College, Career, Life Readiness
College, Career, Life Readiness
College, Career, Life Readiness
03 | Introduction
04 | Framework Overview
08 | Grade-Level Profiles
22 | Assessments
30 | Methodology
CCLR Framework | Introduction
The College, Career, and Life Readiness Framework provides a The CCLR Framework
blueprint to prepare middle and high school students for success
helps educators:
after graduation.
1. Give students a practical toolkit for
mastering six competencies that
This practical tool set helps schools and districts of all they must achieve to be college,
career and life ready
sizes define, measure, and track success for their college,
career and life readiness initiatives. 2. Focus on the strategy behind
driving student outcomes and
community engagement rather
than the “how”
The result is purposeful approach to CCLR that drives long-term 3. Define, measure, and track
student engagement and better outcomes. success for college, career and life
readiness initiatives
The research-backed model outlines six competencies that 4. Drive long-term student
students in grades 6-12 must achieve to become college, career engagement and better outcomes
and life ready. Each competency outlines themes and objectives through a purposeful approach to
to further define success, as well as grade-specific activities to implementation and technology
achieve each the grade-specific objectives. The model provides
guidance on key the metrics to track related to each competency. 5. Benefit from 16+ years of
experience helping students
Educators can assess the maturity of their organization’s college, build the competencies they need
career, and life readiness initiatives with a research-based to succeed and identify further
education required to achieve their
diagnostic assessment and a summative assessment.
Measure the completion rate of each activity. Compare to target completion rate. Adjust activity execution as needed.
Delivery of essential objectives: Delivery of essential objectives + additional Delivery of all objectives.
Understand transition to middle school. 4 objectives.
Understand the skills needed to build self-
Understand Learning Styles and Preferences.
Create an academic-related SMART goal.
Future Development
To increase outcomes, consider the following best practices for working with 6th grade students:
• Ask teachers to discuss the transition to middle school each day for the first three weeks of school.
• Invite members of the community to discuss budgeting, career pathways, and college options with students.
• Revisit goals quarterly with students, including those related to self-confidence, academics, and careers.
Measure the completion rate of each activity. Compare to target completion rate. Adjust activity execution as needed.
Delivery of essential objectives: Delivery of essential objectives + additional Delivery of essential objectives + additional
Understand how to overcome obstacles. 1-4 objectives. 5-8 objectives.
Understand individual learning habits.
Identify career interests.
Create a career-related SMART goal.
Future Development
To increase outcomes, consider the following best practices for working with 7th grade students:
• Host a career day to allow students to learn about careers available in their community and to understand the education needed for each
• Invite members of the community to discuss how they have overcome obstacles in their past.
• Revisit goals quarterly with students, including those related to self-confidence, academics, and careers.
Measure the completion rate of each activity. Compare to target completion rate. Adjust activity execution as needed.
Delivery of essential objectives: Delivery of essential objectives + additional Delivery of essential objectives + additional
Employ decision-making skills 1-5 objectives 6-9 objectives
Understand how to manage time wisely
Identify personal support network
Prepare for life in high school
Future Development
To increase outcomes, consider the following best practices for working with 8th grade students:
• Work with teachers to share situations where they have coped with stress, taken risks, and used their support system.
• Invite current 9th grade students to discuss the transition to high school, including course planning, social/emotional adjustments, and
academic expectations.
• Encourage students to revisit goals, habits, and activities independently from classroom lessons.
Measure the completion rate of each activity. Compare to target completion rate. Adjust activity execution as needed.
Delivery of essential objectives: Delivery of essential objectives + additional Delivery of essential objectives + additional
Understand the transition to high school 1-5 objectives 6-9 objectives
Understand successful study habits
Identify post-high school goals
Create a four-year plan of study
Future Development
To increase outcomes, consider the following best practices for working with 9th grade students:
• Ask teachers to discuss the transition to middle school each day for the first three weeks of school.
• Invite members of the community to discuss budgeting, career pathways, and college options with students.
• Revisit goals quarterly with students, including those related to self-confidence, academics, and careers.
Measure the completion rate of each activity. Compare to target completion rate. Adjust activity execution as needed.
Delivery of essential objectives: Delivery of essential objectives + additional Delivery of essential objectives + additional
Identify interests. 1-6 objectives. 7-11 objectives.
Create academic-related SMART goal.
Identify careers of interest.
Discuss future plans/goals with family members.
Future Development
To increase outcomes, consider the following best practices for working with 10th grade students:
• Implement a career apprenticeship or job shadow program connecting students with local businesses.
• Host a family night to foster student-adult relationships and communication.
• Connect with a local financial institution to discuss the meaning and value of debt.
Measure the completion rate of each activity. Compare to target completion rate. Adjust activity execution as needed.
Delivery of essential objectives: Delivery of essential objectives + additional Delivery of essential objectives + additional
Understand the factors that lead to right college fit 1-7 objectives 8-12 objectives
Complete a college search
Identify careers and college majors of interest
Understand the financial aid process
Update post-secondary goals
Future Development
To increase outcomes, consider the following best practices for working with 11th grade students:
• Host a college planning day to allow students to learn about assessments, financial aid, and the college application process.
• Prepare families for the FAFSA by meeting with parents individually or in groups to set expectations and respond to questions regarding
paying for college.
• Use advisory periods to allow teachers to work with students to assess progress toward academic, career, and post-secondary goals.
Measure the completion rate of each activity. Compare to target completion rate. Adjust activity execution as needed.
Delivery of essential objectives: Delivery of essential objectives + additional Delivery of essential objectives + additional
Apply to college or alternative pathways. 1-7 objectives 8-12 objectives
Choose a post-secondary plan.
Identify post-high school support network.
Make a plan to overcome summer melt.
Future Development
To increase outcomes, consider the following best practices for working with 12th grade students:
• Host a panel of college students discussing the transition to college.
• Invite a financial institution to discuss budgeting and conduct a budgeting activity with students.
• Work with students to understand resources available at college and how to advocate for themselves in a post-secondary setting.
Diagnostic Assessment
As the mission and mandate for college, career, and life readiness
initiatives has expanded over time and serving students has
become more complex, educators have asked for more structured
guidance on how to successfully implement, measure and track
their CCLR initiatives and how to use Naviance to achieve
their goals.
About Hobsons
Hobsons helps students identify their strengths, explore careers,
create academic plans, match to best-fit educational opportunities,
and reach their education and life goals. Through our solutions, we
enable thousands of educational institutions to improve college
and career planning, admissions and best-fit matching, enrollment
management, and student success and advising for millions of
students around the globe. Our leading college and career readiness
platform Naviance was named the 2017 and 2018 SIIA CODiE Award
winner in the Best College and Career Readiness Solution category.