Drill TAP Series (EM)

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TAP series

High Performance Carbide Tap and

HSS Tap Series
▣ Excellent Wear Resistance
Highly durable carbide tap and HSS Tap series

▣ Excellent Surface Finish

A variety of taps including point taps, spiral taps,
straight taps, roll taps, and more to meet a wide range of
requirements, available for JIS and DIN standards in metric
▣ Made-to-Order Available
Orders can be made for powder HSS and taps under M3.
TAP series

TAP Series
Product Features .................................................................. 03

Carbide Tap
Straight tap ........................................................................... 10
Spiral tap ............................................................................... 13
Roll tap .................................................................................. 15
Spiral roll tap ......................................................................... 17

Straight tap .......................................................................... 19
Point tap .............................................................................. 23
Spiral tap ............................................................................. 27
Roll tap ................................................................................ 31
Spiral roll tap ......................................................................... 34

Tapping Chuck
DST ....................................................................................... 37
DTN ....................................................................................... 39

50th Anniversary

Increased productivity due to stable chip control and evacuation

High Performance Carbide Tap and HSS Tap Series
KORLOY developed carbide taps and HSS taps that meet the demand for productivity.
Carbide taps now have increased wear resistance and extended tool life by the use of high
toughness substrate. There are TiN / TiCN coated and non-coated products for a wide range of
HSS taps have a high vanadium body to provide excellent cutting performance. Its wide line-
Carbide Tap
up of coated and non-coated taps, and the HOMO series is available for various workpieces.

KORLOY taps were standardized not only to JIS but to DIN in metric threads. It is possible to
machine a comprehensive range of workpieces with KORLOY point taps, spiral taps, straight
taps, roll taps and more. A straight tap is used for through holes, mass production, cast iron,
medium carbon steel, and non ferrous metal. A point tap has a similar shape to a straight tap
HSS Tap but provides smoother chip evacuation for through holes. A spiral tap is optimized for blind hole
making by evacuating chips through flutes. A roll tap is for making both through holes and blind
holes on non ferrous metals such as aluminum.

KORLOY taps ensure maximum cutting efficiency with its excellent price competitiveness,
quality, and a wide selection of products.

Carbide type and HSS type Applicable to various workpiece forms

Carbide Taps : A wide selection
High toughness substrate composed of point taps,
Advantages spiral taps, straight taps,
roll taps and more
High vanadium substrate

Metric threads standardized Broad line-ups per type and size

JIS, DIN standard and special tools A wide choice with
various types and sizes

Code System

Thread Appearance M3 x 0.5 - ST 25 (S) - (120)

- ST : Straight Tap
Metric coarse Appearance Incomplete Roll Tap Overall length
- PT : Point Tap
screw threads thread length S : Single Special type
- SP : Spiral Tap and thread size M : Multi
- RT : Roll Tap
- SR : Spiral roll Tap
- STD : Straight Tap (DIN) Grade System
- PTD : Point Tap (DIN)
- SPD : Spiral Tap (DIN) Carbide Tap HSS Tap
- RTD : Roll Tap (DIN) FN30T Carbide, Uncoated HN30T HSS, Uncoated
PC20T Carbide, TiN coating HC20T HSS, TiN coating
PC10T Carbide, TiCN coating HC10T HSS, TiCN coating
- - HH30T HSS, HOMO Treatment

TAP series 03
TAP series

Carbide Tap Series

Tap type Figure Feature Grade Size
 arbide taps have
excellent tool life and  or through holes and
F FN30T M3~M12
mass production
wear resistance due to
ST Straight Tap  or cast iron, medium
F PC10T M3~M12
high toughness substrate.
carbon steel and
non ferrous metal PC20T M3~M12

 or blind holes
F FN30T M3~M12
SP Spiral Tap Chip evacuation through
flutes PC10T M3~M12

 or non ferrous metal

F FN30T M3~M12
RT Roll Tap For through holes and
blind holes PC10T M3~M12

FN30T M3~M6
 or non ferrous metal,
SR Spiral Roll Tap
AI and magnesium
PC10T M3~M6

HSS Tap Series

Tap type Figure Feature Grade Size
 SS taps show improved
performance due to high HN30T M3~M20
vanadium substrate.  or through holes and
mass production HC20T M3~M20
ST Straight Tap  cast iron, medium
carbon steel and HC10T M3~M20
non ferrous metal
HH30T M8~M16

HN030T M3~M20
 or through holes and
mass production HC20T M3~M20
PT Point Tap 
Similar shape to the straight
type but specialized with HC10T M3~M20
easier chip evacuation
HH30T M3~M20

HN30T M3~M20

For blind holes HC20T M3~M20

SP Spiral Tap  hip evacuation through
flutes HC10T M3~M20

HH30T M3~M24

HN30T M3~M12
For non ferrous metal
RT Roll Tap  or through holes and
F HC20T M3~M12
blind holes
HC10T M3~M12

HN30T M3~M6
 or non ferrous metal, AI
SR Spiral Roll Tap HC20T M3~M6
and magnesium
HC10T M3~M6

50th Anniversary

KH Stepped Accuracy System

[ Comparison of Effective Diameters of a Thread ] M3x0.5
 he KH stepped accuracy
system was applied to
KORLOY taps to obtain +125
the required precision of +120

Effective diameter (㎛)

nuts. +100 +100
→ Possible to select +85 KH6 6H
proper tools for cutting +80
+70 KH5 5H
+60 +55 KH4
+40 KH3 +40 ISO3
+40 +35
+25 KH2 +25 3rd +24
+18 2nd class
+20 KH1 1b class +15 ISO1
+6 class
+10 +10 +8
1a +6
0 class

[ Comparison of Effective Diameters of a Thread ] M10x1.5

+230 +224
Effective diameter (㎛)

+210 +180 7H
+140 6H
+120 5H
+100 KH6 +98
+80 KH5 ISO3
+80 +70
+60 KH4
+60 +55 ISO2
+40 KH3 +40 +42
+40 3rd
+22 2nd class
+20 KH2 1b class
+20 +7 class +20
KH1 1a +15 +14
0 class

 {P ≤ 0.6 (T.P.I ≥ 40) }  {P ≥ 0.7 (T.P.I ≤ 36) }

■ Upper tolerance : 0.010 + 0.015 x n ■ Upper tolerance : 0.020 x n

■ Under tolerance : Upper tolerance - 0.015 ■ Under tolerance : Upper tolerance - 0.020
(mm) (mm)

TAP series 05
TAP series

GH Stepped Accuracy System

[Comparison of Effective Diameters of a Thread] M3x0.5
 aps without a flute such
as roll taps require strict Accuracy of JIS nuts
bottom hole managing
due to plastic deformation +160 +153

Effective diameter (㎛)

+140 GH11
in nut machining. +140 +127 GH11 +125
+120 +114 GH10
KORLOY uses a stepped
+101 GH9 +100 7H
accuracy system of +100 +89 GH8 Worth 3rd class Tolerance
tolerance within 12.7㎛ +80 +77 GH7 +80
(0.0005). +64 GH6
+60 +51 GH5 Worth 2nd class +56
+39 GH4 +40 ISO3
+40 +35
+26 GH3 Worth 1st class 3rd +24 ISO2
+20 +13 GH2
+18 2nd class Tolerance
1b class
+6 class ISO1
GH1 +15 6H
0 1a +6 +10 +8 Tolerance
0 class

[Comparison of Effective Diameters of a Thread] M10x1.5

Accuracy of JIS nuts

+160 +153
Effective diameter (㎛)

+140 GH11
+140 Worth 3rd class +127 GH11
+120 +114 GH10
+101 GH9
+100 +89 GH8
+77 GH7 Worth 2nd class ISO3
+80 +70
+64 GH6 6H
+60 +51 GH5 Worth 1st class +55 ISO2 Tolerance
+39 GH4 +40 +42
+40 3rd
+26 GH3 +22 2nd class
+20 +13 GH2 1b class
+7 class +20 Tolerance
GH1 +15
1a +7 +14
0 0 class

