Iso 13577-1-2016
Iso 13577-1-2016
Iso 13577-1-2016
STANDARD 1 3 5 77-1
Second edition
Part 1:
General requirements
Reference number
ISO 13577-1:2016(E)
© ISO 2016
ISO 1 3 5 77-1 : 2 01 6(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... v
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ vi
1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
B i b l i o g ra p h y ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 44
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work o f preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters o f
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
di fferent types o f ISO documents should be noted. This document was dra fted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some o f the elements o f this document may be the subject o f
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identi fying any or all such patent rights. Details o f
any patent rights identified during the development o f the document will be in the Introduction and/or
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as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the
Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL:
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 244, Industrial furnaces and associated
processing equipment.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 13577-1:2012), which has been technically
revised. The following changes have been made:
— reconfiguration o f the scope (no technical change);
— elimination o f the requirements related to the implosion hazard;
— reconfiguration o f the requirements related to electrical sa fety as the following:
— the re ferenced sa fety requirements for electrical equipment o f industrial furnaces and
associated processing equipment (TPE) are integrated to IEC 60204-1 (referencing IEC 60519
series was eliminated);
— re ferencing ISO 13577-4 for the requirements o f protective systems (sa fety related control
systems) was introduced;
— independent subclause for the electroheat installations where electrical energy is directly used
as the heating energy was established;
— associated changes were made in Table 1 in regards to the changes in 4.3 ;
— change of title of regional Annex E from “Requirements specific to Japan” to “In formation specific to
Japan” and modification o f its content;
— addition of regional Annex H specific to Canada;
— other editorial changes.
A list of all parts in the ISO 13577 series can be found on the ISO website.
Part 1:
General requirements
1 Scope
T h i s do c u ment s p e c i fie s the genera l s a fe ty re qu i rements com mon to i ndu s tri a l fu rnace s and as s o c iate d
to TPE, as listed in Annex A, when TPE is used as intended and also under conditions of misuse that are
re a s onably fore s e e able b y the manu fac tu rer.
Annex B provides a list of common industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment.
T h i s do c u ment s p e ci fie s the re qu i rements i ntende d to b e me t b y the ma nu fac turer to en s u re the s a fe ty
o f p ers on s and prop er ty du ri ng com m i s s ion i ng , s ta r t-up , op eration, s hut- down, mai ntena nce p erio d s
and dismantling, as well as in the event of foreseeable faults or malfunctions that can occur in the
T he s e genera l s a fe ty re qui rements apply to a l l T PE , un le s s an e xcep tion i s given i n o ther p ar ts o f
app ly to s p e c i fic typ e s o f T PE ta ke pre ce dence over the provi s ion s o f th i s do c u ment.
This document is not applicable to blast furnaces, converters (in steel plants), boilers or equipment not
covered under ISO 12100.
2 Normative references
T he fol lowi ng do c u ments are re ferre d to i n the tex t i n s uch a way th at s ome or a l l o f thei r content
con s titute s re qu i rements o f th i s do c u ment. For date d re ference s , on ly the e d ition cite d appl ie s . For
u ndate d re ference s , the late s t e d ition o f the re ference d do c ument (i nclud i ng a ny amend ments) appl ie s .
ISO 12100:2010, Safety ofmachinery — General principles for design — Risk assessment and risk reduction
ISO 13577-2:2014, Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment — Safety — Part 2: Combustion
and fuel handling systems
ISO 13577-3 1) , Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment — Safety — Part 3: Generation
and use of protective and reactive atmosphere gases
ISO 13577-4, Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment — Safety — Part 4: Protective systems
ISO 13732-1, Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Methods for the assessment ofhuman responses to
contact with surfaces — Part 1: Hot surfaces
ISO 13850, Safety of machinery — Emergency stop function — Principles for design
ISO 13854, Safety of machinery — Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body
ISO 14119, Safety of machinery — Interlocking devices associated with guards — Principles for design and
ISO 14120, Safety of machinery — Guards — General requirements for the design and construction of fixed
and movable guards
ISO 14122-2,
Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 2: Working platforms
and walkways
ISO 14122-3,Safety of machinery — Permanent means of access to machinery — Part 3: Stairs, stepladders
and guard-rails
4.1 General
4.1 .1 Requirements
The TPE shall comply with the sa fety requirements and/or protective measures described in Clause 4
and shall be verified in accordance with Clause 5. In addition, the TPE shall be designed in accordance
with the principles o f ISO 12100 for relevant hazards, but not significant hazards, which are dealt with
by this document.
Anticipated significant hazards are listed in Table A.1.
For ease of reference, Table A.1 also indicates the corresponding preventive measures and should be
used in conjunction with Clauses 4, 5 and 6.
Where particular requirements o f the other parts o f ISO 13577 apply, they shall supplement or modi fy
these general sa fety requirements.
For regional requirements, see Annexes E, F, G, H and I.
4.1 .2 General design and construction requirements
The manu facturer shall maintain evidence that all sa fety requirements o f the design have been fulfilled.
The structural assembly, steel sections, auxiliaries and services (utilities) that form part o f the TPE
shall be stable and suitable for function and the intended use.
In particular, the design shall include solutions and constructional details relating to the following:
— static stability o f the TPE, including structures intended for containing the processed materials and
the materials entering and leaving the TPE;
— accessibility;
— maintenance and cleaning clearances;
— movement o f material and machinery;
— sa fety in operation;
— health and sa fety at the workplace;
— protection against fire and prevention o f explosion;
— emissions from the process;
— protection against earthquakes where seismic intensity exceeds 325 gal, as determined by the
seismic zone.
Cut-o ff, regulating and measuring devices, pipework and tanks carrying or containing fluids, which are
likely to solidi fy and/or have high viscosity, shall be protected against the e ffects o f solidification and
subsequent blockage.
I f internal parts o f the TPE require frequent inspection, they shall be either provided with lighting
appropriate to the structure and the nature of the process or the user shall be advised to install suitable
The design o f the TPE and the action o f the regulating and sa fety devices shall prevent
a) unintended release o f flammable or hazardous fluids to the outside o f the TPE,
b) a backflow o f flammable or hazardous fluids to pipes not intended for such fluids, and
c) flashback in the pipework.
