Diabetes Management in The Inpt Setting

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Diabetes Management in the Inpatient Setting

Compiled by: Madison Heath, PharmD

Hyperglycemia: Blood glucose of >140mg/mL

Blood Glucose

Goal for the majority of critically ill and non-critically ill patients: 140-180 mg/dL

 Lower goal, 110-140 mg/dL: may be acceptable in patients where it can be “achieved without
significant hypoglycemia”
 Higher goal, 180-250 mg/dL: may be acceptable in patients with severe comorbidities and where
frequent glucose monitoring, or nurse supervision is possible
 Goal ≥ 250 mg/dL: may be acceptable in terminally ill patients with short life expectancy


 Patients that are eating: before meals and at bedtime

 Patients that are not eating: every 6 hours
 IV Insulin: Ranges from every 30 minutes – 2 hours
 TPN: every 6 Hours
 Continuous Glucose Monitoring: Currently not approved for inpatient use by FDA
o Could be changing – Endocrine guidelines recommend CGM use while inpatient for
insulin dependent, non-critically ill individuals

Standard Workflow

 Inpatients should have an A1C test if hyperglycemic and/or have diabetes and have not had one
performed in the past 3 months
o A1C of ≥ 6.5% - Suggests Diabetes prior to admission
 Insulin should be administered per system protocol

Inpatient Regimens

 In patients with persistent blood glucose readings ≥ 180 mg/dL on at least 2 occasions, Insulin
therapy should be initiated
 Non-Critically Ill
o Poor PO Intake/NPO: Basal Insulin or Basal + Bolus Correction
o Good Nutritional Intake: Basal, Prandial + Correction Insulin
*Use of Only Sliding Scale is Discouraged*
 Critically Ill
o Continuous IV Insulin Infusion is recommended
 BG >230 mg/dL or 2 consecutive readings >180mg/dL

Diabetes Inpatient Management – M.Heath 8.2022 – 1

 Insulin Dependent Prior to Admission:
o Convert home insulin to formulary
o Formulary: Short Acting: Insulin lispro (Humalog), Insulin Regular (Humulin R), Long
Acting: Insulin glargine (Lantus)
o After conversion to Lantus – Decrease daily dose by 25-50%

Medications to Hold

 PO antihyperglycemic medications are avoided in the inpatient setting

o Sulfonylureas: Hypoglycemia
o Metformin: Risk of lactic acidosis and ↑ risk of renal failure
o TZDs: Heart failure concerns
o DPP-4/GLP-1: Should be used in patients that are eating regularly
o SGLT2: Avoided in severe illness and prolonged fasting



American Diabetes Association. 9. Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment: Standards of Columbus Regional Health. Hyperglycemia Recognition and Management Policy. Approved
Medical Care in Diabetes – 2022. Diabetes Care. 2022; 45(Suppl 1): S125-S143. doi: 10.2337/dc22-S009 June 1, 2008. Approved August 12, 2021.

American Diabetes Association. 16. Diabetes Care in the Hospital: Standards of Medical Care in Korytkowski MT, Muniyappa R, Antinori-Lent K et al. Management of hyperglycemia in
Diabetes—2022. Diabetes Care. 2022; 45(Suppl 1): S244-S253. doi: 10.2337/dc22-S016 hospitalized adult patients in non-critical care settings: an Endocrine Society clinical practice
guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022; 107(8): 2101-2128. doi: 10.1210/clinem/ggac278
Bogun M, Inzucchi SE. Inpatient management of diabetes and hyperglycemia. Clin Ther. 2013;
35(5):724-733. doi: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2013.04.008 Diabetes Inpatient Management – M.Heath 8.2022 – 2
American Diabetes Association. 9. Pharmacologic Approaches to Glycemic Treatment: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes – 2022. Diabetes
Care. 2022; 45(Suppl 1): S125-S143. doi: 10.2337/dc22-S009

American Diabetes Association. 16. Diabetes Care in the Hospital: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2022. Diabetes Care. 2022; 45(Suppl
1): S244-S253. doi: 10.2337/dc22-S016

Bogun M, Inzucchi SE. Inpatient management of diabetes and hyperglycemia. Clin Ther. 2013; 35(5):724-733. doi:

Columbus Regional Health. Hyperglycemia Recognition and Management Policy. Approved June 1, 2008. Approved August 12, 2021.

Korytkowski MT, Muniyappa R, Antinori-Lent K et al. Management of hyperglycemia in hospitalized adult patients in non-critical care settings:
an Endocrine Society clinical practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022; 107(8): 2101-2128. doi: 10.1210/clinem/ggac278

Diabetes Inpatient Management – M.Heath 8.2022 – 3

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