1-60 Lectures Handouts
1-60 Lectures Handouts
1-60 Lectures Handouts
Section I is comprised of chapter 1-7, constituting module 1- 85, focused on the basic
concepts that are involved in the multidisciplinary subject of Biosensor.
Third section of the contents is formed on chapter 15-18 comprising of module No.
156-185 (30 modules).
In the preparation of the course the reference book, text books, latest research articles
and internet resources are used. The course is furnished with almost all the requisite
that make it popular among the students and researchers.
Chapter 1. Introduction to Biosensors (Modules 1-13)
2. Background Analyte
3. Components of Biosensor
4. Working Principle
5. Characteristics
7. Applications of Biosensors
1. Students will be able to understand the basic concept of the development of Biosensor
and working.
2. Students will be able to understand the definition, as per IUPAC union.
3. Students will be able to identify the role of Physical and Biological Components of a
4. Students will be able to explain the types and significance of Biological component.
5. Students will be able to define the role of core sciences in the development of
Biosensor Technology.
6. Students will be able to identify the impact of Biosensor Technology on Economy.
Chapter 1.
An introduction to Biosensors
Biosensor is a device used for the detection of a target molecule that binds with a
biological component, attached with a detector and a display unit. Biosensors offer
high quality output due to their accuracy, precision, specificity and sensitivity within
affordable prices. They are ideal for providing low cost, easy, quick and portable
Definition of Biosensors
Following are the main advantages of the Biosensors. Biosensor devices are
1. Sensitive
2. Small
3. Rapid response
4. Safe to use
5. Provide accurate results and
6. Can be mass produced.
Biosensors are first produced in laboratory and later they are integrated for
The term biosensor is the short for the term biological sensor. The word
biological attributes to biological molecules such as enzymes, proteins, DNA, RNA,
antibody, cell and virus etc. The term sensor is a combination of transducer and a
display unit. Transducer is a physical device which is used to convert signal from one
form of energy to another form of energy and transable is a readable source. The signal
is then displayed on a display unit for the end user which can be easily understood.
A blood glucose meter is a small, portable machine that's used to measure how
much glucose (a type of sugar) is in the blood (also known as the blood glucose level).
People with diabetes often use a blood glucose meter to help them manage their
condition. It has a strip on which blood sample is applied and then it is inserted into a
small box that contains a complete system for the estimation of blood glucose. The
strip contains the biological component that is an enzyme of the Biosensor and a part
of physical component that is an electrode. The hand held box contains different
physical components and a display unit.
Fig shows a glucometer complete assembly with a strip and a box. Insertion of strip in
the glucometer for blood glucose estimation. A test strip os shown with
The term analyte is used for a target molecule that is required to be detected at
analytical level. For example, in a glucometer, glucose molecule is an analyte. For the
test of alcoholrythem, the molecule alcohol is an analyte. The type of analyte is
dependent on the nature of the biosensor. The nature of interaction between the
analyte and the biological molecules used in biosensor is of two types.
1. The analyte may be converted into a new chemical molecule by enzymes such
biosensors are called catalytic biosensors.
2. The analyte may simply bind to the biological molecule (antibody nucleic acid). The
biosensors are known as affinity sensors.
Analyte Sample
Glucose Blood
Cortisol Foot
Bacteria Teeth
Science of Biosensors
Science of biosensor is multidisciplinary as it involves chemistry, biochemistry, physics
and engineering. It deals with the translation of lab based technologies into
commercially viable products for benefit of human being. The methods of biosensors
are based on basic chemistry method for the detection / estimation of specific
molecules. Biosensors are designed with an objective to provide accurate and rapid
response. An ideally designed Biosensor is Sensitive, Portable, Rapid, Safe to use,
Provide accurate results and Can be produced in bulk.
Dry chemistry systems are widely used for routine blood chemistry and
microbial testing etc. The advantage of dry chemistry technology is that it eliminates
the need for reagent preparation and the preceding steps. Each test unit contains all
the reagents and reactants necessary to perform analysis. Dipstick is a good example of dry
chemistry application. The support material for the dipstick is based on plastic and cellulose.
The subject of Physics is essential for the detection of signals generated by the
Biosensor for the detection of target molecule. Physics provide three essential metrics
for biosensors; detection time, sensitivity and selectivity. Physics of detection time
allows us to organize a biosensor in a systematic way. It also allows to design principle,
interpretation and measuring of results.
Three-D structure of an enzyme acetyl choline esterase binding with thw target
molecule. The target molecule is shown in green color.
Any biological molecule could be used in a biosensor which has strong / specific binding affinity
for the analyte. Such as DNA, enzyme, antibody whole cell.For example, for glucose, any
enzyme using glucose substrate is an ideal bioreceptor. When bioreceptor combined with a
target molecule, it produces a signal that may be in the form of production of new chemical,
a flow of electron, a change in pH, a change in Mass, emission of light or release of heat. The
signal is converted by an appropriate transducer to detect and respond the change.
Fig shows a DNA molecule, Antibody and a bacterial cell, that can be used as a bioreceptor
The transducer is an element that converts one form of energy into another. In a biosensor,
the role of transducer is to convert the biorecognition event (formation of new molecules,
release of electron, change in pH, release of heat, change in mass, change in colour etc.) into
a measurable signal. This process of energy conversion is known as signalization. Most
transducer produce either optical or electrical signals that are usually proportional to the
amount of analyte that bioreceptor interaction.
This is a part of biosensor that processes the transduce signals and prepare is for display. It is
consists of complex electronic circuits that performs signal conditioning such as amplifications
and conversion of the signals from analogue into the digital form. The processed signals are
then quantified by the display units of the biosensors.
The display unit often consists of combination of hardware and software that generates results
of the biosensors in a user friendly manner. The display unit exhibits the output signals. The
display consists of a user interpretation system such as liquid crystal display (LCD) of a
computer or a direct printer that generates number or curves understandable by the user.
Biosensors are designed using the standard laboratory technique and methods which provide
accurate results. A laboratory biosensor is an expensive, needs specialize user and processing
time. These laboratory biosensors are designed for translation into commercial biosensors.
1. Biorecognition
2. Signal Generation
3. Signal Recognition
4. Signal Conversion
5. Display of Information
When a bioreceptor combines with a target molecule, it produces a signal. The signal may be
in the form of production of new chemical, a flow of electron, a change in pH, a change in
Mass, emission of light or release of heat. In a Biosensor signal is being converted by an
appropriate transducer to detect and respond the change.
The working of Biosensor is based on the working of living systems. For example eye is a good
example of Biosensing applications. The lens is formed from two protein superfamilies, the α-
and βγ-crystallins that act as a Bioreceptor element. The light and the rods and cons in the
retina at the back of the eye are transducer. They respond to light by producing the impulse,
which is an electrical event. The electrical signal is then readout by our brain. Another
example, taste buds on our tongue is another good example of a living system biosensor.
These taste buds detect different tastes including sweat, salt, bitter and salty at different
positions of the tongue
Example Glucometer
Blood sample.
B.R. E is an Enzyme.
Detector is an Electrode
1. Wet Platform
2. The disposable Test strip is a wet platform.
3. Blood travels through Microfluidic channel.
4. Glucose oxidase is immobilized on the test strip.
5. Electrodes are fixed on strip and in contact with the enzyme .
Dry Platform
The Dry platform consists of
a software and a hardware .
It has a powerful processing unit with a
1) Voltage converter
2) Amplifier
3) Filter
4) Display unit
Working of Glucometer
When blood is placed on the test strip, a chemical reaction takes place on working electrode.
There are two platforms in Glucometer. Glucose strip is a wet platform. There are three
electrodes Impregnated with enzyme a) Counter electrode b) Working electrode c)
Reference Electrode. Blood sample when placed on test strip it travels through Microfluidic
channel electrode. A simple chemical reaction takes place and an electrical current is
generated, which is directly proportional to the concentration of glucose. Chemical reactions
take place and on the working electrode. To pick the signal Strip is immediately inserted into
the glucometer.
The dry platform is equipped with powerful processor, Current to voltage inverter, an
Amplifier, a filter and a display Unit. The result is displayed accurately, Within 5-60 seconds in
the required units. There is no pretreatment of blood sample needed.
Fig shows the sensitivity of the Coomassie blue dye for protein test. An increase in the
blue co;our is observed with the increase in protein concentration.
Linearity in the attribute that show the accuracy of the measured response (For
a set of measurement with different concentration of analyte) to a straight line,
Mathematically represented as y=mc. C is the concentration of analyte y is the output
signal and m is the sensitivity of the bioreceptor. Linearity of the biosensor can be
associated resolution of the biosenors and range of anlayte concentration under test.
Graph shows the linearity for protein concentration in the range of 0-15 microgram of
protein in the sample. Range of the sensor is the maximum and minimum values of
applied parameter that can be measured.
Response times
The times a Biosensor takes to produce a result. A glucometer takes 3 to 60 seconds
to display the results for different models..
1. Long term stability (Not subject to fowling, poisoning or oxide formation that interfare
with signals.
2. Dynamic response (Rapid response to variations in analyte concentration)
3. Biocompatibility
4. Commercial demand
1) Temperature
2) Humidity
3) pH
4) Altitude, others .
The response of transducer and electronics can be temperature-sensitive, which
may influence the stability of a biosensor. Therefore, appropriate turning of electronics
is required to ensure a stable response of the sensor.
Precision is the ability of the sensor to provide alike results every time a sample is
measured. Accuracy indicates the sensor’s capacity to provide a mean value close to
the true value when a sample is measured more than once. Reproduce able signals
provide high reliability and robustness to the inference made on the response of a
1. High Sensitive
2. Specificity
3. Fast readout times
4. No or simple sample pretreatment
5. User friendly
6. Portable
7. Economical
8. Selfonfiguring biosensor
Fig shows the main interest of the Biosensor technology. And its growth.
Market Pull
The term 'Market Pull', refers to the need/requirement for a new product or a solution
to a problem, which comes from the market place. The need is identified by potential
customers or market research. A product or a range of products are developed, to solve
the original need.
Following are drivers for the market pull of Biosensor products.
1) Glucose sensors
2) Pathogen detection
3) EKG Sensor measures cardiac electrical potential waveforms (voltages
produced during the contraction of the heart).
This is currently the largest and most profitable area
for the development and commercialization of biosensors
Biosensor technology has a huge impact on academia. There ia a huge increase in the
publications on Biosensor starting from 1980- 2016.
7. Applications of Biosensors
Applications of Biosensors
Biosensors have wide range of applications that aim to improve the quality of life.
The largest application within the field of medicines. Biosensors are particularly used
for clinical diagnosis. Use of biosensors reduces the risk of errors of diagnosis and time
and cost as well. Less time and minimum expertise are required. As the results are
obtained in minimum time, treatment can be started immediately. There is also less
chance of sample of being mishandled, lost or contaminated. Home diagnosis kits are
available for people who like to have this facility at home (Glucometer, pregnancy test
kits etc.). The main application of biosensors are
1. They acts as an Indicators for a disease. There are several cancer biomarkers are
identified by biosensors.
2. In Industry Process monitoring and control could be checked by using biosensors.
3. In battle field, monitoring of poisonous gases and nerve agents.
4. Detection of number of chemicals that are biological agents and are considered to be
toxic materials for defense interests and security.
5. Biosensors are used for the environmental monitoring including epidemiology of
diseases or pollution. Advantages of Environmental Biosensor
6. Environmental Biosensor provide benefits over the conventional analytical techniques.
1. Portability
2. Work on-site
3. Measuring pollutants
in complex matrices
4. with minimal sample
5. No pretreatment
A system that rapidly detects both explosives and nerve agents,is developed, providing a
simple yes-no response. The technique could replace two time-consuming tests that are
currently used to assess these threats. The explosives and nerve gases are fed through an
enzyme-based logic gate system, in which the depletion of hydrogen peroxide detects their
Fig shows an enzyme based biosensor for the detection of security survillence using an
enzyme based biosensor.
Module No, 8.Bioreceptors and their Types in a living system
There are five general senses. Receptors are located on sense organs. Receptors are specific
to stimuli. A sensory receptor is a specialized cell Ionic movement is involved in generating
a CNS response .
Olfactory receptor, also called smell receptor, protein capable of binding odour molecules
that plays a central role in the sense of smell (olfaction). These receptors are common to
arthropods, terrestrial vertebrates, fish, and other animals. The sense of smell is closely
linked with memory, probably more so than any of our other senses. Those with full olfactory
function may be able to think of smells that evoke particular memories; the scent of an
orchard in blossom conjuring up recollections of a childhood picnic, for example. Sense of
smell is provided by paired olfactory organs on either side of the nasal septum. 10 – 20
million olfactory receptors containing cilia are packed in nasal area.
Odorant + receptor leads to activation of enzymatic mechanism involving ATP, for opening
of sodium calcium gate channels leading to Na+ influx. During the process of smell detection
influx of cations, including both Na+ and Ca2+, lead to depolarization of the cell membrane
strongest and most dominant sense is the sense of smell. Olfactory neurons maintain a very
high intracellular Cl− concentration, perhaps as high as 125 mm, so that the driving force for
Cl− ions is outward and, therefore, further depolarizes the cell. Olfaction is a
chemoreception that, through the sensory olfactory system, forms the perception of smell.
Olfaction has many purposes, such as the detection of hazards, pheromones, and food.
Olfaction occurs when odorants bind to specific sites on olfactory receptors located in the
nasal cavity. In terrestrial vertebrates, including humans, the receptors are located on
olfactory receptor cells, which are present in very large numbers (millions) and are clustered
within a small area in the back of the nasal cavity, forming an olfactory epithelium.