The sa fety devices shall
— be suitable for the range o f adjustment required for the regulation o f the TPE, and
— not cause one device inadvertently to over-ride another.
Sa fety devices shall be fitted in such a manner that they are accessible and protected against harm ful
e ffects. In particular, they shall withstand continuous operation in the area in which they are to be
used. Auxiliary fluids, such as lubricants, dielectric, diathermic and dynamic fluids, shall be selected to
minimize the hazard o f their products o f combustion resulting from a fire.
Drains that form part o f the TPE shall discharge into a suitably isolated sump. Means shall be provided
for the collection and removal of such discharges.
Pipework distribution systems forming part o f the TPE shall be designed to withstand corrosion.
Pipework distribution systems that form part o f the equipment and can become dangerous i f subjected
to extreme temperatures or pressures, wide variations in temperature or pressures, or voltage shall
be marked.
4.1 .2 .1 Stability
The TPE structures shall be designed to withstand their static and dynamic loads. The TPE shall be
designed for normal and foreseeable accidental thermal static and dynamic working stresses, including
those resulting from overpressurization or operation below atmospheric pressure.
The design shall also take account o f vibration, wind pressure, impact and other foreseeable external
forces, including earthquakes.
4.1 .2 .2 Access
All parts o f the TPE that need to be accessed by personnel for operation and maintenance shall be
served by adequate means o f access, pre ferably fixed. Stairways, platforms and service floors shall be
safe and shall be equipped with adequate safeguards (see 4.2.10). Inspection and service floors of the
TPE shall be sa fe, well lit, well ventilated, protected against heat radiation and be fire-resistant (see
Account shall be taken o f the need for emergency escape routes to avoid the trapping o f personnel in
the event o f hazardous situations (such as fire or the buildup o f toxic gases).
4.1 .2 .3 Roofs and covers
Where the roo fs or covers o f the TPE (e.g. ceramic kilns or melting TPE) have been designed to be
walked on, they shall be accessible by a sa fe means.
Roo fs or covers to which access is not intended shall be marked and designated as not accessible and
shall be adequately guarded to prevent access.
Roo fs or covers that have to be walked on for operating, maintenance and inspection purposes and
that are more than 1 m above floor level shall be accessible through sa fe ascents and shall be fitted
with railings to prevent falls. Where the heat source is located in the roof, for example in the ceramics
or glass industry, one escape route shall be available in front o f, and one behind, the firing zone, one o f
which shall be a stairway. For design requirements, see
4 . 1 . 2 . 4 Ac c e s s c h a n n e l s a n d s ta i r s
In general, the design of access channels and stairs shall be in accordance with ISO 14122-2 and
ISO 14122-3. For channels intended for repair purposes below tunnel furnaces or kilns, the unobstructed
passage way shall be at least 1,80 m high by 0,70 m wide, and shall be accessible through two stairways,
one o f which shall be in front o f, and the other behind the firing zone. I f the stairways are in the area o f
the firing zone, emergency exits shall be available in front o f, and behind, the firing zone.
4 . 2 M e c h a n i c a l s a f
e ty
4.2 .1 General
The design shall be such as to avoid injury by movement o f the machinery parts o f the TPE, by crushing,
shearing, entanglement, drawing-in or impact. It shall also prevent hazardous situations arising where
high-pressure fluids are used or where parts o f the TPE and processed material are liable to be ejected.
The stability o f the TPE during operation and the sa fety o f the access areas around the TPE shall also be
Where the construction of the TPE includes
— corners and projections,
— passages of reduced height, and
— manhole covers, drains, etc.
they shall be protected and marked in such a way as to minimize the hazard.
Emergency stop devices shall be in accordance with ISO 13850.
4.2.2 Crushing
The design shall incorporate means to minimize hazard to personnel arising from
— movement o f materials and machinery,
— automation,
— suspended loads,
— falling materials, and
— moving parts.
All moving machinery that can present a hazard shall be guarded wherever practicable. Where guarding
is not practicable, audible and/or visual signals shall be provided. Strategically positioned emergency
stop mechanisms shall be provided to stop potentially hazardous moving machinery.
Guarding, where provided, shall comply with ISO 14119 and ISO 14120.
Any traversing part o f the TPE or material carried by it shall not be closer to any fixed structure than
the sa fety distance requirements given in ISO 13854.
The design o f the TPE shall take account o f the minimum distance requirement. See ISO 13854,
ISO 13857, ISO 15534-1 and/or ISO 15534-2.
4.2.3 Shearing
Where possible, shear traps shall be eliminated by
a) filling the gaps or reducing the maximum clearance between the moving parts, such that parts o f
the body cannot enter the gap, and
b) increasing the minimum clearance between the shearing parts, such that parts o f the body can
enter the gap sa fely (see ISO 13854 and ISO 15534-1).
Where it is not possible to avoid the creation of a shear trap, adequate guarding shall be used (see
ISO 14119 and ISO 14120).
Means shall be provided to prevent unintentional closure or opening of moving parts (e.g. doors,
conveyors and elevators) during operation and maintenance.
4.2 .4 Entanglement
Design measures shall be taken, or suitable guards shall be provided, to prevent entanglement by
rotating sha fts, conveyors and transmission machinery (see ISO 14120).
4.2 .5 Drawing-in
Design measures shall be taken, or suitable guards shall be provided, to avoid drawing-in (see
ISO 14120).
4.2 .6 Impact
NOTE Impact hazards are caused by objects that act against the inertia o f the body but do not penetrate.
i n order to re duce the p o s s ibi l ity o f i nj u r y. Where th i s i s no t prac tic able, ade quate guard i ng or s a fe ty
device s s ha l l b e provide d . Where guard i ng or s a fe ty device s c a nno t b e provide d, a p eri me ter fence s ha l l
be provided.
