Development Plan
© 2021 by the National Economic and Development Authority
All rights reserved. Any part of this publication may be used and reproduced,
provided proper acknowledgement is made.
Published by:
ISSN: 2243-7576
Preface xiv
Part I Introduction
Chapter 1 Overview 5
Chapter 13 Reaching for the Demographic Dividend Across All Regions 233
Acronyms 383
Glossary 389
References 463
Table 7.1 Updated Plan Targets to Promote Philippine Culture and Values 98
Table 7.2 Legislative Agenda to Promote Philippine Culture and Values 106
towards Bayanihan
Chapter 8 Expanding Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry,
and Fisheries and Ensuring Food Security
Table 9A.1 Updated Plan Targets to Expand Economic Opportunities in Industry 131
Table 9B.1 Updated Plan Targets to Expand Economic Opportunities in Services 149
Table 9C.1 Updated Plan Targets to Expand Economic Opportunities in I&S 160
for Startups, MSMEs, and Cooperatives
Table 10.5 Updated Plan Targets to Improve Health and Nutrition Outcomes 180
for All
Table 10.6 Updated Plan Targets to Ensure Lifelong Learning Opportunities 189
for All
Table 10.7 Updated Plan Targets to Increase Income-earning Ability and 194
Enhance Adaptability of Filipinos
Table 12.1 Updated Plan Targets to Build Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable 222
Figure 12.1 Strategic Framework to Build Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable 223
Table 12.2 Legislative Agenda to Build Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable 228
Table 13.1 Updated Plan Targets to Reach for the Demographic Dividend 234
Figure 13.1 Strategic Framework to Reach for the Demographic Dividend 236
Table 13.2 Legislative Agenda to Reach for the Demographic Dividend 242
Table 14.1 Updated Plan Targets to Vigorously Advance Science, Technology, 247
and Innovation
Table 15.1 Revised Plan Targets to Sustain a Sound, Stable, and 268
Supportive Macroeconomic Environment
Table 15.2 Updated Legislative Agenda to Sustain a Sound, Stable, and 281
Supportive Macroeconomic Environment
Figure 17.1 Strategic Framework to Attain Just and Lasting Peace 299
Table 17.1 Legislative Agenda to Attain Just and Lasting Peace 305
Figure 18.1 Strategic Framework to Ensure Security, Public Order, and Safety 311
Table 18.1 Legislative Agenda to Ensure Security, Public Order, and Safety 319
Table 20.1 Updated Plan Targets to Ensure Ecological Integrity, Clean and 353
Healthy Environment
Figure 20.1 Strategic Framework to Ensure Ecological Integrity, Clean and 355
Healthy Environment
Table 20.2 Legislative Agenda to Ensure Ecological Integrity, Clean and 366
Healthy Environment
Table 21.1 Updated Plan Targets to Protect the Rights, Promote the Welfare, and 375
Expand Opportunities for Overseas Filipinos to Contribute to the
Country’s Development
Figure 21.3 Updated Plan Targets to Protect the Rights, Promote the Welfare, and 377
Expand Opportunities for Overseas Filipinos to Contribute to the
Country’s Development
Table 21.2 Legislative Agenda to Protect the Rights, Promote the Welfare, and 382
Expand Opportunities for Overseas Filipinos to Contribute to the
Country’s Development
Foreword | xiii
In 2017, the NEDA Board approved
the Philippine Development Plan
(PDP) 2017-2022. This was anchored on
the government’s zero to 10-point socioeconomic
agenda and geared towards the achievement of
our long-term vision: Isang matatag, maginhawa,
at panatag na buhay para sa lahat. Over the last
three years, we conducted the midterm update of
the PDP, building on the achievements from the
first half of President Duterte’s term.
Preface | xv
01 Overview
The long-term vision remains the same, and has become
even more pronounced with the emergence of new threats
During the first three years, a number of needed reforms have been enacted. The reforms have
been game-changing and the desired social and economic outcomes were achieved, even
surpassing the targets at times. This primarily stems from the conscious effort to include
social protection components as part of the reform program. This was done to cushion
the expected adverse though temporary effects, thereby increasing support to the reform.
Almost four years in, the Philippines was on its way to becoming an upper-middle-
income country, until the once-in-a-century global pandemic, caused by COVID-19,
struck. The immediate response was to save lives by first restricting social and
economic activities to limit the spread of the virus, while improving the country’s
health system capacity.
The health system capacity has since been substantially improved. However, the social and
economic restrictions had adverse social and economic consequences. The challenge at hand
is to muster, as quick as possible, an economic turnaround. And much depends on being
able to manage the risks and transition to the “new normal.”
Even at this time of COVID-19 global pandemic, the country has been benefitting from the
reforms enacted and already implemented (e.g., Rice Tariffication Law [RTL Law], Sin Tax
Reform Law, Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery [EODB-EGSD]
Act, Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion [TRAIN] Law, Telecommuting Act, Social Security
Act of 2018, Balik Scientist Act, etc.). A more accelerated timeline concerning the other reforms
would have substantially built up the country’s resilience (e.g., PhilSys Act, Universal Health
Care [UHC] Act, Philippine Innovation Act, entry of a third telecommunications provider, Free
Internet in Public Spaces Act [PSA], etc.). This pandemic also lends urgency to crucial reform
Chapter 1 Overview | 5
initiatives that will encourage strategic industries to locate in the country (e.g., amendments
to the Foreign Investments Act [FIA], Public Service Act [PSA], Retail Trade Liberalization Act
[RTLA], and the Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises [CREATE]). Over the
immediate term, there is a need to address financial risk that may have worsened because of
the mobility restrictions imposed to contain COVID-19. The proposed Financial Institutions
Strategic Transfer (FIST) and Government Financial Institutions Unified Initiatives to Distressed
Enterprises for Economic Recovery (GUIDE) laws are designed to manage such risks.
We are 20 years away from 2040. While there seems to be ample time to catch up on the
targets related to AmBisyon, recent developments have shown that social and economic gains
can easily be reversed. Hence, together with economic recovery, building resilience is now
the urgent and important development objective. Being resilient, after all, is an essential
component of the AmBisyon: having a secure future (panatag na buhay).
The strategies to achieve this objective are organized The Patuloy na Pag-unlad pillar is about increasing
under the three major pillars of “Malasakit,” potential growth. It consists of strategies to enhance
“Pagbabago,” and “Patuloy na Pag-unlad.” the factors necessary to accelerate and sustain
growth and development through 2040. It is about
The Malasakit pillar is about enhancing the social promoting science, technology, and innovation.
fabric. The strategies aim to build the foundations It also covers strategies to reap the demographic
for a high-trust society by ensuring a clean, efficient, dividend.
and people-centered governance; guaranteeing swift
and fair administration of justice; and increasing Supporting these pillars are policies and programs
awareness of the different cultures and values across to ensure sound macroeconomic fundamentals
Philippine society. and promote healthy competition. Furthermore,
realizing the importance of rectifying or improving
The Pagbabago pillar is about effecting inequality- initial conditions that are the foundations for
reducing transformation. It consists of strategies to sustainable development, the PDP 2017-2022
expand economic opportunities, accelerate human contains policies and programs to ensure peace,
capital development, reduce vulnerability, and build security, and public order and safety; accelerate
safe and secure communities. infrastructure development; and address
environmental concerns.
Chapter 1 Overview | 7
This PDP also gives deliberate attention to the maginhawa, at panatag na buhay.” Special focus
special circumstances of overseas Filipinos (OFs) is given to their eventual reintegration and active
and their families, with the aim of empowering participation into the country’s development
them to achieve their aspirations for a “matatag, processes.
Reforms Instituted
Running on a platform of change, the Duterte given initial trade-offs. However, a feature of these
administration has introduced a number of much- reforms is the deliberate inclusion of safety nets to
needed and long-awaited reforms, some of which cushion the sectors that might be adversely affected,
have been institutionalized through legislation. though temporarily, by the reform.
These game-changing reforms are expected to
yield net benefits to society and even provide a Figure 1.2 re-draws the strategic framework of
robust foundation on which to build resiliency. the PDP 2017-2022, to indicate major reforms
Some reforms were admittedly radical and were undertaken. This is followed by a discussion of
expected to result in short-term negative effects the major reforms that can be used as basis for
greater resilience.
Chapter 1 Overview | 9
credit transfers. To further increase employability, governance, etc. Operationalizing these innovations
the Tulong Trabaho Act provides free training requires an ecosystem covering science,
fees and additional financial aid to qualified technology, and innovation (STI). Four landmark
beneficiaries enrolling in selected training laws were recently enacted to help establish
programs (STPs). These reforms ease the financial the ecosystem. These are (a) the Philippine
burden of acquiring tertiary education, reskilling, Innovation Act which establishes the National
and retooling programs, which the workforce Innovation Council (NIC), an inter-agency and
will also need to adjust to the new normal. multisectoral committee that effectively elevates
policy and planning on STI to the highest levels
The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Act of government; (b) the Innovative Startup Act
institutionalizes the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino which provides incentives and monetary and
Program (4Ps) to reduce the vulnerabilities of operational support to innovative and technology
children in poor families. The program provides startups to foster an innovative entrepreneurial
cash transfers to family beneficiaries conditional culture; (c) the Philippine Space Act which
on health, nutrition, and education outcomes for a provides the institutional framework to enable the
maximum of seven years. Other features of the law country to reap the benefits from the development
also provide effective ways of engaging with poor and use of space technologies; and (d) the Balik
families even for information and communication Scientist Act which further encourages Filipino
campaigns, which will be useful to help them adjust experts, scientists, inventors, and engineers who
to the new normal, among others. are currently abroad to share their knowledge and
expertise in the country.
The UHC Act aims to provide health care
coverage to all Filipinos, when and where The entry of a third telecommunications player,
needed, without having to bear huge meanwhile, will create a more competitive
financial burden. It is a package of health care environment to help ensure affordable and
reforms centered around health care financing. reliable internet services in the country. This is
Among others, it replaces the fragmented system expected to accelerate digital transformation.
of health care provision with a network approach. Further reforms in the PSA and FIA will open the
This is to be funded by taxes on tobacco sector more.
and alcohol.
The TRAIN Law corrects the inequity of the tax
The Social Security Act of 2018 strengthens the system by reducing personal income taxes while
Social Security System (SSS), which is an important broadening the tax base. The resulting increase
institution in building resilience. It also provides in revenues allowed for the expansion of
economic support to workers who have been infrastructure and social services budget. Various
involuntarily displaced. expenditure management reforms have also
been introduced to address underspending while
The creation of the Department of Human ensuring the effective and efficient delivery of
Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) public services. These reforms were instrumental
reorients housing policies and programs towards in improving the country’s credit rating to BBB+,
building communities, in addition to building the highest rating it has achieved so far. In turn,
houses. These policies and programs must now this has enabled the government to mobilize
consider resiliency and sustainability conditions. resources for a massive social assistance package
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The new normal will definitely require innovative The signing and subsequent ratification of the
ways of production, socialization, consumption, Bangsamoro Organic Law marks a historic and
Results Delivered
In addition to the reforms instituted, the Duterte competitive knowledge economy. Table 1.1 shows
administration has committed to a set of targets the headline outcome indicators, the targets, and
that indicate progress towards inclusive growth, the accomplishments during the first three years of
a high-trust and resilient society, and a globally- the administration.
Chapter 1 Overview | 11
Table 1.1 PDP 2017-2022 Headline Indicators: Targets vs. Accomplishments, 2017-2019
Underemployment Rate in
areas outside NCR 18.3-20.3 17.8-19.8 17.4-19.4 17.1 17.7 15.1
(%) decreased
54 out
Global Innovation Index 74 out of 128 73 out of 127 73 out of 126
Increasing Increasing Increasing of 129
(GII) (rank) improved economies (2016) economies economies
Chapter 1 Overview | 13
inputs, and training, and skills training, particularly To sustain this, the PDP has been updated to focus
on digital skills, to the displaced workers. Both its strategies towards having a healthy and resilient
initiatives include provisions to build resilience. Philippines while facilitating economic recovery
(see Figure 1.3).
The updated PDP presents a comprehensive These are integrated into the previous strategies,
environmental scan of the political, economic, as will be discussed in Chapter 4.
social, technological, ecological, and legal
dimensions under the new normal (Chapter 2). Health system improvement. The UHC Act
provides a comprehensive framework for health
The National Spatial Strategy (Chapter 3) is also system improvement. The reform calls for a
updated to meet the demands of the new normal. paradigm shift in the provision of care, from
being fragmented and facility-based, to having
Moreover, this updated PDP contains five major a network of care with primary care facilities
programs designed to build the resilience of acting as the gatekeeper. The lessons from
individuals, families, businesses, government, and the COVID-19 pandemic would then add
society under the new normal: (1) health system strengthening of health care outreach services and
improvement, (2) food security and resiliency, even home-based care. Health promotion also needs
(3) learning continuity, (4) digital transformation, to be a prominent feature of health care. More
and (5) regional development through the Balik importantly, there needs to be a careful assessment
Probinsya Bagong Pag-asa Program (BP2). of the current state of health care promotion and
Chapter 1 Overview | 15
Enact the Remaining Reforms
To ease financial capital demonstrated that there are limits to the country’s
infrastructure and investment capacities. Moreover,
constraints resulting from these limits may be due to restrictive policies
the pandemic that limited the entry of FDIs. Some of these
restrictions can be addressed by amending laws or
regulations such as the PSA, FIA, and the RTLA.
The restrictions on mobility and business
operations that were imposed to prevent the The CREATE will usher in a more competitive
spread of COVID-19 while health systems were tax and incentive regime for businesses –
being improved exacted pressure on the cash flow corporate income tax rate will be reduced
and financial position of businesses and families. (by 10 percentage points [ppts] for small businesses
An online survey conducted by NEDA in early and by 5 ppts for all others). The incentive
April 2020, three weeks into the imposition of ECQ structure can be nuanced depending on the type
in Luzon and other regions of the country, show of investment, location, and subject to agreed
that while about two-thirds of businesses did not performance targets. CREATE is expected to
operate during the ECQ, more than three-fourths encourage investments in strategic industries
continued to pay wages to their pre-ECQ pool of that are especially needed by the country to
workers. This cash flow problem could negatively build resilience.
affect significant portions of the business sector,
as payments to suppliers were being deferred, With respect to infrastructure provision, public-
and ultimately to financial institutions, as loan private partnerships (PPP) will remain an option
repayments were being postponed. This could lead to address infrastructure gaps in various social and
to a rise in nonperforming loans and a heightened economic sectors, while still recovering from the
reluctance of banks to extend credit. If the situation economic shock due to COVID-19.
is prolonged, this will delay economic recovery.
As population increases, as the economy grows, and The more robust way to address environmental
as growth centers expand, there will be greater and degradation is to effect behavioral change. This
competing demand for land resources. A national becomes even more important as we see the
land use framework needs to be established to close links between human health and quality
define the indicative priorities for land utilization of the environment. To this end, NEDA has
and allocation across residential, infrastructure, formulated the Philippine Action Plan for
agricultural, and protective uses. The framework Sustainable Consumption and Production which
will also guide efforts, monitor developments consists of a package of actions with respect to
related to land use, and evolve policies, regulations, policy and regulation, research and innovation,
and directions of land use planning processes. infrastructure, and education and promotion.
It also encompasses the issues of waste
Another critical concern today, which is bound management, sustainable business and lifestyles,
to worsen over the immediate future, is the and efficient use of resources.
access to and quality of water supply. The NCR
and CALABARZON (Cavite, Laguna Batangas,
Rizal, and Quezon) are already under a state of To expand market linkages
absolute water scarcity; Ilocos Region, Central for MSMEs
Luzon, and Bicol Region are under water scarcity;
and MIMAROPA (Mindoro, Marinduque,
Romblon, and Palawan) and Central Visayas As MSMEs are encouraged to innovate and
are under water stress. New sources of drinking participate in the global market, they need to
water need to be developed. Equally important comply with international quality standards.
is to institute governance reforms in the sector, Currently, the need is to develop the personal
where the institutional set-up is weak and protective equipment (PPE) ecosystem to afford
fragmented. There is a need to create an apex the country’s health care system a reasonable level
body that will act as the single lead agency to of security over the supply of PPEs. Prescribing the
oversee/coordinate overall policy and project/ country’s National Quality Infrastructure covering
program implementation. The creation of a Water standardization, metrology, testing analysis, quality
Regulatory Commission is also proposed to management, certification, and accreditation
harmonize regulatory practices, processes, and fees is an important step to gain access to markets,
in the water sector. especially global markets. Beyond harmonized
rules and procedures, the testing laboratories need
to be strategically dispersed across the country
to provide MSMEs easy access to the facility.
Chapter 1 Overview | 17
Global and
02 Regional Trends
and Prospects
World Health Organization (WHO), “Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19),” WHO Website, October 12, 2020.
The Economist, “The Covid-19 Pandemic is Worse than Official Figures Show,” September 26, 2020.
WHO, “COVID-19: Serology, Antibodies and Immunity,” WHO Website, December 31, 2020.
WHO, “COVID-19 Weekly Epidemiological Update,” WHO Website, October 18, 2020.
5 WHO, ACT-Accelerator Status Report & Plan, September 2020 – December 2021, WHO Website, September 25, 2020.
WHO, “Draft landscape of COVID-19 candidate vaccines,” WHO Website, October 19, 2020.
⁷ WHO, “COVID-19: Serology, Antibodies and Immunity.”
⁸ Department of Science and Technology, “DOST Prepares for WHO Solidarity Trials,” Press Release, October 9, 2020.
⁹ Department of Health, “DOST-led Sub-TWG on Vaccine Dev’t Gears Up for Vaccine Trials in the Philippines,” Press Release, October 10, 2020.
World Bank (WB). “From Containment to Recovery: Economic Update for East Asia and the Pacific, October 2020.”
Center for Global Development, “COVID-19 Vaccine Predictions: Using Mathematical Modelling and Expert Opinions to Estimate Timelines
and Probabilities of Success of COVID-19 Vaccines,” CGD Policy Paper 183, October 2020.
Stephanie Findlay and Anna Gross, “Not Enough Covid Vaccine for All until 2024, Says Biggest Producer,” Financial Times, September 14, 2020.
WHO, ACT-Accelerator Status Report.
Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, A World at Risk: Annual Report on Global Preparedness for Health Emergencies, World Health
Organization, September 19, 2019.
Economic Trends
global economy into a recession in 2020, shrinking
Weaker economic outlook by -4.4 percent. After rebounding by 5.2 percent in
amid COVID-19 and the 2021, global growth is expected to gradually slow
great lockdown down again to about 3.5 percent in the medium-
term.20 Most countries in the region are expected
After relatively weak global growth in the past to contract, with the notable exception of China.
three years, the International Monetary Fund Within the ASEAN-5, only Vietnam is expected to
(IMF) projects that the pandemic and resulting post positive growth. Malaysia and Indonesia’s GDP
restrictions in economic activities will push the are expected to recover to pre-pandemic levels by
2021, while Thailand and the Philippines will do so
United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN-IPCC), Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5C, World Meteorological
Organization, Geneva, 2018.
UN, “2019 Climate Action Summit,” United Nations, 2019.
UN-IPCC, Global Warming of 1.5C.
Climate Analytics, “Country Profile: Philippines. Decarbonising South and South East Asia,” May 2019.
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration, “Climate Change in the Philippines,” DOST-PAGASA, 2018.
IMF, “World Economic Outlook,” October 2020.
Slower global trade amid shifts slowing to less than 1 percent in 2019. However,
with the pandemic, the IMF projects that global
in supply chains and rising trade will shrink by 8 percent in 2020, before
protectionism recovering by 7.9 percent in 2021, and gradually
easing to 3.5 percent in the medium-term.22 For
Global trade experienced strong growth in 2017 the ASEAN-5, the average decline in exports is 7.4
to 2018 at an average of 4.5 percent growth, before percent in 2020, before recovering by 12.2 percent
in 2021. For 2020, a double-digit decline is expected
The IMF baseline projection assumes that social distancing will continue into 2021 but will subsequently fade over time as vaccine coverage
expands and therapies improve. Local transmission is assumed to be brought to low levels everywhere by the end of 2022.
IMF, World Economic Outlook database, October 2020, Raw data.
World Trade Organization (WTO), “Trade Set to Plunge as COVID-19 Pandemic Upends Global Economy,” Trade Statistics and Outlook, Press
Release, April 8, 2020.
WTO, Report to the TPRB from the Director-General on Trade-Related Developments, July 10, 2020.
International Air Transport Association (IATA), “June Data and Revised Air Travel Outlook,” July 28, 2020; Brian Pearce, Downgrade for Global
Air Travel Outlook, IATA, September 29, 2020.
UN World Tourism Organization, “UNWTO World Tourism Barometer and Statistical Annex, August/September 2020,” UNWTO World
Tourism Barometer 18, no. 5 (2020): 1-36.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), “Global Foreign Direct Investment Slides for Third Consecutive Year,” June
12, 2019.
UNCTAD, “World Investment Report 2020,” June 16, 2020.
UNCTAD, “World Investment Report 2020.”
Over the past three years, central banks across both In fact, interest rates are projected to fall further. In
developed and emerging markets have largely taken turn, borrowing rates that stay lower for longer will
an accommodative monetary policy stance given help cushion the expected increase in debt burdens31
slowing global growth and subdued inflation. Amid as a result of similarly expansive fiscal policy.
the COVID-19 pandemic, countries across the (Strategies to address the impact of the pandemic on
globe are further easing monetary policy to support the Philippines’ monetary and financial sectors are
growth. By some estimates, the US, UK, Japan, and discussed in Chapter 15)
the Euro Area, together, have injected liquidity
Political Trends
Rising populism, separatism, For the UK, an extended period of uncertainty is
likely even after Brexit. Apart from the economic
and geopolitical tensions fallout from leaving the EU, the UK may face
increasing internal pressure from rising separatist
The shift away from multilateralism, towards sentiments in certain areas. China and India face
populist and inward-looking policies has gathered similar challenges.32
steam and may persist over the next three years. This
shift has had a substantial impact on international Moreover, geopolitical tensions are on the rise
policy discussions in the areas of trade, migration, with North Korea missile talks and disputes over
environment, and security, among others. Iran’s nuclear program. This has increased global
uncertainty, dampened investor and business
In addition, the outcome of the elections in the US sentiment, and have consequently clouded the
is likely to have a significant impact on the direction outlook for global growth moving forward.
of its policies. That said, most political analysts (Strategies to address the impact of geopolitical
expect that tensions between the US and China tensions are discussed in Chapters 9 and 18)
are likely to persist given their growing rivalry in
various fields.
The Economist, “The Eternal Zero,” October 8, 2020.
Paul Dales and Neil Shearing, “Global State of Play,” Capital Economics Webinar, June 11, 2020.
Gideon Rachman, “The Coming Surge of Separatism,” The Economist (The World in 2020).
flows are expected to decline Belarus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan,
sharply in the medium-term, the Russian Federation, Serbia, and Ukraine will
but long-term factors are likely
experience a net inflow of migrants over the next
decade, helping to offset population losses caused by
to persist an excess of deaths over births. (Strategies to address
the impact of the pandemic on migrant Filipinos are
discussed in Chapter 21)
The WB projects global remittances to decline
by 20 percent in 2020. Remittance flows are
expected to fall across all regions, most notably
in Europe and Central Asia (27.5%), followed by
Sub-Saharan Africa (23.1%), South Asia (22.1%),
the Middle East and North Africa (19.6%),
Latin America and the Caribbean (19.3%), and
East Asia and the Pacific (13.0%). In 2021, WB
estimates that remittances to low- and middle-
income countries will experience a weak recovery
of only 5.6 percent. Despite a sharp decline in
remittances early in the lockdown, there are some
signs of recovery.
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), World Population Prospects 2019: Highlights, June 17, 2019.
The UN expects over 47 million women in 114 As a result, the old population is fast increasing.
low- and middle-income countries to lose access The UN also expects the share of the population
to modern contraceptives, some seven million who are over the age of 65 is expected to rise from
unintended pregnancies are projected to occur if 9 percent in 2019 to 16 percent by 2050. In line
the pandemic-induced lockdowns persist for six with this, working-age population has fallen in
months.35 Nevertheless, long-term demographic proportion, consequently putting pressure on social
trends are expected to remain broadly the same protection systems (health care, pensions, and
despite the pandemic. social protection).
The UN projects that global population will The speed of population aging is fastest in Eastern
increase by 2 billion persons in the next 30 years and South-Eastern Asia, particularly in South
from 7.7 billion in 2019. However, growth rates Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Macao, Thailand, Hong
vary greatly across regions. Nine countries will Kong, and Brunei. These countries will experience
make up more than half the projected growth of an increase in the share of the older person by
the global population between now and 2050: between 16.5 ppts to 23.0 ppts.
India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Congo, Ethiopia, Tanzania,
Indonesia, Egypt, and the USA. Around 2027, India Since 2010, 27 countries or areas have experienced
is projected to overtake China as the world’s most a reduction of one percent or more in the size of
populous country. their populations. Per the UN, this drop is caused
by sustained low levels of fertility. The impact of low
Life expectancy at birth for the world’s population fertility on population size is reinforced in some
reached 72.6 years in 2019, an improvement of more locations by high rates of emigration. Between 2019
than eight years since 1990. Further improvements and 2050, populations are projected to decrease by
in survival are projected to result in an average one percent or more in 55 countries or areas, of
length of life globally of around 77.1 years in 2050. which 26 may see a reduction of at least 10 percent.
The largest relative reductions in population size
Global fertility rate fell from 3.2 births per woman over that period, with losses of around 20 percent
in 1990 to 2.5 in 2019. It is projected to decline or more, are expected in Lithuania, Bulgaria, Latvia,
further to 2.2 in 2050.36 (Demographic trends in the the Wallis and Futuna Islands, and Ukraine.
Philippines are further discussed in Chapters 3, 10,
and 13) Countries in the region that will see significant
declines in population between 2020 and 2050 are
Japan (-16%), South Korea (-9%), Taiwan (-6%),
Thailand (-6%), and China (-3%). In contrast, all
ASEAN member states, except Thailand, will have
increases in population led by the Philippines
(32%), followed by Cambodia and Lao People’s
Democratic Republic (at about 30%).
UNDESA, World Population Prospects.
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Family Planning and Ending Gender-based Violence, Female
Genital Mutilation and Child Marriage, UNFPA, April 2020.
Fertility level of 2.1 births per woman is needed to ensure replacement of generations and avoid population decline over the long run in the
absence of migration.
Source: UNDESA
UNDESA, World Population Prospects 2019, Custom data.
Ratio of population aged 0-24 and 65+ per 100 population aged 25-64.
Total Dependency Ratio ((Age 0-24 + Age 65+) / Age 25-64) De facto population as of July 1 of the year indicated.
Source: UNDESA
WB, “Poverty and Shared Prosperity 2020,” October 15, 2020.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook 2018 (Paris, OECD
Publishing, 2018).
The Economist, “Of Anniversaries and Climate Change, 2019 in Review: Science and Technology,” December 29, 2019.
John Thornhill, “Three Technological Trends That Will Shape the Decade,” Financial Times, January 6, 2020.
Ed Oswald, “Welcome to the 2020s. Here’s the Tech That Will Shape the Next Decade,” Digital Trends, January 1, 2020.
Kenneth Chang, “NASA Launches Perseverance Rover, Capping Summer of Missions to Mars,” The New York Times, July 30, 2020.
Justin Bachman, “Virgin Galactic Delays Key Flight,” Bloomberg, August 4, 2020.
Christian Davenport, “Jeff Bezos’s Secretive Space Venture Launches a Rocket to the Edge of Space for the First Time in Months,” The
Washington Post, October 14, 2020.
Peter Gumbel, Interview with Michael Chui and Susan Lund, “How Will Automation Affect Jobs, Skills, and Wages?” New World of Work,
Podcast transcript, McKinsey Global Institute. March 23, 2018.
03 Economic
Trends, and
Supporting regional agglomeration. The NSS seeks to decongest the National Capital Region
(NCR) and direct growth to regional centers where high growth potentials have greater chances
of being realized sooner. In urban areas where population and enterprises concentrate, the
NSS will support agglomeration by making cities livable and efficient. Strategies will thus aim
to expand and improve social services, fast-track investments in transportation infrastructure,
and promote “smart city” principles in urban development.
The COVID-19 pandemic has also amplified other vulnerabilities of the current geospatial
structure of cities. We have seen the dangers of high population density, poor air quality, and
lack of green spaces. During the lockdown, people in the cities have become food-vulnerable,
largely because of difficulty in access to food. These additional considerations will be factored
in enhancing the NSS.
Reducing vulnerability. Considering the climate change projections and threats of geologic
hazard events, as well as public health emergencies, the government will continue to invest
in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) initiatives to reduce
vulnerability to multiple hazards. Recent disaster and risk information generated by science
agencies and the evaluation of COVID-19 response will lay the groundwork for institutional
and community-level resilience for prospective optimality of result.
In the remaining years of the implementation of the updated PDP 2017-2022, the government
will continue to pursue the NSS to promote inclusive and sustainable growth, and enable
Filipinos to live comfortable lives wherever they choose to locate.
Philippines 7.6 3.7 6.7 7.1 6.2 5.9 6.9 6.7 6.2 6.3
NCR 7.4 3.2 7.0 9.1 5.9 6.6 7.4 6.2 4.8 6.4
Administrative 6.5 1.3 (2.9) 5.4 3.3 3.7 2.3 12.2 7.3 4.3
Region (CAR)
I (Ilocos Region) 6.8 2.5 7.2 7.0 6.4 5.0 8.5 5.8 6.5 6.2
II (Cagayan Valley) (0.8) 5.7 7.2 6.6 7.2 3.7 3.8 7.1 3.3 4.9
III (Central Luzon) 10.0 7.1 7.2 4.5 9.3 5.3 9.5 9.2 7.1 7.7
CALABARZON 11.7 1.6 7.0 6.6 5.1 5.9 4.8 6.7 7.3 6.3
MIMAROPA (0.3) 3.1 4.1 1.3 8.3 1.7 2.6 5.2 8.6 3.8
V (Bicol Region) 3.5 1.9 8.8 8.2 4.3 8.4 5.5 5.0 8.9 6.1
VI (Western Visayas) 4.5 6.2 7.0 3.4 5.2 8.3 5.9 8.6 6.1 6.1
VII (Central Visayas) 12.9 6.8 9.4 7.4 7.8 4.8 8.6 5.2 7.6 7.8
VIII (Eastern Visayas) 3.0 2.1 (6.8) 4.6 (2.4) 3.9 12.0 1.8 5.9 2.7
IX (Zamboanga
1.4 0.1 12.4 4.2 6.6 7.2 4.6 2.4 6.3 5.0
X (Northern
6.5 5.8 6.5 5.4 7.1 5.5 7.5 5.8 7.0 6.3
XI (Davao Region) 5.6 3.7 7.0 6.7 9.3 7.9 9.5 10.7 8.6 7.7
SOCCSKSARGEN 2.2 5.3 7.3 8.4 6.2 3.3 4.9 8.3 6.9 5.9
Caraga 10.7 8.5 11.5 8.2 9.4 4.2 2.0 3.6 3.2 6.8
BARMM 6.7 (0.3) 0.0 3.8 3.0 (0.8) 0.4 7.5 7.2 3.1
Source: PSA
REGION 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
NCR 171,442 173,975 181,748 195,070 202,904 218,987 232,739 244,589 253,893
CAR 74,107 73,945 70,156 72,759 73,971 75,048 75,401 83,153 87,722
III 50,207 52,766 55,163 56,528 60,670 63,641 68,634 73,863 78,016
CALABARZON 79,699 78,966 81,562 84,687 86,644 92,184 94,811 99,346 104,708
MIMAROPA 37,002 37,540 38,239 38,138 40,706 39,575 39,837 41,069 43,715
VII 49,966 52,528 56,061 59,211 62,743 64,846 69,322 71,743 76,024
VIII 36,694 37,006 33,850 34,952 33,771 33,771 37,144 37,121 38,598
SOCCSKSARGEN 36,688 37,813 39,417 41,814 43,493 44,178 45,459 48,277 50,644
Caraga 26,504 28,362 30,985 33,037 35,672 35,553 35,679 36,235 36,651
BARMM 14,588 14,348 14,052 14,380 14,613 13,646 13,366 14,012 14,657
Source: PSA
Source: PSA
Source: PSA
Source: PSA
In the same year, cities with the highest population in Outside of NCR, Davao City (1.63 million), Cebu
NCR were Quezon City (2.94 million), Manila City City (922,611), and Zamboanga City (861,799) were
(1.78 million), and Caloocan City (1.58 million). the most populated cities in the country.
Source: PSA
With few exceptions, more populated regions also Given these economic and population trends, it
have larger shares in GDP and real per capita GRDP, is important to manage the development process
and have higher HDI value. This can be observed such that access to social services and growth
in NCR and its neighboring regions that have the opportunities will be more equal across areas and
highest population and economic development at that the economy and the people are resilient.
the same time.
Network of settlements
Metropolitan centers
Metropolitan Centers • NCR • By 2025, Metro Cagayan De Oro (CDO City, Jasaan, Villanueva,
• Metro Cebu Tagoloan, Claveria, Manolo Fortich, Opol, El Salvador, Alubijid,
• Metro Davao Laguindingan, Gitagum, Libertad, Initao)
04 Development
Plan 2017-2022
HDI improved Increasing Increasing Increasing N/A Increasing N/A
Underemployment rate
in areas outside NCR (%) 18.3-20.3 17.8-19.8 17.4-19.4 16.9-18.9 16.0-18.0 15.5-17.5
74 out of 128
GII (rank) improved Increasing Increasing Increasing Increasing Increasing Top one-third
economies (2016)
The medium-term goal remains the same: by the Economic growth. With an expected contraction in
end of 2022, more Filipinos will be closer to their 2020, economic growth in 2021 and 2022 is expected
AmBisyon of living a matatag, maginhawa, at panatag to be slightly lower than the initial target. For 2021
na buhay. The health and resilience of Filipinos will and 2022, growth in terms of Gross Domestic
be prioritized in the medium term as the foundation Product (GDP) is expected to be within 6.5 percent
to achieving this aspiration. The following are the to 7.5 percent. The goal of reaching upper middle-
headline targets over the remaining Plan period. income status for the country will most likely be
achieved by 2022 or earlier. Gross National Income
(GNI) per capita targets are 5.0 percent to 6.0 percent
in 2021 and 2022, respectively.
Strategic Framework
The PDP 2017-2022 strategic framework was trust society); Pagbabago (transforming towards
updated to align it with the imperatives for recovery equity and resiliency); and Patuloy na Pag-unlad
and the new and better normal within the overall goal (increasing growth potential). There are crosscutting
of a healthy and resilient Philippines. The strategies strategies to support the other interventions, and
to achieve the abovementioned targets fall under the bedrock strategies to provide a solid foundation for
three major pillars of Malasakit (building a high- all strategies to work.
The Family Income and Expenditure Survey (FIES) used to estimate poverty will be conducted in 2021 and will be done every two years
and effective institutions resulting in efficient
For Malasakit, the aim is to delivery of public services and high public trust.
regain the people’s trust in Over the past three years, major reforms in the
public institutions and cultivate governance sector increased the access to and
quality of frontline services. The next step is to
trust among Filipinos. expedite the implementation of these laws. In light
of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government will
Ensuring Responsive, People-centered, Technology- accelerate its shift to digital platforms for citizen
enabled, and Clean Governance (Chapter 5) engagement, service delivery, capacity-building, and
focuses on building transparent, accountable, accountability and anti-corruption mechanisms.
05 Responsive,
and Clean
For the rest of the Plan period, reforms will focus on: (a) proactively seeking citizens’
perspectives to ensure the responsiveness of government interventions; (b) expediting the
implementation of the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery
(EODB-EGSD) Act of 2018 (Republic Act [RA] 11032) and the Philippine Identification
System (PhilSys) Act (RA 11055); (c) building the capacities and preparing systems of local
government units (LGUs) for the implementation of the Supreme Court (SC) ruling in the
Mandanas case (General Register No. 199802, July 3, 2018);1 (d) formulating public service
continuity plans; and (e) tapping technologies to strengthen anti-corruption mechanisms.
The ruling significantly expands the tax base for LGUs’ share in national taxes to include not only national internal revenue taxes but also customs
duties and fees.
Targets are retained for the rest of the Plan period Development Index (EGDI) was included as a new
except for the Worldwide Governance Indicator indicator to capture the progress in the adoption of
(WGI) - Regulatory Quality2 and the Global e-governance, which is crucial in the new normal.
Competitiveness Index (GCI),3 which were lowered Scores on global indicators will also be reported
by one percentile rank due to the economic to monitor progress of the country’s year-on-year
contraction caused by the pandemic and based performance.
on the historical performance of the country.
The United Nations’ (UN) Global e-Government
(YEAR) 2020* 2021 2022 END OF PLAN
Score in the national governance index improved Increasing Increasing Increasing Increasing
Open Budget Index score improved 67/100 71/100 71/100 71/100
The WGI-Regulatory Quality captures perceptions on the ability of government to formulate and implement sound policies and regulations
that permit and promote private sector development. Given the economic slowdown due to the impact of COVID-19 and enhanced community
quarantines, it is expected that there will be reduced private sector development. Thus, the targets were decreased.
The Global Competitiveness Report analyzes competitiveness along 12 pillars: institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic environment,
health and primary education, higher education and training, goods market efficiency, labor market efficiency, financial market development,
technological readiness, market size, business sophistication, and innovation. Given the economic contraction brought by the pandemic, the
targets were lowered.
Percentile ranking in the GCI sustained 62 61 61 61
Score in the Global e-GDI improved 0.7/1.0 N/A 0.7/1.0 0.7/1.0
Score in the CPI improved 37/100 38/100 38/100 38/100
Strategic Framework
The revised strategic framework (see Figure 5.1) Specifically, the government will: (a) sustain
maintains a culture-sensitive perspective, gender- the automation of government processes for
sensitive paradigm, and rights-based approach to corruption-free, people-centered delivery of
public service. The framework has been expanded services through the full implementation of the
to mainstream technology across all subsector EODB and EGSD Act; (b) increase the people’s
outcomes and to improve the agility of the access to these services through reconfigured
government to adapt to the new normal. Further, government systems pursuant to the PhilSys Act;
a whole-of-society approach will be implemented and (c) strengthen the capacities of the LGUs,
to strengthen convergence in achieving the civil society organizations (CSOs), and other
sectoral outcomes. Rather than looking at each local stakeholders to ensure readiness for the
subsector outcome as agency-led initiatives, for implementation of the Mandanas case ruling in
the rest of the Plan period, greater coordination the midst of other multidimensional risks.
and complementation amongst agencies and non-
government sectors will be pursued to drive the
achievement of these outcomes.
At the national level, the NEDA and the Philippine for each program, project, and initiative can be
Statistics Authority (PSA), with other agencies, mined for higher-level analysis (if possible) and
will develop and institutionalize a National future planning.
Governance Index (NGI). The NGI will consider
relevant Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) To enhance anticipatory planning, the government
16 4 indicators and other measures of governance will conduct ex-post evaluation of the various
and competitiveness. interventions rolled out during the imposition of
the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) and
Relatedly, a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) general community quarantine (GCQ) to determine
system for the sector will also be institutionalized lessons learned, share best practices across different
to track the accomplishments and challenges in agencies and the LGUs, and influence future
the sector and to formulate strategies that will policies.
address bottlenecks. A standard way of collection,
organization, and analysis of indicators will also
be developed and prescribed so that indicators
SDG 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable,
and inclusive institutions at all levels.
An approach where service providers place themselves in the position of their clients and view themselves from their clients’ perspective. In this
manner, services will be designed to be more responsive and easily accessible to the clients.
Developed by the DILG and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), DevLive is a mobile application where citizens can report
status of projects in their communities that allows greater transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the implementation of government
infrastructure projects.
Guidelines on the accreditation of CSO and selection of representatives to the local special bodies, which became effective starting June 11, 2019.
Signed and approved on May 20, 2020.
• Reduce administrative burden within the • Revisit and strengthen the results-based
government. To support remote government performance management. The Results-Based
operations, oversight agencies, such as the Performance Management System (RBPMS)
Department of Budget and Management will be intensified by refining performance
(DBM), the Government Procurement Policy measurements, strengthening M&E systems
Board (GPPB), the Commission on Audit of performance targets, and making the link
(COA), and the Civil Service Commission to performance incentives more explicit. The
(CSC), among others, will review and rationalize criteria and conditions of the performance-
their rules, regulations, and requirements to based bonus (PBB) will complement the
allow for electronic transactions, alternative desired reforms (e.g., digitization, contactless
work arrangements, and procurement of off- transactions, and productivity increase)
the-shelf software 9 in the public sector. This and the achievement of desired sectoral,
likewise applies to intra-agency documentary societal outcomes, and results that are
requirements of offices. relevant to ordinary citizens. In particular,
the possibility of delinking the RBPMS from
Pre-existing issues with the IRR of the the PBB will be explored. Organizational
Government Procurement Reform Act (RA rewards such as capital investments will be
9184) (e.g., tedious process) and the COA rules granted rather than individual incentives to
(e.g., uniform application) will be addressed encourage agency-wide collaboration. Further,
through the review and amendment of these information on the rationale of the PBB as
regulations, as necessary, while making these a reform measure to improve performance
responsive to the new normal. and productivity both at individual and
organizational levels will be cascaded.
There will also be a review of agency-specific
and sector-wide policies to improve internal Boost capabilities of the LGUs as first
and sectoral efficiency. At the local level, a responders and frontline service delivery
standard checklist will be developed containing units. In a time of crisis, program convergence
Regular procurement rules will apply after the Bayanihan Act lapses in effectivity.
Freedom of Information (FOI) Act This will address transparency issues on government data, thereby
promoting meaningful and increased participation of the people in
government decision-making and public accountability.
Review of the Voter’s Registration Act This will allow for online registration and online voting, and facilitate risk
of 1996 (RA 8189), Automated Election mitigation procedures for the 2022 National and Local Elections.
System Act (RA 9369 amending RA
8436), and Fair Elections Act (RA
Budget Modernization Act This will support the expansionary fiscal policy of the government in
response to COVID-19 through (a) streamlining the cash budgeting
system; (b) strengthening the Bureau of the Treasury’s (BTr) oversight
function over government bank accounts; (c) providing the legal basis for
upholding the validity of online financial transactions; (d) giving the DBM
it's power over internal audit standards; and (e) instituting participation in
government budgeting.
National Planning and This will strengthen horizontal and vertical coherence of policies, plans,
Development Act and programs among agencies and across administrative units, as well as
the functional translation of plans into investment programs, budget, and
Smart and resilient public organizations and future-ready public servants developed
Amendments to the Telecommuting This will institutionalize flexible and alternative working arrangements for
Act of 2018 (RA 11165) employees in the public sector providing non-frontline public services.
Access to justice and the protection of human rights are fundamental outcomes that need to
be guaranteed in order to protect and improve the well-being of Filipinos.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government will maximize the use of digital platforms
to ensure swift, fair, and humane administration of justice. It will further strengthen the
coordination and cooperation among justice sector agencies, and continuously streamline
and improve processes within the different pillars of the justice system.
Table 6.1 Updated Plan Targets to Pursue Swift, Fair, and Humane Administration of Justice
Subsector Outcome: Criminal, civil, and economic justice processes ICT-enabled and streamlined
Percentile rank 28.00 29.00 29.00 29.00
Score Increasing Increasing Increasing Increasing
Percentile rank 25.00 27.00 27.00 27.00
Score Increasing Increasing Increasing Increasing
Percentile rank 27.00 29.00 29.00 29.00
Score Increasing Increasing Increasing Increasing
Figure 6.1 Strategic Framework to Pursue Swift, Fair, and Humane Administration of Justice
Streamlining ICT-enabled enabled systems will be expanded for investigation,
prosecution, and adjudication, harmonization of
criminal, civil, and economic procedures, and improving evidence management.
justice processes
Initiatives to improve the criminal investigation
system will be pursued. These include legislation
Streamline processes for speedy resolution of being proposed by the Department of Justice
criminal and civil cases. The justice sector agencies (DOJ) to streamline the criminal investigation
will maximize the use of available technologies for processes among prosecutors and law enforcers, as
the speedy resolution of criminal and civil cases, and well as improvements in existing court rules and
community and economic disputes. The use of ICT- procedures on criminal investigation and better
Alongside efforts to decongest penal facilities, The CHR will likewise continue its efforts in
the government will continue to intensify efforts operationalizing the Interim National Preventive
to ensure drug-free penal facilities and will put Mechanism (NPM) against torture pursuant to the
in place necessary health and safety protocols to State obligation under the United Nations (UN)
ensure humane living conditions of PDL. Regular Optional Protocol to the Convention against torture
An Act Creating a Board of Claims under the DOJ for Victims of Unjust Imprisonment or Detention and Victims of Violent Crimes, and for
Other Purposes, RA 7309, 1992.
Supreme Court of the Philippines, Administrative Memorandum No. 12-11-2-SC on Guidelines for Decongesting Holding Jails by Enforcing the
Rights of Accused Persons to Bail and to Speedy Trial, March 18, 2014.
The Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery (EODB-EGSD) Act of 2018, RA 11032, 2018.
Table 6.2 Legislative Agenda to Pursue Swift, Fair, and Humane Administration of Justice
Streamlining the criminal This initiative seeks to redefine the role of prosecutors in relation to case buildup
investigation process, including by law enforcers and preliminary investigation in relation to the courts, and
the review of the standard of increase the threshold for filing criminal cases in court.
proof in determining probable
Amendment of the Expanded The proposed amendment aims to clarify the applicability to heinous crime
GCTA Act (RA 10592) offenders; include transparency procedures; establish checks and balances,
including the role of higher and court authorities (i.e., apart from jail and prison
authorities); and provide for corrective measures in cases of erroneous grant of
GCTA and release on account thereof.
Creation of New Courts Under this initiative, the distribution of courts under the Judiciary Reorganization
Act will be reviewed, in relation to the population per proposed court location,
historical volume of filings, and the existing dockets of the courts in that
particular location. Where necessary, the existing courts may be redistributed
and new courts created as needed.
Strengthening of the Victims Amending its enabling law, RA 7309 will help increase compensation for victims
Compensation Program of unjust imprisonment or detention and victims of violent crimes as well as their
access to the program, and improve its administration.
Establishment of the This will help strengthen the CHR as a National Human Rights Institution
Commission on Human Rights (NHRI), compliant with the requirements of the UN Paris Principles affecting
Charter NHRIs worldwide. Among the requirements is ensuring NHRI’s independence,
including full fiscal autonomy.
Establishment of a Unified This action will address the fragmentation on the institutional framework of the
Penology and Corrections penology and corrections system.
Strengthening the Witness This will encourage coverage for more witnesses as well as maintained coverage
Protection and Whistleblower for them towards successful prosecution, especially of heinous and high-profile
Protection crimes. Likewise, the Whistleblower Protection Program will encourage and
protect whistleblowers.