50th Anniversary

Recommended Cutting Speeds and Cutting Fluid

For machining cold / hot forging steel and sintered ferrous alloy in high feed, high depth of cut and highly interrupted conditions
Excellent resistance to chipping, fracture and thermal crack
Improved surface finish due to optimized cutting edges

Cutting speed, vc(m/min) Cutting fluid

ISO Workpiece Straight Carbide
Insoluble Water soluble
Spiral Tap Point Tap Roll Tap emulsion Semi dry Dry
Tap Tap

Low carbon steel ≥ 0.25 %C 8~13 8~13 15~25 - 8~13 ◎ ○ △ △

Medium carbon
≥ 0.25~0.45 %C 7~12 7~12 10~15 - 7~10 ◎ ○ △ △

High carbon steel ≥ 0.45 %C 6~9 6~9 8~13 - 5~8 ◎ ○ △ △

P Alloy steel SCM 7~12 7~12 10~15 - 5~8 ◎ △ △ △

Quenched and
25~45HRC 3~5 3~5 4~6 - - ◎ △ - -
tempered steel

Tool steel SKD 6~9 6~9 7~10 - - ◎ - - -

Cast steel SCM 6~11 6~11 10~15 - - ◎ ○ - -

Stainless steel SUS 4~7 5~8 8~13 - 5~10 ◎ ○ - -

Precipitation hardened SUS630
3~5 3~5 4~6 - - ◎ - - -
stainless steel SUS631

Cast iron FC 10~15 - - 10~20 - ◎ ○ ○ ○

Ductile cast iron FCD 7~12 7~12 10~20 10~20 - ◎ ○ ○ -

Copper Cu 6~9 6~11 7~12 10~20 7~12 ○ ○ - -

Brass, brass-cast Bs Bsc 10~15 10~20 15~25 15~25 7~12 ○ ○ ○ ○

PB PBC 6~11 6~11 10~20 10~20 7~12 ○ ○ - -

Rolled aluminum AI 10~20 10~20 15~25 - 10~20 ◎ ○ △ -

N AC ACD 10~15 10~15 15~20 10~20 10~25 ◎ ○ △ -

MC 7~12 7~12 10~15 10~20 - ◎ ○ ○ -

Zinc-cast, alloyed ZDC 1~12 7~12 10~15 10~20 7~12 ◎ ○ △ -

Thermosetting Bakelite
10~20 - - 15~25 - - ○ ○ ○
plastics phenol epoxy

Nylon vinyl
Thermoplastics 10~20 10~15 10~20 10~20 - - ○ ○ ○

◎ Recommended ○ Applicable △ Usable - Unusabl

TAP series 07
TAP series

Recommended Drill Diameter [on 2nd class thread basis]

Straight Tap & Spiral Tap

 efer to this table for
information about drill Drill diameter Drill diameter
Thread size Thread size
diameters per thread size Min Recommended Max Min Recommended Max
of straight taps and spiral M3X0.5 2.459 2.5 2.599 M12X1.75 10.106 10.3 10.441
M4X0.7 3.242 3.3 3.422 M14X1.5 12.376 12.5 12.676

M5X0.8 4.134 4.2 4.334 M14X2.0 11.835 12.0 12.21

M6X1.0 4.917 5.0 5.153 M16X1.5 14.376 14.5 14.676

M8X1.25 6.647 6.8 6.912 M16X2.0 13.835 14.0 14.21

M10X1.25 8.647 8.8 8.912 M18X1.5 16.376 16.5 16.676

M10X1.5 8.376 8.5 8.676 M18X2.5 15.294 15.5 15.744

M12X1.0 10.917 11.0 11.153 M20X1.5 18.376 18.5 18.676

M12X1.25 10.647 10.8 10.912 M20X2.5 17.294 17.5 17.744

M12X1.5 10.376 10.5 10.676 - - - -

Roll Tap
 efer to this table for
information about drill Drill diameter Drill diameter
Thread size Thread size
diameters per thread size Min Recommended Max Min Recommended Max
of roll taps. M3X0.5 2.76 2.8 2.81 M10X1.5 9.18 9.2 9.28

M4X0.7 3.65 3.7 3.7 M12X1.0 11.48 11.5 11.57

M5X0.8 4.59
암나사 4.6 4.66
a M12X1.25 11.34 11.4 11.41
M6X1.0 5.48 5.5 5.57 M12X1.5 11.18 11.2 11.28

D2:암나사 외경
7.4 7.41 M12X1.75 11.05 11.1 11.15
D1:수나사 외경
M10X1.25 9.34 9.4 9.41 - - - -

[Fig] In case that a external thread has a standard shape rate of threading
 Pre-hole diameter = d - 2 × H ×
Internal a
thread h
■ d : Major diameter
■ H (Rate of threading engagement's Height)
D2:Minor diameter thread
D1:Major diameter : 0.541266P
■ P : Pitch(mm)
■ Pre-hole diameter = D1 : Major diameter ✽Recommended bottom hole diameters follow the JIS2
D2 : Minor diameter standard for a nut.
(Nuts outside the JIS standard are excluded.)
■ a = 1/2 x (D1 - D2)
■ h = Height of fundamental triangle
 Drill diameter = D - 0.0068 × P × 65
■ Rate of threading engagement = a/h x 100(%)

■ D : Nominal diameter
 Rate of Major diameter– Pre-hole diameter
‌‌ t hreading = ■ P : Pitch(mm)
engagement 2 × (Height of fundamental triangle) ■ 65 = 65% of the thread height
✽Nut’s bottom hole diameters outside the JIS standard
are only for reference.

50th Anniversary

Application Examples

Cutting tool

Workpiece SNCM439 (HRC43)

Cutting conditions Drill diameter(Ø) = 4, vf(mm/min) = 70, ap(mm) = 13, wet
Tools M4x0.7-PT25 (HC20T)

KORLOY 143ea/edge 30%

Competitor A 110ea/edge

30% longer tool life than competitor A


Workpiece SNCM439 (HRC40)

Cutting conditions Drill diameter(Ø) = 5, vf(mm/min) = 80, ap(mm) = 15, wet
Tools M5x0.8-PT25 (HC20T)

KORLOY 210ea/edge 50%

Competitor B 140ea/edge

50% longer tool life than competitor B

Break part (Caliper)

Workpiece FCD50
Cutting conditions Drill diameter(Ø) = 6, vf(mm/min) = 100, ap(mm) = 10, wet
Tools M6x1.0-PT25 (HC20T)

KORLOY 90ea/edge 28%

Competitor C 70ea/edge

28% longer tool life than competitor C

Cutting tool (Side cutter)

Workpiece SNCM439
Cutting conditions Drill diameter(Ø) = 5, vf(mm/min) = 80, ap(mm) = 8, wet
Tools M5x0.8-SP (HC20T)

KORLOY 180ea/edge 20%

Competitor D 150ea/edge

20% longer tool life than competitor D

TAP series 09
Carbide Tap

ST type (Straight Tap)

3.0P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

Carbide Uncoated
0° FN30T

Designation L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size (Overall (Thread (Shank (Square (Square Limits
1.5P 3P length) length) diameter) width) length)

M3X0.5-ST15 M3X0.5-ST30 M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-ST15 M4X0.7-ST30 M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-ST15 M5X0.8-ST30 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6X1.0-ST15 M6X1.0-ST30 M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7

M8X1.0-ST15 M8X1.0-ST30 M8X1.0

70 22 6.2 5.0 8
M8X1.25-ST15 M8X1.25-ST30 M8X1.25

M10X1.0-ST15 M10X1.0-ST30 M10X1.0 KH4

M10X1.25-ST15 M10X1.25-ST30 M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M10X1.5-ST15 M10X1.5-ST30 M10X1.5

