Iccm Scholarship Application Form. S.y.2023 2024

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Oceans of Life Ministries Inc.
3rd Floor Asaje Bldg. Duterte St.,
For School year 2023-2024, submit the following Davao City
to Davao office before MARCH 31, 2023 09101126638

Remember: Only send complete docs, incomplete docs will not

be processed and docs sent after March 31 will not be
1. Completed 2-page - Application forms
2. Photocopy of School Card
Old Scholars: the first semester grades of the current school year
Incoming first year in college: photocopy of the first and second grading card
3. 2 copies 3R photos (half body, plain white background)
4. School Assessment/fees issued by the College or University for the school
5. Letter of Recommendation by the Conference Superintendent addressed to
the Scholarship Committee c/o ICCM National Coordinator
6. Signed Commitment and Agreement form (will be signed by the applicant)

Once your application was approved, we require that the following should
be sent in to us (via LBC, address provided above) before we can release
your scholarship funds:
First Semester Second Semester
Photocopy of last semester grades
*Old scholars
Photocopy of last semester grades Liquidation / Official Receipts of funds
Liquidation / Official Receipts of funds received for 1st semester.
received for 2nd semester of the previous Your actual bill/assessment for the
School year. semester from the college or university you
Your actual bill/assessment from the college are presently enrolled (second semester)
or university you are presently enrolled
Thank you letter to "scholarship committee"
*New Scholars
Your actual bill/assessment for the first
semester from the college or university you
are presently enrolled
Thank You letter to the “Scholarship
Note: If you are enrolled in a State University
*Send copy of enrolled subjects instead of
*No liquidation of funds received

PLEASE save and be guided by this information.

Upon submission, please include information where to send your funds.
Scholarship Application Form ICCM-Philippines

Do not send this sheet together with your application documents

ICCM SCHOLARSHIP FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What is ICCM Scholarship Program and who may apply?

A: The ICCM scholarship program is for children of Free Methodist ordained
ministers and lay pastors who are assigned by the conference and who meet
the requirements for scholarship are eligible to enroll in the program.

Q: How many years can I apply for the ICCM scholarship program?
A: Total years in the scholarship program, either certificate or degree, may not
exceed 5 years.

Q: Is the application for the ICCM scholarship program yearly?

A: Yes, failure to submit an application for the following school year forfeits
receiving funds.

Q: Is there a deadline for submitting requirements to get my funds per

A: No, the release of funds depends on the completeness of requirements (see page
1 for list of requirements) sent to the office.

Q: Will summer class/ repeated subjects fees be covered by the ICCM

scholarship program?
A: No, the scholar is responsible for the tuition payment when the subject is
repeated, and when enrolling in summer classes, the scholar also pays the
registration and miscellaneous fees.

Scholarship Application Form ICCM-Philippines

Do not send this sheet together with your application documents
Country: Philippines
School year 20_____ to 20_____

Date: _______________________ PH # ________________

1. Name_________________________________________ Date of Birth _______________________________

2. Course________________________________________ Year level in College applying for_______
3. Number of years this course requires_________________ Check: Private_____ Public_______
4. Place and Name of College____________________________________________________________________

5. Father’s name__________________________________ Mother’s name_____________________________

6. Father’s occupation______________________________ Mother’s occupation_________________________
7. Parents address____________________________________________________________________________
8. Address of the Church your parents are assigned _______________________________________________

9. In the place where you are enrolled, do you attend a Free Methodist Church regularly? Yes___ No __
If “NO” Why? _______________________________________________________________________________
10. Are you helping the church or conference Ministries? Yes_____ No_____
If “Yes”, in what way? _________________________________________________________________________
If “NO”, why? _______________________________________________________________________________
11. Are you receiving any other scholarship besides ICCM? ____ If “yes”, from whom? ______________________
12. Combined monthly income of your parents: P _____________

I hereby testify that all information on this form is true and correct.

Noted by:
________________________________ Signature of Applicant over printed name
Parent’s signature over printed name Contact # ______________________

13. Words of Recommendation of the ICCM Director:

Having completed all the requirements this scholarship requires, I recommend

_____________________________________ for ICCM Scholarship for this SY _________.

Charita A. Encarnado, ICCM - Philippines OIC


□ Completed 2-page - Application forms

□ Photocopy of School Card for the first semester of the current school year or photocopy of the first and second grading
card for those applying for first year in college
□ 2 copies 3R photos (half body, plain white background)
□ School Assessment or Official schedule of fees issued by the College or University for this school year.
□ Letter of Recommendation by the Conference Superintendent addressed to the Scholarship Committee c/o ICCM
National Coordinator
□ Signed Commitment and Agreement form.

Scholarship Application Form ICCM-Philippines

PROPOSED BUDGET FOR COLLEGE STUDENT School Year 20____- 20 _______

Check: Private College______ Gov’t College____

Registration and total Miscellaneous fees for 1 semester ………………….. P ____________

Total Tuition or Projects for 1 semester…………………………………………. P ____________

(Do not circle both. Circle only one, either tuition or projects)

Total P ____________

X 2 semesters

TOTAL request for 1 school year if you’re not a sponsored child ………….. P ___________

If you are a sponsored child deduct …………………………………………… P 7,000.00

Balance (Total request if you are sponsored child)…………………………..... P __________


Applicant’s name and Signature

Contact number: ____________

Above request are granted full or partial according to the availability of funds.
Proper liquidation of funds released is required.


SCHOOL YEAR 20___ TO 20____

Commitment and Agreement

I agree to the policies and procedures stipulated in the ICCM Scholarship

implementing Guidelines and I commit myself to abide by its standards.
Signature over printed name

Date: ___________________

Scholarship Application Form ICCM-Philippines

PH # ______________
S.Y. 20___ - 20 ___
Dear Scholarship Committee,

Scholarship Application Form ICCM-Philippines

What to write in your Scholarship ‘THANK YOU ‘Letter
1. What are you thankful for?
2. How important is this scholarship to you?
3. What course are you taking and why?
4. What year are you now in this course?
6. Why is education important to you and to your family?
7. Are you currently helping in the church and its ministry? How?
8. What do you desire to accomplish in life?
9. Your favorite Bible verse.

Scholarship Application Form ICCM-Philippines

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