07 Philippine
Culture and
Values towards
In building a high-trust society towards a healthy and resilient Philippines, the Philippine
Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022 acknowledges the role that culture and values play
in development. Having a set of values that is shared within a society provides a common
ground where greater cohesion can be cultivated. Under the Malasakit pillar, this chapter
invokes the Filipino spirit of bayanihan to enable the whole-of-government and whole-of-
society response and recovery from the pandemic by promoting cultural awareness and
understanding, inculcating values for the common good through a National Values Formation
Program, advancing creativity for social impact, and strengthening culture-sensitivity
in governance and development. Hence, culture is the background while shared values
are the guiding principles by which policies and programs will be developed to achieve
inclusive, sustainable, and people-centered development.
Recognizing the difficulties in measuring culture outcomes as proxied by the previous set of indicators,
a new set of core indicators and corresponding targets have been identified as follows:
Table 7.1 Updated Plan Targets to Promote Philippine Culture and Values
Pride of being Filipino increased (%)a N/A N/A N/A Increased
LPI - Social Capital pillar percentile rank improvedb Top 15% Top 15% Top 15% Top 15%
WIPO - Creative Outputs percentile rank improvedc 27.0 Increased Increased Increased
Strategic Framework
Establishing high trust among peoples and in Filipino spirit of bayanihan to enable a whole-of-
institutions and focusing on the common good are government and whole-of-society response and
key aspects in our pursuit of a socially-cohesive recovery. This will be done by raising awareness
society that will be vital in building a healthy and and understanding of our diverse cultures,
resilient Philippines. Recognizing the basic mission implementing a National Values Formation
of culture and heritage to strengthen values and Program based on our shared values, nurturing
identity and enhance the quality of life, the revised Filipino creativity for social impact, and
strategic framework highlights the promotion mainstreaming culture-sensitivity in governance
of Philippine culture and values towards the and development.
Figure 7.1 Strategic Framework to Promote Philippine Culture and Values towards Bayanihan
A clearer understanding of our core values can Values of malasakit, bayanihan, resilience and
inform the appropriate interventions to influence pakikipagkapwa will likewise be emphasized
people’s attitudes and behavior towards cultivating through the use of various channels for values
a sense of shared responsibility and building inculcation all throughout the country, such
a high-trust society. as formal and informal education systems,
information campaigns, and values orientation
Government will utilize the findings from the two seminars, among others. Volunteerism across
recently completed studies on Filipino values1 and various aspects of community life will be vigorously
the We Recover as One report for this purpose. promoted and pursued, in collaboration with
LGUs. This includes advocating the principles
Implement a whole-of-government and whole- and practices of volunteering within the family,
of-society National Values Formation Program. community, workplace, and greater society.
Ongoing values formation programs formulated
and implemented by different government Finally, as much as values start within the family,
agencies will be streamlined under a National values inculcation initiatives will be reinforced
Values Formation Program that will focus on through education beginning at children’s formative
the core values which are shared by Filipinos years. Values such as cooperation, discipline,
and which contribute to the achievement of the and a sense of shared responsibility as citizens
country’s development goals. Based on the National are also better practiced in constant dealings
Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) with others outside the family. Hence, under this
Study on Filipino Values, these include valuing program, culture and values will be mainstreamed
family, education, faith, health and wellness, in the curriculum within the basic, technical-
basic needs, self, work and livelihood, peace and vocational, and higher education systems.
development, honesty and integrity, resilience,
life and purpose, human rights, environment,
love for country, happiness, kapwa, governance, Valuing our diverse cultures
culture, arts and sciences, and creative excellence.
Adopt resilience measures in the design and
Concerted action on values formation by all
use of cultural assets across the country,
levels of government, in partnership with
including historic and cultural infrastructures,
various sectors, such as mainstream media,
to address the new normal. Although strict
the LGUs, and civil society organizations
physical distancing measures will limit the use of
(CSOs), will ensure greater societal impact.
existing public cultural structures (i.e., museums,
libraries, and performance venues), they can still
Under this program, the Civil Service Commission
be reconfigured for other purposes such as for
(CSC) through its Civil Service Institute, will work
heritage preservation and conservation or as
toward ensuring that public officials and civil servants
workspaces for cultural workers who may not fully
not only embody Filipino core values, but
The study commissioned by the NCCA titled “NCCA Study on Filipino Values,” identified a set of values shared by Filipinos which contribute
to the attainment of AmBisyon Natin 2040, while the study commissioned by the NEDA titled “A Study on the Dimensions of Philippine Culture,”
measures aspects of culture that influence the achievement of national development goals.
TESDA, in collaboration with the NCCA, has developed culture-related NC II qualifications in nine areas: (1) handloom weaving (upright loom);
(2) handloom weaving (backstrap loom); (3) beadworks and accessories making; (4) mat weaving and diversified product making; (5) basket
weaving; (6) embroidery; (7) wood carving; (8) paper mache making; and (9) pottery.
Table 7.2 Legislative Agenda to Promote Philippine Culture and Values towards Bayanihan
Strengthening the NCCA This will amend RA 7356 to strengthen and enable the NCCA to lead the protection,
preservation, and promotion of our cultural and natural heritage and the creative arts
for inclusive development.
The amendments will pertain mainly to (a) establishing subnational offices that
can promote, develop, and implement culture-related plans and programs at the
local level and (b) reinforcing the NCCA’s coordinative functions so that it can
more effectively shepherd and direct activities towards the achievement of culture
outcomes, including the development of cultural and creative industries.
UNESCO Convention on the Ratifying this Convention will further promote and protect the works of the creatives
Protection and Promotion in the country as the Convention focuses on the protection of the diversity of cultural
of the Diversity of Cultural expressions all over the world. It highlights the creative industries, which have
Expressions become important drivers in the cultural and economic development of nations.
Modernization Act for the Establishing the charter of the NLP will standardize public libraries across the country
NLP and ensure adequate funding to improve access to information and strengthen digital
services, thereby promoting full intellectual and cultural development of the Filipino
Film Industry Development The proposed legislation seeks to encourage the production of quality films,
Act strengthen competitiveness of Filipino content and creative outputs in a digital
landscape, address concerns on the welfare and capacity building for local film and
audiovisual artists, technicians, and workers, and enhance film preservation and
Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino The proposed amendments to certain provisions of the Commission on the Filipino
(Commission on the Filipino Language Act (RA 7104) will help strengthen the protection and conservation of
Language) Act intangible heritage (i.e., languages in the Philippines) and will also serve as the
enabling law that will operationalize Article XVI, Sections 6 and 7 or the language
provisions of the 1987 Constitution, following the recent Supreme Court ruling that
such provisions are not self-executory.
08 Economic
in Agriculture,
Forestry, and
Fisheries and
Ensuring Food
Expanding Economic
Opportunities in Agriculture,
Forestry, and Fisheries and
Ensuring Food Security
While the agricultural sector’s growth has remained weak over the last three years, major policy
reforms have created opportunities to pursue diversification and overall rural development.
There has also been an improvement in the delivery of support services focusing on small
farmers and fisherfolk (SFF). In particular, the Rice Tariffication Law (RTL) (Republic Act [RA]
11203), which amended the two-decade-old Agricultural Tariffication Act of 1996 (RA 8178)
and replaces the quantitative restriction on rice imports with tariff, is considered the most
important reform in the agriculture sector. The Law will benefit the entire economy, particularly
the Filipino consumers, farmers, taxpayers and workers, and, most importantly, the poor. Rice
farmers also benefit from the Law, given the PHP60 billion guaranteed Rice Competitiveness
Enhancement Fund (RCEF), which aims to increase productivity of the rice sector. RTL will also
benefit: (a) taxpayers, as there is no need to subsidize the operations of the National Food
Authority (NFA), which has long been burdened with debt; (b) workers as it keeps inflationary
pressures low and therefore limits the erosion of real wage; (c) children, as more affordable
rice keeps them healthy and not hungry; and (d) the poor, with the availability of cheaper rice
given their limited budget. The low rice prices and lower inflation help the country achieve its
poverty reduction goals.
The country’s experience with the COVID-19 pandemic and community quarantines (CQs)
has put greater emphasis on food security in the new normal. Thus, to contribute to the goal
of achieving a healthy and resilient Philippines, the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (AFF)
sector shall focus on ensuring availability, accessibility, and affordability of nutritious food
while continuously addressing persistent challenges faced by the sector, particularly the
constraints to access to land and water resources, vulnerability to climate change and disaster
risks, limited strategic infrastructure, and long-standing institutional problems related to weak
extension services, over-centralization, and lack of coordination and overlapping functions
within and among agencies.
Chapter 8 Expanding Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries and Ensuring Food Security | 111
Assessment and Challenges
Assessment: The improvement in the delivery of and instant coffee. Nutritionally vulnerable groups
support services prioritizing small farmers and such as severely wasted and stunted schoolchildren
fisherfolk, complemented by major policy reforms who rely on school- and community-based feeding
(e.g., RTL, Sagip Saka Act, and Personal Property programs for healthy and nutritious food were
Security Act) created opportunities to pursue also affected due to the discontinuance of these
diversification and overall rural development in programs with the closure of schools and daycare
the long run. However, the performance of the centers during the quarantine period.
AFF sector, in the last three years, has been weak
due to climate/weather disturbances (e.g., El Niño, Challenges: The pandemic has caused a shift
typhoons), pest and animal diseases, weak global in consumers’ preference towards safe and
demand and increased competition resulting in nutritious food. As the sector moves to the new
the decrease in value of top exports (e.g., coconut), normal, the following are still expected to persist:
and weak coordination and convergence efforts (a) sporadic disruption in the agri-food supply
among government agencies and stakeholders. chain, particularly in the transport and logistics
The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic of inputs, machinery and equipment, and farm
and subsequent implementation of community produce; (b) limited movement of people involved
quarantines also affected the sector with the in the transport of inputs and products, technicians,
disruption of agricultural activities owing to and extension workers; (c) strict regulation of the
stringent measures implemented by the local operations of wet markets, supermarkets, and
government units (LGUs) on the movement of retail food establishments; (d) increased demand
agri-food products. As a result, agri-food supply for innovative technologies for processing and
chains were affected and many farmers were packaging to keep up with the demand for processed
unable to sell their produce. The movement of food products with longer shelf-life; and (e) reduced
people involved in the transportation of inputs and demand from institutional buyers for agricultural
products, technicians, extension workers, and even food items due to the decline in tourism and dine-
agricultural workers was also affected. Despite the in services. These emerging challenges, on top of
disruptions in various agricultural activities and existing issues such as constraints to access to land
losses encountered during CQ, the AFF sector and water resources, vulnerability to climate change
remains upbeat as farmers and fisherfolk still intend and disaster risks, limited strategic infrastructure,
to continue their respective agricultural activities. and long-standing institutional problems related to
Consumers, on the other hand, had difficulty weak extension services, over-centralization, and
accessing healthy and nutritious food during the lack of coordination and overlapping functions
CQs. In particular, vulnerable groups who rely on within and among agencies will put further pressure
relief packs during the ECQ are limited to rice, on the AFF sector.
canned goods, instant noodles, powdered milk,
The updated Plan aims to increase and maintain the labor productivity is targeted for the remaining plan
AFF gross value added (GVA) within 2.5 percent to period. Table 8.1 presents the targets corresponding
3.5 percent from the baseline of -1.2 percent in 2016. to the sector outcome indicators under this chapter.
Likewise, a reversal of the negative growth for the Targets for outcome indicators on food security may
value of production in fisheries, A&F exports, and be found in Chapter 11.
Sector Outcome 1: Sustainable and Resilient Production and Food Availability Ensured
Sector Outcome 3: Access of Consumers to Nutritious, Affordable, and Safe Food Improved
Prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the population based on the food insecurity experience scale (see Chapter 11 RM)
a. Severely Food Insecure N/A N/A 0.0 0.0
b. Moderately Food Insecure N/A N/A 25.8 25.8
Source of baseline data: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
The original 2020 targets, approved in 2016 prior to the pandemic, were retained.
Strategic Framework
In the remaining Plan implementation period, production and food availability, expanding access
the AFF sector will adopt a holistic value chain to markets by SFFs, and improving access of
approach, guided by science-based decision support consumers to nutritious, affordable, and safe food.
tools, towards ensuring sustainable and resilient
Chapter 8 Expanding Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries and Ensuring Food Security | 113
Figure 8.1 Updated Strategic Framework to Expand Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry,
and Fisheries and Ensure Food Security
Launched in March 2017. Thematic maps used were obtained from BSWM for the soils map, WorldClim and DOST-PAGASA for climate data,
DENR-MGB for geo-hazard maps, and PSA and NAMRIA for political boundaries. The NCCAG includes data on crop suitability, agro-ecological
zone, ground water availability, rainfall, temperature, poverty incidence, and farmers’ demographics, among others.
Based on research trials, RCM can increase yields and added net benefit when farm lots normally yield below 7 tons/ha at 14% moisture. For
farm lots with normal yield of 7 tons/ha and above at 14% moisture, benefit from RCM could be very small or negligible.
The AgriDoc App developed by PhilRice is a farm management tool which can keep records on expenses and farm activities. It also allows
farmers to view their farm area through Google Maps. The Minus-One Element Technique application (MOET App) is an Android-based app
developed to complement the soil diagnostic tool MOET kit. It computes for fertilizer recommendations and yield estimates based on the pot-
based fertilizer trial to identify significant nutrient elements lacking in the soil.
Based on FAO 263, FMA is a bay, gulf, lake, or any other fishery area which may be delineated for fishery resource management purposes. It
provides that for purposes of sustainable fisheries management, 12 FMAs in Philippine waters are established, based on considerations of stocks
boundary/range/ distribution, structure of fisheries, as well as administrative divisions, and undertaken through consultation based on stocks and
fisheries distribution. (BFAR, FAO 263, s. 2019, Establishment of Fisheries Management Areas for the Conservation and Management of Fisheries in
Philippines Waters)
MB in FMAs is composed of representatives from multi-sectors of fisheries such as LGUs, municipal and commercial fisheries, aquaculture,
processors and traders, academe, NGOs, indigenous peoples, and other relevant NGAs.
Chapter 8 Expanding Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries and Ensuring Food Security | 115
provide policy support and technical advice to the and animal raising, and community gardening
MBs (see Chapter 20). through the establishment of community gardens
in barangays and schools with vacant areas. The
Strengthen the promotion of intercropping community/backyard gardens may serve not only
and integrated farming systems. Promotion as a source of nutritious food and livelihood but
of intercropping (e.g., corn or pineapple under also as additional income for those who will sell
coconut, etc.) and integrated farming systems, their surplus. Production inputs such as seeds/
such as livestock-crops (e.g., integrated rice- seedlings, soil, compost, and initial stock (e.g., small
duck farming system6, crops-livestock-fish ruminants, chicken, ducks, etc.) will be provided
(e.g., Palayamanan),7 and agro-forestry will be as start-up kits, complemented with skills training
strengthened to maximize the use of land, improve on sowing of seeds and proper management,
resiliency, and enhance sustainability. SFFs shall composting, and pest disease management, among
be provided with capacity-building and retooling others. Registration processes and reporting
on appropriate cropping systems and technologies requirements will need to be streamlined for more
(e.g., suitable crops or combination of crops/ efficient assistance to investors/firms pursuing
livestock/fish, and management techniques, urban agriculture, particularly modern methods
etc.) to help them not only in increasing their of growing plants and fish, such as hydroponics,
productivity and income but also contribute to the aeroponics, and aquaponics (see Chapter 11).
sustainable and efficient use of natural resources,
and increase resilience. With intercropping Effectively implement RCEF in a timely manner
or integrated farming, there will be increased to assist rice farmers during the transition period
diversity which can result in lower risk of pest given the removal of the quantitative import
and disease problems (i.e., better management of restrictions (QRs) on rice. The RTL aims to
pest outbreak), increase insect and soil microbial make rice accessible and affordable to all Filipinos,
diversity, and higher probability that at least particularly the poor who spend about 29 percent
one species or crop can withstand the weather of their total food expenditure on rice. It also
disturbances. Likewise, viable technologies on established a Rice Competitiveness Enhancement
sustainable land management, such as soil health Fund (RCEF), with an annual allocation of
management through balanced fertilization to PHP10 billion for six years, to enhance the
improve soil quality and land productivity will be productivity and competitiveness of rice farmers
made accessible to SFFs. by providing them: (a) farm machinery and
equipment; (b) high-yielding seeds; (c) low-
Intensify the promotion of urban agriculture, interest credit; and (d) skills training programs
backyard/household gardening of edibles on farm mechanization and modern farming
and backyard animal raising, and community techniques. The tariff collection, in excess of
gardening. Given the importance of ensuring PHP10 billion, will still be provided to rice
a steady supply of food, urban households and farmers for (a) cash transfer program; (b) titling
communities will be encouraged to produce fresh of rice lands; (c) crop insurance; and (d) crop
and healthy food from their backyards and spaces. diversification. For the cash transfer program, it
The DA, in partnership with other government will be a short-term measure of the government
agencies, the LGUs, and the private sector, shall while the rice industry is in transition and will
intensify the promotion of urban agriculture, prioritize farmers most affected by the drop in
subsistence backyard/household gardening farmgate prices.
The integrated rice-duck farming system grows rice and ducks together in an irrigated paddy. The paddling movement of the ducks stimulates
plant growth, while duck manure naturally fertilizes the soil. The ducks also eat the harmful insects and weeds, thus eliminating the need for
pesticides and herbicides.
Palayamanan is a model of diversified integrated rice-based farming system developed and established by PhilRice composed of synergistically-
compatible farming ventures such as rice, onion, poultry, livestock, and aquaculture. Under this system, the livestock transform plant residues and
by-products into edible high-quality protein and manure, which is then applied to crops as organic fertilizer to increase crop productivity.
AWD is a water-saving technology that farmers can apply to reduce their irrigation water consumption in rice fields without decreasing yield.
Rainwater harvesting is the collection of rain or runoff for productive purposes. Solar powered irrigation uses the sun’s energy to power a pump
which supplies water to crops.
AFMech Law designated AMTEC as the premier and reference testing center of agricultural and fisheries machinery in the country. The law
further states that AMTEC shall assist in the formulation of quality, safety, and performance standards of agricultural and fisheries machinery and
provide technical assistance in the establishment of testing centers in other parts of the country.
Chapter 8 Expanding Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries and Ensuring Food Security | 117
learning platforms; (b) scaling-up of successful Increasing and protecting access of small
learning sites to serve as strategic demonstration farmers and fisherfok to land and water
areas for innovative and sustainable farming and resources
fishing; and (c) development of these learning sites
and expansion to farm tourism sites as additional Fast-track and complete the parcelization10 of
livelihood opportunities for farmers and fisherfolk. collectively-titled awarded lands and generation
SFFs will also be provided with quality advisory of individual titles to address investor uncertainty
and technical services which include on-demand and facilitate investments in agrarian reform
knowledge-sharing and advisory on production areas. The incomplete land ownership transfers
and post-production technologies through blended to agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARB)–from
learning platforms. collective to individual titles–has been a long-
standing issue which erodes investor confidence on
Strengthen the AFF extension system as a whole. lands awarded under the Comprehensive Agrarian
To facilitate diffusion and increase adoption Reform Program (CARP). The parcelization
of modern, climate- and disaster- resilient/ process has encountered delays in the validation
responsive technologies, an effective AFF extension of individual ARBs listed in the collective
system should be in place. To support this, the Certificates of Land Ownership Award and in the
implementation of the following strategies will identification of actual occupants of the subject
be strengthened: (a) improve competencies of landholdings. Legal issues are likewise confronted
agriculture extension workers (AEW), trainers, such as in the reconstitution of titles and inclusion/
and other extension agents through continuous exclusion cases. To address this, the coordination
provision of capacity-building and retooling to and collaboration of the Department of Agrarian
enhance their knowledge and skills on recent AFF Reform (DAR) with CARP implementing agencies
trends, technologies, and sustainable practices (e.g., (IAs) should be strengthened with the intent of
organic agriculture, integrated farming systems, streamlining the parcelization process. In addition,
etc.); (b) develop new or modify existing extension the DAR and CARP IAs should be capacitated
modalities, methodologies, and approaches that are on the latest modern survey technologies and
fit to the changing extension contexts (e.g., use of equipment to fast track the documentation and
combinations of digital technology and traditional reconstitution of lost/missing titles and those with
media or blended learning platforms, instead of erroneous land surveys.
face-to-face training); and (c) intensify accreditation
of private extension service providers and training Strictly enforce and monitor the implementation
facilities to serve as partner organizations and of existing laws, rules, and regulations on
venues. The DA will also engage in joint ventures land reclassification and conversion. The Joint
and convergence with other government agencies Memorandum Circular11 on the implementation
(e.g., TESDA, LGUs, etc.), the business community, of Memorandum Circular (MC) 54 should be
and other stakeholders in upgrading the operation, revised to strengthen the land use reclassification
and improving the effectiveness of the AFF process and the functions of concerned agencies.
extension system and enhancing inter-institutional The inter-agency committee with representatives
linkages between R&D and extension. from the DA, the DAR, the Department of Human
Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD),
the NIA, the Department of Environment and
Parcelization of landholdings with Collective Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CCLOA) is the process of subdividing and determining the
exact metes and bounds of the areas, allocation of lots to ARBs in a CCLOA, determination of common use areas, portions with common service
facilities, and establishment of areas capable of being alienated and disposed of by the government. (DAR, Administrative Order No. 02 s. 2019)
HLURB, DAR, DA, and DILG, Joint Memorandum Circular, Prescribing the Guidelines to Implement MC 54 (The Authority of Cities and
Municipalities to Reclassify Lands Within the Limits Prescribed by Section 20 of RA 7160 Otherwise Known as the Local Government Code of 1991),
March 21, 1995.
Usufruct is the right to enjoy the property of another, with the obligation of preserving its form and substance, unless the title containing it or
the law provides otherwise. (Article 562 Civil Code of the Philippines)
Anna Marie Karaos, Gerald Nicolas, and Gladys Ann Rabacal, Innovative Urban Tenure in the Philippines: Challenges, Approaches and
Institutionalization, UN Human Settlements Programme, 2012.
Chapter 8 Expanding Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries and Ensuring Food Security | 119
Strengthen online marketing of agriculture and Link small farmers and fisherfolk groups
fishery products, including the establishment of to government nutrition programs (e.g.,
online or digital channels for transactions and supplemental feeding programs, etc.), hospitals,
delivery services. With the continuing policy to and other facilities, as suppliers. Safe and nutritious
practice social distancing under the new normal, A&F products such as fruits, meat, fish, vegetables,
supermarkets and retail establishments of A&F and dairy products can be supplied by SFF groups
products will be encouraged to establish online to school children or individuals and families
or digital channels for transactions and delivery affected by any disaster by linking SFF groups to
services. The DA can expand the reach of the supplementary feeding and relief programs of the
recently launched eKadiwa14 to urban areas outside government. The national government and LGUs
Metro Manila and expand the mode of payment will be encouraged to directly purchase from
and delivery service providers. In areas where food SFF groups to supply their food requirements
and grocery deliveries are not available, an online for supplementary feeding programs and relief
service delivery system where buyers send a list of operations. Technical assistance, in terms of
items to buy to a pabili service provider may be market matching and guidance in the government
explored as an option. Parallel to this, a registry procurement process, should be provided. (see
system for online sellers or deliveries should be Chapter 11)
established to monitor and regulate the movement
of people engaged in such transactions. Farmers Intensify the implementation of the Philippine
and fisherfolk should likewise be encouraged to Competition Law and the Price Act to regularly
make use of digital payment systems (i.e., online monitor the price of food and essential
or app-based financial technologies), particularly commodities and address anti-competitive
in receiving/accessing payments for their produce. trade practices and illegal price manipulation.
The Philippine Competition Commission (PCC)
Organize small farmers and fisherfolk (SSF) into will be vigilant in monitoring anti-competitive
formal groups and promote farm and fishery practices that affect fair trade such as cartels,
consolidation and clustering arrangements price-fixing, and market division/allocation,
to bring about economies of scale. Farm among others, to ensure fair competition in the
consolidation (e.g., sugarcane block farming, etc.) market for the benefit of both consumers and
and clustering arrangements among small and businesses. The DA and the Department of Trade
medium growers will be promoted, particularly in and Industry (DTI), in coordination with the
production, processing, and value-adding activities LGUs and accredited consumer groups, will also
to take advantage of communal inputs and intensify monitoring and enforcement activities to
economies of scale. By organizing SFFs into formal protect consumers from illegal price manipulation
groups, this will increase access to support services to ensure that prices of basic necessities (e.g.,
(e.g., formal credit, modern farm technologies and rice) and prime commodities,15 which include
machinery, capacity building, livelihood projects, agricultural products, are at reasonable levels at all
etc.) and enable them to meet the demand of larger times.
agribusiness enterprises and institutional buyers.
The digital marketing platform of the DA’s Kadiwa ni Ani at Kita which provides an easier and safer way for farmers and fisherfolk to sell their
produce and access to fresh and nutritious agri-fishery products for consumers.
According to the Price Act (RA 7581), basic necessities include rice; corn; bread; fresh, dried and canned fish and other marine products,
fresh pork, beef and poultry meal; fresh eggs; fresh and processed milk; fresh vegetables, root crops; coffee; sugar; cooking oil; salt; laundry soap;
detergents; firewood; charcoal; candles; and drugs classified as essential by the Department of Health (DOH). Prime commodities, on the other
hand, include fresh fruits; flour; dried processed and canned pork; beef and poultry meat; dairy products not falling under basic necessities;
noodles; onions; garlic; vinegar; patis; soy sauce; toilet soap; fertilizer; pesticides; herbicides; poultry; swine and cattle feeds; veterinary products
for poultry, swine and cattle; paper; school supplies; nipa shingles; sawali; cement; clinker; GI sheets; hollow blocks; plywood; plyboard;
construction nails; batteries, electrical supplies; light bulbs; steel wire; and all drugs not classified as essential drugs by the DOH.
Geographical indications are signs which identify a good as originating in a particular region or locality, where a given quality, reputation, or
other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin. GIs are considered a useful tool for economic growth and
sustainable development, particularly in rural areas.
Chapter 8 Expanding Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries and Ensuring Food Security | 121
The implementation of the Sagip Saka Act of Continue to implement credit programs with
2019 (RA 11321) will also be fast-tracked to low interest and flexible terms for SFFs and
provide SFFs with greater opportunities to AFF-based enterprises. The government will
engage in entrepreneurial activities through the continue to develop and implement innovative
implementation of the Farmers and Fisherfolk and affordable financing facilities, such as the
Enterprise Development Program under the law. Production Loan Easy Access and Survival and
Aside from providing various forms of assistance Recovery Assistance programs of the DA, which
to SFFs (e.g., improvement of production and prioritizes loans for marginalized SFFs at low-
productivity, improvement of producers’ and interest rates, minimal or no collateral, and fewer
entrepreneurs’ access to financing, access to documentary requirements. The DA can also
better technologies, and provision of business expand the Kapital Access for Young Agripreneurs
support and development services), RA 11321 (KAYA) to finance the capital requirements of
also encourages private sector partnership or start-up or existing projects of young agripreneurs
alliances between farmers and fisherfolk to engage which intend to reach out and convince Filipino
in enterprise development and improve market youth to engage in AFF ventures. Moreover, SFF’s
access of producer groups. awareness of available innovative and affordable
credit programs will be increased through
Strengthen community-based enterprises in marketing and promotion activities (e.g., radio
upland communities. The government will and TV plugs and guestings and print collaterals).
continue to implement and monitor programs
and projects that foster community-based Expand agricultural insurance coverage. The
enterprises in upland areas. Provision of training institutional capacity and capitalization of the
and extension support services in these areas will Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC)
be through a farmer-to-farmer approach where need to be strengthened and augmented to expand
farmers serve as extension agents and are part of the provision of agricultural insurance services.
technology generation and dissemination. With its current manpower and budget, the PCIC
was able to provide insurance coverage for only 3.1
million farmers and fisherfolk in 2019, as compared
Increasing access to innovative, affordable,
to the 10 million registered in the Registry System
and adequate financing
for the Basic Sectors in Agriculture (RSBSA). Also,
because of limited budget and subsidies, increasing
Provide access to affordable formal credit to
penetration rate among farmers has an apparent
start, restore, sustain, and expand AFF-based
trade-off on the amount of insurance coverage,
livelihood activities and businesses. The outreach
which is inadequate to cover production costs.
of formal private sector credit and other financial
Despite this, the PCIC will continue to expand
services will be extended through the facilitation
coverage by engaging in partnership agreements
of data sharing among lending institutions to
with more LGUs, with the latter paying the
determine the financial needs of SFFs, and target
insurance premium of farmers and fisherfolk not
and prioritize areas where such interventions
covered by RSBSA, while the registry is being
are most needed. Corollary to this, the financial
updated. The PCIC can also expand coverage for
literacy and credit worthiness of SFFs and agri-
other causes of default such as income loss from
based MSMEs will be enhanced to help them
not being able to sell/market their produce and
avail of formal credit. Credit enhancement will be
low prices. In terms of facilitating faster payouts
provided by the Philippine Guarantee Corporation
of indemnity claims, the PCIC will continue to
(PhilGuarantee) through intensified advocacy and
develop and commercialize the implementation of
expansion of its agricultural guarantee services, as
innovative index-based insurance programs.
well as the establishment of more credit surety funds
spearheaded by the BSP. Creation of the personal
property security registry under the Personal
Property Security Act will also be pursued (see
Chapter 15).
122 | Updated Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022
Improving access of institutions, state universities, and colleges in
producing safe, nutritious, medicinal, therapeutic,
consumers to nutritious, and well-packaged agri-food products that are
affordable, and safe food commercially viable. Partnerships and joint
projects with the DA, DOST, DTI, and the private
sector may be explored to develop agri-food
Enforcing food safety standards and processed products with enhanced nutritional
regulations content and longer shelf-life.
Chapter 8 Expanding Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries and Ensuring Food Security | 123
The DA initiative on establishing an online improving the resiliency of AFF to climate and
platform for transparency, inter-agency data disaster risks. In addition, the following shall be
sharing, and a science-based approach to considered:
farm to market road (FMR) planning and
implementation will be enhanced to develop an • Integrate climate and disaster risks in the design
Integrated Road for Agriculture Development of AFF programs and projects. For example,
(IROAD) that will store, consolidate, and manage local climate change trends and projections
GIS-based data of all FMR projects implemented should be considered in the construction of
by the government. This will address issues on disaster- and climate-resilient farm structures
FMR locations and interconnectivity and eliminate and retrofitting of existing ones (e.g., small-
duplication of activities – ultimately enabling scale irrigation systems);
farmers and other stakeholders to fully utilize and
benefit from long, completed, and strategically- • Intensify AFF extension services that will
linked roads. It may further be harmonized with increase adoption of climate- and shock-
the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering resilient technologies (e.g., smart greenhouses,
Management Information System (ABEMIS) varieties that are short-maturing, high-yielding,
of the Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries flood/drought-tolerant, and stress-resilient,
Engineering (BAFE) which contains geotagged etc.), animal breeds, and best practices (e.g.,
data on machineries and equipment provided, AWD technology, integrated pest management,
postharvest and logistics facilities established, and diversified/integrated farming, etc.);
FMRs completed. These systems should be made • Enhance the decision support tools of
available, accessible, and easily understandable by concerned agencies by providing timely and
the AFF stakeholders to help them make informed site-specific weather and climate advisories
decisions and guide future investments. and utilize advanced and appropriate ICT
to make it more available and accessible to
Institutionalize the El Niño Task Force as a stakeholders;
permanent body rather than an ad-hoc task
force, to ensure the preparedness of the AFF • Develop and mainstream the use of early
sector. warning systems and other anticipatory
mechanisms (e.g., PRISM, etc.) that can help
Promote agribusiness courses and training anticipate potential hazards and disturbances
programs (e.g., farm tourism, enterprise which can disrupt production operations.
development, etc.) under collaborative schemes For instance, the use of drones and the
with the academe, government, and business subsequent information generated by the
sector; and integrate agriculture, including the DA, before, during, and after disasters will be
use of modern technologies (e.g., drones, smart further enhanced and promoted to increase
greenhouses, and smartphone applications) in preparedness and response efficiency; and
the elementary and high school curriculum to
encourage the youth to engage in agriculture • Provide non-farm livelihood options
and fisheries (see Chapter 10). Support, in terms especially to seasonal and disaster-affected
of financing of start-up or existing agri-based farm and fishery workers, SFF, and their
projects of young entrepreneurs and agri-fishery families. Seasonal workers/farmers will be
graduates, will be provided to transform them into trained on off-farm and non-farm activities to
agripreneurs. enable them to take advantage of alternative
employment opportunities, including
Intensify activities on increasing resilience of involvement in farm tourism, fabricating
the AFF sector to climate and disaster risks (see fiberglass boats, mangrove forest reforestation,
Chapter 20). There is a need to intensify efforts in and mushroom production.
Table 8.2 Legislative Agenda to Expand Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
and Ensure Food Security
National Land Use Bill Under this bill, prime agricultural lands shall be protected through proper
and rational delineation, classification or reclassification, allocation,
establishment, utilization, and management. This will ensure the viability
and sustainability of on-farm employment and rural development by
determining a socially-acceptable minimum agricultural land requirement
that would maintain a level of agricultural industry in a given economic or
spatial context at a given point in time (see Chapter 20). Likewise, the bill
will harmonize and/or strengthen the enforcement of land use policies on
the conversion and reclassification of agricultural lands to non-agricultural
Establishment of the Coconut Farmers The bill aims to consolidate all assets and benefits emanating from the
and Industry Trust Fund* coconut levy and create a Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund to
exclusively benefit coconut farmers and farmworkers. It will create a
Trust Fund Management Committee consisting of representatives from
oversight agencies, that is distinct from the PCA Board, to remove the
conflict of interest in the previous vetoed version of the bill where PCA is
both the approving agency and utilizing agency of the proposed trust fund.
A Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan will also be drafted to
set the directions and policies for the development and rehabilitation of
the coconut industry in the long-term.
Strengthening of the PCIC There is a need to reorganize the PCIC and increase its authorized capital
stock to cater to the demands of SFFs more effectively.
Magna Carta for Young Farmers This measure aims to promote and protect the rights of young farmers,
establish programs for young farmers, and institutionalize young farmers’
representation in agricultural decision-making and policy-making processes.
This would address the declining interest of the youth on agriculture and
Enacted into law on February 26, 2021.
Chapter 8 Expanding Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries and Ensuring Food Security | 125
Strengthening the Agricultural This bill aims to amend the Agri-Agra Reform Credit Act of 2009 (RA
and Rural Financing System in the 10000) by expanding the list of eligible projects and activities that can
Philippines be funded by banks, as well as broaden the existing modes of alternative
compliance, to allow banks to comply with their agricultural lending
obligations. Diversifying the banks’ lending portfolios will provide them
with more options for investments and financing that will, in turn, increase
the flow of finance and credit in the sector. It also aims to address the
challenges in accessing formal credit by the agricultural sector owing to
issues on bankability of projects, lack of technical expertise of financial
institutions in agricultural financing, and the high levels of risk exposures
of the sector.
Imposing Progressive Idle Land Tax This is to promote the productive use of the idle lands, even if temporary, but
without prejudice to the rights of owners to security of tenure.
Amendment of the Rice and Corn Law This law places an unnecessary burden on foreign companies engaged
(PD 194) in rice and corn by placing a time limit (30 years) on how long they may
operate as 100 percent foreign-owned entities. After expiration of the
allowed period, they are expected to divest in whole or in part (at least 60%)
to Filipino citizens/local interests. There is a need to amend this law to
attract foreign investments in the agriculture sector that will also provide
employment opportunities to Filipinos.
9A Economic
in Industry
Expanding Economic
Opportunities in Industry
The country’s vulnerabilities were put in sharper focus with the occurrence of natural
disasters1, water supply constraints2, and the global health crisis caused by the COVID-19
pandemic at the beginning of 2020, requiring the government’s urgent and strategic responses.
This unprecedented period called on government to play a larger role in implementing
appropriate stimuli to revive consumer and business confidence in the near-term and
initiate measures that will enhance socioeconomic resilience in the medium-term. The
refined Industry sector strategies are based on the need to operate under this new normal by
leveraging Industry 4.0 technologies and ushering the growth of the digital economy.
To establish a healthy and resilient Philippines, the industry sector needs to rapidly
operationalize the strategies under the Inclusive Innovation and Industrial Strategy (i3S,
pronounced eye-cube-s). The i3S serves as a guide in setting a collaborative environment
for and implementation of innovation-centered initiatives to boost the capacity of local
enterprises. As a means to further improve consumer and business confidence in the
medium-term, the i3S underscores the need to build up our human resource to utilize
technologies, adopt inclusive business models to link smaller domestic-based firms to larger
enterprises, strengthen the startup ecosystem to assist tech-based startups, particularly
those inclined to develop health or industrial solutions in response to the current pandemic,
and formulate business continuity plans (BCPs) for enhanced supply and value chain
resilience. The urgent passage of structural reforms that cut across multiple sectors is
needed to fast track a national digital transformation responsive to the current crisis.
Taal volcanic eruption occurred in January 2020. In the quarter leading to this, periodic seismic activities have been recorded in Mindanao and
select areas across Luzon and Visayas.
Challenges in water resource management has put in doubt the water supply sufficiency of the country’s capital.
The government faces significant obstacles in new assumptions in the period, as recognized and
meeting its succeeding industry-related annual approved by the Development Budget Coordination
targets. Given this, the industry sector GVA Committee (DBCC) in July 2020.4
growth has been adjusted downward, considering
Some businesses were able to promptly undertake repurposing and reconfiguring activities to take advantage of shifts in consumer demand.
For instance, the garments, electronics, and other manufacturing companies responded immediately to the need to produce COVID-19 critical
products. The CONWEP (Confederation of Wearable Exporters of the Philippines) group shifted to the manufacturing of coveralls, gowns, and
shoe and head covers while electronics firms repurposed operations to manufacture surgical masks and infrared thermometers. Liquor companies
manufactured isopropyl alcohol and plastics firms produced face shields.
The DBCC projects the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to contract by 2.0% to 3.4% in 2020. (Department of Budget and Management
(DBM), “DBCC Revisits Medium-Term Macroeconomic Assumptions and Fiscal Program Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Press Release, May
13, 2020.)
(YEAR) 2020 2021 2022 END OF PLAN
Economic opportunities in industry across regions including the digital economy expanded
GVA growth rate in the industry sector improved (%)a 8.0-9.0 9.8-10.8 6.3-7.3 6.3-7.3
Top 54%
Philippine overall ranking in the (103 out of 189
Top 40% Top 40% Top 33% Top 33%
WB-IFC Doing Business Report improved economies)
Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases – Technical Working Group for Anticipatory and Forward
Planning (IATF-TWG), We Recover As One (WRAO), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), 2020.
The implementation of the Supplier Development Program (SDP) of the DTI-BOI and World Bank-IFC for the automotive, electronics, and
aerospace sectors is a concrete example of how government can facilitate partnerships between local auto parts and electronics suppliers and the
automotive and aerospace industry. The SDP links and capacitates the upstream segments to supply and comply with the technical requirements of
the downstream industries.
On investment promotion, the following requires close coordination of the DTI-BOI and various IPAs with the LGU: (a) identify investment
opportunities; (b) invite local investors to participate in investment-related activities; (c) disseminate investment-related information; and (d)
invite local proponents to participate in the organized missions and matching.
Investment Promotion service only accounts for 0.03% of the total services rendered under Negosyo Centers.
The DTI Consumer Protection and Advocacy Bureau (CPAB) already has a registry of manufacturers of basic necessities and prime commodities
which can be expanded.
Startups from the Philippines may reach out to the ASEAN Business Incubator Network (ABINet) which enables startups to network with other
startups in ASEAN, and even provides potential contact with venture capitalists.
World Bank (WB), Philippines Digital Economy Report 2020 : A Better Normal Under COVID-19 - Digitalizing the Philippine Economy Now,
World Bank, 2020.
For instance, R&D support is needed by semiconductor firms to be able to customize electronic components in order to supply automobile spare
parts needed by domestic producers of e-vehicles.
IPOPHL’s patent analytics and landscaping efforts, and patent information search initiatives are means of assisting innovative enterprises and
research and development institutions as well as government agencies that create policies and grant science and technology funding. IPOPHL
will scale up the capacity of business enterprises and other R&D institutions to conduct search while it innovates on its processes and modes of
delivery of patent search services.
Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) has ongoing policies and programs that aim to reduce costs of broadband
and internet services: roll-out of the third telecommunication player’s program and Common Tower Policy.
DICT has a Cybersecurity Bureau that develops cybersecurity policies and coordinates with other agencies on consumer right’s protection of
Technology Transfer Arrangement, by definition, is the process by which one party systematically transfers to another party the knowledge for
the manufacture of a product, the application of a process, or rendering of a service, which may involve the transfer, assignment or licensing of
intellectual property rights as defined in the Philippine Technology Transfer Act of 2009 (RA 10055). The law covers all institutions that implement
government-funded R&Ds and intends to promote and facilitate the transfer, dissemination and effective use, management, and commercialization
of intellectual property, technology and knowledge resulting from R&D funded by the government.
IPOPHL, in recent years, developed a network of 100 ITSOs composed of higher education and research development institutions. This program
seeks to foster creation of intellectual property in the academe and research sectors, particularly in invention and utility models, to increase the
national innovative output and to push the presence of Filipino inventions in the international patent system. It is set up to also strengthen support
for MSMEs as the ITSOs extend technical assistance to MSMEs and local inventors as regards trademark and patent searches as well as drafting of
patents, utility models, and industrial design documents.
A unified platform with which the DICT and its cybersecurity partners from the private sector may be able to assist government agencies with
cybersecurity threats, attacks, and other issues.
WB, Philippines Digital Economy Report 2020.
The HRD blueprint can take off from the 12 priority sectors under the Philippine i3S, broadly aligned with the AmBisyon Natin 2040 priority
sectors: housing and urban development (construction), manufacturing, connectivity (ICT, transport and logistics), education services, tourism
and allied services, agriculture, health and wellness services, and financial services. (NEDA, "About AmBisyon Natin 2040," AmBisyon Natin 2040
The DTI, Department of Science and Technology (DOST), DICT, NEDA, Department of Education (DepEd), DA, and Commission on
Higher Education (CHED) signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on October 2, 2018, to further the Inclusive Filipinnovation and
Entrepreneurship, a declaration of understanding by the agencies to collaborate and coordinate in formulating and implementing the Inclusive
Filipinnovation & Entrepreneurship Roadmap, which aims to develop the country’s innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem via enhancing the
linkages between academe/research community, industry, and government.
Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) is developed in Singapore and is the first self-diagnostic Industry 4.0 tool that helps companies globally
– regardless of size and industry – determine how to start, scale and sustain their Industry 4.0 transformation. The tool serves as a benchmark for
manufacturers to assess and compare their Industry 4.0 maturity levels against those of their peers in the same industry. (https://siri.gov.sg/)
A concrete example in pushing forward sustainable production in the manufacturing sector is the National Ecolabelling Programme – Green
Choice Philippines (NELP-GCP). The NELP-GCP is a voluntary, third-party ecolabelling programme that follows the guidelines set by ISO 14020
and ISO 14024. Through a multi-sectoral process, the programme provides criteria for environmentally-preferable products which can be used
as a guide for consumers and institutions for product selection. Ecolabelling and green purchasing is just the first step to create awareness on
sustainable consumption and production practices. To further promote and patronize ecolabeled products and services in the public sector, the
Philippine Green Public Procurement Roadmap has been launched by the Government Procurement Policy Board (GPPB) in 2017. Encouraging
green procurement in the public sector is critical as this will create demand and will concretely lay down green purchasing policies.
(GPPB– Technical Support Office. The Philippine Green Public Procurement Roadmap. GPPB-TSO, 2017)
Strengthened cooperation is necessary to keep medical supply lines open and prevent harmful measures that will affect the trade of medical
goods. (Rhea C. Hernando and Emmanuel A. San Andres, “APEC in the Epicentre of COVID-19,” Policy Brief No. 31, APEC Policy Support Unit,
April 2020)
WB, Philippines Digital Economy Report 2020.
National Wages and Productivity Commission (NWPC) commits to implement the Productivity Toolbox to sharpen the productivity perspective
of BCPs such that BCP activation should not only mitigate impact of disruption but should also unlock workforce productivity
The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (RA 8293) has already stipulated that GIs are examples of intellectual property rights. The
Bureau of Trademark under the IPOPHL is in-charge of the “search and examination of the applications for the registration of marks, geographic
indications, and other marks of ownership and the issuance of the certificates of registration.”
Regulatory sandboxes or testing grounds for emerging industries will require a high degree of regulatory flexibility, market openness, and a
competitive policy environment. Further supporting the growth of emerging industries may spur innovation but may also cause disruption to
traditional sectors (e.g. growth of fintech that may disrupt traditional financial sector).
The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has just established the Emerging Markets Impact Investment Fund (EMIIF) which
will be accessible to financial intermediaries in countries like the Philippines. The EMIIF intends to invest in funds for SMEs, or in financial
intermediaries such as banks who, in turn, will lend to SMEs. A unique feature of the EMIIF scheme is a “gender lens investing” plan that will
encourage investment in activities that positively affect women. Thus, EMIIF will either: (a) make available non-grant instruments to invest in
SME funds, with the goal to play the role of an anchor fund from which other funds will be crowdsourced; or (b) use its funds to directly assist and
support SMEs.
Some of the concrete measures for improvement: (a) operationalize a one-stop processing venue for the various certifications required by various
food safety regulatory agencies (FSRAs) utilizing online platforms and digital payment channels; (b) shorten turn-around periods of processing
and issuing clearances, permits, or other required certifications to address regulatory compliance including a thorough review to streamline
the FSRA processes; and (c) update current standards and protocols for food regulation aligned with internationally recognized standards and
protocols to address product safety and quality concerns of consumers. (Nerlita M. Manalili, et. al. “Scoping Study on Reducing Unnecessary
Regulatory Burdens in the Philippine Food Manufacturing Industry,” Discussion Paper Series No. 2017-23, Philippine Institute for Development
Studies, June 2017.)
