Forensic Chemistry Module Update 1 PDF
Forensic Chemistry Module Update 1 PDF
Forensic Chemistry Module Update 1 PDF
A Learning Module in
I. Course Code and Title: FORCHM2 (Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology)
Course Descrip.tion and Information: This is a 5-unit course with 3 units lecture and 2 units laboratory.
Forensic Chemistry deals with application of chemical principles in the solution of problems that arise in
connection with the administration of justice. It is chemistry applied in the elucidation of legal problems.
Rubrics for the evaluation of Essay question activities and Questions for research
CRITERIA HIGHEST Outstanding Satisfactory Poor
1. Content and Focus 7 Sharp, distinct & Apparent point made No apparent
-Awareness about the substantial controlling about a specific topic point and no to
specific topic point about a specific or question with minimal
-Presence of relevant ideas question or topic with sufficient awareness evidence of
thru tacts, examples, details, evident awareness and knowledge. (4 awareness and
opinions and explanation and knowledge. (7 points) knowledge. (1
points) point)
2. Organization 5 Sophisticated Functional Confused or
-Order developed and arrangement of arrangement of inconsistent
sustained with in the content with evident content that sustains arrangement no
paragraph and/or subtle a logical order w/ logical order or
transition (5 points) some evidence of evidence of
transition (3 points) transition. (1
3. Style and Conventions 3 Good grammar, Sufficient grammar Incorrect
-Choice, use and spelling and sentence and minor spelling grammar and
arrangement of words formation throughout errors and sentence major spelling
-Grammar, mechanics, the paragraph. (3 formation (1 point) errors
spelling, usage & sentence points) throughout the
formation paragraph. (0
January 10, 1922 -The head of the Department of Legal Medicine and Ethics became the
Chief of the Medico- Legal Department of the Philippine General
Hospital without pay.
March 10, 1922 -Department of Legal Medicine of the UP as the branch of the
Department of Justice.
-Act No. 2465 of the Philippine
October 14, 1924 -Legal Medicine as branch of the DOJ and at the same time an integral
part of UP
December 19, 1937 -Creation of the Division of Investigation under Department of Justice
March 31, 1938 -Department of Legal Medicine was Abolished and was turned over to
October 1939 -Philippine constabulary having its own medico-legal office with chemical
1945 -Creation of the Criminal Investigation Laboratory with the office of the
Medical Examiner by the Provost Marshal of the US Army
1947 Ballistics, Photography and Fingerprint Record Unit was changed to
Criminal Laboratory Branch of the Constabulary
1951 Medico-legal Section was created under Col. Jesus T. Mendoza
At the end of the topic, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the different types and methods of evidence examination
2. Develop an understanding about the relevance of the subject in relation to crime investigation
3. Demonstrate belief on science in systematic process to help students in the easy identification of the
Experiment No. 1
The forensic toxicology laboratory utilizes not only analytical instruments but pertinent glass wares,
materials and instruments. It is a must for the laboratory personnel to be acquainted and oriented with the
nature and uses of those that are commonly employed in the laboratory as these contribute in achieving
accurate, reliable and acceptable forensic results.
a. Glass Slide and Cover Slip i. Cotton Swab
b. Lancet or Skin Pricker j. Staining Rack
c. Applicator Stick k. Gloves
d. Beaker (100 ml) l. Test Tube & Rack
e. Venipuncture Set m. Mixing Bowl
i. 10 ml Disposable Syringe n. Wire Gauze & Tripod
ii. 13 X 100 Test Tube o. Separatory Funnel
iii. Tourniquet p. Bunsen Burner
iv. Plaster q. Magnifying Glass
v. Tube holder r. Watch Glass
vi. Two-way needle s. Micropipette and tips
vii. Vacutainer Tubes t. Ultra-violet lamp
f. Pasteur Pipette u. Eye protector
g. Viewing Box v. Concavity slide
h. Serological Pipettes w. Surgical blade
- 1 ml Pipette x. Biohazard bag
- 5 ml Pipette y. Clinical Thermometer
- 10 ml Pipette z. Centrifuge & Ultracentrifuge
Grading of laboratory experiments will utilize the 30-point scale. Grading will be based on the
following criteria:
1) Explanation and understanding of the science (5 points) - Does the report show sufficient
background information for the reader to follow and understand the experiments?
