College, Career, Life Readiness

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The College, Career,

and Life Readiness

Build mindsets and skill sets for student success
CCLR Framework | Table of Contents

03 | Introduction

04 | Framework Overview

06 | Competencies and Themes

08 | Grade-Level Profiles

22 | Assessments

30 | Methodology
CCLR Framework | Introduction

The College, Career, and Life Readiness Framework provides a The CCLR Framework
blueprint to prepare middle and high school students for success
helps educators:
after graduation.
1. Give students a practical toolkit for
mastering six competencies that
This practical tool set helps schools and districts of all they must achieve to be college,
career and life ready
sizes define, measure, and track success for their college,
career and life readiness initiatives. 2. Focus on the strategy behind
driving student outcomes and
community engagement rather
than the “how”

The result is purposeful approach to CCLR that drives long-term 3. Define, measure, and track
student engagement and better outcomes. success for college, career and life
readiness initiatives
The research-backed model outlines six competencies that 4. Drive long-term student
students in grades 6-12 must achieve to become college, career engagement and better outcomes
and life ready. Each competency outlines themes and objectives through a purposeful approach to
to further define success, as well as grade-specific activities to implementation and technology
achieve each the grade-specific objectives. The model provides
guidance on key the metrics to track related to each competency. 5. Benefit from 16+ years of
experience helping students
Educators can assess the maturity of their organization’s college, build the competencies they need
career, and life readiness initiatives with a research-based to succeed and identify further
education required to achieve their
diagnostic assessment and a summative assessment.

6. Evaluate the maturity of the district

Educators can focus on the “strategic why” of driving or school’s college, career, and life
student outcomes and community engagement rather readiness initiatives with research-
based diagnostic summative
than the “how.” The CCLR framework helps educators use assessments
your technology to its full potential so your students
reach theirs.

CCLR Framework | Introduction | 3

CCLR Framework | Overview


CCLR Framework | Overview | 4

About the CCLR Framework:

Œ Goals for each grade underscore the priorities

for students.

 Each competency is described in relation to its

importance to student success.

Ž Key competency themes for each grade level

provide a detailed focus.

 Objectives are aligned with themes to ensure

students take steps toward the individual

 Classroom or individual activities are aligned

with objectives.

‘ Metrics describe how to measure progress

toward student competencies.

’ Outcomes provide details on assessing student,

school, and district progress.

“ Activities for future development provide

methods to supplement objectives and activities.

CCLR Framework | Overview | 5

CCLR Framework | Competencies and Themes

The six competencies represent the skills, abilities and

knowledge researchers and educators have identified as
crucial to long-term success after high school.



Strengths Teamwork Learning Styles

Interests Support Network Study Skills

Emotional Intelligence Getting Involved Test Preparation

Grit Communications Skills Post-secondary Assessments

Self-Awareness Online Presence Academic Goal Setting

Informed Decisions Course Planning




CCLR Framework | Competencies and Themes | 6


Career Clusters Post-secondary Opportunities School Transitions

Understanding Careers Types of Colleges Preparing for College

Career Search College Fit & Match Preparing for Life

Career Fit College Search Post-secondary Goal Setting

Further Education College Applications Summer Melt

Career Goal Setting Paying for College




CCLR Framework | Competencies and Themes | 7

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 6



Why It Matters Why It Matters Why It Matters

Students who understand their Teamwork, communication, and Academic performance is a strong
strengths can begin to build goals digital literacy development are predictor of postsecondary success.
toward a future that best fits their important to produce students who Grade point average, study skills, and
interests and skills. When students are able to advocate for themselves math achievement all help students to
develop grit and perseverance, they and be productive in the workplace. set themselves up for success.
are better able to overcome obstacles Students who identify and rely on
they are faced with in school and life. their support systems have positive
post-secondary outcomes.

Key Themes Key Themes Key Themes

Self Awareness Support Network Learning Styles
Personal Finances Getting Involved Study Skills
Academic Goal Setting

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Understand the skills needed to build Identify supportive adults. Understand learning styles and
self-confidence. Begin to get involved in school and preferences.
Understand income and expenses. community activities. Employ successful study skills.
Create an academic-related SMART goal.

Activities Activities Activities

Create goals related to building self- Discuss the value of and identify supportive Take a learning styles assessment.
confidence. adults. Create a study plan.
Complete a budgeting exercise. Create an activities resume. Create academic SMART goals.

