Chemical Process Calculations
Chemical Process Calculations
Chemical Process Calculations
CO1: Understand basics of stioichiometric calculations and make use of the different methods in ex-
pressing the composition of mixtures.
CO2: Apply the behaviour of ideal gas equations to bring the relation between temperature and
pressure for pure components and solutions.
CO3: Analyze material balance, calculations for steady state unit operation and unit processes.
CO4: Estimate the vapour pressure and solve the heating and cooling problems using humidity con-
CO5: Acquaint and analyze energy balances over reactive and non- reactive equipment.
CO6: Apply material and energy balance concepts and perform combustion calculations.
1. Hougen O.A., Watson K.M. and Ragatz. R.A., “Chemical Process Principles Part - I: Material
and Energy Balance”, 2nd Edition, CBS Publishers & Distributors, (2004).
2. Bhatt B.I. and Thakor, S., “Stoichiometry”, 6th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, (2017).
3. Himmelblau D.M. and Rigges J. B., “Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering”,
8th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, (2011).
4. Earnest J.H. and Harman B., “Chemical Engineering Calculations: Mass and Energy Balances”,
1st Edition, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, (1959).
5. Richard M.F. and Ronald W.R., “Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes”, 3rd Edition,
John Wiley, (2004).