Pickett 100 DouglasSkyRule Instructions

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MODEL 100 HOW TO USE THE SKY RULE A. A. MAHOFF ASSISTANT AERODYNAMICS ENGINEER DOUGLAS AIRCRA%T COMPANY, INC. TESTING [DIVISION | 4 } { ° { DESIGNIED BY DOUGLAS AIRCRAFIT COMPANY, INC. SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA MFG. BY PICKETT & ECKEL, INC. @ CHICAGO 3, ILL. DOUGLAS SKY RULE OPERATION INTRODUCTION Dovglas Sky Role wat designed and pececed by che engineers of the Douglas Aicrafe fn forthe purpone of providing aeronautical engineers and tt ils with tom peeing to de peformance of sizplanes. The Sky Rule is espeilly 1 should te noted hat the uppee and lower stato ars ad the slide on each side ofthe Sky Rule were arranged eo work topetber involving problems: Consequently, the slide should inver be versed from onesie of te ale 10 the ober For tentiaton purposes the "°C" scale oa the lide dhould ence with che "D” sale onthe lower sano bar of side “Ae ein, all wales onside "A ate numbered on dhe righthand side of the rule. All scale inca om de Sky Rale wore ciculted ad engraved with degree of accuracy ‘which excids the ening accuracy of the rule with two exceptions. First, che probable ror in devermining tor Mach number from "dial ainpeed” © 10% and the maxioum possible erat b = 3.0%. This tor is esd by approximations necessary 10 coerce for ‘mpresiiliy and normal shock sfc. Second, in onder #0 make the "100% adiabatic temperate te” scale a simple owosycle logarithic sale (silar vo “A sale on com ‘eoional sie rules), the value ofthe content inthe fermpertire ite equation was ‘hanged from 0995 «1.00. This inrdces » neligile err in the emperaure Hie ‘ererminton, However t dee not aft she scary of deemining squares, square toon aad belts desi. “The sca vee incorporated on the Sky Re ae graduated in miles pet howe” and in knee Tie festre enables the opersar eo evalate the sleplane performance in ether sles por hour of im kor, widhoat refering to conversion tbls SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS Location of Seales Descinton of Operation Side ‘Maipiation: Set "Ref." over one of factors on "D” sale. Lace other factor Seales "G" aD" on "Cael and below ie eal pradet 96 7 aly ous Division: Se divisor on “C* sale opposite sumber to be divided on “D" le Read result on "D” scale under "Ret" Se gy) SET REDG Se iin mumbo A (2) ure mot At 3 Sa late mba on “Dsl Red gf tna Side “av ‘To Oban Mi See L oR. “Ref” over TIAS. Move hase to presure alee Alnpeed sales #8 ndread M elem oo sale #7 ap ‘To Obtain TAS: Se ailie over M and adja prestareakcude in tne with Fron ale scie 1 Siscttag Rand TAS blow She onset ga po Mach Nese 97 Side “A" ‘To Obain TAS: Set Lor R. “Ref over TIAS. Move hueine to deny side irene #8 dod snd TAS dirty toy onsale $8 or. ra 23 ‘To.Obrin TIAS Se hare over TAS oa dt denn cae nine wish Denese 48 iis sring. Reni TIAS flow "Reon sale 98 or. Side “A “To Obrain and o: Set densi leude to L. index on "D" sale (#7). Read egy ana da oy ae ete ndnee Dr mae (>. Re uate #2 Denn ale ocle #5 Side“ar Obra “a Set peur alkinde to Linder 09 "D” sale (47). Read in Presale sale dat sound (i) under R. "Rel" on “Daal, Dens ae sele 9. Fa": Determine "a" a explained above. Se at" on “D" sale ($7) “x 'a"sale"D” and adjuscL.or R."Rel” over this amber, Rend speed of sound (a) on “D> wo Sale (#7) opposite desited dens lene (scale #95 Side“A" ‘To Obrain Temperature Rise from TIAS: Set Lot R. “Rel.” vee TIAS. Mowe ‘icp ale g8 ain enya and rad T00® Ada Te i dey are * nscale 8, Dams ale sl 45, To-Obcin Fenner Rie fom TAS: Read empersur ss dey shove ‘Temp. resale fe apd oo ale fE SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS (Continued) Lact of Scales cee cere Side "A" Ta Qipia Dyami Per: Redd rir ity ve we i Amped actos #8 orale ae ‘Dyn pres. sale Side “B “To Oban Sandard Tempero: Read seandard si emperatre diy Ritcate sal prowess on wpper ser be wo, = ‘emp. scale on To. Obeain Dens Sper stator bar ‘movable ide pera sein. ; side" To Opin Trae Me StL,“ ovr dl sped. Move bile pes “Mand airspeed a recy betow on Mach No. ahi saeton lower", To Onin Dial Airped: Sx pressure alte over tae Mach umber, Read a or aed le oe me Sa ae of per ai scale ToObain TAS: Oban IAS on te "A" for known Regt EateERataamer olen end ride“. Side “B" "To Oban Impact Pressure: Read inspactpremure deel above dia sient 00 Ainge wale on pac premre sale lower sate bar ‘Conver icc from one system othe oer Conver directly from nessa tthe oer Conver dice from one stem tthe eter i \ “Te Inne Aispe CLAS), ale own Egle Ainpe!