4 . 2 . 7 H i gh - p re s s u re fl u i d e j e c ti o n
— a l l comp onents with i n the s ys tem s ha l l b e op erate d with i n thei r manu fac tu rer ’s s p e ci fic ation s a nd
— veri fic ation o f le a k tightne s s sha l l b e ach ieve d b y pre s s u re te s ti ng to at le a s t the i ntende d op erati ng
pressure, and
— any pre s s u re rel ie f device sh a l l be veri fie d b y te s ti ng i n accorda nce with the manu fac tu rer ’s
P ipi ng s hou ld b e p erma nent. Where the u s e o f fle xible ho s e s i s u navoidable, e quipment s u itable for the
mo s t a rduou s duty a nd op erati ng cond ition s l i kely to b e exp erience d s ha l l b e u s e d . I f fle xib le ho s e s
are u s e d for hyd rau l ic oi l, they s ha l l b e sh ielde d from ign ition s ou rce s (e . g. ho t s u r face s) . Replacement
NO TE Fo r fuel ga s e s a nd l iqu id fuel , I S O 1 3 5 7 7-2 s p e c i fie s re qu i rements for p ip i ng i nclud i ng fle xib le tub i n g.
4 . 2 . 8 E j e c ti o n o f
p a r ts
e qu ipment that have b e en ej e c te d u ne xp e c te d ly or acc identa l ly, ade quate gua rd i ng s ha l l b e provide d
Worki ng plat form s sha l l b e de s igne d s o a s to provide a level s tand i ng s p ace o f ade quate s i z e, with a
fi rm fo o thold . Wa l kways s ha l l b e made from materi a l s that are as s l ip res i s tant a s prac tic able u nder
worki ng cond ition s , and s u itable guard rai l s , p o s ts and to e b o ard s s ha l l b e provide d .
Where ne ce s s a r y, a fi xe d acce s s ladder with ha nd hold s or a s ta i r way with h and rai l s or s ome
other suitable means shall be provided to give safe and convenient access to all equipment needing
adj u s tment, lubric ation or mai ntena nce .
4.2 .1 0 Falls
Where the de s ign o f the T PE or the movement o f the T PE re qu i re s flo or op en i ngs th at c an con s titute a
Where applicable, TPE shall be designed for transport. Instructions for transport shall be provided.
4.3 .1 .1 General
Electrical equipment o f any TPE located in the same unit(s) up to the defined TPE limits shall be suitable
for their function and intended use. A risk assessment shall be done for each emergency condition and
the results shall determine the action to take on the electrical energy supply to the TPE.
Electrical equipment of TPE shall be in accordance with IEC 60204-1:2009. However, the requirement to
meet IEC 62061 and/or ISO 13849 in IEC 60204-1:2009, 9.4.1 is not applicable where the requirements
o f the protective system specified in ISO 13577-4 apply.
The functional requirements to which the protective systems according to ISO 13577-4 apply are
specified in the other parts o f ISO 13577.
For electroheat installations where electrical energy is directly used as the heating energy, see 4.3.2.
Piping that conveys flammable fluids shall not be installed in channels, ducts, pipes or trenches carrying
electrical conductors, unless an explosion-proof method is provided in accordance with IEC 60079-0
suitable for the applicable hazardous area.
Where it is necessary during commissioning, pre-commissioning, maintenance or fault-finding
operations to gain access to live parts appropriate interlocks, protection systems or guarding shall be
incorporated (see ISO 14119 and ISO 14120).
Where electrostatic e ffects can cause loss o f normal control and present a hazardous situation, sa fety
shut-down or stopping devices shall be fitted to those parts o f the TPE a ffected.
Electrical conductors and devices shall not be located in areas a ffected by the discharge o f hot
components or openings, exhausts and vents for hot gases, vapours or fluids. External influences
The TPE shall be designed to minimize hazards resulting from known external influences on the
electrical power, controls and systems.
Disconnection and/or restoration o f the electricity supply shall not cancel the sa fety and interlock
The electrical control system shall be suitably protected or guarded against mechanical damage from
operations within the TPE environment.
NOTE Such influences can be beyond the boundaries defined within the scope o f this document and are
intended to be dealt with in contract with/among the supplier, agent importers and/or users of the TPE.
4.3.2 Electroheat installations/equipment
Electroheat installations/equipment as part of TPE under the scope of this document shall be suitable
or their function and intended use. They shall be in accordance with the relevant parts o f IEC 60519.
4 . 4 T h e r m a l a n d c r yo g e n i c s a f e ty
4.4.1 General
The manu facturer shall design the TPE to prevent unintended contact with workpieces, flames, sur faces
or devices, which can be at elevated temperatures or below ambient temperatures.
NOTE Such influences can be beyond the boundaries defined within the scope o f this document and are
intended to be dealt with in contract with/among the supplier, agent importers and/or users of the TPE.
4 . 4 . 2 C o n ta c t w i th h o t/ c o l d s u r f
a c e s
Precautions shall be taken to prevent contact with operating controls at elevated or below ambient
temperature either accidentally or while operating them.
Where it is not possible, for process reasons or other constraints, to maintain surface temperature
at an appropriate level, steps should be taken to prevent hot operating controls from being touched.
Wherever possible, this shall be by means o f guards complying with ISO 14120.
I f these measures are not practicable, areas o f elevated temperatures shall be indicated by means o f
suitable marking, warning signs, etc. (see 6.3). In addition, attention shall be drawn in the technical
documentation to the presence of such hazards.
Where it is not possible to avoid contact with controls, etc. that are at elevated or below ambient
temperatures, requirements for protective clothing shall be included in the instruction handbook.
4.4.3 Fire/explosion
4.4.3 .1 Fire
The TPE shall be designed to minimize fire hazards resulting from overheating or those inherent in the
TPE from operating at elevated temperatures.
The design and construction o f the TPE shall prevent the leakage o f hot gases, combustion products and
flames, other than via designed flues, vents and doors, etc.
In particular, the following shall be considered:
a) discharge o f hot gases or flames from openings;
b) loading and unloading o f work pieces.
Where the TPE is heated by gaseous or liquid fuel, the fuel pipework shall be designed to prevent
leakage. In addition, the fuel pipework shall be capable o f withstanding foreseeable mechanical damage.
Further guidance for gaseous and liquid fuels is given in ISO 13577-2.
Where hydraulic oil-actuated components are used, piping and hydraulic equipment shall be protected
from overheating. Any oil leakage shall be prevented from reaching hot parts by suitable design and
Heat-trans fer fluids shall be non-toxic and shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified by the
manu facturer. The humidity and oxygen content in the fluid shall not exceed levels specified by the
manu facturer. These values shall be specified in the instruction handbook.
