CFI - GE APM - Meridium System Run Book
CFI - GE APM - Meridium System Run Book
CFI - GE APM - Meridium System Run Book
Document Reviews
Revision Date Reviewer Role Comments
01 10-02-2015 F Hernandez Tech Consultant Minor corrections regarding DMT
01 10-02-2015 J Wilson SME / Consultant OK
01 10-08-2015 M Edwards Project Manager OK
All modules will be initially deployed based on the standard Meridium package solutions content
which supports Meridium’s recommended Mechanical Integrity work process. Based on a solution
design and various other discussions between Meridium and CFI, additional configurations were
initially implemented to support CFI’s work process requirements. Configurations that were required
to tailor the standard package content as well as all additional configuration items are outlined in the
this document.
Document Audience
The document is intended for two particular audiences:
CFI Support Team – for the purposes of easily locating common administrative information as
well as background of what was done in the project and how to get additional, post go-live
support if required
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (2) Configure SMTP Preference
Site References
CFI was configured to use a single site reference, Donaldsonville, for all assets. The lookup queries
were modified to always return that one site reference record. The standard practice risk matrix was
linked to this site reference.
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (9) Site Reference Configuration
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (25) Asset Taxonomy Configuration
Taxonomy Category – top level of Meridium taxonomy; new records may be added using the
New button on the toolbar
Taxonomy Class – second level of Meridium taxonomy; new records may be added by
searching for and opening the parent taxonomy category records and then clicking the add
link on the associated pages menu
Functional Location Extraction – executes a stored procedure within the Avantis database to
extract entity data that was created or updated from the last successful run date of the
interface forward; the data is then loaded into the Meridium system via Web (Integration)
Services; the location hierarchy (Site/Unit/Asset) is determined by the stored procedures and
does not align with the entity hierarchy in Avantis; location records are related to their parent
location by the interface
Equipment Extraction – executes a stored procedure within the Avantis database to extract
entity data that was created or updated from the last successful run date of the interface
forward; the data is then loaded into the Meridium system via Web (Integration) Services; an
equipment is created for each Asset level location; equipment records are related to their
parent location record by the interface
Work History Extraction – executes a stored procedure within the Avantis database to extract
work request, work order and task data that was created or updated from the last successful
run date of the interface forward; the data is then loaded into the Meridium system via Web
(Integration) Services; each work history represents a work request and, potentially, an order
and, potentially, a task so multiple work history records are created if an order is assigned
more than one task; work history records are related to the associated equipment and
functional location in Meridium; the stored procedure filters data to only include data that
was created based on a work request that was created from Meridium
Work History Detail Extraction – executes a stored procedure within the Avantis database to
extract activity data that was created or updated from the last successful run date of the
interface forward; the data is then loaded into the Meridium system via Web (Integration)
Services; only activites related to the two Meridium tasks, Inspection Ready and Inspection,
9|Page Meridium System Run Book
CFI Donaldsonville
are downloaded; Work History Details are created for each activity and related to their parent
Work History records by the interface
Work Request Creation – work requests are created in Avantis by a stored procedure in the
Avantis database that is triggered by a web service running on the APM Connect server; the
web service is triggered by Meridium in three ways:
o Manually via Inspection and Meridium General Recommendations
Triggered by checking the Create Work Request flag
o Manually via Inspection Tasks
Triggered by checking the Create Work Request flag
o Automatically via Inspection Tasks
Triggered by the Meridium.Integration.SAP.WorkOrderGeneration scheduled
item based on the results of query Public\Meridium\Modules\SAP Integration
Interfaces\Queries\Get Tasks for Work Order Generation
All stored procedures were designed by CFI resources and they are thus responsible for the
maintenance of them.
Reference Documentation
Avantis to APM Integration High Level Design
Avantis to APM Integration Detail Level Design
Integrated Technical Design
o (4) Avantis Extraction Interface – Family Fields
o (5) Avantis Extraction Interface – Family Datasheets
o (6) Avantis Extraction Interface – Field Disable Rules
o (7) Avantis Extraction Interface – Work History Business Logic
o (12) Avantis WMI Interface – Work Request Creation
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (28) Enterprise Data Filtering
** Note – all data filter criteria were removed since this is a single site implementation
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (3) Install Data Management Tools Package & Interfaces
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (13) Recommendation State Management Configuration
Equipment Data Management (Criticality, P&ID, SPC Reg. & Install Date)
CFI determined that they would like various equipment properties to be initially loaded from an access
database and then maintained within Meridium in the future. In order to facilitate this, the following
functionality was configured:
CFI is currently using an intranet web site managed with FrontPage to allow users access to Equipment
history including P&IDs, inspection history and other information. Moving forward, they would like to
utilize Meridium Reference Documents, related to Equipment records, instead. To perform the initial
transfer from the FrontPage directory structure and HTML files into Meridium Reference Documents,
a macro and interface were designed.