-Dis singed ma "Sa coved rin, pon td cate oes ‘Feu Ainpeed (TAS)-Aicplae peed. elatve w aie = TIAS/Ot Dial Ainpeed—Observed airspeed indicatoe dial reading. Inurumene and posionetroes ‘Were asued tobe equal to reo in consucing “ial sespend sale on Sky Ree, of Sound (a) Sped of propagation of snl preaare waves in given Bid, ‘andar a, spec of sound varies lienly from 761 mph ae su level to 662 {335,82 Tet aod femaing conan fom that iiade to above 100,00 ese Indica Speed of Sound (at)~"This speed i constant for «given pressure aiade and is “True Mach Number (M)—Ratio of tre veloc of se to dhe vlociy of sound. Note that O° Mach number sales Sky Re are find at fellows: w= 74S _TmAS _ suas Comers combination of peur aside (bt aot deny aide) and ind ‘ted atspeed fr that prewure slags tad to de the Mad pambe Reluve (9)~Rasio of densiey of alt at 4 given lecde 60 that a wn level at Na onions. i Pressure (q)—Diference between tat and sac prtrures seuming ate be an Derren id oriood as = gy crtasyt = TAS =p a crag) = Ts where “qi ia Ib/f and “TIAS” in mph lnmpac Pressure (4.)—Preaure ating atthe forward sagnson point placed fa an se arent Such the dierenal presute entingbeoren the ows head of ‘Prewure Alkinude~Alinde corresponding w 2 given presure in a standard sonorpbere US Rote: Dens aloud equal t pres sods cored for te difernce fa semper ung Drwcn sana ops sbt tenes hat rebure level Sate Presure—Presure measured at rea inthe uncured stmowphere, Stade Tempers Tempera of i eting i «sandal sien, This ee To £19 Cat eu level At aleeade, canard tomperstre decent - Frcnsame me © 35°C ar S3030 fee and tear eontane wt SSS°C w ars 40,000 fee DEFINITION OF TERMS (Continued) 100% Adiabatic T Rise—Full rise in temperature revulng from bringing the moving siszea Test ata stagnation pole. This temperate ae 8 de fined by the fllowing equation 02 (M)" (Tambien) ‘where ati emperatre sein "Cand TAS is re ip in mph In nde wo make {he temperature rise wale on Sky Relea simple twocycle logarithmic wale, valve of {he constant in the above equation was changed fom 0995 ta. 000 which furolaces Shin Temperut Me-Ris in he ale sin tempera cing vm adiabatic SS compres Ta cong wo prt ges tx aepiaats rice The ‘Se on Sy Ree say ww 35 of 100% dabate marca ns eee, timing average airplane skin temperature rae EXAMPLES, ‘Malkiplicion aad Division ise 37, 20x 034 Fs32091 we? 17515 3331 ‘Sune Rowe and Square EXAMPLES (Continued) ‘rut Indcned Sped vs, True Mach Number (Comtneed) Problems ‘Anwwers As ae 320° Se ma eo om so" mAs mas = 6 omg 3 ‘Square Root of Relative Density (8) and Relative Densiy () vs. Alinde Problems ‘newers Dens Abide ° 20 230 59 ‘eit ioc Me 8m as ins f Sound (x) amd Spend of Sound (s) ve. Alinde io ‘esate, side “A” EXAMPLES (Continued) ‘Tos Indeed Ainpecd and True Ainpod v, Tenerture Rise Pcblems ‘Anewess Deosiy : cade 100% Adiabae Temp. Rise 10,00 4asc 2000 awe tear € 3 250° € 130: Et oh Presure Altiude vs. Demssy Aline ‘The following example ilusrates this operation: Determine density ave for 10,000 fe renre atte and ambient nie cemperaare of 10°C. 1) Set Iirtne vo 10.00 f presale, 2) Dissly above this vesing read sndard emperstre of 68°C fortis preare 3) Aaj tide oli concer withthe burn at 48°C on veri 4) Mare bairlie fro —4.8° to 10°C on vernier and read the demsicy alieade of 1700 fet recy above ss ating. ) Problems i Anewers Pros Ale Ambient Air Te Sel Temp Deny Al se 6.100% Se Sooo fe oe Soo fe Fe 21700 fe “sc 4400 fe See $3006 or EXAMPLES (Continued) Dial Airspod v. Tre Mach Number Problems Dial Aispeed 230 mph ‘oo Kae ‘$00 kao ‘Teve MN 300 0 Press. Alt 20,000 fe slot Go'nan fe Pres. Alt 50.00% 5000 20.000 ‘ial Airspecd i longest Pres Anwwers “True Mach Number 04s 995 199 ial Aipeed ‘79 mph 5 mph ss2mpb ey seh i ilit ey ‘ueicanon ot BE nil HOW TO ADJUST YOUR SKY RULE Apter ha el ae, fpf cee iach u's see a ee eet cose ei lower lid, ihe th cx nig ao to mig ‘esse Tah et lie ce my SALE une up ADJUSEMENT (1) Move sider teal nis of Gud Der ete 3) Sone ‘i ae spent Co ee arte C= at oo it prtunion fe cfehadS ae Seale. eA cia th om oo crn nme oe: nn aoe eer Sercoae oop ‘aaah onal i te we Sele om bay a ot 8 fers nrter bars beets} hase | disor woo alo rt uel sts eon Keowee i naan a mgr ck i the era sng he der os ar mace sd, 1h ope your le eo Tle Picnic Sod ig stnost” sonra ht ‘laa he oid pes fae ie

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