Volume 2
Volume 2
Volume 2
Role within the Imperium gravity, deal with ship-board emergencies, and handle warp
travel. As they mature, they progress on to more
On many Imperial planets, the Imperial Navy is often complicated pursuits such as learning ship-based weaponry,
referred to as the "Holy Fleet." The Ecclesiarchy preaches spatial navigation, and basic naval tactics. They learn the
that the Fleet is an extension of the God-Emperor's divine history of their ship and their Battlefleet, and they learn the
will and is therefore itself a sacred institution. This is due to pride that comes from being among the Emperor’s finest.
the intimate relationship between the Navigators who are Members of the Naval fleets are a diverse and varied lot,
able to guide the fleet though the Warp using the psychic but they have a few things in common with each other. They
beacon emanating from the Golden Throne and the almost universally respect duty, loyalty, and integrity, and
Astronomican. Whether or not the title applies to all show great strength of character. Conversely, they despise
starfaring vessels in the Imperium that make use of those who show weakness, deceit, and those who are
Navigators is unclear, though this is unlikely. The Adeptus generally lazy and inconsistent. Compared to the Void Born
Mechanicus would also no doubt consider the vessels of Chartist and trade vessels, they have a larger physical
themselves holy. However, this is due to their own techno- build, the result of living in more normal gravity conditions
theological beliefs concerning the divinity of all machines. than that of their counterparts. Members of the battlefleets
The men and women of these fleets are a proud, are also more respected for their role as humanity’s
martially-minded people with a strong sense of honor. Crews protectors among the stars.
live together on ship, eat together, and face the enemies of
the Imperium together. Since they are trained from birth,
they have knowledge of shipboard life that surpasses many
of the most knowledgeable void-born.
From the moment they are able, the people serving the
Imperial Navy fleets are taught how to move about in zero
Several groups in the Mandragora Sector hold power that The Morganstern Syndicate
is not restricted to one planet, but can be felt across the The Morganstern Syndicate is an extremely powerful
whole sector. These include the houses of the Navis criminal organization that deals in spice refinement and
Nobilite, the Commercia Guilds and Cartels, as well as the smuggling, extortion, weapon trafficking, slave trading, and
Great Merchant Houses, which are as old as the bounty hunting. The organization is active on many planets
Mandragora Sector itself. Members of these groups can turn around the Sea of Shadows and rimward boundaries of the
up on any of the sector’s worlds, and they all possess Marjories Regency. It maintains organized cells on various
enough resources to make themselves major players in the worlds of interest; each of these planetary cells is led by a
sector’s complex tapestry of power. single boss who rules over Syndicate interests on that world.
The only way to be accepted into the syndicate is to be
Commercia Powers nominated by several other crime lords.
The Morganstern Syndicate have been involved in a crime
war with the Sable Ecumene for over three hundred years.
Individually, chartist captains, merchant magnates and
The two cartels vying for dominance has kept both of their
their ilk don't hold significant interstellar power. When these
interests from dominating the sector, or threatening the
influential individuals combine their wealth and power, they
monopoly held by the Black Run. This cold war between the
become significant in the sector politics, able to the
two is centered across the Drift worlds and Bravitovich sub-
determine the fates of entire populations with the impact of
sectors where the two colossal powers push against each
their decisions.
other's nominal borders.
Magisterial Houses
Choosing Your Lineage Greatest in size and power are the Magisterial Houses.
The roots of the original Navigator families, these Houses
In the Imperium, there are thousands Navigator Houses,
maintain mighty palaces on Terra and their influence
each with a history that can be traced back hundreds if not
reaches to the very edges of the light of the Astronomican.
thousands of years, but still the number of Navigators is a
The Magisterial Houses maintain traditions and practices
literal drop in the ocean compared to the numberless
that have served them for millennia. They are masters of the
masses of humanity. All these houses are not the same
traditional Navigator crafts and have more control over the
however, either in strength or makeup, and over the
malign mutations that afflict those with the gene. To be part
millennia many have diverged from the first great families
of a Magisterial House is to know without question the purity
that are said to have exhibited the Navigator gene. Some
of your blood and the ancient power and nobility of your
have dwindled and died off over the years, some few turned
outlaw, whilst many others have prospered in these
Magisterial Houses with influence in the Mandragora
divergent ways of life creating branches and offshoots of the
Sector include the grand houses of Masataro and
Great Houses across the Imperium. Whilst it would be
Damaskinos. A Navigator character that belongs to a
impossible to catalogue and critique each of the Navigator
ithout the Navigator gene and those who bear it, A Void in the Warp: Characters with the Untouchable
elite advance cannot gain the Navigator elite advance.
there simply would not be an Imperium of Man. At best, GM Guidance: The GM should feel free to allow
Humanity’s control of the stars would be limited to those characters to take the Navigator elite advance if they
planets that could entirely support themselves and a few want; 1-2 Navigators per group usually creates a good
scattered petty empires. Contact with other worlds would be balance. It is not possible for a character to later
scant to non-existent, for travel between all but the very become a Navigator, and this advance must be taken
closest of star systems would be too ponderous, and too at character creation.
dangerous, to be practicable. Without a Navigator, a vessel
is limited to warp jumps of only a few light years at a time, Instant Changes
and exact calibration must be undertaken by massive banks Gains the Forbidden Lore (Warp) and Navigation (Warp)
of cogitators as even the smallest of errors will have fatal Skills.
consequences for the vessel and every soul aboard. Without Gains the Navigator trait, the Navigator aptitude, and
the Lidless Stare Navigator Power
a Navigator, to cross even the smallest of interstellar gulfs
Can no longer gain the Untouchable or Psyker elite
without the most detailed and ancient charts is considered a advances for any reason.
desperate or foolhardy act by most void-farers and suicidal
by those who truly understand what horrors lurk beyond the
material universe. Unlocked Advances
The Navigator is the scion of one of the great Navigator The character can now purchase Navigator powers by
spending experience points. The character must also
clans. These bloodlines are said by some to be older than
select a Navigator House (see Choosing a Lineage
the Imperium itself and by others to be a direct creation of above).
the God-Emperor when he walked in mortal form. Over the A character with the Navigator elite advance also
millennia, they have garnered great power and influence gains access to a special set of talents. These talents are
thanks to the Imperium’s reliance on them, but at the same available only to a Navigator character, and are
time are caged by convention and tradition. A Navigator purchased with experience in the same manner
wants for nothing, yet in reality is often a slave of his station. as regular talents are purchased.
Thanks to his Warp Eye, he is able to pierce the veil
between the Materium and the Immaterium, between reality
and the nightmarish realms beyond. Able to perceive the
warp’s shifting contours and impossible currents, he can
experience and power, the abstraction fades, and they are
guide a vessel by dint of his skill and the immeasurable aid
capable of observing the true warp through a polarized
of the light of the Astronomican, the Emperor-forged and
state—their third eye filtering the horror. But even for those
soul-burning beacon that shines across the galaxy from
so designed on a genetic level to endure the warp’s horrors,
ancient Terra. The life of a Navigator is one of duty and
there is still a price to pay. Navigators who have served the
service to his clan, yet many would have it no other way, for
longest may become wracked with bodily failure, incipient
they are never truly more alive than when ensconced in their
madness, and possible mutation, and ultimately they
navigation sanctum, gazing into the insane, swirling depths
become virtual prisoners reliant on the life-sustaining
of the Immaterium, pitting their will and their wits against the
ravening storm of energy and thought that lurks behind all machinery of their sanctums. Conversely, those newly come
into their calling often revel in their rank and wealth, affecting
things others call real.
rakish mannerisms and caring little for the petty concerns or
Each Navigator perceives the warp in an entirely
trivial realities of life in the Imperium, each knowing that such
subjective manner as a reflection of his own unique nature,
a life is for them a thing that must one day pass.
for even such as they may not stare into the abyss and face
Those that embrace this wild, almost nihilistic attitude are
its true form without suffering the utter destruction of mind
often attracted to service aboard a Rogue Trader vessel,
and soul. Some perceive the dimension in terms of a journey
striking out into the darkness almost as if fleeing the
through a storm-wracked forest, knowing that to stray from
inevitable fate they must one day face. Others owe their
the path is to surrender to the horrors that lurk within. For
dangerous service thanks to some hidden crime or
others, the warp appears as a raging sea, or a desert
misdemeanor among their own kind or through connection to
engulfed in a sandstorm, or a shifting city of night, or a
million other potential forms. As Navigators gain in an infamous and some might say tainted bloodline.