2) Figures and illustrations (5 points) - Are there sufficient photographs, tables and graphs necessary
to support the results. Are they properly labeled and referenced in the text?
3) Results (10 points) - Do the results of the experiment match the anticipated and expected and are
sources of variance properly noted and explained? Are all the points noted in the discussion
section covered?
4) Answers to questions (10 points) Grammar, organization, and references - Is the document clearly
written, well organized and properly referenced.
1. Examine the instruments/materials presented in the laboratory through a video recorded by the
2. Determine the use/uses of these instruments and materials in Forensic Toxicology.
3. Draw neatly each material and instrument demonstrated by your laboratory instructor. Label all
parts accurately.
- Draw and label the parts of the different glass wares, instrument and
Experiment No. 2
The forensic toxicology laboratory utilizes analytical instrumentation applicable to training, routine and
specialized analytical and forensic case work. This instrumentation provides capabilities in robust and
reliable analysis of the varied physical evidences from the crime scenes and natural products, in addition
to the ability to conduct blood ethanol and semen analyses for forensic casework (Clark, 2008).
Grading of laboratory experiments will utilize the 30-point scale. Grading will be based on the
following criteria:
5) Explanation and understanding of the science (5 points) - Does the report show sufficient
background information for the reader to follow and understand the experiments?
6) Figures and illustrations (5 points) - Are there sufficient photographs, tables and graphs necessary
to support the results. Are they properly labeled and referenced in the text?
7) Results (10 points) - Do the results of the experiment match the anticipated and expected and are
sources of variance properly noted and explained? Are all the points noted in the discussion
section covered?
8) Answers to questions (10 points) Grammar, organization, and references - Is the document clearly
written, well organized and properly referenced.
1. Illustrate and label the parts of the following instruments used in forensic toxicology.
2. Illustrate the operating principle of each instrument used in forensic toxicology.
Experiment No. 3
Safety and First-Aid in the Forensic Toxicology Laboratory
Safe laboratory practice according to Anderson (2015) ensures the well-being of laboratory personnel as
well as those who enter the laboratory for consultation and those responsible for cleaning the laboratory
and discarding hazardous waste. Laboratory safety includes a variety of policies. The system of
Standard Precautions of good working practices will reduce any danger of infection from any source:
- All blood samples and other human body fluids should be considered as a potentially infectious.
- Always use proper personal protective equipment to protect yourself when working with any body
Everyone who enters the laboratory should wear a laboratory coat. Replace laboratory coat immediately
if it becomes contaminated.
Every sample handled in the laboratory is potentially hazardous and gloves should always be used when
handling toxic material including any body tissues. Replace gloves immediately if they are torn.
Many infections can be easily caught by contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes. Wash your
eyes immediately with very large amounts of cold running water if contact with a possible infectious
material may have occurred
Sharps, such as needles and lancets, should be disposed of in a special container that is spill proof,
puncture resistant and closable. The sharps container must be labeled in red or orange, must be
maintained upright and must display the biohazard symbol.
Avoid all practices in the open laboratory which may cause splashing or the release of droplets or dust
into the air. Carry out all operation which cause aerosols in a suitable fume cupboard and wear safety
Toxic and flammable materials must always be contained in a fume cupboard or a suitable safe box.
Take special care with any equipment which uses liquids. Always leave the installation, servicing and
repairs to qualified personnel.
Avoid touching your face or mucosae (eyes, nose, and mouth) with your hands while in the laboratory.
You must not eat, drink, smoke or put-on make-up while in the laboratory. Always wash hands
thoroughly before leaving the laboratory.
All spills should be cleaned immediately with appropriate disinfectant solutions (e.g. dilute bleach
solution), and materials used to wipe up spills should be disposed of as potentially biohazardous. Each
laboratory has a cleanup procedure, but general recommendations include:
Wear gloves
Use dilute (1:10) bleach solution or commercially prepared solution.
