2700 Series Basic Extensions Manual

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2700 Series

2700 Series Basic Extensions Manual

AP Basic Extensions
Reference for
2700 Series Instruments
for · SYS-2722 ·
and · SYS-2720 ·
SYS-2712 · SYS-2702 ·

for version 3.3 control software

Copyright Ó 2004–2007 Audio Precision, Inc.

All rights reserved.

PN 8211.0185 Revision 3
For AP2700 control software Version 3.30

All content in this manual is owned by Audio Precision and is protected by

United States and international copyright laws. Audio Precision allows its
customers to make a limited number of copies of this manual, or portions
thereof, solely for use in connection with the Audio Precision product covered
by this manual. Audio Precision may revoke this permission to make copies
at any time. You may not distribute any copies of the manual, apart from a
transfer of ownership of the Audio Precision product.
Audio Precision®, System One®, System Two™, System Two Cascade™,
System Two Cascade Plus™, Cascade™, Cascade Plus™, System One +
DSP™, System Two + DSP™, Dual Domain®, FASTTEST®, APWIN™,
ATS™, ATS-2™, 2700 series™ and AP2700™ are trademarks of Audio
Precision, Inc. Windows™ is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Audio Precision instruments equipped with the OPT-2711 Dolby™ Digital
Generator are manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby
and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Confidential
unpublished works. © 1992–2004 Dolby Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

Published by:

5750 SW Arctic Drive

Beaverton, Oregon 97005
fax 503-641-8906

Printed in the United States of America


Chapter 1
AP Basic Extensions Reference
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Manual Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chapter 2
System Panels
Analog Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Analog Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
BarGraph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Computes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
DCX-127 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Digital Analyzer Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Digital Data Analyzer (BITTEST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Digital Interface Analyzer (INTERVU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
DSP Audio Analyzer (ANALYZER) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
FFT Spectrum Analyzer (FFT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Harmonic Distortion Analyzer (DISTORT). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Multitone Audio Analyzer (FASTTEST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester (MLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Digital Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Digital I/O Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
IEC 61397 / Dolby Digital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Regulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
PSIA—Transmit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
PSIA—Transmit, Continued ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
PSIA—Receive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
PSIA—Receive, Continued .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Settling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Status Bits—Transmit Consumer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Status Bits—Receive Consumer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Status Bits—Transmit Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Status Bits—Receive Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Status Bits—Receive Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Sweep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Switcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Sync. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments i


Chapter 3
Analog Analyzer
AP.Anlr.ChACoupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
AP.Anlr.ChAFreqReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
AP.Anlr.ChAFreqSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
AP.Anlr.ChAFreqTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
AP.Anlr.ChAImpedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
AP.Anlr.ChAInput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
AP.Anlr.ChALevelReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
AP.Anlr.ChALevelSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
AP.Anlr.ChALevelTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
AP.Anlr.ChARange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
AP.Anlr.ChARangeAuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
AP.Anlr.ChBCoupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
AP.Anlr.ChBFreqRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
AP.Anlr.ChBFreqReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
AP.Anlr.ChBFreqSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
AP.Anlr.ChBFreqTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
AP.Anlr.ChBImpedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
AP.Anlr.ChBInput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
AP.Anlr.ChBLevelRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
AP.Anlr.ChBLevelReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
AP.Anlr.ChBLevelSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
AP.Anlr.ChBLevelTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
AP.Anlr.ChBRange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
AP.Anlr.ChBRangeAuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
AP.Anlr.DoesFilterExist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
AP.Anlr.FuncBPBRFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
AP.Anlr.FuncBPBRTuning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
AP.Anlr.FuncDetector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
AP.Anlr.FuncFilter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
AP.Anlr.FuncInput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
AP.Anlr.FuncMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
AP.Anlr.FuncRange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
AP.Anlr.FuncRangeAuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
AP.Anlr.FuncRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
AP.Anlr.FuncReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
AP.Anlr.FuncTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
AP.Anlr.PhaseMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
AP.Anlr.PhaseReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

ii AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments


AP.Anlr.PhaseSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
AP.Anlr.PhaseTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
AP.Anlr.RdgRate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
AP.Anlr.RefChAdBr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
AP.Anlr.RefChBdBr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
AP.Anlr.RefdBm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
AP.Anlr.RefdBrAuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
AP.Anlr.RefFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
AP.Anlr.RefFreqAuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
AP.Anlr.RefWatts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
AP.Anlr.WFDetector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
AP.Anlr.WFFilter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Chapter 4
AP.Application.AppDir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
AP.Application.ClearCurrentError . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
AP.Application.CopyPanelToClipboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
AP.Application.DisplayCurrentError . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
AP.Application.DisplayDataOnTestOpen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
AP.Application.DoReadings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
AP.Application.GetCurrentErrorString . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
AP.Application.HardwareExists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
AP.Application.HomeDir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
AP.Application.IsDemoMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
AP.Application.MacroDir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
AP.Application.Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
AP.Application.NewData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
AP.Application.NewMacro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
AP.Application.NewTest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
AP.Application.NewTestCustom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
AP.Application.Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
AP.Application.PanelClose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
AP.Application.PanelOpen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
AP.Application.Quit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
AP.Application.Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
AP.Application.SetWatchDogTimer1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
AP.Application.SetWatchDogTimer2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
AP.Application.SysType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
AP.Application.TempDir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
AP.Application.TestDir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
AP.Application.TestName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
AP.Application.ThrowErrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
AP.Application.Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
AP.Application.Visible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
AP.Application.VisibleAll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
AP.Application.VisibleBarGraphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
AP.Application.VisibleDataEditor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments iii


AP.Application.VisibleGraph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
AP.Application.VisibleMacroEditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
AP.Application.VisiblePanels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
AP.Application.WorkingDir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Chapter 5
Auxiliary Instrument
AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
AP.Aux.Reading1Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
AP.Aux.Reading1Settling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
AP.Aux.Reading1Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
AP.Aux.Reading2Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
AP.Aux.Reading2Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
AP.Aux.Reading2Settling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
AP.Aux.Reading2Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
AP.Aux.Reading3Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
AP.Aux.Reading3Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
AP.Aux.Reading3Settling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
AP.Aux.Reading3Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
AP.Aux.Reading4Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
AP.Aux.Reading4Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
AP.Aux.Reading4Settling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
AP.Aux.Reading4Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
AP.Aux.SetReading1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
AP.Aux.SetReading2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
AP.Aux.SetReading3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
AP.Aux.SetReading4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
AP.Aux.Setting1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
AP.Aux.Setting2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
AP.Aux.Setting3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
AP.Aux.Setting4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Chapter 6
Bar Graph
AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
AP.BarGraph.AxisIncrement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
AP.BarGraph.AxisLeft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
AP.BarGraph.AxisLogLin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
AP.BarGraph.AxisRight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
AP.BarGraph.Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
AP.BarGraph.CommentShow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
AP.BarGraph.DigitsOnly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
AP.BarGraph.Id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
AP.BarGraph.Max . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
AP.BarGraph.Min . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
AP.BarGraph.New . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
AP.BarGraph.Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
AP.BarGraph.TargetLower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

iv AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments


AP.BarGraph.TargetRange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
AP.BarGraph.TargetUpper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
AP.BarGraph.Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Chapter 7
Status Bits
AP.Bits.ChAAudioModeRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
AP.Bits.ChAAuxBitsRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
AP.Bits.ChACategoryRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
AP.Bits.ChAChModeRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
AP.Bits.ChAChNumRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
AP.Bits.ChAClockAccuracyRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
AP.Bits.ChACopyrightRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
AP.Bits.ChACrcRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
AP.Bits.ChADestinationRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
AP.Bits.ChAEmphRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
AP.Bits.ChAFlag0_5Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
AP.Bits.ChAFlag6_13Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
AP.Bits.ChAFlag14_17Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
AP.Bits.ChAFlag18_21Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
AP.Bits.ChAFreqModeRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
AP.Bits.ChALocalAddressRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
AP.Bits.ChAModeRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
AP.Bits.ChAOriginRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
AP.Bits.ChARefSignalRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
AP.Bits.ChASampleFreqRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
AP.Bits.ChASourceNumRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
AP.Bits.ChATimeOfDayRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
AP.Bits.ChAUserBitsRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
AP.Bits.ChAWordLengthRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
AP.Bits.ChAXmitStatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
AP.Bits.ChBAudioModeRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
AP.Bits.ChBAuxBitsRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
AP.Bits.ChBCategoryRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
AP.Bits.ChBChModeRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
AP.Bits.ChBChNumRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
AP.Bits.ChBClockAccuracyRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
AP.Bits.ChBCopyrightRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
AP.Bits.ChBCrcRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
AP.Bits.ChBDestinationRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
AP.Bits.ChBEmphRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
AP.Bits.ChBFlag0_5Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
AP.Bits.ChBFlag6_13Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
AP.Bits.ChBFlag14_17Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
AP.Bits.ChBFlag18_21Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
AP.Bits.ChBFreqModeRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
AP.Bits.ChBLocalAddressRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments v


AP.Bits.ChBModeRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
AP.Bits.ChBOriginRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
AP.Bits.ChBRefSignalRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
AP.Bits.ChBSampleFreqRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
AP.Bits.ChBSourceNumRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
AP.Bits.ChBTimeOfDayRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
AP.Bits.ChBUserBitsRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
AP.Bits.ChBWordLengthRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
AP.Bits.ChBXmitStatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
AP.Bits.Cons.AudioMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
AP.Bits.Cons.Category. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
AP.Bits.Cons.Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
AP.Bits.Cons.ChNum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
AP.Bits.Cons.ClockAccuracy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
AP.Bits.Cons.Copyright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
AP.Bits.Cons.Emphasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
AP.Bits.Cons.SampleFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
AP.Bits.Cons.SourceNum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
AP.Bits.Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
AP.Bits.Pro.AudioMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
AP.Bits.Pro.AuxBits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
AP.Bits.Pro.ChMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
AP.Bits.Pro.CrcEnable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
AP.Bits.Pro.Destination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
AP.Bits.Pro.Emphasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
AP.Bits.Pro.Flag0_5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
AP.Bits.Pro.Flag6_13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
AP.Bits.Pro.Flag14_17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
AP.Bits.Pro.Flag18_21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
AP.Bits.Pro.FreqMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddressAuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
AP.Bits.Pro.Origin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
AP.Bits.Pro.RefSignal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
AP.Bits.Pro.SampleFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
AP.Bits.Pro.TimeOfDay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
AP.Bits.Pro.UserBits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
AP.Bits.Pro.WordLength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
AP.Bits.XmitChannel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Chapter 8
AP.CommA.Break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
AP.CommA.CDHolding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
AP.CommA.CDTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
AP.CommA.CommEvent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
AP.CommA.CommId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173

vi AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments


AP.CommA.CommPort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
AP.CommA.CTSHolding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
AP.CommA.CTSTimeout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
AP.CommA.DSRHolding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
AP.CommA.DSRTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
AP.CommA.DTREnable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
AP.CommA.Handshaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
AP.CommA.InBufferCount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
AP.CommA.InBufferSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
AP.CommA.Input. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
AP.CommA.InputLen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
AP.CommA.Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
AP.CommA.NullDiscard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
AP.CommA.OutBufferCount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
AP.CommA.OutBufferSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
AP.CommA.Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
AP.CommA.ParityReplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
AP.CommA.PortOpen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
AP.CommA.RThreshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
AP.CommA.RTSEnable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
AP.CommA.Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
AP.CommA.SThreshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Chapter 9
AP.Compute.Avg.Apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
AP.Compute.Avg.Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
AP.Compute.Avg.PostSweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
AP.Compute.Avg.Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
AP.Compute.Avg.StartUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
AP.Compute.Avg.Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
AP.Compute.Avg.StopUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
AP.Compute.Center.Apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
AP.Compute.Center.Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
AP.Compute.Center.PostSweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
AP.Compute.Center.Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
AP.Compute.Center.StartUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
AP.Compute.Center.Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
AP.Compute.Center.StopUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
AP.Compute.Clear.All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
AP.Compute.Delta.Apply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
AP.Compute.Delta.Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
AP.Compute.Delta.FileName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
AP.Compute.Delta.PostSweep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
AP.Compute.Equalize.Apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
AP.Compute.Equalize.Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
AP.Compute.Equalize.FileName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
AP.Compute.Equalize.PostSweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments vii


AP.Compute.Invert.Apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
AP.Compute.Invert.Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
AP.Compute.Invert.Horizontal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
AP.Compute.Invert.HorizontalUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
AP.Compute.Invert.PostSweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
AP.Compute.Linearity.Apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
AP.Compute.Linearity.Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
AP.Compute.Linearity.PostSweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
AP.Compute.Linearity.Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
AP.Compute.Linearity.StartUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
AP.Compute.Linearity.Stop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
AP.Compute.Linearity.StopUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
AP.Compute.Max.Apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
AP.Compute.Max.Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
AP.Compute.Max.PostSweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
AP.Compute.Max.Start. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
AP.Compute.Max.StartUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
AP.Compute.Max.Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
AP.Compute.Max.StopUnit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
AP.Compute.Min.Apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
AP.Compute.Min.Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
AP.Compute.Min.PostSweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
AP.Compute.Min.Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
AP.Compute.Min.StartUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
AP.Compute.Min.Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
AP.Compute.Min.StopUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
AP.Compute.Normalize.Apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
AP.Compute.Normalize.Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
AP.Compute.Normalize.Horizontal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
AP.Compute.Normalize.HorizontalUnit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
AP.Compute.Normalize.PostSweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
AP.Compute.Normalize.Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
AP.Compute.Normalize.TargetUnit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
AP.Compute.Sigma.Apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
AP.Compute.Sigma.Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
AP.Compute.Sigma.PostSweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
AP.Compute.Sigma.Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
AP.Compute.Sigma.StartUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
AP.Compute.Sigma.Stop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
AP.Compute.Sigma.StopUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
AP.Compute.Smooth.Apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
AP.Compute.Smooth.Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
AP.Compute.Smooth.Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
AP.Compute.Smooth.Passes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
AP.Compute.Smooth.PostSweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
AP.Compute.Status.Id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
AP.Compute.Status.NumOf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211

viii AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments


Chapter 10
AP.Data.AddRowToEnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
AP.Data.ColLimitError . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
AP.Data.ColLowerLimitError . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
AP.Data.ColName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
AP.Data.ColNumOf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
AP.Data.ColSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
AP.Data.ColUnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
AP.Data.ColUpperLimitError . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
AP.Data.DeleteRow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
AP.Data.Id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
AP.Data.InsertRowAfter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
AP.Data.InsertRowBefore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
AP.Data.LimitError . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
AP.Data.LowerLimitError. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
AP.Data.OptimizeDisplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
AP.Data.Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
AP.Data.UpdateDisplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
AP.Data.Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
AP.Data.UpperLimitError. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
AP.Data.Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
AP.Data.XferToArray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Chapter 11
AP.DCX.Ch1DcLevel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
AP.DCX.Ch1DcOutput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
AP.DCX.Ch2DcLevel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
AP.DCX.Ch2DcOutput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
AP.DCX.DigInFormat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
AP.DCX.DigInRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
AP.DCX.DigInRdgRate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
AP.DCX.DigInReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
AP.DCX.DigInScale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
AP.DCX.DigInSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
AP.DCX.DigInTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
AP.DCX.DigOut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
AP.DCX.DigOutFormat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
AP.DCX.DigOutScale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
AP.DCX.DmmMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
AP.DCX.DmmOffset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
AP.DCX.DmmRange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
AP.DCX.DmmRangeAuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
AP.DCX.DmmRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
AP.DCX.DmmRdgRate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
AP.DCX.DmmReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
AP.DCX.DmmScale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments ix


AP.DCX.DmmSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
AP.DCX.DmmTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
AP.DCX.GateDelay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
AP.DCX.PortAOutput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
AP.DCX.PortBOutput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
AP.DCX.PortCOutput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
AP.DCX.PortDOutput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Chapter 12
Digital Generator
AP.DGen.AutoOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
AP.DGen.BurstInterval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
AP.DGen.BurstLevel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
AP.DGen.BurstOnTime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
AP.DGen.ChAAmpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
AP.DGen.ChAEqAmpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
AP.DGen.ChAFreq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
AP.DGen.ChAInvert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
AP.DGen.ChAOutput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
AP.DGen.ChBAmpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
AP.DGen.ChBEqAmpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
AP.DGen.ChBFreq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
AP.DGen.ChBInvert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
AP.DGen.ChBOutput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
AP.DGen.ChBTrackA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
AP.DGen.DitherType. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
AP.DGen.DualAmplRatio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
AP.DGen.EqCurve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
AP.DGen.EqCurveColumn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
AP.DGen.EqCurveFilename . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
AP.DGen.Freq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
AP.DGen.IMCenterFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
AP.DGen.IMFreq. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
AP.DGen.IMHighFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
AP.DGen.MlsLength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
AP.DGen.Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
AP.DGen.Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
AP.DGen.Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
AP.DGen.RefdBr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
AP.DGen.RefFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
AP.DGen.RefVFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
AP.DGen.StepRate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
AP.DGen.Wfm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
AP.DGen.WfmName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Chapter 13
Dolby Digital Generator
AP.IEC61937.DataType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255

x AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments


AP.IEC61937.Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.acmod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.bsmod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.dialnorm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.dialnorm2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.frmsizecod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.fscod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.fscodmode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.lfeon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.audprodi2e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.audprodie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.cmixlev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.copyrightb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.dsurmod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.langcod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.langcod2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.langcod2e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.langcode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.mixlevel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.mixlevel2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.origbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.roomtyp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.roomtyp2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.surmixlev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.DGenCh1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.DGenCh2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.LS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.RS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.Sub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.AllChannels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.LS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.RS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.LFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.DynamicRange.compr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.DynamicRange.dynrng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.DynamicRange.LineModeCompression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.DynamicRange.RFModeCompression. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.adconvtyp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.bsid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments xi


AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.bsidmode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.dheadphonmod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.dmixmod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.dsurexmod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.encinfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.ExtendedBitstream . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.lorocmixlev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.lorosurmixlev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.ltrtcmixlev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.ltrtsurmixlev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.TimeCode.frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.TimeCode.frames64ths . . . . . . . . . . . 277
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.TimeCode.hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.TimeCode.minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.TimeCode.seconds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.TimeCode.timecod1e . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.TimeCode.timecod2e . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.xbsi1e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.xbsi2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.xbsi2e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Impairments.crc1enable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Impairments.crc2enable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Impairments.syncword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Impairments.syncwordmode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Preprocess.ChannelLowpass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Preprocess.DCHighpass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Preprocess.LFELowpass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Preprocess.PhaseShift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
AP.IEC61937.Idle.LevelofControl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
AP.IEC61937.Idle.NullDataBurstRepetitionPeriod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
AP.IEC61937.Idle.SendNullDataBursts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
AP.IEC61937.Pause.DataBurstRepetitionMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
AP.IEC61937.Pause.DataBurstRepetitionPeriod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
AP.IEC61937.Pause.GapLength. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
AP.IEC61937.Pause.GapLengthMode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
AP.IEC61937.Pause.LevelOfControl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
AP.IEC61937.Preambles.BitstreamNumber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
AP.IEC61937.Preambles.BitstreamNumberMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeDependentInfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeDependentInfoMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
AP.IEC61937.Preambles.ErrorFlag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
AP.IEC61937.Preambles.LengthCode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
AP.IEC61937.Preambles.LengthCodeMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290

xii AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments


AP.IEC61937.Preambles.ReservedBits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Chapter 14
APEvent_OnApplicationStartup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
APEvent_OnAuxSetting1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
APEvent_OnAuxSetting2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
APEvent_OnAuxSetting3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
APEvent_OnAuxSetting4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
APEvent_OnDcxProgramControlInput. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
APEvent_OnError . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
APEvent_OnPromptContinue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
APEvent_OnSweepEnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
APEvent_OnSweepNestEnd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
APEvent_OnSweepNestStart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
APEvent_OnSweepReverseChannels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
APEvent_OnSweepStart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
APEvent_OnSweepStep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
APEvent_OnSweepStepEnd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
APEvent_OnSweepTrigger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
APEvent_OnTestLoad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
APEvent_OnWatchDogTimeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
Chapter 15
AP.File.AppendData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
AP.File.ExportASCIIData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
AP.File.ExportGraphic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
AP.File.ImportASCIIData. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
AP.File.OpenData . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
AP.File.OpenMacro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
AP.File.OpenTest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
AP.File.OpenWfm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
AP.File.SaveAll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
AP.File.SaveDataAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
AP.File.SaveMacroAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
AP.File.SaveTest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
AP.File.SaveTestAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
AP.File.SaveTestAsCustom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
AP.File.SaveWfmAs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
Chapter 16
Analog Generator
AP.Gen.AutoOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
AP.Gen.BurstInterval. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
AP.Gen.BurstLevel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
AP.Gen.BurstOnTime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
AP.Gen.ChAEqAmpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments xiii


AP.Gen.ChAFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
AP.Gen.ChAInvert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
AP.Gen.ChAOutput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
AP.Gen.ChBAmpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
AP.Gen.ChBEqAmpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
AP.Gen.ChBFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
AP.Gen.ChBInvert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
AP.Gen.ChBOutput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
AP.Gen.ChBTrackA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
AP.Gen.Config . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318
AP.Gen.DACBandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
AP.Gen.DACSampleRate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
AP.Gen.DualAmplRatio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
AP.Gen.EqCurve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
AP.Gen.EqCurveColumn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
AP.Gen.EqCurveFilename . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
AP.Gen.Freq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321
AP.Gen.FreqAccuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
AP.Gen.IMCenterFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
AP.Gen.IMFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
AP.Gen.IMHighFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
AP.Gen.Impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
AP.Gen.MlsLength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
AP.Gen.Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
AP.Gen.Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
AP.Gen.RefdBm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
AP.Gen.RefdBr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
AP.Gen.RefdBrAuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
AP.Gen.RefFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
AP.Gen.RefFreqAuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
AP.Gen.RefWatts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
AP.Gen.Wfm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
AP.Gen.WfmName. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Chapter 17
AP.Graph.Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
AP.Graph.CommentAppend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
AP.Graph.CommentShow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
AP.Graph.CompanyNameShow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
AP.Graph.CopyToSweepPanel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
AP.Graph.CursorPosition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
AP.Graph.CursorRow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
AP.Graph.CursorsOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
AP.Graph.CursorValue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
AP.Graph.Label . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
AP.Graph.LabelAuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
AP.Graph.Legend.Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341

xiv AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments


AP.Graph.Legend.LineColor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
AP.Graph.Legend.LineStyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
AP.Graph.Legend.LineThickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
AP.Graph.OptimizeIndividually. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
AP.Graph.OptimizeLeft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
AP.Graph.OptimizeRight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
AP.Graph.OptimizeTogether . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
AP.Graph.RefDataClear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
AP.Graph.RefDataShow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
AP.Graph.RefDataStore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
AP.Graph.ScrollBarsOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
AP.Graph.Sweeps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
AP.Graph.SweepShow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
AP.Graph.SweepTraces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
AP.Graph.TimeDateShow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
AP.Graph.Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
AP.Graph.TraceShow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
AP.Graph.ZoomOriginal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
AP.Graph.ZoomOut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Chapter 18
AP.Log.AddEntry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
AP.Log.AddEntryWithoutTimeDate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
AP.Log.Clear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
AP.Log.Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
AP.Log.Enable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
AP.Log.ErrorMessages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
AP.Log.FileActivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
AP.Log.FileName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
AP.Log.GraphTitle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
AP.Log.PassFailMessages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
AP.Log.PrintLogFile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
AP.Log.TestName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
AP.Log.View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
Chapter 19
AP.Macro.IsRunning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
AP.Macro.Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Chapter 20
AP.Print.Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
AP.Print.Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
AP.Print.LoadFromTest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358
AP.Print.TrackGraph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments xv


Chapter 21
AP.Prompt.BackColor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
AP.Prompt.FontName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
AP.Prompt.FontSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
AP.Prompt.Hide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
AP.Prompt.IsUp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
AP.Prompt.Justify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
AP.Prompt.Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
AP.Prompt.Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
AP.Prompt.ShowWithContinue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
AP.Prompt.ShowWithContinueAndStopSweep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
AP.Prompt.Text . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
AP.Prompt.TextColor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
AP.Prompt.Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363
Chapter 22
AP.Reg.IsRunning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
AP.Reg.SourceHigh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
AP.Reg.SourceId. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
AP.Reg.SourceIteration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
AP.Reg.SourceLow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
AP.Reg.SourceOperation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
AP.Reg.SourceStepSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
AP.Reg.Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
AP.Reg.StartNoWait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
AP.Reg.SweepEnable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
AP.Reg.TargetId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
AP.Reg.TargetTolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
AP.Reg.TargetToleranceMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
AP.Reg.TargetValue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
AP.Reg.TimeOut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
Chapter 23
Digital Input/Output
AP.S2CDio.ActiveBitsRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
AP.S2CDio.DelayRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
AP.S2CDio.DelayReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
AP.S2CDio.DelaySettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
AP.S2CDio.DelayTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
AP.S2CDio.FlagChAInvalidRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377

xvi AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments


AP.S2CDio.FlagChBInvalidRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
AP.S2CDio.FlagCodingRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
AP.S2CDio.FlagConfidenceRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
AP.S2CDio.FlagInvalidRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
AP.S2CDio.FlagLockRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
AP.S2CDio.FlagParityRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
AP.S2CDio.InBitsDisplay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
AP.S2CDio.InAudioFormat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
AP.S2CDio.InDeEmp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
AP.S2CDio.InConnector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
AP.S2CDio.InImpedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
AP.S2CDio.InInput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
AP.S2CDio.InJitterBW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
AP.S2CDio.InJitterDetector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
AP.S2CDio.InJitterMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
AP.S2CDio.InMonitorMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
AP.S2CDio.InResolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
AP.S2CDio.InScaleFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
AP.S2CDio.JitterRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
AP.S2CDio.JitterReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
AP.S2CDio.JitterSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
AP.S2CDio.JitterTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
AP.S2CDio.OutCableSim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
AP.S2CDio.OutCM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386
AP.S2CDio.OutCMAmpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
AP.S2CDio.OutCMFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
AP.S2CDio.OutAudioFormat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
AP.S2CDio.OutInvert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
AP.S2CDio.OutJitterAmpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
AP.S2CDio.OutJitterEqCurve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
AP.S2CDio.OutJitterFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
AP.S2CDio.OutJitterType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
AP.S2CDio.OutNoise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
AP.S2CDio.OutNoiseAmpl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
AP.S2CDio.OutParityError . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
AP.S2CDio.OutPreEmp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
AP.S2CDio.OutConnector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
AP.S2CDio.OutputSRRange. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
AP.S2CDio.OutResolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
AP.S2CDio.OutRiseFall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
AP.S2CDio.OutRiseFallTime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
AP.S2CDio.OutSampleRate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
AP.S2CDio.OutScaleFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
AP.S2CDio.OutSendInvalid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
AP.S2CDio.OutVoltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
AP.S2CDio.RateRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
AP.S2CDio.RateReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments xvii


AP.S2CDio.RateSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
AP.S2CDio.RateTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
AP.S2CDio.RefRate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
AP.S2CDio.VoltageRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
AP.S2CDio.VoltageReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
AP.S2CDio.VoltageSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
AP.S2CDio.VoltageTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Chapter 24
DSP Audio Analyzer
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChACoupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelReady. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChARange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChARangeAuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBCoupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelReady. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBRange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBRangeAuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncBPBRFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncBPBRTuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChARange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChARangeAuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChARdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChAReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChASettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChATrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRangeAuto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418

xviii AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments


AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterHP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterHPUserDefined. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterLPUserDefined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterWeightingUserDefined . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncMode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncPhaseMode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.InputFormat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.RdgRate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424
Chapter 25
Digital Data Analyzer
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataTrig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataTrig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.DisplayError . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.FreezeOnError . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.RdgRate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
AP.S2CDsp.BitTest.Wfm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
Chapter 26
Multitone Audio Analyzer
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Ready. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Ready. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FFTLength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FreqRes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.InputFormat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.PhaseDisplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.TrigDelay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.TrigSource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments xix


Chapter 27
FFT Spectrum Analyzer
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.AcquireLength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.AverageType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.InputFormat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Smoothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.StartTime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.SubtractDC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TransformLength. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigDelay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigLevel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigPolarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigSensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigSource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.WfmDisplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
Chapter 28
Harmonic Analyzer
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqReady. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Harmonics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1RelUnits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Settling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Harmonics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2RelUnits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Settling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467

xx AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments


AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqReady. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundSettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Harmonics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1RelUnits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Settling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Harmonics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2RelUnits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Settling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Freq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.InputFormat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Selectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
Chapter 29
Digital Interface Analyzer
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AcquisitionPosition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AmplVsTime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AudioMonitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.Averages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.JitterDetection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorCoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorConfidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorLock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorParity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigPolarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigSource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
Chapter 30
Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Averages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Ready. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments xxi


AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Rdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Ready. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Trig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.InputFormat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
AP.S2CDsp.Mls.Smoothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.TimeDelay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.TimeDisplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.TrigSource . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.WfmDisplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.WindowETime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.WindowStart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.WindowStop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
Chapter 31
DSP Program & Reference
AP.S2CDsp.Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
AP.S2CDsp.RefCh1dBr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
AP.S2CDsp.RefCh2dBr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
AP.S2CDsp.RefFreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
AP.S2CDsp.RefVFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
Chapter 32
Programmable Serial Interface
AP.PSIA.MasterClkDir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
AP.PSIA.OutputsOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Dir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.BitWidePulse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.EdgeSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.InvWfm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.ChannelA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.ChannelB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.EdgeSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.Justify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.MSBFirst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.PadBits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Dir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.EdgeSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.InvWfm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.ShiftOneBitLeft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
AP.PSIA.Rx.I2S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
AP.PSIA.Rx.MasterClk.Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
AP.PSIA.Rx.NFsClk.Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518

xxii AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments


AP.PSIA.Rx.NFsClk.InvWfm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
AP.PSIA.Tx.BitClk.Dir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
AP.PSIA.Tx.BitClk.Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
AP.PSIA.Tx.ChannelClk.BitWidePulse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
AP.PSIA.Tx.ChannelClk.EdgeSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
AP.PSIA.Tx.ChannelClk.Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
AP.PSIA.Tx.ChannelClk.InvWfm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.ChannelA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.ChannelB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.EdgeSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.Justify . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.MSBFirst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PadBits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PostPadType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PrePadType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.Dir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.EdgeSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.InvWfm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.Rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.ShiftOneBitLeft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
AP.PSIA.Tx.I2S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
AP.PSIA.Tx.LoopBack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
AP.PSIA.Tx.MasterClk.Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
AP.PSIA.Tx.NFsClk.Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
AP.PSIA.Tx.NFsClk.InvWfm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
AP.PSIA.VoltageSetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
Chapter 33
AP.Speaker.Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
AP.Speaker.Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
Chapter 34
AP.Sweep.AbortTime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
AP.Sweep.Append . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
AP.Sweep.CopyData1To2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
AP.Sweep.CopyData2To1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
AP.Sweep.CreateGraph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
AP.Sweep.CreateTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
AP.Sweep.Data1.AutoDiv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
AP.Sweep.Data1.Autoscale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
AP.Sweep.Data1.Bottom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
AP.Sweep.Data1.Div . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
AP.Sweep.Data1.Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
AP.Sweep.Data1.LogLin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments xxiii


AP.Sweep.Data1.Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
AP.Sweep.Data2.AutoDiv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
AP.Sweep.Data2.Autoscale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
AP.Sweep.Data2.Bottom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
AP.Sweep.Data2.Div . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
AP.Sweep.Data2.Id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
AP.Sweep.Data2.Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
AP.Sweep.Data2.LogLin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
AP.Sweep.Data2.Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
AP.Sweep.Data3.Id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
AP.Sweep.Data3.Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
AP.Sweep.Data4.Id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
AP.Sweep.Data4.Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
AP.Sweep.Data5.Id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
AP.Sweep.Data5.Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
AP.Sweep.Data6.Id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
AP.Sweep.Data6.Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
AP.Sweep.Datan.LowerLimit.Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
AP.Sweep.Datan.LowerLimit.Filename . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
AP.Sweep.External.DataSpacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
AP.Sweep.External.DataSpacingRelUnits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
AP.Sweep.External.DataThreshold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
AP.Sweep.External.DataThresholdId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
AP.Sweep.External.End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539
AP.Sweep.External.EndRule. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
AP.Sweep.External.EndTolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
AP.Sweep.External.EndToleranceRelUnits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
AP.Sweep.External.Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
AP.Sweep.External.StartRule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
AP.Sweep.External.StartTolerance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
AP.Sweep.External.StartToleranceRelUnits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
AP.Sweep.GraphType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
AP.Sweep.IsRunning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
AP.Sweep.PreSweepDelay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
AP.Sweep.Recompare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
AP.Sweep.Repeat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
AP.Sweep.Reprocess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 544
AP.Sweep.Retransform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
AP.Sweep.ReverseChannels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546
AP.Sweep.SinglePoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
AP.Sweep.Source1.AutoDiv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
AP.Sweep.Source1.Div . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
AP.Sweep.Source1.EndOn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
AP.Sweep.Source1.Id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
AP.Sweep.Source1.LogLin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
AP.Sweep.Source1.MinLevel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
AP.Sweep.Source1.MinLevelId . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550

xxiv AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments


AP.Sweep.Source1.Multiply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
AP.Sweep.Source1.Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
AP.Sweep.Source1.Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
AP.Sweep.Source1.StepSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
AP.Sweep.Source1.Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
AP.Sweep.Source1.SweepTable.Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
AP.Sweep.Source1.SweepTable.Filename . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
AP.Sweep.Source1.Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
AP.Sweep.Source2.Id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
AP.Sweep.Source2.LogLin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
AP.Sweep.Source2.Multiply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
AP.Sweep.Source2.Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
AP.Sweep.Source2.Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
AP.Sweep.Source2.StepSize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
AP.Sweep.Source2.Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
AP.Sweep.Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
AP.Sweep.Start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
AP.Sweep.StartNoWait. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
AP.Sweep.StartWithAppend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
AP.Sweep.StartWithRepeat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
AP.Sweep.Stereo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
AP.Sweep.Stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
AP.Sweep.Timeout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
AP.Sweep.Waveform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
Chapter 35
AP.SWR.ChABIn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
AP.SWR.ChABInOut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
AP.SWR.ChABOut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
AP.SWR.ChAIn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
AP.SWR.ChAInOut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
AP.SWR.ChAOut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562
AP.SWR.ChBIn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
AP.SWR.ChBInOut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
AP.SWR.ChBOffset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
AP.SWR.ChBOut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
AP.SWR.Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
AP.SWR.OutOffset. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
Chapter 36
Sync/Ref Input
AP.Sync.DelayRdg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
AP.Sync.DelayReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
AP.Sync.DelaySettling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
AP.Sync.DelayTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568
AP.Sync.FrameLock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments xxv


AP.Sync.Freq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
AP.Sync.FreqRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
AP.Sync.FreqReady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
AP.Sync.FreqTrig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
AP.Sync.Impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
AP.Sync.OutDelay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
AP.Sync.OutDelayFromRef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
AP.Sync.OutFrameSyncInvert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
AP.Sync.OutJitterClockOutputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
AP.Sync.OutOfRangeRdg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
AP.Sync.PassThruDomainPref . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
AP.Sync.Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573
AP.Sync.SourceInput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
Appendix A
Settling Algorithm
Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
Settling Parameter Discriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
Appendix B
Parameter ID# List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579

Appendix C
FFT Window Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585

Appendix D
Analog Filter ID# List
Numerical Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
Appendix E
Extensions Error Codes
Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
General Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
General Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
Exception Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
DSP Errors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
DSP Warnings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
Appendix F
Language Error Codes
Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601

xxvi AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 1
AP Basic Extensions Reference

Chapter 2 of this manual displays illustrations of the 2700 series control software
panels, shown with the AP Basic Extension commands applicable to each panel.
Chapters 3 through 36 provide a listing of all AP Basic extensions with syntax, de-
scription, examples, and so on.
The appendices at the end to the book provide additional technical reference infor-
mation for the command extensions.
Commands may contain many of the following components:

Component Description
Syntax: Programming usage information.
Command type: Method or Property
Data type: Setting Data Type.
Result: Query Data Type.
Description: Technical Information.
See also: Commands related to the current command that may
contain relevant information.
Example: Example procedure/macro.
Example Output: When an example program produces output to the
immediate window of the Procedure/Macro Editor or
output to a file a sample of what the output will be
shown in this location.
Comments: Additional information relating to the example

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 1

Chapter 1: AP Basic Extensions Reference Manual Conventions

Manual Conventions
This manual uses the following typographic conventions.

Example Description
event, var, arg For the syntax part of each command, italicized
words indicate placeholders where the user must
enter additional information.

FILENAME.TXT Words in all CAPITOL letters indicate file names.

Sub Main This font is used in all example macros and code
AP.Gen.Amp = 1.0 modules.
End Sub

[expression list] In syntax, items inside square brackets are optional.

{While | Until} In syntax, braces and a vertical bar indicate a choice

between two or more items.
Command For the syntax part of each command, the bold
characters identify the part of the command that must
be entered.

AP.Prompt. _ The line continue character ( _ ) is used to

Text "Example" indicate that the code from one line to the next
should be typed on one line.

2 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2
System Panels
Analog Analyzer

All commands on this page start with the following:


.ChAInput .ChBImpedance
.ChACoupling .ChBCoupling

.ChAImpedance .ChBInput

.ChALevelRdg .ChBLevelRdg
.ChALevelReady .ChBLevelReady
.ChALevelTrig .ChBLevelTrig

.ChAFreqRdg .ChBFreqRdg
.ChAFreqReady .ChBFreqReady
.ChAFreqTrig .ChBFreqTrig

.ChARange .ChBRange
.ChARangeAuto .ChBRangeAuto
.PhaseReady .FuncRdg
.PhaseTrig .FuncReady
.FuncMode .FuncRange
.RdgRate .FuncRangeAuto
.FuncFilterHP .FuncBPBRFreqTuning
.FuncFilterLP .FuncBPBRFilterFreq
.RefChAdBr .RefWatts

.RefChBdBr .RefdBm

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 3

Chapter 2: System Panels

Analog Generator

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Gen.Freq



.BurstOnTime .Output

.AutoOn .ChBTrackA
. .ChBAmpl


.RefdBm .RefFreq
.RefdBr .RefWatts

4 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

Analog Generator, continued ...

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Gen.ChAEqAmpl

.ChAEqAmpl .ChBEqAmpl

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 5

Chapter 2: System Panels

Analog Generator, continued ...

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Gen.Phase

.Phase . .DualAmplRatio


.IMHighFreq .IMCenterFreq

6 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels


All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Bar.DigitsOnly





.AxisRight .AxisAutoScale

.AxisIncrement .AxisLogLin

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 7

Chapter 2: System Panels


All commands for the top diagram start with the following:
Example: AP.Compute.Sigma.Apply



All commands for the bottom diagram start with the following:
Example: AP.Compute.Avg.Apply



8 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

Computes, continued ...

All commands for the top diagram start with the following:
Example: AP.Compute.Center.Apply



All commands for the bottom diagram start with the following:
Example: AP.Compute.Delta.Apply





AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 9

Chapter 2: System Panels

Computes, continued ...

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Compute.Equalize.Apply





10 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

Computes, continued ...

All commands for the top diagram start with the following:
Example: AP.Compute.Invert.Apply



All commands for the bottom diagram start with the following:
Example: AP.Compute.Linearity.Apply



AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 11

Chapter 2: System Panels

Computes, continued ...

All commands for the top diagram start with the following:
Example: AP.Compute.Max.Apply




All commands for the bottom diagram start with the following:
Example: AP.Compute.Min.Apply




12 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

Computes, continued ...

All commands for the top diagram start with the following:
Example: AP.Compute.Normalize.Apply




All commands for the bottom diagram start with the following:
Example: AP.Compute.Smooth.Apply





AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 13

Chapter 2: System Panels


All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.DCX.DmmReady


.DmmRange .DmmOffset


.DmmMode .DmmScale
. .DigInFormat

.DigInScale .DigOutFormat




14 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

Digital Analyzer Panels

Program and Reference

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.S2CDsp.Program


AP.S2CDsp. AP.S2CDsp.RefFreq
AP.S2CDsp. AP.S2CDsp.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 15

Chapter 2: System Panels

Digital Data Analyzer (BITTEST)

All commands on this page start with the following:


.ChADataRdg .ChBDataRdg
.ChADataReady .ChBDataReady
.ChADataTrig .ChBDataTrig

.ChAErrRdg .ChBErrRdg
.ChAErrReady .ChBErrReady
.ChAErrTrig .ChBErrTrig


16 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

Digital Interface Analyzer (INTERVU)

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AmplVsTime




.TrigErrorConfidence .TrigErrorLock
.TrigErrorCoding .TrigErrorParity

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 17

Chapter 2: System Panels

DSP Audio Analyzer (ANALYZER)

All commands on this page start with the following:


.ChACoupling .ChBCoupling

.ChALevelRdg .ChBLevelRdg
.ChALevelReady .ChBLevelReady
.ChALevelTrig .ChBLevelTrig

.ChAFreqRdg .ChBFreqRdg
.ChAFreqReady .ChBFreqReady
.ChAFreqTrig .ChBFreqTrig

.ChARangeAuto .ChBRangeAuto
.ChARange .ChBRange

.FuncChARdg .FuncChBRdg
.FuncChAReady .FuncChBReady
.FuncChATrig .FuncChBTrig

.FuncMode .FuncChBRange
.FuncChARangeAuto .FuncDetector

.RdgRate .FuncBPBRTuning

18 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

FFT Spectrum Analyzer (FFT)

All commands on this page start with the following:



.Ch1Source .Ch2Source

.Ch1Rdg .Ch2Rdg
.Ch1Ready .Ch2Ready
.Ch1Trig .Ch2Trig

.TransformLength .AcquireLength



.TrigDelay .TrigPolarity

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 19

Chapter 2: System Panels

Harmonic Distortion Analyzer (DISTORT)

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.InputFormat


.Ch1Source .Ch2Source

.Ch1FundRdg .Ch2FundRdg
.Ch1FundReady .Ch2FundReady
.Ch1FundTrig .Ch2FundTrig

.Ch1FreqRdg .Ch2FreqRdg
.Ch1FreqReady .Ch2FreqReady
.Ch1FreqTrig .Ch2FreqTrig

.Ch1Sum1Rdg .Ch2Sum1Rdg
.Ch1Sum1Ready .Ch2Sum1Ready
.Ch1Sum1Trig .Ch2Sum1Trig

.Ch1Sum1Harmonics .Ch2Sum1Harmonics
.Ch1Sum1RelUnits .Ch2Sum1RelUnits

.Ch1Sum2Rdg .Ch2Sum2Rdg
.Ch1Sum2Ready .Ch2Sum2Ready
.Ch1Sum2Trig .Ch2Sum2Trig

.Ch1Sum2Harmonics .Ch2Sum2Harmonics
.Ch1Sum2RelUnits .Ch2Sum2RelUnits

.Selectivity .Freq

20 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

Multitone Audio Analyzer (FASTTEST)

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.InputFormat





AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 21

Chapter 2: System Panels

Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester (MLS)

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.S2CDSP.Mls.InputFormat


.TimeDelay .Ch2Ready
.TimeDisplay .Ch2Trig




.Smoothing .WfmDisplay

22 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

Digital Generator

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.DGen.Freq




.ChAOutput .ChBOutput
. .ChBAmpl



AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 23

Chapter 2: System Panels

Digital Generator, continued ...

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.DGen.ChAEqAmpl

.ChAEqAmpl .ChBEqAmpl

24 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

Digital Generator, continued ...

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.DGen.Phase

.Phase .ChAFreq .ChBFreq

.DualAmplRatio .Offset

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 25

Chapter 2: System Panels

Digital Generator, continued …

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.DGen.IMFreq

.IMFreq .IMCenterFreq

.StepRate .WfmName

26 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

Digital I/O Parameters

Input/Output small panel view...

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.S2CDio.OutConnector

.OutConnector .InConnector
.OutSampleRate .RateTrig


.ChAPeakRdg .ChBPeakReady
.ChAPeakReady .ChBPeakTrig


.FlagLockRdg .FlagParityRdg


AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 27

Chapter 2: System Panels

Digital I/O Parameters—Input

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.S2CDio.InConnector

.InConnector .InImpedance


.InAudioFormat .DelayRdg
.InDeEmp .DelayTrig

.InScaleFreq .RefRate

.ChBPeakReady .FlagChAInvalidRdg
.ChBPeakTrig .FlagChBInvalidRdg
.JitterReady .InJitterMode



28 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

Digital I/O Parameters—Output

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.S2CDio.OutConnector


.OutRiseFall .OutNoiseAmpl
.OutCM .OutCMFreq

.OutJitterType .OutJitterEQCurve

.OutJitterAmpl .OutJitterFreq

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 29

Chapter 2: System Panels

IEC 61397 / Dolby Digital

—Dolby Digital controls at Normal level of control

All commands on this page except

AP.S2CDio.OutAudioFormat and AP.IEC61937.DataType
start with the following:

Example: AP.IEC61397.DolbyDigital.AudioService.acmod


.LevelOfControl AP.IEC61937.DataType

.Bitstream.cmixlev .AudioService.dialnorm

.Bitstream.surmixlev .AudioService.bsmod

.Bitstream.dsurmod .Bitstream.origbs
.Bitstream.mixlevel .Bitstream.copyrightb
.Bitstream.roomtyp .DynamicRange.LineModeCompression

30 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

IEC 61397 / Dolby Digital—Dolby Digital controls at Expert level of control (includes Advanced
level controls) #1
All commands on this page start with the following:
Example: AP.IEC61397.DolbyDigital.AudioServices.acmod



















AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 31

Chapter 2: System Panels

IEC 61397 / Dolby Digital—Dolby Digital controls at Expert level of control (includes Advanced
level controls) #2
All commands on this page start with the following:
Example: AP.IEC61397.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.roomtyp2





















32 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

IEC 61397 / Dolby Digital—Dolby Digital controls at Expert level of control (includes Advanced
level controls) #3
All commands on this page start with the following:
Example: AP.IEC61397.DolbyDigital.Preprocess.LFELowpass













AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 33

Chapter 2: System Panels

IEC 61397 / Dolby Digital—Dolby Digital controls at Expert level of control (includes Advanced
level controls) #4
All commands on this page start with the following:
Example: AP.IEC61397.DolbyDigital.Impairments.syncword
















34 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

IEC 61397 / Dolby Digital—Channel Routing controls

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.IEC61397.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.LS


.Normal.R .Normal.LFE



.FollowSwitcher.R .FollowSwitcher.LS

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 35

Chapter 2: System Panels

IEC 61397 panel—Idle and Pause controls

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.IEC61397.Idle.SendNullDataBursts











36 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels


All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Reg.TargetValue


.TargetValue .TargetToleranceMode

.SourceOperation .SourceHigh


AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 37

Chapter 2: System Panels


All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.PSIA.Tx.BitClk.Dir

.Data.PrePadType .Data.PostPadType

.Data.ChannelA .Data.ChannelB







.BitClk.Factor .FrameClk.Rate
.NFsClk.Factor .MasterClk.Factor

38 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

PSIA—Transmit, Continued ...

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.S2CDio.OutAudioFormat





.PSIA.OutputsOn .PSIA.VoltageSetting

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 39

Chapter 2: System Panels


All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Dir


.Data.ChannelA .Data.ChannelB






.BitClk.Factor .FrameClk.Rate
.NFsClk.Factor .MasterClk.Factor

40 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

PSIA—Receive, Continued ...

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.S2CDio.InEncode






.PSIA.OutputsOn .PSIA.VoltageSetting

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 41

Chapter 2: System Panels


All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Anlr.FuncSettling






42 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels


All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Speaker.Source

.Source .Mode

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 43

Chapter 2: System Panels

Status Bits—Transmit Consumer

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Bits.Mode




44 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

Status Bits—Receive Consumer

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Bits.ChASampleFreqRdg

.ChAAudioModeRdg .ChBAudioModeRdg
.ChAEmphRdg .ChBEmphRdg
.ChASampleFreqRdg .ChBSampleFreqRdg


AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 45

Chapter 2: System Panels

Status Bits—Transmit Professional

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Bits.XmitChannel


.Pro.Origin .Pro.Destination

.Pro.Flag0_5 .Pro.Flag14_17

.Pro.Flag6_13 .Pro.Flag18_21


46 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

Status Bits—Receive Professional

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Bits.ChBChModeRdg

.ChAAudioModeRdg .ChBAudioModeRdg
.ChAEmphRdg .ChBEmphRdg
.ChAFreqModeRdg .ChBFreqModeRdg
.ChASampleFreqRdg .ChBSampleFreqRdg
.ChAChModeRdg .ChBChModeRdg

.ChAUserBitsRdg .ChBUserBitsRdg
.ChAAuxBitsRdg .ChBAuxBitsRdg

.ChAWordLengthRdg .ChBWordLengthRdg

.ChARefSignalRdg .ChBRefSignalRdg

.ChAOriginRdg .ChBOriginRdg
.ChADestinationRdg .ChBDestinationRdg

.ChALocalAddressRdg .

.ChACrcRdg .ChBFlag0_5Rdg

.ChAFlag6_13Rdg .ChBCrcRdg



AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 47

Chapter 2: System Panels

Status Bits—Receive Professional

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToArray




48 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels


All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Sweep.Data1.Id

.Data1.Top .Data1.AutoScale

.Data1.Bottom .Data1.Id



.Data1.AutoDiv .Data2.AutoScale


.Source1.Stop .Source1.AutoDiv
.Source1.Multiply .Source1.Div


.Append .Start

.Stereo .SinglePoint

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 49

Chapter 2: System Panels

Sweep, continued ...

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Sweep.CreateGraph



.Data3.ID .Data5.Limits



.Source2.Start .Source2.LogLin


50 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels

Sweep, continued ...

All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Sweep.External.DataThresholdID

.StartTolerance .StartToleranceRelUnits




.EndTolerance .EndToleranceRelUnits


AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 51

Chapter 2: System Panels


All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.SWR.Mode








52 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 2: System Panels


All commands on this page start with the following:

Example: AP.Sync.Source

.SourceInput .Source


.Freq .Impedance

.DelayReady .FreqRdg
.DelayTrig .FreqReady



AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 53

Chapter 2: System Panels

54 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 3
Analog Analyzer
AP.Anlr.ChACoupling Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChACoupling
Data Type Boolean
True DC coupled.
False Not DC coupled.
Description This command sets channel A Input Coupling to DC. This enables the instrument to
DC couple the input to the A/D converter for improved CMRR at low frequencies
and increased low frequency measurement capability. By DC coupling the Analog
Analyzer and DSP Audio Analyzer inputs DC Volts can be measured.
See Also AP.Anlr.ChBCoupling
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 1 'Select DSP Audio
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.InputFormat = 1
'Select A/D Input
AP.Anlr.ChACoupling = True
AP.Anlr.ChBCoupling = True
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChACoupling = True
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBCoupling = True
'Get readings.
Wait 1
Reading1 = AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelRdg("V")
Reading2 = AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelRdg("V")
Debug.Print "Channel A DC Level = "; _
Format(Reading1, "#.0000");" VDC"
Debug.Print "Channel B DC Level = "; _
Format(Reading2, "#.0000");" VDC"
End Sub
Output Channel A DC Level = 9.1081 VDC
Channel B DC Level = .0004 VDC

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 55

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz,
cent, octs, decs, d%, dPPM.
Description This command returns a settled reading for the channel A Frequency meter and ze-
ros the ready count.
See Also AP.Anlr.ChAFreqReady, AP.Anlr.ChAFreqSettling, AP.Anlr.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAFreqSettling(.5, .0002, "Hz", 3, .03, 1)
AP.Anlr.ChAFreqTrig 'Trigger new reading.
Ready = AP.Anlr.ChAFreqReady
'Get status.
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg("Hz")
'Get reading.
Debug.Print "Frequency A = ";Format(Reading1, _
"#.0000");" Hz"
End Sub
Output Frequency A = 1002.9112 Hz

AP.Anlr.ChAFreqReady Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChAFreqReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Frequency A settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg
or AP.Anlr.ChAFreqTrig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg, AP.Anlr.
ChAFreqSettling, AP.Anlr.ChAFreqTrig

56 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Anlr. Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer

Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg.

AP.Anlr.ChAFreqSettling Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChAFreqSettling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg com-
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg, AP.Anlr.
ChAFreqReady, AP.Anlr.ChAFreqTrig
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg.

AP.Anlr.ChAFreqTrig Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChAFreqTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg, AP.Anlr.
ChAFreqReady, AP.Anlr.ChAFreqSettling
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg.

AP.Anlr.ChAImpedance Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChAImpedance
Data Type Integer
0 300 ohms
1 600 ohms
2 100k ohms
Description This command selects one of the available termination impedances for the Analyzer
channel A Input.
See Also AP.Anlr.ChBImpedance
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Impedance = 2 'Set generator output
Z to 600 ohms.
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("dBm") = 0
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChARangeAuto = 0 'Set input ranging to

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 57

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

AP.Anlr.ChARange("V") = 2.5 'Set input range to

2.5 Volts.
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 0 'Set anlr input to
AP.Anlr.ChAImpedance = 1 'Set cha A input Z to
600 ohms.
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(1, .000002, "V", 4, .05, 1)
AP.Anlr.FuncTrig 'Trigger new reading.
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady 'Get status.
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("dBm")
'Get settled reading.
Debug.Print "Channel A Amplitude =";Format _
(Reading1, "#.0000");" dBm"
Anlr.ChARangeAuto = 1 'Set input ranging to
End Sub
Output Channel A Amplitude = 0.0079 dBm

AP.Anlr.ChAInput Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChAInput
Data Type Integer
0 XLR-Bal
1 BNC-Unbal
2 GenMon
Description This command selects the Analog Analyzer channel A Input.
See Also AP.Anlr.ChBInput
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChAImpedance.

AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: V, dBu, dBV, dBr A, dBr
B, dBg A, dBg B, dBm, W.
Description This command returns the channel A level meter settled reading.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncMode, AP.Anlr.FuncInput
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Output = 1

58 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Anlr. Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer

AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 1
AP.Anlr.ChALevelSettling(1, .000025, "V", 3, .03, 1)
AP.Anlr.ChALevelTrig 'Trigger new reading.
Ready = AP.Anlr.ChALevelReady
'Get status.
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg("V")
'Get settled reading.
Debug.Print "Level A Amplitude = ";Format_
(Reading1, "#.0000");" V"
End Sub
Output Level A Amplitude = 0.9957 V

AP.Anlr.ChALevelReady Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChALevelReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Level A settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.Anlr.
ChALevelRdg or AP.Anlr.ChALevelTrig commands will zero the ready
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg, AP.Anlr.
ChALevelSettling, AP.Anlr.ChALevelTrig
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg.

AP.Anlr.ChALevelSettling Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChALevelSettling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg com-
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncMode, AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg, AP.Anlr.
ChALevelReady, AP.Anlr.ChALevelTrig
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 59

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

AP.Anlr.ChALevelTrig Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChALevelTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg, AP.Anlr.ChALevelSettling, AP.Anlr.
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg.

AP.Anlr.ChARange Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChARange(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double The following values are the range boundaries for the
Volts unit: 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, 5, 2.5, 1.2, 0.600, 0.300, 0.
160, 0.08, 0.04
If an arbitrary value between the range boundaries is
entered the next higher range will be selected.
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: V, dBu, dBV
Description This command sets the AP.Anlr.ChARange and returns the nominal full
scale of the range in use.
See Also AP.Anlr.ChARangeAuto
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChAImpedance.

AP.Anlr.ChARangeAuto Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChARangeAuto
Data Type Boolean
True Auto range
False Fixed range
Description This command sets the Analyzer channel A Input to Auto range or Fixed range.
Care must be taken when using Fixed range that the input signal does not exceed the
selected range.
See Also AP.Anlr.ChARange
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChAImpedance.

AP.Anlr.ChBCoupling Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChBCoupling

60 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Anlr. Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer

Data Type Boolean

True DC coupled.
False Not DC coupled.
Description This command sets channel B Input Coupling to DC. This enables the instrument to
DC couple the input to the A/D converter for improved CMRR at low frequencies
and increased low frequency measurement capability. By DC coupling the Analog
Analyzer and DSP Audio Analyzer inputs, DC Volts can be measured.
See Also AP.Anlr.ChACoupling
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChACoupling.

AP.Anlr.ChBFreqRdg Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChBFreqRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Description This command returns a settled reading for the channel B Frequency meter and ze-
ros the ready count.
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz,
cent, octs, decs, d%, dPPM.
See Also AP.Anlr.ChAFreqReady, AP.Anlr.FreqATrig, AP.Anlr.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 1
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 1
AP.Anlr.ChBFreqSettling(.5, .0002, "Hz", 3, .03, 1)
AP.Anlr.ChBFreqTrig 'Trigger new reading.
Ready = AP.Anlr.ChBFreqReady
'Get status.
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.ChBFreqRdg("Hz")
'Get settled reading.
Debug.Print "Frequency B = ";Format(Reading1, _
"#.0000");" Hz"
End Sub
Output Frequency B = 999.6856 Hz

AP.Anlr.ChBFreqReady Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChBFreqReady
Data Type Integer

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 61

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

0 Reading not ready.

>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Frequency B settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.Anlr.ChBFreqRdg
or AP.Anlr.FreqBTrig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.Anlr.ChBFreqRdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.ChBFreqRdg, AP.Anlr.
ChBFreqSettling, AP.Anlr.ChBFreqTrig
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChBFreqRdg.

AP.Anlr.ChBFreqSettling Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChBFreqSettling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.Anlr.ChBFreqRdg com-
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.ChBFreqRdg, AP.Anlr.FreqBTrig,
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChBFreqRdg.

AP.Anlr.ChBFreqTrig Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChBFreqTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.Anlr.ChBFreqRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.ChBFreqRdg, AP.Anlr.
ChBFreqReady, AP.Anlr.ChBFreqSettling
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChBFreqRdg.

AP.Anlr.ChBImpedance Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChBImpedance
Data Type Integer
0 300 ohms
1 600 ohms
2 100k ohms

62 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Anlr. Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer

Description This command selects one of the available termination impedances for the Analyzer
channel B Input.
See Also AP.Anlr.ChAImpedance
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Impedance = 2 'Set generator output
Z to 600 ohms.
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("dBm") = 0
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChBRangeAuto = 0 'Set input ranging to
AP.Anlr.ChBRange("V") = 2.5 'Set input range to
2.5 Volts.
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 0 'Set anlr input to INPUT(XLR).
AP.Anlr.ChBImpedance = 1 'Set Cha A input Z to
600 ohms.
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 1 'Set Function Meter
Cha to B.
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(1, .000002, "V", 4, .05, 1)
AP.Anlr.FuncTrig 'Trigger new reading.
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady 'Get status.
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("dBm")
'Get settled reading.
Debug.Print "Channel B Amplitude = ";Format _
(Reading1, "#.0000");" dBm"
Anlr.ChBRangeAuto = 1 'Set input ranging to
End Sub
Output Channel B Amplitude = -103.7187 dBm

AP.Anlr.ChBInput Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChBInput
Data Type Integer
0 XLR-Bal
1 BNC-Unbal
2 GenMon
Description This command selects the Analog Analyzer channel B Input.
See Also AP.Anlr.ChAInput
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChBImpedance.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 63

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

AP.Anlr.ChBLevelRdg Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChBLevelRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double

Parameters Name Description

Unit The following units are available: V, dBu, dBV, dBr A, dBr
B, dBg A, dBg B, dBm, W.
Description This command returns the channel B Level meter settled reading.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncMode, AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.ChBLevelReady,
AP.Anlr.ChBLevelSettling, AP.Anlr.ChBLevelTrig
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 1
AP.Anlr.ChBLevelSettling(1, .000025, "V", 3, .03, 1)
AP.Anlr.ChBLevelTrig 'Trigger new reading.
Ready = AP.Anlr.ChBLevelReady
'Get status.
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.ChBLevelRdg("V")
'Get settled reading.
Debug.Print "Level B Amplitude = ";Format _
(Reading1, "#.0000");" V"
End Sub
Output Level B Amplitude = 0.9973 V

AP.Anlr.ChBLevelReady Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChBLevelReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Level B settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.Anlr.
ChBLevelRdg or AP.Anlr.ChBLevelTrig commands will zero the ready
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.Anlr.ChBLevelRdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput

64 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Anlr. Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer

Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChBLevelRdg.

AP.Anlr.ChBLevelSettling Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChBLevelSettling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.Anlr.ChBLevelRdg com-
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncMode, AP.Anlr.ChBLevelRdg, AP.Anlr.
ChBLevelReady, AP.Anlr.ChBLevelTrig
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChBLevelRdg.

AP.Anlr.ChBLevelTrig Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChBLevelTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.Anlr.ChBLevelRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChBLevelRdg.

AP.Anlr.ChBRange Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChBRange(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double The following values are the range boundaries for the
Volts unit: 160, 80, 40, 20, 10, 5, 2.5, 1.2, 0.600, 0.300, 0.
160, 0.08, 0.04.
If an arbitrary value between the range boundaries is
entered, the next higher range will be selected.
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: V, dBu, dBV.
Description This command sets the AP.Anlr.ChBRange and returns the nominal full scale
of the range in use.
See Also AP.Anlr.ChBRangeAuto
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChBImpedance.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 65

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

AP.Anlr.ChBRangeAuto Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.ChBRangeAuto
Data Type Boolean
True Auto range
False Fixed range
Description This command sets the Analyzer channel B Input to Auto range or Fixed range.
Care must be taken when using Fixed range that the input signal does not exceed the
selected range.
See Also AP.Anlr.ChBRange
Example See example for AP.Anlr.ChBImpedance.

AP.Anlr.DoesFilterExist Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.DoesFilterExist(ByVal FuncFilterID As Integer)

Result Boolean
True Option Filter is installed.
False Option Filter is not installed.
Description This function checks to see if an option filter is installed.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncFilterID

AP.Anlr.FuncBPBRFreq Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncBPBRFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Any frequency value between 10 Hz to 204 kHz.
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz,
cent, octs, decs, d%, dPPM.
Description This command sets the bandpass/bandreject filter frequency.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncBPBRTuning, AP.Anlr.FuncMode
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = 1
Frequency = AP.Gen.Freq("Hz")
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 1 'Set Anlr mode to
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncBPBRTuning = 4 'Set Tuning to Fixed.
For Harmonic = 2 To 5 Step 1
AP.Anlr.FuncBPBRFreq("Hz") = Frequency *

66 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Anlr. Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer

AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(1, .000002, "V", 4, .05, 1)

Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("dBV")
Debug.Print "Harmonic Amplitude at ";Frequency_
* Harmonic;" Hz = ";Format(Reading1, _
Next Harmonic
End Sub
Output Harmonic Amplitude at 2000 Hz = -33.0766 dBV
Harmonic Amplitude at 3000 Hz = -43.0576 dBV
Harmonic Amplitude at 4000 Hz = -48.9417 dBV
Harmonic Amplitude at 5000 Hz = -53.2414 dBV
Comment This example macro sets the Analog Generator to 1kHz and sweeps the Bandpass fil-
ter through the 2nd to 5th harmonics. A settled reading is taken at each harmonic fre-
quency and displayed on the Debug Immediate Tab.

AP.Anlr.FuncBPBRTuning Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncBPBRTuning
Data Type Integer
0 Counter tuned
1 Sweep track
2 Analog Generator track
3 Digital Generator track
4 Fixed frequency
Description This command sets the Bandpass Bandreject filter tuning source.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncBPBRFreq
Example See example for AP.Anlr.FuncBPBRFreq.

AP.Anlr.FuncDetector Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncDetector
Data Type Integer
1 Average
2 Peak
3 Qpeak
4 Peak-Equivalent-Sine
Description This command selects the Detector Type for Function meter.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.RdgRate, AP.Anlr.FuncMode, AP.
Anlr.FuncRange, AP.Anlr.FuncRangeAuto

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 67

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

Example See example for AP.Anlr.FuncInput.

AP.Anlr.FuncFilter Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncFilter
Data Type Integer This command has two methods of controlling the
selection of the Analog Analyzer Function Meter Filter.
The first method is to use the zero based list that selects
the items in the Filter drop down list box from top to
bottom. The disadvantage to this method is that if the
number of filters located in the the instrument hardware is
different from another system then the list may be
different. This may cause problems in selecting the
correct filter with any macro using this method.
The following list shows how the Analog Analyzer
Function Meter Filter drop down list box changes
depending on what and how many filters are installed.
Note that in configuration #1 the CCIR selections and the
A-Weighting filter are available and in configuration #2
only the A-Weighting filter is provided. Also notice that the
integer value required to select the A-Weighting filter is
Configuration #1 Configuration #2
0 None None
1 CCIR 468-3 A-Weighting
2 CCIR-2k Slot #1
3 A-Weighting Slot #2
4 Slot #1 Slot #3
5 Slot #2 Slot #4
6 Slot #3 Slot #5
7 Slot #4 Slot #6
8 Slot #5 Slot #7
9 Slot #6
10 Slot #7
The second method is to use ID numbers to select the
appropriate filter. In this approach if the filter is available in
the instrument, the software will automatically find and
activate the filter. This approach allows macros to be

68 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Anlr. Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer

compatible from one instrument to another regardless of

the filter configuration.
Refer to Appendix E Analog Filter ID List to obtain filter
identification numbers.
Note: The return form of this command ( Var = AP.
Anlr.FuncFilter) will always return the zero
based list number for the selected filter.
Description This command selects one or none of the available weighting filters. The weighting
filters are optional filters that plug into the analyzer (internally). Any other setting at-
tempted results in no weighting being selected (weighting 0).
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP, AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5906 'Set Sweep Data 1 to
AP.Anlr.FuncFilter = 12017 '"A" Weighting filter
End Sub
Comment The example program produces a graph that displays the frequency response for the
"A" Weighting filter.

AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP
Data Type Integer
0 <10 Hz
1 22 Hz
2 100 Hz
3 400 Hz
Description This command selects the value of High Pass filter in the function meter circuit.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLowPass
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 1
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP = 2 'Set High Pass filter
to 100Hz.
A = AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP 'Return High Pass
filter setting value.
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5906
End Sub

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 69

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

Comment The example program produces a graph that displays the frequency response for the
100Hz High Pass filter.

AP.Anlr.FuncFilterId Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncFilterId
Data Type Integer This command controls the selection of the Analog
Analyzer Function Meter Filter.
ID numbers are used to select the appropriate filter.
Refer to Analog Filter ID List in Appendix E to obtain filter
identification numbers.
Description This command selects one (or none) of the available weighting filters. The weight-
ing filters are optional filters that plug internally into the analyzer. An attempt to se-
lect a filter that is not present will result in the filter being set to NONE.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncFilter, AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP, AP.Anlr.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5906 'Set Sweep Data 1 to
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterId = 12017 '"A" Weighting filter.
Debug.Print AP.Anlr.FuncFilterId
End Sub
Example 12017

AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP
Data Type Integer
0 22 kHz
1 30 kHz
2 80 kHz
3 >500 kHz
Description This command selects the value of Low Pass filter in the function meter circuit.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 1

70 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Anlr. Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer

AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP = 1 'Set Low Pass filter

to 30kHz.
A = AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP 'Return Low Pass
ilter setting value.
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5906
AP.Sweep.Source1.Start("Hz") = 100000
End Sub
Comment The example program produces a graph that displays the frequency response for the
30kHz Low Pass filter.

AP.Anlr.FuncInput Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncInput
Data Type Integer
0 Channel A
1 Channel B
Description This command selects channel A or channel B to be used for measurements with the
Function meter.
See Also AP.Anlr.RdgRate, AP.Anlr.FuncDetector, AP.Anlr.FuncMode,
AP.Anlr.FuncRange, AP.Anlr.FuncRangeBAuto
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("Vrms") = .01
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 0 'Set Function Meter
mode to amplitude.
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 0 'Set Function Meter
channel to A.
AP.Anlr.FuncRangeAuto = 0 'Set Function Meter
range to fixed.
AP.Anlr.FuncRange("X/Y") = 4 'Set Function Meter
range to 4.0 X/Y.
AP.Anlr.FuncDetector = 1 'Set Function Meter
AP.Anlr.RdgRate = 1 'Set reading rate to
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(1, .000002, "V", 4, .05, 1)
AP.Anlr.FuncTrig 'Trigger new reading.
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady 'Get status.
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("dBV")
'Get settled reading.
Debug.Print "Channel A Averaged Amplitude = "; _
Format(Reading1, "#.0000");" dBV"
End Sub

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 71

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

Output Channel A Averaged Amplitude = -40.0410 dBV

AP.Anlr.FuncMode Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncMode
Data Type Integer
0 Amplitude
1 Bandpass
2 Bandreject
3 THD+N Amplitude
4 THD+N Ratio
8 Wow & Flutter
9 2-Ch. Ratio
10 Crosstalk
11 DFD
Description This command selects the analysis mode of the Analyzer Function meter.
The measurement is taken from the selected channel, using the selected mode, using
the unit specified by that mode.
If a reading is not ready when this function is called, it will wait for a reading to be-
come available. Any particular reading will be returned only once.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.FuncReady, AP.Anlr.FuncSettling,
AP.Anlr.FuncTrig, AP.Anlr.RdgRate, AP.Anlr.FuncRange, AP.
Example See example for AP.Anlr.FuncInput.

AP.Anlr.FuncRange Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncRange(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: X/Y, dB.
Description This command sets the Analyzer Function meter Range.
The following table shows the gains (X/Y) and (dB) available and to what full-scale
ranges they correspond for the various measurement modes of the analyzer:


1 0 40 mV 100% 25%
4 12.041 10 mV 25% 6%
16 24.082 2.5 mV 6% 1.6%
64 36.124 600 uV 1.6% 0.4%

72 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Anlr. Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer

256 48.165 150 uV 0.4% 0.1%

1024 60.206 *40 uV 0.1% 0.025%

* a gain of 1024 is valid only for Bandpass, Bandreject, THD+N, and Crosstalk measure -

Note that for the amplitude ranges, the AP.Anlr.ChARange and AP.
Anlr.ChBRange must be set to the 40 mV range before these ranges are valid.
Likewise, the gain here should be set to 1 or Auto (see command: AP.Anlr.
FuncRangeAuto) if the input range is set to anything other than 40 mV. While
the Function meter ranges may be set independently of the input range settings, spec-
ified operation cannot be guaranteed if these cautions are not observed.
This range must be reprogrammed if the measurement mode of the Analyzer Func-
tion meter is changed (see AP.Anlr.FuncMode). Otherwise, the resulting
range is not determinate.
A common use of this command is to set the Function meter Range by obtaining the
gain reading while in auto range and then set the gain to the determined range. This
keeps the Function meter Range from changing during an acquisition.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.RdgRate, AP.Anlr.WFDetector, AP.
Anlr.FuncMode, AP.Anlr.FuncRangeAuto
Example See example for AP.Anlr.FuncInput.

AP.Anlr.FuncRangeAuto Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncRangeAuto
Data Type Boolean
True Auto range
False Fixed range
Description This command sets the Function meter to Auto or Fixed Range.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.RdgRate, AP.Anlr.FuncMode, AP.
Example See example for AP.Anlr.FuncInput.

AP.Anlr.FuncRdg Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units (V, dBu, dBV, dBr A, dBr B, dBg A,
dBg B, dBm, W) are available for the following Function
meter Modes: Amplitude, Bandpass, Bandreject, THD+N
Amplitude, 2-Channel Amplitude, and 2-Channel Band
Pass Amplitude.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 73

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

The following units (%, dB, PPM, X/Y) are available for
the following Function meter Modes: THD+N Ratio,
SMPTE, CCIF, DIM, Wow & Flutter, 2-Channel Ratio, and
Description This command returns a reading from the Function meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.FuncMode, AP.Anlr.
FuncReady, AP.Anlr.FuncSettling, AP.Anlr.FuncTrig
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Freq("Hz") = 3150
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("dBu") = 0.0
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2 'GenMon input
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 8 'Select W&F mode
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 0 'Select Channel A
AP.Anlr.WFDetector = 1 'Set W&F detector to
AP.Anlr.WFFilter = 1 'Set W&F Filter to
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(5, .0002, "%", 3, .05, 1)
AP.Anlr.FuncTrig 'Trigger new reading
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady 'Get status
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("%")
'Get settled reading
Debug.Print "Wow & Flutter = ";Format(Reading1, _
"#.00000");" %"
End Sub
Output Wow & Flutter = .05305 %

AP.Anlr.FuncReady Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready
>0 Reading ready
Description This command returns the Function meter settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.Anlr.FuncRdg or
AP.Anlr.FuncTrig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.Anlr.FuncRdg command
will be guaranteed to return quickly.

74 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Anlr. Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer

See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.FuncRdg, AP.Anlr.FuncSettling,

Example See example for AP.Anlr.FuncRdg.

AP.Anlr.FuncSettling Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal Floor

As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.Anlr.FuncRdg command.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.FuncRdg, AP.Anlr.FuncReady, AP.
Example See example for AP.Anlr.FuncRdg.

AP.Anlr.FuncTrig Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.FuncTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.Anlr.FuncRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.FuncRdg, AP.Anlr.FuncReady, AP.
Example See example for AP.Anlr.FuncRdg.

AP.Anlr.PhaseMode Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.PhaseMode
Data Type Integer
0 Auto
1 -180 +180 deg
2 0 +360 deg
3 -90 +270 deg
Description This function sets the Analog Analyzer Phase measurement range.
Example See example for AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg.

AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 75

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

Parameters Name Description

Unit The following units are available: deg.
Description This command returns the Analog Analyzer Phase meter settled reading.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.ChBInvert = 1
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2
AP.Anlr.PhaseMode = 0
AP.Anlr.PhaseSettling(0, .5, "deg", 3, .03, 1)
AP.Anlr.PhaseTrig 'Trigger new reading.
Ready = AP.Anlr.PhaseReady 'Get status.
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg("deg")'Get settled
Debug.Print "Phase A to B = ";Format(Reading1, _
"#.0000");" deg"
End Sub
Output Phase A to B = 179.9375 deg

AP.Anlr.PhaseReady Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.PhaseReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Phase settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg or
AP.Anlr.PhaseTrig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg command
will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.Anlr.PhaseMode, AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg, AP.Anlr.PhaseSettling,
Example See example for AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg.

AP.Anlr.PhaseSettling Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.PhaseSettling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)

76 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Anlr. Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer

Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg com-
mand. Note that this command doesn't require a tolerance setting as in all other set-
tling commands. Enter a 0 (Zero) as shown above for the first parameter as a place
holder for the tolerance setting.
See Also AP.Anlr.PhaseMode, AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg, AP.Anlr.PhaseReady,
Example See example for AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg.

AP.Anlr.PhaseTrig Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.PhaseTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.Anlr.PhaseMode, AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg, AP.Anlr.PhaseReady,
Example See example for AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg.

AP.Anlr.RdgRate Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.RdgRate
Data Type Integer
0 Auto reading rate. The reading rate is automatically
selected based on the measured frequency.
1 4/Sec fixed rate
2 8/Sec fixed rate
3 16/Sec fixed rate
4 32/Sec fixed rate
5 64/Sec fixed rate
6 128/Sec fixed rate
7 Auto-Fast
8 Auto-Precise
Description This command sets the detector averaging time for the RMS and Average detectors.
These functions have no effect on the Peak and Qpeak detectors.
There is an inherent relationship between the detector averaging time and the lowest
frequency component of the measured signal. The combinations of detector time con-
stant and reading rate will affect both low frequency accuracy and digit stability.
For most applications, detector time constants should be ganged with reading rate,
where the slowest time constant (range 1) is used for 4 readings/second, and the fast-
est (range 4) for 30 readings/sec.
See Also AP.Anlr.FuncInput, AP.Anlr.FuncDetector, AP.
Anlr.FuncMode, AP.Anlr.FuncRange, AP.Anlr.
Example See example for AP.Anlr.FuncInput.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 77

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

AP.Anlr.RefChAdBr Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.RefChAdBr(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Reference value.
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: V, dBV, dBu
Description This command sets the zero dB value of Analog Analyzer dBr A reference.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("Vrms") = 1
AP.Gen.ChBTrackA = 1
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2
AP.Anlr.RefChAdBr("V") = 1
AP.Anlr.RefChBdBr("V") = 1
ReferenceA = AP.Anlr.RefChAdBr("V")
ReferenceB = AP.Anlr.RefChBdBr("V")
AP.Anlr.ChALevelSettling(1, .000002, "V", 4, .05,
AP.Anlr.ChBLevelSettling(1, .000002, "V", 4, .05,
AP.Anlr.ChALevelTrig 'Trigger new reading.
AP.Anlr.ChBLevelTrig 'Trigger new reading.
ReadyA = AP.Anlr.ChALevelReady
'Get status.
ReadyB = AP.Anlr.ChBLevelReady
'Get status.
Loop Until (ReadyA > 0 And ReadyB > 0)
ReadingA = AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg("dBr A")
'Get settled reading.
ReadingB = AP.Anlr.ChBLevelRdg("dBr B")
'Get settled reading.
Debug.Print "Channel A Gain = ";Format(ReadingA, _
"#.0000");" dBr relative to";ReferenceA;" Volts"
Debug.Print "Channel B Gain = ";Format(ReadingB, _
"#.0000");" dBr relative to";ReferenceB;" Volts"
End Sub
Output Channel A Gain = -.0296 dBr relative to 1 Volts
Channel B Gain = -.0073 dBr relative to 1 Volts

AP.Anlr.RefChBdBr Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.RefdBrB(ByVal Unit As String)

78 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Anlr. Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer

Data Type Double Reference value.

Description This command sets the zero dB value of the Analog Analyzer dBr B reference.
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: V, dBV, dBu
Example See example for AP.Anlr.RefChAdBr.

AP.Anlr.RefdBm Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.RefdBm(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Reference value.
Parameters Name Discription
Unit The following units are available: Ohms.
Description This command sets the Analog Analyzer dBm impedance value. This value of cir-
cuit impedance is used as the "R" value in the equation V2/R to compute power
from the measured voltage (V), followed by decibel conversion.
See Also AP.Anlr.ChAImpedance, AP.Anlr.ChBImpedance.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.ChBOutput = 0 'Set generator output
B to OFF
AP.Gen.Impedance = 2 'Set generator output
Z to 600 Ohms
AP.Gen.RefdBm("Ohms") = 600 'Set dBm reference to
600 Ohms

AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("dBm") = 0
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 0
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAImpedance = 1 'Set Cha A input Z to
600 ohms
AP.Anlr.RefdBm("Ohms") = 600
'Set dBm reference To
600 Ohms
Reference = AP.Anlr.RefdBm("Ohms")
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(1, .000002, "V", 4, .05, 1)
AP.Anlr.FuncTrig 'Trigger new reading.
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady
'Get status
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("dBm")
'Get settled reading
Debug.Print "Channel A Amplitude = ";Format _
(Reading1, "#.0000");" dBm (";Reference;" Ohms)"
End Sub

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 79

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

Output Channel A Amplitude = -.0404 dBm ( 600 Ohms)

Comment This example requires that a XLR cable be connected between the Analog Genera-
tor channel A output and the Analog Analyzer channel A input.

AP.Anlr.RefdBrAuto Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.RefdBrAuto
Result Boolean
True dBr reference set.
False dBr reference NOT set.
Description This command sets the Analyzer dBr Reference field(s).
The following logic is used to determine which meter reading is written into which
reference field:
If the Function meter units selected on the Analog Analyzer panel are not either
dBrA or dBrB, then the Channel A Level meter reading is written into the dBrA Ref-
erence field and the Channel B Level meter reading is written into the dBrB
Reference field.
If the Function meter units are either dBrA or dBrB and the corresponding Level me-
ter is not set to a dBr unit, the Function meter measurement is written into the corre-
sponding dBr Reference field and the other dBr Reference field takes its value from
the Level meter on the corresponding channel.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest ("SNR.AT2") 'Open signal-to-noise
AP.Anlr.RefdBrAuto 'Set dBr reference.
Return = AP.Anlr.RefdBrAuto
If Return = True Then Debug.Print "Reference Set"
AP.Gen.Output = 0 'Turn generator OFF.
AP.Sweep.Start 'Start single point
End Sub
Output Reference Set
Comment This example performs a single point signal to noise measurement. The measure-
ment result is displayed in the Data Editor. The text "Reference Set" is output to the
Debug Immediate Tab of the Macro editor.

AP.Anlr.RefFreq Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.RefFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Set reference frequency value.
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: Hz only.

80 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Anlr. Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer

Description This command sets the value of Analog Analyzer Frequency reference. This refer-
ence value is used by all Analog Analyzer relative frequency units (F/R, dHz, %Hz,
cent, octs, decs, d%, dPPM).
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 1
AP.Anlr.RefFreq("Hz") = 1000
Ref = AP.Anlr.RefFreq("Hz")
AP.Anlr.ChAFreqSettling(.5, .0002, "Hz", 3, .03, 1)
AP.Anlr.ChAFreqTrig 'Trigger new reading.
Ready = AP.Anlr.ChAFreqReady
'Get status.
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg("dHz")
'Get settled reading.
Debug.Print "Frequency delta relative to";Ref; _
"Hz = ";Format(Reading1, "#.0000");" dHz"
End Sub
Output Frequency delta relative to 1000Hz = -0.3173 dHz

AP.Anlr.RefFreqAuto Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.RefFreqAuto
Result Boolean
True Frequency reference set.
False Frequency reference NOT set.
Description This command sets the Analyzer Frequency Reference field to the current frequency
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 0
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 1
AP.Anlr.RefFreqAuto 'Set frequency
Return = AP.Anlr.RefFreqAuto
'Return reference
If Return = True Then Debug.Print "Reference Set"
AP.Gen.Freq("Hz") = 2000
Ready = AP.Anlr.ChAFreqReady
Loop Until Ready > 0
A = AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg("dHz")

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 81

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

Debug.Print "Frequency change = "; Format(A, _ "#.0000")

End Sub
Output Reference Set
Frequency change = 999.6768

AP.Anlr.RefWatts Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.RefWatts(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Set Watts reference Impedance value.
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: Ohms only.
Description This command sets the value of Analog Analyzer Watts reference impedance. The
known external load impedance should be entered, from which the software com-
putes power from the measured voltage and the equation VU!^X!O!A!2/R where R is
the reference impedance.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Gen.RefWatts("Ohms") = 8
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("W") = .1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.RefWatts("Ohms") = 8
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(1, .000002, "V", 4, .05, 1)

AP.Anlr.FuncTrig 'Trigger new reading.

Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady 'Get status.
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("W")
'Get settled reading.
Debug.Print "Output Power = ";Format(Reading1, _
"#.0000");" Watts"
End Sub
Output Output Power = .0997 Watts

AP.Anlr.WFDetector Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.WFDetector
Data Type Integer
Description The Function meter mode must be set to Wow & Flutter.

82 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Anlr. Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer

See Also AP.Anlr.FuncFilterWF, AP.Anlr.FuncMode

Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Freq("Hz") = 3150
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 1
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 8
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 0
AP.Anlr.WFDetector = 1 'Set W&F detector to
AP.Anlr.WFFilter = 1 'Set W&F Filter to UnWeighted.
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(5, .0002, "%", 3, .05, 1)
AP.Anlr.FuncTrig 'Trigger new reading.
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady
'Get status.
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("%")
'Get settled reading.
Debug.Print "Wow & Flutter = ";Format(Reading1, _
"#.0000");" %"
End Sub
Output Wow & Flutter = .0500 %

AP.Anlr.WFFilter Property

Syntax AP.Anlr.WFFilter
Data Type Integer
0 Weighted
1 UnWeighted
2 Weighted-High Band
3 UnWeighted-High Band
4 Wide-High Band
5 Scrape-High Band
Description This command sets the Analog Analyzer Wow & Flutter Filter weighting.
See Also AP.Anlr.WFDetector, AP.Anlr.FuncMode
Example See example for AP.Anlr.WFDetector.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 83

Chapter 3: Analog Analyzer AP.Anlr.

84 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 4
AP.Application.AppDir Method

Syntax AP.Application.AppDir
Result String
Description This command returns the application directory. When installing the software the de-
fault application directory is "C:\Program Files\Audio
Precision\AP2700 n.nn\"
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Declare Function GetShortPathName Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "GetShortPathNameA" _
(ByVal lpLongPath As String, _
ByVal lpShortPath As String, _
ByVal nSizeShortPath As Long) As Long

Sub main()
Dim LongPath As String
Dim ShortPath As String
ShortPath = String(255, vbNullChar)

LongPath = AP.Application.AppDir
ReturnLength = GetShortPathName(LongPath, _
ShortPath, Len(ShortPath))
ShortPath = Left(ShortPath, ReturnLength)
Debug.Print "Long Path = ";LongPath
Debug.Print "Short Path = ";ShortPath
End Sub
Output Long Path = C:\PROGRAM FILES\AUDIO PRECISION\AP2700 3.30\
Short Path = C:\PROGRA~1\AUDIOP~1\AP2700~1\

AP.Application.ClearCurrentError Method

Syntax AP.Application.ClearCurrentError
Description This command when executed clears the current error.
Note: In AP Basic, "Dim WithEvents" is allowed in any module. In Visual Basic,
"Dim WithEvents" is only allowed in Class modules.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 85

Chapter 4: Application AP.Application.