Regardless of whatever idiosyncrasies a Navigator might
bear, he is essential to the operation of a Rogue Trader
The most powerful of the Navigator houses have their Navigator Power
Family House on Terra, in a vast district known as the
Tier: 1
Navigator’s Quarter, a byzantine labyrinth of ornate
Prerequisites: Navigator
buildings, decorated beyond any measure of taste. Every
Aptitudes: Navigator, Perception
palace is huge and decorated with mighty murals and
Effect: The character’s trainers or natural ability allows use
elaborately painted ceilings, the Navigator Lords competing
of an additional Navigator Power. This Talent may be
with each other to create the most beautiful palaces,
chosen multiple times, each selection granting a new Power
adorned with the greatest works of art in the galaxy. They
or increasing an existing power in its mastery.
have libraries containing millions of books, data crystals and
scrolls, and own collections of sacred relics to match
anything possessed by the Ecclesiarchy. They own
Gaining Navigator Powers
menageries of rare beasts, and wine cellars replete with the
products of a million worlds and live in obscene luxury and In Dark Heresy, Navigator characters have access to
splendor. special Navigator powers representing the unique gifts of
An estate surrounds each palace, containing sculpted their lineage. These powers are gained and deepened by
gardens and ornamental pleasure lakes filled with scented spending experience. Each Navigator power is divided into
water. Beneath the palaces is a far darker world; the Vaults. three levels: Novice, Adept and Master. These three levels
These vast labyrinths stretch downwards towards the reflect a Navigator’s mastery over his powers and his
planetary core and are the sometime home to the strange understanding of the true nature of the warp. When a
mutated ancients of the Houses. Navigator gains a new power for the first time ,it will start at
The most powerful Houses vie for the position of the Novice level. Thereafter, they may spend Experience
Paternova, the overall ruler of the Navigator House’s, whose Points to gain either a new power or raise an existing power
powerful influence extends even to the High Lords of Terra. to the next level (i.e., Novice to Adept or Adept to Master).
It is every Navigator House's ambition to one day reach the
position of Paternova, and take control of the great Navigator Initial Powers
Palace on Terra. Lesser Navigator families owe fealty to
larger houses, which in turn have their own alliances. These A Navigator character begins play with The Lidless Stare
alliances form trading cartels, which compete for lucrative power and may choose one more power, or instead of
contracts with other trading cartels. The Merchant Fleets of choosing a second power, he may increase his mastery of
the Imperium must constantly deal with these powerful one of his powers by one stage. At higher ranks a Navigator
cartels for the services of the Navigators. It is a strained may spend experience to gain access to additional powers.
relationship at best, and while open conflict is rare, it is not
unknown. Using Navigator Powers
More covert methods are often employed. An assassin’s
bullet to remove a troublesome Novator or his envoys, to be Unlike psychic powers, Navigators do not need to
replaced by a more amenable family member, is an oft-used summon the energies of the warp or use arcane psychic foci
recourse. So high are the financial rewards and influence to to activate their powers. Rather, their powers are a result of
be gained that assassination attempts are a common their innate connection to the warp and the legacy of their
transaction between rival Navigator Houses. Open warfare, genes. Because of these factors, a Navigator character does
in a controlled fashion, is not unknown between the feuding not make a focus test to try and gather warp energy as a
houses, since all control vast wealth, large professional Psyker would or have a Psy Rating. Instead, whenever he
mercenary forces are paid huge amounts to serve the chooses to use one of his powers, he must pass a
Navigator Houses. Some of these mercenary contracts date characteristic test for it to be successful.
back thousands of years. The Navigators, paranoid of their Each power’s description indicates which characteristic
rivals, are afraid to be seen as militarily weak, and thus they must be tested, plus any modifiers and additional effects for
pay well for loyal service, and failing this, they trade in degrees of success the Navigator gains. The most common
slaves or penitents and train their own soldiery within their characteristics used by a Navigator in this way are Willpower
huge private estates. Slave trading is a lucrative business and Perception.
and so long as taxes and tithes are paid, the Administratum In addition to any modifiers detailed in the power’s
turns a blind eye.
description, a Navigator gains a bonus to the test based on
his level of mastery with the power:
+0 Novice
+10 Adept
Void Watcher
Using this power and gazing into the void whilst aboard
ship, the Navigator can learn things about space in the
immediate vicinity of his vessel. This can reveal hidden
dangers such as mines, void creatures, and concealed
ships, as well as more mundane perils like asteroids and
debris. With skill and practice, a Navigator’s void sense can
become amazingly precise and reach out across millions of
kilometers of space.
Novice: The Navigator can make a Perception test (modified
by range and size of potential objects as the GM thinks
appropriate) to detect objects in space up to a distance
equal to the Navigator’s Perception Bonus in Void Units If
the power is not being used during space combat, the
distance equals 1,000 kilometers times the Navigator’s
Perception Bonus. Information gained about such objects is
only what the Navigator could discover through normal
Adept: As above, however, range is increased to a distance
equal to double the Navigator’s Perception Bonus in Void
Units, or 10,000 km times the Navigator’s Perception Bonus
if the power is not being used during space combat. He may
make a Difficult (–10) Willpower Test to gain some
information about the nature of the object (i.e., what minerals
are in an asteroid, what kind of crew a starship has).
Master: As above, except range becomes equal to five
times the Navigator’s Perception Bonus in Void Units or
100,000 km times the Navigator’s Perception Bonus if the
Recent History
The House of Val has undergone a resurgence in the
most recent centuries of its existence. During 839.M38 the
then head of the house, Acarthon Val, nearly exhausted his
familial resources in what many consider a frivolous and
disastrous campaign exploring the hellish region of void
beyond the halo stars. After nearly four decades the House
of Val had become a shadow of its former self after suffering
heavy losses, leaving the patriarch to fall into a deep and
irrecoverable stupor of depression.
It was the usurpation and murder of Acarthon by one of
his sons, Leopold Tyruss Val, that marked the turnaround of
the House. With what remained of his family's wealth and
dwindling forces, Leopold Val absconded to the Mandragora
sector, an ancient seat and refuge of the house, and allied
Instant Changes Rogue Traders usually return to Imperial space every few
Gains the Air of Authority, Decadence and Peer (Any years, to unload their exotic wares and resupply, recruit and
One) talents, and the Leadership Aptitude. rest until their next foray into the darkness. During these
periods they may have encounters with members of the
• Rogue Trader: The bearer of the Warrant of Trade
Inquisition. Any Inquisitor who hears news of a Rogue
gains a starting amount of Profit Factor—representing Trader in his locality will more than likely seek him out to find
the relative power of the Rogue Trader dynasty’s Warrant out what he has discovered. Rogue Traders wield incredible
of Trade—and a starting amount of ship points, which power and it is easy for them to forget that once back within
represent the relative power of the starship owned by the the Imperium they do not have free rein to act as they wish,
dynasty. and this will also draw attention from the Inquisition. Many
These numbers are generated by rolling 1d10 and Rogue Traders dispute the right of the Inquisition to
persecute them, as they see it. As men who have wandered
comparing the result to the chart in
amongst alien stars and conversed with all manner of
Table: Starting Profit Factor cultures, Rogue Traders are susceptible to all kinds of
heresies, from wayward philosophies to infection by alien
creatures or possession by warp entities that live in the
darkness between stars. All these factors can lead to violent
endeavors and their bloodlines, but of countless future confrontation, particularly if the Rogue Trader has
generations and, often, the fortunes of entire worlds. knowledge or an artifact that an Inquisitor is keen to get his
hands on.
Occasionally the Inquisition may approach a Rogue
Profit Factor Trader to work for them, either leading his own men or as a
The prestige and pedigree of a Rogue Trader’s Warrant of companion to an Inquisitor. Whether this works comes down
Trade is measured in terms of raw profit and influence. The to the Rogue Trader and Inquisitor involved . Rogue Traders
Profit Factor acquired from Table 1-2: Profit Factor and can be highly irreverent at times, and Inquisitors with a hard-
Ship Points is a representation of the relative value of the line view often take offense to jibes at the Imperium and its
Warrant itself—what opportunities and resources it can call organizations.
upon. See Profit Factor in the next page for more details.
Component Craftsmanship and Facilities Craftsmanship). No matter how shoddy the armor plating on
a warship, for example, they still do not require Power to
There are fairly well known expectations when making
operate. In addition, although Poor Craftsmanship
purchases for a vessel. Every trader worth their warrant
Components reduce Ship Point costs by 1, this can only be
knows how much deck space a standard Mark VI Mars-
reduced to a minimum of 1.
pattern macrocannon emplacement needs, or how much
power Stygies pattern torpedo tubes draw in combat. The
more skilful Traders know that there are shades of quality to Installing Components
their acquisitions, and depending on the circumstances Spacecraft are amongst the most complex machines ever
those acquisitions may differ from that standard. devised by humanity. Encompassing tens of thousands of
The most common difference is simply due to lack of separate systems, they are regarded by their crews as
availability or funds. Not all worlds have the required goods possessing not only personalities and quirks, but souls.
