DLL - Epp 6 - Q1 - W3

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: JUDY ANNE G. CANO Learning Area: EPP

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: (WEEK 3) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees

B. Performance Standards Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees

C. Learning Competencies / .Identify types of orchard farms in Identify trees appropriate for Demonstrate proper way of Identify sources of fruit bearing trees Identify how to care for seedlings
Objectives the country orchard gardening based on planting/propagating trees(
Write the LC code for each (community) location, climate, and market budding, Marcotting, and grafting) TLE6AG-Oc-3-1.3.4
.Prepares layout design of an demands TLE6AG-Oc-3-1.3.5
orchard garden using the TLE6AG-Oc-3-1.3.2 TLE6AG-Oc-3-1.3.3
information gathered

III. CONTENT Propagating trees and fruit trees Propagating trees and fruit trees Propagating trees and fruit trees Propagating trees and fruit trees Propagating trees and fruit trees
1. References
2. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG: TLE6AG-Od-5.2
BUHAY pp. 137-144.
5. Additional Materials from OHSP TLE Agri-Fishery_ Quarter 1&2. Laptop EPP Module 1
Learning Resource (LR) Module No. 3 projector Starting a Garden in a smart way
6. Other Learning Resources https://youtu.be/KWEmBZop_HQ

A. Reviewing previous lesson What are the types of orchard? * Checking of Assignments What is budding, Marcotting and grafting? * Checking of Assignments
*Asks: *Asks
1. What are we need to consider in an 1. What is grafting?
orchard gardening? 2. What are the steps in doing so?
2. What are the steps in doing so? Call a volunteer to share his/her answer
* Call a volunteer to share his/her with her classmates
answer with her classmates
B. Establishing a purpose for Types of orchard Teacher will flash a picture of * Have the pupils recite the poem Teacher will flash different kinds of fruit Analyze the situation below, then
the lesson 1. Seed Orchards different plants and fruit bearing “A TREE” with correct pronunciation bearing trees picture answer the questions that follow.
According to the Food and trees using projector and expression (using power point- (Localized fruit bearing trees) Kenneth is a grade six pupil. He has
Agriculture Organization of the Original File Submitted and by rows) a project in vegetable production.
United Nations, seed orchards Formatted by DepEd Club Member - He bought a
focus primarily on growing trees visit depedclub.com for more pack of pechay seeds from an
that produce seeds rather than ambulant vendor who sells
nuts or fruit. These seeds are then ornamental plants and fertilizers.
sold to commercial distributors for When he sowed the pechay seeds in
resale to the public in small seed a seed box, he was surprised that
packets. They may also be sold to only few of the
large agricultural facilities or used seeds germinated.
for food production. Seed .
orchards can further be divided
into two categories based on how
they are established. In a seedling
orchard, trees are selected
through controlled pollination. In
a clonal seed orchard, seeds are
distributed through methods such
as cutting and tissue culture,
resulting in an easier harvest
2. Nut Orchards
Nut orchards include a large
variety of facilities that produce
nut-bearing trees. These include What do you see?
orchards that grow popular nuts Do you know those fruit bearing trees?
like pecans, cashews, walnuts and Do we have here in our community?
almonds. This category also
includes cocoa and chocolate-
producing nuts, as well as
coconuts. Some orchard owners
produce pine trees for their edible
pine nuts. Orchards that focus on
this type of pine production also
fall under this category.
3. Fruit Orchards
Fruit orchards include any facility
focused on growing tree-bearing
fruits. Some popular options
include apples, olives, dates and
figs. Citrus trees, such as those
bearing lemons, limes or oranges,
may be grown all together in large
citrus orchards, or individually in
smaller facilities. Plantations that
grow fruit-bearing bushes
generally don't fall under this
category. These include berries
and other fruits not grown on

C. Presenting examples / Game: Balloons Popping Can you classify those plants and Unlocking of difficulty: Semantic web Step 1
instances of the new Inside the balloons a word of fruit bearing plants? *Video presentation in one of the Keep seedlings indoors in cool, well-
lesson types of orchard. The pupils will scientific ways in propagating trees
lit area until you are ready to
say something about the word and fruit trees – Pupils will give the fruit bearing trees
that he get. BUDDING transplant them. Set them where
MARCOTTING they receive at least six hours of
GRAFTING sunlight, such as by a south-facing
*Encourage pupils to tell something
about the video clip. FRUIT Step 2
BEARING Water the seedlings when the soil
surface just begins to feel dry.
Water until the excess moisture
drains from the bottom of the
seedling pots. Avoid wetting the
foliage; water at the base of the
plant. Empty the drip tray after
watering, as standing water breeds

Step 3
Fertilize the seedlings beginning five
days after germination and then
every two weeks thereafter. Apply a
soluble flower fertilizer at one-half
the label-recommended rate.

