20bce2689 VL2022230103905 Da
20bce2689 VL2022230103905 Da
20bce2689 VL2022230103905 Da
What is MQ Series?
What is a Message?
MQ messages contain:
Application data: The application’s content and data is defined by the
application programs which uses it.
Message Descriptor: The message is identified by the message descriptor
and contains additional control information, like the type of message and
priority assigned to the message.
Significance of MQ Series:
The components include:
Message: Collections of binary or character data that have some meaning to
a participating program. Storage, routing, and delivery information is added
to the message before transmission and stripped from the message prior to
delivery to the receiving application.
Queue: Objects that store messages in an application.
Queue Manager: Provides logical container for the queue of the message.
Responsible for transferring data to the other queue managers via message
This relies on a channel. Each queue manager uses one or more channels to send
and receiver data to other queue managers, A channel is uni-directional;
A second channel is required to return data. In a TCP/IP based network, a channel
sends or receives data on a specific port.
Channel types:
The listener is the application’s network interface to the queue manager. The
listener detects connections from incoming channels, and manages the
connections of the sending channels to the receiving channels. In a TCP/IP
network. The listener will “listen” for connections on a specific port.
Transmitting data to a queue on another queue manager:
Types of Queues:
Informat5ion can be retrieved from queues either by polling the queue to check for
available data at suitable intervals, or alternatively MQ can trigger an event,
allowing a client application to respond to the message delivery.
Replicated Data Queue Manager: Synchronous replication between three
servers that all share a floating IP address.
Queue Manager Clusters: Groups of two or more managers of queue on one
or more computers are defined to a cluster, providing automatic
interconnection, and allow queues to be shared among them for balancing
of load and redundancy.
Queue sharing Groups: In a shared Queue environment, an application can
connect to any of the queue managers within the queue-sharing group.
Because all the queue managers in the queue-sharing group can access the
same set of shared queues, the application is independent of the availability
of particular queue manager.
Multi-Insurance Queue Managers: Instances of the same queue manager
are configured on two or more computers with their queues and meta data
residing on shared storage. By starting multiple instances, one instance
becomes the active instance and the other instances become standbys. If
the active instance fails, a standby instance running on a different computer
automatically takes over.
Since 2000 till Date:
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