Australian MCV.
Australian MCV.
Australian MCV.
We have granted you a Maritime crew (subclass 988) visa on 02 March 2022.
Application status
Maritime crew (subclass 988): Granted
Visa conditions
8113 - Work as seacrew only
An explanation of each condition of this Maritime crew (subclass 988) visa is provided below.
You can check these conditions at any time by using the Visa Entitlement Verification Online
(VEVO) service. The four-digit number presented next to each condition above is used in
VEVO to identify each condition that applies to this Maritime crew (subclass 988) visa.
Visa summary
Name Jeson Torrejas HERA
Date of birth 26 February 1993
Visa Maritime crew (subclass 988)
Date of grant 02 March 2022
Visa grant number 2009584685339
Your visa allows you multiple entries to Australia by sea only, for three years from the Visa
Grant Date. Your visa will cease before this time if any of the circumstances mentioned in
clause 988.512 in Schedule 2 of the Migration Regulations occur.
For example, your Maritime Crew visa will automatically cease if one of the following
● you do not sign onto a non-military ship within five days of arriving in Australia by air on
a Transit visa and hold no other visa to remain in Australia;
● any other visa that you hold is cancelled;
● you sign off your ship and do not sign on to another non-military ship within five days
and do not depart Australia before whichever is the later of five days after you sign off
your ship or the expiry of any other visa you hold;
● the ship on which you have entered Australia is ‘imported’ or ‘entered for home
consumption’ but not registered in the Australian International Shipping Register under
the Customs Act 1901, and you do not sign on to another non-military ship within five
days after your ship was imported or entered for home consumption or depart Australia
within the same five day period.
● If you are not the holder of another visa, and you do not sign on to another non-
military ship within five days of signing off your ship or within five days of your ship
being imported or entered for home consumption, and you are not able to depart
Australia within the same five day period, you should contact an authorised officer
of the Department who can grant an extension of time if there are compelling and
compassionate circumstances.
Your Maritime Crew visa may also be ceased if a written declaration is made by the Minister
for Home Affairs that your travel to and entry, or presence in Australia, is undesirable. A
declaration may be made, for example, if you are found undertaking work while in Australia
that is inconsistent with your duties as a crew on board a non-military ship.
If you do not understand these requirements you should contact the Maritime
Global Processing Centre in Australia for further information. You can email us at
[email protected]
Character requirements
Entering or remaining in Australia is a privilege. You must obey the law and not engage in
criminal activity.
Your visa may be cancelled for a number of reasons, including if you have a substantial
criminal record or behave in a way that is a risk to somebody in the Australian community.
Polio vaccinations
On 5 May 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director General declared the
international spread of wild type polio virus to be a Public Health Emergency of International
Concern under the International Health Regulations (IHR).
Since 5 May 2014, if you have spent 28 days or more in one or any combination of countries
listed under the Endemic and Outbreak categories on the Global Polio Eradication Initiative
website, we encourage you to have a polio vaccination before departing for Australia. Having
the vaccination will also assist in eradicating the spread of polio.
More information and a link to the list of countries is available on our website
To obtain maximum benefit in assisting with the eradication of the spread of polio, it is
advisable to have the vaccination at least four weeks before your travel.
Update us
You are required to tell us about any changes to your details as soon as possible.
These changes may include your name, passport, contact details, address or family
If you do not notify us of your new details, this can have serious consequences for you.
You can update your details using the 'Update details' menu in ImmiAccount.
Useful links
● Check your visa details in VEVO:
● Learn about family safety:
● More information:
Yours sincerely