First clean area with visible blood then disinfects the entire area of possible
Keep the bleach in contact with the contaminated area for at least 20 minutes to
ensure complete disinfection.
All accidents should be reported immediately to the instructor/supervisor in-
Hazard is the potential of a substance to cause harm.
The risk from that substance is the likelihood of it harming someone under the conditions of use:
Blood, urine, spinal fluid and all other body fluids present biologic safety hazards because they may
contain highly infectious and potentially lethal organisms or viruses.
Solid, liquid or gaseous chemicals may be hazardous if transported, handled, stored or dispensed
inappropriately. Chemicals may have toxic, flammable, or carcinogenic properties.
Electrical hazards are caused by inappropriate use or maintenance of electrical instruments or equipment
that can cause electrical shock, burns or a fire or explosion.
Mechanical hazards may result from improper use, storage or disposal of glassware, sharp instruments,
compressed gases or equipment.
Fire or thermal hazards may result from the improper use, storage of either cryogenic substances or
substances capable of combustion. Fires can obviously cause burns, and skin contact with cryogenic
substances has essentially the same effect – it causes a thermal burn. Cryogenic and combustible
substances may cause a fire, explosion, or asphyxiation.
1. Biohazard Sign
2. Safety Signage
3. Personal Protective Equipment
4. NFPA Rating System
1. Enumerate, draw and explain briefly the meaning of signages which can
lessen injury in the laboratory.
2. Describe the first-aid treatments in poisoning cases.
3. Discuss the methods of decontamination in cases of ingested poisoning.
Assessment No. 1
1. Medico Titulares
2. Medico Legal
3. Philippine Constabulary
4. Provost Marshall
5. Bureau of Government
Part 2: Arrange the Crime scene Protocol, from 1 being the first stage to 5 being the last stage.
Demonstrate the layout of the crime scene or to identify the exact position of the
deceased victim or evidence within the crime scene
To determine what allegedly happened, what crime took place, and how was the
crime committed.
Crime scene technician will process the crime scene for evidence, both physical
and testimonial evidence.
Involves creating a pictorial record of the scene and record items of possible
Will help identify possible items of evidentiary nature, point of entry and point of
exit, and getting the general layout of the crime scene.
Part 3: Identification
At the end of the topic, the students should be able to:
1. internalize the importance of blood and blood stain in crime investigation.
2. identify the different blood groups present in blood
3. compare the stages of blood and blood stain examinations
• As circumstantial or corroborative evidence against or in favor of the perpetrator
• For disputed parentage
• Determination of the cause of death and the length of time the victim survived the attack
• Determination of the direction of escape of the victim or the assailant.
• Determination of the origin of the flow of blood.
• Determination of the approximate time the crime was committed
Nature of Blood:
a. Largest circulating tissue of the body
b. Consists of vital substances
c. Fluid that circulates into the Cardiovascular System (CVS)
Kinds of Blood:
a. Arterial Blood b. Venous Blood
- Aka Capillary blood - Dark Red in color
- Bright red color - Contains increased amount of CO2
- Oxygenated blood - Non-oxygenated blood
Characteristics of blood
a. Color – Bright red for arterial blood and dark red for venous blood
b. Volume – 70% of Total body weight
c. Viscosity – Resistance to blood flow
- Blood is thick and sticky
- Normally flows with difficulty
d. Specific Gravity – Weight of blood compared to water on the same volume
- Distilled Water: 1.000
- Blood: 1.065 (due to cellular elements)
e. pH Reaction – Slightly alkaline (7.35-7.45)
f. The circulating tissue of the body - 1 cc of blood: 5,000,000 red cells
- Man of average size: about 6 quarts of blood
Composition of Blood
Formed Elements:
- Composing about 35% of the total blood volume
a. RBC (Erythrocytes)
- Number: 5,000,000 RC/mm3
- Diameter: 7-10 microns
- Rate of Destruction:
- 10 Billion Cells/hr in Adults
b. White Blood Cells/Leukocytes
- Number: 5-10,000/mm3
- Soldiers of the body
- Resists attacks of diseases
c. Platelets or Thrombocytes
- Number: 150-350,000/mm3
- Functions for blood coagulation
Liquid Portion:
- 65% of the total blood volume
a. Plasma – Straw liquid portion of unclotted blood