* Note – this process assumes that the location of files currently referenced by FrontPage will remain
in the same location; if files are moved then the paths of documents in the table MI_REF_DOCUMENTS
will need to be adjusted accordingly (this can be done in the database directly or via another data load
** Note – the following HtmlAgilityPack.dll file must be manually copied to the <SystemRoot>\
Program Files\Meridium\Client\ directory on the machine where the macro is to be
executed **
Status fields were removed from datasheets and associated behaviors disabled on all
Inspection Events and Inspection Recommendations
Assigned To, Reviewer and Final Approver fields were removed from datasheets and
associated behaviors disabled on Inspection Recommendations
Since the Inspector resource role is required on Inspection events but all members of the MI
Inspection group should be able to manage these records, business logic was added to
automatically add/remove that resource role to users that are added/removed from the MI
Inspection security group
Implemented state management for Inspection Events with a Proposed Pending Review
Pending Approval Approved process requiring state role privileges to change out of the
Pending Review and Pending Approval states
Implemented state management for Inspection Recommendations with a Proposed
Pending Review Pending Approval Approved process requiring state role privileges to
change out of the Pending Review and Pending Approval states
Related Sections
Recommendation State Management
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (13) Recommendation State Management Configuration
o (14) Inspection State Management Configuration
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (16) IM Checklist Reviewer Comments
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (13) Recommendation State Management Configuration
RBI Recommendation State Configuration
RBI Criticality Analysis State Configuration
Added ‘Leak’ and ‘Excessive Thinning’ to the Reason for Inspection pick list on Inspection
Added ‘Temporary Repair’ to the pick list for Action Taken Code on Findings
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
(15) Inspection Leak Tracking Configuration
Added family with state management approval process linked to inspection events
Added associated page links to inspection events to access the fit-for-service datasheet
Created a report displaying the fit-for-service authorization information as a cover page to the
associated inspection event’s report; setup to “print” the report from the fit-for-service
datasheet via the print button
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (18) IM Fit-for-Service Family
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (22) Update Baseline Reports with CFI Logo
o (30) Add Support for Showing Images on Inspection Reports
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (23) TM Executive Summary Report
Added Associated TML Group(s) field to inspection tasks and events with valid value lists
based on the TML Groups related to the associated asset
Implemented business logic to automatically populate the Associated TML Group(s) field
when possible on tasks from RBI Recommendations and on events from tasks
Added associated page link to checklist inspection events to allow access to the Associated
TML Group(s) field
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (24) Piping Inspection Configuration
Added query results widget, Your Inspection Reports, showing only inspections that are
currently relevant to the current user based on the approval process
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (29) Inspection Workflow Queries
TM Data Loader
The standard TM DMT V2 Data Loader interface was installed in the system in order to allow for the
initialization of the system.
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (3) Install Data Management Tools Package & Interfaces
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (3) Install Data Management Tools Package & Interfaces
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (3) Install Data Management Tools Package & Interfaces
o (26) Critical Equipment Registry Data Load
Reference Documentation
Integrated Technical Design
o (3) Install Data Management Tools Package & Interfaces
o (26) Critical Equipment Registry Data Load
Inspection Data Load
Assigning Security Groups – this is done through the Configuration Manager by using the
Security menu on the toolbar
Assigning State Management Roles – this is done though the APM Framework application by
navigating to ‘State Role Assignment’ in the Tools menu
Assigning Resource Roles – not required for CFI (see Inspection Approval Process); this is done
in the APM Framework application navigating to Go To > Mechanical Integrity > Inspection
Administration > Manage Inspection Resources, Roles and Certifications then selecting the All
Human Resources link and clicking Manage Resource Roles for the correct user; roles may
then be assigned in the bottom section of the screen
Functional Roles
In Meridium security configurations such as security group assignments and state roles assignments
must be made in order for users to be able to execute the various functional roles that exist within the
associated work processes. These configurations will be applied manually by CFI.
GE APM (Meridium) was upgraded to V4.3.0.4. This include deploying the solution at the Port Neal
See the attached technical specification for items that were adjusted during the upgrade
1) Document the work flow leading up to the issue, taking screen shots if possible
2) If an error dialog is displayed and there are a link to copy error information then that link
should be clicked and the additional error information should be pasted into the
documentation of the issue; this information is often critical to being able to quickly resolve
3) Contact the assigned CFI Meridium functional expert with the collected information
Meridium provides detailed documentation for all of its delivered product functionality both for end
users and administrative tasks. It is strongly recommended that users and/or CFI support staff
thoroughly review the documentation for the module, tool or work process before contacting
Meridium support.
General documentation including installation, configuration and user instructions as well as general
reference information may be accessed from either the Help menu in any APM application or on the
support web portal. The documentation in both locations is exactly the same.
The preferred method of contacting GSS is to open a support case ticket through the support web
portal however GSS may also be contacted by phone if there is an urgent need. The help desk is
staffed from Sunday at 8pm US Eastern Time through Friday at 7pm US Eastern Time.
Meridium makes major (V3.x) and service (V3.x.x) releases on a semi-fixed schedule. This means that
it can be expected that a major release can be expected each year and a minor release can be
expected approximately once a quarter. Generally, reported product issues will be addressed within
the next couple releases depending on the point in the cycle when the issues are discovered. In rare
cases Meridium may release smaller releases or patches if critical issues are raised.
Release notes for all releases are accessible through the support web portal in the documentation
Upgrading the Meridium software may be performed by the customer with support from the GSS
team at no additional cost or professional services will provide more in-depth support for a rate
determined based on the size and complexity of the upgrade. In either case, it is recommended that
customers upgrade at least once per year in order to avoid the complexity that is introduced over time
by skipping many releases.
Customer Database
A copy of the production database that was deployed at CFI is located in the following GED box library
Project Documentation
The following supporting project documents were produced as part of the implementation.
Documents are available to Meridium personnel on the CF Industries\CFI Donaldsonville library client
site under Planning & Design and were delivered to Irving Oil during the project.
V3 Documentation -
V4 Documentation -