The document provides a normal checklist and emergency checklist for a Cirrus SR20 aircraft to guide pilots through preflight, start up, taxi, take-off, cruise, landing, and shutdown procedures, as well as guidance for handling emergency situations like engine failure, ditching, cabin fire, and hot start issues. The checklists detail important safety steps and checks for key aircraft systems, controls, instruments, and environmental conditions at each phase of flight to help ensure safe and compliant operation of the SR20.
The document provides a normal checklist and emergency checklist for a Cirrus SR20 aircraft to guide pilots through preflight, start up, taxi, take-off, cruise, landing, and shutdown procedures, as well as guidance for handling emergency situations like engine failure, ditching, cabin fire, and hot start issues. The checklists detail important safety steps and checks for key aircraft systems, controls, instruments, and environmental conditions at each phase of flight to help ensure safe and compliant operation of the SR20.
The document provides a normal checklist and emergency checklist for a Cirrus SR20 aircraft to guide pilots through preflight, start up, taxi, take-off, cruise, landing, and shutdown procedures, as well as guidance for handling emergency situations like engine failure, ditching, cabin fire, and hot start issues. The checklists detail important safety steps and checks for key aircraft systems, controls, instruments, and environmental conditions at each phase of flight to help ensure safe and compliant operation of the SR20.
The document provides a normal checklist and emergency checklist for a Cirrus SR20 aircraft to guide pilots through preflight, start up, taxi, take-off, cruise, landing, and shutdown procedures, as well as guidance for handling emergency situations like engine failure, ditching, cabin fire, and hot start issues. The checklists detail important safety steps and checks for key aircraft systems, controls, instruments, and environmental conditions at each phase of flight to help ensure safe and compliant operation of the SR20.
Cabin Preflight Complete Brakes Hold Altimeter Set Documents AROW Weight and Balance Within Limits Doors Closed Fuel Correct Tank Avionics Off Passengers Briefed: Caps Handle Verify Pin Remove Power As Required Battery Master 2 On Seatbelts, Exits, Egress Hammer, Caps Fuel Quantity Confirm Mixture As Required Avionics Fan Audible Seat, Seatbelts Adjust and Secure Fuel Selector Fullest Tank BEFORE LANDING Volt Meter 23-25 Volts **START Fuel Pump Boost ABGUMPS Flap Position Light Out Brakes Hold Flaps Set 50%, Verify Autopilot Off Battery Master 1 On Battery Masters Both ON Throttle 1700 RPM Fuel Pump Boost Lights Check, then Off Strobe Lights ON Alternators Caution Lights Out Gas Fullest Tank Fuel Quantity Check Mixture Full Rich Amps/Volts Lights On, Verify, Off Undercarraige Down Fuel Selector Fullest Tank Throttle Full Magnetos Check, 150/75 Mixture Rich Flaps 100%, Check Light ON Fuel Pump Prime, Flow Alive, Boost Engine Parameters Normal Power Set Oil Annunciator On Throttle 1/4 Inch Open Throttle 1000RPM Seat Belts On Battery Masters Both Off s Full Rich Autopilot Test Landing Light On Circuit Breakers IN Propeller Area Clear Trim Set for Take Off Fire Extinguisher Charged, Available Magnetos Start Flight Controls Free and Correct Egress Hammer Stowed Throttle Retard to 1000 RPM PRE-TAKEOFF Caps Handle Pin Removed Oil Pressure CHECK Flaps 50% Empennage ALT Masters Both ON Mixture Best Power Baggage Door Secure Avionics On Fuel Pump Boost REJECTED LANDING Control Surfaces Hinges, Condition Engine Parameters Moniter Lights As Required 4 C's Inspection Ports Tape Secure Amp Meter Check Cram Power Antennas Secure Flaps Retract NORMAL TAKEOFF Climb Attitude Right Wing Transponder On Throttle Full Clean Flaps 50% Right Flap Hinges, Rub Tape TAXI Engine Parameters Normal Communicate Go-Around Right Aileron Condition ATIS/ Taxi Clearance Obtain Rotate 65-70 Stall Warning Inlet Clear Brakes Check Flaps 85, Flaps up AFTER LANDING Wingtip and Leading Edge Check Turn Instruments Check Flaps Retract Right Tank Sumps Check x 2 GENERAL INFO Mixture Ground Lean Right