When considering the maximum level o f the heat-trans fer fluid, account shall be taken o f its expansion
during normal working conditions. The system shall be fitted with sa fety vents that are protected
against the ingress of hazardous contaminants (e.g. moisture and air).
Heat-trans fer fluid systems shall be provided with a sa fety device to prevent over-temperature.
Suitable sa fety devices shall be fitted where any one o f the following parameters impact sa fety:
— pressure;
— temperature;
— level (o f fluid);
— flow.
For further guidance, see ISO 13577-2.
Where used, fire extinguishing system(s) shall be installed on the TPE at positions where there is
the greatest risk o f fire occurring. Particular attention shall be paid to the selection o f the type o f
extinguisher for use.
4.4.3 .2 Explosion
The TPE shall be designed and constructed in such a way as to avoid any risk o f explosion posed by the
TPE itsel f or by gases, liquids, dusts, vapours and other substances produced or used by the TPE.
The design shall incorporate means to avoid the explosive co-existence o f a flammable substance and
an oxidizing agent (usually air) within the flammability limits with an ignition source (see ISO 13577-2).
Attention shall be given to work pieces that are not themselves flammable but that may, by design or
otherwise, be coated with substances that can give rise to a flammable mixture.
Pressure relie f(s) from an ignited flammable mixture shall be provided, unless it can be shown that the
mixture cannot exceed 25 % o f the lower flammability limit (LFL), the ignited flammable mixture is
sa fely vented by other means or an ignited flammable mixture is sa fely contained.
Pressure relie fs shall be positioned such that they are unimpeded, both inside and outside the TPE,
and shall discharge in such a manner that personnel are not subjected to hazards. The strength o f the
relief(s) shall be such as to relieve the pressure before serious damage is caused to the TPE.
Where doors are not designed as pressure relie fs, they shall be fastened in such a manner that they
cannot be opened when subjected to an overpressure condition. Doors shall not open other than in
their intended direction.
4 . 4 . 4 E j e c ti o n o f h o t p a r ti c l e s , wo r k p i e c e s a n d p r o c e s s l i q u i d s
The TPE shall be designed to contain hot particles, work pieces or process liquids within its structure.
Attention shall be paid to the loading/unloading areas. If additional guards or barriers are required,
they shall comply with ISO 14120.
Where liquid metals, oils or salts are being heated, the introduction of moisture into the liquid shall be
4 . 4 . 5 T h e r m a l s tr e s s a n d o th e r p h ys i o l o g i c a l e ff e c ts
The TPE shall be designed so that the effects of thermal stress on human beings are minimized (see
ISO 7933). An estimation shall be made of temperatures that can be reached in areas to which operators
have access. Preventive measures, such as ventilation and operating booths with cooling, shall be
provided i f necessary.
4.5 Noise
4.5 .1 General
Because TPE emits noise to a greater or lesser extent, determined in noise-emission values, the
e qu ipment sh a l l be de s igne d f a nd f con s tr uc te d to re duce the ri s ks re s u lti ng rom the em i s s ion o
airborne noise.
The TPE shall be designed to minimize the potential noise hazards. To cope with these noise hazards,
preventive measures, in order of preference, are as follows:
a) noi s e re duc tion at s ou rce, i . e . re duc tion o f noi s e b y de s ign, for exa mple:
3) enc as i ng o f pu mp s;
4) s i lencers;
6) enclo s u re s;
c) noi s e ab atement at works tation, i . e . re duc tion o f noi s e u s i ng , for i n s tance, a c abi n for the op erators .
T he me as u rement and veri fic ation o f noi s e em i s s ion va lue s s ha l l b e i n accordance with E N 1 5 47 or a
regional standard.
4 . 5 . 2 I n te r f
e re n c e w i th c o m m u n i c a ti o n s
T he T PE s ha l l b e de s igne d to re duce its noi s e em i s s ion s o that s p oken com mu n ic ation s and acou s tic
4.7.1 General
Means shall be provided to minimize the harm ful e ffects o f radiation emissions, as specified in 4.7.2
and 4.7.3 for particular electroheat installation as part of the TPE covered by the scope of this document
and in the relevant part(s) of IEC 60519. Such means shall be appropriate to the circumstances obtained
within the TPE.
NOTE IEC 60519 consists of 13 parts including General requirements and Particular requirements for specific
types of electroheat installations
Suitable protection against harmful infrared, visible and UV radiation shall be provided (see 4.4.5).
Direct sight contact with the radiation source shall be prevented. Inspection sight holes shall be
shielded and, where necessary, control cabinets and rooms integral with the TPE shall have appropriate
Specific danger warning signs shall be provided (see 6.3.) .
4.7.2 .2 Laser beams
Laser equipment and its use shall comply with IEC 60825-1. Where necessary, lasers shall be positioned
so that casual operator contact is impossible. Suitable interlock(s) shall be fitted to prevent access to
the laser beam.
Specific warning signs shall be provided (see 6.3.4). Electromagnetic fields
Sources o f electromagnetic fields su fficient in power to be a hazard shall be separately enclosed and
isolated (e.g. metal), as far as is possible, from normal operator working and resting positions.
In areas where hazardous electromagnetic fields are operative, warning signs shall be provided
prohibiting the entrance o f persons having heart pacemakers, metallic implants or who are wearing
metallic rings, bracelets, etc. (see 6.3.3 and 6.3.4).
4.7.2 .4 Microwaves
Such installations and instruments shall be marked with the specific danger sign. Specific hazard
warning signs shall be provided in the area.
I f the equipment is likely to be accessible during production and in foreseeable circumstances
a) interlocks shall be fitted so that access is only obtained i f the shutter is closed (sealed source) or
the power is cut off, and
b) clear warnings, indicating the status of the equipment (e.g. shutter open/shutter closed or on/off
lights about to start rays), shall be installed (see 6.3.4).