at the quality desired—and of course, if the gelt is running Whether the ship is an aggressive, questing ship of the line
low, then one must make do with what’s affordable. This or a timid, plodding ore-barge, its masters will ever tinker
holds true when buying a lasgun charge pack or a Titanforge and polish with its rig in order to obtain prime results. Key to
Lance. Alternatively, should a Rogue Trader Dynasty find this process is the installation of ship Components. While
themselves with a surplus of wealth, they may look to there are certain Components that are essential to the
improve the quality of their shipboard Components. running of any ship (void fields, plasma drives, warp engines
Replacing an ordinary Jovian Plasma Drive with one finely- and the like), there are tens of thousands of other systems
tuned and personally blessed by a visiting Tech-Priest which can be incorporated into a ship, each of which has an
Magos is oftentimes worth the investment for a variety of effect on its use and efficacy. The fitting of such
reasons. Usually products of better craftsmanship take up Components can depend upon the whims of its master,
less space or power, due to the more-efficient workings of designer or upon other factors such as the cost and
their ancient designs. availability of parts in a given locale. Many Rogue Traders
The quality of the item also ties into its installation. This is have inherited a ship loaded with the peculiar affectations of
almost as important as the actual Component itself, for what an eccentric previous owner.
does it profit an Rogue Trader if their hard-won plasma drive In light of this, there are hundreds of shipyards devoted to
is installed by poorly-programmed servitors or their new Lux the removal, repair, overhaul, and fitting of such
Net ripped apart by a clumsy Ogryn? For the most part it is Components. Within the bounds of the Imperium, these fall
assumed that Components are acquired along with the same into two broad classes: Adeptus Mechanicus facilities, and
level of workers to install them, with Poor Craftsmanship of a installations run by other Imperial bodies that utilize
Component also leading to Poor installation crews and indentured tech-priests under the terms of ancient charters.
inspectors and so on. The former are rare, but produce ships and devices of
All of these factors must come into play when the crew superlative quality.
plan their acquisitions, perhaps even more so when times All Essential Components take two weeks to install on a
are good than when times are lean. Just as only a thin hull starship. This is increased by one additional week for every
stands between air and the void, so does the prepared mind additional Ship Point the Component costs, so an Essential
stand between disastrous poverty and long-term wealth. Component that costs +1 Ship Point ends up taking three
Table 1–6: Component Craftsmanship Modifiers, weeks to install. Supplemental Components take a number
represents how the level of quality and craftsmanship for a of weeks to install based on their Ship Point cost. The
Component affects its Acquisition and Installation, while number of Ship Points equals the number of weeks, so a
Table 1–7: Lance and Macrobattery Craftsmanship Supplemental Component that costs one Ship Point takes
Modifiers shows the performance effects on Lance and one week to install. When calculating the Component Costs
Macrobattery weapons (this table should be used instead of and Availability, always use the modified Ship Point costs
Table 1-4). Other weapons should use Table 1-4. Note that a (taking Component Craftsmanship Modifiers into account).
modifier cannot take any original value to zero; should this This may increase Component Costs beyond what is
occur the modified value becomes 1. Even the most well accounted for in the core rulebook, so Table 1-8: Expanded
crafted Components need power to function and space to Component Costs takes this into account. Note, that
occupy. However, if the original Space or Power Archeotech and Xenostech Components are always
requirements were zero, Craftsmanship does not increase Extremely Rare and Near Unique, respectively, unless their
these requirements (even in the case of Poor
Ship Point cost would make them rarer, in which case Civilized System
they use the rarer of the two Availability ratings.
These represent the majority of systems Explorers will use
when seeking repairs or new Components. Habitable planets
Facilities host a network of orbital docks ready to service any size of
ship, and suppliers are ready to sell or barter for whatever
There are many locations throughout the area where a equipment they require. The facilities host few surprises, an
Rogue Trader and his crew may dock to conduct needed anathema to the adventurous explorer.
repairs, purchase new equipment for both the ship and crew,
resupply for the next voyage, and have no questions asked. Colonial System
The very nature of the Imperium ensures a wide variety of
Struggling settlements on newly colonized worlds, colonial
systems, each with possible benefits to be found. Should the
systems still have semi-civilized populations with access to
Explorers have the means and time for additional travelling,
technology. It is rare they can spare vital equipment, but if
they may be able to strike better deals, find superior repair
the characters are willing to pay a little more, the colonists
facilities, or even locate items thought impossible to find. The
may find a way to get along without it.
following represents a selection of the common system
facilities in the Imperium, but should in no way be thought of
as a complete list. GMs are encouraged to create others to
Deep Void Station
populate the many unknown and forgotten systems to be These stations operate far into the depths of space.
found, perhaps making some of them into common (but not Appearing on few warp charts, they conduct mysterious
necessarily safe) ports of call for the Explorers when they business affairs, possibly heretical, probably criminal, often
and their ship are in need of respite. Table 1-9: Common xenos-related. Some are ancient surveillance posts from
Facility Types & Modifiers includes the specific modifiers centuries gone by, others are the archipelago-fusion of
each facility type gives to Acquisition, Component, several space hulks and crippled ships, but all have found a
Installation, and other values where needed. Note that a role in servicing voidfarers who, for a variety of reasons,
modifier cannot take any original value to zero; should this wish to keep their transactions unnoticed. Here characters
occur the modified value becomes a 1. can find almost anything they may need, but they will be
matching wits with the shrewdest dealers.
Unless a character has access to a dedicated vehicle ways not imagined (or desired) by the passengers. Overall,
(perhaps an Inquisitor has a permanent arrangement with a they are fairly dependable and reliable. To create ships of
Chartist captain, or even owns his own ship), Acolytes will differing standards, use the following modifications:
need to manage their own travel arrangements. Most of the Poor: The ship is barely able to hold atmosphere, with minor
time this is a relatively straightforward affair as most hull leaks and plasma drive failures a common occurrence.
planetary docks have procedures to arrange berths on Much of the ship resembles a junkyard, patched together
passenger ships. Most transport captains are also willing to with random parts and purity seals. It would be wise to sleep
take on some passengers and indicate their destinations and with one eye open and a ready pistol when travelling. Expect
rates at the docks as well. If an Inquisitorial Agent is in need a true adventure during the passage; you are bound to pick
of transportation to a location not listed, though, or need up a few stories to tell at the next bar should you ever arrive.
arrangements outside the norm (such as expeditious speed, Good: A step above the standard, with well maintained
possibly illegal cargo or travel to forbidden worlds) then decks and regular prayer sessions to maintain the spiritual
some serious negotiations will be needed. Having plenty of wellbeing of the ship and its crew. There might be some
local script or bartering merchandise on person can aid this problems during the voyage, but usually none that are too
process immeasurably. Most Inquisitorial agents refrain from life threatening.
simply commandeering a vessel on the authority of their Best: A trip of relaxed calm awaits, as if the Emperor
rosette, and save that as a last resort to be used only when Himself was watching over you. If it weren’t for your
regular means such as payment, bribery and subtle threats upcoming mission and the high cost of the passage, you
fail. would probably never depart.
Keeping the negotiations “sub-rosa” helps maintain good
working relations with the merchant fleets and helps ensure Passage in Space
that the next time they need a ride things go smoothly. It also Once you have secured passage, there are two main
helps keep them in business and available for them in future types of service that can affect your voyage: your
endeavors. Indeed, if treated well, most captains look accommodations and the meals provided. Obviously things
forward to repeat business, thus making life easier for all can vary from ship to ship, so GMs should feel free to
parties concerned. improvise and create new prices and offerings as desired to
ensure a memorable crossing for their Acolytes. The
Availability of Finding a Ship information below can be used as a guide in setting these
Finding passage can sometimes be a troublesome rates. Bon Voyage!
experience, depending on the type of ship you’re looking for. Berthing: This covers all manner of lodgings to be found on
Use Table 1-10: Finding a Ship to determine passage a ship, from the barely livable to the sumptuously
Availability and standard costs. extravagant.
Shipboard Meals: This includes any kind of consumables
Ship Quality such as foodstuffs and beverages to be considered part of
your passage fee. Travelers can bring their own foodstuffs or
The standard vessel is of Common craftsmanship. There
rations if they desire, but have to pay extra for the additional
may be a few failed grav plates and the air may smell a bit,
cargo space.
with occasional problems to make the passage interesting in
Rapid Reaction
Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Agility 40
Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft
Effect: The character has honed his reactions to a razor’s
edge, allowing him to act while most stand dumbfounded.
When surprised or ambushed, a successful Agility Test
allows the character to act normally.
The only means of communicating over interstellar
distances is afforded by the Astropaths. Astropaths are
capable of sending telepathic messages across space, and
they can receive messages sent by other Astropaths if their
minds are correctly attuned. The need for Astropaths is
enormous. They are a common sight in the Imperium and
are easily distinguished by their flowing, hooded robes. They
do not mingle with ordinary men except when duty dictates,
and the privacy of their sanctums on worlds and aboard
ships are sacrosanct areas made inviolable by Imperial law.
Astropaths serve in the Fleet as shipboard and planetary
communicators. They also serve in the Imperial Guard, the
Inquisition, the Adeptus Ministorum, the Space Marines, and
throughout the Adeptus Administratum. Confidentiality can
still be assured, as an Astropath need not understand a
message to transmit it. In this way, with various secret
languages, codes, and ciphers, covert orders and other
sensitive information can be passed across the galaxy
without anyone other than the intended recipient
understanding its contents.