Measure the completion rate of each activity. Compare to target completion rate. Adjust activity execution as needed.

Delivery of essential objectives: Delivery of essential objectives + additional Delivery of all objectives.
Understand transition to middle school. 4 objectives.
Understand the skills needed to build self-
Understand Learning Styles and Preferences.
Create an academic-related SMART goal.

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 6 | 8

Goals for grade 6: Help students transition from elementary school to middle school and begin to
put down roots as they explore options for their future.



Why It Matters Why It Matters Why It Matters

Through understanding the Post-secondary awareness, or ”college Transitions are a part of life as a
characteristics of various careers knowledge” incorporates all of the student, from elementary school
and the training necessary, students skills needed to identify the post- through career placement. Building
can begin to build their pathway to a secondary training that is a right-fit for coping skills around transitions from
meaningful career based on strengths students, as well as the characteristics elementary to middle school to high
and interests. of the institutions providing best-fit school, then to independent life can
education to help students achieve help students to successfully adapt to
their career goals. new situations.

Key Themes Key Themes Key Themes

Future Planning Post-Secondary Opportunities School Transitions
Career Clusters
Career Goal Setting

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Determine steps to take for future success. Identify the types of postsecondary Understand the transition to middle school.
Identify career clusters of interest. opportunities available.
Create a career-related SMART goal.

Activities Activities Activities

Explore career pathways. Explore types of post-secondary training Complete the middle school transition
Take a career cluster inventory. opportunities, including community and survey.
Create a career-related SMART goal. technical colleges, military certificates, and
4-year institutions.

Future Development

To increase outcomes, consider the following best practices for working with 6th grade students:
• Ask teachers to discuss the transition to middle school each day for the first three weeks of school.
• Invite members of the community to discuss budgeting, career pathways, and college options with students.
• Revisit goals quarterly with students, including those related to self-confidence, academics, and careers.

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 6 | 9

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 7



Why It Matters Why It Matters Why It Matters

Students who understand their Teamwork, communication, and Academic performance is a strong
strengths can begin to build goals digital literacy development are predictor of postsecondary success.
toward a future that best fits their important to produce students who Grade point average, study skills, and
interests and skills. When students are able to advocate for themselves math achievement all help students to
develop grit and perseverance, they and be productive in the workplace. set themselves up for success.
are better able to overcome obstacles Students who identify and rely on
they are faced with in school and life. their support systems have positive
post-secondary outcomes.

Key Themes Key Themes Key Themes

Grit Getting Involved Learning Styles
Personal Finances Teamwork Study Skills
Academic Goal Setting
Understanding Careers

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Understand how to overcome obstacles. Join school and community related Understand individual learning habits
Understand the importance of a budget. activities. Identify habits that lead to success.
Understand how to successfully work with Create an academic-related SMART goal.
a team of peers. Identify various aspects of a career.

Activities Activities Activities

Hear stories of how others have overcome Hear about the activities available in the Learn about successful study habits and
obstacles and make a plan to overcome school and make a plan to join one. make a plan to study smarter.
obstacles. Complete a teambuilding activity. Take a Learning Style assessment.
Examine the cost of common items and Brainstorm and create a SMART goal
complete a simulated budgeting activity. related to academics.

Measure the completion rate of each activity. Compare to target completion rate. Adjust activity execution as needed.

Delivery of essential objectives: Delivery of essential objectives + additional Delivery of essential objectives + additional
Understand how to overcome obstacles. 1-4 objectives. 5-8 objectives.
Understand individual learning habits.
Identify career interests.
Create a career-related SMART goal.

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 7 | 10

Goals for grade 7: Focus on overcoming obstacles, developing successful study habits, and
identifying careers of interest in order to set the stage for a successful transition to the choices they
will need to make in the 8th grade.



Why It Matters Why It Matters Why It Matters

Through understanding the Post-secondary awareness, or ”college Transitions are a part of life as a
characteristics of various careers knowledge” incorporates all of the student, from elementary school
and the training necessary, students skills needed to identify the post- through career placement. Building
can begin to build their pathway to a secondary training that is a right-fit for coping skills around transitions from
meaningful career based on strengths students, as well as the characteristics elementary to middle school to high
and interests. of the institutions providing best-fit school, then to independent life can
education to help students achieve help students to successfully adapt to
their career goals. new situations.