b. Serum – Straw-yellowish liquid that separates when blood is allowed to clot
- Coloring matter of blood
- Pigment which is found at the cytoplasm of Red Blood Cells
Types of Hemoglobin
a. Abnormal Derivatives of Hemoglobin
a. Methemoglobin (HbM) – Found in NO3 and NO2 poisoning with a chocolate brown color
b. Sulfhemoglobin (HbS) – Found in the presence of bacteria, severe constipation,
enterogenous cyanosis and the blood color is lavender
c. Carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) – Due an excessive inhalation of gas from defective stoves
and from automobiles and imparts cherry red color of blood
b. Normal Hemoglobin
a. Oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) – Hemoglobin combined with oxygen and which gives the color
to the arterial blood
b. Reduced hemoglobin -Hemoglobin combined with carbon dioxide and which gives color
to venous blood
Blood Grouping
1. ABO Blood Grouping – First blood group system and the only blood Group system that can be
determined using serum
- Blood type depends on:
- Surface protein Antigen
- Antibodies to these substances
- 4 Blood Types:
- Death due to loss of blood can be due to different causes like gun shot wound or severe blunt trauma
- This will lead to decreased blood pressure and decreased rate of bleeding
- Blood and blood stains can be analyzed from the scene of the crime, from the clothing and from the
body itself
- For person who lived for a considerable amount of time, large pool of blood from small wounds can be
found and usually the cause of death for this is hemorrhage
2. Blood from the Neck – Swagger away and large forms of blots on the ground
3. Cuts from small arteries – Spurt of blood in a defined pattern
4. Drops of Blood striking obliquely – Head is on the direction of the flight of drop
Experiment No. 4
In forensic toxicology, blood samples that are taken from convicted suspects are determined. The blood
gets testified and diagnosis for any sign of evidence that were affiliated with the crime scene's aftermath.
Phlebotomy is the practice of using a needle to withdraw a sample of blood from a designated vein. In
earlier times, phlebotomy was called bloodletting. It was used to treat and/or cure diseases. Phlebotomy
today is also called venipuncture or venipuncture. A phlebotomist is a person who performs phlebotomy.
Another field of phlebotomy is forensics, where criminal pathologists examine the blood of crime victims to
determine the exact cause of injury and/or death. Phlebotomists also are given the task of insuring that all
blood samples are guarded safely against contamination and/or tampering (
1. Phlebotomy set
a. Syringe Technique b. Vacutainer Technique
- disposable syringe (10 ml) - tube holder
- tourniquet - 2-way needle
- glass tubes (13 X 100) - vacutainer tubes
- applicator stick a. red top
- wet and dry cotton balls b. lavender top
- plaster - Gloves
2. Reagent: - Masks
- betadine
- 70% Ethyl alcohol
3. Instrument
- Clinical centrifuge
- Forcep (curve)
Grading of laboratory experiments will utilize the 30-point scale. Grading will be based on the
following criteria:
1.Explanation and understanding of the science (5 points) - Does the report show sufficient
background information for the reader to follow and understand the experiments?
2. Figures and illustrations (5 points) - Are there sufficient photographs, tables and graphs
necessary to support the results. Are they properly labeled and referenced in the text?
3. Results (10 points) - Do the results of the experiment match the anticipated and expected and
are sources of variance properly noted and explained? Are all the points noted in the discussion
section covered?
4. Answers to questions (10 points) Grammar, organization, and references - Is the document
clearly written, well organized and properly referenced.
1. The instructor orients the students with the different materials, glass wares and
instruments used in phlebotomy through a live video stream or a recorded video;
2. The instructor demonstrates the procedures in performing phlebotomy techniques;
3. The instructor presents the procedures of specimen handling and preparation.
Palpate and trace the path of veins with the index finger. Arteries pulsate, are most
elastic, and have a thick wall. Thrombosed veins lack resilience, feel cord-like, and roll
If superficial veins are not readily apparent, you can force blood into the vein by
massaging the arm from wrist to elbow, tap the site with index and second finger, apply a
warm, damp washcloth to the site for 5 minutes, or lower the extremity over the bedside
to allow the veins to fill.