M12X1.0-ST15 M12X1.0-ST30 M12X1.0

M12X1.25-ST15 M12X1.25-ST30 M12X1.25

82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH5
M12X1.5-ST15 M12X1.5-ST30 M12X1.5

M12X1.75-ST15 M12X1.75-ST30 M12X1.75

※ It is ideal for mass tapping operations of general cast iron, ductile cast iron, brass-cast, thermosetting plastics, etc.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
◎ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ◎

50th Anniversary

ST type (Straight Tap)

3.0P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

Carbide TiCN
0° PC10T

Designation L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size (Overall (Thread (Shank (Square (Square Limits
1.5P 3P length) length) diameter) width) length)

M3X0.5-ST15 M3X0.5-ST30 M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-ST15 M4X0.7-ST30 M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-ST15 M5X0.8-ST30 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6X1.0-ST15 M6X1.0-ST30 M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7

M8X1.0-ST15 M8X1.0-ST30 M8X1.0

70 22 6.2 5.0 8
M8X1.25-ST15 M8X1.25-ST30 M8X1.25

M10X1.0-ST15 M10X1.0-ST30 M10X1.0 KH4

M10X1.25-ST15 M10X1.25-ST30 M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M10X1.5-ST15 M10X1.5-ST30 M10X1.5

M12X1.0-ST15 M12X1.0-ST30 M12X1.0

M12X1.25-ST15 M12X1.25-ST30 M12X1.25

82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH5
M12X1.5-ST15 M12X1.5-ST30 M12X1.5

M12X1.75-ST15 M12X1.75-ST30 M12X1.75

※ It is ideal for mass tapping operations of general cast iron, ductile cast iron, brass-cast, thermosetting plastics, etc.
※ Wear resistance was much improved by the use of TiCN coating for high efficiency tapping operations.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
◎ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ◎

TAP series 11
Carbide Tap

ST type (Straight Tap)

3.0P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

Carbide TiN
0° PC20T

Designation L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size (Overall (Thread (Shank (Square (Square Limits
1.5P 3P length) length) diameter) width) length)

M3x0.5-ST15 M3x0.5-ST30 M3X0.5 46 11 4 3.2 6

M4x0.7 -ST15 M4x0.7-ST30 M4X0.7 52 13 5 4 7

M5x0.8 -ST15 M5x0.8-ST30 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6x1.0 -ST15 M6x1.0-ST30 M6X1.0 62 19 6 4.5 7

M8x1.25 -ST15 M8x1.25-ST30 M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5 8

M10x1.5 -ST15 M10x1.5-ST30 M10X1.5 75 24 7 5.5 8 KH4

M12x1.75 -ST15 M12x1.75-ST30 M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

※ It is ideal for mass tapping operations of general cast iron, ductile cast iron, brass-cast, thermosetting plastics, etc.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
◎ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ◎

50th Anniversary

SP type (Spiral Tap)

2.5P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

Carbide Uncoated
15° FN30T

L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)

M3X0.5-SP25 M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-SP25 M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-SP25 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6X1.0-SP25 M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7

M8X1.0-SP25 M8X1.0
70 22 6.2 5.0 8
M8X1.25-SP25 M8X1.25

M10X1.0-SP25 M10X1.0 KH4

M10X1.25-SP25 M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M10X1.5-SP25 M10X1.5

M12X1.0-SP25 M12X1.0

M12X1.25-SP25 M12X1.25
82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH5
M12X1.5-SP25 M12X1.5

M12X1.75-SP25 M12X1.75

※ It is ideal for making blind holes in quantity on general cast iron, ductile cast iron, brass-cast, thermosetting plastics, etc.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ◎

TAP series 13
Carbide Tap

SP type (Spiral Tap)

2.5P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

Carbide TiCN
15° PC10T

L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)

M3X0.5-SP25 M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-SP25 M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-SP25 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6X1.0-SP25 M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7

M8X1.0-SP25 M8X1.0
70 22 6.2 5.0 8
M8X1.25-SP25 M8X1.25

M10X1.0-SP25 M10X1.0 KH4

M10X1.25-SP25 M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M10X1.5-SP25 M10X1.5

M12X1.0-SP25 M12X1.0

M12X1.25-SP25 M12X1.25
82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH5
M12X1.5-SP25 M12X1.5

M12X1.75-SP25 M12X1.75

※ It is ideal for making blind holes in quantity on general cast iron, ductile cast iron, brass-cast, thermosetting plastics, etc.
※ Wear resistance was much improved by the use of TiCN coating for high efficiency tapping operations.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ◎

50th Anniversary

RT type (Roll Tap)

4P Ød

l Kl K

Carbide Uncoated

Designation L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size (Overall (Thread (Shank (Square (Square Limits
2P 4P length) length) diameter) width) length)

1 M3X0.5-RT20(S) M3X0.5-RT40(S)
M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6 GH5
4 M3X0.5-RT20(M) M3X0.5-RT40(M)

1 M4X0.7-RT20(S) M4X0.7-RT40(S)
M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7
4 M4X0.7-RT20(M) M4X0.7-RT40(M)
1 M5X0.8-RT20(S) M5X0.8-RT40(S)
M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7
4 M5X0.8-RT20(M) M5X0.8-RT40(M)

1 M6X1.0-RT20(S) M6X1.0-RT40(S)
M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7
4 M6X1.0-RT20(M) M6X1.0-RT40(M)

1 M8X1.25-RT20(S) M8X1.25-RT40(S)
M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5.0 8
4 M8X1.25-RT20(M) M8X1.25-RT40(M)

1 M10X1.25-RT20(S) M10X1.25-RT40(S)
M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8
4 M10X1.25-RT20(M) M10X1.25-RT40(M)
1 M12X1.0-RT20(S) M12X1.0-RT40(S)
M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.0-RT20(M) M12X1.0-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.25-RT20(S) M12X1.25-RT40(S)
M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.25-RT20(M) M12X1.25-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.5-RT20(S) M12X1.5-RT40(S)
M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.5-RT20(M) M12X1.5-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.75-RT20(S) M12X1.75-RT40(S)
M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9 GH8
4 M12X1.75-RT20(M) M12X1.75-RT40(M)

※ It is ideal for making both through holes and blind holes on non ferrous metals.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎

TAP series 15
Carbide Tap

RT type (Roll Tap)

4P Ød

l Kl K

Carbide TiCN

Designation L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size (Overall (Thread (Shank (Square (Square Limits
2P 4P length) length) diameter) width) length)

1 M3X0.5-RT20(S) M3X0.5-RT40(S)
M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6 GH5
4 M3X0.5-RT20(M) M3X0.5-RT40(M)

1 M4X0.7-RT20(S) M4X0.7-RT40(S)
M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7
4 M4X0.7-RT20(M) M4X0.7-RT40(M)
1 M5X0.8-RT20(S) M5X0.8-RT40(S)
M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7
4 M5X0.8-RT20(M) M5X0.8-RT40(M)

1 M6X1.0-RT20(S) M6X1.0-RT40(S)
M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7
4 M6X1.0-RT20(M) M6X1.0-RT40(M)

1 M8X1.25-RT20(S) M8X1.25-RT40(S)
M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5.0 8
4 M8X1.25-RT20(M) M8X1.25-RT40(M)

1 M10X1.25-RT20(S) M10X1.25-RT40(S)
M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8
4 M10X1.25-RT20(M) M10X1.25-RT40(M)
1 M12X1.0-RT20(S) M12X1.0-RT40(S)
M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.0-RT20(M) M12X1.0-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.25-RT20(S) M12X1.25-RT40(S)
M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.25-RT20(M) M12X1.25-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.5-RT20(S) M12X1.5-RT40(S)
M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.5-RT20(M) M12X1.5-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.75-RT20(S) M12X1.75-RT40(S)
M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9 GH8
4 M12X1.75-RT20(M) M12X1.75-RT40(M)