Key Themes Key Themes Key Themes

Career Fit Post-secondary opportunities N/A
Career Goal Setting Paying for College

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Identify career clusters of interest. Identify the types of postsecondary N/A
Create a career-related SMART goal. opportunities available.
Understand the cost of college.

Activities Activities Activities

Take a career interest indicator survey. Hear how others have determined their N/A
Use the career survey to create a SMART postsecondary path.
goal to understand more about that career. Examine college profiles and compare
costs of various types of institutions.

Future Development

To increase outcomes, consider the following best practices for working with 7th grade students:
• Host a career day to allow students to learn about careers available in their community and to understand the education needed for each
• Invite members of the community to discuss how they have overcome obstacles in their past.
• Revisit goals quarterly with students, including those related to self-confidence, academics, and careers.

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 7 | 11

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 8



Why It Matters Why It Matters Why It Matters

Students who understand their Teamwork, communication, and Academic performance is a strong
strengths can begin to build goals digital literacy development are predictor of postsecondary success.
toward a future that best fits their important to produce students who Grade point average, study skills, and
interests and skills. When students are able to advocate for themselves math achievement all help students to
develop grit and perseverance, they and be productive in the workplace. set themselves up for success.
are better able to overcome obstacles Students who identify and rely on
they are faced with in school and life. their support systems have positive
post-secondary outcomes.

Key Themes Key Themes Key Themes

Interests Support Network Study Skills
Informed Decisions Getting Involved Academic Goal-Setting
Grit Course Planning

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Identify interests. Identify personal support network. Understand how to manage time wisely.
Employ decision-making skills. Join school and community related Create an academic-related SMART goal.
Understand the value of taking risks. activities. Build a high school course plan.
Understand how to cope with stressful

Activities Activities Activities

Take an interest assessment. Reflect on and identify adults who are Create a list of weekly tasks, then make a
Participate in a decision-making exercise. helpful in various situations. schedule to successfully complete them.
Hear stories of how risk-taking has benefitted Create an activities resume. Create a goal related to increasing
others. academic achievement.
Reflect on how to best cope with stressful Create a course plan.
situations and make a plan to deal with stress.

Measure the completion rate of each activity. Compare to target completion rate. Adjust activity execution as needed.

Delivery of essential objectives: Delivery of essential objectives + additional Delivery of essential objectives + additional
Employ decision-making skills 1-5 objectives 6-9 objectives
Understand how to manage time wisely
Identify personal support network
Prepare for life in high school

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 8 | 12

Goals for grade 8: Assist students in developing successful study skills, overcoming obstacles, and
working with others as they make the transition out of middle school and into high school.



Why It Matters Why It Matters Why It Matters

Through understanding the Post-secondary awareness, or ”college Transitions are a part of life as a
characteristics of various careers knowledge” incorporates all of the student, from elementary school
and the training necessary, students skills needed to identify the post- through career placement. Building
can begin to build their pathway to a secondary training that is a right-fit for coping skills around transitions from
meaningful career based on strengths students, as well as the characteristics elementary to middle school to high
and interests. of the institutions providing best-fit school, then to independent life can
education to help students achieve help students to successfully adapt to
their career goals. new situations.

Key Themes Key Themes Key Themes

Career Search Paying for College School Transitions
Career Goal Setting

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Identify careers of interest. Understand options available to pay for Prepare for life in high school.
Create a career-related SMART goal. college.

Activities Activities Activities

Investigate and list careers of interest. Hear about loans, grants, scholarships, and Learn about high school and take a survey
Align career interests with a SMART goal to military opportunities that help students to ensure your needs are met.
further explore this career. pay for college.

Future Development

To increase outcomes, consider the following best practices for working with 8th grade students:
• Work with teachers to share situations where they have coped with stress, taken risks, and used their support system.
• Invite current 9th grade students to discuss the transition to high school, including course planning, social/emotional adjustments, and
academic expectations.
• Encourage students to revisit goals, habits, and activities independently from classroom lessons.

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 8 | 13

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 9



Why It Matters Why It Matters Why It Matters

Students who understand their Teamwork, communication, and Academic performance is a strong
strengths can begin to build goals digital literacy development are predictor of postsecondary success.
toward a future that best fits their important to produce students who Grade point average, study skills, and
interests and skills. When students are able to advocate for themselves math achievement all help students to
develop grit and perseverance, they and be productive in the workplace. set themselves up for success.
are better able to overcome obstacles Students who identify and rely on
they are faced with in school and life. their support systems have positive
post-secondary outcomes.