Approach the patient in a friendly, calm manner. Provide for their comfort as much as
possible, and gain the patient's cooperation.
Identify the patient correctly.
Properly fill out appropriate requisition forms, indicating the test(s) ordered.
Verify the patient's condition. Fasting, dietary restrictions, medications, timing, and
medical treatment are all of concern and should be noted on the lab requisition.
Check for any allergies to antiseptics, adhesives, or latex by observing for armbands
and/or by asking the patient.
Position the patient. The patient should either sit in a chair, lie down or sit up in bed.
Hyperextend the patient's arm.
Apply the tourniquet 3-4 inches above the selected puncture site. Do not place too tightly
or leave on more than 2 minutes (and no more than a minute to avoid increasing risk for
hemoconcentration). Wait 2 minutes before reapplying the tourniquet.
The patient should make a fist without pumping the hand.
Select the venipuncture site.
Prepare the patient's arm using an alcohol prep. Cleanse in a circular fashion, beginning
at the site and working outward. Allow to air dry.
Grasp the patient's arm firmly using your thumb to draw the skin taut and anchor the vein.
The needle should form a 15-to-30-degree angle with the surface of the arm. Swiftly
insert the needle through the skin and into the lumen of the vein. Avoid trauma and
excessive probing.
When the last tube to be drawn is filling, remove the tourniquet.
Remove the needle from the patient's arm using a swift backward motion.
Press down on the gauze once the needle is out of the arm, applying adequate pressure
to avoid formation of a hematoma.
Dispose of contaminated materials/supplies in designated containers.
Mix and label all appropriate tubes at the patient bedside.
Deliver specimens promptly to the laboratory.
- Schematically illustrate the preparations of serum and plasma.
- Label according the layers of blood formed using the following methods of blood extraction:
a. syringe method;
b. vacutainer method
The most well-known and medically important blood types are in the ABO group. They were
discovered in 1900 to 1001 at the University of Vienna by Karl Landsteiner in the process of trying to
learn why blood transfusion sometimes cause death and at other times save patients.
There are four principal blood types: A, B, AB and O. There are two antibodies that are mostly
responsible for the ABO blood types. The specific combination of these four components determines the
blood type of an individual. An ABO blood typing is a procedure performed to determine someone’s blood
type. This is performed using a direct or a reverse method. For this activity, a direct ABO blood grouping
will be performed.
Objectives: At the end of the activity, the students are expected to be able to:
a. appreciates how to perform accurately the procedure for the direct ABO blood typing and Rh
blood typing
b. understands the principle behind ABO and Rh blood grouping
a. Lancet g. Anti-A reagent
b. Wet and Dry cotton h. Anti-B reagent
c. Glass slide
d. Applicator stick
e. Viewing box
d. Biohazard bag and gloves
f. Pasteur pipette
Procedure: The instructor will be recording a video of the procedure and to be uploaded in Canvas.
Direct ABO Blood Grouping:
1. Materials and reagents will be assembled.
2. Sterilize the puncture site of the ring finger using 70% isopropyl alcohol by running against the skin to
remove microorganism.
3. Air dry the area sterilized. Do not touch with any unsterile surface.
4. Apply a light pressure at the site with the thumb making the skin firm and puncture with pressure
5. Release the pressure applied.
6. Wipe the first drop of blood with a dry sterile cotton.
7. Apply a slight pressure to form a drop of blood.
8. Dub 0blood sample with the initially prepared slide by placing one drop each in compartments A and B.
9. Place the slide on a flat surface.
10. Dispense one drop of Anti-serum A and Anti-serum B in each compartment respectively.
11. Mix the blood and anti-serum with applicator stick. A separate applicator stick is used to mix the blood
in two preparations.
12. Swirl the entire slide for at least two minutes or until agglutination has formed.
13. Observe for agglutination or clumping of cells in the view box and in the microscope.
1. Draw the result of the forward slide method for blood type A, B, AB and O based on their agglutination
Objectives: At the end of the activity, the students are expected to be able to:
a. Identify the sources and natures of an alleged blood and blood stains and distinguish
between human, avian and piscine blood samples.