※ It is for general use for both steels and non ferrous metal.
※ Wear resistance was much improved by the use of TiCN coating for high efficiency tapping operations.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
◎ ◎ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎

50th Anniversary

SR type (Spiral Roll Tap)

4P Ød

l Kl K

Carbide Uncoated

L I d K Kl
Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)
2P 4P

M3X0.5-SR20 M3X0.5-SR40 M3X0.5

46 18 4.0 3.2 6 GH6
M3.5X0.6-SR20 M3.5X0.6-SR40 M3.5X0.6

M4X0.7-SR20 M4X0.7-SR40 M4X0.7 52 20 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-SR20 M5X0.8-SR40 M5X0.8 60 22 5.5 4.5 7 GH7

M6X1.0-SR20 M6X1.0-SR40 M6X1.0 62 24 6.0 4.5 7

※ It is for general use for tapping aluminum, magnesium and zinc as well as non ferrous metal.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎

TAP series 17
Carbide Tap

SR type (Spiral Roll Tap)

4P Ød

l Kl K

Carbide TiCN

L I d K Kl
Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)
2P 4P

M3X0.5-SR20 M3X0.5-SR40 M3X0.5

46 18 4.0 3.2 6 GH6
M3.5X0.6-SR20 M3.5X0.6-SR40 M3.5X0.6

M4X0.7-SR20 M4X0.7-SR40 M4X0.7 52 20 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-SR20 M5X0.8-SR40 M5X0.8 60 22 5.5 4.5 7 GH7

M6X1.0-SR20 M6X1.0-SR40 M6X1.0 62 24 6.0 4.5 7

※ It is ideal for tapping steel, non ferrous metal and stainless steel.
※ Wear resistance was much improved by the use of TiCN coating for high efficiency tapping operations.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
◎ ◎ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎


ST type (Straight Tap)

5P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

HSSE Uncoated
0° HN30T

Designation L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size (Overall (Thread (Shank (Square (Square Limits
1.5P 3P 5P length) length) diameter) width) length)

M3X0.5-ST15 M3X0.5-ST30 M3X0.5-ST50 M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-ST15 M4X0.7-ST30 M4X0.7-ST50 M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-ST15 M5X0.8-ST30 M5X0.8-ST50 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6X1.0-ST15 M6X1.0-ST30 M6X1.0-ST50 M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7

M8X1.25-ST15 M8X1.25-ST30 M8X1.25-ST50 M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5.0 8

M10X1.25-ST15 M10X1.25-ST30 M10X1.25-ST50 M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M10X1.5-ST15 M10X1.5-ST30 M10X1.5-ST50 M10X1.5 75 24 7.0 5.5 8 KH3

M12X1.0-ST15 M12X1.0-ST30 M12X1.0-ST50 M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.25-ST15 M12X1.25-ST30 M12X1.25-ST50 M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.5-ST15 M12X1.5-ST30 M12X1.5-ST50 M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.75-ST15 M12X1.75-ST30 M12X1.75-ST50 M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M14X1.5-ST15 M14X1.5-ST30 M14X1.5-ST50 M14X1.5 88 30 10.5 8.0 11

M14X2.0-ST15 M14X2.0-ST30 M14X2.0-ST50 M14X2.0 88 30 10.5 8.0 11

M16X1.5-ST15 M16X1.5-ST30 M16X1.5-ST50 M16X1.5 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M16X2.0-ST15 M16X2.0-ST30 M16X2.0-ST50 M16X2.0 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M18X1.5-ST15 M18X1.5-ST30 M18X1.5-ST50 M18X1.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14

M18X2.5-ST15 M18X2.5-ST30 M18X2.5-ST50 M18X2.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14

M20X1.5-ST15 M20X1.5-ST30 M20X1.5-ST50 M20X1.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

M20X2.5-ST15 M20X2.5-ST30 M20X2.5-ST50 M20X2.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

※ It is ideal for tapping general cast iron, medium cast iron and non ferrous metal.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

TAP series 19

ST type (Straight Tap)

5P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

0° HC20T

Designation L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size (Overall (Thread (Shank (Square (Square Limits
1.5P 3P 5P length) length) diameter) width) length)

M3X0.5-ST15 M3X0.5-ST30 M3X0.5-ST50 M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-ST15 M4X0.7-ST30 M4X0.7-ST50 M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-ST15 M5X0.8-ST30 M5X0.8-ST50 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6X1.0-ST15 M6X1.0-ST30 M6X1.0-ST50 M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7

M8X1.25-ST15 M8X1.25-ST30 M8X1.25-ST50 M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5.0 8

M10X1.25-ST15 M10X1.25-ST30 M10X1.25-ST50 M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M10X1.5-ST15 M10X1.5-ST30 M10X1.5-ST50 M10X1.5 75 24 7.0 5.5 8 KH3

M12X1.0-ST15 M12X1.0-ST30 M12X1.0-ST50 M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.25-ST15 M12X1.25-ST30 M12X1.25-ST50 M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.5-ST15 M12X1.5-ST30 M12X1.5-ST50 M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.75-ST15 M12X1.75-ST30 M12X1.75-ST50 M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M14X1.5-ST15 M14X1.5-ST30 M14X1.5-ST50 M14X1.5 88 30 10.5 8.0 11

M14X2.0-ST15 M14X2.0-ST30 M14X2.0-ST50 M14X2.0 88 30 10.5 8.0 11

M16X1.5-ST15 M16X1.5-ST30 M16X1.5-ST50 M16X1.5 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M16X2.0-ST15 M16X2.0-ST30 M16X2.0-ST50 M16X2.0 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M18X1.5-ST15 M18X1.5-ST30 M18X1.5-ST50 M18X1.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14

M18X2.5-ST15 M18X2.5-ST30 M18X2.5-ST50 M18X2.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14

M20X1.5-ST15 M20X1.5-ST30 M20X1.5-ST50 M20X1.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

M20X2.5-ST15 M20X2.5-ST30 M20X2.5-ST50 M20X2.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

※ It is ideal for making both through holes and blind holes on carbon steel, alloy steel and non ferrous metal.
※ Wear resistance was much improved by the use of TiCN coating for high efficiency tapping operations.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

50th Anniversary

ST type (Straight Tap)

5P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

0° HC10T

Designation L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size (Overall (Thread (Shank (Square (Square Limits
1.5P 3P 5P length) length) diameter) width) length)

M3X0.5-ST15 M3X0.5-ST30 M3X0.5-ST50 M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-ST15 M4X0.7-ST30 M4X0.7-ST50 M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-ST15 M5X0.8-ST30 M5X0.8-ST50 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6X1.0-ST15 M6X1.0-ST30 M6X1.0-ST50 M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7

M8X1.25-ST15 M8X1.25-ST30 M8X1.25-ST50 M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5.0 8

M10X1.25-ST15 M10X1.25-ST30 M10X1.25-ST50 M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M10X1.5-ST15 M10X1.5-ST30 M10X1.5-ST50 M10X1.5 75 24 7.0 5.5 8 KH3

M12X1.0-ST15 M12X1.0-ST30 M12X1.0-ST50 M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.25-ST15 M12X1.25-ST30 M12X1.25-ST50 M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.5-ST15 M12X1.5-ST30 M12X1.5-ST50 M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.75-ST15 M12X1.75-ST30 M12X1.75-ST50 M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M14X1.5-ST15 M14X1.5-ST30 M14X1.5-ST50 M14X1.5 88 30 10.5 8.0 11

