Erq207 03
Erq207 03
Erq207 03
Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
April 14-20
READ FOR THIS WEEK’S STUDY: Isaiah 52:13–53:12; Daniel 2; Matthew
24:24; John 13:19.
MEMORY VERSE: “Remember what happened in the past. Think about what
took place long ago. I am God. There is no other God. I am God. There is no
one like me. Before something even happens, I announce [tell] how it will
end. In fact, from times long ago I announced what was still to come. I say,
‘My plan will succeed. I will do anything I want to do’ ” (Isaiah 46:9, 10, NIrV).
events—things that happen.
principle—a basic rule.
Lesson 3 Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
Lesson 3 Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
Genesis 3:15___________________
Genesis 6:13___________________
Genesis 12:1-3_________________
God told Noah that a flood would wipe out
the earth.
Lesson 3 Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
his army were at the gates of Babylon us not to trust God on the last kingdom.
about 175 years after the prophecy
was given. Think about the prophecy in
The Medes and Persians ruled the Daniel 2. Daniel lived more than
world from 539 B.C. to 331 B.C. But 500 years before Christ. But he
then God said in Daniel 2:39, “ ‘Next, a described Europe as it is today!
third kingdom will rule even the whole How could Daniel have done this
earth. The bronze part of the statue without God’s power? Is your faith
stands for that kingdom’ ” (NIrV). Daniel weakening? Do you sometimes
8:21 clearly explained that Greece have trouble trusting in God? Go
was the third kingdom. Within a short back over this prophecy or other
time, the Greek armies, led by prophecies that have been ful-
Alexander the Great, conquered the filled. Ask God to use these
world. The Greeks carried bronze prophecies to build your faith.
shields and swords and wore bronze
breast plates and helmets. WEDNESDAY—APRIL 18
The Greek Empire was then con-
quered by the iron monarchy of Rome THE MESSIAH IN PROPHECY
in 168 B.C. It was another wonderful ful- (Isaiah 52:13–53:12)
fillment of the prophecy in Daniel 2.
Rome had the longest rule of any other Of all the prophecies in the Old
world power. For more than 500 years, Testament, the ones about Jesus’ first
Rome ruled from the British Isles to the coming are among the most powerful.
Arabian Gulf, from the North Sea to the There are about 60 Old Testament
Sahara Desert, and from the Atlantic prophecies about His first coming.
Ocean to the Euphrates River. One of the most powerful is in Isaiah.
But as Daniel said, “ ‘The kingdom
shall be divided’ ” (Daniel 2:41, NKJV).
So Rome was divided into independ-
ent kingdoms that later became the
nations of modern Europe. They were
the nations that would not “hold
together any more than iron mixes
with clay” (Daniel 2:43, NIrV). Today (Pix #10)
we are living in the time of the feet and
toes of the statue.
The next kingdom to come is the
final one, God’s eternal5 kingdom. “And the Lord [God] has placed on his
Daniel was right about all the other servant [Jesus] the sins of all of us”
kingdoms. How foolish it would be for (Isaiah 53:6, NIrV).
Lesson 3 Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
How did Jesus fulfill the proph- and insulted Him (Psalm 22:6-8). He
ecy in Isaiah 52:13–53:12? also may have shown them His cruci-
fixion with sinners (Isaiah 5:12) and
Isaiah 52:13–53:12 is one of the His resurrection (Psalm 16:10).
most powerful examples of prophecy
in the Bible. It is full of prophetic con-
ditions that could not be arranged
ahead of time to cause fulfillment.
This prophecy continues to be power-
ful proof for the Christian faith.
Lesson 3 Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
will happen soon. Among the most The Bible shows what the second
important of these are the prophecies coming of Christ will be like. The Bible
about Christ’s second coming. also describes the signs of His sec-
ond coming. Read the following
All the prophecies about Jesus’ prophecies about these signs. Then
first coming were fulfilled accord- mark an x by the ones that are being
ing to the Bible. So what does that fulfilled.
tell us about the prophecies of the
Second Coming? 1. Increase of knowledge
(Daniel 12:4)
Before leaving His disciples (follow- 2. False messiahs
ers), Jesus had promised them that (Matthew 24:4, 5)
His second coming would be sure. “ ‘If
I go and do that [prepare a place in 3. Wars and rumors of wars
heaven] I will come back. And I will (Matthew 24:6, 7)
take you to be with me. Then you will 4. Famine
also be where I am’ ” (John 14:3, (Matthew 24:7)
NIrV). Peter, one of Jesus’ closest dis- 5. Earthquakes
ciples, wrote, “But we are looking for- (Matthew 24:7)
ward to a new heaven and a new
earth. Godliness will make its home 6. Preaching of the gospel
there. All of this is in keeping with (Matthew 24:14)
God’s promise” (2 Peter 3:13, NIrV). 7. Spread of disease
(Luke 21:11)
8. Signs and wonders
(Luke 21:11)
9. People living in fear
(Luke 21:26)
10. Social problems
(2 Timothy 3:1-5)
(Pix #12)
11. Increase of skepticism6
(2 Peter 3:3, 4)
Lesson 3 Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
comparing—showing how things are the same.