4 . 8 M a te r i a l s a n d s u b s ta n c e s p ro c e s s e d , u s e d o r e x h a u s te d
4.8.1 General
Hazardous situations can arise as a result o f the nature o f the process being undertaken by the TPE,
such as contact with, or inhalation o f, dust or harm ful liquids, gases, vapours, mists and fumes;
therefore, the TPE shall be designed to remove possible hazards arising from materials and substances
by suitable choice o f design features. In addition, the instruction handbook shall clearly speci fy any
particular working practices and personnel protection that are necessary to ensure sa fe use o f the TPE
(see ISO 14123-1).
4.8.2 Harmful by-products
The TPE shall be designed to minimize the dangers o f toxicity and asphyxia. The design shall
incorporate devices for preventing the leakage o f dust, fumes and gaseous by-products. Where some
leakage is unavoidable, suitable draught systems shall vent these leakages to an approved location (see
ISO 14123-1). Specific hazard warning signs shall be provided (see 6.3.4).
4.8.3 Fire/explosion
The TPE shall incorporate appropriate measures to prevent or minimize the risk o f fire or high pressure
from an ignited flammable mixture.
The TPE shall be designed to take account o f the ergonomic aspects o f using, maintaining and servicing
the TPE (see ISO 7731, ISO 7933 and ISO 11429). Hot sur faces shall comply with ISO 13732-1 (see also
ISO 7243 and ISO 15534-1).
4.1 1 Malfunction
4.1 2 .1 General
Sa fety devices shall be identified and documented in the instruction handbook to avoid their incorrect
installation. The in formation for use documentation shall provide further assistance; it shall also give
suitable warnings about incorrectly fitted or missing parts in those areas where the manu facturer
assesses that a hazard can occur i f parts are missing or incorrectly fitted.
The TPE shall be fitted with devices to disconnect it from all power sources and to dissipate all stored
energy. Devices to ensure that disconnection and dissipation have been achieved shall be provided,
e.g. by means o f pressure gauges, meters, audible or visual signals (see 6.3). For further guidance, see
ISO 12100 and ISO 14118.
5 Ve r i fi c a ti o n
a) vi s ua l i n s p e c tion;
b) fu nc tiona l te s ts;
c) me a s u rements;
d) examination of drawings/calculations.
See Table 1.
T a b l e 1 — Ve r i fi c a t i o n
Ve r i fi c a t i o n
E xami-
Visual/ Function- nation of
Subclause Safety requirements and/or measures Measure-
b ment c drawings/
inspection tes t calcula-
tions d
4.1 General
4.1.1 Requirements X Access X
4.2.1 General X
4.2.2 Crushing X X e
4.2.3 Shearing X X e
4.2.4 Entanglement X X e
4.2.5 Drawing-in X X e
4.2.6 Impact X
4.2.8 E j e c tion o f p a r ts X X e
4.2.9 Slip/trip X
4.2.10 Falls X
4.2.11 Transport X
4.3 E le c tric a l s a fe ty
4.4.1 General X
Table 1 (continued)
E xami-
Visual/ Function- nation of
Subclause Safety requirements and/or measures Measure-
auditory al
c drawings/
inspection a tes tb
tions d Fire X Explosion X
process liquids X e
effects X X
4.5 Noise
4.5.1 General X g
4.5.2 Interference with communications X
4.6 Vibration X
4.7 Radiation
4.7.1 General X Microwaves X
4.9 Ergonomics X i
4.10 Hazard combination X
4.11 Malfunction
4.11.1 Fa i lu re o f p ower s up p l y a nd au xi l i a r y
flu id s
4.11.2 E r ro r s o f fi t ti n g/a s s e mb l y du r i n g i n -
stallation X
Table 1 (continued)
E xami-
Visual/ Function- nation of
Subclause Safety requirements and/or measures Measure-
auditory al
c drawings/
inspection a tes tb
tions d
4.12.1 General X X
a Vi s u a l/aud itor y i n s p e c tio n s hou ld b e c a rr ie d out for te s ti n g the re qu i re d ch a rac ter i s tic s a nd prop er tie s b y
b T he fu nc tiona l te s t shows whe ther the p ar ts i n que s tion fu nc tion i n s uch a way as to s ati s fy the re qu i rements .
c Ver i fic atio n b y me a n s o f me a s u r i ng i n s tr u ments u s e d to che ck whe ther the re qu i rements a re fu l fi l le d with i n
d D rawi ngs a nd c a lc u l ation s s ho u ld b e u s e d to che ck whe ther the de s ign ch a rac ter i s tic s o f the co mp o nents
The manufacturer shall draft and provide information on the use of TPE. Such information for use of
e qu ipment con s i s ts o f com mu n ic ation l i n ks , s uch a s expla nation s , s ign s , s igna l s , s ymb ol s or d iagra m s ,
It shall contain all directions required to ensure intended and correct use of personal protective
With th i s i n view, it s ha l l i n form a nd warn the op erator; the s up er vi s or s ha l l b e no ti fie d and wa rne d o f
re s idua l ri s ks .
In formation for use shall cover, separately or in combination, transport, assembly and installation,
commissioning, use (setting, teaching/programming or process changeover, operation, cleaning, fault-
finding and maintenance) o f the TPE, and, i f applicable, de-commissioning, dismantling and disposal.
6 . 2 L o c a ti o n a n d n a tu r e o f th e i n f o r m a ti o n f
o r u s e
Depending on the risk, the time when the in formation is needed by the furnace operator or the
supervisor and the TPE design, it shall be decided whether the information (or parts thereof) is to be
given by the manu facturer or the user
a) in/on the TPE itself,
b) in accompanying documents (see 6.4),
c) on the packaging, and
d) by other means, such as signals and warnings outside o f the TPE.
6.3 .1 General
Requirements concerning where signals and warning devices shall be fitted are given in Clause 4.
It is essential that these signals be
a) emitted before the occurrence of the hazardous event,
b) unambiguous,
c) clearly perceived and di fferentiated from all other signals used, and
d) clearly recognized by the furnace operator and other persons.
WA R N I N G — D u r i n g a n a l e r t , t o o m u c h i n fo r m a t i o n g i ve n a t t h e s a m e t i m e c a n o ve r l o a d t h e
o p e r a t o r. S a fe t y r e l e v a n t i n f
o r m a t i o n s h o u l d b e p r i o r i t i z e d .
The warning devices, i f used, shall be designed and located such that checking for proper operation is
easy. The in formation for use shall prescribe regular checking o f warning devices.