It Provides information about the taste foods and liquids. Gustatory receptors are called
taste buds distributed over Tongue superior surface ,pharynx and larynx. There are about
3000 taste buds in an human adult.
Taste Buds - The taste bud is composed of about 50 modified epithelial cells, some of which
are supporting cells called sustentacular cells and others of which are taste cells. - The taste
cells are continually being replaced by mitotic division of surrounding epithelial cells. - The
outer tips of the taste cells are arranged around a minute taste pore.
Fig shows the gustation and its components and mechanism.
Adults have 3000 to 10,000 taste buds, and children have a few more. - Beyond the age of
45 years, many taste buds degenerate, causing the taste sensation to become progressively
decreased in old age. A single taste buds show that each taste bud usually responds mostly
to one of the five primary taste stimuli when the taste substance is in low concentration. It
may be noted that at high concentration, most buds can be excited by two or more of the
primary taste stimuli. Mechanism of gustation for different tastes is discussed in lecture.
The sense through which a person or animal becomes aware of light Color, etc using the
eyes. Eye Receptors (Rods and Cones) transfer light energy into nerve impulses and transmit
the information to the cortex of the brain's occipital lobe. Flow of Na ions is essential for
generation of the response.
Fig shows the eye, cone cells and rods.
Transduction is the process through which energy from environmental stimuli is converted
to neural activity. The retina contains three different cell layers: photoreceptor layer, bipolar
cell layer and ganglion cell layer. The photoreceptor layer where transduction occurs is
farthest from the lens. It contains photoreceptors with different sensitivities call rods and
cones . The cones are responsible for color perception and are of three distinct types labelled
red, green and blue. Rods, are responsible for the perception of objects in low
light.Photoreceptors contain within them a special chemical called a photopigment, which
is embedded in the membrane of the lamellae; a single human rod contains approximately
10 million of them. The photopigment molecules consist of two parts: an opsin (a protein)
and retinal (a lipid).
Fig shows the hearing process in ear. Movement of hair and ions inside ear is also shown
Proteins are polymers of amino acids join through peptide bonds. Enzymes and
antibodies are functional proteins. Enzymes have molecular structure while antigens
have a unique Y shape architect. The enzymes have marvelous binding affinity for the
substrate. Biomolecules are chosen depending upon the analyte to detect with strong
stability at high temperature, pH, hydrophobicity and oxidizing environment. Enzymes
as Bioreceptor
Enzymes can be divided into three different types, depending on the detection of
molecules, as signal.
a) End product.
b) Side product
c) Detection of electron
d) Inhibition of enzyme
The high specificity allows to at the larger amount of enzyme on small surface area.
Generally, purified enzymes are required to be loaded on a biosensor. While designing
a biosensor, the optimal conditions required by enzymes are to be considered. Purified
enzymes are expensive and are easily denatured. To overcome this whole cell or tissues
containing the enzymes are also loaded on biosensors. Viruses are also used as
biological recognition element due to their stability at wide range of pH and
temperature. Similarly, antibody – antigen are frequently used molecule due to their
excellent specificity. The antibody bioreceptors are used on one due to strong binding
There are several enzymes used for the detection of Pesticides by Biosensor including.
1) Peroxidase
2) Alkaline Phosphatase
3) Acetylcholine esterase
i. Optical
ii. Potentiometric and others
There are several enzymes that use glucose as a substrate. There are two types of
enzymes that are used in Glucometer for the detection of glucose.
a) Glucose Oxidase
b) Glucose Dehydrogenase
Enzymes Mechanism/Classification
Reaction depends on the physical and chemical structures of the enzyme and the
substrate. Different classes of Enzymes display specific mechanism of action. Designing
of biosensor is dependent on the mechanism of enzyme action. Enzymes can be
classified by the kind of chemical reaction catalyzed.
VI. Joining two molecules through hydrolysis of pyrophosphate bond in ATP or other
tri-phosphate A. Ligases
The enzyme – substrate binding is highly specific to shape and similar to lock and key
mechanism. In a glucose sensor, and an enzyme glucose oxidase is used to capture and
detect the glucose molecule. Glucose oxidase enzymes binds to glucose only and
oxidizes into another chemical called glucono lactone and eventually gluconic acid.
Fig shows growth hormone molecule and antibody epitopes for antibody binding on
Immobilization of Antibody
Covalent cross linking or oxidation of carbohydrate groups can be used to control the
interaction between specific reactive groups on the surface and on the antibody.
Fig shows the different orientations of antibody after immobilization. Most suitable
orientation is shown with green face.
A library generate a library by PCR using spleen DNA can be used in recombinant DNA
technology based production. The DNA could be used for PCR The resultant PCR
products for one heavy chain and one light chain are cloned separately and expressed.
It is a protein with antibody like activity.
DNA or RNA are the Biorecognition elements in Nucleic acid Biosensors.The detection
methods are based on recognition of complementary nucleic acid sequence
a) Rapid
b) Simple and
c) Economical testing
for clinical, environmental, food analysis and other fields Nucleic can also serve as
good bioreceptors. These include specific sequences of deoxiribo (DNA) nucleic acid.
The genetic information is told in a huge storage of DNA or RNA in other words, it is
like a hard disc drive of a computer with lots of programmers stored in many different
places. The main difference is that genetic information is stored in four base system
consisting of adenine (A, adenine, T thiamine and C cytosine for DNA). For RNA it is
adnine A, U uracil, G Guanine and C cytosine. A always binds to T and G always binds
to C (for DNA). In case of RNA, A always binds to U and G always binds with C.
Therefore, a specific RNA sequence of these basis can be used to detect the existence
of their complimentary sequence.
1) Stability
2) Reactivity
3) Accessibility
4) to target analyte for hybridization.
5) Adsorption
DNA probes are immobilized via electrostatic adsorption between a negatively charged
phosphate group of DNAs on the positively charged surface
2. Hybridization of complementary DNA base pairing is the basis for the biorecognition
. DNA molecules are sensed through hybridization because of the affinity of the single
stranded DNA complementary stand hybridization DNA/RNA based oligonucleotides
are known as probes. Probes are short nucleic acid sequences that recognize and
specifically binds to target nucleic acid.. The use of labeled DNA is away to detect target
molecule. The main disadvantage of using DNA is its susceptibility toward nucleases.
specific organic dyes, metal complexes and enzymes are used for hybridization
DNA Microarray:
a) Environment
b) Food
c) Clinical
d) or other sources.
Immobilization of Cells
Entrapment is the ideal method to immobilize the cells/ tissues on support material. For
Cells report the cellular responses upon exposures to toxins under Physiological
i. mode of action
ii. toxic potency
iii. bioavailability
Chapter 02
Miniaturization and microsystems including sensing by optical
techniques, Field effect transistor, Ion Selective and Enzyme
sensitive Electrodes
15. Microsystems
18. Transistors
19. Electrodes
Learning Outcome.
Smaller objects perform faster simply because they have, less mass which leads to less inertia
(tendency of a body to resist acceleration). leads to products that perform quicker. smaller objects
need less energy to function. They are economical.
Study involve in the operation of sizing is known as scaling. Some functional physical systems
either cannot be scaled down favorably, or cannot be scaled down at all. As the sizes reduce
different physical forces become more important less important depending on their nature.
These changes dictate how the device must be built. what forces it will use to operate. This is
called scaling.
Scaling Factors
There are many factors involve in down sizing
Scaling laws
1. Scaling law are the laws that describes the variations of physical quantities with the size of the
2. It uses use of dimensional analysis.
3. Scaling Laws allow to determine whether physical phenomena will be favorable or not.
4. These are simple observations about how physics works on different sizes.
5. These laws are valuable guide to what may work and what may not work when we start to design
the world of micro.
● Volume (V) and surface (S) are two physical parameters that are frequently involved in machine
● Volume relates to both mechanical and thermal inertia. Thermal inertia is a measure on how
fast we can heat or cool a solid. It is an important parameter in the design of a thermally actuated
● Surface is related to pressure and fluid mechanics, heat absorption dissipation by a solid in
convective heat transfer.
When the physical quantity is to be miniaturized, the design engineer must weigh the magnitudes
of the possible consequences from the reduction on both the volume and surface of the particular
Scaling of both size and material Characterizations. The second type: involves both the size and
material properties of the system..
Material behavior and microstructure geometries at small scales strongly influence the physical
behavior at higher scales. For example, defects like cracks and dislocations evolve at lower scales
and will strongly impact the material properties (mechanical, electrical, thermal, and chemical) at
the macro scale.
Objective of the scaling law is to develop a systematic approach about the likely behavior of
downsized systems .
As the size decreases, its S/V ratio increases. - Examples ¾ S/V ratio of an elephant (10-4) vs. of a
dragonfly (10-1)
Since volume, V relates to mass and surface area, S relates to buoyancy force:
An elephant and a flea have cells of about the same size. Too large a cell will not have enough
surface for substance exchanges with its surroundings to support the active metabolism within,
unless it is highly elongated like a vertebrate nerve cell, increasing the S/V ratio. (Biochemistry by
Mathews et al.) There is a cell size limit in living cell. If surface area to volume ratio is too small it
will decrease the rate of chemical reaction and cell will die. Therefore in order to built larger
organisms, they must be built from small cell sub units
There is a cell size limit in living cell. If surface area to volume ratio is too small it will decrease the
rate of chemical reaction and cell will die. Therefore in order to built larger organisms, they must
be built from small cell sub units
Effect of Miniaturization
Generally, smaller things are less effected by volume dependent phenomena such as mass and
inertia, and are more effected by surface area dependent phenomena such as contact forces or
heat transfer.
Size change in living bodies has numerous effects and profound biological significance. Dependent
height or length (e.g. Height in trees, leg length in running animals)
Generally, smaller things are less effected by volume dependent phenomena such as mass and
inertia, and are more effected by surface area dependent phenomena such as contact forces or
heat transfer.
In the first place, the interdisciplinary nature of MEMS technology and its micromachining
techniques, as well as its diversity of applications has resulted in an unprecedented range of devices
and synergies across previously unrelated fields (for example biology and microelectronics).
Secondly, MEMS with its batch fabrication techniques enables components and devices to be
manufactured with increased performance and reliability, combined with the obvious advantages
of reduced physical size, volume, weight and cost.
Thirdly, MEMS provides the basis for the manufacture of products that cannot be made by other
methods. MEMS devices generally range in size from 20 micrometres to a millimetre (i.e., 0.02 to
1.0 mm), components arranged in arrays (e.g., digital micromirror devices) can be more than 1000
MEMS stands for Micro-electromechanical systems, a manufacturing technology that enables the
development of electromechanical systems using batch fabrication techniques similar to those used
in integrated circuit (IC) design.
They can range in size from micrometers to millimeters. MEMS devices are very small; their
components are usually microscopic. Levers, gears, pistons, as well as motors and even steam
engines have all been fabricated by MEMS .
MEMS devices has large surface area to volume ratio and forces produced by
The fabrication of MEMS evolved from the process technology in semiconductor device fabrication,
i.e. the basic techniques are
1. Deposition of material layers. It is an operation by which a film is placed on a surface of the chip.
2. Patterning by lithography. A process in which the desired circuit pattern is projected onto a
photoresist coating covering on a silicon wafer. When a pattern is developed, portions of the
wafer can be selectively removed with a solvent, exposing parts of the wafer for etching and
3.Etching to produce the required shapes. A process in which chemicals are used to remove
previously defined portions of the silicon oxide layer covering the wafer to expose the silicon
1. Silicon
Silicon symbol Si and atomic number 14 is a non metal and a semi conductor.It is a hard and brittle
crystalline solid with a blue-grey metallic luster. Si is a tetravalent metalloid and a semiconductor.
It has a melting point of 1414 °C and Boiling point is 3265 °C. Silicon can make for highly repeatable
motion. Silicon suffers very little fatigue in the range of billions to trillions of cycles without
breaking.. It can have service lifetimes.
Crystalline Silicon
Each silicon atom is bonded to four neighbouring atoms. Tetrahedral crystal structure like Diamond.
Crystalline Silicon (c-Si) is the crystalline forms of silicon, multi-crystalline Silicon, or mono-
crystalline silicon . Silicon wafers Silicon wafers are made up of very thin slices of c-silicon (several
hundred microns).
Integrated Circuit.
An integrated circuit, or IC, is small chip that can function as an amplifier, oscillator, timer,
microprocessor, or even computer memory. An IC is a small wafer, usually made of silicon, that can
hold anywhere from hundreds to millions of transistors, resistors, and capacitors.
Intergrated circuit
Integrated circuit (IC), sometimes called as a chip or microchip, is a semiconductor wafer on which
a thousand or millions of tiny resistors, capacitors, and transistors are fabricated. An IC can be a
function as an amplifier, oscillator, timer, counter, computer memory, or microprocessor.
Integrated circuits are the building blocks of most electronic devices and equipment. They are
between 1 and 100 micrometers in size (i.e., 0.001 to 0.1 mm). An integrated circuit (IC), sometimes
called a Chip or microchip is a semiconductor wafer on which thousands or millions of tiny resistors,
capacitors, and transistors are fabricated.
A ceramic is an inorganic non-metallic solid made up of either metal or non-metal compounds. They
are hard, corrosion-resistant and brittle.
inertial sensors micro actuator optical scanners fluid pump,chemical, pressure and flow sensors
1. Friction is greater than inertia. Capillary, electrostatic and atomic forces at a micro-level can be
2. Heat dissipation is greater than heat storage and consequently thermal transport properties could
be a problem or, conversely, a great benefit.
