The document contains details of 35 individuals from Hoshiarpur including their name, mobile number, email, address, city, date of birth and gender. The details are listed in a table format with each individual's information spread across multiple rows. The majority of the individuals are male and their dates of birth range from 1946 to 1988.
The document contains details of 35 individuals from Hoshiarpur including their name, mobile number, email, address, city, date of birth and gender. The details are listed in a table format with each individual's information spread across multiple rows. The majority of the individuals are male and their dates of birth range from 1946 to 1988.
The document contains details of 35 individuals from Hoshiarpur including their name, mobile number, email, address, city, date of birth and gender. The details are listed in a table format with each individual's information spread across multiple rows. The majority of the individuals are male and their dates of birth range from 1946 to 1988.
The document contains details of 35 individuals from Hoshiarpur including their name, mobile number, email, address, city, date of birth and gender. The details are listed in a table format with each individual's information spread across multiple rows. The majority of the individuals are male and their dates of birth range from 1946 to 1988.