Key Themes Key Themes Key Themes

Strengths Getting Involved Study Skills
Teamwork Academic Goal-Setting
Course Planning

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Identify strengths. Participate in extracurricular activities. Understand successful study habits.
Understand how to work successfully with Create a four-year plan of study.
others. Create an academic-related SMART goal.

Activities Activities Activities

Complete an inventory designed to help Begin a high school activities resume. Take an assessment to understand
students identify strengths. Participate in a team-building activity. learning styles and how to work with them.
Create a course plan.
Identify an academic goal and identify
steps to reach it.

Measure the completion rate of each activity. Compare to target completion rate. Adjust activity execution as needed.

Delivery of essential objectives: Delivery of essential objectives + additional Delivery of essential objectives + additional
Understand the transition to high school 1-5 objectives 6-9 objectives
Understand successful study habits
Identify post-high school goals
Create a four-year plan of study

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 9 | 14

Goals for grade 9: Ensure students make a successful transition to high school, develop successful
study habits, create a high school course plan, and begin to identify a post-secondary path.



Why It Matters Why It Matters Why It Matters

Through understanding the Post-secondary awareness, or ”college Transitions are a part of life as a
characteristics of various careers knowledge” incorporates all of the student, from elementary school
and the training necessary, students skills needed to identify the post- through career placement. Building
can begin to build their pathway to a secondary training that is a right-fit for coping skills around transitions from
meaningful career based on strengths students, as well as the characteristics elementary to middle school to high
and interests. of the institutions providing best-fit school, then to independent life can
education to help students achieve help students to successfully adapt to
their career goals. new situations.

Key Themes Key Themes Key Themes

Career Clusters Post-Secondary Goal Setting School Transitions
Career Goal Setting Types of Colleges
College Applications
Paying for College

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Identify career clusters of interest. Identify post-secondary goals. Understand the transition to high school.
Create a career-related SMART goal. Understand various aspects of
postsecondary institutions.
Understand components of a college
Understand how to pay for college.

Activities Activities Activities

Take a career cluster inventory and save Take a post-secondary planning survey. Take a transition survey identifying high
clusters of interest. Explore various pathways after high school. school fears, options, and opportunities.
Align career interests with a SMART goal to Complete a mock college application.
further explore this career. Learn about grants, loans, and

Future Development

To increase outcomes, consider the following best practices for working with 9th grade students:
• Ask teachers to discuss the transition to middle school each day for the first three weeks of school.
• Invite members of the community to discuss budgeting, career pathways, and college options with students.
• Revisit goals quarterly with students, including those related to self-confidence, academics, and careers.

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 9 | 15

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 10



Why It Matters Why It Matters Why It Matters

Students who understand their Teamwork, communication, and Academic performance is a strong
strengths can begin to build goals digital literacy development are predictor of postsecondary success.
toward a future that best fits their important to produce students who Grade point average, study skills, and
interests and skills. When students are able to advocate for themselves math achievement all help students to
develop grit and perseverance, they and be productive in the workplace. set themselves up for success.
are better able to overcome obstacles Students who identify and rely on
they are faced with in school and life. their support systems have positive
post-secondary outcomes.

Key Themes Key Themes Key Themes

Interests Getting Involved Test Preparation
Self-Awareness Support Network Academic Goal Setting
Online Presence Course Planning

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Identify interests. Participate in extracurricular activities. Prepare for standardized tests (PSAT/
Identify habits that lead to success. Discuss future plans and goals with family PreACT).
members. Create academic-related SMART goal.
Understand how to communicate Update four-year plan of study.
effectively online.

Activities Activities Activities

Take an interest inventory. Update high school resume. Learn about successful testing strategies,
Brainstorm successful habits and make a Take a family discussion survey on future take a practice test.
plan to utilize more habits goals. Identify a SMART goal related to academics.
Practice effective email conversations. Review four-year course plan.

Measure the completion rate of each activity. Compare to target completion rate. Adjust activity execution as needed.

Delivery of essential objectives: Delivery of essential objectives + additional Delivery of essential objectives + additional
Identify interests. 1-6 objectives. 7-11 objectives.
Create academic-related SMART goal.
Identify careers of interest.
Discuss future plans/goals with family members.

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 10 | 16

Goals for grade 10: Reinforce career and academic knowledge to prepare students as they enter a
period of decision-making for their future.