The Imperial Commanders of distant worlds must have
Astropaths if they are to communicate with the rest of the
Imperium. Similarly, Astropaths are an essential part of
civilian life, working for commercial shippers and anywhere
where interstellar communication is needed. The vast body
of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica makes up a network
covering almost the entire Imperium, facilitating the transfer
of information from one end of the galaxy to the other.
Although the range of a single Astropath is not vast, only
Mandragora Apocrypha 48
Representing and Generating Characteristics weapons, they are no match for a true combatant. Thus,
transports are often prime targets for pirates.
49 Mandragora Apocrypha
to the most powerful tech-magos. However, each vessel— Battleships
often five or more kilometers long—carries the firepower to
Battleships are the masters of space combat. These
burn planets. They are designed to win wars, and the
massive spacecraft are protected by nigh-impenetrable
Imperial Navy guards them zealously.
defenses, carry enough firepower to obliterate a lesser ship,
Cruisers carry large banks of weapons and are heavily
and usually have launch-bays for attack craft as well. The
armored. They have huge engines, but due to their size,
only weaknesses of a battleship are its expense and poor
their speed and maneuvering is not spectacular. This is good
maneuverability. However, when accompanied by cruisers
for a cruiser’s smaller opponents, since their only chance
and escorts to offset these disadvantages, a battleship
against these behemoths is to flee. Indeed, cruiser designers
becomes a nearly unstoppable addition to any fleet.
expect their craft will most often fight other cruisers, and will
For the Imperial Navy officer class (admirals, captains,
mount powerful weapons designed specifically to slay these
commanders, first lieutenants, etc.) on board, an entire
section of a large Battleship's command deck may be
divided into huge, luxurious staterooms, with vast bedrooms,
Battlecruisers offices and wardrobes, bathrooms and toilets mirroring those
Using the simpler technologies of the latter Imperial of an Imperial Planetary Governor's palace, and even
cruisers, and the power systems of battleships, the master harems of concubines and handmaidens. Lower-class bridge
tech-masons of the Adeptus Mechanicus produced an officers and chief petty officers would have fairly large,
elegant hybrid, the battlecruiser, during the latter 36th moderately luxurious quarters, and the armsmen, mid-class
Millennium. Designed to provide the fleet with the long range crewmen and petty officers would all have decent
punch of battleship weaponry in a cruiser-sized hull, accommodation, generally consisting of a sleeping area,
battlecruisers are forged purely for heavy engagements chemical toilet and storage locker. However, the bottom-
between vast capital vessels, and excel in this narrow class enlisted conscripts and slave ratings would have little
specialty. They overpower cruisers by virtue of their more than a flea-infested sleeping pallet and a single toilet
overcharged weaponry; very few ships can out-shoot a shared between ten ratings.
Typically somewhat smaller and more lightly armored than Ironclads
their predecessors, the grand cruisers, battlecruisers are
Ironclads, much like their contemporary Imperial Navy
nevertheless more economical, safer and more reliable.
counterparts, the Battleships, are vast, 8-kilometre-long
What they lack in heavy armor and exotic drive systems is
vessels which lack the Void Shielding of their Battleship
more than made up for in raw firepower.
counterparts in favor of meters of adamantium plate armor.
These warships, built before the advent of Void Shield
Grand Cruisers technology, have since been phased out of production by the
Grand cruisers are vastly powerful and archaic warships, Imperium to be replaced by more modern designs. However,
remnants of a more technologically advanced era of Imperial those remaining in service have been decommissioned for a
history. Only battleships carry heavier armor or wield more variety of purposes; various pattern Ironclads may be
firepower. These vessels were once the core of battlefleet retrofitted with a gargantuan, ship-, station- and even planet-
squadrons, tough warships designed for concerted killer cannon running the entire length of the ship's keel,
broadside actions and punishing void-duels. Now few in linked directly to the stern fusion reactors; others may simply
number, they are in many ways relics of a bygone age. Very be braced and reinforced for the purpose of ramming into --
few grand cruisers have been constructed in recent and through -- enemy vessels. These starships are rare in
millennia, the entire concept having fallen out of favor in the Imperial Navy, due to their archaic design and the lack of
many battlefleets. Their revolutionary and highly facilities still capable of repairing them at existing Forge
sophisticated warp and realspace engine designs are now Worlds, let alone manufacturing new ones.
poorly understood, leading to many well publicized disasters
and warp calamities. Indeed, the fleets of the archenemy Components
contain the reinvigorated hulks of many formerly proud
Imperial grand cruisers lost in the warp due to the gradual
Ships are made up of various Components, all contained
dilution of the sacred knowledge needed to render these
within the ship’s hull. These Components are what makes a
imposing ships safe.
ship a ship—without them, it would only be an empty
Regarded by many suspicious senior staff officers in the
framework. There are two types of Components: Essential
Imperial Navy as dangerous, temperamental, and
Components and Supplemental Components. Essential
constructed using dubious and possibly heretical
Components are what all ships need in order to operate.
technologies, the surviving grand cruisers of the 39th
These include the bridge, plasma drives, warp drive, life
millennium are largely relegated to the reserve fleets. These
support, and the like. Supplemental Components may be
are motley collections of outdated and mothballed antique
useful, but a ship can still operate without them. They
warships, held cold and silent in orbit around munitorium
include cargo bays, weapons, and passenger quarters.
depot worlds, ready for one last call to arms.
Components use two finite resources on a ship, Space
and Power. There is a limited amount of room within a ship’s
hull, and the ship’s plasma drives only provide so much
energy. A Component needs both in order to be used by the
Mandragora Apocrypha 50
ship’s crew. If a Component does not have power, it is Void Shields
unpowered. Unpowered Components are lightless,
Void shields create barriers of energy around a starship.
powerless sections of a ship, where there is no gravity and
The weaker versions on transports exist mainly to deflect
no air. Those who wish to enter them must use void-suits.
celestial debris, while a military vessel’s void shield is strong
Needless to say, they do not provide any of their listed
enough to absorb incoming fire.
benefits or bonuses to the ship.
If a Component does not have space, it is exposed.
exposed Components are mounted outside the ship’s hull.
Geller Field
They can still have power and be used—a passenger pod Though a void shield protects a starship in space, it is of
could be suspended on the outside of the ship and still have no use against the nightmarish inhabitants of the warp. For
light, heat, and air. However, the module does not receive that, a warp-capable ship requires a Geller Field. This
any benefits from the ship’s armor or structural integrity. technology has existed since long before the Age of Strife,
During combat, they will absorb the first hit to make it and creates a bubble of normalcy in that realm of chaos, and
through the ship’s shields, and be destroyed. Any crew makes sure its creatures stay outside the hull.
unfortunate enough to occupy the Component at the time will
be killed. Life-Sustainer
However, some Components will have the external trait. Without the pumps, bellows, and filters of the life-
These Components have been designed to be mounted sustainer, the air of a starship would soon be toxic fog, and
outside a starship’s hull and are placed in protected alcoves the water, undrinkable sludge. Life-sustainers purify the
or shielded by strange technologies. An external Component ship’s atmosphere and recycle waste to produce clean
does not take up Space, and cannot be destroyed except by water.
a Critical Hit.
Crew Compartments
Essential Components Even the smallest transports require thousands of
crewmembers to operate. Many are menial labourers press-
All ships have certain vital Components, without which ganged from the depths of hives, others are skilled void-men
they could not operate. These Components are included in a trained to operate a starship’s many systems. Regardless,
ship’s basic design. They cannot be removed (lest the vessel they all require a place to live, be it a moldy bunk or well-
turn into an expensive and useless hulk), but may be appointed cabin.
upgraded—replacing older and less useful Components with
more powerful versions. These Essential Components are Bridge
specifically for starships capable of warp-travel—a system
Just like everybody must have a head, every starship
defense monitor or inter-system tug, for example, would not
must have a bridge. Here, from his command-pulpit, the
require a warp drive or Geller Field.
captain directs his vessel and the actions of his thousands of
A warp-capable starship’s Essential Components are the
crew. Here also are the advanced cogitators that direct the
ship’s targeting systems, sensors, and other systems.
Hull Sensors
The framework on which a starship is constructed, a hull,
Sight is of little use when dealing with the vast distances
more than anything else, defines a starship. This is also one
of the void. Auspexes, grav-detectors, and auger arrays can
of the few Components that cannot be upgraded.
spy the reflected light from a tumbling asteroid—or heat from
an enemy vessel—thousands or even millions of kilometers
Plasma Drives away. More advanced sensors can even spot the warp-wake
Gigantic edifices of almost incomprehensible technology, of a vessel traversing the Immaterium.
plasma drives take up immense amounts of space within a
starship’s hull. Without one, a starship is little better than a Supplemental Components
cold, drifting tomb.
51 Mandragora Apocrypha
Constructing a Starship Transports
When creating a starship, players should proceed along Transports are unexciting but vital to galactic commerce.
the following steps:
The first step is to select a hull. A list of hulls is found on Armed Freighter
the next few pages, divided by class: transport, raider, Dimensions: 2.5 km long, 0.4 km abeam at fins approx.
frigate, light cruiser, and cruiser. Mass: 8.9 megatonnes approx.