3. Fluidic or mass transport properties are extremely important. Tiny flow spaces are prone to
blockages but can conversely regulate fluid movement.
4. Material properties (Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, grain structure) and mechanical theory
(residual stress, wear and fatigue etc.) may be size dependent.
5. Integration with on-chip circuitry is complex and device/domain specific. Lab-on-achip systems
components may not scale down comparably.
6. Miniature device packaging and testing is not straightforward. Certain MEMS sensors require
environmental access as well as protection from other external influences. Testing is not rapid and
is expensive in comparison with conventional IC devices.
Fluorescence is the short-time (< 1 µs) category of luminescence, which is mostly exploited as an
optical phenomenon in cold bodies. In the process molecular component used absorbs a photon
and can consecutively emit a photon with a longer (less energetic) wave‐length. Molecular
rotations, vibrations or heat can be produced because the absorbed photons have different
energy; with the emitted photons, for example, the emitted light can be in the visible range even if
the absorbed photon is in the ultraviolet range. Fluorescent Probes
A fluorophore is a chemical compound that can reemit light upon light excitation. It contain
several combined aromatic groups, or planar or cyclic molecules with several π bonds. producing a
detectable signal.
Biotinylation is the process of covalently attaching biotin to a protein, nucleic acid or other
molecule. Biotinylation is rapid, specific and is unlikely to disturb the natural function of the
molecule due to the small size of biotin (MW = 244.31 g/mol). Biotin, a member of the water-
soluble B-complex group of vitamins, is synthesized by higher plants and most fungi and bacteria.
Humans, other mammals, and birds cannot synthesize biotin de novo and therefore must obtain
this essential micronutrient from material synthesized by intestinal microflora and from dietary
Biotin molecule and Biotin derivatives are shown in Fig.
Biotin can binds to two different proteins with very high affinity, that arestreptavidin and avidin.
Biotin moiety can covalently bound to the epsilon amino group of a Lysine residues of the
Streptavidin is a 52.8 (tetramer) kDa protein purified from the bacterium Streptomyces avidinii.
Streptavidin homo-tetramers have an extraordinarily high affinity for biotin (also known as vitamin
B7 or vitamin H). Avidin is a tetrameric biotin-binding protein produced in the oviducts of birds,
reptiles and amphibians Avidin is deposited in the whites of their eggs. Dimeric members of the
avidin family are also found in some bacteria. In chicken egg white, avidin makes up approximately
0.05% of total protein.
Biotin with an extremely high affinity, fast on-rate, and high specificity, and these interactions are
exploited in many areas of biotechnology to isolate biotinylated molecules of interest. Biotin-
binding to streptavidin and avidin is resistant to extremes of heat, pH and proteolysis, making
capture of biotinylated molecules possible in a variety of environments. Also, multiple biotin
molecules can be conjugated to a protein of interest, which allows binding of multiple
streptavidin, avidin or neutravidin protein molecules and increases the sensitivity of detection of
the protein of interest. The biotin–STV.Adv complexes can be chemisorbed and could be used for
Enzymes can function as highly sensitive probes ideal for the detection of proteins in whole cells,
tissues and/or lysates such as
1. Alkaline phosphatase
2. Glucose oxidase
3. Beta galactosidase
4. Horseradish peroxidase
These enzymes are discussed in detail in next modules.
Labelling of antibody using enzyme horse reddish peroxidase.
1. Light source
2. Len s
3. Camera
4. Mounted Wheel
1. Mass Spectrometry
2. Surface plasmon resonance (SPR)
3. Fiber-optics sensing technique
4. Reflectometric interference spectroscopy technique
1. Basic Principle of Mass Spectrometry. “The basic principle of mass spectrometry (MS) is to
generate ions from either inorganic or organic compounds by any suitable method, to separate
these ions by their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) and to detect them qualitatively and quantitatively
by their respective m/z and abundance..
There are four stages in a mass spectrometer which we need to consider, these are – ionisation,
acceleration, deflection, and detection. Let's go through these in order. The sample needs to be
vapourised first, before being passed into the ionisation chamber.It turns the atoms into ions
(electrically charged atoms with either too few or too many electrons). Then it separates the ions
by passing them first through an electric field, then through a magnetic field, so they fan out into a
Scheme for mass spectrometry
Mass spectrometry is an analytical tool useful for measuring the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) of one
or more molecules present in a sample. These measurements can often be used to calculate the
exact molecular weight of the sample components as well.It is used to identy the substances. The
substance is bombarded with a beam of electrons so the atoms or molecules it contains are
turned into ions. .A computerized, electrical detector records a spectrum pattern showing how
many ions arrive for each mass/charge. This can be used to identify the atoms or molecules in the
original sample.
The fiber optic sensors also called as optical fiber sensors use optical fiber or sensing element.
These sensors are used to sense some quantities like temperature, pressure, vibrations,
displacements, rotations or concentration of chemical species. Optical Sensors are used for
contact-less detection, counting or positioning of parts. Optical sensors can be either internal or
external. External sensors gather and transmit a required quantity of light, while internal sensors
are most often used to measure the bends and other small changes in direction.
Fig shows the transverse section of fiber optic. Fiber optic used in a Biosensor,
The surface plasmon polariton is a non-radiative electromagnetic surface wave that propagates in
a direction parallel to the negative permittivity/dielectric material interface. Since the wave is on
the boundary of the conductor and the external medium (air, water or vacuum for example), these
oscillations are very sensitive to any change of this boundary, such as the adsorption of molecules
to the conducting surface.
Schematic diagrams for Surfaceplasmonresonance in a Biosensor.
The RIfS technique is based on the spectral shift of the interference pattern reflected from thin
films with a few hundred nanometers of layer thickness. The wavelength shift is caused by the
adsorption or adhesion of molecules or nanoparticles, and thus it is applicable as a biosensor. The
advantage of this technique is the extensive detection layer: it can be upto a few hundred
nanometers, making it capable of the detection of bacteria or cells. the drawback of the method
is that a relatively high film thickness (200–600 nm) is required.
Diagram showing RIFS in a biosensor.
It is composed of semiconductor material usually with at least three terminals for connection to
an external circuit. Most transistors are made from very pure silicon or germanium, but certain
other semiconductor materials can also be used. A transistor may have only one kind of charge
carrier, in a field effect transistor, or may have two kinds of charge carriers in bipolar junction
transistor devices. The fundamental principle behind all transistors is simple: Current flow
between two terminals is prevented by an energy barrier that has been set up between them. To
operate the transistor, a third terminal is provided that allows you to lower the energy barrier. The
main differences between emitter and collector are doping concentration and size. The emitter is
heavily doped, while the collector is lightly doped.
A voltage or current applied to one pair of the transistor's terminals controls the current through
another pair of terminals.
Because the controlled (output) power can be higher than the controlling (input) power, a transistor
can amplify a signal.
Hearing Aid was devised by using transistors. It is a tiny microphone. it that picks up sounds from
the world around and turns them into fluctuating electric currents. The fluctuating current is fed
into a transistor. The signals are amplified and send to a tiny loudspeaker.
If the dopant is from 5th group of periodic table we gets p-type extrinsic semiconductor Ar, P, Sb.
If the (dopant) is from 3rd group of periodic table we gets n-type extrinsic semiconductorB ,Ga, Al.
Fig shows the N-type and P-type channels ina transistor.
States that delocalized (free) electrons. They move freely through"bands" formed by
overlapping molecular orbitals.Free electrons are the ones that can freely move about and help to
carry an Summary
They are composed of three parts called Emitter, Base and collector 'collects' the current and
the emitter 'emits' the current, while the base is the region between them.
The pure elements of group 4 (Silicon and Gallium) are used as semi conductors and doped with
the elements of group 3 and 5.
The process of doping is used improve the electrical property of the semiconductor. There are two
types of transistors P-type and N-Type.
1. Carbon di oxide sensitive electrode. The Severinghaus electrode is an electrode that measures
carbon dioxide (CO2). The carbon dioxide pressure of a sample gas or liquid equilibrates through
the membrane and the glass electrode measures the resulting pH of the bicarbonate solution.
2. ECG electrode
The full ECG setup comprises at least four electrodes which are placed on the chest or at the four
extremities according to standard nomenclature (RA = right arm; LA = left arm; RL = right leg; LL =
left leg). ECG electrodes are typically wet sensors, requiring the use of a conductive gel to increase
conductivity between skin and electrodes.
3. Microelectrode
A microelectrode is an electrode used in electrophysiology either for recording neural signals or for
the electrical stimulation of nervous tissue. Pulled glass pipettes with tip diameters of 0.5 μm or less
are usually filled with 3 molars potassium chloride solution as the electrical conductor
Enzyme electrodes has a "double reaction" mechanism - an enzyme reacts with a specific substance,
and the product of this reaction (usually H+ or OH−) is detected by a true ion-selective electrode,
such as a pH-selective electrodes. All these reactions occur inside a special membrane which covers
the true ion-selective electrode, which is why enzyme electrodes sometimes are considered as ion-
selective. An example is glucose selective electrodes.
the most typical example of first-generation biosensor is the Clark electrode covered with GLUCOSE
OXIDASE -soaked membrane. The measured compound here is oxygen, the concentration of which
changes with changed enzyme activity depending, in turn, on glucose (analyte) concentration.
There are different types of enzyme electrodes such as Ampermetric enzyme electrode, Enzyme
electrode with a mediator, Three electrode system, Screen printed electrode and enzyme printed
electrodes. All the enzyme electrode are based on the working principle that the membranes or ink
used in the fabrication of printed electrodes is impregnated with the enzyme. Different types of
enzyme electrodes are discussed in lecture.
Ink paste is used to print, a previously marked plastic sheet substrate using a printing nozzle.
The enzyme layer is place between the carbon electrode (being inert) and mediator layer.
A mediator dielectric layer is placed for the proper functioning of the electrode.
Urease, an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of urea, forming ammonia and carbon dioxide.
A liquid layer of urease trapped in a cellophane layer over a cation electrode, reacts with urea and
increase the pH.
FETs are also known as unipolar transistors because of the single-carrier-type operation. Field
effect transistors generally display very high input impedance at low frequencies. . The device
consists of an active channel through which charge carriers, electrons or holes, flow from the
source to the drain. Source and drain terminal conductors are connected to the semiconductor.
FET is three-terminal semiconductor devices, with source, drain, and gate terminals. The charge
carries are electrons or holes, which flow from the source to drain through an active channel. This
flow of electrons from source to drain is controlled by the voltage applied across the gate and source
terminal. The names of the terminals related to their functions.
The gate is referred to as the controlling the opening and closing of a physical gate. This gate permits
electrons to flow through or blocks their passage by either creating or eliminating a channel
between the source and drain. Electron-flow from the source terminal towards the drain terminal
is influenced by an applied voltage.
The body refers to the bulk of the semiconductor in which the gate, source and drain are packed.
Usually the body terminal is connected to the highest or lowest voltage within the circuit, depending
on the type of the FET. The body terminal and the source terminal are sometimes connected
together since the source is often connected to the highest or lowest voltage within the circuit.
Bio-FETs are classified based on the bio recognition element used for detection:
1) En-FET
2) Immuno-FET
5) Beetle/chip FET
6) Artificial BioFET-based.
Working of Bio-FET
A DNAFET is a field-effect transistor which uses the field-effect due to the partial charges of DNA
After analyte/BRE hybridization, the charge distribution changes and signals are generated.
The platform based on the bio-FET would provide substantial information about different
biological phenomenon.
Bio-FET is used in the shown slide to detect the molecular charges at cell membrane in an
induced system.
Plant damages by the attack can be identified, due to the presence of odour.
Module No. 22. Ion Selective electrodes
The basic structure of the ion-selective electrode requires a membrane which excludes all ions
except for the ion of interest. In this fashion, the potential generated across the membrane is
generated only because that specific ion species is migrating across it.
An ion-selective electrode (ISE), or a specific ion electrode (SIE), is a transducer that converts the
activity of a specific ion dissolved in a solution into an electrical potential. Ion-selective electrodes
are used in analytical chemistry and biochemical/biophysical research, where measurements of
ionic concentration in an aqueous solution are required.
Principle of ion-selective electrode (I.S.E.) An ideal I.S.E. consists of a thin membrane across which
only the intended ion can be transported. The transport of ions from a high conc. to a low one
through a selective binding with some sites within the membrane creates a potential difference.
There are four main types of ion-selective membrane used in ion-selective electrodes (ISEs): glass,
solid state, liquid based, and compound electrode. For Ion Selective Membranes high
permeability is very important for a good ISE membrane. Ionophores are molecules which act as
ion-binding receptors, which are selective for specific ions. To "dope" an ion-impermeable
membranes ioophores are used, resulting a selectively permeability.
Different types of Ion selective electrodes are shown in Fig.
The transport of the ions from high conc. to low conc. within the membrane. Produces a produce
a potential. That can be measured using a pH meter or voltmeter.
1. Glass electrode
Glass membranes are made from an ion-exchange type of glass (silicate or chalcogenide). This
type of ISE has good selectivity, but only for several single-charged cations; mainly H+, Na+, and
Ag+. Chalcogenide glass also has selectivity for double-charged metal ions, such as Pb2+, and
Cd2+. The glass membrane has excellent chemical durability and can work in very aggressive
media. A very common example of this type of electrode is the pH glass electrode.
Structure of Glass electrode is shown in Fig.