Why It Matters Why It Matters Why It Matters

Through understanding the Post-secondary awareness, or ”college Transitions are a part of life as a
characteristics of various careers knowledge” incorporates all of the student, from elementary school
and the training necessary, students skills needed to identify the post- through career placement. Building
can begin to build their pathway to a secondary training that is a right-fit for coping skills around transitions from
meaningful career based on strengths students, as well as the characteristics elementary to middle school to high
and interests. of the institutions providing best-fit school, then to independent life can
education to help students achieve help students to successfully adapt to
their career goals. new situations.

Key Themes Key Themes Key Themes

Career Goal Setting College Search Financial Success
Career Search Post-secondary Goal Setting
Paying for College

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Create a career-related SMART goal. Participate in a college search. Understand the meaning of debt.
Identify careers of interest. Identify colleges of interest.
Update post-secondary goals.
Understand Expected Family Contribution

Activities Activities Activities

Align career interests with a SMART goal to Use a college search tool to identify Participate in an inventory or game to learn
further explore this career. colleges of interest. about good and bad debt.
Research and save careers of interest. Review and update post-secondary
Learn about the FAFSA 4caster.

Future Development

To increase outcomes, consider the following best practices for working with 10th grade students:
• Implement a career apprenticeship or job shadow program connecting students with local businesses.
• Host a family night to foster student-adult relationships and communication.
• Connect with a local financial institution to discuss the meaning and value of debt.

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 10 | 17

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 11



Why It Matters Why It Matters Why It Matters

Students who understand their Teamwork, communication, and Academic performance is a strong
strengths can begin to build goals digital literacy development are predictor of postsecondary success.
toward a future that best fits their important to produce students who Grade point average, study skills, and
interests and skills. When students are able to advocate for themselves math achievement all help students to
develop grit and perseverance, they and be productive in the workplace. set themselves up for success.
are better able to overcome obstacles Students who identify and rely on
they are faced with in school and life. their support systems have positive
post-secondary outcomes.

Key Themes Key Themes Key Themes

Self-Awareness Getting Involved Postsecondary Assessments
Grit Communication Skills Course Planning
Academic Goal Setting
Study Skills

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Understand unique personal qualities. Participate in extracurricular activities. Take the PSAT, SAT, and/or ACT.
Understand how to overcome challenges. Understand effective communication Update course plan of study.
practices. Create an academic-related SMART goal.

Activities Activities Activities

Brainstorm unique personal qualities Update high school resume. Register for and take a post-secondary
through an analysis of strengths. Practice public speaking and interview skills. assessment.
Hear about real-life challenges and analyze Review four-year course plan.
ways to overcome them. Align academic goals with post-secondary

Measure the completion rate of each activity. Compare to target completion rate. Adjust activity execution as needed.

Delivery of essential objectives: Delivery of essential objectives + additional Delivery of essential objectives + additional
Understand the factors that lead to right college fit 1-7 objectives 8-12 objectives
Complete a college search
Identify careers and college majors of interest
Understand the financial aid process
Update post-secondary goals

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 11 | 18

Goals for grade 11: Assist students in mapping out their post-secondary path and to be best-
prepared to reach their career goals after high school



Why It Matters Why It Matters Why It Matters

Through understanding the Post-secondary awareness, or ”college Transitions are a part of life as a
characteristics of various careers knowledge” incorporates all of the student, from elementary school
and the training necessary, students skills needed to identify the post- through career placement. Building
can begin to build their pathway to a secondary training that is a right-fit for coping skills around transitions from
meaningful career based on strengths students, as well as the characteristics elementary to middle school to high
and interests. of the institutions providing best-fit school, then to independent life can
education to help students achieve help students to successfully adapt to
their career goals. new situations.

Key Themes Key Themes Key Themes

Career Fit College Fit College Applications N/A
Career Goal Setting College Search Types of Colleges
Paying for College
Post-Secondary Goal Setting

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Identify careers and college majors of Understand the factors that lead to right college fit. N/A
interest. Complete a college search.
Create a career-related SMART goal. Attend college visits.
Identify colleges of interest.
Understand the financial aid process.
Estimate need via Financial Aid Calculator.
Update post-secondary goals.
Write a personal statement.
Activities Learn about college fit, make a list of important Activities
Research and save careers and college characteristics. N/A
majors of interest. Using fit criteria, conduct a college search and save
Align career interests with a SMART goal to colleges of interest.
further explore this career. Attend college visits on a campus and at your school.
Learn about EFC and requirements of the FAFSA and
estimate need using a Financial Aid Calculator.
Align post-secondary goals with career aspirations.
Write a personal statement.