Step 4
Pinch off the top ¼ inch of the plant
stems when seedlings are
approximately 6 inches tall and
have grown in at least three sets of
leaves. Pinching encourages lateral
stem growth and leads to stockier

Step 5
Prepare seedlings for transplanting
outdoors. Set the seedlings outside
in an area protected from high
winds and direct sunlight once all
spring frost danger is past. Leave
the seedlings outside during the
day, and bring them back inside at
night. Gradually move them into
direct light over the course of
D. Discussing new concepts This time, we are going to have an Defining the term Group Work: Group Work *Group pupils into 5
and practicing new skills #1 activity on how to Climate *Group pupils into 5 Group pupils into 5 *Let them choose their own leader
Location *Let them choose their own leader Let them choose their own leader will *The leader will guide their group
layout .sample picture using Market demands *The leader will guide/tour the guide the members mates to do step 1 followed by step
projector members in the School Nursery Group I- List of fruit bearing trees inside 2 and so on.
*Instruct them to observe and look the school
for a plants best to apply Budding, Group II- Draw different kinds of fruit
Marcotting, Grafting bearing trees
*Have them list down Group III- make a jingle
Group IV- make a slogan
Group V- Make a poem
E. Discussing new concepts Group activities: Group activities GROUP ACTIVITY: (provide materials GROUP ACTIVITY: (provide materials for Video presentation on how tp take
and practicing new skills #2 Each group will make a layout on for the pupils) the pupils) care the seedlings
orchard using soft drink straw, Group I- explain and elaborate the *Return-demonstration of pupils *Return-demonstration of pupils (by
matches stick, used newspaper, word climate (by group group
and ice drop stick Group II- explain and give example
Group 1 – soft drink straw about the location
Group II- matches stick Group III – explain and give an
Group III- used newspapers example of market demands
Group IV- ice drop stick
F. Developing Mastery Group presentation A fruit bearing tree- is a tree which GROUP ACTIVITY: (provide materials
(Leads to Formative Why we consider these? Budding- a mode of sexual bears fruit that is consumed or used by for the pupils)
Assessment 3) reproduction, in which a small part humans and some animals — all trees *Return-demonstration of pupils
of the substance of the parent that are flowering plantsproduce fruit, (by group
(mother plant) is produced as a bud which are the
and developed into a new ripened ovaries of flowers containing
organism. one or more seeds.
Marcotting- a method for the In horticultural usage, the term 'fruit
vegetative propagation of plants in tree' is limited to those that provide
which a part of the stem or branch fruit for human food
is packed with moss until roots have
formed and the treated part is
ready for independent growth.
Grafting- a shoot inserted to a tree
or plant, so as to become a living
part of it
- the place where the coin is
inserted in a stoc
Why we need to study first the location, climate and
A. Finding Practical applications In doing those activities what Presentation and Reporting of Are fruit bearing trees are essential Presentation and Reporting of
market demand before putting an orchard?
of concepts and skills should we consider? outputs through: to all human beings? Why? outputs through jingle
* Poem.
B. Making generalizations What are the types of an orchard? What are we going to remember in What are the three ways on plants Why we need to plant more fruit Seedlings - are more tender than
and abstractions about putting an orchard? and fruit bearing trees bearing trees? mature plants and often cannot
the lesson How are going to to layout your propagations? tolerate too much cold or heat.
orchard? They are also more susceptible to
pests and drought conditions.
Caring for them correctly also
ensures that they continue to thrive
once outside and throughout the
entire growing season.
C. Evaluating Learning Enumerate the type of orchard Make your own word and explain In own words explain briefly the Write a paragraph expanding the In your own understanding, how are
and prepare your layout in an why in putting an orchard procedure/steps in Budding, importance of fruit bearing trees in you going to take care of your
orchard. gardening is in an appropriate Marcotting and grafting. animals and human beings. seedlings?
location, climate and market
D. Additional activities
for application or

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovative or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked & Verified :

Teacher II Master Teacher II

Head Teacher III

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