The ion sensitive electrodes in the ABG machine measure the concentrations of potassium,
sodium, calcium, chloride and lactatem as well as non-ionised glucose. Similar principles of
operation apply to each electrode, and they are coupled into a "electrode chain" in the blood gas
2. Crystalline membranes
Crystalline membranes are made from mono- or polycrystallites of a single substance. They have
good selectivity, because only ions which can introduce themselves into the crystal structure can
interfere with the electrode response. This is the major difference between this type of electrodes
and the glass membrane electrodes. The lack of internal solution reduces the potential junctions.
Selectivity of crystalline membranes can be for both cation and anion of the membrane-forming
substance. An example is the fluoride selective electrode based on LaF3 crystals.
Ion-exchange resins are based on special organic polymer membranes which contain a specific
ion-exchange substance (resin). This is the most widespread type of ion-specific electrode. Usage
of specific resins allows preparation of selective electrodes for tens of different ions, both single-
atom or multi-atom.
Electrodes specific for each alkali metal ion, Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+ and Cs+ have been developed. The
principle on which these electrodes are based is that the alkali metal ion is encapsulated in a
molecular cavity whose size is matched to the size of the ion. For example, an electrode based on
Valinomycin may be used for the determination of potassium ion concentration. A potassium-
sensitive electrode is made up of a ionophore- (Valinomycin) impregnated PVC membrane. The
protective cellophane membrane is semipermeable, and it keeps the larger molecules from
befouling the delicate PVC inside. Water and ions get through the PVC membrane and a potential
difference is created.
Module No.23 Latest trends
A few examples of Biosensors are discussed to elaborate the process of MEMS technology and its
applications in the field. Latest trends in Miniaturization
The latest trends in miniaturization of devices are noted in the health sector. The small devices
are produced for diagnostics and wearable Biosensors.A huge variety of products including smart
watch and tattoos are available in market
2. 3-inch long can identify approximately 2,000 viruses and 900 bacteria.
Modules 24-33
24. Definition
25. Classification
A biosignal can be defined as a physiological phenomenom, a body variable that can be measured
and monitored Biological signals, or biosignals, are space, time, or space-time records of a
biological event such as a beating heart or a contracting muscle. The electrical, chemical, and
mechanical activity that occurs during this biological event often produces signals that can be
measured and analyzed. Biosignals, therefore, contain useful information that can be used to
understand the underlying physiological mechanisms of a specific biological event or system and
that may be useful for medical diagnosis.
Biological signal is a summarizing term for all kinds of signals that can be (continually) measured
and monitored from biological beings. It shows chemical or physical quantities that characterize
the property or state of human biological condition. The term biosignal is often used to mean
bio-electrical signal but in fact, biosignal refers to both electrical* and non-electrical
signals.Biosignal can be defined as a description of a physiological phenomenon.
Biological Module signals can be acquired in a variety of ways—for example, by a physician who
uses a stethoscope to listen to a patient's heart sounds or with the aid of technologically
advanced biomedical instruments. Following data acquisition, biological signals are analyzed in
order to retrieve useful information. Basic methods of signal analysis, such as amplification,
filtering, digitization, processing, and storage, can be applied to many biological signals. These
techniques are generally accomplished with simple electronic circuits or with digital computers.
In addition to these common procedures, sophisticated digital processing methods are quite
common and can significantly improve the quality of the retrieved data.
As the number of physiological mechanisms is nearly unlimited, the diversity of biosignals is huge.
This can also be justified by the fact that there are many ways to classify the biosignals:
2. Static/Dynamic
3. Origin
As referred the variety of biosignals is nearly unlimited, this makes a unique classification of
biosignals impossible. Their classification is based on their characteristics.
Permanent Biosignals
This kind of Biosignals exist without any excitation from outside body and are always present in
the Human Body because source is inside the body. One example is the electrocardiographic
signal (ECG) induced by electrical heart muscle excitation with the peaks P-Q-R-T-S.
Induced Biosignals
This group of biosignals includes biosignals that are artificially induced. In contrast with the
permanent biosignals this ones exist only during the excitation. It means that, when the artificial
induction is over the induced biosignal decays with a time constant determined by the body
properties. One example is electric plethsysmography, here an artificial current is induced in the
Static Biosignal
Static biosignals carry information during their steady-state lever which may show slow changes
over the time. For example the body temperature, which shows slightly changes during the day,
that's why we can consider it a static biosignal.
Dynamic Biosignal
Dynamic biosignals show big changes during time, for example the heart rate. The course of the
heart rate represents a highly dynamic biosignal.
Origin of Biosignals
The last method is using the origin of the biosignal as a basis for their classification, here are
some examples:
1. Electric Biosignals
2. Magnetic Biosignals
3. Mechanic Biosignal
4. Optic Biosignals
5. Acoustic Biosignals
6. Chemical Biosignals
7. Thermal Biosignal
Biosignals can also be divided in two main groups according to their source for measurement:
Active and Passive.
Active Biosignals
These are biosignals where the energy source for measurement is the patient himself. Here we
have two types of "sub" biosignals:
Passive Biosignals
These ones, the energy source for measurement is not the patient e.g. wrist oximeter.
.Electrical biosignals, or bioelectrical time signals, usually refers to the change in electric current
produced by the sum of an electrical potential difference across a specialized tissue, organ or cell
system like the nervous system. Thus, among the best-known bioelectrical signals are:
1. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
2. Electrocardiogram (ECG)
3. Electromyogram (EMG)
4. Mechanomyogram (MMG)
5. Electrooculography (EOG)
Electroneurogram ENG
Electroencephalogram EEG
Electroretinogram ERG
Electrocardiogram ECG
Electromyogram EMG
3. Other cells signals can be measured by Electrooculorgam EOG and Galvanic skin response
EEG, ECG, EOG and EMG are measured with a differential amplifier which registers the difference
between two electrodes attached to the skin. However, the galvanic skin response measures
electrical resistance and the MEG measures the magnetic field induced by electrical currents
(electroencephalogram) of the brain.
With the development of methods for remote measurement of electric fields using new sensor
technology, electric biosignals such as EEG and ECG can be measured without electric contact
with the skin. This can be applied for example for remote monitoring of brain waves and heart
beat of patients who must not be touched, in particular patients with serious burns.
Electric biosignals can be defined as a change in the electric current across a specialized tissue,
organ or cell like the nervous system for example. Some examples of eletric biosignals are:
Electrocardiogram ECG
Magnetic biosignals Weak magnetic fields are generated by different organs and cells. Fir
example Neural cells signals can be tested by Magnetoneurogram (MNG) and
Magnetoencephalogram (MEG). The signals of Muscle cells can be tested by Magnetocardiogram
(MCG) and Magnetomyogram (MMG).
Magnetoencephalogram (MEG).
MEG is based on measuring the magnetic field outside the head using an array of very sensitive
magnetic field detectors (magnetometers). Because the magnetic filed in in the human body is
generated under the influence of electric field, the magnetic biosignals are also considered under
electric biosignals.
Magnetocardiography (MCG)
Cryptochrome protein helps birds navigate via magnetic field. Researchers have found one one
possible explanation for some birds' ability to sense the earth's magnetic field and use it to orient
themselves: a magnetically sensitive protein called cryptochrome that mediates circadian
rhythms in plants and animals. Cryptochromes are blue-light absorbing flavoproteins that in
animals have an important function in the circadian clock. It act as receptor molecules with
magnetically sensitive radical pair reactions in the light-dependent magnetic compass sense of
birds. The presence of aromatic amino acid residues in the active site of the protein enable this
protein to absorb light. This protein acts as a iron free compass. Cryptochrome is also expressed
in human retina.
produced by the mechanical functions of biological signals such as motion and displacement ,
They could be of two types internal and external. Blood pressure is an example of an internal
mechanical signal which will be discussed in other module. In human external mechanical signals
are under the influence of certain hormones or emotions. In this lecture external mechanical
signals are discussed with reference to other organisms.
Honey bee
Honey bees (Apis sp.) are the only known bee genus that uses nest-based communication to
provide nest-mates with information about the location of resources., the so-called “dance
language.” Successful foragers perform waggle dances for high quality food sources and, when
swarming, suitable nest-site. When a worker discovers a good source of nectar or pollen (note
the pollen spores dusting this bee's back), she will return to the hive to perform a waggle dance
to let her nest mates know where it lies. A bee performs the waggle dance when she wants to
inform other bees of a nectar source she has found. A round dance is the communicative behavior
of a foraging honey bee (Apis mellifera), in which she moves on the comb in close circles,
alternating right and then left. Elements of the round dance also provide information regarding
the forager's subjective evaluation of the food source's profitability.
Birds make a unique "whistling" sound with their wings when they flee a predator in order to
alert other members of the flock to the danger, new research shows. A study of crested pigeons
found their flapping wings make a whooshing sound if they take-off in alarm that is different to
that produced in routine flight.
A peacock's body is covered with feathers which are attractive in colour. The male peacock open
its feathers before rain. They dance or just open up their feathers to attract female peahens to
mate. This is the reason why peacocks mate mainly in the period April to September.
The buzzing sound is made by the beating of the mosquitoes wings. The wings of both males and
females make a buzzing sound. Females make a higher pitched sound than males.
Cricket chirping
Male crickets produce sounds by rubbing their leathery front wings together, i.e., file-like
serrations on the wings' edges rub against a sharp edge (scraper). This is called “stridulation” and
is used to attract female crickets as mates. When this sound is being produced, the cricket's wings
are elevated.
Night blooming flowers are heavily scented. They use their fragrance as signals to attract the
pollinator at night.
are the result of optical functions of the biologic system, occurring naturally or induced by the
Bio luminance
All bacterial luciferases are approximately 80 KDa heterodimers containing two subunits: α and
β. The α subunit is responsible for light emission. The luxA and luxB genes encode for the α and
β subunits, respectively. The biochemical reaction involves the oxidation of an aliphatic aldehyde
by a reduced flavin mononucleotide. The products of this oxidation reaction include an oxidized
flavin mononucleotide, a fatty acid chain, and energy in the form of a blue-green visible light.
Many physiological phenomena create noise like the flow of blood in the heart or throuhg blood
vessels also the flow or air through the airways creates acoustic sounds.
Heart Sound
There are four heart sounds, named as lub dub. The “ lub” is the first heart sound, commonly
termed S1, and is caused by turbulence caused by the closure of mitral and tricuspid valves at
the start of systole. The second sound,” dub” or S2, is caused by the closure of aortic and
pulmonic valves, marking the end of systole. The third heart sound, also known as the
“ventricular gallop,” occurs just after S2 when the mitral valve opens, allowing passive filling of
the left ventricle. ... A S3 can be a normal finding in children, pregnant females and well-trained
athletes; however, a S4 heart sound is almost always abnormal.
Lung Sound
Lung sounds, also called breath sounds, can be auscultated across the anterior and posterior
chest walls with a stethoscope. Adventitious lung sounds are referenced as crackles (rales),
wheezes (rhonchi), stridor and pleural rubs as well as voiced sounds that include egophony,
bronchophony and whispered pectoriloquy. In pneumonia there is a change in the sound,
signaling a pathological condition/infection. Rhonchi sounds occur when air tries to pass through
bronchial tubes that contain fluid or mucus. Crackles occur if the small air sacs in the lungs fill
with fluid and there's any air movement in the sacs, during breathing. The air sacs fill with fluid
when a person has pneumonia or heart failure.
Snoring is a common but treatable condition. It happens when turbulent air flows through the
airway, causing the uvula and soft palate to vibrate. Snoring may be related to sleep apnea, which
is a symptom of high blood pressure and other conditions. It is reported that 44% of men and
28% of women snore. Snoring is often the sign of a condition called obstructive sleep apnea,
which raises the risk for diabetes, obesity, hypertension, stroke, heart attack and other
cardiovascular problems.
burp. A burp is a belch, or the loud release of trapped air loudly through your mouth. A burp is a
belch, or the loud release of trapped air loudly through your mouth. A reflex is initiated, leading
to relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter, upward movement of the air through the
esophagus. It passes through the upper esophageal sphincter, during which an audible belch can
sometimes be heard.
Hiccups are sudden, involuntary contractions of the diaphragm muscle. As the muscle contracts
repeatedly, the opening between the vocal cords snaps shut to check the inflow of air and makes
the hiccup sound. Irritation of the nerves that extend from the neck to the chest can cause
reflect chemical composition and its temporal changes in body solids, liquids, and gases.
Examples are measuring the concentration of various ions and vicinity of a cell by means of
specific ion electrodes. These signals could be detected by testing a sample. For example urine
sample could be chemically tested for pregnancy, diabetes, urinary tract infection or other
diseases. These chemical signals are accepted as authenticated tests. The subject of Dipstik is
discussed in other sections.
Chemical signals could be divided into two types. Chemical signals produced inside the cells in
response to a an internal stimuli. For example Level of glucose – Blood, oxygen level (heart and
kidney failure). Gases in blood and breathing air flow and pH.
Second types of Biosignals are Chemical signals produced inside the cells in response to an
external stimuli. These chemical are volatile compounds and are released in the environment.
These signals are produced by all type of organisms bacterial, fungal, plants, animals. When a
plant is damaged by herbivorous insects, volatiles are released in defense. Different types of
chemicals are produced by the living organisms, under different environmental and physiological
1. Pheromones
3. Ink
These volatiles attack both parasitic and predatory insects that are natural enemies of the
herbivores. They may also induce defense responses in neighboring plants. In response to insect
feeding, volatile compounds are released by plants. Jasmonic acid and its derivatives are
released under stress and activate the genetic expression of protease inhibitors in the plants.
Jasmonic acid is also released into the environment.