Future Development

To increase outcomes, consider the following best practices for working with 11th grade students:
• Host a college planning day to allow students to learn about assessments, financial aid, and the college application process.
• Prepare families for the FAFSA by meeting with parents individually or in groups to set expectations and respond to questions regarding
paying for college.
• Use advisory periods to allow teachers to work with students to assess progress toward academic, career, and post-secondary goals.

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 11 | 19

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 12



Why It Matters Why It Matters Why It Matters

Students who understand their Teamwork, communication, and Academic performance is a strong
strengths can begin to build goals digital literacy development are predictor of postsecondary success.
toward a future that best fits their important to produce students who Grade point average, study skills, and
interests and skills. When students are able to advocate for themselves math achievement all help students to
develop grit and perseverance, they and be productive in the workplace. set themselves up for success.
are better able to overcome obstacles Students who identify and rely on
they are faced with in school and life. their support systems have positive
post-secondary outcomes.

Key Themes Key Themes Key Themes

Grit Getting Involved Academic Goal Setting
Support Network

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Overcome obstacles. Participate in extracurricular activities. Create academic-related SMART goal.
Create a budget. Identify post-high school support network.

Activities Activities Activities

Learn about how others have overcome Update resume. Identify a SMART goal related to academics.
obstacles and make a plan to overcome Brainstorm support network outside of
obstacles. high school.
Create a real-life budget for college or

Measure the completion rate of each activity. Compare to target completion rate. Adjust activity execution as needed.

Delivery of essential objectives: Delivery of essential objectives + additional Delivery of essential objectives + additional
Apply to college or alternative pathways. 1-7 objectives 8-12 objectives
Choose a post-secondary plan.
Identify post-high school support network.
Make a plan to overcome summer melt.

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 12 | 20

Goals for grade 12: Ensure students have the tools to execute their post-secondary plan and that
they are prepared for their post-high school transition



Why It Matters Why It Matters Why It Matters

Through understanding the Post-secondary awareness, or ”college Transitions are a part of life as a
characteristics of various careers knowledge” incorporates all of the student, from elementary school
and the training necessary, students skills needed to identify the post- through career placement. Building
can begin to build their pathway to a secondary training that is a right-fit for coping skills around transitions from
meaningful career based on strengths students, as well as the characteristics elementary to middle school to high
and interests. of the institutions providing best-fit school, then to independent life can
education to help students achieve help students to successfully adapt to
their career goals. new situations.

Key Themes Key Themes Key Themes

Career Goal Setting Preparing for College Preparing for Life
College Applications
Post-Secondary Goal Setting

Objectives Objectives Objectives

Create a career-related SMART goal. Finalize post-secondary plan. Apply to postsecondary pathways
Finalize college application list Choose a postsecondary option
Complete the FAFSA. Make a plan to overcome summer melt
Apply for scholarships.
Make a plan to pay for college.
Analyze financial aid offers.

Activities Activities Activities

Align post-secondary career plan with a Review and update post-secondary Submit applications to college, military, or
SMART goal. pathway career
List final colleges of interest based on right Create a plan to overcome obstacles during
fit. summer transitions.
Complete and submit the FAFSA. Choose and communicate a post-high
Search for and apply for scholarships school path.
Learn how to compare financial aid offers.

Future Development

To increase outcomes, consider the following best practices for working with 12th grade students:
• Host a panel of college students discussing the transition to college.
• Invite a financial institution to discuss budgeting and conduct a budgeting activity with students.
• Work with students to understand resources available at college and how to advocate for themselves in a post-secondary setting.

CCLR Framework | Competencies Profile | Grade 12 | 21

CCLR Framework | Assessment

The CCLR Framework provides various levels of assessment and

metrics. A diagnostic assessment is an informal tool to help
educators assess the maturity of their CCLR practices and identify
prioritized areas for improvement prior to implementing the
recommendations in the framework.

The summative assessment is a more formal assessment

administered at regular intervals after educators have achieved
predefined milestones in adopting the framework, such as
implementing all the recommended activities per grade level.

The CCLR Framework also identifies and prioritizes key outcomes,

metrics, and key performance indicators to track for each
grade-level along with recommendations on how to track, gather,
and analyze the relevant data.