See Appendix D Extensions Error Codes for Error String numbers and descriptions.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("Vrms") = 111.9 'Cause an error _
and see what happens.
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnError(Code As Long)
Debug.Print "Got number " & Code & " " & _

' If you are going to handle the error, then call

' AP.Application.ClearCurrentError before you exit
' this subroutine to stop the control software from
' displaying the error,


' It is also preferable to call

' AP.Application.ClearCurrentError before you
' make any other calls into the control software in
' case these calls also generate an unexpected
' error
End Sub

AP.Application.CopyPanelToClipboard Method

Syntax AP.Application.CopyPanelToClipboard
Description This command copies the graphic image of the panel that has focus to the Clipboard.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Create Graph with data
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP = 3
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP = 0
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5906
AP.Sweep.Source1.Start("Hz") = 50000.0

Dim MSWord As Object

Set MSWord = CreateObject("Word.Basic")
'Start Word
With MSWord
.AppShow 'Display MS Word
.FileOpen Name:= CurDir & "\GENERIC.DOC"

86 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Application. Chapter 4: Application

.EditFind "Place Graph Here"

'Search for string
.EditPaste 'Paste Graph into Word
Wait 10
.FileCloseAll 2 'Close all open files
.AppClose 'Close MS Word
End With
End Sub

AP.Application.DisplayCurrentError Method

Syntax AP.Application.DisplayCurrentError
Result None
Description This command temporally overrides display suppression of error messages by the er-
ror handling system and displays the current error.
See Appendix D Extensions Error Codes for Error String numbers and descriptions.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("Vrms") = 111.9
'Cause an error and
see what happens.
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnError(Code As Long)
Debug.Print "Got number " & Code & " " & _

'In some cases you may want the operator to see the
'error message. The following command will display
'the error.


'If you are going to handle the error, then call

'AP.Application.ClearCurrentError before you exit
'this subroutine to stop the control software from
'displaying the error,


'It is also preferable to call

'AP.Application.ClearCurrentError before you
'make any other calls into the control software in
'case these calls also generate an unexpected
End Sub

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 87

Chapter 4: Application AP.Application.

AP.Application.DisplayDataOnTestOpen Property

Syntax AP.Application.DisplayDataOnTestOpen
Data Type Boolean
True Display data on test open.
False Don't display data on test open.
Description This command specifies whether the measurement data saved in a test file is dis-
played when the file is loaded.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.DisplayDataOnTestOpen = 0
AP.File.OpenTest "SAMPLE1.AT2C"
'Define strings to be used in the following prompt.
String1$ = "Test Loaded and data NOT displayed."
AP.Prompt.Text = String1$
AP.Prompt.FontSize = 10 'Set prompt font size
to 8 point.
AP.Prompt.Position -1,-1,290,120
'Set prompt location
and size.
AP.Prompt.ShowWithContinue 'Display prompt with
Continue Macro button displayed.
'Stop Macro until Continue Macro button is pressed.

AP.Application.DisplayDataOnTestOpen = 1
AP.File.OpenTest "SAMPLE1.AT2C"
'Define strings to be used in the following prompt.
String1$ = "Test loaded and data displayed."
AP.Prompt.Text = String1$
AP.Prompt.FontSize = 10
'Set prompt font size to 8 point.
AP.Prompt.Position -1,-1,290,100
'Set prompt location and size.
AP.Prompt.ShowWithContinue 'Display prompt with
Continue Macro button displayed.
'Stop Macro until Continue Macro button is pressed.
End Sub

AP.Application.DoReadings Method

Syntax AP.Application.DoReadings
Result None

88 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Application. Chapter 4: Application

Description This command forces a reading cycle to take place. The reading cycle allows the
reading commands (commands ending in Rdg such as AP.Anlr.FuncRdg) to make
and return a measurement. Under normal conditions when a dialog is displayed the
automatic readings cycle is disabled and readings will not return correctly. Use this
command to force a reading cycle to take place while a dialog is displayed.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("Vrms") = 0.5

Begin Dialog UserDialog 270,105,"Readings Example",.

Handler 'GRID:10,7,1,1
PushButton 40,7,190,21,"Make Reading",.PushButton1
TextBox 40,35,190,21,.TextBox1
CancelButton 40,63,190,21
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Select Case Dialog (dlg)
Case 0
End Select
End Sub

Private Function Handler(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue&) As

Select Case Action%
Case 1 'Dialog box
Case 2 'Value changing or
button pressed
If DlgItem$ = "PushButton1" Then
Handler = True 'Prevent button press
from closing the
dialog box
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(5.000000, _
1.000000e-007, "V", 3, 0.050000, 1)
AP.Anlr.FuncTrig 'Trigger new reading
'Start reading cycle
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady
'Get status.
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("V")
'Get settled _
DlgText "TextBox1", "Amplitude = " & _
Format(Reading1, "#.00000") & " V"

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 89

Chapter 4: Application AP.Application.

End If
Case 3 'TextBox or ComboBox
text changed
Case 4 'Focus changed
Case 5 'Idle
Rem Handler = True 'Continue getting idle
Case 6 'Function key
End Select
End Function

AP.Application.GetCurrentErrorString Method

Syntax AP.Application.GetCurrentErrorString
Result String
Description This command returns the ASCII text string for the current error.
See Appendix D Extensions Error Codes for Error String numbers and descriptions.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example See example for AP.Application.ClearCurrentError.

AP.Application.HardwareExists Property

Syntax AP.Application.HardwareExists(ByVal hardware As Constant)

Result Boolean
True Hardware is connected/installed
False Hardware is not connected/installed
Parameters Constants Description
apbHwAES17Filter Determines if the AES17 Filter option is installed.
apbHwAnalogAnalyzer Determines if the Analog Analyzer option is installed.
Determines if the Analog Analyzer option (Plus version) is
apbHwAnalogGenerator Determines if the Analog Generator option is installed.
Determines if the Analog Generator option (Plus version)
is installed.
apbHwBurst Determines if the Burst option is installed.
apbHwAPSI Determines if the Audio Precision Streaming Interface
option is installed
apbHwDCX127 Determines if the DCX127 auxiliary device is connected.
apbHwDigitalAnalyzer Determines if the Digital Analyzer option is installed.
apbHwDIO96K Determines if the Digital Input/Output option is installed.
apbHwDIO192K Determines if the Digital Input/Output option (192k
version) is installed.
apbHwIMD Determines if the Intermodulation Distortion option is

90 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Application. Chapter 4: Application

apbHwOpt_2020Filter Determines if the Opt 2020 Filter auxiliary device is

apbHwPSIA Determines if the PSIA auxiliary device is connected.
apbHwSwitcher Determines if the Switcher auxiliary device is connected.
apbHwWF Determines if the Wow and Flutter option is installed.
Description This command determines whether the specified internal module or auxiliary instru-
ment is installed or connected.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.

AP.Application.HomeDir Method

Syntax AP.Application.HomeDir
Result String
Description This command returns the home directory. When installing the software the default
home directory is “C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\Audio Pre-
cision\AP2700 n.nn\”. The home directory is the default location for saved tests,
sample files, log files and other user files.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.

AP.Application.IsDemoMode Property

Syntax AP.Application.IsDemoMode
Result Boolean
True Demo Mode
False Not Demo Mode (hardware has been detected)
Description This command returns the status of Demo Mode. If true, no hardware has been de-
tected and control software is in Demo Mode. If false, hardware has been detected.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands
See Also AP.Application.SysType

AP.Application.MacroDir Method

Syntax AP.Application.MacroDir
Result String
Description This command returns the running macro source directory. This command is like the
MacroDir$ command in the Language reference section of AP Basic with the excep-
tion that this command can be used from an OLE client that is accessing the control
software to determine the directory from which the selected macro was loaded.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim AP As Object
Set AP = CreateObject("AP2700.Application")
'The following lines makes the Visual Basic Current
'Directory and the AP2700 Working Directory the same

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 91

Chapter 4: Application AP.Application.

'as the directory where the current macro was

'loaded from.

ChDir AP.Application.MacroDir
AP.Application.WorkingDir = AP.Application.MacroDir

'Your code goes here.

End Sub

AP.Application.Name Method

Syntax AP.Application.Name
Result String ASCII charactors.
Description This command returns the AP2700 Application Name “Audio Precision AP2700”.
This text string is located in the AP2700 title bar before the test name. This string is
useful when using the AppActivate command located in the Language reference sec-
tion of AP Basic.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
AppActivate AP.Application.Name
'Select the AP2700 window
'The following SendKey command will now be sent to
the AP2700 application.
SendKeys "%WC",1 'Clear all windows on
SendKeys "%PO",1 'Display Data Editor.

'In Debug mode focus is automatically returned to

'the editor each time the user interacts with the
'controls. Therefore it is important to note that
'sections of code containing commands that are to
'be sent to other applications via the SendKeys
'command need to be executed without interruption.
'When debugging these areas place a breakpoints
'before and after the SendKeys commands to maintain
'the correct window/application focus.

End Sub

AP.Application.NewData Method

Syntax AP.Application.NewData
Result Boolean

92 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Application. Chapter 4: Application

True Data removed from memory.

False Command failed to remove data from memory.
Description This command deletes the measurements currently in memory. The command is
functionally the same as selecting File, New, Data from the Menu bar.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "FRQ-RESP.AT2C"
'Open frequency
response test.
AP.Sweep.Start 'Start sweep.
AP.File.SaveDataAs "FRQ-RESP.DAT"
'Save data.

AP.File.OpenTest "THD-FRQ.AT2C"
'Open total harmonic
distortion + noise
'Start sweep.
AP.File.SaveDataAs "THD-FRQ.DAT"
'Save data.
AP.File.OpenTest "RESIDNOI.AT2C"
'Open residual noise
AP.Sweep.Start 'Start sweep.
'Save data.
End Sub

AP.Application.NewMacro (OLE) Method

Syntax AP.Application.NewMacro
Result Boolean
True New macro created.
False Command failed to create new macro.
Description This command initializes the macro editor and is only to be used via OLE. The com-
mand is functionally the same as selecting File, New, Macro, and OK from the
Menu bar.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.

AP.Application.NewTest Method

Syntax AP.Application.NewTest

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 93

Chapter 4: Application AP.Application.

Result Boolean
True New test panel configuration restored.
False Command failed to restore new test panel configuration.
Description This command initializes the current AP2700 test to the default test condition. The
command is functionally the same as selecting New Test from the Standard Toolbar
or selecting File, New, Test, and OK from the Menu bar.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 1
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP = 1
A = AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5906
AP.Sweep.Source1.Start("Hz") = 100000
End Sub

AP.Application.NewTestCustom Method

Syntax AP.Application.NewTestCustom
Result Boolean
True New test panel configuration restored.
False Command failed to restore new test panel configuration.
Description This command opens the New Test (Custom) file to initiate a new test with previ-
ously saved custom user preferences. The command is functionally the same as se-
lecting New Test (Custom) from the Standard toolbar, or selecting File > New > Test
(Custom) from the Menu bar.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.

AP.Application.Page Property

Syntax AP.Application.Page
Data Type Integer
1 Page #1.
2 Page #2.
3 Page #3.
4 Page #4.
5 Page #5.
Description This command displays the selected page.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Application.Page = 1

94 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Application. Chapter 4: Application

Return = AP.Application.Page
Debug.Print "Page "; Return; " displayed."
Wait 1 'So the user can see
the page change.
AP.Application.Page = 2
Return = AP.Application.Page
Debug.Print "Page "; Return; " displayed."
Wait 1
AP.Application.Page = 3
Return = AP.Application.Page
Debug.Print "Page "; Return; " displayed."
End Sub

AP.Application.PanelClose Method

Syntax AP.Application.PanelClose(ByVal PanelID As AP.

Parameters Constants Description
Remove the Analog Generator panel from view.
Remove the Analog Generator panel from view.
apbPanelAnlrLarge Remove the Analog Analyzer panel from view.
apbPanelAnlrSmall Remove the Analog Analyzer panel from view.
apbPanelBarGraph? Remove the desired Bar Graph 1 through 32 from view.
apbPanelDataEditor Remove the Data Editor panel from view.
apbPanelDCXLarge Remove the DCX-127 panel from view.
apbPanelDCXSmall Remove the DCX-127 panel from view.
apbPanelDiagnostic Remove the Diagnostic panel from view.
apbPanelDigIOLarge Remove the Digital Input / Output panel from view.
apbPanelDigIOSmall Remove the Digital Input / Output panel from view.
Remove the Digital Generator panel from view.
Remove the Digital Generator panel from view.
Remove the Status Bits panel from view.
Remove the Status Bits panel from view.
apbPanelDSPSmall Remove the DSP panel from view.
apbPanelDSPLarge Remove the DSP panel from view.
apbPanelGraph Remove the Graph from view.
apbPanelRefInput Remove the Sync Reference panel from view.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 95

Chapter 4: Application AP.Application.

apbPanelRegulation Remove the Regulation panel from view.

Remove the Serial Interface panel from view.
apbPanelSettling Remove the Settling panel from view.
apbPanelSpeaker Remove the Speaker panel from view.
apbPanelSweepLarge Remove the Sweep panel from view.
apbPanelSweepSmall Remove the Sweep panel from view.
apbPanelSwitcher Remove the Switcher panel from view.
Description This command closes the selected panel.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP = 3
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5906
AP.Application.Page = 2
AP.Application.Page = 3
AP.Application.Page = 2
End Sub

AP.Application.PanelOpen Method

Syntax AP.Application.PanelOpen(ByVal PanelID As AP.

Parameters Constants Description
Display Large view of Analog Generator panel.
Display Large view of Analog Generator panel.
apbPanelAnlrLarge Display Large view of Analog Analyzer panel.
apbPanelAnlrSmall Display Small view of Analog Analyzer panel.
apbPanelBarGraph? Display desired Bar Graph panel 1 through 32.
apbPanelDataEditor Display Data Editor panel.
apbPanelDCXLarge Display Large view of DCX-127 panel.
apbPanelDCXSmall Display Small view of DCX-127 panel.
apbPanelDiagnostic Display Diagnostic panel.

96 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Application. Chapter 4: Application

apbPanelDigIOLarge Display Large view of Digital Input / Output panel.

apbPanelDigIOSmall Display Small view of Digital Input / Output panel.
Display Large view of Digital Generator panel.
Display Small view of Digital Generator panel.
Display Large view of Status Bits panel.
Display Small view of Status Bits panel.
apbPanelDSPSmall Display Small view of DSP panel.
apbPanelDSPLarge Display Large view of DSP panel. When None is selected
with the AP.S2CDsp.Program command this
constant will display the Small view of the DSP panel.
apbPanelGraph Display Small view of Graph panel.
apbPanelGraphMax Display Maximum size Graph panel.
apbPanelRefInput Display Sync Reference panel.
apbPanelRegulation Display Regulation panel.
Display Serial Interface panel.
apbPanelSettling Display Settling panel.
apbPanelSpeaker Display Speaker panel.
apbPanelSweepLarge Display Large view of Sweep panel.
apbPanelSweepSmall Display Small view of Sweep panel.
apbPanelSwitcher Display Switcher panel.
Description This command displays the selected panel.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example See example for AP.Application.PanelClose.

AP.Application.Quit Method

Syntax AP.Application.Quit
Description This command terminates AP2700 and returns to Windows. If the "Prompt to Save
Test when a test is closed" selection in the Utilities, Config menu is enabled the oper-
ator will be prompted to save changed files when AP2700 quits.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
ChDir MacroDir
Begin Dialog UserDialog 430,105
PushButton 20,21,380,28,"Your Code",.Field1

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 97

Chapter 4: Application AP.Application.

PushButton 130,63,180,28,"Exit AP2700",.Field3

End Dialog
Dim Main_Menu As UserDialog

Select Case Dialog(Main_Menu)

Case 1
'Insert your code here...
Case Else
AP.Application.Quit 'Exit AP2700
End Select
GoTo Start:
End Sub

AP.Application.Restore Method

Syntax AP.Application.Restore
Description This command restores the hardware to the present state of the software.
This function should be used if the hardware loses power or becomes disconnected
from the computer.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
Begin Dialog UserDialog 430,105,"Example Menu"
PushButton 40,28,170,42,"Restore Hardware",.Field1
PushButton 230,28,160,42,"Exit Macro",.Field2
End Dialog
Dim Main_Menu As UserDialog

Select Case Dialog(Main_Menu)

Case 1
Case Else
End Select
GoTo Start:
End Sub

AP.Application.SetWatchDogTimer1 Method

Syntax AP.Application.SetWatchDogTimer1(ByVal Sec As Double [,

Optional ByVal ThrowError As Variant])
Parameters Name Description
Sec Defines the amount of time that will elapse after starting
the WatchDog Timer before the
APEvent_OnWatchDogTimeout event is generated. To

98 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Application. Chapter 4: Application

disable the timer at any time set the time value to (0) zero
ThrowError Optional parameter. Set this parameter to True to
throw/raise an error (11021) when the defined time has
elapsed. Basic's On Error mechanism can then detect
the error. The default (False) condition will not throw/raise
an error when the defined time has elapsed.
Description This command sets up and starts timer number 1. When the defined time expires the
APEvent_OnWatchDogTimeout event is generated. In addition an error can be
thrown/raised to allow Basic's On Error mechanism to intercept the error.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Dim Halt As Boolean
Sub Main
Halt = False

AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2

AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps = 30


Loop While Halt = False

End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnWatchDogTimeout(ByVal Id As Long)
If Id = 1 Then
If AP.Sweep.IsRunning = True Then
Debug.Print "Sweep Stopped"
End If
End If
End Sub

AP.Application.SetWatchDogTimer2 Method

Syntax AP.Application.SetWatchDogTimer2(ByVal Sec As Double

[,Optional ByVal ThrowError As Variant])
Parameters Name Description
Sec Defines the amount of time that will elapse after starting
the WatchDog Timer before the
APEvent_OnWatchDogTimeout event is generated. To
disable the timer at any time set the time value to (0) zero

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 99

Chapter 4: Application AP.Application.

ThrowError Optional parameter. Set this parameter to True to

throw/raise an error (11021) when the defined time has
elapsed. Basic's On Error mechanism can then detect
the error. The default (False) condition will not throw/raise
an error when the defined time has elapsed.
Description This command sets up and starts timer number 2. When the defined time expires the
APEvent_OnWatchDogTimeout event is generated. In addition an error can be
thrown/raised to allow Basic's On Error mechanism to intercept the error.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Dim Halt As Boolean
Sub Main
Halt = False

AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2

AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps = 30


Loop While Halt = False

End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnWatchDogTimeout(ByVal Id As Long)
If Id = 2 Then
If AP.Sweep.IsRunning = True Then
Debug.Print "Sweep Stopped"
End If
End If
End Sub

AP.Application.SysType Method

Syntax AP.Application.SysType
Result String
"2" AP2700 running in System Two mode.
"2C" AP2700 running in Cascade mode.
"2CP" AP2700 running in 2700 series / Cascade Plus mode.
Description This command returns the current mode of the AP2700 software.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
Select Case AP.Application.SysType

100 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Application. Chapter 4: Application

Case "2"
AP.Prompt.Text = "AP2700 configured for _
System Two hardware."
Case "2CP"
AP.Prompt.Text = "AP2700 configured for _
2700 series / Cascade Plus hardware."
End Select
End Sub
See Also AP.Application.HardwareExists

AP.Application.TempDir Method

Syntax AP.Application.TempDir
Result String
Description This command returns the user’s Windows temp directory. The default temp direc-
tory is “C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Set-
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.

AP.Application.TestDir Method

Syntax AP.Application.TestDir
Result String
Description This command returns the path of the test (.AT1 or .AT2) that is currently loaded.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.DisplayDataOnTestOpen = 0
AP.File.OpenTest "SAMPLE1.AT2C"
'Get current test name
TestName$ = AP.Application.TestName
'Get directory that
the current test was
loaded from
TestDir$ = AP.Application.TestDir

'Define strings to be used in the following prompt.

String1$ = "Test file "
String2$ = " was loaded from the "
String3$ = " directory."
AP.Prompt.Text = String1$ & TestName$ & String2$ _
& TestDir$ & String3$
AP.Prompt.FontSize = 10 'Set prompt font size to 8 _

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 101

Chapter 4: Application AP.Application.

AP.Prompt.Position -1,-1,290,130
'Set prompt location
and size.
'Display prompt with
Continue Macro button
Stop 'Stop Macro until
Continue Macro button
is pressed.
End Sub

AP.Application.TestName Method

Syntax AP.Application.TestName
Result String
Description This command returns the test (.AT1 or .AT2) file name of the test that is currently
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example See example for AP.Application.TestDir.

AP.Application.ThrowErrors Property

Syntax AP.Application.ThrowErrors
Data Type Boolean
True Expose Errors and Warrnings.
False Don't expose Errors and Warrnings.
Description This command exposes errors and warrnings generated by AP2700 to the Err. ob-
See Appendix D Extensions Error Codes for Error String numbers and descriptions.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
'Pick one the three On Error possiblities below
'On Error GoTo 0
'Disable your error handler (default). Basic will
handle the error by termination.
On Error GoTo MyErrorHandler
'Send error conditions to "MyHandler"
'On Error Resume Next
'Error conditions continue execution at the next
'Caution—This is generally very dangerous as no
error will be seen

102 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Application. Chapter 4: Application

'AP2700 will not send errors to Basic's "On Error"

unless AP.Application.ThrowErrors is set to True
'After this is set to True, AP2700 will no longer
display errors, they will all be passed to Basic
AP.Application.ThrowErrors = True
'Now cause an error and see what happens.
'Cause another error and see what happens.
AP.Gen.Freq("Hz") = 2.1
MsgBox "Resumed after the offending Call"
Exit Sub ' Exit to avoid handler.

'show some debug info
Debug.Print "Err=";Err.Number
Debug.Print "Description=";Err.Description
Debug.Print "Source=";Err.Source

'Select different actions for errors

Select Case Err.Number 'Evaluate error number
Case 8504
' "Generator Amplitude" error.
' put your error handler code here
MsgBox "Got to the Handler"
' If you handled the error, then resume
Resume Next
Case Else
' Handle other situations here...
' If we don't know about the err then or _
instead you could decide that Basic _
should handle this
' Note that if this is a called subroutine, _
Basic will pass the error back to the _
calling subroutine.
' Passing all the info:
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, _
' Or more simply
Error Err
' Or you could exit this subroutime
Exit Sub
End Select
End Sub

AP.Application.Version Method

Syntax AP.Application.Version
Result Double

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 103

Chapter 4: Application AP.Application.

Description This command returns the running AP2700 Application Version number. This com-
mand can be used to check if the running version of AP2700 is compatible with the
running macro.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
'AP2700 version 3.0 required
If AP.Application.Version <> 3.0 Then End

AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP = 3
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5906
AP.Application.Page = 2
AP.Application.Page = 3
AP.Application.Page = 2
End Sub

AP.Application.Visible Property

Syntax AP.Application.Visible
Data Type Boolean
True Restore AP2700 to view.
False Remove AP2700 from view.
Description This command when executed makes the AP2700 window visable or invisible. The
Macro Editor remains visible.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.Visible = False 'Remove AP2700 from view.
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Application.Visible = True 'Restore AP2700.
End Sub

AP.Application.VisibleAll Property

Syntax AP.Application.VisibleAll
Data Type Boolean

104 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Application. Chapter 4: Application

True Restore to view.

False Remove from view.
Description This command enables or disables display of the Graph and Bar-Graph displays,
Data Editor, and Panels when a test is loaded during Macro execution only. Use this
command at the beginning of your macro to decrease overall test times.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim AP As Object
Set AP = CreateObject("AP2700.Application")
' Create OLE link to AP2700.
AP.Application.Visible = True ' Make AP2700 visable

AP.Application.VisibleAll = True
AP.File.OpenTest "VIEW.AT27"
'Test loaded displaying ALL graphic panels
AP.Application.VisibleBarGraphs = False
'Disable display of Bar Graphs
AP.File.OpenTest "VIEW.AT27"
AP.Application.VisibleDataEditor = False
AP.File.OpenTest "VIEW.AT27"
'Disable display of Data Editor
AP.Application.VisibleGraph = False
AP.File.OpenTest "VIEW.AT27"
'Disable display of Graph
AP.Application.VisiblePanels = False
AP.File.OpenTest "VIEW.AT27"
'Disable display of Instrument panels
'Quit AP2700
End Sub

AP.Application.VisibleBarGraphs Property

Syntax AP.Application.VisibleBarGraphs
Data Type Boolean
True Restore to view.
False Remove from view.
Description This command enables or disables display of the Bar-Graph display, when a test is
loaded during Macro execution only. Use this command at the beginning of your
macro to decrease overall test times.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example See example for AP.Application.VisibleAll.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 105

Chapter 4: Application AP.Application.

AP.Application.VisibleDataEditor Property

Syntax AP.Application.VisibleDataEditor
Data Type Boolean
True Restore to view.
False Remove from view.
Description This command enables or disables display of the Data Editor panel when a test is
loaded during Macro execution only. Use this command at the beginning of your
macro to decrease overall test times.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example See example for AP.Application.VisibleAll.

AP.Application.VisibleGraph Property

Syntax AP.Application.VisibleGraph
Data Type Boolean
True Restore to view.
False Remove from view.
Description This command enables or disables display of the Graph display when a test is
loaded during Macro execution only. Use this command at the beginning of your
macro to decrease overall test times.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example See example for AP.Application.VisibleAll.

AP.Application.VisibleMacroEditor Method

Syntax AP.Application.VisibleMacroEditor(ByVal bVisible As

Parameters Name Description
bVisible True = Restore Macro Editor to view.
False = Remove Macro Editor from view.
Description This command when executed makes the AP2700 Macro Editor visible or invisible.
Dialogs displayed when the Macro Editor is invisible have a higher Z-order (which
window is on top of another) than the AP2700 window, therefore when focus is
moved to the AP2700 window the dialog remains displayed on top of the AP2700
application. If the Macro Editor is visible then the Z-order is relative to the Macro
Editor and the dialog may be covered by any other window that has focus.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.VisibleMacroEditor(False) 'Remove _
Macro Editor from view.
'Reset panels

106 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Application. Chapter 4: Application

AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Application.VisibleMacroEditor(True) 'Restore _
Macro Editor.
End Sub

AP.Application.VisiblePanels Property

Syntax AP.Application.VisiblePanels
Data Type Boolean
True Restore to view.
False Remove from view.
Description This command enables or disables display of the Panels when a test is loaded during
Macro execution only. Use this command at the beginninng of your macro to de-
crease overall test times.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example See example for AP.Application.VisibleAll.

AP.Application.WorkingDir Property

Syntax AP.Application.WorkingDir
Data Type String
Description This command sets or returns the current working directory. This command is like
the ChDir$ command in the Language reference section of AP Basic with the ex-
ception that this command can be used from an OLE client to change the AP2700
working directory.
Note: AP.App... commands are equivalent to AP.Application... commands.
Example Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim AP As Object
Set AP = CreateObject("AP2700.Application")
'The following line makes the AP2700 Working Directory '
the same as the VB current directory.
If AP.Application.AppDir <> CurDir Then
AP.Application.WorkingDir = CurDir
'Your code goes here.
End Sub

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 107

Chapter 4: Application AP.Application.

108 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 5
Auxiliary Instrument
AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg Property

Syntax AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg
Data Type Double
Description This command returns a settled reading for Auxiliary Reading #1 and zeros the
ready count.
See Also AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg, AP.Aux.Reading1Settling, AP.Aux.
Example ' Uses the AP2700-GPIB Library GPIBLIB.APB
' A National Instruments GPIB card must be installed
' in your system to use this file.
'#Uses "gpib-lib.apb"
' See the GPIB-LIB.apb file for instructions on use.
'#Uses "APNiglob.bas"
'#Uses "APVbib32.bas"
Public iAP As Integer

Sub Main
Dim iStatus As Integer, iAddr As Integer, _ iAnyOneHome As
Integer, sResponse As String

iAP = ildev(0, 1, NO_SAD, T3s, 1, 0) 'Open I/O to _

this GPIB address ** Assumes Board 0, Address 1

iStatus = illn(iAP, 1, NO_SAD, iAnyOneHome)

'Check for listener at address 1
If iAnyOneHome Then 'Found a listener at address 1
iStatus = ilclr(iAP) 'Device clear
GpibWrite iAP, "*IDN?" 'Query for Instrument _
sResponse = GpibRead(iAP, 60)
'Get response
If Not (ibsta And EERR) Then
'If no GPIB _
read error Then save response string
GpibWrite iAP, "*CLS;*RST;"
'Clear status _

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 109

Chapter 5: Auxiliary Instrument AP.Aux.

registers and resets all settings

End If
End If

result = GpibWrite(iAP, ":HEADER OFF;")

result = GpibWrite(iAP, ":SETTLE OFF;")
result = GpibWrite(iAP, ":OUTPUT ON;")

AP.File.OpenTest("AUX GPIB Example.at2")

AP.Aux.Reading1Settling(1.0, 0.0000001, 3, 0.03, 1)
AP.Aux.Setting1 = 1000.0 'Set frequency for _
sweep to return to when done
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepTrigger()
While AP.Aux.Reading1Ready = 0
result = GpibWrite(iAP, ":M1?;")
Str1 = GpibRead(iAP,80) 'Read METER M1 result

Debug.Print "Reading = " & Str1

Wait .1
Debug.Print "Settled Reading = " & Str1
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepStep(Value As Variant, Source As _
Value = Format(Value, "###.####")
Debug.Print "Setting = " & Value
'GPIB Code to set ATS Generator Frequency to _
"Value" variable
result = GpibWrite(iAP, ":GFREQUENCY " & _
Str$(Value)&";") 'Set Aux Generator Freq

End Sub

AP.Aux.Reading1Ready Property

Syntax AP.Aux.Reading1Ready
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Auxiliary Reading #1 settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and

110 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Aux. Chapter 5: Auxiliary Instrument

so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg

or AP.Aux.Reading1Trig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg, AP.Aux.Reading1Settling, AP.Aux.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Reading1Settling Method

Syntax AP.Aux.Reading1Settling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg com-
See Also AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg, AP.Aux.
Reading1ReadyAP_Aux_Reading1Ready, AP.Aux.Reading1Trig
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Reading1Trig Method

Syntax AP. Aux.Reading1Trig

Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg, AP.Aux.
Reading1ReadyAP_Aux_Reading1Ready, AP.Aux.Reading1Settling
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Reading2Rdg Property

Syntax AP.Aux.Reading2Rdg
Data Type Double
Description This command returns a settled reading for Auxiliary Reading #2 and zeros the
ready count.
See Also AP.Aux.Reading2Rdg, AP.Aux.Reading2Settling, AP.Aux.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 111

Chapter 5: Auxiliary Instrument AP.Aux.

AP.Aux.Reading2Ready Property

Syntax AP.Aux.Reading2Ready
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Auxiliary Reading #2 settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.Aux.Reading2Rdg
or AP.Aux.Reading2Trig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.Aux.Reading2Rdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.Aux.Reading2Rdg, AP.Aux.Reading2Settling, AP.Aux.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Reading2Settling Method

Syntax AP.Aux.Reading2Settling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.Aux.Reading2Rdg command.
See Also AP.Aux.Reading2Rdg, AP.Aux.Reading2Ready, AP.Aux.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Reading2Trig Method

Syntax AP. Aux.Reading2Trig

Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.Aux.Reading2Rdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.Aux.Reading2Rdg, AP.Aux.Reading2Ready, AP.Aux.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Reading3Rdg Property

Syntax AP.Aux.Reading3Rdg

112 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Aux. Chapter 5: Auxiliary Instrument

Data Type Long

Description This command returns a settled reading for Auxiliary Reading #3 and zeros the
ready count.
See Also AP.Aux.Reading3Rdg, AP.Aux.Reading3Settling, AP.Aux.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Reading3Ready Property

Syntax AP.Aux.Reading3Ready
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Auxiliary Reading #3 settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.Aux.Reading3Rdg
or AP.Aux.Reading3Trig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.Aux.Reading3Rdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.Aux.Reading3Rdg, AP.Aux.Reading3Settling, AP.Aux.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Reading3Settling Method

Syntax AP.Aux.Reading3Settling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.Aux.Reading3Rdg com-
See Also AP.Aux.Reading3Rdg, AP.Aux.Reading3Ready, AP.Aux.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Reading3Trig Method

Syntax AP. Aux.Reading3Trig

Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.Aux.Reading3Rdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 113

Chapter 5: Auxiliary Instrument AP.Aux.

See Also AP.Aux.Reading3Rdg, AP.Aux.Reading3Ready, AP.Aux.

Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Reading4Rdg Property

Syntax AP.Aux.Reading4Rdg
Data Type Long
Description This command returns a settled reading for Auxiliary Reading #4 and zeros the
ready count.
See Also AP.Aux.Reading4Rdg, AP.Aux.Reading4Settling, AP.Aux.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Reading4Ready Property

Syntax AP.Aux.Reading4Ready
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Auxiliary Reading #4 settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.Aux.Reading4Rdg
or AP.Aux.Reading4Trig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.Aux.Reading4Rdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.Aux.Reading4Rdg, AP.Aux.Reading4Settling, AP.Aux.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Reading4Settling Method

Syntax AP.Aux.Reading4Settling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.Aux.Reading4Rdg com-
See Also AP.Aux.Reading4Rdg, AP.Aux.Reading4Ready, AP.Aux.

114 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Aux. Chapter 5: Auxiliary Instrument

Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Reading4Trig Method

Syntax AP. Aux.Reading4Trig

Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.Aux.Reading4Rdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.Aux.Reading4Rdg, AP.Aux.Reading4Ready, AP.Aux.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.SetReading1 Method

Syntax AP.Aux.SetReading1(ByVal Value as Double)

Parameters Name Description
Value Any Double Data Type value.
Description This command sets the value used by the Aux instrument Reading 1 parameter.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.SetReading2 Method

Syntax AP.Aux.SetReading2(ByVal Value as Double)

Parameters Name Description
Value Any Double Data Type value.
Description This command sets the value used by the Aux instrument Reading 2 parameter.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.SetReading3 Method

Syntax AP.Aux.SetReading3(ByVal Value as Long)

Parameters Name Description
Value Any Long Data Type value.
Description This command sets the value used by the Aux instrument Reading 3 parameter.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.SetReading4 Method

Syntax AP.Aux.SetReading4(ByVal Value as Long)

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 115

Chapter 5: Auxiliary Instrument AP.Aux.

Parameters Name Description

Value Any Long Data Type value.
Description This command sets the value used by the Aux instrument Reading 4 parameter.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Setting1 Property

Syntax AP.Aux.Setting1
Data Type Double
Description This command sets the value used by the Aux instrument Setting 1 parameter.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Setting2 Property

Syntax AP.Aux.Setting2
Data Type Double
Description This command sets the value used by the Aux instrument Setting 2 parameter.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Setting3 Property

Syntax AP.Aux.Setting3
Data Type Long
Description This command sets the value used by the Aux instrument Setting 3 parameter.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

AP.Aux.Setting4 Property

Syntax AP.Aux.Setting4
Data Type Long
Description This command sets the value used by the Aux instrument Setting 4 parameter.
Example See example for AP.Aux.Reading1Rdg.

116 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 6
Bar Graph
AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale(ByVal BarId As Integer)

Data Type Boolean
True Auto scale Bar Graph.
False Disable auto scale.
Parameters Name Description
BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
Description Set the selected Bar Graph Axis to Auto Scale.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Setup Code to make _
something to test
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Gen.ChAFreq("Hz") = 3000.0
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 1
AP.Anlr.FuncBPBRTuning = 4
AP.Anlr.FuncBPBRFreq("Hz") = 3000.0
'End Setup code

With AP.BarGraph
GenFreqBar = .New 'Create New Bargraph
.Id(GenFreqBar) = 5051 'Configure Bargraph _
to control Generator Frequency
.AxisLogLin(GenFreqBar) = 1
'Linear axis
.AxisRight(GenFreqBar,"Hz") = 3500.0 'Right value
.AxisLeft(GenFreqBar,"Hz") = 2500.0
'Left value
.AxisIncrement(GenFreqBar,"Hz") = 10.0
'Step size

AnlrFuncRdg = .New 'Create New Bargraph

.Id(AnlrFuncRdg) = 5907 'Configure Bargraph _
to display Function meter readings

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 117

Chapter 6: Bar Graph AP.BarGraph.

.DigitsOnly(AnlrFuncRdg) = False
'Display Digits _
and Bar on the Bargraph
.AxisLogLin(AnlrFuncRdg) = 1
'Linear axis
.AxisLeft(AnlrFuncRdg,"V") = 0.8
'Left value
.AxisRight(AnlrFuncRdg,"V") = 1.2
'Right value
.AxisAutoScale(AnlrFuncRdg) = True
'Autoscale _
.TargetLower(AnlrFuncRdg,"V") = 0.95
'Target _
Lower value
.TargetUpper(AnlrFuncRdg,"V") = 1.05
'Target _
Upper value
.TargetRange(AnlrFuncRdg) = True
'Display _
Target area

.Reset(GenFreqBar) 'Reset #1 Min/Max readings

.Reset(AnlrFuncRdg) 'Reset #2 Min/Max readings

String1$ = "Adjust Generator Frequency using _

Bargraph #" & GenFreqBar
String2$ = " for Maximum Amplitude on _
Bargraph #" & AnlrFuncRdg & "."
AP.Prompt.Text = String1$ & String2$

GenMaxSet = .Max(GenFreqBar) 'Create _

readings prompt
GenMinSet = .Min(GenFreqBar)
AnlrMaxRdg = .Max(AnlrFuncRdg)
AnlrMinRdg = .Min(AnlrFuncRdg)
End With

MaxSet$ = "Maximum Frequency = " _

& Left(Str$(GenMaxSet),6) & " Hz" & Chr(13)
MinSet$ = "Minimum Frequency = " _
& Left(Str$(GenMinSet),6) & " Hz" & Chr(13) _
& Chr$(13)
MaxRdg$ = "Maximum Voltage = " _
& Left(Str$(AnlrMaxRdg),6) & " V" & Chr(13)

118 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.BarGraph. Chapter 6: Bar Graph

MinRdg$ = "Minimum Voltage = " _

& Left(Str$(AnlrMinRdg),6) & " V" & Chr(13) _
& Chr$(13)
CurSet$ = "Current Frequency Setting = " _
& Left(Str$(Gen.Freq("Hz")),6) & " Hz" & Chr(13)
CurRdg$ = "Current Amplitude Reading = " _
& Left(Str$(Anlr.FuncRdg("V")),6) & " V"

AP.Prompt.Text = MaxSet$ & MinSet$ & MaxRdg$ _

& MinRdg$ & CurSet$ & CurRdg$
End Sub

AP.BarGraph.AxisIncrement Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.AxisIncrement(ByVal BarId As Integer, ByVal

Unit As String)
Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
BarGraph.Id command to determine the appropriate
unit selections.
Description Set the selected Bar Graph increment decrement size. When the Bar Graph is config-
ured to control a setting (for example the generator frequency) the arrow keys can
be used to increment or decrement the frequency by the increment value.
Example See example for AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale.

AP.BarGraph.AxisLeft Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.AxisLeft(ByVal BarId As Integer, ByVal Unit As

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
BarGraph.Id command to determine the appropriate
unit selections.
Description This command defines the value on the left side of the Bar Graph.
See Also AP.BarGraph.AxisRight, AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 119

Chapter 6: Bar Graph AP.BarGraph.

Example See example for AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale.

AP.BarGraph.AxisLogLin Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.AxisLogLin(ByVal BarId As Integer)

Data Type Integer
0 Logarithmic axis.
1 Linear axis.
Parameters Name Description
BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
Description This command determines the Bar Graph axis data scaling type.
Example See example for AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale.

AP.BarGraph.AxisRight Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.AxisRight(ByVal BarId As Integer)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
unit$ Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
BarGraph.Id command to determine the appropriate
unit selections.
Description This command defines the value on the right side of the Bar Graph.
See Also AP.BarGraph.AxisLeft, AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale
Example See example for AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale.

AP.BarGraph.Comment Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.Comment(ByVal BarId As Integer)

Data Type String ASCII charactors.
Parameters Name Description
BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
Description This command transfers the ASCII charactors to or from the comment section in the
BarGraph panel to a string variable.
See Also AP.BarGraph.CommentShow
Example Sub Main

120 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.BarGraph. Chapter 6: Bar Graph

AP.Gen.Output = True
With AP.Anlr
.ChAInput = 2
.FuncMode = 1
.FuncBPBRTuning = 4
.FuncBPBRFreq("Hz") = 3000.0
End With
With AP.BarGraph
BarID1 = .New(5051) 'Setup Settings Bar Graph
.AxisLeft(BarID1,"Hz") = 2500.0
.AxisRight(BarID1,"Hz") = 3500.0
.AxisIncrement(BarID1,"Hz") = 1.0
.Title(BarID1) = "Bar Graph 1: Analog _
Generator Frequency"
BarID2 = .New(5907) 'Setup Readings Bar Graph
.AxisLeft(BarID2,"V") = 0.50
.AxisRight(BarID2,"V") = 1.50
.CommentShow(BarID2) = True
.Title(BarID2) = "Analog Analyzer Bandpass _
.Comment(BarID2) = "Adjust Bar Graph #1 for _
maximum amplitude reading."
End With
With AP.Prompt
.FontSize = 8 'Set font size to 8 point.
.Position(290,244,225,120) 'Set location and size.
.Text = Chr$(10) & "Press this button to _
proceed." 'Set string to display in prompt.
.ShowWithContinue 'Display prompt with _
Continue button.
Stop 'Stop macro.
End With
Debug.Print "Filter peek = " & AP.Gen.Freq("Hz") _
& " Hz"
End Sub

AP.BarGraph.CommentShow Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.CommentShow
Data Type Boolean
True Display Comment section.
False Remove Comment section from view.
Description This command displays or removes from view the comment section in the Graph
See Also AP.BarGraph.Comment
Example See example for AP.BarGraph.Comment.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 121

Chapter 6: Bar Graph AP.BarGraph.

AP.BarGraph.DigitsOnly Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.DigitsOnly(ByVal BarId As Integer)

Data Type Boolean
True Display digits only.
False Display digits and Bar Graph.
Parameters Name Description
BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
Description This command displays only the digits (numeric charactors) or the digits and the bar
on the Bargraph.
Example See example for AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale.

AP.BarGraph.Id Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.Id(ByVal BarId As Integer)

Data Type Long Instrument Parameter ID#.
Parameters Name Description
BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
Description This command is used to select the measurement parameter, which will return read-
ings or control settings for the selected Bar Graph.
Refer to Appendix B to obtain instrument parameter identification numbers.
Example See example for AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale.

AP.BarGraph.Max Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.Max(ByVal BarId As Integer, ByVal Unit As

Parameters Name Description
BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
BarGraph.Id command to determine the appropriate
unit selections.
Result Double
Description This command returns the maximum measured value obtained durring the time
sence the last reset for the selected Bar Graph
See Also AP.BarGraph.Reset, AP.BarGraph.Min
Example See example for AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale.

122 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.BarGraph. Chapter 6: Bar Graph

AP.BarGraph.Min Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.Min(ByVal BarId As Integer, ByVal Unit As

Parameters Name Description
BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
BarGraph.Id command to determine the appropriate
unit selections.
Result Double
Description This command returns the maximum measured value obtained durring the time
sence the last reset for the selected Bar Graph
See Also AP.BarGraph.Reset, AP.BarGraph.Max
Example See example for AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale.

AP.BarGraph.New Method

Syntax AP.BarGraph.New[(Optional ByVal ConId As Variant)]

Parameters Name Description
ConId Instrument identification number.
Refer to Appendix B to obtain instrument parameter
identification numbers.
Result Integer
1-32 Identification number of Bar Graph created.
Description This command creates a new Bar Graph and returns the identification number.
Example See example for AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale.

AP.BarGraph.Reset Method

Syntax AP.BarGraph.Reset(ByVal BarId As Integer)

Parameters Name Description
BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
Description This command resets the selected Bar Graph. The reset action sets the Min and Max
values to the current reading and as additional readings are taken the Min and Max
readings track the deviations
See Also AP.BarGraph.Max, AP.BarGraph.Min
Example See example for AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 123

Chapter 6: Bar Graph AP.BarGraph.

AP.BarGraph.TargetLower Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.TargetLower(ByVal BarId As Integer, ByVal Unit

As String)
Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
BarGraph.Id command to determine the appropriate
unit selections.
Description This command defines the target value for the left side of the Bar Graph.
See Also AP.BarGraph.TargetUpper, AP.BarGraph.TargetRange
Example See example for AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale.

AP.BarGraph.TargetRange Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.TargetRange(ByVal BarId As Integer)

Data Type Boolean
True Target area displayed.
False Target area not displayed.
Parameters Name Description
BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
Description This command turns the selected Bar Graph Target Range ON or OFF.
See Also AP.BarGraph.TargetLowe, AP.BarGraph.TargetUpper
Example See example for AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale.

AP.BarGraph.TargetUpper Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.TargetUpper(ByVal BarId As Integer, ByVal Unit

As String)
Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
BarGraph.Id command to determine the appropriate
unit selections.
Description This command defines the value on the right side of the Bar Graph.
See Also AP.BarGraph.TargetLower, AP.BarGraph.TargetRange

124 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.BarGraph. Chapter 6: Bar Graph

Example See example for AP.BarGraph.AxisAutoScale.

AP.BarGraph.Title Property

Syntax AP.BarGraph.Title(ByVal BarId As Integer)

Data Type String ASCII charactors.

Parameters Name Description

BarId Bar Graph identification number (1-32). The identification
number is located on the Bar Graph title bar.
Description This command transfers the ASCII charactors to or from the title bar in the
BarGraph panel to a string variable.
Example See example for AP.BarGraph.Comment.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 125

Chapter 6: Bar Graph AP.BarGraph.

User Notes

126 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 7
Status Bits
AP.Bits.ChAAudioModeRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAAudioModeRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

1 Non-Audio (Data Mode)
2 Normal (Audio Mode)
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Audio Mode from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait .3 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Audio Mode = " & AP.Bits.ChAAudioModeRdg
End Sub
Output Audio Mode = 1

AP.Bits.ChAAuxBitsRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAAuxBitsRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 20-bit not defined

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 127

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

1 24-bit not defined

2 20-bit single
3 Reserved
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Auxiliary Bits from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example Sub Main
Dim String_Array(3)
String_Array(0) = "20-bit not defined"
String_Array(1) = "24-bit main audio"
String_Array(2) = "20-bit single"
String_Array(3) = "Reserved"

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.Bits.Mode = 1 'Professional Mode
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait .5 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Auxiliary Bits Reading = " & _
End Sub
Output Auxiliary Bits Reading = 20-bit not defined

AP.Bits.ChACategoryRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChACategoryRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 General
1 CD Player
2 PCM Adaptor
3 DAT Recorder
4 Digital Broadcast
5 Musical Instrument

Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Category code from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString

128 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

Example Sub Main

Dim String_Array(5)
String_Array(0) = "General"
String_Array(1) = "CD Player"
String_Array(2) = "PCM Adaptor"
String_Array(3) = "DAT Recorder"
String_Array(4) = "Digital Broadcast"
String_Array(5) = "Musical Instrument"

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait .3 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Category Reading = " & _
End Sub
Output Category Reading = General

AP.Bits.ChAChModeRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAChModeRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Not Indicated
1 2-channel
2 Single-channel
3 Primary/Sec
4 Stereo
5 Reserved-1
6 Reserved-2
7 Vector to byte 3
8 Mono Double Rate
9 Left Double Rate
10 Right Double Rate
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Channel Mode from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example Sub Main
Dim String_Array(7)
String_Array(0) = "Not Indicated"
String_Array(1) = "2-channel"
String_Array(2) = "Single-channel"

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 129

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.ChAChNumRdg

String_Array(3) = "Primary/Sec"
String_Array(4) = "Stereo"
String_Array(5) = "Reserved-1"
String_Array(6) = "Reserved-2"
String_Array(7) = "Vector to byte 3"
String_Array(8) = "Mono Double Rate"
String_Array(9) = "Left Double Rate"
String_Array(10) = "Right Double Rate"

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.Bits.Mode = 1 'Professional Mode
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait .3 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Channel Mode Reading = " & _
End Sub
Output Channel Mode Reading = Not Indicated

AP.Bits.ChAChNumRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAChNumRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Don't Care
1 A (Left)
2 B (Right)
3 C
4 D
5 E
6 F
7 G
8 H
9 I
10 J
11 K
12 L
13 M
14 N
15 O
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Channel Number from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString

130 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString

Example Sub Main
Dim String_Array(15)
String_Array(0) = "Don't Care"
String_Array(1) = "A (Left)"
String_Array(2) = "B (Right)"
String_Array(3) = "C"
String_Array(4) = "D"
String_Array(5) = "E"
String_Array(6) = "F"
String_Array(7) = "G"
String_Array(8) = "H"
String_Array(9) = "I"
String_Array(10) = "J"
String_Array(11) = "K"
String_Array(12) = "L"
String_Array(13) = "M"
String_Array(14) = "N"
String_Array(15) = "O"

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.Bits.Mode = 0 'Consumer Mode
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait .5 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Channel Number Reading = " & _
End Sub
Output Channel Number Reading = Don't Care

AP.Bits.ChAClockAccuracyRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAClockAccuracyRdg([Optional ByVal String As

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Level 1
1 Level 2
2 Level 3
3 Reserved
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Clock Accuracy from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 131

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString

See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example Sub Main
Dim String_Array(3)
String_Array(0) = "Level 1"
String_Array(1) = "Level 2"
String_Array(2) = "Level 3"
String_Array(3) = "Reserved"

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.Bits.Mode = 0 'Consumer Mode
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait .5 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Clock Accuracy Reading = " & _
End Sub
Output Clock Accuracy Reading = Level 2

AP.Bits.ChACopyrightRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChACopyrightRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Copyright
1 Non-Copyright
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Copyright status from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example Sub Main
Dim String_Array(1)
String_Array(0) = "Copyright"
String_Array(1) = "Non-Copyright"

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.Bits.Mode = 0 'Consumer Mode
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait .5 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Copyright Reading = " & _

132 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

String_Array(AP.Bits.ChACopyrightRdg) & _
" protected."
End Sub
Output Copyright Reading = Copyright protected.

AP.Bits.ChACrcRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChACrcRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Invalid
1 Valid
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A CRC state from an optional string
or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is included
the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The string is
obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString command.
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example Sub Main
Dim String_Array(1)
String_Array(0) = "Clear"
String_Array(1) = "Set"
System = AP.App.SysType
AP.Bits.Mode = 1
'Professional Mode
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait .5 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Crc Valid Reading = " & _
End Sub

AP.Bits.ChADestinationRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChADestinationRdg([Optional ByVal String As

Data Type String
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 133

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Destination Code from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Bits.Mode = 1 'Professional Mode
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
AP.Bits.Pro.Destination = "ABCD"
Wait .5 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Destination Reading = " & _
End Sub
Output Destination Reading = ABCD

AP.Bits.ChAEmphRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAEmphRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

The following list is for Consumer Mode.
0 No Pre-emph
1 50/15S

The following list is for Professional Mode.

0 Not Indicated
1 None
2 50/15 uS
3 CCITT J.17
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Emphasis setting from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString, AP.Bits.ChAModeRdg
Example Sub Main
Dim String_Array_Cons(1)
Dim String_Array_Pro(3)
String_Array_Cons(0) = "No Pre-emph"

134 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

String_Array_Cons(1) = "50/15S"

String_Array_Pro(0) = "Not Indicated"

String_Array_Pro(1) = "None"
String_Array_Pro(2) = "50/15S"
String_Array_Pro(3) = "CCITT J.17"

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

With AP.Bits
.XmitChannel = 0
.Mode = 0 'Consumer Mode
.Cons.Emphasis = 1
.XmitChannel = 1
.Mode = 1 'Professional Mode
.Pro.Emphasis = 3
End With

AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait 1 'Wait for reading to update
With AP.Bits
If .ChAModeRdg = 0 Then
Debug.Print "Ch A Consumer Emphasis _
Reading = " &String_Array_Cons(.ChAEmphRdg)
Debug.Print "Ch A Professional Emphasis _
Reading = " & String_Array_Pro(.ChAEmphRdg)
End If
End With
End Sub
Output Ch A Consumer Emphasis Reading = 50/15S
Ch B Professional Emphasis Reading = CCITT J.17

AP.Bits.ChAFlag0_5Rdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAFlag0_5Rdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Clear
1 Set
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Flag 0-5 state from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 135

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString

See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example Sub Main
Dim String_Array(1)
String_Array(0) = "Cleared"
String_Array(1) = "Set"

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.Bits.Mode = 1 'Professional Mode
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
AP.Bits.Pro.Flag14_17 = 1 'Set flags 14-17
AP.Bits.Pro.Flag18_21 = 1 'Set Flags 18-21
Wait .5 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Reliability Flags 0-5 Reading = " & _
Debug.Print "Reliability Flags 6-13 Reading = " & _
Debug.Print "Reliability Flags 14-17 Reading = " _
& String_Array(AP.Bits.ChAFlag14_17Rdg)
Debug.Print "Reliability Flags 18-21 Reading = " _
End Sub
Output Reliability Flags 0-5 Reading = Cleared
Reliability Flags 6-13 Reading = Cleared
Reliability Flags 14-17 Reading = Set
Reliability Flags 18-21 Reading = Set

AP.Bits.ChAFlag6_13Rdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAFlag6_13Rdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Clear
1 Set
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Flag 6-13 state from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAFlag0_5Rdg.

136 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

AP.Bits.ChAFlag14_17Rdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAFlag14_17Rdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Clear
1 Set
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Flag 14-17 state from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAFlag0_5Rdg.

AP.Bits.ChAFlag18_21Rdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAFlag18_21Rdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Clear
1 Set
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Flag 18-21 state from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAFlag0_5Rdg.

AP.Bits.ChAFreqModeRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAFreqModeRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 137

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

Result Value Description

0 Unlocked
1 Locked
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Frequency Mode from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example Sub Main
Dim String_Array(3)
String_Array(0) = "Unlocked"
String_Array(1) = "Locked"

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.Bits.Mode = 1 'Professional Mode
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait 1 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Frequency Mode Reading = " & _
End Sub
Output Frequency Mode Reading = Locked

AP.Bits.ChALocalAddressRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChALocalAddressRdg([Optional ByVal String As

Data Type Long
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Local Address code from an op-
tional string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter
is included the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading.
The string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example Sub Main
AP.Bits.Mode = 1 'Professional Mode
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
AP.Bits.XmitChannel = 0
AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress = False
AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress = 1234
'Set Ch A

138 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

AP.Bits.XmitChannel = 1
AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress = 5678
'Set Ch B
Wait .5 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Ch A Origin Reading = " & _
Debug.Print "Ch B Local Address Reading = " & _
End Sub

AP.Bits.ChAModeRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAModeRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Consumer
1 Professional
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Mode from an optional string or
from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is included the
command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The string is ob-
tained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString command.
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
AP.Bits.Mode = 0
For LoopNum = 1 To 5 Step 1
Debug.Print "Mode = " & AP.Bits.ChAModeRdg()
If LoopNum = 3 Then
AP.Bits.Mode = 1
Wait .5
End If
Next LoopNum
End Sub
Output Mode = 0
Mode = 0
Mode = 0
Mode = 1
Mode = 1

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 139

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

AP.Bits.ChAOriginRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAOriginRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type String
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Origin Code from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Bits.Mode = 1 'Professional Mode
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
AP.Bits.XmitChannel = 0
AP.Bits.Pro.Origin = "ABCD" 'Set Ch A
AP.Bits.XmitChannel = 1
AP.Bits.Pro.Origin = "1234" 'Set Ch B
Wait .5 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Ch A Origin Reading = " & _
Debug.Print "Ch B Origin Reading = " & _
End Sub
Output Ch A Origin Reading = ABCD
Ch B Origin Reading = 1234

AP.Bits.ChARefSignalRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChARefSignalRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Not a ref. Signal
1 Grade 1
2 Grade 2
3 Reserved
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Reference Signal setting from an
optional string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parame-

140 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

ter is included the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading.
The string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example Sub Main
Dim String_Array(3)
String_Array(0) = "Not a ref. Signal"
String_Array(1) = "Grade 1"
String_Array(2) = "Grade 2"
String_Array(3) = "Reserved"

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.Bits.Mode = 1 'Professional Mode
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait .5 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Reference Signal Reading = " & _
End Sub
Output Reference Signal Reading = Not a ref. Signal

AP.Bits.ChASampleFreqRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChASampleFreqRdg([Optional ByVal String As

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

The following list is for Consumer Mode.
0 48 kHz
1 44.1 kHz
2 32 kHz

The following list is for Professional Mode.

0 Not Indicated
1 48 kHz
2 44.1 kHz
3 32 kHz
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Sample Frequency from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 141

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

Example Sub Main

Dim String_Array_Cons(2)
Dim String_Array_Pro(3)
String_Array_Cons(0) = "48 kHz"
String_Array_Cons(1) = "44.1 kHz"
String_Array_Cons(2) = "32 kHz"

String_Array_Pro(0) = "Not Indicated"

String_Array_Pro(1) = "48 kHz"
String_Array_Pro(2) = "44.1 kHz"
String_Array_Pro(3) = "32 kHz"

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

With AP.Bits
.XmitChannel = 0
.Mode = 0 'Consumer Mode
.Cons.SampleFreq = 0
.XmitChannel = 1
.Mode = 1 'Professional Mode
.Pro.SampleFreq = 2
End With

AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait 1 'Wait for reading to update
With AP.Bits
If .ChAModeRdg = 0 Then
Debug.Print "Ch A Consumer Frequency _
Reading = " & _
Debug.Print "Ch A Professional Frequency _
Reading = " & String_Array_Pro _
End If

If .ChBModeRdg = 0 Then
Debug.Print "Ch B Consumer Frequency _
Reading = " & String_Array_Cons _
End If
End With
End Sub
Output Ch A Consumer Frequency Reading = 48 kHz
Ch B Professional Frequency Reading = 44.1 kHz

142 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

AP.Bits.ChASourceNumRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChASourceNumRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Don't Care
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16

Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Source Number from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString

Example Sub Main

Dim String_Array(0)
String_Array(0)= "Don't Care"

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.Bits.Mode = 0 'Consumer Mode
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
AP.Bits.Cons.SourceNum = 5
Wait .5 'Wait for reading to update
If AP.Bits.ChASourceNumRdg = 0 Then
Debug.Print "Source Number Reading = " & _
Debug.Print "Source Number Reading = " & _

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 143

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

End If
End Sub
Output Source Number Reading = 5

AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString Method

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Result String
Description This command transfers the contents of the channel A Status Bits into an string. This
enable the programmer to extract all of the status information from an single
See Also AP.Bits.ChAXmitStatus
Example Sub Main
With AP.Bits
Channel_A_Status = .ChAStatusXferToString
Mode = .ChAModeRdg(Channel_A_Status)
Debug.Print "Mode = " & Mode

If Mode = 0 Then 'Consumer

Debug.Print "Audio Mode = " & _
Debug.Print "Copyright = " & _
Debug.Print "Emphasis = " & _
Debug.Print "Channel Mode = " & _
Debug.Print "Category Code = " & _
Debug.Print "Source Number = " & _
Debug.Print "Channel Number = " & _
Debug.Print "Sample Frequency = " & _
Debug.Print "Clock Accuracy = " & _
Else 'Professional
Debug.Print "Audio Mode = " & _
Debug.Print "Emphasis = " & _
Debug.Print "Frequency Mode = " & _
Debug.Print "Sample Frequency = " & _

144 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

Debug.Print "Channel Mode = " & _

Debug.Print "User Bits = " & _
Debug.Print "Aux Bits = " & _
Debug.Print "Word Length = " & _
Debug.Print "Ref Signal = " & _
Debug.Print "Origin Code = " & _
Debug.Print "Destination Code = " & _
Debug.Print "Local Address = " & _
Debug.Print "Time Of Day = " & _
Debug.Print "Flag 0-5 = " & _
Debug.Print "Flag 6-13 = " & _
Debug.Print "Flag 14-17 = " & _
Debug.Print "Flag 18-21 = " & _
Debug.Print "Crc Valid = " & _
End If
End With
End Sub

AP.Bits.ChATimeOfDayRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChATimeOfDayRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Long
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Time Of Day code from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Bits.Mode = 1 'Professional Mode

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 145

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddressAuto = 0
AP.Bits.Pro.TimeOfDay = 123456789
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait .5 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Ch A Time Of Day Reading = " & _
Debug.Print "Ch B Time Of Day Reading = " & _
End Sub
Output Ch A Time Of Day Reading = 123456789
Ch B Time Of Day Reading = 123456789

AP.Bits.ChAUserBitsRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAUserBitsRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 None
1 192-bit block
2 Reserved
3 User defined
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A User Bits from an optional string or
from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is included the
command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The string is ob-
tained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString command.
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example Sub Main
Dim String_Array(3)
String_Array(0) = "None"
String_Array(1) = "192-bit block"
String_Array(2) = "Reserved"
String_Array(3) = "User defined"

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.Bits.Mode = 1 'Professional Mode
AP.Bits.Pro.UserBits = 1
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait .5 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "User Bits Reading = " & _
End Sub
Output User Bits Reading = 192-bit block

146 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

AP.Bits.ChAWordLengthRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAWordLengthRdg([Optional ByVal String As

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Not Indicated
1 20 bits
2 19 bits
3 18 bits
4 17 bits
5 16 bits
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel A Word Length from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString

Example Sub Main

Dim String_Array(5)
String_Array(0) = "Not Indicated"
String_Array(1) = "20 bits"
String_Array(2) = "19 bits"
String_Array(3) = "18 bits"
String_Array(4) = "17 bits"
String_Array(5) = "16 bits"

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.Bits.Mode = 1 'Professional Mode
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
Wait .5 'Wait for reading to update
Debug.Print "Word Length Reading = " & _
End Sub
Output Word Length Reading = Not Indicated

AP.Bits.ChAXmitStatus Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChAXmitStatus
Data Type String String containing status bit information.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 147

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

Description This command transmits the status bits data contained in the string for channel A.
See Also AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString
Example Sub Main
With AP.Bits
'Get current Channel A&B status
Channel_A_Status = .ChAStatusXferToString
Channel_B_Status = .ChBStatusXferToString

'Your code goes here

'Restore Channel A&B status

.ChAXmitStatus = Channel_A_Status
.ChBXmitStatus = Channel_B_Status
End With
End Sub

AP.Bits.ChBAudioModeRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBAudioModeRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

1 Non-Audio (Data Mode)
2 Normal (Audio Mode)
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Audio Mode from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAAudioModeRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBAuxBitsRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBAuxBitsRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 20-bit not defined

148 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

1 24-bit not defined

2 20-bit single
3 Reserved
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Auxiliary Bits from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAAuxBitsRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBCategoryRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBCategoryRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 General
1 CD Player
2 PCM Adaptor
3 DAT Recorder
4 Digital Broadcast
5 Musical Instrument
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Category code from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChACategoryRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBChModeRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBChModeRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Not Indicated
1 2-channel
2 Single-channel

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 149

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

3 Primary/Sec
4 Stereo
5 Reserved-1
6 Reserved-2
7 Vector to byte 3
8 Mono Double Rate
9 Left Double Rate
10 Right Double Rate
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Channel Mode from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAChModeRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBChNumRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBChNumRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
arameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Don't Care
1 A (Left)
2 B (Right)
3 C
4 D
5 E
6 F
7 G
8 H
9 I
10 J
11 K
12 L
13 M
14 N
15 O
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Channel Number from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAChNumRdg.

150 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

AP.Bits.ChBClockAccuracyRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBClockAccuracyRdg([Optional ByVal String As

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Level 1
1 Level 2
2 Level 3
3 Reserved
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Clock Accuracy setting from an op-
tional string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter
is included the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading.
The string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAClockAccuracyRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBCopyrightRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBCopyrightRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

1 Copyright
0 Non-Copyright
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Copyright state from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChACopyrightRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBCrcRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBCrcRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 151

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

Data Type Integer

Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Invalid
1 Valid
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B CRC state from an optional string
or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is included
the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The string is
obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString command.
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChACrcRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBDestinationRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBDestinationRdg([Optional ByVal String As

Data Type String
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Destination code from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChADestinationRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBEmphRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBEmphRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

The following list is for Consumer Mode.
0 No Pre-emph
1 50/15S

The following list is for Professional Mode.

152 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

0 Not Indicated
1 None
2 50/15 uS
3 CCITT J.17
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Emphasis setting from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAEmphRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBFlag0_5Rdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBFlag0_5Rdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Clear
1 Set
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Flag 0-5 state from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAFlag0_5Rdg.

AP.Bits.ChBFlag6_13Rdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBFlag6_13Rdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Clear
1 Set
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Flag 6-13 state from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 153

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString

See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAFlag0_5Rdg.

AP.Bits.ChBFlag14_17Rdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBFlag14_17Rdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Clear
1 Set
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Flag 14-17 state from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAFlag0_5Rdg.

AP.Bits.ChBFlag18_21Rdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBFlag18_21Rdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Clear
1 Set
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Flag 18-21 state from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAFlag0_5Rdg.

154 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

AP.Bits.ChBFreqModeRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBFreqModeRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Unlocked
1 Locked
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Frequency Mode from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAFreqModeRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBLocalAddressRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBLocalAddressRdg([Optional ByVal String As

Data Type Long
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Local Address code from an op-
tional string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter
is included the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading.
The string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChALocalAddressRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBModeRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBModeRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 155

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

Result Value Description

0 Consumer
1 Professional
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Mode from an optional string or
from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is included the
command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The string is ob-
tained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString command.
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAModeRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBOriginRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBOriginRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type String

Parameters Part Description

String Optional string containing status bit information.
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Origin code from an optional string
or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is included
the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The string is
obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString command.
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAOriginRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBRefSignalRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBRefSignalRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Not a ref. Signal
1 Grade 1
2 Grade 2
3 Reserved
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Reference Signal setting from an
optional string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parame-
ter is included the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading.
The string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString

156 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

Example See example for AP.Bits.ChARefSignalRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBSampleFreqRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBSampleFreqRdg([Optional ByVal String As

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 48 kHz
1 44.1 kHz
2 32 kHz
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Sample Frequency from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChASampleFreqRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBSourceNumRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBSourceNumRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Don't Care
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 157

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

15 15
16 16
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Source Number from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChASourceNumRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString Method

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Result String
Description This command transfers the contents of the channel B Status to a string.
See Also AP.Bits.ChBXmitStatus
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAStatusXferToString.

AP.Bits.ChBTimeOfDayRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBTimeOfDayRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Long
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Time Of Day code from an optional
string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is in-
cluded the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The
string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChATimeOfDayRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBUserBitsRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBUserBitsRdg([Optional ByVal String As Variant])

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

158 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

Result Value Description

0 None
1 192-bit block
2 Reserved
3 User defined
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B User Bits from an optional string or
from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter is included the
command uses the designated string as the source for the reading. The string is ob-
tained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString command.
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAUserBitsRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBWordLengthRdg Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBWordLengthRdg([Optional ByVal String As

Data Type Integer
Parameters Part Description
String Optional string containing status bit information.

Result Value Description

0 Not Indicated
1 20 bits
2 19 bits
3 18 bits
4 17 bits
5 16 bits
Description This command returns the Status Bits channel B Word Length setting from an op-
tional string or from the AES/EBU data stream. When the optional string parameter
is included the command uses the designated string as the source for the reading.
The string is obtained by using the AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAWordLengthRdg.

AP.Bits.ChBXmitStatus Property

Syntax AP.Bits.ChBXmitStatus
Data Type String String containing status bit information.
Description This command transmits the status bits data contained in the string for channel B.
See Also AP.Bits.ChBStatusXferToString
Example See example for AP.Bits.ChAXmitStatus.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 159

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

AP.Bits.Cons.AudioMode Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Cons.AudioMode
Data Type Integer
0 Auto
1 Data Mode (non-audio)
2 Audio Mode (normal, linear PCM)

Description This command sets the Mode parameter encoded in the Consumer Status Bits to 1
(Data Mode) or 2 (Audio Mode). 0 (Auto) sets the Mode parameter to Data when
AP.S2CDio.OutAudioFormat is set to 3 (IEC-61937, requires Dolby Digital Genera-
tor OPT-2711).
See Also AP.S2CDio.OutAudioFormat
Example See example for AP.Bits.Cons.Category.

AP.Bits.Cons.Category Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Cons.Category
Data Type Integer
0 General
1 CD Player
2 PCM Adaptor
3 DAT Recorder
4 Digital Broadcast
5 Musical Instrument
Description This command sets the Catagory Code parameter (channel status bit C) encoded in
the Consumer Status Bits.
Example Sub Main
'other setup code ...
AP.Bits.XmitChannel = 2 'channels A & B
AP.Bits.Mode = 0 'consumer
AP.Bits.Cons.AudioMode = 1 'data mode
AP.Bits.Cons.CopyRight = 1 'non-copyright
AP.Bits.Cons.Emphasis = 1 '50/15 uS
AP.Bits.Cons.Channels = 0 '2 channel
AP.Bits.Cons.Category = 1 'CD player
AP.Bits.Cons.SourceNum = 1 'source 1
AP.Bits.Cons.ChNum = 1 'A (left)
AP.Bits.Cons.SampleFreq = 0 '48 kHz
AP.Bits.Cons.ClockAccuracy = 0 'level 1
'rest of program ...
End Sub

160 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

AP.Bits.Cons.Channels Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Cons.Channels
Data Type Integer
0 2 Channel
1 4 Channel
Description This command sets the Channel Mode parameter encoded in the Consumer Status
Example See example for AP.Bits.Cons.Category.

AP.Bits.Cons.ChNum Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Cons.ChNum
Data Type Integer
0 Don't Care
1 A (Left)
2 B (Right)
3 C
4 D
5 E
6 F
7 G
8 H
9 I
10 J
11 K
12 L
13 M
14 N
15 O
Description This command sets the Source Number parameter encoded in the Consumer Status
See Also AP.Bits.XmitChannel
Example See example for AP.Bits.Cons.Category.

AP.Bits.Cons.ClockAccuracy Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Cons.ClockAccuracy
Data Type Integer
0 Level 1
1 Level 2
2 Level 3
3 Reserved

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 161

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

Description This command sets the Clock Accuracy parameter encoded in the Consumer Status
Example See example for AP.Bits.Cons.Category.

AP.Bits.Cons.Copyright Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Cons.Copyright
Data Type Integer
1 Copyright
0 Non-Copyright
Description This command sets the Copyright parameter encoded in the Consumer Status Bits.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Cons.Category.

AP.Bits.Cons.Emphasis Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Cons.Emphasis
Data Type Integer
0 No Pre-emph
1 50/15S
Description This command sets the Emphasis parameter encoded in the Consumer Status Bits.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Cons.Category.

AP.Bits.Cons.SampleFreq Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Cons.SampleFreq
Data Type Integer
0 48 kHz
1 44.1 kHz
2 32 kHz
Description This command sets the Frequency parameter encoded in the Consumer Status Bits.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Cons.Category.

AP.Bits.Cons.SourceNum Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Cons.SourceNum
Data Type Integer
0 Don't Care
1 1
2 2
3 3

162 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
16 16
Description This command sets the Source Number parameter encoded in the Consumer Status
Example See example for AP.Bits.Cons.Category.

AP.Bits.Mode Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Mode
Data Type Integer
0 Consumer
1 Professional
Description This command sets the Transmit Mode.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Cons.Category.

AP.Bits.Pro.AudioMode Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.AudioMode
Data Type Integer
0 Auto
1 Non-Audio (Data Mode)
2 Normal (Audio Mode; linear PCM)

Description This command sets the Mode parameter encoded in the Professional Status Bits to 1
(Non-Audio) or 2 (Normal). 0 (Auto) sets the Mode parameter to Data when AP.
S2CDio.OutAudioFormat is set to 3 (IEC-61937, requires Dolby Digital Generator
See Also AP.S2CDio.OutAudioFormat
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.AuxBits Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.AuxBits

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 163

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

Data Type Integer

0 20-bit not defined
1 24-bit main audio
2 20-bit single
3 Reserved
Description This command sets the Aux Bits parameter encoded in the Professional Status Bits.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.ChMode Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.ChMode
Data Type Integer
0 Not Indicated
1 2-channel
2 Single-channel
3 Primary/Sec
4 Stereo
5 Reserved-1
6 Reserved-2
7 Vector to byte 3
8 Mono Double Rate
9 Left Double Rate
10 Right Double Rate
Description This command sets the Channel Mode parameter encoded in the Professional Status
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.CrcEnable Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.CrcEnable
Result Boolean
True Set
False Clear
Description This command sets or clears the CRC parameter encoded in the Professional Status
The AES3 standard defines byte 23 as a CRC byte to assist the receiver in detecting
errors in the preceding 23 bytes (0-22) of each channel status block.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.Destination Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.Destination

164 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

Data Type String

Description This command sets a four-character alphanumeric (ASCII) code to be transmitted.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.Emphasis Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.Emphasis
Result Integer
0 Not Indicated
1 None
2 50/15 uS
3 CCITT J.17
Description This command sets the Emphasia parameter encoded in the Professional Status Bits.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.Flag0_5 Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.Flag0_5
Result Boolean
True Set
False Clear
Description This command sets or clears the Reliability Flag for bytes 0-5.
This flag is to be set if useful information is not being transmitted in the correspond-
ing status bytes.
Note that the Reliability Flags are not indications of the quality of the signal, but are
simply a way for the transmitting device to tell the receiving device whether or not
the information received in each group of six status bytes is valid.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.Flag6_13 Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.Flag6_13
Result Boolean
True Set
False Clear
Description This command sets or clears the Reliability Flag for bytes 6-13.
This flag is to be set if useful information is not being transmitted in the correspond-
ing status bytes.
Note that the Reliability Flags are not indications of the quality of the signal, but are
simply a way for the transmitting device to tell the receiving device whether or not
the information received in each group of eight status bytes is valid.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 165

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

AP.Bits.Pro.Flag14_17 Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.Flag14_17
Result Boolean
True Set
False Clear
Description This command sets or clears the Reliability Flag for bytes 14-17.
This flag is to be set if useful information is not being transmitted in the correspond-
ing status bytes.
Note that the Reliability Flags are not indications of the quality of the signal, but are
simply a way for the transmitting device to tell the receiving device whether or not
the information received in each group of four status bytes is valid.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.Flag18_21 Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.Flag18_21
Result Boolean
True Set
False Clear
Description This command sets or clears the Reliability Flag for bytes 18-21.
This flag is to be set if useful information is not being transmitted in the correspond-
ing status bytes.
Note that the Reliability Flags are not indications of the quality of the signal, but are
simply a way for the transmitting device to tell the receiving device whether or not
the information received in each group of four status bytes is valid.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.FreqMode Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.FreqMode
Data Type Integer
0 Unlocked
1 Locked
Description This command sets the Frequency Mode parameter encoded in the Professional Sta-
tus Bits.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress

166 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

Data Type Long

Description This command sets the Local Address parameter encoded in the Professional Status
Bits bytes 14-17.
The Local Address is a timer function defined in the Professional standard only.
See Also AP.Bits.Pro.AddressAuto
Example Sub Main
'other setup code ...
AP.Bits.XmitChannel = 1 'transmit chan B
AP.Bits.Mode = 1 'professional
AP.Bits.Pro.AudioMode = 1 'non-audio
AP.Bits.Pro.Emphasis = 2 '50/15 uS
AP.Bits.Pro.FreqMode = 0 'unlocked
AP.Bits.Pro.SampleFreq = 1 '48 kHz
AP.Bits.Pro.ChMode = 4 'stereo
AP.Bits.Pro.UserBits = 3 'user defined
AP.Bits.Pro.AuxBits = 1 '24-bit main audio
AP.Bits.Pro.WordLength = 1 '24 bits
AP.Bits.Pro.RefSignal = 2 'grade 2
AP.Bits.Pro.Origin = "SYS2" 'source SYS2
AP.Bits.Pro.Destination = "TEST" 'target TEST
AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddressAuto = 0
'auto address off
AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress = 123456
'set address = _
AP.Bits.Pro.TimeOfDay = 1234 'set TOD = 1234 samples
AP.Bits.Pro.Flag0_5 = True 'unreliable
AP.Bits.Pro.Flag6_13 = True 'unreliable
AP.Bits.Pro.Flag14_17 = False 'reliable
AP.Bits.Pro.Flag18_21 = True 'unreliable
AP.Bits.Pro.CrcEnable = True 'valid
'Rest of program
End Sub

AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddressAuto Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddressAuto
Data Type Boolean
True Enabled
False Disabled
Description This command enables or disables automatic selection of the Local Address and
Time Of Day values.
If the Local Address Auto box via this command is enabled, both the Local Address
value transmitted (bytes 14-17) and the Time of Day value (bytes 18-21) are the
count, in samples, of the elapsed time since the Professional format of status bytes
was selected or the Auto box was checked (whichever was later). If the Auto box is

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 167

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

not checked, an entry field is displayed to the right of the Auto box. A number may
be enered into this field via the AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress command and
the number will be continuously transmitted as the Local Address code in the status
See Also AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress, AP.Bits.Pro.TimeOfDay
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.Origin Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.Origin
Data Type String
Description This command sets a four-character alphanumeric (ASCII) code to be transmitted.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.RefSignal Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.RefSignal
Data Type Integer
0 Nor a ref. Signal
1 Grade 1
2 Grade 2
3 Reserved
Description This command sets the ReferenceSignal parameter encoded in the Professional Sta-
tus Bits.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.SampleFreq Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.SampleFreq
Data Type Integer
0 Not Indicated
1 48 kHz
2 44.1 kHz
3 32 kHz
4 192 kHz
5 192/1.001 kHz
6 176.4 kHz
7 176.4/1.001 kHz
8 96 kHz
9 96/1.001 kHz
10 88.2 kHz
11 88.2/1.001 kHz
12 48/1.001 kHz

168 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Bits. Chapter 7: Status Bits

13 44.1/1.001 kHz
14 32/1.001 kHz
15 24 kHz
16 24/1.001 kHz
17 22.05 kHz
18 22.05/1.001 kHz
Description This command sets the Frequency parameter encoded in the Professional Status
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.TimeOfDay Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.TimeOfDay
Data Type Long
Description This command sets the Time Of Day parameter encoded in the Professional Status
Bits bytes 18-21.
See Also AP.Bits.Pro.AddressAuto
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.UserBits Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.UserBits
Data Type Integer
0 None
1 192-bit block
2 Reserved
3 User defined
Description This command sets the User Bits parameter encoded in the Professional Status Bits.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.Pro.WordLength Property

Syntax AP.Bits.Pro.WordLength
Data Type Integer
The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.Bits.Pro.
AuxBits command "20-bit not defined" selection.
0 Not Indicated
1 20 bits
2 19 bits
3 18 bits
4 17 bits
5 16 bits

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 169

Chapter 7: Status Bits AP.Bits.

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.Bits.Pro.

AuxBits command "24-bit main audio" selection.
0 Not Indicated
1 24 bits
2 23 bits
3 22 bits
4 21 bits
5 20 bits
Description This command sets the Audio Word Length parameter encoded in the Professional
Status Bits.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

AP.Bits.XmitChannel Property

Syntax AP.Bits.XmitChannel
Data Type Integer
0 A
1 B
2 A&B
Description This command sets the Transmit Channel.
Example See example for AP.Bits.Pro.LocalAddress.

170 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 8
AP.CommA.Break Property


Syntax AP.CommA.Break
Data Type Boolean
True Sets the break signal.
False Clears the break signal.
Description This command sets or clears the break signal. Setting the break signal to True stops
sending characters and places the line in a break state until the Break command is
set to False.

AP.CommA.CDHolding Property


Syntax AP.CommA.CDHolding
Data Type Boolean
True Carrier Detect line high.
False Carrier Detect line low.
Description This command returns the state of the Carrier Detect (CD) line. The state of the Car-
rier Detect line indicates to the computer whether or not the modem is online.
When the Carrier Detect line is high (CDHolding = True) and the time specified by
the AP.CommA.CDTimeout command has expired, the AP.CommA.CommEvent
command is set to comCDTO (Carrier Detect Timeout Error), and a OnComm event
is generated.
The Carrier Detect is also known as the Receive Line Signal Detect (RLSD).
See Also AP.CommA.CDTimeout

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 171

Chapter 8: RS-232 AP.CommA. / AP.CommB.

AP.CommA.CDTimeout Property


Syntax AP.CommA.CDTimeout
Data Type Long
Description This command sets and returns the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that
the control waits for the Carrier Detect (CD) signal before timing out. This com-
mand indicates a timeout condition by setting the AP.CommA.CommEvent com-
mand to CDTO (Carrier Detect Timeout Error) and generating the OnComm event.

AP.CommA.CommEvent Property


Syntax Event = AP.CommA.CommEvent

Data Type Integer
The following list contains communications errors or events.

Setting Value Description

ComBreak 1001 Break signal received.
comCTSTO 1002 Clear To Send Timeout. The Clear To Send line was
low for the number of milliseconds specified by the
AP.CommA.CTSTimeout command while trying to
send a character.
comDSRTO 1003 Data Set Ready Timeout. The Data Set Ready line
was low for the number of milliseconds specified by
the AP.CommA.DSRTimeout command while trying to
send a character.
comFrame 1004 Framing Error. The hardware detected a framing
comOverrun 1006 Port Overrun. A character was not read from the
hardware before the next character arrived and was
comCDTO 1007 Carrier Detect Timeout. The Carrier Detect line was
low for the number of milliseconds specified by the
AP.CommA.CDTimeout command while trying to
send a character.
comRxOver 1008 Receive Buffer Overflow. The receive buffer is full.
comRxParity 1009 Parity Error. Parity error detected.
comTxFull 1010 Transmit Buffer Full. The transmit buffer was full while
trying to queue a character.

172 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.CommA. / AP.CommB. Chapter 8: RS-232

Communications events include the following settings.

Setting Value Description

comEvSend 1 There are fewer than SThreshold number of
characters in the transmit buffer.
comEvReceive 2 Received RThreshold number of characters. This
event is generated continuously until you use the
Input property to remove the data from the receive
comEvCTS 3 Change in Clear To Send line.
comEvDSR 4 Change in Data Set Ready line. This event is only
fired when DSR changes from 1 to 0.
comEvDC 5 Change in Carrier Detect line.
comEvRing 6 Ring detected. Some UARTs (universal asynchronous
receiver-transmitters) may not support this event.
comEvEOF 7 End Of File (ASCII character 26) character received.
Description Returns the most recent communication event or error.

AP.CommA.CommId Property


Syntax AP.CommA.CommICommId
Data Type Integer

Description This command returns a handle that identifies the communications device.

AP.CommA.CommPort Property


Syntax AP.CommA.CommPort
Data Type Integer
Description This command sets and returns the communications port number.
The communications control generates error 68 (Device unavailable) if the port does
not exist.
Warning You must set AP.CommA.CommPort before opening the port.
Example Sub Main
If AP.CommA.PortOpen = True Then
'Close Port if Open
AP.CommA.PortOpen = False
End If

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 173

Chapter 8: RS-232 AP.CommA. / AP.CommB.

'Port Setup
AP.CommA.CommPort = 2 'Select Comm Port
AP.CommA.Settings = "9600,N,8,1"
'Set Comm Port _
settings baud rate etc.
AP.CommA.OutBufferSize = 10 'Set Output buffer size
AP.CommA.InBufferSize = 10 'Set Input buffer size

'Output to Comm Port 2

AP.CommA.PortOpen = True 'Open Comm Port 2
AP.CommA.Output = "1234567890" 'Send data

'Input from Comm Port 2

Character$ = AP.CommA.Input 'Get data sent to Comm 2
Debug.Print Character$ 'Print Input to _
Immediate Window

AP.CommA.PortOpen = False 'Close Comm Port

End Sub

AP.CommA.CTSHolding Property


Syntax AP.CommA.CTSHolding
Data Type Boolean
True Clear To Send line high.
False Clear To Send line low.
Description This command returns the state of the of the Clear To Send (CTS) line. The state of
the Clear To Send line indicates to the computer whether or not the transmission can
When the Clear To Send line is low (CTSHolding = False) and the time specified by
the AP.CommA.CTSTimeout command has expired, the AP.CommA.CommEvent
command is set to comCTSTO (Clear To Send Timeout) and a OnComm event is
The Clear To Send line is used in RTS/CTS (Request To Send/Clear To Send) hard-
ware handshaking. The AP.CommA.CTSHolding command provides a way to manu-
ally determine the state of the Clear To Send line.
See Also AP.CommA.Handshaking

AP.CommA.CTSTimeout Property


Syntax AP.CommA.CTSTimeout

174 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.CommA. / AP.CommB. Chapter 8: RS-232

Data Type Long

Description This command sets and returns the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that
the control waits for the Clear To Send (CTS) signal before timing out. This com-
mand indicates a timeout condition by setting the AP.CommA.CommEvent com-
mand to CTSTO (Clear To Send Timeout Error) and generating the OnComm event.

AP.CommA.DSRHolding Property


Syntax AP.CommA.DSRHolding
Data Type Boolean
True Data Set Ready line high.
False Data Set Ready line low.
Description This command returns the state of the of the Data Set Ready (DSR) line. The state
of the Data Set Ready line indicates to the computer whether or not the hardware is
ready to proceed.

AP.CommA.DSRTimeout Property


Syntax AP.CommA.DSRTimeout
Data Type Long
Description This command sets and returns the maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) that
the control waits for the Data Set Ready (DSR) signal before timing out. This com-
mand indicates a timeout condition by setting the AP.CommA.CommEvent com-
mand to DSRTO (Data Set Ready Timeout Error) and generating the OnComm

AP.CommA.DTREnable Property


Syntax AP.CommA.DTREnable
Data Type Boolean
True Enable the Data Terminal Ready (line high) when port
opened and (line Low) when the port is closed.
False (Default) Disable the Data Terminal Ready (line always
Description This command determines whether to enable the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) line
during communications. Typically, the Data Terminal Ready signal is sent by a com-
puter to its modem to indicate that the computer is ready to accept incoming data.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 175

Chapter 8: RS-232 AP.CommA. / AP.CommB.