Once the players have their hull, they roll on the Crew: 19,000 crew, approx.
Complications charts, gaining one Past Histories Accel: 2.3 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
Complication and one Machine Spirit Quirks Complication. Often freighters operating in dangerous areas would
Alternatively, the GM can select these Complications install military gun batteries and fire control systems
instead. operated by warship crewmen. It sometimes even helped.
Once the Complication has been determined, the players Less common, but still not unknown, is for these freighters to
build their ship. Based on their hull and the drive they actively engage in military duty, lending what little support to
select, they will have a certain amount of Space and an outnumbered or isolated battlefleet.
Power. Based on their Warrant of Trade, they will have a
certain amount of Ship Points (see page XX).
Next, players must select what type of crew their vessel
has. All ships start with a Competent Crew (see Table 3- ARMOR: 3 SPEED: 3 SHIP POINTS: 10
2: NPC Crew Ratings on page XX), with a Skill Level of
30. The cost of the crew is included with the cost of the
ship’s hull. If players wish to, they can gain an additional 5 TURN RADIUS: 45° HULL INTEGRITY: 25
Ship Points to spend on their vessel by downgrading their SPACE: 30 TURRET RATING: 1
Crew to Incompetent (20). Likewise, they can upgrade CREW: 17,800 CREW, APPROX.
their crew to a Crack Crew (40) by spending 5 of their
existing Ship Points. They may even upgrade their crew to
a Veteran Crew (50) by spending 15 Ship Points.
Next, the players must select one Essential Component Cargo Hauler: This vessel was designed for transporting
from each of the Essential Component categories. goods, and no amount of retrofitting can fully change this.
Next, players may select Supplemental Components. This hull comes pre-equipped with one Main Cargo Hold
Each Component (Essential or Supplemental) has a Component. The hull’s Space has already been reduced to
Space and Power requirement. The sum total of all the account for this, however, when the ship is constructed it
Component’s requirements may not exceed the Space must be able to provide two Power to this Component.
provided by the hull, or power generated by the drive.
Once the starship’s Components have been recorded,
any benefits and drawbacks should be totaled and, if
necessary, combined.
Note that certain Components can increase a ship’s Crew
Population or Morale level above 100. This is acceptable,
and should set the ship’s new maximum level of Crew
Population and Morale. If damaged, a starship’s Crew
Population and Morale can be restored back up to these
Barge-Class Transport
maximums, but not above them. This may seem strange, Dimensions: 4.3 km long, 0.7 km abeam at fins approx.
since both Crew Population and Morale are abstract Mass: 30 megatonnes approx.
representations, rather than a concrete measurements of Accel: 2.2 gravities max sustainable acceleration
crewmembers or their loyalty. However, just consider these A standard and large vessel commonly found throughout
Components to be increasing the loyalty of the crew, or the the merchant fleet. These vessels are seldom outfitted for
amount of warm bodies aboard the ship, and subsequently combat, designed almost entirely for transportation and large
making either value slightly more resilient to losses. freight shipments, or carrying large congregations of
passengers throughout the space lanes of the sector.
The hull of the vessel defines what type of ship it is, its ARMOR: 5 SPEED: 2 SHIP POINTS: 20
abilities, and the Components that may be added to it. The DETECTION: +12 MANOEUVRABILITY: -20
hull has all the base Characteristics of the ship (though they
may be modified by certain components):
Mandragora Apocrypha 52
Cargo Hauler: This vessel was designed for transporting
goods, and no amount of retrofitting can fully change this.
This hull comes pre-equipped with one Main Cargo Hold ARMOR: 6 SPEED: 4 SHIP POINTS: 28
Component. The hull’s Space has already been r educed to
account for this, however, when the ship is constructed it
must be able to provide two Power to this Component. TURN RADIUS: 45° HULL INTEGRITY: 60
Carrack-Class Hauler
Dimensions: 2.1 km long, 0.4 km abeam at fins approx. CARRACK-CLASS TRANSPORT TRANSPORT
Mass: 16 megatonnes approx. ARMOR: 3 SPEED: 4 SHIP POINTS: 25
Accel: 3.8 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
Designed in-tandem with the standard Carrack, the Hauler DETECTION: +10 MANOEUVRABILITY: -5
variant of this class remains true to its mercantile TURN RADIUS: 45° HULL INTEGRITY: 45
construction, lacking armaments of any sort. The ideology SPACE: 38 TURRET RATING: 1
behind the construction of the Carrack-Class Hauler was to
utilize the robust and vigorous design principles to produce a
stable coterie of merchant trade vessels to increase the flow WEAPON CAPACITY: 2 DORSAL
of trade within the Mandragora sector.
53 Mandragora Apocrypha
Cargo Hauler: This vessel was designed for transporting meant that accidents abounded, and few squadrons of craft
goods, and no amount of retrofitting can fully change this. could be carried in any case.
This Hull comes pre-equipped with one Main Cargo Hold
Component. The hull’s Space has already been reduced to ESCORT-CARRIER FREIGHTER TRANSPORT
account for this, however when the ship is constructed it
must be able to provide a total of 2 Power to this ARMOR: 6 SPEED: 2 SHIP POINTS: 25
Mandragora Apocrypha
Dimensions: 1.2 km long, 0.3 km abeam at fins approx. GALLEON-CLASS ARMED-FREIGHTER TRANSPORT
Mass: 3.8 megatonnes approx. ARMOR: 8 SPEED: 2 SHIP POINTS: 26
Accel: 6.6 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
The ubiquitous Freighter is the most common void DETECTION: +15 MANOEUVRABILITY: -20
capable vessels found throughout the galaxy, serving as the TURN RADIUS: 45° HULL INTEGRITY: 35
Imperium's workhorse and life blood. These simple vessels SPACE: 40 TURRET RATING: 1
ply the trade lanes bringing fuel, food and travelers to the
many worlds of the Imperial sectors. It is these ships that
truly connect the sector with any sense of reliability. WEAPON CAPACITY: 1 DORSAL, 1 PORT, 1 STARBOARD
FREIGHTER TRANSPORT Cargo Hauler: This vessel was designed for transporting
ARMOR: 2 SPEED: 3 SHIP POINTS: 20 goods, and no amount of retrofitting can fully change this.
This Hull comes pre-equipped with one Main Cargo Hold
DETECTION: +8 MANOEUVRABILITY: -5 Component. The hull’s Space has already been reduced to
TURN RADIUS: 45° HULL INTEGRITY: 20 account for this, however when the ship is constructed it
SPACE: 35 TURRET RATING: 1 must be able to provide a total of 2 Power to this
55 Mandragora Apocrypha
Heavy Transport is constructed it must provide 2 Power to
this Component.
Mandragora Apocrypha
John Bachmeyer-Class Tanker and as a result large portions of the crew is often made of
slaves, convicts and the like.
Dimensions: 3,481 meters long, 1 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 8 megatonnes approx.
Accel: .5 gravities max sustainable acceleration. KOBOLD-CLASS TRANSPORT TRANSPORT
The John Bachmeyer class is a typical gas tanker that
carries LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gasses) from the distant ARMOR: 1 SPEED: 2 SHIP POINTS: 18
gas-mines to the big process facilities. A rather slow vessel DETECTION: +5 MANOEUVRABILITY: -10
but over the years it has proved to be a stable and reliable
design, and today it is used by a number of consortiums all
over the sector. SPACE: 45 TURRET RATING: 1
The ship is constructed around 33 coolant pressure tanks, CREW: 35,000 CREW
each containing 4.2 mill m³ gas. The value of the cargo can
be quite high, and even if they are only in transit to the Joint
Fleet Warp-travel rendezvous points, it's not uncommon to
see these vessels escorted by the Imperial Navy, especially Cargo Hauler: This vessel was designed for transporting
because the majority of the gas-giants which are being goods, and no amount of retrofitting can fully change this.
harvested for their valuable products are placed in remote This hull comes pre-equipped with one Main Cargo Hold
and unsecure parts of the sector. Component (see page XX). The hull’s Space has already
been reduced to account for this, however, when the ship is
JOHN BACHMEYER CLASS TRANSPORT constructed it must be able to provide 2 Power to this
CREW: 3,500 CREW
Loki-class Q-ship
Cargo Hauler: This vessel was designed for transporting Dimensions: 2 km long, .4 km abeam approx
goods, and no amount of retrofitting can fully change this. Mass: 8 megatons
This hull comes pre-equipped with one Main Cargo Hold Accel: 3 gravities max. sustainable acceleration
Component (see page XX). The hull’s Space has already The Loki class is actually a “catch-all” class of several
been reduced to account for this, however, when the ship is
different types of transports that have been modified as Q-
constructed it must be able to provide 2 Power to this
ships. Although it is the Navy’s sacred duty to protect
Imperial commerce, there are too many trade lanes to
defend, and too few warships to do so. In addition, many
pirate wolfpacks will stay away from heavily defended
convoys, waiting for weaker prey.
Q-ships offer the Imperium a way to turn the predators
into the prey. Disguised as helpless merchantmen, they
actually pack powerful macrobatteries and even lances.