Essential objectives are identified as priority competencies for

students. Completion and delivery rate of essentall as well as
all objectives by grade level and overall school contribute to the
outcomes of schools and districts.

Diagnostic Assessment

CCLR Framework | Assessment | 22

CCLR Framework | Summative Assessment | Grade 6

Objective Competency Completion % Target

Understand the skills needed to build self-

Social Emotional Learning

Understand income and expenses Social Emotional Learning

Begin to get involved in school and

Interpersonal Skills
community activities

Identify supportive adults Interpersonal Skills

Create an academic-related SMART goal Academic Skills

Understand learning styles and

Academic Skills

Employ successful study skills Academic Skills

Determine steps to take for future success Career Knowledge

Identify career clusters of interest Career Knowledge

Create a career-related SMART goal Career Knowledge

Identify the types of postsecondary

College Knowledge
opportunities available

Understand the transition to middle school Transition Skills

6th Grade Sub-score

6th Grade Essential Skills Sub-score

CCLR Framework | Summative Assessment | Grade 6 | 23

CCLR Framework | Summative Assessment | Grade 7

Objective Competency Completion % Target

Understand how to overcome obstacles Social Emotional Learning

Understand the importance of a budget Social Emotional Learning

Understand individual learning habits Academic Skills

Join school- and community-related

Interpersonal Skills

Understand how to successfully work with

Interpersonal Skills
a team of peers

Create an academic-related SMART goal Academic Skills

Identify habits that lead to success Academic Skills

Identify career interests Career Knowledge

Create a career-related SMART goal Career Knowledge

Understand the cost of college Career Knowledge

Understand the type of postsecondary

College Knowledge
options available

7th Grade Sub-score

7th Grade Essential Skills Sub-score

CCLR Framework | Summative Assessment | Grade 7 | 24

CCLR Framework | Summative Assessment | Grade 8

Objective Competency Completion % Target

Identify interests Social Emotional Learning

Employ decision-making skills Social Emotional Learning

Understand the value of taking risks Social Emotional Learning

Understand how to cope with stressful

Social Emotional Learning

Identify personal support network Interpersonal Skills

Join school- and community-related

Interpersonal Skills

Understand how to manage time wisely Academic Skills

Create an academic-related SMART goal Academic Skills

Build a high school course plan Academic Skills

Create a career-related SMART goal Career Knowledge

Identify careers of interest Career Knowledge

Understand options available to pay for

College Knowledge

Prepare for life in high school Transition Skills

8th Grade Sub-score

8th Grade Essential Skills Sub-score

CCLR Framework | Summative Assessment | Grade 8 | 25

CCLR Framework | Summative Assessment | Grade 9

Objective Competency Completion % Target

Identify strenghts Social Emotional Learning

Understand how to work successfully with

Interpersonal Skills

Identify career clusters of interest Career Knowledge

Participate in extracurricular activities Interpersonal Skills

Create a four-year plan of study Academic Skills

Understand successful study habits Academic Skills

Create an academic-related SMART goal Academic Skills

Create a career-related SMART goal Career Knowledge

Identify post-high school goals Career Knowledge

Understand various aspects of

College Knowledge
postsecondary institutions

Understand components of a college

College Knowledge

Understand the transition to high school Transition Skills

9th Grade Sub-score

9th Grade Essential Skills Sub-score

CCLR Framework | Summative Assessment | Grade 9 | 26

CCLR Framework | Summative Assessment | Grade 10

Objective Competency Completion % Target

Identify interests Social Emotional Learning

Understand the meaning of debt Social Emotional Learning

Identify habits that lead to success Social Emotional Learning

Participate in extracurricular activities Interpersonal Skills

Understand how to communicate

Interpersonal Skills
effectively online

Discuss future plans/goals with family

Interpersonal Skills

Prepare for standardized tests (PSAT/

Academic Skills

Create academic-related SMART goal Academic Skills

Update four-year plan of study Academic Skills

Create career-related SMART goal Career Knowledge

Identify careers of interest Career Knowledge

Conduct a college research College Knowledge

Identify colleges of interest College Knowledge

Update post-secondary goals College Knowledge

Understand the meaning of expected

College Knowledge
family contribution

10th Grade Sub-score

10th Grade Essential Skills Sub-score

CCLR Framework | Summative Assessment | Grade 10 | 27

CCLR Framework | Summative Assessment | Grade 11

Objective Competency Completion % Target

Understand unique personal qualities Social Emotional Learning

Understand how to overcome challenges Social Emotional Learning

Understand effective communication