Setting the Data Terminal Ready line to low in most cases hangs up the telephone.

AP.CommA.Handshaking Property


Syntax AP.CommA.Handshaking
Data Type Long Valid protocols are listed in the following table.
0 (Default) No handshaking.
1 XON/XOFF handshaking.
2 RTS/CTS (Request To Send/Clear To Send) handshaking.
3 Both Request To Send and XON/XOFF handshaking.
Description This command sets and returns the state of the hardware handshaking.
Handshaking refers to the internal communications protocol by which data is trans-
ferred from the hardware port to the receive buffer. When a character of data arrives
at the serial port, the communications device has to move it into the receive buffer
so that your program can read it. If there is no receive buffer and your program is ex-
pected to read every character directly from the hardware, you will probably lose
data because the characters can arrive very quickly.
A handshaking protocol insures that data is not lost due to a buffer overrun, in which
case data arrives at the port too quickly for the communications device to move the
data into the receive buffer.

AP.CommA.InBufferCount Property


Syntax AP.CommA.InBufferCount
Data Type Integer
Description This command returns the number of characters in the receive buffer.

AP.CommA.InBufferSize Property


Syntax AP.CommA.InBufferSize
Data Type Integer
Description This command sets and returns the size of the receive buffer in bytes. The default re-
ceive buffer size is 1024.
Example See example for AP.CommA.CommPort.

176 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.CommA. / AP.CommB. Chapter 8: RS-232

AP.CommA.Input Property


Syntax AP.CommA.Input
Result String
Description This command returns and removes a string of characters from the receive buffer.
The AP.CommA.InputLen command defines the number of characters that are read
by the AP.CommA.Input command.
Example See example for AP.CommA.CommPort.

AP.CommA.InputLen Property


Syntax AP.CommA.InputLen
Data Type Integer
Description This command sets and returns the number of characters the AP.CommA.Input
command reads from the receive buffer.
Setting the AP.CommA.InputLen command to 0 causes the AP.CommA.Input
command to read the entire contents of the receive buffer.
If InputLen characters are not available in the receive buffer, the AP.CommA.In-
put command returns a zero-length string (""). The AP.CommA.
InBufferCount command can also be checked to determine if the required num-
ber of characters are present before using the AP.CommA.Input command.

AP.CommA.Interval Property


Syntax AP.CommA.Interval
Data Type Long
Description This command sets the interval (milliseconds) for polling the hardware for data un-
der the Windows 3.0 operating system.

AP.CommA.NullDiscard Property


Syntax AP.CommA.NullDiscard
Data Type Boolean

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 177

Chapter 8: RS-232 AP.CommA. / AP.CommB.

True Null characters are not transferred from the port to the
receive buffer.
False (Default) Null characters are transferred from the port to
the receive buffer.
Description This command determines whether null characters are allowed into the receive
A null character is defined as ASCII character 0, Chr$(0).

AP.CommA.OutBufferCount Property


Syntax AP.CommA.OutBufferCount
Data Type Integer
Description This command returns the number of characters in the transmit buffer. The transmit
buffer can be cleared by setting the AP.CommA.OutBufferCount command to

AP.CommA.OutBufferSize Property


Syntax AP.CommA.OutBufferSize
Data Type Integer
Description This command sets and returns the size, in characters, of the transmit buffer. The de-
fault transmit buffer size is 512 bytes.
Example See example for AP.CommA.CommPort.

AP.CommA.Output Property


Syntax AP.CommA.Output
Data Type Variant
Description This command sends a string of characters to the transmit buffer.
Example See example for AP.CommA.CommPort.

178 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.CommA. / AP.CommB. Chapter 8: RS-232

AP.CommA.ParityReplace Property


Syntax AP.CommA.ParityReplace
Data Type String
Description This command sets and returns the character that replaces an invalid character in the
data if a parity error occurs.
The parity bit refers to a bit that is transmitted along with a specified number of data
bits to provide error checking. When you use a parity bit, the communications con-
trol adds up all the bits that are set (having a value of 1) in the data and tests the sum
as being odd or even (according to the parity setting used when the port was
By default, the control uses a question mark (?) character for replacing invalid char-
acters. Setting ParityReplace to an empty string ("") disables replacement of the char-
acter where the parity error occurs.

AP.CommA.PortOpen Property


Syntax AP.CommA.PortOpen
Data Type Boolean
True Port is opened.
False Port is closed or closes the port and clears the receive
and transmit buffers.
Description This command sets and returns the state of the communications port.
If either the AP.CommA.DTREnable or the AP.CommA.RTSEnable commands are
set to True before the port is opened, the state of each command is set to False when
the port is closed. Otherwise, the DTR and RTS lines remain in their previous state.
Example See example for AP.CommA.CommPort.

AP.CommA.RThreshold Property


Syntax AP.CommA.RThreshold
Data Type Integer
Description This command sets and returns the number of characters to receive before the com-
munications control sets the CommEvent command to comEvReceive and generates
the OnComm event.
By setting the AP.CommA.RThreshold command to 0 (the default) generationof
the OnComm event is disabled when characters are received.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 179

Chapter 8: RS-232 AP.CommA. / AP.CommB.

By setting AP.CommA.RThreshold command to 1, each time a character is

placed in the receive buffer an OnComm event is generated.

AP.CommA.RTSEnable Property


Syntax AP.CommA.RTSEnable
Data Type Boolean
True Enables the Request To Send line (line set high when port
open and low when port closed).
False The default condition, disables the Request To Send line.
Description This command determines the state of the Request To Send line.
The Request To Send line is used in RTS/CTS hardware handshaking.

AP.CommA.Settings Property


Syntax AP.CommA.Settings
Data Type String
The following table lists the valid baud rates.

Setting Description
9600 (Default)

The following table describes the valid parity values.

Setting Description
E Even
M Mark
N None (Default)
O Odd
S Space

The following table lists the valid data bit values.

180 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.CommA. / AP.CommB. Chapter 8: RS-232

Setting Description
8 (default)

The following table lists the valid stop bit values.

Setting Description
1 (Default)

Description This command sets and returns the baud rate, parity, data bit, and stop bit settings.
If paramString$ is not valid when the port is opened, the communications control
generates error 380 (Invalid property value).
Settings$ consists of four parts as specified in the following format:

Part Description
B Baud rate
P Parity
D Number of data bits
S Number of stop bits

The default value of Settings$ is: "9600,N,8,1"

Example See example for AP.CommA.CommPort.

AP.CommA.SThreshold Property


Syntax AP.CommA.SThreshold
Data Type Integer Valid protocols are listed in the following table.
0 No handshaking.
1 XON/XOFF handshaking.
2 RTS/CTS (Request To Send/Clear To Send) handshaking.
3 Both Request To Send and XON/XOFF handshaking.
Description This command sets and returns the minimum number of characters allowed in the
transmit buffer before the communications control sets the CommEvent property to
Setting the AP.CommA.SThreshold command to 0 (the default) disables generat-
ing the OnComm event for data transmission events. Setting the AP.CommA.
SThreshold command to 1 causes the communications control to generate the
OnComm event when the transmit buffer is completely empty.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 181

Chapter 8: RS-232 AP.CommA. / AP.CommB.

If the number of characters in the transmit buffer is less than the number specified
by the AP.CommA.SThreshold command, the CommEvent property is set to
comEvSend. The comEvSend event is only sent once, when the number of charac-
ters crosses the Threshold.

182 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 9
AP.Compute.Avg.Apply Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Avg.Apply
Result Boolean
True Computation performed.
False Computation NOT performed.
Description This command applies the Average computation to the selected data (1-6). All of the
measurements in the selected data will be replaced with the average value of the
data within the Start and Stop settings for the Compute Average function.
See Also AP.Compute.Clear.All, AP.Compute.Avg.Data, AP.Compute.Avg.
PostSweep, AP.Compute.Avg.Start, AP.Compute.Avg.Stop,
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "AVG.AT2C"
'Open test
AP.Compute.Avg.Data(1) = True 'Use Column1 for data 1
AP.Compute.Avg.PostSweep = False
'Disable Apply _
after sweep
AP.Compute.Avg.Start("Hz") = 5000
AP.Compute.Avg.Stop("Hz") = 100
AP.Compute.Avg.Apply 'Compute Average

End Sub

AP.Compute.Avg.Data Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Avg.Data(ByVal Source As Integer)

Data Type Boolean
True Select specified data.
False Deselect specified data.
Parameters Name Description
Source 1 = Data 1 measurements

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 183

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

2 = Data 2 measurements
3 = Data 3 measurements
4 = Data 4 measurements
5 = Data 5 measurements
6 = Data 6 measurements
Description This command determines which data (1-6) the Average computation is to be per-
formed on. By using this command several times to select multiple data sources, sev-
eral Average computations can be performed in one operation.
See Also AP.Compute.Avg.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Avg.Apply.

AP.Compute.Avg.PostSweep Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Avg.PostSweep
Data Type Boolean
True Enable computation to be applyed after sweep.
False Disable computation after sweep.
Description This command instructs the test to perform the Average computation after a sweep is
complete and sets the state of the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute Average
AP2700 retains the order in which the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute pan-
els is enabled. This permits multiple computations to be performed on data from a
single test. The order of the computations is also retained in the test file.
See Also AP.Compute.Avg.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Avg.Apply.

AP.Compute.Avg.Start Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Avg.Start(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X
Description This command sets the Start value of the data over which the Average computation
will be performed.
See Also AP.Compute.Avg.Stop, AP.Compute.Avg.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Avg.Apply.

184 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Compute. Chapter 9: Computes

AP.Compute.Avg.StartUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Avg.StartUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Start setting for the Compute Average
See Also AP.Compute.Avg.StopUnit
Example Sub Main
AP.Compute.Avg.Data1 = True
AP.Compute.Avg.Start("Hz") = 0.02
Debug.Print AP.Compute.Avg.StartUnit
End Sub
Output Hz

AP.Compute.Avg.Stop Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Avg.Stop(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X
Description This command sets the Stop value of the data over which the Average computation
will be performed.
See Also AP.Compute.Avg.Start, AP.Compute.Avg.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Avg.Apply.

AP.Compute.Avg.StopUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Avg.StopUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Stop setting for the Compute Average
See Also AP.Compute.Avg.StartUnit
Example Sub Main
AP.Compute.Avg.Data1 = True
AP.Compute.Avg.Stop("Hz") = 20000.0
Debug.Print AP.Compute.Avg.StopUnit
End Sub
Output Hz

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 185

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

AP.Compute.Center.Apply Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Center.Apply
Result Boolean
True Computation performed.
False Computation NOT performed.
Description This command applies the Center computation to the selected data (1-6).
See Also AP.Compute.Clear.All, AP.Compute.Center.Data, AP.Compute.
Center.PostSweep, AP.Compute.Center.Start, AP.Compute.
Example Sub Main
Dim Status As Boolean
Status = AP.Log.Enable 'Determine Log Status
AP.Log.Enable = False 'Enable Log Status
AP.File.OpenTest "CENTER.AT2C" 'Open test
AP.Compute.Center.Data(1) = True 'Set Data 1
AP.Compute.Center.PostSweep = False 'Apply after _
sweep off
AP.Compute.Center.Start("Hz") = 200000 'Start _
freq 200k Hz
AP.Compute.Center.Stop("Hz") = 10 'Stop at 10 Hz
AP.Compute.Center.Apply 'Compute Center
AP.Log.Enable = Status 'Reset Log Status
End Sub

AP.Compute.Center.Data Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Center.Data(ByVal Source As Integer)

Data Type Boolean
True Select specified data.
False Deselect specified data.
Parameters Name Description
Source 1 = Data 1 measurements
2 = Data 2 measurements
3 = Data 3 measurements
4 = Data 4 measurements
5 = Data 5 measurements
6 = Data 6 measurements
Description This command determines which data (1-6) the Center computation is to be per-
formed on. By using this command several times to select multiple data sources, sev-
eral Center computations can be performed in one operation.
See Also AP.Compute.Center.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Center.Apply.

186 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Compute. Chapter 9: Computes

AP.Compute.Center.PostSweep Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Center.PostSweep
Data Type Boolean
True Enable computation to be applyed after sweep.
False Disable computation after sweep.
Description This command instructs the test to perform the Center computation after a sweep is
complete and sets the state of the Apply After Sweep field on the ComputeCenter
AP2700 retains the order in which the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute pan-
els is enabled. This permits multiple computations to be performed on data from a
single test. The order of the computations is also retained in the test file.
See Also AP.Compute.Center.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Center.Apply.

AP.Compute.Center.Start Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Center.Start(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X
Description This command sets the Start value of the data over which the Center computation
will be performed.
See Also AP.Compute.Center.Stop, AP.Compute.Center.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Center.Apply.

AP.Compute.Center.StartUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Center.StartUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Start setting for the Compute Center
See Also AP.Compute.Center.StopUnit
Example Sub Main
AP.Compute.Center.Data1 = True
AP.Compute.Center.Start("Hz") = 20000.0
Debug.Print AP.Compute.Center.StartUnit
End Sub
Output Hz

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 187

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

AP.Compute.Center.Stop Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Center.Stop(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X
Description This command sets the Stop value of the data over which the Center computation
will be performed.
See Also AP.Compute.Center.Start, AP.Compute.Center.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Center.Apply.

AP.Compute.Center.StopUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Center.StopUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Stop setting for the Compute Center
See Also AP.Compute.Center.StartUnit
Example Sub Main
AP.Compute.Center.Data1 = True
AP.Compute.Center.Stop("Hz") = 20000.0
Debug.Print AP.Compute.Center.StopUnit
End Sub
Output Hz

AP.Compute.Clear.All Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Clear.All
Description This command clears all computes from the current test.
Example See example for AP.Compute.Center.Apply.

AP.Compute.Delta.Apply Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Delta.Apply
Result Boolean
True Computation performed.
False Computation NOT performed.
Description This command applies the Delta computation to the selected data (1-6).

188 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Compute. Chapter 9: Computes

See Also AP.Compute.Clear.All, AP.Compute.Delta.Data, AP.Compute.

Delta.FileName, AP.Compute.Delta.PostSweep
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "DELTA.AT2C" 'Opens test to be _
run with results compared to stored data file
AP.Compute.Delta.FileName = "DELTA1.ADA" 'Data _
file used in delta computation
AP.Compute.Delta.PostSweep = False 'Disables _
apply after sweep
AP.Compute.Delta.Data(1,1) = True
AP.Compute.Delta.Data(2,2) = True
AP.Compute.Delta.Apply 'Compute Delta
End Sub

AP.Compute.Delta.Data Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Delta.Data(ByVal Source As Integer, ByVal Column

As Integer)
Data Type Boolean
True Select specified data.
False Deselect specified data.
Parameters Name Description
Source Number of the Sweep Data (1-6) of the data in memory.
Column Number of the Data Column (0-7) of the data specified by
the AP.Compute.Delta.FileName command.
Description This command determines which data (Data 1-6) in memory and which data (Col-
umn 0-7) as specified by the AP.Compute.Delta.FileName command the
Delta computation is to be performed on. By using this command several times to se-
lect multiple data sources, several Delta computations can be performed in one
See Also AP.Compute.Delta.Apply, AP.Compute.Delta.FileName
Example See example for AP.Compute.Delta.Apply.

AP.Compute.Delta.FileName Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Delta.FileName
Data Type String Any valid DOS filename and extension. Enter
"SweepData" for the file name to select data in memory.
Description This command attaches a data file to be used in the Compute Delta computation.
The difference between the selected column data values in the data file and the se-
lected data in memory will be calculated and then replace the data in memory.
See Also AP.Compute.Delta.Apply

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 189

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

Example See example for AP.Compute.Delta.Apply.

AP.Compute.Delta.PostSweep Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Delta.PostSweep
Data Type Boolean
True Enable computation to be applyed after sweep.
False Disable computation after sweep.
Description This command instructs the test to perform the Delta computation after a sweep is
complete and sets the state of the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute Delta
AP2700 retains the order in which the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute pan-
els is enabled. This permits multiple computations to be performed on data from a
single test. The order of the computations is also retained in the test file.
See Also AP.Compute.Delta.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Delta.Apply.

AP.Compute.Equalize.Apply Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Equalize.Apply
Result Boolean
True Computation performed.
False Computation NOT performed.
Description This command applies equalization to the selected data (1-6).
See Also AP.Compute.Clear.All, AP.Compute.Equalize.Data, AP.Compute.
Equalize.FileName, AP.Compute.Equalize.PostSweep
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "EQ.AT2C" 'opens test to be run
'with results compared to stored data file

AP.Compute.Equalize.FileName = "EQ1.ADA"
'file used in delta computation
AP.Compute.Equalize.PostSweep = False 'disables
'apply after sweep
AP.Compute.Equalize.Data(1,1) = True
AP.Compute.Equalize.Data(2,2) = True
AP.Compute.Equalize.Apply 'Compute Equalize
End Sub

190 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Compute. Chapter 9: Computes

AP.Compute.Equalize.Data Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Equalize.Data(ByVal Source As Integer, ByVal

Column As Integer)
Data Type Boolean
True Select specified data.
False Deselect specified data.
Parameters Name Description
Source Number of the Sweep Data (1-6) of the data in memory.
Column Number of the Data Column (0-7) of the data specified by
the AP.Compute.Equalize.FileName
Description This command determines which data (Data 1-6) in memory and which data (Col-
umn 0-7) as specified by the AP.Compute.Equalize.FileName command
the Equalization computation is to be performed on. By using this command several
times to select multiple data sources, several Equalization computations can be
performed in one operation.
See Also AP.Compute.Equalize.Apply, AP.Compute.Equalize.FileName
Example See example for AP.Compute.Equalize.Apply.

AP.Compute.Equalize.FileName Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Equalize.FileName
Data Type String Any valid DOS filename and extension. Enter
"SweepData" for the file name to select data in memory.
Description This command attaches a data file (Eq) to be used in the Compute Equalize computa-
tion. The data in memory is multipled by the data in the Eq file.
See Also AP.Compute.Equalize.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Equalize.Apply.

AP.Compute.Equalize.PostSweep Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Equalize.PostSweep
Data Type Boolean
True Enable computation to be applyed after sweep.
False Disable computation after sweep.
Description This command instructs the test to perform equalization after a sweep is complete
and sets the state of the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute Equalize panel.
AP2700 retains the order in which the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute pan-
els is enabled. This permits multiple computations to be performed on data from a
single test. The order of the computations is also retained in the test file.
See Also AP.Compute.Equalize.Apply

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 191

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

Example See example for AP.Compute.Equalize.Apply.

AP.Compute.Invert.Apply Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Invert.Apply
Result Boolean
True Computation performed.
False Computation NOT performed.
Description This command applies the Invert computation to the selected data (1-6).
See Also AP.Compute.Clear.All, AP.Compute.Invert.Data, AP.Compute.
Invert.Horizontal, AP.Compute.Invert.PostSweep
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "INVERT.AT2C"
'Open test.
AP.Compute.Clear.All 'Clear Compute functions.
AP.Compute.Invert.PostSweep = False
'Post Sweep Off.
AP.Compute.Invert.Data(1) = True 'Data to be inverted.
AP.Compute.Invert.Horizontal("Hz") = 5000'Horizontal _
End Sub

AP.Compute.Invert.Data Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Invert.Data(ByVal Source As Integer)

Data Type Boolean
True Select specified data.
False Deselect specified data.
Parameters Name Description
Source 1 = Data 1 measurements
2 = Data 2 measurements
3 = Data 3 measurements
4 = Data 4 measurements
5 = Data 5 measurements
6 = Data 6 measurements
Description This command determines which data (1-6) the Invert computation is to be per-
formed on. By using this command several times to select multiple data sources, sev-
eral Invert computations can be performed in one operation.
See Also AP.Compute.Invert.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Invert.Apply.

192 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Compute. Chapter 9: Computes

AP.Compute.Invert.Horizontal Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Invert.Horizontal(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X
Description This command sets the horizontal value in which the data will be inverted around.
See Also AP.Compute.Invert.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Invert.Apply.

AP.Compute.Invert.HorizontalUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Invert.HorizontalUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Horizontal setting for the Compute In-
vert function.
See Also AP.Compute.Invert.Horizontal
Example Sub Main
AP.Compute.Invert.Data(1) = True
AP.Compute.Invert.Horizontal("Hz") = 1000.0
Debug.Print AP.Compute.Invert.HorizontalUnit
End Sub
Output Hz

AP.Compute.Invert.PostSweep Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Invert.PostSweep
Data Type Boolean
True Enable computation to be applyed after sweep.
False Disable computation after sweep.
Description This command instructs the test to perform the Invert computation after a sweep is
complete and sets the state of the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute Invert
AP2700 retains the order in which the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute pan-
els is enabled. This permits multiple computations to be performed on data from a
single test. The order of the computations is also retained in the test file.
See Also AP.Compute.Invert.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Invert.Apply.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 193

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

AP.Compute.Linearity.Apply Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Linearity.Apply
Result Boolean
True Computation performed.
False Computation NOT performed.
Description This command applies the Linearity computation to the selected data (1-6). The
See Also AP.Compute.Clear.All, AP.Compute.Linearity.Data, AP.
Compute.Linearity.PostSweep, AP.Compute.Linearity.Start,
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "LINEAR.AT2C"
'Open test.
AP.Compute.Linearity.PostSweep = False'Disables _
Apply after sweep.
AP.Compute.Linearity.Data(1) = True 'Use column 1 _
for data 1.
AP.Compute.Linearity.Start("Vrms") = .5 'Start at _
AP.Compute.Linearity.Stop("Vrms") = 2
'Stop at 2V.
AP.Compute.Linearity.Apply 'Start computation.
AP.Sweep.Data1.Bottom("V") = -.02
AP.Sweep.Data1.Top("V") = .02
End Sub

AP.Compute.Linearity.Data Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Linearity.Data(ByVal Source As Integer)

Data Type Boolean
True Select specified data.
False Deselect specified data.
Parameters Name Description
Source 1 = Data 1 measurements
2 = Data 2 measurements
3 = Data 3 measurements
4 = Data 4 measurements
5 = Data 5 measurements
6 = Data 6 measurements
Description This command determines which data (1-6) the Linearity computation is to be per-
formed on. By using this command several times to select multiple data sources, sev-
eral Linearity computations can be performed in one operation.

194 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Compute. Chapter 9: Computes

See Also AP.Compute.Linearity.Apply

Example See example for AP.Compute.Linearity.Apply.

AP.Compute.Linearity.PostSweep Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Linearity.PostSweep
Data Type Boolean
True Enable computation to be applyed after sweep.
False Disable computation after sweep.
Description This command instructs the test to perform the Linearity computation after a sweep
is complete and sets the state of the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute Linear-
ity panel.
AP2700 retains the order in which the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute pan-
els is enabled. This permits multiple computations to be performed on data from a
single test. The order of the computations is also retained in the test file.
See Also AP.Compute.Linearity.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Linearity.Apply.

AP.Compute.Linearity.Start Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Linearity.Start(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X
Description This command sets the Start value of the data over which the Linearity computation
will be performed.
See Also AP.Compute.Linearity.Stop, AP.Compute.Linearity.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Linearity.Apply.

AP.Compute.Linearity.StartUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Linearity.StartUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Start setting for the Compute Linearity
See Also AP.Compute.Linearity.StopUnit
Example Sub Main
AP.Compute.Linearity.Data(1) = True
AP.Compute.Linearity.Start("Hz") = 0.02

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 195

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

Debug.Print AP.Compute.Linearity.StartUnit
End Sub
Output Hz

AP.Compute.Linearity.Stop Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Linearity.Stop(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X
Description This command sets the Stop value of the data over which the Linearity computation
will be performed.
See Also AP.Compute.Linearity.Start, AP.Compute.Linearity.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Linearity.Apply.

AP.Compute.Linearity.StopUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Linearity.StopUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Stop setting for the Compute Linearity
See Also AP.Compute.Center.StartUnit
Example Sub Main
AP.Compute.Linearity.Data(1) = True
AP.Compute.Linearity.Stop("Hz") = 20000.0
Debug.Print AP.Compute.Linearity.StopUnit
End Sub
Output Hz

AP.Compute.Max.Apply Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Max.Apply
Result Boolean
True Computation performed.
False Computation NOT performed.
Description This command applies the Maximum computation to the selected data (1-6).
See Also AP.Compute.Clear.All, AP.Compute.Max.Data, AP.Compute.Max.
PostSweep, AP.Compute.Max.Start, AP.Compute.Max.Stop,

196 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Compute. Chapter 9: Computes

Example Sub Main

AP.File.OpenTest "MAX.AT2C" 'Open test.
AP.Compute.Max.PostSweep = False 'Disables Apply _
after Sweep.
AP.Compute.Max.Data(1) = True 'Use column 1 for _
data 1.
AP.Compute.Max.Start("Hz") = 2000
AP.Compute.Max.Stop("Hz") = 200
End Sub

AP.Compute.Max.Data Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Max.Data(ByVal Source As Integer)

Data Type Boolean
True Select specified data.
False Deselect specified data.
Parameters Name Description
Source 1 = Data 1 measurements
2 = Data 2 measurements
3 = Data 3 measurements
4 = Data 4 measurements
5 = Data 5 measurements
6 = Data 6 measurements
Description This command determines which data (1-6) the Maximum computation is to be per-
formed on. By using this command several times to select multiple data sources, sev-
eral Maximum computations can be performed in one operation.
See Also AP.Compute.Max.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Max.Apply.

AP.Compute.Max.PostSweep Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Max.PostSweep
Data Type Boolean
True Enable computation to be applyed after sweep.
False Disable computation after sweep.
Description This command instructs the test to perform the Maximum computation after a sweep
is complete and sets the state of the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute Maxi-
mum panel.
AP2700 retains the order in which the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute pan-
els is enabled. This permits multiple computations to be performed on data from a
single test. The order of the computations is also retained in the test file.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 197

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

See Also AP.Compute.Max.Apply

Example See example for AP.Compute.Max.Apply.

AP.Compute.Max.Start Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Max.Start(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X
Description This command sets the Start value of the data over which the Maximum computa-
tion will be performed.
See Also AP.Compute.Max.Stop, AP.Compute.Max.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Max.Apply.

AP.Compute.Max.StartUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Max.StartUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Start setting for the Compute Maximum
See Also AP.Compute.Max.StopUnit
Example Sub Main
AP.Compute.Max.Data(1) = True
AP.Compute.Max.Start("Hz") = 0.02
Debug.Print AP.Compute.Max.StartUnit
End Sub
Output Hz

AP.Compute.Max.Stop Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Max.Stop(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X
Description This command sets the Stop value of the data over which the Maximum computa-
tion will be performed.

198 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Compute. Chapter 9: Computes

See Also AP.Compute.Max.Start, AP.Compute.Max.Apply

Example See example for AP.Compute.Max.Apply.

AP.Compute.Max.StopUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Max.StopUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Stop setting for the Compute Maximum
See Also AP.Compute.Max.StartUnit
Example Sub Main
AP.Compute.Max.Data(1) = True
AP.Compute.Max.Stop("Hz") = 20000.0
Debug.Print AP.Compute.Max.StopUnit
End Sub
Output Hz

AP.Compute.Min.Apply Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Min.Apply
Result Boolean
True Computation performed.
False Computation NOT performed.
Description This command applies the Minimum computation to the selected data (1-6).
See Also AP.Compute.Clear.All, AP.Compute.Min.Data, AP.Compute.Min.
PostSweep, AP.Compute.Min.Start, AP.Compute.Min.Stop,
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "MIN.AT2C"
'Open test.
AP.Compute.Min.PostSweep = False 'Disables apply _
after sweep.
AP.Compute.Min.Data(1) = True 'Use column 1 for _
data 1.
AP.Compute.Min.Start("Hz") = 10000
AP.Compute.Min.Stop("Hz") = 200
End Sub

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 199

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

AP.Compute.Min.Data Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Min.Data(ByVal Source As Integer)

Data Type Boolean
True Select specified data.
False Deselect specified data.
Parameters Name Description
Source 1 = Data 1 measurements
2 = Data 2 measurements
3 = Data 3 measurements
4 = Data 4 measurements
5 = Data 5 measurements
6 = Data 6 measurements
Description This command determines which data (1-6) the Minmum computation is to be per-
formed on. By using this command several times to select multiple data sources, sev-
eral Minmum computations can be performed in one operation.
See Also AP.Compute.Min.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Min.Apply.

AP.Compute.Min.PostSweep Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Min.PostSweep
Data Type Boolean
True Enable computation to be applyed after sweep.
False Disable computation after sweep.
Description This command instructs the test to perform the Minimum computation after a sweep
is complete and sets the state of the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute Mini-
mum panel.
AP2700 retains the order in which the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute pan-
els is enabled. This permits multiple computations to be performed on data from a
single test. The order of the computations is also retained in the test file.
See Also AP.Compute.Min.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Min.Apply.

AP.Compute.Min.Start Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Min.Start(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X

200 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Compute. Chapter 9: Computes

Description This command sets the Start value of the data over which the Minimum computation
will be performed.
See Also AP.Compute.Min.Stop, AP.Compute.Min.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Min.Apply.

AP.Compute.Min.StartUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Min.StartUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Start setting for the Compute Minimum
See Also AP.Compute.Min.StopUnit
Example Sub Main
AP.Compute.Min.Data(1) = True
AP.Compute.Min.Start("Hz") = 0.02
Debug.Print AP.Compute.Min.StartUnit
End Sub
Output Hz

AP.Compute.Min.Stop Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Min.Stop(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X
Description This command sets the Stop value of the data over which the Minimum computation
will be performed.
See Also AP.Compute.Min.Start, AP.Compute.Min.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Min.Apply.

AP.Compute.Min.StopUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Min.StopUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Stop setting for the Compute Minimum
See Also AP.Compute.Min.StartUnit
Example Sub Main

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 201

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

AP.Compute.Min.Data(1) = True
AP.Compute.Min.Stop("Hz") = 20000.0
Debug.Print AP.Compute.Min.StopUnit
End Sub
Output Hz

AP.Compute.Normalize.Apply Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Normalize.Apply
Result Boolean
True Computation performed.
False Computation NOT performed.
Description This command applies the Normalize computation to the selected data (1-6).
See Also AP.Compute.Clear.All, AP.Compute.Normalize.Data, AP.
Compute.Normalize.Horizontal, AP.Compute.Normalize.
PostSweep, AP.Compute.Normalize.Target
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "NORMAL.AT2C"'opens test to be run.
AP.Compute.Normalize.PostSweep = False 'Disables _
apply after sweep.
AP.Compute.Normalize.Data(1) = True
AP.Compute.Normalize.Horizontal("Hz") = 1000
'Sets 1kHz point to be normalized.
AP.Compute.Normalize.Target("dBV") = 0.0
'Normalize 1Khz point to 0.0dBV.
End Sub

AP.Compute.Normalize.Data Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Normalize.Data(ByVal Source As Integer)

Data Type Boolean
True Select specified data.
False Deselect specified data.
Parameters Name Description
Source 1 = Data 1 measurements
2 = Data 2 measurements
3 = Data 3 measurements
4 = Data 4 measurements
5 = Data 5 measurements
6 = Data 6 measurements

202 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Compute. Chapter 9: Computes

Description This command determines which data (1-6) the Normalize computation is to be per-
formed on. By using this command several times to select multiple data sources, sev-
eral Normalize computations can be performed in one operation.
See Also AP.Compute.Normalize.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Normalize.Apply.

AP.Compute.Normalize.Horizontal Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Normalize.Horizontal(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X
Description This command sets the horizontal value in which the data will be normalized
See Also AP.Compute.Normalize.Apply, AP.Compute.Normalize.Target
Example See example for AP.Compute.Normalize.Apply.

AP.Compute.Normalize.HorizontalUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Normalize.HorizontalUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Horizontal setting for the Compute Nor-
malize function.
See Also AP.Compute.Normalize.Horizontal
Example Sub Main
AP.Compute.Normalize.Data(1) = True
AP.Compute.Normalize.Horizontal("Hz") = 1000.0
Debug.Print AP.Compute.Normalize.HorizontalUnit
End Sub
Output Hz

AP.Compute.Normalize.PostSweep Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Normalize.PostSweep
Data Type Boolean
True Enable computation to be applyed after sweep.
False Disable computation after sweep.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 203

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

Description This command instructs the test to perform the Normalize computation after a sweep
is complete and sets the state of the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute Nor-
malize panel.
AP2700 retains the order in which the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute pan-
els is enabled. This permits multiple computations to be performed on data from a
single test. The order of the computations is also retained in the test file.
See Also AP.Compute.Normalize.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Normalize.Apply.

AP.Compute.Normalize.Target Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Normalize.Target(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X
Description This command sets the vertical value to which the data will be Normalized.
See Also AP.Compute.Normalize.Apply, AP.Compute.Normalize.Horizontal
Example See example for AP.Compute.Normalize.Apply.

AP.Compute.Normalize.TargetUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Normalize.TargetUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Target setting for the Compute Normal-
ize function.
See Also AP.Compute.Normalize.Target
Example Sub Main
AP.Compute.Normalize.Data(1) = True
AP.Compute.Normalize.Target("V") = 1.0
Debug.Print AP.Compute.Normalize.TargetUnit
End Sub
Output V

AP.Compute.Sigma.Apply Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Sigma.Apply
Result Boolean
True Computation performed.
False Computation NOT performed.

204 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Compute. Chapter 9: Computes

Description This command applies the 2-Sigma computation to the selected data (1-6).
See Also AP.Compute.Clear.All, AP.Compute.Sigma.Data, AP.Compute.
Sigma.PostSweep, AP.Compute.Sigma.Start, AP.Compute.Sigma.
Example Sub Main
Dim status As Boolean
status = AP.Log.Enable 'Get logging condition.
AP.Log.Enable = False 'Turn logging off.
AP.File.OpenTest "SIGMA.AT2C" 'Open test.
AP.Compute.Sigma.PostSweep = False 'Disables _
apply after sweep.
AP.Compute.Sigma.Data(1) = True 'Set data 1 for _
Compute Sigma.
AP.Compute.Sigma.Start("sec") = 6
AP.Compute.Sigma.Stop("sec") = 12
AP.Log.Enable = status 'Return to initial _
logging condition.
End Sub

AP.Compute.Sigma.Data Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Sigma.Data(ByVal Source As Integer)

Data Type Boolean
True Select specified data.
False Deselect specified data.
Parameters Name Description
Source 1 = Data 1 measurements
2 = Data 2 measurements
3 = Data 3 measurements
4 = Data 4 measurements
5 = Data 5 measurements
6 = Data 6 measurements
Description This command determines which data (1-6) the 2-Sigma computation is to be per-
formed on. By using this command several times to select multiple data sources, sev-
eral 2-Sigma computations can be performed in one operation.
See Also AP.Compute.Sigma.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Sigma.Apply.

AP.Compute.Sigma.PostSweep Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Sigma.PostSweep

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 205

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

Data Type Boolean

True Enable computation to be applyed after sweep.
False Disable computation after sweep.
Description This command instructs the test to perform the 2-Sigma computation after a sweep
is complete and sets the state of the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute 2-
Sigma panel.
AP2700 retains the order in which the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute pan-
els is enabled. This permits multiple computations to be performed on data from a
single test. The order of the computations is also retained in the test file.
See Also AP.Compute.Sigma.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Sigma.Apply.

AP.Compute.Sigma.Start Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Sigma.Start(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X
Description This command sets the Start value of the data over which the 2-Sigma computation
will be performed.
See Also AP.Compute.Sigma.Stop, AP.Compute.Sigma.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Sigma.Apply.

AP.Compute.Sigma.StartUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Sigma.StartUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Start setting for the Compute Sigma
See Also AP.Compute.Sigma.Start, AP.Compute.Sigma.StopUnit
Example Sub Main
AP.Compute.Sigma.Data(1) = True
AP.Compute.Sigma.Start("Hz") = 0.02
Debug.Print AP.Compute.Sigma.StartUnit
End Sub
Output Hz

206 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Compute. Chapter 9: Computes

AP.Compute.Sigma.Stop Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Sigma.Stop(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The desired unit has to be available to the sweep panel:
Source 1 for X-Y plots and Data 2 for X-Y Data 2 On X
Description This command sets the Stop value of the data over which the 2-Sigma computation
will be performed.
See Also AP.Compute.Sigma.Start, AP.Compute.Sigma.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Sigma.Apply.

AP.Compute.Sigma.StopUnit Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Sigma.StopUnit
Result String
Description This command returns the Unit used for the Stop setting for the Compute Sigma
See Also AP.Compute.Sigma.StartUnit
Example Sub Main
AP.Compute.Sigma.Data(1) = True
AP.Compute.Sigma.Stop("Hz") = 20000.0
Debug.Print AP.Compute.Sigma.StopUnit
End Sub
Output Hz

AP.Compute.Smooth.Apply Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Smooth.Apply
Result Boolean
True Computation performed.
False Computation NOT performed.
Description This command performs a running 3-point smoothing computation to the selected
data (1-6).
See Also AP.Compute.Clear.All, AP.Compute.Smooth.Data, AP.Compute.
Smooth.Passes, AP.Compute.Smooth.PostSweep
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "SMOOTH.AT2C"
'Open test.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 207

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

AP.Compute.Smooth.PostSweep = False 'Disable _

Apply after Sweep.
AP.Compute.Smooth.Auto = False'Disable Auto Smoothing.
AP.Compute.Smooth.Data(1) = True
AP.Compute.Smooth.Passes = 1 'Set Smooth Passes _
to 1.
End Sub

AP.Compute.Smooth.Auto Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Smooth.Auto
Data Type Boolean
True Enable auto smoothing.
False Disable auto smoothing.
Description This command automatically determines the number of passes that the smoothing al-
gorithm performs on the selected data based on the number of measurements in the
See Also AP.Compute.Smooth.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Smooth.Apply.

AP.Compute.Smooth.Data Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Smooth.Data(ByVal Source As Integer)

Data Type Boolean
True Select specified data.
False Deselect specified data.
Parameters Name Description
Source 1 = Data 1 measurements
2 = Data 2 measurements
3 = Data 3 measurements
4 = Data 4 measurements
5 = Data 5 measurements
6 = Data 6 measurements
Description This command determines which data (1-6) the Smooth computation is to be per-
formed on. By using this command several times to select multiple data sources, sev-
eral Smooth computations can be performed in one operation.
See Also AP.Compute.Smooth.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Smooth.Apply.

208 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Compute. Chapter 9: Computes

AP.Compute.Smooth.Passes Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Smooth.Passes
Data Type Long
Description This command sets the number of times the smoothing algorithm is applied to the se-
lected data.
See Also AP.Compute.Smooth.Apply, AP.Compute.Smooth.Data
Example See example for AP.Compute.Smooth.Apply.

AP.Compute.Smooth.PostSweep Property

Syntax AP.Compute.Smooth.PostSweep
Data Type Boolean
True Enable computation to be applyed after sweep.
False Disable computation after sweep.
Description This command instructs the test to perform the Smooth computation after a sweep is
complete and sets the state of the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute Smooth
AP2700 retains the order in which the Apply After Sweep field on the Compute pan-
els is enabled. This permits multiple computations to be performed on data from a
single test. The order of the computations is also retained in the test file.
See Also AP.Compute.Smooth.Apply
Example See example for AP.Compute.Smooth.Apply.

AP.Compute.Status.Id Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Status.Id(ByVal Num As Integer)

Data Type Integer Type of computation
142 Normalize
138 Invert
144 Smooth
139 Linearity
136 Center
137 Delta
145 2-Sigma
135 Average
140 Minimum
141 Maximum
151 Equalize
Parameter Name Description
Num Number representing computation order.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 209

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

Description This command returns the Compute Status Identification Number.

See Also AP.Compute.Status.NumOf
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest("Status Id.at2c")
Computations = AP.Compute.Status.NumOf
Debug.Print Computations & " Computations performed in
the following order."
For Counter = 0 To Computations - 1
Debug.Print ComputationText(AP.Compute.Status.
Next Counter
End Sub
Function ComputationText(IdNum)
Select Case(IdNum)
Case 142
ComputationText = "Normalize"
Case 138
ComputationText = "Invert"
Case 144
ComputationText = "Smooth"
Case 139
ComputationText = "Linearity"
Case 136
ComputationText = "Center"
Case 137
ComputationText = "Delta"
Case 135
ComputationText = "Average"
Case 140
ComputationText = "Minimum"
Case 141
ComputationText = "Maximum"
Case 151
ComputationText = "Equalize"
End Select
End Function
Output 10 Computations performed in the following order.

210 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Compute. Chapter 9: Computes

AP.Compute.Status.NumOf Method

Syntax AP.Compute.Status.NumOf
Result Integer
Description This command returns the number of computations applied to the Sweep Data after
the sweep has completed.
See Also AP.Compute.Status.Id
Example See example for AP.Compute.Status.Id.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 211

Chapter 9: Computes AP.Compute.

212 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 10
AP.Data.AddRowToEnd Method

Syntax AP.Data.AddRowToEnd(ByVal Id As Integer)

Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
Result Integer
Description This command adds an additional row to the end of data and returns the number of
the row added.
Example Sub Main
AP.Sweep.Data2.Id = 5905 'Add Phase Data to Sweep

StartValue = 20
StopValue = 20000
Frequencies = 31

Counter = StartValue
intAddRowToEnd = AP.Data.AddRowToEnd(0)
'Add row
AP.Data.Value(0,0,intAddRowToEnd,"Hz") = Counter
AP.Data.Value(0,1,intAddRowToEnd,"V") = 1.0

AP.Data.Value(0,2,intAddRowToEnd,"deg") = 0.0

Counter = Counter * 1.25893

'Log spacing
Loop Until Counter > StopValue

intAddRowToEnd = AP.Data.AddRowToEnd(0)
AP.Data.Value(0,0,intAddRowToEnd,"Hz") = StopValue
AP.Data.Value(0,1,intAddRowToEnd,"V") = 1.0

AP.Data.Value(0,2,intAddRowToEnd,"deg") = 0.0

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 213

Chapter 10: Data AP.Data.

End Sub

AP.Data.ColLimitError Method

Syntax AP.Data.ColLimitError(ByVal Id As Integer, ByVal Column As

Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
Column Number of the Data Column (0-7).
Result Integer
Description This command returns a positive value if any measurement exceeds the upper or
lower limit values for the specified column of data. A zero is returned if no errors oc-
cur. The returned value defines the number of measurements that exceed a limit.
See Also AP.Data.LimitError
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "S1-FREQ.AT2"
Errors = AP.Data.ColLimitError(0,1)
If Errors > 0 Then
ErrorsUpper = AP.Data.ColUpperLimitError(0,1)
ErrorsLower = AP.Data.ColLowerLimitError(0,1)
String1$ = "This test Failed. " & Str(Errors) _
& " Errors."
String2$ = Str(ErrorsUpper)&" Upper Limit Errors."
String3$ = Str(ErrorsLower)&" Lower Limit Errors."
Prompt.Text = String1$ & Chr(13) & String2$ & _
Chr(13) & String3$
AP.Prompt.FontSize = 18
AP.Prompt.Position -1,-1,425,175
ElseIf Errors = 0 Then
AP.Prompt.Text = "This test Passed."
AP.Prompt.FontSize = 18
AP.Prompt.Position -1,-1,290,100
End If
End Sub

214 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Data. Chapter 10: Data

AP.Data.ColLowerLimitError Method

Syntax AP.Data.ColLowerLimitError(ByVal Id As Integer, ByVal

Column As Integer)
Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
Column Number of the Data Column (0-7).
Result Integer
Description This command returns the number of lower limit errors for the selected data. A zero
is returned if no errors occur.
Example See example for AP.Data.ColLimitError.

AP.Data.ColName Method

Syntax AP.Data.ColName(ByVal Id As Integer, ByVal Column As

Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
Column Number of the Data Column (0-7).
Result String
Description This command returns the string as shown on the sweep panel for the selected data.
The string defines the meter that is returning measurements.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
ColumnName$ = AP.Data.ColName(0,1)
Debug.Print "String definition For Data 1: = " & _
End Sub
Comment This macro puts up a prompt displaying the contents of the Data 1 control on the
Sweep Panel.
Output String definition For Data 1: = .Anlr.Level A

AP.Data.ColNumOf Method

Syntax AP.Data.ColNumOf(ByVal Id As Integer)

Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 215

Chapter 10: Data AP.Data.

Result Integer
Description This command returns the number of columns of data.
Example See example for AP.Data.ColSize.

AP.Data.ColSize Method

Syntax AP.Data.ColSize(ByVal Id As Integer, ByVal Column As

Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
Column Number of the Data Column (0-7).
Result Long
Description This command returns the number of rows in the specified column.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
NumColumns = AP.Data.ColNumOf(0)
For Column = 1 To (NumColumns - 1) Step 1
Size = AP.Data.ColSize(0, Column)
Debug.Print "Number of measurements for Column _
";Column;" ="; Size
Next Column
End Sub
Output Number of measurements for Column 1 = 31

AP.Data.ColUnit Property

Syntax AP.Data.ColUnit(ByVal Id As Integer, ByVal Column As

Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
Column Number of the Data Column (0-7).
Result String
Description This command returns the unit string for the data in the selected column. the control
software computes all other relevant units for display.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = True 'Turn Generator output ON

216 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Data. Chapter 10: Data

AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2 'Set Analyzer input to _

AP.Sweep.SinglePoint = 1 'Set sweep for single _
AP.Sweep.Start 'Run sweep
Unit = AP.Data.ColUnit(0, 1)
Debug.Print "The Unit for Data 1 is " & Unit
End Sub

AP.Data.ColUpperLimitError Method

Syntax AP.Data.ColUpperLimitError(ByVal Id As Integer, ByVal

Column As Integer)
Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
Column Number of the Data Column (0-7).
Result Integer
Description This command returns the number of upper limit errors for the selected data column.
Example See example for AP.Data.ColLimitError.

AP.Data.DeleteRow Method

Syntax AP.Data.DeleteRow(ByVal Id As Integer, ByVal RowNum As

Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
RowNum Number of row to delete.
Result Boolean
True Row deleted.
False Row not deleted.
Description This command deletes the designated row.
Note that the row numbering begins with zero.
Example Sub Main()
Dim FreqData() As Double

DataSize = AP.Data.ColSize(0,0)
ReDim FreqData(DataSize)
FreqData = AP.Data.XferToArray(0,0,"Hz")

For Count1 = 0 To DataSize - 1

LastDup = 0

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 217

Chapter 10: Data AP.Data.

For Count2 = Count1 + 1 To DataSize - 1

If FreqData(Count1) = FreqData(Count2) _
And Count1 <> Count2 Then
FreqData(Count2) = 0
LastDup = Count2
Data.Value(0,0,Count2,"Hz") = 0
End If
Next Count2
If LastDup <> 0 Then Count1 = LastDup
Next Count1

Duplicates = 0
For Count1 = DataSize - 1 To 0 Step -1
If AP.Data.Value(0,0,Count1,"Hz") = 0 Then
AP.Data.DeleteRow (0, count1)
Duplicates = Duplicates + 1
End If
Next Count1
If Duplicates > 0 Then
AP.Prompt.Text = Str$(Duplicates) & _
" Duplicate frequency(s) removed."
Wait 2
End If
End Sub

AP.Data.Id Method

Syntax AP.Data.Id(ByVal FileName As String)

Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
characters. The file must be a limit, sweep, or data (.adl, .
ads, .ada) file attached to the current test.
Result Integer
Description This command returns an ID# that identifies the file specified in the command argu-
ment. The ID# can be use as the id% argument in all of the Data commands to spec-
ify which data to act upon. Use an Id# of zero (0) to access sweep data.
See Also AP.Data.ColLimitError, AP.Data.ColLowerLimitError, AP.
Data.ColName, AP.Data.ColNumOf, AP.Data.ColSize, AP.
Data.ColUpperLimitError, AP.Data.LimitError, AP.Data.
LowerLimitError, AP.Data.OptimizeDisplay, AP.Data.
UpdateDisplay, AP.Data.UpperLimitError, AP.Data.Value,
Example Sub Main
Dim Limitarray As Variant
Dim Tablearray As Variant

218 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Data. Chapter 10: Data

File.OpenTest "ID.AT2C"
'Open test
LimitId = AP.Data.Id("LIMIT.ADL")
TableId = AP.Data.Id("TABLE.ADS")
LimitArray = AP.Data.XferToArray(LimitId, 1, "V")
TableArray = AP.Data.XferToArray(TableId, 1, "V")
Debug.Print "Limit ID # = ";LimitId
Debug.Print "Table ID # = ";TableId

End Sub
Output Limit ID # = 100
Table ID # = 101

AP.Data.InsertRowAfter Method

Syntax AP.Data.InsertRowAfter(ByVal Id As Integer, ByVal RowNum As

Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
RowNum Number of row to insert after.
Result Boolean
True Row inserted.
False Row not inserted.
Description This command inserts an additional row before the designated row.
Note that the row numbering begins with zero.
Example See example for AP.Data.InsertRowBefore.

AP.Data.InsertRowBefore Method

Syntax AP.Data.InsertRowBefore(ByVal Id As Integer, ByVal RowNum

As Integer)
Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
RowNum Number of row to insert before.
Result Boolean
True Row deleted.
False Row not deleted.
Description This command inserts an additional row after the designated row.
Note that the row numbering begins with zero.
Example See example for AP.Data.InsertRowAfter.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 219

Chapter 10: Data AP.Data.

AP.Data.LimitError Method

Syntax AP.Data.LimitError(ByVal Id As Integer)

Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
Result Integer
Description This command returns the number of measurements that exceed a limit.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "S2-FREQ.AT2C"
Errors = AP.Data.LimitError(0)
If Errors > 0 Then
ErrorsUpper = AP.Data.ColUpperLimitError(0,1)
ErrorsLower = AP.Data.ColLowerLimitError(0,1)
String1$ = "This test Failed. " & Str(Errors) _
& " Errors. "
String2$ = Str(ErrorsUpper)&" Upper Limit _
String3$ = Str(ErrorsLower)&" Lower Limit _
AP.Prompt.Text = String1$ & Chr(13) & String2$ _
& Chr(13) & String3$
AP.Prompt.FontSize = 18
AP.Prompt.Position -1,-1,425,175
ElseIf Errors = 0 Then
AP.Prompt.Text = "This test Passed."
AP.Prompt.FontSize = 18
AP.Prompt.Position -1,-1,290,100
End If
End Sub

AP.Data.LowerLimitError Method

Syntax AP.Data.LowerLimitError(ByVal Id As Integer)

Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
Result Integer

220 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Data. Chapter 10: Data

Description This command returns a positive value if any measurement is less than the lower
limit values. A zero is returned if no errors occur. The returned value defines the
number of measurements that are less than the limit.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "S2-FREQ.AT2C"
Flag = AP.Data.LowerLimitError(0)
If Flag > 0 Then
AP.Prompt.Text = "This test Failed."
AP.Prompt.FontSize = 18
AP.Prompt.Position -1,-1,290,100
ElseIf Flag = 0 Then
AP.Prompt.Text = "This test Passed."
AP.Prompt.FontSize = 18
AP.Prompt.Position -1,-1,290,100
End If
End Sub

AP.Data.OptimizeDisplay Method

Syntax AP.Data.OptimizeDisplay(ByVal Id As Integer)

Parameters Name Description
Id% Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command for
additional information.
Result Void
Description This command optimizes the graph to display all data.

AP.Data.Status Property

Syntax AP.Data.Status(ByVal Id As Integer, ByVal Column As

Integer, ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Status As Constant)
Data Type Boolean
True Data value status as specified by Status constant.
False Data value status valid.
Parameter Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
Column Number of Data Column (0-7).
Index This value defines the row a measurement is returned
from. A column may have any number of rows. Use the

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 221

Chapter 10: Data AP.Data.

AP.Data.ColSize command to determine the

number of rows in a column.
Status apbInValid = Data displayed as Invalid.
apbTimeout = Data displayed as Timed out.
apbUnregulated = Data displayed as Unregulated.
Description This command set or returns the status of the specified data value.
Example Sub Main
Dim Timeouts As Integer
Timeouts = 0
For Row = 0 To (AP.Data.ColSize(0, 1) - 1) _
Step 1
Timeout = AP.Data.Status(0, 1, Row, _
If Timeout = True Then Timeouts = Timeouts _
+ 1
Next Row
Debug.Print Timeouts & " timeouts detected."
End Sub
Output 2 timeouts detected.

AP.Data.UpdateDisplay Method

Syntax AP.Data.UpdateDisplay(ByVal Id As Integer)

Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data only.
Description This command updates the data displayed in the table and graph displays.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP = 1
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5906
AP.Sweep.Data2.Id = 5906
AP.Sweep.Source1.Start("Hz") = 100000
AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps = 4
Size = Data.ColSize (0, 1)
For Reading = 0 To (Size - 1) Step 1 'Read readings.
Debug.Print "Acquired Reading";Reading;" = " _
;Format(AP.Data.Value(0, 1, Reading), _
"#.0000");" V" 'Return reading.
Next Reading
For Reading = 0 To (Size - 1) Step 1
Measurement = AP.Data.Value(0, 1, Reading)

222 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Data. Chapter 10: Data

AP.Data.Value(0, 2, Reading) = (Measurement * _

1.20) 'Increase level by 20%.
Next Reading
For Reading = 0 To (Size - 1) Step 1
Debug.Print "Limit";Reading;" =" _
;Format(AP.Data.Value(0, 2, Reading), _
"#.0000");" V" 'Return reading.
Next Reading
AP.File.SaveDataAs "UPPER.ADL"
End Sub
Output Acquired Reading 0 = .0219 V
Acquired Reading 1 = .9874 V
Acquired Reading 2 = .9937 V
Acquired Reading 3 = .9933 V
Acquired Reading 4 = .9950 V
Limit 0 = .0262 V
Limit 1 = 1.1848 V
Limit 2 = 1.1925 V
Limit 3 = 1.1920 V
Limit 4 = 1.1940 V

AP.Data.Status Property

Syntax AP.Data.Status(ByVal Id As Integer, ByVal Column As

Integer, ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Status As Constant)
Data Type Boolean
True When setting: set Status to True. When reading:
Status is True (active).
False When setting: set Status to False. When reading:
Status is False (inactive).
Parameter Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
Column Number of Data Column (0-7).
Index This value defines the row a measurement is returned
from. A column may have any number of rows. Use the
AP.Data.ColSize command to determine the
number of rows in a column.
Status apbInvalid = Data displayed as Invalid.
apbTimeout = Data displayed as Timed out.
apbUnregulated = Data displayed as Unregulated.
Description This command sets or returns the status of the specified data value.
Example Sub Main

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 223

Chapter 10: Data AP.Data.

Dim Timeouts As Integer

Timeouts = 0
For Row = 0 To (AP.Data.ColSize(0, 1) - 1) Step 1
Timeout = AP.Data.Status(0, 1, Row, apbTimeout)
If Timeout = True Then Timeouts = Timeouts + 1
Next Row
Debug.Print Timeouts & " timeouts detected."
End Sub
Output 2 timeouts detected.

AP.Data.UpperLimitError Method

Syntax AP.Data.UpperLimitError(ByVal Id As Integer)

Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
Result Integer
Description This command returns a positive value if any measurement exceeds the upper limit
values. A zero is returned if no errors occur. The returned value defines the number
of measurements that exceed the limit.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "S2-FREQ.AT2C"
Flag = AP.Data.UpperLimitError(0)
If Flag > 0 Then
AP.Prompt.Text = "This test Failed."
AP.Prompt.FontSize = 18
AP.Prompt.Position -1,-1,290,100
ElseIf Flag = 0 Then
AP.Prompt.Text = "This test Passed."
AP.Prompt.FontSize = 18
AP.Prompt.Position -1,-1,290,100
End If
End Sub

AP.Data.Value Property

Syntax AP.Data.Value(ByVal Id As Integer, ByVal Column As Integer,

ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Unit As String)

224 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Data. Chapter 10: Data

Data Type Double

Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
Column Number of the Data Column (0-7).
Index This value defines which row a measurement is returned
from. A column may have any number of rows. Use the
AP.Data.ColSize command to determine the
number of rows in a column. Note that the row numbering
begins with zero.
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the column%
parameter to determine the appropriate unit selections.
Description This command returns the specified reading from sweep data.
See Also AP.Data.ColSize, AP.Data.Id
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = True 'Turn Generator output ON
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2 'Set Analyzer input to GENMON
AP.Sweep.SinglePoint = 1 'Set sweep for single _
AP.Sweep.Start 'Run sweep
Reading1 = AP.Data.Value(0, 1, 0, "V") 'Get Reading
Debug.Print "Reading = ";Format(Reading1, _
"#.0000"); "V"
End Sub
Output Reading = .9850 V

AP.Data.XferToArray Property

Syntax AP.Data.XferToArray(ByVal Id As Integer, ByVal Column As

Integer, ByVal Unit As String)
Data Type Variant
Parameters Name Description
Id Data identification number. Use an Id# of zero (0) to
access sweep data. Refer to AP.Data.Id command
for additional information.
Column Number of the Data Column (0-7).
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the column%
parameter to determine the appropriate unit selections.
Description This command transfers the contents of a column ( Sweep Source 1-2 or Data 1-6 )
to an array.
See Also AP.Data.Id
Example Sub Main
Dim A As Variant

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 225

Chapter 10: Data AP.Data.

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP = 1
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5906
AP.Sweep.Source1.Start("Hz") = 100000
AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps = 4
AP.Application.NewData 'Clear data loaded with test.
Size = AP.Data.ColSize (0, 1)
'Transfer data to array.
A = AP.Data.XferToArray(0, 1, "V")
For Counter = 0 To (Size - 1) Step 1
Debug.Print "Reading";Counter;" = "; _
Format(A(Counter), "#.0000");" V"
Next Counter
End Sub
Output Reading 0 = .0223 V
Reading 1 = .9889 V
Reading 2 = .9953 V
Reading 3 = .9945 V
Reading4 = .9931 V
Comment The values in the Output are taken from the array and then displayed.

226 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 11
AP.DCX.Ch1DcLevel Property

Syntax AP.DCX.Ch1DcLevel(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double -10.5 to 10.5 Volts
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: Vdc.
Description This command sets the voltage at the DCX's channel 1 DC output.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "DCX1.AT2C"
'Opens test.
AP.DCX.Ch1DcOutput = True
AP.DCX.Ch1DcLevel("Vdc") = 1.5
End Sub
Comment This macro turns on the DCX's Channel 1 DC output and sets it to 1.5 volts.

AP.DCX.Ch1DcOutput Property

Syntax AP.DCX.Ch1DcOutput
Data Type Boolean
True Connects the output to the front panel.
False Disconnects the output from the front panel.
Description This command sets DC Volts output 1 to ON or OFF.
Example See example for AP.DCX.Ch1DcLevel.

AP.DCX.Ch2DcLevel Property

Syntax AP.DCX.Ch2DcLevel(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double -10.5 to 10.5 Volts
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: Vdc.
Description This command sets the voltage at the DCX's channel 2 DC output.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 227

Chapter 11: DCX-127 AP.DCX.

Example Sub Main

AP.File.OpenTest "DCX1.AT2C"
'Open test.
AP.DCX.Ch2DcOutput = True
AP.DCX.Ch2DcLevel("Vdc") = 1.5
End Sub
Comment This macro turns on the DCX's Channel 2 DC output and sets it to 1.5 volts.

AP.DCX.Ch2DcOutput Property

Syntax AP.DCX.Ch2DcOutput
Data Type Boolean
True Connects the output to the front panel.
False Disconnects the output from the front panel.
Description This command sets DC Volts output 2 to ON or OFF.
Example See example for AP.DCX.Ch2DcLevel.

AP.DCX.DigInFormat Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DigInFormat
Data Type Integer
0 2's Complement
Description This command sets the format of the digital input.
The digital ports are 21 bits plus a sign bit.
The normal format is two's complement. This format combines the bits into a 22 bit
word that follows normal two's complement conventions (-1 is represented as
3FFFFF hex).
The BCD (Binary coded decimal) format is a signed magnitude representation ( -1 is
represented as 200001 hex, -10 is 200010 hex, etc.). As is normal in the BCD for-
mat, each decimal digit is represented by 4 bits.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "DCX1.AT2C" 'Open test.
AP.DCX.DigOutFormat = 1 'Sets the digital _
output format to BCD.
AP.DCX.DigInRdgRate = 1 'Selects input _
strobe rate of 4/sec.
AP.DCX.DigOut("dec") = 100 'Sets the digital _
output to 100 dec.
AP.DCX.DigInFormat = 1 'Sets format of _
digital input to BCD.
Reading1 = AP.DCX.DigInRdg("dec")
'Returns a _
settled reading 100 in dec.

228 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.DCX. Chapter 11: DCX-127

AP.DCX.DigOut("h(x)") = 100 'Sets the digital _

output to 100 dec scaled.
AP.DCX.DigOutScale = 2 'Scales the digital _
output by 2.
AP.DCX.DigInSettling(.20, .1, "Dec", 4, .05, 0)
AP.DCX.DigInTrig 'Trigger a new _
Ready = AP.DCX.DigInReady
Loop Until Ready > 0 'Wait until new _
reading is ready.
Reading2 = AP.DCX.DigInRdg("dec")'Returns a _
settled reading 200 in dec.
AP.DCX.DigInScale = .5 'Scales the digital _
input by .5.
Reading3 = AP.DCX.DigInRdg("g(x)") 'Returns _
a settled reading 100 in dec.

NewLine$ = Chr(13)
a$= "Reading1 "+Left(Str$(Reading1),6)+"dec"
b$= "Reading2 "+Left(Str$(Reading2),6)+"dec"
c$= "Reading3 "+Left(Str$(Reading3),6)+"dec"
AP.Prompt.Text = a$ + NewLine$ + b$ + NewLine$ + c$
End Sub

AP.DCX.DigInRdg Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DigInRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dec, hex,oct, and g(x).
Description This command returns a settled reading for the DCX-127 Digital In meter and zeros
the ready count.
See Also AP.DCX.DigInReady, AP.DCX.DigInSettling, AP.DCX.DigInTrig
Example See example for AP.DCX.DigInFormat.

AP.DCX.DigInRdgRate Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DigInRdgRate
Data Type Integer
0 External Strobe (Default).

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 229

Chapter 11: DCX-127 AP.DCX.

1 4 readings per second.

2 8 readings per second.
3 16 readings per second.
4 32 readings per second.
Description This command selects an internal or external strobe for the digital input.
If 0 is selected, the External Strobe available on pin (25) of the digital input connec-
tor is used to trigger each new reading. If 1-4 is selected, an internal strobe is used at
the specified rate.
Example See example for AP.DCX.DigInFormat.

AP.DCX.DigInReady Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DigInReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the DCX-127 Digital In settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.DCX.DigInRdg or
AP.DCX.DigInTrig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.DCX.DigInRdg command
will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.DCX.DigInRdg, AP.DCX.DigInSettling, AP.DCX.DigInTrig
Example See example for AP.DCX.DigInFormat.

AP.DCX.DigInScale Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DigInScale
Data Type Double
Description This command sets the DCX-127 Digital Input Scale factor.
When g(x) units are selected at the Digital In display, the control software computes
the displayed value from the relationship
display = measurement * Scale (g)
where measurement is the decimal value of the binary data in the selected format
and Scale (g) is the value entered in the Scale (g) field just below the Digital In
Example See example for AP.DCX.DigInFormat.

230 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.DCX. Chapter 11: DCX-127

AP.DCX.DigInSettling Method

Syntax AP.Anlr.PhaseSettling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.Dcx.DigInRdg command.
See Also AP.DCX.DigInFormat, AP.DCX.DigInRdg, AP.DCX.DigInReady, AP.
Example See example for AP.DCX.DigInFormat.

AP.DCX.DigInTrig Method

Syntax AP.DCX.DigInTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.DCX.DigInRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.DCX.DigInRdg, AP.DCX.DigInReady, AP.DCX.DigInSettling
Example See example for AP.DCX.DigInFormat.

AP.DCX.DigOut Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DigOut(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: dec, hex, oct, h(x).
Description This command sets the value of the DCX's digital output.
The output format is either two's complement or BCD as set by the AP.DCX.
DigOutFormat command.
Example See example for AP.DCX.DigInFormat.

AP.DCX.DigOutFormat Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DigOutFormat
Data Type Integer
0 2's Complement
Description This command sets the format of the digital output.
The digital ports are 21 bits plus a sign bit.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 231

Chapter 11: DCX-127 AP.DCX.

The normal format is two's complement. This format combines the bits into a 22 bit
word that follows normal two's complement conventions (-1 is represented as
3FFFFF hex).
The BCD (Binary coded decimal) format is a signed magnitude representation ( -1 is
represented as 200001 hex, -10 is 200010 hex, etc.). As is normal in the BCD for-
mat, each decimal digit is represented by 4 bits.
Example See example for AP.DCX.DigInFormat.

AP.DCX.DigOutScale Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DigOutScale
Data Type Double
Description When h(x) units are selected at the Digital Output control field, the control software
computes the actual transmitted value from the relationship
output value = entry value* Scale (h)
where entry value is the decimal value entered into the Digital Out numeric field
and Scale (h) is the value entered in the Scale (h) field just below the Digital Out
control field.
Example See example for AP.DCX.DigInFormat.

AP.DCX.DmmMode Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DmmMode
Data Type Integer
0 OFF: This command disconnects the DMM from the front
panel jacks.
This allows the DMM to be wired to the circuit under test
yet not be connected until needed. This is so that there is
no possibility of the DMM input characteristics degrading
the results of any other measurements being made by the
1 DC Volts
2 Ohms
Description This command sets the DMM measurement mode.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "DCX1.AT2C" 'Open test.
AP.DCX.DmmRange = 2.0 'set DMM input to _
2 Volt range.
AP.DCX.DmmMode = 1 'set DMM mode to volts.
AP.DCX.DmmRdgRate = 0 'set DMM reading rate to 6 _
readings per second.
AP.DCX.DmmSettling(1, .20, "Vdc", 3, .03, 0) 'Set _
settling parameters.

AP.DCX.DmmTrig 'Trigger a new reading.

232 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.DCX. Chapter 11: DCX-127

Ready = AP.DCX.DmmReady
Loop Until Ready > 0 'Loop until new reading
is ready
Reading1 = AP.DCX.DmmRdg("Vdc") 'Returns a _
settled reading.

NewLine$ = Chr(13)
a$= "DMM Reading "+Left(Str$(Reading1),6)+"Vdc"
AP.Prompt.Text = a$ + NewLine$
End Sub
Comment This macro sets the DMM to volts, selects 2 Volt range, sets the reading rate, sets set-
tling, triggers a New reading, waits For the New reading, and stores it In a variable
called Reading1.

AP.DCX.DmmOffset Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DmmOffset
Data Type Double
Description When f(V) (function of Volts) or f(O) (function of Ohms) units are selected for the
DMM, the control software computes the value to display from the formula
display = (measurement + Offset) * Scale
The measurement term is the value which would be displayed in Volts or Ohms
units. The Offset and Scale values are the contents of the fields with those names, at
the top right of the DCX panel.
See Also AP.DCX.DmmScale
Example See example for AP.DCX.DmmMode.

AP.DCX.DmmRange Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DmmRange
Data Type Double
Description This command sets the DMM's input range and returns the nominal full scale of
range in use.
The ranges for Ohms mode are:
2M, 200k, 20k, 2k, 200 Ohms
The ranges for Volts mode are:
500, 200, 20, 2.0, 0.2 Volts
A common use of this command is in fixing the input range by obtaining the range
and then using that value for this command.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 233

Chapter 11: DCX-127 AP.DCX.

Example See example for AP.DCX.DmmMode.

AP.DCX.DmmRangeAuto Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DmmRangeAuto
Data Type Boolean
True Auto range
False Fixed range
Description This command sets the DCX-127 DMM input to Auto Range or Fixed Range. Care
must be taken when using Fixed range that the input signal does not exceed the se-
lected range.
See Also AP.DCX.DmmRange
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "DCX1.AT2C"
'Open test.
AP.DCX.DmmRangeAuto = 1 'set DMM input to auto _
AP.DCX.DmmMode = 1 'set DMM mode to volts.
AP.DCX.DmmRdgRate = 1 'set DMM reading rate to _
25 readings per second.
AP.DCX.DmmScale = 2
AP.DCX.DmmOffset = 1
AP.DCX.DmmSettling(1, .20, "Vdc", 3, .03, 0) 'Set _
settling parameters.
AP.DCX.DmmTrig 'Trigger a new reading.
Ready = AP.DCX.DmmReady
Loop Until Ready > 0 'Loop until new reading is _
Reading1 = AP.DCX.DmmRdg("f(v)") 'Returns _
a settled reading.

NewLine$ = Chr(13)
a$= "DMM Reading "+Left(Str$(Reading1),6)+"f(V)"
AP.Prompt.Text = a$ + NewLine$
End Sub

AP.DCX.DmmRdg Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DmmRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Variant

234 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.DCX. Chapter 11: DCX-127

Parameters Part Description

Unit The following units are available: VDC, V(f) for the AP.
DCX.DmmMode command DCV mode and Ohms, and
f(O) for the Ohms mode.
Description This command returns a settled reading for the DCX-127 Digital Multi me-
ter(DMM) meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.DCX.DmmMode, AP.DCX.DmmReady, AP.DCX.DmmSettling, AP.
Example See example for AP.DCX.DmmMode.

AP.DCX.DmmRdgRate Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DmmRdgRate
Data Type Integer
0 6 readings per second.
1 25 readings per second.
Description This command sets the DMM reading rate.
Example See example for AP.DCX.DmmMode.

AP.DCX.DmmReady Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DmmReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the DCX-127 DMM settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.DCX.DmmRdg or AP.
DCX.DmmTrig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.DCX.DmmRdg command will
be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.DCX.DmmRdg, AP.DCX.DmmSettling, AP.DCX.DmmTrig
Example See example for AP.DCX.DmmMode.

AP.DCX.DmmScale Property

Syntax AP.DCX.DmmScale
Data Type Double

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 235

Chapter 11: DCX-127 AP.DCX.

Description When f(V) (function of Volts) or f(O) (function of Ohms) units are selected for the
DMM, the control software computes the value to display from the following for-
display = (measurement + Offset) * Scale
The measurement term is the value which would be displayed in Volts or Ohms
units. The Offset and Scale values are the contents of the fields with those names, at
the top right of the DCX panel.
See Also AP.DCX.DmmOffset
Example See example for AP.DCX.DmmRangeAuto.

AP.DCX.DmmSettling Method

Syntax AP.DCX.DmmSettling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal Floor

As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.DCX.DmmRdg command.
See Also AP.DCX.DmmRdg, AP.DCX.DmmReady, AP.DCX.DmmTrig
Example See example for AP.DCX.DmmMode.

AP.DCX.DmmTrig Method

Syntax AP.DCX.DmmTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.DCX.DmmRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.DCX.DmmRdg, AP.DCX.DmmReady, AP.DCX.DmmSettling
Example See example for AP.DCX.DmmMode.

AP.DCX.GateDelay Property

Syntax AP.DCX.GateDelay
Data Type Double Valid settings are from 0.05 to 12.75 sec.
Description This command sets the delay time for the delayed sweep gate, pin #1 on the DCX-
127 Program Control Output port transitions low after the defined delay.
Note: When using long delays the sweep duration must be longer than the pro-
grammed delay for pin #1 to respond.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDCXLarge
'Program Sweep Gate to transition low 100m sec after
sweep start.

236 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.DCX. Chapter 11: DCX-127

AP.Dcx.GateDelay = 0.1

AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
End Sub

AP.DCX.PortAOutput Property

Syntax AP.DCX.PortAOutput(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Long The number can be from 0 to 255. Larger numbers are
truncated to 8 bits. The return value can only be a decimal
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dec, hex, oct.
Description This command sets DCX-127 Port A 8-bit output value.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "DCX1.AT2C"
'Open test.
AP.DCX.PortAOutput("Dec") = 16
AP.DCX.PortBOutput("Hex") = &h22
AP.DCX.PortCOutput("Oct") = &o104
AP.DCX.PortDOutput("Oct") = &o104
End Sub

AP.DCX.PortBOutput Property

Syntax AP.DCX.PortBOutput(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Long The number can be from 0 to 255. Larger numbers are
truncated to 8 bits. The return value can only be a decimal
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dec, hex, oct.
Description This command sets DCX-127 Port B 8-bit output value.
Example See example for AP.DCX.PortAOutput.

AP.DCX.PortCOutput Property

Syntax AP.DCX.PortCOutput(ByVal Unit As String)

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 237

Chapter 11: DCX-127 AP.DCX.

Data Type Long The number can be from 0 to 255. Larger numbers are
truncated to 8 bits. The return value can only be a decimal
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dec, hex, oct.
Description This command sets DCX-127 Port C 8-bit output value.
Example See example for AP.DCX.PortAOutput.

AP.DCX.PortDOutput Property

Syntax AP.DCX.PortDOutput(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Long The number can be from 0 to 255. Larger numbers are
truncated to 8 bits. The return value can only be a
decimal value.
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dec, hex, oct.
Description This command sets DCX-127 Port D 8-bit output value.
Note: This port is labled as J141 on the back of the DCX-127.
Example See example for AP.DCX.PortAOutput.

238 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 12
Digital Generator
AP.DGen.AutoOn Property

Syntax AP.DGen.AutoOn
Data Type Boolean
True ON, Auto On feature active.
False OFF, Auto On feature disabled.
Description This command enables the Auto On feature for the Digital Generator. Auto on
switches the generator output on when a sweep starts, and off when a sweep termi-
See Also AP.DGen.Output, AP.Gen.AutoOn

AP.DGen.BurstInterval Property

Syntax AP.DGen.BurstInterval(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double 2 - 65536 cycles or equivalent period based on sine
waveform frequency.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following
units are valid for this command: Cycles, sec
Description This command sets the number of cycles between the start of a burst and the start of
the following burst. This number may be from 2 to 65535 cycles and must be
greater than the number of ON cycles. If the number of cycles attempted is not
greater than the ON cycles, the interval is not changed.
Note that the interval will occur immediately when this command is called if the
burst is running.
See Also AP.DGen.Wfm, AP.DGen.BurstLevel, AP.DGen.BurstOnTime
Example Sub Main
AP.DGen.Wfm 0,1
AP.DGen.Output = 1
AP.DGen.BurstInterval("Cycles") = 10
AP.DGen.BurstOnTime("Cycles") = 5
AP.DGen.BurstLevel("dB") = -40
Interval = AP.DGen.BurstInterval("Cycles")
Ontime = AP.DGen.BurstOnTime("Cycles")

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 239

Chapter 12: Digital Generator AP.DGen.

Level = AP.DGen.BurstLevel("%")
Debug.Print "Burst Interval =";Interval;" cycles."
Debug.Print "Burst ON time =";Ontime;" cycles."
Debug.Print "Burst OFF time low level =";Level;" %."
End Sub
Output Burst Interval = 10 cycles.
Burst ON time = 5 cycles.
Burst OFF time low level = 1 %.

AP.DGen.BurstLevel Property

Syntax AP.DGen.BurstLevel(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Level of signal during burst off time. (0 to -80.25dB)
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: X/Y, dB, %, PPM.
Description This command sets the amplitude of the Digital Generator during the burst 'off' time.
This is as a percentage of the 'on' amplitude and may range from 100.0 percent to .
009716280 percent (-80.25 dB).
See Also AP.DGen.Wfm, AP.DGen.BurstInterval, AP.DGen.BurstOnTime
Example See example for AP.DGen.BurstInterval.

AP.DGen.BurstOnTime Property

Syntax AP.DGen.BurstOnTime(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double From 1 to AP.Gen.BurstInterval - 1.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following
units are valid for this command: Cycles, sec
Description This command sets the number of cycles for the Digital Generator Burst On Time.
This number may be from 1 to 65534 cycles and must be less than the number of in-
terval cycles. If the number of cycles attempted is not less than the interval cycles,
the ON time is not changed.
See Also AP.DGen.Wfm, AP.DGen.BurstInterval, AP.DGen.BurstLevel
Example See example for AP.DGen.BurstInterval.

AP.DGen.ChAAmpl Property

Syntax AP.DGen.ChAAmpl(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Valid amplitude settings are 0.0 to 100 %FS.

240 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.DGen. Chapter 12: Digital Generator

Parameters Name Description

Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits, Vrms,
Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV, dBr, dBrInv, dec, hex
Description This command sets the Digital Generator channel A amplitude.
See Also AP.DGen.ChBAmpl, AP.DGen.RefVFS
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.DGen.Wfm 0,3 'Stereo Sine.
With AP.DGen
.RefVFS("V") = 2 'Set Volts/FS ref = 5 volts.
.RefFreq("Hz") = 10e3 'Set freq ref = 10 kHz.
.RefdBr("FFS") = 0.5 'Set dBr ref = 2.5 volts.
.ChBTrackA = False 'Make sure Ch B Track _
Ch A is off.
.ChAFreq("%Hz") = 50 'Set Ch A sinewave frequency.
.ChBFreq("%Hz") = 75 'Set Ch B sinewave frequency.
.ChAAmpl("dBr") = 0.0 'Set Ch A = 0.5 FFS.
.ChBAmpl("dBr") = 0.0 'Set Ch B = 0.5 FFS.
.ChAInvert = False 'Make sure Ch A invert is OFF.
.ChBInvert = False 'Make sure Ch B invert is OFF.
.ChAOutput = True 'Turn Ch A output ON.
.ChBOutput = True 'Turn Ch A output ON.
.OutDitherType = 0 'Triagular Dither.
.Output = True 'Turn main output on (mute off).
End With

AP.S2CDsp.Program = 1 'Select DSP Audio Analyzer

AP.S2CDio.InConnector = 3 'Generator monitor

With AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer
Do While (.ChALevelReady = False) Or _
(.ChBLevelReady = False) Or _
(.ChAFreqReady = False) Or _
(.ChBFreqReady = False)
msg = "Ch A Level = " & Format(.ChALevelRdg("V"), _
"#.00") & Chr(13)
msg = msg & "Ch B Level = " & _
Format(.ChBLevelRdg("V"), "#.00") & Chr(13)
msg = msg & "Ch A Freq = " & _
Format(.ChAFreqRdg("Hz"), "#.00") & Chr(13)
msg = msg & "Ch B Freq = " & _
Format(.ChBFreqRdg("Hz"), "#.00")
End With
AP.Prompt.Text = msg
End Sub

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 241

Chapter 12: Digital Generator AP.DGen.

AP.DGen.ChAEqAmpl Property

Syntax AP.DGen.ChAEqAmpl(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Valid amplitude settings are 0.0 to 100 %FS.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits, Vrms,
Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV, dBr, dBrInv, dec, hex
Description This command sets the Digital Generator channel A post Eq amplitude.
See Also AP.DGen.ChBEqAmpl, AP.DGen.EqCurve
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.PanelClose apbPanelAnlrSmall
AP.Application.PanelClose apbPanelAnalogGenSmall
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDigitalGenLarge
AP.DGen.ChAAmpl("dBFS") = -1.0
AP.DGen.ChBAmpl("dBFS") = -1.0
AP.DGen.EqCurve("75us-de.adq", 1)
'Load EQ file
AP.DGen.Wfm 0, 6 'Select EQ Sine waveform
AP.DGen.ChAEqAmpl("dBFS") = -1.0
AP.DGen.ChBEqAmpl("dBFS") = -1.0
AP.DGen.Output = True 'Generator Output On

AP.S2CDsp.Program = 1 'Load DSP program

AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPLarge

AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 6014
AP.Sweep.Data1.Top("dBFS") = 0.0
AP.Sweep.Data1.Bottom("dBFS") = -25.0
AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = 5102
AP.Sweep.Stereo = True 'Stereo Sweep
AP.Sweep.Start 'Start Sweep
End Sub

AP.DGen.ChAFreq Property

Syntax AP.DGen.ChAFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Valid frequency range for each channel is 10 - 22.5 kHz.

242 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.DGen. Chapter 12: Digital Generator

Parameters Name Description

Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz, cent,
octs, decs, d%, dPPM
Description This command sets the Digital Generator channel A frequency to be used when the
Digital Generator waveform type is set to Sine Stereo.
See Also AP.DGen.
Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAAmpl.

AP.DGen.ChAInvert Property

Syntax AP.DGen.ChAInvert
Data Type Boolean
True Invert channel A output.
False Normal non-inverting output.
Description This command sets output A to normal polarity or inverted polarity (180 degrees out
of phase).
See Also AP.DGen.ChBInvert
Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAAmpl.

AP.DGen.ChAOutput Property

Syntax AP.DGen.ChAOutput
Data Type Boolean
True ON
False OFF
Description This command sets the Digital Generator Output A to ON or OFF.
The command returns a TRUE if the output is ON and FALSE if the output is OFF.
See Also AP.DGen.ChBOutput
Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAAmpl.

AP.DGen.ChBAmpl Property

Syntax AP.DGen.ChBAmpl(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Valid amplitude settings are 0.0 to 100 %FS.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits, Vrms,
Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV, dBr, dBrInv, dec, hex
Description This command sets the Digital Generator channel B amplitude.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 243

Chapter 12: Digital Generator AP.DGen.

See Also AP.DGen.ChAAmpl

Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAAmpl.

AP.DGen.ChBEqAmpl Property

Syntax AP.Gen.ChBEqAmpl(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Valid amplitude settings are 0.0 to 100 %FS.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits, Vrms,
Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV, dBr, dBrInv, dec, hex
Description This command sets the Digital Generator channel B post Eq amplitude.
See Also AP.DGen.ChAEqAmpl, AP.DGen.EqCurve
Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAEqAmpl.

AP.DGen.ChBFreq Property

Syntax AP.DGen.Freq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Valid frequency settings for the Hz unit and sine waveform
are 10 - 22.5kHz for the 48kHz sample rate.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz, cent,
octs, decs, d%, dPPM
Description This command sets the Digital Generator channel B frequency when the waveform
type is set to Sine Stereo.
See Also AP.DGen.
Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAAmpl.

AP.DGen.ChBInvert Property

Syntax AP.DGen.ChBInvert
Data Type Boolean
True Invert channel B output.
False Normal non-inverting output.
Description This command sets output B to normal polarity or inverted polarity (180 degrees out
of phase with normal polarity).
See Also AP.DGen.ChAInvert
Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAAmpl.

244 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.DGen. Chapter 12: Digital Generator

AP.DGen.ChBOutput Property

Syntax AP.DGen.ChBOutput
Data Type Boolean
True ON
False OFF
Description This command sets the Digital Generator output B to ON or OFF.
The command returns a TRUE if the output is ON and a FALSE if the output is
See Also AP.DGen.ChAOutput
Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAAmpl.

AP.DGen.ChBTrackA Property

Syntax AP.DGen.ChBTrackA
Data Type Boolean
True ON, channel B amplitude tracks channel A amplitude.
False OFF, channel B amplitude independent of channel A.
Description This command sets the Digital Generator channel B amplitude to the same ampli-
tude as set for channel A.
See Also AP.DGen.ChAAmpl, AP.DGen.ChBAmpl
Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAAmpl.

AP.DGen.DitherType Property

Syntax AP.DGen.DitherType
Data Type Integer
0 Triangular: The Triangular probability function dither has
no noise modulation effect but produces a slightly worse
output signal to noise ratio since its maximum amplitude
is one LSB. This is normally the preferred choice.
1 Rectangular: The Rectangular probability function dither
provides the best signal to noise due to its one-half LSB
amplitude, but suffers from modulation noise effects.
2 Shaped: This is the triangular probability distribution noise
with a rising 6 dB/octave slope. This places most of the
dither power at higher frequencies where some falls out of
band of most devices and where the human hearing
system is less sensitive.
3 None
Description This command sets the Digital Generator Dither Type.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 245

Chapter 12: Digital Generator AP.DGen.

Dither amplitude is automatically set corresponding to the LSB of the value selected
in the Output Resolution field or by the AP.S2Dio.OutResolution command.
Dither is random noise of one-half LSB (rectangular) or one LSB (triangular) in am-
plitude, added to the digital output to improve linearity, reduce distortion, and ex-
tend the dynamic range downwards below the theoretical undithered value. The
amplitude at which dither is added is determined by the value entered in the Output
Resolution field or by the AP.S2Dio.OutResolution command.
Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAAmpl.

AP.DGen.DualAmplRatio Property

Syntax AP.DGen.DualAmplRatio(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Valid settings are 0.00001% to 100%
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: %, dB, PPM, X/Y
Description This command sets the Digital Generator Dual waveform amplitude ratio. The ampli-
tude of Frequency 2 is set relative to the main frequency.
See Also AP.DGen.Freq, AP.DGen.ChAFreq, AP.DGen.ChBFreq

AP.DGen.EqCurve Method

Syntax AP.DGen.EqCurve(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal Column As

Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
characters. The file must be an AP Eq file (.adq).
Column 0 = Source 1 settings.
1 = Data 1 measurements.
2 = Data 2 measurements.
3 = Data 3 measurements.
4 = Data 4 measurements.
5 = Data 5 measurements.
6 = Data 6 measurements.
7 = Source 2 settings.
Result Boolean
True File open successful.
False File open failed.
Description This command attaches a Eq file to the Digital Generator. Values in the file will be
used as multiply factors in czlculating the Digital Generator Amplitude values.
See Also AP.DGen.ChAEqAmpl, AP.DGen.ChBEqAmpl
Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAEqAmpl.