The cephalopods release ink to create floating glowing blobs to create a distraction to predators.
It is Mucus-rich ink is a dangerous or annoying substance that interferes with fish gills.
The blue-ringed octopus has deadly toxin named tetrodotoxin, is present in its ink. Sea hares
are known for the colorful, sticky ink they let loose when knocked around by hungry predators.
Pheromones The substance is a mixture that prevents the odor molecules from getting to the
sensory receptors. They are secreted outside the body, and they influence the behavior of
another individual. Pheromones may be present in all bodily secretions but most attention has
been geared toward axillary sweat which contains the odorous 16-androstenes. Pheromones are
similar to hormones but work outside of the body.
Module No. 32 Thermal Biosignals
There are various types of medical thermometers, as well as sites used for measurement,
In hypothermia, body temperature drops below that required for normal metabolism and
bodily functions. In humans, this is usually due to excessive exposure to cold air or water,
but it can be deliberately induced as a medical treatment. Symptoms usually appear when
the body's core temperature drops by 1–2 °C (1.8–3.6 °F) below normal temperature.
Hyperthermia occurs when the body produces or absorbs more heat than it can dissipate.
It is usually caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures. The heat-regulating
mechanisms of the body eventually become overwhelmed and unable to deal effectively
with the heat, causing the body temperature to climb uncontrollably. Hyperthermia at or
above about 40 °C (104 °F) is a life-threatening medical emergency that requires
immediate treatment. Onion is capable o increasing the body temperature when
uncooked piece of onion is put under the armpit, it increases the body temperature.
Death Chill
After the heart stops beating, the body immediately starts turning cold. This phase is
known as algor mortis, or the death chill. Each hour, the body temperature falls about 1.5
degrees Fahrenheit (0.83 degrees Celsius) until it reaches room temperature.
Module No 33. The latest techniques that are mentioned the modules 24-32 are discussed as
Biosensors Chapter 04
37. Hydrogels
Learning Outcome.
01. Students will learn about the support materials and their types used in
02. Different types of support materials including natural and synthetic materials will be
explained. Students will be able to describe the advantages of different materials
that are being used.
03. Students will get a concept of Hydrogels and their uses in Biosenso technology.
04. Students will learn reversible and irreversible methods of immobilization and their
The term support material generally referred to be insoluble metrics where biorecognition
elements can be attached. The support material could be natural, synthetic or hybrid of
Fig shows the components of a biosensor alongwith a sensory layer.
The support material is a part of Bioactive or bio sensitized surface of the Biosensor.
Support materials are widely implemented in an attempt to conserve the binding ability
of the biorecognition element. Support material must display good chemical and
mechanical stability as they can alter the properties of immobilize molecules. The
material must be carefully screened and selected to avoid interference with chemistry of
bioreceptor elements. Selection of Support material
In Biosensors the BRE is required to be attached on a support material Carrier matrixes for
enzyme immobilization must be chosen with care. The surface density of the binding side
together with volumetric surface area strictly available to the enzymes determine the
maximum binding capacity. The actual capacity will be effective by number of potential
coupling sides in the biomolecule are used and electrostatic charge distribution and
polarity. The form shape, density, curiosity, pore size distribution, operational stability and
particles size distribution will influence the reaction configuration in which the immobilize
molecules will be used. The ideal support is cheap, inert, physical strong and stable. It will
increase the biomolecules specificity while reducing product inhibition, shift the pH
optimum to the desired value for the process and discourage microbial growth and non-
specific absorption. Some matrices possess other properties which are useful for particular
purposes such as ferromagnetism (magnetic iron-oxide enable transfer of the biocatalyst
by means of magnetic field).
General Properties
Mean particle size: It is the parameter which decides the porosity of a carrier.
Generally, the material should be good formal, with good addition to support the substrate
and should have minimal or no track for handling purposes. The metrics should have the
desired swelling characteristics and surface energetic. An optimum support is expected to
be inert against the biological recognition elements and reaction mixture components. It
is expected to be cheap (economical) accessible, biocompatible and non-toxic. An ideal
support material needs to be mesoporous materials to provide wide surface area and high
porosity to increase the amount of the immobilize molecules to be loaded on the material.
As biomolecules bind to the functional group, the support material should also contain
goods that can easily modified.
There are at least four types of materials that are being used for the platform for
biosensors. 1. Plant derived materials, 2. Animal derived materials, 3. Carbon Based
materials and 4. Silicone based materials.The support material could be classified as
Synthetic material, Inorganic matrix. Further they could be classified as natural and
processed materials. Synthetic polymers show high chemical and mechanical stability.
Here are few examples of the organic support materials:
Different type of materials are present in nature from biological and Inorganic sources. The
biological compounds include cellulose, nano cellulose, collagen. The inorganic and
processed materials include silicon based and nano carbon based materials. A number of
inorganic materials are used for the matrix to immobilize BRE. These materials are porous
1. Zeolite
2. Ceramic
3. Silica
4. Glass
5. Activated Charcoal
Carbon based nano materials. Carbon has an ability to polymerize at the atomic level,
thus can form long carbon chains. Carbon has four electrons in the outer electron and
can be linked via single, double or triple covalent bonds, or also with other elements.
Carbon has an ability to polymerize at the atomic level, thus can form long carbon
chains. Carbon paste has successfully used in Biosensor as a platform. It requires simple
construction procedures. It exhibits low background current. It has an ability for surface
regeneration. It has a very low cost.
There is a huge variety of organic materials is available including plant based, animal
based, microbial based .Synthetic and inorganic and allotropic forms of Carbon based
materials are also used.
The inorganic and processed materials include silicon based and nano carbon based
materials. There are at least four types of materials that are being used for the platform
for biosensors.
Cellulose is a plant based polymer. It is composed of sub units of glucose joined through
beta linkages. It is an important structural component of the primary cell wall of green
plants, many forms of algae. Cellulose is the most abundant organic polymer on Earth.
Diatomaceous earth
Fig. Highly magnified diatomaceous earth shows the intricate fossils that make up the
Diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring, soft, siliceous sedimentary rock forms a fine
white to off-white powder. It has a particle size ranging from 10 to 200 μm. Diatomite
forms by the accumulation of the amorphous silica (opal, SiO2•nH2O) from the remains of
dead diatoms.
It is a structural protein nature with high water holding potential, high porosity,
economical. Collagen is the main structural protein in the extracellular space in the various
connective tissues in the body. Collagen consists of amino acids bound together
Polyanailine (PANI). The basic subunit PANI is aniline. It forms discrete long threads with
an average diameter in the range of 30 nm - 100 nm. PANI is a semi-flexible. It has different
colors in oxidized and reduced forms. Polyaniline is typically produced in the form of long-
chain polymer aggregates, surfactant (or dopant) stabilized nanoparticle dispersions, or
stabilizer-free nanofiber dispersions depending on the supplier and synthetic route.
Surfactant or dopant stabilized polyaniline dispersions
Polyvinyl alcohol. It has ability to form membrane and fiber is biocompatible, can stabilize
enzyme activity, freeze thawed PVA used to immobilize cells PVA cryogels can be employed
for enzyme immobilization.
Glassy Carbon
Glass-like carbon, (non-graphitizing), combines glassy and ceramic properties with those
of graphite. Glass-like carbon, often called glassy carbon or vitreous carbon, is a non-
graphitizing, or nongraphitizable, carbon which combines glassy and ceramic properties
with those of graphite. The most important properties are high temperature resistance,
hardness (7 Mohs), low density, low electrical resistance, low friction, low thermal
resistance, extreme resistance to chemical attack and impermeability to gases and
liquids. Glassy carbon is widely used as an electrode material in electrochemistry, as well
as for high temperature crucibles and as a component of some prosthetic devices, and
can be fabricated as different shapes, sizes and sections. The structure of glassy carbon
has long been a subject of debate. Early structural models assumed that both sp2- and
sp3-bonded atoms were present, but it is now known that glassy carbon is 100% sp2.
Fig. Glassy carbon.
Hydrogels can be produced from natural polymers include proteins such as collagen and
Gelatin is a translucent, colorless, flavorless food ingredient, derived from collagen taken
from animal body parts. It is brittle when dry and gummy when moist. It may also be
referred to as hydrolyzed collagen, collagen hydrolysate, gelatine hydrolysate, hydrolyzed
gelatine, and collagen peptides after it has undergone hydrolysis. It is commonly used as
a gelling agent in food, medications, drug and vitamin capsules, photographic films and
papers, and cosmetics.
Hydrogels are used in eye lens. The most commonly used hydrogel is sol-gel, a glassy silica
generated by polymerization of silicate monomers (added as tetra alkyl orthosilicates
tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) and tetraethoxysilane (TEOS)) in the presence of the biological
elements (along with other stabilizing polymers, such as PEG Poly ethylene glycol) in the
case of physical entrapment.
Fig shows the structure of synthetic monomers used in the preparation of cosmetic for
eye lens.
PVA polyvinyl alcohol. Artificial or synthetic eye lens are made up of hydrogels. Silicone
hydrogel contact lenses are advanced soft lenses that allow more oxygen to pass through
the lens to the cornea. Silicon based eye lens are made up of N- Vinyl-pyrolidone and
polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) wearer
Hydrogels are also used in diapers. Sodium polyacrylate is used in the production of
disposable diapers. When exposed to water, the sodium polyacrylate swells and adsorbs
up to 1000 times its own weight in water. The dipers and sanitary napkins absorbs liquid
by osmosis. Hydrogels can be regarded as highly valuable biomaterials for human-beings.
There are numerous applications of hydrogels in modern day life.
Hydrogels can be regarded as highly valuable biomaterials for human-beings. There are
numerous applications of hydrogels in modern day life.
i. Tissue engineering
ii. Dressing of wounds
iii. Diapers
iv. Cosmetic products skin and hair gel
v. Biosensing.
Components of Immobilization
Types of Immobilization.
Chemical Methods
i. Covalent Binding
ii. Copolymerization
Physical methods.
i. Adsorption
ii. Entrapment
iii. Encapsulation
Ionic binding
This is a simple reversible mode of immobilization of proteins, which involves ionic
interaction between the enzyme and the support.
Principle: The support used is generally charged, such that the protein to be bound has an
opposite charge. The enzyme is therefore bound to the support via ionic interactions. It
can be easily reversed by altering the pH or ‘salting out’ of the enzyme.
Advantage: It is very easy, inexpensive and requires simple inputsfor reversal of the
binding. To maintain an optimum pH during the reaction tenure, easy manipulation of the
acidity or alkalinity in the reaction mixture can be performed, as the matrix which
immobilizesthe enzyme is stably charged.
Disadvantage: The presence of the charged support causes several problems like enzyme
structure distortion and alterations in enzyme kinetics. High charge has the potential to
disrupt the enzyme catalysis. As a result, maximum yield is hindered
molecules diffuse into the mesh, the reaction will not be initiated and according to Le
Chatelier’s principle, the reaction rate does not reach a peak unless the products sieve out.
Covalent Binding
Covalent bonds are highly stable and hence, covalent binding ensures that the enzyme is
strongly bound to the support . It has been used in a number of industries. Chemical
binding between functional groups of the enzyme and the support. Cyanogen bromide
can be used.
1. No diffusion barrier
2. Stable
3. Short response time
4. High enzyme activity loss
5. Disadvantage
6. Matrix not regenertable
7. Coupling with toxic product.
Advantage: The reaction is highly specific and no contaminants are present on the carrier.
If the antibody on the support is highly specific for the enzyme, the step of enzyme
purification can be bypassed. Enzymes from an impure solution can also specifically attach
to the matrix. Maximum activity of the enzyme is also ensured if the antibody is targeted
at an epitope away from the activity site.
Principle: It involves the formation of a covalent bond between the support and the side
chains of the amino acids of the enzyme, most commonly lysine (ε-amino group), cysteine
(thiol group), aspartic acid and glutamic acid (carboxylic group), hydroxyl group, imidazole
group, phenol groups, etc. . These groups are nucleophiles and tend to bind to electrophilic
groups of the support. A wide variety of reactions have been developed, depending on the
functional groups available on the matrix. For coupling of the enzyme to the support, it is
often necessary to ‘activate the support’, i.e., modify the support so as to make it bind to
the enzyme more efficiently. The activation methods in general can be divided into two
main classes,(i) addition of a reactive group to the support polymer to activate it, and (ii)
modification of the polymer backbone to produce an activated group. The activation
processes are generally designed to generate electrophilic groups on the support. This
allows the support to react with the strong nucleophiles on the proteins, allowing stable
immobilization .
Carriers used: The supports used are generally stable and easily available and are activated
by the appropriate reagents. The common supports used are cyanogen bromide (CNBr)-
activated Sephadex or CNBr-activated Sepharose. Other common carriers include
activatedforms of dextran, cellulose, agarose, etc. Artificial matrices include Polyvinyl
chloride, ion exchange resins and porous glass .
Advantage: The binding involves covalent interactions and is strong. Hence, leaking of the
enzyme into the reaction mixture is totally prevented. This prevents mixing of the enzyme
with the product, thereby reducing contamination and the cost of purification. The
covalent binding also stabilizes the enzyme in specific protein orientations, and may
promote higher specific activity .
Disadvantage: The covalent bond formed between the support and enzyme may involve
the amino acids of the active site of the enzyme, which may lead to significant loss in
activity. Since the method is irreversible, the support cannot be recycled, as the enzymatic
activity declines. The support along with the bound enzyme has to be discarded.
The cross linking of Biological recognition element with the support material involves
bonding between the amino group of the matrix and amino group of an enzyme.