Kobold-Class Heavy Ore Transport Their favored tactic is to heave to at the first sight of a pirate,
Dimensions: 2.1 km long, 1.4 km abeam at fins approx. pretending to surrender without a fight. When the raider is
Mass: 25 megatonnes approx. close enough, they run out their guns and give them massed
Accel: 2.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration. broadsides at point-blank range. Although this can often
A heavy Ore Transport and Processing Ship, designed to defeat their opponents in a single crushing broadside, most
move large amount of mineral ore and process it during Loki-class ships are still as slow and unwieldy as other
transport. Loading ore from the mining colonies around the merchantmen—not designed for sustained combat.
sector, the slow and cumbersome ship often travels for
months and years before delivering its precious cargo of LOKI-CLASS Q-SHIP TRANSPORT
processed metals at the ever hungry industrial sites at the
Forge- and Hive Worlds. ARMOR: 1 SPEED: 4 SHIP POINTS: 21
The ship is divided into several sections. Large holds are DETECTION: +10 MANOEUVRABILITY: -5
placed alongside the hull to carry the ore. Three furnace-
sections are taking up the central part of the ship, and here
the ore is process into metal. SPACE: 45 TURRET RATING: 1
The environment onboard is noisy, dirty and hazardous. A CREW: 18,000 CREW, APPROX.
fatality rate of 5 to 10% of the crew is not unusual on the WEAPON CAPACITY: 1 PROW, 1 DORSAL
longer trips. Needles to say it's not a popular place to serve
57 Mandragora Apocrypha
Mundus Vecturae Feeder-Class
Cargo Hauler: This vessel was designed for transporting
Dimensions: 1.2 km long, 0.7 km abeam at fins approx.
goods, and no amount of retrofitting can fully change this.
Mass: 10 megatonnes approx.
This hull comes pre-equipped with one Main Cargo Hold
Accel: 2.4 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
Component. The hull’s Space has already been reduced to
The Mundus Vecturae feeder class freighter is among the
account for this, however, when the ship is constructed it
most common civilian ship in the sector. It services the
must be able to provide two Power to this Component.
routes between smaller systems and the major tranport hubs
where the large warp freighters are mooring. The Mundus
Vecturae class is both among the more common and also
one of the larger civilian models in the Mandragora Sector.
Mandragora Apocrypha
Cargo Hauler: This vessel was designed for transporting
goods, and no amount of retrofitting can fully change this.
This hull comes pre-equipped with one Main Cargo Hold
Component. The hull’s Space has already been reduced to
account for this, however, when the ship is constructed it
must be able to provide two Power to this Component.
Fast Ship: Due to the precisely calibrated nature of this
ship, it cannot be equipped with Components that increase
its Armor.
59 Mandragora Apocrypha
constructed above the richest Imperial worlds and Vagabond-class Merchant Trader
voidstations. They are pure cargo haulers, relatively simple
Dimensions: 2 km long, 0.4 km abeam approx.
in design, but conceived on a truly epic scale. They are
Mass: 8 megatonnes approx.
almost self-contained worlds, where entire voidborn
Accel: 2.1 gravities max acceleration
communities live out their lives, uncaring as to the vessel’s
A common sight throughout the Imperium, Vagabonds are
current owners’ motives or identities. Simply unloading the
small, multi-purpose merchant vessels able to transport a
vessel is a mighty undertaking, requiring months at a time.
wide variety of cargos and even passengers. Popular
amongst poorer Chartist captains, these ships are
UNIVERSE-CLASS MASS CONVEYOR TRANSPORT unassuming but reliable, and have even been known to
mount small broadsides for defense.
Oversized Monstrosity: This vessel’s Speed cannot be CREW: 18,000 CREW, APPROX.
increased by Components—if a Component would increase WEAPON CAPACITY: 1 DORSAL, 1 PROW
its Speed, it has no effect instead.
Secondary Power Genetorium: The Universe class is so
Cargo Hauler: This vessel was designed for transporting
large it comes pre-equipped with a unique Component, a
goods, and no amount of retrofitting can fully change this.
Secondary Power Genetorium. The hull’s Space has already
This hull comes pre-equipped with one Main Cargo Hold
been reduced to account for this Component, which provides
Component (see page XX). The hull’s Space has already
+10 power to the vessel in addition to that provided by the
been reduced to account for this, however, when the ship is
ship’s Plasma Drive.
constructed it must be able to provide 2 Power to this
Cargo Hauler: This vessel was designed for transporting
goods on a massive scale, and no amount of retrofitting can
fully change this. This Hull comes pre-equipped with four
Main Cargo Hold Components. The hull’s Space has already
been reduced to account for these, however when the ship is
constructed it must be able to provide a total of 8 Power to
these Components.
These fast and deadly vessels are common amongst
pirates, renegades and other reprobates.
Cobra-class Destroyer
Dimensions: 1.5 km long, .3 km abeam at fins
Mass: 5.7 megatons
Accel: 7.6 gravities max. sustainable acceleration
The Cobra-class destroyer is one of the smallest warp-
capable ships in the Imperial fleet, and also one of the
fastest. It fills two roles in the Imperial Navy. The first, and
most common, is a torpedo vessel. Armed with massive anti-
warship torpedoes, squadrons of Cobras are agile enough to
dart into fleet engagements, launch spreads of ordinance,
then flee—hopefully before their larger adversaries can hit
them with a massed broadside.
Mandragora Apocrypha 60
61 Mandragora Apocrypha
Meritech Shrike-Class Raider
Dimensions: 2 km long, 0.25km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 4.5 megatonnes approx.
Accel: 5.9 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
The Meritech Shrike-class Raider is an infamous class of
Raider vessels built by the Meritech Clans that reside in the
border zone worlds of the Merates Cluster in the void
between the Calyx Expanse and the Ixaniad Sector.
Mandragora Apocrypha
Frigates often seen fighting alongside Space Marine formations.
Pirate fleets are known to operate Firestorm Frigates as well.
Often overlooked as insignificant by technocratic senior
officers obsessed with the raw firepower of true battleships FIRESTORM-CLASS FRIGATE FRIGATE
or ships of the line, frigates offer so much more than pure
scouting and escort vessels. These elegant and fast craft ARMOR: 6 SPEED: 7 SHIP POINTS: 41
travel further, explore more widely and routinely see more DETECTION: +15 MANOEUVRABILITY: +20
combat than the larger battlefleet vessels simply by virtue of
the vast number of tasks they are capable of performing.
Claymore-Class Corvette CREW: 25,000 CREW, APPROX.
Dimensions: 1.4 km long, 0.3 km abeam at fins approx. WEAPON CAPACITY: 1 DORSAL, 1 PROW
Mass: 5.9 megatonnes approx.
Accel: 4.6 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
The Claymore Class Corvette is a specialist Imperial Navy
escort craft. Corvettes in general are a bit smaller and less
powerful than Frigates, but are better equipped than some
other ships, such as light Raider vessels. The Claymore is
seen as a standard Corvette: It is rugged and uses a
simplistic design which allows easy repairs, making the
Claymore an extremely practical vessel to manufacture
during wartime. Large quantities of these ships can be made
with haste by Mechanicus mobile shipyards and small
Rudderow-Class Escort Corvette
civilian shipyards. Dimensions: 1.5 km long, .3 km abeam at fins
Mass: 5.3 megatonnes approx
Accel: 4.4 gravities max. sustainable
CLAYMORE=CLASS CORVETTE FRIGATE The Rudderow Escort Corvette is a common sight in the
convoys that travels the routes between the sectors
ARMOR: 5 SPEED: 8 SHIP POINTS: 38 systems. It has proved to be quite suitable for carrying out
DETECTION: +12 MANOEUVRABILITY: +18 these tasks. The Rudderow-Class has been built in an untold
TURN RADIUS: 90° HULL INTEGRITY: 30 number by a whole line of shipyards across the sector. It's
inexpensive and relatively fast to assemble. Because of its
high production number it's a well know vessel by most of
CREW: 21,000 CREW, APPROX. the sectors naval yards and maintenance and repair is easy
63 Mandragora Apocrypha
with full strength. Its engines are powerful, yet simple Trade Cargo Frigate
enough to be maintained by an artificer with minimal training.
Dimensions: 2.1 km long, 0.7km abeam at fins approx.
They are regarded as reliable even in extreme conditions.
Mass: 7.3 megatonnes approx.
Being an escort, the Sword is expected to come under
Accel: 4.1 gravities max sustainable acceleration
fire, and so is designed with this in mind. Its bulkheads are
An incredible variety of different vessels are used as
thicker than would be expected, and the beams and
armed cargo ships, but such is the limited space, power
supports that hold the ship together have redundant copies
supply and support systems of these vessels that no matter
nearby, that will take the load if the primary beam or support
what their original design, most are likely to bear the same
fails. Due to this, the Sword can take more punishment than
simple arrangement of weaponry, turrets and shields. In fact,
would be expected for a ship of its diminutive size.
the crew of an armed cargo ship is likely to be the same
merchant spacers responsible for its operation even when
SWORD=CLASS FRIGATE unarmed or when its mission-specific equipment is removed.