246 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.DGen. Chapter 12: Digital Generator

AP.DGen.EqCurveColumn Get Only Property

Syntax AP.DGen.EqCurveColumn(ByVal Data As Integer)

Data Type Integer Column number.
Parameter Name Description
Data Number of the Sweep Data (1-6) of the data in memory.
Description This command returns the column number in the attached file used in the Digital
Generator EqCurve waveform selection.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data.AutoDiv, AP.Sweep.Data.LogLin

AP.DGen.EqCurveFilename Get Only Property

Syntax AP.DGen.EqCurveFilename
Data Type Integer Any valid DOS filename and extension.
Description This command returns the File Name of the attached file used for the Digital Genera-
tor EqCurve waveform selection.
See Also AP.DGen.EqCurve, AP.DGen.EqCurveColumn

AP.DGen.Freq Property

Syntax AP.DGen.Freq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Valid frequency settings for the Hz unit and sine waveform
are 10 - 22.5kHz for the 48kHz sample rate.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz, cent,
octs, decs, d%, dPPM
Description This command sets the Digital Generator main frequency for the Sine waveforms.

AP.DGen.IMCenterFreq Property

Syntax AP.DGen.IMCenterFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz, cent,
octs, decs, d%, dPPM
Description This command sets the Digital Generator IMD Center Frequency. The frequency
passed is rounded to the closest available value.
Set the Digital Generator waveform to an IMD CCIF before calling this command.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 247

Chapter 12: Digital Generator AP.DGen.

See Also AP.DGen.Wfm, AP.DGen.IMFreq

AP.DGen.IMFreq Property

Syntax AP.DGen.IMFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double For a SMPTE mode waveform, this is the lower frequency
tone. The following frequency range is available for
SMPTE and CCIF IMD waveforms for the 48kHz sample
10 Hz to 22.5kHz.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command. Hz
Description This command sets the Digital Generator IMD frequency. The frequency passed is
rounded to the closest available value.
Set the Digital Generator waveform to IMD (SMPTE or CCIF) before calling this
See Also AP.DGen.Wfm, AP.DGen.IMCenterFreq

AP.DGen.IMHighFreq Property

Syntax AP.DGen.IMHighFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command. Hz
Description This command sets the Digital Generator IMD High Frequency. The frequency
passed is rounded to the closest available value.
Set the Digital Generator waveform to an IMD SMPTE before calling this com-
See Also AP.DGen.Wfm, AP.DGen.IMFreq

AP.DGen.MlsLength Property

Syntax AP.DGen.MlsLength
Data Type Integer
0 32k
1 128k
Description This command sets the Digital Genrator MLS sequence length.
See Also AP.Gen.MlsLength
Example Sub Main

248 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.DGen. Chapter 12: Digital Generator

AP.DGen.MlsLength = 1
'Sets the MLS sequence length to 128k
End Sub

AP.DGen.Offset Property

Syntax AP.Gen.Offset(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following
units are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits,
Vrms, Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV, dBr, dBrInv
Description This command sets the Digital Generator Sine + Offset waveform Offset value.
See Also AP.DGen.Wfm

AP.DGen.Output Property

Syntax AP.Gen.Output
Data Type Boolean
True ON
False OFF
Description This command sets the Digital Generator channel A and B outputs to ON or OFF if
they have been individually enabled by the AP.DGen.ChAOutput and AP.
DGen.ChBOutput commands.
See Also AP.DGen.ChAOutput, AP.DGen.ChBOutput
Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAAmpl.

AP.DGen.Phase Property

Syntax AP.DGen.Phase(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: deg
Description This command sets the Digital Generator Phase value.
Set the Digital Generator waveform to Sine Var Phase before calling this command.
See Also AP.DGen.Wfm

Example Sub Main


AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 249

Chapter 12: Digital Generator AP.DGen.

AP.Application.PanelClose apbPanelAnalogGenSmall
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDigitalGenSmall
AP.DGen.Wfm 0, 2
AP.DGen.Phase("deg") = 90.000000
AP.DGen.Output = True
'Send digital signal through D/A converter.
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5905
AP.Sweep.SinglePoint = True
Debug.Print "Channel B is " & Format(AP.Data.
Value(0,1,0,"deg"),"##.000") & " deg relative to channel A"
End Sub
Output Channel B is 89.994 deg relative to channel A.

AP.DGen.RefdBr Property

Syntax AP.DGen.RefdBr(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Amplitude value.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits, V, Vp,
Vpp, dBu, dBV
Description This command sets the zero dBr value for the Digital Generator dBr unit.
See Also AP.DGen.ChAAmpl, AP.DGen.ChBAmpl, AP.DGen.RefVFS
Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAAmpl.

AP.DGen.RefFreq Property

Syntax AP.DGen.RefFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command: Hz
Description This command sets the Digital Generator relative frequency reference value. This
reference is used for all the Digital Generator relative frequency units (F/R, dHz,
%Hz, cent, octs, decs, d%, dPPM)
See Also AP.DGen.Freq, AP.DGen.ChAFreq, AP.DGen.ChBFreq
Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAAmpl.

AP.DGen.RefVFS Property

Syntax AP.Gen.RefVFS(ByVal Unit As String)

250 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.DGen. Chapter 12: Digital Generator

Data Type Double

Parameters Name Description

Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command: V
Description This command sets the Digital Generator relative Volts Full Scale (VFS) reference
value. This reference is used for all the Digital Generator relative amplitude units
(Vrms, Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV)
Example See example for AP.DGen.ChAAmpl.

AP.DGen.StepRate Property

Syntax AP.DGen.StepRate
Data Type Double
Description This command sets the rate at which the Digital Generator Special Walking Ones,
and Walking Zeros waveform changes state. If the AP.DGen.StepRate com-
mand is set to 5 the Digital Generator will output five words with the same bit pat-
tern and then change to the next bit pattern.
See Also AP.DGen.Wfm

AP.DGen.Wfm Method

Syntax AP.DGen.Wfm ByVal Primary As Integer [, ByVal Secondary As

Parameters Name Description
Primary This parameter defines the basic waveform type.
Secondary This parameter defines the basic waveform modifier.

Primary Secondary Description

0 Sine
0 Normal
1 Burst
2 Var Phase
3 Stereo
4 Dual
5 Sine + Offset
6 EQ Sine
7 Shaped Burst
1 Square
2 DIM 100
3 DIM 30

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 251

Chapter 12: Digital Generator AP.DGen.

3 Noise
0 Pink
1 White
2 Burst USASI
4 Special
0 Monotonicity
1 J-Test
2 Polarity
3 Walking Ones
4 Walking Zeros
5 Constant Value
6 Bittest Random
7 Pass Thru
0 Pink #1
1 Pink #2
2 Pink #3
3 Pink #4
4 White #1
5 White #2
6 White #3
7 White #4
6 Arb Wfm
Description This command sets the Digital Generator waveform. The table above shows the pos-
sible settings for the AP.DGen.Wfm command.
Example See example for AP.DGen.WfmName.

AP.DGen.WfmName Property

Syntax AP.DGen.WfmName
Data Type String Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
Description This command loads the designated arbitrary waveform file (.AGM or .AGS) into
the Digital Generator. A Mono waveform (.AGM) is loaded into both the 1 and 2
generator buffers.
Buffer 1 : This buffer is associated with the DSP channel 1.
Buffer 2 : This buffer is associated with the DSP channel 2.
Note: This command can also be used to control the Analog Generator arbitrary
waveform file selection.
See Also AP.DGen.Wfm
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.PanelClose apbPanelAnalogGenSmall
AP.Application.PanelClose apbPanelAnlrSmall
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDigitalGenSmall

252 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.DGen. Chapter 12: Digital Generator

AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPSmall
'Load Digital Analyzer (Multitone Audio Analyzer)
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 4
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDigIOSmall
'Select Gen Mon on the Digital I/O panel to route the
' Digital generator directly To the Digital Analyzer.
AP.S2Dio.InFormat = 3
AP.DGen.Wfm 6 'Select arbitrary waveform
AP.DGen.WfmName = AP.Application.WorkingDir & _
AP.DGen.Output = True 'Digital Generator Output ON
'Set up Sweep panel to display test data.
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelSweepSmall
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 6309
AP.Sweep.Data1.Top("dBFS") = 0.000000

AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = 5621
AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps = 200
AP.Sweep.Stereo = True

AP.Sweep.Start 'Run Test

End Sub

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 253

Chapter 12: Digital Generator AP.DGen.

254 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 13
Dolby Digital Generator

AP.IEC61937.DataType Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DataType
Data Type Constant Description
apbDataTypeIdle No data-bursts or null data-bursts
apbDataTypePause Pause data-bursts
Digital Dolby Digital (AC-3) audio data-bursts
Description This command selects the Data-type (the format of the burst-payload) for the IEC
61937 encoder: When the interface is idle, it may carry no data-bursts, or null data-
bursts; when the interface is not idle, it may carry pause data-bursts or audio data-
bursts. This command also sets the data-type field in the burst-info preamble to the
same data-type, unless overridden by AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeMode.
See Also AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeMode

AP.IEC61937.Delay Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Delay
Data Type Boolean
True ON; settling algorithm takes encoding delay into account
False OFF; settling algorithm takes no account of encoding
Description Stimulus signals passed through the Dolby Digital Generator will be delayed
slightly by the encoding process, compared to unencoded signals; the amount of de-
lay varies and is dependent upon control software settings. When True, this com-
mand applies an additional waiting period (in the range of 100 ms) to the sweep
settling algorithm to account for the delay, ensuring that the data are fully settled be-
fore measurement.

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.acmod Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.acmod

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 255

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

Data Type Constant Description

apb1Plus1 Sets audio coding mode to 1+1 (Ch1, Ch2)
apb1_0 Sets audio coding mode to 1/0 (C)
apb2_0 Sets audio coding mode to 2/0 (L, R)
apb3_0 Sets audio coding mode to 3/0 (L, C, R)
apb2_1 Sets audio coding mode to 2/1 (L, R, S)
apb3_1 Sets audio coding mode to 3/1 (L, C, R, S)
apb2_2 Sets audio coding mode to 2/2 (L, R, SL, SR)
apb3_2 Sets audio coding mode to 3/2 (L, C, R, SL, SR)
Description acmod is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “audio coding mode.
” This control selects which of the main service channels is in use. 1+1 (dual
mono) is only available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.bsmod Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.bsmod
Data Type Constant Description
apbCM main audio service: complete main (CM)
apbME main audio service: music and effects (ME)
apbVI associated service: visually impaired (VI)
apbHI associated service: hearing impaired (HI)
apbDialogue associated service: dialogue (D)
apbCommentary associated service: commentary (C)
apbEmergency associated service: emergency (E)
apbKaraoke main audio service: karaoke
Description bsmod is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “bitstream mode.”
bsmod indicates the type of service that the bitstream conveys.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.dialnorm Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.dialnorm(ByVal Unit

As String)
Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dBFS.
Description dialnorm is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “dialog normaliza-
tion”. This 5-bit field indicates how far the average dialog level is below digital 100
percent. The values of 1 to 31 are interpreted as -1 dB to -31 dB with respect to digi-
tal 100%. The value 0 is reserved, except at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl

256 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.dialnorm2 Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.dialnorm2(ByVal Unit

As String)
Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dBFS.
Description dialnorm2 is a Dolby Digital control term. dialnorm2 has the same meaning as
dialnorm, except that it applies to the second audio channel when acmod indicates
two independent channels (dual mono 1+1 mode). This setting is only available at
Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.frmsizecod Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.frmsizecod
Data Type Constant
Parameters Name Description
apb56kbps 56 kbps. 1/0 audio coding mode only.
apb64kbps 64 kbps. 1/0 audio coding mode only.
apb80kbps 80 kbps. 1/0 audio coding mode only.
apb96kbps 96 kbps. 1/0, 2/0 and 1+1 audio coding modes only.
apb112kbps 112 kbps. 1/0, 2/0 and 1+1 audio coding modes only.
apb128kbps 128 kbps. 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 and 1+1 audio coding modes only.
apb160kbps 160 kbps. 1/0, 2/0, 3/0 and 1+1 audio coding modes only.
apb192kbps 192 kbps. 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, 3/1 and 1+1 audio coding modes
apb224kbps 224 kbps. All audio coding modes.
apb256kbps 256 kbps. All audio coding modes.
apb320kbps 320 kbps. All audio coding modes.
apb320kbps 320 kbps. All audio coding modes.
apb448kbps 448 kbps. All audio coding modes.
apb512kbps 512 kbps. All audio coding modes.
apb576kbps 576 kbps. All audio coding modes.
apb640kbps 640 kbps. All audio coding modes.
Description frmsizecod is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “frame size code.”
frmsizecod is used along with fscod to determine the number of (2-byte) words be-
fore the next syncword. The range of available selections varies with acmod setting.
For detailed information see the Frame Size Code table in the ATSC Standard docu-
ment A/52A.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 257

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.fscod Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.fscod
Data Type Constant Description
apb32K fscod set to 32.0 kHz
apb44_1K fscod set to 44.1 kHz
apb48K fscod set to 48.0 kHz
Description fscod is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “sampling frequency (Fs)
code.” The fscod field in the bitstream indicates the sampling frequency of the PCM
audio before encoding, and in conjunction with frmsizecod determines the encoded
frame size. fscod can be set to a fixed value when fscod mode is set to Override.
This setting is only available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.fscodmode Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.fscodmode
Data Type Constant Description
apbFscodAuto fscod is automatically set
apbFscodOverride fscod is overridden by setting in fscod
Description fscod mode selects whether fscod is automatically set, or whether the user can over-
ride the automatic setting with a fixed setting. This setting is only available at Ex-
pert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.fscod and

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.lfeon Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.AudioService.lfeon
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff LFE channel OFF
apbOn LFE channel ON
Description lfeon is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “low frequency effects
on”. This field indicates whether or not the LFE channel (subwoofer) is ON or OFF.
At Expert level, lfeon can be switched ON or OFF independent of the audio coding
mode (acmod). At Normal and Advanced levels, lfeon is forced OFF for audio cod-
ing modes 1/0 and 2/0.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl

258 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.audprodi2e Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.audprodi2e
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff Bit set to 0; no audio production information for Ch2
apbOn Bit set to 1; audio production information for Ch2 exists
Description audprodi2e is a Dolby Digital control term. audprodi2e has the same meaning as
audprodie, except that it applies to the second audio channel when acmod indicates
two independent channels (dual mono 1+1 mode). This setting is only available at
Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.audprodie Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.audprodie
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff Bit set to 0; no audio production information
apbOn Bit set to 1; audio production information exists
Description audprodie is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “audio produc-
tion information exists.” When this bit is a 1, the mixlevel and roomtyp words
exist. This setting is only available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.IEC61937.
DolbyDigital.Bitstream.mixlevel, AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.cmixlev Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.cmixlev(ByVal Unit As

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dB, X/Y
Description cmixlev is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “center mix level.”
When 3 front channels are in use (acmod 3/0, 3/1, 3/2) this field indicates the nomi-
nal downmix level with respect to the left and right channels..
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 259

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.copyrightb Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.copyrightb
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff No indication of copyright protection
apbOn Indication of copyright protection
Description copyrightb is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “copyright bit.”
When this bit is 1 (On), the information in the bitstream is indicated as protected by
copyright. It has a value of 0 (Off) if the information is not indicated as protected.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.dsurmod Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.dsurmod
Data Type Constant Description
Indicated Dolby Surround mode not indicated
apbNotDolbySurEncoded Not Dolby Surround encoded
apbDolbySurEncoded Dolby Surround encoded
apbDolbySurReserved Reserved
Description dsurmod is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “Dolby Surround
mode.” When acmod is 2/0, this field indicates whether or not the stereo channels
are Dolby Surround encoded or not. The “reserved” value of this setting is only
available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.langcod Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.langcod
Data Type Long
Description lancod is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “language code.” This is
an 8-bit reserved value. At Expert level when langcode is set to On, langcod can be
set to a fixed value in the range 0 through 255.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.langcod2 Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.langcod2
Data Type Long

260 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

Description langcod2 is a Dolby Digital control term. langcod2 has the same meaning as
langcod, except that it applies to the second audio channel when acmod indicates
two independent channels (dual mono 1+1 mode). This setting is only available at
Expert level when langcod2e is On..
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.langcod2e Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.langcod2e
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff Bit set to 0; no language code information for Ch2
apbOn Bit set to 1; language code information for Ch2 exists
Description langcod2e is a Dolby Digital control term. langcod2e has the same meaning as
langcode, except that it applies to the second audio channel when acmod indicates
two independent channels (dual mono 1+1 mode). This setting is only available at
Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.langcode Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.langcode
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff Bit set to 0; no language code information
apbOn Bit set to 1; language code information exists
Description langcode is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “language code ex-
ists”. When this bit is a 1, the next 8 bits represent a language code word langcod.
This setting is only available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.mixlevel Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.mixlevel(ByVal Unit As

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dB.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 261

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

Description mixlevel is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “mixing level.” This
field indicates the absolute acoustic sound pressure level of an individual channel
during the final mixing session. The available values are 0 to 31. The peak mixing
level represented is (80 + mixlevel) dB SPL. This setting is only available when
audprodie is set to On.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.mixlevel2 Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.mixlevel2(ByVal Unit As

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dB.
Description mixlevel2 is a Dolby Digital control term. mixlevel2 has the same meaning as
mixlevel, except that it applies to the second audio channel when acmod indicates
two independent channels (dual mono 1+1 mode). This setting is only available at
Expert level when audprodi2e is On.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.origbs Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.origbs
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff Not indicated as an original bitstream
apbOn Indicated as an original bitstream
Description origbs is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “original bitstream.” This
bit is 1 (On) if this is an original bitstream. The bit is has a value of 0 (Off) it this is
a copy of another bitstream.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.roomtyp Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.roomtyp
Data Type Constant Description
apbRoomNotIndicated Final mix room type not indicated
apbLargeRoom Final mix performed in large room
apbSmallRoom Final mix performed in small room

262 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

apbReserved Final mix room type reserved

Description roomtyp is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “room type.” This
field indicates the type and calibration of the mixing room used for the final audio
mixing session. This setting is only available when audprodie is On.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.roomtyp2 Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.roomtyp2
Data Type Constant Description
apbRoomNotIndicated Final mix room type not indicated for Ch2
apbLargeRoom Final mix for Ch2 performed in large room
apbSmallRoom Final mix for Ch2 performed in small room
apbReserved Final mix room type for Ch2 reserved
Description roomtyp2 is a Dolby Digital control term. roomtyp2 has the same meaning as
roomtyp, except that it applies to the second audio channel when acmod indicates
two independent channels (dual mono 1+1 mode). This setting is only available at
Expert level when audprodi2e is On.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.surmixlev Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Bitstream.surmixlev(ByVal Unit As

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dB, X/Y.
Description surmixlev is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “surround mix level.”
When surround channels are in use (acmod 2/1, 3/1. 3/1, 3/2) this field indicates the
nominal downmix level of the surround channels.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.C Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.C
Data Type Long

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 263

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

Description The Dolby Digital Follow Switcher Inputs routing controls select the mapping
of the DUT output channels to the desired Audio Precision input Switcher as-
signment. This enables the Dolby Digital encoder input assignments to track
swept switcher assignments. AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.
FollowSwitcher.C maps the Dolby Digital C channel to the switcher channel in-
dicated here. Range of switcher channels is typically 1 to 16, although when
multiple switchers are used the range can be from 1 to 192.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

Get Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.
Data Type String
Description Returns the Dolby Digital encoder input channel currently being driven by the Digi-
tal Generator output channels for DGenCh1. Strings returned are L (left), C (center),
R (right), LS (left surround), RS (right surround) and Sub (LFE/Subwoofer).
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

Get Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.
Data Type String
Description Returns the Dolby Digital encoder input channel currently being driven by the Digi-
tal Generator output channels for DGenCh2. Strings returned are L (left), C (center),
R (right), LS (left surround), RS (right surround) and Sub (LFE/Subwoofer).
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.L Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.L
Data Type Long
Description The Dolby Digital Follow Switcher Inputs routing controls select the mapping
of the DUT output channels to the desired Audio Precision input Switcher as-
signment. This enables the Dolby Digital encoder input assignments to track
swept switcher assignments. AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.
FollowSwitcher.L maps the Dolby Digital L channel to the switcher channel in-

264 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

dicated here. Range of switcher channels is typically 1 to 16, although when

multiple switchers are used the range can be from 1 to 192.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.LS Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.LS
Data Type Long
Description The Dolby Digital Follow Switcher Inputs routing controls select the mapping
of the DUT output channels to the desired Audio Precision input Switcher as-
signment. This enables the Dolby Digital encoder input assignments to track
swept switcher assignments. AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.
FollowSwitcher.LS maps the Dolby Digital LS channel to the switcher channel
indicated here. Range of switcher channels is typically 1 to 16, although when
multiple switchers are used the range can be from 1 to 192.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.Mode Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.Mode
Data Type Constant Description
apbCh2AllExceptCh1 DGen Ch 2 assigned to all Dolby Digital encoder inputs,
except the input currently assigned to Ch 1 by sweep
FromCh1 DGen Ch 2 assignment to Dolby Digital encoder inputs
independent from Ch 1 assignments.
Description The Dolby Digital Follow Switcher Inputs routing controls select the relation-
ship between the Dolby Digital encoder input routing and the swept routing of
the Audio Precision input Switcher used to matrix the DUT outputs into the Ana-
lyzer inputs.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.R Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.R
Data Type Long
Description The Dolby Digital Follow Switcher Inputs routing controls select the mapping
of the DUT output channels to the desired Audio Precision input Switcher as-
signment. This enables the Dolby Digital encoder input assignments to track
swept switcher assignments. AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.
FollowSwitcher.R maps the Dolby Digital R channel to the switcher channel in-

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 265

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

dicated here. Range of switcher channels is typically 1 to 16, although when

multiple switchers are used the range can be from 1 to 192.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.RS Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.RS
Data Type Long
Description The Dolby Digital Follow Switcher Inputs routing controls select the mapping
of the DUT output channels to the desired Audio Precision input Switcher as-
signment. This enables the Dolby Digital encoder input assignments to track
swept switcher assignments. AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.
FollowSwitcher.RS maps the Dolby Digital RS channel to the switcher channel
indicated here. Range of switcher channels is typically 1 to 16, although when
multiple switchers are used the range can be from 1 to 192.
See Also AP.SWR.Mode

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.Sub Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.FollowSwitcher.Sub
Data Type Long
Description The Dolby Digital Follow Switcher Inputs routing controls select the mapping
of the DUT output channels to the desired Audio Precision input Switcher as-
signment. This enables the Dolby Digital encoder input assignments to track
swept switcher assignments. AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.
FollowSwitcher.Sub maps the Dolby Digital LFE (Sub) channel to the switcher
channel indicated here. Range of switcher channels is typically 1 to 16, al-
though when multiple switchers are used the range can be from 1 to 192.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.AllChannels Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.
AllChannels(ByVal ch As Constant)
Data Type Constant
Parameters Name Description
ch apbNormalCh1 = sets all encoder inputs to Digital
Generator Ch1
apbNormalCh2 = sets all encoder inputs to Digital
Generator Ch2
apbNormalOff = sets all encoder inputs to No Signal

266 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

Description The Dolby Digital Normal routing controls select the generator signal to be applied
to each of the six Dolby Digital encoder inputs (L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE). Options are
Digital Generator Ch 1 Out, Digital Generator Ch 2 Out, and Off (no signal con-
nected to encoder input).
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.C Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.C
Data Type Constant Description
apbNormalCh1 sets encoder C input to Digital Generator Ch1
apbNormalCh2 sets encoder C input to Digital Generator Ch2
apbNormalOff sets encoder C input to No Signal
Description The Dolby Digital Normal routing controls select the generator signal to be applied
to each of the six Dolby Digital encoder inputs (L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE). Options are
Digital Generator Ch 1 Out, Digital Generator Ch 2 Out, and Off (no signal con-
nected to encoder input).
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.L Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.L
Data Type Constant Description
apbNormalCh1 sets encoder L input to Digital Generator Ch1
apbNormalCh2 sets encoder L input to Digital Generator Ch2
apbNormalOff sets encoder L input to No Signal
Description The Dolby Digital Normal routing controls select the generator signal to be applied
to each of the six Dolby Digital encoder inputs (L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE). Options are
Digital Generator Ch 1 Out, Digital Generator Ch 2 Out, and Off (no signal con-
nected to encoder input).
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.LS Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.LS
Data Type Constant Description
apbNormalCh1 sets encoder LS input to Digital Generator Ch1
apbNormalCh2 sets encoder LS input to Digital Generator Ch2
apbNormalOff sets encoder LS input to No Signal
Description The Dolby Digital Normal routing controls select the generator signal to be applied
to each of the six Dolby Digital encoder inputs (L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE). Options are
Digital Generator Ch 1 Out, Digital Generator Ch 2 Out, and Off (no signal con-
nected to encoder input).

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 267

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.R Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.R
Data Type Constant Description
apbNormalCh1 sets encoder R input to Digital Generator Ch1
apbNormalCh2 sets encoder R input to Digital Generator Ch2
apbNormalOff sets encoder R input to No Signal
Description The Dolby Digital Normal routing controls select the generator signal to be applied
to each of the six Dolby Digital encoder inputs (L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE). Options are
Digital Generator Ch 1 Out, Digital Generator Ch 2 Out, and Off (no signal con-
nected to encoder input).
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.RS Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.RS
Data Type Constant Description
apbNormalCh1 sets encoder RS input to Digital Generator Ch1
apbNormalCh2 sets encoder RS input to Digital Generator Ch2
apbNormalOff sets encoder RS input to No Signal
Description The Dolby Digital Normal routing controls select the generator signal to be applied
to each of the six Dolby Digital encoder inputs (L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE). Options are
Digital Generator Ch 1 Out, Digital Generator Ch 2 Out, and Off (no signal con-
nected to encoder input).
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.LFE Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Normal.LFE
Data Type Constant Description
apbNormalCh1 sets encoder LFE input to Digital Generator Ch1
apbNormalCh2 sets encoder LFE input to Digital Generator Ch2
apbNormalOff sets encoder LFE input to No Signal
Description The Dolby Digital Normal routing controls select the generator signal to be applied
to each of the six Dolby Digital encoder inputs (L, C, R, LS, RS, LFE). Options are
Digital Generator Ch 1 Out, Digital Generator Ch 2 Out, and Off (no signal con-
nected to encoder input).
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl, AP.SWR.Mode

268 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Type Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ChannelRouting.Type
Data Type Constant Description
apbRoutingNormal The Dolby Digital encoder inputs are selected using the
Normal controls.
Switcher The Dolby Digital encoder inputs are selected using the
Follow Switcher Input controls.
Description The Dolby Digital Type routing control selects whether the Dolby Digital encoder
input routing is to be set using the Normal mode controls or the Follow Switcher
Inputs mode controls
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.DynamicRange.compr Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.DynamicRange.compr(ByVal Unit As

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dB.
Description compr is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “compression gain
word,” also called the "RF mode compression word." This 8-bit word may be used
to scale the audio dynamic range. When RF Mode compression is set to Fixed,
compr can be set as a decibel value. Allowable decibel values are within the range
–48.16 to +47.89 dB.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.DynamicRange.dynrng Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.DynamicRange.dynrng(ByVal Unit As

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dB.
Description dynrng is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “dynamic range gain
word,” also called the “Line mode compression word.” This 8-bit word may be used

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 269

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

to scale the audio dynamic range. When Line Mode compression is set to Fixed,
dynrng can be set as a decibel value. Allowable decibel values are within the range
–24.08 to +23.95 dB.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,
AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.DynamicRange.compr and


Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.DynamicRange.LineModeCompression
Data Type Constant Description
apbNone No compression profile, dynrnge set to 0
apbFilmStd Film Standard compression profile
apbFilmLt Film Light compression profile
apbMusicStd Music Standard compression profile
apbMusicLt Music Light compression profile
apbSpeech Speech compression profile
apbFixed No compression profile, dynrng set to fixed value entered
in dynrng
Description Line mode compression provides settings that affect the generation of the Line
mode compression word dynrng. The first six settings (None, Film Standard,
Speech, etc.) select the compression profile used by the dynamic range control
(DRC) algorithm in computing the dynrng gain word. Fixed enables you to bypass
the DRC algorithm and enter a fixed gain word in dynrng. dynrnge (dynamic range
gain word exists) is set Off (bit set to 0) when Line mode compression is set to
None, and also whenever the value of dynrng = 0. dynrnge is On (bit set to 1)
when Line mode compression is Fixed. When Line mode compression is set to
one of the five compression profiles dynrnge may be On or Off in each audio
block, depending upon the audio signal.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,


Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.DynamicRange.RFModeCompression
Data Type Constant Description
apbNone No compression profile
apbFilmStd Film Standard compression profile
apbFilmLt Film Light compression profile
apbMusicStd Music Standard compression profile

270 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

apbMusicLt Music Light compression profile

apbSpeech Speech compression profile
apbFixed No compression profile, compr set to fixed value entered
in compr
Description RF mode compression provides settings that affect the generation of the RF mode
compression word compr. The first six settings (None, Film Standard, Speech, etc.
) select the compression profile used by the dynamic range control (DRC) algorithm
in computing the compr gain word. Fixed enables you to bypass the DRC algorithm
and enter a fixed gain word in compr. compre (compression gain word exists) is set
On (bit set to 1) at all times.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.adconvtyp Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.adconvtyp
Data Type Constant Description
apbStandard Standard A/D converter
apbHDCD reserved
Description adconvtyp is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “A/D converter type.
” adconvtyp is only used in the Extended Bitstream syntax when xbsi2e is On. This
field indicates the type of A/D converter technology used to capture the PCM audio.
This setting is only available at Advanced and Expert levels.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.bsid Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.bsid
Data Type Long
Description bsid is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “bitstream identifica-
tion.” This field indicates the bitstream syntax. A value of 8 = legacy bitstream
syntax; 6 = Extended Bitstream syntax. When bsid mode is set to Override, a
fixed setting can be entered as an integer value in the range 0 to 31. This setting
is only available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 271

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.bsidmode Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.bsidmode
Data Type Constant Description
BitstreamSetting Set syntax to value selected by.DolbyDigital.
apbBsidOverride Use bitstream identification code entered in bsid
Description This command selects whether bsid automatically follows the Extended
Bitstream setting, or whether the user can Override the automatic setting with a
fixed setting. This setting is only available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,


Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.dheadphonmod
Data Type Constant Description
NotIndicated Dolby Headphone mode not indicated
Encoded Stereo audio is Not Dolby Headphone encoded
Encoded Stereo audio is Dolby Headphone encoded
Reserved Reserved
Description dheadphonmod is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “Dolby Head-
phone mode.” dheadphonmod is only used in the Extended Bitstream syntax when
xbsi2e is On. dheadphonmod indicates whether or not the program has been Dolby
Headphone-encoded. The meaning of this field is only defined if the audio coding
mode is 2/0. This setting is only available at Advanced and Expert levels.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.dmixmod Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.dmixmod
Data Type Constant Description

272 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

NotIndicated Downmix preference not indicated
apbLtRtDownMix LtRt downmix preferred
apbLoRoDownMix LoRo downmix preferred
apbDownMixReserved Reserved
Description dmixmod is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “preferred stereo
downmix mode.” dmixmod is only used in the Extended Bitstream syntax when
xbsi1e is On. dmixmod indicates the type of stereo downmix preferred by the mas-
tering engineer. The meaning of this field is only defined if the audio coding mode
is 3/0, 2/1, 3/1, 2/2 or 3/2. This setting is only available at Advanced and Expert lev-
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.dsurexmod Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.dsurexmod
Data Type Constant Description
NotIndicated Dolby Surround EX mode not indicated
Encoded Not Dolby Surround EX encoded
apbDolbySurExEncoded Dolby Surround EX encoded
apbDolbySurExReserved Reserved
Description dsurexmod is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “Dolby Surround
EX mode.” dsurexmod is only used in the Extended Bitstream syntax when xbsi2e
is On. dsurexmod indicates whether or not the program has been encoded in Dolby
Surround EX. The meaning of this field is only defined if the audio coding mode is
2/2 or 3/2. This setting is only available at Advanced and Expert levels.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.encinfo Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.encinfo
Data Type Long

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 273

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

Description encinfo is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “encoder information.”
encinfo is only used in the Extended Bitstream syntax when xbsi2e is On. This field
is reserved for use by the encoder and is not used by the decoder. This setting is
only available at Advanced and Expert levels.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,


Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.
Data Type Constant Description
apbOn Sets the bitstream syntax to Extended Bitstream
apbOff Sets the bitstream syntax to the legacy bitstream

Description The original AC-3 (Dolby Digital) bitstream syntax (here called the legacy
bitstream syntax) described in ATSC A-52/A has been superceded by an ex-
tended bitstream syntax that includes the changes in A-52/A Annex C. Select Ex-
tended Bitstream On (default) or Off. This setting is only available at Expert
The timecod1 and timecod2 syntactical elements only exist in the legacy
bitstream syntax; these are replaced by the syntactical elements xbsi1e,
dmixmod, ltrtcmixlev, ltrtsurmixlev, lorocmixlev, lorosurmixlev, xbsi2e,
dsurexmod, dheadphonmod, adconvtyp, xbsi2, and encinfo in the Extended
Bitstream syntax.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.lorocmixlev Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.
lorocmixlev(ByVal Unit As String)
Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dB, X/Y.
Description lorocmixlev is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “Lo/Ro center mix
level.” ltrtcmixlev is only used in the Extended Bitstream syntax when xbsi1e is
On. ltrtcmixlev indicates the nominal downmix level of the center channel with re-
spect to the left and right channels in an Lo/Ro (stereo) downmix. The meaning of
this field is only defined if the audio coding mode is 3/0, 3/1 or 3/2. This setting is
only available at Advanced and Expert levels.

274 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,


AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.lorosurmixlev Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.
lorosurmixlev(ByVal Unit As String)
Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dB, X/Y.
Description lorosurmixlev is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “Lo/Ro surround
mix level.” lorosurmixlev is only used in the Extended Bitstream syntax when
xbsi1e is On. lorosurmixlev indicates the nominal downmix level of the surround
channels with respect to the left and right channels in an Lo/Ro (stereo) downmix.
The meaning of this field is only defined if the audio coding mode is 2/1, 3/1, 2/2 or
3/2. This setting is only available at Advanced and Expert levels.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.ltrtcmixlev Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.ltrtcmixlev
Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dB, X/Y.
Description ltrtcmixlev is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “Lt/Rt center mix
level.” ltrtcmixlev is only used in the Extended Bitstream syntax when xbsi1e is
On. ltrtcmixlev indicates the nominal downmix level of the center channel with re-
spect to the left and right channels in an Lt/Rt (Dolby Surround) downmix. The
meaning of this field is only defined if the audio coding mode is 3/0, 3/1 or 3/2. This
setting is only available at Advanced and Expert levels.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 275

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.


AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.ltrtsurmixlev Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.
ltrtsurmixlev(ByVal Unit As String)
Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: dB, X/Y.
Description ltrtsurmixlev is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “Lt/Rt surround
mix level.” ltrtsurmixlev is only used in the Extended Bitstream syntax when
xbsi1e is On. ltrtsurmixlev indicates the nominal downmix level of the surround
channels with respect to the left and right channels in an Lt/Rt (Dolby Surround)
downmix. The meaning of this field is only defined if the audio coding mode is 2/1,
3/1, 2/2 or 3/2. This setting is only available at Advanced and Expert levels.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,


Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.TimeCode.
Data Type Long
Description frames is used only when Extended Bitstream is set to Off and timecod2e is On.
This field indicates the “frames” value designated by the Dolby Digital timecod2
field. This setting is only available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

276 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator


Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.TimeCode.
Data Type Long
Description frames64ths is used only when Extended Bitstream is set to Off and timecod2e is
On. This field indicates the “64ths of a frame” value designated by the Dolby Digi-
tal timecod2 field. This setting is only available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,


Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.TimeCode.
Data Type Long
Description hours is used only when Extended Bitstream is set to Off and timecod1e is On.
This field indicates the “hours” value designated by the Dolby Digital timecod1
field. This setting is only available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,


Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.TimeCode.
Data Type Long

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 277

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

Description minutes is used only when Extended Bitstream is set to Off and timecod1e is On.
This field indicates the “minutes” value designated by the Dolby Digital timecod1
field. This setting is only available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,


Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.TimeCode.
Data Type Long
Description seconds is used only when Extended Bitstream is set to Off and either timecod1e
or timecod2e is On. This field indicates the “seconds” value designated by the
Dolby Digital timecod1 and timecod2 fields. This setting is only available at Expert
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,


Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.TimeCode.
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff The timecod1 word (time code first half) does not exist in
the bitstream
apbOn The timecod1 word (time code first half) exists in the
Description timecod1e is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “time code first half
exists.” timecod1e is only used in the legacy bitstream syntax. This field indicates
whether the low resolution half of the time code information (timecod1, designating

278 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

hours, minutes and 8-second intervals) follows in the bitstream. This setting is only
available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,


Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.TimeCode.
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff The timecod2 word (time code 2nd half) does not exist in
the bitstream
apbOn The timecod2 word (time code 2nd half) exists in the
Description timecod2e is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “time code second
half exists.” timecod2e is only used in the legacy bitstream syntax. This field indi-
cates whether the high resolution half of the time code information (timecod2, desig-
nating seconds from 0 to 7, frames, and 1/64ths of a frame) follows in the bitstream.
This setting is only available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.xbsi1e Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.xbsi1e
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff No extra bitstream information #1
apbOn Extra bitstream information #1 exists
Description xbsi1e is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “extra bitstream informa-
tion #1 exists.” xbsi1e is only used in the Extended Bitstream syntax. When this bit
is 1 (On), the following 14 bits contain extra bitstream information (dmixmod,

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 279

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

ltrtcmixlev, ltrtsurmixlev, lorocmixlev and lorosurmixlev). xbsi1e is set to On at

Normal and Advanced levels, and may be set Off at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.xbsi2 Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.xbsi2
Data Type Long
Description xbsi2 is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “extra bitstream informa-
tion #2.” xbsi2 is only used in the Extended Bitstream syntax when xbsi2e is On.
This field is reserved for future assignment. This setting is only available at Ad-
vanced and Expert levels.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.xbsi2e Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.ExtendedBitstreamInfo.xbsi2e
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff No extra bitstream information #2
apbOn Extra bitstream information #2 exists
Description xbsi2e is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “extra bitstream informa-
tion #2 exists.” xbsi2e is only used in the Extended Bitstream syntax. When this bit
is 1 (On), the following 14 bits contain extra bitstream information (dsurexmod,
dheadphonmod, adconvtyp, xbsi2 and encinfo). xbsi2e is set to On at Normal and
Advanced levels, and may be set Off at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

280 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator


AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Impairments.crc1enable Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Impairments.crc1enable
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff crc1 Off
apbOn crc1 On
Description There are two cyclic redundancy check (crc) words in the Dolby Digital bitstream.
crc1enable sets the first crc word (crc1), which covers the first 5/8 of the frame, On
or Off. This setting is only available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Impairments.crc2enable Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Impairments.crc2enable
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff crc2 Off
apbOn crc2 On
Description There are two cyclic redundancy check (crc) words in the Dolby Digital bitstream.
crc2enable sets the second crc word (crc2), which covers the entire frame, On or
Off. This setting is only available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Impairments.syncword Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Impairments.syncword(ByVal Unit As

Data Type Long
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: hex.
Description syncword is a Dolby Digital control term, an abbreviation for “synchronization
word.” The 16-bit syncword is always sent, and in normal operation is always
0x0B77 (0000 1011 0111 0111). syncword can be set to other values when
syncword mode is set to Override. This setting is only available at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 281

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Impairments.syncwordmode Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Impairments.syncwordmode
Data Type Constant Description
apbNormal syncword is set normally (to 0x0B77)
apbOverride syncword setting is overridden by setting in syncword.
Description syncword mode selects whether syncword is set normally or whether the user can
Override that setting by entering a value in syncword. This setting is only available
at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl
Data Type Constant Description
apbDolbyNormal Normal Level of control
apbDolbyAdvanced Advanced Level of control
apbDolbyExpert Expert Level of control
Description This command selects the Level of control for the Dolby Digital Data-type view.
Normal provides a familiar control view and offers the basic selections that may be
needed for a simple IEC 61937 / Dolby Digital setup. Advanced provides a grid
view of the controls and offers a greater selection of controls and options. Expert
also uses the grid view, and offers the fullest selection of controls and options. The
Expert level of control is only available for the Dolby Digital data-type. The se-
lected level of control is affects the interface view and capability across the avail-
able IEC 61937 data-types (currently Idle, Pause and Dolby Digital). Selecting
Normal or Advanced in any data-type will switch the level of control in the other
data-types as well. Since there is no Expert level for Idle or Pause, choosing Expert
level in Dolby Digital will select Advanced level for Idle and Pause. However, the
Dolby Digital level will remain in Expert when you return to that data-type. Set-
tings that are only available at Expert or Advanced level will be lost (reset to their
defaults) if you move from a higher to a lower level of control.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Preprocess.ChannelLowpass Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Preprocess.ChannelLowpass
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff Channel bandwidth lowpass preprocessing filter Off
apbOn Channel bandwidth lowpass preprocessing filter On

282 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

Description Channel lowpass is a Dolby Digital preprocessing option that can apply a channel
bandwidth lowpass filter to the main audio input channels. This setting is only avail-
able at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Preprocess.DCHighpass Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Preprocess.DCHighpass
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff DC highpass preprocessing filter Off
apbOn DC highpass preprocessing filter On for all audio input
Description DC highpass is a Dolby Digital preprocessing option that can apply a DC highpass
filter to all audio input channels. This filter should always be enabled unless the op-
erator is certain that there is no DC in the input audio. This setting is only available
at Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Preprocess.LFELowpass Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Preprocess.LFELowpass
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff LFE lowpass preprocessing filter Off
apbOn LFE lowpass preprocessing filter On
Description LFE lowpass is a Dolby Digital preprocessing option that can apply a 120 Hz
lowpass filter to the LFE input channel. This setting is only available at Expert level
when lfeon is set to On.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl

AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Preprocess.PhaseShift Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.Preprocess.PhaseShift
Data Type Constant Description
apbPhaseShiftOff No phase shift or time delay applied
apbTDOnly Time delay applied to all channels; no phase shift
apbPhaseShift Phase shift applied to surround channels; time delay
applied to all other channels.
Description Phase shift is a Dolby Digital preprocessing option that can apply a 90-degree Sur-
round phase shift to the surround channels, when surround channels are in use
(acmod 2/1, 3/1. 3/1, 3/2) enabling a true Dolby Surround Lt/Rt downmix to be cre-
ated. When Phase Shift is on, the non-surround channels are time-delayed to match
the delay created by the filter. Time Delay Only enables only the delay feature for

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 283

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

all channels. Phase shift is normally left On for program material, but may be set to
Off for test signals and calibration. This setting is only available at Advanced and
Expert levels.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DolbyDigital.LevelOfControl

AP.IEC61937.Idle.LevelofControl Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Idle.LevelofControl
Data Type Constant Description
apbNormal Normal Level of control
apbAdvanced Advanced Level of control
Description This command selects the Level of control for the Idle Data-type view.
Normal provides a familiar control view and offers the basic selections that may be
needed for a simple IEC 61937 / Dolby Digital setup. Advanced provides a grid
view of the controls and offers a greater selection of controls and options. The se-
lected level of control is affects the interface view and capability across the avail-
able IEC 61937 data-types (currently Idle, Pause and Dolby Digital). Selecting
Normal or Advanced in any data-type will switch the level of control in the other
data-types as well. Since there is no Expert level for Idle or Pause, choosing Expert
level in Dolby Digital will select Advanced level for Idle and Pause. However, the
Dolby Digital level will remain in Expert when you return to that data-type. Set-
tings that are only available at Expert or Advanced level will be lost (reset to their
defaults) if you move from a higher to a lower level of control.

AP.IEC61937.Idle.NullDataBurstRepetitionPeriod Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Idle.NullDataBurstRepetitionPeriod(ByVal Unit

As String)
Data Type Long
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: Samples.
Description Null data-burst repetition period is an IEC 61937 control that determines how of-
ten the null data-burst is sent. The range is 3 to 65535 samples (IEC 60958 frames).
The default is 4096 samples. This setting is only available at Advanced level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.Idle.LevelOfControl, AP.IEC61937.Idle.

AP.IEC61937.Idle.SendNullDataBursts Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Idle.SendNullDataBursts
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff No null data-bursts are being sent in the bitstream
apbOn Null data-bursts are being sent in the bitstream

284 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

Description Send null data-bursts is an IEC 61937 control that sends null data-bursts to indi-
cate that the IEC 61937 interface is operating but idle, for those decoders that do not
check the IEC 60958 validity bit. This setting is only available at Advanced level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.Idle.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.Pause.DataBurstRepetitionMode Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Pause.DataBurstRepetitionMode
Data Type Constant Description
apbDolbyDigital sets pause rep. per. to Dolby Digital recommended value
of 3 samples
apbMPEG1_2 sets pause rep. per. to MPEG-1 and -2 mandatory value
of 32 samples
apbMPEG2_LoFs sets pause rep. per. to MPEG-2 low Fs mandatory value
of 64 samples
apbDTS sets pause rep. per. to DTS recommended value of 3
apbMPEG2_AAC sets pause rep. per. to MPEG-2 AAC mandatory value of
32 samples
apbPeriodOverride sets pause rep. per. to value set in pause data burst
repetition period.
Description Pause data-burst repetition period is an IEC 61937 control that determines how
often the pause data-burst is sent. Pause data-burst repetition mode sets Pause
data-burst repetition period to the recommended or mandatory period for various
encoding systems, set by choosing the encoding system. At Advanced level, this set-
ting can be overridden by selecting Override and setting a value in Pause data-
burst repetition period.
See Also AP.IEC61937.Pause.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.Pause.DataBurstRepetitionPeriod Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Pause.DataBurstRepetitionPeriod(ByVal Unit As

Data Type Long
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: Samples.
Description Pause data-burst repetition period is an IEC 61937 control that determines how
often the pause data-burst is sent. The range is 3 to 65535 samples (IEC 60958
frames). The default varies with the encoding system, but is 3 samples for Dolby
Digital. This setting is only available at Advanced level, and when Pause data-
burst repetition mode is set to Override.
See Also AP.IEC61937.Pause.LevelOfControl,

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 285

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

AP.IEC61937.Pause.GapLength Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Pause.GapLength(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Long
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: Samples.
Description gap-length is an IEC 61937 control that optionally indicates the expected length of
stream gaps or audio gaps. gap-length can be set to a fixed value when gap-length
mode is set to Override. This setting is only available at Advanced level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.Pause.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.Pause.GapLengthMode Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Pause.GapLengthMode
Data Type Constant Description
NotSpecified The gap-length word is set to all zeros
apbGapLengthNormal The value of the gap-length word is set to the current
pause data-burst repetition period
apbGapLengthOverride The value of the gap-length word is set to the fixed value
entered in gap-length
Description gap-length mode selects whether gap-length is Not specified (all zeros), Normal
(automatically set to the current pause-data-burst repetition period), or whether the
user can Override the normal setting with a fixed setting. This setting is only avail-
able at Advanced level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.Pause.LevelOfControl,

AP.IEC61937.Pause.LevelOfControl Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Pause.LevelOfControl
Data Type Constant Description
apbNormal Normal Level of control
apbAdvanced Advanced Level of control
Description This command selects the Level of control for the Pause Data-type view.
Normal provides a familiar control view and offers the basic selections that may be
needed for a simple IEC 61937 / Dolby Digital setup. Advanced provides a grid
view of the controls and offers a greater selection of controls and options. The se-
lected level of control is affects the interface view and capability across the avail-
able IEC 61937 data-types (currently Idle, Pause and Dolby Digital). Selecting
Normal or Advanced in any data-type will switch the level of control in the other
data-types as well. Since there is no Expert level for Idle or Pause, choosing Expert
level in Dolby Digital will select Advanced level for Idle and Pause. However, the

286 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

Dolby Digital level will remain in Expert when you return to that data-type. Set-
tings that are only available at Expert or Advanced level will be lost (reset to their
defaults) if you move from a higher to a lower level of control.

AP.IEC61937.Preambles.BitstreamNumber Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Preambles.BitstreamNumber
Data Type Long
Description Up to 8 independent bitstreams may be carried in the IEC 60958 bitstream in a time
multiplex. Bitstream number indicates to which bitstream the data burst belongs. If
AP.IEC61937.Preambles.BitstreamNumberMode is set to Override, Bitstream
number can be set to a fixed integer value in the range 0 through 7. Preambles con-
trols are not available at Normal level of control, and will be reset to default values
when Normal level of control is selected.
See Also AP.IEC61937.Preambles.BitstreamNumberMode

AP.IEC61937.Preambles.BitstreamNumberMode Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Preambles.BitstreamNumberMode
Data Type Constant Description
apbNormal Bitstream number is set normally
apbOverride Bitstream number is overridden by AP.IEC61937.
Description Bitstream number mode selects whether Bitstream number is set normally or
whether the user can Override that setting by entering a value in Bitstream num-
ber. Preambles controls are not available at Normal level of control, and will be re-
set to default values when Normal level of control is selected.
See Also AP.IEC61937.Preambles.BitstreamNumber

AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataType Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataType
Data Type Constant Description
apbNull Sets burst-info preamble data-type to Idle
apbAc3 Sets burst-info preamble data-type to Dolby Digital
apbPause Sets burst-info preamble data-type to Pause
apbMPEG1 Sets burst-info preamble data-type to MPEG-1 layer 1
apbMPEG2 Sets burst-info preamble data-type to MPEG-1/2
apbMPEG2E Sets burst-info preamble data-type to MPEG-2 with
apbAAC Sets burst-info preamble data-type to MPEG-2 AAC
apbMPEGLO1 Sets burst-info preamble data-type to MPEG-2 layer 1 low

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 287

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

apbMPEGLO2 Sets burst-info preamble data-type to MPEG-2 layer 2 or

3 low Fs
apbDTS1 Sets burst-info preamble data-type to DTS-1
apbDTS2 Sets burst-info preamble data-type to DTS-2
apbDTS3 Sets burst-info preamble data-type to DTS-3
apbATRAC Sets burst-info preamble data-type to ATRAC
apbATRAC2 Sets burst-info preamble data-type to ATRAC-2/3
apbNumericCode Sets burst-info preamble data-type to entry in AP.
Description Data-type sets the IEC 61937 burst-info preamble indication of the type of data-
bursts in the bitstream: pause data-bursts, null data-bursts or audio data-bursts; fur-
ther, for audio data-bursts it indicates the audio coding system. This setting is only
available at Advanced or Expert level when AP.IEC61937.Preambles.
DataTypeMode is set to Override.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DataType,

AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeCode Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeCode
Data Type Long
Description Data-type code sets the value of the 5-bit IEC 61397 data-type code in the burst-
info preamble when AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataType is set to Numeric Code. Val-
ues range from 0 to 31. This setting is available at the Advanced or Expert level of
See Also AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataType, AP.IEC61937.Preambles.
DataTypeMode, AP.IEC61937.DataType

AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeDependentInfo Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeDependentInfo
Data Type Long
Description The meaning of the 5-bit data-type-dependent information in the burst-preamble de-
pends upon the value of the data-type. At Advanced or Expert level data-type-de-
pendent info can be set to a fixed integer value in the range 0 through 31.

AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeDependentInfoMode Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeDependentInfoMode
Data Type Constant Description
apbNormal Data-Type Dependent Info set by AP.IEC61937.

288 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.IEC61937. Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator

apbOverride Data-Type Dependent Info set by user entry using AP.

Description Data-type-dependent info mode selects whether Data-type-dependent info is set
normally or whether the user can Override that setting by entering a value in Data-
type-dependent info. This setting is only available at Advanced or Expert level.

AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeMode Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeMode
Data Type Constant Description
apbNormal Burst-info preamble data-type field set by AP.IEC61937.
apbOverride Burst-info preamble data-type field set by AP.IEC61937.
Description The preamble data-type mode selects whether the data-type indicated in the IEC
61937 burst-info preamble is set by the selection in AP.IEC61937.DataType, or
whether the preamble indication is to be overridden. This setting is only available at
Advanced or Expert level.
Note: AP.IEC61937.Preambles.DataTypeMode only sets the indicated data type, bits
0 thru 4 of the burst-preamble. It does not change the actual format of the burst-pay-
load. Use AP.IEC61937.DataType to change the format of the burst-payload.
See Also AP.IEC61937.DataType,

AP.IEC61937.Preambles.ErrorFlag Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Preambles.ErrorFlag
Data Type Constant Description
apbOff Burst-info preamble error flag set OFF (bit 7=0)
apbOn Burst-info preamble error flag set ON (bit 7=1)
Description An error flag (bit 7 of the burst-preamble) can be set if the contents of the data-burst
contain data errors. At Advanced or Expert level the error-flag bit can be fixed at 0
or 1.

AP.IEC61937.Preambles.LengthCode Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Preambles.LengthCode(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Long
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: Bits.
Description The length-code indicates the length of the burst-payload in bits. The size of the pre-
amble is not counted in the value of the length code. If AP.IEC61937.Preambles.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 289

Chapter 13: Dolby Digital Generator AP.IEC61937.

LengthCodeMode is set to Override, at Advanced or Expert level length-code can

be set to a fixed integer value in the range 0 through 65535.
See Also AP.IEC61937.Preambles.LengthCodeMode

AP.IEC61937.Preambles.LengthCodeMode Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Preambles.LengthCodeMode
Data Type Constant Description
apbNormal Length-code is set normally
apbOverride Length-code is overridden by AP.IEC61937.Preambles.
Description Length-code mode selects whether Length-code is set normally or whether the
user can Override that setting by entering a value in Length-code. This setting is
only available at Advanced or Expert level.
See Also AP.IEC61937.Preambles.LengthCode

AP.IEC61937.Preambles.ReservedBits Property

Syntax AP.IEC61937.Preambles.ReservedBits
Data Type Long
Description There are two reserved bits (bits 5 and 6) in the IEC 61937 burst-info preamble, nor-
mally set to 0. At Advanced or Expert level the reserved bits can be set to a fixed in-
teger value in the range 0 through 3.

290 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 14
APEvent_OnApplicationStartup Event

Syntax APEvent_OnApplicationStartup()
Description This event is useful when programming with Visual Basic. The event is called at the
completion of the startup process of the AP2700 application.

APEvent_OnAuxSetting1 Event

Syntax APEvent_OnAuxSetting1(ByVal Value As Double)

Parameters Part Description
Value Sweep source or settings bargraph control current value.
Description This event is called when a sweep source or settings bargraph control changes which
inturn generates this event, for example, the measurement parameter "Aux.Setting 1
(Double)" used as the Sweep panel source or Bargraph browser ID. Events are gener-
ated as the sweep runs or as the user manipulates the settings bargraph control.
Example Public Halt As Boolean
Sub Main
Halt = False

AP.Gen.ChBTrackA = False
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2

ID = AP.BarGraph.New(6271) 'Aux.Setting 1 (Double)

AP.BarGraph.AxisLeft(ID,"") = 0.0
AP.BarGraph.AxisRight(ID,"") = 2.0
AP.BarGraph.AxisIncrement(ID,"") = 0.1

ID = AP.BarGraph.New(6275) 'Aux.Reading 1 (Double)

AP.BarGraph.AxisLeft(ID,"") = 0.2
AP.BarGraph.AxisRight(ID,"") = 4.0

AP.Aux.Setting1 = 1.0

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 291

Chapter 14: Events APEvent_On

Loop While Halt = False

End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnAuxSetting1(ByVal Value As Double)
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("Vrms") = Value - .2
AP.Gen.ChBAmpl("Vrms") = Value + .2

AP.Aux.Reading1Settling 3.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0

ReadyCount = AP.Aux.Reading1Ready
AP.Aux.SetReading1 AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("Vrms") + _
ReadyCount = AP.Aux.Reading1Ready
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnWatchDogTimeout(ByVal Id As Long)
If Id = 1 Then
Halt = True
End If
End Sub

APEvent_OnAuxSetting2 Event

Syntax APEvent_OnAuxSetting2(ByVal Value As Double)

Parameters Part Description
Value Sweep source or settings bargraph control current value.
Description This event is called when a sweep source or settings bargraph control changes which
inturn generates this event, for example, the measurement parameter "Aux.Setting 2
(Double)" used as the Sweep panel source or Bargraph browser ID. Events are gener-
ated as the sweep runs or as the user manipulates the settings bargraph control.
Example See example for APEvent_OnAuxSetting1.

APEvent_OnAuxSetting3 Event

Syntax APEvent_OnAuxSetting3(ByVal Value As Long)

Parameters Part Description
Value Sweep source or settings bargraph control current value.
Description This event is called when a sweep source or settings bargraph control changes which
inturn generates this event, for example, the measurement parameter "Aux.Setting 3
(Long)" used as the Sweep panel source or Bargraph browser ID. Events are gener-
ated as the sweep runs or as the user manipulates the settings bargraph control.
Example See example for APEvent_OnAuxSetting1.

292 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

APEvent_On Chapter 14: Events

APEvent_OnAuxSetting4 Event

Syntax APEvent_OnAuxSetting4(ByVal Value As Long)

Parameters Part Description
Value Sweep source or settings bargraph control current value.
Description This event is called when a sweep source or settings bargraph control changes which
inturn generates this event, for example, the measurement parameter "Aux.Setting 4
(Long)" used as the Sweep panel source or Bargraph browser ID. Events are gener-
ated as the sweep runs or as the user manipulates the settings bargraph control.
Example See example for APEvent_OnAuxSetting1.

APEvent_OnDcxProgramControlInput Event

Syntax APEvent_OnDcxProgramControlInput(ByVal Value As Long)

Parameters Part Description
Value The value returned is the pin number of the DCX-127
Program Control Input connector pin that is pulled low. A
zero (0) is returned if more than one button is pressed at
a time.
Description This event is called when one of the DCX-127 Program Control Input pins (1) is
momentarialy shorted to ground (Pin 9).
Example Dim Halt As Boolean
Sub Main
Halt = False
Loop While Halt = False
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnDcxProgramControlInput(Value As Long)
Debug.Print "Program Control = " & Value
If Value = 0 Then Debug.Print "More than one _
button pressed."
If Value = 8 Then Halt = True
End Sub

APEvent_OnError Event

Syntax APEvent_OnError(ByVal Value As Long)

Parameters Part Description
Value Error value as defined in Appendix D Error Codes
Description This event is called when an Error is encountered.
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("Vrms") = 111.9 'Cause an error _
and see what happens.
End Sub

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 293

Chapter 14: Events APEvent_On

Sub APEvent_OnError(Code As Long)

Debug.Print "Got number " & Code & " " & _

' If you are going to handle the error, then call

' AP.Application.ClearCurrentError before you exit
' this subroutine to stop the control software from
' displaying the error,


' It is also preferable to call

' AP.Application.ClearCurrentError before you
' make any other calls into the control software
' in case these calls also generate an unexpected
' error
End Sub

APEvent_OnPromptContinue Event

Syntax APEvent_OnPromptContinue()
Description Useful when programming in Visual Basic to implement “show prompt with con-
tinue.” Can be used in AP Basic scripts as well. This event is called when the user
presses the “Continue Macro” button shown on a prompt when the AP.Prompt.
ShowWithContinue command is used to display a prompt.
Example Dim WaitForcontinue As Boolean
Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 0
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 0
With AP.Prompt
.Text = "Press the Continue button to STOP the SWEEP and
continue the Macro."
.FontSize = 8 'Set font size to 8 point.
.Position (-1,-1,220,150) 'Set location and size.
'Display prompt with
Continue and also stop
the current sweep.
AP.Sweep.Start 'Start Sweep.
.Text = "Press the Continue button to END the Macro."
.FontSize = 8 'Set font size to 8 point.
.Position (-1,-1,220,130) 'Set location and size.
.ShowWithContinue 'Display prompt with Continue.
WaitForContinue = True

294 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

APEvent_On Chapter 14: Events

Loop While WaitForContinue = True

End With
End Sub
Public Sub APEvent_OnPromptContinue()
WaitForContinue = False
End Sub

APEvent_OnSweepEnd Event

Syntax APEvent_OnSweepEnd
Description This event is called when the sweep has terminated and the initial source value has
been restored.
Example Sub Main
AP.Sweep.SinglePoint = True
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepStart()
Debug.Print "Sweep Start"
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepNestStart(Source As Long)
Debug.Print "Sweep Nest Start "
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepStep(Value As Variant, Source As _
Debug.Print "Sweep Step = " & Value
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepTrigger()
Debug.Print "Sweep Trigger"
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepStepEnd()
Debug.Print "Sweep Step End"
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepNestEnd()
Debug.Print "Sweep Nest End"
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepEnd()
Debug.Print "Sweep End"
End Sub
Output Sweep Start
Sweep Nest Start
Sweep Step = 20000
Sweep Trigger
Sweep Step End
Sweep Nest End
Sweep Step = 1000
Sweep End #

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 295

Chapter 14: Events APEvent_On

APEvent_OnSweepNestEnd Event

Syntax APEvent_OnSweepNestEnd
Description This event is called after a single sweep is compleated.
Example See example for APEvent_OnSweepEnd.

APEvent_OnSweepNestStart Event

Syntax APEvent_OnSweepNestStart(ByVal Source As Long)

Parameters Part Description
Source Sweep panel Source 1 Step value.
Description This event is called before the first step of a sweep.
Example See example for APEvent_OnSweepEnd.

APEvent_OnSweepReverseChannels Event

Syntax APEvent_OnSweepReverseChannels(ByVal Reverse As Long)

Parameters Part Description
Reverse 0 = Channels reversed.
1 = Channels restored.
Description This event is called when a stereo sweep is performed that requires channel switch-
ing. If the parameter is 1 then the channels are being reversed in preparation for the
second half of a stereo sweep. If the parameter is 0 then the channels are being re-
stored to their pre-sweep condition.
Example Sub Main
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5906 'Analog Analyzer _
Function Meter
AP.Sweep.SinglePoint = True
AP.Sweep.Stereo = True
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepReverseChannels(ByVal Reverse As _
If Reverse = 0 then
Debug.Print "Channels Restored"
ElseIf Reverse = 1 then
Debug.Print "Channels Reversed"
End If
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepStart()
Debug.Print"Sweep Start"
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepNestStart(Source As Long)
Debug.Print "Sweep Nest Start "
End Sub

296 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

APEvent_On Chapter 14: Events

Sub APEvent_OnSweepStep(Value As Variant, Source As Long)

Debug.Print "Sweep Step = " & Value
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepTrigger()
Debug.Print "Sweep Trigger"
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepStepEnd()
Debug.Print "Sweep Step End"
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepNestEnd()
Debug.Print "Sweep Nest End"
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnSweepEnd()
Debug.Print "Sweep End"
End Sub
Output Sweep Start
Sweep Nest Start
Sweep Step = 20000
Sweep Trigger
Sweep Step End
Sweep Nest End
Channels Reveresed
Sweep Step = 1000
Sweep Nest Start
Sweep Step = 20000
Sweep Trigger
Sweep Step End
Sweep Nest End
Channels Restored
Sweep Step = 1000
Sweep End

APEvent_OnSweepStart Event

Syntax APEvent_OnSweepStart
Description This event is called at the start of a sweep. It prepares for the rest of the upcoming
sweep by storing the initial sweep value and pre-calculating steps.
See Also APEvent_OnSweepEnd
Example See example for APEvent_OnSweepEnd.

APEvent_OnSweepStep Event

Syntax APEvent_OnSweepStep(ByVal Value As Variant, ByVal Source as


AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 297

Chapter 14: Events APEvent_On

Parameters Part Description

Value Setting value.
Source Indicates Source 1 or Source 2 settings (1 or 2 only).
Description This event is called after the setting for this sweep has been done.
Example See example for APEvent_OnSweepEnd.

APEvent_OnSweepStepEnd Event

Syntax APEvent_OnSweepStepEnd
Description This event is called after a reading cycle has completed. The reading cycle may re-
turn up to six settled measurements.
Example See example for APEvent_OnSweepEnd.

APEvent_OnSweepTrigger Event

Syntax APEvent_OnSweepTrigger
Description This event is after a new step value is sent, to trigger a new reading cycle.
Example See example for APEvent_OnSweepEnd.

APEvent_OnTestLoad Event

Syntax APEvent_OnTestLoad()
Description This event is called at the completion of a test loading operation.

APEvent_OnWatchDogTimeout Event

Syntax APEvent_OnWatchDogTimeout(ByVal Id As Long)

Parameters Part Description
Id Timer identification 1 or 2.
Description This event is called when one of the two WatchDog Timers has expired.
Example Dim Halt As Boolean
Sub Main
Halt = False
AP.Application.NewTest AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps = 30 AP.Application.
SetWatchDogTimer1(5.0,False) AP.Sweep.StartNoWait
Loop While Halt = False
End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnWatchDogTimeout(ByVal Id As Long)

298 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

APEvent_On Chapter 14: Events

If Id = 1 Then
If AP.Sweep.IsRunning = True Then
Debug.Print "Sweep Stopped"
End If
End If
End Sub

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 299

Chapter 14: Events APEvent_On

300 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 15
AP.File.AppendData Method

Syntax AP.File.AppendData(ByVal FileName As String)

Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
Result Boolean
True File Data Append successful.
False File Data Append failed.
Description This command appends data from the designated data file into memory. This com-
mand will only load data from a data file that has identical Sweep panel Data 1-6
and Source 1-2 instrument parameters.
See Also AP.File.AppendTest

AP.File.ExportASCIIData Method

Syntax AP.File.ExportASCIIData(ByVal FileName As String)

Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
Result Boolean
True File export successful.
False File export failed.
Description This command saves the measurement data in memory to a coma delimited ASCII
text file.
See Also AP.File.ImportASCIIData
Example Sub Main
'Smooth Data from ASCII Data file
'Load ASCII data file

AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelGraph
AP.Sweep.Data1.LogLin = 1

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 301

Chapter 15: File AP.File.

If AP.Sweep.Data1.Id <> 5049 Then _
AP.Compute.Smooth.Data(1) = True
If AP.Sweep.Data2.Id <> 5049 Then _
AP.Compute.Smooth.Data(2) = True
If AP.Sweep.Data3.Id <> 5049 Then _
AP.Compute.Smooth.Data(3) = True
If AP.Sweep.Data4.Id <> 5049 Then _
AP.Compute.Smooth.Data(4) = True
If AP.Sweep.Data5.Id <> 5049 Then _
AP.Compute.Smooth.Data(5) = True
If AP.Sweep.Data6.Id <> 5049 Then _
AP.Compute.Smooth.Data(6) = True

AP.Compute.Smooth.Auto = True
'Export ASCII data file

End Sub

AP.File.ExportGraphic Method

Syntax AP.File.ExportGraphic(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal Type

As Integer)
Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
Type 0 = Windows Meta File (.WMF).
1 = Windows Extended Meta File (.EMF).
2 = BMP (*.BMP;*.DIB;*.RLE).
3 = JPEG(*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.JPE;*.JFIF).
4 = GIF(*.GIF).
5 = TIFF(*.TIF;*.TIFF).
6 = PNG(*.PNG).
Result Boolean
True File export successful.
False File export failed.
Description This command saves the current graph measurement data in memory to the desig-
nated file.
Example Sub Main
On Error Resume Next
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP = 0
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP = 3
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5906

302 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.File. Chapter 15: File

AP.Sweep.Source1.Start("Hz") = 50000


'Export Windows Meta File

blnExport = AP.File.ExportGraphic("C:\ _
If blnExport = False Then End

Dim MSWord As Object

Set MSWord = CreateObject("Word.Basic")' Start Word
MSWord.AppShow 'Word is invisible on startup.
'Set to visible
MSWord.FileOpen Name:= "C:\GENERIC.DOC"
MSWord.EditFind "Graph" 'Search for string
'Import Windows Meta File Graph
MSWord.InsertPicture "C:\GRAPH.EMF"
MSWord.FilePrint 'Print Doc from MS Word
Wait 10
MSWord.FileCloseAll 2 'Close all open files
MSWord.AppClose 'Close MS Word
End Sub

AP.File.ImportASCIIData Method

Syntax AP.File.ImportASCIIData(ByVal FileName As String)

Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
Result Boolean
True File import successful.
False File import failed.
Description This command loads into memory the designated ASCII data file. This command
only loads files that have been exported from the control software or conform to the
AP ASCII data file format.
See Also AP.File.ExportASCIIData
Example See example for AP.File.ExportASCIIData.

AP.File.OpenData Method

Syntax AP.File.OpenData(ByVal FileName As String)

Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 303

Chapter 15: File AP.File.

Result Boolean
True File open successful.
False File open failed.
Description This command loads the designated data file.
Example Sub Main
OpenResult = AP.File.OpenTest("FRQ-RESP.AT1")
If OpenResult = False Then Call Open_Failed
OpenResult = AP.File.OpenData("FRQ-RESP.DAT")
If OpenResult = False Then Call Open_Failed
AP.Data.UpdateDisplay 0
Wait 5
OpenResult = AP.File.OpenTest("THD-FRQ.AT1")
If OpenResult = False Then Call Open_Failed
OpenResult = AP.File.OpenData("THD-FRQ.DAT")
If OpenResult = False Then Call Open_Failed
AP.Data.UpdateDisplay 0
Wait 5
OpenResult = AP.File.OpenTest("RESIDNOI.AT1")
If OpenResult = False Then Call Open_Failed
OpenResult = AP.File.OpenData("RESIDNOI.DAT")
If OpenResult = False Then Call Open_Failed
AP.Data.UpdateDisplay 0
Wait 5
End Sub

Sub Open_Failed
Debug.Print"File Open FAILED."
End Sub

AP.File.OpenMacro Method

Syntax AP.File.OpenMacro(ByVal FileName As String)

Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
Result Boolean
True Not applicable.
False File open failed.
Description This command loads the designated file into the macro editor and automatically runs
the macro.
Example 'Visual Basic example
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim AP As Object
'Create OLE link to AP2700.

304 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.File. Chapter 15: File

Set AP = CreateObject("AP2700.Application")
AP.Application.Visible = True ' Make AP2700 visible

'Place your code here

'Run an AP Basic Macro and wait for it to finish

AP.File.OpenMacro "C:\BUSY.APB"
While AP.Macro.IsRunning = True

'Change Visual Basic directory to AP2700 Working _

ChDir AP.Application.MacroDir

'Place your code here

AP.Application.Quit 'Quit AP2700

End Sub

AP.File.OpenTest Method

Syntax AP.File.OpenTest(ByVal FileName As String)

Parameters Name Description

FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
Result Boolean
True File open successful.
False File open failed.
Description This command loads the designated test file.
Example Sub Main
OpenResult = AP.File.OpenTest("FRQ-RESP.AT1")
If OpenResult = False Then Call Open_Failed
SaveResult = AP.File.SaveDataAs("FRQ-RESP.DAT")
If SaveResult = False Then Call Save_Failed

OpenResult = AP.File.OpenTest("THD-FRQ.AT1")
If OpenResult = False Then Call Open_Failed
SaveResult = File.SaveDataAs("THD-FRQ.DAT")
If SaveResult = False Then Call Save_Failed

OpenResult = AP.File.OpenTest("RESIDNOI.AT1")
If OpenResult = False Then Call Open_Failed

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 305

Chapter 15: File AP.File.

SaveResult = AP.File.SaveDataAs("RESIDNOI.DAT")
If SaveResult = False Then Call Save_Failed
End Sub
Sub Open_Failed
Debug.Print"Test Open FAILED."
End Sub
Sub Save_Failed
Debug.Print"Test Save FAILED."
End Sub

AP.File.OpenWfm Method

Syntax AP.File.OpenWfm(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal siOption1

As Integer, ByVal siOption2 As Integer)
Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
siOption1 This option defines the buffer that the first waveform in a
waveform file is loaded into.
0 = None
1 = Acquisition buffer 1
2 = Acquisition buffer 2
3 = Transform buffer 1
4 = Transform buffer 2
siOption2 This option defines the buffer that the second waveform in
a two-waveform file is loaded into.
0 = None
1 = Acquisition buffer 1
2 = Acquisition buffer 2
3 = Transform buffer 1
4 = Transform buffer 2

Result Boolean
True File open successful.
False File open failed.
Description This command loads the designated waveform file into the analyzer or generator
buffers designated by Option1 and 2.
Comments Acquisition buffer : This buffer holds waveform data that has been generated by exe-
cuting an acqusition (F9). Opening a waveform file containing a previously-ac-
quired and saved waveform and specifying the acquisition buffer as the destination
permits further analysis of the waveform including FFT spectrum analysis and
waveform display.
Transform buffer : The transform buffer is the sub-section of the acquisition buffer
starting at the FFT start time with a length equal to the presently-set FFT length.
Buffer 1 : This buffer is associated with the DSP channel 1.
Buffer 2 : This buffer is associated with the DSP channel 2.

306 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.File. Chapter 15: File

Recommended file extensions :

.AAM Acquired waveform, 1 channel
.AAS Acquired waveform, 2 channels
Example Sub Main
OpenResult = AP.File.OpenWfm("TEMP.AAS", 1,2)
If OpenResult = False Then Call Open_Failed
End Sub

Sub Open_Failed
Debug.Print"Waveform Open FAILED."
End Sub

AP.File.SaveAll Method

Syntax AP.File.SaveAll
Description This command saves the current test and all macros loaded in the macro editor.

AP.File.SaveDataAs Method

Syntax AP.SaveDataAs(ByVal FileName As String)

Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
Result Boolean
True File save successful.
False File save failed.
Description This command saves the measurement data in memory to the designated file.
Example See example for AP.File.OpenTest.

AP.File.SaveMacroAs Method

Syntax AP.File.SaveMacroAs(ByVal FileName As String)

Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 307

Chapter 15: File AP.File.

Result Boolean
True File save successful.
False File save failed.
Description This command saves the current macro to the designated file.
Example See example for AP.File.Open.

AP.File.SaveTest Method

Syntax AP.File.SaveTest
Result Boolean
True File save successful.
False File save failed.
Description This command saves the current test.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "FRQ-RESP.AT2" 'Open frequency _
response test.
'Start sweep.
If AP.File.SaveTest = False Then GoTo Quit
'Save Test
AP.File.OpenTest "THD-FRQ.AT2" 'Open total _
harmonic distortion + noise test.
'Start sweep.
If AP.File.SaveTest = False Then GoTo Quit
'Save Test
AP.File.OpenTest "RESIDNOI.AT2" 'Open residual _
noise test.
'Start sweep.
If AP.File.SaveTest = False Then GoTo Quit
'Save Test
Debug.Print "Test Save FAILED"
End Sub

AP.File.SaveTestAs Method

Syntax AP.File.SaveTestAs(ByVal FileName As String)

Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
Result Boolean
True File save successful.

308 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.File. Chapter 15: File

False File save failed.

Description This command saves the current test as defined by the panels to the designated file.
The data currently in memory as well as panel and page configuration information is
also saved in the test file.
Example Sub Main
OpenResult = AP.File.OpenTest("FRQ-RESP.AT1")
If OpenResult = False Then Call Open_Failed
SaveResult = AP.File.SaveTestAs("FRQ-RESP.AT1")
If SaveResult = False Then Call Save_Failed

OpenResult = AP.File.OpenTest("THD-FRQ.AT1")
If OpenResult = False Then Call Open_Failed
SaveResult = AP.File.SaveTestAs("THD-FRQ.AT1")
If SaveResult = False Then Call Save_Failed

OpenResult = AP.File.OpenTest("RESIDNOI.AT1")
If OpenResult = False Then Call Open_Failed
SaveResult = AP.File.SaveTestAs("RESIDNOI.AT1")
If SaveResult = False Then Call Save_Failed
End Sub

Sub Open_Failed
Debug.Print"Test Open FAILED."
End Sub
Sub Save_Failed
Debug.Print"Test Save FAILED."
End Sub

AP.File.SaveTestAsCustom Method

Syntax AP.File.SaveTestAsCustom(ByVal FileName As String)

Result Boolean
True File save successful.
False File save failed.
Description This command saves the current test as defined by the panels to the designated New
Test (custom) file.

AP.File.SaveWfmAs Method

Syntax AP.File.SaveWfmAs(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal siOption1

As Integer, ByVal siOption2 As Integer)

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 309

Chapter 15: File AP.File.

Parameters Name Description

FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
siOption1 This option determines the source of the waveform to be
stored in the first section of the disk file.
1 = Acquisition buffer 1
2 = Acquisition buffer 2
3 = Transform buffer 1
4 = Transform buffer 2
siOption2 This option determines the source of the waveform to be
stored in the last section of the disk file.
0 = None
1 = Acquisition buffer 1
2 = Acquisition buffer 2
3 = Transform buffer 1
4 = Transform buffer 2
Result Boolean
True File save successful.
False File save failed.
Description This command saves waveform data contained in the buffers designated by Option
#1 and #2 into the designated file. The waveform designated by Option #1 saves to
the first section of the file and the Option #2 waveform to the last section of the file.
Comment Acquisition buffer : This buffer holds waveform data captured into DSP memory by
an acqusition (F9). Selecting the acquisition buffer causes the complete acquired sig-
nal to be saved to a disk file for later download (via the AP.File.OpenWfm com-
mand) for further analysis including FFT spectrum analysis and waveform display.
Transform buffer : The transform buffer is the sub-section of the acquisition buffer
starting at the FFT start time with a length equal to the presently-set FFT length. Se-
lecting this option results in a smaller disk file since only a portion of the acquired
signal is saved.
Buffer 1 : This buffer is associated to the DSP channel 1.
Buffer 2 : This buffer is associated to the DSP channel 2.

Recommended file extensions :

.AAM Acquired waveform, 1 channel
.AAS Acquired waveform, 2 channels
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "FFTSAVE.AT2"
AP.File.SaveWfmAs "TEMP.AAS", 1,2
End Sub

310 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 16
Analog Generator
AP.Gen.AutoOn Property

Syntax AP.Gen.AutoOn
Data Type Boolean
True ON, Auto On feature active.
False OFF, Auto On feature disabled.
Description This command enables the Auto On feature for the Analog Generator. Auto On
switches the generator output on when a sweep starts, and off when a sweep termi-
See Also AP.Gen.Output, AP.DGen.AutoOn

AP.Gen.BurstInterval Property

Syntax AP.Gen.BurstInterval(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double 2 - 65536 cycles or equivalent period based on sine
waveform frequency.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following
units are valid for this command: Cycles, sec
Description This command sets the number of cycles between the start of a burst and the start of
the following burst. This number may be from 2 to 65535 cycles and must be
greater than the number of ON cycles. If the number of cycles attempted is not
greater than the ON cycles, the interval is not changed.
Note that the interval will occur immediately when this command is called if the
burst is running.
See Also AP.Gen.Wfm, AP.Gen.BurstLevel, AP.Gen.BurstOnTime
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Gen.BurstInterval("Cycles") = 10
AP.Gen.BurstOnTime("Cycles") = 5
AP.Gen.BurstLevel("dB") = -40
Interval = AP.Gen.BurstInterval("Cycles")

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 311

Chapter 16: Analog Generator AP.Gen.

Ontime = AP.Gen.BurstOnTime("Cycles")
Level = AP.Gen.BurstLevel("%")
Debug.Print "Burst Interval =";Interval;" cycles."
Debug.Print "Burst ON time =";Ontime;" cycles."
Debug.Print "Burst OFF time low level =";Level;" %."
End Sub
Output Burst Interval = 10 cycles.
Burst ON time = 5 cycles.
Burst OFF time low level = 1 %.

AP.Gen.BurstLevel Property

Syntax AP.Gen.BurstLevel(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Level of signal during burst off time. (0 to -80.25dB)
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: X/Y, dB, %, PPM.
Description This command sets the amplitude of the Analog Generator during the burst 'off'
time. This is as a percentage of the 'on' amplitude and may range from 100.0 percent
to .009716280 percent (-80.25 dB).
See Also AP.Gen.Wfm, AP.Gen.BurstInterval, AP.Gen.BurstOnTime
Example See example for AP.Gen.BurstInterval.

AP.Gen.BurstOnTime Property

Syntax AP.Gen.BurstOnTime(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double From 1 to AP.Gen.BurstInterval - 1.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following
units are valid for this command: Cycles, sec
Description This command sets the number of cycles for the Analog Generator Burst On Time.
This number may be from 1 to 65534 cycles and must be less than the number of in-
terval cycles. If the number of cycles attempted is not less than the interval cycles,
the ON time is not changed.
See Also AP.Gen.Wfm, AP.Gen.BurstInterval, AP.Gen.BurstLevel
Example See example for AP.Gen.BurstInterval.

AP.Gen.ChAAmpl Property

Syntax AP.Gen.ChAAmpl(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double

312 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Gen. Chapter 16: Analog Generator

Parameters Name Description

Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Vrms, Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV, dBr,
dBm, W, dBrInv
Description This command sets the Analog Generator channel A amplitude.
See Also AP.Gen.ChBAmpl
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.ChAOutput = True
AP.Gen.ChBOutput = True
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("Vrms") = 1
AP.Gen.ChBAmpl("Vrms") = 2
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChALevelSettling(1, .000025, "V", 3, _
.03, 1)
AP.Anlr.ChBLevelSettling(1, .000025, "V", 3, .03, 1)
ReadyA = AP.Anlr.ChALevelReady
ReadyB = AP.Anlr.ChBLevelReady
Loop Until ReadyA > 0 And ReadyB > 0
ReadingA = AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg("V")
ReadingB = AP.Anlr.ChBLevelRdg("V")
Prompt.Text = "Level A amplitude =" & Format _
(ReadingA,"#.0000") & " V" & Chr(13) & _
"Level B _ amplitude =" & _
Format(ReadingB,"#.0000") & " V"
Stop 'Wait of user to press continue.
End Sub

AP.Gen.ChAEqAmpl Property

Syntax AP.Gen.ChAEqAmpl(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Vrms, Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV, dBr,
dBm, W, dBrInv
Description This command sets the Analog Generator channel A post Eq amplitude.
See Also AP.Gen.ChBEqAmpl, AP.Gen.EqCurve
Example Sub Main

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 313

Chapter 16: Analog Generator AP.Gen.

AP.Gen.EqCurve("75US-PRE.ADQ", 1)
'Load EQ file
AP.Gen.Wfm 0, 4 'Select EQ Sine waveform
AP.Gen.ChAEqAmpl("dBV") = -10.0
AP.Gen.ChBEqAmpl("dBV") = -10.0
AP.Gen.Output = True 'Generator Output On

AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5903
AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = 5051
AP.Sweep.Data1.Top("dBV") = 12.0
AP.Sweep.Data1.Bottom("dBV") = -12.0

AP.Sweep.Stereo = True
End Sub

AP.Gen.ChAFreq Property

Syntax AP.Gen.ChAFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following
units are valid for this command: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz,
cent, octs, decs, d%, dPPM
Description This command sets the Analog Generator channel A frequency.
See Also AP.Gen.ChBFreq
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Wfm 1, 2 'Select Stereo Sine waveform
AP.Gen.ChAFreq("Hz") = 5000.0 'Set cha A frequency
AP.Gen.ChBFreq("Hz") = 7000.0 'Set cha B frequency
AP.Gen.ChBTrackA = False 'Set amplitude tracing OFF
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("dBV") = -0.0 'Set cha A amplitude
AP.Gen.ChBAmpl("dBV") = -20.0 'Set cha B amplitude
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2 'Select channel A Generator _
Monitor input
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2 'Select channel B Generator _
Monitor input
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 9 'Select 2-Ch. Ratio measurement
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 1 'Measure B relative to A
AP.Gen.Output = True 'Turn on generator output
var = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("dB") 'Return measurement
Debug.Print "Channel B Amlitude is " & _
Format(var,"##.0000") & " dB relative to A"
End Sub

314 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Gen. Chapter 16: Analog Generator

AP.Gen.ChAInvert Property

Syntax AP.Gen.ChAInvert
Data Type Boolean
True Invert channel A output.
False Normal non-inverting output.
Description This command sets Analog Generator channel A output to normal polarity or in-
verted polarity (180 degrees out of phase).
See Also AP.Gen.ChBInvert
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.ChAInvert = False
AP.Gen.ChBInvert = True
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2
AP.Anlr.PhaseSettling(0, .5, "deg", 3, .03, 1)
Ready = AP.Anlr.PhaseReady
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg("deg")
Debug.Print "Phase A to B = ";Format(Reading1, _
"#.0000");" deg"
End Sub
Output Phase A to B = 180.0110 deg

AP.Gen.ChAOutput Property

Syntax AP.Gen.ChAOutput
Data Type Boolean
True ON
False OFF
Description This command sets the Analog Generator channel A output to ON or OFF.
The command returns a TRUE if the output is ON and FALSE if the output is OFF.
See Also AP.Gen.ChBOutput
Example See example for AP.Gen.ChAAmpl.

AP.Gen.ChBAmpl Property

Syntax AP.Gen.ChBAmpl(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 315

Chapter 16: Analog Generator AP.Gen.

Parameters Name Description

Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Vrms, Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV, dBr,
dBm, W, dBrInv
Description This command sets the generator channel B amplitude.
See Also AP.Gen.ChAAmpl
Example See example for AP.Gen.ChAAmpl.

AP.Gen.ChBEqAmpl Property

Syntax AP.Gen.ChBEqAmpl(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Vrms, Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV, dBr,
dBm, W, dBrInv
Description This command sets the Analog Generator channel B post Eq amplitude.
See Also AP.Gen.ChAEqAmpl, AP.Gen.EqCurve
Example See example for AP.Gen.ChAEqAmpl.

AP.Gen.ChBFreq Property

Syntax AP.Gen.ChBFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz, cent,
octs, decs, d%, dPPM
Description This command sets the Analog Generator channel B frequency.
See Also AP.Gen.ChAFreq

AP.Gen.ChBInvert Property

Syntax AP.Gen.ChBInvert
Data Type Boolean
True Invert channel B output.
False Normal non-inverting output.
Description This command sets output B to normal polarity or inverted polarity (180 degrees out
of phase with channel A normal polarity).
See Also AP.Gen.ChAInvert

316 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Gen. Chapter 16: Analog Generator

Example See example for AP.Gen.ChAInvert.