M14X2.0-ST15 M14X2.0-ST30 M14X2.0-ST50 M14X2.0 88 30 10.5 8.0 11

M16X1.5-ST15 M16X1.5-ST30 M16X1.5-ST50 M16X1.5 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M16X2.0-ST15 M16X2.0-ST30 M16X2.0-ST50 M16X2.0 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M18X1.5-ST15 M18X1.5-ST30 M18X1.5-ST50 M18X1.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14

M18X2.5-ST15 M18X2.5-ST30 M18X2.5-ST50 M18X2.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14

M20X1.5-ST15 M20X1.5-ST30 M20X1.5-ST50 M20X1.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

M20X2.5-ST15 M20X2.5-ST30 M20X2.5-ST50 M20X2.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

※ It is ideal for making both through holes and blind holes on carbon steel, alloy steel and non ferrous metal.
※ Wear resistance was much improved by the use of TiCN coating for high efficiency tapping operations.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

TAP series 21

ST type (Straight Tap)

5P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

0° HH30T

Designation L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size (Overall (Thread (Shank (Square (Square Limits
1.5P 5P length) length) diameter) width) length)

M8x1.25-ST15 M8x1.25-ST50 M8x1.25 70 22 6.2 5 8 KH2

- M14x2.0-ST50 M14x2.0 88 30 10.5 8 11

M16x2.0-ST15 - M16x2.0 95 32 12.5 10 13

※ Built-up edges are prevented due to the reduced coefficient of friction by using porous cutting fluid of Fe3O4.
※ It is ideal for tapping SUS, cast steel, carbon steel for machine structure, etc.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

50th Anniversary

PT type (Point Tap)

5P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

HSSE Uncoated
0° HN30T

L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)

M3X0.5-PT50 M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-PT50 M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-PT50 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6X1.0-PT50 M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7

M8X1.25-PT50 M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5.0 8

M10X1.25-PT50 M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M10X1.5-PT50 M10X1.5 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M12X1.0-PT50 M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.25-PT50 M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.5-PT50 M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.75-PT50 M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH4

M14X1.5-PT50 M14X1.5 88 30 10.5 8.0 11 KH3

M14X2.0-PT50 M14X2.0 88 30 10.5 8.0 11 KH4

M16X1.5-PT50 M16X1.5 95 32 12.5 10.0 13 KH3

M16X2.0-PT50 M16X2.0 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M18X1.5-PT50 M18X1.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14

M18X2.5-PT50 M18X2.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14 KH4

M20X1.5-PT50 M20X1.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

M20X2.5-PT50 M20X2.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

※ It is ideal for making through holes on carbon steel, alloy steel and non ferrous metal.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
○ ○ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○

TAP series 23

PT type (Point Tap)

5P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

0° HC20T

L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)

M3X0.5-PT50 M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-PT50 M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-PT50 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6X1.0-PT50 M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7

M8X1.25-PT50 M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5.0 8

M10X1.25-PT50 M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M10X1.5-PT50 M10X1.5 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M12X1.0-PT50 M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.25-PT50 M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.5-PT50 M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.75-PT50 M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH4

M14X1.5-PT50 M14X1.5 88 30 10.5 8.0 11 KH3

M14X2.0-PT50 M14X2.0 88 30 10.5 8.0 11 KH4

M16X1.5-PT50 M16X1.5 95 32 12.5 10.0 13 KH3

M16X2.0-PT50 M16X2.0 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M18X1.5-PT50 M18X1.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14

M18X2.5-PT50 M18X2.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14 KH4

M20X1.5-PT50 M20X1.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

M20X2.5-PT50 M20X2.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

※ It is ideal for making through holes on carbon steel, alloy steel and non ferrous metal.
※ Wear resistance was much improved by the use of TiN coating for high efficiency tapping operations.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
○ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

50th Anniversary

PT type (Point Tap)

5P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

0° HC10T

L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)

M3X0.5-PT50 M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-PT50 M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-PT50 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6X1.0-PT50 M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7

M8X1.25-PT50 M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5.0 8

M10X1.25-PT50 M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M10X1.5-PT50 M10X1.5 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M12X1.0-PT50 M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.25-PT50 M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.5-PT50 M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.75-PT50 M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH4

M14X1.5-PT50 M14X1.5 88 30 10.5 8.0 11 KH3

M14X2.0-PT50 M14X2.0 88 30 10.5 8.0 11 KH4

M16X1.5-PT50 M16X1.5 95 32 12.5 10.0 13 KH3

M16X2.0-PT50 M16X2.0 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M18X1.5-PT50 M18X1.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14

M18X2.5-PT50 M18X2.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14 KH4

M20X1.5-PT50 M20X1.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

M20X2.5-PT50 M20X2.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

※ It is ideal for making through holes on carbon steel, alloy steel and non ferrous metal.
※ Wear resistance was much improved by the use of TiCN coating for high efficiency tapping operations.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

TAP series 25

PT type (Point Tap)

5P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

0° HH30T

L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)

M3X0.5-PT50 M3x0.5 46 11 4 3.2 6

M4X0.7-PT50 M4x0.7 52 13 5 4 7
M5X0.8-PT50 M5x0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6X1.0-PT50 M6x1.0 62 19 6 4.5 7

M8X1.25-PT50 M8x1.25 70 22 6.2 5 8

M10X1.25-PT50 M10x1.25 75 24 7 5.5 8

M10X1.5-PT50 M10x1.5 75 24 7 5.5 8

M12X1.0-PT50 M12x1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.25-PT50 M12x1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.5-PT50 M12x1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.75-PT50 M12x1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH4

M14X1.5-PT50 M14x1.5 88 30 10.5 8 11 KH3

M14X2.0-PT50 M14x2.0 88 30 10.5 8 11 KH4

M16X1.5-PT50 M16x1.5 95 32 12.5 10 13 KH3

M16X2.0-PT50 M16x2.0 95 32 12.5 10 13

M18X1.5-PT50 M18x1.5 100 37 14 11 14

M18X2.5-PT50 M18x2.5 100 37 14 11 14 KH4

M20X1.5-PT50 M20x1.5 105 37 15 12 15

M20X2.5-PT50 M20x2.5 105 37 15 12 15

※ Built-up edges are prevented due to the reduced coefficient of friction by using porous cutting fluid of Fe3O4.
※ It is ideal for tapping SUS, cast steel, carbon steel for machine structure, etc.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

50th Anniversary

SP type (Spiral Tap)

2.5P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

HSSE Uncoated
35° HN30T

L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)

M3X0.5-SP25 M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-SP25 M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-SP25 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6X1.0-SP25 M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7

M8X1.25-SP25 M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5.0 8

M10X1.25-SP25 M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M10X1.5-SP25 M10X1.5 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M12X1.0-SP25 M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH2

M12X1.25-SP25 M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.5-SP25 M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.75-SP25 M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M14X1.5-SP25 M14X1.5 88 30 10.5 8.0 11

M14X2.0-SP25 M14X2.0 88 30 10.5 8.0 11

M16X1.5-SP25 M16X1.5 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M16X2.0-SP25 M16X2.0 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M18X1.5-SP25 M18X1.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14 KH2

M18X2.5-SP25 M18X2.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14

M20X1.5-SP25 M20X1.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15 KH3

M20X2.5-SP25 M20X2.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

※ It is ideal for making blind holes and its flutes provide excellent chip evacuation in tapping carbon steel, alloy steel and non ferrous metal.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
○ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

TAP series 27

SP type (Spiral Tap)

2.5P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

35° HC20T

L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)

M3X0.5-SP25 M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-SP25 M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-SP25 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6X1.0-SP25 M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7

M8X1.25-SP25 M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5.0 8

M10X1.25-SP25 M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M10X1.5-SP25 M10X1.5 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M12X1.0-SP25 M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH2

M12X1.25-SP25 M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.5-SP25 M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.75-SP25 M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M14X1.5-SP25 M14X1.5 88 30 10.5 8.0 11