Example: Glutaraldehyde.
Advantages are Low or no enzyme leakage Higher enzyme stability.
Simple and cheap method, unlike the other systems of enzyme immobilization, the
immobilized enzyme is not bound to any matrix, but is present in the reaction mixture,
albeit in an immobilized form.
In summary In Biosensors the BRE (Protein, DNA, Cell) is required to be attached on a
support material. A solid, stable and inert support is required to entrap the protein
molecule.In Biosensing adsorption, entrapment, chemical binding, encapsulation and
crosslinking are used
Reversible immobilized enzyme technology cannot fulfil the aim of using an immobilized
enzyme on a long term basis. Irreversibleimmobilization involves strong chemical bonds
and particularlyserves to maintain reasonable stability of the enzymes over a long period
of time. Most industries use enzymes immobilized by these methods, thereby allowing
continuous processing of the substrates without the need of replacing the enzyme very
often. Different techniques classified as irreversible enzyme immobilization are discussed
in the following sections.
Reversible immobilization is the method in which the biological recognition element can
be removed from the matrix. It is temporarily fixed on support material.
Generally no drastic conditions are required for the immobilization.
Reversible immobilization techniques allow the multiple time use of BRE.
Methods of immobilization by adsorption
i. Static method: immobilization of enzyme and carrier molecule without
ii. Dynamic process: The mixing of an enzyme with the carrier under constant
iii. Reactor loading: transferring of both enzyme and carrier in the reactor with the
agitation Electro-deposition: Due to electric current the enzyme gets deposited
on the surface.
Advantage: Encapsulation within a membrane maintains the enzyme structure in its native
form and prevents leakage of the enzyme, protecting it from the harsh conditions of the
medium. Multi-enzyme encapsulations can also be created by trapping more than one
enzyme within a membrane .
Disadvantage: As mentioned earlier with entrapment method, the diffusion of substrate and
product across the membrane controls the reaction rate. The pore size needs to be
maintained accurately to prohibit enzyme leakage (if the pore is too large) or poor loading
of the enzyme (if pores are very minute). This technique is non recommendable for
reactions involving substrate and enzyme molecules of similar diameters as an optimum
pore size cannot be selected in such cases.
Principle: Enzymes, being large macromolecules, tend to be larger than the substrates or
products. Thus, the enzyme is immobilized within a matrix of appropriate pore size to allow
only the substrates and products of a diameter smaller than the matrix pore size to diffuse
in and out of the mesh respectively .
Matrix used: Common polymers used for enzyme entrapmentinclude alginate, carrageenan,
collagen, polyacrylamide, gelatin,silicon rubber and polyurethane
The enzyme size-to-pore size of support is a deciding factor in selecting the support. Smaller
the pores, lesser the enzyme entrapped, while larger the pores, more the leaking of the
enzyme. Hence, accurate pore size selection of the support is crucial .
Advantage: The method is fast, cheap and easily carried out under mild or physiological
conditions. As the enzyme remains confined within a matrix, it is protected from
contamination by microbes, proteases or other enzymes .
In adsorption Weak bonds are involved such as Hydrogen bond and Vander Wall forces.
The matrix particle size must be small. It is simple and easy process. There is limited loss of
enzyme activity.
In covalent bonding , enzyme molecule binds to the carrier by a covalent bond. A complex
form through this bonding is stable. There is no enzyme loss during the process.Covalent
binding occurs between the active part, the, i.e. functional group of an enzyme and carrier
Chemical groups
There are several groups in protein structure which could participate in chemical bonding
with the support material.
The order of reactivity of these functional group to the carrier depends upon their charged
-S– > -SH > -O– > -NH2 > -COO– > -OH >> -NH3
Lysine residues are found to be the most useful groups for covalent bonding of enzymes to
insoluble supports due to their widespread surface exposure and high reactivity, especially in
slightly alkaline solutions.Epsilon amino group of lysine take part in the reaction.Lysine residues
appear to be only very rarely involved in the active sites of enzymes.
Structure of Lysine molecule
1. Cellulose
2. Polyacrylamide
3. Collagen
4. Gelatin
5. Porus glass
6. Silica
7. CNBr- Agarose
The process of conversion of primary aromatic amines into its diazonium salt is called
diazotization. This process involves bonding between the amino group of the matrix and tyrosyl
or histidyl group of an enzyme on reaction with NaNO2 and HCl.
Cyanogen Bromide
Cyanogen bromide is used for the activation of Sepharose or Agarose hydroxyl groups.
The activate hydroxyl groups on carbohydrate creates reactive cyanate esters.
CNBr hydrolyzes peptide bonds at the C-terminus of Met residues. Met is the first amino acid
residue of a protein.
Cyanogen bromide can be used to activate a hydroxyl particle to a reactive cyanate ester, which
can then be used to couple
Glutaraldehyde reacts with the support material containing primary amino groups.
It requires the low-ionic strength.
It acts as a link between the protein and support material.
The amino group of glutaraldehyde reacts with the protein and support.
This is a permanent method for protein immobilization.
It involves formation of chemical bonds between the biological recognition element and the
Different types of reagents such as Glutaraldehyde and CNBr acts as a linker between the
support material and the Biomolecule.
Immobilization on PANI
Polyaniline (PANI) is a conducting polymer of the semi-flexible rod polymer family.
PANI is used to develop mediator-less biosensors.It is used as support matrix and insulating
material. PANI is an efficient electrode material due to low redox potential and high
Immobilization of enzyme on PANI.
Immobilization on NPG
Nanoporous gold (NPG) provides a high surface area form of gold that is suitable for covalent
modification by self-assembled monolayers. The material can be used as a high surface area
electrode and with immobilized enzymes can be used for amperometric detection schemes.
Fig shows Hydrophobic and ionic interactions between antibody and gold.
GNP(dia. ∼6 nm) are immobilized over reduced Graphene oxide nanoribbons (RGONRs).
An ssDNA/Au/RGONR electrode is prepared by immobilizing Au nanoparticles followed by
covalent modification of Au nanoparticles with 5′SH-ssDNA.
Chapter 05
Learning Outcome.
Nanoparticles are particles between 1 and 100 nanometres (nm) in size with a surrounding
interfacial layer. The interfacial layer is an integral part of nanoscale matter, fundamentally
affecting all of its properties. The interfacial layer typically consists of ions, inorganic and
organic molecules. Organic molecules coating inorganic nanoparticles are known as
stabilizers, capping and surface ligands, or passivating agents. In nanotechnology, a particle
is defined as a small object that behaves as a whole unit with respect to its transport and
properties. Particles are further classified according to diameter.
IUPAC definition
Particle of any shape with dimensions in the 1 × 10−9 and 1 × 10−7 m range The basis of the
100-nm limit is the fact that novel properties that differentiate particles from the bulk
material typically develop at a critical length scale of under 100 nm. According to ISO
Technical Specification 80004, a nanoparticle is defined as a nano-object with all three
external dimensions in the nanoscale, whose longest and shortest axes do not differ
significantly, with a significant difference typically being a factor of at least 3.
Natural sources of nanoparticles include combustion products forest fires, volcanic ash,
ocean spray, and the radioactive decay of radon gas. Natural nanomaterials can also be
formed through weathering processes of metal- or anion-containing rocks, as well as at acid
mine drainage sites.
Nanoparticles can be classified into any of various types. Most reliable classification is based
on their Chemistry. Organic Nanoparticles includes dendrimers, liposomes, carbon based
nanoparticles and polymeric nanoparticles.
Inorganic Nanoparticles include Mesoporous silica, Gold nano particles, Iron oxide,
Quantum dots. A part from Organic and Inorganic NPS engineered particles has gained
much importance. An array of ENPs have been manufactured which include mainly metals,
non-metals, metal oxides, lipids, and polymers) as well as various nanocomposites.
The principal parameters of nanoparticles are their shape (including aspect ratios where
appropriate), size, and the morphological sub-structure of the substance. The high surface
area to volume ratio of nanoparticles provides a tremendous driving force for diffusion,
especially at elevated temperatures. Sintering ("when the moisture is removed from the
slurry the powder compact is sintered") can take place at lower temperatures, over shorter
time scales than for larger particles.
Nanoparticles are presented as an aerosol (mostly solid or liquid phase in air), a suspension
(mostly solid in liquids) or an emulsion (two liquid phases). Clay nanoparticles when
incorporated into polymer matrices increase reinforcement, leading to stronger plastics,
verifiable by a higher glass transition temperature and other mechanical property tests.
These nanoparticles are hard, and impart their properties to the polymer (plastic).
Nanoparticles have also been attached to textile fibers in order to create smart and
functional clothing In the presence of chemical agents (surfactants), the surface and
interfacial properties may be modified. Indirectly such agents can stabilise against
coagulation or aggregation by conserving particle charge and by modifying the outmost
layer of the particle.
Engineered NPs
Organic Nanoparticles
Organic NPs are derived from biological material and processed materials such as lipids and
biological polymers. The processed material based NPs includes carbon NPs.The organic
NPs are biocompatible and are widely used in Biomedical applications.
Polymeric nanoparticles are nano sized solid particles. They are prepared from natural and
synthetic polymers and are used I n drug delivery. Natural material includes Chitosan,
Synthetic materials include Polylactides, and Poly malic acid Polymeric NPs are solid
colloidal systems in which the therapeutic agent is dissolved, entrapped, encapsulated, or
adsorbed onto the constituent polymer matrix.
Depending upon the process of formation of NPs, the structure of resulting polymeric NPs
may vary from nanospheres (matrix systems in which the drug is dispersed throughout the
particles) to nanocapsules (vesicular reservoir systems in which the drug is confined to an
aqueous or oily cavity surrounded by a single polymeric membrane). Several polymers such
as poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), polylactide (PLA), polyglycolide, polycaprolactone
(PCL), poly(d,l-lactide), chitosan, and PLGA–polyethylene glycol (PEG) have been developed
for passive and ligand-targeted delivery of therapeutic moieties.
Metal nanoparticles (NPs) are widespread used in various scientific fields including
biochemistry, optics, and plasmonics, but specially employed in heterogeneous catalysis for
maximizing the exposed area of a metal catalyst, typically a rare, expensive late transition
metal. The metal NPs chemical reactivity is intimately linked to their elementary
composition, atomic arrangement, shape, and size, a variety of features whose role is often
intertwined. Physiochemical properties, high stability, high reactivity, photothermal and
plasmonic properties of metallic NPs make them potent carriers as a therapeutic agent.
Hence, plasmonic NPs like gold NPs have been used in photothermal therapy to kill brain
tumor cells. Quantum dots and magnetic iron NPs have been utilized for bioimaging
purposes . Indeed, some metallic NPs have been used in theranostics due to their
therapeutic and diagnostic applications.
Free nanoparticles are formed through either the breaking down of larger particles or by
controlled assembly processes. Natural phenomena and many human industrial and
domestic activities, such as cooking, manufacturing or road and air transport release
nanoparticles into the atmosphere.
There are three main methods that are used to produce nanoparticles.
In a plasma source system, an inert gas, such as argon, flows into a chamber..
Fig shows a plasma system for NPs synthesis.
Gas carries macroscopic particles for nanoparticles production. The plasma is produced by
high-power radio frequency signal applied to the carrier gas. The ions then condense into
The sol–gel process is a wet-chemical technique widely used recently in the fields of
materials science and ceramic engineering. There are three main steps in the formation of
sol gel.
1) Partial hydrolysis of metal alkoxides to form reactive monomers,
2) Condensation of these monomers to form colloid-like oligomers (sol formation).
3) Additional hydrolysis to promote polymerization and cross-linking leading to a
three-dimensional matrix (gel formation).
Fig shows the method for the synthesis of sol gel from metal alkaloid.
Typical precursors are metal alkoxides and metal chlorides, which undergo hydrolysis and
polycondensation reactions to form either a network "elastic solid" or a colloidal
suspension (or dispersion) – a system composed of discrete (often amorphous)
submicrometer particles dispersed to various degrees in a host fluid. Formation of a metal
oxide involves connecting the metal centers with oxo (M-O-M) or hydroxo (M-OH-M)
bridges, therefore generating metal-oxo or metal-hydroxo polymers in solution. Thus, the
sol evolves toward the formation of a gel-like diphasic system containing both a liquid phase
and solid phase whose morphologies range from discrete particles to continuous polymer
networks. Removal of the remaining liquid (solvent) phase requires a drying process, which
typically causes shrinkage and densification.
The sol–gel approach is a cheap and low-temperature technique that allows for the fine
control of the product’s chemical composition. Even small quantities of dopants, such as
organic dyes and rare earth metals, can be introduced in the sol and end up uniformly
dispersed in the final product. It can be used in ceramics processing and manufacturing as
an investment casting material, or as a means of producing very thin films of metal oxides
for various purposes. Sol–gel derived materials have diverse applications in optics,
electronics, energy, space, (bio)sensors, medicine (e.g., controlled drug release) and
separation (e.g., chromatography) technology.
Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are small gold particles with a diameter of 1 to 100 nm which,
once dispersed in water, are also known as colloidal gold.
Colloidal gold nanoparticles have been utilized for centuries by artists due to the vibrant
colors produced by their interaction with visible light. More recently, these unique
optoelectronic properties have been researched and utilized in high technology
applications such as organic photovoltaics, sensory probes, therapeutic agents, drug
delivery in biological and medical applications, electronic conductors and catalysis. The
optical and electronic properties of gold nanoparticles are tunable by changing the size,
shape, surface chemistry, or aggregation state.