Tire, Brake Condition and Overheat Vr 67 Lights As Required Nose Vx 81-85 Transponder On Exhaust (right) Check Vy 91-96 CLIMB SHUTDOWN Transponder ANT Check Vso 56 Climb Power Set Lights/Pitot Heat Off Fuel Strainer Check 3 Seconds Vs 65 Flaps Verify Up Fuel Pump Off Prop and Spinner Check Va 131 Mixture Full Rich Throttle Idle Air Inlets Clear Vfe 50% 120 Fuel Pump Check Mixture Idle Cutoff Landing Light Condition Vfe 100% 100 Instruments Check Avionics Off Nose Gear and Strut Condition Vno 165-200 Speed Vy Alternator Masters Off Oil Quantity 7-8 QTS Vne 200 Battery Masters Off Chocks Remove Vglide 96-87 CRUISE Magnetos Off Left Wing X-wind 21 Throttle Set SECURING Left Leading Edge Check Max Takeoff Wt 3000 Fuel Pump Check Tie-Down / Chocks Secure Left Tire, Brake Condition and Overheat Max Landing Wt 2900 Mixture Lean Assist Cowl / Pitot Plugs Install Left Tank Sump Check X2 Max Baggage 130 Heading Indicator Check Clean Windows Pitot Tube Cover off, Clear Usable Fuel (Full) 56 Lock All Doors Left Wingtip Check Fuel at Tabs 26 Left Aileron Check Left Flap Hinges, Rub Tape CIRRUS SR20 EMERGENCY CHECKLIST CIRRUS SR20 EMERGENCY / MISC CHECKLIST ENGINE FAILURE AFTER T/O DITCHING CABIN FIRE IN FLIGHT HOT START Airspeed 90 KTS Radio MAYDAY 121.5 Bat/ALT Master Off as Required Beacon On Mixture Idle Cutoff Transponder 7700 Heater Off Master Switch On Fuel Selector Off (Pull) Heavy Objects Secure or Jettison Air Vents Closed Mixture Cut-off Mags Off Seats and Seatbelts Secure Fire Extinguisher Activate Throttle Half Open Flaps As Required CAPS Activate Cabin Doors Partially Open Propeller Area Clear Master Off Doors Open When Fire is Out Open, Full Cold Magnetos Start Door Unlatch Touchdown Level Attitude Avionics Off Mixture Rich Land Straight Ahead Face Cushion All Other Switches Off Throttle 800 RPM ELT Arm Oil Pressure Check ENGINE FAILURE DURING Airplane Evacuate EMERGENCY DESCENT Mixture Taxi Lean FLIGHT Throttle Idle Avionics On Airspeed 90 KTS FIRE DURING START Mixture As Required Transponder On Landing Spot Select Mixture Cutoff Airspeed 200, if Turbulent 165 Flaps Retract Mixture Rich Fuel Pump Off Taxi light On Fuel Selector Switch Tanks Fuel Selector Off WING FIRE FLOODED START Fuel Pump Boost Throttle Forward All Lights Off Beacon On Throttle Full Starter Crank Pitot Heat Off Master Switch On Alternate Air On *If Fire Persists* Side slip to keep fire away from tanks Mixture Rich Mags On Throttle Idle and cabin Throttle Full Fuel Pump Off Fuel Pump ON, 5 GPH, OFF EMERGENCY LANDING Mixture Cuttoff ALT1/2 ANNUNCIATOR ON Mixture Idle Cut-off WITHOUT POWER Fuel Selector Off Alt Master Off Propeller Area Clear Seats and Seatbelts Secure Starter Off Alternator circuit breaker Check, Reset Magnetos Start Airspeed 90 KTS Bat-Alt Masters Off Alt Master On Mixture Rich Throttle Idle Aircraft Exit If it does not solve the problem Throttle 800 RPM Mixture Cut-Off ENGINE FIRE IN FLIGHT Electrical Load Reduce Oil Pressure Check Fuel Selector Off Mixture Idle Cutoff Alt Master Off Mixture Taxi Lean Mags Off Fuel Pump Off Flight Terminate Avionics On Fuel Pump Off Fuel Selector Off CAPS Deployment Transponder On Flaps As Required Airflow Selector Off ONLY DEPLOY IN LIFE Flaps Retract Master Off Power Lever Idle THREATENING SITUATIONS LIGHT GUN SIGNALS Doors Unlatch Ignition Off Airspeed Below 135 Color and Type Ground Cabin Doors Partially Open Mixture Idle Cutoff Steady Green Cleared for Takeoff PRECAUTIONARY LANDING Landing As Soon As Possible Activation Cover Remove Flashing Green Clear for Taxi WITH POWER Pin Remove Steady Red Stop Seats and Seatbelts Secure Activation Handle Pull down Smoothly Flashing Red Taxi Clear Ldg Area Airspeed 80 KTS Mixture Check Cutoff Flashing White Return To Start Point Flaps As Required Fuel Selector Off Alt Red and Green Extreme Caution Landing Area Fly Over Masters Off Color and Type Flight Forced Landing Execute Pattern Ignition Off Steady Green Cleared to Land Upon Landing Emergnecy Egress Fuel Pump Off Flashing Green Return for Landing ELT ON Steady Red Give Way Seatbelts Tighten Flashing Red Airport Unsafe Loose Items Secure Alt Red and Green Extreme Caution Assume Emergency Landing Position Evacuate Upon Landing