For further guidance, see IEC 61310-1.
6.3 .2 Marking
6.3 .2 .1 The TPE shall bear, at least, the following markings in a visible and legible manner:
a) the serial number, i f any, or the name o f the TPE;
b) the name and address o f the manu facturer;
c) the year o f construction;
d) the year o f modification.
The TPE shall bear necessary signs and written warnings as appropriate for its intended use, for
a) necessity o f wearing personal protective equipment, or
b) guard adjustment data.
Markings shall comply with recognized standards (see ISO 7000).
As regards the marking o f electrical equipment, see IEC 60204-1.
Warning signs shall comply with recognized standards (see ISO 7010).
For electrical hazards, see IEC 60204-1 and IEC 61310-2.
6 . 4 I n s tr u c ti o n h a n d b o o ks / m a n u a l s
4) data ab out noi s e, vibration, rad i ation, gas e s , vap ou rs or du s ts em itte d or generate d b y the T PE ,
2) ma i ntenance item s that may on ly b e conduc te d b y the T PE ma nu fac turer or h i s/ her de s ignate d
3) instructions, drawings, and diagrams related to maintenance,
4) a re com mende d format for re cord ke epi ng , and
5) instructions stating that the essential maintenance operations carried out in hazardous areas
f f
s hou ld b e authori z e d and p er orme d i n accord ance with a work p erm it authori z ation ( or a
Annex A
L i s t o f s i g n i fi c a n t h a z a r d s
use of TPE.
T a b l e A . 1 — L i s t o f s i g n i fi c a n t h a z a r d s
No. Preventative measures
H a z a r d o u s s i t u a t i o n /
event (reference)
H a z a r d
Moving parts
Fit i nterlo cks
e e d i ng/ta ke - o ff
Means of warning (audible, visual) 6.3
P ro vi s ion o f m a rki ngs , s ign s , e tc . 6.3.4
Push button with visual inspection
Rotating shafts (e.g. fan Guards 4.2.4
A.2.4 Entanglement f -
sha ts , conveyors , tran s
P revent a s fa r a s p o s s ib le b y adop ti n g go o d
maintenance procedures
Design features 4.2.8
Molten metal Guarding
A.2.8 E j e c tio n o f
Process components/ ff f
E e c tive p ro te c tion o de fi ne d a re a s or
m ater ia l s , m ach i ner y
mach i ner y
Unders ta nd i n g o 6.4
the s ys tem
L adders/wa l kways de s igne d i n
Chemical reactions
Protect as far as possible from
Fire ff
fi re/e xp lo s io n e e c ts
Thermal Molten metal f P ro te c t f
ro m a ny l i kel y s p l a s h o molten
A.3.5 radiation and Molten metal fusion in metal 4.4.3
he at flow
an electrical panel 4.4.5
Equipment and cabling designed and
Heat positioned to avoid damage (e.g. heat 4.4.3
shields, cooling)
For electroheat installations with high
E le c tro m agne tic field s
(see A.
ele c tro m agne tic field s:
liquids) maintenance
Extremes of D e s ign work p o s ition to m i n i m i z e 4.9
temperature exposures. Personal protective 6.3.3
A.4.3 Fire/explosion
Failure of controls
and/or equipment
I n s tr uc tion h a ndb o ok
l e ad i n g to fi r e
E s c ap e o f fl a me s Maintenance 4.8
A.4.3.1 Fire Guards
Escape of materials Proper procedures and maintenance 4.8
H e at- tra n s fer flu id s fi re
Proper procedures and devices for the use 6.4
o f he at-tra n s fer flu id
Fires in service oil/ Design 4.8
Maintenance 6.4
E j e c tio n o f ho t p a r ts or
Design to prevent escape of unburnt gases,
liquids fl a s h b ack i n the p ip ework
A.4.3.2 Explosion
D e s ign work p o s itio n to m i n i m i z e
P ro te c tio n aga i n s t ej e c tion o 4.4.4
s er vice or
p ro ce s s flu id s
ventilation, etc.
Contact with hot Provision of warnings 4.1.2
Thermal surfaces or liquids
A.4.5 stress/other Extremes of D a nger z one ma rki ng 6.4
p hys io lo gic a l
temperature Personal protective equipment 6.3.3
effects (including draughts, Provision and usage 6.4
Provision of information in instruction
h a ndb o ok
Low frequency
Instructions concerning removal of metal
A. Induced burns from the objects in contact with the body 6.3.3
Medium fre- wearing of/or
quency implanted metals on 6.3.4
High frequency persons Measures to prevent persons with metallic
medical implants from being in the area
A. Microwaves Body tissue and organ Provision in accordance with IEC 60519–6
damage (physiological)
Use only sealed sources in accordance with 4.7.3
A.7.3 Ionizing Accidental exposure to IEC 62598.
radiation ionizing radiation Provision o f markings, signs, etc. 6.3
Instruction handbook/manual 6.4
A.8 Material and substances
A.8.1 General 4.8.1
Escape of dust/fume Provision of local exhaust ventilation 4.8.2
from combustion, from Provision of proper evacuation
process, from work-
piece, from quenching
Gas by-products from Provision of detecting devices 6.3
A.8.2 Harmful special atmospheres Provision o f specific danger warning sign 6.4
by-products (these can be toxic,
flammable, asphyx- Provision of warning devices
iant or cause distress), Periodic environmental sampling of
including inhalation, working atmosphere
ingestion, absorption,
asphyxiation, toxicity Defined maintenance procedures 6.4
Failure of services
s er vice flu id s Failure of equipment to Instruction, training, good maintenance 6.4
op erate cor re c tl y
A.11.2 E j e c tion o f
See A.2.7, A.2.8, A.4.4
p a r ts (or flu id s)
Errors of Design, training, understanding of the 4.11.2
A.11.3 fitti n g/ See A.2.9 s ys tem , m a rki ng , identi fic ation , e tc .