A. Specimen: Prepared blood slides of the following
a. Human Blood (fresh and old)
b. Avian Blood (Chicken’s blood)
c. Piscine Blood (Fish’s blood)
d. Menstrual Blood
e. Wright’s stain
B. Materials:
a. Electric Microscope
Procedure: The instructor will be recording how to focus the different slide. The image of the different
blood smears under the microscope will shown in the video. The video recording will be uploaded in
Canvas. Student may use additional online and book references to help them in this activity.
1. Describe completely the different blood in terms of their shape and size.
2. What are the common stains used for blood smear?
Experiment No. 7
Confirmatory Test for Blood and Blood Stain
Micro Chemical Examination
Many different tests have been used to confirm that a stain contains blood. The oldest is chemical
confirmation of the presence of hemoglobin or its derivatives by the formation of specific crystals. For
example, the Takayama or hemochromogen test, in which ferrous iron from hemoglobin reacts with
pyridine to produce red feathery crystals of pyridine ferroprotoporphyrin. Another confirmatory test uses
the Teichman reagent, consisting of a solution of potassium bromide, potassium chloride and potassium
iodide in glacial acetic acid, and is heated to react with hemoglobin. The reaction first converts the
hemoglobin to hemin, and then halides react with the hemin to form characteristic brownish-yellow
rhomboid crystals.
Blood can be identified as being of human origin by precipitin reactions with antisera specific for
components of human blood. Usually this is an anti-human serum. Strictly speaking, this is a test for
human origin not for human blood, as serum constituents such as albumin and some globulins are found
in the extra vascular space.
Objective: At the end of the activity, the students are expected to be able to:
1. appreciate how to properly perform the micro-chemical methods for blood and blood stain
2. to understand the principle of each tests.
a. Blood stain e. Pyridine reagent
b. Watch glass f. NSS
c. Glass slide with cover slip g. Saturated glucose solution
d. Electric microscope h. Glacial acetic acid
Procedures: The instructor will be recording a video demonstrating how to properly perform the different
micro-chemical test. The video will be uploaded in Canvas.
1. Draw/illustrate Crystals form in the Takayama test
2. Draw/illustrate the crystals formed in the Teichamann test
Part 3: Match the positive results of each tests used to screen the presence of blood and blood
Typical Ejaculate
2-5 mL of semen with approximately 160 million sperm
o This may contain 3pg DNA/Sperm = 480,000 ng DNA/Ejacualte
o Only 1 ng DNA needed for STR typing
Seminal Fluid
o Medium for ejaculation
Methods of collection: Self production, Condom collection, Aspiration from
vaginal vault after coitus and Coitus interruptus
Samples must be collected in a wide-mouthed bottle
o May contain enzymes and other proteins
Enzymes includes: Acid phosphatase, Prostate specific antigen and semenogelin
o Contains Sperm cells or spermatozoa
o Odor: Musty, Acrid and Fishy
o Color: Pearly white/ Gray-white and slightly turbid
Increased white turbidity indicates infection and WBCs
Yellow color indicates contamination of urine, prolonged abstinence and some
o Viscosity: Highly Viscid
o Liquefaction is usually within 30 to 60 minutes
Viscosity reporting is as follows
0 (watery) to 4 (gel like)
Increased viscosity and incomplete liquefaction: Impede sperm motility
Prolonged liquefaction will result to decreased prostatic enzymes
o pH is 7.2 to 8.3
Increase in pH may mean infection in the reproductive tract and decreased pH
may mean increased prostatic fluid
o Specific Gravity is between 1.027 to 1.032
Semen is an extremely good source of DNA, but…
o Not all semen stains may contain sperm
Vasectomy is a procedure undergone by males where sperm flow is blocked
from being ejaculated, and because of this, DNA typing is not possible.
