Learning Episode 2
Learning Episode 2
Learning Episode 2
FIELD LEARNING EMBEDDING ACTION Writing Instruction for Senior High School:
STUDY EPISODE RESEARCH FOR Situating the Realities of “The New Normal”
Name: Lakeisha C. Secusana Course, Yr. & Sec.: BSNED – TDHHL IV-J2 Notice
Based on your activity on Making a List of Completed Action Research Titles, let’s find
Participate and Assist out what have you noticed by answering the following questions.
Making a List of Completed Action Research Tittles by Teachers in the Field Questions My Answers
1. What have you noticed about the 1. Identified problem to be solved in title
1. Make a library or on-line search of the different Completed Action Research
action research titles? Do the action no. 1 is about the performance of Grade
Tittles by Teachers.
research (AR) title imply problems to be 6-C Pupils through the Use of Arts in
2. Enter the list in the matrix similar to the one below. solved? Yes ___ No___ Math (AIM).
3. Submit your list of five (5) Titles of Completed Action Research Studies to your If YES, identify the problem from the title 2. Identified problem to be solved in title
mentor as reference. you have given. Answer in the space no. 2 is about improving the performance
provided. of Grade 11 students in the mathematics
Inventory of Sample Action Research Conducted by Teachers subject.
List of Completed Action Research Titles Author/Authors
Ex. Differentiated Instruction in Teaching English for Mary Joy Alicia 3. Identified problem to be solved in title
Grade Four Classes no. 3 is about how learners use a
1. Enhancing the Performance of Grade 6-C Pupils Lorna V. Wallit blended learning method to overcome
of Buyagan Elementary School Through the Use of obstacles, find solutions, and deal with
Arts in Math (AIM) issues they had when learning English.
2. Improving Mathematics Performance AMONG Pede I. Casing 4. Identified problem to be solved in title
Grade 11 students through Jigsaw Technique no. 4 is about to determine the
effectiveness of remedial reading for
3. Learning Modalities: A Tool or a Hindrance Catherine A. Costoy non-readers.
to Learners' Academic Performance in English
5. Identified problem to be solved in title
no. 5 is about how specific senior high
4. Effectiveness of Remedial Reading to Non- Eufinia Abalos Tomelden
school writing teachers' current
readers in the International Level at Lomboy
pedagogical strategies relate to their
Elementary School
understanding of teacher cognition in the
second language.
2. What interpretation about action Based on the answers I have provided to
research can you make out of your question no. 1; action research is
answer on Question no. 1? primarily a research methodology used Action research seems easy and familiar. Since teaching seems to be full of
by teachers to assess their research problematic situations and that the teacher has a responsibility of finding solution for
studies. An ongoing process of problem everyday problems in school, hence teachers should do action research. This is an
resolution that combines study, action,
exciting part of being a teacher, a problem to solve!
and analysis, or it might be research
done to address a real issue. Let us continue and analyze what you have noticed and interpreted in the
previous activity.
3. Write the Title and your interpretation Title of the Action Research:
of the study from the title. Improving Mathematics Performance Key Questions My Answer
AMONG Grade 11 students through Choose from the options. You may check more than
Jigsaw Technique one answer.
1. From what source do Choices:
From the title, I think, the study aims to you think, did the authors __ Copied from research books
create and enhance a teaching strategy identify the problems of __ From daily observation of their teaching practice.
or approach to raising the math their action research? __ From difficulties they observed of their learners.
performance of the 11th graders. The __ From their own personal experience.
purpose of the study was to ascertain if __ From the told experience of their co-workers.
Jigsaw Techniques were successful in 2. What do you think is the Choices:
addressing the performance issues that teacher’s intention in __ To find a solution to the problematic situation
students were having. Teachers with the conducting the action __ To comply with the requirement of the principal
tools to excel in the classroom research? __ To improve teaching practice
participate in action research. __ To try out something, if it works.