Harmonize and strengthen the National Quality • Intensify targeted awareness and information
Infrastructure (NQI) System. dissemination on the benefits of accreditation
for firms engaged in essential sectors and
• Pursue passage of the NQI Law (see Chapter emerging industries. Under the new normal,
9A Legislative Agenda). The current fragmented business accreditation and compliance with
nature of the country’s NQI System limits the domestic and international standards and
capacity of local manufacturers to comply with conformance will be promoted for essential
global technical regulations and product sectors (i.e., healthcare, food safety and food
standards.32 A unified NQI system, through testing, etc.), as well as emerging industries
passage of this law, will harmonize the country’s (i.e., manufacturing PPEs, test kits, and
standards, technical regulations, metrology, other health testing instruments, etc.).
accreditation and conformity assessment
procedures (e.g., testing, calibration, inspection,
and certification), packaging, and labeling Ensuring consumer access to safe and
to be at par with international standards. As quality goods and services
a parallel activity, the technical regulation
regime will be reviewed and adjusted, including Continue vigilance on product safety, value for
its related legislation, to meet regional and money, and access to quality goods and services.
international requirements promulgated under
the regional trade protocols, the World Trade • Strengthen institutional and human capacities
Organization Technical Barriers to Trade of key agencies to enforce regulations and
(WTO-TBT), and Sanitary and Phytosanitary enhance consumer awareness on the safety and
Measures (SPS) agreements along with other quality of products and services. The capacity
international best practices.33 The service of responsible units under the Department
delivery of the NQI is dependent on a trained of Health (DOH),34 DA,35 and DTI,36 to fulfill
and skilled workforce. Hence, developing the their mandates, to enforce and advocate
human resources necessary to support the for higher standards of safety and quality
various standardization, quality, and technical of goods produced37 will be strengthened.
regulation programs is also supported. Measures to increase consumer awareness
will be scaled-up, leveraging digital platforms.
An assessment of the NQI in the Philippines and the corresponding support for institutional capacity of both government and the private sector
will be pursued to ensure harmonization of domestic standards and regulations at par with global standards.
This will include the establishment of effective cooperation amongst the NQI institutions and the national regulatory authorities, and also with
their regional and international counterparts.
The DOH through the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), establishes standards for processed food, drugs, and cosmetics.
The DA’s Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Product Standards (BAFS) develops standards for agriculture and agriculture-related products
including fruits and vegetables and grains.
The DTI’s Bureau of Philippine Standards (BPS) formulates standards for food and other categories including building, construction, and
transport products; electrical and electronic products; and chemical and consumer products. It is mandated to develop, implement, and coordinate
standardization activities in the country and works with DOH and DA on this area.
Periodic exchange programmes among ASEAN Member States (AMS), for instance, will build national capacity and encourage these agencies to
pursue a higher standard of quality awareness and consumer protection in ASEAN.
The Philippine National Standards (PNS) is a publication of various consumer products that follow a standard documentation format aligned
with the ISO documentation format. It also covers mandatory labelling and packaging and prescribes all the standards and required information
for domestically produced consumer products
Administrative Order (AO) No. 18 s. 2019, “Accelerating rural progress through robust development of Special Economic Zones in
the countryside”, and Executive Order No. 114, the “Balik Probinsya Bagong Pag-asa Program,” are perceived as complementary
measures. The successful implementation of both will enable the creation of more ecozones in the countryside which will boost
job generation and improve employment prospects of rural and Balik Probinsya beneficiaries.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the following are proposed policy responses in support of Economic Zone Development
Program under the new normal:
• Encourage PPP, joint ventures (JVs), and other modes of partnership in building a transportation and logistics hub in every
region to encourage countryside investment.
• Address bureaucratic hurdles to reduce trade costs pertinent to logistics by fully implementing the Customs Modernization
and Tariff Act (CMTA). Under the law, the Bureau of Customs (BOC) must ensure uninterrupted 24/7 service in the ports,
including weekends and must accredit more off-dock container yards and container barge terminals, as part of its decongestion
measures. The Land Transport and Franchising Regulatory Board (LTFRB), for its part, will ensure prompt issuance of franchises
and permit to operate (PTO) to truck drivers. Lastly, the DTI’s issuance of a policy to regulate port and shipping fees for shippers
and full container load (FCL) shipments must be fast-tracked.
• Temporarily reduce export threshold for COVID-19-affected economic zone export-oriented industries, as prescribed by the
PEZA Board subject to terms and conditions as the latter may determine (RA 791639).
• Include the establishment of Medical Waste Disposal Facility and production of medical waste disposal equipment among the
eligible and priority products/activities for registration with incentives, pursuant to DTI-DOF Joint Memorandum Circular No.
• Rationalize the strict implementation of Department AO 2016-08, which provides additional parameters for monitoring and
compliance for wastewater discharge, with Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), to undertake cost-
benefit study on the additional environmental parameters.
• Adopt digitalization with the view of harmonizing and streamlining permitting requirements of exporters and importers pursuant
to the implementation of the EODB-EGSD Act, as enforced by the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA), and establish an inter-agency
committee to strengthen coordination among IPAs, including the establishment of a one-stop shop to respond to all concerns
regarding ecozone development, investment requirements, and applicable incentives, among others.
Legislative Agenda
For the rest of the Plan period, the following legislative agenda will be pursued:
Amendment of the The current law needs to be updated to attract more foreign investments in
Foreign Investments Act manufacturing and other priority sectors. The following amendments are supported: (a)
reduce employment threshold from 50 to 15 direct employees and (b) exclude individual
practice of profession from coverage of the law and the Foreign Investment Negative
List (FINL).
The IRR of RA 7916, Section 2i allows that ecozone export enterprises, which have been registered with PEZA to engage in manufacturing,
assembling or processing activity, falling within the purview of the Act and resulting in the exportation of 100% of its production, may be allowed
a lower percentage of its production for exportation as prescribed by the PEZA Board subject to terms and conditions as the latter may determine.
Philippine Electric Vehicle This aims to highly promote, encourage, and support e-vehicle production and usage
(e-vehicle) Industry towards adopting an eco-friendly and economical transportation landscape in the
country. Support and grant for time-bound and performance-based incentives for
the manufacture, assembly, conversion, and sale of hybrid and other fuel-alternative
vehicles and the establishment of charging stations, will be pursued in accordance with
the provisions under the Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives Reform Act (CREATE)
(see Chapter 15). This is also in support of the public utility vehicle (PUV) modernization
program of the government to make the country’s public transportation system efficient
and environment friendly.
National Quality An NQI policy will raise quality consciousness of both suppliers and consumers, as
Infrastructure (NQI) Law NQI institutions introduce, promote, and maintain a culture of safety and quality of
goods produced. The law will integrate and coordinate standardization, metrology,
testing analysis, quality management, certification, and accreditation at par with global
standards. This will ensure that goods and services emanating from or traded to the
country are designed, manufactured, and supplied in a manner that matches the needs,
expectations, and requirements of the purchasers and consumers, as well as those of
the regulatory authorities in the domestic and export markets.
National Digital Given the new normal, structural reforms that cut across multiple sectors need to be
Transformation put in place to allow a transformational shift to digital modes of conducting work and
life. This will require enhancing the foundation of the digital economy through greater
investment in ICT infrastructure and connectivity and setting up a sound regulatory
environment that promotes digital adoption.
Amendment of the This will provide a level playing field and expand opportunities to eligible and qualified
Contractor’s License domestic and foreign contractors by reducing barriers to entry of new players in the
Law 40 construction sector. Moreover, this will facilitate potential investments in quality and
climate-resilient infrastructures.
Amendment of the The law needs to be updated to efficiently and effectively address consumer concerns
Consumer Act 41 and align existing business and industry practices, to be at par with international
standards and best practices, and to cover the use of technology applications (e.g.,
Amendment of the Contractor’s License Law (Senate Bill 1008) was filed by Senator Sherwin Gatchalian on September 4, 2019, aimed at
removing government restrictions that hinder potential economic growth by removing the nationality criterion and replacing this with foreign
Among the Consumer Act amendments being considered are: (a) stronger measure to give DTI the authority to close down establishments
caught in the act of manufacturing, distributing, selling, producing, displaying, or importing hazardous and defective products; (b) coverage on
e-commerce and ICT; (c) protection from deceptive and misleading online or digital advertisements; (d) real-time consumer hotline to be made
mandatory for all manufacturers/suppliers/final producers to respond to consumer complaints/suggestions and a stronger policy for return and
refund options; (e) requirement for foreign products with labels to have English or Filipino translation before being allowed entry into the country;
and (f) exemption of businesses offering price-discounted rates for single or bulk-purchase of products or services from the requirement to secure
sales promotion permit from DTI to facilitate growth of e-commerce, among others.
9B Economic
in Services
Expanding Economic
Opportunities in Services
The services sector functions as an integral backbone of a wide range of domestic and global
industries and has maintained its position as the main growth driver, top contributor to gross
domestic product (GDP), and the biggest employer of the country during the first half of the
Plan period.
However, with the sudden halt of major subsectors such as tourism and transport services
due to the global pandemic, a shift to more digital-based services may be needed to propel
the services sector. With the new normal, the government now has to establish the integration
of necessary health and sanitary protocols in daily activities to ensure that the public remains
safe in light of the current pandemic. On the other hand, reforms to attract investments,
increase competitiveness, and further improve the country’s business environment are
needed to boost recovery and strengthen the economy’s resilience.
For the remaining Plan period, gross value assumptions from internal and external factors
added (GVA) growth rate targets were affecting the sector. The GVA growth rate in the
adjusted based on the new assumptions in services sector is projected to expand by 5.8 percent
the period as recognized and approved by the to 6.8 percent and 7.3 percent to 8.3 percent in 2021
Development Budget Coordination Committee and 2022, respectively. In addition, the sector is
(DBCC) on July 28, 2020. The revised services targeted to create an average net employment of 4.4 to
targets, as shown in Table 9B.1, considered new 4.7 million at the end of the Plan period.
(YEAR) 2020 2021 2022 END OF PLAN
Economic opportunities in Services across regions including the digital economy expanded
GVA growth rate in the services sector improved (%)a 6.3-7.3 5.8-6.8 7.3-8.3 7.3-8.3
Strategic Framework
The strategic framework (Figure 9B.1) has been facilitated more effectively by maximizing the
reconfigured to include strategies that respond potential of the digital economy. Three subsector
to the rapid changes under the post-pandemic outcomes are envisioned: (a) market access
“new normal” scenario. Expanding economic improved; (b) competitiveness, innovativeness, and
opportunities and increasing access to these resilience increased; and (c) consumer access to
opportunities across regions in the services safe and quality goods and services ensured.
sector are still the main objectives. These can be
• Revisit the National Tourism Development • Boost tourism from the Middle East and other
Plan (NTDP) 2016-2022, local tourism plans, Muslim-majority countries by supporting
as well as the Tourism Industry Training Plan, the development of the Halal industry
to ensure the development and marketing and promoting business partnerships with
of competitive products and destinations, companies from those countries. Increase the
intensify improvement of market access, conduct of Halal-related seminars and training
connectivity, transport, and infrastructure, via webinars to strengthen the Philippine Halal
and enhance tourism institutional governance industry and continue exploring the potential
and human resources, in line with the new of incorporating Halal in other sectors.
normal. In particular, the enhancement of
health and safety protocols in all tourism Improve access to technology and innovation.
establishments will be prioritized. Trainings on
initial handling of possible infectious disease • Improve digital skills, ICT infrastructure,
cases should be given to tourism personnel and and digital connectivity to ensure reliable and
a reporting system for suspected cases should affordable broadband and internet services.
be established. This will encourage more businesses and
consumers to participate in the digital economy
• Strengthen tourism data collection and and support the continuous growth of the IT-
management through the institutionalization BPM industry, as well as other IT-enabled
of the Department of Tourism’s (DOT) Local industries. Investments in ICT infrastructure
Tourism Statistics System. need to be boosted to meet the surge of online
BSP, Circular No. 1048, Series of 2019, BSP Regulations on FCP; Guidelines and Procedures Governing the Consumer Assistance and Management
System of BSFI; and Amendments to the Manual of Regulations for Banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions, September 6, 2019.
In the House of Representatives, the Financial Products and Services Consumer Protection Act was passed on Third Reading June 2, 2020, and
Engrossed Bill (House Bill [HB] 6768) was transmitted to Senate on June 3, 2020.
Public Service Act Proposed amendments in the bill will include the definition of public utility, which limits its scope to
only three main industries, distribution of electricity, transmission of electricity, and water pipeline
distribution system or sewerage pipeline system. This will enable higher foreign equity participation
(over 40%) in other key areas such as telecommunication and transportation services. Other notable
proposed amendments are on the increase in the applicable penalties and fines to deter poor service
delivery, the introduction of rate-setting methodologies to promote efficiency, a mechanism to
review and prohibit foreign investment in public services in the interest of national security, and a
comprehensive baseline survey on regulatory governance and substance.
Retail Trade Act Proposed amendments to the Law relevant to the services sector will reflect the relaxation of barriers to
foreign investments in the retail sector through lowering the minimum paid-up capital to USD200,000
from USD2.5 million and removing the USD250,000 paid-up capital per store for enterprises engaged
in high-end or luxury products, among others.
Foreign Investments Proposed amendments in the Act aim to reduce the minimum employment requirement from 50 to 15
Act direct local hires for small- and medium-sized domestic enterprises established by foreign investors
with paid-in capital of at least USD100,000. It will also exclude the practice of professions from the
coverage of the foreign investment negative list.
Open Access in Data This initiative aims to level the playing field in the data transmission and telecommunications market.
Transmission Act Its passage will strengthen the value chain linkages in the industry and services sectors and facilitate
the realization of the full potential of e-commerce and digital trade.
E-Commerce Act of The law will be revisited to make it more comprehensive in detailing e-commerce transactions,
2000 specifying the rights of consumers, strengthening the imposition of penalties on service providers,
and requiring service providers to provide high-security measures to ensure safety from possible
breaches on data processing and money handling.
Internet The Law defines the scope and coverage of internet transactions, apart from the sale or exchange of
Transactions Act digital products, and lays down the code of conduct and qualifications for businesses who wish to
engage in e-commerce. It also proposes the creation of an E-commerce Bureau to handle complaints
on internet transactions, protect consumers’ rights, and facilitate the speedy resolution of complaints,
among others.
National Digital This measure seeks to establish a legal framework for the “gig economy” that will map out strategies
Careers Act to promote and strengthen digital careers, as well as provide the needed institutional support. Also,
it recognizes the emergence of new forms of employment, such as work on digital platforms, and
requires the government to extend the social protection system appropriate to this new mode of work,
especially in times of economic downturns caused by calamities and public emergencies.
Fair and Transparent The Act mandates the MARINA to promote standardized destination and shipping charges among
Destination and freight forwarders and agents of international shipping lines operating in the Philippines. This will also
Other Shipping mandate DTI, Philippine Competition Commission (PCC), BOC, Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), and
Charges Act other relevant agencies to assist the MARINA in facilitating competition, commerce, and an honest
revenue system, among others.
9C Access to
in I&S for
MSMEs, and
However, full implementation has been impeded by the unprecedented spread of COVID-19.
Based on the government’s rapid assessment survey for businesses conducted during
the initial phase of the community quarantines in major urban areas of the country, a less
optimistic business outlook is reported across firms of different sizes, with the most
pessimistic in the education (36%), tourism (35%), and transport (34%) sectors. This is likely
in recognition of the fact that business operations would have to be reconfigured and social
distancing protocols will remain in place indefinitely until a cure is found. Smaller enterprises
have expressed a strong clamor for government assistance given that they have less
capacity to handle large shocks with their limited asset size, lack of economies of scale, and
structural inefficiencies, evident even prior to the onslaught of the pandemic. In response, the
government has formulated urgent interventions to revive consumer and business confidence.2
Focusing on laying down a healthy and resilient Philippines, the medium-term strategies
will leverage the digital economy and put in place antifragility measures. This will address
the constraints of operating under the new normal, attract further investments, and increase
the resilience of startups, MSMEs, and cooperatives.
These include the enactment of the following legislations: Personal Property Security Act of 2018 (Republic Act [RA] 11057), Amendment of
the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) (RA 11364), Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines Act of 2019 (RA 11232), Philippine
Innovative Startup Act of 2019 (RA 11337), and Philippine Innovation Act of 2019 (RA 11293).
Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases – Technical Working Group for Anticipatory and Forward
Planning (IATF-EID-TWG-AFP), We Recover As One (WRAO), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), 2020.
Chapter 9C Expanding Access to Economic Opportunities in I&S for Startups, MSMEs, and Cooperatives | 159
Amended Cooperative Development Authority on the creditworthiness of micro and small
(CDA) Charter of 2019, Revised Corporation enterprises. Innovation and technology
Code of the Philippines Act of 2019, Philippine adoption of enterprises remains low, and seed
Innovative Startup Act of 2019, and Philippine funds and grants available to support incubation
Innovation Act of 2019. Meanwhile, these reforms and startup development remain scarce while
have yet to gain traction as industry-related foreign venture capitalists are still limited. As further
direct investments (FDIs) significantly dropped in revealed by the current pandemic, the majority of
2019, reaching only USD0.27 billion in 2019, lower micro and small enterprises are entrenched in the
relative to the figure posted in 2016 at USD0.31 analog manner of conducting business and do not
billion. have business continuity plans (BCPs) in place in
the face of national emergencies. The majority also
Challenges: Startups, MSMEs, and cooperatives have business operations that are vulnerable to
have difficulty accessing finance due to lack supply chain disruptions. Government initiatives to
of collateral and inability to comply with enhance sectoral productivity remain fragmented.
documentary loan requirements of formal Lastly, foreign participation is restricted in critical
lending institutions, exacerbated by the lack sectors, thus, limiting competition and investment
of a credit risk database with information flow in the country.
Targets for investments and MSME-related indicators were adjusted downward considering new assumptions
in the period, consistent with the Development Budget Coordination Committee (DBCC) revised growth
targets last July 2020.
Table 9C.1 Updated Plan Targets to Expand Economic Opportunities in I&S for Startups, MSMEs,
and Cooperatives
(YEAR) 2020 2021 2022 END OF PLAN
Total approved investments increased (PHP million)a 1,067,000 1,022,000 1,094,000 5,837,000
Net FDI increased (USD million)b None None None None
Percent of allocation for medium enterprises (%)c 2c Increasedc,e Increasedc,e Increasedc,e
Baseline figure used to compute the plan targets reflects total approved investments submitted by investment promotion agencies to the Board of Investments (BOI)
and the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). Members of the Philippine Investment Promotion Plan (PIPP) Steering Committee approved the downward revised
target of 7 percent annual increase in Investment Promotion Agencies (IPA)-approved investments (from the original 10%) for 2021 and 2022, considering the DBCC
Strategic Framework
Figure 9C.1 Strategic Framework to Expand Economic Opportunities in I&S for Startups, MSMEs,
and Cooperatives
Chapter 9C Expanding Access to Economic Opportunities in I&S for Startups, MSMEs, and Cooperatives | 161
Retail Trade Liberalization Act (RTLA), and Foreign
Expanding economic Investments Act (FIA) (see Chapters 9A and 9B).
opportunities in I&S for Investment incentives will be rationalized to be more
startups, MSMEs, and efficient and effective in supporting development
priorities (e.g., encourage more venture capital and
cooperatives across regions angel investments in startups) (see Chapter 15).
Such priorities will be considered in the formulation
Increasing total investments of the Strategic Investment Priority Plan (SIPP), as
well as in the Local Investment and Incentives Code
Facilitate growth of startups and MSMEs by (LIIC).3
incentivizing their expansion and subsequent
upgrade. In restructuring the incentives (and Improve the business climate, especially by
disincentives) in the regulatory framework, creating a startup-friendly environment. The
facilitating the growth of MSMEs to eventually government will enhance business incubation
become globally competitive will be a key goal. support and accelerate services for startups, lessen
Policy shifts will take into account the following: administrative burdens and complexity of
regulatory procedures for startups, and reduce,
- Provide appropriate fiscal and non-fiscal if not eliminate, the regulatory protection of
assistance to innovative and growth-oriented incumbents (see Chapter 16). Further, national
enterprises (e.g., tech-based startups and micro and local governments will speed up streamlining
and small enterprises that are innovation- of agency processes and requirements for business
driven, etc.) appropriate with the stage of registrations and permit issuances 4 and will be
business operations; streamlined through digital platforms (see also
Chapters 5 and 9A). A one-stop-shop for startups
- Ensure that provision of grants and other and a startup green lane with Anti-Red Tape
financial or technical assistance, are time-bound Authority (ARTA) will be created. In addition,
and performance-based, as provided under the the Philippine Startup Development Program
Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives Reform (PSDP) will support incubators, accelerators,
Act (CREATE); and and makerspaces by creating opportunities for
innovative startups to gain access to marketing and
- Streamline the regulatory environment to technical support as well as linkage to potential
reduce compliance costs for all firms. collaborators locally and globally (see Chapter 14).
A whole-of-nation approach in attaining inclusive
Relax foreign equity restrictions, rationalize and sustainable peace will also be pursued (see also
investment incentives, and promote job-creating Chapter 18). Lastly, improving quality and reducing
investments. The government will further the cost of utilities, particularly through energy and
open up the construction sector and pursue water sector reforms (see Chapters 9A and 19) will
the amendments to the Public Service Act, be implemented.
DILG and DTI Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2011-01 forms a guide in crafting the LIIC.
The Central Business Portal (CBP) and the National Business One-Stop Shop (NBOSS) were established to support the implementation of the
EODB Act. The CBP is an online system aimed at providing a faster and more convenient way of registering businesses and completing startup
requirements. It is designed to receive and capture data on business-related transactions and provide links to online registration services of various
National Government Agencies (NGAs). The NBOSS is the physical co-location where applicants can register their business and employees,
submit documents, and avail of its online services. In the same manner, the Electronic Business Process Licensing System (eBPLS) is being rolled
out to the LGUs nationwide.
For instance, streamlining can be done by setting more reasonable standard business permit fees for micro and small enterprises and granting
leniency, particularly to informal sector operators who will register for the first time.
The Philippine Innovation Act of 2018, RA 11293.
Provision of branchless banking services with access to savings and loans through the use of mobile phones and information technology (IT)
facilities are instances of fintech startups revolutionizing the way small enterprises and cash-strapped households access finance.
These initiatives are under the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’ (BSP) Digital Payments Transformation Roadmap (DPTR) 2020-2023. The DPTR is a
3-year roadmap that outlining the BSP’s priority policy initiatives and strategies in advancing an efficient, inclusive, safe, and secure digital finance
ecosystem that supports the diverse needs and capabilities of individuals and firms. The roadmap envisions to achieve the goal of converting 50
percent of the total volume of retail payments into digital form and onboarding 70 percent of Filipino adults to the formal financial system.
Under the PPSA of 2018 (RA 11057), small businesses, particularly MSMEs, farmers, and fisherfolk are granted greater access to credit by
allowing the use of non-traditional collaterals such as accounts receivables, inventory, crops, livestock, consumer goods, machinery, equipment,
and intellectual property rights, among others. This will be operationalized through the establishment of a unified and modern legal framework
for securing obligations with personal property. Under the law, a registry shall be established and administered by the Land Registration Authority
(LRA). The centralized, nationwide Registry shall contain the following information: initial notice of security interest and lien in personal
property; amendment notice providing new information or continuing the period of effectiveness of an initial notice; and termination notice.
Chapter 9C Expanding Access to Economic Opportunities in I&S for Startups, MSMEs, and Cooperatives | 163
Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) will promote the Carta for MSMEs (see Chapter 9C Legislative
establishment of Credit Surety Funds (CSFs) Agenda) and is suggested as part of Small
across local governments to enable more Business (SB) Corporation’s capitalization to be
MSMEs, particularly those hit hard by the funded by the national government. Ongoing
pandemic, to gain access to finance10 (see debt relief programs are being implemented,
Chapter 15). including suspension of imposition of non-
interest fees and charges on loans incurred. In
• Promote value chain and supply chain the post-community quarantine period, the
financing. The BSP, in partnership with following interventions will be monitored and
the Asian Development Bank (ADB), is extended if needed: (a) payment deferment to
implementing a pilot agriculture value chain government (e.g., deferment of tax remittance
financing (AVCF) project , 11 which aims such as withholding tax, value added tax [VAT],
to demonstrate the viability of AVCF and Social Security System [SSS], Philippine Health
encourage more banks to lend to the agriculture Insurance Corporation [PhilHealth]); (b)
sector using this approach. This initiative will payment deferment to debtor (e.g., rent, banks,
also benefit MSMEs, particularly agri-oriented utility companies); (c) tax discounts or tax
ones. The BSP also aims to promote supply credits; (d) low-interest loans from government;
chain financing (SCF) in the banking sector as and (e) low-interest loans from banks.
an innovative financing approach to improve
access to financing of smaller enterprises. A
study will be conducted in 2021 to identify
strategic interventions that can be implemented Expanding access of startups,
by BSP and other players, to develop a dynamic
SCF market in the country. MSMEs, and cooperatives to
economic opportunities in I&S
• Extend grants and soft loans to startups,
MSMEs, and cooperatives to sustain including the digital economy
business operations. On top of providing a
loan guarantee fund, existing government
programs targeting MSMEs will continue to be Improving access to production networks
implemented and monitored.12
Utilize digital platforms in mapping out value
and supply chains to find alternative suppliers
• Establish an Enterprise Rehabilitation Fund and address production bottlenecks. In providing
(ERF) and implement adjustment measures technical assistance to enterprises, digital platforms
to startups, MSMEs, and cooperatives will be useful in linking farmers, producers,
severely affected by calamities and national suppliers, distributors, and retailers to consumers.
emergencies. The proposed establishment This will further reduce information asymmetry,
of an ERF is one of the suggested revisions lower transaction costs, and enhance domestic
on the proposed Amendments to the Magna value and supply chain resilience. Integration of all
As part of expanding its developmental function, the CDA has created a CSF unit that will register, regulate, and regularly monitor and supervise
the operations of CSF cooperatives. This is expected to translate to growth of CSF Cooperatives.
Pilot is implemented with five participating banks including: (1) Rizal Microbank; (2) Rural Bank of San Leonardo; (3) Rural Bank of Sta.
Catalina; (4) 1st Valley Bank; and (5) Producers Bank.
Sufficient government support for MSME financing, to be funded under the General Appropriations Act (GAA) or relevant legislation, will
be considered in all forms of economic stimulus programs. This is essential to help the MSME sector to recover from the adverse effects of the
pandemic. Some of these programs which target micro and small enterprises are: (a) Livelihood Seeding Program – Negosyo sa Barangay;
(b) Shared Service Facilities Project/Fabrication Laboratories; (c) Pondo sa Pagbabago at Pag-asenso Program; (d) SB Corporation Financing
Programs; and (e) Go Lokal!.
Lack of internal capabilities include difficulty in identifying foreign business opportunities, inadequate human resource trained to deal with
exporting, and lack of production capacity. These are some of the most challenging for SMEs to overcome.
Internationalization activities can be classified into six categories: (a) direct exporting; (b) direct importing; (c) investment abroad; (d) being
subcontractors to foreign enterprises; (e) having foreign subcontractors; and (f) cooperation with foreign enterprises under joint ventures, non-
equity alliances, licensing, and franchising.
For instance, to induce the local construction industry to globalize, construction firms who are ready to tap global and regional opportunities
will need low-cost financing or loan guarantees to undertake overseas construction proje ts.
Technical support can also be provided through capacity-building programs. For instance, local auto parts and electronics suppliers need
capacity building to comply with the technical requirements of domestic e-vehicles, special purpose vehicle (SPV) producers, and other producers
under the aerospace industry. In particular, the AS9100 Training Program (Aerospace Quality Management System) will enable local auto parts
and electronics suppliers to supply the technical requirements of the aerospace industry.
Assistance can also be extended in the ship-building industry by promoting the use of fiberglass-reinforced plastics (FRP) or steel to replace
wooden-hulled vessels.
Jose Ramon G. Albert, et al, “Measuring and Examining Innovation in Philippine Business and Industry,” Discussion Paper Series No. 2017-28,
Philippine Institute for Development Studies, September 2017.
Chapter 9C Expanding Access to Economic Opportunities in I&S for Startups, MSMEs, and Cooperatives | 165
the Philippines’ (IPOPHL) Intellectual Ensure that all government agencies with
Property (IP) Depot, an online portal where productivity-enhancing initiatives are
technology providers and their counterpart coordinated. Close coordination of relevant
technology adaptors may meet and match, agencies concerned with enhancing productivity,
will also be promoted to target growth-oriented efficiency, and resiliency of startups, MSMEs, and
startups, enterprises, and cooperatives. cooperatives will be pursued. The National Wages
and Productivity Commission (NWPC) and its
Promote the use of accredited certification, Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Boards
testing, inspection, verification, and calibration (RTWPB) will strengthen and expand partnerships
among MSMEs to ensure safety, reliability, and with concerned government agencies, industry
quality of their products and services (see Chapter associations, employer groups, and labor groups
9A). While more dispersed access points will to foster synergy in the deployment of the
be provided for these common service facilities Productivity Toolbox 20 (see Chapter 10).
especially in the regions, efforts to promote these
available services will be scaled-up, targeting Create an monitoring and evaluation
MSMEs to enhance their productivity. The (M&E) framework on government flagship
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) programs for startups, MSMEs, and
primarily provides these services through the cooperatives. Given the presence of various
One-stop Laboratory Services for Global but fragmented initiatives to assist micro and
Competitiveness (OneLab) , 19 a network of small enterprises, the effectiveness of various
laboratories aimed at broadening access to testing government flagship programs will be evaluated
and calibration services at a single touchpoint based on how they contribute to MSME
through an information technology (IT)-based development. For cooperatives, quantifying their
platform. The online referral platform system economic contribution to both national and
networks all the laboratories of DOST-Attached regional development will allow them to gain
Agencies and other government and private greater support and assistance. For startups,
laboratories for seamless handling of testing an M&E framework will be considered in the
and calibration services, which are beneficial for implementation of the PSDP targeting growth of
MSMEs, in terms of ensuring product quality and innovative and tech-based startups.
Establish relevant statistics for startups,
Improve access, quality, speed, and affordability MSMEs, and cooperatives. Regular collection
of broadband communications technology for and publication of relevant statistics on startups,
MSMEs. Improving telecommunications services MSMEs,21 and cooperatives will be pursued. This
in the country offers a myriad of benefits for will facilitate the performance tracking of these
MSMEs including improving business efficiency, sectors and become the basis for evidence-based
opening up new markets, and helping enterprises and targeted interventions. Data collection on the
adapt to changes in consumer preference brought following areas will help surface specific barriers
about by the pandemic (see Chapters 9B and 19). and unlock SMEs potential to internationalize:
(a) comprehensive data by enterprise size; (b)
information on overall business environment and
barriers to trade as experienced by SMEs; and (c)
For interested MSMEs, the OneLab website can be accessed through: https://customer.onelab.ph/
This package of training and technical assistance services is designed to help MSMEs identify and address productivity gaps through appropriate
and needs-based productivity tools and technologies. It also helps MSMEs design and implement productivity-based incentive schemes to ensure
growth in workers’ income commensurate to their productivity.
The DICT is working with the PIDS on an upcoming survey on the IT Business Process Management (BPM) sector (FY 2020) that shall yield
data on MSMEs in the sector.
Legislative Agenda
For the rest of the Plan period, the following legislative agenda will be pursued:
Table 9C.2 Legislative Agenda to Expand Economic Opportunities in I&S for Startups, MSMEs,
and Cooperatives
Expanding economic opportunities in I&S for startups, MSMEs, and cooperatives across regions
Amendment of the Magna The bill will establish an Enterprise Rehabilitation Fund for calamity-stricken MSMEs.
Carta for MSMEs It will also provide MSMEs with free selling space in government buildings, structures,
and open areas, as well as free selling areas or discounted rent in private malls and
other commercial selling establishments.
Government Financial The bill will provide financial assistance to firms that are strategically important to
Institutions Unified economic recovery in view of their role in providing employment and supporting the
Initiatives to Distressed Philippine economy.
Enterprises for Economic
Recovery (GUIDE) Bill
Institutionalization of the This initiative aims to institutionalize the P3 Program of the government to develop
Pondo sa Pagbabago at entrepreneurship and contribute to inclusive economic growth and provide accessible
Pag-asenso (P3) Program and reasonably-priced financing to micro entrepreneurs to help them avoid usurious
Tammy L. Hredzak, Overview of the SME Sector in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Region: Key Issues on Market Access and
Internationalization, APEC Policy Support Unit, April 2020.
Chapter 9C Expanding Access to Economic Opportunities in I&S for Startups, MSMEs, and Cooperatives | 167
Amendment of the Tax The bill seeks to amend existing provision requiring/mandating various registered
Incentives Management and business entities (RBEs) and investment promotion agencies (IPAs) to submit to
Transparency Act (TIMTA) NEDA relevant information needed to conduct economic cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
and to have the flexibility to refine scope of data requirement and data tools that will
adequately capture information relevant to the conduct of this CBA.
Expanding access of startups, MSMEs, and cooperatives to economic opportunities in I&S including the digital
Amendment to the House Bill No. 4413 proposes to establish a central online Registry for all Warehouse
Warehouse Receipts Law Receipts, which shall be eventually integrated with other existing registries. This
will strengthen and modernize the Warehouse Receipts Law of 1912, as amended,
otherwise known as Act No. 2137.
Human Capital
10 Development
Towards Greater
In 2020, the Philippines’ score in the World Bank (WB) Human Capital Index (HCI) Update
report is 0.52. This was higher than the average among countries in the lower middle-income
group, which means that a child born in the Philippines today will likely reach only 52 percent
of his or her potential come adulthood. With the COVID-19 pandemic, risks and challenges in
enriching human capital have become even more significant.
For the rest of the Plan period, the government will focus on addressing challenges that
hamper the full realization of Filipinos’ full potential, such as malnutrition, early pregnancy, and
poor quality of education, in addition to disruptions in service delivery due to the COVID-19
pandemic. Efforts will focus on strengthening strategies that transform the country’s human
capital towards greater agility, for a healthy and resilient Philippines.
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), 2017 NDHS, PSA, October 2018.
Communicable, non-communicable, and urbanization- and industrialization-related diseases.
World Health Organization, Philippines: Tuberculosis country profile 2017.
Department of Health (DOH), National TB Prevalence Survey, DOH, 2018.
DOH, “Malaria Control and Elimination Program,” DOH Website, October 26, 2018.
Average annual growth rate from 2016 to 2019.
23 21 15
Infant mortality rate decreased (per 1,000 LB)
(2013) (2017) (2022)
31 27 22
Under-five mortality rate decreased (per 1,000 LB)
(2013) (2017) (2022)
31.2 25.2
b) 5-10 years old
(2015) (2019)
No targets
31.9 26.8
c) 10-19 years old
(2015) (2019)
8.3 8.0
b) 5-10 years old
(2015) (2019)
No targets
12.5 11.7
c) 10-19 years old
(2015) (2019)
40 62 92.5
Percent of provinces that are malaria-free increased (%)
(2016) (2018) (2022)
The use of modern contraception, on average, has especially among married women 15 to 19 years of
increased marginally between 2013 (23.5%) and age (from 20.6% to 29.7%) and those 20 to 24 years
2017 (24.9%) considering all women aged 15 to of age (from 34.3% to 44.0%).
49 years. However, among married women from
the same age group, the increase was much higher
2013 2017 2013 2017
Managing the COVID-19 pandemic exposed the by improving the capacity of target beneficiaries for
shortcomings of the country’s health care system home-based care, and use various media to deliver
particularly in terms of prevention, control, information, education, and communication
and mitigation of infectious diseases. It also services on proper nutrition and health. Moreover,
became evident that the country lacked health amid competing demands for resources, it is also
care workers and that digital infrastructure and important to ensure efficient spending and to secure
health information system were fragmented and enough funds for the full implementation of key
inefficient. The fragmentation of service delivery legislations such as the UHC Act and the Kalusugan
has made coordination and communication at Nutrisyon ng Mag-Nanay Act.
between national and local government units
(LGUs) difficult. Furthermore, since service
delivery is mostly facility-based, the ensuing
mobility restrictions threatens to worsen nutrition
Basic, higher, and technical
and health outcomes, or reverse the gains achieved education
so far. Over the near term, the involuntary shifts in
lifestyle and behavior in response to the quarantine The Philippines has institutionalized reforms to
restrictions has resulted in a rise in mental health expand access to education at all levels (i.e., K to
problems, especially among those directly affected 12 Program, Universal Access to Quality Tertiary
by the pandemic (e.g., caught the virus, lost their Education). A major accomplishment is the increase
loved ones and their jobs). of the mean years of schooling to 10.0 in 2018, which
is close to the end of plan target of 11.3. At the basic
Ultimately, the sector with its current capacity must education level, the elementary and junior high
effectively implement its programs and provide school net enrolment rates (NER) were at 94 percent
quality services both at the national and local levels, and 83 percent versus the original 2019 targets of
in pursuit of improving nutrition and health care 93.31 percent and 72.32 percent, respectively, while
outcomes, while maintaining efforts to contain and K to 6 and Grades 7 to 12 completion rates in 2019
prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to prepare for were at 97 percent and 77 percent versus the targets
massive vaccination. Moving forward, the sector will of 87.18 percent and 77.48 percent for elementary
expand its use of innovative delivery mechanisms, and junior high school.
such as telemedicine, enhance outreach programs
Functional literacy rate increased N/A TBD N/A N/A N/A N/A
Subsector Outcome: Quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic education for all achieved
74.65 83.13
Kinder 80.46 83.37 86.28 83.70 63
(2015) (76.00)
Elementary 92.18 92.74 93.31 94.19 94.79 94
Junior High School 70.23 71.27 72.32 75.99 81.24 83
Data is not shown in the table because it estimates the proportion who are considered at least “nearly proficient” rather than the original measure
of at least moving towards “mastery.”
Elementary 85.31 86.25 87.18 92.41 97.15 97
Junior High School 76.82 77.15 77.48 84.32 88.84
Senior High School TBD TBD TBD TBD N/A N/A
Proportion of students performing at moving towards mastery, closely approximating mastery, or mastered increased (%)
Elementary 66.92 68.41 69.91 23.11* 97.15 97
Junior High School 15.98 16.78 17.59 32.78*
(2015) N/A due to change in
measurement from
“mastery” to “proficiency”
Senior High School TBD TBD TBD TBD 13.54*
Junior High School 11.72 11.51 11.31 N/A N/A due to change in
measurement from
“mastery” to “proficiency”
Senior High School TBD TBD TBD TBD N/A
Quality of higher education and technical education and research for equity and global competitiveness improved
* 2017 data not comparable with 2015 baselines due to change in methodology. There was a shift in the design of the 2017 NAT because the questions were framed, in
line with the K to 12 program’s focus on 21st century skills.
Given the huge investments in education, the collaboration to facilitate knowledge transfer may
challenge is to improve the quality of education have contributed to the low performance of the
while also anticipating the demands of the Fourth higher educational institutions (HEIs). Further, lack
Industrial Revolution (FIRe). Availability of teachers of collaboration with industry partners contributed
with specialized skills (particularly senior high to the mismatch between skills taught in schools
school [SHS]), mismatch in teaching assignments and labor market requirements.
with areas of specialization, and delayed release of Flexible learning will be adopted to continue
education inputs affect achievement of education delivery of education services during the COVID-19
outcomes at the basic education level. In higher pandemic. Major challenges like issues of
education, inadequate support and/or incentives expensive, slow, and unreliable internet connection,
to pursue graduate studies, undertake research and and added expenses for devices are needed to
publish, and limited domestic and international access online learning resources. This will also
Percentage of youth NEE
(2015) 20.5-22.5 19.5-21.5 18.5-20.5 21.7 19.8 18.7
Duration of school-to-work
(STW) transition of college N/A N/A N/A ** ** **
graduates reduced (years)
* Based on an Asian Development Bank (ADB) Survey on Filipino Youth Labor Market Experience in 2008.
* *The duration of STW transition will be measured through rider questions in the Labor Force Survey (LFS) in 2021. Prior to this, there has been no official means of
measuring STW transition.
SSS data as of September 14, 2020.
Table 10.5 Updated Plan Targets to Improve Health and Nutrition Outcomes for All
a. Male ** ** 71.3 71.3
b. Female ** ** 77.5 77.5
Neonatal mortality rate decreased (per 1,000 LB) ** ** 10 10
Infant mortality rate decreased (per 1,000 LB) ** ** 15 15
Under-five mortality rate decreased (per 1,000 LB) ** ** 22 22
Number of newly diagnosed HIV cases decreased9 ** 17,900 18,900 18,900
Proportion of women who are using modern contraceptive methods increased (%)
Proportion of fully immunized children increased (%) 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0
Due to low condom use, those who have not started treatment could still inadvertently pass the infection to others, thus, the number of HIV
cases diagnosed per year is expected to grow.
The Philippine National Health Accounts (PNHA) was revised based on the National Accounts, with 2018 as base year. With this, baseline data
of this indicator was changed accordingly. The 2019 PNHA was released in October 2020.
Balay Silangan is a national drug reformation program initiated by Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA). This is reformative and
rehabilitative in nature intended for non- drug users who voluntary surrendered or availed of the Plea Bargaining Program. It provides general
interventions like continuing education and health awareness, and psychological/spiritual/physical activities such as counseling, moral recovery,
values formation, and personal and life skills. Reformers are also taught with livelihood and skills training programs.
HTA refers to the systematic evaluation of properties, effects, or impact of health-related technologies, devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures,
and all other health-related systems developed to solve a health problem and improve quality of lives and health outcomes (UHC Act IRR, Section
The UHC Act (RA 11223) was enacted into law on February 20, 2019. Its implementing rules and regulations (IRR) were
approved on October 10, 2019. The UHC Act automatically includes all Filipinos into the NHI Program and grants immediate
eligibility and access to preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative, and palliative care, with primary care services as
priority. All members are guaranteed zero co-payments for basic/ward accommodations in government hospitals, and
fixed, co-payment for non-basic admissions in government and accredited private hospitals.
Importantly, the UHC Act is not only limited to providing health financing services (i.e., PhilHealth insurance) but also
covers improving health service delivery, local health system, health regulation, and health governance and accountability.
For instance, under the UHC, all local health systems will be integrated into the province-wide health system to be
composed of municipal and component city health systems, and citywide health systems to refer to highly-urbanized
city-, and independent component city-wide health systems. The local health system refers to all health offices, facilities
and services, human resources, and other operations relating to health under the management of the LGUs. The said
integration will be facilitated by DOH and DILG. In addition, a “Special Health Fund” will be created to pool and manage
health resources, including income from PhilHealth and province- and city-wide health systems.
Also under the UHC Act, a National Health Human Resource Master Plan will be implemented to provide appropriate health
workforce based on population needs. The DOH will lead and institutionalize a multi-stakeholder HRH Network, composed of
both public and private organizations and agencies, to formulate and oversee the sustainable implementation, monitoring,
periodic evaluation, and reformulation of the Master Plan for the management and development of HRH. Moreover, a
National Health Workforce Support System will be established to assist LGUs in human health resource needs. Deployment
of health professionals and health workers in GIDAs will be prioritized. Existing and new allied and health-related degree
and training programs will be expanded and all allied and health-related government-funded scholars must enter into a
return service agreement with both the training institution/facility and DOH for at least three years with compensation.
Mean years of schooling increased N/A N/A 11.3 11.3
Functional literacy rate increased (%) N/A N/A TBD TBD
Subsector Outcome: Quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic education for all achieved
Proportion of school-aged population participating in basic education (Net Enrollment Rate) increased (%)
Kinder 89.19 92 95 95
Elementary 93.87 96 97 97
Junior High School 73.36 89 92 92
Senior High School 64 68 80 80
Kinder to Grade 6 97 97 98 98
Grade 7 to Grade 12 82 83 84 84
Proportion of learners achieving at least nearly proficient in the NAT increased (%)
Grade 6 26 34 44 44
Grade 10 43 52 61 61
Grade 12 13 19 28 28
Subsector Outcome: Quality of higher education and technical education and research for equity and global competitiveness improved
TESDA National Technical and Education Skills Development Plan 2018-2022: Vibrant Quality TVET for Decent Work and Sustainable
Inclusive Growth, TESDA, 2018.
NEDA, Socioeconomic Report 2018, NEDA, 2018.
Table 10.7 Updated Plan Targets to Increase Income-earning Ability and Enhance Adaptability of
Percentage of discouraged workers reduced (%) 11.00 11.5 11.0 11.017
Unemployment rate of college graduates decreased (%) 7.2-7.5 10.0 8.0 8.018
Employment rate of TVET graduates increased (%)19 72.0 68.86 69.39 69.39
Based on an Asian Development Bank Survey on Filipino Youth Labor Market Experience in 2008. Data on End-of-plan (EOP) targets will be
sourced from the Labor Force Survey. Potential discrepancy between baseline value and EOP targets may arise given changes in the source of data
Lower employment demand is anticipated in the near term as a result of global and domestic economic slowdown.
Increase of discouraged workers may be expected given looming global recession and decrease in output growth by end of 2020.
Labor market disruption brought by the pandemic is seen to result in falling labor demand, especially among hard-hit industry sectors in the
near term. In addition, postponement of this year’s board examinations due to the pandemic may cause delay in college graduates’ employability
and will affect the employment absorption in the fields requiring professional board passers.
Refers to percentage of TVET graduates for the period that are already employed over the total number of TVET graduates for the same period.
2021-2022 targets were revised based on NTESD Plan.
Labor force participation of women increased (%) 50.5 48.0-50.0 48.5-50.5 48.5-50.521
Notes: 2020 targets were retained. 2021-2022 targets for some indicators were adjusted given the impact of the pandemic in the near term.
In light of the current and emerging challenges swift and coordinated whole-of-society approach to
in the labor market, the government will further policy actions. This will be accomplished through
strengthen its efforts to raise the quality of human the following strategies:
resources and ensure that the current and future
workforce will be able to adapt to the changing Further advance skills development and
demands of the labor market. Strategies that will retooling through continuing education,
improve the ability of individuals to operate and training, and digital learning. With the
thrive in a digital environment, while at the same unprecedented disruption in the economy,
time, ensuring job quality and income security will business operations have been immensely affected,
be pursued. Overall, these are expected to improve resulting to worker displacement. The government
people’s access to employment opportunities and will take an active role in upskilling and reskilling
ensure their employability and productivity, thus, its workforce through comprehensive and
translating to increased income-earning ability and coordinated skills development and training
enhanced adaptability of the Filipino workforce. programs. Skills retooling programs through
flexible and blended training arrangements will
Improving employability be expanded in building skills critical to current
and emerging industry demand. For instance,
Ensuring employability of displaced workers, courses and modules, specifically focused on
jobseekers, and those in vulnerable sectors calls for ICT, offered under the TESDA Online Program,
Percentage of females with advanced degrees is the proportion of female graduates with post-baccalaureate degree (Masters and PhD) to total
working age population of female graduates with post-baccalaureate degree.
The implementation of distant online learning and blended learning modalities may affect women’s labor force participation rate as the need for
unpaid domestic care work increases (e.g., child minding, care needs for older persons) in the near term.
Adjusted based on revised growth estimates and employment outlook in the near term
Precarious work refers to workers whose nature of employment is short-term or seasonal or casual or those who worked for different employers
on day-to-day or week to-week basis.
Box Article 10.2. Improving the Role of LGUs in Employment Facilitation Services
Local governments play an important role in the management and implementation of skills and employment programs through the PESOs. The
core services being offered by PESOs in LGUs are mainly on employment referral and placement, counseling/career guidance, and conduct of job
fairs and pre-employment seminars. However, the success of PESOs varies highly depending on how a specific LGU implements these services.