Interpersonal Skills

Participate in extracurricular activities Interpersonal Skills

Take the PSAT, SAT, and/ or ACT Academic Skills

Update 4-year plan of study Academic Skills

Create academic-related SMART goal Academic Skills

Identify careers and college majors of

Career Knowledge

Create career-related SMART goal Career Knowledge

Complete a college search College Knowledge

Attend college visits College Knowledge

Identify colleges of interest College Knowledge

Estimate financial aid need via Financial

College Knowledge
Aid Calculator

Understand the financial aid process College Knowledge

Update post-secondary goals College Knowledge

Write a personal statement College Knowledge

Understand the factors that lead to right

College Knowledge
college fit

11th Grade Sub-score

11th Grade Essential Skills Sub-score

CCLR Framework | Summative Assessment | Grade 11| 28

CCLR Framework | Summative Assessment | Grade 12

Objective Competency Completion % Target

Understand how to overcome obstacles Social Emotional Learning

Create a college or post-high school

Social Emotional Learning

Participate in extracurricular activities Interpersonal Skills

Identify post-high school support network Interpersonal Skills

Create academic-related SMART goal Academic Skills

Create career-related SMART goal Career Knowledge

Finalize college application list College Knowledge

Apply to college or alternative pathways College Knowledge

Complete the FAFSA College Knowledge

Complete a scholarship search College Knowledge

Apply for scholarships College Knowledge

Make a plan to pay for college College Knowledge

Analyze financial aid offers College Knowledge

Update post-secondary goals College Knowledge

Choost a postsecondary option Transition Skills

Make a plan to overcome summer melt Transition Skills

12th Grade Sub-score

12th Grade Essential Skills Sub-score

CCLR Framework | Summative Assessment | Grade 12 | 29

CCLR Framework | Methodology

Why did Hobsons create the CCLR Framework?

As the mission and mandate for college, career, and life readiness
initiatives has expanded over time and serving students has
become more complex, educators have asked for more structured
guidance on how to successfully implement, measure and track
their CCLR initiatives and how to use Naviance to achieve
their goals.

As districts move away from compliance-driven usage to truly

embedding CCLR into their culture, educators need a partner that
brings a track record of successful implementations and student
success. We call this Purposeful Technology Adoption and it is
the core of how Naviance helps students succeed.

How was the CCLR Framework created?

The CCLR Framework was constructed

from a variety of inputs. A thorough
examination of research related to
student success, including career
readiness, college choice, academic
readiness, and social-emotional learning
was conducted. A synopsis of the findings
was used to guide conversations with
experts in the field, including district
and building leaders, school counselors,
college access program leaders, and
researchers. A collection and analysis of
individualized learning plan requirements
from over 30 states, ESSA requirements
from 15 approved plans, and over 50
district and school CCR scopes and
sequences followed. Themes and sub-
themes identified from the data informed
all aspects of the CCRL Student Success
Framework, from the objectives and
activities to essential objectives, themes
and competencies.
The CCLR Framework reflects the
ongoing commitment from Hobsons
to help students build the mindsets,
tool sets and skill sets for success
after high school.

CCLR Framework | Methodology| 30

CCLR Framework | Author

About the author

Kim Oppelt is the Director of Research at Hobsons. Prior

to this position, Kim has served as a curriculum writer and
implementation consultant with the company. A licensed school
counselor, Kim has held positions as both a public school
counselor and a private high school college counselor. She has
a bachelor of applied science in health education, a master of
science in counseling, and is on the cusp of receiving her doctor
of education in leadership. Kim is passionate about college access
and affordability and ensuring that students find the right post-
secondary opportunity that best fits their goals.

CCLR Framework | Author| 31

Naviance by Hobsons delivers
proven student outcomes by driving
strategic adoption and a data-driven
plan for success. To learn more, visit:

About Hobsons
Hobsons helps students identify their strengths, explore careers,
create academic plans, match to best-fit educational opportunities,
and reach their education and life goals. Through our solutions, we
enable thousands of educational institutions to improve college
and career planning, admissions and best-fit matching, enrollment
management, and student success and advising for millions of
students around the globe. Our leading college and career readiness
platform Naviance was named the 2017 and 2018 SIIA CODiE Award
winner in the Best College and Career Readiness Solution category.

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