Lecture 2 Liquefaction SL

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The key takeaways are about liquefaction, its causes, assessment of liquefaction depth, and common effects such as loss of bearing capacity and settlement.

Liquefaction occurs when loosely packed saturated sediments lose strength in response to strong earthquake shaking, causing the soil to behave like a liquid. This can result from increased pore water pressure and a reduction in effective stress within loose, saturated, granular deposits.

The depth of liquefaction is influenced by factors like the seismic hazard as indicated by peak ground acceleration, the density and composition of soil layers, and the effective overburden pressure at different depths.

Lecture 2 - Liquefaction

Professor Suby Bhattacharya

Chair in Geomechanics
(1)Chapter 6 of the book for Theoretical
aspects of Liquefaction:
(2) Chapter 7 for Practical Aspects i.e.

Do examples to find depth of Liquefaction

Structural failure & Liquefaction
1964 Niigata earthquake –
Kawagichi-Cho building

First serious observation – about Liquefaction

After major earthquakes (1964 to 2001) –
some examples

1964 – Niigata

1995 (Kobe)

2001 (Bhuj)
1999 (Turkey)

What is common? Soil underneath liquefied

2011 Tohoku earthquake

Differential settlement of a building in Urayasu, Tokyo bay

Japan – 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
2011 earthquake – soil liquefied
Disney Land - Tokyo
2011 Tohoku earthquake – pop up of Manhole
Effects of liquefaction (contd.)

Liquefaction at Cemetery of SantAgostino in North Italy

Earthquake, 2012
Large amount of ejected grey silty sand covered the pavement
Liquefaction induced damage to a concrete
building (2016 Kumamoto Earthquake)

Tilting of stationary shop owing to liquefaction
[Before and After] in Chikami (Minami-ku)

Front of the hospital before and after
the earthquake – 2016 Kumamoto

Liquefaction - Effects

Loss of bearing capacity

Lateral spreading


Floating services
Ground Response – Analysis [Source to site]
Damaging Capacity of Ground Motions



Peak ground acceleration (amax) is oftenGround

used tomotion
represent the severity of a particular earthquake. It is an
unreliable indicator of damaging capacity due to the short duration of amax. It gives no information about
frequency content.

Peak velocity gives some information about longer period content – may be better correlated with damage.

Response spectrum gives the most information about the effect of ground motions on structures with varying
structural periods and damping levels.
What is the problem?

For the given site, you will

know the Seismic Hazard i.e.
PGA (Peak Ground
Acceleration) & the Ground
• You need to know if the
ground will liquefy?
• If yes, to what depth?
Liquefaction depth assessment
Given a site:
Example: Higashi-Nada
area, in the Kobe city,

To what depth will it


What can be governing



What is liquefaction – a micro-mechanics view
What is liquefaction?

Bulk Modulus of water = 2GPa and therefore 0.001% straining

would lead to 20kPa pressure
What really happens?
Concept of dilatancy
Settlement – post liquefaction
Sand boils: Mechanics behind the flow
Effects of liquefaction
Lateral Spreading

Schematic illustration of lateral spreading. Photo: lateral spreading at Navlaki port,

January 2001, S.P.G. Madabhushi.
Liquefaction which may lead to lateral
What is soil liquefaction?

Micro mechanics of liquefaction

Process of excess pore water pressure development
Read Section in Chapter 6.
Pore water pressure built up
Implications of liquefaction
• 𝑟𝑢 = ′ ;
• u = excess pore water pressure
• σ𝑣0 ′ = initial vertical effective stress
• Additional settlement also occurs as the large excess pore
pressure dissipate following the hours of liquefaction.
0.76 ( 𝑒0 +0.3𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑥 −1.3𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑛
• ε 𝑣𝑝 = 1.6𝛾𝑚𝑎𝑥 ) (Shamoto and Zhang,
• ε 𝑣𝑝 = permanent volumetric strain
• 𝛾𝑚𝑎𝑥 = maximum shear strain

Settlement due to Volumetric Strain

Identifying Liquefiable Soil
It is obviously important to be able to identify whether a soil at site is
susceptible to liquefaction or not. In order to liquefy, soils must be:-
1. Saturated,
2. Able to contract under shear (rules out clays), and
3. Not so permeable that drainage can occur during shaking (rules out
coarse gravels).


70 for most
Percent Finer (%)

liquefiable soil

for potentially
liquefiable soil


10 Bhuj Sand

1E-3 0.01 0.1 1 10

Particle Size (mm)

Limits on particle sizes, following Ishihara et al. (1989)

Methods of assessment of liquefaction

1. Eurocode 8 Procedure [Needs Part 1 and Part 5]

2. Japanese Code Procedure
3. Idriss and Boulanger Approach
Fundamental of this empirical procedure is: Estimating
CSR (Cyclic Stress Ratio) of a soil element at each
depth along the ground profile
i.e. ratio of Shear Stress applied by the earthquake to a
soil element divided by vertical effective stress.
Action – What does the earthquake offer to the
ground? – Shear Stress
Resistance: How much a soil can resist? – denser the
soil more resistance
Resistance: How much a soil can resist? – denser the
soil more resistance
Observations, analysis and
Euro Code 8 approach
Step1: Obtain seismic shear stress  = 0.65    S  s
e v
α is design ground acceleration, To determine the value of S, ground type
has been determined based on SPT data using Table 3.1 in Eurocode 8. S
value is determined from the Table 3.2 in the same code based on ground
type, sv is the total overburden pressure.
Eurocode-8, 3.1.2,
Table 3.1
Eurocode-8, Part-1, 3.2.2, Table 3.2

Eurocode-8, Part-1, 3.2.2, Table 3.3, for Ms>5.5

Euro Code 8 approach (contd.)

Step-2: The SPT data has been normalized to a reference effective

overburden pressure of 100 kPa and to a 60% ratio of impact energy
over theoretical free fall energy. For depth less than 3m, the measured
SPT value has been reduced by 25%.

Step-3: To normalize with respect to the effective overburden pressure,

the measured SPT data has been multiplied by a factor of
(100/s’v)0.5 where σ'v (kPa) is the effective overburden
pressure acting at a depth where the SPT measurement has been

Step-4: Energy normalization has been done by multiplying the

measured SPT data by the factor of ER/60, where ER=(Measured
Energy Ratio)x100
Euro Code 8 approach (contd.)

Step-5:Determine the cyclic stress ratio (ζe/σv‘) for causing liquefaction

for a particular N1(60) for an earthquake of magnitude of 7.5 using the
bottom figure. To apply this figure to earthquake magnitudes different
from 7.5, the ζe/σv‘ has been multiplied by a factor CM of the code.

Step-6:A soil has been considered susceptible to liquefaction whenever

the earthquake induced shear stress (from Step1) exceeds certain
fraction (generally 80%) of the critical stress (from Step 5) known to have
caused liquefaction in the previous earthquakes.
Eurocode-8, Part-5, Annex B, Figure B.1

Eurocode-8, Part-5, Annex B,

Table B.1
These relationships are for a magnitude 7.5 earthquake

SPT overburden and energy corrections

(ER 60)
1/ 2
N1 (60) = N SPT 100 

 s ' vo 

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