To realize PESO’s key objectives, it is crucial that they continually innovate and find ways to deliver their services that are best suited to their local
Building a good rapport with constituents and having broad and dynamic partnerships with businesses, academe, non-government organizations
(e.g., Chambers of Commerce), and other government agencies or LGUs are critical. PESOs should regularly update their database on the labor
needs of businesses, especially in emerging industries, and supply of labor. To do the latter, skills mapping in the barangay level needs to be done
regularly. PESOs can then organize better designed and targeted skills development programs.
PESOs may also assist unorganized wage employees in forming cooperatives, link microfinance institutions with those with livelihood activities,
and develop market linkages for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME). PESOs may also link job seekers with PESOs in other LGUs and/
or relevant agencies for those aspiring to work abroad.
In Marikina City, the PESO partnered with the LGU Center for Excellence and City Women’s Council in coming up with a Labor Market Center,
which works as a one-stop shop for all employment-related concerns including training/skills development and wage employment and livelihood
facilitation. Meanwhile, in Bulacan, LGUs partnered with local colleges for continuing education and skills development of the workforce.
International Labour Organization, ILO monitor: COVID-19 and the World of Work. Fourth edition, May 27, 2020.
Table 10.8 Legislative Agenda to Transform Human Capital Development towards Greater Agility
Policy on the Prevention This will facilitate the development of a National Program of Action and Investment Plan for
of Adolescent the prevention of teenage pregnancy. The program of action will serve as a national framework
Pregnancy for inter-agency and inter-sectoral collaboration at all levels that will address various health,
cultural, socioeconomic, and institutional determinants of teenage pregnancy. The policy may
be in the form of either an Executive Order or a RA.
Nationwide Firecracker This will reduce fireworks-related injury, disability, and death and update law regulating
Regulation fireworks. Some of the key features of the proposed legislation are: (a) banning of individual/
residential use of both legal and illegal firecrackers, except if used as part of a community
fireworks display; (b) strengthening the enforcement on the regulation of manufacture, sale,
distribution, storage, and use of firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices; and (c) promoting public
health and safety from the use of firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices.
Amendment of the law The proposed amendment will upgrade the qualification standards, incentives, and benefits and
(Presidential Decree will ensure the security of tenure of BNS. This is essential in the continuing capacity building
1569) on the Barangay and sustained delivery of quality frontline nutrition services to the community. Further, this
Nutrition Scholar (BNS) will also ensure that trained and experienced BNS are carried over by succeeding political
Program administrations.
Strengthening the Local This will ensure that the tasks of planning, implementing, and monitoring projects/activities
Nutrition Program to guarantee adequate food supply, livelihood, health and nutrition caring, and food stability
through the creation of during emergencies, among the most vulnerable population are provided. The full-time NAO
plantilla Nutrition Action will ensure that LGU nutrition policies and programs, as well as national laws on nutrition, are
Officer (NAO) position executed to promote good nutrition of the people.
DOH Hospital This aims to rationalize the distribution of capacity and capability of health facilities. Key
Bed Capacity and features of the proposed legislation include: (a) adjustment and approval of the authorized bed
Service Capability capacities and corresponding service capabilities of its retained hospitals; and (b) alignment of
Rationalization Act all adjustment in bed capacity and service capability of each DOH hospital with the Philippine
Health Facility Development Plan.
Health Facilities and This proposed measure aims to make licensing standards responsive to the needs of the
Services Regulation Act health systems. Specifically, the following will be covered by the proposed measure: (a) grant
quasi-judicial powers to the Bureau of Health Facilities and Services under DOH; (b) establish a
regional office to enforce regulatory policies and standards; (c) allow for the income retention
of the Bureau to enhance its capacity to expand and improve the quality of its services; (d)
extend the validity of health facility’s initial license to operate to three years; and (e) implement
adjusted penalties and revocation of license.
Counterfeit This proposed legislation will make the 22-year-old law responsive to the changes in the industry
Pharmaceutical and in anti-counterfeiting technologies. The measure (a) incorporates as economic sabotage
Products Prevention Act (>1M) the illegal manufacture, importation, distribution, sale or offer for sale, or possession of
(Amending the Special counterfeit pharmaceutical products; (b) includes online service/selling/pharmacy services; (c)
Law on Counterfeit updates administrative proceedings; (d) revises penalties; and (e) strengthens the rapid alert
Drugs or RA 8203) system.
Drugs and Medicines The proposed measure aims to: (a) create the Drugs and Medicines Price Regulation Board
Price Regulation that will regulate the pricing of any or all drugs enumerated in Section 23 of RA 9502; (b)
Act (Amending the mandate the display of prices fixed and approved by the Board for drugs and medicines on
Universally Accessible a clearly printed poster conspicuously placed within the retail outlet; (c) extend the value
Cheaper and Quality added tax (VAT) exemption coverage to all essential ethical medicines listed in the Philippine
Medicines Act of 2008 National Formulary; (d) standardize the prescription of all physicians (should be in generic
or RA 9502) terminology without any specific brand); and (e) designate the Philippine Pharma Procurement,
Incorporated as DOH’s and PhilHealth’s central procurement agency for drugs, medicines, and
common medical supplies.
Pandemic Preparedness This intends to strengthen the national and local response and preparedness during health
Act/Health Emergency emergencies (e.g., pandemic, epidemic). The proposed measure may institutionalize national
Act and local/regional CDC. It may also cover establishing medical reserve corps for disasters and
health emergencies and providing social assistance (i.e., social amelioration) during pandemic.
Amendment of the This aims to make the Magna Carta of Public Health Workers more responsive to the needs
Magna Carta of Public and rights of health workers. The proposed measure will provide appropriate benefits to public
Health Workers Act health workers across LGUs, regardless of LGU income classification, to promote equity in
benefits/incentives received, among others.
Philippine eHealth/
This measure will establish a National eHealth System that will direct, institutionalize, and
Telehealth System and
regulate the practice of eHealth in the country.
Services Act
Subsector Outcome: Quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic education for all achieved
Legislation on textbook This legislation aims to ensure timely provision and adequacy of quality textbooks in basic
development, printing, education without compromising the standards set by the DepEd. This would reduce the time
and distribution it takes for textbooks to be developed, printed, and distributed to schools, with the additional
benefit of supporting the local publishing industry.
Indigenous Peoples’ (IP) This legislation proposed aims to establish IP-centric educational systems and institutions.
Education Systems Act Through this proposed law, provision and delivery of education will be in the IP’s own languages,
in a culturally appropriate manner. The development and implementation of the IP education
programs will also consider the special needs, unique histories, indigenous knowledge systems
and practices, spirituality, and value systems of the community.
Expansion of The proposed amendment on the GASTPE law aims to further expand the coverage of the
government assistance GASTPE to the elementary level and SHS teachers in private schools in recognition of the
to K to 6 learners in complementarity role of private schools in providing basic education to Filipino learners.
private schools through
the Government GASTPE aims to provide education assistance program for students and teachers in private
Assistance to Students schools under the tuition subsidy to junior high and SHS students, who wish to pursue their
and Teachers in Private studies in private schools, through the Education Service Contracting (ESC) scheme.
Education (GASTPE)
and expansion of
the Teachers’ Salary
Subsidy (TSS) to
elementary and SHS
Amendment to the The proposed amendment aims to clarify the scope and coverage, tighten the list of eligible
Special Education Fund expenses chargeable against the SEF, eliminate provisions that are already irrelevant and
(SEF) provisions in the restate those that are confusing, and strengthen the position of DepEd in the Local School
Local Government Code Board (LSB) in decision-making.
Alternative Learning This proposed bill guarantees support for the expansion and strengthening of the alternative
Systems Bill learning system to respond to the needs of out-of-school children, youth, and adults for
improved knowledge, values, and life skills and better preparedness for work, higher education,
and self-employment. It establishes the Bureau of Alternative Education, which will focus on
policy, curriculum, learning program delivery, learning materials, learner assessment, quality
assurance, and support systems of the non-formal education system.
Subsector Outcome: Quality of higher and technical education and research for equity and global competitiveness improved
Bill on the This proposed law aims to integrate and harmonize all existing enterprise-based training
Rationalization and modalities like apprenticeship, dual training system, on-the-job training, work immersion.
Harmonization of
Training Modalities
Amendment of the The bill aims to strengthen CHED by incorporating all added mandates (created by 11 new
Higher Education Act laws passed by Congress since 1994) in a single document. Once passed, it will expand the
of 1994 (RA 7722) and CHED’s mandate to cover sports development, supervision, and regulation of higher education
Strengthening the CHED programs offered by local universities and colleges, and internationalization of HEIs, among
ICT in Education Bill This aims to strengthen the use of ICT in public elementary and high school through establishing
computer centers in schools, training of teachers, and digitization of administrative systems.
Flexible Learning The proposed legislative measure will allow funding to support and promote flexible learning
System Bill and support systems in public and private schools, as well as in HEIs.
for Blended Learning
Amendment to the This will encourage enterprises to participate in the implementation of apprenticeship programs
Apprenticeship Law by enhancing responsiveness to the identified needs of enterprise and prospective apprentices.
Specifically, EO 111, s. 1986 that sets the maximum duration of apprenticeship programs must
be repealed. Training duration must depend on the complexity of the skills to be learned.
Amendment to the This measure seeks to liberalize the restrictive provisions of the RA 6971 to accelerate the
Productivity Incentives adoption of productivity improvement and gainsharing schemes, while (a) making the
Act (RA 6971) establishment of productivity incentives committees mandatory in large private business
enterprises; (b) reiterating that gainsharing will be contingent on gains from productivity
improvement; and (c) easing the requirements for availing tax incentives by business enterprises
for granting productivity incentives and grants to employees and workers.
Amendments to the This will pursue the amendment to the five-day workweek prescribed by the Labor Code,
Labor Code accompanied by more specific guidelines on the implementation of alternative work
arrangements for both private and public sector. This will also establish a legal framework on
part-time work to increase flexibility for employers while integrating workers’ protection.
Amendments to the A more equitable hazard allowance of public health workers across salary grades will be
Magna Carta of Public pursued.
Health Workers
Amendments to the The guidelines and benefits of the EC Program need to be amended to include compensations
Guidelines and Benefits for pandemic-related risks at work.
of EC Program
11 Resiliency
and Reducing
of Filipinos
4Ps National Advisory Committee, Resolution No. 43, Institutionalizing replacement policy allowing for continuous replacement of Conditional
Cash Transfer (CCT) households, Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), December 13, 2018.
Pablo Acosta, Jorge Avalos, and Arianna Zapanta, “Pantawid Pamilya 2017 Assessment: An Update of the Philippine CCT’s Implementation
Performance,” WB Social Protection Policy Note no. 18, WB, Washington, DC, 2019.
Aubrey D. Tabuga and Carlos C. Cabaero, “Towards Inclusive Social Protection Program Coverage in the Philippines: Examining Gender
Disparities,” Discussion Paper Series No. 2019-11, PIDS, November 2019.
Nicostrato D. Perez and Angga Pradesha, Philippine Rice Trade Liberalization: Impacts on agriculture and the economy and alternative policy
actions, NEDA-IFPRI Policy Studies, 2019.
Philippine Statistics Authority’s (PSA) 2016 National Disability Prevalence Survey considers disability as an outcome of the interaction of
individuals’ impairment/health condition and their physical and social environment.
Jose Ramon G. Albert, et. al., “Poverty, the Middle Class, and Income Distribution amid COVID-19,” Discussion Paper Series No. 2020-22,
Philippine Institute for Development Studies, August 2020.
Strategies under the SP sector of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022 aim to ensure access to
nutritious food even during emergencies, reduce each type of risk, and enable people to manage individual,
economic, natural and human-induced disasters, and governance and political risks.
Table 11.1 Updated Targets to Ensure Food Resiliency and Reduce Vulnerabilities of Filipinos
(YEAR) 2020 2021 2022 END OF PLAN
Severely food insecure TBD TBD 0.00 -
Moderately food insecure TBD TBD 25.78 -
National Health Insurance Program availment rate (%) * * 100 100
DSWD. DSWD SAP 1st Tranche Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Report, May 2020.
Number of child laborers (in ‘000)*** 0 0 0 0
Proportion of women in especially difficult circumstances (355,133
100 100 100 100
reported in DSWD served cases served)
Proportion of violence against women cases reported in (1,749
100 100 100 100
DSWD served cases served)
Proportion of child abuse cases reported in DSWD served 100 100 100 100
cases served)
Percentage of families covered by social insurance**** TBD TBD TBD TBD
Number of deaths attributed to natural disasters
(91 deaths) 0 0 0 0
per 100,000 population
Number of deaths attributed to human-induced disasters
(207 deaths) 0 0 0 0
per 100,000 population
Number of missing persons attributed to natural disasters (29 missing
0 0 0 0
per 100,000 population persons)
Number of missing persons attributed to human-induced (18 missing
0 0 0 0
disasters per 100,000 population persons)
Number of directly affected persons attributed to natural (7,376,237
0 0 0 0
disasters per 100,000 population persons)
Number of directly affected persons attributed to (144,577
0 0 0 0
human-induced disasters per 100,000 population persons)
Percentage of families affected by natural and (969,470
100 100 100 100
human-induced disasters provided with assistance families)
Percentage of households with damaged houses (261,617
100 100 100 100
provided with emergency shelter assistance households)
Note that the Responsible Agency (e.g. Department of Health [DOH], PhilHealth) did not provide annual targets for these indicators as data are not available for these
years (or only end of plan target was provided by the concerned agencies).
Coverage rate is the aggregate count of PhilHealth beneficiaries (eligible member and qualified dependents) under formal economy (private, government, household
help/kasambahay, enterprise owner and family drivers), informal economy (migrant worker, informal sector, self-earning individual and organized group, and others),
indigents, sponsored members, senior citizens and lifetime members as a percentage of the total population.
Data generated from the Labor Force Survey (LFS) October 2017 Survey Round. It is based on Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Department Order
(DO) No. 149 Series of 2016 and DO No. 149-A Series of 2017 that enumerate the work that would render a person below 18 years of age to be engaged in child labor.
As this data satisfy only a few of the criteria for child labor, it cannot be compared to the results (data) from the 2011 Survey on Children.
This refers to the total number of families with at least one member covered by any (one or more) social insurance programs (i.e., SSS, GSIS, PhilHealth, private
insurance, others) divided by the number of families covered and not covered by any social insurance.
Strategic Framework
Strategies that reduced the vulnerability of Filipinos and built the capacity of individuals and families to
manage and cope with various risks and shocks will be enhanced.
This chapter features strategies which ensure Encourage small-scale planting for the
people’s access to nutritious food even during consumption of the households and community.
emergencies. Related food security measures on This strategy includes the Plant, Plant, Plant
ensuring the stability of food supply are discussed Program of the Department of Agriculture (DA)
in Chapters 8 and 20, while initiatives for proper focusing on available technologies for both urban
nutrition are found in Chapter 10. The Inter- and rural homes and partnering with institutions to
Agency Task Force (IATF) on Zero Hunger 8 augment food supply in communities and among
ensures that these strategies are supported by households. To foster effective backyard gardening
policies and programs that will end hunger, achieve and ensure access to healthy food, the DOST and
food security, improve nutrition, and promote the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples
sustainable agriculture. (NCIP) will be engaged to explore and implement
not only new technologies but also indigenous
Strengthen efforts to link food demand and knowledge systems and processes.
supply. Linkages between public institutions and
relevant actors involved in food and nutrition Fully implement the Masustansyang Pagkain
security will be strengthened through existing para sa Batang Pilipino Act (RA 11037) and
convergence partnerships and multisector provide nutritious food packs to children
platforms such as Enhanced Partnership Against through the Supplementary Feeding Program
Hunger and Poverty, Early Childhood Care and School-Based Feeding Program. RA 11037
and Development, First 1000 Days, and Scaling institutionalized government-feeding programs 9
Up Nutrition Movement with the aim of fortifying for Filipino children in day care centers,
local value chain employment. These will also kindergarten, and elementary schools. To address
consider government’s efforts that link products and emerging nutrition concerns during emergencies,
markets, such as the Department of Agriculture’s food supplementation through the Supplementary
(DA) Kadiwa ni Ani at Kita and the Department of Feeding Program and School-Based Feeding
Trade and Industry’s (DTI) Negosyo sa Barangay. Program can be enhanced. Instead of hot meals,
day care and elementary school students will be
Strengthen the food fortification program. The provided with nutritious food packs, which may
Department of Health (DOH) in coordination include vegetable noodles (malunggay/squash/
with other concerned agencies such as the carrots), iron-fortified rice, and enhanced nutribun,
National Nutrition Council (NNC), Department among others. Said food packs will then be
Executive Order No. 101, s. 2020, Creating an IATF on Zero Hunger, January 10, 2020.
Supplementary Feeding Program for Day Care Children, School-Based Feeding Program, and Milk Feeding Program.
These include older persons, immunocompromised individuals, persons with disability, adolescent mothers, children, solo parents, pregnant and
lactating mothers, internally displaced persons, and urban poor.
DOH and PhilHealth, Implementing Rules and Regulations of the UHC Act (RA 11223). October 10, 2019, Section 34.
HazardHunterPH is a tool that can be used to generate indicative hazard assessment reports on the user’s specified location. It is helpful as a
reference of property owners, buyers, land developers, planners, and other stakeholders needing immediate hazard information and assessment.
Create a registry of vulnerable groups and Monitor and evaluate SP policies and programs.
address data constraints. To implement policies In accordance with the National Evaluation Policy
and SP programs in an effective and timely manner, (NEP) framework, SP programs will be regularly
the DSWD, in cooperation with the concerned assessed and monitored by the SDC-SCSP to
councils and/or commissions, will develop a ensure that program and project objectives are
registry of vulnerable groups, especially for street met. Monitoring and evaluation activities will
children, older persons, persons with disability, form part of the annual budget of implementing
and workers in the informal and gig economy, agencies and LGUs, reports of which will be
and those affected by development interventions. uploaded to their respective websites to ensure
This initiative will consider integrating data from transparency.
Table 11.2 Legislative Agenda to Ensure Food Resiliency and Reduce Vulnerabilities of Filipinos
Philippine Adoption Act for The proposed legislation seeks to improve the quality of foster care for abandoned
Abandoned and Neglected and neglected children, particularly those with special needs.
Children and for Children with
Special Needs
Anti-Senior Citizen Abuse Act The bill aims to protect senior citizens from all forms of abuse.
Increasing amount and coverage This aims to increase the amount of the monthly social pension and expand the
of Social Pension coverage of qualified beneficiaries of the social pension.
Evacuation Center Act This will establish permanent and resilient (i.e., earthquake and
hydrometeorological hazards) evacuation centers with the necessary facilities to
avoid the practice of using classrooms as evacuation centers during calamities.
Under this bill, evacuation centers should have women, children, persons with
disability, and elderly-friendly spaces. It should also be constructed with space
that can be used flexibly during emergencies. The NDRRMC will be in charge of
identifying which municipalities and cities will be given priority.
12 Resilient, and
Safeguards families and communities from environmental risks and negative impacts of urbanization, with particular attention to children,
women, elderly people, and persons with disability (PWD).
Table 12.1 shows the updated Plan Results Matrices (RMs) indicators and targets for 2020-2022.
Table 12.1 Updated Plan Targets to Build Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities
Note: *Baseline and annual targets were updated based on the SDG National Targets Validation Workshop on November 28-29, 2018 in Tagaytay City.
May either be the cumulative (2017-2022) or incremental target value at the end of the Plan period.
Figure 12.1 Strategic Framework to Build Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities
Table 12.2 Legislative Agenda to Build Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable Communities
Passage of the National Land This will establish a national land use framework that will define the indicative
Use Act (NaLUA) priorities for land utilization and allocation across residential, infrastructure,
agricultural, and protective uses and integrate efforts, monitor developments
related to land use, and evolve policies, regulations and directions of land use
planning processes.
Amendments to the NHMFC The proposed amendments will strengthen and broaden NHMFC’s mandate to
Charter include the development of a secondary mortgage market for housing-related
financial instruments/assets and issuance of housing related asset-backed
securities, as well as invest in housing-related financial instruments and other
investment vehicles.
Institutionalization of Local This will provide mandatory creation of Local Housing Boards in every city
Housing Boards and first to third class municipality to ensure full cascading of the government
housing policies and programs to the local government and ensure the sustained
implementation of national and local housing programs.
Strengthened National The proposed measure will renew the NHA Charter and strengthen its
Housing Authority (NHA) Act organizational structure and functions.
Reaching for
13 the Demographic
Dividend Across
All Regions
In preparing the country’s human capital towards harnessing the demographic dividend, major
reforms to improve the delivery of nutrition and health services, and transformative education
have been put in place in the past three years. However, the socioeconomic impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic can reverse these gains. Moving forward, the government will implement
programs that will mitigate the pandemic’s short- and long-term effects while continuing to
address persistent issues on malnutrition, access to health services, and quality of graduates
for employment. These will allow the country to still reach the demographic dividend while
building a healthy and resilient Philippines.
Chapter 13 Reaching for the Demographic Dividend Across All Regions | 233
Challenges: Regional disparities remain in terms increased maternal mortality and increased birth
of reaping the demographic dividend due to rates, including adolescent or early pregnancies.1
uneven economic development and access to Closure of schools also highlighted the need to set
social services. There is persistent high incidence up and adopt new technologies and modalities in
of adolescent pregnancy, inadequate access to delivering education services. In addition, record-
family planning, commodities and services, and high unemployment and underemployment
poor nutrition outcomes as indicated by continued rates due to the pandemic will directly affect the
high levels of stunting and wasting among infants attainment of the demographic dividend. The
and children under five years old. The COVID-19 COVID-19 crisis also exposed gaps in population
pandemic has adversely affected every aspect and demographic databases at the national and local
of society, which could exacerbate these issues, level that would have facilitated the identification
reverse the gains achieved, and necessitate of target beneficiaries for government support
adjustments to cope with the new normal. During and for integrating population and development
the implementation of nationwide community initiatives in the country.
quarantine, sexual and reproductive health
services became inaccessible, which could lead to
The following table contains the updated Plan targets in accelerating the demographic transition and
maximizing the dividend. Some of these indicators are part of other Philippine Development Plan (PDP)
2017-2022 chapters and are also reflected here given their relevance.
Table 13.1 Updated Plan Targets to Reach for the Demographic Dividend
(YEAR) 2020 2021 2022 END OF PLAN
Age-dependency ratio decreased Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing
Crude death rate (per 1,000 population) reduced Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing
Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births) decreased ** ** 22.0 22.0
The Department of Health (DOH) projected that the inaccessibility to sexual and reproductive health services can lead to between 47,000 to
253,000 additional unintended pregnancies and around 11,200 to 59,700 additional unsafe abortions for 2020. (DOH Family Planning Team,
“Family Planning and the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Presentation, 80th Regular Meeting of the of the National Implementation Team for the
Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law, May 28, 2020.) For adolescent pregnancies there might be a projected increase in incidence
by 6.3% or about 5,000 more adolescents who will become mothers. (UNFPA, “2020 World Population Day Presentation,” July 11, 2020.)
The COVID-19 pandemic is assumed to have an impact on the access of women to essential sexual and reproductive health services – that may
lead to an increase in deaths in 2020. Recalibration of the MMR target for 2022 is viewed to ensure the attainment of the country’s 2030 SDG
MMR target of 70 per 100,000 livebirths.
Proportion of women who are using modern contraceptive methods increased (%)
All reproductive age women (15-49 years old) 28.0 29.0 30.0 30.0
Male ** ** 71.3 71.3
Female ** ** 77.5 77.5
Mean years of schooling increased N/A N/A 11.3 11.3
Proportion on learners achieving at nearly proficient in National Achievement Test (NAT) increased (%)
Grade 6 26.0 34.0 44.0 44.0
Grade 10 43.0 52.0 61.0 61.0
Grade 12 13.0 19.0 28.0 28.0
Kinder to Grade 6 97.0 97.0 98.0 98.0
Grade 7 to 12 82.0 83.0 84.0 84.0
Junior High School Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing
Chapter 13 Reaching for the Demographic Dividend Across All Regions | 235
(YEAR) 2020 2021 2022 END OF PLAN
Senior High School Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing Decreasing
Labor force participation rate of women increased (%) 50.5 48.0 – 50.0 48.5 – 50.5 48.5 – 50.5
Computed as unmet need for modern family planning plus traditional contraceptive use.
Responsible Agencies (e.g. Department of Health [DOH], Commission on Population and Development [POPCOM], and Department of Education [DepEd]) did
not provide annual targets for these indicators as data were not available for these years.
Strategic Framework
Figure 13.1 Strategic Framework to Reach for the Demographic Dividend
Chapter 13 Reaching for the Demographic Dividend Across All Regions | 237
FP) information will likewise be continuously Provide appropriate and innovative services,
incorporated in relevant programs and activities, including family planning, sexual, and
such as pre-marriage orientation and counseling, reproductive health for adolescents and the youth.
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Family The high incidence of adolescent pregnancy is a
Development Sessions, and other programs for major concern that affects the country’s population
employees or RP/FP in the workplace conducted by growth and human capital development (e.g., poor
the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) health condition and nutritional status for mothers
and the Civil Service Commission (CSC), among and infants, poor education outcomes, etc.). Hence,
others. to prevent unplanned repeat pregnancies, age-
appropriate adolescent sexual and reproductive
Strengthen provision of family planning services, health services, including family planning, will be
adolescent sexual and reproductive health provided to sexually active adolescents and those
commodities and services. To match the demand who have already given birth. Social determinants
for RP/FP services, accessibility and availability of of adolescent pregnancy will be given attention by
commodities and services will be expanded. Areas identifying and addressing contextual factors that
and populations with high unmet demand for influence early coitus and pregnancy. The focus
such commodities and services will be prioritized. will be on ensuring the full implementation of the
Appropriate health personnel and facilities within a Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE), in line
functioning healthcare provider network to provide with the RPRH Law. This includes the provision
services will be made available to all. Family planning of appropriate learning materials and modules,
logistics management will also be strengthened continuous capacity-building of adult partners (i.e.,
in all public service delivery points through teachers, parents/guardians, and CSOs), and the
interoperable commodities tracking system across creation of a CSE parent education module to be
national and local facilities. In times of emergencies introduced in Parent-Teacher Association meetings.
and other disasters, the Minimum Initial Service Adolescent-friendly health service packages will
Package (MISP)3 for sexual and reproductive also be developed to address the age group’s unique
health services will be provided. Postpartum family needs in terms of correct information and access to
planning and family planning outreach missions adolescent sexual and reproductive health services,
and counseling services will also be intensified. including human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV).
These activities will be implemented along with the
The participation of LGUs, specifically those establishment and sustainability of teen centers
with high incidence of unplanned pregnancies, is and adolescent-friendly facilities or spaces in LGUs
key in the implementation of these strategies. As and schools, and developmental activities for the
such, there will be continued capacity building youth (e.g., sports, socialization, volunteerism,
of local stakeholders specifically for local chief etc.). These will be recalibrated and temporarily
executives, local health officers, and local health moved online during the COVID-19 pandemic.
service providers. Community volunteers, local Innovative and interactive forms of communication
government health workers, and private sector strategies to reach the youth will also be employed,
providers will be capacitated in delivering family such as the use of social media and other online
planning and reproductive health services (i.e., media platforms, cellphone applications, and call or
Family Planning Competency-based Training text hotlines. Youth-oriented TV and other media
for health providers). Local chief executives will programs will be developed to reach the youth
also be provided with leadership and governance and encourage them to make productive use of
capability-building programs for health that can their time. To this end, coordinated efforts among
improve local health systems and make them more concerned government agencies will be pursued,
responsive to the health needs of their constituency. including the mobilization of and capacity-building
The MISP covers services for safe motherhood, family planning, sexually transmitted infections (STI) and HIV/acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS), and gender-based violence per DOH Administrative Order 2016-0005.
Flexible learning options include open distance learning, blended learning, homeschooling, television- and radio-based instruction, and satellites
for off-grid areas.
Michael R.M. Abrigo, et al., “Are We Missing Out on the Demographic Dividend? Trends and Prospects,” Discussion Paper Series No. 2018-43,
Philippine Institute for Development Studies, December 2018.
Chapter 13 Reaching for the Demographic Dividend Across All Regions | 239
work – internships, apprenticeships, and dual- all. These include the provision of products and
training programs will be strengthened and services that will support savings build-up through
expanded. Stronger government-industry- access to savings, checking, and current accounts,
academe linkage will be forged and sustained to pensions, and youth micro-deposits.6 Widespread
achieve these. Employment facilitation for this adoption of these formal financial services will be
age cohort will also be improved by providing pushed through the use of digital payments that
assistance such as coaching, career advocacy, will make transaction accounts relevant, valuable,
and counseling. These will be offered through and inclusive. This will be complemented by
online platforms to make it accessible during consumer empowerment through digital financial
the pandemic. Promoting the use of existing labor literacy, among others. During the pandemic,
market programs including technology-based online courses, webinars, and e-conferences will
mechanisms, such as the PhilJobNet, can also help be employed to improve the population’s economic
in their employment. Upon employment, their and financial literacy (see Chapter 15).
productivity can be further improved by building
and strengthening employee and enterprise
Improving population and development
capacities. Health and safety in the workplace will
integration and youth participation
also be promoted by crafting support mechanisms
to address psychosocial risks and work-related
Integration of population factors in development
stress and providing reproductive health and
initiatives, planning, and programming will be
modern family planning services to workers
pursued through various channels – specifically
(see Chapter 10).
in localizing and teaching population and
development concepts (including the demographic
Aside from the youth, specific focus will also be
dividend) to local chief executives. There will
given to women’s participation and retention
be continuous inter-agency collaboration for
in the labor force, which is only 47.6 percent
synergized implementation of key strategies
of all women of working age in 2019. Female
identified in the PDP 2017-2022 towards achieving
labor force participation will be increased by
the demographic dividend. Various support,
intensifying monitoring and ensuring compliance
such as the provision of capacity building and
of corporations to laws, policies, and programs
mentoring, will also be extended to national
that foster women’s participation and retention
government agencies and LGUs in integrating
in the workforce (e.g., Expanded Maternity Leave
population and development in their sectoral and
Act and the Family Welfare Program). Women’s
local development plans. Sustainable development
access to formal employment opportunities will
will be pursued through an integrated population,
also be advanced, including entrepreneurship
health and nutrition, and environment approach
through e-commerce. Flexible work arrangements
in carrying out initiatives for reaping the
such as compressed workweek and alternative
demographic dividend (see Chapter 20).
worksites will likewise be explored. There will also
be a continuous push for affordable and accessible
New methods of collecting population data
childcare support mechanisms like daycare
in the LGUs will be identified and sustained.
and child-minding facilities and services (see
For example, a harmonized and interoperable
Chapter 10).
Local Migration and Information System will be
institutionalized, maintained, and utilized for
Improving savings build-up planning and programming, especially in urban
areas. The LGUs will also be supported in the
The government will provide effective access to a collection of population and development-related
wide range of financial products and services for data through the Community-Based Monitoring
National Strategy for Financial Inclusion
Per the CBMS Act of 2018 (RA 11315).
Population Action International, Integrated PHE More than the Sum of its Parts, 2014.
National Youth Commission, Philippine Youth Development Plan 2017-2022. 2017.
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Adolescents and Young People & COVID-19, March 2020; UNFPA, “COVID-19 Preparedness and
Response,” UNFPA Interim Technical Brief, March 23, 2020.
Chapter 13 Reaching for the Demographic Dividend Across All Regions | 241
Legislative Agenda
Table 13.2 Legislative Agenda to Reach for the Demographic Dividend
Institutionalization of This will provide the establishment and operation of population offices to allow
Local Population and effective implementation of population management strategies and measures at
Development Policy the local level.
Prevention of Adolescent This will facilitate the development of a National Program of Action and Investment
Pregnancy Plan for the prevention of teenage pregnancy. The program of action will serve as a
national framework for inter-agency and inter-sectoral collaboration at all levels to
address the various health, cultural, socioeconomic, and institutional determinants
of teenage pregnancy. The policy may be issued in the form of either an EO or a RA.
14 Advancing
Technology, and
With the emergence of COVID-19, there is a need to advance STI that contributes to the
attainment of a healthy and resilient Philippines. This will include the rollout of technologies
that will help address the pandemic. Moreover, the procurement process of STI programs,
projects, and activities (PPAs) will be reviewed and refined for timely implementation and
greater impact. Various government support services for startups and micro, small, and
medium enterprises (MSMEs) will also be ramped up to help them become more innovative
and resilient in times of crisis. The establishment of the National Innovation Council (NIC),
which is seen to guide the country towards long-term STI development, will also be fast-
Based on the latest available data from the Department of Science and Technology - Planning and Evaluation Service (DOST-PES) (as of January
2019), the Philippines’ overall R&D expenditure slightly grew to 0.16 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2015 from 0.14 percent in
2013. However, this still reflects low R&D expenditure relative to the country’s Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) peers. This is
also way below the 1 percent R&D spending share to GDP benchmark for developing countries recommended by the United Nations Educational,
Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Fatima Lourdes E. Del Prado and Maureen Ann D. Rosellon, “Technology and Knowledge Transfers in Production Networks: Case Study on
Philippine Food Manufacturing Firms,” Discussion Paper Series No. 2017-08, Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), March 2017.
As the study defined, “production” involves a broad spectrum of economic activities related to manufacturing products and goods. A full end-to-
end appraisal of what it entails reveals the following sequence: Design-Source-Manufacture-Assemble-Distribute-Service-End of Use-Cycle. On
the other hand, “readiness” is generally regarded as the ability to capitalize on future production opportunities, mitigate risks and challenges, and
be resilient and agile in responding to unknown future shocks.
Table 14.1 Updated Plan Targets to Vigorously Advance Science, Technology, and Innovation
Subsector Outcome: STI application in agriculture, industry, services, and health sectors increased
Number of Filipino patents filed increasedb/ 348** 353*** 394*** 394***
Number of Filipino utility models filed increasedb/ 1,862** 1,380*** 1,848*** 1,848***
Number of Filipino industrial designs filed increasedb/ 910** 675*** 873*** 873***
Subsector Outcome: Creative capacity for knowledge and technology generation, acquisition, and adoption enhanced
Top 58%
Overall Global Innovation Index (GII) rank improvedc/ Top 38%** Top 35% Top 33% Top 33%
Number of STEM graduates in HEIs increaseda/ 50,000 113,000 318,000 318,000
(AY 2015-2016)
Subsector Outcome: Open collaboration among actors in the STI ecosystem strengthened
Original indicators set/approved in 2016 (https://neda.gov.ph/pdp-results-matrices/2017-2022/).
Indicators set/approved before the pandemic (abridged version as of March 2020)
New indicators set/approved after the March 2020 version.
Original indicators set/approved in 2016 but with the terms corrected.
* Revision in baseline data.
**2020 original targets set/approved in 2016/prior to the pandemic retained.
*** Revisions in targets for the remaining years of the Plan period.
Figure 14.1 Strategic Framework to Vigorously Advance Science, Technology, and Innovation
The preparation of the Innovation Portal is being supported by the Global Innovation Policy Accelerator. The Global Policy Accelerator program
is funded through the United Kingdom government’s Newton Fund and delivers executive development to national cohorts of senior policymakers
from the main innovation institutions, while strengthening the implementation capabilities of their teams. (https://www.nesta.org.uk/ project/
The CRADLE Challenge has four thematic areas: (a) sustainable supply and logistics, (b) products for the new normal, (c) reinventing the
workplace, and (d) services that transcend boundaries. The developed research outputs are aimed to advance the innovativeness and competitiveness
of local Filipino companies and ultimately help jumpstart the Philippine economy.
There is no universally-agreed definition for frontier technology. However, there is a recurring common feature across the different technological
advances and that they all “have the potential to disrupt the status quo, alter the way people live and work, rearrange value pools, and lead to
entirely new products and services." (UN-ESCAP, Frontier Technologies for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific, 2018.). Some
examples of frontier technologies are nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, internet-of- things, bioprinting, big data, blockchain, robotics,
neurotechnology, synthetic biology, and others.
CHED will lead the updating of the curriculum.
• Establish STI facilities and innovation hubs. • Aggressively promote to the public the
The government will engage with the academe importance and benefits of science in helping
and industry to build more makerspace, resolve national issues. The government will
innovation hubs, innovation centers, use new and traditional media to inform the
FabLabs, laboratory facilities, R&D centers, public of the benefits, importance, and potential
and prototyping facilities, as well as science of science to address various challenges
and technology parks in strategic locations and move the country forward. Public trust
throughout the country to support the in science is important for science-based
innovation and technology requirements of the policy to succeed. Highly-technical data and
MSMEs and startups. Moreover, the OneLab information will be conveyed in a manner that
Network, a platform which integrates DOST can be easily understood by the public. In the
analytical and testing laboratories and other case of the COVID-19 pandemic, the massive
laboratories in the Philippines and ASEAN information campaign and institution of control
countries, will be strengthened to provide easy measures have helped in the reduction of virus
access to testing and calibration services. The transmission. As an example, altering public
capabilities of existing and new STI facilities behavior to lower virus transmission depends
and innovation hubs to execute some of their on how scientific data are imparted to the
services online will also be developed. populace. “Flattening the curve” for ordinary
citizens was unknown before the pandemic, but
Talingdan, Maria Elena A., "DOST-NRCP Vice President Dr. Raul V. Destura, the Scientist behind the First Local COVID-19 Testing Kit," NRCP
Website, April 6, 2020.
The law establishes the NIC which will develop the country’s innovation goals, priorities, and long-term national strategy. Said Council will
also formulate a National Innovation Agenda and Strategy Document that establishes the country’s vision and long-term goals for innovation and
provides a roadmap and the strategies for improving innovation governance through clear-cut delineation and complementation of innovation
efforts across agencies, deepening and accelerating innovation efforts, and integrating and fostering public-private partnerships, among others.
Legislative Agenda
Table 14.2 Legislative Agenda to Vigorously Advance Science, Technology, and Innovation
Amendments to the This seeks to strengthen the IPOPHL as the lead government agency in IP. It intends
Intellectual Property (IP) Code to improve its organizational structure to maintain and implement effective, efficient,
economical, responsive, technology-driven, and sustainable services and programs;
protect, enforce, and adjudicate; promote and steer creativity, innovation, development,
utilization, and commercialization that would benefit MSMEs; enhance learning,
advocacy; and support the enhancement of digital infrastructure and interconnectivity.
Science for Change (S4C) Act This aims to expand various S&T programs of the DOST (e.g., R&D programs, technology
business incubation, foreign scholarships) and prescribes the R&D areas to be considered
under the S4C Program. The bill also seeks to require NGAs, LGUs, and SUCs to adopt
publicly-funded and generated technologies whenever feasible and practicable.
Creative capacity for knowledge and technology generation, acquisition, and adoption enhanced
Philippine Virology Science This will establish a research institute that will delve into the study of viruses. The country
and Technology Institute needs diagnostics to detect and limit the spread of existing viruses; vaccines to provide
long-term protection; treatments to save lives in the shorter term; and social science to
understand their behavioral and societal implications.
An Act Creating the Center This proposed legislation aims to establish a center that will be the principal agency
for Disease Control and tasked with developing and applying communicable disease control and prevention
Prevention, Providing initiatives. It will be responsible for controlling the introduction and spread of infectious
Mechanisms for Epidemic diseases.
Control, and for Other
Comprehensive Philippine This proposed measure aims to legislate an independent regulatory framework that will
Atomic Regulation Act decide on issues affecting public health and safety, protection of the environment, and
nuclear security and safeguards, that is beyond the reach of entities with self-motivated
Strengthening the National This seeks to establish the National Metrology Institute under the DOST as well as
Measurement Infrastructure provide capacity building programs through competency training to strengthen the local
System (NMIS), Amending RA metrology authorities at the local level and foster a metrology culture that will instill a
9236 also known as the keen appreciation of the importance of metrology.
National Metrology Act of
Provincial Science and This seeks to strengthen the existing Provincial Centers for Science and Technology
Technology Office Act (PSTC) under RA 6959 by converting them into an office so that the development and
transfer of technologies in the rural areas can be vigorously pursued and implemented.
eHealth System and Services This aims to establish, institutionalize, and regulate a coherent, coordinated, and
Act collaborative National eHealth System, guided by a national policy and strategic
Digital Philippines Act This aims to adopt a whole-of-government approach in promoting digital innovation and
transformation in business and government.
Philippine Defense Industry This intends to provide the required policy environment for the development of a national
Development Act defense industry through the strengthening and revitalizing of the self-reliant defense
posture program, incentivizing in-country enterprises, rationalizing defense acquisition,
and institutionalizing a functional office for defense technology research and industry
development under the Department of National Defense (DND).
15 Sound
Ensuring Sound
Macroeconomic Policy
The Philippine economy faced and overcame various headwinds in the first half of the Plan
period. Macroeconomic fundamentals remain strong and stable, resulting in a credit rating
upgrade for the country. The fiscal position also remains sustainable and supportive of growth
with the pursuit of tax reforms, improved spending efficiency, and prudent debt management.
Headline inflation rate was generally within target with the implementation of appropriate
monetary and non-monetary policy measures. The financial sector remains stable, with
significant strides in expanding inclusiveness by simplifying requirements for opening basic
bank deposit accounts and creating a legal framework for the use of non-traditional collateral.
Moreover, the external sector remains resilient, characterized by a manageable current account
deficit and modest trade growth despite disruptions in global markets.
This strong starting position to be complemented with strategic and responsive measures
will enable prompt recovery from the downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Towards a
healthy and resilient Philippines, fiscal policy will be made more responsive through enabling
budget and policies, enhanced local government units (LGUs) capacity, and improved private
sector participation. Targeted supervisory actions and reforms that address the impact of
the pandemic remain crucial in fostering the resilience of the country’s financial system.
Trade partnerships will be intensified, while products and markets will be diversified and
scaled up to take advantage of shifts in business processes and consumer preferences under
the “new normal.”
Philippine Identification System Act (Republic Act [RA] 11055) and the Personal Property Security Act of 2018 (RA 11057).
Targets for the indicator are reflected in Chapter 15 of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) Results Matrices.
(YEAR) 2020* 2021 2022 END OF PLAN
Subsector Outcome 1.1. Responsive, strategic, supportive, and sustainable fiscal sector
Government Revenue to GDP ratio improved (%)1/ 17.0 13.2 13.3 13.3
Tax revenue to GDP ratio improved (%)1/ 16.2 12.3 12.5 12.5
Utilization of current year’s budget increasing9/ increasing increasing increasing increasing
(2018) 10/
Locally-sourced LGU income increased (PHP, billions)15/ 256.5 144.9 159.4 159.4
Utilization of local development fund improved (%)16/ 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Subsector Outcome 1.2. Resilient and inclusive monetary and financial sector
1.3 (2012=100);
Low and stable inflation rate achieved (%) 2.0-4.0 2.0-4.0 2.0-4.0 2.0-4.0
1.8 (2006=100)
Equity market capitalization relative to GDP (%) 107.0 73.3 78.5 78.5
Size of local currency bond market in % of GDP 45.0 39.2 43.6 43.6
Microinsurance penetration (% of total population)20/ 34.0 40.8 44.8 44.8
Exports of goods increased (USD billion)1/ 54.8-56.9 46.1-47.1 47.9-49.4 47.9-49.4
Exports of services increased (USD billion)1/ 47.2-49.0 37.0-37.8 40.0-41.2 40.0-41.2
Strategic Framework
To achieve the targets above and consequently Amidst the challenges brought about by the
sustain a sound, stable, and supportive pandemic and the transition to the new normal
macroeconomic environment, the following sub- and the increasing pressure on the national
sector outcomes will be pursued: (a) responsive, government’s fiscal position, responsiveness, and
strategic, supportive, and sustainable fiscal sector; sustainability were included in the sub-sector
(b) resilient and inclusive monetary and financial outcome under the fiscal sector, while the third
sectors; and (c) sustainable and resilient external sub-sector outcome was expanded to cover the
sector. entire external sector (from external trade sector
only previously). The figure below shows the
updated framework.
food security, digital economy/government,
Sustaining sound, stable, and and growth-inducing expenditures such
supportive macroeconomic as crucial and shovel-ready infrastructure
environment projects, among others.
Implement strategic revenue policy and Explore optimal financing schemes including
administrative measures. multilateral and market financing.
Presidential Decree No. 1445.
The crafting of these transition plans will be guided by the framework being developed by the Core Technical Working Group (TWG) on Full
Devolution Efforts. The members of the TWG are DBM, National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Department of the Interior and
Local Government (DILG), Department of Finance (DOF), and Civil Service Commission (CSC).
BTr, The Philippine Roadmap: Local Currency Debt Market Development, 2017.
Encourage efficiency and innovation in • Foster growth of green and sustainable finance
microfinance and microinsurance for the market. The SEC has issued regulations and
domestic market. The ability of microfinance guidelines on the issuance of green, social,
institutions to provide digital financial services and sustainable bonds that are aligned with
will be enhanced. Private insurance providers ASEAN standards. Further, it has collaborated
will be encouraged to engage in the delivery of with multinational corporations such as the
microinsurance for agriculture, in addition to Asian Development Bank (ADB) to seek
the existing micro-health and pre-need services. assistance in developing the market. With
the increasing uptake of green bonds in the
Foster capital market development. country, the agency is currently studying the
possible publication of guidance for issuing
• Foster capital market development to secure transition and sustainability-linked bonds to
a well-functioning financial market that provide direction for issuers and assurance
is critical to financial stability. Developing for both domestic and foreign investors.
the domestic capital market and increasing
The Monetary Board approved the Digital Banking Framework which recognizes digital bank as a new bank category that is separate and distinct
from the existing bank classification. Digital bank is defined as a bank that offers financial products and services that are processed end-to-end
through a digital platform and/or electronic channels with no physical branches. (BSP, Circular No. 110, s. 2O2O Guidelines on the Establishment
of Digital Banks, November 25, 2020.)
BSP, Memorandum No. M-2020-039, Utilization of Basel III Capital and Liquidity Buffers, May 4, 2020.
BSP, Memorandum No. M-2020-008, Regulatory Relief for BSP-Supervised Financial Institutions (BSFI) Affected by the Corona Virus Disease
2019 (COVID-19), March 14, 2020.
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Banking Sector Regulatory and Supervisory Response to Deal with Coronavirus Impact (with Q and A),
Special Series on COVID-19, May 13, 2020.
Based on the survey conducted by the Insurance Commission (IC), total COVID-19 related payouts amounted to PHP 326.95 million, of which
PHP 19.68 million were ex-gratia payments. The survey was conducted from April 16 to May 8, 2020. (“Life and Non-Life Insurers, Mutual Benefit
Associations (MBA) and Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) Exhibit Financial Resiliency Against COVID-19-Related Claims, According
to Survey Conducted by the IC,” Press Release, June 4, 2020).
Green products are those that are considered as natural, healthy, eco-friendly, and socially responsible. These also include products that carry
eco-labels confirming that the products meet voluntary sustainability standards or international private standards through third-party certification
such as organic-certified, fair-trade-certified, culture-based certified (i.e., Halal, Kosher, vegan), environmentally-sustainable (i.e., cruelty-free,
dolphin safe, UTZ certified, Forest Stewardship Council-certified, Scientific Certification Systems, Inc.-certified), and have natural content.
