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 10(12), 146-153

330 5.820 0.850 1.254 0.782

350 6.201 0.838 1.202 0.703

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