M14X2.0-SP25 M14X2.0 88 30 10.5 8.0 11

M16X1.5-SP25 M16X1.5 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M16X2.0-SP25 M16X2.0 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M18X1.5-SP25 M18X1.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14 KH2

M18X2.5-SP25 M18X2.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14

M20X1.5-SP25 M20X1.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15 KH3

M20X2.5-SP25 M20X2.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

※ It is ideal for making blind holes and its flutes provide excellent chip evacuation in tapping carbon steel, alloy steel and non ferrous metal.
※ Wear resistance was much improved by the use of TiN coating for high efficiency tapping operations.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

50th Anniversary

SP type (Spiral Tap)

2.5P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

35° HC10T

L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)

M3X0.5-SP25 M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-SP25 M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-SP25 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6X1.0-SP25 M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7

M8X1.25-SP25 M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5.0 8

M10X1.25-SP25 M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M10X1.5-SP25 M10X1.5 75 24 7.0 5.5 8

M12X1.0-SP25 M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH2

M12X1.25-SP25 M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.5-SP25 M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12X1.75-SP25 M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M14X1.5-SP25 M14X1.5 88 30 10.5 8.0 11

M14X2.0-SP25 M14X2.0 88 30 10.5 8.0 11

M16X1.5-SP25 M16X1.5 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M16X2.0-SP25 M16X2.0 95 32 12.5 10.0 13

M18X1.5-SP25 M18X1.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14 KH2

M18X2.5-SP25 M18X2.5 100 37 14.0 11.0 14

M20X1.5-SP25 M20X1.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15 KH3

M20X2.5-SP25 M20X2.5 105 37 15.0 12.0 15

※ It is ideal for making blind holes and its flutes provide excellent chip evacuation in tapping carbon steel, alloy steel and non ferrous metal.
※ Wear resistance was much improved by the use of TiCN coating for high efficiency tapping operations.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
○ ◎ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

TAP series 29

SP type (Spiral Tap)

2.5P Ød

l Kl K

Helix Angle Grade

35° HH30T

L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)

M3x0.5-SP25 M3X0.5 46 11 4 3.2 6

M4x0.7-SP25 M4X0.7 52 13 5 4 7

M5x0.8-SP25 M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7

M6x1.0-SP25 M6X1.0 62 19 6 4.5 7

M8x1.25-SP25 M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5 8

M10x1.25-SP25 M10X1.25 75 24 7 5.5 8

M10x1.5-SP25 M10X1.5 75 24 7 5.5 8

M12x1.0-SP25 M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH2

M12x1.25-SP25 M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12x1.5-SP25 M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M12x1.75-SP25 M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9

M14x1.5-SP25 M14X1.5 88 30 10.5 8 11

M14x2.0-SP25 M14X2.0 88 30 10.5 8 11

M16x1.5-SP25 M16X1.5 95 32 12.5 10 13

M16x2.0-SP25 M16X2.0 95 32 12.5 10 13

M18x1.5-SP25 M18X1.5 100 37 14 11 14 KH2

M18x2.5-SP25 M18X2.5 100 37 14 11 14

M20x1.5-SP25 M20X1.5 105 37 15 12 15 KH3

M20x2.5-SP25 M20X2.5 105 37 15 12 15

※ Built-up edges are prevented due to the reduced coefficient of friction by using porous cutting fluid of Fe3O4.
※ It is ideal for tapping SUS, cast steel, carbon steel for machine structure, etc.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

50th Anniversary

RT type (Roll Tap)

4P Ød

l Kl K

HSSE Uncoated

Designation L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size (Overall (Thread (Shank (Square (Square Limits
2P 4P length) length) diameter) width) length)

1 M3X0.5-RT20(S) M3X0.5-RT40(S)
M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6 KH5
4 M3X0.5-RT20(M) M3X0.5-RT40(M)

1 M4X0.7-RT20(S) M4X0.7-RT40(S)
M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7
4 M4X0.7-RT20(M) M4X0.7-RT40(M)
1 M5X0.8-RT20(S) M5X0.8-RT40(S)
M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7
4 M5X0.8-RT20(M) M5X0.8-RT40(M)

1 M6X1.0-RT20(S) M6X1.0-RT40(S)
M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7
4 M6X1.0-RT20(M) M6X1.0-RT40(M)

1 M8X1.25-RT20(S) M8X1.25-RT40(S)
M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5.0 8
4 M8X1.25-RT20(M) M8X1.25-RT40(M)

1 M10X1.25-RT20(S) M10X1.25-RT40(S)
M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8
4 M10X1.25-RT20(M) M10X1.25-RT40(M)

1 M10X1.5-RT20(S) M10X1.5-RT40(S)
M10X1.5 75 24 7.0 5.5 8 KH7
4 M10X1.5-RT20(M) M10X1.5-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.0-RT20(S) M12X1.0-RT40(S)
M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.0-RT20(M) M12X1.0-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.25-RT20(S) M12X1.25-RT40(S)
M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.25-RT20(M) M12X1.25-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.5-RT20(S) M12X1.5-RT40(S)
M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.5-RT20(M) M12X1.5-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.75-RT20(S) M12X1.75-RT40(S)
M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH8
4 M12X1.75-RT20(M) M12X1.75-RT40(M)

※ It is ideal for tapping non ferrous alloys such as aluminum, zinc, copper, etc.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ◎

TAP series 31

RT type (Roll Tap)

4P Ød

l Kl K


Designation L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size (Overall (Thread (Shank (Square (Square Limits
2P 4P length) length) diameter) width) length)

1 M3X0.5-RT20(S) M3X0.5-RT40(S)
M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6 KH5
4 M3X0.5-RT20(M) M3X0.5-RT40(M)

1 M4X0.7-RT20(S) M4X0.7-RT40(S)
M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7
4 M4X0.7-RT20(M) M4X0.7-RT40(M)
1 M5X0.8-RT20(S) M5X0.8-RT40(S)
M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7
4 M5X0.8-RT20(M) M5X0.8-RT40(M)

1 M6X1.0-RT20(S) M6X1.0-RT40(S)
M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7
4 M6X1.0-RT20(M) M6X1.0-RT40(M)

1 M8X1.25-RT20(S) M8X1.25-RT40(S)
M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5.0 8
4 M8X1.25-RT20(M) M8X1.25-RT40(M)

1 M10X1.25-RT20(S) M10X1.25-RT40(S)
M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8
4 M10X1.25-RT20(M) M10X1.25-RT40(M)

1 M10X1.5-RT20(S) M10X1.5-RT40(S)
M10X1.5 75 24 7.0 5.5 8 KH7
4 M10X1.5-RT20(M) M10X1.5-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.0-RT20(S) M12X1.0-RT40(S)
M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.0-RT20(M) M12X1.0-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.25-RT20(S) M12X1.25-RT40(S)
M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.25-RT20(M) M12X1.25-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.5-RT20(S) M12X1.5-RT40(S)
M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.5-RT20(M) M12X1.5-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.75-RT20(S) M12X1.75-RT40(S)
M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH8
4 M12X1.75-RT20(M) M12X1.75-RT40(M)

※ It is for general use for both steels and non ferrous metal.
※ Wear resistance was much improved by the use of TiCN coating for high efficiency tapping operations.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
○ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

50th Anniversary

RT type (Roll Tap)

4P Ød

l Kl K


Designation L I d K Kl
Flutes Thread size (Overall (Thread (Shank (Square (Square Limits
2P 4P length) length) diameter) width) length)

1 M3X0.5-RT20(S) M3X0.5-RT40(S)
M3X0.5 46 11 4.0 3.2 6 KH5
4 M3X0.5-RT20(M) M3X0.5-RT40(M)

1 M4X0.7-RT20(S) M4X0.7-RT40(S)
M4X0.7 52 13 5.0 4.0 7
4 M4X0.7-RT20(M) M4X0.7-RT40(M)
1 M5X0.8-RT20(S) M5X0.8-RT40(S)
M5X0.8 60 16 5.5 4.5 7
4 M5X0.8-RT20(M) M5X0.8-RT40(M)