IT-BPM covers multiple information technology and business process activities while Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) only covers contact
centers (i.e. voice and non-voice) outsourcing services.
DOLE, Labor Advisory 2020-17. Guidelines on the Employment Preservation upon the Resumption of Business Operation, May 16, 2020.
Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA), Memorandum Circular 2020-011, PEZA Assistance to Ecozone I.T. Enterprises in Responding to
COVID-19, March 5, 2020.
This is a commitment under Article 23.2 of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement.
Includes film, animation, game development, graphic arts and design, and advertising.
Fiscal Sector
Passage of the This seeks to amend the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997 to achieve a simpler,
remaining packages of fairer, and more efficient tax system.
the Comprehensive Tax
Reform Program1/ Among the packages, Package 2 or the CREATE is a priority. The measure aims to
institute reforms in the corporate tax system (e.g., reduce corporate income tax rate) and
the fiscal incentives system, directing them toward strategic growth industries, to attract
greater foreign investment and generate more jobs.
Digital Taxation This will ensure a level playing field between traditional industries and the digital economy
Framework given the expected shift of the private sector to online transactions amid the new normal.
Unified Pension Reform The bill aims to introduce reforms in the military and uniformed personnel’s (MUP)
Bill pension system, which, among others, include (a) mandatory contribution scheme; and
(b) increase in the compulsory retirement age, to curb the ballooning pension costs and
to ensure fiscal sustainability.
Budget Modernization Bill The proposed legislation aims to institute sound Public Financial Management (PFM)
practices to promote transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the use of public
Amendment to the This will allow the exemption of key priority infrastructure projects from the ban during
Omnibus Election Code the election period in order to ensure the timely implementation of these projects.
Update the 1976 This measure seeks to revise the outdated provisions of the Government Auditing Code
Government Auditing considering the technological advancements, innovations, and other changes in the
Code of the Philippines conduct of government auditing across the globe.
(Presidential Decree 445)
LGU Income Classification The proposed bill aims to institute the income classification of provinces, cities, and
Bill municipalities, to make it reflective of the LGUs’ financial capability, particularly their
ability to generate locally-sourced revenues.
Key legislative measures that will improve local government finance, such as the LGU Property Insurance Bill (see
Chapter 19) and Amendment to the Local Government Code of 1991 (see Chapter 5).
Enactment of the This will empower financial regulators to formulate and implement rules and regulations,
Financial Consumer conduct surveillance and examination, monitor supervised entities, and have enforcement
Protection Law powers relative to financial consumer protection.
Amendments to the This will make financial institutions comply with international standards on transparency
Bank Secrecy Law and help facilitate investigations on tax evasion, money laundering and other financial
Amendments to the The proposed amendments will enable SEC to enforce its rules and regulations relative to
Securities Regulation its supervision over the corporate sector, the capital market participants, the securities
Code and investment instruments market, and the investing public.
Collective Investment The bill will provide a comprehensive regulatory and legal framework for Collective
Schemes Bill Investment Schemes.
Amendments to the This will overhaul the present warehouse receipt system and provide an online registry
Warehouse Receipts Law system where all electronic warehouse receipts can be registered and accessed.
Amendments to the This seeks to amend the Agri-Agra Reform Credit Act of 2009 (RA 10000) to strengthen
Agri-Agra Law rural development by providing for a holistic approach that takes into account the broader
agriculture financing ecosystem and rural community development requirements.
Financial Institutions The bill aims to maintain the financial health of banks and other financial institutions in
Strategic Transfer Bill order to cushion the adverse economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Government Financial GUIDE will provide financial assistance to firms that are strategically important to
Institutions Unified economic recovery, in view of their role in providing employment and supporting the
Initiatives to Distressed Philippine economy.
Enterprises for Economic
Recovery (GUIDE) Bill
External Sector
Amendment of the This will allow for the expeditious process of tariff modifications in times of crisis in
Customs Modernization order to augment local supply and ensure that essential medical supplies are stable.
and Tariff Act (RA
Amendments to the The proposed amendments aim to consider relaxing export requirements and incorporate
Special Economic Zone provisions which will address telecommuting and work from home arrangements in
Act of 1995 response to the pandemic.
Key legislative measures that will promote a sustainable and resilient external sector include measures listed under
Chapter 9 such as National Quality Infrastructure Bill, Amendment to the FIA, and Amendment to the RTLA.
Also includes Package 2+: Mining Fiscal Regime, Package 3: Real Property Valuation, and Package 4: Passive Income and Financial Intermediary Taxation
16 Competition
Promoting Competition
Competition makes markets perform better and promotes inclusive economic growth. It
induces producers to reduce costs, innovate, and widen the range of goods and services
available to consumers. It allows a level playing field where small entrepreneurs and firms,
apart from larger players, may operate and grow. Competition raises productivity, expands
economic opportunities, increases people’s real incomes, and improves overall welfare. It
especially benefits the poor through job creation and lower prices made possible by the entry,
growth, and expansion of efficient firms and through greater variety and higher quality of
goods and services.
The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022 reinforces the Philippine Competition Act
(PCA) through strategies that aim to foster an environment that penalizes anti-competitive
practices, facilitates entry of players, supports regulatory reforms, and improves trade policies
to stimulate investments and innovation and boost competitiveness.
As the country reels from the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a
need to refocus the government’s strategies and interventions towards a healthy and resilient
Philippines. Hence, this chapter outlines strategies and interventions that stimulate economic
recovery and restore market efficiency to ensure a more resilient, inclusive, and competitive
The remaining plan period is geared towards addressing the gaps and challenges in promoting and enforcing
competition while taking into consideration the challenges arising from the new normal.
Table 16.1 presents the baseline values (2016) for each core indicator as well as the plan targets (in percentile
rank) for 2020 up to the end of plan targets in 2022.
63 63 64 64
Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) ranking improved (Top 41%)
(Top 37%) (Top 37%) (Top 36%) (Top 36%)
69 70 71 71
Business Dynamism improvedb (Top 38%)
(Top 31%) (Top 30%) (Top 29%) (Top 29%)
63 62 65 65
Product Market Efficiency improved (Top 72%)
(Top 37%) (Top 38%) (Top 35%) (Top 35%)
20 21 22 22
Extent of Market Dominance improvedc (Top 83%)
(Top 80%) (Top 79%) (Top 78%) (Top 78%)
80 78 80 80
Market Size improved (Top 22%)
(Top 20%) (Top 22%) (Top 20%) (Top 20%)
29 32 35 35
Burden of Government Regulation improvedd (Top 85%)
(Top 71%) (Top 68%) (Top 65%) (Top 65%)
Starting a Business Score improvede 83 100 100 100
2020 targets were set prior to onset of the COVID-19 pandemic; 2021, 2022, and end of plan targets were adjusted to take into consideration the ill effects of the
Business Dynamism is one of the 12 pillars of the GCI under "innovation and sophistication" sub-index measured, in terms of supplier quality and quantity and value
chain breadth, among other indicators.
Extent of Market Dominance is an additional indicator which the Planning Committee for Chapter 16 deems contributory in ensuring healthy competition in the
country. Extent of market dominance is an index under product market efficiency pillar that captures the characteristics of corporate activity in a country; either
dominated by few business groups or spread among many firms.
Burden of Government Regulation is a substitute for the old indicator, “Product Market Regulation,” which has been removed due to the issue in the regularity of its
release. It measures government performance vis-à-vis existing regulations for businesses in complying with government administrative requirements (e.g., permits,
regulations, reporting).
Starting a Business is a substitute indicator for “regulatory compliance costs incurred by firms reduced (PHP),” which has been removed due to the absence of a
standard methodology in measuring regulatory compliance cost. It is one of the World Bank’s (WB) ease of doing business indicators and is deemed more appropriate
in measuring the reduction of limits to entrepreneurship.
To address other technological challenges, the The ARTA will be strengthened in terms of
government will continue to support research and regulatory management practices to include
development efforts to further pursue technological reducing unnecessary regulatory burdens and
advancements in the country. requirements. To achieve this, the ARTA will
continue coordinating with relevant government
Institutionalize the use of the Competition agencies for the implementation of Program
Assessment Manual/Toolkit. The PCC will adopt NEHEMIA (National Effort for the Harmonization of
the Competition Assessment Manual/Toolkit Efficient Measures of Inter-related Agencies), which
in identifying and reviewing potentially anti- commenced in the first quarter of 2020. NEHEMIA
competitive laws and regulations that address several is an interagency program that aims to streamline
development objectives but have unwarranted and reengineer inter-agency processes affecting
consequences on market competition. This priority sectors of economic and social significance.
manual/toolkit will be a capacity-building tool for The priority sectors for the 2020 cycle of Program
government agencies to enhance their understanding NEHEMIA are: (a) food and pharmaceuticals, (b)
of pro-competition interventions. It will enable telecommunication towers, (c) power/energy, (d)
government agencies to determine the impact of housing and construction, and (e) logistics.
these laws and regulations on market competition,
and possibly develop alternative regulations that Establish the Philippine Business Databank
are able to achieve development goals with the least (PBD). The PBD will be established pursuant to the
harm to competition. To ensure improvement of EODB-EGSD Act to provide the government a single
the quality of regulations, the principles and steps point of access to data and information of registered
under the manual/toolkit will be integrated into the business entities to verify their existence, validity,
Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) manual being and other relevant information. It will include the
formulated by the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA). Philippine Standard Industrial Classification, a
detailed classification of industries prevailing in the
Reducing limits to entrepreneurship country according to the kind of productive activities
undertaken by establishments. With this in place, the
Streamline business registration and permitting PBD will serve as a medium in implementing a more
processes. To minimize the number of transactions streamlined and uniform procedure for the issuance
and physical contact with various government of business-related licenses, clearances, permits,
agencies during business registration and certifications, or authorizations. It will facilitate
submission of business-related requirements, the online submission of documentary requirements
ARTA will continue to promote the establishment and processing of requests. This arrangement will
and implementation of one-stop shops and adoption facilitate ease of doing business, enticing more
of online registration system across the government. firms to participate in the market at the local level.
The ARTA will continue to coordinate with the It also enhances the zero-contact policy, curbing
Department of Information and Communications corruption, and ensuring public health and safety in
Technology (DICT) and monitor the development view of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Legislative Agenda
To strengthen the country’s promotion of market competition, the government will work towards the
passage of the following key legislation:
Amendment of the This measure will define “public services” and “public utilities,” which have been used
Public Service Act interchangeably, to distinguish the former from the latter. The 1987 Philippine Constitution limits
(Commonwealth Act the operation of a public utility to citizens of the Philippines or to corporations or associations, at
No. 146) least 60 percent of whose capital is owned by Filipinos.
It will also lift foreign equity restrictions in certain sectors that offer services not under the scope
of public utilities, such as those engaged in the telecommunication services. This will encourage
potential investors to participate, reducing the market power of incumbent firms.
Amendment of the The proposed amendments will ease restrictive provisions in the FIA to address procurement
Foreign Investments restrictions and lengthy procedures that hamper foreign investment and participation of foreign
Act (FIA) of 1991 bidders in local procurement. It will also include provisions to ease restrictions on the practice of
(Republic Act [RA] professions in the Foreign Investment Negative List.
Amendment of the This measure will facilitate the growth of e-commerce and ensure that firms respond to the
Consumer Act of the requirements in the new normal and thrive in the digital economy. It will regulate ecommerce to
Philippines (RA 7394) protect both firms and consumers from fraudulent schemes.
E-commerce will play a big role in the new normal as businesses and consumers increase the use
of online transactions (see Chapter 9).
Amendment of the The proposed measure will promote the growth and development of MSMEs by addressing
Magna Carta for challenges, such as limits to entrepreneurship and lack of access to finance and markets, among
MSMEs (RA 9501, others. It will also increase access of MSMEs to financing, such as extending credit window to
amending RA 6977) recover from the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
PCC, Rules of the Leniency Program of the PCC, December 27, 2018.
17 Just and
Lasting Peace
In the first three years of the current administration, significant strides have been made
resulting in the successful negotiation and implementation of peace agreements with internal
armed conflict groups. Complementary interventions for the continuous protection and
development of conflict-affected and conflict-vulnerable communities were also pursued
along with the implementation of other peacebuilding initiatives.
For the remainder of the Plan period, interventions in conflict-affected and conflict-vulnerable
areas will be sustained while being mindful of the new health protocols. This is to ensure
that the socioeconomic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will not aggravate the fragile
situation in such areas, and that peace building efforts would contribute towards a
healthy and resilient Philippines.
Implementing the Annex on Normalization under the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB).
Challenges: While the government remains The pandemic has increased the vulnerabilities
committed to build on and sustain the gains of and further limited the capacities of poor and
the peace process, the current pandemic conflict-affected communities to respond to other
introduced new challenges in the implementation economic, social, and environmental shocks.
of peace agreements. Refocusing of budget Moreover, violent extremists and terror groups
priorities to address the impact of the pandemic may take advantage of the crisis to ramp up
can affect or delay the implementation of some terrorist activities. The gains from the peace
components of peace agreements and of various process that have been achieved thus far could
socioeconomic interventions for conflict- take a setback due to this situation. Hence, it
affected and conflict-vulnerable communities. is imperative to find alternative and innovative
Both the physical and virtual inaccessibility approaches to sustain the gains of the peace
(e.g., lack of internet access, low level of capacity processes amidst the pandemic.
to use technology) particularly in geographically-
Strategic Framework
The government remains committed in pursuing peace and development interventions in
efforts to attain just and lasting peace for the conflict-affected and conflict-vulnerable areas.
remainder of the Plan period. These include These will be undertaken despite the challenges
the effective implementation of signed peace posed by the current pandemic.
agreements and continuous delivery of various
To achieve these outcomes, the following strategies during the transition period from 2019 to 2022,
will be implemented in line with the President’s it is critical for the BTA to lay down the
Six-Point Peace and Development Agenda: foundations for the establishment of a fully-
functioning BARMM government in 2022 or
beyond, as may be provided by the Congress.
Successfully negotiating Foremost are the enactment of priority legislations,
and implementing peace the determination of parliamentary districts
for the first regular elections of the Parliament
agreements with all internal members, the organization of its own civilian
armed conflict groups bureaucracy, and the full transfer of powers and
properties of the dissolved ARMM regional
government to the BARMM. These activities are
Support the Bangsamoro Transition Authority guided by the BTA’s priority pillars: education,
(BTA) as the interim government of the health, economic development, strategic
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim infrastructure, and moral leadership. A critical
Mindanao (BARMM). As the interim government component in the implementation of the peace
The NTF-ELCAC is headed by the President as Chair and the National Security Adviser as the Vice-Chair.
The regional task forces are created through the convergence of the Regional Peace and Order Councils and the Regional Development Councils,
and are headed by the Cabinet Officers for Regional Development and Security.
These are: (1) local government empowerment; (2) international engagement; (3) legal cooperation; (4) strategic communication; (5) basic
services; (6) infrastructure and resource management; (7) poverty reduction, livelihood, and employment; (8) peace, law enforcement, and
development support; (9) situational awareness and knowledge management; (10) localized peace engagement; (11) Enhanced Comprehensive
Local Integration Program (E-CLIP) and amnesty; and (12) sectoral unification, capacity building, empowerment, and mobilization.
The BDP is a peace and development convergence initiative of the NTF-ELCAC which provides socioeconomic interventions, (e.g., farm to
market roads, school buildings, health stations, livelihood support, etc.) to communist terrorist groups-cleared barangays.
The Lakbay Kapayapaan Roadmap aims to institutionalize and champion sustainable peace and development agenda at the grassroots by
continuously building strong and capable institutions, strategic partnership of government and non-government organizations, and heightened
citizen participation through whole-of-nation approach to establish and sustain peaceful, progressive, and resilient communities.
E-CLIP’s coverage was expanded through Administrative Order (AO) 25, s. 2020, amending AO 10, s. 2018, Centralizing All Government Efforts
for the Reintegration of Former Rebels and Creating for the purpose an Inter-agency Task Force. This provides for a comprehensive, integrated,
and community-based national program that is locally implemented to address the economic, social, psychological rehabilitation needs, legal
status and security of Former Rebels (FRs) who are members of the CPP-NPA-NDF, former violent extremists, their immediate family members
and communities through the E-CLIP. The Task Force Balik Loob (TFBL) oversees the implementation of the E-CLIP.
EO 82, s. 2012: Operationalizing the Practical Guide for National Crisis Managers and the National Crisis Management Core Manual, and
Establishing National and Local Crisis Management Organizations.
UNSCR 1325 was adopted in October 2000, affirming that “peace and security efforts are more sustainable when women are equal partners
in the prevention of violent conflict, the delivery of relief and recovery efforts, and in the forging of lasting peace.” UNSCR 1820 was adopted in
June 2008, recognizing sexual violence as a tactic of war that “can significantly exacerbate situations of armed conflict and may impede the
restoration of international peace and security.”
UNSCR 2250 was adopted in December 2015, recognizing that “young people play an important and positive role in the maintenance and
promotion of international peace and security.”
Legislative Agenda
To achieve the desired outcomes discussed above, the following legislative agenda will be pursued in the
remainder of the Plan period.
Separate amnesty proclamations The proposed presidential proclamations on amnesty for various groups aim to
for the Bangsamoro, RPMP/RPA/ accept former combatants back into the fold of the law and eventually, provide
ABB, and former rebels of the them access to the government’s socioeconomic services as a means to attain
communist terrorist groups peace, reconciliation, and unity in the country.
Enabling law creating an This aims to establish a political entity and provide the structure of its government,
autonomous region in the in recognition of the justness and cause of the Cordillerans and to secure their
Cordilleras identity and posterity and allow for meaningful governance.
Enabling law creating the The proposed law will create the NTJRCB which shall design and supervise the
National Transitional Justice implementation of a TJR program. The program shall be guided by dealing with
and Reconciliation Commission the past framework that respects, protects, and fulfills the victims’ rights to truth,
for the Bangsamoro (NTJRB) justice, and reparation, and ensures the State’s obligation to provide guarantees
of non-recurrence.
18 Security,
Public Order,
and Safety
The realization of the Filipino people’s long-term vision of a matatag, maginhawa, at panatag
na buhay para sa lahat rests upon an environment that is safe, secure, and orderly. It is the
government’s duty to ensure that all Filipinos feel secure to walk and travel around all places
in the country, without fear of harm to themselves and their property, and are able to go about
their business, economic, and social pursuits. Moreover, as the country pursues greater
economic development, it is imperative that the government safeguards national interests,
territory, and sovereignty.
In the first three years of the Duterte Administration, efforts towards building a safe, secure,
and orderly Philippines were intensified. While significant strides have been made in terms of
putting in place structural reforms and various mechanisms in the security sector, recurring
challenges persist and new threats to public safety have emerged. The protection of our
country’s entitlements, not only in the West Philippine Sea, has been one of the most pressing
security concerns facing the country. Criminality and illegal drugs remain a prevalent threat to
public safety, along with the increased frequency of natural disasters, isolated occurrences of
human-induced disasters, and outbreak of diseases.
For the remainder of the Plan implementation, the government will maintain its independent
and principled foreign policy. The government will strengthen the capabilities of its security
forces to ensure that Philippine territories and sovereignty is defended. It will also remain
committed in its campaign against all forms of criminality, illegal drugs, transnational crimes,
trafficking-in-persons, and violent extremism. During times of health emergencies, the whole
security sector will be mobilized to adequately respond to the needs of the people, including
the provision of support to sectors that bring food, basic necessities, and essential services to
them. Furthermore, the government will upgrade its systems and operations to conform to the
new normal in keeping public order and safety. The protection of human rights, as enshrined
in the Constitution, will be ensured, especially during the implementation of policies and
measures in times of crisis and emergencies.
Figure 18.1 Strategic Framework to Ensure Security, Public Order, and Safety
Note: Refer to Migration on Chapter 21 for strategies relating to overseas Filipinos (OFs).
1 Dangerous drugs include those listed in the schedules annexed to the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, as amended by the 1972
Protocol, and in the schedules annexed to the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances as enumerated in the annex, which is an integral part
of the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165).
The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) The government’s efforts to prevent violent
will also intensify the random drug testing in the extremism and terrorism will be further intensified
transportation sector as a preventive effort against to maintain community resilience, especially during
drug-related road traffic accidents. It will enjoin pandemics and other public health emergencies.
Adoption of the NAP-PCVE is pursuant to the Anti-Terrorism Council’s Resolution No. 38, s. 2019.
Table 18.1 Legislative Agenda to Ensure Security, Public Order, and Safety
National Defense This will update and define key national defense policies, principles, and concepts. It will codify the
Act various issuances concerning national defense, the AFP, and the civilian bureaus in the DND with the aim
of streamlining and professionalizing the defense bureaucracy through the institutionalization of reforms.
It will prohibit the sale of defense real properties; redefine the minimum and maximum tenure in key
positions to provide stability in the AFP leadership, implement mandatory military service for all natural-
born or naturalized Filipino citizens for a minimum of two years, and transform the National Defense
College of the Philippines into the National Defense University of the Philippines, among others.
Defense This proposed legislation will exempt all acquisition of defense equipment, materiel, ordinance, and
Acquisition Act integrated military systems of the Department of National Defense (DND) and its attached bureaus from
the regular procurement process bounded by the Government Procurement and Reform Act (GPRA).
National Security This measure seeks to institutionalize the national security planning process. This aims to address the
Code required regular preparation of a National Security Policy and a National Security Strategy and identify
how the government will implement the policy and strategy.
Philippine This bill will promote and stimulate the local defense industry, as in-country enterprises will be entitled
Defense Industry to avail incentives under the Omnibus Investments Code (EO 226, s. 1987). The proposed law places
Development Act premium in encouraging local industry players to invest in developing in-country defense capabilities.
The industry players may avail of credit and other financial products extended by government financial
institutions and enjoy exemption from customs duties and national internal revenue taxes that are payable
on the importation of raw materials and critical components. The government will promote the export of
locally made defense materiel and the in-country enterprises to other countries.
Philippine Maritime This will serve as a general declaration of the maritime zones under the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the
Zones Act Philippines. It will also provide the necessary foundation and framework for the enactment of subsequent
laws pertinent to the rights and obligations of the Philippines over its maritime zones.
Philippine The proposed law will establish archipelagic sea lanes in Philippine archipelagic waters and the adjacent
Archipelagic Sea territorial sea. It will likewise prescribe the rights and obligations of foreign ships and aircraft that exercise
Lanes Act the right of passage through the established archipelagic sea lanes. The bill will also determine and
put in place appropriate measures for the protection of areas along said sea lanes, in accordance with
international conventions and agreements to which the Philippines is a party.
PNP Revitalization This will enhance the capabilities of the PNP through infrastructure and facilities development, as well as
and Capability equipment acquisition and upgrading.
Enhancement Act
Forensic The bill will give way for the establishment of a DNA database system for the collection, storage, and
Deoxyribonucleic maintenance of genetic identification information for law enforcement purposes.
acid (DNA)
Database Act
Anti-Drug Abuse This will institutionalize the creation of Anti-Drug Abuse Councils in every local government unit. It
Council Law provides for the corresponding budget allocation for the operations of the Councils and the conduct of
other anti-illegal drug activities, among others.
Amendment of the This will allow for the mandatory drug testing of students in the secondary and tertiary levels and the
Comprehensive forfeiture of properties involved in drug cases in favor of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA).
Dangerous Drugs The amendment will also prescribe stronger penalties to those found guilty of trafficking dangerous drugs,
Act of 2002 provide for the destruction of seized dangerous drugs and controlled precursors and essential chemicals,
and restore plea bargaining and probation laws. It will also strengthen the PDEA as an organization,
including the provision of benefits for personnel, among others.
BFP Modernization This intends to modernize the BFP and enable it to become a fire and emergency medical and rescue
Act services agency capable of responding to hazards, such as destructive fires, accidents, and other natural
and human-induced disasters. It will strengthen the ongoing modernization of the BFP and give them the
power to investigate all causes of fire, and if necessary, file proper complaints.
Amendment of the This aims to amend certain provisions of the Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008 (RA 9514) and
Fire Code clarify the respective authorities and jurisdictions of the BFP, the Philippine Economic Zone Authority
(PEZA), and other similar entities on the enforcement of the law within economic zones. It will give the
BFP the sole responsibility to administer and enforce the Fire Code. It also expands the utilization of the
Fire Code Fees collections for the acquisition of properties of fire stations. It also provides more stringent
penalties for every act that compromises fire safety and endangers the lives and limbs of Filipinos.
Disaster Resilience This proposed measure seeks to establish a Department of Disaster Resilience with sufficiently high level
Bill of authority to lead the coordination, monitoring, oversight, and implementation of disaster risk reduction
and management efforts. The proposed Department will be equipped with the necessary competency
and resources to engage new actors, particularly in the field of risk transfer and insurance and build the
necessary structure to manage broader governance programs. The current version of the bill should also
be revisited to explicitly specify public health emergencies, such as pandemics as disaster events and
to identify measures that will enable the government to mitigate the impact of such emergencies and
respond effectively.
Mandatory ROTC This will address the decline in the number of students taking up ROTC, which resulted in the insufficient
Program number of reserve officers and personnel for the AFP that may be tapped in times of need. The proposed
law seeks to revive the mandatory nature of the ROTC.
The re-establishment of mandatory basic ROTC Program will form part of the basic curricula for Senior
High School (Grades 11 and 12) in public and private schools and a requisite for graduation. The program
aims to enhance the students’ consciousness in the ethics of service, patriotism, and nationalism, military
training for national defense preparedness and civil military operations, and civic training for disaster risk
reduction and management, human and civil rights awareness, and law enforcement.
19 Infrastructure
Accelerating Infrastructure
The Build, Build, Build (BBB) Program managed to overcome several implementation
challenges in the first half of the Plan period, having increased infrastructure spending to
more than five percent of the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2018, twice more than the
average spending over the past five decades. The progress of the Program is a confirmation
of the government’s strong resolve to strategically and decisively improve the country’s
infrastructure through the development of a robust pipeline of massive capital investments,
including priority high-impact projects, and the implementation of game-changing reforms.
The resumption of rollout of activities under the BBB Program and the continuous investment
in infrastructure are vital to stimulating the economy and facilitating recovery with their
potential multiplier effects on creating jobs and stimulating growth. Bolstering infrastructure
is instrumental in ensuring business continuity, development of agglomeration economies,
creation of new urban centers, delivery of essential government services, and transitioning
into the digital economy. Accordingly, the government reassessed its strategies and targets
for the remaining Plan period to ensure that these remain relevant and achievable in the face
of the “new normal” and in pursuit of a healthy and resilient Philippines. Even while facing
constraints brought about by the pandemic, government will remain mindful of the longer-
term development goals requiring early interventions.
The Plan targets for FY 2020-2022 were revisited and emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic and
updated considering infrastructure development, transitioning further into the path of recovery and
as a pivotal strategy to pump-prime the economy resiliency. Table 19.1 shows the success indicators
and with the strong recognition that each sector and updated targets for infrastructure development.
of the economy essentially requires infrastructure
(YEAR) 2020 2021 2022 END OF PLAN
Transport Infrastructure
Road Transport
Travel time (decreased) via land per key corridor (in hours)
Metro Manila 3.12 3.11 3.11 3.11
N1/Pan – Philippine Highway (Laoag-Zamboanga) 50.94 48.39 45.84 45.84
Manila – Baguio 5.86 5.57 5.28 5.28
Manila – Pagudpud 11.13 10.58 10.02 10.02
Manila – Cagayan 10.09 9.59 9.08 9.08
Manila – Clark 2.34 2.22 2.10 2.10
Clark – Subic 1.75 1.66 1.57 1.57
Manila – Batangas 2.88 2.74 2.60 2.60
Iloilo – Capiz 2.18 2.07 1.96 1.96
Surigao – Davao 5.92 5.62 5.33 5.33
Butuan – Iligan City 4.83 4.59 4.35 4.35
Cagayan De Oro – Davao City 4.75 4.51 4.27 4.27
Bacolod – Dumaguete – Bayawan 7.05 6.70 6.35 6.35
On July 28, 2020, the Development Budget Coordination Committee (DBCC) adopted via Ad Referendum the revised macroeconomic
assumptions and fiscal targets for FY 2020 to FY 2022, in line with the fiscal impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Accordingly, the government’s
programmed spending on infrastructure were revised.
Actual disbursement based on the Department of Budget and Management’s (DBM) 2019 Budget of Expenditure and Sources of Financing.
Danao – Cebu – Santander 3.85 3.65 3.46 3.46
Air Transport
Water Transport
Rail Transport
Luzon 143 144 137 137
Visayas 150 146 137 137
Mindanao 172 161 150 150
Water Resources
Flood Management
Average broadband download speed increased (in Mbps) 25.00 30.00 35.00 35.00
Social Infrastructure
Number of barangays served by materials recovery facilities 21,018 23,119 25,221 25,221
With the continuous reopening of the domestic subsectors; (c) ensure asset preservation; and
markets and gradual lifting of restrictions, (d) intensify infrastructure-related research and
the government will prioritize the continuous development (R&D) on technologies, including
resumption of the BBB Program, which is monitoring and evaluation of critical outcome
envisaged as a key element in bringing the much- indicators.
needed impetus to help the country emerge from
the COVID-19 pandemic and bounce back to Recognizing that resources are limited as the
recovery. With this, the major strategies aimed country deals with the COVID-19 pandemic, the
at accelerating infrastructure development have government was constrained in the rollout and
been updated as: (a) re-program activities and implementation of the infrastructure program in
projects for the new normal; (b) implement 2020. Nonetheless, the rollout of infrastructure
strategic infrastructure for various infrastructure projects is expected to bounce back in 2021 and
The CORSIA, an initiative of ICAO, will be implemented in three phases: pilot phase (2021-2023); followed by a first phase (2024-2026); and a
second phase (2027-2035). Participation in the pilot phase and first phase is voluntary (until 2026), after which, more stringent requirements from
the scheme would be mandated to all member states. The Philippines has voluntarily applied to take part in the CORSIA and has submitted an
action plan to ICAO.
Created pursuant to Executive Order No. 16, s. 2001.
DOE, DC 2020-04-0008-0, Rationalizing the Utilization of ER 1-94 Fund by Host LGUs in Response to COVID-19 Public Health Emergency,
April 6, 2020.
Net-metering is a consumer-based renewable energy incentive scheme that allows consumers to produce their own power generation using
eligible renewable energy facilities and to deliver excess electricity supply back to the electric grid to offset their electricity consumption at 100 kW
Promote the utilization of alternative fuels and Pursue the development of the natural gas
new advanced energy technologies to diversify industry. The development of the natural gas
the country’s energy resources and mitigate the industry will provide an additional alternative
adverse impact of energy use on the for consumers. The Philippine Downstream
environment. The Alternative Fuel Roadmap Natural Gas Regulation sets the policy direction
will be implemented to promote a technology- and guidance for interested investors on the
responsive energy sector. For one, electric construction of natural gas facilities such as
vehicles, where viable, will be supported to import receiving and regasification terminals,
reduce dependence on conventional fuels. network of transmission, and distribution
This involves the development of policy guidelines pipelines, under a regime of fair competition.
and regulatory framework for Electric Vehicle
Enactment of the This aims to help achieve a safe, secure, efficient, competitive, dependable, integrated, environmentally
National Transport sustainable, and people-oriented Philippine transportation system by setting forth policies that will
Policy (NTP) serve as boundary conditions to guide all entities involved in the transportation sector in the exercise
of their functions.
This policy will provide the parameters for planning at the agency level, e.g., the formulation of the
Philippine Transport System Master Plan.
The NTP was adopted by the NEDA Board on September 12, 2017 and its IRR was approved by the
INFRACOM on December 14, 2018.
Enactment of a law This will address the weak and fragmented institutional setup of concerned transport agencies by
creating independent creating respective independent regulatory bodies for the railway sector and maritime transport sector
regulatory bodies that is consistent with the NTP. The existing dual roles of some agencies acting as both operator and
for the railway and regulator of transport facilities will be effectively eliminated.
maritime transport
sectors The bill is for the adoption of the NEDA Board and subsequent filing/endorsement to the 18th Congress.
Enactment of a This seeks to place all transport safety and security matters under a single independent body that
law creating an will, among others, investigate transport accidents and provide transport safety recommendations,
independent body for thereby eliminating conflicting and overlapping functions of existing agencies or entities.
transport safety and
security Various Senate Bills (SB) and House Bills (HB) pertaining to the creation and establishment of a
National Transportation Safety Board were filed in the 18th Congress.
Enactment of a law This aims to shift the role of bicycles and other forms of non-motorized and active transportation,
institutionalizing from being an “alternative mode” towards an institutionalized mode of transport that is integrated in
the use of bicycles the transportation network of the country. This will be done by providing the necessary infrastructure
and other active and and support services, establishing safety and design standards, and increasing public awareness
sustainable modes of on road safety and road sharing among motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians.
Various SBs and HBs on the proposed measure were filed in the 18th Congress (SBs 66, 285, 319,
332, 948, and 1518, and HBs 1251, 1893, 2520, 4493, 5374, and 5435).
Water Resources
Enactment of a law The apex body will act as the lead agency to oversee/coordinate overall policy and project/program
creating an apex implementation to address the weak and fragmented institutional set-up of the water resources
body for the water subsector.
resources subsector;
and independent Meanwhile an independent economic regulator for the water supply and sanitation is envisioned to
economic or financial harmonize the regulatory practices, processes, fees, and standards on water supply and sanitation
regulator for WSS while addressing the overlapping functions or jurisdictions of existing regulatory entities.
A substitute HB creating the Department of Water Resources (DWR) and the Water Regulatory
Commission (WRC) was jointly approved by the HOR Committee on Government Reorganization and
Committee on Public Works and Highways on November 12, 2019. Said HB was likewise approved
by the House Committee on Appropriations on November 18, 2020.
Amendments to the The proposed amendments to the EPIRA aim to improve the implementation of the law’s provisions
Electric Power Industry and enhance its effectiveness to address high cost of electricity, alleged market collusion, and
Reform Act (RA 9136) insufficient power supply.
The following relative draft bills were filed in 18th Congress: HBs 466, 469, 2339, 2784, 3802, 7059
and 7341.
Enactment of an This will provide an enabling legal and regulatory framework for the natural gas industry to guide
enabling law for the investments in the sector.
natural gas industry
The bill has been filed in the 18th Congress as HB 3031.
Enactment of the This measure aims to lower the barriers to entry and allow participation of more diverse set of providers
Open Access in Data to compete in the various segments of the data transmission industry.
Open access is envisioned to pave the way for promoting physical infrastructure sharing among
service providers and access network segments based on fair, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory
The bills have already been filed in the 18th Congress as HBs 57, 4109, and 5341 and are currently
pending with the Committee on ICT.
Social Infrastructure
Amendments to the The proposed amendments aim to address the weak administrative, organizational, and institutional
Ecological Solid Waste dynamics of LGUs in implementing SWM programs or projects.
Management (SWM)
Act (RA 9003) The proposed amendments, filed in the 18th Congress as HB 1598 and currently pending with
the Committee on Ecology, include, among others, the mandatory creation of a local environment
and natural resources offices and identification of dedicated focal SWM units with corresponding
organization structure, powers, and functions.
20 Ecological
Clean and
Building on the reforms and accomplishments in the past three years of Plan implementation,
the government will continue to improve the state of the environment and natural resources
(ENR) and increase resilience of resource-dependent and vulnerable communities against the
converging risks arising from natural and biological hazards under a changing climate. The
sector’s goals and targets will be realized by addressing long-standing issues on governance
and monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
Table 20.1 Updated Plan Targets to Ensure Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment
Chapter Outcome: Ecological integrity and socioeconomic resilience of resource-dependent communities improved
Forest cover increased (in million, hectares [ha]) 7.01 (2015) Increasing
Quality of coastal and marine habitats under NIPAS marine protected areas (MPAs) and other priority coastal and marine conservation areas
Number of free patents issued 57,822 (2016) 62,000 67,000 72,000 360,000
Percentage of priority water bodies within water quality guidelines increased (e.g., Biochemical oxygen demand [BOD], dissolved oxygen [DO],
potential of hydrogen [pH], phosphorous [P], temperature, total suspended solids [TSS], fecal coliform)
Percentage of healthcare waste managed (%) 66 (2016) 100 100 100 100
Area assessed and mapped for soil fertility status and 1,000,000
450,000 450,000 450,000 2,700,000
soil fertility management increased (ha) (2016)
CLUP: 34
CDP: 0 Increasing
Percentage of local government units (LGU) with (2016)
climate change and disaster risk-informed plans
increased (%) LDRRMP: 0 (2016) 100 100 100 100
Employment from biodiversity-friendly enterprises and other sustainable resource-based industries increased (cumulative)
From NIPAS-PAs and ecotourism sites Increasing
Figure 20.1. Strategic Framework to Ensure Ecological Integrity, Clean and Healthy Environment
Pursuant to the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 (RA 8749), the DENR in coordination with the LGUs, shall designate these non-attainment
areas of waterbodies where pollutants have exceeded water quality guidelines to prevent new effluent concentration and discharges.
Based on the DOH Health Care Waste Management Manual and the DENR Revised Procedures and Standards for the Management of
Hazardous Wastes.
New and existing technologies need to undergo Environmental Technology Verification of the DOST-Industrial Technology Development
Institute and comply with the applicable environmental standards and the DOH-required level of microbial destruction or inactivation to
eliminate bacteria/virus.
As upland and coastal communities remain among • Develop and promote ecotourism and cultural
the poorest sectors of society, the development of sites within ecological limits, and sanitary and
more sustainable livelihood and other economic safety standards. The following will be pursued: (a)
opportunities will be pursued in cooperation with replicate and scale up carrying capacity studies
These industries include (a) sustainable fisheries and aquaculture; (b) ocean energy, offshore, and gas exploration; (c) shipping/marine
transportation and shipbuilding; (d) coastal tourism; and (e) marine biotechnology, among others.
Actions are categorized into the following: (a) policy and regulation; (b) research and development, innovation, and technology; (c) infrastructure;
and (d) promotion and education.
National Land Use Bill The bill aims to provide an institutional mechanism for integrating existing sector-
specific land use laws and institutionalize land use planning, as basis for the
rationalization, management, and development of the country's land resources.
Philippine Genetic The proposed measure aims to provide and institutionalize a policy framework on
Resources Access access and benefit sharing from the utilization of genetic resources aligned with the
and Benefit-Sharing country’s commitments to the Nagoya Protocol.
Integrated Coastal This seeks to adopt ICM as a national strategy to ensure the sustainable development
Management (ICM) Bill of the coastal and marine environment and establish supporting mechanisms for its
Amendment of the This aims to strengthen the protection of the country's wildlife resources by (a)
Wildlife Act increasing the fees and penalties for violators and (b) defining and implementing
sanitary and phytosanitary measures to address possible entry of zoonotic infectious
disease into the country (e.g., standards and protocols for crops, livestock, fisheries,
and wildlife).
Forest Limit Bill The proposed bill intends to delineate the specific limits of forestlands for the
conservation, protection, and development of the country’s forest resources.
Sustainable Forest This seeks to institutionalize the (a) development of sustainable forest management
Management Bill strategy based on the allocation of forestland uses (i.e., production and protection
zones), (b) enhancement of private sector participation, and (c) forest certification,
monitoring, assessment, and reporting system.
Maritime Zones Bill This bill intends to define the limits of the different maritime zones over which the
country can exercise sovereignty (i.e., territorial sea) and sovereign rights (i.e.,
exclusive economic zone). This will support the implementation of measures to
sustainably manage fisheries and other resources in these maritime zones.
Philippine Archipelagic This intends to define the limits of Archipelagic Sea Lanes. Foreign ships will have
Sea Lanes Bill to confine their navigation within the sea-lanes to ensure that vessels will not pass
through MPAs and marine habitats are protected from shipping-related activities.
Proper Management The proposed bill intends to institutionalize mechanisms and guidelines/standards for
of Electronic Wastes proper collection, handling/storage, and disposal of electronic wastes.
(E-Wastes) Bill
Department of Disaster This bill aims to provide a clear operational framework to address the fragmented
Resilience Bill institutional functions and actions among concerned agencies on climate change
and disasters by establishing a Department that will serve as the primary agency
responsible for leading the coordination, implementation, monitoring, and reporting
on climate change and DRRM.
Philippine The proposed measure aims to ensure that possible environmental consequences of
Environmental policies, plans, and programs are fully accounted for at the earliest stage of decision-
Assessment System making consistent with economic and social considerations. This will also strengthen
to cover Strategic the use of the Environmental Impact Statement System, as a planning and monitoring
Environmental tool.
Assessment (SEA) Bill
Amendment of the The proposed legislation seeks to provide higher penalties and stringent measures for
Ecological Solid Waste environmental protection. It also intends to bridge the policy gap between municipal
Management Act, Clean waste management and health care waste management by streamlining protocols on
Water Act, Clean Air Act, the management of hazardous wastes, particularly infectious wastes, at the community
and Toxic Substances, and household levels. These bills will also contain better enforcement against mixed
Hazardous and Nuclear waste collection and biodegradables in landfills and incentives for home composting,
Wastes Control Act as well as LGU support for at-source segregation and composting.
Green Public This bill aims to strengthen green public procurement by enhancing compliance of
Procurement Bill procuring entities in integrating green criteria in the procurement guidelines, including
bidding documents and technical specifications, and in setting clear LGU involvement
based on market readiness.
Safe Pathways Bill The proposed bill intends to provide safe and convenient pathways for pedestrians
and nonmotorized vehicles (e.g., walkways and bike lanes) and integrate these in
the infrastructure development agenda. The Bill intends to create a network of pop-
up bicycle lanes to connect users to essential destinations (e.g., medical facilities),
designate a network of people-oriented emergency pathways, and mandate the
provision of adequate parking spaces for bicycles and other non-motorized vehicles,
as far as practicable, among others.
Maritime Safety, This aims to provide a Maritime Code that will implement and enforce international
Security and Prevention maritime instruments, of which the country is a state-party. These include the
of Ship-Sourced International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, and its Protocols.
Pollution Bill
21 the Rights,
the Welfare,
and Expanding
for Overseas
With the outbreak of COVID-19, governments across the world have imposed
lockdowns, disrupting economic activities and employment, including that of
migrants. The pursuit of a healthy and resilient Philippines should consider the
particular challenges faced by overseas Filipinos (OFs) in order to protect their rights,
promote their welfare, and sustain their contribution to the country’s development.
The government will continuously support and assist repatriated and displaced OFs
and seek to address the increased vulnerability of those who remain abroad. For those
who have decided to return to the Philippines permanently, their successful socioeconomic
reintegration will be prioritized. Financial inclusion initiatives for OFs and their families
will also be strengthened.
World Bank, Migration and Remittances, September 26, 2019.
Chapter 21 Protecting the rights, promoting the welfare, and expanding opportunities for Overseas Filipinos | 373
enabling safe, efficient, and reliable fund transfers on DFA data. Among the ROFs, 4,904 were
have contributed to the decline in remittance cost; confirmed COVID-19 cases, among whom five
and financial inclusion initiatives have channeled have passed away.
more remittances into savings and investment.
Challenges: With the pandemic and the
The Universal Healthcare Act, Social Welfare subsequent global recession, the unprecedented
Attaché Act, Handbook for OFWs Act, and volume of OFs intending to return and those
the Social Security Act of 2018 were enacted to who have already returned will put pressure
enhance the social protection afforded to OFs. on the capacities of OF-serving agencies in
The first National Migration Survey was also providing assistance and reintegration programs.
conducted in 2018 to address the need for baseline Returning OFWs will face a weak labor market
data on the international mobility of Filipinos. in the country amidst social distancing measures
and an economic slowdown. Meanwhile, those
However, the pandemic has displaced migrant who will choose to continue to stay abroad
workers, including OFWs. As of early August face increased vulnerabilities as the pandemic
2020, the Department of Labor and Employment transforms economies, resulting in shifts in
(DOLE) has received close to 600,000 applications labor demand, aggravated by inadequate social
for cash assistance from onsite and repatriated protection. Demand for workers in the healthcare
OFWs. Almost 230,000 returning overseas sector and manufacturing of essential goods is
Filipinos (ROFs) have arrived, of which over expected to remain strong, while it may decline
120,000 had been repatriated by the Department in other sectors such as tourism and retail.
of Foreign Affairs (DFA). In addition, there Furthermore, the impact of lower remittances
are almost 9,800 confirmed COVID-19 cases will be felt by many Filipino households.
(and more than 700 deaths) among OFWs based
Source: POEA
Table 21.1 Updated Plan Targets to Protect the Rights, Promote the Welfare, and Expand Opportunities
for Overseas Filipinos to Contribute to the Country’s Development
(YEAR) 2020 2021 2022 END OF PLAN
Sector Outcome: Protect the rights, promote the welfare, and expand opportunities for overseas Filipinos
to contribute to the country’s development
Percent of documented OFs to total OFs increased Increasing h Increasing h Increasing h Increasing h
Voter turnout increased (%)* N/A N/A 40.0 40.0
Chapter 21 Protecting the rights, promoting the welfare, and expanding opportunities for Overseas Filipinos | 375
(YEAR) 2020 2021 2022 END OF PLAN
Notes: * new indicator; ** revised indicator; h –increasing from previous year; tbc – to be confirmed
Strategic Framework
During the formulation of the Philippine The framework used in 2017 focused on protecting
Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022, international the rights and improving the well-being of OFs,
migration and development (IMD) issues were whether here or abroad, strengthening their
mainstreamed in nine out of the 15 main chapters. engagement in governance, and facilitating their
These are the chapters dealing with governance, participation in the country’s development and
justice, culture, industry and services, human reintegration. For this update, the framework has
capital development, reducing vulnerabilities, been enhanced in line with the new normal and
science and technology, financial inclusion, and the commitments under the Global Compact for
security and safety. This reflects the crosscutting Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration (GCM).
nature of migration and the need for a whole-of- Thus, the enhanced framework seeks to cover all
government approach. dimensions of migration, as well as both OFs and
foreign nationals in the Philippines.
For this updated PDP, this chapter has been added
to ensure greater coherence and comprehensiveness
in discussing issues, relevant indicators, and
strategies in relation to migration and
development, towards a healthy and resilient
Philippines. In line with this, new indicators to
better monitor the government’s progress on
improving migration governance and harnessing
the full benefits of migration towards sustainable
development have been identified.
In line with the enhanced framework on The absorptive capacity of OF-serving agencies
migration, the following strategies have been will be improved by streamlining agencies’
expanded to ensure that the Chapter’s objectives operations and enhancing their workforce
will be pursued accordingly. utilization to cater to OFs’ needs better.
Chapter 21 Protecting the rights, promoting the welfare, and expanding opportunities for Overseas Filipinos | 377
Concurrently, the government will facilitate Tobago, Portugal, Canada, Taiwan, Solomon
the movement of OFWs, especially essential Islands, and Switzerland, as well as a Memoranda
workers needed by the global economy, without of Agreement/Understanding on labor cooperation
compromising the needs of the local economy. with Seychelles, Micronesia, and Turkey.