As such, the weapons with which the vessel can be
ARMOR: 6 SPEED: 8 SHIP POINTS: 40 equipped are limited to those which the crew can be hastily
trained to use.
Mandragora Apocrypha 64
added mass, it does give more power. Any plasma drive Defender-Class Light Cruiser
installed on a Turbulent has its Power Generated increased
Dimensions: 4.5 km long, 0.5 km abeam at fins approx.
by +2.
Mass: 20 megatonnes approx.
Antiquated Communications: All Command Tests on a
Accel: 4.3 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Turbulent suffer a –5 penalty.
This class of light cruiser is believed to be a modification
of the far more common Dauntless class, being very similar
in appearance, construction and internal systems. The
defender class is a Warship which appears to have been
built specifically to give opposing escorts light cruisers
nightmares: being armed to the teeth with Light Macro
batteries and a Fleet Defense Turret. Popular as convoy
flagships, these ships are ideal at fighting off pirate and Ork
raiders attempting to capture Merchant Fleets.
Light Cruisers
Light cruisers are often characterized as scout vessels, ARMOR: 7 SPEED: 7 SHIP POINTS: 55
but some Forge worlds produce true “pocket cruisers,”
slower, up armored and well-armed light cruisers that offer a DETECTION: +20 MANOEUVRABILITY: +15
cheaper alternative to full cruisers. They are often easy to TURN RADIUS: 90° HULL INTEGRITY: 52
maintain and less demanding in manpower, and many find SPACE: 57 TURRET RATING: 2
these flexible ships extremely attractive. CREW: 65,000 CREW, APPROX.
Dauntless-Class Light Cruiser
Dimensions: 4.5 km long, 0.5 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 20 megatonnes approx.
Accel: 4.3 gravities max sustainable acceleration Fleet Defense Turret: The Defender-Class Light Cruiser
comes pre-equipped with a Dorsal Mounted Fleet Defense
Light, scouting cruisers are the eyes and ears of Imperial
Turret. The hull’s Space has already been reduced to
fleets. They carry enough fuel and supplies for patrols that
account for these, however when the ship is constructed it
last months or even years, and enough firepower to dispatch
must be able to provide a total of 3 Power to this
any smaller vessels foolish enough to close with them. The
Dauntless is popular because it combines the
maneuverability of a frigate with a daunting forward lance
65 Mandragora Apocrypha
ship is constructed, it must provide one power to this
Endurance-Class Light Cruiser
Dimensions:3.8 km long,0.5 km abeam at fins approx.
Carrier: The Defiant-class light cruiser Port and Starboard
Mass: 22 megatonnes approx.
weapons are pre-equipped with two Jovian-class Launch
Accel: 3.9 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
Bay Components, which may not be removed. The hull’s
The Endurance Class Light Cruiser is a variant of the
space has already been reduced to account for this;
Endeavour Class Light Cruiser. The Endeavour's weapon
however, when the ship is constructed it must be able to
batteries have been replaced with a lance deck. The two
provide one Power to each launch bay Component (two in
classes are often paired together, for mutual protection, and
fire-power. When this is done, the two ships bring the fire-
power equivalent of a true cruiser to bear. However, far more
Endeavor class ships are produced, so in practice, often
three or four Endeavors are grouped with a single
Endurance, providing a fearsome pocket of resistance for
any enemy Admiral. The Endurance is often seen operating
with the Defiant Class Light Cruiser as well as the
Endeavour class.
Endeavour-Class Light Cruiser
Dimensions:3.8 km long,0.5 km abeam at fins approx. ENDURANCE=CLASS LIGHT CRUISER LIGHT CRUISER
Mass: 22 megatonnes approx..
Accel: 3.9 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
A design from the famous Voss Forge world, the DETECTION: +15 MANOEUVRABILITY: +12
Endeavour class light cruiser has a markedly different TURN RADIUS: 90° HULL INTEGRITY: 60
mission profile to the Dauntless. Given its relatively slow
speed and heavier armor, the Endeavour is typically used as
a stopgap ship of the line, convoy flagship or battleship CREW: 67,500 CREW, APPROX.
escort in gigantic set-piece naval battles. Endeavour WEAPON CAPACITY: 2 PROW, 1 PORT, 1 STARBOARD
captains must be careful not to bite off more than they can
chew, for the ship lacks the firepower of a true cruiser, yet
often finds itself in confrontations better suited to vessels of Lance Decks: Both of the Endurance’s Prow weapon slots
that type. Several Endeavors serve in Battlefleet are occupied by Mezoa Lance Batteries. These Components
Mandragora, as there is proportionately less need for true may not be removed. The space required is already taken
ships of the line; many routine patrols in the Sector consist of into account, but when this ship is constructed, it must
an Endeavour accompanied by a pair of frigates. provide 13 power to each Component.
Mandragora Apocrypha
Dimensions: 4.5 km long, 0.6 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 19 megatonnes approx. ARMOR: 6 SPEED: 6 SHIP POINTS: 45
Accel: 4.4 gravities max sustainable acceleration DETECTION: +24 MANOEUVRABILITY: +13
The Enforcer Class System Control Cruiser is a class of TURN RADIUS: 90° HULL INTEGRITY: 56
Imperial Navy warship. Designed by the Gareox Prerogative,
these Light Cruisers are intended to maintain the control of
Imperial space at the System level. The Enforcer uses its CREW: 58,200 CREW, APPROX.
combination of Attack Craft squadrons and Lance weaponry WEAPON CAPACITY: 1 PROW, 1 PORT, 1 STARBOARD
to intimidate planetary populations and Governors into
remaining in-line with the Imperium. The ships is effective Venerable Design: The Siluria-Class Light Cruiser is a rare
against pirates and rebellious fleets, but is less successful in and venerable design. As a result, few dockyards are
large-scale ship-to-ship engagements. equipped to refit and maintain these ships. Unless repaired
at a proper Naval Installation, repairing these ships evokes a
ENFORCER=CLASS LIGHT CRUISER -10 penalty. Additionally, installing components requires an
additional week, per the listed times on page XX, Installing
ARMOR: 6 SPEED: 7 SHIP POINTS: 50 New Components.
Ambition-Class Cruiser
Dimensions: 4.9 km long, 2 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 25 megatonnes approx.
Accel: 3 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
The Imperial Navy is by far the most important purchaser
of warships in the Imperium. The economies of entire sub
sectors are devoted to supporting the manufacture and
Siluria-Class Light Cruiser supply of these mighty craft, principally in regions which
serve the greater Forge worlds such as Mars or Cypra
Dimensions: 4.1 km long, 0.4 km abeam at fins approx.
Mundi. It is extremely rare for private customers to have the
Mass: 17.3 megatonnes approx.
resources to purchase a whole new cruiser outright.
Accel: 3.9 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Rare…but not unknown. The Imperium, despite its complex
The Siluria Class Light Cruiser is an old and rare class of
feudal hierarchy, does occasionally produce the extremely
Cruiser used by the Imperial Navy. Much older than the
wealthy individual, or dynasties with the financial
Dauntless Class Light Cruiser, numerous refits to surviving
wherewithal to commission the manufacture of a bespoke
ships have kept them in service. These ships sports rows of
cruiser. These are not rusty and echoing mothballed, second
Weapons Batteries over Lance armaments and are best
hand cruisers from the wrecking yards or reserve fleets, but
suited to supporting fleets rather than undertaking
shining new vessels built to the quixotic specifications of
independent missions. However, a full broadside from one of
eccentric and boundlessly conniving individuals.
these ships is still capable of causing significant damage.
They are commonly well-screened during battle until the
moment arrives for them to unleash its arsenal of weaponry.
67 Mandragora Apocrypha
Dictator-Class Cruiser
Dimensions: 5.1 km long, 0.8km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 29 megatonnes approx.
Accel: 2.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
The Dictator class cruiser is a rebuilt Lunar Class Cruiser,
with the lance decks rebuilt into flight decks for attack craft.
The Dictator retains the Lunar's weapons batteries and
torpedo capabilities, as well as the armored prow. The
shield, turret, and engines also remain unchanged.
It was originally designed as a stop-gap method to deliver
Conquest-Class Star Galleon the huge numbers of atmospheric craft that an opposed
Dimensions: 5.1 km long, 0.7 km abeam at fins approx. planetary landing needs. In these situations it is unusual to
Mass: 30 megatonnes approx. have an airfield under the control of the invaders, and
Accel: 2.1 gravities max sustainable acceleration. therefore the Dictator fills the role of the airfield for the
Star galleons are thought to be treasure ships from the bombers and fighters supporting the landings.
very dawn of the Imperium, commissioned for the very first
Rogue Traders on the orders of the Emperor himself.
Whether this is true is completely unprovable, but those Star DICTATOR=CLASS CRUISER CRUISER
Galleons found in the Imperium are usually ancient vessels ARMOR: 8 SPEED: 5 SHIP POINTS: 63
bearing design elements lost to modern shipwrights.