AP.Gen.ChBOutput Property

Syntax AP.Gen.ChBOutput
Data Type Boolean
True ON
False OFF
Description This command sets output B to ON or OFF.
The command returns a TRUE if the output is ON and a FALSE if the output is
See Also AP.Gen.ChAOutput
Example See example for AP.Gen.ChAAmpl.

AP.Gen.ChBTrackA Property

Syntax AP.Gen.ChBTrackA
Data Type Boolean
True ON, channel B amplitude tracks channel A amplitude.
False OFF, channel B amplitude independent of channel A.
Description This command sets channel "B" amplitude to the same amplitude as set for channel
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.ChAOutput = True
AP.Gen.ChBOutput = True
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("Vrms") = 1
AP.Gen.ChBTrackA = 1
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChALevelSettling(1, .000025, "V", 3, _
.03, 1)
AP.Anlr.ChBLevelSettling(1, .000025, "V", 3, _
.03, 1)
ReadyA = AP.Anlr.ChALevelReady
ReadyB = AP.Anlr.ChBLevelReady
Loop Until ReadyA > 0 And ReadyB > 0
ReadingA = AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg("V")
ReadingB = AP.Anlr.ChBLevelRdg("V")

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 317

Chapter 16: Analog Generator AP.Gen.

Debug.Print "Level A amplitude = "; _

Format(ReadingA,"#.0000");" V"
Debug.Print "Level B amplitude = "; _
Format(ReadingB,"#.0000");" V"
End Sub
Output Level A amplitude = .9970 V
Level B amplitude = .9995 V

AP.Gen.Config Property

Syntax AP.Gen.Config
Data Type Integer
0 Bal - Float.
1 Bal - Gnd.
2 Unbal - Float.
3 Unbal - Gnd.
Description This command sets both outputs to balanced or unbalanced, grounded or floating, or
it sets both to common mode test configuration.
Note that the output impedance may change between balanced and unbalanced.
It is possible for this command to cause an amplitude error since the maximum al-
lowable amplitude in the unbalanced configurations is half that for the balanced
This command sets both outputs to grounded or floating.
This command sets both outputs to a common mode test configuration.
See Also AP.Gen.Impedance
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Config = 0 'Set output configuration to _
balanced floating.
AP.Gen.Impedance = 2 'Set generator output _
impedance to 600 ohms.
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChBRangeAuto = 0 'Set input ranging to fixed.
AP.Anlr.ChBRange("V") = 2.5 'Set input range to _
2.5 Volts.
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 0 'Set anlr input to INPUT(XLR).
AP.Anlr.ChBImpedance = 1 'Set Cha A input _
Z to 600 ohms.
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 1 'Set Function Meter _
Cha to B.
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(1, .000002, "V", 4, .05, 1)
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady
Loop Until Ready > 0

318 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Gen. Chapter 16: Analog Generator

Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("dBm")
Debug.Print "Channel B Amplitude = ";Format _
(Reading1, "#.0000");" dBm"
AP.Anlr.ChBRangeAuto = 1 'Set input ranging to auto.
End Sub
Output Channel B Amplitude = .0199 dBm

AP.Gen.DACBandwidth Property

Syntax AP.Gen.DACBandwidth
Data Type Integer
0 30 kHz
1 50 kHz
Description This command sets the Analog Generator Digital to Analog converter Bandwidth
for all (D/A) waveforms except Arb Wfm (D/A), MLS (D/A), and Special Pass
See Also AP.Gen.Wfm
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Wfm 1, 0
AP.Gen.Freq("Hz") = 30000.0
AP.Gen.DACBandwidth = 0 'Set DAC to 30k Bandwidth
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 4
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(5, .0002, "%", 3, .05, 1)
AP.Anlr.FuncTrig 'Trigger new reading
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady 'Get status.
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("%") 'Get settled reading.
Debug.Print "DAC THD" & Chr$(43) & "N at 30k BW = _
";Format(Reading1, "#.00000");" %"
AP.Gen.DACBandwidth = 1 'Set DAC to 60k Bandwidth
AP.Anlr.FuncTrig 'Trigger new reading
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady 'Get status.
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("%") 'Get settled reading.
Debug.Print "DAC THD" & Chr$(43) & "N at 60k BW = _
";Format(Reading1, "#.00000");" %"
End Sub
Example DAC THD+N at 30k BW = .00328 %
DAC THD+N at 60k BW = .00162 %

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 319

Chapter 16: Analog Generator AP.Gen.

AP.Gen.DACSampleRate Property

Syntax AP.Gen.DACSampleRate
Data Type Integer
0 65536
1 131072
2 SSR (System Sample Rate)
3 ISR (Input Sample Rate)
Description This command sets the Digital to Analog converter sample rate for the Arb Wfm
(D/A), and MLS (D/A) waveforms selected with the AP.Gen.Wfm command.
See Also AP.Gen.Wfm

AP.Gen.DualAmplRatio Property

Syntax AP.Gen.DualAmplRatio(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Valid settings are 0.00001% to 100%
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: %, dB, PPM, X/Y
Description This command sets the Analog Generator amplitude ratio to be used with the chan-
nel A and B waveforms for the Sine (D/A) Dual waveform selection.
See Also AP.Gen.ChAFreq, AP.Gen.ChBFreq

AP.Gen.EqCurve Method

Syntax AP.Gen.EqCurve(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal Column As

Data Type Boolean
Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
characters. The file must be an AP Eq file (.adq).
Column 0 = Source 1 settings.
1 = Data 1 measurements.
2 = Data 2 measurements.
3 = Data 3 measurements.
4 = Data 4 measurements.
5 = Data 5 measurements.
6 = Data 6 measurements.
7 = Source 2 settings.
Description This command attaches a Eq file to the Analog Generator. Values in the file will be
used as multiply factors in calculating the Analog Generator Amplitude value.
Example See example for AP.Gen.ChAEqAmpl.

320 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Gen. Chapter 16: Analog Generator

AP.Gen.EqCurveColumn Get Only Property

Syntax AP.Gen.EqCurveColumn(ByVal Data As Integer)

Data Type Integer Column number
Parameter Name Description
Data Number of the Sweep Data (1-6) of the data in memory.
Description This command returns the column number in the attached file used in the Analog
Generator EqCurve waveform selection.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data.AutoDiv, AP.Sweep.Data.LogLin, AP.Gen.
EqCurve, AP.Gen.EqCurveFilename

AP.Gen.EqCurveFilename Get Only Property

Syntax AP.Gen.EqCurveFilename
Data Type Integer Any valid DOS filename and extension.
Description This command returns the File Name of the attached file used for the Analog Gener-
ator EqCurve waveform selection.
See Also AP.Gen.EqCurve, AP.Gen.EqCurveColumn

AP.Gen.Freq Property

Syntax AP.Gen.Freq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Valid frequency settings for the Hz unit and sine waveform
are 10 - 204775.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz, cent,
octs, decs, d%, dPPM
Description This command sets the Analog Generator frequency.
See Also AP.Gen.FreqAccuracy
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Gen.Freq("Hz") = 10000
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChAFreqSettling(.5, .0002, "Hz", 3, .03, 1)
Ready = AP.Anlr.ChAFreqReady
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg("Hz")

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 321

Chapter 16: Analog Generator AP.Gen.

Debug.Print "Fast Frequency = ";Format(Reading1, _

"#.0000");" Hz"
AP.Gen.FreqAccuracy = 1 'Set Frequency to _
High Accuracy.
Ready = AP.Anlr.ChAFreqReady
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg("Hz")
Debug.Print "High Accuracy Frequency = _
";Format(Reading1, "#.0000");" Hz"
End Sub
Output Fast Frequency = 9998.2681 Hz
High Accuracy Frequency = 10000.0637 Hz

AP.Gen.FreqAccuracy Property

Syntax AP.Gen.FreqAccuracy
Data Type Integer
0 Set frequency accuracy mode to Fast. Fast mode
produces the most rapid frequency settling along with
frequency accuracy and resolution suitable for nearly all
audio tests.
1 Set frequency accuracy mode to High Accuracy. High
accuracy mode provides greater accuracy and resolution,
but requires from 150 milliseconds (above 50Hz) to 750
milliseconds (at 10Hz) for complete settling each time the
frequency is changed.
Description This command sets the frequency accuracy mode.
Fast mode produces the most rapid frequency settling along with frequency accu-
racy and resolution suitable for nearly all audio tests. High accuracy mode provides
greater accuracy and resolution, but requires from 150 milliseconds (above 50 Hz)
to 750 milliseconds (at 10 Hz) for complete settling each time the frequency is
Note that this command does not cause an immediate frequency calibration. The cali-
bration will be done at the next call to AP.Gen.Freq.
See Also AP.Gen.Freq
Example See the example macro for AP.Gen.Freq.

AP.Gen.IMCenterFreq Property

Syntax AP.Gen.IMCenterFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double

322 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Gen. Chapter 16: Analog Generator

Parameters Name Description

Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command. Hz
Description This command sets the Analog Generator IMD Center Frequency. The frequency
passed is rounded to the closest available value.
Set the Analog Generator waveform to an IMD or IMD (D/A) CCIF before calling
this command.
See Also AP.Gen.IMFreq
Example Sub Main
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Gen.IMCenterFreq("Hz") = 10000
AP.Gen.IMFreq("Hz") = 80
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 6 'CCIF measurement mode
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 0
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(3, .00003, "%", 3, .05, 1)
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("%")
Debug.Print "CCIF/DFD = ";Format(Reading1, _
"#.0000");" %"
End Sub

AP.Gen.IMFreq Property

Syntax AP.Gen.IMFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double For a SMPTE mode waveform, this is the lower frequency
tone. The following frequencies are available:
500Hz, 250Hz, 125Hz, 100Hz, 70Hz, 60Hz, 50Hz,
For a CCIF mode waveform, this is the spacing between
the two tones. The following frequencies are available:
1kHz, 500Hz, 250Hz, 200Hz, 120Hz, 100Hz, 80Hz
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command. Hz
Description This command sets the Analog Generator IMD frequency. The frequency passed is
rounded to the closest available value.
Set the generator to an IMD waveform before calling this command in order to have
the proper IMD frequency selected.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 323

Chapter 16: Analog Generator AP.Gen.

For a DIM mode waveform, this command has no effect. The frequencies are deter-
mined by the DIM mode selected. (See: AP.Gen.Wfm)
Because of frequency limitations, the actual frequency set may not be exactly what
was requested. Therefore, when setting the IM Frequency it is important to check
the returned frequency, and to use that value as the actual IM Frequency setting of
the generator.
See Also AP.Gen.Wfm, AP.Gen.IMCenterFreq, AP.Gen.IMHighFreq
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.IMHighFreq("Hz") = 7000
AP.Gen.IMFreq("Hz") = 60
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 5
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 0
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(3, .00003, "%", 3, .05, 1)
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("%")
Debug.Print "SMPTE 4:1 = ";Format(Reading1, "#.0000");"
End Sub
Output SMPTE 4:1 = .0010 %

AP.Gen.IMHighFreq Property

Syntax AP.Gen.IMHighFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command: Hz.
Description This command sets the Analog Generator IMD High Frequency. The frequency
passed is rounded to the closest available value.
Set the Analog Generator waveform to an IMD or IMD (D/A) SMPTE before call-
ing this command.
See Also AP.Gen.IMFreq
Example See example for AP.Gen.IMFreq.

AP.Gen.Impedance Property

Syntax AP.Gen.Impedance

324 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Gen. Chapter 16: Analog Generator

Data Type Integer

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.Gen.Config com-
mand for the Balanced and CMTST selections.
0 40
1 150
2 600

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.Gen.Config com-
mand for the Un-Balanced selections.
0 20
1 600
Description This command controls the output impedance for Balanced and Un-Balanced genera-
tor output configurations.
See Also AP.Gen.Config
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Config = 0 'Set output configuration _
to balanced floating.
AP.Gen.Impedance = 2 'Set generator output _
impedance to 600 ohms.
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChBRangeAuto = 0 'Set input ranging to fixed.
AP.Anlr.ChBRange("V") = 2.5 'Set input range to _
2.5 Volts.
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 0 'Set anlr input to INPUT(XLR).
AP.Anlr.ChBImpedance = 1 'Set Cha B input Z _
to 600 ohms.
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 1 'Set Function Meter _
Cha to B.
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(1, .000002, "V", 4, .05, 1)
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("dBm")
Debug.Print "Channel B Amplitude = ";Format _
(Reading1, "#.0000");" dBm"
Anlr.ChBRangeAuto = 1 'Set input ranging to auto.
End Sub
Output Channel B Amplitude = .0199 dBm

AP.Gen.MlsLength Property

Syntax AP.Gen.MlsLength
Data Type Integer
0 32k

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 325

Chapter 16: Analog Generator AP.Gen.

1 128k
Description This command sets the Digital Genrator MLS sequence length.
See Also AP.DGen.MlsLength
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.MlsLength = 1
'Sets the MLS sequence length to 128k
End Sub

AP.Gen.Output Property

Syntax AP.Gen.Output
Data Type Boolean
True ON
False OFF
Description This command sets the Analog Generator channel A and B outputs to ON or OFF if
they have been individually enabled by the AP.Gen.ChAOutput and AP.Gen.
ChBOutput commands.
See Also AP.Gen.ChAOutput, AP.Gen.ChBOutput, AP.Gen.AutoOn
Example See example for AP.Gen.ChAAmpl.

AP.Gen.Phase Property

Syntax AP.Gen.Phase(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: deg
Description This command sets the Analog Generator Phase value.
Set the Analog Generator waveform to Sine (D/A) Var Phase before calling this com-
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Wfm 1, 1
AP.Gen.Phase("deg") = 90.000000
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2
AP.Gen.Output = True
Debug.Print "Channel B is " _
& Format(AP.Anlr.PhaseRdg("deg"), "##.000") _
& " deg relative to channel A."
End Sub

326 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Gen. Chapter 16: Analog Generator

Output Channel B is 89.984 deg relative to channel A.

AP.Gen.RefdBm Property

Syntax AP.Gen.RefdBm(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Impedance value.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Ohms only.
Description This command sets the value known to be the generator load impedance for use in
dBm computations. When a value of generator output amplitude is requested using
the dBm unit, the software uses this dBm reference impedance value as the "R" in
the V2/R power computation and sets the generator open-circuit voltage commensu-
rately with the voltage division ratio of the present generator source impedance and
the specified load impedance in order to deliver the specified dBm value to the load.
See Also AP.Gen.Config, AP.Gen.Impedance
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.ChBOutput = False'Set generator output B to
AP.Gen.Impedance = 2 'Set generator output Z to _
600 Ohms.
AP.Gen.RefdBm("Ohms") = 600 'Set dBm reference _
to 600 Ohms.
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAImpedance = 1 'Set Cha A input Z _
to 600 ohms.
AP.Anlr.RefdBm("Ohms") = 600 'Set dBm reference _
to 600 Ohms.
Reference = AP.Anlr.RefdBm("Ohms")
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(1, .000002, "V", 4, .05, 1)
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("dBm")
Debug.Print "Channel A Amplitude = ";Format _
(Reading1, "#.0000");" dBm (";Reference;" _
Ohms )"
End Sub
Output Channel A Amplitude = .0063 dBm ( 600 Ohms )

AP.Gen.RefdBr Property

Syntax AP.Gen.RefdBr(ByVal Unit As String)

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 327

Chapter 16: Analog Generator AP.Gen.

Data Type Double Amplitude value.

Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: V, dBu, dBV
Description This command sets the zero dBr value for the Analog Generator dBr units.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.RefdBr("V") = 1
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("dBr") = 1
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.RefChAdBr("V") = 1
Reference = AP.Gen.RefdBr("V")
AP.Anlr.ChALevelSettling(1, .000002, "V", 4, _
.05, 1)
Ready = AP.Anlr.ChALevelReady
Loop Until (Ready > 0)
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg("dBr A")
Debug.Print "Channel A Amplitude = ";Format _
(Reading1, "#.0000");" dBr relative to"; _
Reference;" Volts"
End Sub
Output Channel A Amplitude = .9679 dBr relative to 1 Volts

AP.Gen.RefdBrAuto Method

Syntax AP.Gen.RefdBrAuto
Result Boolean
True dBr reference set.
False dBr reference not set.
Description This command sets the generator dBr reference field to the current generator Ampli-
tude setting. If the command is successful a boolean True is returned. If the com-
mand is not successful a boolean False is returned.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("dBV") = 0
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 0
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 0
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(1, .000002, "V", 4, .05, 1)

328 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Gen. Chapter 16: Analog Generator

Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("dBV")
Debug.Print "Channel A Amplitude =";Format$ _
(Reading1,"#.000000");" dBV"
End Sub
Output Channel A Amplitude = 1.974047 dBV

AP.Gen.RefFreq Property

Syntax AP.Gen.RefFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command: Hz
Description This command sets the Analog Generator relative frequency reference value. This
reference is used for all the Analog Generator relative frequency units (F/R, dHz,
%Hz, cent, octs, decs, d%, dPPM)
See Also AP.Gen.Freq
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Gen.RefFreq("Hz") = 5000
AP.Gen.Freq("dHz") = 5000
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChAFreqSettling(.5, .0002, "Hz", 3, .03, 1)
Ready = AP.Anlr.ChAFreqReady
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg("Hz")
Debug.Print "Frequency A = ";Format(Reading1, _
"#.0000");" Hz"
End Sub
Output Frequency A = 9996.5878 Hz

AP.Gen.RefFreqAuto Method

Syntax AP.Gen.RefFreqAuto
Result Boolean
True Frequency reference set.
False Frequency reference not set.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 329

Chapter 16: Analog Generator AP.Gen.

Description This command sets the generator frequency reference field to the current generator
frequency setting. If the command is successful a boolean True is returned. If the
command is not successful a boolean False is returned.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Gen.ChAFreq("dHz") = 2000 'Increase frequency _
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChAFreqSettling(.5, .0002, "Hz", 3, .03, 1)
Ready = AP.Anlr.ChAFreqReady
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.ChAFreqRdg("Hz")
Debug.Print "Frequency A ="; _
Format$(Reading1,"#.000000");" Hz"
End Sub
Output Frequency A = 2998.543549 Hz

AP.Gen.RefWatts Property

Syntax AP.Gen.RefWatts(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Impedance value.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Ohms only.
Description This command sets the value known to be the generator load impedance for use in
Watts computations. When a value of generator output amplitude is requested using
the Watts unit, the software uses this Watts reference impedance value as the "R" in
the V2/R power computation and sets the generator open-circuit voltage commensu-
rately with the voltage division ratio of the present generator source impedance and
the specified load impedance in order to deliver the specified power value to the
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Gen.RefWatts("Ohms") = 8
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("W") = .1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.RefWatts("Ohms") = 8
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(1, .000002, "V", 4, .05, 1)
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("W")

330 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Gen. Chapter 16: Analog Generator

Debug.Print "Output Power = "; _

Format$(Reading1,"#.0000");" Watts"
End Sub
Output Output Power = 3.5797 Watts

AP.Gen.Wfm Method

Syntax AP.Gen.Wfm(ByVal Primary As Integer [, ByVal Secondary As

Parameters Name Description
Primary This parameter defines the basic waveform type.
Secondary This parameter defines the basic waveform modifier.

Primary Secondary Description

0 Sine
0 Normal
1 Normal Burst
2 Gated Burst
3 Trig. Burst
4 EQ Sine
1 Sine (D/A)
0 Normal
1 Var Phase
2 Stereo
3 Dual
4 Shaped Burst
5 EQ Sine
0 SMPTE 1:1
1 SMPTE 4:1
3 DIM 30
5 DIM 100
6 DIM B-8K

3 IMD (D/A)
3 DIM 30
5 DIM 100
4 Square
5 Noise
0 Pink - Pseduo
1 White - Pseduo

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 331

Chapter 16: Analog Generator AP.Gen.

2 Pink BP - Pseduo
3 Pink - Random
4 White - Random
5 Pink BP - Random
6 Burst USASI
6 Arb Wfm (D/A)
7 MLS (D/A)
0 Pink #1
1 Pink #2
2 Pink #3
3 Pink #4
4 White #1
5 White #2
6 White #3
7 White #4
8 Special (D/A)
0 Polarity
1 Pass Thru
9 Square (D/A)
10 Noise (D/A)
Description This command selects the Analog Generator waveform. The table above shows the
possible settings for the AP.Gen.Wfm command.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.ChAFreq("Hz") = 13500
AP.Gen.IMFreq("Hz")= 1000
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 6
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 0
AP.Anlr.FuncSettling(1, .00003, "%", 3, .05, 1)
Ready = AP.Anlr.FuncReady
Loop Until Ready > 0
Reading1 = AP.Anlr.FuncRdg("dB")
Debug.Print "CCIF = ";Format(Reading1,"#.0000");" dB"
End Sub
Output CCIF = -118.5611 dB

AP.Gen.WfmName Property

Syntax AP.Gen.WfmName
Data Type String Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128

332 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Gen. Chapter 16: Analog Generator

Description This command loads the designated arbitrary waveform file (.AGM or .AGS) into
the Digital Generator. The file must be an AP waveform file (.agm or .ags).
Note: This command can also be used to control the Digital Generator arbitrary
waveform file selection.
See Also AP.Gen.Wfm

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 333

Chapter 16: Analog Generator AP.Gen.

334 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 17
AP.Graph.Comment Property

Syntax AP.Graph.Comment
Data Type String ASCII charactors.
Description This command transfers the ASCII charactors to or from the comment section in the
Graph panel to a string variable.
See Also AP.Graph.CommentShow
Example Public Comment As String

Sub Main
'Display Comment area In Graph
AP.Graph.CommentShow = True
Comment = "Run Test"

Begin Dialog UserDialog 170,84,.DlgHandler
PushButton 20,14,130,21,"&Run Test",.PushButton1
CancelButton 20,56,130,21
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog
Select Case Dialog (dlg) 'Display User Dialog
Case 0
'Remove Comment area from Graph
AP.Graph.CommentShow = False
Case 1
AP.Graph.Comment = "Test Running"
Wait .5
Errors = AP.Data.LimitError(0)'Check for err
If Errors >0 Then
Comment = "Test FAILED"
Comment = "Test PASSED"

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 335

Chapter 17: Graph AP.Graph.

End If
End Select
GoTo DisplayDialog
End Sub

Private Function DlgHandler(DlgItem$, Action%, SuppValue%)

As Boolean
Select Case Action%
Case 1 ' Dialog box initialization
Case 2 ' Value changing or button pressed
DlgHandler = False 'Exit the dialog
Case 3 ' TextBox or ComboBox text changed
Case 4 ' Focus changed
Case 5 ' Idle
DlgHandler = True ' Continue getting idle actions
AP.Graph.Comment = Comment$ 'Display comment
Wait .5
AP.Graph.Comment = "" 'Remove comment
Wait .2
End Select
End Function

AP.Graph.CommentAppend Method

Syntax AP.Graph.CommentAppend(ByVal Text As String)

Data Type Void
Parameter Name Description
Text ASCII text.
Description This command appends the ASCII charactors to the comment section in the Graph
See Also AP.Graph.Comment, AP.Graph.CommentShow

AP.Graph.CommentShow Property

Syntax AP.Graph.CommentShow
Data Type Boolean
True Display Comment section.
False Remove Comment section from view.
Description This command displayes or removes from view the comment section in the Graph
See Also AP.Graph.Comment
Example See example for AP.Graph.Comment.

336 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Graph. Chapter 17: Graph

AP.Graph.CompanyNameShow Property

Syntax AP.Graph.CompanyNameShow
Data Type Boolean
True Display Company Name in the graph window title bar.
False Remove Company Name from the graph window title bar.
Description This command displays or removes the company name from the title bar on the
graph window.
See Also AP.Graph.CommentShow
Example See example for AP.Graph.Comment.

AP.Graph.CopyToSweepPanel Method

Syntax AP.Graph.CopyToSweepPanel
Description This command transfers the current graphic display vertical (Top/Bottom) and hori-
zontal (Start/Stop) axis values to the Sweep panel Data 1, Data 2, and Sweep 1 set-
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'New Test
AP.Gen.Output = True 'Generator Output ON
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2 'Analyzer Ch A Input to GenMon
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2 'Analyzer Ch B Input to GenMon
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 3 'Analyzer Function Meter _
to THD+N Ampl

AP.S2CDsp.Program = 2 'Select FFT Digital Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.InputFormat = 1'Select HiRes A/D _
@65536 Input
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Source = 2 'Digital Analyzer _
Ch 1 Source to Anlr Rdg Ampl

AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 6024 'Select Fft.Ch.1 Ampl _

for Data 1
AP.Sweep.Data2.Id = 6027 'Select Fft.Ch.2 Ampl _
for Data 2
AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = 5515 'Select Fft.FFT _
Freq. for Source 1
AP.Sweep.Start 'Acqure waveform
'Display data so that the vertical scaleing is _
relative to optimized data for Data 1
AP.Graph.OptimizeLeft 'Optimize Data 1
AP.Graph.CopyToSweepPanel 'Copy Left and Right _
graph vertical scale information to Sweep Panel
AP.Sweep.CopyData1to2 'Copy Data 1 settings _
to Data 2
Wait 5

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 337

Chapter 17: Graph AP.Graph.

'Display data so that the vertical scaleing is _

relative to optimized data for Data 2
AP.Graph.OptimizeRight 'Optimize Data 2
AP.Graph.CopyToSweepPanel 'Copy Left and Right _
graph vertical scale information to Sweep Panel
AP.Sweep.CopyData2to1 'Copy Data 2 settings _
to Data 1
Wait 5
'Display data so that the vertical scaleing is _
optimized together for Data 1 and Data 2
AP.Graph.OptimizeTogether 'Optimize Data 1 and _
Data 2 Together
Wait 5
'Display data so that the vertical scaleing is _
optimized individualy for Data 1 and Data 2
AP.Graph.OptimizeIndividually 'Optimize Data 1 _
and Data 2 Individually
End Sub

AP.Graph.CursorPosition Property

Syntax AP.Graph.CursorPosition(ByVal CursorNum As Integer, ByVal

Unit As String)
Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
CursorNum 1 = Cursor #1
2 = Cursor #2
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the column%
parameter to determine the appropriate unit selections.
Description This command returns the horizontal axis position value where the designated cur-
sor is positioned.
See Also AP.Graph.CursorRow
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'New Test
AP.Gen.Output = True 'Generator Output ON
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2 'Analyzer Ch A Input to GenMon
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2 'Analyzer Ch B Input to GenMon

AP.S2CDsp.Program = 2 'Select FFT Digital Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.InputFormat = 1'Select RiRes A/D _
@65536 Input
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Window = 5 'Select None, Move to _
Bin Center

338 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Graph. Chapter 17: Graph

AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 6024 'Select Fft.Ch.1 Ampl _

for Data 1
AP.Sweep.Data2.Id = 6027 'Select Fft.Ch.2 Ampl _
for Data 2
AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = 5515 'Select Fft.FFT _
Freq. for Source 1
AP.Sweep.Start 'Acqure waveform

AP.Graph.OptimizeTogether 'Optimize Data 1 and _

Data 2 Together

AP.Prompt.Text = "Select one of the Traces from _

the Graph Legend then Position Cursor #1 on _
the fundamental then press Continue."
AP.Prompt.FontSize = 8 'Set font size to 8 point.
AP.Prompt.Position(-1,-1,250,150) 'Set location _
and size.
AP.Prompt.ShowWithContinue 'Display prompt with _
Continue button.
Stop 'Stop macro.

Debug.Print "Frequency = " & _

Format(AP.Graph.CursorPosition(1, "Hz"), _
Debug.Print "Data Editor Row = " & _
Debug.Print "Value = " &
Format(AP.Graph.CursorValue(1, "V"), "##.0000")
End Sub

AP.Graph.CursorRow Property

Syntax AP.Graph.CursorRow(ByVal CursorNum As Integer)

Data Type Integer
Parameters Name Description
CursorNum 1 = Cursor #1
2 = Cursor #2
Description This command returns the nearest row number to the position of the designated cur-
sor. The row number can be used to extract access data in with the AP.Data.
Value command.
See Also AP.Graph.CursorPosition
Example See example for AP.Graph.CursorPosition.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 339

Chapter 17: Graph AP.Graph.

AP.Graph.CursorsOn Property

Syntax AP.Graph.CursorsOn(ByVal bOn As Boolean)

Parameters Name Description
bOn True = Display cursors.
False = Remove cursors from view.
Result Boolean
True Cursors displayed.
False Cursors not displayed. This may be because the Graph
Panel is not displayed.
Description This command displays or removes from view the cursors on the Graph panel.
Example See example for AP.Graph.CursorPosition.

AP.Graph.CursorValue Property

Syntax AP.Graph.CursorValue(ByVal CursorNum As Integer, ByVal Unit

As String)
Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
CursorNum 1 = Cursor #1
2 = Cursor #2
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the column%
parameter to determine the appropriate unit selections.
Description This command returns the vertical axis value where the designated cursor is posi-
See Also AP.Graph.CursorPosition
Example See example for AP.Graph.CursorPosition.

AP.Graph.Label Property

Syntax AP.Graph.Label(ByVal AxisId As Constant)

Data Type String ASCII text.
Parameter Name Description
AxisId apbAxisTop = Top center.
apbAxisBottom = Bottom center.
apbAxisLeft = Left center.
apbAxisRight = Right center.
Description This command set or returns the graph axis Labels.
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.OutputOn = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 1

340 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Graph. Chapter 17: Graph

AP.Graph.Title = "Title and Labels Example"
AP.Graph.LabelAuto(apbAxisLeft) = False
AP.Graph.Label(apbAxisLeft) = "Left"
AP.Graph.LabelAuto(apbAxisBottom) = False
AP.Graph.Label(apbAxisBottom) = "Bottom"
AP.Graph.LabelAuto(apbAxisRight) = False
AP.Graph.Label(apbAxisRight) = "Right"
AP.Graph.LabelAuto(apbAxisTop) = False
AP.Graph.Label(apbAxisTop) = "Top"
End Sub

AP.Graph.LabelAuto Property

Syntax AP.Graph.LabelAuto(ByVal AxisId As Constant)

Data Type Boolean
True Label text generated automatically based on the Sweep
Panel settings.
False Label defined programmatically.
Parameter Name Description
AxisId apbAxisTop = Top center.
apbAxisBottom = Bottom center.
apbAxisLeft = Left center.
apbAxisRight = Right center.
Description This command specifies whether the graph labels are automatically generated based
on the Sweep Panel settings or programmatically.
Example See example for AP.Graph.Label.

AP.Graph.Legend.Comment Property

Syntax AP.Graph.Legend.Comment(ByVal SweepId As Integer, ByVal

TraceId As Integer)
Data Type String ASCII characters
Parameter Name Description
SweepId Sweep number
TraceId Trace number
Description This command transfers the ASCII characters between the Legend Trace Comment
section in the Graph panel and a string variable.
Example Sub Main
AP.AGen.OutputOn = True
AP.AnalogIn.Source(apbChA) = apbAnalogInGenMon
AP.Graph.Legend.LineColor(1, 1) = apbRed

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 341

Chapter 17: Graph AP.Graph.

AP.Graph.TraceShow(1, 1) = True
AP.Graph.Legend.LineThickness(1, 1) = 1
AP.Graph.Legend.LineStyle(1, 1) = apbSolid
AP.Graph.Legend.Comment(1, 1) = "Trace Comment."
End Sub

AP.Graph.Legend.LineColor Property

Syntax AP.Graph.Legend.LineColor(ByVal SweepId As Integer, ByVal

TraceId As Integer)
Data Type Constant
Parameter Name Description
SweepId Sweep number
TraceId Trace number
Description This command sets the Legend Trace Color for the specified Sweep Trace.
Example See example for AP.Graph.Legend.Comment.

AP.Graph.Legend.LineStyle Property

Syntax AP.Graph.Legend.LineStyle(ByVal SweepId As Integer, ByVal

TraceId As Integer)
Data Type Constant
Parameter Name Description
SweepId Sweep number
TraceId Trace number
Description This command sets the Legend Trace Line Style for the specified Sweep Trace.
Example See example for AP.Graph.Legend.Comment.

AP.Graph.Legend.LineThickness Property

Syntax AP.Graph.Legend.LineThickness(ByVal SweepId As Integer,

ByVal TraceId As Integer)

342 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Graph. Chapter 17: Graph

Data Type Integer 1-32

Parameter Name Description
SweepId Sweep number.
TraceId Trace number.
Description This command sets the Line Thickness for the specified Sweep Trace.
Example See example for AP.Graph.Legend.Comment.

AP.Graph.OptimizeIndividually Method

Syntax AP.Graph.OptimizeIndividually
Description This command optimizes the graph to display all data.
See Also AP.Graph.OptimizeLeft, AP.Graph.OptimizeRight, AP.Graph.
Example See example for AP.Graph.CopyToSweepPanel.

AP.Graph.OptimizeLeft Method

Syntax AP.Graph.OptimizeLeft
Description This command optimizes the graph to display the data on the Left axis (Data 1).
See Also AP.Graph.OptimizeIndividually, AP.Graph.OptimizeRight, AP.
Example See example for AP.Graph.CopyToSweepPanel.

AP.Graph.OptimizeRight Method

Syntax AP.Graph.OptimizeRight
Description This command optimizes the graph to display the data on the Right axis (Data 2).
See Also AP.Graph.OptimizeIndividually, AP.Graph.OptimizeLeft, AP.
Example See example for AP.Graph.CopyToSweepPanel.

AP.Graph.OptimizeTogether Method

Syntax AP.Graph.OptimizeTogether
Description This command optimizes the graph to display all data (both Data 1 and Data 2) us-
ing the same vertical axis values (Top and Bottom).
See Also AP.Graph.OptimizeIndividually, AP.Graph.OptimizeLeft, AP.
Example See example for AP.Graph.CopyToSweepPanel.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 343

Chapter 17: Graph AP.Graph.

AP.Graph.RefDataClear Method

Syntax AP.Graph.RefDataClear
Description This command clears all Reference Data from memory. Clearing nonexistent Refer-
ence Data does not produce an error.
See Also AP.Graph.RefDataShow, AP.Graph.RefDataStore
Example Sub Main
AP.AGen.OutputOn = True
AP.AnalogIn.Source(apbChA) = apbAnalogInGenMon
AP.Graph.Data(1).LogLin = apbLin
AP.Graph.RefDataShow = True
End Sub

AP.Graph.RefDataShow Property

Syntax AP.Graph.RefDataShow
Data Type Boolean
True Display Reference Data.
False Remove Reference Data from view.
Description This command makes the Reference Data visible or invisible on the graph.
See Also AP.Graph.RefDataClear, AP.Graph.RefDataStore
Example See example for AP.Graph.RefDataClear.

344 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Graph. Chapter 17: Graph

AP.Graph.RefDataStore Method

Syntax AP.Graph.RefDataStore
Description This command adds the Sweep Data currently in memory to Reference Data mem-
See Also AP.Graph.RefDataClear, AP.Graph.RefDataShow
Example See example for AP.Graph.RefDataClear.

AP.Graph.ScrollBarsOn Property

Syntax AP.Graph.ScrollBarsOn
Data Type Boolean
True Display Scroll Bars.
False Remove Scroll Bars from view.
Description This command makes the Scroll Bars visible or invisible on the graph.

AP.Graph.Sweeps Method

Syntax AP.Graph.Sweeps
Data Type Integer
Description This command returns the number of Sweeps contained in the current data set.
See Also AP.Graph.SweepTraces

AP.Graph.SweepShow Property

Syntax AP Graph.SweepShow(ByVal SweepId As Integer)

Data Type Boolean
True Display Sweep Data.
False Remove Sweep Data from view.
Parameter Name Description
SweepId Sweep Data number.
Description This command makes the specified Sweep set of traces visible or invisible on the
See Also AP.Graph.Sweeps

AP.Graph.SweepTraces Method

Syntax AP.Graph.SweepTraces

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 345

Chapter 17: Graph AP.Graph.

Data Type Integer

Description This command returns the number of Sweeps contained in the current data set.
See Also AP.Graph.Sweeps

AP.Graph.TimeDateShow Property

Syntax AP.Graph.TimeDateShow
Data Type Boolean
True Display Time and Date.
False Remove Time and Date from view.
Description This command displays or removes from view the Time and Date in the title bar sec-
tion in the Graph panel.
See Also AP.Graph.Title

AP.Graph.Title Property

Syntax AP.Graph.Title
Data Type String ASCII characters.
Description This command transfers the ASCII characters between the Title section in the Graph
panel and a string variable.
See Also AP.Graph.TimeDateShow

AP.Graph.TraceShow Property

Syntax AP.Graph.TraceShow(ByVal SweepId As Integer, ByVal TraceId

As Integer)
Data Type Boolean
True Trace is displayed.
False Trace is not displayed.
Parameter Name Description
SweepId Sweep number
TraceId Trace number
Description This command makes the specified Trace visible or invisible on the graph.
See Also AP.Graph.Sweeps, AP.Graph.SweepTraces

346 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Graph. Chapter 17: Graph

AP.Graph.ZoomOriginal Method

Syntax AP.Graph.ZoomOriginal
Data Type Void
Description This command replaces the current zoomed-in view with the graph coordinates in
use when the most recent sweep was started, or with the default initial graph coordi-
nates if no sweep has yet been made since AP2700 was launched.
See Also AP.Graph.ZoomOut

AP.Graph.ZoomOut Method

Syntax AP.Graph.ZoomOut
Data Type Void
Description This command causes the most recent zoom view to be replaced with the previous
one. If you have zoomed repeatedly, the coordinates of each zoom have been saved
in sequence in a stack. You may then Zoomout repeatedly to work back up through
the stack, viewing the series of zoomed views in reverse order.
See Also AP.Graph.ZoomOriginal

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 347

Chapter 17: Graph AP.Graph.

348 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 18
AP.Log.AddEntry Method

Syntax AP.Log.AddEntry(ByVal Text As String)

Parameters Name Discription
Text Any valid string
Description This command appends the current date and time and the defined string to the log
Example Sub Main
AP.Log.Enable = True
'Enable logging.
'Set log file to "S2-22CK.ALG"
AP.Log.FileName = "S2-22CK.ALG"
AP.Log.ErrorMessages = True 'Log error messages.
AP.Log.FileActivity = True
'Log File Input/Out.
AP.Log.PassFailMessages = True 'Log P/F
AP.Log.TestName = True 'Log test name.
AP.Log.GraphTitle = True 'Log graph title.
AP.Log.Data = 1 'Log all data.
AP.Log.Clear 'Clear log file.
AP.Log.AddEntry "Test Start."
AP.Log.AddEntryWithoutTimeDate "Amplitude Linearity."
AP.File.OpenTest "AMPLIN.AT2C" 'Open test.
'Start sweep.
'View log file.
End Sub
Output 01/09/96 14:27:01 Test Start.
Amplitude Linearity.

01/09/96 14:27:01 Open Test: AMPLIN.AT2C

PASS 01/09/96 14:27:02 Execute sweep: AMPLIN.AT2C
Comment The Output is from the log file created when the example macro is run.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 349

Chapter 18: Log AP.Log.

AP.Log.AddEntryWithoutTimeDate Method

Syntax AP.Log.AddEntryWithoutTimeDate(ByVal Text As String)

Parameters Name Discription
Text Any valid string
Description This command appends the defined string to the log file.
Example See example for AP.Log.AddEntry.

AP.Log.Clear Method

Syntax AP.Log.Clear
Description This command clears the contents of the current log file.
Example See example for AP.Log.AddEntry.

AP.Log.Data Property

Syntax AP.Log.Data
Data Type Integer
0 None
1 All
2 Failed data only
Description This command controls whether no test point values (None), all test point values
(All), or only those test points which were outside limits (Failed Data Only) are writ-
ten into the log file. Any values written into the log file which were outside limits
will have parenthesis at the end with the (less than) or (greater than) symbol and the
value of the limit which they failed.
Example See example for AP.Log.AddEntry.

AP.Log.Enable Property

Syntax AP.Log.Enable
Data Type Boolean
True Enable
False Disable
Description This command when enabled controls whether logging actually takes place. If dis-
abled, no logging takes place
Example See example for AP.Log.AddEntry.

AP.Log.ErrorMessages Property

Syntax AP.Log.ErrorMessages

350 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Log. Chapter 18: Log

Data Type Boolean

True Enable
False Disable
Description This command when enabled logs into the log file any control software or windows
error messages which occur durring the period that logging is enabled.
Example See example for AP.Log.AddEntry.

AP.Log.FileActivity Property

Syntax AP.Log.FileActivity
Data Type Boolean
True Enable
False Disable
Description This command when enabled will enter into the log file a text message for every
disk file opened or every file saved to disk. The message includes the name and full
path name of the file, and the date and time at which it was opened or saved.
Example See example for AP.Log.AddEntry.

AP.Log.FileName Property

Syntax AP.Log.FileName
Data Type String
Description This command defines the file name to use for the log file.
Example See example for AP.Log.AddEntry.

AP.Log.GraphTitle Property

Syntax AP.Log.GraphTitle
Data Type Boolean
True Enable
False Disable
Description This command when enabled logs the Graph Title, and the Time and Date at which
the test was executed, exactly as they are displayed in the title bar of the graph.
Example See example for AP.Log.AddEntry.

AP.Log.PassFailMessages Property

Syntax AP.Log.PassFailMessages
Data Type Boolean
True Enable
False Disable

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 351

Chapter 18: Log AP.Log.

Description This command when enabled causes an error summary message to be written into
the log file each time a test is run. The first word of the message will be PASS or
FAIL (See example for AP.Log.AddEntry). Following a colon (:) the error mes-
sage will include the number of measurements which where below the lower limit,
the number of measurements that were above the upper limit, and the number of
timeouts which occurred. If disabled, no error message is written to the error file.
Example See example for AP.Log.AddEntry.

AP.Log.PrintLogFile Method

Syntax AP.Log.PrintLogFile
Description This command loads the NOTEPAD application and prints the current log file and
then closes the NOTEPAD application.
Example Sub Main
AP.Log.Enable = True
'Enable logging.
AP.Log.FileName = "S2-22CK.ALG"
'Set log file to _
AP.Log.ErrorMessages = True 'Log error messages.
AP.Log.FileActivity = True
'Log File Input/Out.
AP.Log.PassFailMessages = True 'Log Pass/Fail
AP.Log.TestName = True 'Log test name.
AP.Log.GraphTitle = True 'Log graph title.
AP.Log.Data = 1 'Log all data.
AP.Log.Clear 'Clear log file.
AP.Log.AddEntry "Amplitude Linearity."
AP.File.OpenTest "AMPLIN.AT2C"
'Open test.
'Start sweep.
AP.Log.PrintLogFile 'Print log file.
End Sub

AP.Log.TestName Property

Syntax AP.Log.TestName
Data Type Boolean
True Enable
False Disable
Description This command when enabled logs the test name, including path name, of the test
when executed.
Example See example for AP.Log.AddEntry.

352 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Log. Chapter 18: Log

AP.Log.View Method

Syntax AP.Log.View
Description This command loads the NOTEPAD application and displays the current log file.
Example See example for AP.Log.AddEntry.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 353

Chapter 18: Log AP.Log.

354 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 19
AP.Macro.IsRunning OLE Method

Syntax AP.Macro.IsRunning
Result Boolean
True AP Basic Macro running.
False AP Basic Macro not running.
Description This command returns the status of the AP Basic macro.
Example Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim AP As Object
'Create OLE link to AP2700.
Set AP = CreateObject("AP2700.Application")
AP.Application.Visible = True ' Make AP2700 visable

'Place your code here

'Run an AP Basic Macro and wait for it to finish

AP.File.OpenMacro "C:\BUSY.APB"
While AP.Macro.IsRunning = True

'Change Visual Basic directory to AP2700 Working _

ChDir AP.Application.MacroDir

'Place your code here

AP.Application.Quit 'Quit AP2700

End Sub

AP.Macro.Name Method

Syntax AP.Macro.Name
Result Boolean ASCII charactors.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 355

Chapter 19: Macro AP.Macro.

Description This command returns the AP Macro Editor Name. This text string is located in the
upper left corner of the AP Macro/Procedure Editor before the Macro/Procedure
name. This string is usefull when using the AppActivate command in the Language
reference section of AP Basic.
See Also AP.Application.Name
Example Sub Main
'Restore Macro Editor.
AppActivate AP.Application.Name
'Select the AP2700 window
'The following SendKey command will now be sent _
to the AP2700 application.
SendKeys "%WC",1 'Clear all windows on page.
SendKeys "%PO",1 'Display Data Editor.
AppActivate AP.Macro.Name 'Change focus back to _
the Procedure/Macro editor

'In Debug mode focus is automatically returned to

' the editor each time the user interacts with the
' controls. Therefore it is important to note that
' sections of code containing commands that are to
' be sent to other applications via the SendKeys
' command need to be executed without interruption.
'When debugging these areas place a breakpoints
' before and after the SendKeys commands to maintain
' the correct window/application focus.

End Sub

356 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 20
AP.Print.Data Method

Syntax AP.Print.Data
Result Boolean
True Printout of tabular data successful.
False Printout of tabular data failed.
Description This command prints the data displayed in the Data Editor in tabular format. The
Data Editor is automatically displayed on the current page if it is not displayed on at
least one of the five control software Pages. The printer is defined by the settings on
the File, Print Setup menu.
See Also AP.Print.Graph
Example Sub Main
'Load test containing measurement data
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDataEditor
AP.Print.Data 'Print Data in tabular form
End Sub

AP.Print.Graph Method

Syntax AP.Print.Graph
Result Boolean
True Printout of graphic data successful.
False Printout of graphic data failed.
Description This command sends the graph as defined by the settings on the File, Page Setup
menu to the selected printer as define by the File, Print Setup menu. A graph must
be displayed on at least one of the five control software pages to print or preview
the graph.
See Also AP.Print.LoadFromTest
Example Sub Main
'Load test containing graph setup

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 357

Chapter 20: Print AP.Print.

End Sub

AP.Print.LoadFromTest Method

Syntax AP.Print.LoadFromTest
Result Boolean
True Page Setup settings loaded from test file.
False Page Setup settings not loaded from test file.
Description This command loads the page setup settings from the currently loaded test. The print-
out settings are global and can only be changed via this command or manually via
the user interacting with the Page Setup menu. This allows the system to produce
graphic printouts that have a consistent format over many different tests. Loading a
test doesn't automatically update the Page Setup menu and change the graphic
See Also AP.Print.Graph
Example See example macro AP.Print.Graph.

AP.Print.TrackGraph Property

Syntax AP.Print.TrackGraph
Data Type Boolean
True Use Graph Trace settings.
False Use settings defined on Page Setup menu.
Description This command causes the printout Color, Line Style, and Thickness to automatically
track the settings used in the Graph Window legend. A graph must be displayed on
at least one of the five APWIN Pages to print or preview the graph.
See Also AP.Print.LoadFromTest
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Start with New Test
AP.Print.TrackGraph = True 'Have graph printout _
track graph panel legend settings
AP.Gen.Output = True 'Turn On Analog Generator
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2 'Have Analog Analyzer _
monitor Generator Channel A
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP = 3 'Select 400Hz High Pass _
AP.Sweep.Start 'Run Sweep
AP.Print.Graph 'Print graph
End Sub

358 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 21
AP.Prompt.BackColor Property

Syntax AP.Prompt.BackColor
Data Type Long
Description This command sets the background color for the current user prompt using the
RGB( red, green , blue) function. Set R, G, and B to a value between 0 (off) to 255
(full intensity).
See Also AP.Prompt.TextColor
Example Sub Main
With AP.Prompt
.BackColor = RGB(0,0,255)
'Set background to blue
.TextColor = RGB(0,255,0)
'Set background to green
.Justify = 1
'Center text
.Title = "AP2700.Prompt"
.FontSize = 8
'Set font size to 8 points
'Set location and size
'Show prompt
Shown = .IsUp
Wait 5
'Wait 5 seconds
.Hide 'Hide prompt
.FontName = "Courier"
'Set font name to Courier
.FontSize = 7
'Set font size to 7 points
.Justify = 0
'Justify text to the left
Shown = .IsUp
.Text = .FontName & "Font Used for this Prompt."
& vbCrLf & "Show until the Continue Macro button
is selected below."

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 359

Chapter 21: Prompt AP.Prompt.

'Set string to display in prompt

.Show With continue
'Display prompt with continue button
'Stop macro
End With
End Sub

AP.Prompt.FontName Property

Syntax AP.Prompt.FontName
Data Type String
Description This command sets the character text font for the current user prompt.
Example See example macro AP.BackColor.

AP.Prompt.FontSize Property

Syntax AP.Prompt.FontSize
Data Type Double Default size = 16.
Description This command sets the font size of the characters used in the User Prompt.
Example See example macro AP.BackColor.

AP.Prompt.Hide Method

Syntax AP.Prompt.Hide
Description This command removes the user prompt from view.
Example See example macro AP.BackColor.

AP.Prompt.IsUp Method

Syntax AP.Prompt.IsUp
Result Boolean
True User prompt is displayed.
False User prompt is NOT displayed.
Description This command returns the current status of the user prompt.
Example See example macro AP.BackColor.

360 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Prompt. Chapter 21: Prompt

AP.Prompt.Justify Property

Syntax AP.Prompt.Justify
Data Type Integer
0 Left
1 Center
2 Right
Description This command sets the text justification mode for the current user prompt.
Example See example for AP.Prompt.BackColor

AP.Prompt.Position Method

Syntax AP.Prompt.Position(ByVal X As Integer, ByVal Y As Integer,

ByVal CX As Integer, ByVal CY As Integer)
Parameters Name Description
X This number value is the distance from the left edge of the
monitor screen. It is measured in 1/8ths of the average
character width for the dialog's font. Setting this number
value to -1 centers the prompt horizontally.
Y This number value is the distance from the top edge of
the monitor screen. It is measured in 1/12ths of the
character height for the dialog's font. Setting this number
value to -1 centers the prompt vertically.
CX This number value is the width. It is measured in 1/8ths of
the average character width for the dialog's font.
CY This number value is the height. It is measured in 1/12ths
of the character height for the dialog's font.
Description This command defines the position and size of the User Prompt.
Example See example macro AP.BackColor.

AP.Prompt.Show Method

Syntax AP.Prompt.Show
Description This command displays the user prompt.
See Also (Language Reference) Stop Instruction
Example See example macro AP.BackColor.

AP.Prompt.ShowWithContinue Method

Syntax AP.Prompt.ShowWithContinue
Description This command displays the current user prompt window with a continue button.
See Also (Language Reference) Stop Instruction

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 361

Chapter 21: Prompt AP.Prompt.

Example See example macro AP.BackColor.

AP.Prompt.ShowWithContinueAndStopSweep Method

Syntax AP.Prompt.ShowWithContinueAndStopSweep
Description This command displays the current user prompt window with a continue button.
When the continue button is selected a sweep if running is terminated.
See Also (Language Reference) Stop Instruction
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 1
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 0
AP.Anlr.FuncInput = 0

With AP.Prompt
.Text = "Press the Continue button to STOP _
the SWEEP and continue the Macro."
.FontSize = 8 'Set font size to 8 point.
.Position (-1,-1,180,120) 'Set location and
'Display prompt with Continue and also stop
the current sweep.
'Start Sweep.
.Text = "Press the Continue button to END
the Macro."
.FontSize = 8
'Set font size to 8 point.
.Position (-1,-1,200,100)
'Set location and size.
'Display prompt with Continue.
End With
End Sub

AP.Prompt.Text Property

Syntax AP.Prompt.Text
Data Type String User defined string.
Description This command defines the string to be displayed in a user prompt.
Example See example macro AP.BackColor.

362 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Prompt. Chapter 21: Prompt

AP.Prompt.TextColor Property

Syntax AP.Prompt.TextColor
Data Type Long
Description This command sets the text color for the current user prompt using the RGB( red,
green , blue) function. Set R, G, and B to a value between 0 (off) to 255 (full inten-
See Also AP.Prompt.BackColor
Example See example macro AP.BackColor.

AP.Prompt.Title Property

Syntax AP.Prompt.Title
Data Type String User defined string.
Description This command transfers ASCII charactors to or from the Title section in a Prompt
panel to a string variable.
See Also AP.Graph.Title
Example See example macro AP.BackColor.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 363

Chapter 21: Prompt AP.Prompt.

364 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 22
AP.Reg.IsRunning Method

Syntax AP.Reg.IsRunning
Result Boolean
True Regulation process running.
False Regulation process not running.
Description This command returns the status of the Regulation process.
See Also AP.Macro.LoadFromTest
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("dBV") = 0.0
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelRegulation
'Regulate Analyzer Level A to -80 dBV to within a _
Tolerance 1.0dB
AP.Reg.TargetID = 5903 'Regulate Analyzer Level A _
to -80 dBV to within a Tolerance 1.0dB
AP.Reg.TargetValue("dBV") = -80.000000
AP.Reg.TargetToleranceMode = 1 'Tolerance Mode dB
AP.Reg.TargetTolerance("dB") = 1.0
'Tolerance 1.0dB

AP.Reg.SourceID = 5052 'by varying the Generator _

A Amplitude
AP.Reg.SourceHigh("dBV") = -70.0
'High Amplitude _
AP.Reg.SourceLow("dBV") = -90.0 'Low Amplitude _
AP.Reg.SourceOperation = 2
'-Normal Operation
AP.Reg.SourceStepSize("dB") = 0.1
AP.Reg.SourceIteration = 30

AP.Reg.StartNoWait(True) 'Start the Regulation _

process then continue.
StartTime = Timer

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 365

Chapter 22: Regulation AP.Reg.

Do 'Wait until Regulation process is finished _

or Timeout has elapsed.
Wait .1
Debug.Print Timer
Loop While AP.Reg.IsRunning And Timer < StartTime _
+ Reg.Timeout
If AP.Reg.IsRunning = True Then 'Stop Regulation _
process if running
Debug.Print "Regulation Stopped!"
End If
End Sub

AP.Reg.SourceHigh Property

Syntax AP.Reg.SourceHigh(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Refer to the setting defined by the AP.Reg.
SourceId command (ID#) to determine the
appropriate range of acceptable values.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting defined by the AP.RegSourceId
conmmand (ID#) to determine the appropriate unit
Description This command sets the upper boundary for the source parameter used in the regula-
tion process.
See Also AP.Reg.SourceLow
Example See example for AP.Reg.SourceId.

AP.Reg.SourceId Property

Syntax AP.Reg.SourceId
Data Type Long Instrument Parameter ID#.
Description This command is used to select the measurement parameter which will define set-
tings used in the regulation process.
Refer to Appendix B to obtain instrument parameter identification numbers.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "REG3.AT2C"
AP.Reg.SourceID = 5051 'Set Source To GenFreq
AP.Reg.TargetID = 5906 'Set Source to AnlrAmpl
AP.Reg.SourceOperation = 1 'Set Operation to +Normal
AP.Reg.SourceStepSize("%") = 2 'Set Stepsize to 2%
AP.Reg.SourceIteration = 30 'Set iterations to 30
AP.Reg.TargetToleranceMode = 0 'Tolerance Mode to %

366 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Reg. Chapter 22: Regulation

AP.Reg.TargetValue("dBrA") = -3 'Tolerance
to -3
AP.Reg.TargetTolerance("%") = 5 'Tolerance units %
AP.Reg.SourceHigh("Hz") = 5000 'High Bound to 5kHz
AP.Reg.SourceLow("Hz") = 200 'Low Bound to 20 Hz
AP.Reg.SweepEnable = False 'Don't Regulate each _
step in sweep.
AP.Reg.Timeout = 2.0 'Terminate _
regulation process if timed out
AP.Reg.Start 'Start Regulation
End Sub

AP.Reg.SourceIteration Property

Syntax AP.Reg.SourceIteration
Data Type Long
Description This command sets the number of Source Iterations. Iterations limit the maximum
number of regulation attempt steps the source will make before exiting the search
and moving on.
See Also AP.Reg.SourceOperation
Example See example for AP.Reg.SourceId.

AP.Reg.SourceLow Property

Syntax AP.Reg.SourceLow(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Refer to the setting defined by the AP.Reg.
SourceId command (ID#) to determine the
appropriate range of acceptable values.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting defined by the AP.RegSourceId
conmmand (ID#) to determine the appropriate unit
Description This command sets the lower boundary for the source parameter used in the regula-
tion process.
See Also AP.Reg.SourceHigh
Example See example for AP.Reg.SourceId.

AP.Reg.SourceOperation Property

Syntax AP.Reg.SourceOperation
Data Type Integer

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 367

Chapter 22: Regulation AP.Reg.

0 Linear: This algorithm assumes a linear relationship

between the source setting and the target reading.
1 + Normal: This algorithm assumes that an increasing
source setting will cause an increasing target reading, but
not necessarily linearly.
2 - Normal: This algorithm assumes that an increasing
source setting will cause a decreasing target reading, but
not necessarily linearly.
3 Maximum: Each cycle of regulation starts from the source
low boundry value. For example the source will increase
by the specified step size as long as the target value also
increases. If the target value goes through a peak and
starts to decrease, the direction of the source reverses
and the step size is cut in half. These half-size steps
continue until the target value again starts to decrease, at
which time the direction of change again reverses and the
step size is again cut in half. This process will continue
until the number of peak crossings equal the value
defined by the AP.Reg.SourceIterations
4 Minimum: Each cycle of regulation starts from the source
low boundry value. For example the source will increase
by the specified step size as long as the target value
decreases. If the target value goes through a notch and
starts to increase, the direction of the source reverses and
the step size is cut in half. These half-size steps continue
until the target value again starts to increase, at which
time the direction of change again reverses and the step
size is again cut in half. This process will continue until
the number of peak crossings equal the value defined by
the AP.Reg.SourceIterations command.
Description This command selects the type of algorithm used to control the source parameter
specified by the AP.Reg.SourceId command.
See Also AP.Reg.SourceStepSize, AP.Reg.SourceIteration
Example See example for AP.Reg.SourceId.

AP.Reg.SourceStepSize Property

Syntax AP.Reg.SourceStepSize(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: X/Y, dB, %
Description This command sets the Source Step Size for the + Normal, - Normal, Maximum,
and Minimum algorithm selections as it begins its search at the beginning of each
new regulation process.
See Also AP.Reg.SourceOperation, AP.Reg.SourceIteration
Example See example for AP.Reg.SourceId.

368 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Reg. Chapter 22: Regulation

AP.Reg.Start Method

Syntax AP.Reg.Start
Description This command initiates a regulation process.
Example See example for AP.Reg.SourceId.

AP.Reg.StartNoWait Method

Syntax AP.Reg.StartNoWait(ByVal bStart As Boolean)

Parameters Name Description
bStart True = Start regulation process.
False = Stop regulation process.
Description This command initiates a regulation process and then continues macro execution.
Example See example for AP.Reg.SourceId.

AP.Reg.SweepEnable Property

Syntax AP.Reg.SweepEnable
Data Type Boolean
True Enable regulation for each sweep step.
False Disable regulation for each sweep step.
Description This command enables or disables regulation before each step in a sweep.
See Also AP.Reg.Start
Example See example for AP.Reg.SourceId.

AP.Reg.TargetId Property

Syntax AP.Reg.TargetId
Data Type Long Instrument Parameter ID#.
Description This command is used to select the measurement parameter which will return read-
ings used in the regulation process.
Refer to Appendix B to obtain instrument parameter identification numbers.
Example See example for AP.Reg.SourceId.

AP.Reg.TargetTolerance Property

Syntax AP.Reg.TargetTolerance(ByVal Unit As String)

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 369

Chapter 22: Regulation AP.Reg.

Data Type Double Refer to the setting defined by the AP.Reg.

TargetId command (ID#) to determine the
appropriate range of acceptable values.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting defined by the AP.RegTargetId
conmmand (ID#) to determine the appropriate unit
selections for the Abs selection for the AP.Reg.
TargetToleranceMode command. The following
units are avalible when % is selected with the AP.Reg.
TargetToleranceMode command: X/Y, %.
Description This command sets the tolerance that the regulation algorithm uses to determine if
the regulation process is complete.
See Also AP.Reg.TargetToleranceMode, AP.Reg.TargetValue
Example See example for AP.Reg.SourceId.

AP.Reg.TargetToleranceMode Property

Syntax AP.Reg.TargetToleranceMode
Data Type Integer
0 %
1 dB
2 Abs
Description This command selects the type of units the regulation algorithm uses to specify the
Target Tolerance.
See Also AP.Reg.TargetTolerance, AP.Reg.TargetValue
Example See example for AP.Reg.SourceId.

AP.Reg.TargetValue Property

Syntax AP.Reg.TargetValue(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Refer to the setting defined by the AP.Reg.
TargetId command (ID#) to determine the
appropriate range of acceptable values.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting defined by the AP.RegTargetId
conmmand (ID#) to determine the appropriate unit
Description This command sets the Target value that the regulation algorithm attempts to obtain.
See Also AP.Reg.TargetTolerance, AP.Reg.TargetToleranceMode
Example See example for AP.Reg.SourceId.

370 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Reg. Chapter 22: Regulation

AP.Reg.TimeOut Property

Syntax AP.Reg.Timeout
Data Type Double
Description This command sets the period of time allowed to complete each regulation process.
Example See example for AP.Reg.SourceId.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 371

Chapter 22: Regulation AP.Reg.

372 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 23
Digital Input/Output
AP.S2CDio.ActiveBitsRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.ActiveBitsRdg(ByVal Channel As Constant)

Result Integer
Parameter Constant Description
apbChA Active bits reading for embedded channel A
apbChB Active bits reading for embedded channel B
Description This command returns the current active bits reading for both embedded channels.
Active bits are data bits that have changed state in the last display sampling period
(approximately 250 ms). For normal audio signals, this provides a useful determina-
tion of the digital input signal audio word length.

AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits.
Description This command returns a unsettled reading for the Digital Input/Output channel A
Peak Monitor meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakReady, AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakTrig
Example Sub Main
Dim rdgA As Double, rdgB As Double
'S2Dio Peak Meter Sample code
AP.S2CDio.InConnector = 0 'XLR balanced input
AP.S2CDio.InImpedance = 0 'High impedance input
AP.S2CDio.InMonitorMode = 2 'Measure absolute peak
AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakTrig 'Trigger channel A peak meter
AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakTrig 'Trigger channel B peak meter
Do Until (AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakReady And _
'perform other actions while waiting for readings

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 373

Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output AP.S2CDio.

rdgA = AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg("FFS") 'Get channel A _
peak reading
rdgB = AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakRdg("FFS") 'Get channel B _
peak reading
AP.Prompt.Text = "Ch A = " & rdgA & " FFS" & _
Chr(13) & "Ch B = " & rdgB & " FFS"
End Sub

AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Input/Output channel A Peak Monitor meter unset-
tled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDio.
ChAPeakRdg or AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakTrig commands will zero the ready
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRd, AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg.

AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg, AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakReady
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg.

AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double

374 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDio. Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output

Parameters Part Description

Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits.
Description This command returns a unsettled reading for the Digital Input/Output channel B
Peak Monitor meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakReady, AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg.

AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Input/Output channel B Peak Monitor meter unset-
tled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDio.
ChBPeakRdg or AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakTrig commands will zero the ready
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakRdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakRdg, AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg.

AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakRdg, AP.S2CDio.ChBPeakReady
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg.

AP.S2CDio.DelayRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.DelayRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command: sec.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 375

Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output AP.S2CDio.

Description This command returns a settled reading for the Digital Input/Output Delay from Out
meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDio.DelayReady, AP.S2CDio.DelaySettling, AP.
Example Sub Main
Dim rdgA As Double
'S2Dio Delay From Out meter sample code
AP.S2CDio.DelaySettling(1.0, 100e-6, "SEC", 1, 0.0, 0)
AP.S2CDio.DelayTrig 'Trigger channel A
peak meter
Do Until AP.S2CDio.DelayReady
'perform other actions while waiting for reading
rdgA = AP.S2CDio.DelayRdg("SEC")
'Get channel A _
peak reading
AP.Prompt.Text = "Delay = " & rdgA
End Sub

AP.S2CDio.DelayReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.DelayReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Input/Output Delay from Out meter settled read-
ing ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDio.DelayRdg
or AP.S2CDio.DelayTrig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDio.DelayRdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDio.DelayRd, AP.S2CDio.DelaySettling, AP.S2CDio.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.DelayRdg.

376 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDio. Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output

AP.S2CDio.DelaySettling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDio.DelaySettling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDio.DelayRdg com-
See Also AP.S2CDio.DelayRdg, AP.S2CDio.DelayReady, AP.S2CDio.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.DelayRdg.

AP.S2CDio.DelayTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.DelayTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDio.DelayRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.S2CDio.DelayRdg, AP.S2CDio.DelayReady, AP.S2CDio.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.DelayRdg.

AP.S2CDio.FlagChAInvalidRdg Method

Syntax AP.S2CDio.FlagChAInvalidRdg
Result Boolean
True Error
False Proper operation
Description This reading returns the state of the channel A Validity bit. The CH A reading is
driven directly by the V (Validity) bit defined in the Professional and Consumer stan-
dards. One Validity bit is sent in each subframe.
See Also AP.S2CDio.OutSendInvalid, AP.S2CDio.FlagChBInvalidRdg,
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDigIOSmall
AP.S2CDio.InConnector = 3
If AP.S2CDio.FlagInvalidRdg = True Then _
Debug.Print "Invalid Error"
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDigIOLarge
S2Dio.OutSendInvalid = True
Wait 1
If AP.S2CDio.FlagConfidenceRdg = True Then _
Debug.Print "Confidence Error"

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 377

Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output AP.S2CDio.

If AP.S2CDio.FlagLockRdg = True Then _

Debug.Print "Lock Error"
If AP.S2CDio.FlagCodingRdg = True Then _
Debug.Print "Coding Error"
If AP.S2CDio.FlagParityRdg = True Then _
Debug.Print "Parity Error"
If AP.S2CDio.FlagChAInvalidRdg = True Then
Debug.Print "ChA Invalid Error"
If AP.S2CDio.FlagChBInvalidRdg = True Then _
Debug.Print "ChB Invalid Error"
End Sub

AP.S2CDio.FlagChBInvalidRdg Method

Syntax AP.S2CDio.FlagChBInvalidRdg
Result Boolean
True Error
False Proper operation
Description This reading returns the state of the channel B Validity bit. The CH B reading is
driven directly by the V (Validity) bit defined in the Professional and Consumer stan-
dards. One Validity bit is sent in each subframe.
See Also AP.S2CDio.OutSendInvalid, AP.S2CDio.FlagChAInvalidRdg,
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.FlagChAInvalidRdg.

AP.S2CDio.FlagCodingRdg Method

Syntax AP.S2CDio.FlagCodingRdg
Result Boolean
True Error
False Proper operation

Description This reading returns the status of the biphase coding for the input serial data stream.
The Coding reading indicates a deviation from proper biphase coding in the input se-
rial stream (ignoring preambles). Proper biphase signals can never remain at a logic
high or logic low level for more than two consecutive Unit Intervals (UI) except in
the preamble. The preamble deliberately deviates from biphase coding in order to
provide a unique frame synchronization signal, so preambles are excluded from the
function of the Coding indicators.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.FlagChAInvalidRdg.

AP.S2CDio.FlagConfidenceRdg Method

Syntax AP.S2CDio.FlagConfidenceRdg

378 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDio. Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output

Result Boolean
True Error
False Proper operation
Description The Confidence reading returns True when the ratio between the amplitude of the
three UI long pulse and the following one UI-long pulse in a preamble becomes
large enough to cause an increasing probability of errors when slicing the received
signal into logic high and low values. This large ratio occurs when the transmission
bandwidth has been reduced to marginal or unacceptable values. Under these condi-
tions, selection of hardware input equalization (XLR with EQ or BNC with EQ
rather than XLR or BNC selections of the Input Format field) will often compensate
for the cable bandwidth reduction, and provide reliable measurements.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.FlagChAInvalidRdg.

AP.S2CDio.FlagInvalidRdg Method

Syntax AP.S2CDio.FlagInvalidRdg
Result Boolean
True Error
False Proper operation
Description This reading uses OR logic to determine if either the channel A or channel B Valid-
ity bit is set as defined in the Professional and Consumer standards. One Validity bit
is sent in each subframe.
See Also AP.S2CDio.OutSendInvalid, AP.S2CDio.FlagChAInvalidRdg,
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.FlagChAInvalidRdg.

AP.S2CDio.FlagLockRdg Method

Syntax AP.S2CDio.FlagLockRdg
Result Boolean
True Error
False Proper operation
Description The Lock reading indicates when the digital input phase-locked loop is unable to
lock to the incoming signal.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.FlagChAInvalidRdg.

AP.S2CDio.FlagParityRdg Method

Syntax AP.S2CDio.FlagParityRdg
Result Boolean
True Error
False Proper operation

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 379

Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output AP.S2CDio.

Description The Parity reading indicates a parity error in either subframe. Correct parity is deter-
mined by comparing the P (parity) bit with the sum of the remaining 31 bits in each
subframe. Any single bit error or odd number of bit errors introduced in transmis-
sion within a subframe will cause a Parity error indication, but even numbers of bit
errors cannot be detected by this technique.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.FlagChAInvalidRdg.

AP.S2CDio.InBitsDisplay Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.InBitsDisplay
Data Type Integer
0 Display Data bits.
1 Display Active bits.

Description This command sets the Digital Input/Output Input Bits Display mode.

AP.S2CDio.InAudioFormat Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.InAudioFormat
Data Type Integer
0 Linear; no data expansion applied.
1 Apply μ-Law decoding to data signal.
2 Apply A-Law decoding to data signal.
Description This command selects the Audio Format for the Digital Input. The command AP.
S2CDio.InDecode has been deprecated.
See Also AP.S2CDio.OutAudioFormat
Example Sub Main
AP.S2CDio.InAudioFormat = 1 'µ-Law decode
End Sub

AP.S2CDio.InDeEmp Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.InDeEmp
Data Type Integer
1 50/15us 0dB
2 50/15us + 10dB
3 J17 0dB
4 J17 + 20dB
Description This command selects the Digital Input/Output input deemphasis. CD type (50/15
us) or CCITT J17 deemphasis may be selected as desired. Either deemphasis charac-
teristic may be selected with either zero dB insertion loss at low frequencies (0 dB

380 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDio. Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output

selections in each case) or with a gain factor (+10 dB for 50/15us, +20 dB for J17)
to compensate for the matching headroom allowances of the Digital Generator
preemphasis AP.S2CDio.OutPreEmp capability.
See Also AP.S2CDio.OutPreEmp
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.OutConnector.

AP.S2CDio.InConnector Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.InConnector
Data Type Integer
0 XLR (Bal): Front panel XLR digital input connector,
1 BNC (unbal): Front panel BNC digital input connector,
2 Optical: Front panel Toslink optical input connector
3 Gen Mon: Digital Generator XLR or BNC output connector
4 XLR w/Eq: Front panel XLR with equalization for 100
meter cable roll-off
5 BNC w/EQ: Front panel BNC with equalization for 100
meter cable roll-off
6 XLR common: Center tap of digital input transformer vs
7 Serial: Rear-panel general-purpose serial input connector
8 Parallel: Rear-panel parallel input connector
9 Dual XLR (bal)
10 Dual BNC (unbal)
11 Dual XLR w/Eq
12 Dual BNC w/Eq
Description This command sets the Digital Input/Output Input source. The command AP.
S2CDio.InFormat has been deprecated.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg.

AP.S2CDio.InImpedance Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.InImpedance
Data Type Integer
The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDio.
InConnector command XLR (Bal), XLR w/EQ, XLR Common, Dual XLR
(bal), and Dual BNC w/Eq selections.
0 Hi Z
1 110 Ohms

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S1Dio.InFormat

command BNC (unbal),Gen Mon, BNC w/EQ, Dual XLR (unbal), and Dual BNC
w/Eq selections.
0 Hi Z

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 381

Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output AP.S2CDio.

1 75 Ohms
Description This command sets the Digital Input/Output Input Impedance based on the selection
for the AP.S2CDio.InConnector command.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg.

AP.S2CDio.InInput Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.InInput
Data Type Integer
0 Select channel I XLR/BNC Input.
1 Select channel II XLR/BNC Input.
Description This command selects the Digital Input/Output Input connector. When the Digital In-
put/Output Input Format is set by the AP.S2CDio.InConnector command to
any of the XLR or BNC selections this command servies as an input switcher to se-
lect from one connector (I) or the other (II).
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.InJitterBW.

AP.S2CDio.InJitterBW Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.InJitterBW
Data Type Integer
0 50Hz to 100kHz
1 120Hz to 100kHz
2 700Hz to 100kHz
3 1200Hz to 100kHZ
Description This command sets the Digital Input/Output Input bandwidth of the Interface Jitter
AP.S2CDio.JitterRdg meter.
Example Sub Main
Dim rdg As Double

'S2Dio Jitter meter sample code

'Set up Jitter output
AP.S2CDio.OutJitterType = 1
AP.S2CDio.OutJitterAmpl("UI") = 5.0
AP.S2CDio.OutJitterFreq("Hz") = 2e3
'Set up Jitter input
AP.S2CDio.InInput = 0 'Select connector I
AP.S2CDio.InJitterMode = 0 'Unit interval mode
AP.S2CDio.InJitterDetector = 1 'Average detector
AP.S2CDio.InJitterBW = 0 '50Hz - 100kHz bandwidth
AP.S2CDio.JitterSettling(5.0, 1e-6, "UI", 1, _
0.0, 0)
AP.S2CDio.JitterTrig 'Trigger channel A _
peak meter

382 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDio. Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output

Do Until AP.S2CDio.JitterReady
'perform other actions while waiting for reading
rdg = AP.S2CDio.JitterRdg("UI")
'Get channel A peak reading
AP.Prompt.Text = "Jitter = " & rdg & " UI"
End Sub

AP.S2CDio.InJitterDetector Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.InJitterDetector
Data Type Integer
0 Pk
1 Avg
Description This command selects the Digital Input/Output Input detector type for the Interface
Jitter AP.S2CDio.JitterRdg meter.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.InJitterBW.

AP.S2CDio.InJitterMode Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.InJitterMode
Data Type Integer
0 UI: Unit interval
1 Sec: Time
Description This command selects the measurement mode for the Digital Input/Output Interface
Jitter AP.S2CDio.JitterRdg meter.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.InJitterBW.

AP.S2CDio.InMonitorMode Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.InMonitorMode
Data Type Integer
0 Positive Peak: This mode causes the Level Monitors to
display the most positive value during each measurement
interval, which is approximately 1/4 second.
1 Negative Peak: This mode causes the monitors to display
the most negative value during each measurement
interval (dBFS units cannot be used with the Min mode
since the numbers are negative).

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 383

Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output AP.S2CDio.

2 Absolute Peak: This mode causes display of the absolute

value of the largest positive-going or negative-going value
during each measurement interval.
3 1/2 Pk-Pk: This mode causes display of the value which is
one-half the peak-to-peak range measured during the
measurement interval.
Description This command sets the Digital Input/Output Peak Monitor
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.ChAPeakRdg.

AP.S2CDio.InResolution Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.InResolution
Data Type Long 8 to 24 bits.
Description This command sets the Digital Input/Output Input Resolution.
See Also AP.S2CDio.OutResolution
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.OutConnector.

AP.S2CDio.InScaleFreq Property

Syntax AP.S2CDIO.InScaleFreq
Data Type Integer
0 Output Rate: the value in the Sample Rate-OSR field near
the top of the Output section of the DIO panel.
1 Meas Input Rate: the measured value in the Sample
Rate-ISR field.
2 Status Bits A: the value of sample frequency encoded into
the received channel A status bits.
3 DIO Rate Ref: the value defined by the AP.S2CDio.
RefRate command.

Description This command selects a source from which the digital audio sample rate is deter-
mined. The frequency of embedded digital audio signals must be normalized by a
digital sample rate before display, whether it is displayed as a numeric frequency
counter display or as a frequency component on an FFT graph.
See Also AP.S2CDIO.OutScaleFreq, AP.S2CDIO.RefRate
Example Sub Main
AP.S2CDIO.InScaleFreq = 1 'use measured input rate
End Sub

384 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDio. Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output

AP.S2CDio.JitterRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.JitterRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid when the AP.S2Dio.InJitterMode
command is set to UI (Unit Interval): UI
The following unit is valid when the AP.S2Dio.
InJitterMode command is set to Sec (Time): sec
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Digital Input/Output Interface Jitter
meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDio.JitterReady, AP.S2CDio.JitterSettling, AP.
S2CDio.JitterTrig, AP.S2CDio.InJitterMode
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.InJitterBW.

AP.S2CDio.JitterReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.JitterReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Input/Output Interface Jitter meter meter settled
reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDio.
JitterRdg or AP.S2CDio.JitterTrig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDio.JitterRdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDio.JitterRdg, AP.S2CDio.JitterSettling, AP.S2CDio.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.InJitterBW.

AP.S2CDio.JitterSettling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDio.JitterSettling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDio.JitterRdg com-

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 385

Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output AP.S2CDio.

See Also AP.S2CDio.JitterRdg, AP.S2CDio.JitterReady, AP.S2CDio.

Example See example for AP.S2CDio.JitterBW.

AP.S2CDio.JitterTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.JitterTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDio.JitterRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.S2CDio.JitterRdg, AP.S2CDio.JitterReady, AP.S2CDio.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.InJitterBW.

AP.S2CDio.OutCableSim Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutCableSim
Data Type Boolean
True Enable cable simulation.
False Disable cable simulation.
Description This command enables or disables cable simulation.
A fixed hardware filter may be switched into the path to the XLR or BNC output
connectors to simulate the effect of a typical 100-meter-long cable, to test the ability
of a digital device under test to function with impaired signals. This feature is not
available at the optical, general purpose serial, or parallel outputs. This cable simula-
tion filter is approximately the inverse of the input cable equalization filter
selectable as XLR w/EQ, BNC w/EQ, Dual XLR w/Eq, and Dual BNC w/Eq selec-
tions in the Digital Input Format field, so the two should approximately compensate
for one another when a short external cable is connected from Digital Output to Digi-
tal Input. However, there will still be some attenuation of the interface signal intro-
duced by the cable simulation hardware. To switch the cable simulator in and out of
the circuit:
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.OutConnector.

AP.S2CDio.OutCM Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutCM
Data Type Boolean
True Enable common mode output.
False Disable common mode output.
Description This command enables or disables the Digital Input/Output Common Mode output.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.CMAmpl.

386 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDio. Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output

AP.S2CDio.OutCMAmpl Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutCMAmpl(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Range of values: 0.0 to 20.4
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Vpp
Description This command sets the Digital Input/Output Common Mode Amplitude value.
Example Const INPUT_VOLTAGE As Integer = 6102
Const COMMON_MODE_AMPL As Integer = 5317

Sub Main
Dim reading As Double

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.S2CDio.OutCMFreq("Hz") = 20e3
AP.S2CDio.OutCMAmpl("Vpp") = 1.0
AP.S2CDio.OutCM = True
AP.S2CDio.InConnector = 6 'XLR Common
AP.S2CDio.VoltageSettling(3.0, .01, "Vpp", 3, _
0.0, 2)
AP.Sweep.CreateGraph = True
AP.Sweep.Data1.Top("Vpp") = 8.0
AP.Sweep.Data1.Bottom("Vpp") = 0.0

AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = COMMON_MODE_AMPL
AP.Sweep.Source1.Start("Vpp") = 0.0
AP.Sweep.Source1.Stop("Vpp") = 20.0
AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps = 10
End Sub

AP.S2CDio.OutCMFreq Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutCMFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Range of values: 20.0000 Hz to 100.000 kHz
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command: Hz
Description This command sets the Digital Input/Output Common Mode signal (sinewave) Fre-
quency value.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.CMAmpl.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 387

Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output AP.S2CDio.

AP.S2CDio.OutAudioFormat Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutAudioFormat
Data Type Integer
0 Linear; no data compression applied.
1 Apply μ-Law encoding to data signal.
2 Apply A-Law encoding to data signal.
3 Apply IEC 61937 encoding to data signal.
Description This command selects the Audio Format for the Digital Output. The command AP.
S2CDio.OutEncode has been deprecated.
See Also AP.S2CDio.InAudioFormat
Example Sub Main
AP.S2CDio.OutAudioFormat = 2 'A-Law Encode
End Sub

AP.S2CDio.OutInvert Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutInvert
Data Type Boolean
True Invert output.
False Normal non-inverting output.
Description This command sets the Digital Output to normal polarity or inverted polarity (180
degrees out of phase).

AP.S2CDio.OutJitterAmpl Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutInvert(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: UI, dBUI, sec.
Description This command sets the Digital Input/Output Jitter Amplitude value.
See Also AP.S2CDio.OutJitterEqCurve
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.InJitterBW.

AP.S2CDio.OutJitterEqCurve Method

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutJitterEqCurve(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal

Column As Integer)

388 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDio. Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output

Parameters Name Description

FileName Any valid DOS path and file name. The file must be an AP
Eq file (.adq).
Column 0 = Source 1 settings.
1 = Data 1 measurements.
2 = Data 2 measurements.
3 = Data 3 measurements.
4 = Data 4 measurements.
5 = Data 5 measurements.
6 = Data 6 measurements.
7 = Source 2 settings.
Result Boolean
True File attachment successful.
False File attachment failed.
Description This command attaches a Eq file to the Jitter Generator. Values in the file will be
used as multiply factors in czlculating the Digital Input/Output Jitter Amplitude
See Also AP.S2CDio.OutJitterAmpl

AP.S2CDio.OutJitterFreq Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutJitterFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Hz
Description This command sets the Digital Input/Output Jitter Frequency value.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.InJitterBW.

AP.S2CDio.OutJitterType Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutJitterType
Data Type Integer
1 Sinusoidal
2 Lowpass Random
3 Squarewave
4 Wideband Random
5 EQ Sine
Description This command sets the type of jitter that may be added to the digital output signal at
the XLR, BNC, and optical outputs to test the ability of a digital device to reject in-
put jitter.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.InJitterBW.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 389

Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output AP.S2CDio.

AP.S2CDio.OutNoise Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutNoise
Data Type Boolean
True Enable noise output.
False Disable noise output.
Description This command enables or disables the Digital Input/Output Interfering Noise output.
See Also AP.S2CDio.OutNoiseAmpl
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.OutConnector.

AP.S2CDio.OutNoiseAmpl Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutNoiseAmpl(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Vpp
Description This command sets the Digital Input/Output Noise Amplitude value.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.OutConnector.

AP.S2CDio.OutParityError Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutParityError
Data Type Boolean
True Generate Parity Error in digital output.
False Normal output.
Description This command sets the Digital Output Parity Bit to produce a Parity Error or to nor-
mal operation.
See Also AP.S2CDio.FlagParityRdg
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.FlagChAInvalidRdg.

AP.S2CDio.OutPreEmp Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutPreEmp
Data Type Integer
1 50/15us 0dB
2 50/15us - 10dB

390 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDio. Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output

3 J17 0dB
4 J17 - 20dB
Description This command selects the Digital Input/Output Output Preemphasis.
CD type (50/15 us) or CCITT J17 deemphasis may be selected as desired. Either
preemphasis function may be selected at normal gain or with a headroom allowance.
When program material is put through a preemphasis function, the natural high-fre-
quency roll-off of most music and voice signals and typical practices of headroom al-
lowance for peaks are sufficient to assure that high-frequency signals will not clip
(exceed digital full scale). However, full-scale test signals such as sinewave sweeps
or multitone signals with equal amplitude at all frequencies will clip at high frequen-
cies when preemphasis is applied. To prevent this clipping due to the high-frequency
boost, two additional selections are available which automatically attenuate the sig-
nal level sufficiently to provide headroom at the highest frequencies. These head-
room allowances are selected by the 50/15 us -10 dB and J17 -20 dB choices. Each
will attenuate the audio signal by the specified amount, which is slightly greater
than the boost at the maximum possible audio frequency for the chosen preemphasis
characteristic. If desired, a matching deemphasis with gain selection is available in
the Deemphasis field or via the AP.S2CDio.InDeEmp command of the Input sec-
tion of the DIO panel to provide an overall unity gain and flat response during
digital domain stimulus/response measurements.
See Also AP.S2CDio.InDeEmp
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.OutConnector.

AP.S2CDio.OutConnector Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutConnector
Data Type Constant
apbOptical Optical
apbParallel Parallel
apbDualXLR Dual XLR
apbDualBNC Dual BNC
Description This command sets the Digital Input/Output Input source. The command AP.
S2CDio.OutputFormat has been deprecated.
Example Const INTERVU_AMPL As Integer = 6053
Const INTERVU_TIME As Integer = 5612

Sub Main
Dim rftime As Double
With AP.S2CDio
.OutRiseFall = True 'Variable Rise/Fall Time
.OutRiseFallTime("sec") = 16e-9'Set Rise/Fall _
.OutCableSim = False 'Cable simulation OFF

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 391

Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output AP.S2CDio.

.OutFormat = apbXLR 'Output XLR Bal signal _

to DUT
.OutSample Rate("Hz") = 48000 _
'Set 48 kHz sample rate
.OutNoise = True 'Let's inject some noise
.OutNoiseAmpl("Vpp") = 0.1 'Set Noise Ampl@_
0.1 Vpp
.OutResolution = 20 '20-bit resolution
.OutPreEmp = 0 'No Pre-Emphasis
.InDeEmp = 0 'No De-Emph
.InFormat = 0 'Input signal from DUT
.InResolution = 20 'Same resolution as_
.InScaleFreq = 1 'Scale Frequency by measured _
End With
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 3 'Load Intervu DSP _
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AmplVsTime = 0
'Interpolate mode
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigSource = 0

With AP.Sweep
.Source1.Id = INTERVU_TIME
'Sweep time
.Source1.Start("sec") = 0.0
'start at 0.0 sec
.Source1.Stop("sec") = 4e-6
'end at 4 nSec
.Source1.Steps = 255 '255 points
'Measure amplitude
.Data1.Top("V") = 3.0 'Max amplitude of +2 V
.Data1.Bottom("V") = -3.0 'Min amplitude of -2 V
.Append = False 'Don't append first waveform
AP.S2CDio.OutCableSim = True 'Cable simulation_
AP.S2CDio.OutCableSim = False'Cable simulation_
.Append = True 'Append any additional waveforms
.Start 'Get a waveform
End With
For rftime = 50e-9 To 350e-9 Step 100e-9
AP.S2CDio.OutRiseFallTime("sec") = rftime
AP.Sweep.Start 'Append next sweep
Next rftime
End Sub
Comment Cable simulation looks just like RiseFallTime = 350 nSec

392 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDio. Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output

AP.S2CDio.OutputSRRange Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutputSRRange
Data Type Integer
0 Auto
1 8k-108k
2 27k-216k
Description This command selects the output sample rate ranging mode.

