Triptico Ingles

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THE CLANDESTINE FELLING OF TREES IN What can we do to solve it?

Many of us are against the famous "tala

montes" a group of people who are
MY COMMUNITY dedicated to cutting down the trees in our
The clandestine felling of trees in San Miguel community.
Mimiapan is a serious problem that has Unfortunately, these people have known how
affected the community for several years. to buy people from the Xonacatlan
municipality, so many of the public servants
who earn money by letting the "clearing
1. Starting with me:
forests" work would be against our ideas.
Use paper products rationally
and economically
Replace trees cut for firewood
with new tres
2. With my community:
Carry out a massive
reforestation campaign in the
affected places
Many of us wonder, and how does this affect Send a formal complaint to
us? the answer is simple; trees are our main environmental protection
source of life, without them we simply cannot centers
Ask the government to monitor However, all united we will never be
community forests to prevent defeated!
Here we leave you other consequences of the felling of tres
No more cutting down trees!
cutting down trees:
Our community needs us!
 Great damage to the hábitat
 Loss of the wide variety of living things Mimiapan united will never be defeated!
on earth
 Lack of water in soils and humidity in
the air
 The regions that were completely
cleared tend to erode the soil and

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