__ To prove oneself as better than the others
4. What do you think did author/s do with I think the author/s did research on their 3. What benefit do you get Choices:
the identified problem as presented in titles in order to learn more about the as a student in FS2 in __ Prepare me for my future job
their titles? situation and draw some conclusions. understanding and doing __ Get good grades in the course
action research? __ Learn and practice being an action researcher
__ Improve my teaching practice
__ Exposure to the realities in the teaching profession
__ Become a better teacher everyday
4. In what ways, can you Choices:
assist your mentor in __ By co-researching with my mentor
his/her Action Research __ By assisting in the design of the intervention
Activity? __ By assisting in the implementation of the AR
__ By just watching what is being done
Write a probable solution to the problematic situation above.
I think having face-to-face classes, but due to Covid-19 or some protocols not
Based on the reading you made and the previous activities that you have done.
yet allowed some schools to have physical contact. It is still a hindrance and difficult.
1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research? However, there is some school that is limited face-to-face. Aside from that, I think the
teacher and the students should cooperate on their schedules so that no one can be
I learned that action research is challenging but exciting, and it may help future left behind. Alternatively, consider those students, we know that we cannot force their
teachers better understand what goes on in the classroom and find methods to signal connection, but all we have to do is understand and be patient with them. Also,
enhance instruction and student learning. we need to remind them that it is their duty and responsibility to be active and find
2. have you realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as a future ways to be in online classes as students.
teacher? Yes __ No ___. If yes, complete the sentence below. PLAN
I realized that as a future teacher, I must be a good researcher. I need to come What strategies, activities, innovations can I employ to improve the situation or solve
up with a solution as soon as we encounter a particular issue. These remedies require the problem?
processing and thinking. A single click cannot complete an action research study. We
need to consider the best solution to a specific situation. Therefore, we must be ready As a future action researcher, I can plan for an appropriate intervention like
for any issues. giving them an advanced lesson or topic for the next meeting. I will remind the students
to have a schedule for that day and time to prepare them. A training that will help them
to manage their time and be flexible. Moreover, a student's performance, for being
active and alert, will have an additional point so they can be motivated.
Write Action Research Prompts
If I conduct or implement my plan, what can be its title?
From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be anchored?
If will implement my doable plan in the future, my title would be “The Impact of
• I have observed and noticed that Action Research begins with a problem or Teacher Strategy on the Student's Performance in Learning.”
problematic situation.
Write an example of a problematic situation that you have observed and noticed.
I have seen instances in an online classroom when some students cannot join Check for Mastery
in on virtual meetings or connect due to poor connection or signal. Additionally, I saw 1. A
that some teachers struggled with online learning or missed the class schedule. 2. A
4. B
What have I realized? What do I hope to achieve? 5. A
I realized that for every teaching learning problem, there is a solution.
Work on my Artifacts
Your artifacts will be an Abstract of a completed action research.
This action research aimed to improve the mathematics performance of 56
Grade 11 students of Buug National High School students. Thirty-one or 55%scored
the average and poor level of mathematical skills in the Diagnostic Test. The
researcher addressed in improving mathematics performance using the Jigsaw
technique. The results of the study showed that the number of students who were
within a poor level was reduced in the Evaluation Test. There is a significant difference
(p = 0.030) in the Mathematics performance of Evaluation Test results between the
lecture method and the Jigsaw technique. The findings stressed that the results of the
Evaluation Test of control and treatment groups have significant differences. It is
proposed that teachers should design activities through the Jigsaw technique to
promote mathematics understanding by having students practice, solve, manipulate,
reason, and perform. Jigsaw technique may help students make connections across
mathematical skills and concepts, and other disciplines. Following the Jigsaw
technique activity, students should have time to discuss how they perform in solving
mathematical activities. With careful planning, implementation, and evaluation
mathematical activities can be achieved successfully by most students.
Keywords: mathematics performance, skills, and concepts; manipulate; jigsaw
technique; cooperative learning; solving; and mathematical activities
Department of Education.