This document defines common prefixes and suffixes used in medical terminology related to surgery. It lists prefixes such as ante, anti, circum, contra, dis, and dys that indicate concepts like before, against, around, opposite, apart, and difficulty. It also lists suffixes like -sele, -centesis, -deces, and -ectomy that refer to concepts such as tumor, puncture, fusion, and surgical removal. The document provides surgeons with a reference for the meaning behind common word parts in surgical terminology.
This document defines common prefixes and suffixes used in medical terminology related to surgery. It lists prefixes such as ante, anti, circum, contra, dis, and dys that indicate concepts like before, against, around, opposite, apart, and difficulty. It also lists suffixes like -sele, -centesis, -deces, and -ectomy that refer to concepts such as tumor, puncture, fusion, and surgical removal. The document provides surgeons with a reference for the meaning behind common word parts in surgical terminology.
This document defines common prefixes and suffixes used in medical terminology related to surgery. It lists prefixes such as ante, anti, circum, contra, dis, and dys that indicate concepts like before, against, around, opposite, apart, and difficulty. It also lists suffixes like -sele, -centesis, -deces, and -ectomy that refer to concepts such as tumor, puncture, fusion, and surgical removal. The document provides surgeons with a reference for the meaning behind common word parts in surgical terminology.
This document defines common prefixes and suffixes used in medical terminology related to surgery. It lists prefixes such as ante, anti, circum, contra, dis, and dys that indicate concepts like before, against, around, opposite, apart, and difficulty. It also lists suffixes like -sele, -centesis, -deces, and -ectomy that refer to concepts such as tumor, puncture, fusion, and surgical removal. The document provides surgeons with a reference for the meaning behind common word parts in surgical terminology.
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Ante Before Pan All Anti Against Peri Around, above Circum Around or above Post After, behind, during Contra Opposite or against Pre Before Dis Apart, away from Py Pus Dys Bad, difficult Retro Behind, backward Extra Outside, beyond in addition Semi Half Hemi Half Sub Under, beneath Hyper Above, over, excessive Super Above, over Hypo Below, under Sufra On the upper side, above Infra Below, underneath Trans Across, beyond Inter Between, among ultra Beyond, excessive Intra Within, on the side
sele Tumor, hernia ostomy Creation of opening centesis Puncture plexy Suturing in place deces Fushon plasty Repair of ectomy Surgical removal of cope Instrument for viewing graphy Drawing, representing, ostopy Examination of organ by recording, describing viewing gram Something drawn/written rapphy Repair or suture of itis Inflammation oscopy Looking into lithotomy Incision for stone removal otomy Cutting into, excision lysis Breaking down or cutting tone Cutting instrument orrhapchy Repair of