The government will also explore options to The joint conduct of post-arrival orientation
support the recovery of the recruitment industry. seminar (PAOS) will be explored in bilateral
labor negotiations. Further, the government will
Enhance health insurance and social security continue its negotiations to create pathways to
for OFWs. Given the unprecedented volume regularization for qualified but undocumented OFs.
of migrants needing assistance due to the
pandemic, the operating funds of migrant-serving The Social Security Act of 2018 (Republic Act [RA]
agencies will be augmented to facilitate welfare 11199) also mandates the negotiation of BLAs
and health-related (including mental health) with host countries which do not cover OFWs
programs and emergency response at posts. under their social security schemes, particularly
for pension entitlement. In line with RA 11199, the
Information campaigns on the importance and requirement for foreign employers of land-based
benefits of health insurance and social security OFWs to pay SSS contributions, similar to foreign
for OFWs and their families will be intensified. principals of sea-based OFWs, and portability of
Among others, such information shall be social security entitlements and earned benefits will
incorporated into orientation seminars across be included in the bilateral labor agreements and
all stages of migration. With the urgent need their implementing administrative arrangements.
for convenient and contactless transactions,
e-payment services for the Philippine Health Facilitate effective service delivery to OFs.
Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) and the Deploying mobile government representative
Social Security System (SSS) will be continuously offices overseas will improve the provision of basic
enhanced and expanded. Payment schemes for services to OFs. To help empower the OFs onsite,
PhilHealth premiums for departing OFWs will be scholarships, training assistance, and competency
enhanced to enable more flexible payment terms. assessments shall be provided. The Technical
Education and Skills Development Authority’s
Strengthen bilateral and regional ties. (TESDA) Onsite Assessment program and the
Negotiation of bilateral labor agreements Professional Regulation Commission’s (PRC)
(BLAs) with migrant-receiving countries will Special Professional Licensure Examinations will
be intensified, especially with those practicing be expanded. Moreover, government transactions
the Kafala system. BLAs with stringent welfare that cater to OFs will be simplified. This includes
and protection provisions, social security the full roll out of online transactions at the
agreements, and emergency response protocols Philippine Overseas Employment Administration
will be pursued, while the inclusion of health (POEA) 2. Further, the government will provide
insurance in BLAs and in the standard online platforms for psychosocial intervention
employment contract will be explored. BLAs will and psychological first aid to bring together
give particular attention to vulnerable groups, trained professionals to address the psychological
such as household service workers (see Chapter 10). needs of OFs. As an organized and well-defined
Programmed bilateral labor agreements for database on international migration would help
review in 2020 include those with Morocco, facilitate effective service delivery, expediting the
Russia, Thailand, Seychelles, Micronesia, operationalization of the international migration
Suriname, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Trinidad and statistics framework is necessary. To ensure
This includes e-Registration of OFWs and Seafarers; Balik Manggagawa (BM) Online; POEA Online Processing System and further developing
Online Direct Hire; Online Continuing Agency Education Program (CAEP); and Online Licensing and Legal Assistance.
Chapter 21 Protecting the rights, promoting the welfare, and expanding opportunities for Overseas Filipinos | 379
Improve mechanisms to monitor the schemes, such as the SSS provident fund program,
socioeconomic and political conditions of OFs. and the recently-launched digital services of
Existing mechanisms to monitor the conditions the Overseas Filipino Bank among others.
of OFs, such as ATN Mappings and connections Furthermore, access to financial products
with Filipino communities will be complemented and services will be supported by the full
by mechanisms to facilitate regular gatherings operationalization of the PhilSys which will
to enable embassies to check the status of OFs, address issues on lack of identity documents for
particularly OFWs, on a regular basis (see Chapters opening bank accounts and verifying financial
5 and 18). The OPRT will also conduct threat transactions.
and environmental scanning regularly.
Ensure successful socioeconomic reintegration
Reduce pre-departure costs for OFs. Technology- of OFs and their families. The government
enabled platforms such as online payment will facilitate the smooth reintegration of
systems will be enhanced to address the issue of Filipino migrants into Philippine society. The
requiring payments in bulk. The burden of paying Comprehensive OFW Reintegration Program will
for placement and training fees will be removed be implemented fully and continuously to realize
from the OFW in observance of the “employer pays its objectives: (a) incorporation of a gender-
principle” in the recruitment process. To ensure responsive reintegration preparedness program
that OFWs are not charged more than the in all phases of migration, involving both OFWs
regulations allow, recruitment agencies will be and their families left behind; (b) initiation
strictly monitored. of reintegration pathways for different OFW
segments, particularly domestic workers, less-
skilled workers, sea-based workers, and
professionals; and (c) convergence of initiatives
Facilitating OFs’ participation and harmonization of reintegration programs
in the country’s development and services of all government agencies and
organizations to ensure a comprehensive approach
and reintegration in to reintegration.
Philippine society
The budget for the loan guarantee fund of the
OWWA for the Enterprise Development and Loan
Strengthen financial inclusion initiatives for Program (EDLP), which is administered by the
OFs and their families. Faster, safer, and cheaper agency in partnership with the Land Bank of the
transfer of remittances will be promoted by Philippines (LANDBANK) and the Development
advocating the use of technology-based banking Bank of the Philippines (DBP), will be increased.
such as internet banking and mobile payment All financial and livelihood assistance initiatives,
applications. To complement the reduction in including grants and loans, will be promoted to
costs, access to information on financial services reach a greater number of returning Filipinos. For
must be enhanced through a multi-agency effort those seeking local employment, the government
to create a centralized portal related to various will strengthen employment facilitation services
financial transactions. In addition, economic and through proactive job matching, competency
financial literacy programs catering specifically assessment, and certification. The convergence of
to OFs and their families, will continue to be the DOLE’s enhanced National Skills Registration
expanded while highlighting financial planning Program, the National Reintegration Center
and management. This will include the Pinansyal for OFWs, and OFW Skills Registry will facilitate
na Talino at Kaalaman (PiTaKa) Program of the matching of employers and employees based
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and the OWWA, on the former’s needs and the latter’s background
information on existing government-managed and skills.
The OF-RED project was launched by the United Nations Development Programme and the Western Union Foundation and implemented
by the CFO.
Chapter 21 Protecting the rights, promoting the welfare, and expanding opportunities for Overseas Filipinos | 381
Legislative Agenda
For the rest of the Plan period, the following legislative agenda will be pursued:
Table 21.2 Legislative Agenda to Protect the Rights, Promote the Welfare, and Expand Opportunities
for Overseas Filipinos to Contribute to the Country’s Development
Magna Carta of Filipino Seafarers This will provide the legislative framework on the implementation of the
standards set by international conventions and agreements, such as the
Maritime Labor Convention 2006 on the working and living conditions and
occupational safety and health, among others, for seafarers.
Subsector Outcome 4: Rights protected and well-being improved for foreign nationals in the country
Amendments to the Philippine The proposed amendments aim to strengthen legal and institutional framework,
Immigration Act of 1940 border control at ports of entry, and regulation and registration of foreign
nationals within the country.
Amendment to Articles 40, 41, This will enhance the country’s labor market test, taking into account best
and 42 of Presidential Decree practices in other countries.
No. 442 or the Labor Code of the
Acronyms 383
BDFE Biodiversity-Friendly Enterprises
BDP Bangsamoro Development Program
BE-LCP Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan
BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
BFP Bureau of Fire Protection
BHERT Barangay Health Emergency Response Team
BHS Barangay Health Station
BIMP-EAGA Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth
BIR Bureau of Internal Revenue
BIST Business Innovation through S&T
BJMP Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
BLA Bilateral Labor Agreements
BMBE Barangay Micro Business Enterprise
BNS Barangay Nutrition Scholar
BOC Bureau of Customs
BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand
BOI Board of Investments
BOL Bangsamoro Organic Law
BOQ Bureau of Quarantine
BP2 Balik Probinsya, Bagong Pag-asa Program
BRT Bus Rapid Transit
BSFI Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Supervised Financial Institutions
BSL2 Biosafety Laboratory Level 2
BSP Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
BSWM Bureau of Soils and Water Management
BTA Bangsamoro Transition Authority
BUCOR Bureau of Corrections
CAAP Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
CAB Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro
CADT Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title
CALABARZON Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon (Region IV-A)
CALT Certificate of Ancestral Land Title
CARP Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
Acronyms 385
CREATE Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises
CRK Clark International Airport
CRM Coastal Resource Management
CRP Comprehensive Resiliency Plan
CSA Civil Service Academy
CSC Civil Service Commission
CSE Comprehensive Sexuality Education
CSF Credit Surety Funds
CSO Civil Society Organization
CSP Competitive Selection Process
CSPP Conflict-Sensitive and Peace-Promoting
DA Department of Agriculture
DA-BFAR Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
DA-BSWM Department of Agriculture - Bureau of Soils and Water Management
DAP Development Academy of the Philippines
DAR Department of Agrarian Reform
DBCC Development Budget Coordination Committee
DBM Department of Budget and Management
DC Department Circular
DCP Design Center of the Philippines
DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources
DepEd Department of Education
DevLive Development Live
DFA Department of Foreign Affairs
DFS Digital Financial Services
DHSUD Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development
DICT Department of Information and Communications Technology
DILG Department of the Interior and Local Government
DILG-BLGS Department of the Interior and Local Government - Bureau of Local
Government Supervision
DND Department of National Defense
DO Department Order
DO Dissolved Oxygen
DOE Department of Energy
DOF Department of Finance
Acronyms 387
EOP End of Plan
EPIRA Electric Power Industry Reform Act
EPR Extended Producers Responsibility
ERC Energy Regulatory Commission
ERF Enterprise Rehabilitation Fund
EU European Union
EUFS Environmental User Fee System
EVOSS Energy Virtual One Stop Shop
E-Waste Electronic Wastes
EWS Early Warning System
Fablabs Fabrication Laboratories
FCP Financial Consumer Protection
FDCP Film Development Council of the Philippines
FDI Foreign Direct Investment
FIA Foreign Investments Act
FIC Food Innovation Center
FIES Family Income and Expenditure Survey
FINL Foreign Investment Negative List
FIRe Fourth Industrial Revolution
FishR Municipal Fisherfolk Registry
FIST Financial Institutions Strategic Transfer Act
FLEMMS Functional Literacy, Education, and Mass Media Survey
FMA Fisheries Management Area
FMI Food Manufacturing Industry
FMP Farm Mechanization Program
FMR Farm-to-Market Road
FNRI Food and Nutrition Research Institute
FP Family Planning
FPA Final Peace Agreement
FPIC Free, Prior, and Informed Consent
FSCC Financial Stability Coordination Council
FTA Free Trade Agreement
FVE Former Violent Extremist
FWA Flexible Working Arrangement
Acronyms 389
HEI Higher Education Institution
HFEP Health Facilities Enhancement Program
HIA Health Impact Assessment
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
HLURB Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
HNRDA Harmonized National Research and Development Agenda
HOA Homeowners Association
HPC High Performance Computing
HR Human Resource
HRD Human Resource Development
HRH Human Resources for Health
HTA Health Technology Assessment
HTP Heated Tobacco Product
HUC Highly Urbanized City
HUDCC Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council
I&S Industry and Services
i3S Philippine Inclusive, Innovation, and Industrial Strategy
IA Irrigator’s Association
IAC Inter-Agency Committee
IAC-CSAC Inter-Agency Committee on Children in Situations of Armed Conflict
IACVAWC Interagency Council on Violence Against Women and their Children
IATA International Air Transport Association
IATCTP Inter-Agency Technical Committee on Transport Planning
IATF Inter-Agency Task Force
IB Inclusive Business
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICCMN Inter-Cabinet Cluster Mechanism on Normalization
ICC Indigenous Cultural Communities
ICM Integrated Coastal Management
ICT Information and Communications Technology
ID Identification
IDP Internally Displaced Peoples
IEC Information, Education, and Communication
Acronyms 391
LDRRMP Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan
LEES Labor and Employment Education Services
LE Large Enterprise
LFS Labor Force Survey
LGA Local Government Academy
LGU Local Government Unit
LIIC Local Investment and Incentives Code
LLDA Laguna Lake Development Authority
LOE Lines of Efforts
LPI Legatum Prosperity Index
LRT Light Rail Transit
LSP Local Shelter Plan
LTFRB Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board
LTO Land Transportation Office
LUC Local University and College
M&E Monitoring and Evaluation
MABUHAY Maginhawang Buhay sa Bahay
MARINA Maritime Industry Authority
MBPS Megabits Per Second
MCIAA Mactan-Cebu International Airport Authority
MIAA Manila International Airport Authority
MIDP Maritime Industry Development Plan
MILF Moro National Liberation Front
MIMAROPA Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon, and Palawan (Region IV-B)
MISP Minimum Initial Service Package
MLIN Mindanao Logistics Infrastructure Network
MNLF Moro Islamic Liberation Front
MOOC More Open Online Course
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MP2 Modified Pag-IBIG 2 Program
MPA Marine Protected Area
MRA Mutual Recognition Arrangement
MRF Materials Recovery Facilities
MRT Metro Rail Transit
MSME Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise
Foreword | 393
NGI National Governance Index
NGO Non-Government Organization
NGP National Greening Program
NHA National Housing Authority
NHIP National Health Insurance Program
NHMFC National Home Mortgage Finance Corporation
NHRI National Human Rights Institution
NHTS-PR National Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction
NIA National Irrigation Administration
NIA National Income Accounts
NIASD National Innovation Agenda Strategy Document
NIC National Innovation Council
NICER Niche Centers in the Regions for R&D
NIMP National Irrigation Master Plan
NIPAS National Integrated Protected Area System
NIPAS-PA National Integrated Protected Area System - Protected Area
NIPS National Intellectual Property Strategy
NJIS National Justice Information System
NLEX North Luzon Expressway
NMIS National Measurement Infrastructure System
NMVIMP National Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
NNC National Nutrition Council
NPC National Power Corporation
NPC-SPUG National Power Corporation - Small Power Utilities Group
NPPFP National Program on Population and Family Planning
NQI National Quality Infrastructure
NREP National Renewable Energy Program
NRPF National Resettlement Policy Framework
NSS National Spatial Strategy
NSSMP National Sewerage and Septage Management Program
NSWMC National Solid Waste Management Commission
NTESD National Technical Education and Skills Development
NTF-ELCAC National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict
NTJRB National Transitional Justice and Reconciliation Commission for the
Acronyms 395
PDM Price Determination Methodology
PDOS Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar
PDP Philippine Development Plan
PeGIF Philippine e-Government Interoperability Framework
PEIS PESO Employment Information System
PEP Philippine Energy Plan
PESO Public Employment Service Office
PEZA Philippine Economic Zone Authority
PHILGUARANTEE Philippine Guarantee Corporation
PGRABS Philippine Genetic Resources Access and Benefit-Sharing
PHE Population-Health-Environment
PHEDPP Philippine Halal Export Development and Promotion Program
PHFDP Philippine Health Facilities Development Plan
PhilHealth Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
PhilSA Philippine Space Agency
PhilSys Philippine Identification System
PIDS Philippine Institute for Development Studies
PIPP Philippine Investment Promotion Plan
PiTaKa Pinansyal na Talino at Kaalaman
PLEA Production Loan Easy Access
PLHIV People Living with HIV
PM 10 Particulate matter measuring 10 micrometers in diameter or smaller
PM 2.5 Particulate matter measuring 2.5 micrometers in diameter or smaller
PNP Philippine National Police
POC Persons of Concern
POEA Philippine Overseas Employment Administration
POPCOM Commission on Population and Development
PPA Philippine Ports Authority
PPAN Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition
PPA Program, Project, and Activity
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PPP Public-Private Partnership
PPSA Personal Property Security Act
ppt Percentage Point
PQF Philippine Qualifications Framework
Acronyms 397
RLTA Rapid Land Tenure Appraisal
RM Results Matrix
RM Results Matrice
ROF Returning OFs
RORO Roll-On-Roll-Off
ROTC Reserved Officers' Training Corps
ROW Right-of-Way
RPMP-RPA-ABB Rebolusyonaryong Partido ng Manggagawa-Pilipinas-Revolutionary
Proletarian Army-Alex Boncayao Brigade
RPRH Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health
RSBSA Registry System for the Basic Sectors in Agriculture
RSE Researcher, Scientist, and Engineer
RTLA Retail Trade Liberalization Act
RTGS Real-Time Gross Settlement
RTL Rice Tariffication Law (RA11203)
RT-PCR Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction
RTWPB Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board
S&T Science and Technology
S4CP Science for Change Program
SAP Social Amelioration Program
SBCorp Small Business Corporation
SBFP School-Based Feeding Program
SBSR Shipbuilding and Ship Repair
SC Supreme Court
SCAn Supply Chain Analytics Dashboard
SCF Supply Chain Financing
SCP Sustainable Consumption and Production
SCS South China Sea
SCSP Sub-Committee on Social Protection
SCTEX Subic–Clark–Tarlac Expressway
SDC Social Development Committee
SDG Sustainable Development Goal
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
SETUP Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program
SFF Small Farmer and Fisherfolk
Acronyms 399
TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training
TVI Technical and Vocational Institution
TWG-AFP Technical Working Group on Anticipatory and Forward Planning
UACS Unified Accounts Code Structure
UAQTE Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UDHA Urban Development and Housing Act
UHC Universal Health Care
UHC Urban Health Center
UI Unemployment Insurance
UN United Nations
UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
UNDESA United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation
UniFAST Unified Financial Assistance System for Tertiary Education
UNSCR United Nations Security Council Resolution
UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organization
UP-NIH University of the Philippines - National Institutes of Health
VAT Value Added Tax
VAWC Violence Against Women and their Children
WB World Bank
WB-IFC World Bank - International Finance Corporation
WD Water District
WEF World Economic Forum
WESM Wholesale Electricity Spot Market
WGI Worldwide Governance Indicator
WHO World Health Organization
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization
WJP-ROL World Justice Project - Rule of Law
WPS West Philippine Sea
WQMA Water Quality Management Area
WRC Water Regulatory Commission
WSS Water Supply and Sanitation
WTE Waste-To-Energy
WTO World Trade Organization
21st century skills Generally used to refer to certain competencies such as collaboration, digital
literacy, problem-solving, civic literacy, global awareness, and cross-cultural skills;
gender sensitivity, critical and inventive thinking, communication, collaboration,
and information skills, risk-taking, entrepreneurial skills, passion for learning
and discovery, and resiliency.
5G Networks Fifth generation of wireless networks that entails higher wireless network speeds,
lower latency, and higher density of devices connected per square kilometer (sq.
Absorptive capacity A measure of an agency's ability to maximize the use of financial resources made
available to it.
Access and benefit Refers to the way in which genetic resources may be accessed, and how the benefits
sharing that result from their use are shared between the people or countries using the
resources (users) and the people or countries that provide them (providers).
(United Nation [UN] Convention on Biological Diversity)
Access points In the Core Set of Financial Inclusion Indicators developed by the Alliance for
Financial Inclusion (AFI), access points are defined as regulated entities where
both cash-in and cash-out transactions can be performed. Other access points
include non-stock savings and loan associations (NSSLA), cooperatives offering
financial services, microfinance non-government organizations (NGOs),
pawnshops, money service business (MSB), lending companies, other non-
banking financial institutions (NBFIs), e-money agents, and cash agents. (Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas [BSP], 2020)
Glossary 389
Accreditation A third-party attestation related to a conformity assessment body conveying
a formal demonstration of its competence to carry out specific conformity
assessment tasks. It provides a uniform and technical policy and the conditions
for mutual recognition at the international level. It is integral in promoting
reliability and confidence in conformity assessment and metrology results
towards improving the quality, competitiveness, and international acceptance of
Philippine goods and services.
Active members In general, overseas Filipino workers (OFW) who have paid the required
membership fee within a required time to qualify for full eligibility of benefits
of Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA)/ Home Development
Mutual Fund (Pag-IBIG)/ Social Security System (SSS)/ Philippine Health
Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth). (National Economic and Development
Authority [NEDA], 2019)
Adolescent birth Also known as “age-specific fertility rate for women aged 15-19” or the number
rate of births to women of a given age group (15-19) per 1,000 women in that age
group. (Philippine Statistics Authority [PSA], 2003)
Adult learning Education specifically targeted at individuals who are regarded as adults by their
society to improve their technical or professional qualifications, further develop
their abilities, enrich their knowledge with the purpose to complete a level of
formal education, or to acquire, refresh, or update their knowledge, skills and
competencies in a particular field. This also includes what may be referred to
as ‘continuing education’, ‘recurrent education,’ or ‘second chance education.’
(UNESCO Institute for Statistics [UIS] 2011 as cited in PSA, 2017)
Aeronautical Refers to the entire set of ground-installed luminaires and related structures
lighting system meant to be used as visual aids by aircraft pilots. (Serra, F. B. [2006]. Aeronautical
Ground Lighting. International Airport Review, 10[1].)
Aeroponics A way of planting in which plants are suspended on the air and grow in a humid
environment without soil. (Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO])
Agrarian reform The redistribution of lands, regardless of crops or fruits produced, to farmers and
regular farm workers who are landless, irrespective of tenurial arrangement, to
include the totality of factors and support services designed to lift the economic
status of the beneficiaries and all other arrangements alternative to the physical
redistribution of lands, such as production or profit-sharing, labor administration,
and the distribution of shares of stock, which will allow beneficiaries to receive a
just share of the fruits of the lands they work. (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Law [Republic Act (RA) 6657], 1988)
Agrarian reform Farmers who were granted lands under Presidential Decree (PD) No. 27, the
beneficiaries Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law, and the “Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Extension with Reforms” (RA 9700) and regular farm workers who are landless,
irrespective of tenurial arrangement, who benefited from the redistribution of
lands, regardless of crops or fruits produced, to include the totality of factors
and support services designed to lift the economic status of the beneficiaries and
all other alternative arrangements to the physical distribution of lands, such as
production or profit-sharing, labor administration, and the distribution of shares
of stock which will allow beneficiaries to receive a just share of the fruits of the
lands they work. (Agri-Agra Reform Credit Act [RA 1000], 2009)
Agrarian reform A community composed and managed by agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs)
community who are willing to be organized and to undertake the integrated development
of an area and/or their organizations or cooperatives. (Comprehensive Agrarian
Reform Program Extension with Reforms [RA 9700], 2009)
Glossary 391
Agri Agra Law It repealed Presidential Decree 717, retains the mandatory credit allocation in
that 25 percent of the banks’ total loanable funds shall be set aside for agriculture
and fisheries, of which at least 10 percent shall be made available for agrarian
reform beneficiaries. (RA 10000, 2009)
Agribusiness The sum of all operations involved in the manufacture and distribution of farm
supplies; production activities on the farm; and the storage, processing and
distribution of farm commodities and items made from them. (Department of
Agrarian Reform [DAR] Administrative Order [AO] 5, s. 2009)
Agricultural lands Lands devoted to or suitable for the cultivation of the soil, planting of crops,
growing of trees, raising of livestock, poultry, fish or aquaculture production,
including the harvesting of such farm products, and other farm activities and
practices performed in conjunction with such farming operations by persons
whether natural or juridical and not classified by the law as mineral land, forest
land, residential land, commercial land, or industrial land. (Agriculture and
Fisheries Modernization Act [RA 8435], 1997)
Agricultural value Refers to the use of a value chain and the way in which it supports participants
chain finance by tailoring services and products to one or more points in a value chain in order
to reduce the risk and cost of financing, and increase the efficiency of the value
chain as a whole. Value chain financing (VCF) can help meet the growing need
for agricultural finance and investment in response to consumer demand for
more processed or value-added products.
AgriDoc app An Android smartphone and tablet farm management tool developed by PhilRice,
which is intended for rice farmers, researchers, and extension workers. It has
features that can allow users to keep records on expenses and farm activities,
view farm area through Google Maps, and plan tasks and get reminders of users’
activities in the calendar view. (Philippine Rice Research Institute [PRRI])
Agro-industrial An area planned and designed to have support facilities and services required for
area processing and agro-based manufacturing activities, utilizing local agricultural and
marine products as basic raw materials (e.g., post-harvest treatment, packaging,
printing, cold storage, blast freezing, by-product and waste management, and
other facilities and services). Similar agricultural products may be brought into
the zone to be stored, sold, exhibited, broken up, repacked, distributed, sorted,
graded, cleaned, mixed with foreign or domestic merchandise, or otherwise
manipulated or manufactured and exported.
Aids to navigation Any sort of marker placed along coasts and navigable waters as guides to
mark safe water and to assist mariners in determining their position in
relation to land and hidden dangers. Common types of such aids include
lighthouses, buoys, fog signals, and day beacons. (Faculty of Maritime Studies,
University of Reijika)
Air Passengers Bill This refers to the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC)
of Rights - Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Joint Administrative Order (JAO)
1, s. 2012, which aims to infuse a certain measure of balance, fairness and
reasonableness between the precarious position of a passenger vis-à-vis the vast
resources at the disposal of the air carrier, especially in a liberalized and highly
competitive aviation environment, which if unfettered, can lead to unsound
business policies and practices of air carriers that are prejudicial to the rights and
interests of the passengers.
Air traffic control The process or system by which the movements of aircraft are monitored and
directed by ground personnel communicating with pilots by radio.
Airsheds Areas with similar climate, meteorology and topology which affect the
interchange and diffusion of pollutants in the atmosphere, or areas which share
common interest or face similar development programs, prospects, or problems.
(RA 8749, 1999)
Airspace Process by which airspace options are selected and applied to meet the needs of
management the airspace users with the objective of achieving the most efficient use of the
airspace based on actual needs and, when possible, avoiding permanent airspace
Glossary 393
Alternate wetting A water-saving technology that farmers can apply to reduce their irrigation
and drying water consumption in rice fields without decreasing its yield. The field gets
alternately flooded and non-flooded by applying irrigation water a few days
after the disappearance of the ponded water. The number of days of non-flooded
soil between irrigations can vary from one to more than 10 days depending on
soil type, weather, and crop growth stage. (International Rice Research Institute
Alternative dispute Any process or procedure used to resolve a dispute or controversy, other than by
resolution adjudication of a presiding judge of a court or an officer of a government agency,
in which a neutral third party participates to assist in the resolution of issues,
which includes arbitration, mediation, conciliation, early neutral evaluation,
mini-trial, or any combination thereof.
AmBisyon Natin The collective long-term vision and aspirations of the Filipino people for a
2040 matatag, maginhawa, at panatag na buhay para sa lahat (strongly-rooted,
comfortable, and secure life for all).
Angel investors Individuals who offer promising startup companies funding in exchange for a
piece of the business, usually in the form of equity or royalties.
Anti-competitive Refers to those that create companies with dominant market power that could
merger and substantially lessen competition or significantly impede effective competition in
acquisition the relevant market.
Anti-microbial When bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites evolve over time and do not react
resistance to medicines. This renders medicines ineffective, and lead to more persistent
infections and higher risk of contagion.
Aquaculture Fishery operations involving all forms of raising and culturing fish and other
fishery species in fresh, brackish, and marine water areas. (PSA)
Aquifer recharge Process to replenish water in aquifers which are layers of water-bearing rock
located underground that transmit water in sufficient quantity to supply pumping
wells or natural springs. (US Environmental Protection Agency; RA 9275, 2004)
Glossary 395
ASEAN Single A regional trade facilitation initiative that connects and integrates National
Window Single Window (NSW) systems of all ASEAN member states to expedite cargo
clearance and promote ASEAN economic integration by enabling the electronic
exchange of border trade-related documents among ASEAN member states.
Backyard poultry/ Any farm or household raising at least one head of animal or bird and does not
livestock raiser qualify as commercial farm. (PSA)
Balay Silangan A harm reduction program initiated by the Philippine Drug Enforcement
Agency (PDEA). This is reformative and rehabilitative in nature intended
for non-drug users who voluntary surrendered or availed of plea bargaining
program. It provides general interventions, like continuing education and health
awareness, and psychological/spiritual/physical activities, such as counseling,
moral recovery, values formation, personal and life skills. Reformers are also
taught livelihood and skills training programs.
Balik Scientist A program that encourages highly-trained overseas Filipino (OFs) scientists
Program and technologists, experts, and professionals to return to the Philippines and
share their expertise for the acceleration of the scientific, agro-industrial, and
economic development of the country.
Barangay micro Refers to any business entity or enterprise engaged in the production, processing,
business enterprise or manufacturing of products or commodities, including agro-processing,
trading and services, whose total assets including those arising from loans but
exclusive of the land on which the particular business entity’s office, plant, and
equipment are situated, shall not be more than PHP3 million.
Basic Education An annual budget of the Department of Education (DepEd) for its school building
Facilities Fund program, which covers the improvement and maintenance of school facilities. It
is utilized for the provision of classroom and workshop buildings, replacement
of old dilapidated buildings, provision of furniture, repair and rehabilitation
of classrooms, including heritage buildings, as well as water and sanitation
facilities, and electrification. (DepEd Order 35, s. 2017, Revised Guidelines on
the Implementation of the Basic Education Facilities Fund)
Basic sanitation Refers to flush toilet (either owned or shared) and closed pit facilities.
Big data analytics Refers to digital data sets that are so large (either in terms of scale, i.e., “volume”,
or streams across time, i.e., “velocity”) or complex (in terms of variety). This data
deluge is a by-product or “exhaust” from making use of electronic devices (smart
phones, tablets, laptops, biomedical equipment), social media, search engines, as
well as sensors and tracking devices (including climate sensors and GPS). Making
use of “Big Data” involves descriptive analytics (e.g., getting customer profiles
and behavior from social media and customer transaction databases), predictive
analytics (i.e., forecasting future events) and even prescriptive analytics (using
simulation and optimization methods) that extract value from digital data.
Biochemical oxygen A measure of approximate quantity of dissolved oxygen that will be required by
demand bacteria to stabilize organic matter in wastewater or surface water. (Department
of Environment and Natural Resources [DENR] AO 35, s. 1990)
Glossary 397
Biodiversity The variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia,
terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of
which they are part. This includes diversity within species, between species and
of ecosystems. (UN Convention on Biological Diversity [CBD])
Biodiversity- Economic activities and practices of micro, small, and medium enterprises
friendly enterprises (MSME), that promote the sustainable use of biological resources, create wealth
and value, and open opportunities for the equitable sharing of benefits among
stakeholders. (DENR - Biodiversity Management Bureau [BMB] Technical
Bulletin 2017-01)
Biofuel Bioethanol and biodiesel and other fuels made from biomass and primarily
used for motive, thermal, and power generation, with quality specifications in
accordance with the Philippine National Standards.
Bioprospecting The research, collection, and utilization of biological and genetic resources for
purposes of applying the knowledge derived therefrom solely for commercial
purposes. (RA 9147, 2001)
Biotechnology Any technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or
derivatives thereof, to make or modify. (UNCBD)
Blended finance The strategic use of development finance for the mobilisation of additional finance
towards sustainable development in developing countries. It attracts commercial
capital towards development-oriented projects, while providing financial returns
to investors.
Blended learning Refers to a learning delivery that combines face-to-face with any or a mix of online
distance learning, modular distance learning, and TV/radio-based instruction.
Blended learning will enable the schools to limit face-to-face learning, ensure
social distancing, and decrease the volume of people outside the home at any
given time. (DepEd, 2020)
Blockchain Network of existing technologies that use distributed ledger technology to store
technology information verified by cryptography among a group of users. The system ensures
secure trust and direct transfer of value and data between parties.
Breakwater A structure constructed for the purpose of forming an artificial harbour with a
basin so protected from the effect of waves as to provide safe berthing for fishing
vessels. There are many different types of breakwaters; natural rock and concrete,
or a combination of the two, are the materials which form 95 percent or more of
all the breakwaters constructed.
Brexit United Kingdom’s (UK) formal exit from the European Union on January 31,
Budget and A common, modern, integrated, accurate, reliable, and secure information
Treasury system for the public financial management operations of the Government of the
Management Philippines (GOP). (Budget and Treasury Management System [BTMS])
Bus rapid transit A high-quality bus-based transit system that delivers fast, comfortable, and cost-
effective services at metro-level capacities. It does this through the provision of
dedicated lanes, with busways and iconic stations typically aligned to the center
of the road, off-board fare collection, and fast and frequent operations.
Business continuity A document that outlines how a business will continue operating during an
plan unplanned disruption in service.
Business Innovation This aims to provide financial assistance to Filipino private companies for the
through Science acquisition of strategic and relevant technologies so they can undertake their
and Technology for research and development (R&D). The financial assistance, which may only be
Industry used to purchase high-tech equipment or to secure technology licensing and/
or patent rights, will be refunded to the Department of Science and Technology
(DOST) at zero percent interest. (Science for Change Program)
Capital Introduced to ensure that banks have an additional layer of usable capital that
conservation can be drawn down when losses are incurred. The buffer was implemented in full
buffer as of 2019 and is set at 2.5 percent of total risk-weighted assets. It must be met
with Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital only, and it is established above the
regulatory minimum capital requirement. (Bank for International Settlements,
Capital outlay Appropriations for the purchase of goods and services, the benefits of which
extend beyond the fiscal year and which add to the assets of government-owned
and controlled corporations (GOCCs), including investments in the capital stock
of GOCCs and their subsidiaries.
Glossary 399
Carbon Offsetting A global Market Based Measure (MBM) scheme to address any annual increase
and Reduction in total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from international civil aviation (i.e.
Scheme for civil aviation flights that depart in one country and arrive in a different country)
International above the 2020 levels, taking into account special circumstances and respective
Aviation capabilities. (International Civil Aviation Organization [ICAO])
Cash-based Annual appropriations that limit incurring obligations and disbursing payments
budgeting system for goods delivered and services rendered, inspected, and accepted within the
current fiscal year. (Department of Budget and Mangement [DBM], 2020)
Cash-lite economy A transition from a cash-heavy economy where there is less cash and less coins
and a widespread adoption of electronic payments.
Certificate of Land A document evidencing ownership of the land granted or awarded to the
Ownership Award beneficiary by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), and contains the
restriction and conditions provided for in RA 6657 and other applicable laws.
(DAR AO 3, s. 1990)
Certificate of origin A trade document that indicates origin of a good or commodity often used to
support claims for preferential tariff.
Certification rate The percentage of examinees who passed the national competency assessment
for or within a given period.
Citizen A priority program of the Commission on Audit (COA) founded on the premise
Participatory Audit that public accountability can prosper only with a vigilant and involved citizenry
(COA, 2014). This is ensured through conducting audits with citizens as members
of the COA audit teams.
Citizen Satisfaction A set of data tools designed to collect and generate relevant citizens’ feedback
Index System on local governments’ service delivery performance and on the citizens’ general
satisfaction. The Citizen Satisfaction Index System (CSIS) conceptualizes the
citizen as the center of local government performance. (CSIS)
Climate change The adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected
adaptation climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial
opportunities (RA 9729, 2009).
Closed season The period during which the taking of specified fishery species by a specified
fishing gear is prohibited in a specified area or areas in Philippine waters.
(Fisheries Code [RA 8550], 1998)
Cloud computing Refers to both the applications delivered as services over the internet and the
hardware and systems software in the datacenters that provide those services.
The services themselves have long been referred to as “software as a service”
(SaaS). The datacenter hardware and software is what is called a cloud.
Collective An arrangement whereby funds are solicited from the investing public for the
investment schemes purpose of investing, reinvesting, and trading in securities or other assets
allowed under the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Investment
Company Act. (Securities and Exchange Commission [SEC], 2018)
Commercial fishing The catching of fish with the use of fishing boats with a capacity of more than
three gross tons for trade, business or profit beyond subsistence or sports fishing.
Glossary 401
Commercial Any livestock operator or farm which operation satisfies at least one of the
livestock farm/ following conditions: (a) at least 21 head of adults and zero young, (b) at least 41
operator head of young animals, and (c) at least 10 head of adults and 22 head of young
animals. (PSA)
Commercial Any poultry operator or farm which operation satisfies at least one of the following
poultry farm/ conditions: (a) 500 layers or 1,000 broilers, (b) 1000 layers and 100 broilers if
operator raised in combination, and (c) 100 head of duck regardless of age. (PSA)
Commercialization The process of deriving income or profit from a technology, such as the creation
of a spin-off company, or through licensing, or the sale of the technology and/or
intellectual property rights.
Communal Type of irrigation systems covering an area of 1,000 hectares or less, which are
Irrigation System constructed by National Irrigation Administration (NIA) with the participation of
Irrigators’ Associations (IAs). The operation and maintenance of the Communal
Irrigation System (CIS) is turned over to the IAs upon project completion. (NIA)
Community and A philosophy of policing in which police officers work closely with the
Service-Oriented community and the local government by developing a sense of the character
Policing System of the neighborhood through regular and informal contacts with residents
and institutions in the area. (National Police Commission [NAPOLCOM]
Implementing Guidelines for City/Municipality Community and Service-
Oriented Policing System)
Community-based Partnership between the government and the local community, represented by
Forest Management people's organization, as forest managers, which has a term of 25 years, renewable
Agreement for another 25 years. (DENR AO 2004-29)
Competency Written specifications of the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values required for
standards the performance of a job, occupation, or trade and the corresponding standard
of performance required for these in the workplace. (National Statistical
Coordination Board [NSCB], 2006)
Competition The manual developed by the PCC containing the process of evaluating
Assessment Manual government regulations, rules, bills, and other proposed government measures
and laws, to identify those that may unnecessarily impede competition, and
redesign identified regulations so that competition is not unduly inhibited.
Competitive Competitive neutrality is the principle that recognizes that the GOCCs shall
neutrality not enjoy net competitive advantages or be subjected to advantages over private
sector businesses simply by virtue of public sector ownership, unless it can be
clearly demonstrated that the greater public interest will be served and there is
lack of commercial viability.
Completion rate The percentage of first grade/year entrants in a level of education who complete/
finish the level in accordance with the required number of years of study. (NSCB,
Comprehensive and Otherwise known as Environmental Impact Assessment. It refers to the process
Integrated Strategic of evaluating the likely impact of a project (including cumulative impacts) on the
Environmental environment during construction, commissioning, operation, and abandonment.
Assessment It also includes designing appropriate preventive, mitigating and enhancement
measures addressing these consequences to the environment.
Comprehensive The program is being implemented by the DTI, in order to attract new
Automotive investments, stimulate demand, and effectively implement industry regulations
Resurgence Strategy that will revitalize the Philippine automotive industry, and develop the country
Program as a regional automotive manufacturing hub. The Comprehensive Automotive
Resurgence Strategy (CARS) program is intended to augment and enhance
the policy directions of existing motor vehicle development programs towards
ensuring a resurgent automotive industry that supports innovation, technology
transfer, environmental protection, and small and medium-sized enterprises
(SME) development; enable the country’s automotive industry to seize market
opportunities opened by the ASEAN Economic Community and deepen its
participation in the regional supply chain; and boost the manufacturing capability
of the overall industrial sector, spur growth of SMEs, and create more jobs in the
Comprehensive A multi-sectoral development plan which serves as an action plan of every local
Development Plan government unit. It consolidates programs and projects necessary to carry out
the objectives of different development sectors. (RA 7160, 1991)
Glossary 403
Comprehensive A document formulated by the local government in consultation with its
Land Use Plan stakeholders, that defines or provides guidelines on the allocation, utilization,
development, and management of all lands, within a given territory or jurisdiction,
including municipal waters, according to the inherent qualities of the land itself
and supportive economic, demographic, socio-cultural, and environmental
objectives. (RA 11201, 2019)
Conflict sensitivity The ability to understand the conflict context, understand how interventions
and peace interact with the conflict context, and act upon that understanding to minimize
promotion negative impacts and maximize positive impacts of interventions (DILG-Office of
the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process [OPAPP] JMC No. 1-2020 Conflict
Sensitivity and Peace Promotion (CSPP) in the Comprehensive Development
Plan (CDP) of LGUs in Conflict-Affected and Conflict-Vulnerable Areas)
Conflict-affected Communities where there are actual armed encounters between the government
areas forces and political armed groups, where political armed groups dominate the
state of affairs of the community, or where other forms of violent conflicts exist.
(PDP 2017-2022)
Conflict-vulnerable Areas where the local and peripheral population is heavily impacted by the
areas infighting of armed groups. (PDP 2017-2022)
Conformity A set or process ensuring the products, services, or systems meet or have the
assessment capability to meet the applicable requirements.
Contactless toll Refers to electronic tags or other cashless systems, such as, but not limited to,
collection system RFID, Automated Fare Collection System (AFCS), etc. (DOTr Order 2020-012
Requiring Cashless or Contacless Transaction for All Vehicles Traveling on Toll
Expressways, 2020)
Contingent Obligations that may or may not come due, depending on whether particular
liabilities events occur. The probability of their occurrence may be exogenous to
government policies (e.g., if they are related to natural disasters) or endogenous
(e.g., if government programs create moral hazard). There are obligations that do
not arise unless particular discrete events occur in the future.
Convergence The complementation of agency initiatives within a defined area under a common
program intervention strategy to maximize impact.
Co-payment Refers to a flat fee or predetermined rate paid at point of service, as may be
determined by the PhilHealth.
Coral cover A measure of the proportion/percentage of reef surface covered by live or hard
coral instead of sponges, algae, or other organisms. (National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration [NOAA], 2019)
Coral reef A natural aggregation of coral skeleton, with or without living coral polyps,
occurring in intertidal and subtidal marine waters. (RA 8550, 1998)
Corruption Measures the perceived level of public sector corruption in 180 countries and
Perceptions Index territories based on 13 expert and business surveys. Crafted by Transparency
International, the Index uses a score ranging from 0-100, where 0 means that a
country is perceived as highly corrupt and a 100 means that a country is perceived
as very clean. (Transparency International, 2019)
COVID-19 Disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. ‘CO’ stands for corona, ‘VI’ for
virus, and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as ‘2019 novel
coronavirus’ or ‘2019-nCoV.’ The COVID-19 virus is a new virus linked to the
same family of viruses as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and some
types of common cold.
Glossary 405
Creative economy Knowledge-based economic activities and the interplay between human
creativity and ideas, knowledge and technology, as well as cultural values or
artistic, cultural heritage and other individual or collective creative expressions.
(UN General Assembly Resolution 74/198, 2020)
Creative industries Industries which have their origin in individual creativity, skill, and talent,
which have a potential for job and wealth creation through the generation and
exploitation of intellectual property.
Credit guarantee This scheme provides third-party credit risk mitigation to lenders through the
absorption of a portion of the lender’s losses on the loans made to SMEs in case
of default, typically, in return for a fee. (WB)
Credit Surety Fund A fund generated from the contributions of well-capitalized and well-managed
cooperatives/NGOs, LGUs, government financial institutions (GFI), Industrial
Guarantee and Loan Fund (IGLF), and other institutions/government agencies
(GA) which shall serve as security for the loans that will be obtained by qualified
borrowers from lending banks by way of a surety cover issued by the Board of
Directors (BOD) of the Credit Surety Fund (CSF) Cooperative. Banks generally
require collaterals when extending loans, a requirement that some MSMEs often
find difficult to comply with.
Criminal Justice The system that provides justice sector agencies the flexibility to develop their
Information own information and communications technology (ICT) systems according to
Exchange their needs and contemporaneously provides the framework that will generate
the “commonalities” for easy interchange of crime-related data.
Critical information Computer systems, and/or networks, whether physical or virtual, and/or the
infrastructure computer programs, computer data, and/or traffic data vital to the country that
the incapacity or destruction of, or interference with such systems and assets
would have a debilitating impact on security, national or economic security,
national public health and safety, or any combination of those matters. (National
Cybersecurity Plan, 2022)
Critical watershed A drainage area of a river system supporting existing and proposed hydroelectric
power, irrigation works, or existing water facilities needing immediate protection
and rehabilitation to minimize erosion and improve water yield. (Presidential
Decree [PD] 1559, 1978).
Crop diversification Crop diversification is intended to give a wider choice in the production of a
variety of crops in a given area so as to expand production-related activities on
various crops and also to lessen risk. (FAO)
Cropping intensity The number of times a crop is planted per year in a given agricultural area. It is
the ratio of effective crop area harvested to the physical area.
Cultural diversity The existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society. (Oxford)
Cultural property All products of human creativity by which a people and a nation reveal their
identity, including churches, mosques, and other places of religious worship,
schools and natural history specimens and sites, whether public or privately-
owned, movable or immovable, and tangible or intangible. (RA 10066, 2009)
Cultural workers Persons who work in the cultural industries, defined as a sector whose
principal purpose, is the production or reproduction, promotion, distribution,
or commercialisation of goods, services and activities of a cultural, artistic or
heritage-related nature. (UNESCO, 2016)
Culture Set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society
or a social group, that encompasses not only art and literature, but lifestyles, ways
of living together, value system, traditions, and beliefs. (UNESCO, 2001)
Culture-sensitive Refers to the quality of being compatible and appropriate to the culture, beliefs,
customs and traditions, indigenous systems, and practices of indigenous cultural
communities or indigenous peoples. (RA 8371 IRR, 1997)
Currency Rate Risk A non-deliverable USD/PHP forward (NDF) contract between the BSP and a
Protection Program universal/commercial bank (UB/KB) in response to the request of bank clients
desiring to hedge their eligible foreign currency obligations.
Current account A measure of the flows of goods, services, primary income, and secondary
income between residents and nonresidents.
Cybercrime A crime in which a computer is the object of the crime (hacking, phishing,
spamming) or is used as a tool to commit an offense (child pornography, hate
crimes). (National Cybersecurity Plan, 2022)
Cybersecurity The collection of tools, policies, security concepts, security safeguards, guidelines,
risk management approaches, actions, training, best practices, assurance, and
technologies that can be used to protect the cyber environment and organization
and user’s assets. (National Cybersecurity Plan, 2022)
Glossary 407
Dangerous drugs Drugs listed in the schedules annexed to the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic
Drugs, as amended by the 1972 Protocol, and in the schedules annexed to the
1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances, as enumerated in the attached
annex, which is an integral part of the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of
2002 (RA 9165).
Decommissioning A process that includes activities aimed at achieving a smooth transition for the
former combatants to productive civilian life. (Framework Agreement on the
Bangsamoro, Annex on Normalization)
Demographic The demographic dividend is the accelerated development that can arise when
dividend a population has a relatively large proportion of working-age people coupled
with effective human capital investment. (United Nations Fund for Population
Activities [UNFPA])
Demographic The change from a situation of high fertility and high mortality to one of low
transition fertility and low mortality. A country that enters into a demographic transition
experiences sizable changes in the age distribution of the population. (Mapa,
Dependable The load-carrying ability of a power plant during a specific time interval and
capacity period. The dependable capacity of a generating facility or transmission system is
a fluctuating value that depends upon the available energy, the demand for that
energy, the capability of the system to deliver that energy at a given moment, and
the facilities available to handle increased capacity should the need arise.
Dependency ratio Ratio between the number of children (0-14 years old) and older persons (65
years or over) to the working-age population (15-64 years old).