1 M6X1.0-RT20(S) M6X1.0-RT40(S)
M6X1.0 62 19 6.0 4.5 7
4 M6X1.0-RT20(M) M6X1.0-RT40(M)

1 M8X1.25-RT20(S) M8X1.25-RT40(S)
M8X1.25 70 22 6.2 5.0 8
4 M8X1.25-RT20(M) M8X1.25-RT40(M)

1 M10X1.25-RT20(S) M10X1.25-RT40(S)
M10X1.25 75 24 7.0 5.5 8
4 M10X1.25-RT20(M) M10X1.25-RT40(M)

1 M10X1.5-RT20(S) M10X1.5-RT40(S)
M10X1.5 75 24 7.0 5.5 8 KH7
4 M10X1.5-RT20(M) M10X1.5-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.0-RT20(S) M12X1.0-RT40(S)
M12X1.0 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.0-RT20(M) M12X1.0-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.25-RT20(S) M12X1.25-RT40(S)
M12X1.25 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.25-RT20(M) M12X1.25-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.5-RT20(S) M12X1.5-RT40(S)
M12X1.5 82 29 8.5 6.5 9
4 M12X1.5-RT20(M) M12X1.5-RT40(M)

1 M12X1.75-RT20(S) M12X1.75-RT40(S)
M12X1.75 82 29 8.5 6.5 9 KH8
4 M12X1.75-RT20(M) M12X1.75-RT40(M)

※ It is for general use for both steels and non ferrous metal.
※ Wear resistance was much improved by the use of TiCN coating for high efficiency tapping operations.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
◎ ◎ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎

TAP series 33

SR type (Spiral Roll Tap)

4P Ød

l Kl K

HSSE Uncoated

L I d K Kl
Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)
2P 4P

M3X0.5-SR20 M3X0.5-SR40 M3X0.5 46 18 4.0 3.2 6

M3.5X0.6-SR20 M3.5X0.6-SR40 M3.5X0.6 46 18 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-SR20 M4X0.7-SR40 M4X0.7 52 20 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-SR20 M5X0.8-SR40 M5X0.8 60 22 5.5 4.5 7 KH7

M6X1.0-SR20 M6X1.0-SR40 M6X1.0 62 24 6.0 4.5 7

※ It is for general use for tapping aluminum, magnesium and zinc as well as non ferrous metal.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
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50th Anniversary

SR type (Spiral Roll Tap)

4P Ød

l Kl K


L I d K Kl
Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)
2P 4P

M3X0.5-SR20 M3X0.5-SR40 M3X0.5 46 18 4.0 3.2 6

M3.5X0.6-SR20 M3.5X0.6-SR40 M3.5X0.6 46 18 4.0 3.2 4

M4X0.7-SR20 M4X0.7-SR40 M4X0.7 52 20 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-SR20 M5X0.8-SR40 M5X0.8 60 22 5.5 4.5 7 KH7

M6X1.0-SR20 M6X1.0-SR40 M6X1.0 62 24 6.0 4.5 7

※ It is ideal for tapping steel, non ferrous metal and stainless steel.
※ Wear resistance was much improved by the use of TiCN coating for high efficiency tapping operations.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
○ ○ ○ ○ ◎ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

TAP series 35

SR type (Spiral Roll Tap)

4P Ød

l Kl K


L I d K Kl
Thread size Limits
(Overall length) (Thread length) (Shank diameter) (Square width) (Square length)
2P 4P

M3X0.5-SR20 M3X0.5-SR40 M3X0.5 46 18 4.0 3.2 6

M3.5X0.6-SR20 M3.5X0.6-SR40 M3.5X0.6 46 18 4.0 3.2 6

M4X0.7-SR20 M4X0.7-SR40 M4X0.7 52 20 5.0 4.0 7

M5X0.8-SR20 M5X0.8-SR40 M5X0.8 60 22 5.5 4.5 7 KH7

M6X1.0-SR20 M6X1.0-SR40 M6X1.0 62 24 6.0 4.5 7

※ It is ideal for tapping steel, non ferrous metal and stainless steel.
※ Wear resistance was much improved by the use of TiCN coating for high efficiency tapping operations.

Applicable Workpiece Range

Stain- Tool Cast Ductile Copper Brass Brass- Bronze Rolled Aluminum- Magnesium Zinc- Thermo-
Alloy Quenched and Cast
Carbon steel less cast, -cast, cast, Titanium alloy setting Thermo-
steel tempered steel steel steel steel iron cast iron cast aluminum alloyed alloyed alloyed plastics plastics

C C0.25% C 25~45 45~55 50~60 AC

~0.25% ~0.45% 0.45%~ SCM HRC SUS SKD SC FC FCD Cu Bs BsC PB Al MC ZDC Ti Ni - -
◎ ◎ ○ ○ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◎

Tapping Chuck

Tapping Chuck DST

 pecially designed
Code System
structure for absorbing
thrust load and preventing BT40 - DST 20 - 100
damage on the tap
 hrough coolant system
T Spindle Tapping holder Max. chucking dia. Length
 pplicable range :
Precise Machining
DST20 (vc=100 m/min) Conventional One
cutting nt

Exclusive collet for tapping

- Use TER collet at
tapping work.
- Use ER11 collet 60 0.02
Return error (mm)

for DST7.


0 0
DST General 5 10 20 30 40 50 60
type No. of pressurizations
(Unit : 1,000 times)

Comparison of Thread Figures

Type Collet chuck DST7 Competitor

Intro part after

one time use

End part after

one time use

Synchro Tap chuck (DST7) General Collet Chuck

 hen tapping under the
same conditions, threads
of a general collet chuck
seem to be damaged.
The thread appears to
be out of form due to
synchronization error

TAP series 37
Tapping Chuck




Designation Tapping range ØD ØD1 L S Collet F- F+

BT30 - DST3-70 M1~M3 26 19 70 6 ER11 0.5 0.5

DST10-95 M3~M10 40.4 28 95 11 TER16 0.5 0.5

BT40 - DST10-100 M3~M10 40.4 28 100 11 TER16 0.5 0.5

DST22-110 M6~M22 60 49.5 110 18 TER32 0.7 0.7

BT50 - DST10-110 M3~M10 60 49.5 110 11 TER16 0.5 0.5

DST22-130 M6~M22 60 49.5 125 18 TER32 0.7 0.7

※ Through coolant system is optional.




Designation Tapping range ØD ØD1 L S Collet F- F+

HSK63A - DST10-100 M3~M10 40.4 28 100 11 TER16 0.5 0.5

DST10-130 M6~M22 60 49.5 130 18 TER32 0.7 0.7

※ Through coolant system is optional.

Tapping Chuck

Tapping Chuck DTN

Code System
Easy and fast tool change
 inimizes tap breakage
by the use of a malleable
BT40 - DTN 22 - 130
and shrinkable adaptor.
Spindle Tapping holder Max. chucking dia. Length
 pplicable range :

Easy Exchange of TCA (Tap adaptor)

■ Convenient one-touch
exchange type for high
precision and longer tool life

■ Fast tool change of various

sizes enables a wide range
of applications.

tap Adapter
■ Length is shrinkable by the
F- F+
comp tension
axial floating way.