AP.S2CDio.OutResolution Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutResolution
Data Type Integer The width or resolution of the imbedded digital audio
signal may be set to any value from 8 to 24 bits.
Description This command sets the Digital Output Resolution.
Internally, the imbedded digital audio signal is always generated at 24 bits. When
any smaller value is selected in the Resolution field, the 24-bit word is rounded (not
truncated) to the specified value and dither is added (unless disabled) at the proper
amplitude for the value entered. Bits below the value entered in the Resolution field
are set to zero. The output resolution is independent from the input resolution.
See Also AP.S2CDio.InResolution
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.OutConnector.

AP.S2CDio.OutRiseFall Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutRiseFall
Data Type Boolean
True Fixed Rise and fall times.
False Variable Rise and fall times.
Description This command enables or disables variable rise and fall times of the pulse train at
the XLR and BNC outputs. The fixed transition time is approximetly 16 nanosec-
See Also AP.S2CDio.OutRiseFallTime
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.OutConnector.

AP.S2CDio.OutRiseFallTime Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutRiseFallTime(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double The rise and fall times may be varied from 16 to 400

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 393

Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output AP.S2CDio.

Parameters Name Description

Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following
units are valid for this command: sec
Description This command sets the variable rise and fall times of the pulse train at the XLR and
BNC outputs.
See Also AP.S2CDio.OutRiseFall
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.OutConnector.

AP.S2CDio.OutSampleRate Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutSampleRate(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double The digital output sample rate (SR) may be set across the
range from 8 kHz to 216 kHz when AP.S2CDio.
OutputSRRange is set to Auto (0).
The sample rate is constrained by the other settings of
AP.S2CDio.OutputSRRange: 8–108 kHz (1) and
27–216 kHz (2). See AP.S2CDio.OutputSRRange.
NOTE: When using the Dolby Digital Generator the
Sample Rate is limited to the range of 30 kHz to 50 kHz.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz, cent,
octs, decs, d%, and dPPM.
Description This command sets the Digital Output Sample Rate Frequency value.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.OutConnector.

AP.S2CDio.OutScaleFreq Property

Syntax AP.S2CDIO.OutScaleFreq
Data Type Integer
0 Output Rate (SR): the value in the Sample Rate (SR)
field near the top of the Output section of the DIO panel.
1 Meas Input Rate: the measured value in the Sample
Rate-ISR field.
2 Meas Output Rate: the measured value at the parallel
output port when Output Format is set to Parallel;
otherwise, the value in the Sample Rate (SR) field.
3 DIO Rate Ref: the value defined by the AP.S2CDio.
RefRate command.

394 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDio. Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output

Description This command sets the source for scaling for the audio frequency embedded in the
digital output signal.
See Also AP.S2CDIO.InScaleFreq, AP.S2CDIO.RefRate
Example Sub Main
AP.S2CDIO.OutScaleFreq = 1 'use measured input rate
End Sub

AP.S2CDio.OutSendInvalid Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.OutSendInvalid
Data Type Boolean
True Set
False Clear validity bit.
Description This command sets or clears the validity bit.
The AES/EBU and Consumer standards define a data invalid bit for each subframe.
This is the V bit of the VUCP bits (validity, user, channel status, parity). Actual us-
age of this bit is not totally standardized, but a common usage in digital tape record-
ers (for example) is to set this bit as invalid if the tape is not moving and valid if the
tape is playing. You can simultaneously set both channel A and B validity bits as
true (check the Send Invalid box) or false (Send Invalid box unchecked) in order to
test whether and how digital devices respond to the bit.

AP.S2CDio.OutVoltage Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.Voltage(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command: Vpp
Description This command sets the amplitude of the serial pulse train at the XLR, BNC and opti-
cal outputs, which may be used to simulate cable attenuation.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.VoltageRdg.

AP.S2CDio.RateRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.RateRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz, cent,
octs, decs, d%, and dPPM.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 395

Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output AP.S2CDio.RateReady

Description This command returns a settled reading for the Digital Input/Output Sample Rate me-
ter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDio.RateReady, AP.S2CDio.RateSettling, AP.
Example Sub Main
Dim rdgA As Double

'S2Dio Sample Rate meter sample code

AP.S2CDio.InConnector = 0 'XLR balanced input
AP.S2CDio.InImpedance = 1 'High impedance input
AP.S2CDio.RateSettling(5.0, 100e-3, "Hz", 1, _
0.0, 0)
AP.S2CDio.RateTrig 'Trigger sample rate meter
Do Until AP.S2CDio.RateReady
'perform other actions while waiting for _
rdgA = AP.S2CDio.RateRdg("Hz") 'Get sample rate
AP.Prompt.Text = "Ch A = " & rdgA & " Vpp"
End Sub

AP.S2CDio.RateReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.RateReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Input/Output Sample Rate meter settled reading
ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDio.RateRdg
or AP.S2CDio.RateTrig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDio.RateRdg command
will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDio.RateRdg, AP.S2CDio.RateSettling, AP.S2CDio.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.RateRdg.

396 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDio. Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output

AP.S2CDio.RateSettling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDio.RateSettling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDio.RateRdg com-
See Also AP.S2CDio.RateRdg, AP.S2CDio.RateReady, AP.S2CDio.RateTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.RateRdg.

AP.S2CDio.RateTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.RateTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDio.RateRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.S2CDio.RateRdg, AP.S2CDio.RateReady, AP.S2CDio.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.RateRdg.

AP.S2CDio.RefRate Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.RefRate(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Set Reference Sample Rate value.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Hz
Description This command sets the Digital Input/Output Sample Rate reference.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.InScaleFreq, AP.S2CDsp.OutSampleRate, AP.S2CDsp.

AP.S2CDio.VoltageRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.VoltageRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command: Vpp
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Digital Input/Output Voltage meter
and zeros the ready count.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 397

Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output AP.S2CDio.

See Also AP.S2CDio.VoltageReady, AP.S2CDio.VoltageSettling, AP.

Example Sub Main
Dim rdgA As Double

'S2Dio Voltage out sample code

AP.S2CDio.OutConnector = 0
AP.S2CDio.InConnector = 0 'XLR balanced input
AP.S2CDio.VoltageSettling(5.0, .001, "Vpp", 1, 0.0,
AP.S2CDio.OutVoltage("Vpp") = 1.0 'Set output _
AP.S2CDio.VoltageTrig 'Trigger voltage meter
Do Until AP.S2CDio.VoltageReady
'perform other actions while waiting for _
rdgA = AP.S2CDio.VoltageRdg("Vpp") 'Get reading
AP.Prompt.Text = "Ch A = " & rdgA & " Vpp"
End Sub

AP.S2CDio.VoltageReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDio.VoltageReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Input/Output Voltage meter settled reading ready
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDio.
VoltageRdg or AP.S2CDio.VoltageTrig commands will zero the ready
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDio.VoltageRdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDio.VoltageRdg, AP.S2CDio.VoltageSettling, AP.S2CDio.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.VoltageRdg.

398 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDio. Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output

AP.S2CDio.VoltageSettling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDio.VoltageSettling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDio.VoltageRdg
See Also AP.S2CDio.VoltageRdg, AP.S2CDio.VoltageReady, AP.S2CDio.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.VoltageRdg.

AP.S2CDio.VoltageTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.VoltageTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDio.DelayRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.S2CDio.VoltageRdg, AP.S2CDio.VoltageReady, AP.S2CDio.
Example See example for AP.S2CDio.VoltageRdg.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 399

Chapter 23: Digital Input/Output AP.S2CDio.

User Notes

400 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 24
DSP Audio Analyzer
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChACoupling Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChACoupling
Data Type Integer
0 AC Coupled
1 DC Coupled
2 DC only: This enables the instrument to DC couple the
input to the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer. The channel A
level meter can then be used to measure DC.
Description This command sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer channel A Input Coupling.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBCoupling
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz,
cent, octs, decs, d%, dPPM.
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer
channel A Frequency meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChAFreqSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqTrig
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPSmall
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 1 'Load DSP Audio Analyzer
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPLarge
With AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer
.ChACoupling = 0 'Input AC coupled

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 401

Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.

.InputFormat = 1 'HiRes A/D @65k input

.ChARangeAuto = False 'Fixed Range input
.ChARange("FFS") = 1.000000 'In Range Full Scale

.ChALevelSettling 1.000000, 0.000001, "V", 3, _

0.030000, 1
.ChAFreqSettling 0.500000, 0.010000, "Hz", 3, _
0.030000, 1
Wait .5
.ChALevelTrig 'Trigger new Level reading
.ChAFreqTrig 'Trigger new Frequency reading
Do 'Wait for new readings
Loop Until .ChALevelReady And .ChAFreqReady
var1 = .ChALevelRdg("V")
var2 = .ChAFreqRdg("Hz")
End With
Text1$= "Channel A Level " & Str$(Format(var1, _
"##.000")) & "V"
Text2$= "Channel A Frequency " & _
Str$(Format(var2, "##.000")) & "Hz"
AP.Prompt.Text = Text1$ & Chr(13) & Text2$
'Text String and New Line
'Display Prompt
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer channel A Frequency me-
ter settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Ana-
lyzer.ChAFreqRdg or AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqTrig commands
will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChAFreqRdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChAFreqSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg.

402 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer. Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqSettling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqSettling(ByVal Tolerance As

Double, ByVal Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String,
ByVal Points As Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal
Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChAFreqRdg command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChAFreqReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChAFreqReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqSettling
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer
channel A level meter and zeros the ready count.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for the "Digital @ ISR" selection of the AP.
S2CDSP.Analyzer.InputFormat command:
FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits, V, Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV, dBr 1, dBr

The following units are valid for the " A/D ??" selections of
the AP.S2CDSP.Analyzer.InputFormat
command: V, dBu, dBV, dBr A, dBr B, dBg A, dBg B, dBm,
and W.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChALevelSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 403

Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer channel A Level Moni-
tor meter settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Ana-
lyzer.ChALevelRdg or AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelTrig com-
mands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChALevelRdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChALevelSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelSettling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelSettling(ByVal Tolerance As

Double, ByVal Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String,
ByVal Points As Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal
Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChALevelRdg command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChALevelReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelRdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChALevelSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg.

404 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer. Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChARange Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChARange(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double The following values are the range boundaries for the
dBFS unit: 0.000, -6.021, -12.041, -18.062, -24.82, -30.
103, -36.124, -42.144, -48.165, -54.185, -60.206, -66.227,
-72.247, -78.268, -84.288, -90.309, -186.639.
If an arbitrary value between the range boundaries is
entered the next higher range will be selected.
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: FFS, %FS, dBFS, dBr 1.
Description This command sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer Input Range and returns the
nominal full scale of the range in use.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChARangeAuto
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChARangeAuto Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChARangeAuto
Data Type Boolean
True Auto range
False Fixed range
Description This command sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer channel A Input to Auto
range or Fixed range. Care must be taken when using Fixed range that the input sig-
nal does not exceed the selected range.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChARange
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBCoupling Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBCoupling
Data Type Integer
0 AC Coupled
1 DC Coupled
2 DC only: This enables the instrument to DC couple the
input to the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer. The channel B
level meter can then be used to measure DC.
Description This command sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer channel B Input Coupling.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChACoupling
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 405

Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz,
cent, octs, decs, d%, dPPM.
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer
channel B Frequency meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FreqBTrig, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqSettling
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPSmall
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 1 'Load DSP Audio Analyzer
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPLarge
With AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer
.ChBCoupling = 0 'Input AC coupled
.InputFormat = 1 'HiRes A/D @65k input
.ChBRangeAuto = False 'Fixed Range input
.ChBRange("FFS") = 1.000000 'In Range Full Scale

.ChBLevelSettling 1.000000, 0.000001, "V", 3, _

0.030000, 1
.ChBFreqSettling 0.500000, 0.010000, "Hz", 3, _
0.030000, 1
Wait .5
.ChBLevelTrig 'Trigger new Level reading
.ChBFreqTrig 'Trigger new Frequency reading
Do 'Wait for new readings
Loop Until .ChBLevelReady And .ChBFreqReady
var1 = .ChBLevelRdg("V")
var2 = .ChBFreqRdg("Hz")
End With
Text1$= "Channel B Level " & Str$(Format(var1, _
"##.000")) & "V"
Text2$= "Channel B Frequency " & _
Str$(Format(var2, "##.000")) & "Hz"
AP.Prompt.Text = Text1$ & Chr(13) & Text2$
'Text String and New Line
'Display Prompt
End Sub

406 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer. Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer Frequency B settled read-
ing ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Ana-
lyzer.ChBFreqRdg or AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FreqBTrig commands
will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChBFreqRdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChBFreqSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqSettling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqSettling(ByVal Tolerance As

Double, ByVal Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String,
ByVal Points As Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal
Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChBFreqRdg command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FreqBTrig, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FreqBReady
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChBFreqReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqSettling
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 407

Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for the "Digital @ ISR" selection of the AP.
S2CDSP.Analyzer.InputFormat command:
FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits, V, Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV, dBr 1, dBr

The following units are valid for the " A/D ??" selections of
the AP.S2CDSP.Analyzer.InputFormat
command: V, dBu, dBV, dBr A, dBr B, dBg A, dBg B, dBm,
and W.
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer
channel B Level meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChBLevelSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer channel B Level Moni-
tor meter settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Ana-
lyzer.ChBLevelRdg or AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelTrig com-
mands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChBLevelRdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChBLevelSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelTrig,
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg.

408 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer. Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelSettling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelSettling(ByVal Tolerance As

Double, ByVal Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String,
ByVal Points As Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal
Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChBLevelRdg command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChBLevelReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelRdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
ChBLevelReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBLevelSettling
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBRange Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBRange(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double The following values are the range boundaries for the
dBFS unit: 0.000, -6.021, -12.041, -18.062, -24.82, -30.
103, -36.124, -42.144, -48.165, -54.185, -60.206, -66.227,
-72.247, -78.268, -84.288, -90.309, -186.639.
If an arbitrary value between the range boundaries is
entered the next higher range will be selected.
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: FFS, %FS, dBFS, dBr 2.
Description This command sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer Input Range and returns the
nominal full scale of the range in use.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBRangeAuto
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 409

Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBRangeAuto Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBRangeAuto
Data Type Boolean
True Auto range
False Fixed range
Description This command sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer channel B Input to Auto
range or Fixed range. Care must be taken when using Fixed range that the input sig-
nal does not exceed the selected range.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBRange
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChBFreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncBPBRFreq Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncBPBRFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz,
cent, octs, decs, d%, dPPM.
Description This command sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer BandPass/BandReject filter
to the frequency value passed.
The DSP-implemented Bandpass filter affects only the main (Reading) meter, not
the Level Monitor or Frequency reading. It is a highly-selective filter of about 1/13
octave bandwidth (Q=19, 3 dB bandwidth about 5.2% of center frequency). The
bandpass filter is tunable across the audio spectrum from 0.04% to 42% of the sam-
ple rate (20 Hz to 20 kHz at a 48 kHz sample rate). It is used in Bandpass and
Crosstalk functions.
The Bandreject (notch) function of the filter is used in the two THD+N functions. It
is tunable from 0.04% to 42% of the sample rate (20 Hz to 20 kHz at a 48 kHz rate).
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncBPBRTuning, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPSmall
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 1 'Load DSP Audio Analyzer
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPLarge
With AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer
.InputFormat = 1 'HiRes A/D @65k input

.FuncMode = 5 'Mode Bandpass

.RdgRate = 4 'Set Reading Rate 32/Sec
.FuncDetector = 0 'Set Detector to RMS

410 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer. Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer

.FuncBPBRTuning = 4 'Fixed Tuning at 1kHz

.FuncBPBRFreq("Hz") = 999.999046

.FuncChASettling 3.000000, 0.000000, "V", 3, _

0.100000, 1
Wait .5
.FuncChATrig 'Trigger new reading
Do 'Wait for new reading
Loop Until .FuncChAReady
var1 = .FuncChARdg("V") 'Return reading
End With
Text$= "Bandpass Amplitude " & Str$(Format(var1, _
"##.000")) & "V"
AP.Prompt.Text = Text$ & Chr(13)
'Text and New Line
'Display Prompt
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncBPBRTuning Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncBPBRTuning
Data Type Integer
0 Counter Tuned: the frequency value measured by the
ANALYZER Frequency counter is the filter steering
source. This function would be selected when making
THD+N or Crosstalk measurements from an external
signal such as reproduction of a Compact Disc or digital
audio tape or reception of a digital signal from a distant
1 Sweep Track: the filter tracks the frequency of whichever
generator is selected in the Source 1 or Source 2 fields of
the Sweep panel.
2 AGen Track: the digital bandpass-bandreject filter tracks
the frequency of the Analog Generator, This mode is
useful for testing A/D converters driven from the
instrument's analog output.
3 DGen Track: the filter will automatically track the
frequency of the Digital Generator. This mode would
normally be used when sweeping digital input-digital
output devices with stimulus coming from the instrument's
Digital Generator.
4 Fixed: the filter will be fixed at the frequency entered in
the BP/BR Filter Freq field just below unless the filter is
being deliberately varied as part of a sweep test. To
sweep the filter frequency during a test, select BP/BR
Filter Freq as the Source 1 or Source 2 parameter on the
Sweep panel. Fixed tuning mode must be selected in

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 411

Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.

order to use the BP/BR Filter Freq parameter as a Source

Description This command sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer Bandpass Bandreject filter
Tuning source.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncBPBRFreq
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncBPBRFreq .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChARange Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncRange(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double The following values are the range boundaries for the
dBFS unit: 0.000, -6.021, -12.041, -18.062, -24.82, -30.
103, -36.124, -42.144, -48.165, -54.185, -60.206, -66.227,
-72.247, -78.268, -84.288, -90.309, -186.639.
If an arbitrary value between the range boundaries is
entered the next higher range will be selected.
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: FFS, %FS, dBFS, dBr 1,
dBr 2.
Description This command sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer channel A Function meter
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.RdgRate, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncMode, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChARangeAuto
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChARangeAuto Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChARangeAuto
Data Type Boolean
True Auto range.
False Fixed range.
Description This command sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer channel A Function meter
to Auto or Fixed Range.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.RdgRate, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncMode, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChARange
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChARdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChARdg(ByVal Unit As String)

412 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer. Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer

Data Type Double

Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit.

The following units are valid for the "Digital" selection of

the AP.S2DSP.Analyzer.InputFormat
command for the Amplitude, THD+N Ampl, and Bandpass
Function meter Modes: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits, V, Vp,
Vpp, dBu, dBV, dBr 1, dBr 2.

The following units are valid for the "Low BW (1x) A/D"
selection of the AP.S2DSP.Analyzer.
InputFormat command for the Amplitude, THD+N
Ampl, and Bandpass Function meter Modes: V, dBu, dBV,
dBr A, dBr B, dBg A, dBg B, dBm, W.

The following units (%, dB, PPM, X/Y) are available for
the following Function meter Modes: 2-Ch Ratio,
Crosstalk, THD+N Ratio, SMPTE IMD.

The (deg) units is available for the Function meter Phase

Description This command returns a settled reading from the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer
channel A Function meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncMode, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncChAReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChASettling, AP.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChAReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChAReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer channel A Function me-
ter settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Ana-
lyzer.FuncChARdg or AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChATrig commands
will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncChARdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChARdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncChASettling, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChATrig

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 413

Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.

Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChASettling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChASettling(ByVal Tolerance As

Double, ByVal Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String,
ByVal Points As Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal
Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncChARdg command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChARdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncChAReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChATrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChATrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChATrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChARdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChARdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncChAReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChASettling
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRange Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRange(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double The following values are the range boundaries for the
dBFS unit: 0.000, -6.021, -12.041, -18.062, -24.82, -30.
103, -36.124, -42.144, -48.165, -54.185, -60.206, -66.227,
-72.247, -78.268, -84.288, -90.309, -186.639.
If an arbitrary value between the range boundaries is
entered the next higher range will be selected.
Parameters Name Description
Unit The following units are available: FFS, %FS, dBFS, dBr 1,
dBr 2.
Description This command sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer channel B Function meter
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncMode, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRangeAuto

414 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer. Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer

Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRangeAuto Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRangeAuto
Data Type Boolean
True Auto range.
False Fixed range.
Description This command sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer channel B Function meter
to Auto or Fixed Range.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.RdgRate, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncMode, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRange
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit.

The following units are valid for the "Digital" selection of

the AP.S2DSP.Analyzer.InputFormat
command for the Amplitude, THD+N Ampl, and Bandpass
Function meter Modes: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits, V, Vp,
Vpp, dBu, dBV, dBr 1, dBr 2.

The following units are valid for the "Low BW (1x) A/D"
selection of the AP.S2DSP.Analyzer.
InputFormat command for the Amplitude, THD+N
Ampl, and Bandpass Function meter Modes: V, dBu, dBV,
dBr A, dBr B, dBg A, dBg B, dBm, W.

The following units (%, dB, PPM, X/Y) are available for
the following Function meter Modes: 2-Ch Ratio,
Crosstalk, THD+N Ratio, SMPTE IMD.

The (deg) units is available for the Function meter Phase

Description This command returns a settled reading from the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer
channel B Function meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncMode, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncChBReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBSettling, AP.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 415

Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.

Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer Function meter settled
reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Ana-
lyzer.FuncChBRdg or AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBTrig commands
will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncChBRdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncChBSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBSettling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBSettling(ByVal Tolerance As

Double, ByVal Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String,
ByVal Points As Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal
Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncChBRdg command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncChBReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncChBReady, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBSettling

416 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer. Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer

Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector
Data Type Integer
0 RMS: Level and Function meters use RMS detector.
1 Fast RMS: Level and Function meters use Fast RMS
2 Qpeak: Level meters use RMS detection and Function
meters use Qpeak detector.
Description This command selects the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer Detector type for the
Level and Function meters.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.RdgRate, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncMode,
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncChBRange, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.

Example Sub Main

AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPSmall
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 1 'Load DSP Audio Analyzer
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPLarge
With AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer
.InputFormat = 1 'HiRes A/D @65k input
.FuncMode = 3 'THD+N measurement Mode
.FuncRangeAuto = True 'Auto Range
.ChARange("dBFS") = 0.000000 'Use with Fixed Range
.RdgRate = 0 'Auto Reading Rate
.FuncDetector = 0 'RMS Detector
.FilterHP = 0 'Set HP Filter to <10Hz
.FuncFilterLP = 1 'Set LP Filter to 20kHz
.FuncFilter = 0 'No Auxiliary Filter

.FuncChASettling 3.000000, 0.000010, "%", 3, _

0.100000, 1
Wait .5
.FuncChATrig 'Trigger new Function _
meter reading
Do 'Wait for new readings
Loop Until .FuncChAReady
var = .FuncChARdg("%") 'Get Reading
End With
Text$= "THD+N = " & Str$(Format(var, "##.00000")) _
& "%"

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 417

Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.

AP.Prompt.Text = Text$ & Chr(13)

'Text and New Line
AP.Prompt.ShowWithContinue 'Display Prompt
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilter Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilter
Data Type Integer
The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.Ana-
lyzer.FuncMode command Ampitude, THD+N Abs, THD+N Ratio, and 2-Ch
Ratio selections.
0 None
1 "A" Weighting
2 CCIR Weighting
3 F Weighting
4 CCITT Weighting
5 C-Message Weighting
6 Harmonic Weighting (THD Only)

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.Ana-

lyzer.FuncMode command Bandpass selection.
0 Narrow
1 Narrow, Freq x2
2 Narrow, Freq x3
3 Narrow, Freq x4
4 Narrow, Freq x5

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.Ana-

lyzer.FuncMode command Crosstalk selection.
0 Narrow
Description This command selects the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer Weighting Filter.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterHP, AP.S2CDsp.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterHP Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterHP
Data Type Integer
0 <10 Hz
1 22 Hz

418 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer. Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer

2 100 Hz
3 400 Hz
Description This command selects the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer High Pass filter used
with the function meters.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterLowPass
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterHPUserDefined Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterHPUserDefined(ByVal FileName

As String)
Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
characters. The file must be an AP2700 high-pass filter
file (.afh). Enter "None" for the file name to remove the
User-Defined Filter.
Result Boolean
True File attachment successful.
False File attachment failed.
Description This command attaches a User-Defined Filter for use with the DSP Audio Analyzer
High Pass filter selection. When the filter is attached, the design is tested to deter-
mine that there are not more than 2 second-order sections used to create the filter
and that the filter is stable. If either of these conditions is not met then this command
returns False. To select the attached User-Defined Filter select "User Defined" with
the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterHP command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterHP, AP.S2CDsp.
Analyzer.FuncFilterLPUserDefined, AP.S2CDsp.
Example Sub Main
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterHPUserDefined _
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterId Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterId
Data Type Integer
Description This command returns the FuncFilterId used in the Analyzer Function Meter Filter.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilter
Example AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilter

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 419

Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterLP Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterLP
Data Type Integer
0 Fs/2
1 20 kHz LP
2 15 kHz LP
Description This command selects the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer Low Pass filter used
with the function meters.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterHP
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterLPUserDefined Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterLPUserDefined(ByVal FileName

As String)
Parameters Name Description
FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
characters. The file must be an AP2700 low-pass filter file
(.afl). Enter "None" for the file name to remove the User-
Defined Filter.
Result Boolean
True File attachment successful.
False File attachment failed.
Description This command attaches a User-Defined Filter for use with the DSP Audio Analyzer
Low Pass filter selection. When the filter is attached, the design is tested to deter-
mine that there are not more than 3 second-order sections used to create the filter
and that the filter is stable. If either of these conditions is not met then this command
returns False. To select the attached User-Defined Filter select "User Defined" with
the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterLP command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterLP, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncFilterHPUserDefined, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
Example Sub Main
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterLPUserDefined _ ("My_LP-1.
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterWeightingUserDefined Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncFilterWeightingUserDefined(ByVal FileName As

420 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer. Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer

Parameters Name Description

FileName Long Path and File Names permitted up to 128
characters. The file must be an AP2700 weighting filter
file (.afw). Enter "None" for the file name to remove the
User-Defined Filter.
Result Boolean
True File attachment successful.
False File attachment failed.
Description This command attaches a User-Defined Filter for use with the DSP Audio Analyzer
Weighting filter selection. When the filter is attached, the design is tested to deter-
mine that there are not more than 4 second-order sections used to create the filter
and that the filter is stable. If either of these conditions is not met then this command
returns False. To select the attached User-Defined Filter select "User Defined" with
the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilter command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilter, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncFilterHPUserDefined, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
Example Sub Main
AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncFilterWeightingUser _ Defined("My
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncMode Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncMode
Data Type Integer
0 Amplitude: Amplitude mode connects the Function
Reading meter to the channel selected by the AP.
S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncInput command.
Amplitude mode measurements can differ from the Level
meter measurements due to two factors:
Amplitude mode measurements are affected by the
high-pass (AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncFilterHP), low-pass (AP.S2CDsp.
Analyzer.FuncFilterLP), and weighting filter
commands, while Level meter readings are unfiltered.
Amplitude measurements may be made with the
quasi-peak or one of the RMS detectors, while the Level
meters always use the same type of RMS detector
selected with the AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
FuncDetector command.
1 2-Channel Ratio: 2-Ch Ratio mode displays in the
Function Reading meter display the amplitude ratio
between the selected channel and the alternate channel.
Both Level meters continue to display the absolute level
on each channel. 2-Ch Ratio function is useful while

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 421

Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.

adjusting stereo channel amplitudes to match or for

measuring gain or loss when the analyzer inputs are
connected at the input and output of a device.
2 Crosstalk: Crosstalk mode is identical to the 2-Ch Ratio
mode except that the tunable bandpass filter is also
engaged in the main (Function Reading) meter before the
measurement. Crosstalk mode will thus provide more
accurate measurements of low-amplitude signals in the
presence of noise, since most wide-band noise will be
rejected by the filter. The filter must be tuned to the
frequency of the signal on the driven channel.
3 THD+N Ratio: The THD+N mode uses a DSP-
implemented bandreject (notch) filter to remove the
fundamental sinewave signal so that the detector may
measure the remaining harmonic distortion products and
noise. The THD+N Ratio mode expresses the distortion
product and noise amplitudes relative to the amplitude of
the unfiltered signal measured by the Level meter. Units
of % and dB (below fundamental) are commonly used in
THD+N Ratio function. THD+N Ratio is used much more
commonly than THD+N Amplitude, but in an amplitude
sweep THD+N Ratio appears to show increasing
distortion and noise with decreasing signal amplitude
because the distortion and noise is stated as a ratio to the
decreasing signal. THD+N Amplitude may be more
useful for amplitude sweeps.
The bandreject filter center frequency may be fixed or
may track one of several other parameters.
4 THD+N Ampl: The THD+N Amplitude mode uses a DSP-
implemented bandreject (notch) filter to remove the
fundamental sinewave signal so that the detector may
measure the remaining harmonic distortion products and
noise. The THD+N Ampl (amplitude) mode expresses
amplitude of the remaining distortion products and noise
in absolute units (FFS, %FS, dBFS, bits with digital
signals; Volts, dBV, dBu, etc. with analog signals),
independent of the amplitude of the fundamental signal.
THD+N Ampl mode is particularly useful when performing
amplitude sweeps of audio devices, since it helps make
clear that the noise component is (typically) a constant
amplitude unrelated to the signal amplitude. THD+N Ratio
in an amplitude sweep obscures this fact, since the
measured distortion and noise appears to increase with
decreasing signal amplitude because it is being stated as
a ratio to the decreasing signal.
The bandreject filter center frequency may be fixed or
may track one of several other parameters.
5 Bandpass: Bandpass mode is a selective voltmeter (wave
analyzer) implemented by DSP techniques. It includes a
narrow bandpass filter of about 1/13 octave (Q=19, 3 dB
bandwidth about 5.2% of center frequency). The
bandpass filter center frequency may be fixed or may
track one of several other parameters. The filter may be

422 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer. Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer

tuned to the steering source fundamental frequency or to

the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th harmonic of the tuning source.
This harmonic tracking ability permits swept
measurements of individual harmonic distortion, limited to
a maximum value of 42% of the sample rate.
6 SMPTE/DIN: The SMPTE/DIN mode of DSP Audio
Analyzer is designed to function with two-tone
intermodulation distortion test signals complying with the
SMPTE or DIN standard, or similar to these. These
signals normally consist of a low-frequency tone between
40 Hz and 500 Hz combined with a high-frequency tone
above 2 kHz. Typical SMPTE tone combinations are 60
Hz and 7 kHz, while 250 Hz and 8 kHz are often used
with the DIN standard. The amplitude ratio of the LF tone
to the HF tone is commonly 4:1 but the tones are
sometimes at equal amplitudes. The analyzer function
measures the amplitude of the sidebands near the high-
frequency tone and expresses their amplitude as a ratio to
the HF tone amplitude.
7 Phase: The Phase mode of DSP Audio Analyzer
measures the phase of the B channel signal relative to the
A channel signal (B-A), expressing the result in degrees.
This corresponds to the phase measurement technique of
the hardware analog analyzer, and to the Sine Variable
Phase waveform of both the analog and digital
generators. The Channel B display field is gray when
Phase function is selected.
Description This command selects the analysis mode of the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer
Function meters.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.RdgRate, AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncPhaseMode Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncPhaseMode
Data Type Integer
0 Auto
1 -180 +180 deg
2 0 +360 deg
3 -90 +270 deg
Description This function sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer Function meter Phase mea-
surement range.

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.InputFormat Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.InputFormat

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 423

Chapter 24: DSP Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.

Data Type Integer

0 Digital @ ISR:
1 HiRes A/D @65536
2 HiBW A/D @131072
3 HiBW A/D @262144
4 HiRes A/D @SSR
5 HiBW A/D @2xSSR
Description This command sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer Input Format.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.RdgRate Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.RdgRate
Data Type Integer
0 Auto: This selection manages selection of the reading rate
as a function of the frequency being measured and the
measurement function to provide rapid testing speeds
along with sufficient integration for accuracy at the
present test frequency.
1 4/Sec
2 8/Sec
3 16/Sec
4 32/Sec
5 64/Sec
6 128/Sec
Description This command sets the Digital Domain Audio Analyzer Reading update Rate (inte-
gration period) for all of the meters in this DSP program.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector, AP.S2CDsp.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncDetector .

424 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 25
Digital Data Analyzer
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following
units are valid for this command: dec, hex.
Description This command returns a unsettled reading for the Digital Data Analyzer channel A
Data meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataReady, AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.
Example Sub Main
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 6
AP.DGen.Wfm 4, 5
AP.DGen.ChAAmpl("dBFS") = -3
AP.DGen.DitherType = 3
AP.DGen.Output = True
AP.S2CDio.InConnector = 3
AP.S2CDsp.BitTest.ChADataTrig 'Trigger a new reading
Ready = AP.S2CDsp.BitTest.ChADataReady
Loop Until Ready > 0 'Wait for new reading
Reading1 = AP.S2CDsp.BitTest.ChADataRdg("dec")
'Get new reading
NewLine$ = Chr(13)
a$= "Ch A Data "+Left(Str$(Reading1),8)+" dec"
AP.Prompt.Text = a$ + NewLine$
End Sub

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 425

Chapter 25: Digital Data Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Data Analyzer channel A Data meter unsettled
reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.
ChADataRdg or AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataTrig commands will zero
the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S1DSP.Bittest.
ChADataRdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataRd, AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataTrig
Output See example for AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataRdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.
Output See example for AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChADataRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: dec, hex.
Description This command returns a unsettled reading for the Digital Data Analyzer channel A
Errors meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrReady , AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.
Example Sub Main
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 6

426 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest. Chapter 25: Digital Data Analyzer

AP.DGen.Wfm 4, 5
AP.DGen.ChAAmpl("dBFS") = -3
AP.DGen.DitherType = 0
AP.DGen.Output = True
AP.S2CDio.InConnector = 3
With AP.S2CDsp.BitTest
.DisplayError = 0 'Error display normal
.RdgRate = 3 'Reading rate to 16/second
.Wfm = 4 'Set waveform analysis pattern to _
.FreezeOnError = False 'Don't freeze data on _
.ChAErrTrig 'Trigger a new reading
Ready = .ChAErrReady
Loop Until Ready > 0 'Wait for new reading
Reading1 = .ChAErrRdg("dec") 'Get new reading
End With
NewLine$ = Chr(13)
a$= "Ch A Errors "+Left(Str$(Reading1),8)+" dec"
AP.Prompt.Text = a$ + NewLine$
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Data Analyzer channel A Errors meter unsettled
reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.
ChAErrRdg or AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrTrig commands will zero the
ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S1DSP.Bittest.
ChAErrRdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrRdg.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 427

Chapter 25: Digital Data Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S1DSP.Bittest.ChAErrRdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrReady
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: dec, hex.
Description This command returns a unsettled reading for the Digital Data Analyzer channel B
Data meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataReady, AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.
Example Sub Main
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 6
AP.DGen.Wfm 4, 5
AP.DGen.ChAAmpl("dBFS") = -3
AP.DGen.DitherType = 3
AP.DGen.Output = True
AP.S2CDio.InConnector = 3
'Trigger a new reading
Ready = AP.S2CDsp.BitTest.ChBDataReady
Loop Until Ready > 0 'Wait for new reading
Reading1 = AP.S2CDsp.BitTest.ChBDataRdg("dec")
'Get new reading
NewLine$ = Chr(13)
a$= "Ch B Data "+Left(Str$(Reading1),8)+" dec"
AP.Prompt.Text = a$ + NewLine$
End Sub

428 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest. Chapter 25: Digital Data Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Data Analyzer channel B Data meter unsettled
reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.
ChBDataRdg or AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataTrig commands will zero
the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.
ChBDataRdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataRdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBDataRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: dec, hex.
Description This command returns a unsettled reading for the Digital Data Analyzer channel B
Errors meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrReady , AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 429

Chapter 25: Digital Data Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.

Example Sub Main

AP.S2CDsp.Program = 6
AP.DGen.Wfm 4, 5
AP.DGen.ChAAmpl("dBFS") = -3
AP.DGen.DitherType = 0
AP.DGen.Output = True
AP.S2CDio.InConnector = 3
AP.S2CDsp.BitTest.ChBErrTrig 'Trigger a new reading
Ready = AP.S2CDsp.BitTest.ChBErrReady
Loop Until Ready > 0 'Wait for new reading
Reading1 = AP.S2CDsp.BitTest.ChBErrRdg("dec")
'Get new reading
NewLine$ = Chr(13)
a$= "Ch B Errors "+Left(Str$(Reading1),8)+" dec"
AP.Prompt.Text = a$ + NewLine$
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Digital Data Analyzer channel B Errors meter unsettled
reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.
ChBErrRdg or AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrTrig commands will zero the
ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.
ChBErrRdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrTTrig

430 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest. Chapter 25: Digital Data Analyzer

Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrRdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrTRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChBErrRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.DisplayError Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.DisplayError
Data Type Integer
0 Normal
1 Maximum.
2 Totalize.
Description This command sets the mode for the Digital Data Analyzer channel A and B Error
Received data is also measured to determine if it matches the data transmitted. Only
the number of bits selected in the Resolution field AP.S2CDio.Resolution of
the Digital I/O panel will be analyzed. This comparison is done with algorithms
which are insensitive to delay between the send and receive sections. The number of
errors in the received data per measurement interval are counted for each channel.
The AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.DisplayError command selects the type of analy-
sis to be performed. In the Normal mode, the number of errors detected during the
last measurement interval are displayed directly in the Ch 1 and Ch 2 Errors fields
of the panel. If Error Display is selected as Maximum, the maximum error count dur-
ing any measurement interval will be held in the display. A running total of all errors
may be accumulated by using the Totalize mode of the Error Display field.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.RdgRate
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.FreezeOnError Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.FreezeOnError
Data Type Boolean
True Hold first error reading..
False Continue updating data readings.
Description This command sets or clears the Freeze Data on Error field on the Digital Data Ana-
If the AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.FreezeOnError command is set to (True), the
Data fields will continue to display the value which was received when the first er-
ror occurred. If AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.FreezeOnError is set to (False), the
Data fields will continue updating, independent of any errors detected.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.RdgRate

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 431

Chapter 25: Digital Data Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.

Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.RdgRate Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.RdgRate
Data Type Integer
0 Auto reading rate. The reading rate is automatically
selected based on the measured frequency.
1 4/sec update rate.
2 8/sec update rate.
3 16/sec update rate.
Description This command sets the rate a which the Data (and Errors) readings are updated.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Bittest.ChAErrRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.BitTest.Wfm Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.BitTest.Wfm
Data Type Integer
0 Constant
1 Random
2 Walking-1
3 Walking-0
4 Sine

Description This command selects the Digital Data Analyzer Waveform pattern to analyze.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.BitTest.ChAErrRdg.

432 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 26
Multitone Audio Analyzer
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Rdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Rdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following
units are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits.
Description This command returns a unsettled reading for the Multitone Audio Analyzer channel
1 Peak Monitor meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Ready, AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "FASTTSTC.AT2C"
'Opens test
Wait 1
With AP.S2CDsp.FastTest
.Ch1Trig 'Trigger a new reading
Ready1 = .Ch1Ready
Loop Until Ready1 > 0 'Wait for reading
Reading1 = .Ch1Rdg("dBFS") 'Get reading
End With
NewLine$ = Chr(13)
a$= "Ch1 Peak Mon " & Left(Str$(Reading1),6) & _
AP.Prompt.Text = a$ & NewLine$ & b$ + NewLine
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Ready Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Ready
Data Type Integer

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 433

Chapter 26: Multitone Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.

0 Reading not ready.

>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Multitone Audio Analyzer channel 1 Peak Monitor meter
unsettled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.
FastTest.Ch1Rdg or AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Trig commands will
zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.
Ch1Rdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Rd, AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Trig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Source Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Source
Data Type Integer
The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.
FastTest.InputFormat command Digital input selection.
0 A
1 B
2 None

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.

FastTest.InputFormat command A/D input selections.
0 Anlr-A
1 Anlr-B
2 Anlr Reading Ampl
3 Anlr Reading Ratio
4 Ch. A Generator
5 Ch. B Generator
6 Jitter Signal (UI)
7 None
8 Jitter Signal (sec)

Description This command sets the Multitone Audio Analyzer Channnel 1 Input.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FFTLength.

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Trig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Trig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDSP.FastTest.Ch1Rdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Ready

434 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest. Chapter 26: Multitone Audio Analyzer

Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Rdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Rdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits.
Description This command returns a unsettled reading for the Multitone Audio Analyzer channel
2 Peak Monitor meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Ready, AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Trig
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "FASTTSTC.AT2C"
'Open test
Wait 1
With AP.S2CDsp.FastTest
.Ch2Trig 'Trigger a new reading
Ready2 = .Ch2Ready
Loop Until Ready2 > 0 'Wait for new reading
Reading2 = .Ch2Rdg("dBFS")
'Get new reading
End With
NewLine$ = Chr(13)
a$= "Ch2 Peak Mon " & Left(Str$(Reading2),6) & _
AP.Prompt.Text = a$ & NewLine$ & b$ + NewLine
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Ready Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Ready
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Multitone Audio Analyzer channel 2 Peak Monitor meter
unsettled reading ready count.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 435

Chapter 26: Multitone Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.

Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.
FastTest.Ch2Rdg or AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Trig commands will
zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.
Ch2Rdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Trig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Source Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Source
Data Type Integer
The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.
FastTest.InputFormat command Digital input selection.
0 A
1 B
2 None

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.

FastTest.InputFormat command A/D input selections.
0 Anlr-A
1 Anlr-B
2 Anlr Reading Ampl
3 Anlr Reading Ratio
4 Ch. A Generator
5 Ch. B Generator
6 Jitter Signal (UI)
7 None
8 Jitter Signal (sec)

Description This command sets the Multitone Audio Analyzer Channnel 2 Input.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FFTLength.

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Trig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Trig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Rdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Ready
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Ch2Rdg.

436 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest. Chapter 26: Multitone Audio Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FFTLength Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FFTLength
Data Type Integer
0 Auto: The Auto selection will automatically set the
acquisition buffer and transform length to be exactly twice
the length of any generator waveform loaded into the
Digital Generator buffer. This condition is necessary for
the Noise function of FASTTEST to work.
1 512
2 1024
3 2048
4 4096
5 8192
6 16384
7 32768
Description This command sets the Multitone Audio Analyzer FFT Length.
The FFT Length field value of the FASTTEST program controls the record length
used as input to the FFT process when either F9/Go or AP.Sweep.Start is initi-
ated to acquire and transform, or the F6 or Ap.Sweep.Retransform function
key or Sweep Transform Data without Acquire menu command is used to re-trans-
form any portion of a record previously acquired. Longer transform lengths produce
greater frequency resolution in the resulting FFT, but require longer times to acquire
and transform the signal.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "FasttstB.AT2C"
'Open test
With AP.S2CDsp.FastTest
.InputFormat = 4 'Set input to HiRes A/D @SSR
.Ch1Source = 0 'Set Source to Anlr-A
.Ch2Source = 1 'Set Source to Anlr-B
.Mode = 0 'Set Measurement to Spectrum
.FreqRes("%") = 1 'Set Freq Res to 1%
.FFTLength = 6 'Set FFT lenght to 16384
.Processing = 0 'Set Processing to Synchronous
.TrigSource = 0 'Set Triggering to DGEN
.TrigDelay("sec") = 0 'Set Trig Delay to 0
.PhaseDisplay = 0 'Set Ch 2 Phase Display to _

'Attach sweep file
AP.Sweep.Source1.Table("FASTTST.ADS", 0)
.Mode = 1 'Set Measurement to Response
.Mode = 2 'Set Measurement to Distortion
.Mode = 3 'Set Measurement to Noise

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 437

Chapter 26: Multitone Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.

.Mode = 4 'Set Measurement to Masking Curve

End With
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FreqRes Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FreqRes(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Valid amplitude settings are from +/- 0.0 to 13.0 %.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command: %
Description This command sets the Multitone Audio Analyzer Frequency Resolution.
The Frequency Resolution field is a numeric entry field with % units. The user may
enter values up to 13% which are used in Response and Distortion Measurement
In the Response function, the amplitudes of all FFT bins within plus and minus the
Frequency Resolution value of each sweep table value are combined in RSS (root-
sum-square) fashion and furnished to the computer as the integrated amplitude of
the bins within that range. The purpose of this function is to provide accurate fre-
quency response measurements of devices with wow and flutter. Wow and flutter
spreads the energy from a single tone across a narrow spectral band.
In the Distortion function, the amplitudes of all FFT bins within plus and minus the
Frequency Resolution value of each sweep table value are excluded from the RSS
computation of energy falling between tones. The Distortion function defines all sig-
nals other than the fundamental tones as distortion and noise. Entering a non-zero
value of Frequency Resolution causes flutter sidebands to not be included in the
distortion measurement.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FFTLength.

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.InputFormat Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.InputFormat
Data Type Integer
0 Digital @ ISR:
1 HiRes A/D @65536
2 HiBW A/D @131072
3 HiBW A/D @262144
4 HiRes A/D @SSR
5 HiBW A/D @2xSSR
Description This command sets the Multitone Audio Analyzer Input Format.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FFTLength.

438 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest. Chapter 26: Multitone Audio Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Mode Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Mode
Data Type Integer
0 Spectrum: This mode provides a normal FFT spectrum
display with no processing except for peak picking. The
Spectrum selection is typically used without a sweep table
(.ADS file), and with a relative large number of Steps at
Source 1 of the Sweep panel to provide good frequency
resolution. Typical Steps values are from 250 to 500. If
the transform length results in more FFT bins between the
Start-Stop frequency span than are being plotted, peak-
picking takes place. With peak-picking, the DSP searches
all FFT bins between the previously plotted point and the
point presently being plotted and sends the highest bin
amplitude in that range as the amplitude of the new point
to be sure that no signals are missed.
1 Response: This mode is always used with a sweep table
(.ADS file) listing the exact frequencies of the sinewaves
in the multitone signal to be used for frequency response
measurements. The DSP returns to the computer for
plotting only the amplitudes of the FFT bins containing
those exact frequencies, resulting in a frequency
response graph.
If the value in the Frequency Resolution field is greater
than zero, the DSP performs an RSS (root-sum-square)
integration of all the bin amplitudes within plus or minus
the Frequency Resolution value around each sweep table
frequency and sends the integrated sum value to the
computer to be plotted. This mode is intended for
frequency response measurements on devices such as
analog tape recorders which introduce frequency
modulation (flutter) to signals. Flutter spreads each tone's
energy across a small region of the spectrum. This
reduces the amplitude of the fundamental tone, since the
total energy in the fundamental and all sidebands remains
constant during frequency modulation. The RSS
summation combines this spread energy back into a
single value, much as the human hearing system
responds to signals with small amounts of FM.
2 Distortion: excludes the amplitudes of the FFT bins known
(from the generator waveform) to contain fundamental
signals. All other bin amplitudes are summed (RSS)
between each adjacent pair of frequencies requested
from the DSP by the computer. It is not necessary to use
a sweep table (.ADS file) listing the fundamental
frequencies of the sinewaves in the multitone signal being
used. Distortion and noise can thus be summed across
spans determined by the Sweep panel Start, Stop,
Log/Lin, and number of Steps, or the spans can be
determined by a sweep table. If it is desired to sum the

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 439

Chapter 26: Multitone Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.

noise and distortion into critical bands, a sweep table can

be used which defines the edges of the human hearing
system critical bands. The resulting distortion and noise
curve is normally compared to the composite masking
curve generated in Masking function.

If the value in the Frequency Resolution field is greater

than zero, the DSP also excludes all the bin amplitudes
within plus or minus the Frequency Resolution value
around each sweep table frequency before sending the
integrated sum value to the computer to be plotted. This
mode is intended for distortion measurements on devices
such as analog tape recorders which introduce frequency
modulation (flutter) to signals. Flutter spreads each tone's
energy across a small region of the spectrum. If these
close-in sidebands which fall outside the bin containing
the fundamental are not to be measured as distortion,
they must be excluded, much as the human hearing
system masks low amplitude signals nearby in frequency
to a stronger signal.
3 Noise: This selection may be used with a sweep table (.
ADS file) listing the fundamental frequencies of the
multitone signal in use, but need not be. Noise mode
depends on the FASTTEST Transform length being set to
the value twice the length of the waveform file which
generates the multitone signal. The analyzer frequency
resolution is thus twice the resolution of the generated
signal. The result is that every alternate analyzer FFT bin
falls between bins at which the generated signal could
contain fundamentals or bins into which harmonic or
intermodulation distortion products due to the generated
signal fundamental signals could fall (assuming that the
device under test does not shift fundamental frequencies
or produce frequency modulation). The amplitudes of
these alternate empty bins consist of noise generated in
the device under test, largely unaffected by fundamental
signals or distortion. If the same sweep table is used in
Noise mode that is used for response and distortion
measurements, the resulting graph will be a spectrum
analysis of noise in the presence of test signal. If a two-
point sweep is made with Start at 20 Hz and Stop at 20
kHz, for example, the plotted value at 20 kHz represents
the RSS integration of all empty bins across the audio
4 Masking: This selection generates a composite masking
curve for the particular multitone signal in use. The shape
of the curves is based on a model published by
psychacoustician Brian Moore in the Proceedings of the
AES 12th International Conference, June 1993, pp 22-23.
The shape of the curves varies with frequency. The center
frequency of each section of the composite masking curve
is located at the fundamental frequencies present in the

440 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest. Chapter 26: Multitone Audio Analyzer

waveform file downloaded to the generator buffer. The

reference amplitude at each frequency is determined by
the measured amplitude at each fundamental frequency.
The masking curve is normally used by saving it as a limit
(.ADL) file, then comparing a Distortion function curve
(usually with critical band spacing) to that limit curve.
5 Crosstalk: This mode depends upon the multitone test
signal having one or more unique tone frequencies on
each stereo channel, in addition to any number of tones
which are common to both channels. Crosstalk function
determines which generator frequencies are unique to a
channel and measures the amplitude of the
corresponding FFT frequency bin on the opposite
channel. Unique frequencies are typically created in
multitone signals at frequencies above 500 Hz, where the
generator resolution is less limiting and where a bin
occupied for crosstalk measurement purposes represents
a small portion of the total bins for measurement of total
integrated noise and distortion across that portion of the
spectrum. In order to measure crosstalk in both directions
(from A to B and from B to A), it is common to insert
unique tones at pairs of nearby frequencies on each
channel. For example, if monaural signals (tones on both
channels) exist at about 500 Hz and 640 Hz, a crosstalk-
measurement tone might be inserted at 560 Hz on
Channel A and at 575 Hz on Channel B. Crosstalk is
commonly used with a sweep table corresponding to the
approximate frequencies where the pairs of crosstalk
frequencies have been inserted. At each frequency in the
sweep table, the DSP will report the amplitude of the
crosstalk-containing bin nearest the requested frequency.
The FASTTEST Channel 1 curve will show
measurements of crosstalk into that frequency from
Channel 2, and vice-versa. If the stereo channels have
been mistakenly reversed, the crosstalk measurements
will show the levels of the tones in the channel on which
they were transmitted. This makes it easy to
automatically determine cases of swapped channels by
setting an upper limit file for each channel.
Description This command sets the Multitone Audio Analyzer measurement mode. The AP.
S2CDsp.FastTest.Mode command controls the type of post-processing done
to FFT results before they are sent to the computer for display and possible limits
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FFTLength.

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.PhaseDisplay Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.PhaseDisplay
Data Type Integer

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 441

Chapter 26: Multitone Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.

0 Independent
1 Interchannel
Description This command sets the Multitone Audio Analyzer Phase Display mode selection.
The FFT of FASTTEST computes both magnitude and phase arrays as a function of
frequency. The phase of coherent signals, such as multitone signals, may be plotted
for either or both channels by selecting FASTTEST as the instrument and Ch 1
Phase or Ch 2 Phase as the parameter in the Data browser of the Sweep panel. A
sweep table (.ADS file) listing the fundamental signals would be used in this mode.
When the channel 2 Phase Display is selected as Independent, the Ch 1 and Ch 2
Phase parameters each show the absolute phase of the fundamental tones.
It is also possible to plot the interchannel phase difference of stereo signals with
FASTTEST. Selecting Interchannel causes the DSP to compute the phase difference
between the Ch 1 and Ch 2 Phase signals at each sweep table value and report that
computed value to the computer as the Ch 2 Phase parameter. The Ch 1 Phase param-
eter is unaffected by the Interchannel setting and plots absolute phase of the channel
1 signal.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FFTLength.

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Processing Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Processing
Data Type Integer
0 Synchronous: Normal operation of FASTTEST involves
acquisition of a multitone signal which was generated
from a multitone waveform file by the instrument's Digital
Generator. The multitone waveform files furnished with
the instrument are created so as to be synchronous with
one or another of the analyzer acquisition buffer lengths
available in FASTTEST. Every sinewave in the generated
signal goes through an exact integer number of cycles in
the generator buffer and in the analyzer transform buffer.
No windowing function is required and maximum
theoretical FFT selectivity is achieved with full dynamic
range available in bins adjacent to a bin containing a full-
scale signal.
1 Freq Corrected: A key feature of FASTTEST is its ability
to compare the tone frequencies in an acquired multitone
waveform with the digital reference copy of the
transmitted or pre-recorded waveform presently in the
Digital Generator buffers. If this comparison shows that
the tone frequencies have been shifted up or down due to
the signal originating from a device with a different clock
frequency from the analyzer or due to analog tape player
speed errors, FASTTEST corrects all the tone frequencies
to the reference signal values. This re-creates the original
synchronous relationship so that no window function is
required before the FFT, and maximum theoretical FFT
selectivity is obtained. The maximum frequency difference
which can be corrected is +/-3%. FASTTEST is normally

442 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest. Chapter 26: Multitone Audio Analyzer

operated with Frequency Error Correction enabled when

analyzing signals generated by another Audio Precision
instrument or previously recorded and now being
reproduced. This mode of operation is selected by the
Freq Corrected selection in the Processing field.
2 Windowed: If for some reason it is desired to measure
remotely-generated or pre-recorded signals without use of
the Frequency Error Correction feature, it will normally be
necessary to use the Hann window function to obtain
useful results. The Windowed selection of the Processing
field enables the Hann window.
Description This command sets the Multitone Audio Analyzer processing.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FFTLength.

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.TrigDelay Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.TrigDelay(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Values up to 1.365 seconds may be entered.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command: sec.
Description This command sets the Multitone Audio Analyzer trigger delay.
When testing audio transmission paths which include audio processors (compres-
sors, limiters, etc.), it may be desirable to make measurements after the processors
have stabilized following any change of level resulting between the multitone burst
and the preceding program material. The Trigger Delay filed controls the interval be-
tween initial recognition of the incoming multitone signal and capture of the portion
of signal which will finally be analyzed for response, distortion, noise, etc. Use of
any non-zero Trigger Delay requires that the duration of multitone burst transmitted
be increased by the same amount over normal minimum burst length.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FFTLength.

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.TrigSource Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.TrigSource
Data Type Integer
0 DGen: This selection functions only on Dual Domain
units. If the Digital Generator is generating a signal from a
waveform file, a Digital Generator trigger is issued each
time the first sample from the file is generated.
1 Tight: See description below.
2 Normal: See description below.
3 Loose: See description below.
4 External: This selection is operational only with Dual
Domain units. It is the signal connected to pin 3 of the 15-
pin D-sub connector on the rear of the DSP module. If pin

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 443

Chapter 26: Multitone Audio Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.

3 is high (or open circuit, in which case it is pulled high by

an internal pull-up resistor), triggering occurs at the next
digital sample. Pulling pin 3 low from an external device
holds off triggering, with acquisiton being triggered on the
next sample after pin 3 is pulled high.
5 Off: This selection produces untriggered or free-running
operation. Acquisition and processing begins as soon as
the F9 key, Go, or AP.Sweep.Start command is
initiated. The Off selection is the recommended triggering
mode when you are testing devices by simultaneously
driving their input and measuring their output as opposed
to capturing a pre-recorded or remotely-originated
multitone signal.
6 AGen: If the Analog Generator is generating a signal from
a waveform file, an Analog Generator trigger is issued
each time the first sample from the file is generated.
Description This command sets the Multitone Audio Analyzer Triggering.
1. Using the tone frequencies represented in the Digital Generator buffer as a refer-
ence, FASTTEST looks at the received signal to see if the amplitude at each of a ma-
jority of those frequencies is within an acceptable relative amplitude range of the
corresponding component of the reference signal. This criterion allows FASTTEST
to ignore simple single-tone test signals, relatively-simple program material such as
may be produced by a solo musical instrument, and conditions of silence.
2. Across all sections of the spectrum between tones in the reference signal,
FASTTEST looks at the received signal to assure that its amplitude does not exceed
a threshold of acceptability. This criterion allows FASTTEST to ignore complex
voice and music program material which tends to have energy spread across much
of the spectrum.
To permit user control of the triggering criteria, the allowable deviation from refer-
ence signal amplitude at generator tone frequencies (1 above) and the amount that
energy at all other frequencies must be attenuated (2 above) are settable at three val-
ues. The Tight, Normal, and Loose selections each represents a different trade-off be-
tween the chance of false response on non-multitone signals versus the possibility of
not triggering on legitimate multitone signals from a device with large amounts of
noise and distortion and/or large deviations from flat frequency response. Select
Tight for the minimum chance of false triggering. This may be necessary when us-
ing very short generator waveform files (less than 2048 samples) since the conse-
quent poorer frequency resolution makes it more difficult to discriminate between
multitone signals and program material. Use Loose if FASTTEST will not otherwise
trigger on highly distorted or noisy signals or signals passed through narrow-band or
otherwise non-flat devices.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.FFTLength.

444 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 27
FFT Spectrum Analyzer
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.AcquireLength Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.AcquireLength
Data Type Integer
0 Track FFT
1 800
2 1.5k
3 2.5k
4 5k
5 10k
6 19k
7 24k
8 36k
9 72k
10 144k
11 256k
12 512k
13 1M
14 2M
15 4M
Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer acquisition buffer record length.
Note that the four longest acquisition lengths are only available with 2700 series and
Cascade Plus hardware.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TransformLength
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages
Data Type Integer
0 1
1 2
2 4
3 8
4 16
5 32

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 445

Chapter 27: FFT Spectrum Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.FFT.

6 64
7 128
8 256
9 512
10 1024
11 2048
12 4096
Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer number of FFT averages.
FFT has the ability to average a number of successive acquisitions and spectrum
analyses of a signal and display the averaged result. Since noise is random in ampli-
tude and phase, averaging a succession of noise measurements results in a degree of
cancellation and the averaged result will have less variance than the initial acquisi-
tion. Coherent signals, however, are the same at each acquisition and thus are not af-
fected by averaging. Thus, spectral averaging will reduce the maximum peak
excursions of the noise baseline in a typical signal spectrum while not affecting con-
tinuous signals, making it easier to detect and measure low amplitude signals and dis-
tortion products. Averaging over many seconds or minutes of program material such
as music or voice may also be useful in order to determine the long-term average
amplitude versus frequency distribution.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FFT.AverageType
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "FFTTEST1.AT2" 'Open test
With AP.S2CDsp.FFT
.InputFormat = 1 'HiRes A/D @65k input
.Ch1Source = 0 'Analyzer A input
.Ch2Source = 1 'Analyzer B input
.AverageType = 0 'Averaging to Power _
(Spectrum Only)
.Averages = 4 'Number of Averages to 16
.AcquireLength = 5 'Acqusition Length 10k
.TransformLength = 5 'FFT Length 8192
.StartTime("sec") = 0 'Set Start Time to 0 sec
.SubtractDC = 1 'Subtract Average waveform _
.WfmDisplay = 0 'Waveform Display to _
.Window = 0 'Window to Blackman-Harris
.TrigDelay("sec") = 0.000000
'Trigger Delay
.TrigSource = 0 'Trigger Source Free Run
.TrigSensitivity("dBFS") = -59.999594
.TrigPolarity = 0 'Trigger Slope Positive
End With

AP.Sweep.Start 'Perform FFT

End Sub

446 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.FFT. Chapter 27: FFT Spectrum Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.AverageType Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.AverageType
Data Type Integer
The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Win-
dow command Blackman-Harris, Hann, Flat-Top, Equiripple, and None Window se-
0 Power (spectrum only)
1 Sync, re-align
2 Sync

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Win-

dow command None, move to bin center Window selection.
0 Power (spectrum only)
1 Sync, re-align, move center first
2 Sync, re-align, average first
3 Sync, move center first
4 Sync, average first

Description This command sets the type of Averaging the FFT Spectrum Analyzer uses when
producing Time and Frequency domain measurements.
This command enables or disables computation of the average value of all samples
in the acquisition buffer and subtraction that computed value from the value of each
sample before an FFT transform or processing the values according to the Wave Dis-
play field and sending the results to the computer for display. The effect of the Sub-
tract Average Value function is thus very similar having used AC coupling before
acquiring the signal, as long as no signal peaks exceeded digital full scale. Use of
the Subtract Average Value function may be valuable when examining low-level sig-
nals which contain a significant amount of DC offset, particularly in time domain
(oscilloscope) presentations where the DC offset might otherwise cause the signal to
be off-screen at the selected vertical span.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Rdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Rdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits.
Description This command returns a unsettled reading for the FFT Spectrum Analyzer channel 1
Peak Monitor meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Ready, AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Trig
Example Sub Main

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 447

Chapter 27: FFT Spectrum Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.FFT.

AP.File.OpenTest "FFTTEST2.AT2"
'Open test
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Source = 1'Set Ch 1 Source to _
Wait 1
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Trig 'Trigger a new reading
Ready = AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Ready
Loop Until Ready > 0 'Wait for new reading
Reading1 = AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Rdg("FFS")'Get new _
NewLine$ = Chr(13)
a$= "Ch 1 Source "+Left(Str$(Reading1),6)+"FFS"
AP.Prompt.Text = a$ + NewLine$ + b$ + NewLine
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Ready Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Ready
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the FFT Spectrum Analyzer channel 1 Peak Monitor meter
unsettled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.FFT.
Ch1Rdg or AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Trig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Rdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Trig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Rdg.

448 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.FFT. Chapter 27: FFT Spectrum Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Source Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Source
Data Type Integer
The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.FFT.
InputFormat command A/D Input selection.
0 Anlr-A
1 Anlr-B
2 Anlr Reading Ampl
3 Anlr Reading Ratio
4 Ch. A Generator
5 Ch. B Generator
6 Jitter Signal
7 None

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.FFT.

InputFormat command Digital Input selection.
0 A
1 B
2 None

Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer Channnel 1 Input.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Trig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Trig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.FFTGen.Ch1Rdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Ready
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Rdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Rdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits.
Description This command returns a unsettled reading for the FFT Spectrum Analyzer channel 2
Peak Monitor meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Ready, AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Trig

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 449

Chapter 27: FFT Spectrum Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.FFT.

Example Sub Main

AP.File.OpenTest "FFTTEST2.AT2"
'Open test
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Source = 0'Set Ch 2 Source to
Wait 1
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Trig 'Trigger a new reading
Ready = AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Ready
Loop Until Ready > 0 'Wait for a new reading
Reading1 = AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Rdg("FFS") 'Get a new
NewLine$ = Chr(13)
a$= "Ch 2 Source "+Left(Str$(Reading1),6)+"FFS"
AP.Prompt.Text = a$ + NewLine$ + b$ + NewLine
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Ready Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Ready
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the FFT Spectrum Analyzer channel 2 Peak Monitor meter
unsettled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.FFT.
Ch2Rdg or AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Trig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Rdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Trig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Source Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Source
Data Type Integer
The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.FFT.
InputFormat command A/D input selection.
0 Anlr-A

450 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.FFT. Chapter 27: FFT Spectrum Analyzer

1 Anlr-B
2 Anlr Reading Ampl
3 Anlr Reading Ratio
4 Ch. A Generator
5 Ch. B Generator
6 Jitter Signal
7 None

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.FFT.

InputFormat command Digital input selection.
0 A
1 B
2 None

Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer Channnel 2 Input.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Trig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Trig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Rdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Ready
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.InputFormat Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.InputFormat
Data Type Integer
0 Digital @ ISR:
1 HiRes A/D @65536
2 HiBW A/D @131072
3 HiBW A/D @262144
4 HiRes A/D @SSR
5 HiBW A/D @2xSSR
Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer Input Format.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Smoothing Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Smoothing
Data Type Double Range of Values: 0 to 2.64 octaves

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 451

Chapter 27: FFT Spectrum Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.FFT.

Description This command controls the width of the FFT Smoothing algorithm in octave units.
Octave smoothing is a common technique in loudspeaker response measurement,
useful in revealing trends by smoothing out anomalies in the response curve. The
2700 implementation uses a hybrid FFT bin averaging and interpolation technique
to achieve smooth results even at very low bin densities. Smoothing, which only af-
fects frequency-domain displays, effectively passes the raw response data through
multiple constant-Q bandpass filters, one filter centered on each frequency requested
from the Sweep panel.

Example Sub Main

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Smoothing = .3333
'set FFT smoothing to 1/3 octave
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.StartTime Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.StartTime(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double The acceptable range of numbers depends upon the
sample rate set on the Digital I/O panel, since the
acquisition buffer is a fixed length in samples. At a 48
kHz sample rate, for example, the Start Time field will
accept numbers between plus and minus 341

Parameters Name Description

Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: sec.
Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer Start Time.
FFT permits the user to select any point in the acquired signal record as the begin-
ning of the portion to be transformed. The FFT transform is then computed for the
contiguous section of samples starting at that sample and continuing for the number
of samples chosen in the Length field. FFT thus permits selective spectrum analysis
of different sections of a complex signal such as program material or special test
signals such as sinewave bursts.
If the original signal acquisition (F9) was made with a negative value in the Pre-trig-
ger Time field, negative values up to and including that same value may be used as
FFT Start Time values to permit spectrum analysis of the pre-trigger section of the
acquired record.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.SubtractDC Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.SubtractDC
Data Type Integer

452 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.FFT. Chapter 27: FFT Spectrum Analyzer

0 DC Coupled
1 Subtract Average
2 Subtract 1/2pk-pk
Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer DC offset processing mode.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TransformLength Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TransformLength
Data Type Integer
0 256
1 512
2 1024
3 2048
4 4096
5 8192
6 16384
7 32768
Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer FFT length.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigDelay Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigDelay(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: sec.
Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer Trigger Delay time.
FFT has the ability to fill the acquisition buffer with signal samples starting at a
user-defined time before the trigger occurs, then continuing until the buffer is full.
This permits analysis of signal conditions both before and after the triggering event.
A negative value entered in the Trigger Delay field determines how much time (and
how many samples) prior to the trigger event are retained. The Pre-Trigger Time
field is visible only on the large form of the Digital Analyzer panel. The total length
of signal acquired will be as set in FFT Transform Length, with the remainder of the
acquisition buffer filled after the trigger. For example, with maximum memory the
length of the acquisition buffer for each channel is 341 milliseconds at a 48 kHz
rate. If the Pre-Trigger Time value is -50 milliseconds, for example, then 291 addi-
tional milliseconds of signal following the trigger will also be acquired to fill the
entire 341 ms buffer.
Pre-trigger data is acquired in this fashion: when the F9 key is pressed or Go is
clicked, FFT and the DSP module immediately begin acquiring data samples, even
though no trigger event may have yet occurred. If the acquisition buffer should com-
pletely fill before a trigger event occurs, data continues to be acquired in a FIFO
(first in first out) basis with the oldest data being dropped as new data is added.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 453

Chapter 27: FFT Spectrum Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.FFT.

When the trigger event occurs, FFT effectively creates a marker at that location
(time zero) and another marker at the pre-trigger time before time zero and contin-
ues acquiring until every location up to the pre-trigger marker is filled. Any portion
from the pre-trigger time through time zero to the end of the record may then be dis-
played in oscilloscope fashion or transformed and viewed as a spectrum analysis.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigLevel Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigLevel(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double The acceptable range of numbers is between plus and
minus 1 for the FFS unit.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, FS, and dBFS.
Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer Trigger Level. This control deter-
mines the signal level that must be obtained before a trigger event can occur. Once
the Trigger event occurs the next and following samples are placed into the
acqusition buffer until full.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch2Ready
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigPolarity Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigPolarity
Data Type Integer
0 Positive: time zero will be the first positive-going zero
crossing of the trigger signal selected in the Trigger
Source field.
1 Negative: time zero will be the first negative-going zero
crossing of the selected trigger signal.
Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer trigger polarity.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigSensitivity Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigSensitivity(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double The acceptable range of numbers is between plus and
minus 1 for the FFS unit.
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, FS, and dBFS.

454 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.FFT. Chapter 27: FFT Spectrum Analyzer

Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer Trigger Sensitivity. This control de-
termines the signal level that must be obtained before a zero crossing trigger event
can occur.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigSource Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TrigSource
Data Type Integer
0 Free Run: Signal acquisition begins immediately after F9
or Go is initiated, regardless of signal amplitude. This is
the typical operating mode with steady-state test signals.
1 Ch. 1 Auto
2 Ch. 1 Fixed
3 Ch. 2 Auto
4 Ch. 2 Fixed
5 External: The External selection refers to pin 3 of the 15-
pin D-sub connector on the rear of the DSP module. This
source is operational only with the SYS-2300 series Dual
Domain units. If pin 3 is high (or open circuit, in which
case it is pulled high by an internal pull-up resistor),
triggering occurs at the next digital sample. Pulling pin 3
low from an external device holds off triggering, with
acquisition being triggered on the next sample after pin 3
is pulled high. This External selection is unaffected by the
Slope buttons.
6 Digital Gen: The Digital Generator selection functions only
on Dual Domain units (SYS-2300 series). If the Digital
Generator is generating any of the waveforms selectable
in the Waveform field, a Digital Generator trigger occurs at
each zero crossing of the waveform, positive-going or
negative-going as selected by the Slope buttons. If the
Digital Generator is generating a signal from a waveform
file, a Digital Generator trigger occurs as the first sample
is read from the waveform file.
7 Analog Gen: The Analog Generator Sync selection is the
same signal as at the Generator Aux Signals Sync Output
BNC on the front panel of the instrument. This signal is a
squarewave at the Analog Generator frequency in
sinewave and squarewave waveforms, the envelope of
the burst signal in all Burst waveforms, a squarewave at
the lower IMD frequency in SMPTE IMD waveform, a
squarewave at 1/2 the frequency spacing in CCIF IMD
waveform, the squarewave IMD signal in DIM IMD
waveform, and a pulse at the pseudo-random repetition
rate in Pseudo noise modes. There is no signal in
Random noise modes.
8 AC Mains: the power line frequency.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 455

Chapter 27: FFT Spectrum Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.FFT.

9 Jitter Gen: The Digital Input/Output Jitter Generator

selection provides a trigger at each positive or negative
zero crossing for the selected waveform type.
10 Ch1. Fixed Level
11 Ch2. Fixed Level
Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer Trigger Source.
The four channel 1 and channel 2 selections are software triggers, monitoring the sig-
nal (which may come from Digital or A/D sources) on the specified channel. chan-
nel 1 Fix and channel 2 Fix use a fixed threshold of 1.0%FS (-40 dBFS) on the
channel referred to as the triggering threshold, and will trigger on the first signal ex-
cursion of the selected slope (Positive or Negative radio button) above that ampli-
tude. The channel 1 and 2 Auto selections will cause triggering at one-half the peak-
to-peak value if the selected channel has a signal amplitude greater than digital zero.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.WfmDisplay Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.WfmDisplay
Data Type Integer
0 Interpolate
1 Display Samples
2 Peak Values
3 Absolute Values
Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer generator waveform display mode.
When Interpolate is selected, the DSP module will perform an interpolation calcula-
tion based on the assumption that the signal was band-limited by a low-pass filter be-
fore sampling. The Interpolate selection produces a much more accurate display of
the signal waveform when the signal frequency is high (such as sample rate/100 or
When Display Samples is selected, no processing takes place in the DSP module. At
each time value plotted on the X-axis, the DSP simply sends the amplitude of the
nearest-in-time acquired sample to the computer for plotting. When the signal fre-
quency is low compared to the sample rate, this may produce an acceptable represen-
tation of the original signal waveform. At high signal frequencies, the waveform
may be entirely unrecognizable in the Display Samples mode. For example, a 16
kHz sinewave acquired at the 48 kHz sample rate will have each cycle of waveform
represented by only three amplitude samples and the result will look very little like a
sinewave. The Display Samples mode may be useful when examining the true
quantization-limited waveforms of very low amplitude digital domain signals.
When Peak Values is selected, the DSP searches all sample amplitudes in the acquisi-
tion buffer between each pair of X-axis time values plotted and returns to the com-
puter the largest positive or negative value in that span, preserving the sign. The
intended use of the Peak Values mode is when graphing a relatively long time span
on the X-axis, where the combination of Start-to-Stop time span and Steps value on
the Sweep panel results in skipping across many actual acquired samples between
plotted points. For example, assume a signal is acquired at the 48 kHz sample rate
(20.8 microseconds between samples). If the waveform of that signal is being
viewed from 0 to 200 milliseconds with 400 steps, the time span between plotted
points on the graph X-axis is 0.5 milliseconds (500 microseconds). There are approx-

456 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.FFT. Chapter 27: FFT Spectrum Analyzer

imately 24 samples between plotted points. If Peak Values or Absolute Values

modes are not used, an unfortunate combination of signal frequency, X-axis span,
and Points value can make it appear that no waveform, a near-DC signal, or a wave-
form at a completely different frequency is present. Since Peak Values searches
through all sample values within each span between plotted points and sends the
largest value to be plotted, signals cannot be missed.
When Absolute Values mode is selected, the DSP searches all sample amplitudes in
each plotted-point-to-plotted-point span as it does in Peak Values mode, but takes
the absolute value of the largest positive or negative value and always sends a posi-
tive number to the computer. The advantage of Absolute Values mode is that loga-
rithms may be computed when all numbers are positive, so a dB unit may be used
on the Y axis to display the waveform. Waveform display with Absolute Values
mode can create a wide dynamic range oscilloscope which displays the envelope of
an audio signal, calibrated in familiar dB units such as dBV, dBm, dBu, etc. Abso-
lute Values mode is most effective when the X-axis span and Points values are se-
lected to produce approximately two plotted points per cycle of the waveform being
plotted. For example, if an envelope display of tone burst waveforms of a 1 kHz sig-
nal (1 millisecond period) are being plotted across a 50 millisecond span, the Points
value on the Sweep panel should be set to approximately 100.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages.

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Window Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Window
Data Type Integer
0 Blackman-Harris
1 Hann
2 Flat-Top
3 Equiripple
4 None
5 None, move to bin center
6 Hamming
7 Gaussian
8 Rife-Vincent 4
9 Rife-Vincent 5
Description This command sets the FFT Spectrum Analyzer Window selection. See Appendix C
for FFT Window Discriptions.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.FFT.AverageType
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Averages.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 457

Chapter 27: FFT Spectrum Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.FFT.

User Notes

458 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 28
Harmonic Analyzer
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz,
cent, octs, decs, d%, dPPM.
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer chan-
nel 1 Frequency meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqReady, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1FreqSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqTrig
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPSmall
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 7 ‘Load Harmonic Distortion _
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPLarge
With AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic
.InputFormat = 1 ‘HiRes A/D @65k input
.Ch1Source = 0 ‘Analog Analyzer Channel A _
Input Source
.Ch1FundSettling 1.000000, 0.000001, “V”, 3, _
0.030000, 1
.Ch1FreqSettling 0.500000, 0.010000, “Hz”, 3, _
0.030000, 1
Wait .5
.Ch1FundTrig ‘Trigger new Fundamental _
Amplitude reading
.Ch1FreqTrig ‘Trigger new Frequency reading
Do ‘Wait for new readings
Loop Until .Ch1FundReady And .Ch1FreqReady
var1 = .Ch1FundRdg(“V”)
var2 = .Ch1FreqRdg(“Hz”)
End With

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 459

Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.

Text1$= “Channel 1 Fundamental Amplitude ” & _

Str$(Format(var1, “##.000")) & ”V"
Text2$= “Channel 1 Frequency ” & _
Str$(Format(var2, “##.000")) & ”Hz"
AP.Prompt.Text = Text1$ & Chr(13) & Text2$ _
‘Text String and New Line AP.Prompt.
ShowWithContinue ‘Display Prompt
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer channel 1 Frequency set-
tled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Har-
monic.Ch1FreqRdg or AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqTrig commands
will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1FreqRdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1FreqSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqSettling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqSettling(ByVal Tolerance As

Double, ByVal Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String,
ByVal Points As Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal
Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1FreqRdg command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1FreqReady, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg.

460 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic. Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1FreqReady, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqSettling
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz,
cent, octs, decs, d%, dPPM.
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Harmonic Analyzer channel 1 Funda-
mental Amplitude meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundReady, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1FundSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer channel 1 Fundamental
Amplitude settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Har-
monic.Ch1FundRdg or AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundTrig commands
will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1FundRdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1FundSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 461

Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundSettling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundSettling(ByVal Tolerance As

Double, ByVal Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String,
ByVal Points As Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal
Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1FundRdg command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1FundReady, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundRdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1FundReady, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FundSettling
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Source Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Source
Data Type Integer
The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
InputFormat command A/D input selections.
0 Anlr-A
1 Anlr-B
2 Anlr Rdg Ampl

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.Har-

monic.InputFormat command Digital input selection.
0 A
1 B
Description This command sets the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer Channnel 1 Input.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.InputFormat
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg.

462 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic. Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Harmonics Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Harmonics
Data Type Integer
Single decimal value or the sum of several decimal values representing multiple har-
monics or a constant value as defined below.
2 Harmonic 2 ON
4 Harmonic 3 ON
8 Harmonic 4 ON
16 Harmonic 5 ON
32 Harmonic 6 ON
64 Harmonic 7 ON
128 Harmonic 8 ON
256 Harmonic 9 ON
512 Harmonic 10 ON
1024 Harmonic 11 ON
2048 Harmonic 12 ON
4096 Harmonic 13 ON
8192 Harmonic 14 ON
16384 Harmonic 15 ON

Constants Description
apbAll Select All harmonics.
apbEven Select all Even harmonics.
apbNone Select None of the harmonics.
apbOdd Select all Odd harmonics.
Description This command sets individual or as a group harmonics for the Harmonic Distortion
Analyzer RSS summation #1 for channel 1.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg .

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are valid for the “Absolute Units”
selection of the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1RelUnits
command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits, V, Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV,
dBr 1, dBr 2.

The following units are valid for the “Relative Units”

selection of the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1RelUnits
command: %, dB, PPM, X/Y
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer chan-
nel 1 Sum #1 meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Ready, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1Sum1Settling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Trig

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 463

Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.

Example Sub Main

AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPSmall
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 7 ‘Load Harmonic Distortion _
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPLarge
With AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic
.InputFormat = 1 ‘HiRes A/D @65k input
.Ch1Source = 0 ‘Analog Analyzer Channel A _
Input Source
.Ch1Sum1Harmonics(2) = True ‘Select harmonic #2
.Ch1Sum2Harmonics(4) = True ‘Select harmonic #3
.Ch1Sum1RelUnits = False
.Ch1Sum2RelUnits = False
.Ch1Sum1Settling 0.500000, -1.200000e+002, _
“dBV”, 1, 0.002000, 2
.Ch1Sum2Settling 0.500000, -1.200000e+002, _
“dBV”, 1, 0.002000, 2
.Ch1Sum1Trig ‘Trigger new Channel 1 reading
.Ch1Sum2Trig ‘Trigger new Channel 2 reading
Do ‘Wait for new readings
Loop Until .Ch1Sum1Ready And .Ch1Sum2Ready
var1 = .Ch1Sum1Rdg(“dBV”)
var2 = .Ch1Sum2Rdg(“dBV”)
End With
Text1$= “Channel 1 Sum1 ” & _
Str$(Format(var1, “##.000")) & ”dBV"
Text2$= “Channel 1 Sum2 ” & _
Str$(Format(var2, “##.000")) & ”dBV"
AP.Prompt.Text = Text1$ & Chr$(13) & Text2$ _
‘Text String and New Line AP.Prompt.
ShowWithContinue ‘Display Prompt
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Ready Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Ready
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer channel 1 Sum #1 settled
reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and

464 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic. Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer

so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Har-

monic.Ch1Sum1Rdg or AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Trig commands
will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1Sum1Rdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1Sum1Settling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Trig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1RelUnits Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1RelUnits
Data Type Boolean
True Relative Units.
False Absolute Units.
Description This command selects the units that are avalible for the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1Sum1Rdg command
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Settling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Settling(ByVal Tolerance As

Double, ByVal Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String,
ByVal Points As Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal
Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1Sum1Rdg command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1Sum1Ready, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Trig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Trig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Trig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1Sum1Ready, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Settling
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 465

Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Harmonics Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Harmonics
Data Type Integer
Single decimal value or the sum of several decimal values representing multiple har-
monics or a constant value as defined below.
2 Harmonic 2 ON
4 Harmonic 3 ON
8 Harmonic 4 ON
16 Harmonic 5 ON
32 Harmonic 6 ON
64 Harmonic 7 ON
128 Harmonic 8 ON
256 Harmonic 9 ON
512 Harmonic 10 ON
1024 Harmonic 11 ON
2048 Harmonic 12 ON
4096 Harmonic 13 ON
8192 Harmonic 14 ON
16384 Harmonic 15 ON

Constants Description
apbAll Select All harmonics.
apbEven Select all Even harmonics.
apbNone Select None of the harmonics.
apbOdd Select all Odd harmonics.
Description This command sets individual or as a group harmonics for the Harmonic Distortion
Analyzer RSS summation #2 for channel 1.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Rdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Rdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are valid for the “Absolute Units”
selection of the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2RelUnits
command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits, V, Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV,
dBr 1, dBr 2.

The following units are valid for the “Relative Units”

selection of the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2RelUnits
command: %, dB, PPM, X/Y
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer chan-
nel 1 Sum #2 meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Ready, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1Sum2Settling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Trig

466 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic. Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer

Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Ready Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Ready
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer channel 1 Sum #2 settled
reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Har-
monic.Ch1Sum2Rdg or AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Trig commands
will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1Sum2Rdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1Sum2Settling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Trig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2RelUnits Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2RelUnits
Data Type Boolean
True Relative Units.
False Absolute Units.
Description This command selects the units that are avalible for the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1Sum2Rdg command
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Settling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Settling(ByVal Tolerance As

Double, ByVal Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String,
ByVal Points As Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal
Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1Sum2Rdg command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1Sum2Ready, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Trig

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 467

Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.

Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Trig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Trig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Rdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch1Sum2Ready, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum2Settling
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz,
cent, octs, decs, d%, dPPM.
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer chan-
nel 2 Frequency meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqReady, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2FreqSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqTrig
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPSmall
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 7 ‘Load Harmonic Distortion _
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPLarge
With AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic
.InputFormat = 1 ‘HiRes A/D @65k input
.Ch2Source = 1 ‘Analog Analyzer Channel B _
Input Source
.Ch2FundSettling 1.000000, 0.000001, “V”, _
3, 0.030000, 1
.Ch2FreqSettling 0.500000, 0.010000, “Hz”, _
3, 0.030000, 1
Wait .5
.Ch2FundTrig ‘Trigger new Fundamental _
Amplitude reading
.Ch2FreqTrig ‘Trigger new Frequency reading
Do ‘Wait for new readings

468 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic. Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer

Loop Until .Ch2FundReady And .Ch2FreqReady

var1 = .Ch2FundRdg(“V”)
var2 = .Ch2FreqRdg(“Hz”)
End With
Text1$= “Channel 2 Fundamental Amplitude ” & _
Str$(Format(var1, “##.000")) & ”V"
Text2$= “Channel 2 Frequency ” & _
Str$(Format(var2, “##.000")) & ”Hz"
AP.Prompt.Text = Text1$ & Chr(13) & Text2$ _
‘Text String and New Line AP.Prompt.
ShowWithContinue ‘Display Prompt
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready
>0 Reading ready
Description This command returns the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer channel 2 Frequency set-
tled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Har-
monic.Ch2FreqRdg or AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqTrig commands
will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2FreqRdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2FreqSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqSettling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqSettling(ByVal Tolerance As

Double, ByVal Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String,
ByVal Points As Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal
Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2FreqRdg command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2FreqReady, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqTrig

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 469

Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.

Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2FreqReady, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqSettling
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundRdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz,
cent, octs, decs, d%, dPPM.
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer chan-
nel 2 Fundamental Amplitude meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundReady, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2FundSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundReady Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer channel 2 Fundamental
Amplitude settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Har-
monic.Ch2FundRdg or AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundTrig commands
will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2FundRdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2FundSettling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundTrig

470 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic. Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer

Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundSettling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundSettling(ByVal Tolerance As

Double, ByVal Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String,
ByVal Points As Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal
Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2FundRdg command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2FundReady, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundTrig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundTrig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundRdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundRdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2FundReady, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FundSettling
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Source Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Source
Data Type Integer
The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
InputFormat command A/D input selections.
0 Anlr-A
1 Anlr-B
2 Anlr Rdg Ampl

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.