Shapes and color emission
AuNPs come in different shapes such as, star, rods, sphere and branch. depending upon
the mode of synthesis.For small (~30nm) mono-disperse gold NPs, there is an absorption of
light in the range ~450 nm.For larger AuNPs light is absorbed in the range of ~700 nm is
reflected, yielding a rich red color
Gold nanoparticles’ interaction with light is strongly dictated by their environment, size and
physical dimensions. Oscillating electric fields of a light ray propagating near a colloidal
nanoparticle interact with the free electrons causing a concerted oscillation of electron
charge that is in resonance with the frequency of visible light. These resonant oscillations
are known as surface plasmons. For small (~30nm) monodisperse gold nanoparticles, the
surface plasmon resonance phenomenon causes an absorption of light in the blue-green
portion of the spectrum (~450 nm) while red light (~700 nm) is reflected, yielding a rich red
color. As particle size increases, the wavelength of surface plasmon resonance related
absorption shifts to longer, redder wavelengths. Red light is then absorbed, and blue light
is reflected, yielding solutions with a pale blue or purple color. As particle size continues to
increase toward the bulk limit, surface plasmon resonance wavelengths move into the IR
portion of the spectrum and most visible wavelengths are reflected, giving the
nanoparticles clear or translucent color. The surface plasmon resonance can be tuned by
varying the size or shape of the nanoparticles, leading to particles with tailored optical
properties for different applications.
This phenomenon is also seen when excess salt is added to the gold solution. The surface
charge of the gold nanoparticle becomes neutral, causing nanoparticles to aggregate. As a
result, the solution color changes from red to blue. To minimize aggregation, the versatile
surface chemistry of gold nanoparticles allows them to be coated with polymers, small
molecules, and biological recognition molecules.
An other method for the synthesis of AuNPs is the reduction of gold salt by Sodium tetra
borate. This is a two step reaction. First step is the seeding in the presence of sodium tetra
borate. Second step is the separation of gold particles in the presence of Ascorbic Acid.
Schematic synthesis if gold NPs.
Green Synthesis
A Green method for the isolation of AuNPs is also reported. A gold compound chloroauric
acid (HAuCl4) is reduced with plant extract. Size of Au nanoparticles was found to be around
20 nm and spherical in shape. This is a simple method.
1) Electronics
2) Therapeutic Agent Delivery.
3) Sensors
4) Probes
5) Diagnostics
6) Biosensors
7) Catalysis
8) Tissue Engineering
Quantum dots (QDs) are man-made nanoscale crystals that that can transport electrons.
When UV light hits these semiconducting nanoparticles, they can emit light of various
colors. These artificial semiconductor nanoparticles that have found applications in
composites, solar cells and fluorescent biological labels. Quantum dots are tiny particles of
a semiconducting material with diameters in the range of 2-10 nanometers (10-50 atoms).
They can emit any color of light from the same material simply by changing the dot size.
They have immense applications in the field of Biosensors. Color Emission
A small Quantum dots require more energy to excite it. Smaller dots with higher energy
produce higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths. The smaller emit blue light and
intermediate emit green light. The larger dots produce red color.
1. Colloidal synthesis QDs are synthesized from solutions, like a chemical processes.
2. Plasma synthesis , is the gas-phase approaches for the production of QDs.
3. Green method plant derived material is reduced to produce QDs.
Quantum Confinement Effect
Color Emission
A small Quantum dots require more energy to excite it. Smaller dots with higher energy
produce higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths. The smaller size QDs emit blue light
and intermediate emit green light. The larger size QDs dots produce red color.
Due to their small size, the electrons in these particles are confined in a small space
(quantum box), and when the radii of the semiconductor nanocrystal is smaller than the
exciton Bohr radius (exciton Bohr radius is the average distance between the electron in
the conduction band and the hole it leaves behind in the valence band). Generally, as the
size of the crystal decreases, the difference in energy between the highest valence band
and the lowest conduction band increases. More energy is then needed to excite the dot,
and concurrently, more energy is released when the crystal returns to its ground state,
resulting in a color shift from red to blue in the emitted light. As a result of this
phenomenon, these nanomaterials can emit any color of light from the same material
simply by changing the dot size. Additionally, because of the high level of control possible
over the size of the nanocrystals produced, these semiconducting structures can be tuned
during manufacturing to emit any color of light.
Quantum dots can be classified into different types based on their composition and
These nano dots can be single component materials with uniform internal compositions,
such as chalcogenides (selenides, sulfides or tellurides) of metals like cadmium, lead or zinc,
example, CdTe. The photo- and electroluminescence properties of core-type nanocrystals
can be fine-tuned by simply changing the crystallite size.
The ability to tune optical and electronic properties by changing the crystallite size has
become a hallmark of quantum dots. However, tuning the properties by changing the
crystallite size could cause problems in many applications with size restrictions.
Multicomponent dots offer an alternative method to tune properties without changing
crystallite size. Alloyed semiconductor nanodots with both homogeneous and gradient
internal structures allow tuning of the optical and electronic properties by merely changing
the composition and internal structure without changing the crystallite size. For example,
alloyed quantum dots of the compositions CdSxSe1-x/ZnS of 6nm diameter emits light of
different wavelengths by just changing the composition. Alloyed semiconductor quantum
dots formed by alloying together two semiconductors with different band gap energies
exhibited interesting properties distinct not only from the properties of their bulk
counterparts but also from those of their parent semiconductors. Thus, alloyed
nanocrystals possess novel and additional composition-tunable properties aside from the
properties that emerge due to quantum confinement effects.
Quantum dots ar particularly significant for optical applications owing to their bright, pure
colors along with their ability to emit rainbow of colors coupled with their high efficiencies,
longer lifetimes and high extinction coefficient. Examples include LEDs and solid state
lighting, displays and photovoltaics.
Being zero dimensional, quantum dots have a sharper density of states than higher-
dimensional structures. Their small size also means that electrons do not have to travel as
far as with larger particles, thus electronic devices can operate faster. Examples of
applications taking advantage of these unique electronic properties include transistors,
solar cells, ultrafast all-optical switches and logic gates, and quantum computing, among
many others.
The small size of dots allow them to go anywhere in the body making them suitable for
different bio-medical applications like medical imaging, biosensors, etc. At present,
fluorescence based biosensors depend on organic dyes with a broad spectral width, which
limits their effectiveness to a small number of colors and shorter lifetimes to tag the agents.
On the other hand, quantum dots can emit the whole spectrum, are brighter and have little
degradation over time thus proving them superior to traditional organic dyes used in
biomedical applications.
Qds are semiconductor, core-shell and alloyed quantum dots tuned to emit different colors
in the visible spectrum while exhibiting high quantum yield. Nanocrystals are available in
both aqueous and organic formulations suitable for use in different applications.
47. Zinc Oxide Nano Particle
Zinc oxide nanoparticles are nanoparticles of zinc oxide (ZnO) that have diameters less than
100 nanometers. They have a large surface area relative to their size and high catalytic
activity. ZnO is a wide-bandgap semiconductor with an energy gap of 3.37 eV at room
temperature. nanoparticle zinc oxide is safe and effective (all research has shown that
particles in the size range used in sunscreens (>30nm) do not penetrate the skin and are
completely safe to use in sunscreen creams and lotions),
Zinc oxide is a metal oxide. Zn is a chemical element with the symbol Zn and atomic number
30. Zinc is a slightly brittle metal at room temperature.It is the first element in group 12 of
the periodic table. Zinc oxide crystalizes in two main forms Hexagonal Wurtzite crystals and
cubic zinc blend crystals. The Wurtzite structure is most stable at ambient conditions. The
zinc oxide nano particles exist in wurtzite crystal form. The atomic position of crystal is same
as hexagonal diamond.
Electrical Properties
Zinc oxide has a relatively large direct band gap of around 3.3 eV at room temperature. The
advantages associated with large band gap include:
High power operation Zinc oxide is used for the synthesis of nanoparticles.. ZnO-NPs are
widely utilized in several industrial areas such as UV light-emitting devices, ethanol gas
sensors, photo-catalysts , pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries . Properties including
non-toxic, self-cleansing , compatible with skin, antimicrobial, and dermatologic associate
degreed are employed as UV-blocker in sunscreens and lots of medical specialty
applications . Coated nano zinc oxide are renowned for its UV blocking capabilities.
The UV-vis absorption spectrum shows an absorption band at 355 nm due to ZnO
nanoparticles. The photoluminescence spectrum exhibits two emission peaks First at
392 nm Second is located at 520 nm. Zinc oxide is a metal oxide. Zinc oxide nano particles
are within the range of 1-100 nano-meters.
ZnO nanoparticles can be synthesized by direct precipitation method using zinc nitrate and
KOH as precursors Chemical and physical synthesis strategies are pricey and require in
depth labor and time. Moreover, giant quantities of secondary waste are generated,
ensuing from the addition of chemical agents for precipitation and reduction within the
Chemical synthesis strategies that are typical such as chemical precipitation result in the
presence of some poisonous chemical species which are adsorbate on the surface that will
have adverse effects in medical applications.
There are reactions that need heat and/or air mass to initiate, whereas some others need
inert atmosphere protection, and/or utilization poisonous matters similar to Hydrogen di
sulfide, poisonous model and stabilizer, and bimetallic precursors. Chemicals which are
used for nanoparticles synthesis and stabilization are poisonous and result in non-
ecofriendly byproducts. Chemical strategies result in the presence of some noxious
chemicals that are absorbable on the surface and have adverse effects in medical
Several physical and chemical procedures are used to synthesize huge quantities of
nanoparticles in an exceedingly and comparatively short period of time . Among the most
generally used approaches for preparing of ZnO-NPs, solution-based routes are very wide
and simple such as chemical precipitation sol-gel solvothermal , hydrothermal and etc.
Green synthesis of nanoparticles makes use of environmental friendly, non-toxic and safe
ZnO nano particles has application in many fields. Large surface area relative to their size
1. Medical Science
2. Nano generator
3. Gas sensor
4. Biosensor
5. Solar cells
6. Photodetector
7. Biosensors
Twisting and warping of the graphene sheet results in formation of 0-dim Fullerenes..
Fullerene is single and double bonds with fused rings of five to seven atoms. The molecule
may be a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, tube, or many other shapes and sizes.
Carbon Nanotubes
Rolling of the sheet along an axis results in formation of 1-dim CNTs. Carbon nanotubes
(CNTs) are cylindrical molecules that consist of rolled-up sheets. The tensile strength is
approximately 100 times greater than that of steel of the same diameter. Nanotubes are
elastic in nature. Carbon nanotubes are large molecules of pure carbon that are long and
thin and shaped like tubes, about 1-3 nanometers (1 nm = 1 billionth of a meter) in
diameter, and hundreds to thousands of nanometers long.
As individual molecules, nanotubes are 100 times stronger-than-steel and one-sixth its
weight. These three types of CNTs are armchair carbon nanotubes, zigzag carbon
nanotubes, and chiral carbon nanotubes. The difference in these types of carbon nanotubes
are created depending on how the graphite is “rolled up” during its creation process. Each
individual nanotube is only between 2 and 4 nanometers across, but each one is incredibly
strong and tough.
It's only 10% the weight of steel but has hundreds of times the strength. CNTs can act as
antennas for radios and other electromagnetic devices. Conductive CNTs are used in
brushes for commercial electric motors. They replace traditional carbon black. The
nanotubes improve electrical and thermal conductivity because they stretch through the
plastic matrix of the brush.
There are three types of CNTs. The zigzag, chiral and armchair configurations.
Graphene Oxide
Graphene oxide (GO) is a single monomolecular layer of graphite. It has various oxygen-
containing functionalities such as epoxide, carbonyl, carboxyl, and hydroxyl groups.
GO is one of the suitable nanoparticles to enhance the hydrophilicity of the membrane. GO
is usually prepared by Hummer’s method. GO contains functional groups making it more
dispersed in the polymeric solution GO is an intriguing material. As a functionalized single
atomic layer of carbon, the thickness of GO is approximately 1 nm. On the other hand, the
lateral length of GO sheets can span to micrometres It has optical and electronic properties
enable graphene oxide to be used in many fields. structural model of GO shows that the
edges of a GO sheet consist predominantly of ionizable carboxylic acid groups, which are
hydrophilic. Meanwhile, the basal plane consists of both hydrophilic oxygen-containing
functional groups and hydrophobic aromatic domains.
Nanoporous gold is actually a Au-rich Ag–Au alloy which, specifically the Ag0.03Au0.97
composition, combines high reactivity and selectivity for a wide variety of oxidation
reactions, from simple CO oxidation to complex oxygen-assisted coupling reactions. Based
on a self-organisation process.
It is a 3 dimensional sponge like gold structure evolves with ligaments in the range of only
a few tens of nanometers. Due to its continuous porosity, the material can be penetrated
by gases which then adsorb and interact with the surface.
Fig shows the nanoporous gold. Au atoms are shown in orange wuile Ag atoms atr shown
in blue.
Nanoporous gold (np-Au) has many interesting and useful properties that make it a material
of interest for use in many technological applications. Its biocompatible nature and ability
to serve as a support for self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiols and their derivative
make it a suitable support for the immobilization of carbohydrates, enzymes, proteins, and
DNA. Unique properties
1. Open nanoporosity
2. High surface area
3. Excellent electrical conductivity,
4. Nontoxicity nature
5. Easy recyclability
6. tunable surface chemistry.