How to clamp TCA and a Tap holder

Before installation After installation Disassembly

1. Insert TCA pushing the 1. The cover of tap holder is 1. Separate the TCA, pushing
holder cover down. placed correctly. the cover.
2. Clamp the TCA to the key
groove and hold until it

TAP series 39
Tapping Chuck



tap Adapter
F- F+
comp tension


Designation Tapping range L L1 ØC ØC1 F- F+ Adaptor

BT30 - DTN12-85 M3~M12 85 60 32 39 4 10 0.7 TCA1-M

BT40 - DTN12-90 M3~M12 90 65 32 39 4 10 1.2 TCA1-M

DTN12-120 M3~M12 120 95 32 39 4 10 1.4 TCA1-M

DTN22-130 M8~M22 130 96 50 56 12.5 12.5 1.7 TCA2-M

DTN22-160 M8~M22 160 126 50 56 12.5 12.5 2.1 TCA2-M

BT50 - DTN12-100 M3~M12 100 75 32 39 4 10 3.7 TCA1-M

DTN12-130 M3~M12 130 105 32 39 4 10 3.9 TCA1-M

DTN22-140 M8~M22 140 104 50 56 12.5 12.5 4.2 TCA2-M

DTN22-170 M8~M22 170 134 50 56 12.5 12.5 4.7 TCA2-M

DTN38-185 M16~M38 185 140 72 81 20 20 5.7 TCA3-M

DTN38-215 M16~M38 215 170 72 81 20 20 6.6 TCA3-M

※ Through coolant system is optional.




tap Adapter
F- F+
comp tension


Designation Tapping range ØD L L1 L2 ØC ØC1 F- F+ Adaptor

S32 - DTN12-90 M3-M12 32 170 90 65 32 39 4 10 TCA1

DTN22-130 M8-M24 32 210 130 96 50 56 12.5 12.5 TCA2

※ Through coolant system is not available.

50th Anniversary

TCA (Tap adaptor)

L3(from Guage Line)




Designation ØD ØC L L1

TCA1 - M3 4 3.2 24 22 0.2

M4 5 4 24 22 0.2

M5 5.5 4.5 24 22 0.2

M6, 1/4U 6 4.5 24 22 0.2

M8 6.2 5 25 22 0.2

M10, 3/8U 7 5.5 25 22 0.2

M11 8 6 39 22 0.2

M12 8.5 6.5 26 22 0.2

TCA2 - M8 6.2 5 38 28 0.6

TCS2 - M10 7 5.5 38 28 0.6

TCA2 - M12 8.5 6.5 39 28 0.6

M14, 3/4U 10.5 8 41 28 0.6

P1/4 11 9 31 28 0.6

TCS2 - M16 12.5 10 43 28 0.6

TCA2 - M18, P3/8 14 11 44 28 0.6

M20 15 12 45 28 0.6

M22 17 13 46 28 0.6

P1/2 18 14 36 28 0.6

M24 19 15 46 28 1.8

TCA3 - M16 12.5 10 35 37 1.8

M18 14 11 37 37 1.8

M20 15 12 37 37 1.8

M22 17 13 38 37 1.8

M24 19 15 44 37 1.8

M27, 1U 20 15 62 37 1.8

M30, P3/4 23 17 62 37 1.8

M33 25 19 66 37 1.8

M36, M38 28 21 68 37 1.8

※ DIN standard products are custom-made.

※ Through coolant system is not available.

TAP series 41
TAP series

TER (Tap collet)






Designation Applicable Tap ØD W ØC ØC1 L L1 H

TER16 - 4x3.2 M3 4 3.2 16.74 10.1 27.5 6.3 18
5x4 M4 5 4 16.74 10.1 27.5 6.3 18
5.5x4.5 M5 5.5 4.5 16.74 10.1 27.5 6.3 18
6x4.5 M6, U1/4 6 4.5 16.74 10.1 27.5 6.3 18
6.2x5 M7, M8 6.2 5 16.74 10.1 27.5 6.3 18
7x5.5 M9, M10, U3/8 7 5.5 16.74 10.1 27.5 6.3 18
TER20 - 5x4 M4 5 4 20.74 13.2 31.5 7.2 18
5.5x4.5 M5 5.5 4.5 20.74 13.2 31.5 7.2 18
6x4.5 M6, U1/4 6 4.5 20.74 13.2 31.5 7.2 18
6.2x5 M7, M8 6.2 5 20.74 13.2 31.5 7.2 18
7x5.5 M9, M10, U3/8 7 5.5 20.74 13.2 31.5 7.2 18
8x6 M11, U7/16, P1/8 8 6 20.74 - - - -
8.5x6.5 M12 8.5 6.5 20.74 13.2 31.5 7.2 22
TER25 - 5x4 M4 5 4 25.74 17.6 34 7.5 18
5.5x4.5 M5 5.5 4.5 25.74 17.6 34 7.5 18
6x4.5 M6 6 4.5 25.74 17.6 34 7.5 18
6.2x5 M7, M8 6.2 5 25.74 17.6 34 7.5 18
7x5.5 M9, M10, U3/8 7 5.5 25.74 17.6 34 7.5 18
8.5x6.5 M12 8.5 6.5 25.74 17.6 34 7.5 22
TER32 - 6x4.5 M6, U1/4 6 4.5 32.74 23.1 40 8.2 18
6.2x5 M7, M8 6.2 5 32.74 23.1 40 8.2 18
7x5.5 M9, M10, U3/8 7 5.5 32.74 23.1 40 8.2 18
8X6 M11, U7/16, P1/8 8 6 32.74 23.1 40 8.2 22
8.5x6.5 M12 8.5 6.5 32.74 23.1 40 8.2 22
10.5x8 M14, U9/16 10.5 8 32.74 23.1 40 8.2 25
12.5x10 M16 12.5 10 32.74 23.1 40 8.2 25
14x11 M18, P3/8 14 11 32.74 23.1 40 8.2 25
15x12 M20 15 12 32.74 23.1 40 8.2 25
17x13 M22, U7/8 17 13 32.74 23.1 40 8.2 25
11x9 P1/4 11 9 32.74 23.1 40 8.2 25
12x9 U5/8 12 9 32.74 23.1 40 8.2 25
9x7 U1/2 9 7 32.74 23.1 40 8.2 22

※ Machining with a waterproof tap is possible by using RTJW and RUT nuts. (only in right sizes)

Head Office
Holystar B/D, 1350, Nambusunhwan-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, 08536, Korea
Tel : +82-2-522-3181 Fax : +82-2-522-3184
Web : www. korloy.com E-mail : [email protected]
Cheongju Factory
55, Sandan-ro, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, 28589, Korea
Tel : +82-43-262-0141 Fax : +82-43-262-0146
Jincheon Factory
54, Gwanghyewonsandan 2-gil, Gwanghyewon-myeon, Jincheon-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, 27807, Korea
Tel : +82-43-535-0141 Fax : +82-43-535-0144
R & D Institute Cheongju
55, Sandan-ro, Heungdeok-gu, Cheongju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, 28589, Korea
Tel : +82-43-262-0141 Fax : +82-43-262-0711
R & D Institute Seoul
Holystar B/D, 1350, Nambusunhwan-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, 08536, Korea
Tel : +82-2-522-3181 Fax : +82-2-522-3184

620 Maple Avenue, Torrance, CA 90503, USA

Tel : +1-310-782-3800 Toll Free : +1-888-711-0001 Fax : +1-310-782-3885
www.korloyamerica.com E-mail : [email protected]

Gablonzer Str. 25-27, 61440 Oberursel, Germany
Tel : +49-6171-277-83-0 Fax : +49-6171-277-83-59
www.korloyeurope.com E-mail : [email protected]

Plot NO.415, Sector 8, IMT Manesar, Gurgaon 122051, Haryana, INDIA

Tel : +91-124-4391790 Fax : +91-124-4050032
www.korloyindia.com E-mail : [email protected]

Av. Aruana 280, conj.12, WLC, Alphaville, Barueri, CEP06460-010, SP, Brasil
Tel : +55-11-4193-3810
E-mail : [email protected]

Ground Dongjing Road 56 District Free Trade Zone. Qingdao, China

Tel : +86-532-86959880 Fax : +86-532-86760651
E-mail : [email protected]


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