Development LIVE A mobile application that allows citizens to provide feedback in terms of progress,
(DevLIVE) timeliness, and effectiveness of local infrastructure projects in real time. It was
developed by the DILG and the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP). (DILG, 2019)
Digital bank A bank that offers financial products and services that are processed end-to-end
through a digital platform and/or electronic channels with no physical branches.
(BSP, 2020)
Digital connectivity This serves as a key component of economies and societies to connect people,
places, and ideas through digital networks, including wireless, wired, and satellite
technologies to enable remote working and learning, e-commerce, and critical
communications, among others. (Global Centre for Technology, Innovation and
Sustainable Development, UNDP)
Digital economy The digital economy refers to a broad range of economic activities that use
digitized information and knowledge as key factors of production. The internet,
cloud computing, big data, financial technology (fintech), and other new digital
technologies are used to collect, store, analyze, and share information digitally
and transform social interactions. The digitization of the economy creates
benefits and efficiencies as digital technologies drive innovation and fuel job
opportunities and economic growth. The digital economy also permeates all
aspects of society, influencing the way people interact and bringing about broad
sociological changes (Asian Development Bank [ADB], 2018)
Digital skills A range of abilities to use digital devices, communication applications, and
networks to access and manage information. They enable people to create and
share digital content, communicate and collaborate, and solve problems for
effective and creative self-fulfillment in life, learning, work, and social activities
at large. (UNESCO)
Digitalization The conversion of text, pictures, or sound into a digital form that can be processed
by a computer. (Oxford)
Disaster risk The potential disaster loss (i.e., lives, health status, livelihoods, assets, services)
which could occur to a particular community or a society over some specified
future time period. (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction [UNDRR],
Disaster risk The concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts
reduction to analyze and manage the causal factors of disasters, including the reduction
of exposure to hazards, lessening vulnerability of people and property, wise
management of land and the environment, and improved preparedness for
adverse events. (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
[UNISDR] Secretariat, 2007; RA 10121, 2010)
Glossary 409
Disaster risk The systematic process of using administrative directives, organizations, and
reduction and operational skills and capacities to implement strategies, policies and improved
management coping capacities in order to lessen the adverse impacts of hazards and the
possibility of disaster. Prospective disaster risk reduction and management
(DRRM) refers to activities that address and seek to avoid the development of
new or increased disaster risks, especially if risk reduction policies are not put in
place. (RA 10121, 2010)
Discouraged This refers to all persons without jobs and are not actively seeking/looking for
workers work because they believe that there are no available jobs. (PSA’s Labor Force
Study [LFS] technical notes)
Disposition rate The percentage of total case disposal over the total caseload.
Dissolved oxygen The amount of oxygen dissolved in the water available for living aquatic
organisms. (US Geological Survey)
Documented Filipinos abroad possessing proper documentation and status, as required by the
overseas Filipinos host country. (Department of Foreign Affairs [DFA], 2019)
Dry port An inland intermodal terminal directly connected to seaport(s) with high capacity
transport mean(s), where customers can leave/pick up their standardised units
as if directly to a seaport. (Roso, V., Woxenius, J., & Lumsden, K. [2009]. The
dry port concept: connecting container seaports with the hinterland. Journal of
Transport Geography, 17[5], 338-345.)
Dual Training This refers to an instructional delivery system of technical, vocational education
System and training that combines in-plant and in-school training based on a training
plan collaboratively designed and implemented by an accredited dual system
educational institution/training center and accredited dual system participating
establishment. (Dual Training System [DTS] Act [RA 7686], 1994)
Early Childhood The holistic growth and development of children from age 0 to 4 years. The Early
Care and Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) System refers to the full range of
Development health, nutrition, early education, and social services necessary to promote the
optimum growth and development of children at these ages. (NSCB, 2006)
Eco-efficiency Delivery of competitively-priced goods and services that satisfy human needs
and bring quality of life, while progressively reducing ecological impact and
resource intensity throughout the life cycle to a level, in line with the earth’s
carrying capacity.
E-Commerce The Philippines’ first roadmap on e-commerce. The roadmap’s main objective
Roadmap 2016- is to contribute 25 percent to the Philippines’ gross domestic product (GDP) by
2020 2020.
Economic zone This refers to selected areas with highly developed or which have the potential to
be developed into agri-industrial, industrial, tourist, recreational, commercial,
banking, investment, and financial centers, whose metes and bounds are fixed or
delimited by Presidential Proclamations.
Ecosystems An approach that strives to balance diverse societal objectives by taking into
approach account the knowledge and uncertainties about biotic, abiotic, and human
to fisheries components of ecosystems and their interactions, and applying an integrated
management approach to fisheries within ecologically meaningful boundaries (FAO, 2014).
Ecotourism A form of sustainable tourism within a natural and cultural heritage area where
community participation, protection and management of natural resources,
culture and indigenous knowledge and practices, environmental education and
ethics, as well as economic benefits are fostered and pursued for the enrichment
of host communities and the satisfaction of visitors. (Bohol Ecotourism Congress
of 1999, National Ecotourism Strategy and Action Plan)
Glossary 411
e-Dalaw facility An online video calling system that aims to give inmates, who are visitorless,
especially those who are indigent, sick, and/or aged, the opportunity to
communicate and see their family members.
E-Governance The public sector’s use of ICTs with the aim of improving information and service
delivery, encouraging citizen participation in the decision-making process, and
making government more accountable, transparent, and effective. E-governance
involves new styles of leadership, new ways of debating and deciding policy and
investment, new ways of accessing education, new ways of listening to citizens,
and new ways of organizing and delivering information and services. (UNESCO,
as cited by Palvia and Sharma, 2021)
E-Government The use of ICTs in the government to provide public services, to improve
managerial effectiveness, and to promote democratic values, as well as a
regulatory framework that facilitates information intensive initiatives and fosters
the knowledge society.
Electronic Receipt Refers to the system developed and maintained by the e-Buyer or e-Seller or
and Invoice System both in issuing invoice electronically through the internet. (Bureau of Internal
Revenue [BIR], 2003)
Emerging and This includes Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Fiji,
developing Asia India, Indonesia, Kiribati, Lao P.D.R., Malaysia, Maldives, Marshall Islands,
Micronesia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nauru, Nepal, Palau, Papua New Guinea,
Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga,
Tuvalu, Vanuatu, and Vietnam.
Energy intensity This is calculated as units of energy per unit of GDP (i.e., million tons oil
equivalent per GDP in billion pesos).
EU-27 (since 2020 This includes Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
with the exclusion Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Cyprus,
of the UK) Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Bulgaria, Romania, and Croatia.
Euro Area-19 This includes Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Italy,
Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal,
Slovenia, Slovakia, and Finland.
Glossary 413
Export processing A specialized industrial estate located physically and/or administratively outside
zones customs territory, predominantly oriented to export production. Enterprises
located in export processing zones are allowed to import capital equipment and
raw materials free from duties, taxes, and other import restrictions.
Extended producers A policy approach wherein producers are given significant responsibility for the
responsibility treatment or disposal of post-consumer products. (Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development [OECD], 2001)
Fabrication A small-scale learning and production space that offers access to modern
laboratory technology and where experts can instruct learners in its use. Typically, a
fabrication laboratory (FabLab) allows students the opportunity to practice on
equipment that may normally be difficult to get access to, or for industry and
entrepreneurs to build, prototype, and test their products on a very small-scale
without the need for large investments in technology. (UNESCO Vocational
Education (UNEVOC) Network)
Farm-to-market These are roads linking agriculture and fisheries production sites, coastal landing
roads points, and post-harvest facilities to the market and arterial roads and highways.
(RA 8435, 1997)
Financial This is also known as fintech. It refers to the integration of technology into
technology offerings by financial services companies in order to improve their use and
delivery to consumers.
Financing The means by which a government provides financial resources to cover a budget
deficit or allocates financial resources arising from a budget surplus. (DBM, 2020)
Firmed-up service This refers to the functional size of the irrigation system (i.e., the irrigable part of
area the service area minus the permanently un-irrigable areas).
First 1,000 days of This refers to the period of a child's life, spanning the nine months in the womb
life starting from conception to the first 24 months of life, which is considered to
be the critical window of opportunity to promote health and development and
prevent malnutrition and its life-long consequences.
Fiscal position This refers to either the shortfall/deficiency (deficit) or excess (surplus) of
revenues over expenditures of the government.
Fisherfolk This refers to those who are directly or personally and physically engaged in
catching and/or culturing and processing fishery and/or aquatic resources. (RA
8550, 1998)
Flexible learning A pedagogical approach allowing flexibility of time, place, and audience,
including but not solely focused on the use of technology. It commonly uses the
delivery methods of distance education and facilities of education technology, but
may vary depending on the levels of technology, availability of devices, internet
connectivity, level of digital literacy, and approaches. (Commission on Higher
Education [CHED], 2020)
Flexible work This refers to alternative arrangements or schedules other than the traditional or
arrangement standard work hours, workdays, and workweek. (DOLE DO 2, s. 2019)
Flood-susceptible This are areas identified by the DPWH based on completed studies for 37 flood
area/s control projects.
Food Innovation Centers established in each region of the country to serve as a hub for innovations,
Center R&D, and support services for value-adding of fresh produce and development of
processed foods. It is envisioned that through the center, innovative technologies,
relevant support services, technical expertise, necessary infrastructures, and
facilities will be more accessible for MSMEs in urban centers and countryside
for a more effective technology application, deployment (transfer), and
commercialization for sustained economic growth and productivity. (DOST-
National Capital Region [NCR])
Food resiliency This refers to having food security during times of crisis or emergencies.
Food security This refers to access to safe and affordable food at all times.
A condition where all people, at all times, have physical and economic access
to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food
preferences for an active and healthy life. (FAO, 2002)
Force multiplier/s Organizations outside the government which perform voluntary public safety
services in support of existing government public safety function and programs.
(Philippine National Police [PNP] Kaligkasan Volunteer Program)
Glossary 415
Foreign Direct A category of cross-border investment associated with a resident in one
Investment economy having control or a significant degree of influence on the management
of an enterprise that is resident in another economy. The BSP’s foreign direct
investment data includes investments where ownership by the foreign enterprise
is at least 10 percent.
Foreign exchange A measure of the stocks of foreign currency-denominated assets plus, in some
reserves cases, gold, held by a central bank.
Forest cover/s These are natural and man-made forests, including forests within wetlands
and built-up areas. (Philippine Official Reference for Forest-Related Terms and
Forest land A land which includes public forest, permanent forest or forest reserves, and
forest reservations. (PD 1559, 1978)
Forward and The channels through which products, materials, information, and money
backward linkages flow from suppliers to the firms (backward) and from suppliers to customers
(forward). Backward and forward linkages are also descriptive measures of the
economic interdependence of industries.
Fourth Industrial This is characterized by a fusion of technologies blurring the lines of physical,
Revolution digital, and biological spheres. (World Economic Forum [WEF], 2016)
Fuel marking A monitoring mechanism to curtail fuel smuggling activities through the use
of official fuel markers based on, among others, covert molecular recognition
Fully immunized This refers to infants who received one dose of tuberculosis vaccine or Bacillus
children Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine, three doses each of oral polio vaccine,
diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine, and Hepatitis B vaccines, and one dose
of measles vaccine before reaching one year of age.
Functional literacy A significantly higher level of literacy which includes not only reading and writing
skills but also numerical skills. The skills must be sufficiently advanced to enable
the individual to participate fully and efficiently in activities commonly occurring
in her/his life situation that require a reasonable capability of communicating by
written language. (PSA, 2015)
General This includes all liabilities that require payment or payments of interest and/or
government gross principal by the debtor to the creditor at the date/s in the future. These include
debt debt liabilities, such as special drawing rights (SDR), currency and deposits, debt
securities, loans, insurance, pensions and standardized guarantee schemes, and
other accounts payable. Debt can be valued at current market, nominal, or face
values. (Government Finance Statistics Manual [GFSM] 2001, paragraph 7.110)
Genetic resources This refers to all living organisms (i.e., plants, animals, and microbes) carrying
genetic material that could be potentially useful to humans. These resources
can be taken from the wild, domesticated, or cultivated. They are sourced from
environments in which they occur naturally (in situ), or from human-made
collections such as botanical gardens, genebanks, seed banks, and microbial
culture collections (ex situ). (UNCBD)
Geographic A sign used on products that have a specific geographical origin and possess
indication qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin. In order to function as a
geographic indication (GI), a sign must identify a product as originating in a
given place.
Geographic A conceptualized framework that provides the ability to capture and analyze
Information System spatial and geographic data. Geographic Information System (GIS) applications
platform (apps) are computer-based tools that allow the user to create interactive queries
(user-created searches), store and edit spatial and non-spatial data, analyze
spatial information output, and visually share the results of these operations by
presenting them as maps.
Glossary 417
Geologic hazard Hazards originating from internal earth processes, such as earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, landslides, rockslides, surface collapses, and debris or mudflows.
Greenhouse gas These are gaseous constituents of the atmosphere, either natural or anthropogenic
emissions (as a result of human activity), that absorb and emit radiation at specific
wavelengths within the spectrum of thermal infrared radiation emitted by the
Earth’s surface, the atmosphere itself, and by clouds. These gases surround the
planet preventing the loss of heat into outer space. By trapping the heat, they
contribute to the warming of the earth’s surface causing changes in weather
conditions, sea levels, and land use patterns, commonly referred to as “climate
change.” (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC] 2, 2007)
Gig economy A broad term that includes “contingent work” characterized by a defined or
limited duration, such as freelance contracting and consulting. (WEF, 2020)
Global A set of institutions, policies, and factors that determine the level of productivity
Competitiveness of a country, conditions of public institutions, and technical conditions. Created
Index by the WEF, the index measures competitiveness based on twelve pillars:
institutions, infrastructure, ICT adoption, macroeconomic stability, health, skills,
product market, labor market, financial system, market size, business dynamism,
and innovation capability. (Schwab, 2019)
Global emissions This is composed of greenhouse or CO2 emissions due to fossil fuel combustion.
Global Innovation This provides detailed metrics about the innovation performance of 131
Index countries and economies around the world. Its 80 indicators explore a broad
vision of innovation, including political environment, education, infrastructure,
and business sophistication. (World Intellectual Property Organization [WIPO])
Global value chain This refers to international production sharing, where the different stages of the
production process are located across different vountries.
Good agricultural A collection of principles to apply for on-farm production and postproduction
practice processes, resulting in safe and healthy food and non-food agriculture products,
while taking into account economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
(FAO Committee on Agriculture, 2003)
Good Conduct An act that allows for a reduction of sentences of persons deprived of liberty,
Time Allowance depending on how well they abide by rules and regulations inside “any penal
Law institution, rehabilitation, or detention center or any other local jail.”
Greater Capital This consists of NCR and Regions III (Central Luzon) and IV-A
Green bond A debt security that is issued to raise capital specifically to support climate-related
or environmental projects. (WB, 2015)
Green technology This refers to use of technology and science that are environmentally friendly.
Gross Domestic The value of all goods and services produced domestically. It is the sum of gross
Product value added of all resident institutional units engaged in production (plus any
taxes, and minus any subsidies, on products not included in the values of their
Gross National The sum of value added by all resident producers plus any product taxes (less
Income subsidies) not included in the valuation of output plus net receipts of primary
income (compensation of employees and property income) from abroad. (WB)
Glossary 419
Gross value added The total payment to factors of production, namely, wages, interest, profits,
and rents. It also includes capital consumption allowance and indirect taxes.
It is estimated by deducting from gross value of output the sum of non-factor
cost such as raw materials and supplies, containers and packing materials, fuel,
advertising, and other non-industrial overhead cost.
Ground water The entry into the saturated zone of water made available at the water table
recharge surface, together with the associated flow away from the water table within the
saturated zone. (Freeze & Cherry, 1979)
Habitat The place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and
grows. (Merriam-Webster)
Harmonized A blueprint of the priority R&D areas that will be pursued by the country to address
National R&D societal needs and achieve inclusive socioeconomic development. A product of
Agenda comprehensive and widespread consultation with various stakeholders, that aims
to provide direction on the government-funded R&D programs and projects,
provide an important step in enhancing the effective allocation and efficient
use of public investments in R&D and avoid duplication of R&D pursuits, and
promote complementation among government research institutions.
Hazardous waste/s These are used or discarded substances or materials that are without any safe
commercial, industrial, agricultural, or economic uses, and which pose substantial
or potential threats to public health and/or the environment. (RA 6969, 1990)
Health Facilities A priority program of the DOH, attempting to address perennial shortages in
Enhancement health facilities by augmenting capital investments in the national and LGU
Program health facilities. (Philippine Health Facility Development Plan 2020-2040)
Health impact This refers to a means of assessing the health impacts of policies, programs, and
assessment projects in diverse economic sectors before, during, and after implementation. It
provides practical and alternative recommendations to increase positive health
effects and minimize negative health effects.
Health technology This refers to systematic evaluation of properties, effects, or impact of health-
assessment related technologies, devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures, and all other
health-related systems developed to solve a health problem and improve quality
of lives and health outcomes, utilizing a multidisciplinary process to evaluate the
social, economic, organizational, and ethical issues of a health intervention or
health technology
Healthcare waste This includes waste generated as a result of the following: (a) diagnosis,
treatment, or immunization of human beings or animals; (b) research pertaining
to the aforesaid activities; (c) production or testing of biologicals; and (d) waste
originating from minor or scattered sources. (DENR-DOH JAO 2005-02)
High trust A high-trust society is one when the behavior of the population towards each
other is predictable – meaning we, as people, follow broadly understood norms
of behavior supported by rule of law. (Chakas, 2019)
High-value crops Non-traditional agricultural and horticultural commodities that include coffee,
cacao, fruits, root crops, vegetables, spices and condiments, cutflowers, and
ornamental plants. (PDP 2017-2022)
Crops other than traditional crops which include, but are not limited to
coffee and cacao, fruit crops, root crops, vegetable crops, legumes, pole
sitao, spices and condiments, and cutflower and ornamental foliage plants.
(High-Value Crops Development Act [RA 7900], 1995)
Higher education The stage of formal education requiring secondary education covering the
programs on all courses of study leading to bachelor’s degree and all degree
courses of study beyond bachelor’s degree level. (NSCB, 2006)
Hospice care End-of-life care provided by skilled health care providers and volunteers. The goal
of the care is to help people who are dying to have peace, comfort, and dignity by
providing medical, psychological, and spiritual support. Hospice programs also
provide services to support a patient's family.
Housing A multi-dimensional concept relating to the process of residing and the objects
of dwelling whose main attributes are location relative to access to livelihood,
tenure arrangements, cost, and physical structure, as well as their environment.
(RA 11201, 2019)
Housing finance The comprehensive funds flow system covering the entire housing provision cycle
from identification of financial requirements to fund sourcing for various aspects
of the housing program, such as lot acquisition, development/construction and
end-users’ financing, and securitization of home mortgages and other housing-
related receivables or financial products. (RA 11201, 2019)
Housing need The number of conventional dwellings or other suitable living quarters that
need to be constructed or repaired, in order to bring housing conditions, as of
a particular point in time, up to nationally-adopted standards, plus the number
that need to be constructed, repaired, or maintained to ensure that housing
conditions remain at the standard level over a stated period of time. (Senate Joint
Resolution 17, 2018). Composed of accumulated, future, and recurrent structure
demands, with allowance for inventory losses and increase in households.
(Philippine Statistical Research and Training Institute (PSRTI), 2016)
Glossary 421
Human capital The skills, knowledge, and experience possessed by an individual or population,
viewed in terms of their value or cost to an organization or country. (Oxford)
Human Capital Amount of human capital child born today could expect to attain by age 18, given
Index the risks to poor health and education that prevail in the country, where the child
lives. (WB, 2020)
Human settlements This refers to and comprised of the physical components of shelter and
infrastructure and services to which the physical elements provide support,
such as community services which include education, health, culture, welfare,
recreation, and nutrition. (RA 11201, 2019)
Humanitarian The processes and systems involving the mobilization of people, resources,
logistics and expertise to help vulnerable communities affected by natural disasters and
complex emergencies, reducing the loss of lives, and relieving human suffering.
(Nappi, M. M. L., & Souza, J. C. [2015], Disaster Management: Hierarchical
structuring criteria for selection and location of temporary shelters, Natural
Hazards, 75[3], 2421-2436.)
Illegal fishing Fishing activities conducted by Philippine fishing vessels operating in violation
of the Philippine laws, Regional Fisheries Management Organization resolutions,
and laws of other coastal states. (RA 10654, 2015)
Improved sanitation Sanitation facilities that are designed to hygienically separate excreta from human
contact. These include the following: flush/pour flush to piped sewer systems,
septic tanks, or pit latrines; ventilated improved pit latrines, composting toilets,
or pit latrines with slabs. (PSA, 2017)
In absentia While not present at the event being referred to. (Oxford)
Inactive members In general, OFWs who have failed to pay for their membership within the
required time or have not renewed their membership status, to qualify for full
eligibility of benefits of OWWA/Pag-IBIG/SSS/Philhealth. (NEDA, 2019)
Inclusive business A business model with strong inter-linkages between medium and large
companies, as well as small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Inclusive This refers to the country's inclusive innovation-led industrial policy to transform
Filipinnovation and the economy in the digital age.
Inclusive growth Growth that is rapid enough to matter, given the country's large population,
geographical differences, and social complexity. It is sustained growth that
creates jobs, draws the vast majority into the economic and social mainstream,
and continuously reduces mass poverty.
Index crime The percentage of solved cases out of the total number of crime incidents
solution efficiency handled by law enforcement agencies for a given period of time. A case shall
rate be considered solved when the following elements occur: the offender has been
identified; there is sufficient evidence to charge him; the offender has been taken
into custody; and the offender has been charged before the prosecutor's office
or court of appropriate jurisdiction. (PNP Letter of Instructions on Unit Crime
Periodic Report)
Index crimes Crimes which are serious in nature and which occur with sufficient frequency
and regularity such that they can serve index to the crime situation, the policy
considers only the crimes of murder, homicide, physical injuries (including
frustrated murder and homicide), carnapping, cattle rustling, robbery, theft, and
rape as index crimes. (PNP Crime Information Reporting and Analysis System)
Glossary 423
Indigenous peoples People who are regarded as indigenous on account of their descent from the
populations, which inhabited the country, at the time of conquest or colonization
or at the time of inroads of non-indigenous religions and cultures or the
establishment of present state boundaries who retain some or all of their own
social, economic, cultural, and political institutions, but who may have been
displaced from their traditional domains or who may have resettled outside their
ancestral domains. (RA 8371, 1997)
Indigenous peoples The education intended to meet basic learning needs of IPs, which lays the
education foundation for subsequent learning. It aims to eliminate discrimination from
peers and teachers due to learners’ cultural identity. It recognizes the need to
respect Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSP) in schools and
learning programs, promotes respect and due regard for the inherent meanings
and purposes of indigenous cultural expressions and values, and promotes
an affirmation and sense of indigenous cultural identity that sustain inter-
generational relationships and cultural integrity in the community.
Industrial design The ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article. The design may consist of
three-dimensional features, such as the shape or surface of an article, or two-
dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or color. It is applied to a wide
variety of products of industry and handicraft: (a) from technical and medical
instruments to watches, jewelry, and other luxury items; (b) from housewares
and electrical appliances to vehicles; and (c) from textile designs to leisure goods.
To be protected under most national laws, an industrial design must be non-
functional. This means that an industrial design is primarily of an aesthetic nature
and any technical features of the article to which it is applied are not protected.
Industry 4.0 pilot The DTI is working on the establishment of an Industry 4.0 pilot factory, which
factory will house cutting-edge manufacturing technologies like advanced robotics,
intelligence-of-things, drones, virtual and augmented reality for factory
simulations, among others. (DTI)
Industry 4.0 SME DTI is establishing an SME Academy and Innovation Center to enhance
academy manufacturing innovation and develop the human resource capabilities of our
small enterprises to ensure resilience and competitiveness in the FIRe. (DTI)
Infant mortality The probability of dying between birth and age one, expressed as the number of
rate infant deaths or deaths occurring before reaching 12 months of life, in a given
period, per 1,000 live births. (PSA, 2006)
Initial public This refers to when a private company with a profitable track record raises capital
offering by offering its shares to public investors. It is also the distribution or offer to sell
new shares and/or existing shares of a company to the general public. (Philippine
Stock Exchange)
Inland container Inland container depots are dry ports equipped for handling and temporary
depot/terminal storage of containerized cargo as well as empty containers. These depots allow
customers in remote locations to receive port services more conveniently and
closer to their premises. (Wadhwa, S. S., Farahmand, K., & Vachal, K. [2019].A
deterministic mathematical model to support future investment decisions for
developing inland container terminals. Research in Transportation Economics,
77, 100764.)
Inland municipal The catching of fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and all other aquatic animals and
fishing plants in inland waters like lakes, rivers, dams, marshes, etc., using simple gear
and fishing boats, some of which are non-motorized with a capacity of less than
or equal to three gross tons, or fishing not requiring the use of fishing boats.
Innovation The process of using knowledge and technology to develop or improve the
production or performance of products, services, and processes that have value,
in terms of commercial impact or social benefit. (UN Conference on Trade and
Development [UNCTAD], 2019)
Innovation and Universities and institution-partners of the Intellectual Property Office of the
Technology Support Philippines (IPOPHL) have been equipped with in-house patent libraries. The
Office network of Innovation and Technology Support Offices (ITSO) seeks to foster
creation of intellectual property in the academe and research sectors, particularly
in invention and utility models, to increase the national innovative output and
push the presence of Filipino inventions in the international patent system.
InstaPay An electronic fund transfer (EFT) service that allows customers to transfer PHP
funds almost instantly between accounts of participating BSP-supervised banks
and non-bank e-money issuers in the Philippines. (BSP)
Glossary 425
Instrument landing The most popular landing aid in the world. It is a distance-angled support system
system for landing in reduced visibility, while its task is the safe conduct of the aircraft
from the prescribed course landing on the approach path. (Merkisz, J., Galant, M.,
& Bieda, M. [2017]. Analysis of operating instrument landing system accuracy
under simulated conditions. Zeszyty Naukowe. Transport/Politechnika Śląska.)
Integrated coastal A dynamic process of planning and management, involving stakeholders, and
management requiring the analysis of the environmental and socioeconomic implications of
development, the ecosystem processes, and the interrelationships among land-
based and marine-related activities across jurisdictions. (EO 533, 2006)
Integrated farming This refers to the production, integrated management, and comprehensive use of
system aquaculture, agriculture, and livestock. (FAO)
Integrated Forest A production-sharing contract entered into by and between the DENR and
Management a qualified applicant, where the DENR grants the latter the exclusive right to
Agreement develop, manage, protect, and utilize a specified area of forestland and forest
resource therein for a period of 25 years and may be renewed for another 25-
year period, consistent with the principle of sustainable development and in
accordance with an approved Comprehensive Development and Management
Plan, and under which both parties share in its produce. (DENR AO No. 1999-
Integrated rice- This system is about growing rice and ducks together in an irrigated paddy field.
duck farming The paddling movement of the ducks stimulates plant growth, while the duck
system manure naturally fertilizes the soil. The ducks also eat harmful insects and weeds,
thus eliminating the need for pesticides and herbicides.
Integrated The process which promotes the coordinated development and management
water resource of water, land and related resources, in order to maximize economic and social
management welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital
Intellectual The intangible assets resulting from the creative work of an individual or
property organization. Intellectual property also refers to creations of the mind, such as
inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used
in commerce. It can also refer to future tangible and/or intangible assets that may
be recognized as intellectual property.
Intellectual These are the rights given to persons over the creations of their minds. This is
property rights where the creators are given exclusive rights over the use of his/her creation for a
certain period of time. (WTO)
Intermodal This refers to involving different transport modes on one route. (Jonuschat, H.,
Stephan, K., & Schelewsky, M. [2015]. Understanding multimodal and intermodal
mobility. Sustainable Urban Transport. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.)
Intermodal This refers to the transit of people and freight involving two or more different
transport transport modes that are efficiently connected and coordinated. (Muller, G., 1999.
Intermodal Freight Transportation - 4th Edition. ENO Transport Foundation)
Glossary 427
Internet of things This refers to the network between the internet and an increasing number of
devices and objects over time. All devices and objects that may be altered through
the internet, with or without the active involvement of individuals.
Invention New or novel practical applications of knowledge, technology, and ideas that
come from experience, scientific enquiry, and research and development.
(UNCTAD, 2019)
Intellectual IPOPHL’s online shopping platform to serve both intellectual property creators
property depot and users. It is a free marketing space for intellectual property creators, who may
post and promote their assets on the site, and for businesses or individuals looking
for assets to commercialise. It is also a marketplace for intellectual property open
for license or sale.
Irrigation This refers to the ratio of the area that was developed altogether by the National
development Irrigation Administration (NIA), other government agencies, and private sector
against the potential irrigable area. (NIA)
Job automation This refers to the substition of technology for human labor.
K to 12 Program This covers the Kindergarten (K) and 12 years of basic education (six years of
primary education, four years of junior high school, and two years of senior
high school [SHS]) to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills,
develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-
level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.
Kapatid Mentor ME A program implemented by the DTI in partnership with the Philippine Center
for Entrepreneurship (PCE), which aims to help MSMEs scale up their business
through weekly coaching and mentoring by business owners and practitioners
on different functional areas of entrepreneurship, to be held in Negosyo Centers,
Katarungang A system of dispute resolution instituted in all barangays in the Philippines that
Pambarangay seeks to promote, among others, the speedy administration of justice by providing
all avenues to an amicable settlement of community-level disputes.
Labor force This refers to the population 15 years old and over, who contribute to the
production of goods and services in the country. It is comprised of the employed
and unemployed. (PSA)
Labor force This refers to the total labor force as a percentage share of total working age
participation rate population (15 years old and over). (PSA Metadata, 2018)
Labor productivity Labor productivity in agriculture, forestry, and fishery pertains to the value of
agricultural output per employed person in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries.
Land banking The acquisition of land at values based on existing use in advance of actual need
to promote planned development and socialized housing programs. (IRR of RA
11201, 2019)
Glossary 429
Large scale Type of irrigation systems constructed by the NIA usually covering more than
irrigation system 1,000 hectares. These are jointly operated and maintained by the NIA and the
farmer beneficiaries through their irrigators' associations. (PDP 2017-2022)
Last mile school Schools with less than four classrooms, usually makeshift and non-standard
ones, with no electricity, no funds for repairs or new construction projects in the
last four years, and travel distance of more than one hour away from the center,
accessible only through difficult terrain. Likewise, these are schools with multi-
grade classes, less than five teachers, and a population of less than 100 learners,
in which more than 75 percent of whom are IPs.
Lateral Attrition This act provides a reward and punishment system to tax collectors with the aim
Act of increasing revenue collections.
Legal aid This includes legal advice, assistance, and representation for persons detained,
arrested or imprisoned, suspected, accused of, or charged with a criminal offence,
and for victims and witnesses in the criminal justice process, provided at no cost
to those without sufficient means or when the interests of justice requires.
Lifelong learning All learning activities undertaken throughout life for the development of
competencies and qualifications. Adult learning and education, technical-
vocational education or training, and literacy are all significant components of
the lifelong learning process.
Liquidity The fact of being available in the form of money, rather than investments
of property, or of being able to be changed into money easily. (Cambridge
Local Climate An action plan formulated by the LGUs to address climate change
Change Action Plan concerns. The Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP) focuses on both
climate change adaptation and mitigation and describes how the LGUs plan to
respond to climate change and mainstream such into local development plans.
(DILG-Local Governmnet Academy [LGA], 2017)
Local cultural This is also known as the Local Inventory of Cultural Property or Local Cultural
inventory Database, referring to the inventory of identified tangible and intangible
cultural properties being maintained by the LGU, which reveal the identity of
its community and provide systematization and information on local cultural
Local development The 20 percent of the LGU's IRA appropriated for development projects that
fund contribute to the attainment of desirable socioeconomic development and
environmental management outcomes of the LGU and partake the nature of
investment or capital expenditures. (DILG and DBM JMC 2017-1)
Local investment A document that articulates the local government investment policies and
and incentives code programs, investments priority areas (IPA), and local incentives (fiscal or non-
fiscal) available to domestic and foreign investors and the mechanics for availing
Local public A plan detailing the route network, mode, and required number of units per mode
transport route plan for delivering public land transport services. This is prepared by the LGUs and
approved by the DOTr/Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board
(LTFRB). This plan shall serve as the basis of a comprehensive local transport
plan. (DOTr, DILG, LTFRB, 2017)
Local shelter plan A document which provides information on the analysis of the present local
housing situation, i.e., identification of housing problems, upgrading and future
husing needs, household affordability, and local resources, such as land, provision
of basic services, and finances. It also contains the main shelter strategies and a
corresponding implementation plan which provides the details of actions needed
to realize the housing objectives. (IRR of RA 11201, 2019)
Local university Public education institutions established by the local government through
and college an enabling ordinance, and financially supported and maintained by the local
government. (NSCB, 2006)
Logistics hub Integrated centers for transshipment, storage, collection, and distribution of
Low-cost housing Housing price ceilings between PHP480,000 to PHP3 million. (Housing and
Urban Development Coordinating Council [HUDCC] Resolution 1, s. 2018,
HUDCC MC 5, s. 2007, HUDCC MC 4, s. 2006)
Lower middle- Lower-middle-income economies are those with a 2019 GNI per capita between
income countries USD1,036 and USD4,045. (WB)
Glossary 431
Lupong A peace-making body organized in every barangay to administer Katarungang
Tagapamayapa Pambarangay and composed of the punong barangay as chairman with no less
than 10 or more than 20 members.
Macro-prudential The use of primarily prudential tools to limit systemic risk. A central element
measures is the notion of systemic risk–namely, the risk of widespread disruption to the
provision of financial services that is caused by an impairment of all or parts of
the financial system, which can cause serious negative consequences for the real
Major river basin River basins with basin area of at least 990 sq.km.
Makerspace A communal space that contains tools and components in which people with
shared interests can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment,
and knowledge. It can be an elaborate learning space equipped with sophisticated
tools and supplies or simply a gathering point for tools, projects, mentors, and
Mandanas Case The Supreme Court (SC) ruling which declares the phrase “internal revenue”
ruling appearing in Article 284 of the Local Government Code unconstitutional,
thereby, entitling the LGUs with a national tax allotment computed based on all
forms of national tax beginning 2022 and mandating the automatic release of
the share of LGUs in the national taxes without the need of yearly appropriation.
(Mandanas, et al. v. Ochoa, et al., 2018 and Garcia, Jr. v. Ochoa, et al., 2018)
Mangrove/s A community of intertidal plants, including all species of trees, shrubs, vines, and
herbs, found on coasts, swamps, or border of swamps. (RA 8550, 1998)
Marine protected A defined area of the sea established and set aside by law, administrative regulation,
area/s or any other effective means, in order to conserve and protect a part of an entire
enclosed environment through the establishment of management guidelines. It
also includes all declared areas governed by specific rules or guidelines in order
to protect and manage activities within an enclosed area. (RA 10654, 2015)
Marine protected A group of adjacent individual marine protect areas (MPAs) under a common
area network management system based on all or any of the following: physical, biological,
governance, and socioeconomic connectivities. (DENR AO 2016-06).
Maritime Industry A ten-year roadmap which aims to accelerate the achievement of a nationally-
Development Plan integrated and globally-competitive Philippine maritime industry.
Market-determined Under the system of freely-floating exchange rates, the value of the foreign
/Flexible exchange currency in terms of the local currency is determined in the interbank foreign
rate policy exchange market (by the forces of supply and demand just like any commodity
or service being sold in the market). This is in contrast to a fixed exchange rate
system, in which a par value rate, is set between the local currency and the dollar
by the central bank. The par value may be adjusted from time to time.
Master Plan This was adopted on September 6, 2016 in Laos, as a successor document to
on ASEAN the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2010, with the goal of achieving a
Connectivity 2025 seamlessly and comprehensively connected and integrated ASEAN. It focuses
on five strategic areas namely: sustainable infrastructure, digital innovation,
seamless logistics, regulatory excellence, and people mobility.
Materials recovery It includes solid waste transfer station or sorting station, drop-off center,
facility composting facility, and recycling facility. (RA 9003, 2000)
Maternal mortality The ratio between the number of women, who died (for reasons of pregnancy,
ratio childbirth, and puerperium) to the number of reported live births in a given year,
expressed as the number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births.
Mean years of This refers to the average number of completed years of education of a country's
schooling population aged 25 years and older, excluding years spent repeating individual
grades. (UNESCO, 2021)
Metrology This provides the measurement standards that are internationally traceable
and consistent with the Metre Convention, which promotes the consistent
modernization of units and standards of measurement in the areas of environment,
public health and safety, communications, transportation, sound intensity level,
and other emerging technologies. The standardization of units and standards is
encouraged to adapt to the current national and global developments including
compliance with international standards.
Micro, small, and This refers to any business activity or enterprise engaged in industry, agri-
medium enterprises business and/or services that has: (a) an asset size (less land) of up to PHP100
million; and (b) an employment size with less than 200 employees. Based on
these categories, it is classified as micro, small, or medium regardless of the type
of business ownership (i.e., single proprietorship, cooperative, partnership, or
Glossary 433
Microinsurance An activity providing specific insurance, insurance-like, and other similar
products and services that meet the needs of the low-income sector for risk
protection and relief against distress, misfortune, and other contingent events.
(Insurance Commission [IC], 2017)
Migrant worker A migrant who is engaged in or has been engaged in a renumerated activity in a
state, which he or she is not a legal resident or on board a vessel, navigating the
foreign seas other than a government ship used for military or non-commercial
purposes or on an installation located offshore or on the high seas. (PSA, 2017)
Migration cycle These are stages of the migration process encompassing departure, in some cases
transit through a State, immigration in the State of destination, and return.
Minimum initial A set of priority activities to be implemented in emergency situations with the
service package goal of reducing maternal mortalities, morbidities, and disabilities through
for sexual and specific interventions on coordination, prevention of gender based violence,
reproductive health prevention of sexually-transmitted infections/human immunodeficiency virus/
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (STI/HIV/AIDS), maternal and neonatal
care, and planning for comprehensive reproductive health following the SPHERE
standard (project by a group of humanitarian non-governmental organizations
and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement that identified
minimum standards in key life-saving sectors that must be achieved in any
humanitarian response, in order for disaster-affected populations to survive and
recover in stable conditions with dignity). When implemented in the early days
of an emergency, it can save lives and prevent illnesses, especially among women
and girls. (DOH, 2016)
Minus-One An android-based app which was developed to complement the soil diagnostic
Element Technique tool—Minus-One Element Technique (MOET) kit. It computes fertilizer
Application recommendations and yield estimates based on the pot-based fertilizer trial
to identify significant nutrient elements lacking in the soil. (Philippine Rice
Research Institute [PhilRice])
Missionary The provision of basic electricity service in unviable areas with the aim of bringing
electrification the operations in these areas to viability levels.
Mitigation This refers to, in the context of climate change, human interventions to address
anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gas
(GHG), including ozone-depleting substances and their substitutes. (RA 9729,
Municipal fishing The catching of fish within municipal waters using fishing vessels of three gross
tons or less, or fishing not requiring the use of fishing vessels. (RA 8550, 1998)
Municipal waters Waters that include not only streams, lakes, inland bodies of water, and tidal
waters within the municipality, which are not included within the protected
areas as defined under RA 7586, public forest, timber lands, forest reserves
or fishery reserves, but also marine waters included between two lines drawn
perpendicular to the general coastline from points where the boundary lines of
the municipality touch the sea at low tide and a third line parallel with the general
coastline, including offshore inlands and 15 kms from such coastline. These are
two municipalities situated on opposite shores that there is less than 30 kms of
marine waters between them, the third line shall be equally distant from opposite
shore of the respective municipalities. (RA 8550, 1998)
Mutual Recognition These are framework arrangements established in support of liberalizing and
Agreement facilitating trade in services. Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) aim to
facilitate mobility of professionals/skilled labor in ASEAN and work towards the
adoption of best practices on standards and qualifications.
Glossary 435
National Integrated The classification and administration of all designated protected areas to maintain
Protected Areas essential ecological processes and life-support systems, to preserve genetic
System diversity, ensure sustainable use of resources found therein, and maintain their
natural conditions to the greatest extent possible. (RA 7586, 1992)
National Justice An integrated information system that is intended to address and remedy the
Information System current information gaps in the Philippine criminal justice system by enabling
effective sharing of data between the police, judiciary, probation services,
custodial authorities, and criminal information registries, at key decision points
in the criminal justice system process.
National Logistics This serves as a guide for the national government in developing a seamless
Masterplan 2017- intermodal logistics corridor and assist in identifying the key transport
2022 and logistics bottlenecks. The masterplan envisions to advance Philippine
competitiveness through an efficient logistics sector.
National Quality An institutional framework that establishes and implements the practice of
Infrastructure standardization, including conformity assessment services, metrology, and
accreditation. (Aquino, 2016)
National Tourism A plan formulated by the Department of Tourism (DOT), as mandated by the
Development Plan Tourism Act of 2009 (RA 9593), which envisions to develop a highly-competitive
2016-2022 and environmentally-sustainable tourism industry.
National Transport This policy was formulated to help achieve the Transport Vision of a “safe,
Policy secure, reliable, efficient, integrated, intermodal, affordable, cost-effective,
environmentally sustainable, and people-oriented national transport system that
ensures improved quality of life of the people. The National Transport Policy
(NTP), as embodied in NEDA Board Resolution 5, s. 2017, “Approving the NTP”,
was adopted by the NEDA Board on June 27, 2017. It was published in general
circulation on February 14, 2018.
Natural floodplains Land areas adjacent to rivers and streams that are subject to recurring inundation.
They provide flood risk reduction benefits by slowing runoff and storing flood
water. (Organization of American States, US Homeland Security-Federal
Emergency Management Agency, 2020)
Nature-based This refers to actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural and
solutions modified ecosystems that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively,
simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits. (IUCN)
Negosyo Center A One-Stop Shop for services that caters to entrepreneurs’ need in processing
requirements to establish a business and in accessing information essential for
their growth.
Neonatal mortality The number of deaths within the first month of life per 1,000 live births.
Net enrolment rate The ratio of the enrolment for the age group corresponding to the official school
age in the elementary/secondary level to the population of the same age group in
a given year. (NSCB, 2006)
New Normal In general, the new normal will be characterized by the need to observe social
distance and strict personal hygiene and other sanitation protocols. There may
still be sporadic lockdowns, though over a smaller geographic unit. At the same
time, the COVID-19 threat looms large in the minds of individuals—consumers
and business alike. This general context has far-reaching implications across
the different dimensions: political, economic, social, technological, legal, and
environmental. (NEDA, We Recover As One Report, 2020)
Niche Centers in This aims to address the discrepancy in access to R&D funding among the
the Regions for regions. Through the program, qualified higher education institutions (HEIs)
R&D Program in the regions are provided with grants so they can undertake quality research
directed at promoting regional development with their existing capabilities and
resources. A proposed Niche Centers in the Regions (NICER) should be unique,
a collaborative project between HEIs, and must be duly endorsed by the Regional
Development Council (RDC) to ensure its socioeconomic impact in the region.
(Science for Change Program Website)
Glossary 437
Night-rating A qualification that allows a pilot to fly an aircraft during the time of ‘night’ as
qualified by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), being the
time from 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise and in Visual
Meteorogical Conditions (VMC). (European Pilot Academy)
Non-motorized The movement of people and goods propelled by human power only such as
transport walking and cycling. (Land Transportation Office [LTO] MC 2020-2185, 2020)
Normalization A process whereby communities can achieve their desired quality of life, which
includes the pursuit of sustainable livelihood and political participation within
a peaceful, deliberative society. (Framework Agreement on the Bangsamoro,
Annex on Normalization)
Off-grid areas These are areas not connected to the wires and related facilities of the Grid System
of the Philippines.
Open Access This refers to the system of allowing any qualified person the use of
(Energy) transmission and/or distribution system and associated facilities subject to
the payment of transmission and/or distribution retail wheeling rates duly
approved by the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC).
Open distance A system which combines the methodology of distance education with the
learning concepts of open learning and flexible learning. Open learning refers to a
philosophy of learning that is based on flexibility of access for equity in education,
an educational system accessible to every individual with minimal restrictions,
and emphasizing the flexibility of the system to eradicate problems caused by
barriers like age, geographical location, time constraints, and economic situation.
Operational relief These are measures that ensure that BSP stakeholders have continued access to
measures for FX FX resources of the banking system.
Organic agriculture This includes all agricultural systems that promote the ecologically sound, socially
acceptable, economically viable and technically feasible production of food and
fibers. Organic agriculture dramatically reduces external inputs by refraining
from the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals. (Organic
Agriculture Act of 2010 [RA 10068])
Output limitation An agreement between competitors to prevent or restrict the volume of particular
goods or services available on the market to manipulate prices.
Overseas Filipino Filipino migrant workers whether regular or irregular. (PSA, 2017)
Overseas Filipinos Filipinos who are living outside of the Philippines. (PSA, 2017)
Glossary 439
Palliative care An approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing
the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and
relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and
treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial, and spiritual.
Patent A grant issued by the government through the IPOPHIL. It is an exclusive right
granted for a product, process, or an improvement of a product or process which
is new, inventive, and useful. This exclusive right gives the inventor the right to
exclude others from making, using, or selling the product of his invention during
the life of the patent.
Patent Cooperation An agreement for international cooperation in the filing, searching, and
Treaty examination of patent applications and the dissemination of information
contained in the applications. The treaty implements the concept of filing a single
international patent application, which will have a legal effect of filing, in the
different countries bound by the treaty.
Percentage of youth This refers to the total unemployed youth (15-24 years old), who are not currently
not in education attending school plus total youth not in the labor force who are not currently
and employment attending school, as a percentage share of total youth household population.
(PSA metadata, 2018)
Permanent overseas Overseas Filipinos (OFs), including their descendants, with permanent residence
Filipinos abroad. These are also Filipinos abroad with dual citizenship status. (PSA, 2017)
Personal Property The enactment of the Personal Property Security Act of 2018 (RA 11057), grants
Security Act small businesses, particularly MSMEs, farmers, and fisherfolk, greater access
to credit by allowing the use of non-traditional collaterals, such as accounts
receivables, inventory, crops, livestock, consumer goods, machinery, equipment,
and intellectual property rights, among others. This will be done by establishing
a unified and modern legal framework for securing obligations with personal
Personal protective Specialized clothing or equipment designed to protect workers against safety and
equipment health hazards that may cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses.
Persons deprived of Detainees who are incarcerated pending trial and/or final judgment. It includes
liberty all persons who are arrested, detained, imprisoned, or otherwise under custody
of government authorities.
Philippine Inclusive The Philippine Inclusive Innovation and Industrial Strategies (i3S) aims to grow
Innovation and and develop globally-competitive and innovative industries with innovation at
Industrial Strategies the front and center of industrial policies and programs supported by pillars
consisting of building new industries, clusters, and agglomeration. These will
also ensure MSME growth and development, human resource development, and
improving EODB and the business environment.
