All Programme of FCIT
All Programme of FCIT
All Programme of FCIT
2. Ping: Ping stands for Packet InterNet Groper. Ping is a software application, utility, or
a tool that is used to test and diagnose connectivity-related issues on a network. It is
based on the ICMP protocol.
3. Tracert: The tracert command is a Command Prompt command that's used to show
several details about the path that a packet takes from the computer or device you're
on to whatever destination you specify.
4. Tree: TREE command-line utility tool is used to display a graphical folder structure.
In the command prompt, you can request the tree structure of files and folders.
5. Cls: is used to clear the screen.
6. Cd: he cd\ command takes you back to the root directory of the current drive.
8. Output
10. Move: The move is an internal command found in the Windows Command Interpreter
(CMD) that is used to move files and folders/directories.
11. Rename: We can use the command rename to rename files from windows command
prompt (CMD).
Program Number 3
AIM: To create mark sheet in MS Excel using basic formatting features.
Program Number. 4
AIM- To create a list of marks of 10 students and represent it with the help of different types
of charts.
Program Number. 5
AIM- To design a Power Point Presentation on any topic of your choice using animation and
transition features.
Program Number. 6
AIM- To design a magazine cover using MS Word.
Program Number. 7
AIM- To write an Article for Magazine with 3 columns and hyperlink.
Program Number. 8
AIM- To design time table in MS Word with the help of table features.
Date: 27/10/2022
Time: 12:45 PM
12:15-1:10 1:15:2-10 2:10-3:05 3:05-3:35 3:35-4:30 4:30-5:25
2. Grocery
2.1. List of Grocery is available
2.1.1. Bakery and Bread.
2.1.2. Meat and Seafood.
2.1.3. Pasta and Rice.
2.1.4. Oils, Sauces, Salad Dressings, and Condiments.
2.1.5. Cereals and Breakfast Foods.
2.1.6. Soups and Canned Goods.
2.1.7. Frozen Foods.
2. Unorder List
String beans.
Green peas.