Cases of infertility where the severity is a factor. DNA typing for this may be
The Spermatozoa
Has three distinct regions:
o Head – this contains the acrosome and nucleus (contains haploid DNA)
o Middle Piece - this contains the Mitochondria
o Tail – Also known as the flagella responsible for its movement
Forensic investigation for Seminal Fluid
1. Overlay Method
a. Spray a Whatman filter paper with distilled water.
b. Lay the paper down over the suspected semen stain and leave it for about 30 to 60
c. Remove the filter paper from the stain and observe for color change to Purple
2. Spot Test Method
a. Wet a sterile cotton swab with distilled water then roll swab against the stain
b. Saturate the swab with Acid Phosphatase solution
Determining the presence or absence, identity and distribution of particular body fluids is key to
the investigation of crimes against the person e.g. rape, assault or murder. The body fluids encountered
in these types of cases are usually blood, semen and saliva. The correct identification of traces of these
fluids at the crime scene or clothing maybe vital to a criminal investigation and the presence and absence
of a particular fluid may assist forensic biology expert in determining why the crime has occurred and
identify the persons who are involved and not involved with the crime.
Objectives: At the end of this activity, the students are expected to be able to:
a. describe the physical and microscopic characteristics of the semen
b. realize the importance of semen analysis in the investigation of crime against the person
c. determine the morphological characteristics of sperm cells
d. appreciate
a. Freshly ejacuated semen k. Cover slip
b. Test tubes l. Red and blue litmus paper
c. Serologic pipette m. Gloves
d. Electric microscope n. Biohazard container
e. Glass slide m. 95%ethanol
f. Beaker o. Wrights stain
g. Pasteur pipette p. Distilled water
h. Watch glass q. Hematoxylin and eosine
i. Tally counter r. Petroleum gelly
j. Pipetol
A. Physical Examination
The instructor will be discussing the physical characteristics of the seminal fluid. The students
must take down these important characteristics.
a. Color: ___________________________________________
b. Odor: ___________________________________________
c. Viscosity and liquefaction: ___________________________
d. Volume: _________________________________________
e. pH: _____________________________________________
B. Microscopic Examination
The instructor will be discussing the microscopic characteristics of the sperm. The students must
take note of these important characteristics.
a. Sperm morphology: a smear of seminal fluid will be prepared by spreading a small
amount at the center of the slide.
b. Slides are air dried completely and fix the smear by immersing the slide several times in
methyl alcohol.
c. Hematoxylin and eosin staining will then follow.
d. Slides will then be focused under oil immersion objectives.
e. Morphological characteristics of will then be observed
Head’s width and length: _____________________________________
Midpiece width and length: ___________________________________
Tail width and length: _______________________________________
1. Draw/illustrate the microscopic appearance of a sperm. Label the parts of the sperm.
3. What is Oligospermia?
5. How important is seminal fluid analysis in Forensic investigation? Explain your answer.
CHAPTER V: Forensic Analysis of Hair
1891 - Han Gross 1897 - Rudolph Virchow became 1906 - Hugo Marx
published the first description of the the first person to do an in-depth wrote a paper on the use of hair in
uses of physical evidence to help study of hair. forensic investigations to determine
solve crimes identity.
1916 - Albert 1920 - Locard becomes known for 1931 - Dr. Paul Kirk works on new
Schneider became the first to the exchange principle – the fact ways to improve the use of hair in
collect physical evidence with a that “every contact leaves a trace.” forensic investigation
Hair Evidence
Composed primarily of the protein keratin
Each species of animal possesses hair with characteristic length, color, shape, root appearance,
and internal microscopic features that distinguish one animal from another
Considerable variability also exists in the types of hairs that are found on the body of an animal.
Hairs found on the head, pubic region, arms, legs, and other body areas have characteristics that
can determine their origin.
Hairs can be transferred during physical contact
The difference between black and brown hair is the amount of melanin
Physical contact may result in the transfer of hairs.
Hair anatomy and Growth – present on many different regions of the body
a. Head d. Axilla
b. Pubic area e. Limbs
c. Chest
A. Hair Roots
Portion embedded on the skin
Can be either dry or dead or living roots (seen in hair in full growth)
Naturally shed hairs, such as a A hair forcibly removed from the Forcibly removed hairs may
head hair dislodged through scalp will exhibit stretching and have tissue attached.
combing, display undamaged, damage to the root area.
club-shaped roots.