Philippine The Philippine Innovation Act of 2019 (RA 11293) mandates the creation of the
Innovation Act National Innovation Council (NIC) that will steer the whole-of-government
coordination and collaboration and remove the fragmentation in the country’s
innovation governance.
Philippine This act aims to strengthen, promote, and develop the Philippine startup
Innovative Startup ecosystem by allowing startups and enablers to enjoy privileges, making it easier
Act of 2019 for them to run their startups. It will also provide opportunities for entrepreneurs
with innovative ideas to gain access to capacity-building exchange programs
and link them to potential investors, collaborators, and markets, both local and
Philippine National A web-based portal that provides a single source of comprehensive, accurate, and
Trade Repository up-to-date information on all trade related matters.
Philippine A national policy which describes the levels of educational qualifications and
Qualifications sets standards for the outcomes of education and training, specializations, skills,
Framework and competencies. It is a quality-assured national system for the development,
recognition, and award of qualifications based on standards of knowledge, skills,
and values acquired in different ways and methods by learners and workers of
the country. It supports the development and maintenance of pathways and
equivalencies which provide access to qualifications.
Philippine Railway An institution accredited by the TESDA that offers TVET courses under TESDA
Training Center and CHED.
Glossary 441
Philippine Startup This program supports startups from the formation of ideas, product development,
Development to marketing and expansion. The DICT, DOST, and DTI are authorized to provide
Program the following benefits and incentives to startups and startup enablers who have
passed the selection and application process.
PM 10 Particulate Matter (PM) with less than 10 micrometers in diameter. (RA 8749,
PM 2.5 PM with less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter. (RA 8749, 1991)
Potential irrigable An arable land area of the country that can be developed for irrigation, relatively
area flat from 0-3 percent slope rate, has an available source of water to sustain
irrigation delivery for crop production and other agricultural purposes and has
farmers willing to till the land and raise crops there. (NIA)
Poverty incidence The proportion of families/individuals with per capita income/expenditure less
than the per capita poverty threshold to the total number of families/individuals.
Precarious work This refers to workers whose nature of employment is short-term or seasonal or
casual or those who worked for different employers on day-to-day or week-to-
week basis.
Preferential market Privilege granted to parties to a trade agreement often allowing for reduced tariffs
access for specific commodities.
Price fixing An agreement between competitors to collude with one another to fix prices
for goods and services, rather than allowing prices to be determined by market
Primary energy This refers to energy production plus energy imports, minus energy exports,
supply minus international bunkers, then plus or minus stock changes
Primary Disbursements of the government excluding the interest payments on the debt.
Production forest Forest lands that can be made available for timber and agroforestry production,
range lands for grazing, and other forest lands special uses. (Philippine Official
Reference for Forest-Related Terms and Definitions)
Productivity A package of training and technical assistance services designed to help MSMEs
toolbox identify and address productivity gaps through appropriate and needs-based
productivity tools and technologies. It also helps MSMEs design and implement
productivity-based incentive schemes to ensure growth in workers’ income
commensurate to their productivity.
Protected areas These are identified portions of land and water set aside by reason of their unique
physical and biological significance, managed to enhance biological diversity,
and protected against destructive human exploitation.
Protection forest An area wholly or partly covered with woody vegetation managed primarily for
its beneficial effects on water, climate, soil, aesthetic value, and preservation of
genetic diversity. (DENR AO No. 1995-15)
Public Financial Set of laws, rules, systems, and processes used by the government in resource
Management mobilization and expenditure management. It is how the government raises its
income (in the form of taxes, customs duties, and other revenues) and manages
its expenditures to deliver essential services to its citizens in various areas (i.e.,
education, health care and other social programs, roads and infrastructure, the
rule of law and security).
Public rental Government-owned structures in the form of medium rise walk-up apartments
housing or single-structure buildings called tenements built specifically for rent to low-
income households.
Qualified third This refers to private sector providers of electric service in remote and unviable
parties areas not served by the franchised utility.
Glossary 443
Quantitative Specific limits imposed on the volume or value of goods traded by a member of
restriction the WTO. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) requires the
general elimination of these restrictions except in defined circumstances. (WTO)
Research and Defined based on the “accrual” approach as expense or cost incurred by a
Development particular R&D institution or unit in implementing the R&D project/activity
Expenditure during a specific reference period. It includes all expenses or costs that are paid/
payable/committed/obligated, whatever the source of funds. R&D expenditures
are classified into: personal services, maintenance and other operating expenses,
and capital outlay. (DOST, 2015)
Research and This aims to help develop and strengthen further the research capabilities of the
Development academe, research and development institutions (RDIs), and other government
Leadership line agencies nationwide. To this end, RDLeaders who are local S&T experts with
Program strong leadership and innovative policy proficiencies are engaged to train, and
direct and support their R&D goals. Depending on the R&D needs of the academe,
RDIs, and line agencies, an RDLeader is engaged through application, screening,
and evaluation by the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP). The
NRCP is the implementing agency of the R&D Leadership (RDLead) Program.
(Science for Change Program)
Rainwater A water harvesting technique which harvests runoffs or ground surfaces used
harvesting productive purposes.
Rapid land tenure The process to obtain a clear picture of the land tenure situation on the ground
appraisal before land titling operations are entered into the area. It is intended to determine
the approximate workable lots in a particular area. (DENR-Land Management
Bureau [LMB] Technical Bulletin 1, s. 2018)
Reenacted budget This means that if by the end of any fiscal year, the Congress fails to pass the General
Appropriations Bill (GAB) for the ensuing year, the General Appropriations Act
(GAA) for the preceding year shall be deemed reenacted and shall remain in
force and in effect until the GAB is passed by the Congress. (1987 Constitution)
Registry System A nationwide database of baseline information of farmers, farm laborers, and
for Basic Sectors in fisherfolk from identified provinces, as well as geographical coordinates of
Agriculture agricultural and fishery workers’ households. These data shall be used as basis for
developing programs and policies for the agriculture and fishery sectors.
Regular Foreign The Regular Foreign Investment Negative List (RFINL) identifies and provides
Investment local and foreign investors, as well as regulators, a clear guide on the investment
Negative List activities/areas that are open to foreign investors and the extent of foreign equity
participation allowed therein. This is formulated every two years by virtue of the
Foreign Investments Act of 1991 (RA 7042) as amended by RA 8179.
Regulatory Impact A tool to design and evaluate policies, laws, and regulations that are targeted,
Assessment proportionate, accountable, transparent, and consistent. It involves a
systematic process that examines the expected consequences of a range of
alternative policy options that could be used to address a particular policy
problem or issue. The policy options shall include evidence-based information
to decision-makers, regulators, and stakeholders. (JMC 2019-001 IRR of RA
11032, Section 4)
Regulatory A testing ground for emerging industries that requires a high degree of
sandbox regulatory flexibility, market openness, and a competitive policy environment.
Further, supporting the growth of emerging industries may spur innovation
but may also cause disruption to traditional sectors.
Reintegration A holistic process by which a migrant, on her/his own or with the assistance
of government and other duty bearers (private sector, development non-
government organizations [NGOs], or organizations), returns to her/his home of
origin for good, by intention, through a series of preparations and interventions
geared towards her/his specific needs, goals, interests, potentials and capacities.
(OWWA-National Reintegration Center For OFWs’ [NRCO] definition as
presented in the SCIMD Meeting, June 11, 2021)
Glossary 445
Remittance flows These include the entire spectrum of cross-border remittance and resource flows
(current and capital transfers in cash and kind), including migrants’ and short-
term employee income transfers (personal remittances), acquired rights in social
benefits (total remittances), and bilateral aid programs (both private and public)
to non-profit organizations.
Renewable energy This refers to energy resources that do not have an upper limit on the total
quantity to be used. Such resources are renewable on a regular basis, and whose
renewal rate is relatively rapid to consider availability over an indefinite period
of time. These include, among others, biomass, solar, wind, geothermal, ocean
energy, and hydropower.
Repatriation This refers to bringing distressed workers back to the Philippines. It includes,
airport assistance, temporary shelter at the OWWA Halfway House, and provision
for their travel back to their provinces.
Repo (Repurchase) A facility where the buyer (BSP) purchases securities from a seller (bank) with
facility a commitment to sell the securities back at a specified future date at a pre-
determined rate. In the case of the BSP, this causes liquidity to expand. Conversely,
a reverse repurchase facility causes liquidity to contract if used by the BSP.
Report card An evaluation, formerly implemented by the CSC and now under the Anti-Red
survey Tape Authority (ARTA), to obtain feedback on how provisions in the Citizen’s
Charter are being followed and how the agency is performing. This evaluation
also includes estimates of hidden costs incurred by clients to access frontline
services, which may include, but are not limited to, bribes and payment to fixers.
(RA 11032, Section 20)
Research and Defined as comprising creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order
Development to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture, and
society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. This
definition is based on UNESCO and OECD. The basic criterion to distinguish
R&D from related activities is the presence of an appreciable element of novelty
and the resolution of scientific and/or technological uncertainty, i.e., when the
solution to a problem is not readily apparent to someone familiar with the basic
stock of common knowledge and techniques for the area concerned. (OECD
Frascati Manual, 2002)
Resiliency or The capacity of social, economic, and environmental systems to cope with a
resilience hazardous event or trend disturbance, responding, or reorganizing in ways that
maintain their essential function, identity, and structure, while also maintaining
the capacity for adaptation, learning, and transformation. (IPCC, 2014)
Revised This is also known as RA 11232, which eliminates barriers to entry of both small
Corporation Code and large enterprises by permitting the formation of one-person corporations,
of the Philippines and allowing stockholders or members to exercise their rights through remote
communication and in-absentia voting, among others.
Rice The tariff collected from imported rice which shall be used to help rice
Competitiveness farmers become competitive and more productive. It consist of (a) an
Enhancement Fund annual appropriation of PHP10 billion for six years to fund programs on
farm mechanization, seed development, propagation and promotion, credit
assistance, and extension services, which were specifically identified to
improve the productivity of rice farmers, reduce production cost and link
them to the value chain; and (b) the excess from the PHP10 billion tariff
revenue collection, which will still be given to rice farmers and appropriated
by the Congress the following year, for the direct financial assistance for rice
farmers, titling of agricultural rice lands, expanded crop insurance program,
and crop diversification program. (Rice Tariffication Law [RA 11203], 2019)
Rice Crop Manager A decision support tool that provides a farmer with a personalized crop
management recommendation after the farmer answers a series of questions. It is
intended for irrigated and rainfed rice grown in farm lots surrounded by bunds.
Based on research trials, the Rice Crop Manager (RCM) can increase yields and
added net benefit when farm lots normally yield below 7 tons/hectare (ha) at 14
percent moisture. Benefit from RCM could be very small or negligible for farm
lots with normal yield of 7 tons/ha and above at 14 percent moisture,.(IRRI)
Riparian buffer Strip of vegetation along the bank of a stream or river that spatially separates
strips more developed land from water. Buffers help provide shade, protect water from
human land use practices, and control erosion. Plants used in buffers can include
various grasses, forbs, shrubs, and trees. (IPC, 2019)
River basin An area of land that drains water, sediment, and dissolved materials to a
common outlet at some point along the river and/or stream channel. Principal
river basins are those with basin areas of at least 40 sq.km., while major river
basins are those with basin areas of at least 990 sq.km.
Glossary 447
Roll-on-Roll-off A modern cargo handling technique first introduced in the 1950s, in which
vessels are used to carry wheeled cargo. Rolling stock is ready for delivery upon
arrival at the discharge port, and loading, stowing, and discharge operations are
simplified. This method is used on board many ships, such as roll-on-roll-off
(RORO) freight ferries, multipurpose RORO carriers, car carriers, rail/vehicle
ferries, and car/passenger ferries.
Route Route rationalization determines the appropriate mode, quantity and service
rationalization characteristics of the public transport service in each corridor ,which will make
the routes more responsive to passenger demand and ensure that the hierarchy of
roads and modes of transportation, are followed. (LTFRB, 2021)
Rule of law A principle of governance, in which all persons, institutions and entities, public
and private, including the state itself, are accountable to laws.
Safe and potable This refers to the water accessed through a pipe system into dwellings, yards, or
water supply plots, through public tap and through protected wells.
Sanitary and Measures applied to protect animal or plant life or health within the territory from
phytosanitary risks arising from additivies, contaminants, toxins, or disease-causing organisms
protocols in foods, beverages, or feedstuffs; or from the entry, establishment or spread of
pests, diseases, disease-carrying organisms, or disease-causing organisms.
Sanitary landfill A waste disposal site designed, constructed, operated, and maintained in a
manner that exerts engineering control over significant potential environmental
impacts arising from the development and operation of the facility. (RA 9003,
Science A system of knowledge that is concerned with the physical and natural world
and its phenomena and works to unveil general truths and the operations of
fundamental natural laws. Producing scientific knowledge requires unbiased
observations and systematic experimentation using the scientific method.
(UNCTAD, 2019)
Science for Change This program was created to accelerate science, technology, and innovation (STI)
Program in the country, in order to keep up with the developments of our time wherein
technology and innovation are game changers. Through the Science for Change
Program (S4CP), the DOST can significantly accelerate STI in the country and
create a massive increase in investment on S&T Human Resource Development
and R&D B14. (DOST, S4CP)
Seal of Good Local An award, incentive, honor, and recognition-based program for all LGUs and
Governance a continuing commitment for LGUs to continually progress and improve their
performance. (RA 11292, Section 3)
Seed development The process by which seeds are formed from the end of fertilization to
the production of a mature seed body. (Nature)
Septage Sludge produced on individual onsite wastewater disposal systems, mainly septic
tanks and cesspools. (RA 9275, 2004)
Septage This refers to the provision of proper collection, treatment, and disposal of
management septage.
Serosurvey Serological survey in which serum specimens are collected from selected
populations over a specified period of time and tested for antibodies against a
given infectious pathogen, as an indicator for immunity.
Sewerage This refers to any system or network of pipelines, ditches, channels, or conduits
including pumping stations, lift stations, and force mains, service connections
including other constructions, devices, or appliances appurtenant thereof, which
includes the collection, transport, pumping, and treatment of water-borne human
or animal waste removed from residences, buildings, institutions, industrial, and
commercial establishments to point of disposal.
Shared Service This aims to improve the competitiveness of MSMEs by providing them with
Facilities machinery, equipment, tools, systems, skills, and knowledge under a shared
Single Carpeta An integrated database of inmate information management for Bureau of Jail
System Management and Penology (BJMP), Board of Pardons and Parole (BPP), and
Parole and Probation Administration (PPA). The system will serve as an exchange
portal among the three agencies with the Inmate Management Information
System of the Bureau of Corrections (BUCOR).
Small Enterprise The DOST’s nationwide strategy encouraging and assisting MSMEs to adopt
Technology technological innovations to improve their products, services, and operations
Upgrading Program and increase their productivity and competitiveness.
Small farmer Farmers cultivating not more than three hectares of land; landless farm workers
with primary occupation in agriculture; or those engaged as backyard poultry/
livestock raisers. In case of combination of these activities, the primary source of
income will serve as the basis.
Glossary 449
Small fisherfolk Fisherfolk who are: (a) operating fishing vessels of not more than three gross
tons capacity; (b) operating fishponds of less than five hectares or fish cages/
pens of less than 400 square meters; or (c) fish workers in fishing boats,
fishponds, fish processing and allied establishments, and gleaning activities.
Small Power The functional unit of the National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR) created to
Utilities Group pursue missionary electrification function.
Small Scale Type of irrigation system with limited service areas, constructed in locations
Irrigation Systems where permanent or continuous water sources are not available, and in which
farmers have the control and management of the water abstraction from its source
and using a level of technology which the farmers can effectively operate and
maintain. It refers to a wide range of irrigation infrastructures with various water
resources development approaches such as Small Water Impounding Project
(SWIP), Small Farm Reservoir (SFR), Diversion Dam (DD), Pump Irrigation
System from Open Sources (PISOS) and Shallow Tubewell (STW). (DA-BSWM
National Master Plan for SSIP 2014-2022; DA-BSWM, 2014, as used in PDP
Small-scale mining Mining activities which rely heavily on manual labor using simple implements
and methods and do not use explosives or heavy mining equipment (RA 7076,
Smart city A city that connects people, information, and city elements to develop urban
centers that are sustainable, inclusive, greener, competitive, innovative, and
resilient by using all available technologies and resources in an intelligent and
coordinated manner to provide basic public services and ensure livability.
(Albino, et.al., 2015; Nam & Pardo, 2011; ADB, 2021)
Smart Industry The DTI aims to develop a Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) for the country.
Readiness Index This was developed in Singapore as the first self-diagnostic Industry 4.0 tool that
helps companies globally—regardless of size and industry—determine how to
start, scale and sustain their Industry 4.0 transformation. The tool serves as a
benchmark for manufacturers to assess and compare their Industry 4.0 maturity
levels against those of their peers in the same industry.
Social capital A measure of how cohesive a society is in terms of the strength of community
and family networks therein, and the level of trust and respect people have for
each other and for institutions.
Social cohesion A state of affairs between and among members of the community and between
citizens and their government, where they are bound together by norms, values,
practices, and relationships, characterized by respect for diversity, culture of
peace, cooperation, and trust.
Socialized housing Housing units costing up to PHP480,000 for 22 sq.m. with loft of at least 50
percent of the base structure, or 24 sq.m.; or up to PHP530,000 for 24 sq. m with
loft of at least 50 percent of the base structure, or 28 sq.m.; or up to PHP 580,000
for 28 sq.m. with loft of at least 50% of the base structure, or 32 sq.m. (HUDCC
Resolution 1 s. 2018)
Solid waste All discarded household, commercial waste, non-hazardous institutional and
industrial waste, street sweepings, construction debris, agricultural waste, and
other non-hazardous/non-toxic solid waste.
Solid Waste Discipline associated with the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer
Management and transport, processing, and disposal of solid wastes in a manner that is in
accord with the best principles of public health, economics, engineering,
conservation, aesthetics, and other environmental considerations, and that is
also responsive to public attitudes.
Space technology The technology that is related to entering and retrieving objects or life forms
from space. Technologies such as weather forecasting, remote sensing,
Global Positioning System (GPS), satellite television, and some long distance
communication systems critically rely on space infrastructures.
Special education The education of persons who are gifted or talented and those who have physical,
mental, or sensory impairment and cultural differences that require modifications
of school curricula, programs and special services, and physical facilities to
develop them to their maximum capabilities. (NSCB, 2006)
Special Education This provides the source of funds for the supplementary annual budgetary
Fund needs for the operation and maintenance of public schools within the province,
city, or municipality through an annual Special Education Fund Budget.
(DepEd, DILG, and DBM Joint Circular 1, s. 2017)
Glossary 451
Standard A document approved by a recognized body that provides for common and
repeated use, rules, guidelines, or characteristics for products or related processes
and production methods, in which compliance is not mandatory. It may also
include or deal inclusively with terminology, symbols, packaging, marking, or
labelling requirements as they apply to a product, process, or production method.
Standardization The activity of establishing provisions for common and repeated use in order
to achieve the optimum degree of order in a given context. Said provisions,
otherwise known as standards, are developed, adopted, and updated,
which permits innovation and technical development, compatibility and
interchangeability, improved productivity, and reduced waste.
State university and Public HEI in the Philippines with independent separate Governing Boards
college established by national laws which constitute their individual charters and
financed and maintained by the national government. (NSCB, 2006)
Stranded contract The excess of the contracted cost of electricity under eligible contracts over
costs the actual selling price of the contracted energy output of such contracts in the
market, which contracts shall have been approved by the Energy Regulatory
Board as of December 31, 2000. (RA 9136, 2001)
Stranded debts Any financial obligations of NAPOCOR which have not been liquidated by the
proceeds from the sales and privatization of NAPOCOR assets. (RA 9136, 2001)
Strategic Represents the country’s investment plan containing not only the list of priority
Investment Priority industries but also investment promotion and facilitation activities for all
Plan investment promotion agencies (IPAs). The plan is valid for three years and
subject to review and amendment every three years. The BOI in coordination
with the Fiscal Incentives Review Board (FIRB), IPAs, other government agencies
administering tax incentives, and the private sector are tasked to formulate the
Strategic Investment Priority Plan (SIPP).
Stunting A state in which a child, as a result of inadequate diet in the past, is small or short
for his or her age and for his or her genetic stock
Subsistence Proportion of the population with per capita income less than the per capita food
incidence threshold. (PSA)
Supreme Court The SC ruled that all collections of national taxes, except those accruing to special
ruling on the purpose funds and special allotments for the utilization and development of the
Mandanas Case national wealth, should be included in the computation of the base of the just
share of local government units. (EO 138, s. 2021)
Surety cover In the context of implementing the Credit Surety Fund (CSF), issuing a surety
cover is meant to secure loans of qualified MSME and cooperative/NGO
borrowers in lieu of hard collaterals. This is one of the tools being utilized by the
government to enhance MSME's access to finance.
Sustainability The policy anchored on the Philippine Green Jobs Act of 2016, with the state
Incentive Program providing incentives in a range of industries that produce goods or render
services for the benefit of the environment, conserve natural resources for future
generation, and ensure sustainable development and transition of the country
into a green economy.
The use of services and related products which respond to basic needs and bring
a better quality of life while minimizing the use of natural resources and toxic
materials, as well as the emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle of the
service or product so as not to jeopardize the needs of future generations.
Sustainable Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
development ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (Bruntland Commission
Report, 1987)
Sustainable land The use and management of land resources—soil, water, animals and plants—for
management the production of goods to meet changing human needs, while ensuring the long-
term productive potential of these resources and maintenance of environmental
functions. (FAO)
Glossary 453
Systemic risk The potential loss or damage to an entire system as contrasted with the loss to a
single unit of that system. Systemic risks are exacerbated by interdependencies
among the units often because of weak links in the system. These risks can be
triggered by sudden events or built up over time with the impact often being large
and possibly catastrophic. (WEF, 2010)
Task Force A task force composed of justice sector agencies mandated to track and keep
Katarungan at a record of the progress of criminal cases of all detained persons within
Kalayaan its jurisdiction and ensure that such persons are accorded the rights and
privileges provided by law, the rules, and the guidelines. It shall have access to
all case records and information relating to detained persons and shall advise
the judges hearing their cases, when warranted, of the need for them to act on
any incident or situation that adversely affects the rights of detained persons
or subjects them to undue or harsh treatment.
Technical The education process designed at secondary and lower tertiary levels, officially
Vocational recognized as nondegree programs aimed at preparing technicians, para-
Education and professionals and other categories of middle-level workers by providing them
Training with a broad range of education, theoretical, scientific, artistic and technological
studies, social services, and related jobs skills training. (NSCB, 2006)
Technology The systematic theoretical and practical knowledge and skill used in the process
of production or service delivery. Technology is not a finished product or service.
Technology includes the entrepreneurial expertise and professional know-how
needed to deliver products and services. (UNCTAD, 2019)
Technology This aims to upgrade the capabilities of the agency’s technology business
Business Incubation incubation network that would set off the “internationalization” of the Philippine
4.0 Technology Business Incubators (TBIs).
Technology startups Tech-based startups specialize in providing products and services through the
mix of existing business activities with new ICT tools, resulting in reduced costs
and greater efficiency.
Technology transfer This refers to the process by which one party systematically transfers to another
agreement party the knowledge for the manufacture of a product, the application of a
process, or rendering of a service, which may involve the transfer, assignment, or
licensing of intellectual property rights as defined in the Philippine Technology
Transfer Act of 2009 (RA 10055).
Telemedicine The delivery of health care services, where distance is a critical factor, by all
health care professionals using information and communication technologies
for the exchange of valid information for diagnosis, treatment and prevention
of disease and injuries, research and evaluation, and for the continuing
education of health care providers, all in the interests of advancing the health
of individuals and their communities.
Temporary overseas OFs who temporarily stay overseas for employment or non-employment
Filipinos purposes. Temporary may be classified in terms of intention to stay. It also
includes students, OFWs, and missionaries. (PSA, 2017)
Three-Year Rolling The document containing the pipeline of strategic and other projects needed
Infrastructure to sustain inclusive economic growth aimed to synchronize the infrastructure
Program planning, programming and budgeting, and execution processes of the
government both at the oversight and implementing agency level.
Trade protectionism Economic policies that limit or reduce international trade to protect domestic
industries. These include subsidies, tariffs, quotas, currency manipulation, and
other restrictions.
TradeLine Business intelligence platform that aims to deliver timely and relevant information
and assistance to existing and potential exporters to enhance their capabilities
and competitiveness as suppliers of quality goods and services to global markets.
TradeNet Portal The country’s gateway for trade facilitation, which provides automated licensing,
permit, clearance, and certification system with regulatory agencies, integrated
into one internet-based platform.
Traffic engineering A discipline which includes the design of highways and pedestrian ways, the
study and application of traffic statistics, and the environmental aspects of the
transportation of goods and people.
Glossary 455
Traffic management The direction, control, and supervision of all functions incident to the
procurement and use of freight and passenger transportation services.
Transitional justice A full range of processes and mechanisms associated with a society's attempt to
come to terms with a legacy of large-scale abuses committed in the past, in order
to achieve accountability, serve justice, and achieve reconciliation. (Report of the
Transitional Justice and Reconciliation Commission)
Transmission The conveyance of electricity through the high voltage backbone system.
Transnational crime Offenses whose inception, perpetration, and/or direct or indirect effects involve
more than one country. (UNODC)
Transnational All types and modes of higher education study programs, sets of courses of
higher education study, or educational services (including distance education and study abroad
programs) which involve: education systems of a State different from the State
where a transnational higher education provider operates; programs which may
operate independently of any national education system; or programs where
the learners are located in a country different from the one where the awarding
institution is based. (RA 11448, 2019)
Treatment, storage, Facilities where hazardous wastes are stored, treated, recycled, reprocessed, or
and disposal disposed of. (DENR AO 36, s. 2004)
Twenty foot The unit of the capacity of a container ship, a container terminal, and the statistics
equivalent unit of the container transit in a port.
Underemployment This refers to the employed persons who express the desire to have additional
hours of work in their present job or an additional job, or have a new job with
longer working hours. (PSA)
Under-five The probability of dying between birth and age five, expressed as the number of
mortality rate deaths below age five per 1,000 live births during a given period.
Undocumented Filipinos abroad who do not possess or lack necessary documents required by
overseas Filipinos the host country to make their stay legal or regular. For example, those who have
expired visas, or those who have inappropriate visas (i.e., tourist visa possessors
but are working abroad). Undocumented OFs include those who have regular
status abroad but with no valid Philippine passport. (DFA, 2019)
Unemployment Proportion of unemployed persons to the total labor force. (PSA LFS Technical
Rate Notes)
Unemployment/ This consists of persons in the labor force who are reported as (1) without
unemployed work; (2) currently available for work; and (3) seeking work, not seeking work
because of the belief that no work is available, or awaiting results of previous job
application or because of temporary illness or disability, bad weather or waiting
for rehire or job recall. (PSA)
Universal The quality of being accessible to the greatest extent possible by everyone,
accessibility regardless of their age, ability, or status in life. (Center for Universal Design
North Carolina State University, 2021)
Universal charge A fixed amount approved by the ERC pursuant to Section 34 of RA 9136 imposed
on all electricity end-users for the payment of in excess of the amount assumed
by the national government and stranded contract costs of the NAPOCOR and
environmental charge.
Unregulated fishing Fishing activities conducted by: (a) vessels without nationality but operated by
a Filipino and/or Filipino corporation; (b) Philippine flagged fishing vessels
operating in areas or fish stocks where there are no applicable conservation and
management measures; and (c) Philippine flagged fishing vessels operating in
areas of fish stocks where there are no applicable conservation and management
measures. (RA 10654, 2015)
Glossary 457
Unreported fishing Fishing activities which have not been reported, or have been misreported to
the DA, in contravention of national laws and regulations of the Philippines,
or undertaken in the area of competence of a relevant Regional Fisheries
Management Organization which have not been reported or have been
misreported, in contravention of the reporting procedures of that organization
and further elaborated by regulations to be promulgated by the Department. (RA
10654, 2015).
Upper-middle- Upper-middle-income economies are those in which 2019 GNI per capita was
income country between USD4,046 and USD12,535. (WB)
Urban This refers to a barangay that has a population size of 5,000 or more; at least one
establishment with a minimum of 100 employees; has five or more establishments
with a minimum of 10 employees and five or more facilities within the 2-km
radius from the barangay hall. (PSA, 2003)
Urban development The process of occupation and use of land or space for activities such as residential,
industrial, commercial, and the like or their combinations, necessary to carry out
the functions of urban living. It entails the building or rebuilding of more or less
permanent structures over land that is often withdrawn or converted from its
original use, resulting in the creation of a built environment. (RA 11201, 2019)
Urban renewal Rehabilitation and development of blighted and slum areas as well as the
resettlement of beneficiaries. ( Section 26 of RA 7270, 1992)
US-China Trade Conflict between the US and China over the latter's "unfair trade practices" and
War intellectual property issues. Tensions started when then US President Trump
imposed tariffs and non-tariff barriers against China in January, 2018. Despite
ongoing negotiations, tariffs and non-tariff measures remain on both sides.
Usufruct The right to enjoy the property of another, with the obligation of preserving its
form and substance, unless the title containing it or the law provides otherwise.
(Article 562 of the Civil Code of the Philippines)
This refers to the right to enjoy the property of another with the obligation of
preserving its form and substance. (RA 9904, 2009)
Utility model A protection option which is designed to protect innovations that are not
sufficiently inventive to meet the inventive threshold required for standard
patents application. It may be any useful machine, implement, tools, product,
composition, process, improvement, or part of the same.
Value chains The full range of activities that are required to bring a product or service from
conception, through the different phases of production (involving a combination
of physical transformation and the input of various producer services), delivery
to final consumers, and final disposal after use.
Venture financing A funding process in which the venture funding companies manage the funds
of the investors who want to invest in new businesses which have the potential
for high growth in future. The venture capital funding firms provide the funds to
start ups in exchange for the equity stake.
Victims A program established under RA 7309, which grants compensation for victims of
Compensation unjust imprisonment or detention and victims of violent crimes.
Violent extremism Beliefs and actions of people who support or use violence to achieve ideological,
religious, or political goals, including terrorism and other forms of politically-
motivated violence. (UNESCO)
Voice and A sub-indicator of the WB’s Worldwide Governance Indicators. This indicator
accountability reflects perceptions of the extent to which a country’s citizens are able to
participate in selecting their government, as well as freedom of expression,
freedom of association, and a free media. (Kaufmann, Kraay, and Mastruzzi,
Vulnerability The characteristics and circumstances of a community, system, or asset that make
it susceptible to the damaging effects of a hazard. Vulnerability may arise from
various physical, social, economic, and environmental factors such as poor design
and construction of buildings, inadequate protection of assets, lack of public
information and awareness, limited official recognition of risks and preparedness
measures, and disregard for wise environmental management. (RA 10121, 2010;
UNISDR, 2007)
Wanted fertility The average number of children a woman would have by the end of her
rate/Wanted total childbearing years if she bore children at the current age-specific fertility rates,
fertility rate excluding unwanted births. (PSA, NDHS)
Waste-to-energy This refers to the process of converting wastes with various technologies, usually
the conversion of non-recyclable waste materials into useable heat, electricity, or
fuel through a variety of processes. (DENR DO 2019-21)
Water district This refers to government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) created
primarily to acquire, install, operate, maintain, and improve water supply and
distribution systems for domestic, industrial, and municipal uses of residents and
to provide, maintain and operate waste water collection, treatment and disposal
facilities within the boundaries of the district.
Glossary 459
Water Quality Designated areas with similar hydrological, hydrogeological, meteorological,
Management Areas or geographic conditions which affect the physicochemical, biological, and
bacteriological reactions and diffusions of pollutants in the water bodies,
or otherwise share common interest or face similar development programs,
prospects, or problems. (RA 9275, 2004)
Water scarcity Scarcity in availability due to physical shortage or scarcity in access due to the
failure of institutions to ensure a regular supply or due to a lack of adequate
infrastructure. (UN-Water)
Water security The capacity of a population to safeguard sustainable access to adequate quantities
of acceptable quality water for sustaining livelihoods, human well-being, and
socioeconomic development for ensuring protection against water-borne
pollution and water-related disasters and preserving ecosystems in a climate of
peace and political stability. (UN-Water)
Water-energy-food The inextricable linkages between the three domains: water, energy, and food,
nexus which require a suitably integrated approach in ensuring water and food security,
and sustainable agriculture and energy production worldwide. (UN-Water)
Watershed A land area drained by a stream or fixed body of water and its tributaries having
a common outlet for surface run-off. It is also known as basin or catchment areas.
(PD 705 and PD 1559, 1975)
Weighbridges This is used to weigh entire vehicles and their contents and are usually mounted
permanently on a concrete foundation.
WHO Solidarity International randomized clinical trial program with the aim of obtaining an
Clinical Trials effective COVID-19 treatment. The program involves 12,000 patients and 500
hospital sites in over 30 countries. Evaluations cover treatment options and their
impact on a COVID-19 patient's mortality, need for assisted ventilation, and
duration of hospital stay.
WHO Solidarity International randomized and controlled vaccine trial program with the goal
Vaccine Trials of evaluating the risks and benefits of different COVID-19 vaccines. Over 287
candidate vaccines are currently involved at different stages of development.
Participant sites are based on sufficient transmission rates.
Wildlife Wild forms and varieties of flora and fauna, in all developmental stages,
including those which are in captivity or are being bred or propagated. (RA
9147, 2001)
Witness Protection A program established under RA 6981, which seeks to encourage a person who
Program has witnessed or has knowledge of the commission of a crime to testify before a
court or quasi-judicial body, or before an investigating authority, by protecting
him from reprisals and from economic dislocation.
World Justice Measures whether civil justice systems are accessible and affordable, free of
Project Rule of Law discrimination, corruption, and improper influence by public officials. It examines
Sub-indicator on whether court proceedings are conducted without unreasonable delays, and if
Civil Justice decisions are enforced effectively. It also measures the accessibility, impartiality,
and effectiveness of alternative dispute resolution (ADR)mechanisms.
World Justice Measures whether the criminal investigation, adjudication, and correctional
Project Rule of Law systems are effective, and whether the criminal justice system is impartial, free
Sub-indicator on of corruption, free of improper influence, and protective of due process and the
Criminal Justice rights of the accused.
World Justice Measures the protection of fundamental human rights, including effective
Project Rule of enforcement of laws that ensure equal protection, the right to life and security
Law Sub-indicator of the person, due process of law and the rights of the accused, freedom of
on Fundamental opinion and expression, freedom of belief and religion, the right to privacy,
Rights freedom of assembly and association, and fundamental labor rights, including
the right to collective bargaining, the prohibition of forced and child labor, and
the elimination of discrimination.
World Governance A research dataset summarizing the views on the quality of governance provided
Indicator by a large number of enterprise, citizen, and expert survey respondents in
industrial and developing countries. These data are gathered from a number of
survey institutes, think tanks, NGOs, international organizations, and private
sector firms.
World Governance A sub-indicator of the World Governance Indicator (WGI) which entails
Indicator – Rule of perceptions of the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the
Law rules of society, and in particular the quality of contract enforcement, property
rights, the police, and the courts, as well as the likelihood of crime and violence.
Glossary 461
World Justice A quantitative assessment tool designed by the World Justice Project to offer a
Project – Rule of comprehensive picture of the extent to which countries adhere to the rule of law,
Law Index not in theory, but in practice. It is derived from a set of principles that constitute
a working definition of the rule of law.
Youths-at-risk This refers to the youth who are less likely to transition successfully to adulthood.
In the context of the labor sector, these are the young people whose prospects of
joining the labor force or finding employment are diminished by their various
circumstances (e.g. lack of skills or education, economic recession).
Zoonotic disease An infectious disease that has jumped from a non-human animal to humans.
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McKinsey Global Institute. “How will automation affect jobs, skills, and wages?” March 23, 2018
Podcast transcript. https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/future-of-work/how-will-
automation-affect-jobs-skills-and-wages (accessed January 8, 2020).
Joint HLURB, DAR, DA, DILG Memorandum Circular, dated March 21, 1995, Prescribing the
Guidelines to Implement MC 54 (The Authority of Cities and Municipalities to Reclassify
Lands Within the Limits Prescribed by Section 20 of RA 7160 Otherwise Known as the Local
Government Code of 1991).
Innovative Urban Tenure in the Philippines: Challenges, Approaches and Institutionalization. UN
Human Settlements Programme, 2012.
Chapter 9C: Expanding Access to Economic Opportunities in I&S for Startups, MSMEs, and
Albert J.G. et al. Measuring and Examining Innovation in Philippine Business and Industry.
September 2017. (Source: https://pidswebs.pids.gov.ph/CDN/PUBLICATIONS/pidsdps1728.pdf)
DSWD. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program National Advisory Committee Resolution No. 43.
Institutionalizing replacement policy allowing for continuous replacement of CCT households.
Acosta, P., Avalos, J., Zapanta, A. (2019). Pantawid Pamilya 2017 Assessment. World Bank Social
Protection Policy Note.
Tabuga, A., Cabaero, C. (2019) Towards Inclusive Social Protection Program Coverage in the
Philippines: Examining Gender Disparities.
Perez, N. D., and Pradesha, A.. (2019). Philippine Rice Trade Liberalization: Impacts on agriculture
and the economy and alternative policy actions. NEDA-International Food Policy Research
Institute Policy Studies.
Albert, JR, Abrigo, MR, Quimba, FM, Vizmanos, JF. Poverty, the Middle Class, and Income
Distribution amid COVID-19. PIDS Discussion Series.
DSWD. (May 2020). DSWD SAP 1st Tranche Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Report.
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Chapter 13: Reaching for the Demographic Dividend Across All Regions
Abrigo, Michael R.M, et al. “Are We Missing Out on the Demographic Dividend? Trends and
Prospects.” Philippine Institute for Development Studies Discussion Paper Series, no. 43, ser. 2018,
Dec. 2018. (Source: www.pids.gov.ph/publications/6756 )
National Strategy for Financial Inclusion
Population Action International. ”Integrated Population, Health and Environment (PHE) More than
the Sum of its part. (Source: https://pai.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/PHEintegration.pdf )
Philippine Youth Development Plan 2017-2022.
Adolescents and Young People & Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), Coronavirus Disease
(COVID-19) Preparedness and Response UNFPA Interim Technical Brief, 2020.
del Prado F. and Rosellon M. (2017). “Technology and Knowledge Transfers in Production Networks:
Case Study on Philippine Food Manufacturing Firms”. Philippine Institute of Development
Bureau of the Treasury (2017). The Philippine Roadmap: Local Currency Debt Market Development.
(Source: http://www.treasury.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Local-Currency-Debt-Market-
Memorandum No. M-2020-039 dated 4 May 2020. (Source: http://www.bsp.gov.ph/downloads/
Memorandum No. M-2020-008 dated 14 March 2020. (Source: http://www.bsp.gov.ph/downloads/
International Monetary Fund. (May 13, 2020). Banking Sector Regulatory and Supervisory Response
to Deal with Coronavirus Impact (with Q and A). (Source: https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/
DOLE Labor Advisory 2020-17 issued 16 May 2020, “Guidelines on the Employment Preservation
upon the Resumption of Business Operation”.
PEZA Memorandum Circular 2020-011 dated 5 March 2020, “PEZA Assistance to Ecozone I.T.
Enterprises in Responding to COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease).”
Chapter 21: Protecting the Rights, Promoting the Welfare, and Expanding Opportunities for
Overseas Filipinos
Karlo Alexei B. Nograles Delfin N. Lorenzana
Cabinet Secretary Secretary
Office of the President Department of National Defense
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Note: Agencies with asterisk (*) have designated Official and Alternate Representatives.
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Department of Trade and Industry – Bureau of Small and Medium Enterprise Development (DTI-
DTI– Export Development Council (DTI-EDC)
Department of Science and Technology – Science Education Institute (DOST-SEI)
DOLE - Bureau of Labor Relations (DOLE-BLR)
DOLE - Bureau of Working Conditions (DOLE-BWC)
DOLE - Institute for Labor Studies (DOLE-ILS)
DOLE - National Wages and Productivity Commission (DOLE-NWPC)
DOLE - Occupational Safety and Health Center (DOLE-OSHC)
DOLE - Employees’ Compensation Commission (DOLE-ECC)
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)
Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO)
Department of Education (DepEd)
Department of Agriculture (DA)
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT)
National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC)
National Youth Commission (NYC)
Philippine Commission on Women (PCW)
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
House of Representatives - Committee on Higher and Technical Education (HOR-CHTE)
HOR - Committee on Labor and Employment (HOR-CLE)
Department of Social Welfare and Developemnt - Sustainable Livelihood Program (DSWD-SLP)
Social Security System (SSS)
National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
Member Agencies:
Secretariat: National Economic and Development Authority - National Policy and Planning
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Department of Finance (DOF)
Department of Budget and Management (DBM)
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
Department of Health (DOH)
Department of Agriculture (DA)
Department of Energy (DOE)
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)
Philippine Water Partnership (PWP)
University of the Philippines - National Hydraulic Research Center (UP-NHRC)
Department of Transportation (DOTr)
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Department of Tourism (DOT)
Office of the President - Office of the Executive Secretary (OP-OES)
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)
National Irrigation Administration (NIA)
DA - Bureau of Soils and Water Management (DA-BSWM)
League of Provinces of the Philippines (LSP)
League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP)
League of Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP)
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Secretariat: National Economic and Development Authority - National Policy and Planning
Member Agencies:
Secretariat: National Economic and Development Authority - National Policy and Planning
Member Agencies:
Secretariat: National Economic and Development Authority - National Policy and Planning
Member Agencies:
Secretariat: NEDA-TSIS
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Resource Persons:
Civil Service Commission - Civil Service Institute (CSC-CSI)
Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP)
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)
Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF)
National Archives of the Philippines (NAP)
National Council on Disability Affairs (NCDA)
National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP)
National Library of the Philippines (NLP)
National Museum of the Philippines (NMP)
National Youth Commission (NYC)
Philippine Commission on Women (PCW)
Philippine Information Agency (PIA)
Member Agencies:
Chair: Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Policy and Planning Service
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Member Agencies:
Agricultural Credit Policy Council - Policy, Planning, Program Development and Advocacy Staff
Commission on Higher Education - Office of Planning, Research, and Knowledge Management
Department of Agriculture - Systems-Wide Climate Change Office (DA-SWCCO)
Department of Budget and Management (DBM)
Department of Education - Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service (DepEd-DRRMS)
DepEd - Planning Service (DepEd-PS)
Department of Energy - Renewable Energy Management Bureau (DOE-REMB)
Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau
DENR - Mines and Geosciences Bureau (DENR-MGB)
DENR - Policy and Planning Service (DENR-PPS)
DENR - Climate Change Service (DENR-CCS)
Department of Finance - International Finance Group (DOF-IFG)
Department of Health - Health Facilities and Services Regulatory Bureau (DOH-HFSRB)
Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD)
Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG)
DILG - Local Government Academy (DILG-LGA)
Department of Public Works and Highways - Bureau of Construction (DPWH-BOC)
Department of Science and Technology - Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (DOST-
Department of Tourism - Office of Tourism Development Planning, Research and Information
Management (DOT-OTDPRIM)
Department of Trade and Industry - Bureau of Small and Medium Enterprise Development (DTI-
Government Service Insurance System - Insurance Group (GSIS-IG)
House of Representatives - Committee on Climate Change (HOR-Comm. on CC)
HOR - Committee on Ecology (HOR-Comm. on Ecology)
National Economic and Development Authority - Monitoring and Evaluation Staff (NEDA-MES)
NEDA - Regional Development Staff (NEDA-RDS)
DENR - National Mapping and Resource Information Authority (DENR-NAMRIA)
Office of Civil Defense - National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (OCD-NDRRMC)
Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation - Planning and Management Information Office (PCIC-PMO)
Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS)
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
Senate Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change (Senate-Comm. on ENR
and CC)
Senate Economic Planning Office (SEPO)
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority - Planning Office (TESDA - Planning)
Member Agencies:
Secretariat: National Economic and Development Authority - Trade, Services, and Industry
505 | Updated Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 Updated PDP 2017-2022 Consultations 505
Updated PDP 2017-2022
Overall Secretariat Chapter 5
Director Reynaldo R. Cancio Lead: Director Thelma C. Manuel
OIC-Assistant Director Desiree O. Narvaez Assistant Director Reverie Pure G. Sapaen
Domini S. Velasquez Judith V. Gondra
Ivee L. Cabading Mariane Genelou S. Reyes
Ravina Viera A. Madrid Hazel Queen R. Sambo
Rita Angela M. Rivera Maria Angelica U. Sarinas
John Kenneth B. Cada Genshen L. Espedido
Rose Margaret G. Redelicia
Maria Antonette D. Pasquin Chapter 6
Dainielle J. Bonete Lead: Director Thelma C. Manuel
Renz S. Torillos Assistant Director Reverie Pure G. Sapaen
Joy J. Divinagracia
Chapter 1 Michelle L. Alvarez
Lead: Undersecretary Rosemarie G. Edillon Rod Norbert D. Mondoyo
Overall Secretariat Karizza Mae P. Paredes
Chapter 2 Chapter 7
Lead: Director Reynaldo R. Cancio Lead: Director Thelma C. Manuel
Generose B. Manlangit Assistant Director Reverie Pure G. Sapaen
Sharayah Nicole R. Dominguez Jazmin D. Berido
Maureen Jane B. Oreiro
Chapter 3 Ranel Ram C. Cheng
Lead: Director Remedios S. Endencia Karen M. Resurreccion
Assistant Director Cynthia A. Villena Maria Adela T. Maputi
Kristine Abbie A. Arcena
Rosauro L. De Leon Chapter 8
Hailey V. Meriel Lead: Director Nieva T. Natural
Annielyn C. Rivera Assistant Director Diane Gail L. Maharjan
William G. Sese Lenard Martin P. Guevarra
Rory Jay S. Dacumos
Reichelle C. Celorico
Chapter 4 Ralph Camelo E. Mariano
Lead: Assistant Secretary Carlos O. Abad Santos Eunice Chloe V. Calura
Overall Secretariat Hazel Ann L. Alforja
Mary Grace C. Lapurga
Jessa Danica Villa L. Agcopra
Alvin Caezar V. Olanday
John Kenneth V. Casabal
Mark Angelo V. Cagampan
Janel Asley Z. Raviz
Production Team
Director Nerrisa T. Esguerra
Assistant Director Frances Fatima M. Cabana
Maria Charina I. Quiwa
Honeyleen N. Novilla
Maria Krisna B. Parrera
Patrick R. Salamat
Paul Cyril D. Torrente
Clarissa E. Escasinas
Patricia Mae A. Ching
Leslie P. Lim
Bettina B. Medina
Marifel S. Geronimo
Louise O. Garcia
Cherie Anne R. Quirante
Patricia Mae A. Ching
Geralyn A. Rigor
Nancy R. Samonte
Judith L. Cornista
Raissa P. Angeles
Published by:
ISSN: 2243-7576