Clause 6
a s s emb l y
Absence or incorrect Qu a l ity control a nd com m i s s io n i ng Clause 5
manufacturer or death to the operator
fitti ng c a n c au s e i nj u r y
or supplier o r b y- s ta nders
Annex B
List of common industrial furnaces and associatedprocessing
a) thermal production:
1) ro as ti ng;
3) s i nteri ng , agglomeration;
6) p el le ti z i ng;
2) hold i ng ( l iqu id ph as e) ;
3) p ouri ng;
4) remelti ng;
c) heating:
1) he ati ng , prehe ati ng , co ol i ng , hold i ng;
2) d r yi ng;
d) heat treatment:
1) an ne a l i ng;
2) ha rden i ng;
4) quench i ng;
e) surface treatment:
1) c arbu ri z i ng;
3) n itrid i ng;
5) oxid i z i ng;
f) coating:
1) me ta l l ic co ati ng;
2) ho t d ip ga lvan i z i ng;
4) varn i s h d r yi ng;
2) weld i ng;
h) surface pretreatment:
1) cle an i ng , de gre a s i ng;
2) delacqueri ng;
3) pickl i ng.
a) melting,
b) cooling,
c) decorating, and
d) heat treatment.
B.3 Ceramic-manufacturing plants
c) heating,
d) annealing,
e) sintering,
f) fi ri ng , and
g) decorating.
B . 4 C e m e n t- , l i m e - a n d g yp s u m - m a n u f
a c tu r i n g p l a n ts
a) calcining,
b) fi ri ng ,
c) heating, and
d) cooling.
B . 5 C h e m i c a l / p e tro c h e m i c a l p l a n ts
f) impregnating,
g) l ique fyi ng ,
h) p olymeri z ation,
i) p yrol i z i ng ,
j) re ac tion,
k) re form i ng , c racki ng ,
l) sintering,
m) melting, and
n) vulcanizing, curing.
B.6 Waste incineration
c) ga s i fyi ng.
B . 7 O th e r i n d u s tr i e s
b) d r yi ng granu la r materi a l s ,
c) d r yi ng tex ti le s ,
d) d r yi ng wo o d, a nd
e) b a ki ng.
Annex C
Typical test report
T he te s t mo de shou ld b e agre e d b e twe en p a r tie s , pre ferably i n the orderi ng s tage a nd, a s far as p o s s ible,
Annex D
Wo r k- p e r m i t a u th o r i z a ti o n
Annex E
In formation specific to Japan
E.1 General
For the pu r p o s e s o f th i s do c u ment, the s p e c i fic regiona l i n formation given i n E.2 i s appl ic able to Jap an .
E.2 Background
In add ition to the s a fe ty re qui rements s p e c i fie d in th i s do c u ment, at le a s t the fol lowi ng laws
and regulations are relevant where industrial furnaces are being designed, manufactured and
a) Fire Service Law ;
e) environment-relevant laws.
I n p ar tic u lar, i s s ue s concern i ng the f ol lowi ng two typ e s oAnnex B are
e quipment wh ich are l i s te d i n
— equipment with regards to chemical/petrochemical plants listed in B.5 are u lti mately s ubj e c t to
— waste incineration equipment listed in B.6 are u lti mately s ubj e c t to exam i nation u nder the Was te
Annex F
Re q u i re m e n ts s p e c i fi c to th e U S A
F.1 General
For the purposes o f this document, the specific regional requirements given in F.2 to F.4.2 are applicable
to the USA.
The requirements o f this annex shall ensure a level o f sa fety o f at least equivalent to the main body o f
this document.
F.2 Background
For equipment intended to be used in the USA, the “Authority having jurisdiction” (AHJ) has the
ultimate authority to approve the overall system installation o f the equipment. The AHJ may be a
state government, local fire marshal, local building inspector, local board or commission, the user’s
insurance underwriter, an engineer or the end user. The federal and state governments of the USA
have occupational sa fety and health requirements for a given installation via the Occupational Sa fety
and Health Administration (OSHA), but the OSHA does not typically act as the AHJ during the initial
installation and commissioning of the equipment.
The OHSA requirements for the USA (29 CFR Part 1910 General Industry Standards) can be
downloaded at Some common hazards are covered in Annex A of this document in the
“List o f significant hazards”. However, complying with these may not be enough to satis fy the OSHA
requirements in the USA for a given installation.
The end user is responsible for identi fying the AHJ for a given installation.
For applications to which this document is applicable, NFPA 86 is the recognized American national
standard in the USA. The scope o f NFPA 86 is limited to hazards associated with fires and explosions. In
addition to equipment requirements, it also includes requirements for the end user and the installation
location, whereas this document only covers requirements for the equipment. Thus, complying with
this document does not mean that the installation meets the requirements o f NFPA 86 or the AHJ,
who might have additional or different requirements than those in this document. However, since all
installations are subject to the approval o f the AHJ, it is possible for equipment complying with the
requirements of this document to be accepted.
F.3 Normative references
For the purposes o f this annex, the following normative re ferences apply.
ANSI/ASME B1.20.1, Pipe Threads, General Purpose (Inch)
ANSI/ASME B31.1, Power Piping
ANSI/ASME B31.3, Process Piping
ANSI/ASME B16.20, Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges — Ring-Joint, Spiral-Wound, and Jacketed
ANSI/ASME B16.21, Non Metallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges
NFPA 31, Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
In addition to 4.3.1 , electrical installations shall comply with the following, as applicable:
a) NFPA 70;
b) NFPA 79.
Annex G
Re q u i re m e n ts s p e c i fi c to th e E U a n d a s s o c i a te d c o u n tr i e s
G.1 General
For the purposes o f this document, the specific regional requirements given in G.2 to G.3are applicable
to the EU and associated countries.
The requirements o f this annex shall ensure a level o f sa fety o f at least equivalent to the main body o f
this document.
G.2 Background
For equipment intended to be used in the European Economic Community (EEC) member countries, in
the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) member countries subject to European (EU) legislation,
and in all other countries subject to European legislation, this document gives the specific essential
health and sa fety requirements o f Annex 1 o f the applicable directive to which this document re fers or
with which it is harmonized, and only for the products within the scope o f this document.
This means that essential requirements of other European directives can be applicable.