InputFormat command Digital input selection.
0 A
1 B
Description This command sets the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer Channnel 2 Input.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.InputFormat
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2FreqRdg.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 471

Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Harmonics Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Harmonics
Data Type Integer
Single decimal value or the sum of several decimal values representing multiple har-
monics or a constant value as defined below.
2 Harmonic 2 ON
4 Harmonic 3 ON
8 Harmonic 4 ON
16 Harmonic 5 ON
32 Harmonic 6 ON
64 Harmonic 7 ON
128 Harmonic 8 ON
256 Harmonic 9 ON
512 Harmonic 10 ON
1024 Harmonic 11 ON
2048 Harmonic 12 ON
4096 Harmonic 13 ON
8192 Harmonic 14 ON
16384 Harmonic 15 ON

Constants Description
apbAll Select All harmonics.
apbEven Select all Even harmonics.
apbNone Select None of the harmonics.
apbOdd Select all Odd harmonics.
Description This command sets individual or as a group harmonics for the Harmonic Distortion
Analyzer RSS summation #1 for channel 2.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are valid for the “Absolute Units”
selection of the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1RelUnits
command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits, V, Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV,
dBr 1, dBr 2.

The following units are valid for the “Relative Units”

selection of the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1RelUnits
command: %, dB, PPM, X/Y
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer chan-
nel 2 Sum #1 meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Ready, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2Sum1Settling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Trig

472 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic. Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer

Example Sub Main

AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPSmall
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 7 ‘Load Harmonic Distortion _
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPLarge
With AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic
.InputFormat = 1 ‘HiRes A/D @65k input
.Ch2Source = 1 ‘Analog Analyzer Channel B _
Input Source
.Ch2Sum1Harmonics(2) = True ‘Select harmonic #2
.Ch2Sum2Harmonics(4) = True ‘Select harmonic #3
.Ch2Sum1RelUnits = False
.Ch2Sum2RelUnits = False
.Ch2Sum1Settling 0.500000, -1.200000e+002, _
“dBV”, 1, 0.002000, 2
.Ch2Sum2Settling 0.500000, -1.200000e+002, _
“dBV”, 1, 0.002000, 2
.Ch2Sum1Trig ‘Trigger new Channel 1 reading
.Ch2Sum2Trig ‘Trigger new Channel 2 reading
Do ‘Wait for new readings
Loop Until .Ch2Sum1Ready And .Ch2Sum2Ready
var1 = .Ch2Sum1Rdg(“dBV”)
var2 = .Ch2Sum2Rdg(“dBV”)
End With
Text1$= “Channel 2 Sum1 ” & _
Str$(Format(var1, “##.000")) & ”dBV"
Text2$= “Channel 2 Sum2 ” & _
Str$(Format(var2, “##.000")) & ”dBV"
AP.Prompt.Text = Text1$ & Chr$(13) & Text2$ _
‘Text String and New Line
AP.Prompt.ShowWithContinue ‘Display Prompt
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Ready Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Ready
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer channel 2 Sum #1 settled
reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 473

Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.

so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Har-

monic.Ch2Sum1Rdg or AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Trig commands
will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2Sum1Rdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2Sum1Settling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Trig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1RelUnits Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1RelUnits
Data Type Boolean
True Relative Units.
False Absolute Units.
Description This command selects the units that are avalible for the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2Sum1Rdg command
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Settling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Settling(ByVal Tolerance As

Double, ByVal Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String,
ByVal Points As Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal
Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2Sum1Rdg command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2Sum1Ready, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Trig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Trig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Trig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2Sum1Ready, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Settling
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg.

474 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic. Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Harmonics Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Harmonics
Data Type Integer
Single decimal value or the sum of several decimal values representing multiple har-
monics or a constant value as defined below.
2 Harmonic 2 ON
4 Harmonic 3 ON
8 Harmonic 4 ON
16 Harmonic 5 ON
32 Harmonic 6 ON
64 Harmonic 7 ON
128 Harmonic 8 ON
256 Harmonic 9 ON
512 Harmonic 10 ON
1024 Harmonic 11 ON
2048 Harmonic 12 ON
4096 Harmonic 13 ON
8192 Harmonic 14 ON
16384 Harmonic 15 ON

Constants Description
apbAll Select All harmonics.
apbEven Select all Even harmonics.
apbNone Select None of the harmonics.
apbOdd Select all Odd harmonics.
Description This command sets individual or as a group harmonics for the Harmonic Distortion
Analyzer RSS summation #2 for channel 2.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Rdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Rdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are valid for the “Absolute Units”
selection of the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2RelUnits
command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits, V, Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV,
dBr 1, dBr 2.

The following units are valid for the “Relative Units”

selection of the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2RelUnits
command: %, dB, PPM, X/Y
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer chan-
nel 2 Sum #2 meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Ready, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2Sum2Settling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Trig

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 475

Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.

Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Ready Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Ready
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer channel 1 Sum #2 settled
reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Har-
monic.Ch2Sum2Rdg or AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Trig commands
will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2Sum2Rdg command will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2Sum2Settling, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Trig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2RelUnits Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2RelUnits
Data Type Boolean
True Relative Units
False Absolute Units
Description This command selects the units that are avalible for the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2Sum2Rdg command
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Settling Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Settling(ByVal Tolerance As

Double, ByVal Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String,
ByVal Points As Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal
Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2Sum2Rdg command.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2Sum2Ready, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Trig

476 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic. Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer

Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Trig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Trig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Rdg command. The reading in progress is
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Ch2Sum2Ready, AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum2Settling
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch2Sum1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Freq Property

Syntax AP.Gen.ChAFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Hz, F/R, dHz, %Hz, cent,
octs, decs, d%, dPPM
Description This command sets the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer tuning frequency.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Tuning
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInpu t = 2
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPSmall
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 7 ‘Load Harmonic Distortion _
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1Sum1Harmonics(2) = True
‘Measure second harmonic only AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Tuning
= 4’Set Tuning mode to Fixed AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.
Freq(“Hz”) = 1000.0 ‘Set Tuning _
Frequencu to 1kHz
AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Selectivity = 0
‘Hi-Speed _
measurement mode
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 6129
AP.Sweep.Data1.Top(“FFS”) = 1.0
AP.Sweep.Data1.Bottom(“FFS”) = 0.0
AP.Sweep.Source1.Start(“Hz”) = 1000.0
AP.Sweep.Source1.Stop(“Hz”) = 3000.0
AP.Sweep.Source1.LogLin = 1
AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps = 100

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 477

Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Selectivity = 1
‘Hi-Accuracy _
measurement mode
AP.Sweep.Append = True
AP.Graph.Comment = “Hi-Speed and Hi-Accuracy _
measurement bandwidth."
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.InputFormat Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.InputFormat
Data Type Integer
0 Digital @ ISR
1 HiRes A/D @65536
2 HiBW A/D @131072
3 HiBW A/D @262144
4 HiRes A/D @SSR
5 HiBW A/D @2xSSR
Description This command sets the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer Input Format.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Ch1FreqRdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Selectivity Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Selectivity
Data Type Integer
0 Hi-Speed: In this mode measurement selectivity is
reduced to improve measurement speed. Rapid readings
of changing conditions are best done in this mode.
1 Hi-Accuracy: In this mode measurement selectivity is
increased to reduce the noise contribution to the
measurement. Frequency and amplitude accuracy is
Description This command sets the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer measurement mode.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Freq.

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Tuning Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Tuning
Data Type Integer
0 Counter Tuned: The frequency value measured by the
Harmonic Distortion Analyzer Frequency counter is the

478 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic. Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer

filter steering source. This function would be selected

when making measurements from an external signal such
as reproduction of a Compact Disc or digital audio tape or
reception of a digital signal from a distant source.
1 Sweep Track: The filter tracks the frequency of whichever
generator is selected in the Source 1 or Source 2 fields of
the Sweep panel.
2 AGen Track: Harmonic measurements track the
frequency of the Analog Generator. This mode is useful
for testing A/D converters driven from an analog output.
3 DGen Track: Harmonic measurements track the
frequency of the Digital Generator. This mode would
normally be used when sweeping digital input- digital
output devices with stimulus coming from the Digital
4 Fixed: Harmonic measurements are fixed, based on the
frequency entered in the Freq field, unless the filter is
being deliberately varied as part of a sweep test.
Description This command sets the Harmonic Distortion Analyzer Tuning Source.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.Freq.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 479

Chapter 28: Harmonic Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Harmonic.

480 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 29
Digital Interface Analyzer
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AcquisitionPosition Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AcquisitionPosition
Data Type Integer
0 Post-Trigger
1 Pre-Trigger.
Description This command configures the Digital Interface Analyzer Data Acquisition to occur
before or after the trigger.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigSource
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorParity.

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AmplVsTime Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AmplVsTime
Data Type Integer
0 Interpolate: The DSP module will perform an interpolation
calculation based on the fact that the signal was band-
limited by an internal 30 MHz low-pass filter before
1 Display Samples: No processing takes place in the DSP
module. At each time value plotted on the X-axis, the
DSP simply sends the amplitude of the nearest-in-time
acquired sample of the digital interface waveform to the
computer for plotting. When displaying only a few pulses
of the digital interface waveform, this is typically the best
mode to use.
2 Peak Values: The DSP searches all sample amplitudes in
the acquisition buffer between each pair of horizontal axis
time values plotted and sends to the computer for plotting
the largest positive or negative value in that span,
preserving the plus or minus sign. The intended use of
the Peak Values mode is when graphing pulse width
histograms or a relatively long time span on the X-axis,
where the combination of Start-to-Stop time span and
Steps value on the Sweep panel results in skipping
across many actual acquired samples between plotted

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 481

Chapter 29: Digital Interface Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.

points. If Peak Values mode is not used, an unfortunate

combination of signal, X-axis span, and Points value can
make it appear that no waveform, a near-DC signal, or a
waveform at a completely different frequency is present.
Since Peak Values searches through all sample values
within each span between plotted points and sends the
largest value to be plotted, signals cannot be missed.
3 Eye Pattern: Following acquisition of the digital interface
signal and extraction of an average clock signal from it,
the worst-case (nearest to zero Volts) amplitude is
determined for each time increment relative to the
beginning of each data cell. These values are plotted
when Upper Eye Opening and Lower Eye Opening are
selected as Data parameters, resulting in a plot of the
worst-case inside of the eye.
Description This command provides four modes for processing the amplitude-versus-time rela-
tionship of a sampled digital interface signal before displaying the waveform. These
modes are applicable to digital storage oscilloscope operation (amplitude versus
time graphs) and histograms, but have no effect on FFT spectrum analysis.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "INTERVU1.AT2C"
With AP.S2CDsp.Intervu
.AmplVsTime = 0 'Set to Interpolate
.AudioMonitor = 0 'Set Audio Monitor
.JitterDetection = 0 'Set Jitter Detection
Stable Bits
.TrigSource = 3 'Set Trigger Ch B Transmit _
.Window = 0 'Set Blackman-Harris Window
End With
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AudioMonitor Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AudioMonitor
Data Type Integer
0 Audio Monitor: Monitor the imbedded digital audio signal.
1 Jitter Signal: Monitor the demodulated jitter signal.
Description This command determins the audio signal that is sent to the headphone output from
the Digital Interface Analyzer.
See Also AP.Speaker.Mode, AP.Speaker.Source
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AmplVsTime.

482 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu. Chapter 29: Digital Interface Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.Averages Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.Averages
Data Type Integer
0 1
1 2
2 4
3 8
4 16
5 32
6 64
7 128

Description This command sets the Digital Interface Analyzer number of acquisition-and-pro-
cessing cycles to average.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.PanelClose apbPanelAnalogGenSmall
AP.Application.PanelClose apbPanelAnlrSmall
AP.DGen.Output = True
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 3 'Digital Interface Analyzer
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.Averages = 4 '16 Averages
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.Window = 4 'No Window
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 6055
AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = 5613
AP.S2CDio.OutJitterType = 1 'Sine Jitter
AP.S2CDio.OutJitterAmpl("sec") = 100e-9
AP.S2CDio.InConnector = 3
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.JitterDetection Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.JitterDetection
Data Type Integer
0 Stable Bits: This selection causes AP2700 to derive the
stable reference clock at 1/4 the actual cell (bit) rate,
synchronized to the beginning transition of the preamble.
The serial signal consists of 32 cells (bits) per subframe
and two subframes (left and right channels) per frame.
The frame rate is equal to the sample rate of the
embedded audio. Thus, there are 64 cells (bits) in a
complete frame and the cell rate is 1/64 the audio sample
rate. The first four cells of each subframe are the
preamble. The preamble always starts with a three UI (1
1/2 cell) wide pulse followed by sequences of one UI, two

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 483

Chapter 29: Digital Interface Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.

UI, and three UI pulses which are different among the

three possible preambles. There is no cell transition time
within the preamble which is common to all three
preambles. The highest rate at which transitions can be
guaranteed to occur regularly is at 1/4 the cell rate, which
includes the beginning and end of each preamble but no
transitions within the preamble. This rate is 16 times the
audio sample rate, so the effective jitter measurement
bandwidth is eight times the audio sample rate (384 kHz
at a 48 kHz sample rate).
1 All Bits: This selection causes AP2700 to derive the stable
reference clock at the actual cell (bit) rate. Since there are
64 cells per frame and the frame rate is the audio sample
rate, the reference clock is at 64 times the sample rate
and the effective jitter measurement bandwidth is 32
times the audio sample rate (1.536 MHz at a 48 kHz
sample rate). Since the preamble of each sub-frame will
not have transitions at every cell boundary due to its
three-UI-wide pulses (violations of bi-phase coding), the
DSP interpolates where transitions would have occurred if
the preamble did not violate bi-phase coding.
2 Preambles: This selection uses the average rate of the
trailing edge of the first three-UI-wide pulse in each
preamble as the stable clock reference. Each actual
transition at the trailing edge of the first three-UI-wide
preamble pulse is then compared to that reference
(average value) to obtain jitter values for display as jitter
waveform, histogram of jitter, or FFT spectrum analysis of
jitter. The three-UI pulse in a preamble is the most robust
portion of the digital interface signal, since it is least
affected by reduced bandwidth in the cable or system.
Therefore, jitter measurements made with the Preamble
Jitter Detection selection tend to be measurements of the
intrinsic jitter in the transmitting device clock and are
relatively unaffected by data jitter caused by reduced
bandwidth. Since this derived reference clock rate is low
(twice the audio sample rate), the effective jitter
measurement bandwidth equals the audio sample rate
when Preamble is selected.
3 Squarewave Rising: In addition to measuring jitter on an
AES/EBU or SPDIF/EIAJ serial digital input signal,
INTERVU can also measure jitter on any 28 kHz-13 MHz
squarewave connected to the BNC digital input connector.
This feature permits direct measurement of clock jitter on
A/D and D/A converters.
The Squarewave Rising selection measures jitter on rising
edges of the Squarewave signal.
Jitter is a measurement of the time deviation of zero
crossings of a waveform compared to a reference perfect
clock of the same average frequency. For AES/EBU and
SPDIF/EIAJ waveforms, the average clock frequency is
determined by measuring the frame rate of the serial
digital input signal with a frequency counter. This frame

484 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu. Chapter 29: Digital Interface Analyzer

frequency extraction circuitry is not functional for a

squarewave signal, so the DIO panel Sample Rate field is
not useful with squarewave input. INTERVU determines
the average clock frequency to the best of its ability from
its acquired signal. Since the acquired signal duration is
approximately four milliseconds, the resulting frequency
measurement is limited in resolution. The result is that
the initial time domain graph of jitter of a squarewave
input clock, plotted across the approximately four
millisecond record duration, may appear as a ramp. The
desired jitter signal is the deviation from this ramp. The
Compute Linearity function is used to extract variations
from an underlying systematic variation such as this ramp.

4 Squarewave Falling: The Squarewave Falling selection

measures jitter on falling edges of the Squarewave signal.
Note: See additional text in Squarewave Rising selection
Description This command determines at which transitions the clock timing is compared to the
interface signal.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AmplVsTime.

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorCoding Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorCoding
Data Type Boolean
True Enable Data Acqusition trigger generation on a Coding
False Disable Data Acqusition trigger generation on a Coding
Description This command enables or disables generation of a Data Acquisition trigger for a
Coding Error.
Coding indicates a deviation from proper biphase coding in the input serial stream
(ignoring preambles). Proper biphase signals can never remain at a logic high or
logic low level for more than two consecutive Unit Intervals (UI) except in the pre-
amble. The preamble deliberately deviates from biphase coding in order to provide a
unique frame synchronization signal, so preambles are excluded from the function
of the Coding indicators.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorParity.

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorConfidence Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorConfidence

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 485

Chapter 29: Digital Interface Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.

Data Type Boolean

True Enable Data Acqusition trigger generation on a
Confidence error.
False Disable Data Acqusition trigger generation on a
Confidence error.
Description This command enables or disables generation of a Data Acquisition trigger for a
Confidence Error.
The Confidence error occurs when the ratio between the amplitude of the three UI
long pulse and the following one UI-long pulse in a preamble becomes large enough
to cause an increasing probability of errors when slicing the received signal into
logic high and low values. This large ratio occurs when the transmission bandwidth
has been reduced to marginal or unacceptable values. Under these conditions, selec-
tion of hardware input equalization (XLR with EQ or BNC with EQ rather than
XLR or BNC selections of the Input Format field) will often compensate for the ca-
ble bandwidth reduction, and provide reliable measurements.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorParity.

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorLock Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorLock
Data Type Boolean
True Enable Data Acqusition trigger generation on a Lock error.
False Disable Data Acqusition trigger generation on a Lock
Description This command enables or disables generation of a Data Acquisition trigger for a
Lock Error.
The Lock error occurs when the digital input phase-locked loop is unable to lock to
the incoming signal.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorParity.

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorParity Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorParity
Data Type Boolean
True Enable Data Acqusition trigger generation on a Parity
False Disable Data Acqusition trigger generation on a Parity
Description This command enables or disables generation of a Data Acquisition trigger for a Par-
ity Error.
The Parity error indicates a parity error in either subframe. Correct parity is deter-
mined by comparing the P (parity) bit with the sum of the remaining 31 bits in each
subframe. Any single bit error or odd number of bit errors introduced in transmis-
sion within a subframe will cause a Parity error indication, but even numbers of bit
errors cannot be detected by this technique.

486 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu. Chapter 29: Digital Interface Analyzer

Example Sub Main

AP.Application.PanelClose apbPanelAnalogGenSmall
AP.Application.PanelClose apbPanelAnlrSmall
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 3
'Configure Digital Interface Analyzer to
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigSource = 4
' trigger on an error
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigPolarity = 0
' trigger on positive polarity
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AcquisitionPosition = 1
' retain acquire data before the error
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorConfidence = False
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorCoding = False
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorLock = False
AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorParity = True
' trigger on a Parity Error.

AP.S2CDio.InConnector = 3

AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 6053
AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = 5612
AP.Sweep.Source1.Start("sec") = -5.0e-006
AP.Sweep.Source1.Stop("sec") = 5.0e-006

'Fire timer to create Parity Error in 5 seconds.
AP.Graph.Comment = "Wait for Parity Error to occur."

'The Sweep will proceed automatically when the _

Parity Error occurs.

Loop While AP.S2CDio.FlagParityRdg = False
'Wait here for Parity Error to be detected on the _
Digital Input/Output panel.

AP.Graph.Comment = "Parity Error detected and _

waveform display updated."

End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnWatchDogTimeout(ByVal Id As Long)
If Id = 1 Then
AP.S2CDio.OutParityError = True
End If
End Sub

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 487

Chapter 29: Digital Interface Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigPolarity Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigPolarity
Data Type Integer
0 Positive: The data acquistition will begin on the first
positive-going zero crossing of the signal selected in the
Trigger Source field.
1 Negative: The data acquistition will begin on the first
negative-going zero crossing of the selected signal
selected in the Trigger Source field.
Description This command sets the Digital Interface Analyzer Trigger Polarity for the for the
Trigger Source field Jitter Generator, External, Common Mode Signal, Interfering
Noise, Digital Generator, and Input Zero Crossing selections.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigSource
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigErrorParity.

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigSource Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.TrigSource
Data Type Integer
0 Ch. A Receive Preamble: This selection causes the signal
to be acquired at the first Channel A (left) Preamble which
occurs after Go is clicked or the F9 function key is
pressed. The Channel A Preamble is known as the X
Preamble in the AES/EBU standard and the M Preamble
in the Consumer standard. The first information acquired
will be the last four Unit Intervals of the selected
preamble, followed by the LSB of the audio signal if full
24-bit resolution audio is transmitted, or the beginning of
the 4-bit Auxiliary data if audio is restricted to 20 bits or
1 Ch. A Transmit Preamble: This selection causes the
signal to be acquired beginning at the start of the first
Channel A Preamble which is transmitted after the AP.
Sweep.Start command is executed. The first
information acquired includes the entire preamble,
followed by audio or Auxiliary data. This triggering
selection permits measurement of time delay through a
digital device or system under test.
2 Ch. B Receive Preamble: This selection causes the signal
to be acquired at the first Channel B (right) Preamble
which occurs after Go is clicked or the F9 function key is
pressed. The Channel B Preamble is known as the Y
Preamble (AES/EBU) or W Preamble (consumer). The
first information acquired will be the last four Unit Intervals
of the selected preamble, followed by the LSB of the
audio signal if full 24-bit resolution audio is transmitted, or

488 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu. Chapter 29: Digital Interface Analyzer

the beginning of the 4-bit Auxiliary data if audio is

restricted to 20 bits or less.
3 Ch. B Transmit Preamble: This selection causes the
signal to be acquired beginning at the start of the first
Channel B Preamble which is transmitted after AP.
Sweep.Start command is executed. The first
information acquired includes the entire preamble,
followed by audio or Auxiliary data. This triggering
selection permits measurement of time delay through a
digital device or system under test.
4 Receive Error: This selection is a pre-trigger, causing the
256k samples (about 3.9 milliseconds) immediately
preceding an interface Error Flag to be retained
(approximately 39 microseconds of signal following the
occurrence of the error will also be retained. The interface
Error Flags are generated by the AES/EBU receiver chip
of the DIO, and their status is indicated by the Parity,
Coding, Lock, or Confidence indicators at the right of the
DIO panel. If this acquisition trigger selection is in use
and a Parity error, Coding error, Lock error, or Confidence
error occurs, the last (approximately) 3.9 milliseconds of
interface signal preceding the error will be retained in the
INTERVU buffer for examination via waveform display,
spectrum analysis, or probability histograms. The Invalid
indicator is not considered an interface error and thus will
not result in an acquisition into INTERVU.
5 Receive Block: This selection causes the signal to be
acquired beginning at the end of the first Channel Status
Block Preamble received after Go is clicked or the F9
function key is pressed. This is known as the Z Preamble
in the AES/EBU standard and the B Preamble in the
Consumer standard. The first information displayed will be
the last four UIs of the Z preamble, followed by the LSB of
the Channel A audio signal if full 24-bit resolution audio is
transmitted, or the beginning of the 4-bit Auxiliary data if
audio is restricted to 20 bits or less, of the frame which
marks the beginning of a new Channel Status Block.
Channel Status Blocks are 192 frames long, with the C
(Channel Status) bit of each of these 192 frames being
assembled into the 24 Channel Status Bytes defined in
the AES/EBU and Consumer standards.
6 Jitter Generator: This selection causes a trigger at every
zero crossing of the sinewave, squarewave, or noise
signal generated by the DIO jitter generator. This
selection provides a stable display of the received jitter
waveform when measuring jitter gain or loss through a
digital device.
7 External
8 Common Mode Signal
9 Interfering Noise
10 Digital Generator
11 Transmit Block
12 Ch.A Sync Preamble

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 489

Chapter 29: Digital Interface Analyzer AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.

13 Ch.B Sync Preamble

14 Sync Error
15 Sync Block
16 Input ZeroCrossing
Description This command defines the trigger source that is used to trigger an acqusition.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AmplVsTime.

AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.Window Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.Window
Data Type Integer
0 Blackman-Harris
1 Hann
2 Flat-Top
3 Equiripple
4 None

Description This command sets the Digital Interface Analyzer Window selection. See Appendix
C for FFT Window Discriptions.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Intervu.AmplVsTime.

490 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 30
Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Averages Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Averages
Data Type Integer Number of Averages
0 1
1 2
2 4
3 8
4 16
5 32
6 64
7 128
8 256
9 512
10 1024
11 2048
12 4096
Description This command sets the number of acquisitions for the averaging function of the
Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester (MLS).
When measuring a coherent signal in the presence of uncorrelated noise, synchro-
nous averaging of many measurements will reduce the noise reading and allow the
coherent signal to be recovered more effectively. MLS averaging is done synchro-
nously in the time domain.
Example Sub Main
AP.S2CDsp.Mls.Averages = 9 'set MLS Av. to 512
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following
units are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 491

Chapter 30: Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester AP.S2CDsp.MLS.

Description This command returns a unsettled reading for the Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester
channel 1 Peak Monitor meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Ready, AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Trig
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Wfm 7, 0
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2
With AP.S2Dsp
.Program = 5
.Mls.InputFormat = 1 'HiRes A/D @65k input
.Mls.Ch1Source = 0 'Analyzer A input
.Mls.Ch2Source = 1 'Analyzer B input

Wait 0.5
.Mls.Ch1Trig 'Trigger Ch 1 reading
.Mls.Ch2Trig 'Trigger Ch 2 reading
Ready1 = .Mls.Ch1Ready 'Check status
Ready2 = .Mls.Ch2Ready 'Ckeck status
Loop Until Ready1 > 0 And Ready2 > 0

Reading1 = .Mls.Ch1Rdg("FFS")
'Get reading
Reading2 = .Mls.Ch2Rdg("FFS")
'Get reading
End With
NewLine$ = Chr(13)
a$= "Ch1 Peak Mon "+Left(Str$(Reading1),6)+" FFS"
b$= "Ch2 Peak Mon "+Left(Str$(Reading2),6)+" FFS"
AP.Prompt.Text = a$ + NewLine$ + b$ + NewLine
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Ready Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Ready
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester channel 1 Peak Moni-
tor meter unsettled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and

492 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.MLS. Chapter 30: Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester

so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.MLS.

Ch1Rdg or AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Trig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Trig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Source Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Source
Data Type Integer
The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.MLS.
InputFormat command A/D input selection.
0 Anlr-A
1 Anlr-B
2 Anlr Reading Ampl
3 Anlr Reading Ratio
4 Ch. A Generator
5 Ch. B Generator
6 Jitter Signal (UI)
7 None
8 Jitter Signal (sec)

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.MLS.

InputFormat command Digital input selection.
0 A
1 B
2 None

Description This command sets the Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester Channnel 1 Input.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Trig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Trig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Ready
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Rdg Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Rdg(ByVal Unit As String)

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 493

Chapter 30: Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester AP.S2CDsp.MLS.

Data Type Double

Parameters Part Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dBFS, Bits.
Description This command returns a unsettled reading for the Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester
channel 2 Peak Monitor meter and zeros the ready count.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Ready, AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Trig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Ready Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Ready
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester channel 2 Peak Moni-
tor meter unsettled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.S2CDsp.MLS.
Ch2Rdg or AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Trig commands will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Rdg com-
mand will be guaranteed to return quickly.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Trig
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Source Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Source
Data Type Integer
The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.MLS.
InputFormat command A/D input selection.
0 Anlr-A
1 Anlr-B
2 Anlr Reading Ampl
3 Anlr Reading Ratio
4 Ch. A Generator
5 Ch. B Generator
6 Jitter Signal (UI)
7 None
8 Jitter Signal (sec)

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.S2CDsp.MLS.

InputFormat command Digital input selection.

494 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.MLS. Chapter 30: Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester

0 A
1 B
2 None

Description This command sets the Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester Channnel 2 Input.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Trig Method

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Trig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Rdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Rdg, AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch2Ready
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.InputFormat Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.InputFormat
Data Type Integer
0 Digital @ ISR:
1 HiRes A/D @65536
2 HiBW A/D @131072
3 HiBW A/D @262144
4 HiRes A/D @SSR
5 HiBW A/D @2xSSR
Description This command sets the Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester Input Format.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.MLS.Ch1Rdg.

AP.S2CDsp.Mls.Smoothing Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Mls.Smoothing
Data Type Double Range of Values: 0 to 2.64 octaves
Description This command controls the width of the MLS Smoothing algorithm in octave units.
Octave smoothing is a common technique in loudspeaker response measurement,
useful in revealing trends by smoothing out anomalies in the response curve. The
AP2700 implementation uses a hybrid FFT bin averaging and interpolation tech-
nique to achieve smooth results even at very low bin densities. Smoothing, which
only affects frequency-domain displays, effectively passes the raw response data
through multiple constant-Q bandpass filters, one filter centered on each frequency
requested from the Sweep panel.
Example Sub Main
AP.S2CDsp.Mls.Smoothing = .3333

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 495

Chapter 30: Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester AP.S2CDsp.MLS.

'set MLS smoothing to 1/3 octave

End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.TimeDelay Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.TimeDelay(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command: sec.
Description This command sets the Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester Time Delay.
The Time Delay field is used to tell the DSP the distance from the speaker under test
to the measurement microphone as a reference for the phase measurements. This in-
formation allows the DSP to subtract out the transit time delay from the phase read-
ings. As the Time Delay value is adjusted the phase response will slope up or down
reflecting the constant time delay component of the data. The initial value of Time
Delay may be estimated from a measurement of the distance between loudspeaker
and microphone. The proper final Time Delay value may be determined experimen-
tally as the peak amplitude on a time domain graph or to obtain the smallest slope
on phase.
Example Sub Main
AP.Prompt.FontSize = 8 'Set font size to 8 point.
AP.Prompt.Position(-1,-1,220,130) 'Set location and _
AP.Gen.Wfm 7, 0
AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelDSPSmall
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 5
AP.S2CDsp.Mls.InputFormat = 1
AP.S2CDsp.Mls.TimeDisplay = 1 'Energy-Time display
AP.S2CDsp.Mls.WindowETime = 1 'Select Half Hann _
Energy-Time Window
AP.S2CDsp.Mls.TrigSource = 1 'Analog Generator
AP.S2CDsp.Mls.WfmDisplay = 0 'Interpolate
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelSweepSmall
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 6326
AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = 5582
AP.Sweep.Stereo = True
AP.Sweep.Source1.Stop("sec") = 0.005
AP.Sweep.Start 'Run Sweep
AP.Graph.OptimizeLeft 'Optimize display _
for Data 1

AP.Prompt.Text = "Energy-Time Response."

496 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.MLS. Chapter 30: Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester

AP.Prompt.ShowWithContinue 'Display prompt with _

Continue button.
Stop 'Stop macro.

AP.Sweep.Stereo = False
AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = 5581 'Amplitude
AP.Sweep.Data1.Top("dBV") = 26.020600
AP.Sweep.Source1.LogLin = 0
AP.Sweep.Data2.Id = 6046 'Phase
AP.Sweep.Stereo = True
AP.S2CDsp.Mls.TimeDelay("sec") = 38.74e-6
AP.S2CDsp.Mls.WindowStart = 0 'None
AP.S2CDsp.Mls.WindowStop = 0 'None
AP.Sweep.Retransform 'Retransform FFT
AP.Graph.OptimizeIndividually 'Optimize display

AP.Prompt.Text = "Frequency and Phase Response."

AP.Prompt.ShowWithContinue 'Display prompt with _
Continue button.
Stop 'Stop macro.
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.TimeDisplay Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.TimeDisplay
Data Type Integer
0 Impulse Response: This selection will show the results of
the MLS correlation which is the actual impulse response
of the device under test.
1 Energy-Time: This selection will display what is commonly
called an energy-time curve. The energy-time curve
computation process involves transforming the impulse
response to the frequency domain, doing further
processing in the frequency domain, and transforming the
result back to the time domain. A frequency window may
be used for the conversion from frequency domain back
to time domain. The frequency window is selected in the
Energy-Time Window field.
Description This command sets the Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester Time Domain Display
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Mls.TimeDelay.

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.TrigSource Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.TrigSource
Data Type Integer

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 497

Chapter 30: Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester AP.S2CDsp.MLS.

0 Analog Generator
1 Digital Generator
Description This command sets the Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester Trigger Source.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Mls.TimeDelay.

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.WfmDisplay Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.WfmDisplay
Data Type Integer
0 Interpolate
1 Display Samples
2 Peak Values
Description This command sets the Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester waveform display mode.
When Interpolate is selected, the DSP will compute the data value, interpolated from
the nearby measured values. This smoothes out the stair-step appearance of fre-
quency response curves at low frequencies with a Log horizontal axis, where the bin
width (usually 2.93 Hz at the 48 kHz sample rate) occupies a significant portion of
the screen.
When Display Samples is selected, the DSP will return the closest actual measured
value without altering the data. Normal is the recommended display mode for fre-
quency response data with a Linear horizontal axis or with a Log axis above 100 to
300 Hz. In these cases, the jagged lines caused by the FFT bin width are not usually
When Peak Values is selected, The Peak mode will return the largest value between
the last requested sweep point and the current one. Peak is recommended for time do-
main MLS displays (Impulse Response and Energy-Time). Peak mode would not
normally be used for frequency response displays with MLS.AZ1, since high values
are of no more interest than low values when plotting frequency response.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Mls.TimeDelay.

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.WindowETime Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.WindowETime
Data Type Integer
0 No Window: This selection will perform the required
transformations with all frequency components of the
signal included in the computations.
1 Half Hann: This selection reduces the contribution of high
frequencies. The low frequency information remains
unchanged. When operating at the 48 kHz sample rate
this window filters out energy above 12 kHz.
2 Hann: This selection reduces both high and low frequency
energy, concentrating on arrivals at the center of the
frequency range. Since the processing occurs on a linear
frequency scale, this will focus analysis on signals around
one quarter of the sample rate. At 48 kHz this will result in

498 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp.MLS. Chapter 30: Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester

the 12 kHz energy dominating the energy-time display.

This selection is not fundamentally useful for most
applications, but is included for correlation to
measurements by other manufacturers
3 <240Hz >8kHz: This selection filters out energy below
240 Hz and above 8 kHz, producing equal sensitivity to
signals over a 5 octave range.
4 <124Hz >16kHz: This selection spreads the analysis over
a 7 octave range.
Description This command sets the Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester Energy-Time Window se-
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Mls.TimeDelay.

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.WindowStart Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.WindowStart
Data Type Integer
0 None:
1 <5%
2 <10%
3 <20%
4 <30%
Description This command sets the Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester Start Time Window selec-
When a section of the impulse response (direct arrival signal before reflections, for
example) is isolated and transformed into the frequency domain, the impulse ampli-
tude at the beginning and ending of that section will generally not be exactly the
same and thus will not splice smoothly. The sharp edges introduced into the impulse
response by splicing unequal amplitudes will produce ripples in the resulting fre-
quency response plot. Windowing the time domain data by attenuating the ampli-
tude at the beginning and end of the section to be transformed will reduce this
rippling, but also reduces the steepness of transitions in the frequency response
plots. The Time Start Window and Time Stop Window fields select the window ap-
plied to the impulse response (time domain) when transforming it to the frequency
The time window is made up of two half-windows. The first half is selected in the
Time Start Window field and is used to process the first portion of data, beginning at
the Source 1 Start time on the Sweep panel. The second half-window is selected in
the Time Stop Window field and processes the later portion of data, ending at the se-
lected Stop time on the Sweep panel. Separate selection of the Source 1 Start and
Stop half-windows permits creation of asymmetrical windows, which provide the op-
timum match to the asymmetrical shape of the typical impulse response. To change
selections, click on the down arrow at the right of the field and click on the desired
selection in the list which is displayed. The available selections at both the Time
Start Window and Time Stop Window fields are a family of half-cycle raised cosine
functions labeled NONE, <5%, <10%, <20% and <30%. The numeric value refers
to the amount of the data record (time span multiplied by sample period) taken up
by the window's transition from zero to full amplitude. The Time Start Window
half-window starts with an amplitude of zero at the Sweep panel Start time and

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 499

Chapter 30: Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester AP.S2CDsp.MLS.

climbs to an amplitude of 1.00 (no attenuation) at or before the selected percentage

of the record. The Time Stop Window half-window starts with an amplitude of 1.00
at or following a point during the record which is within the selected percentage of
the record end, and falls to zero at the Sweep panel Stop time. The windows with a
steeper transition will alter the data less but will also have less impact on the fre-
quency response ripples. The more gradual transitions have greater ripple reduction
but alter the data more.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Mls.TimeDelay.

AP.S2CDsp.MLS.WindowStop Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.MLS.WindowStop
Data Type Integer
0 None:
1 <5%
2 <10%
3 <20%
4 <30%
Description This command sets the Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester Stop Time Window selec-
See Also AP.S2CDsp.MLS.WindowStart
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.Mls.TimeDelay.

500 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 31
DSP Program & Reference
AP.S2CDsp.Program Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.Program
Data Type Integer
0 None: No Digital Analyzer selected.
1 DSP Audio Analyzer (ANALYZER): This selection is
usable for analog or digital domain input signals. It
measures frequency, amplitude, and one of a number of
more sophisticated parameters (2-channel amplitude
ratio, selective amplitude, crosstalk, THD+N, IMD, and
phase) on both stereo channels simultaneously. For
analog domain signals, this DSP-implemented analyzer
provides certain advantages over the hardware Analog
Analyzer. These include faster testing speed, sharper
selectivity of its bandpass filter, a number of standard
weighting filters, and a very steep cutoff 400 Hz highpass
filter for quantization noise and distortion measurements.
2 FFT spectrum analyzer (FFT): This selection is usable for
analog or digital domain input signals. It provides
general-purpose time domain (oscilloscope) display of
waveforms or frequency domain (spectrum analyzer)
display of signals, including the received jitter signal.
Features include double precision transforms for better
than 140 dB dynamic range, pre-trigger, a variety of
selectable transform lengths up through 32k, acquisition
memory up to 256k, the ability to position the start of the
transformed section anywhere in the acquired record,
both synchronous (time domain) and FFT spectrum
(power-law) averaging, four windowing functions, a
frequency correction technique which adjusts single
sinewave signals to bin center so that no window is
necessary, and several types of waveform processing for
3 Digital interface analyzer (INTERVU): This selection
analyzes the AES/EBU or consumer digital interface input
signal of digital interface models via a 80 MHz sample
rate A/D converter. It displays eye patterns, waveform
display or spectrum analysis of the digital interface signal,
waveform display or spectrum analysis of the recovered

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 501

Chapter 31: DSP Program & Reference AP.S2CDsp.

jitter signal, triggers on interface errors or on selected

sections of the signal including received or transmitted
preambles or received channel status blocks, measures
jitter of the entire signal or selected sections such as
preambles, and performs statistical analysis and
histogram display of parameters including amplitude,
pulse width, and jitter.
4 Multitone audio analyzer (FASTTEST):This selection
is usable for analog signals with DSP models or both
analog and digital domain signals with Dual Domain
models. It provides time or frequency domain views of the
signal. With multitone test signals, this selection performs
post-FFT processing to measure frequency response,
total distortion and noise, noise in the presence of test
signal, crosstalk, and generates psychoacoustic masking
curves. Trigger modes include external and free-running,
or triggering only upon receipt of the specific multitone
signal matching the reference signal presently loaded into
the digital generator. Variable trigger delay may be set to
allow audio processors to settle. Frequency error
correction compensates for multitone signals coming from
other Audio Precision test instruments, played back from
digital reproducers with different clock rates, or recorded
and reproduced from analog recorders with speed errors
up to 3%. FASTTEST also tests low-bit-rate perceptual
coders with multitone signals by summing quantization
noise and distortion in critical bands and comparing the
results to an embedded psychoacoustic model of the
frequency masking effect in humans.
5 Quasi-Anechoic Acoustical Tester (MLS): The Quasi-
Anechoic Acoustical Tester (MLS) program for the Digital
Analyzer uses Maximum Length Sequence (MLS) testing
to characterize the linear response of acoustical and
electronic devices. It permits time-selective
measurements in which one signal, such as the direct
sound from a loudspeaker, may be separated from
another similar signal, such as a room reflection. The time
window may be adjusted to allow measurement of any
arrival in a complex reverberation pattern. These signals
may be examined in the time domain (showing energy as
a function of time) or in the frequency domain (amplitude
and phase vs. frequency). Impulse responses may be
saved to disk for later down-load to the DSP and further
6 Digital data analyzer (BITTEST): In conjunction with
certain specific signals that the digital generator creates,
this program measures the returned digital audio signals
for bit errors.The audio test signal may be a pseudo-
random noise sequence, constant valued samples
("digital dc"), a sinewave of selectable amplitude and
frequency, or walking bit patterns. The measurement
displays both real-time received data and errors in the

502 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp. Chapter 31: DSP Program & Reference

received data sequence. Any amount of delay between

transmitted and received signals is permissible, allowing
testing of devices and transmission links with large
amounts of delay or even recorder-reproducers. BITTEST
is useful for investigating the integrity of digital audio data
links, recorders, etc. It is also invaluable for design test of
digital interfaces. BITTEST operates only with digital
domain input and output.
7 Harmonic Distortion Analyzer(DISTORT): This
selection permits flexible, highly selective measurement of
the amplitude of user-specified harmonic orders. The user
may choose to measure any individual harmonic through
the 15th, or the sum of any arbitrary selection of harmonic
distortion products from 2nd through 15th. Harmonic
Distortion Analyzer may be used with either analog or
digital domain signals. It is a two-channel program with
four measurement meters per channel: a selective
amplitude meter for the fundamental component of the
signal, a frequency counter for the fundamental
component, and two identical distortion product summing
meters. Each of these distortion summing meters can be
set to include any desired combination of harmonic
distortion products (through the 15th) as long as each
product is within the bandwidth limitations determined by
the sample rate. Harmonic Distortion Analyzer can thus
measure THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) without noise
for any specified set of harmonic products. This analyzer
effectively operates as a real-time program, even though
it is internally based on FFT technology.
Both channels of Harmonic Distortion Analyzer may be
set to measure one signal, such as a single-channel
signal or one channel of a stereo signal. This
configuration provides four Distortion summing meters.
Each meter sends data to a different trace on the graph.
This permits, for example, simultaneously plotting the
fundamental signal amplitude and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and
5th harmonic amplitudes as five graph traces during a
single frequency sweep.

Description This command selects a Digital Analyzer type.

Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Output = True


AP.S2CDsp.Program = 2 'Select FFT Spectrum Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.InputFormat = 3 'Select HiBW A/D input
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.TransformLength = 7 'Transform _
length 32768

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 503

Chapter 31: DSP Program & Reference AP.S2CDsp.

AP.S2CDsp.Anlr.AcquireLength = 0
'Track Transform length

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Window = 5 'No Window move to _

bin center

AP.Sweep.Source1.Start("Hz") = 100000
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 6024
AP.Sweep.Data1.Top("dBV") = 26.020600
AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = 5515
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.RefCh1dBr Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.RefCh1dBr(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dbFS, Bits, V, Vp,
Vpp, dBu, dBV
Description This command sets the dBr1 value as the reference for the dBr1 unit selectable at
the Level Monitor meter and at the main Function meter in absolute functions.
When analog domain units are selected for the dBr1 unit, is are converted into the
digital domain via the V/FS Reference value.
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "Ref1.at2"
AP.S2CDsp.RefVFS("V") = 2
AP.S2CDsp.RefFreq("Hz") = 2000
AP.S2CDsp.RefCh1dBr("FFS") = .5
AP.S2CDsp.RefCh2dBr("FFS") = .75
Wait .5
'Get new Ch A Freq reading
F_reading1 = AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChAFreqRdg("%Hz")
'Get new Ch A Level reading
L_reading1 = AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.ChALevelRdg("dBr2")
A_reading1 = AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncRdg("dBr1")
V_reading1 = AP.S2CDsp.Analyzer.FuncRdg("V")
NewLine$ = Chr(13)
a$= "Ch A Level Reading _
"+Left(Str$(L_reading1),6)+"dBr 2"
b$= "Ch A Freq Reading "+Left(Str$(F_reading1),6) _
c$= "Function Meter Reading _
"+Left(Str$(A_reading1),6)+"dBr 1"
d$= "Function Meter Reading _

504 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.S2CDsp. Chapter 31: DSP Program & Reference

AP.Prompt.Text = a$ + NewLine$ + b$ + NewLine$ + _
$ + NewLine$ + d$
End Sub

AP.S2CDsp.RefCh2dBr Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.RefCh2dBr(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: FFS, %FS, dbFS, Bits, V, Vp,
Vpp, dBu, dBV
Description This command sets the dBr2 value as the reference for the dBr2 unit selectable at
the Level Monitor meter and at the main Function meter in absolute functions.
When analog domain units are selected for the dBr2 unit, is are converted into the
digital domain via the V/FS Reference value.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.RefCh1dBr.

AP.S2CDsp.RefFreq Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.RefFreq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: Hz.
Description This command sets the Frequency value for the relative frequency units (octaves, de-
cades, %Hz, etc) of the Digital Analyzer Frequency counter.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.RefCh1dBr.

AP.S2CDsp.RefVFS Property

Syntax AP.S2CDsp.RefVFS(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: V.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 505

Chapter 31: DSP Program & Reference AP.S2CDsp.

Description This command sets the V/FS value is the analog-to-digital scaling value. When test-
ing an external Analog to Digital converter (A/D), the value of analog input voltage
which produces digital full scale output may be typed into this field. The Level Mon-
itor or Reading meter units may then be selected as V, Vp, Vpp, dBu, dBV, dBr1, or
dBr2 to express the measured digital amplitude in terms of the analog input value to
the converter.
Example See example for AP.S2CDsp.RefCh1dBr.

506 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 32
Programmable Serial Interface
AP.PSIA.MasterClkDir Property

Syntax AP.PSIA.MasterClkDir
Data Type Integer Transmit-side master clock Receive-side master
0 Input Input
1 Output Input
2 Input Output
Description This command selects the master clock direction for transmit and receive sides si-
multaneously. Each master clock port can be configured as an input or as an output,
although not all combinations are available. See the table above. In input (slave)
mode, the master clock is provided by an external source. In output (master) mode,
the master clock is provided by the PSIA.
See Also
AP.PSIA.Rx.MasterClk.Factor, AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClkDir, AP.PSIA.
Example Sub Main
AP.S2CDio.OutConnector = 3
' PSIA output
AP.PSIA.MasterClkDir = 1 ' Tx out, Rx in
AP.PSIA.OutputsOn = True ' Outputs on
AP.PSIA.VoltageSetting = PSIA_3_3_TTL
' 3.3 V TTL
AP.PSIA.Tx.MasterClk.Factor = 256
' master clk = 256 * Fs
AP.PSIA.Tx.NFsClk.Factor = 128
' N*Fs clk = 128 * Fs
AP.PSIA.Tx.NFsClk.InvWfm = False
' non-inverted
AP.PSIA.Rx.MasterClk.Factor = 128
' N*Fs clk = 128 * Fs
AP.PSIA.Rx.NFsClk.Factor = 128
' master clk = 128 * Fs
AP.PSIA.Rx.NFsClk.InvWfm = True
' inverted
End Sub

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 507

Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface AP.PSIA.

AP.PSIA.OutputsOn Property

Syntax AP.PSIA.OutputsOn
Data Type Boolean
True ON
False OFF
Description This command turns the PSIA outputs on or off. When the outputs are off, they are
tri-stated. When the outputs are on, they are driven according to the voltage setting.
See Also AP.PSIA.VoltageSetting
Example See example for AP.PSIA.MasterClkDir.

AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Dir Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Dir
Data Type Integer
0 Output
1 Input
Description This command selects the bit clock direction. Each bit clock port can be configured
as an output or as an input. In output (master) mode, the bit clock is provided by the
PSIA. In input (slave) mode, the bit clock is provided by an external source.
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Factor, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Dir, AP.PSIA.
Example Sub Main
AP.PSIA.Tx.BitClk.Dir = 0 ' output
AP.PSIA.Tx.BitClk.Factor = 32 ' 32-bit words
AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Dir = 1 ' input
AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Factor = 32 ' 32-bit words
End Sub

AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Factor Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Factor
Data Type Integer 8-32 (limited also by digital resolution settings)
Description This command specifies the ratio (factor) between the bit clock and the channel
clock. It is equal to the number of bits per channel. It cannot be set lower than the
number of bits specified in the digital output resolution field (for Tx) or the digital
input resolution field (for Rx). The maximum number of bits per channel is 32.

508 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.PSIA. Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface

See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Dir, AP.S2CDio.InResolution, AP.S2CDio.

Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Dir.

AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.BitWidePulse Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.BitWidePulse
Data Type Boolean
True Bit Wide Pulse (one period of the bit clock)
False Approximately 50% duty cycle
Description This command selects the pulse width of the channel clock output. Assuming that
the channel clock output is not inverted, the following are true:

§ When ChannelClk.BitWidePulse is True, the channel clock is high for the

first bit of each subframe, and low for the rest of the subframe.

§ When ChannelClk.BitWidePulse is False, and the number of bits B is even,

the channel clock is high for the first B/2 bits, and low for the rest of the

§ When Channel.BitWidePulse is False, and the number of bits B is odd, the

channel clock is high for the first (B-1)/2 bits, and low for the rest of the
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.EdgeSync, AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.
Factor, AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.InvWfm
Example Sub Main
AP.PSIA.Tx.ChannelClk.BitWidePulse = False
' 50% duty cycle
AP.PSIA.Tx.ChannelClk.EdgeSync = 0
' assert on rising edge
AP.PSIA.Tx.ChannelClk.Factor = 2
' 2 channels
AP.PSIA.Tx.ChannelClk.InvWfm = True
' invert channelclk
AP.PSIA.Tx.ChannelClk.BitWidePulse = False
' 50% duty cycle
AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.EdgeSync = 1
' latch on falling edge
AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.Factor = 2
' 2 channels
AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.InvWfm = False
' inverted channelclk
End Sub

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 509

Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface AP.PSIA.

AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.EdgeSync Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.EdgeSync
Data Type Integer
0 Rising edge
1 Falling edge
Description For the transmitter side (Tx), this command selects whether the channel clock output
is asserted at the rising or falling edge of the bit clock. For the receiver side (Rx),
this command selects whether the channel clock input is latched at the rising or fall-
ing edge of the bit clock.
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.BitWidePulse, AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.
Dir, AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.InvWfm.
Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.BitWidePulse.

AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.Factor Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.Factor
Data Type Long 1–256
Description This command specifies the ratio (factor) between the channel clock and the frame
clock. It is equal to the number of channels per frame. The minimum number of
channels is 1. The maximum number of channels is 256; limitations on the master
clock rate may further restrict this.
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.BitWidePulse, AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.
EdgeSync, AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.InvWfm.
Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.BitWidePulse, AP.PSIA.

AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.InvWfm Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.InvWfm
Data Type Boolean
True Inverted channel clock

510 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.PSIA. Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface

False Non-inverted channel clock

Description This command sets the polarity of the channel clock. When set to False (non-in-
verted), the channel clock is high at the start of the subframe, and low for the rest of
the subframe. When set to True (inverted), the channel clock is low at the start of
the subframe, and high for the rest of the subframe.

See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.BitWidePulse, AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.

EdgeSync, AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.Factor
Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.BitWidePulse.

AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.ChannelA Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.ChannelA
Data Type Integer 0 to n-1, where n is the number of channels specified by
the associated ChannelClk.Factor command.
Description For the transmitter side (Tx), this command causes generator Channel A data to ap-
pear on the selected subframe. For the receiver side (Rx), this command causes data
from the selected subframe to be applied to Channel A of the analyzer.
Note that the channel assignments are zero-based, that is, the channels are numbered
from zero to one less than the number of available channels.
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.ChannelB
Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.EdgeSync.

AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.ChannelB Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.ChannelB
Data Type Integer A+1 to n-1, where A is the value of .Data.ChannelA and n
is the number of channels specified by the associated
ChannelClk.Factor command.
Description For the transmitter side (Tx), this command causes generator Channel B data to ap-
pear on the selected subframe. For the receiver side (Rx), this command causes data
from the selected subframe to be applied to Channel B of the analyzer.
Note that the channel assignments are zero-based, that is, the channels are numbered
from zero to one less than the number of available channels.
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.ChannelA

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 511

Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface AP.PSIA.

Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.EdgeSync.

AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.EdgeSync Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.EdgeSync
Data Type Integer
0 Rising edge
1 Falling edge
Description For the transmitter side (Tx), this command selects whether the data output is as-
serted at the rising or falling edge of the bit clock. For the receiver side (Rx), this
command selects whether the data input is latched at the rising or falling edge of the
bit clock.
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.EdgeSync, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.
Example Sub Main
AP.PSIA.Tx.ChannelClk.Factor = 4
' 4 channels...
AP.PSIA.Tx.BitClk.Factor = 32
' ...of 32-bit data
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.EdgeSync = 0
' assert on rising edge
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.ChannelA = 1
' assign ChA data to channel 1
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.ChannelB = 3
' assign ChB data to channel 3
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.MsbFirst = True
' send audio word MSB first
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PrePadType = 2
' pre-pad with sign
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PostPadType = 0
' post-pad with zeros
' Note: the following two lines are equivalent
' right justify audio word
AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PadBits = AP.PSIA.Tx.BitClk.Factor -
AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.Factor = 4
' 4 channels...
AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Factor = 32
' ...of 32-bit data
AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.EdgeSync = 1
' latch on falling edge
AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.ChannelA = 1
' channel 1 data -> ChA of analyzer

512 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.PSIA. Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface

AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.ChannelB = 3
' channel 1 data -> ChB of analyzer
AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.MsbFirst = True
' accept audio word MSB first
' Note: the following two lines are
' accept right-justified audio word
AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.PadBits =
AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Factor -
End Sub

AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.Justify Method


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.Justify(ByVal Justify As Constant)

AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.Justify(ByVal Justify As Constant)
Parameter Name Description
Justify ApbLeft: Left justify audio word
ApbRight: Right justify audio word
Description This command justifies the audio data to the first bit of the subframe (apbLeft) or
the last bit of the subframe (apbRight). For left justification, any padding bits
trail the audio word. For right justification, any padding bits lead the audio word.
Note that justification does not affect the bit order in the word (that is, whether the
MSB or the LSB comes first).
See Also AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PostPadType, AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PrePadType,
Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.EdgeSync.

AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.MSBFirst Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.MSBFirst
Data Type Boolean
True MSB first
False LSB first
Description For the transmitter side (Tx), this command specifies whether audio data is sent
Most Significant Bit (MSB) first or Least Significant Bit (LSB) first. For the re-
ceiver side (Rx), this command specifies whether audio data is accepted MSB first
or LSB first.
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.Justify

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 513

Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface AP.PSIA.

Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.EdgeSync.

AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.PadBits Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.PadBits
Data Type Long 0–24 (limited also by the number of bits per channel and
the digital resolution)
Description For the transmitter side (Tx), this command sets the number of leading (leftmost)
pad bits. If the sum of the number of pad bits and the number of bits in the audio
word is less than the number of bits per channel, the subframe will also be padded
with trailing bits. For the receiver side (Rx), this command sets the offset in bits of
the audio data in the subframe, that is, the number of bits that will be skipped before
audio data is clocked in.
See Also AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PostPadType, AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PrePadType,
AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Factor, AP.S2CDio.InResolution, AP.
Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.EdgeSync.

AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse
Data Type Boolean
True Bit-wide pulse (one period of the bit clock)
False Approximately 50% duty cycle
Description This command selects the pulse width of the frame clock output. Assuming that the
frame clock output is not inverted, and not set to shift 1 bit left, the following are

§ When FrameClk.BitWidePulse is True, the frame clock is high for the first
bit of each frame, and low for the rest of the frame.

§ When FrameClk.BitWidePulse is False, and the number of channels C is

even, the frame clock is high for the first C/2 subframes, and low for the rest
of the frame.

§ When FrameClk.BitWidePulse is False, and the number of channels C is

odd, the frame clock is high for the first (C-1)/2 subframes, and low for the
rest of the frame.

514 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.PSIA. Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface

Note: This command is not available when the associated frame clock direction is
set to IN.
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Dir, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Rate,
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.EdgeSync, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.
InvWfm, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.ShiftOneBitLeft
Example Sub Main
AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.Dir = 0
' output
AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.EdgeSync = 0
' assert on bitclk rise
AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.InvWfm = True
' invert
AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.ShiftOneBitLeft = True
' shift one bit left
AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse = False
' 50% duty cycle
AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.Rate("Hz") = 44100
' CD sample rate
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Dir = 1
' input
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.EdgeSync = 1
' latch on bitclk fall
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.InvWfm = True
' inverted
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.ShiftOneBitLeft = True
' shifted one bit left
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Rate("Hz") = 44100
' CD sample rate
End Sub

AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Dir Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Dir
Data Type Integer
0 Output
1 Input
Description This command selects the frame clock direction. Each frame clock port can be con-
figured as an output or as an input. In output (master) mode, the frame clock is pro-
vided by the PSIA. In input (slave) mode, the frame clock is provided by an external
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.
EdgeSync, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.InvWfm, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.
Rate, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.ShiftOneBitLeft
Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 515

Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface AP.PSIA.

AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.EdgeSync Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.EdgeSync
Data Type Integer
0 Rising edge
1 Falling edge
Description When the direction of the associated frame clock is set to OUT, this command se-
lects whether the frame clock output is asserted at the rising or falling edge of the bit
clock. When the direction of the associated frame clock is set to IN, this command
selects whether the frame clock input is latched at the rising or falling edge of the bit
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Dir,
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.InvWfm, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Rate, AP.
Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse.

AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.InvWfm Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.InvWfm
Data Type Boolean
True Inverted frame clock
False Non-inverted frame clock
Description This command sets the polarity of the frame clock. When set to False (non-in-
verted), the frame clock is high at the start of the frame, and low for the rest of the
frame. When set to True (inverted), the frame clock is low at the start of the frame,
and high for the rest of the frame.
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Dir,
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.EdgeSync, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Rate, AP.
Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse.

AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Rate Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Rate(ByVal Unit As String)

AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.Rate(ByVal Unit As String)

516 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.PSIA. Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface

Data Type Double

Parameter Name Description
Unit The following unit is available: Hz
Description When the direction of the associated frame clock is set to OUT, FrameClk.Rate sets
the frequency of the frame clock output in Hz. Typically this is equal to the sample
rate of the digital audio stream. When the direction of the associated frame clock is
set to IN, FrameClk.Rate is used only to compute the displayed rates in the 'com-
puted rate' column on the PSIA panels.
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Dir,
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.EdgeSync, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.InvWfm,
Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse.

AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.ShiftOneBitLeft Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.ShiftOneBitLeft
Data Type Boolean
True Frame clock valid one bit time before start of frame
False Frame clock valid at start of frame
Description This command allows the frame clock to be asserted (when associated frame clock
direction is OUT) or latched (when associated frame clock direction is IN) one bit
time before the actual start of the frame. Typically, this is used in the I S bus stan-
dard. When FrameClk.ShiftOneBitLeft is False, the frame clock is asserted or
latched at the start of the frame. When FrameClk.ShiftOneBitLeft is True, the
frame clock is asserted or latched one bit time before the start of the frame.
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Dir,
AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.EdgeSync, AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.InvWfm,
Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse.

AP.PSIA.Rx.I2S Method


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.I2S
Description This command configures the transmitter or receiver settings to be compatible with
the Philips I S (Inter-IC Sound) bus.
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.ShiftOneBitLeft
Example Sub Main
AP.PSIA.Tx.I2S ' I2S output format

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 517

Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface AP.PSIA.Rx.MasterClk.Factor

AP.PSIA.Tx.LoopBack ' copy settings to receiver

End Sub

AP.PSIA.Rx.MasterClk.Factor Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.MasterClk.Factor
Data Type Long 1 or more
Description This command specifies the ratio (factor) between the master clock and the frame
clock. Depending on other clock settings, certain factors may not be achievable.
Note: this command is not available when the associated master clock direction is
set to OUT.
See Also AP.PSIA.MasterClkDir
Example See example for AP.PSIA.MasterClkDir, AP.PSIA.Rx.NFsClk.Fac-

AP.PSIA.Rx.NFsClk.Factor Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.NFsClk.Factor
Data Type Long 1 or more
Description This command specifies the ratio (factor) between the N*Fs clock and the frame
clock. Depending on other clock settings, certain factors may not be achievable.
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.NFsClk.InvWfm
Example See example for AP.PSIA.MasterClkDir.

AP.PSIA.Rx.NFsClk.InvWfm Property


Syntax AP.PSIA.Rx.NFsClk.InvWfm
Data Type Boolean
True Inverted N*Fs clock
False Non-inverted N*Fs clock
Description This command sets the polarity of the N*Fs clock. When set to False (non-in-
verted), the N*Fs clock is high at the start of the frame, and low for the rest of the

518 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.PSIA. Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface

frame. When set to True (inverted), the N*Fs clock is low at the start of the frame,
and high for the rest of the frame.
See Also AP.PSIA.Rx.NFsClk.Factor
Example See example for AP.PSIA.MasterClkDir.

AP.PSIA.Tx.BitClk.Dir Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Dir

AP.PSIA.Tx.BitClk.Factor Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.BitClk.Factor

AP.PSIA.Tx.ChannelClk.BitWidePulse Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.BitWidePulse

AP.PSIA.Tx.ChannelClk.EdgeSync Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.EdgeSync

AP.PSIA.Tx.ChannelClk.Factor Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.Factor

AP.PSIA.Tx.ChannelClk.InvWfm Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.ChannelClk.InvWfm

AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.ChannelA Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.ChannelA

AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.ChannelB Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.ChannelB

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 519

Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface AP.PSIA.

AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.EdgeSync Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.EdgeSync

AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.Justify Method

See AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.Justify

AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.MSBFirst Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.MSBFirst

AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PadBits Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.PadBits

AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PostPadType Property

Syntax AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PostPadType
Data Type Integer
0 Low: Set post (trailing) padding bits to logical low
1 High: Set post (trailing) padding bits to logical high
2 First bit: Set post (trailing) padding bits to the state of the
last bit of the audio word
Description This command selects the value of the pad bits that trail the audio word. All pad bits
have the same value: logical low, logical high, or the same state as the last bit in the
audio word. In a two's complement coding scheme, the MSB is the sign bit.
Therefore if the audio word is ordered LSB first, and AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.
PostPadType = 2, then the audio word will be sign extended by the trailing pad
See Also AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PrePadType, AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.PadBits
Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.EdgeSync.

AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PrePadType Property

Syntax AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PrePadType
Data Type Integer
0 Low: Set pre (leading) padding bits to logical low
1 High: Set pre (leading) padding bits to logical high
2 First bit: Set pre (leading) padding bits to the state of the
first bit of the audio word

520 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.PSIA. Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface

Description This command selects the value of the pad bits that lead the audio word. All pad bits
have the same value: logical low, logical high, or the same state as the first bit in the
audio word. In a two's complement coding scheme, the MSB is the sign bit.
Therefore if the audio word is ordered MSB first, and AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.
PrePadType = 2, then the audio word will be sign extended by the leading pad
See Also AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PostPadType, AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.PadBits
Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.EdgeSync.

AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.BitWidePulse

AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.Dir Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Dir

AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.EdgeSync Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.EdgeSync

AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.InvWfm Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.InvWfm

AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.Rate Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.Rate

AP.PSIA.Tx.FrameClk.ShiftOneBitLeft Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.FrameClk.ShiftOneBitLeft

AP.PSIA.Tx.I2S Method


AP.PSIA.Tx.LoopBack Method

Syntax AP.PSIA.Tx.LoopBack

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 521

Chapter 32: Programmable Serial Interface AP.PSIA.

Description This command configures the receiver according to the current transmitter settings,
to provide a way to check data integrity through the PSIA. The following external
connections are required to complete the loopback configuration (BNC-BNC cables
are supplied for this purpose):
Transmitter bit clock ® receiver bit clock
Transmitter frame clock ® receiver frame clock
Transmitter data ® receiver data
See Also AP.PSIA.Tx.Data.PostPadType, AP.PSIA.Rx.Data.PadBits
Example See example for AP.PSIA.Rx.I2S.

AP.PSIA.Tx.MasterClk.Factor Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.MasterClk.Factor

AP.PSIA.Tx.NFsClk.Factor Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.NFsClk.Factor

AP.PSIA.Tx.NFsClk.InvWfm Property

See AP.PSIA.Rx.NFsClk.InvWfm

AP.PSIA.VoltageSetting Property

Syntax AP.PSIA.VoltageSetting
Data Type Constant
PSIA_3_3_TTL 3.3 V TTL
Description This command sets the input and output voltages according to the logic family and
voltage supplied.
Note: the outputs must be on for signal to appear at the PSIA outputs.
See Also AP.PSIA.OutputsOn
Example See example for AP.PSIA.MasterClkDir.

522 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 33
AP.Speaker.Mode Property

Syntax AP.Speaker.Mode
Data Type Integer
0 Mono: A single signal is fed to both left and right
headphones and to the internal loudspeaker.
1 Stereo: Different signals are fed to the left and right
headphones (in most cases). Both these signals are
summed into the internal monaural loudspeaker located in
the bottom of the instrument.

Description This command selects the output configuration for the speaker output jack.
See Also AP.Speaker.Source
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Wfm 1, 2
AP.Gen.ChBFreq("Hz") = 2000.000000
Begin Dialog UserDialog 280,133
PushButton 20,14,240,28,"Monitor Analog Generator _
Channel A",.PushButton1
PushButton 20,49,240,28,"Monitor Analog Generator _
Channel B",.PushButton2
PushButton 20,91,240,28,"EXIT (Speaker _
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog

Dim MainMenu As UserDialog

Select Case Dialog(MainMenu)
Case 1
AP.Speaker.Mode = 0 'Mono
AP.Speaker.Source = 2 'Analog Generator Ch A
Case 2
AP.Speaker.Mode = 0
AP.Speaker.Source = 3 'Analog Generator Ch B
Case Else

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 523

Chapter 33: Speaker AP.Speaker.

AP.Speaker.Mode = 0
AP.Speaker.Source = 0 'Speaker OFF
End Select
GoTo Start:
End Sub

AP.Speaker.Source Property

Syntax AP.Speaker.Source
Data Type Integer
The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.Speaker.Mode com-
mand Mono Configuration.
0 Off: disables audible monitoring.
1 Analog Analyzer Reading: is the final analog signal in the
Analog Analyzer, following all filtering (and following the
wow and flutter discriminator or IMD detectors if the
reading meter is in W&F or IMD modes).
2 Analog Generator A
3 Analog Generator B
4 DSP Monitor A
5 DSP Monitor B
6 Analog Input A
7 Analog Input B

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.Speaker.Mode com-
mand Stereo Configuration.
0 Off: disables audible monitoring.
1 Analog Analyzer Reading: is the final analog signal in the
Analog Analyzer, following all filtering (and following the
wow and flutter discriminator or IMD detectors if the
reading meter is in W&F or IMD modes).
2 Generator Monitor
3 DSP Monitor A&B
4 Analog Input

Description This command selects a monitoring location(s) for the speaker and headphone jack
See Also AP.Speaker.Mode
Example See example for AP.Speaker.Mode.

524 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 34
AP.Sweep.AbortTime Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.AbortTime
Data Type Double Time in seconds. Setting an abort time of zero seconds
disables the abort function.
Description This command defines the maximum time allowed for a sweep to complete after a
sweep is started using any OLE command. If the abort time is exceeded the current
sweep is terminated. If the AP.Data.ColSize command returns a value less than
the number of steps in the sweep then the sweep was aborted. This setting is not rou-
tinely monitored therefore accuracy may be in the seconds.
Note: This command is global and affects all subsequent sweeps. Care should be
taken when using this command to disable it when finished.
See Also AP.Sweep.Start, AP.Sweep.StartWithAppend, AP.Sweep.
StartWithRepeat, AP.Data.ColSize
Example Sub Main
Dim Steps As Integer

Steps = 100
AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps = Steps

AP.Sweep.AbortTime = 5.0

If AP.Data.ColSize(0, 0) < Steps Then

With AP.Prompt
.Text = Chr$(13) & "Normal Sweep _
Time exceeded" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & _
"Sweep Terminated"
.FontSize = 8
Wait 3
End With
End If
AP.Sweep.AbortTime = 0.0

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 525

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

End Sub

AP.Sweep.Append Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Append
Data Type Boolean
True Append data to current data in memory.
False Replace current data in memory.
Description This command enables or disables appending data to the end of measurements con-
tained in memory. If append is enabled the measurements in memory are retained
and the next sweep will add additional measurements to memory. If append is dis-
abled the measurements in memory are replaced by the next sweep data.
See Also AP.Sweep.Repeat, AP.Sweep.StartWithAppend, AP.Sweep.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels
AP.Sweep.CreateGraph = 1
AP.Sweep.CreateTable = 0
AP.Sweep.GraphType = 0
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP = 3
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP = 0

'The commands in the following section could be

' replaced with commands for Data1-6
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5906

'The commands in the following section could be

' replaced with commands for Data2
AP.Sweep.Data1.AutoDiv = 0
AP.Sweep.Data1.Div = 1
AP.Sweep.Data1.Autoscale = 1
AP.Sweep.Data1.LogLin = 1
AP.Sweep.Data1.Top("V") = 1
AP.Sweep.Data1.Bottom("V") = 0

AP.Sweep.Source1.Start("Hz") = 20.0
AP.Sweep.Source1.Stop("Hz") = 200000.0
AP.Sweep.PreSweepDelay = 0.2

AP.Sweep.Append = True

AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP = 1

526 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP = 1
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP = 2
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterHP = 0
AP.Anlr.FuncFilterLP = 3

End Sub

AP.Sweep.CopyData1To2 Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.CopyData1To2
Description This command copies the Sweep panel Data 1 settings to Data 2
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'New Test
AP.Gen.Output = True 'Generator Output ON
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2 'Ch A Input to GenMon
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2 'Ch B Input to GenMon
AP.Anlr.FuncMode = 3 'Func Meter to THD+N Ampl

AP.S2CDsp.Program = 2 'Select FFT Digital Analyzer

AP.S2CDsp.FFT.InputFormat = 1'Select Low BW A/D Input
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Ch1Source = 2 'Digital Analyzer Ch 1 _
Source to Anlr Rdg Ampl

AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 6024 'Select Fft.Ch.1 Ampl _

for Data 1
AP.Sweep.Data2.Id = 6027 'Select Fft.Ch.2 Ampl _
for Data 2
AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = 5515 'Select Fft.FFT _
Freq. for Source 1
AP.Sweep.Start 'Acqure waveform
'Display data so that the vertical scaleing is _
relative to optimized data for Data 1
AP.Graph.OptimizeLeft 'Optimize Data 1
AP.Graph.CopyToSweepPanel 'Copy Left and Right _
graph vertical scale information to Sweep Panel
AP.Sweep.CopyData1to2 'Copy Data 1 settings _
to Data 2
Wait 5
'Display data so that the vertical scaleing is _
relative to optimized data for Data 2
AP.Graph.OptimizeRight 'Optimize Data 2
AP.Graph.CopyToSweepPanel 'Copy Left and Right _
graph vertical scale information to Sweep Panel
AP.Sweep.CopyData2to1 'Copy Data 2 settings
to Data 1

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 527

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

End Sub

AP.Sweep.CopyData2To1 Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.CopyData2To1
Description This command copies the Sweep panel Data 2 settings to Data 1
Example See example for AP.Sweep.CopyData1To2.

AP.Sweep.CreateGraph Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.CreateGraph
Data Type Boolean
True Display a graph window when starting the sweep if a
graph window is not displayed.
False Do not create a graph window when starting the sweep.
Description This command enables or disables creation of the graph window when a sweep is
See Also AP.Sweep.CreateTable, AP.Sweep.GraphType
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.CreateTable Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.CreateTable
Data Type Boolean
True Display a Data Table window when starting the sweep if a
Data Table window is not displayed.
False Do Not create a Data Table window when starting the
Description This command enables or disables creation of the Data Table window when a sweep
is run.
See Also AP.Sweep.CreateGraph, AP.Sweep.GraphType
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data1.AutoDiv Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data1.AutoDiv
Data Type Boolean
True Automatically select the number of divisions.

528 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

False Use the number of divisions defined by the AP.

Sweep.Data1.Div command.
Description This command enables or disables automatic selection of the number of linear verti-
cal axis divisions displayed for Data 1.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data1.Div, AP.Sweep.Data1.LogLin
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data1.Autoscale Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data1.Autoscale
Data Type Boolean
True Autoscale graph vertical axis for Data 1.
False Do Not Autoscale graph vertical axis for Data 1.
Description This command enables or disables automatic scaling of the graph vertical axis Top
and Bottom values for Data 1. The Data 1 vertical axis is shown on the left side of
the graph.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data1.Bottom Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data1.Bottom(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Enter a value that is to be displayed at the bottom of the
graph left axis.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
Sweep.Data1.Id command to determine the
appropriate unit selections.
Description This command defines the bottom value on the graph vertical axis located on the left
side of the graph window.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data1.Top
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data1.Div Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data1.Div
Data Type Long Number of divisions displayed.
Description This command sets the number of divisions that are to be displayed for a linear verti-
cal axis defined on Data 1. The AP.Sweep.Data1.AutoDiv must be disabled.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data1.AutoDiv, AP.Sweep.Data1.LogLin
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 529

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

AP.Sweep.Data1.Id Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data1.Id
Data Type Long Instrument Parameter ID#.
Description This command is used to select the measurement parameter, which will return read-
ings for Data 1.
Refer to Appendix B to obtain instrument parameter identification numbers.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data1.Limits Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data1.Limits(ByVal PathName As String, ByVal

Column As Integer, ByVal Upper As Boolean)
Parameters Name Description
PathName Any valid DOS path and file name. The file must be an AP
limit file (.adl). Enter "None" for the file name to remove
the limit file from Data 1.
Column 1 = Data 1 measurements.
2 = Data 2 measurements.
3 = Data 3 measurements.
4 = Data 4 measurements.
5 = Data 5 measurements.
6 = Data 6 measurements.

Upper True = Upper Limit.

False = Lower Limit.
Result Boolean
True File attachment successful.
False File attachment failed.
Description This command attaches or removes a limit file from Data 1 for upper or lower limit
See Also AP.Sweep.Recompare
Example Sub Main
AP.Log.Enable = 0 'Disable log file
AP.File.OpenTest "CODEC.AT2" 'Open test to create a _
masking curve limit file.
AP.Sweep.Start 'Start sweep.
AP.File.SaveDataAs "MASK.ADL" 'Save masking curve as _
MASK.ADL limit file.
AP.Application.NewData 'Remove Masking _
curve data from memory.
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Mode = 0
'Set the DSP panel _
measurement field to spectrum mode.

530 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

AP.Sweep.Reprocess 'Reprocess the _

acquired waveform and display spectrum results.

AP.Sweep.Source1.Table ("CODEC.ADS",0)
'Attach Sweep table.
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Mode = 1
'Set the DSP panel _
measurement field to response mode.
AP.Sweep.Reprocess 'Reprocess _
the acquired waveform and display response results.

'Attach upper limits to Data1 & Data3.

AP.Sweep.Data1.Limits("MASK.ADL", 1, True)
AP.Sweep.Data3.Limits("Mask.ADL", 1, True)

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Mode = 2 'Set DSP measurement _

mode to distortion.
AP.Sweep.Reprocess 'Reprocess the acquired _
waveform and display distortion results.
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Mode = 3 'Set the DSP panel _
measurement field to noise mode.
AP.Sweep.Reprocess 'Reprocess the acquired _
waveform and display noise results.
End Sub

AP.Sweep.Data1.LogLin Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data1.LogLin
Data Type Integer
0 Logarithmic vertical axis.
1 Linear vertical axis.
Description This command determines the Data 1 vertical axis data scaling type.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data1.Div, AP.Sweep.Data1.AutoDiv
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data1.Top Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data1.Top(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Enter a value that is to be displayed at the top of the
graph left axis.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
Sweep.Data1.Id command to determine the
appropriate unit selections.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 531

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

Description This command defines the top value on the graph vertical axis located on the left
side of the graph window.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data1.Bottom
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data2.AutoDiv Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data2.AutoDiv
Data Type Boolean
True Automatically select the number of divisions.
False Use the number of divisions defined by the AP.
Sweep.Data2.Div command.
Description This command enables or disables automatic selection of the number of linear verti-
cal axis divisions displayed for Data 2.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data2.Div, AP.Sweep.Data2.LogLin
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data2.Autoscale Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data2.Autoscale
Data Type Boolean
True Autoscale graph vertical axis for Data 2.
False Do Not Autoscale graph vertical axis for Data 2.
Description This command enables or disables automatic scaling of the graph vertical axis Top
and Bottom values for Data 2. The Data 2 vertical axis is shown on the right side of
the graph.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data2.Bottom Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data2.Bottom(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Enter a value that is to be displayed at the bottom of the
graph right axis.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
Sweep.Data2.Id command to determine the
appropriate unit selections.
Description This command defines the bottom value on the graph vertical axis located on the
right side of the graph window.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data2.Top

532 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data2.Div Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data2.Div
Data Type Long Number of divisions displayed.
Description This command sets the number of divisions that are to be displayed for a linear verti-
cal axis defined on Data 2. The AP.Sweep.Data2.AutoDiv must be disabled.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data2.AutoDiv, AP.Sweep.Data2.LogLin
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data2.Id Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data2.Id
Data Type Long Instrument Parameter ID#.
Description This command is used to select the measurement parameter, which will return read-
ings for Data 2.
Refer to Appendix B to obtain instrument parameter identification numbers.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data2.Limits Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data2.Limits(ByVal PathName As String, ByVal

Column As Integer, ByVal Upper As Boolean)
Parameters Name Description
PathName Any valid DOS path and file name. The file must be an AP
limit file (.adl). Enter "None" for the file name to remove
the limit file from Data 2.
Column 1 = Data 1 measurements.
2 = Data 2 measurements.
3 = Data 3 measurements.
4 = Data 4 measurements.
5 = Data 5 measurements.
6 = Data 6 measurements.

Upper True = Upper Limit.

False = Lower Limit.
Result Boolean
True File attachment successful.
False File attachment failed.
Description This command attaches or removes a limit file from Data 2 for upper or lower limit

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 533

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

See Also AP.Sweep.Recompare

Example See example for AP.Sweep.Data1.Limits.

AP.Sweep.Data2.LogLin Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data2.LogLin
Data Type Integer
0 Logarithmic vertical axis.
1 Linear vertical axis.
Description This command determines the Data 2 vertical axis data scaling type.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data2.Div, AP.Sweep.Data2.AutoDiv
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data2.Top Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data2.Top(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Enter a value that is to be displayed at the top of the
graph right axis.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
Sweep.Data2.Id command to determine the
appropriate unit selections.
Description This command defines the top value on the graph vertical axis located on the right
side of the graph window.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data2.Bottom
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data3.Id Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data3.Id
Data Type Long Instrument Parameter ID#.
Description This command is used to select the measurement parameter, which will return read-
ings for Data 3.
Refer to Appendix B to obtain instrument parameter identification numbers.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

534 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

AP.Sweep.Data3.Limits Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data3.Limits(ByVal PathName As String, ByVal

Column As Integer, ByVal Upper As Boolean)
Parameters Name Description
PathName Any valid DOS path and file name. The file must be an AP
limit file (.adl). Enter "None" for the file name to remove
the limit file from Data 3.
Column 1 = Data 1 measurements.
2 = Data 2 measurements.
3 = Data 3 measurements.
4 = Data 4 measurements.
5 = Data 5 measurements.
6 = Data 6 measurements.

Upper True = Upper Limit.

False = Lower Limit.
Result Boolean
True File attachment successful.
False File attachment failed.
Description This command attaches or removes a limit file from Data 3 for upper or lower limit
See Also AP.Sweep.Recompare
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Data1.Limits.

AP.Sweep.Data4.Id Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data4.Id
Data Type Long Instrument Parameter ID#.
Description This command is used to select the measurement parameter, which will return read-
ings for Data 4.
Refer to Appendix B to obtain instrument parameter identification numbers.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data4.Limits Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data4.Limits(ByVal PathName As String, ByVal

Column As Integer, ByVal Upper As Boolean)
Parameters Name Description
PathName Any valid DOS path and file name. The file must be an AP
limit file (.adl). Enter "None" for the file name to remove
the limit file from Data 4.
Column 1 = Data 1 measurements.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 535

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

2 = Data 2 measurements.
3 = Data 3 measurements.
4 = Data 4 measurements.
5 = Data 5 measurements.
6 = Data 6 measurements.

Upper True = Upper Limit.

False = Lower Limit.
Result Boolean
True File attachment successful.
False File attachment failed.
Description This command attaches or removes a limit file from Data 4 for upper or lower limit
See Also AP.Sweep.Recompare
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data5.Id Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data5.Id
Data Type Long Instrument Parameter ID#.
Description This command is used to select the measurement parameter, which will return read-
ings for Data 5.
Refer to Appendix B to obtain instrument parameter identification numbers.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data5.Limits Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data5.Limits(ByVal PathName As String, ByVal

Column As Integer, ByVal Upper As Boolean)
Parameters Name Description
PathName Any valid DOS path and file name. The file must be an AP
limit file (.adl). Enter "None" for the file name to remove
the limit file from Data 5.
Column 1 = Data 1 measurements.
2 = Data 2 measurements.
3 = Data 3 measurements.
4 = Data 4 measurements.
5 = Data 5 measurements.
6 = Data 6 measurements.

Upper True = Upper Limit.

False = Lower Limit.
Result Boolean
True File attachment successful.

536 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

False File attachment failed.

Description This command attaches or removes a limit file from Data 5 for upper or lower limit
See Also AP.Sweep.Recompare
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data6.Id Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data6.Id
Data Type Long Instrument Parameter ID#.
Description This command is used to select the measurement parameter, which will return read-
ings for Data 6.
Refer to Appendix B to obtain instrument parameter identification numbers.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Data6.Limits Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data6.Limits(ByVal PathName As String, ByVal

Column As Integer, ByVal Upper As Boolean)
Data Type Boolean
Parameters Name Description
PathName Any valid DOS path and file name. The file must be an AP
limit file (.adl). Enter "None" for the file name to remove
the limit file from Data 6.
Column 1 = Data 1 measurements.
2 = Data 2 measurements.
3 = Data 3 measurements.
4 = Data 4 measurements.
5 = Data 5 measurements.
6 = Data 6 measurements.

Upper True = Upper Limit.

False = Lower Limit.
Result Boolean
True File attachment successful.
False File attachment failed.
Description This command attaches or removes a limit file from Data 6 for upper or lower limit
See Also AP.Sweep.Recompare
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 537

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

AP.Sweep.Datan.LowerLimit.Column Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data1.LowerLimit.Column
Data Type Integer
Description This command returns the column number of the limit attached to the associated
sweep data.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Datan.Limits.

AP.Sweep.Datan.LowerLimit.Filename Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Data1.LowerLimit.Filename
Data Type String
Description This command returns the filename of the limit attached to the associated sweep
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Datan.Limits.

AP.Sweep.External.DataSpacing Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.External.DataSpacing(byVal Unit As String)

538 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

Data Type Double

Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for his command: V, dBu, dBV, dBr A, dBr B, dbg
a, dbg B, dbm, W
Description This command sets the external sweep Data Spacing.
See Also AP.Sweep.External.DataSpacingRelUnits

AP.Sweep.External.DataSpacingRelUnits Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.External.DataSpacingRelUnits
Data Type Boolean
True Relative Units
False Absolute Units
Description This command selects the units that area available for the AP.Sweep.Exter-
See Also AP.Sweep.External.DataSpacing

AP.Sweep.External.DataThreshold Property
Syntax AP.Sweep.External.DataThreshold(ByVal Unit As String)
Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for his command: V, dBu, dBV, dBr A, dBr B, dbg
a, dbg B, dbm, W
Description This command sets the external sweep Threshold level.
See Also AP.Sweep.External.DataThresholdId

AP.Sweep.External.DataThresholdId Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.External.DataThresholdId
Data Type Long Instrument Parameter ID#
Description This command is used to select the instrument parameter that will return readings
for external sweep Threshold. Refer to Appendix B to obtain instrument parameter
identification numbers.
See Also AP.Sweep.External.DataThreshold

AP.Sweep.External.End Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.External.End(ByVal Unit As String)

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 539

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

Data Type Double

Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: V, dBu, dBV, dBr A, dBr B,
dBg A, dBg B, dbm, W
Description This command sets the external sweep End value.
See Also AP.Sweep.External.Start

AP.Sweep.External.EndRule Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.External.EndRule
Data Type Integer
0 within End Value ±Tolerance
1 return to within End Value ±Tolerance
Description This command sets the external sweep End rule.
See Also AP.Sweep.External.StartRule

AP.Sweep.External.EndTolerance Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.External.EndTolerance(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: V, dBu, dBV, dBr A, dBr B,
dBg A, dBg B, dbm, W
Description This command sets the external sweep End Tolerance.
See Also AP.Sweep.External.StartTolerance, AP.Sweep.External.

AP.Sweep.External.EndToleranceRelUnits Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.External.EndToleranceRelUnits
Data Type Boolean
True Relative Units
False Absolute Units
Description This command selects the units that are available for the AP.Sweep.External.
EndTolerance command.
See Also AP.Sweep.External.EndTolerance

AP.Sweep.External.Start Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.External.Start(ByVal Unit As String)

540 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

Data Type Double

Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: V, dBu, dBV, dBr A, dBr B,
dBg A, dBg B, dbm, W
Description This command sets the external sweep Start value.
See Also AP.Sweep.External.End

AP.Sweep.External.StartRule Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.External.StartRule
Data Type Integer
0 within Start Value ±Tolerance
1 return to within Start Value ±Tolerance
Description This command sets the external sweep Start rule.
See Also AP.Sweep.External.EndRule

AP.Sweep.External.StartTolerance Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.External.StartTolerance(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: V, dBu, dBV, dBr A, dBr B,
dBg A, dBg B, dbm, W
Description This command sets the external sweep Start Tolerance.
See Also AP.Sweep.External.StartToleranceRelUnits, AP.Sweep.