B. Shaft – Present above the surface of the root and the most distinct part
1. Cuticle – outermost covering and a layer of non-nucleated polygonal cells. This usually
appears as overlapped (Scales of fish appearance)
Most useful in the investigation of the origin of the hair sample
Several patterns maybe observed
2. Cortex – This is the thickest layer of the hair shaft which can be either straight or crosswise
Examined for the presence of coloring matter in the form of tiny granules
Pigment bodies may contain:
Cortical fusi - Air spaces of varying sizes found Granules- Small, dark, granulated structures that
near the root of a mature human hair vary in size, color, and distribution. Typically
distributed toward the cuticle in humans.
3. Medulla – The central canal that contains the pigmented cells and absent in fuzz hair.
The medulla may be: Continuous, Fragmented or interrupted
human hair with no medulla. hair with trace medulla. Photomicrograph of a hair
with a clear, continuous
C. Tip or point – Appears blunt, round or frayed. This shows whether the hair has been cut.
Hair tips for women usually has fine tips while m en has a cut off square
Preservation of Hair
Methods of packing hair
o Pill Box or Test tube – for questioned specimen
o Druggist powder paper – Properly folded, sealed and labeled
Examination of Hair
Check for the following
Color Kind of cuticle
Length Cortex
Character (Wiry, Wavy, kinky) Medulla
Thickness Presence of dyes and bleaches
Kind of tip Cross section
How did it fall? Medullary index
Condition of root
Difference between Human hair and Animal Hair
DNA Analysis of Hair sample - Can be extracted from the root or follicular tag of an anagenic hair
Nuclear DNA (nDNA) – Comes from both patients and lead to individualization
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) – passed only from mother to offspring
Racial Determination
Caucasoid (European) Mongoloid (Asian) Negroid (African)
Fine to medium coarseness Regularly coarse, straight, Regularly curly or kinky
Appearance: Straight or wavy Cross section: Circular Cross Section: Flattened
Colors: ranging from blonde to Diameter: wider Appearance:
brown to black. Cuticle: Curly, wavy, or coiled
Hair shafts: Significantly thicker Pigment granules:
round to oval in cross section Medulla Larger than those found in
Pigment Granules Fine to Continuous and wider Mongoloid and Caucasian hair
medium-sized, evenly Cortex Grouped in clumps of different
distributed Pigment granules that are larger sizes and shapes.
in size Pigment in the hair shaft so
great (opaque).
Experiment No. 9
Forensic Analysis of hair
Hairs are a potentially ubiquitous trace material in many types of forensic investigation. Few
forensic materials give rise to such differing views on their value as evidence, and these views are often
held with a passion. Some believe that hairs provide worthless evidence, while others believe that hairs
can provide potentially, and actually, very significant evidence. The application of DNA methods to the
examination of hairs has sparked renewed interest in the forensic examination of hairs and the role of
microscopic examination.
Objectives: At the end of this activity, the students are expected to be able to:
a. identify the structure and the characteristics of human hair
b. to determine the differences between hairs from the different regions of the body
c. understand and appreciate the importance of hair analysis in forensic investigation
a. Hair samples from different parts of the body
b. Hair from different animal sources
c. Reagents: 1:1 mixture of Glycerine and Water, Lacquer
d. Equipment: Glass slide, cover slip, microscope, pincer and Pasteur pipette
Procedure: The preparation of the samples as well as the microscopy will be shown by the instructor
through a recorded video to be uploaded in Canvas.
A. Examine the hair sample and take note of the following: Any foreign materials, color and texture
B. Prepare the Wet mount
a. Wash the hair with soap and water then with alcohol. Dry hair
b. Place the hair on the slide
c. Add a drop of glycerin and water mixture
d. Cover the preparation with a cover glass
C. Examine the mounted hair and observe for the following parts: roots, cuticle, cortex, medulla and
Activity: With the video provided by the instructor and the additional materials from your online and book
references, accomplish the following.
1. Draw, label and describe the following types of hair.
Scalp Hair Newly cut hair Burnt hair
Eyebrow Hair Freshly pulled hair Torn hair
Pubic Hair Naturally fallen hair Cat hair & Dog/s hair