Catalytic properties of NP fold ate shown inpic.NPG is a heterogeneous catalyst due has
unique structural properties, including
1. Open nanoporosity
2. High surface area
3. Excellent electrical conductivity,
4. Nontoxicity nature
5. Easy recyclability
6. tunable surface chemistry
Its chemically inert, physically robust and conductive high-surface area makes it useful for
the design of electrochemistry-based chemical/bio-sensors and reactors. Furthermore, it is
also used as solid support for organic molecular synthesis and biomolecules separation. Its
enhanced optical property has application in design of plasmonics-based sensitive
biosensors. In fact, np-Au is one of the few materials that can be used as a transducer for
both optical and electrochemical biosensing. Due to the presence of low-coordination
surface sites, np-Au shows remarkable catalytic activity for oxidation of molecules like
carbon monoxide and methanol. Owing to the importance of np-Au, in this chapter we will
highlight different strategies of fabrication of np-Au and its emerging applications based on
its unique properties. The catalytic performance of nanoporous gold
1. CO oxidation
2. Hydrogen oxidation and production
3. Oxidation of alcohols
4. Reactions in liquid phase
5. Reduction reaction or hydrogenation is more difficult because H‐H dissociation is not easy
on gold.
The catalytic performance of nano particulate gold strongly depends on size and support.
CO oxidation has been the representative model reaction for investigating the catalytic
efficiency. It is found to be very effective at temperatures as low as 30°C when nanoporus
gold was used as catalylst.
In Gold‐based catalysts molecular oxygen can be used as an oxidant for the selective
oxidations.It works under mild conditions , that is, at low temperature (<100°C) and under
an ambient pressure/
CO Oxidation
The catalytic performance of nano particulate gold strongly depends on size and support.
CO oxidation has been the representative model reaction for investigating the catalytic
It is found to be very effective at temperatures as low as 30°C when nanoporus gold was
used as cataylst.
1. Nano particles are ultra small particles within the range of nano scales.
2. They have high loading capacity due to large surface area;
3. They can easily travel into the target cell due to their small size, shape, and Bioactive
hydrogels for bone regeneration.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are suitable scaffold materials that have proved to support osteoblast
proliferation in bone regeneration. CNTs possess exceptional mechanical, thermal, and electrical
properties, facilitating their use as reinforcements or, in combination with other biomaterials, to
improve and to support bone growth.
PLLA nanofibers are often functionalized to improve their biological performance with peptides
such as RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp); with osteogenic molecules such as hydroxyapatite; or with proteins
such as collagen and the growth factor bone morphogenic protein 2 (BMP-2). It was found that
direct incorporation of BMP-2 into PLLA nanofibers enhances the osteoinductivity of the
Titanium, as a biocompatible material, has been used to enhance implant incorporation in bone
for dental, craniofacial, and orthopedic applications. Studies have demonstrated that
nanoporous titanium dioxide (TiO2) surface modification alters nanoscale topography improving
soft tissue attachment on titanium implants surface
The advantages of nanomaterials as therapeutic and diagnostic tools are vast, due to
design flexibility, small sizes, large surface-to-volume ratio, and ease of sur.face
modification. The potential of these bio-devices has shown promising results in vitro,
and some of them have also been successfully tested in vivo with animal models
Graphene Oxide for Textile wastewater Treatment
Chapter 06
Modules 52-68
Learning Outcome.
Students will be able to differentiate between different types of sensors.
Students will be able to describe the role of a specific sensor in a Biosensor.
The mechanism of Sensor working will be explained to the students.
Students will be able to classify different types of Biosensors.
Sensor is a device that is used to sense a physical variable, which includes what is not limited to
temperature, strain, humidity, pressure, mass, light and voltage. To sense these variables we
need to convert them into a universal and easily assessable signal usually a voltage. This voltage
signal changes continuously with time, and is directly proportional to a corresponding physical
variable. A component responsible for this conversion is called transducer. The resulting voltage
signal is usually an analogue signal. The analog voltage signal is then transferred to a computer
or a microprocessor which recognizes digital signals only. An analog signal is converted into a
series of high and low voltages (for example, binary numbers). Such that a small fluctuation in
the analog signals, such as noise does not affect the over all digital signals. An analog digital
converter (A/D) performs this conversion. Today all in one type sensors have become very
popular. In corporate a transducer, A/D convertor, a micro processor and small crystal display
(LCD) panel. The signal can be sent to a computer universal series bus (USB) from a A/D convertor.
They have 4 types of sensors:
1. Electrochemical sensors
2. Mass Sensitive Sensors
i) Piezo electric sensors
ii) Surface plasmon resolence based sensors
3. Calorimetric Sensors
Electrochemical Sensors
Electrochemical sensors are based on the principle of Electrochemistry. Oxidation and reactions
are monitors inthe Electrochemical Sensor. Oxidation and reduction involved the transfer of
electrons between two electrodes, leading to the generation of current. A typical electrochemical
It is composed of following components.
Electrochemical sensors are operated based on the diffusion of gas of interest into the
sensor (Physical Process). The diffused gas in turn gets oxidized or reduced at the sensing
electrode. This results in the production of an electrical signal that is proportional to the
gas concentration.
Factors effecting
Pressure changes. The differential pressure within the sensor can cause sensor damage.
Humidity. As the sensor is dependent on REDOX reaction humidity can alter the catalytic
properties of the system.
These sensors employ REDOX reactions to quantifying the amount of an analyte. The current
flowing through the system or the potential difference between the electrode as a result of the
oxidation and reduction reactions involving the analyte are used for its quantification in the
sample. The electrochemical sensors do not suffer from the drawbacks of optical sensors. They
have stable output at high sensitivity, fast response and suffer from lesser interference.
Alcohol Sensor
Ethanol is oxidized to acetic acid in the presence of Oxygen. A layer of Titanium oxide on alumina
act as a catalyst and reaction occurs. The electric current produced by this reaction is measured
by a microcontroller, is proportional to blood alcohol content (BAC).
When the user exhales into a breath analyzer, any ethanol present in their breath is oxidized to
acetic acid at the anode:
Type of Electrochemical
1. Conductro-metric Sensors
A sensor which measure changes in the conductance of systems, due to presence of an
2. Potentiometric Sensors
Which measures the potential difference between a working a reference electrode. The
reference electrode is one who potential remains in variant during entire duration of
measurement. The working electrode undergoes significant changes in its potential even
for small changes in the analyte concentration. Potentiometric measurements are also
carried out to monitor the accumulation of charge at zero current created by selective
binding of the analyte at the electrode surface. The electrode may be selective for certain
ions or gases including F-, I-, CN-, Na+, K+, Ca2+, H+, NH++, CO2, NH+ etc.
Amperometric Sensors
Fick's laws of diffusion describe diffusion and were derived by Adolf Fick in 1855. They
can be used to solve for the diffusion coefficient, D. Fick's first law can be used to derive
his second law which in turn is identical to the diffusion equation. A diffusion process that
obeys Fick's laws is called normal diffusion (or Fickian diffusion); otherwise, it's called
Anomalous diffusion (or non-Fickian diffusion).
Types of Electrodes
The dropping mercury electrode (DME) is a working electrode made of mercury and used in
polarography. These electrodes are used in electrochemical studies using three electrode
systems when investigating reaction mechanisms related to redox chemistry among other
chemical phenomena.
It is also known as dead stop end point or bi-amperometric method. This method is performed
by using two platinum electrodes. This technique is specifically applied when the oxidation
reduction exists both before as well as after the equivalent point.
PIEZO electro sensors used piezo electric crystal for detection. Piezo electric material are those
that produce an electric signal in response to mechanical force. Such as quartz crystals. The
principal is that the electrical voltage can be generated when piezo crystal is compressed or
stressed. This is called piezo electric effect. This effect is reversible meaning that quarts can be
lengthen or shorten when an electric voltage is applied piezo electricity referred to the materials
ability to exhibit the piezo electric effect. Quartz is the most popular material used in the piezo
electric sensors. Quartz (SiO2) has a unique tetra hadron crystal structure. There are 4 oxygen
molecules in a single tetra hadron (SiO4) where all oxygen molecules are shared with nearby tetra
hydra thus, it becomes SiO2. These tetra hydra are stacked in a highly ordered manner to create
a much larger crystal. Like any other material, the distribution of polarity not uniform throughout
its crystal structure, creating dipoles. As typical quartz is mono crystal, indicating all tetra hydra
are order inward direction. Thus, the dipoles are also ordered in one direction. To use the mono
crystal quartz as a piezo electric sensor it is important to cut the crystal in a certain angle so that
diploes are aligned parallel to the electric voltage. The most widely used angle is 35 degree. Once
the dipoles are aligned parallel to the electrode piezo electric can be observed. When quartz
crystal is compressed, the dipole itself is also compressed. Creating an electrical voltage that has
the same directions of the dipole. When the quartz crystal is stressed the dipole is also stressed
creating a negative electrical voltage.
In these sensors, the crystal are made to vibrate at a specific frequency by the application of
electrical signals. The oscillation frequency of the crystal depends upon the applied frequency.
For sensing applications, a bio-capture layer is introduced on the surface of crystal. The bio-
capture layer consists of a biomolecules that will exhibit the specific binding with the analyte.
Generally, antibodies are the most commonly employed bio-capture molecules and such sensors
are referred as piezo electric amino sensors. The piezo electric sensors are among most sensitive
biosensors available. The mechanism on action is that upon the addition of the sample specific
binding occurs between the bioreceptor and the analyte and consequently and mass change
occurs leading to a change in oscillation frequency that leads to production of electric signals that
are detected. The piezo electric amino sensors have been successfully demonstrated for the
ultrasensitive detection of HIV (Human Immuno Deficiency Virus)
Plasmon are describe as the vibration of the electron cloud in a molecule. These plasmon oscillate
at particular frequency characteristic the material. Surface plasmons are those species of
plasmon whose oscillations are confined to be surface of the material. Generally gold or silver
surfaces are preferred for use in SPR based sensors. Then electromagnetic variation is allowed to
fall on a metal surface (gold or silver) at a particular of angle of incidence the frequency of the
electromagnetic radiation matches the frequency of the vibration resulting in rasonance (and
hence the name, surface plasmon resonance) This resonant angle depends upon the refractive
index of medium, which in term determine by the local mass density of the metal surface. If the
surface the metal film is modified with the capture melcule (Antibody / receptor) There an
addition of the sample, specific binding occurs between the analyte and its ligand leading to a
change in the mass and further resulting in change in the angle of the resonance. This change can
be quantified for determining the concentration of the analyte. SPR based biosensors have been
used to understand the functional aspects of HIV, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The
receptor was incorporated into the retroviral particals and immobilize surface on the metal film
in an SPR based sensor.. One of the major disadvantages is that turbid solutions cannot be used
for detection. In some cases, small ligands may interfere with the binding .
Temperature sensor or Probe. Temperature probes are another term for thermocouples, which
are temperature measuring and monitoring devices that sense the electrical conductivity
produced by heat in gas or liquids to maintain an appropriate temperature in a wide variety of
different systems that use heat energy.
A temperature sensor basically senses temperature, but it does it in a number of ways. A contact
temperature sensor will read the temperature of an object that it is attached to physically.
Contact sensors work in many ways. Thermocouples work using the Seebeck effect, which has to
do with the temperature change in electrical circuits. Thermocouple temperature probes are
devices that generate a temperature-dependent voltage. The wires are joined at one end to form
a measuring junction within a casing. To measure temperature, the probe is inserted into the
fluid or medium and a voltage is generated.
Calorimetric Sensors
The necessity of maintaining the insulated jacket to prevent loss of heat, make the system
bulky. The sensitivity depends upon accuracy of the thermistor employed generally the
sensitivity of the calorimetric sensor is very low. Large sample volumes are required for
detectable change. The list of enzyme shows that the following enzymes released an
amount of heat:
Light is a part of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to human eye, however, the word light
is also used for some electromagnetic radiation that are not visible to human eye. For example,
ultraviolet (UV) or infrared (IR). The light can be seen by human eye is called visible light.
Electromagnetic radiation can be categorized into several groups depending upon the
1. Photo resister
2. Photo diode
3. Photo transistor
A photo transistor can produce high light output current than a PD. Despite this
superiority it has a disadvantage that it can be damaged easily during handling.
LED consume much less power as compared to other and can produce single colour
light. There is another type of LED that generates white light mimicking the natural
sunlight referred as white LED.
5. Laser diode
A laser diode is a special type of LED that generate laser which is a coherent beam of
light that is extremely mono chromatic. Laser diode are used in CD, DVD, laser printer
and barcode scanner. They are also become very important in biosensor application
specially when light needs to be irradiated to the small area of interest. Such as micro
capillary channels. Applications and types of optical sensors are discussed in detail.
Pressure Senor
A pressure sensor is a device that detects a force exerted on a surface (pressure) and
converts it to an electronic signal whose strength is relative to the strength of the
force. Pressure sensors can also be used to measure the force exerted. Amperometry
is one of an
Pressure sensing Elements and Basic Mechanism Pressure is sensed by mechanical elements such
as plates, shells, tube and diaphrams .These elements are designed and constructed to deflect
when pressure is applied. The basic mechanism in the pressure sensors is to convert the pressure
tophysical movement. Examples are discussed in detail in the lecture including of sensors in
diagnostics include A cuff less wearable sensor blood pressure. Sensor for IOC in eye Measurment
of Glucose.
Physiological sensors
Physiological sensing deals with the sensors and analyses of different biological signals.
Developed applications have mainly been for clinical and medical purposes in hospitals,
healthcare centers, and clinics
Types of Biosensors are discussed in the lecture. Biosensors are classified on the basis if
Bioreceptor or sensing techniques.