AP.Sweep.External.StartToleranceRelUnits Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.External.StartToleranceRelUnits
Data Type Boolean
True Relative Units
False Absolute Units
Description This command selects the units that are available for the AP.Sweep.External.
StartTolerance command.
See Also AP.Sweep.External.StartTolerance

AP.Sweep.GraphType Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.GraphType

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 541

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

Data Type Integer

0 X - Y mode. Data 1-6 measurements are displayed on the
vertical axis and Source settings are displayed on the
horizontal axis.
1 X - Y Data2 on X mode. Data 1, and 3-6 measurements
are displayed on the vertical axis and Data 2 readings are
displayed on the horizontal axis.
Description This command selects the graph display mode. The AP.Sweep.Data2.Id must
be defined.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data2.Id
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.IsRunning Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.IsRunning
Result Boolean
True Sweep process running.
False Sweep process not running.
Description This command returns the status of the Sweep process.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Stop.

AP.Sweep.PreSweepDelay Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.PreSweepDelay
Data Type Double 0.0 to 3.0 sec.
Description This command sets a user-controllable time delay value inserted after the AP.
Sweep.Start command is executed, before the first data point is taken. This can
be valuable when the device under test needs a certain amount of setup time before
it operates normally, or to allow for full autoranging and other time within the instru-
ment. In nested sweeps, this Pre-Sweep Delay is inserted before the start of each
sweep of the test.
The Pre-Sweep Delay field is located on the right half of the large version of the
Sweep panel, below the Data 3-Data 6 Limits buttons.
See Also AP.Sweep.Start
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Recompare Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.Recompare
Result Boolean
True Recompare successful.

542 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

False Recompare failed.

Description This command causes any sweep result currently in memory to be regraphed and
compared to limits if limit files are attached to any Data (Data 1 - Data 6) variable
via the test configuration or usage of the AP.Sweep.Data(n).Limits com-
This command is equivalent to F7 in the control software.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data1.Limits, AP.Sweep.Data2.Limits, AP.Sweep.
Data3.Limits, AP.Sweep.Data4.Limits, AP.Sweep.Data5.Lim-
its, AP.Sweep.Data6.Limits

AP.Sweep.Repeat Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Repeat
Data Type Boolean
True Repeat sweep continuously.
False Do not repeat sweep continuously.
Description This command enables or disables repeating the currently defined sweep indefi-
See Also AP.Sweep.Append, AP.Sweep.StartWithAppend, AP.Sweep.
Example Sub Main
AP.Application.NewTest 'Start with New Test
AP.Gen.Output = True 'Generator Output ON
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Application.PanelOpen apbPanelSweepSmall _
'Display Sweep Panel

AP.Prompt.Text = "Press Continue to Stop _

Sweep." 'Prompt text
AP.Prompt.FontSize = 8 'Set font size to 8 point
AP.Prompt.Position(-1,-1,190,120)'Location and size

Begin Dialog UserDialog 310,154,"Sweep Controler"

PushButton 100,7,100,21,"Single _
PushButton 30,35,250,21,"Single sweep and _
PushButton 30,56,250,21,"Start repeating _
PushButton 30,77,250,21,"Start repeating sweep _
with Append",.PushButton4
CancelButton 60,119,190,21
End Dialog
Dim dlg As UserDialog

Select Case Dialog (dlg)

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 543

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

Case 0
AP.Sweep.Append = False
AP.Sweep.Repeat = False
Case 1 'Run single sweep
AP.Sweep.Append = False
AP.Sweep.Repeat = False
Case 2 'Run sweep and append data
AP.Sweep.Repeat = False
Case 3 'Run repeating sweep
AP.Sweep.Append False
'Display prompt
'Start sweep
AP.Sweep.Repeat = False
Case 4 'Run repeating sweep and append data
AP.Sweep.Append = True
AP.Sweep.Repeat = True
'Display prompt
'Start sweep
AP.Sweep.Repeat = False
End Select
GoTo DisplayDialog
End Sub

AP.Sweep.Reprocess Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.Reprocess
Result Boolean
True Reprocess successful.
False Reprocess failed.
Description This command instructs the control software to cause the third phase of the follow-
ing process to be performed.
FFT-based (batch mode) DSP programs have three distinct, sequential phases to
their operation.
First, data is accumulated into the acquisition buffer until the buffer is filled to the
specified acquisition length.
Second, a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is performed to obtain amplitude (and some-
times phase) versus frequency data which is stored in a different memory buffer
from the acquired signal (amplitude versus time).
Third, a post-processed version of the amplitude versus time or amplitude versus fre-
quency data (depending upon sweep Source 1 and Data 1 or 2) is transmitted from

544 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

the DSP module in the test system to the computer for graphing by the control
This command is equivalent to Ctrl+F6 in the control software.
Example Sub Main
AP.Log.Enable = 0 'Disable log file
AP.File.OpenTest "CODEC.AT2" 'Open test to create _
a Masking curve limit file.
AP.Sweep.Start 'Start sweep.
AP.File.SaveDataAs "MASK.ADL"
'Save masking curve as _
MASK.ADL limit file.
AP.Application.NewData 'Remove Masking curve data _
from memory.
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Mode = 0 'Set the DSP panel _
measurement field to spectrum mode.
AP.Sweep.Reprocess 'Reprocess the acquired _
waveform and display spectrum results.

'Attach Sweep table.

AP.Sweep.Source1.Table ("CODEC.ADS",0)
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Mode = 1
'Set the DSP panel _
measurement field to response mode.
AP.Sweep.Reprocess 'Reprocess the acquired _
waveform and display response results.

'Attach upper limits to Data1 & Data3.

AP.Sweep.Data1.Limits("MASK.ADL", 1, True)
AP.Sweep.Data3.Limits("Mask.ADL", 1, True)

AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Mode = 2 'Set DSP measurement _

mode to distortion.
AP.Sweep.Reprocess 'Reprocess the acquired _
waveform and display distortion results.
AP.S2CDsp.FastTest.Mode = 3
'Set the DSP panel _
measurement field to noise mode.
AP.Sweep.Reprocess 'Reprocess the acquired _
waveform and display noise results.
End Sub

AP.Sweep.Retransform Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.Retransform
Result Boolean
True Retransform successful.
False Retransform failed.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 545

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

Description This command instructs the control software to cause the second and third phases of
the following process to be performed. FFT-based (batch mode) DSP programs have
three distinct, sequential phases to their operation.
First, data is accumulated into the acquisition buffer until the buffer is filled to the
specified acquisition length.
Second, a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is performed to obtain amplitude (and some-
times phase) versus frequency data which is stored in a different memory buffer
from the acquired signal (amplitude versus time).
Third, a post-processed version of the amplitude versus time or amplitude versus fre-
quency data (depending upon sweep Source 1 and Data 1 or 2) is transmitted from
the DSP module in the test system to the computer for graphing by the control
This command is equivalent to F6 in the control software.
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Output = 1
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 2 'Select FFT program
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.InputFormat = 1'Select Low BW(A/D) _
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Length = 6 'Set FFT length to 16384
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Window = 0 'Set FFT window to BH4
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 6023 'Set sweep panel Data 1 _
to Fft.Ch.1 Ampl
AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = 5515 'Set sweep panel _
Source 1 to Fft.FFT Freq
AP.Sweep.Append = 1
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Window = 1'Set FFT window to Hann
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Window = 2'Set FFT window to Flat-Top
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Window = 3'Set FFT window to _
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.Window = 4'Set FFT window to None
AP.Data.OptimizeDisplay 0
End Sub

AP.Sweep.ReverseChannels Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.ReverseChannels(ByVal Reversed As Boolean)

Parameters Name Description
Reversed True = Change channel to alternate channel.
False = Return channel to previous state.
Description This command selects the alternate channel from the present settings for the genera-
tor output and analyzer Function meter input selection. If channel A is selected for

546 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

the generator output and the analyzer Function meter and this command is executed
using a 1 for the command argument channel B will be selected for the generator
and analyzer Function meter. To revert to the previous state use the command
argument 0.

AP.Sweep.SinglePoint Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.SinglePoint
Data Type Boolean
True Enable single point sweep.
False Disable single point sweep.
Description This command sets the Source 1 Sweep to Single Point mode. When a sweep is initi-
ated (AP.Sweep.Start) the Data Editor will be automatically displayed and a
single measurement taken at the Sweep Start value of Source 1.
See Also AP.Sweep.Source1.Start
Example Sub Main
AP.File.OpenTest "SWEEPFFT.AT2"
AP.Sweep.Repeat = False
AP.Sweep.SinglePoint = False
AP.Sweep.Stereo = False
AP.Sweep.Timeout("sec") = 3
AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = 5051 'Set Source 1 Gen Freq
AP.Sweep.Source1.LogLin = 1
AP.Sweep.Source1.Start("Hz") = 20000
AP.Sweep.Source1.Stop("Hz") = 20
AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps = 15
AP.Sweep.Source1.AutoDiv = False
AP.Sweep.Source1.Div = 10
AP.Sweep.Source2.Id = 5052 'Set Source 2 Gen Ampl A
AP.Sweep.Source2.LogLin = 1
AP.Sweep.Source2.Start("Vrms") = 5
AP.Sweep.Source2.Steps = 2
AP.Sweep.Source2.Stop("Vrms") = 1
End Sub

AP.Sweep.Source1.AutoDiv Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.AutoDiv
Data Type Boolean
True Automatically select the number of divisions.
False Use the number of divisions defined by the AP.
Sweep.Source1.Div command.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 547

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

Description This command enables or disables automatic selection of the number of linear hori-
zontal axis divisions displayed for Source 1 sweeps.
See Also AP.Sweep.Source1.Div, AP.Sweep.Source1.LogLin
Example See example for AP.Sweep.SinglePoint.

AP.Sweep.Source1.Div Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.Div
Data Type Long Number of divisions displayed.
Description This command sets the number of divisions that are to be displayed for a linear hori-
zontal axis for a Source 1. The AP.Sweep.Source1.AutoDiv must be dis-
See Also AP.Sweep.Source1.AutoDiv, AP.Sweep.Source1.LogLin
Example See example for AP.Sweep.SinglePoint.

AP.Sweep.Source1.EndOn Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.EndOn(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
Sweep.Source1.Id command to determine the
appropriate range of acceptable values.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
Sweep.Source1.Id command to determine the
appropriate unit selections.
Description This command sets the Sweep End value for an external sweep. The sweep will be
considered to have finished when the Source 1 parameter reverses its direction
(starts to change in the direction from Stop to Start) to the End On value.
It is frequently necessary to make and graph a series of measurements where some
external, uncontrollable source is the independent variable. Common examples in-
clude frequency response measurements or other swept tests where the sweeping sig-
nal is pre-recorded on a test tape or test CD, or testing of a transmission link where a
remote generator (not under control of the 2700 series control software) is providing
the signal. In these cases, the control software cannot control the values, direction of
progression (high to low versus low to high), or dwell times of the signal. The con-
trol software can, however, measure the changing parameter of the incoming signal
(usually frequency but sometimes level) and use those measurements as the X-axis
calibration. This mode of operation, where a measurement (Reading) drives the
data-taking process and calibrates the X-axis, is called External Sweep.
Example Sub Main
'This test requires an external sweep source.
AP.File.OpenTest "SweepD.at2"
AP.Sweep.Source1.Id = 5901'Set Source 1 to Anlr.FreqA

548 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

AP.Sweep.Source1.EndOn("Hz") = 2500 'Set Sweep _

End On to 2.5kHz
AP.Sweep.Source1.MinLevelID = 5903 'Select _
Anlr.LevelA for MinLevel
AP.Sweep.Source1.MinLevel("dBu") = -40 'Set Min _
Level to 100mV
AP.Sweep.Source1.Spacing("%") = 3 'Set Spacing _
to 3%
AP.Sweep.Start 'Wait for external sweep

End Sub

AP.Sweep.Source1.Id Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.Id
Data Type Long Instrument Parameter ID#.
Description This command is used to select the measurement parameter which will define set-
tings or return readings, in the case of external sweeps, for Source 1.
Refer to Appendix B to obtain instrument parameter identification numbers.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.SinglePoint.

AP.Sweep.Source1.LogLin Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.LogLin
Data Type Integer
0 Logarithmic horizontal axis and step type.
1 Linear horizontal axis and step type.
Description This command determines the Source 1 horizontal axis type and the sweep step
See Also AP.Sweep.Source1.Div, AP.Sweep.Source1.AutoDiv
Example See example for AP.Sweep.SinglePoint.

AP.Sweep.Source1.MinLevel Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.MinLevel(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Refer to the reading defined by the AP.Sweep.
Source1.MinLevelId command to determine the
appropriate range of acceptable values.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 549

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

Parameters Name Description

Unit Refer to the reading defined by the AP.Sweep.
Source1.MinLevelId command to determine the
appropriate unit selections.
Description This command sets the minimum input signal level at which measurements will be
taken during an external sweep (reading instead of setting at Source 1). The purpose
of this command is to avoid taking measurements during the "dead time" between
tracks of a test tape or test CD, when noise still produces some finite signal level.
It is frequently necessary to make and graph a series of measurements where some
external, uncontrollable source is the independent variable. Common examples in-
clude frequency response measurements or other swept tests where the sweeping sig-
nal is pre-recorded on a test tape or test CD, or testing of a transmission link where a
remote generator (not under control of the 2700 series control software) is providing
the signal. In these cases, the control software cannot control the values, direction of
progression (high to low versus low to high), or dwell times of the signal. The con-
trol software can, however, measure the changing parameter of the incoming signal
(usually frequency but sometimes level) and use those measurements as the X-axis
calibration. This mode of operation, where a measurement (Reading) drives the
data-taking process and calibrates the X-axis, is called External Sweep.
See Also AP.Sweep.Data2.Id, AP.Sweep.MinLevelSource

AP.Sweep.Source1.MinLevelId Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.MinLevelId
Data Type Long Instrument Parameter ID#.
Description This command is used to select the measurement parameter which will define set-
tings or return readings, in the case of external sweeps, for Source 1.
Refer to Appendix B to obtain instrument parameter identification numbers.

AP.Sweep.Source1.Multiply Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.Multiply
Data Type Double
Description This command sets the Source 1 Log Sweep Multiply factor used to determine the
next Source 1 sweep setting.
See Also AP.Sweep.Source1.Start, AP.Sweep.Source1.Stop, AP.Sweep.
Source1.LogLin, AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps

AP.Sweep.Source1.Spacing Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.Spacing(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double

550 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

Parameters Name Description

Unit % unit only.
Description This command sets the minimum change of the Source 1 Reading (ID#) Property pa-
rameter required to allow an additional external sweep measurement to be taken.
This setting is only available for external sweeps.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Source1,EndOn.

AP.Sweep.Source1.Start Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.Start(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
Sweep.Source1.Id command to determine the
appropriate range of acceptable values.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
Sweep.Source1.Id command to determine the
appropriate unit selections.
Description This command sets the first setting value to be sent to the measurement parameter
specified as Source 1 and to be displayed on the graph horizontal axis. In the case of
an external sweep (a reading selected at Source 1 instead of a setting), this value de-
termines the graph horizontal axis end point and, in conjunction with the AP.
Sweep.Source1.Stop command, defines the expected direction of change of
the Source 1 parameter during the sweep.
See Also AP.Sweep.Source1.Stop
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps
Data Type Long
Description This command sets the number of Source 1 steps that a log or linear sweep makes be-
tween the Source 1 Start and Stop values.
See Also AP.Sweep.Source1.Start, AP.Sweep.Source1.Stop, AP.Sweep.
Source1.LogLin, AP.Sweep.Source1.StepSize
Example See example for AP.Sweep.SinglePoint.

AP.Sweep.Source1.StepSize Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.StepSize(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Source 1 step size.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 551

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

Description This command sets the Source 1 Linear Sweep Step Size used to determine the next
Source 1 sweep setting.

Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
Sweep.Source1.Id command to determine the
appropriate unit selections.
See Also AP.Sweep.Source1.Start, AP.Sweep.Source1.Stop, AP.Sweep.
Source1.LogLin, AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps

AP.Sweep.Source1.Stop Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.Stop(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
Sweep.Source1.Id command to determine the
appropriate range of acceptable values.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting or reading defined by the AP.
Sweep.Source1.Id command to determine the
appropriate unit selections.
Description This command sets the last setting value to be sent to the measurement parameter
specified as Source 1 and to be displayed on the graph horizontal axis. In the case of
an external sweep (a reading selected at Source 1 instead of a setting), this value de-
termines the graph horizontal axis end point and, in conjunction with the AP.
Sweep.Source1.Start command, defines the expected direction of change of
the Source 1 parameter during the sweep.
See Also AP.Sweep.Source1.Start
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Append.

AP.Sweep.Source1.SweepTable.Column Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.SweepTable.Column
Result Integer
Description This command returns the column number of the attached sweep table in Source 1.
See Also AP.Sweep.Source1.Table

AP.Sweep.Source1.SweepTable.Filename Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.SweepTable.Filename
Result String
Description This command returns the file name of the attached sweep table in Source 1.
See Also AP.Sweep.Source1.Table

552 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

AP.Sweep.Source1.Table Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source1.Table(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal

Column As Integer)
Parameters Name Description
FileName Any valid DOS path and file name. The file must be an AP
sweep file (.ads). Enter "None" for the file name to
remove the sweep file from Source1.
Column 0 = Source 1 settings.
1 = Data 1 measurements.
2 = Data 2 measurements.
3 = Data 3 measurements.
4 = Data 4 measurements.
5 = Data 5 measurements.
6 = Data 6 measurements.
7 = Source 2 settings.
Result Boolean
True File attachment successful.
False File attachment failed.
Description This command attaches a sweep file to Source 1. Values in the file will be used as
Source 1 settings, rather than Start, Stop, Steps, and Multiply, or Stepsize values.
The Start and Stop values will continue to be used to define the horizontal end
points of the graph.

AP.Sweep.Source2.Id Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source2.Id
Data Type Long Instrument Parameter ID#.
Description This command is used to select the measurement parameter, which will define set-
tings for Source 2.
Refer to Appendix B to obtain instrument parameter identification numbers.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.SinglePoint.

AP.Sweep.Source2.LogLin Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source2.LogLin
Data Type Integer
0 Logarithmic step type.
1 Linear step type.
Description This command determines if the sweep steps will be Logarithmically or linearly

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 553

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

Example See example for AP.Sweep.SinglePoint.

AP.Sweep.Source2.Multiply Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source2.Multiply
Data Type Double
Description This command sets the Source 2 Log Sweep multiply factor used to determine the
next Source 2 Sweep setting.
See Also AP.Sweep.Source2.Start, AP.Sweep.Source2.Stop, AP.Sweep.
Source2.LogLin, AP.Sweep.Source2.Steps

AP.Sweep.Source2.Start Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source2.Start(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Refer to the setting defined by the AP.Sweep.
Source2.Id command to determine the appropriate
range of acceptable values.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting defined by the AP.Sweep.
Source2.Id command to determine the appropriate
range of acceptable values.
Description This command sets the first setting to be used in the Source 2 sweep.
See Also AP.Sweep.Source2.Stop
Example See example for AP.Sweep.SinglePoint.

AP.Sweep.Source2.Steps Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source2.Steps
Data Type Long

Description This command sets the number of Source 2 steps that a log or linear sweep makes be-
tween the Source 2 Start and Stop values.
See Also AP.Sweep.Source2.Start, AP.Sweep.Source2.Stop, AP.Sweep.
Source2.LogLin, AP.Sweep.Source2.StepSize
Example See example for AP.Sweep.SinglePoint.

AP.Sweep.Source2.StepSize Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source2.StepSize(ByVal Unit As String)

554 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

Data Type Double Refer to the setting defined by the AP.Sweep.

Source2.Id command to determine the appropriate
range of acceptable values.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting defined by the AP.Sweep.
Source2.Id command to determine the appropriate
unit selections.
Description This command sets the Source 2 Linear Sweep Step Size used to determine the next
Source 2 sweep setting.
See Also AP.Sweep.Source2.Start, AP.Sweep.Source2.Stop, AP.Sweep.
Source2.LogLin, AP.Sweep.Source2.Steps

AP.Sweep.Source2.Stop Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Source2.Stop(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Refer to the setting defined by the AP.Sweep.
Source2.Id command to determine the appropriate
range of acceptable values.
Parameters Name Description
Unit Refer to the setting defined by the AP.Sweep.
Source2.Id command to determine the appropriate
unit selections.
Description This command sets the last setting to be used in the Source 2 sweep.
See Also AP.Sweep.Source2.Start

AP.Sweep.Spectrum Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.Spectrum
Result Boolean
True Change to Spectrum Display successful.
False Display change not successful.
Description This command configures the Sweep Panel to produce a Spectrum display when a
sweep is run.
New Test configuration functionality:
In this situation the user has not defined the Sweep Panel to display a Spectrum but
has selected from one of the Digital Analyzer selections listed below. If the user has
not selected from one of the Digital Analyzer selections listed below, this command
is not active.
When this command is executed default values are automatically entered into the
sweep panel settings to set up the sweep to display the default Spectrum when run.
Each Digital Analyzer selection listed below has its own default sweep panel set-
tings for a frequency domain display.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 555

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

User defined test functionality:

In this situation the user has loaded a previously saved test. If the user has redefined
any of the default sweep panel settings for any of the Digital Analyzer selections
and saved the settings as a test, then all of the settings for all of the Digital Analyzer
selections will be restored when the test is loaded. The user can then switch between
any of the Digital Analyzer selections listed below and the prevoiusly defined
settings will be restored.
Digital Analyzer selections:
FFT spectrum analyzer (fft)
Digital interface analyzer (intervu)
Multitone audio analyzer (fasttest)
Quasi-anechoic acoustical tester (mls)
See Also AP.Sweep.Waveform
Example Sub Main
AP.Gen.Output = True 'Turn Analog Generator Output ON
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Anlr.ChBInput = 2
AP.S2CDsp.Program = 2 'Select FFT Spectrum _
AP.S2CDsp.FFT.InputFormat = 1
'HiRes A/D @65536 Input
AP.Sweep.Spectrum 'Setup Sweep panel for Spectrum _
AP.Application.Page = 2 'Display Graph on Page 2
AP.Sweep.Start 'Acquire and display Spectrum data
Wait 5
AP.Sweep.Waveform 'Retransform and display _
Waveform data
End Sub

AP.Sweep.Start Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.Start
Result Boolean
True Sweep completed successfuly.
False Sweep terminated abnormally.
Description This command initiates a sweep.

Note: When using this command from an external application execution of addi-
tional commands will not be held off if the AP.Sweep.Repeat command is set to
True. The AP.Sweep.Repeat command is also affected by the AP.Sweep.
StartWithRepeat commmand.
See Also AP.Sweep.StartWithAppend, AP.Sweep.StartWithRepeat
Example Sub Main

556 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

AP.File.OpenTest "FRQ-RESP.AT2"
'Open frequency response _ test.
'Start sweep.
AP.File.SaveDataAs "FRQ-RESP.DAT"
'Save data.

AP.File.OpenTest "THD-FRQ.AT2"
'Open total harmonic _ distortion
+ noise test.
'Start sweep.
AP.File.SaveDataAs "THD-FRQ.DAT"
'Save data.

AP.File.OpenTest "RESIDNOI.AT2"
'Open residual noise test.
'Start sweep.
'Save data.
End Sub

AP.Sweep.StartNoWait Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.StartNoWait
Result Boolean
True Sweep process started successfuly.
False Sweep process not started successfuly.
Description This command initiates a sweep process and then continues macro execution.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Stop.

AP.Sweep.StartWithAppend Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.StartWithAppend
Description This command initiates a sweep in append mode which is equivalent to pressing the
Ctrl+F9 function key.
See Also AP.Sweep.Start, AP.Sweep.StartWithRepeat
Example See example for AP.Sweep.SinglePoint.

AP.Sweep.StartWithRepeat Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.StartWithRepeat

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 557

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

Description This command initiates a sweep in repeat mode which is equivalent to pressing the
Alt+F9 function key.
See Also AP.Sweep.Start, AP.Sweep.StartWithAppend
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Repeat.

AP.Sweep.Stereo Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Stereo
Data Type Boolean
True Enable Stereo Sweep
False Disable Stereo Sweep.
Description This command enables or disables the stereo sweep feature on the Sweep panel.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.SinglePoint.

AP.Sweep.Stop Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.Stop
Result Boolean
True Sweep terminated successfuly.
False Sweep not terminated.
Description This command terminates a running sweep.
See Also AP.Sweep.IsRunning
Example Dim Halt As Boolean
Sub Main
Halt = False

AP.Gen.Output = True
AP.Anlr.ChAInput = 2
AP.Sweep.Source1.Steps = 200



Loop While Halt = False

End Sub
Sub APEvent_OnWatchDogTimeout(ByVal Id As Long)
If Id = 1 Then
Halt = True

558 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sweep. Chapter 34: Sweep

If AP.Sweep.IsRunning = True Then

Debug.Print "Sweep Stopped"
End If
End If
End Sub

AP.Sweep.Timeout Property

Syntax AP.Sweep.Timeout(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double Timeout values of 0 to 3000 seconds (50 minutes) are
Parameters Name Description
Unit Sec unit only.
Description This command sets the timeout used during settling comparisons. If settling cannot
be achieved during the Timeout duration, the average of its last 6 readings is com-
puted and returned. Timeout serves as a "safety valve" to avoid excessive delays or
hang-up when the data has more variation that present settling parameters will
In a graph display, each timeout point is indicated by a white T at the upper margin
of the graph, directly above the plotted point. In the Data Editor, each timeout point
is indicated by the letter T following the data. In the Log File, the Pass/Fail message
(if enabled) shows the total number of timeouts which occurred during a sweep.
However, a timeout is not treated as a failure if the eventual averaged data was
within limits. The Log File may also includes a line for each measured point which
timed out durring the sweep resulting in a row showing the measured value and a
letter T.
See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Example See example for AP.Sweep.SinglePoint.

AP.Sweep.Waveform Method

Syntax AP.Sweep.Waveform
Result Boolean
True Change to Waveform Display successful.
False Display change not successful.
Description This command configures the Sweep Panel to produce a Waveform display when a
sweep is run.
New Test configuration functionality:
In this situation the user has not defined the Sweep Panel to display a Waveform but
has selected from one of the Digital Analyzer selections listed below. If the user has
not selected from one of the Digital Analyzer selections listed below this command
is not active.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 559

Chapter 34: Sweep AP.Sweep.

When this command is executed default values are automaticaly entered into the
sweep panel settings to setup the sweep to display the default Waveform when run.
Each Digital Analyzer selection listed below has it's own default sweep panel set-
tings for a time domain display.
User defined test functionality:
In this situation the user has loaded a previously saved test. If the user has redefined
any of the default sweep panel settings for any or all of the Digital Analyzer selec-
tions and then saved the settings as a test then all of the settings for all of the Digital
Analyzer selections will be restored when the test is loaded. The user can then
switch between any of the Digital Analyzer selections listed below and the
prevoiusly defined settings will be restored.
Digital Analyzer selections:
FFT spectrum analyzer (fft)
Digital interface analyzer (intervu)
Multitone audio analyzer (fasttest)
Quasi-anechoic acoustical tester (mls)
See Also AP.Sweep.Spectrum
Example See example for AP.Sweep.Spectrum.

560 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 35
AP.SWR.ChABIn Property

Syntax AP.SWR.ChABIn
Data Type Long 0 - 192
Description This command sets the channel A and B connections of the Input switchers simulta-
neously. The channel A Input is set to the specified channel number. The channel B
Input differs from the specified channel number by the value of the AP.SWR.
ChBOffset command.
Channel numbers 1 to 192 are available, where 0 means all channels off. Any other
number results in no action taken.
See Also AP.SWR.ChBOffset
Example See example for AP.SWR.Mode.

AP.SWR.ChABInOut Property

Syntax AP.SWR.ChABInOut
Data Type Long 0 - 192
Description This command sets the channel A and B connections of the Input and Output switch-
ers simultaneously. The channel A Input is set to the specified channel number. The
channel B Input differs from the specified channel number by the value of the AP.
SWR.ChBOffset command. The channel A Output differs from the specified chan-
nel number by the value of the AP.SWR.OutOffset command. The channel B
Output differs from the specified channel number by the sum of the values of the
AP.SWR.ChBOffset and the AP.SWR.OutOffset commands.
Channel numbers 1 to 192 are available, where 0 means all channels off. Any other
number results in no action taken.
See Also AP.SWR.ChBOffset, AP.SWR.OutOffset
Example See example for AP.SWR.Mode.

AP.SWR.ChABOut Property

Syntax AP.SWR.ChABOut

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 561

Chapter 35: Switcher AP.SWR.

Data Type Long 0 - 192

Description This command sets the channel A and B connections of the Output switchers simulta-
neously. The channel A Output is set to the specified channel number. The channel
B Output differs from the specified channel number by the value of the AP.SWR.
ChBOffset command.
Channel numbers 1 to 192 are available, where 0 means all channels off. Any other
number results in no action taken.
See Also AP.SWR.ChBOffset
Example See example for AP.SWR.Mode.

AP.SWR.ChAIn Property

Syntax AP.SWR.ChAIn
Data Type Long 0 - 192
Description This command sets the switcher channel A Input channel.
Channel numbers 1 to 192 are available, where 0 means all channels off. Any other
number results in no action taken.
Example See example for AP.SWR.Mode.

AP.SWR.ChAInOut Property

Syntax AP.SWR.ChAInOut
Data Type Long 0 - 192
Description This command sets the channel A connections of the Input and Output switchers si-
multaneously. The channel A Input is set to the specified channel number. The chan-
nel A Output differs from the specified channel number by the value of the AP.
SWR.OutOffset command.
Channel numbers 1 to 192 are available, where 0 means all channels off. Any other
number results in no action taken.
Example See example for AP.SWR.Mode.

AP.SWR.ChAOut Property

Syntax AP.SWR.ChAOut
Data Type Long 0 - 192
Description This command sets the switcher channel A Output channel.
Channel numbers 1 to 192 are available, where 0 means all channels off. Any other
number results in no action taken.
Example See example for AP.SWR.Mode.

562 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.SWR. Chapter 35: Switcher

AP.SWR.ChBIn Property

Syntax AP.SWR.ChBIn
Data Type Long 0 - 192
Description This command sets the switcher channel B Input channel.
Channel numbers 1 to 192 are available, where 0 means all channels off. Any other
number results in no action taken.
Example See example for AP.SWR.Mode.

AP.SWR.ChBInOut Property

Syntax AP.SWR.ChBInOut
Data Type Long 0 - 192
Description This command sets the channel B connections of the Input and Output switchers si-
multaneously. The channel B Input is set to the specified channel number. The chan-
nel B Output differs from the specified channel number by the value of the AP.
SWR.OutOffset command.
Channel numbers 1 to 192 are available, where 0 means all channels off. Any other
number results in no action taken.
See Also AP.SWR.OutOffset
Example See example for AP.SWR.Mode.

AP.SWR.ChBOffset Property

Syntax AP.SWR.ChBOffset
Data Type Long 1 - 192
Description This command determines the channel number difference between channel B and
the specified channel A.
Example See example for AP.SWR.Mode.

AP.SWR.ChBOut Property

Syntax AP.SWR.ChBOut
Data Type Long 0 - 192
Description This command sets the channel B Output channel.
Channel numbers 1 to 192 are available, where 0 means all channels off. Any other
number results in no action taken.
Example See example for AP.SWR.Mode.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 563

Chapter 35: Switcher AP.SWR.

AP.SWR.Mode Property

Syntax AP.SWR.Mode
Data Type Integer
0 B independent from A: When selected, channels A and B
may be independently set to any channel number within
their range. This is the normal mode for most operation.
1 B = All outputs driven, A = off: When selected, the
switcher B common input is connected to all 12 outputs
on each Output switcher module and the A common input
is disconnected. Both the A and B output fields will be
gray and unavailable for settings in this mode since all
connections are defined by the mode itself. This mode
enables connection of a single generator signal to all
device inputs, which may be a requirement of a burn-in
rack or a life test.
2 B = All outputs driven except # selected for A: when
selected, the A common input connects to the channel
number entered in the A Output field and the B common
input connects to the remaining 11 channels on that
switcher and to all 12 channels of all other Output
switchers connected. The purpose of this mode is for
worst-case crosstalk measurements, so that all except
one channels of a multi-track or multi-channel recorder or
mixing console are driven while the Output signal from the
one un-driven channel is measured. This mode is
normally used with a nested sweep with Source 2 on the
Sweep panel set to scan channel A input and Output
through all possible device channels while Source 1 is
commonly set for a frequency sweep to measure selective
crosstalk across the audio spectrum.
Description This command sets the switcher output configuration
Example Const INDEPENDENT As Integer = 0
'B independent of A
Const B_ONLY_A_OFF As Integer = 1 'All B on, All A off
Const COMPLEMENT As Integer = 2 'All B except _
channel specified by A
Sub Main
Dim switch As Integer, signal As Double, msg As String

signal = 1.0 'Use 1 V signal

AP.Gen.ChAAmpl("V") = signal 'Set gen out level
AP.Gen.Output = True 'Turn output on
AP.SWR.OutOffset = 1 'ChAOut = ChAIn + 1
AP.SWR.ChBOffset = 2 'ChB = ChA + 2
For Switch = 1 To 6 'Sweep switches 1 to 6
AP.SWR.ChAIn = Switch
'AP.SWR.ChBIn = Switch 'Any of these switch

564 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.SWR. Chapter 35: Switcher

'AP.SWR.ChABIn = Switch ' commands can be used

'AP.SWR.ChAOut = Switch ' to sweep the channel
'AP.SWR.ChBOut = Switch ' A and/or B
'AP.SWR.ChABOut = Switch ' input and/or output
'AP.SWR.ChAInOut = Switch ' switches
'AP.SWR.ChBInOut = Switch ' with the appropriate
'AP.SWR.ChABInOut = Switch ' offsets
While AP.Anlr.ChALevelReady = 0
rdg = AP.Anlr.ChALevelRdg("V")
If rdg > 0.5 * signal Then 'any signal
msg = msg & "Ch A In " & Switch & "<-> Ch A _
Out " & Switch + AP.SWR.OutOffset & Chr(13)
End If
Next Switch
AP.Prompt.Text = msg
End Sub

AP.SWR.OutOffset Property

Syntax AP.SWR.OutOffset
Data Type Long 0 - 192
Description This command determines the channel number difference between the specified
channel number and the output switcher channel.
Example See example for AP.SWR.Mode.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 565

Chapter 35: Switcher AP.SWR.

566 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Chapter 36
Sync/Ref Input
AP.Sync.DelayRdg Property

Syntax AP.Sync.DelayRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double
Parameters Part Description
Unit The following units are available, sec.
Description This command returns a settled reading for the Sync Delay, In from Ref In field on
the Sync/Ref Input panel. The reading is the time (phase) delay of the selected front
panel XLR, BNC, or optical connector with respect to the selected rear panel
AES/EBU Reference (sync) input signal. This feature is not relevant with general
purpose serial or parallel formats.
Example Const NOT_READY As Boolean = False
Const FLAT As Integer = 2
Const AES As Integer = 0
Const Z110 As Integer = 1

Sub Main
Dim delay As Double

AP.Application.NewTest 'Reset panels

AP.Sync.SourceInput = AES 'Set Sync input source
AP.Sync.Impedance = Z110 '110 ohm input impedance
AP.Sync.Source = True 'Turn on source
AP.Sync.DelaySettling 10e-3, 100e-9, "Sec", 3, -
0.0, NONE
AP.Sync.DelayTrig 'Trigger a new reading
While AP.Sync.DelayReady = NOT_READY 'wait for _
reading to settle
delay = AP.Sync.DelayRdg("SEC")
'Measure the sync-signal delay
'now that we have delay, use this to output -
test signal
AP.Sync.Source = False 'Generate sync
AP.Sync.OutDelay = True 'Enable output delay
AP.Sync.OutDelayFromRef("SEC") = delay 'Match _
measured output delay

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 567

Chapter 36: Sync/Ref Input AP.Sync.

'now perform further testing on DUT ...

End Sub

AP.Sync.DelayReady Property

Syntax AP.Sync.DelayReady
Data Type Integer
0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Sync In Delay settled settled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.Sync.DelayRdg
command will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the Frequency A command will be guar-
anteed to return quickly.
Note that readings free run at the selected measurement rate and eventually become
ready without a call to the AP.Sync.DelayTrig command.
See Also AP.Sync.DelayRdg, AP.Sync.DelaySettling, AP.Sync.DelayTrig
Example See example for AP.Sync.DelayRdg.

AP.Sync.DelaySettling Method

Syntax AP.Sync.DelaySettling(ByVal Tolerance As Double, ByVal

Floor As Double, ByVal FloorUnit As String, ByVal Points As
Integer, ByVal Delay As Double, ByVal Algorithm As Integer)
Parameters See Appendix A for Settling Algorithm and parameter name descriptions.
Description This command sets the settling parameters for the AP.Sync.DelaySettling
See Also AP.Sync.DelayRdg, AP.Sync.DelayReady, AP.Sync.DelayTrig
Example See example for AP.Sync.DelayRdg.

AP.Sync.DelayTrig Method

Syntax AP.Sync.DelayTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.Sync.DelayRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.Sync.DelayRdg, AP.Sync.DelayReady, AP.Sync.DelaySettling
Example See example for AP.Sync.DelayRdg.

568 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sync. Chapter 36: Sync/Ref Input

AP.Sync.FrameLock Property

Syntax AP.Sync.FrameLock
Data Type Boolean
True Enable
False Disable
Description This command syncronizes the output AES/EBU frame (status bits preambles) to
the AES/EBU Ref Input frame (status bits preambles).
The Digital output Sample Rate (SR) command AP.S2CDio.OutSampleRate and
Sync Reference Frequency command AP.Sync.Freq must be set identical for this
control to operate correctly.
See Also AP.Sync.OutSampleRate

AP.Sync.Freq Property

Syntax AP.Sync.Freq(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double 8kHz - 54kHz
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following unit
is valid for this command: Hz
Description This command specifies the exact Sync Input rate to be assumed by the phase-
locked loop which locks the internal crystal oscillator to the reference. The Internal
Sample Rate is then derived from the internal crystal oscillator. Normally, the user
will enter the known reference frequency. If the value entered differs by small
amounts (less than 15 ppm) from the actual Reference frequency, all instrument sam-
ple rates will be shifted by the percentage error. If the value entered differs by more
than +/-15 ppm from the actual Reference signal frequency, the internal crystal oscil-
lator will not lock to the reference. When either of the two video sync functions
(NTSC or PAL/SECAM) is selected, the normal horizontal sync rate for the selected
video standard is automatically typed into the Frequency field.
See Also AP.Sync.FreqRdg,AP.Sync.FreqReady, AP.Sync.FreqTrig
Example Const NTSC As Integer = 2
Const Z75 As Integer = 1

Sub Main
AP.Sync.Source = NTSC 'Set Sync input source
AP.Sync.Impedance = Z75 '75 ohm input impedance
AP.Sync.Source = False 'Turn off sourcing

rdg = AP.Sync.Freq("Hz") 'get input sync frequency

If (rdg < lower_limit) Or (rdg > upper limit) Then
'input sync freq not close enough, flag an _
error and ...

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 569

Chapter 36: Sync/Ref Input AP.Sync.

If AP.Sync.OutRangeRdg Then
'internal clock not sync'ed, flag an error _
and ...
AP.Sync.Source = True 'Turn on sourcing
'now perform further testing on DUT...
End If
End If
End Sub

AP.Sync.FreqRdg Property

Syntax AP.Sync.FreqRdg(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double

Parameters Part Description

Unit The following units are available, Hz.
Description This command returns a unsettled reading for the Sync Delay Input Frequency for
the signal selected in the Sync Source field when the ON/OFF button is OFF. This is
intended as a verification of a proper sync input connection. The Reference fre-
quency value is usually known to a greater accuracy than it can be measured by the
instrument (whose accuracy is typically about 1 ppm), in which case the known
value should be entered in the Sync Input Frequency entry field. For example, a mea-
sured and displayed value of 47.9998 kHz almost certainly indicates an actual 48
kHz reference frequency, and 48.0000 kHz is the value which should be entered in
the Input Frequency entry field. When the ON/OFF button is turned ON, the display
field is blanked since the reading will be identical to the value in the Frequency
Entry field.
See Also AP.Sync.FreqReady, AP.Sync.FreqTrig
Example Sub Main
AP.Sync.Source = False 'Freq rdg only w/src off
AP.Sync.FreqTrig 'Start a new reading
While AP.Sync.FreqReady = False 'Wait for reading
'do other tasks while waiting for reading ...
reading1 = AP.Sync.FreqRdg("Hz")
Debug.Print "Sync Input Frequency = "; _
Format(Reading1, "#.0000");" Hz"
End Sub
Output Sync Input Frequency = 48000.0017 Hz

AP.Sync.FreqReady Property

Syntax AP.Sync.FreqReady

570 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sync. Chapter 36: Sync/Ref Input

Data Type Integer

0 Reading not ready.
>0 Reading ready.
Description This command returns the Sync Frequency unsettled reading ready count.
Because readings do not return until a reading is ready, this command may be used
to avoid waiting for a reading. This command does NOT zero the ready count and
so may be called any number of times. Only a call to the AP.Sync.FreqRdg com-
mand will zero the ready count.
If the reading is found to be ready, a call to the AP.Sync.FreqRdg command
will be guaranteed to return quickly.
Note that readings free run at the selected measurement rate and eventually become
ready without a call to the AP.Sync.FreqTrig command.
See Also AP.Sync.FreqRdg, AP.Sync.FreqTrig
Example See example for AP.Sync.FreqRdg.

AP.Sync.FreqTrig Method

Syntax AP.Sync.FreqTrig
Description This command causes a restart of the reading cycle and zeros the ready count for the
AP.Sync.FreqRdg command. The reading in progress is aborted.
See Also AP.Sync.FreqRdg, AP.Sync.FreqReady
Example See example for AP.Sync.FreqRdg.

AP.Sync.Impedance Property

Syntax AP.Sync.Impedance
Data Type Integer
The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.Sync.Source com-
mand for the AES Sync Rate selection.
0 Hi Impedance
1 110 Ohms

The following list contains the selections relevant to the AP.Sync.Source com-
mand for the Squarewave, NTSC Video Sync Horz Rate, PAL / SECAM Video
Sync Horz Rate selections.
0 Hi Impedance
1 75 Ohms
Description This command controls the input impedance for Balanced and Un-Balanced Sync In-
put configurations.
See Also AP.Sync.Source
Example See example for AP.Sync.DelayRdg.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 571

Chapter 36: Sync/Ref Input AP.Sync.

AP.Sync.OutDelay Property

Syntax AP.Sync.OutDelay
Data Type Boolean
True Enable delay.
False Disable delay.
Description This command enables or disables the specified generator output delay relative to
the Ref Our as defined by the AP.Sync.OutDelayFromRef command. When
delay is not required, this feature should be disabled rather than set the AP.Sync.
OutDelayFromRef command to a zero value, since residual jitter is slightly
higher when the output delay feature is enabled.
The ON/OFF button at the left of the Source selection field connects the selected
source signal to the instrument's internal phase locked loops. The Input Frequency
field will be blanked when the switch is turned on, since the reading will be redun-
dant if lock is achieved and will be incorrect if lock is not possible.
See Also AP.Sync.OutDelayFromRef
Example See example for AP.Sync.DelayRdg.

AP.Sync.OutDelayFromRef Property

Syntax AP.Sync.OutDelayFromRef(ByVal Unit As String)

Data Type Double -10.42 to 10.34 sec
Parameters Name Description
Unit String that designates the desired unit. The following units
are valid for this command: UI, sec
Description This command controls the time (phase) delay of the Digital Generator (front panel)
output relative to the rear panel AES/EBU REF OUT XLR connector. To use this
feature, the Ref Out signal would be connected to a digital device under test as
house sync while the instrument's Digital Generator drives the devices digital signal
input. The devices tolerance to delay from reference may then be tested by entering
different values into the Output Delay from Ref value. When delay is not required,
this feature should be turned off via the AP.Sync.OutDelayFromRef com-
mand or manualy via the ON/OFF button at the right of the field rather than set to a
zero value with the button On, since residual jitter is slightly higher when the output
delay feature is on.
Example See example for AP.Sync.DelayRdg.

AP.Sync.OutFrameSyncInvert Property

Syntax AP.Sync.OutFrameSyncInvert
Result Boolean
True Invert Transmit Frame Sync output.
False Normal non-inverting output.

572 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

AP.Sync. Chapter 36: Sync/Ref Input

Description This command sets the Transmit Frame Sync to normal or inverted polarity.

AP.Sync.OutJitterClockOutputs Property

Syntax AP.Sync.OutJitterClockOutputs
Result Boolean
True Enable
False Disable
Description This command enables or disables the addition of jitter to the Master Clock and
Transmit Frame Sync Clock outputs.

AP.Sync.OutOfRangeRdg Property

Syntax AP.Sync.OutOfRangeRdg
Result Boolean
True In Range
False Out of Range
Description This command returns a unsettled reading for the Sync Out Of Range indicator.
Example See example for AP.Sync.Freq.

AP.Sync.PassThruDomainPref Property

Syntax AP.Sync.PassThruDomainPref
Data Type Integer
0 Digital
1 Analog
Description Under certain conditions of high data throughput (long word length, high sample
rate), the Pass Thru feature can be supported for either the Analog Generator or the
Digital Generator, but not both. This command sets the user's Pass Thru domain pref-
erence for the current test should such conditions occur.

AP.Sync.Source Property

Syntax AP.Sync.Source
Data Type Boolean
True Enable.
False Disable.
Description This command enables or disables the external sync input.
See Also AP.Sync.SourceInput
Example See example for AP.Sync.FreqRdg.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 573

Chapter 36: Sync/Ref Input AP.Sync.

AP.Sync.SourceInput Property

Syntax AP.Sync.SourceInput
Data Type Integer
0 AES Sync Rate
1 Squarewave
2 NTSC Video Sync Horz Rate
3 PAL / SECAM Video Sync Horz Rate
Description This command sets the input type for the external sync input.
See Also AP.Sync.Source
Example See example for AP.Sync.DelayRdg.

574 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Appendix A
Settling Algorithm
The general concept of the Sweep Settling Exponential and Flat algorithms is to dis-
card all meter readings during the Delay interval, then to compare the number of suc-
cessive readings equal to the Points value against the Tolerance or Floor values.
Only when the specified (Points) number of consecutive readings agree with one an-
other within the specified Tolerance or Floor values will the data be considered set-
tled. It is then accepted for plotting, and the Source parameter is permitted to
proceed to the next step.

Settling Parameter Discriptions

Name Discription
Tolerance The Tolerance value which should be entered is the
amount of variability the user is willing to accept from test
to test. A Tolerance value of 0.1% (about 0.01 dB) or even
slightly smaller may be appropriate when making
frequency response measurements on the test system
itself or on an external device known to be very flat and
being measured under excellent signal-to-noise
conditions. At the other extreme, Tolerance values of 10%
to 25% (1 to 2 dB) may be required to obtain data under
noisy conditions, or when making measurements with a
random noise signal as the stimulus. The default value of
1% (about 0.1 dB) is a good starting compromise for most
level measurements.

Floor The Floor value is used by the algorithms instead of the

Tolerance value whenever the Floor value is larger. When
the measurement values are greater than a few percent of
full scale on the measurement range in use, the Tolerance
value is normally the determining parameter. If the
measurements are very near the bottom of the
instrument's dynamic range, use of only a Tolerance
parameter could result in a hang up situation, since the
percentage difference between two adjacent values
(quantization levels) at the bottom of a meters range is
large. The Floor parameter thus serves as a safety valve,
avoiding slowing or hang ups in the highly resolution-
limited situations where the signal is near the bottom of a

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 575

Appendix A: Settling Algorithm

measurable range. The default values of Floor for each

meter are chosen to be approximately the resolution of
that meter on its most sensitive range. Since resolution
varies with reading rate (slower reading rates give more
resolution), it may be appropriate to change the default
values when reading rate is fixed at a given value.

FloorUnit String that designates the desired unit to be used with the
Floor# Parameter. Refer to the reading to determine
the appropriate unit selections.

Points The Points value determines how many consecutive

readings are examined by the Settling Algorithm to qualify
a measurement to be returned for display.

Delay The Delay value determines how long the control software
waits at each new step of a sweep before starting to
examine measurements from the instrument. This value is
effective even when the Algorithm selection is None. The
Delay time will be taken at the beginning of each nest of a
nested sweep, including nested FFT measurements with
the FFT at Source 1 and another parameter such as
Generator Amplitude at Source 2. Acquistion of signal into
any of the FFT programs will not begin until the Delay
value (or 200 milliseconds, whichever is greater) has
passed. For Time sweeps where it is desired to make as
many measurements per second as possible, the Delay
value should be set to zero in addition to selecting None
for settling.

Algorithm 0 = None: No settling process takes place for this meter.

However, the Delay value (see the Delay topic) is still
implemented before each point is plotted even with None
selected as the settling algorithm. Measurements such as
wow and flutter, phase jitter, and interface signal jitter are
examples of cases where no settling should be used,
since it is normally desired to see the extreme variations
in measurements.

1 = Exponential: The newest reading (N) must agree with

the immediately preceding reading (N-1) within the
Tolerance value, with the reading before (N-2) that within
twice the Tolerance value, with the reading before that (N-
3) within four times the Tolerance value, etc. Exponential
is the recommended settling algorithm for most audio
applications, since typical device transients tend to die
away in an exponential fashion. Exponential thus will
usually provide repeatable results to the Tolerance
acceptable to the user in the minimum length of time.

576 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Appendix A: Settling Algorithm

2 = Flat: The percentage difference between each set of

two consecutive readings (N vs N-1, N-1 vs N-2, etc.)
must be equal to or less than the specified Tolerance
value, through the number of readings specified as the
Points value. Illustrating the Flat algorithm for 1%
Tolerance would result in an envelope bounded by two
horizontal lines at the plus and minus 1% levels across
the full number of Points. The Flat algorithm thus
guarantees that the transients have been settled to the
specified Tolerance for some time, which tends to take
longer than the Exponential algorithm.

3 = Average: Measurements are first discarded for the

duration of the Delay interval, as with Exponential and
Flat. At the conclusion of the Delay period, the number of
consecutive readings specified in the Points field is
accumulated, and their average value is computed and
plotted. Tolerance and Floor values are ignored when
Average is selected. The Average algorithm is particularly
useful when the signal is fundamentally noisy and might
never settle within a practical Tolerance.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 577

Appendix A: Settling Algorithm

User Notes

578 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Appendix B
Parameter ID# List
Using an ID# as the setting (idnumber) for the sweep Data 1–6, Source 1–2, or the
Source 1 Min Level Source Selector (External Sweeps) commands is the same as se-
lecting the desired instrument and parameter on the Sweep panel.
Example: To obtain the ID# for Data 1 click on the ellipsis button to the right of
the Data 1 selection box. Choose the desired Instrument and Parameter from the
Sweep.Data browser and note the text displayed in the Data 1 selection box after
pressing the browser’s OK button. Locate the text displayed in the selection box
from the following list and use the associated ID# with the appropriate AP.Sweep.
????.ID command to set the desired sweep parameter.
The example at left would be
coded as:
AP.Sweep.Data1.Id = 5906

Sweep panel ID Text ID#

Anlr.Ampl 5906
Anlr.Bandpass 5907
Anlr.BandReject 5908
Anlr.BP Ampl 5917
Anlr.BP Pct 5918
Anlr.BPBR Freq 5155
Anlr.CCIF 5912
Anlr.DIM 5913
Anlr.Freq A 5901
Anlr.Freq A & Freq B 5920
Anlr.Freq B 5902

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 579

Appendix B: Parameter ID# List

Sweep panel ID Text ID#

Anlr.Level A 5903
Anlr.Level A & Level B 5919
Anlr.Level B 5904
Anlr.Pct 5916
Anlr.Phase 5905
Anlr.SMPTE 5911
Anlr.THD Ampl 5909
Anlr.THD Pct 5910
Anlr.WF 5914
Aux.Reading 1 (Double) 6275
Aux.Reading 2 (Double) 6276
Aux.Reading 3 (Long) 6277
Aux.Reading 4 (Long 6278
Aux.Setting 1 (Double) 6271
Aux.Setting 2 (Double) 6272
Aux.Setting 3 (Long) 6273
Aux.Setting 4 (Long 6274
Bittest.Ch.A Errors 6051
Bittest.Ch.A Data 6049
Bittest.Ch.B Errors 6052
Bittest.Ch.B Data 6050
Dcx.DC Out 1 5258
Dcx.DC Out 2 5260
Dcx.Dig In 5953
Dcx.Dig Out 5265
Dcx.DMM Ohms 5952
Dcx.DMM Volts 5951
Dcx.Gate Delay 5271
Dcx.Port A 5268
Dcx.Port B 5269
Dcx.Port C 5270
Dcx.Port D 5272
DGen.Ampl A 5106
DGen.Ampl A & Ampl B 5121
DGen.Ampl B 5107
DGen.Ampl Ratio 5105
DGen.Burst Interval 5129

Sweep panel ID Text ID#

DGen.Burst Low Lvl 5130
DGen.Burst On 5128
DGen.Center Freq 5134
DGen.Ch. A Freq 5114
DGen.Ch. B Freq 5115
DGen.Freq 5102
DGen.Freq 2 5115
DGen.High Freq 5133
DGen.IM Freq 5104

580 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Appendix B: Parameter ID# List

DGen.Offset 5136
DGen.Phase 5131
DGen.Samples/Step 5135
Dio.Common Mode Ampl 5317
Dio.Common Mode Freq 5318
Dio.Delay from Output 6104
Dio.Input Resolution 5325
Dio.Input Sample Rate 6101
Dio.Input Voltage 6102
Dio.Interface Jitter 6105
Dio.Interfering Noise Ampl 5305
Dio.Jitter Ampl 5323
Dio.Jitter Freq 5322
Dio.Output Resolution 5326
Dio.Output Sample Rate 5301
Dio.Output Voltage 5304
Dio.Rise/Fall Time 5303
Distortion.Ch1 Fund Ampl 6125
Distortion.Ch1 Fund Freq 6127
Distortion.Ch1 Harm Sum1 6129
Distortion.Ch1 Harm Sum2 6130
Distortion.Ch2 Fund Ampl 6126
Distortion.Ch2 Fund Freq 6128
Distortion.Ch2 Harm Sum1 6131
Distortion.Ch2 Harm Sum2 6132
DSP Anlr.Ampl A 6014
DSP Anlr.Ampl B 6067

Sweep panel ID Text ID#

DSP Anlr.Bandpass A 6019
DSP Anlr.Bandpass B 6072
DSP Anlr.BP/BR Filter Freq 5542
DSP Anlr.Crosstalk A 6016
DSP Anlr.Crosstalk B 6069
DSP Anlr.Freq A 6009
DSP Anlr.Freq B 6010
DSP Anlr.Level A 6005
DSP Anlr.Level B 6006
DSP Anlr.Phase 6365
DSP Anlr.THD+N Ampl A 6018
DSP Anlr.THD+N Ampl B 6071
DSP Anlr.THD+N Ratio A 6017
DSP Anlr.THD+N Ratio B 6070
DSP Anlr.2-Ch Ratio A 6015
DSP Anlr.2-Ch Ratio B 6068
Fasttest.Ch. 1 Jitter 6063
Fasttest.Ch. 2 Jitter 6064

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 581

Appendix B: Parameter ID# List

Fasttest.Ch.1 Ampl 6309

Fasttest.Ch.1 Phase 6033
Fasttest.Ch.2 Ampl 6312
Fasttest.Ch.2 Phase 6034
Fasttest.FFT Freq 5621
Fasttest.FFT Time 5620
Fasttest.Freq Resolution 5551
Fft.Ch.1 Ampl 6023
Fft.Ch.1 Phase 6065
Fft.Ch.2 Ampl 6026
Fft.Ch.2 Phase 6066
Fft.FFT Freq 5515
Fft.FFT Pre-Trig Time 5519
Fft.FFT Start Time 5518
Fft.FFT Time 5516
Gen.Ampl A 5052
Gen.Ampl B 5053

Sweep panel ID Text ID#

Gen.Ampl A & Ampl B 5076
Gen.Ampl Ratio 5086
Gen.Burst Interval 5069
Gen Burst On 5068
Gen.Burst Low Lvl 5070
Gen.Center Freq 5088
Gen.Dual Ampl Ratio 5085
Gen.Freq 5051
Intervu.Amplitude 6053
Intervu.Freq 5613
Intervu.Jitter 6055
Intervu.Probability 6054
Intervu.Time 5612
Mls.Ch.1 Ampl 6325
Mls.Ch.1 Phase 6045
Mls.Ch.2 Ampl 6328
Mls.Ch.2 Phase 6046
Mls.DGen Ampl 5580
Mls.MLS Freq 5581
Mls.Ref Time 5579
None 5049
Swr.Ch. A Input 5201
Swr.Ch. A Input/Output 5206
Swr.Ch. A Output 5203
Swr.Ch. A+B Input 5208
Swr.Ch. A+B Input/Output 5210
Swr.Ch. A+B Output 5209
Swr.Ch. B Input 5202
Swr.Ch. B Input/Output 5207
Swr.Ch. B Output 5204

582 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Appendix B: Parameter ID# List

Sync/Ref.In from Ref In Delay 6103

Sync/Ref.Input Freq 6106
Time.External Sweep Time 6253
Time.Time Since Test Loaded 6251

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 583

Appendix B: Parameter ID# List

User Notes

584 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Appendix C
FFT Window Descriptions
Window Description
Hann This window is a raised cosine window named after its
inventor, Austrian meteorologist Julius von Hann. It
provides good selectivity near the center frequency with
no side lobes. Its skirts are not as steep as the Blackman-
Harris window. If the signal is at the extreme edge of the
bin, the Hann window causes approximately a -1.5 dB
maximum amplitude error due to window attenuation.
Flat-Top This window is designed for the greatest amplitude
measurement accuracy. Even if the signal is at the
extreme end of the bin, the Flat-Top window provides a
maximum amplitude error due to window attenuation of
less than 0.02 dB. However, its selectivity is poorer than
either Hann or Blackman-Harris. The Flat-Top window is
the appropriate window for accurate amplitude
measurements (such as when measuring individual
harmonics) except when signals are so closely spaced
that its selectivity becomes a problem. For example, the
2.93 Hz bin width of a 16,384 sample FFT at the 48 kHz
sample rate would permit accurate measurements of
signals differing by nearly 90 dB in amplitude as long as
they are at least 26.4 Hz (9 bins) apart.
BH4 The Blackman-Harris 4-term minimum sidelobe window,
furnished as part of several Audio Precision FFT
programs, was developed by R.B. Blackman and F.J.
Harris. Compared to the Hann window, it is not as
selective near the nose but has steeper skirts below that
point. The Blackman-Harris window has sidelobes below -
92 dB (response fall-off is not monotonic). It has a
reasonably flat top with a maximum amplitude error of
about -0.8 dB if the signal is at the extreme edge of the
Equiripple The Equiripple window, developed at Audio Precision, is
an approximation to the Dolph-Chebyshev window which
provides the narrowest mainlobe width for a given
maximum sidelobe depth. The mainlobe is approximately
12 bins wide; that is, the first null is about 6 bins away
from the mainlobe center. The first sidelobe, which is also
the highest sidelobe, is 147 dB down from the mainlobe.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 585

Appendix C: FFT Window Descriptions

Maximum amplitude error across the bin is approximately

0.6 dB.
Hamming The Hamming window has the sharpest nose selectivity of
all the furnished windows. Adjacent bins average about 7
dB down and two bins away the response is about 40 dB
down. Amplitude error is about -1.7 dB for a signal at the
extreme edge of a bin. The Hamming window has side
lobes (that is, response fall-off is not monotonic) starting
only 40-50 dB below the center bin, or about 4 bins away
from center. The cyan trace shows the Equiripple window,
for reference.
Gaussian The Gaussian window nose selectivity is only slightly
wider than the Blackman Harris window and the nearby
rejection is considerably better than Blackman Harris,
reaching an average of 100 dB down in the fifth bin away
from center. The side lobes are down more than 130 dB,
compared to about -100 dB for Blackman Harris.
Maximum amplitude error is about -0.7 dB for a signal at
bin edge.
Rife-Vincent 4 Both Rife-Vincent windows have smooth,
Rife-Vincent 5 monotonically-falling responses with no sidelobes. The
Rife-Vincent 4 window has about -0.6 dB maximum
amplitude error, is down about -100 dB 7 bins off and
about -150 dB 15 bins off. The Rife-Vincent 5 is slightly
wider at the nose, with about -0.5 dB maximum amplitude
error with a signal at bin edge. It has sharper skirts with
attenuation reaching about 106 dB 7 bins off and about
150 dB 12 bins off.

586 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Appendix D
Analog Filter ID# List
To obtain the ID# in order to programmatically assigned a filter locate the filter text
displayed in the following list and use the associated value with the AP.Anlr.
FuncFilter command.

Numerical Listing
ID # Filter Text
4029 None
4018 Slot #1
4019 Slot #2
4020 Slot #3
4021 Slot #4
4022 Slot #5
4023 Slot #6
4024 Slot #7
12000 Empty Slot
12017 A-Weighting
12018 CCIR 468-3
12019 CCITT P.53
12020 C-Message
12021 C-Weighting
12033 50μs de-emph
12034 50μs de-emph + 15.6kHz notch
12035 50μs de-emph + 19kHz notch
12037 75μs de-emph
12038 75μs de-emph + 15.7kHz notch
12039 75μs de-emph + 19kHz notch
12041 75μs de-emph + A-wtg
12049 20-15kHz +15.6kHz notch
12050 200-15kHz + 19kHz notch

ID # Filter Text
12051 Video notch
12052 19kHz FM Pilot notch
12053 FIL-VOX
12080 200Hz lowpass

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 587

Appendix D: Analog Filter ID# List

12081 300Hz lowpass

12082 400Hz lowpass
12083 500Hz lowpass
12086 1kHz lowpass
12088 3.4kHz lowpass
12089 3kHz lowpass
12090 4kHz lowpass
12091 8kHz lowpass
12092 5kHz lowpass
12093 12.7kHz 6dB/oct lowpass
12094 50kHz lowpass
12097 10kHz lowpass
12098 12.7kHz lowpass
12099 15kHz lowpass
12100 18kHz lowpass
12101 19kHz lowpass
12102 20kHz lowpass
12103 22kHz lowpass
12106 15kHz LP + 15.6kHz notch
12107 15kHz LP + 19kHz notch
12113 30Hz highpass
12117 70Hz highpass
12120 400Hz highpass
12123 2kHz highpass
12126 22kHz highpass
12129 100Hz bandpass
12130 120Hz bandpass
12131 180Hz bandpass
12132 250Hz bandpass
12133 300Hz bandpass
12134 400Hz bandpass
12135 500Hz bandpass
12136 600Hz bandpass
12137 666Hz bandpass

ID # Filter Text
12138 800Hz bandpass
12139 945Hz bandpass
12140 315Hz bandpass
12141 333Hz bandpass
12145 1kHz bandpass
12146 1.2kHz bandpass
12147 1.5kHz bandpass
12148 2kHz bandpass
12149 2.04kHz bandpass
12150 3kHz bandpass

588 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Appendix D: Analog Filter ID# List

12151 3.15kHz bandpass

12152 3.4kHz bandpass
12153 4kHz bandpass
12154 4.5kHz bandpass
12155 5kHz bandpass
12156 6kHz bandpass
12157 8kHz bandpass
12158 6.3kHz bandpass
12161 10kHz bandpass
12162 12.5kHz bandpass
12163 15kHz bandpass
12164 16kHz bandpass
12165 20kHz bandpass
12166 22kHz bandpass
12167 24kHz bandpass
12168 25kHz bandpass
12169 30kHz bandpass
12170 12.7kHz bandpass
12177 100Hz hi-Q bandpass
12178 500Hz hi-Q bandpass
12179 1kHz hi-Q bandpass
12180 3kHz hi-Q bandpass
12181 12.5kHz hi-Q bandpass
12182 400Hz hi-Q bandpass
12193 100-5kHz bandpass
12194 100-22kHz bandpass
12209 20kHz Apogee lowpass
12240 External
12257 CCIR-2k (Dolby)

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 589

Appendix D: Analog Filter ID# List

590 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Appendix E
Extensions Error Codes
Codes Description
8501 Undefined DSP error.
8503 Minimum generator amplitude attempted.
8504 Maximum generator amplitude attempted.
8505 Minimum generator frequency attempted.
8506 Maximum generator frequency attempted.
8523 Error reading waveform file.
8526 Error writing waveform file.
8544 Bad selection attempted.
8549 Burst on cycles greater than interval cycles.
8552 Maximum DC Volts output attempted.
8553 Minimum DC Volts output attempted.
8569 DSP is not returning readings.
8570 DSP Host vector %1 not available.
8571 DSP Transmit register not available.
8572 DSP Receive register not available.
8578 Error loading DSP program.
8581 Error loading DSP program.
8583 Conflict with minimum DSP setting value.
8584 Conflict with maximum DSP setting value.
8590 DSP not responding to reset.
8591 File specified not a valid DSP File.
8594 Waveform transfer not supported by this DSP program.
8596 DSP reading unit selected must have input source from
8597 Ratio unit not supported for DSP readings from ANLR-A
or ANLR-B.
8599 Minimum BPBR frequency attempted.
8600 Maximum BPBR frequency attempted.
8611 DIO Host vector not available.
8612 DIO Transmit register not available.
8613 DIO Receive register not available.

Codes Description
8614 Could not find or open the file - DIOBOOT.AZ2.
8615 Could not find or open the file - DIOXTRA.AZ2.
8616 Could not find or open the file - DSPBOOT.AZ2.
8617 DSP has not responded to the request to go to waveform
download state.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 591

Appendix E: Extensions Error Codes

8620 Burst Level greater than 100% attempted.

8621 Maximum AES Output Voltage attempted.
8622 Maximum AES Noise Voltage attempted.
8623 DSP Module Not Found
8624 Error When Reading Sample Rate From DSP Gen
Waveform File
8625 DSP Gen Waveform File Sample Count Is Too Small -
Less Than 2
8626 DSP Gen Waveform File Sample Count Is Too Large -
More Than 8192
8627 DSP Gen Waveform Download - Timeout While Waiting
for DSP Rest State
8628 DSP Gen Waveform Download - Timeout While Waiting
for DSP Transfer State
8629 Cannot set Channel B Amplitude while B-Track-A is
8630 The DSP cannot load a waveform while waiting for trigger,
acquiring, or transforming
8631 The Sum of the Sinewave Amplitude and of the Constant
Value Cannot Exceed Full Scale
8632 The Sample Rate is Not Indicated in the Incoming AES
Status Bytes
8633 Error opening WaveForm file %1

General Errors
Codes Description
9002 Could not open the file %1.
9003 Cannot find the file %1.
9004 %1.
9005 The Increment must be greater than zero.
9006 %1 is a setting and currently cannot be swept as data.

Codes Description
9007 %1 is a reading and currently cannot be swept as a
9008 %1 currently cannot be a sweep parameter.
9009 Source 1 and Source 2 cannot be the same: %1.
9011 Cannot save to file: %1.
9012 Incompatible file versions! %1.
9013 Incompatible Minor file versions! %1.
9014 Incompatible axes, load whole sweep setup?
9015 Incompatible sweep parameters for appending data.
Would you like to destroy the present data and run the
sweep anyway?
9016 This is not a valid AP2700 Test.
9017 Unable to save this test. Make sure the disk is not full.
9018 This is an older version of an AP2700 Test and cannot be
9021 This file is not recognized as an AP2700 Test.
9022 Macro still active.

592 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

General Errors Appendix E: Extensions Error Codes

9023 Maximum Bar Graphs Exceeded (32).

9024 Invalid Chassis.
9025 Invalid Instrument.
9026 Invalid Element.
9027 Invalid Unit Entered.
9028 Maximum data editors exceeded (8).
9029 The file does not exist: %1.
9030 Insufficient access to open file. The file is either marked
as Read-Only or is in use by another application.
9031 Cannot open file because the maximum number of files
are already opened. Close some files and try again.
9032 Out of Memory.
9033 Invalid filename specified.
9034 Hardware failure during sweep.

Codes Description
9035 Hardware still dead after attempted restoration.
9036 Error Creating panel. There are probably not enough
system resources available. Try closing some panels
before creating new ones.
9037 Could not find Logo.bmp.
9038 Could not load Logo.bmp.
9039 Error creating the log file %1. Make sure the directory
specified exists.
9040 Sweep cannot mix FFT and non-FFT Readings and
9041 An unspecified file I/O error occured.
9042 The file could not be located.
9043 All or part of the specified path is invalid.
9044 The permitted number of open files was exceeded.
9045 The file could not be accessed.
9046 Attempted to use an invalid file handle.
9047 Current working directory cannot be removed.
9048 There are no more directory entries.
9049 File error when trying to set the file pointer.
9050 There was a hardware error during file I/O.
9051 SHARE.EXE was not loaded or shared region was
9052 There was an attempt to lock a region already locked
during file I/O.
9053 The disk is full!
9054 The end of the file was reached.
9055 Import file is incompatible with current sweep setup.
9056 This DSP Program cannot load Generator Waveforms.
9057 Could not save file. File may be write protected, device or
path may not exist, or file may be in use by another
9058 No default printer is installed in Windows. Please install
one and try again.
9059 This is a newer version of an AP2700 test and cannot be
9060 AP2700 is already running. Executing multiple instances
is not allowed.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 593

Appendix E: Extensions Error Codes

9061 Error creating map file.

Codes Description
9062 During load test, an invalid unit was found in %1. Please
check the value shown on the panel.
9063 During load test, an invalid choice was found in %1.
Please check the value shown on the panel.
9064 Source unit (%1) is not compatible with Target Value unit
9065 Change %1 to %2 for stereo sweep?
9066 The horizontal value %1 is out of range of the data.
9067 Settings cannot be copied due to incompatible units.
9068 Incompatible unit for %1 limit comparisons on %2. Abort
the sweep?
9069 This sweep cannot execute! The unit in the table (%1) is
incompatible with the source 1 sweep setup.
9070 Incompatible unit for %1 limit comparisons on %2.
Remove this limit choice?
9071 Nested stereo sweeps are not supported at this time.
9072 No compute performed.
9073 No data box checked.
9074 No points to compute.
9075 Compute center requires both Upper and Lower Limits.
9076 No compute performed — %1.
9077 Invalid Delta file or column number.
9078 No data to compute for specified Data parameter.
9079 References to this file will be removed from the test.
Reassign correct file names and save the test or move
the files to the expected directory and reload the test.
9080 Resaving this test in its current state will remove the
reference to the above mentioned file completely.
9082 The selected file does not have the correct source unit.
9083 The regulation target %1 is currently inactive.
9084 The settling floor is too big or the regulation tolerance too
9085 Invalid equalization curve file or column number.
9086 Table Sweep.

Codes Description
9087 Compute Delta.
9088 The file %1 specified for the %2 cannot be found or is
9089 An EQ Curve has not been selected, would you like to
choose one now?
9090 Error reading file %1.
9091 Can only import version 2.10 or 2.00 S1.EXE test files.
9092 Unregulated after %1 iterations.
9093 Unregulated after %1 iterations. The minimum resolution
of the setting being varied has been reached. Try
increasing the initial Step Size.
9094 Unregulated after %1 iterations. The minimum resolution
of the setting being varied has been reached.

594 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Appendix E: Extensions Error Codes

9095 The minimum resolution of the setting being varied was

reached after %1 iterations. The best result possible has
been achieved.
9096 Incompatible units.
9097 Cannot import this S1.EXE test because of the following:
9098 Unsupported DSP program!
9099 Unregulated after %1 iterations. The low boundary of the
setting being varied has been reached.
9100 Unregulated after %1 iterations. The high boundary of the
setting being varied has been reached.
9101 The file %1 is an overlay file and is not supported by
import test.
9102 No Bar Graph by this index.
9103 Error Creating Metafile. Operation aborted.
9104 Not a valid column number.
9105 Invalid Data Id number.
9106 Error - Export Graphic format not supported.
9107 APBasic not active.
9108 The append file data is incompatible with current sweep
setup or graph mode.
9109 Unregulated after reaching the limit of %1 iterations.
9110 Unregulated after %1 iterations. The reading being
regulated is not changing.

Codes Description
9111 The current Sweep DataSet and the Appending Data
columns are not equivalent in count or position.
9112 The current Sweep DataSet and the Appending Source
columns are not equivalent in count.
9113 Invalid Trace in Sweep Data.
9114 The append file data units are incompatible with current
sweep units.
9115 Sweep table empty, not loaded properly.
9116 Incompatible units with current sweep setup, or with
system units.
9117 Cannot load this AP2700 Test because it was saved with
System Two hardware and you are currently running
System Two Cascade or 2700 series hardware.
9118 Cannot load this AP2700 Test because it was saved with
System One hardware and you are currently running
System Two Cascade or 2700 series hardware.

General Warnings
Codes Description
10004 Could not find apwaterm.bmp in resource file.
10005 Could not load apwaterm.bmp from resource file.
10006 Could not find an WIN-APIB Inferface Card. Will run in
DEMO mode.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 595

Appendix E: Extensions Error Codes

10007 Zoom will reprocess the last trace only and all previous
data will be lost. Continue?
10008 Found a non-WIN APIB card. This program requires an
WIN-APIB card to function. Will run in DEMO mode.
10009 Option Filter selected in Test File not found, changing to

Codes Description
10010 AP2700 must be restarted for the European Option
change to take effect.
10012 A graph must be displayed on any page to Print, Print
Preview or Export to Metafile.
10013 Select a graph panel to print or preview.
10014 There is no procedure to save.
10015 The changes made to %1 will have no effect if the file is
not saved. Do you want to save the changes?
10016 The %1 Option Filter specified in the Test being loaded
was not found. Filters will be set to NONE.
10017 You are currently using the old Digital Domain Audio
Analyzer and have requested to switch to the new Audio
Analyzer. Do you want to map all of the settings from the
old Analyzer to the new Analyzer?
10018 Overwrite existing file?
10019 Changing the Digital Analyzer is not allowed during a
sweep. Stop the sweep and then change the Digital
10020 Changing this setting will cause the stereo checkbox on
the sweep panel to be turned off. Please re-check this if
you still want a stereo sweep.
10021 The test being loaded is an unreleased beta version (
%1). This test may not load correctly or may not function
as intended.
10022 The data editor must be displayed on any page to Print.
10023 This version of AP2700 requires a newer version of the
Windows system file COMCTL32.DLL than is currently
installed on your computer.
10024 2700 series hardware not properly installed or not
powered on. Will run in DEMO mode.

Exception Errors
Codes Description
11002 Expecting an array of Doubles.

Codes Description
11003 Invalid Data ID.
11004 Invalid Data Column.
11005 Array too long.
11006 Could Not Load Procedure.
11007 Element Not found - ID was not correct
11008 Element type not a Setting.

596 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Appendix E: Extensions Error Codes

11009 Element type not a Reading.

11010 Data Type for Setting must be Integer, Long, Single or
11011 Element specified in argument not found - ID was not
11012 Unit String specified was not found. Setting was aborted.
11013 Element is presently not active.
11014 Value is over list item max.
11015 Consumer AES element not active.
11016 Professional AES element not active.
11017 The Communcations control (MSCOMM32.OCX) could
not be loaded. AP.CommA and B will not be functional.
11018 Error setting %s %s to %s %s because %s %s is not
11019 Could not find an Element associated with the argument
Id. The Id %d is invalid.
15004 %1DSP Waiting for trigger...
15005 %1DSP Acquiring Data...
15006 %1DSP Transforming Data...
15007 Ready.
15008 Loading DSP Program.
15009 Loading Waveform.
15010 Saving Waveform.
15011 Loading test...
15012 Loading data...
15013 Loading %1 chassis...
15014 Loading panels...
15015 Sweep Completed.
15016 Auto detecting for installed filters...
15017 Loading computes...
15018 (Average #%5d)

DSP Errors
Codes Description
18000 No DSP Program Specific Error.
18001 No DSP Program Specific Error.
18002 DSP Program requires DIO or MEM option.
18003 Main DSP processor’s stack overflow exception was
18004 DIO option not present — A/D or DGEN are the only valid
input settings.
18005 DIO option not present — D/A is the only valid output
18006 At least one input channel must be enabled in order to
18008 DSP program does not support external sweeps except
for Time.
18009 Trigger and Frequency Correction modes require Channel
1 and Channel 2 generator waveforms.
18010 Transform size setting out of bounds.
18011 Waveform file is not an MLS impulse response.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 597

Appendix E: Extensions Error Codes

18012 Waveform file is not the proper type for selected buffer.
18013 Frequency Resolution may only be a sweep source-2
18014 Generator Amplitude may only be a sweep source-2
18015 Generator Frequency may only be a sweep source-2
18016 FFT Start Time may only be a sweep source-2 selection.
18017 FFT Pretrigger may only be a sweep source-2 selection.
18018 Reference Time may only be a sweep source-2 selection.
18020 Channel 1 de-emphasis overload detected.
18021 Channel 2 de-emphasis overload detected.
18022 Excessive tones in waveform for proper operation.
18023 Waveform load not of valid length.
18024 Channel 1 & Channel 2 generator waveforms not of equal
18025 Generator waveform frequencies too close for triggering
or frequency correction.
18026 Frequency correction data overrun.
18027 Frequency resolution setting conflicts with requested
18028 Maximum BP/BR filter frequency exceeded.

Codes Description
18029 Narrow bandpass filter only available at 48 kHz sample
18030 Sweep Data incompatible with Sweep Source, Select
Data = Probability or change sweep source.
18031 Sweep Data = Eye incompatible with Sweep Source =
18032 If a Sweep Data is set to Eye Opening, other Sweep Data
must be set to an Eye Opening.
18033 FFT trigger delay time exceeds the acquire buffer size.
Consider using a shorter trigger delay time or a larger
acquire size.
18034 FFT Start Time is specified beyond the end of acquired
data. Consider using a shorter FFT Start Time or a larger
acquire size.
18035 The sum of FFT Start Time and transform length will
exceed the acquired data size.
18036 FFT length is larger than acquired data size. Select a
smaller FFT length or re-acquire data with a larger
acquisition size.
18037 Crosstalk information cannot be displayed. The generator
waveform does not contain crosstalk tones for channel 1.
18038 Crosstalk information cannot be displayed. The generator
waveform does not contain crosstalk tones for channel 2.
18039 Frequency to be corrected is too large.
18040 Frequency to be corrected is too small.
18042 FFT Start Time must be equal to or greater than trigger
delay time.
18043 Main DSP processor’s reset exception was raised.

598 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Appendix E: Extensions Error Codes

18044 Main DSP processor’s illegal instruction exception was

18045 Either channel A or B is off.
18046 Cannot retransform (F6) if averaging in the frequency
domain, because the acquisition buffer has only the latest
18050 Too many filters turned on for function meter.
18051 Transform size must be 8192 or less when using
synchronous averaging.
18052 Memory limitations prevent synchronous averaging before
frequency correction when transform length is 8192.
Consider a smaller transform size or frequency correct
before synchronous averaging.

Codes Description
18053 The DC component of the Ch 1 signal is greater in
magnitude than any AC component and so the sync to
sine process was halted. Choosing the subtract 1/2 pk-pk
or subtract avg options on the panel may allow you to use
the sync to sine feature.
18054 The DC component of the Ch 2 signal is greater in
magnitude than any AC component and so the sync to
sine process was halted. Choosing the subtract 1/2 pk-pk
or subtract avg options on the panel may allow you to use
the sync to sine feature.
18055 Channel 1 and Channel 2 generator waveforms have not
been loaded.
18056 The greatest magnitude tone for Ch 1 is too low in
frequency to use sync to sine. To calculate the minimum
frequency for which sync to sine will work use the
following formula: sample frequency in Hz / FFT length =
size of each FFT bin in Hz. 6 * size of FFT bin in Hz =
minimum frequency. To use sync to sine, the greatest
magnitude tone must have a frequency greater than this
minimum frequency.
18057 The greatest magnitude tone for Ch 2 is too low in
frequency to use sync to sine. To calculate the minimum
frequency for which sync to sine will work use the
following formula: sample frequency in Hz / FFT length =
size of each FFT bin in Hz. 6 * size of FFT bin in Hz =
minimum frequency. To use sync to sine, the greatest
magnitude tone must have a frequency greater than this
minimum frequency.
18058 Resampling process aborted. No zero crossings found.
Check level meters to verify signal is present.

DSP Warnings
Codes Description
19000 No DSP Program Specific Warning.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 599

Appendix E: Extensions Error Codes

19001 Waveform load overrun — file is longer than selected

19002 Waveform load underrun — file is shorter than selected

Codes Description
19003 Channel 1 generator waveform should be loaded before
channel 2.
19004 Channel 1 time frame not set — must do a Time sweep
before Frequency sweep.
19005 Channel 2 time frame not set — must do a Time sweep
before Frequency sweep.
19006 Ch1 & Ch2 time frames not set — must do a Time sweep
before Frequency sweep.
19007 Not enough tones in waveform for reliable triggering
19008 Lobe width even, 0 or 1.
19009 Frequency correction out of range.
19010 Main filter over-ranged.
19011 Sample rate may be insufficient.
19012 Filtered level ranged.
19013 RMS Filter 1 overload occurred.
19014 RMS Filter 2 overload occurred.
19015 Trigger check failed when trying to frequency correct
downloaded waveform — correction aborted.
19016 Not enough samples downloaded for frequency error
19017 Frequency correction skipped — waveform has already
been corrected.
19018 Trigger check failed while trying to frequency correct
acquired waveform — correction aborted.
19019 Crosstalk mode requires at least one generator tone
different in each of the two channels.
19020 Current generator waveform has no crosstalk tones for
channel 1.
19021 Current generator waveform has no crosstalk tones for
channel 2.

600 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Appendix F
Language Error Codes
Error # Description
10000 Macro execution interrupted.
10001 Out of memory.
10008 Invalid ‘#Uses “module” comment.
10009 Invalid ‘#Uses module dependency.
10010 Macro is already running.
10011 Can’t allocate memory to macro.
10012 Macro has syntax errors.
10013 Macro does not exist.
10014 Another macro is paused and can’t continue at this time.
10017 No macro is currently active.
10018 Subroutine does not exist.
10019 Wrong number of parameters.
10021 Can’t allocate large array.
10022 Array is not dimensioned.
10023 Array index out of range.
10024 Array lower bound is larger than upper bound.
10025 Array has a different number of indices.
10030 User dialog has not been defined.
10031 User pressed cancel.
10032 User dialog item ID is out of range.
10033 No UserDialog is currently displayed.
10034 Current UserDialog is inaccessible.
10035 Wrong with, don't GoTo into or out of With blocks.
10040 Module could not be loaded.
10041 Function not found in module.
10048 File not opened with read access.
10049 File not opened with write access.
10050 Record length exceeded.
10051 Could not open file.
10052 File is not open.
10053 Attempt to read past end-of-file.
10054 Expecting a stream number 1, 2, 3, or 4.
10055 Input does not match var type.
10056 Expecting a length in the range 1 to 32767.
10057 Stream number is already open.
10058 File opened in the wrong mode for this operation.
10059 Error occurred during file operation.
10060 Expression has an invalid floating point operation.
10061 Divide by zero.
10062 Overflow.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 601

Appendix F: Language Error Codes

10063 Expression underflowed minimum representation.

10064 Expression loss of precision in representation.
10069 String value is not a valid number.
10071 Resume can only be used in an On Error handler.
10075 Null value can't be used here.
10080 Type mismatch.
10081 Type mismatch for parameter #1.
10082 Type mismatch for parameter #2.
10083 Type mismatch for parameter #3.
10084 Type mismatch for parameter #4.
10085 Type mismatch for parameter #5.
10086 Type mismatch for parameter #6.
10087 Type mismatch for parameter #7.
10088 Type mismatch for parameter #8.
10089 Type mismatch for parameter #9.
10090 OLE Automation error.
10091 OLE Automation: no such property or method.
10092 OLE Automation: server cannot create object.
10093 OLE Automation: server cannot load file.
10094 OLE Automation: Object var is Nothing.
10095 OLE Automation: server could not be found.
10096 OLE Automation: no object currently active.
10097 OLE Automation: wrong number of parameters.
10098 OLE Automation: bad index.
10099 OLE Automation: no such named parameter.
10100 Directory could not be found.
10101 File could not be killed.
10102 Directory could not be created.
10103 File could not be renamed.
10104 Directory could not be removed.
10105 Drive not found.
10106 Source file could not be opened.
10107 Destination file could not be created.
10108 Source file could not be completely read.
10109 Destination file could not be completely written.
10110 Missing close brace }.
10111 Invalid key name.
10112 Missing close paren ).
10113 Missing close bracket ].
10114 Missing comma ,.
10115 Missing semi-colon ;.
10116 SendKeys couldn't install the Windows journal playback
10119 String too long (too many keys).
10120 Window could not be found.
10130 DDE is not available.
10131 Too many simultaneous DDE conversations.
10132 Invalid channel number.
10133 DDE operation did not complete in time.
10134 DDE server died.
10135 DDE operation failed.
10140 Can’t access the clipboard.
10150 Window style must be in the range from 1 to 9.
10151 Shell failed.
10160 Declare is not implemented.

602 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

Appendix F: Language Error Codes

10200 Basic is halted due to an unrecoverable error condition.

10201 Basic is busy and can’t provide the requested service.
10202 Basic call failed.
10203 Handler property: prototype specification is invalid.
10204 Handler is already in use.

AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments 603

Appendix F: Language Error Codes

User Notes

604 AP Basic Extensions for 2700 Series Instruments

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