Examples of potential additional requirements are as follows:
— equipment intended for use in hazardous locations shall, additionally, comply with the requirements
o f Directive 94/9/EC [commonly re ferred to as the ATEX (“Atmosphères explosibles”) Products
— equipment intended for use under pressure (vessels, piping) exceeding 0,5 bar can additionally
need to comply with EEC-PED requirements;
— equipment intended for use with voltages between certain limits shall additionally comply with the
requirements o f Directive 2006/95/EC (commonly re ferred to as the Low Voltage Directive) and
Directive 2004/108/EC (commonly re ferred to as the EMC Directive).
It shall be verified from the scope o f each European directive whether or not the directive is additionally
Other requirements are not given in this document, but are specified in the EC directives themselves.
Certification, declaration, literature and language requirements are specified in each directive. It shall
be verified, for each applicable directive, which additional conditions are required for the TPE be fore it
is installed and commissioned in countries specified in this subclause.
For the purposes o f this annex, the following normative re ferences apply.
EN 547-1, Safety of machinery — Human body measurements — Part 1: Principles for determining the
dimensions required for openings for whole body access into machinery
EN 626-1, Safety of machinery — Reduction of risks to health from hazardous substances emitted by
machinery — Part 1: Principles and specifications for machinery manufacturers
EN 1299, Mechanical vibration and shock — Vibration isolation of machines — Information for the
application of source isolation
Annex H
Re q u i re m e n ts s p e c i fi c to C a n a d a
H.1 General
For the purposes o f ISO 13577 (all parts), the specific regional requirements given in H.2 to H.4 are
applicable to Canada.
The requirements o f this annex shall ensure a level o f sa fety o f at least equivalent to the main body o f
this document.
H.2 Background
For equipment intended to be used in Canada, the “Authority having jurisdiction” (AHJ) has the ultimate
authority to approve the overall system installation o f the equipment. The AHJ may be a federal,
provincial or municipal government.
H.3 Normative references
For the purposes o f this annex, the following normative re ferences apply to the installation, certification
and/or approval of TPE intended for use in Canada.
CAN/CSA B51 Boiler, Pressure Vessel and Pressure Piping Code
CAN/CSA B149 series of Fuel Gas Codes
CAN/CSA B139 series of Liquid Fuel Codes
CAN/CSA C22.1 Canadian Electrical Code
H.4 Marking requirements for Canada
For the purposes o f ISO 13577 (all parts), all required markings and ratings shall be provided in both
English and French languages.
Annex I
Re q u i re m e n ts s p e c i fi c to C h i n a
I.1 General
For the purposes o f ISO 13577 (all parts), the specific regional requirements given in I.2 to I.3 are
applicable to China.
The requirements o f this annex shall ensure a level o f sa fety o f at least equivalent to the main body o f
this document.
I.2 Background
For the equipment intended to be used in China, the “Authority having jurisdiction” (AHJ) has the
ultimate authority to approve the overall system installation o f the equipment. The AHJ may be a state,
provincial, municipal government or the end users.
Sa fety, healthy, environment and fire protection relative laws or regulations should be mainly
I.3 Normative references
The following normative re ferences apply to the installation, certification and approval o f TPE intended
for use in China.
GB, GB/T, JB series o f Boiler, Pressure Vessel and pressure piping codes
GB, GB/T series of gas/liquid fuel codes
GB, GB/T series of Electrical device codes
GB, GB/T series of building designing codes
[1] ISO 7000, Graphical symbols for use on equipment — Registered symbols
[2] ISO 7010, Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Registered safety signs
[3] ISO 7243, Hot environments — Estimation of the heat stress on working man, based on the WBGT-
index (wet bulb globe temperature)
[4] ISO 7731, Ergonomics — Danger signals for public and work areas — Auditory danger signals
[5] ISO 7933, Ergonomics of the thermal environment — Analytical determination and interpretation
of heat stress using calculation of the predicted heat strain
[6] ISO 11429, Ergonomics — System of auditory and visual danger and information signals
[7] ISO 11690-2, Acoustics — Recommended practice for the design of low-noise workplaces containing
machinery — Part 2: Noise control measures
[8] ISO 13574, Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment — Vocabulary
[9] ISO 13857, Safety of machinery — Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper
and lower limbs
[10] ISO 14118, Safety of machinery — Prevention of unexpected start-up
[11] ISO 14123-1, Safety ofmachinery — Reduction ofrisks to health resulting from hazardous substances
emitted by machinery — Part 1: Principles and specifications for machinery manufacturers
[12] ISO 14123-2, Safety of machinery — Reduction of risks to health resulting from hazardous
substances emitted by machinery — Part 2: Methodology leading to verification procedures
[13] ISO 15534-1, Ergonomic design for the safety of machinery — Part 1: Principles for determining the
dimensions required for openings for whole-body access into machinery
[14] ISO 15534-2, Ergonomic design for the safety of machinery — Part 2: Principles for determining the
dimensions required for access openings
[15] IEC 60825-1, Safety of laser products — Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements
[16] IEC 61310-1, Safety of machinery — Indication, marking and actuation — Part 1: Requirements for
visual, acoustic and tactile signals
[17] IEC 61310-2, Safety of machinery — Indication, marking and actuation — Part 2: Requirements
for marking
[18] EN 1299, Mechanical vibration and shock — Vibration isolation of machines — Information for the
application of source isolation
Relevant to Japan
[19] Government o f Japan, Fire Service Law
[20] Government o f Japan, Industrial Safety and Health Law
[21] Government o f Japan, The Building Standard Law of Japan
Relevant to the USA
[22] UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. OSHA, 29 CFR, Part 1910: General Industry
Standards. Available at
44 © ISO 2016 – All rights reserved
ISO 1 3 5 77-1 : 2 01 6(E)
Explosive Atmospheres
[2 6] Eu rop e an C om m i s s ion, D i re c tive 2 0 0 4/10 8/E C rel ati ng to ele c tromagne tic comp atibi l ity a nd
[30] IEC 60364-4-43, Low-voltage electrical installations — Part 4-43: Protection for safety —
Protection against overcurrent
[31] IEC 60364-4-44, Low-voltage electrical installations — Part 4-44: Protection for safety —
Protection against voltage disturbances and electromagnetic disturbances
[32] IEC 60364-5-53, Electrical installations ofbuildings — Part 5-53: Selection and erection ofelectrical
equipment — Isolation, switching and control