Specialist long range exploration vessels, capable of DETECTION: +18 MANOEUVRABILITY: +8
voyaging for years at a time, they were conceived as heavily TURN RADIUS: 45° HULL INTEGRITY: 70
armed hybrids of cruiser and transport, with enough SPACE: 65 TURRET RATING: 3
firepower to defend themselves and carve apart renegade
empires, yet also capable of safely transporting back the
spoils of war by the megatonnes. WEAPON CAPACITY: 1 PROW , 2 PORT, 2 STARBOARD
Mandragora Apocrypha 68
Dominator-Class Cruiser appearance from its Imperial Navy counterparts. This
matters not to a Rogue Trader, as drawing such flamboyant
Dimensions: 5 km long, 0.8 km abeam at fins approx.
attention to one's self is something most Rogue Traders
Mass: 28 megatonnes approx.
hardly seek to avoid.
Accel: 2.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration
The Dominator class was originally conceived as a
planetary assault and fleet-support vessel, built around the ENTERPRISE=CLASS CRUISER CRUISER
colossal energies of the graviometrically-driven Nova
Cannon. The ship was designed to remain behind the main ARMOR: 5 SPEED: 4 SHIP POINTS: 59
fleet line, using the Nova Cannon to bombard the enemy at DETECTION: +20 MANOEUVRABILITY: +8
extreme range. The majority of Dominators are constructed
in the Ultima Segmentum at Kar Duniash, and are relatively
rare in the Segmentum Obscurus. SPACE: 74 TURRET RATING: 1
Gilded Hulls: Rogue Trader vessels are typically
ostentatious in design, sacrificing some level of armaments
TURN RADIUS: 45° HULL INTEGRITY: 70 for flair and presentation. This hull has the Gilded Hull
SPACE: 68 TURRET RATING: 2 component built into the design, and is impossible to
CREW: 95,000 CREW, APPROX. remove. The hull’s space has already been reduced to
account for this.
69 Mandragora Apocrypha
Reinforced Prow: Due to the integral changes and interior Lunar-Class Cruiser
reinforcement of the vessel's prow, to support the armament
Dimensions: 5 km long, 0.8 km abeam at fins approx.
of the Nova Cannon, the Gothic has the Armored Prow
Mass: 28 megatonnes approx.
component and thus a front Prow armor of 12.
Accel: 2.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration
Torpedo Specialist: The Gothic’s Prow weapon slot is
The Lunar class cruiser makes up the backbone of
occupied by a Mars-pattern Torpedo Tubes Component.
Battlefleet Calixis. Its (relatively) uncomplicated design dates
This Component may not be removed. The space required is
back to the dawn of the Imperium, and it can be constructed
already taken into account, but when this ship is constructed,
at worlds normally unable to build a ship of the line. Its
it must provide two power to this Component.
variety of weapons batteries, lances, and torpedoes make it
both a versatile combatant and dangerous foe. Most Rogue
Traders remove the torpedo tubes to add more cargo space
Mandragora Apocrypha 70
TYRANT=CLASS CRUISER CRUISER Mandragora-Class Heavy Cruiser
Dimensions: 4.8 km long, 1.4 km abeam approx.
Mass: 40.2 Megatonnes approx.
DETECTION: +10 MANOEUVRABILITY: +10 Accel. 1.6 Gravities max acceleration
TURN RADIUS: 45° HULL INTEGRITY: 70 Resting somewhere between a traditional heavy cruiser
SPACE: 77 TURRET RATING: 2 and grand cruiser classes, the Mandragora-Class Heavy
Cruiser was once produced in ages past in the Thadean and
Dhanabine Dockyards. A slow and ponderous vessel, the
WEAPON CAPACITY: 1 PROW, 2 PORT, 2 STARBOARD Mandragora-Class Heavy Cruiser relied heavily on its
ablative layers of armor to sustain incoming fire rather than
attempt to make aggressive evasions. Never truly popular
with the Sector Fleet, few of these ships exist in modern
Heavy Cruisers days, even in the sector of its construction.
Fallen out of favor, these ancient ships were once the line
ships of the Imperial battlefleets. While most are retired, MANDRAGORA=CLASS CRUISER HEAVY CRUISER
moth-balled, or in possession of traitor fleets, a few
exceptional vessels are maintained in the dockyards of the
Mandragora Sector. DETECTION: +25 MANOEUVRABILITY: -25
Cardinal-Class Heavy Cruiser SPACE: 90 TURRET RATING: 2
Dimensions: 6.1 km long, .8 km abeam approx.
Mass: 35.5 Megatonnes approx.
Accel. 2.5 Gravities max acceleration. WEAPON CAPACITY: 4PORT, 4 STARBOARD
Cardinal-Class Heavy Cruisers were the original template
used for the ill-fated Archeron class heavy cruiser design.
The failure of the Archerons was attributed to the use of
alien technology in the weapons systems derived from the
haunted Portis Cthulhus. Nevertheless, some doubt has
clung to the Cardinal Class and now only a handful of fleets
use the type.
Armageddon-Class Battlecruiser
Dimensions: 5 km long, 0.8 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 30 megatonnes approx.
Accel: 2.5 gravities max sustainable acceleration.
The Armageddon class is a relatively recent innovation
within the Imperial Navy. They are constructed from the
hulks of ruined Lunar-class cruisers, up gunned, upgraded
and recommissioned into battle anew. The Lunar class is
ubiquitous amongst all Segmentum fleets, and frequently
involved in shattering conflicts, so the opportunity to
construct these battlecruisers arises often. Given their
extensively redesigned power relays and enhanced weapon
systems, they are more demanding in terms of manpower
and resources than the Lunar class, and so are rarely
constructed from scratch, but hard-pressed battlefleets are
quick to utilize them where they are available. Given their
71 Mandragora Apocrypha
large crews and the fact that Lunar-class hulls were never Battlecruiser: This ship can use “cruisers only”
really designed to carry such heavy weaponry, Components
Armageddons are surprisingly cramped and uncomfortable Carrier: The Mars-class battlecruiser comes pre-equipped
vessels for their size, making them poorly suited for long- with two Jovian-class Launch Bay Components, which
term exploration. occupy a port and starboard weapon capacity slot. These
Components may not be removed. The hull’s space has
already been reduced to account for this; however, when the
ARMAGEDDON-CLASS BATTLECRUISER BATTLECRUISER ship is constructed it must be able to provide one Power to
ARMOR: 8 SPEED: 5 SHIP POINTS: 63 each launch bay Component.
Inherent warship: The Mars-class battlecruiser comes pre-
DETECTION: +10 MANOEUVRABILITY: +10 equipped with one Mars-pattern Nova Cannon Component
TURN RADIUS: 45° HULL INTEGRITY: 70 occupying its prow weapon capacity slot, and one Armored
SPACE: 73 TURRET RATING: 2 Prow Component. These Components may not be removed.
The hull’s space has already been reduced to account for
this; however, when the ship is constructed it must be able to
WEAPON CAPACITY: 1 DORSAL, 1 PROW, 2 PORT, 2 STARBOARD provide three Power to the Nova Cannon.
Mandragora Apocrypha 72
Dimensions: 7.5 km long, 1.8 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 40 megatonnes approx.
Accel: 2.2 gravities max sustainable acceleration. DETECTION: +9 MANOEUVRABILITY: +4
In many ways the archetypal grand cruiser, the Avenger TURN RADIUS: 45° HULL INTEGRITY: 85
class is a massively potent and brutally simple ship that SPACE: 80 TURRET RATING: 3
mounts colossal close-ranged macrobatteries in broadsides
that run for kilometers along its flanks. While regarded as
unusually reliable and faithful for grand cruisers, the WEAPON CAPACITY: 3 PORT, 3 STARBOARD
Avengers are now amongst the rarest of their class.
73 Mandragora Apocrypha
Reserve Fleets of the various Segmentum Fortresses, or Obscurus and Segmentum Pacificus as second-line units.
under the command of certain Rogue Traders. replacement squadrons and mothballed as war reserves.
Grand Cruiser: This ship can use “cruisers only” Grand Cruiser: This ship can use “cruiser only”
Components Components
Cursed: The advanced experimental warp drive of the class Ancient Grand Cruiser: The older types of Grand Cruiser
creates unusual harmonics which can cause the Gellar field were finely balanced. As such, this vessel may not gain any
to flicker momentarily during warp transit, escalating Components that increase the ship’s armor.
navigational difficulties. All navigation tests carried out by the
ship’s Navigator during warp travel take a –10 penalty.
Ancient Grand Cruiser: The older types of Grand Cruiser
were finely balanced. As such, this vessel may not gain any
Components that increase the ship’s armor.
Battleships are the largest fighting vessels in space,
gigantic vessels with enough firepower often possess vast
Vengeance-Class Grand Cruiser amounts of firepower capable of laying waste to entire
Dimensions: 7.1 km long, 1.1 km abeam at fins approx. planets. They also contain landing bays for Attack craft and
Mass: 36 megatonnes approx. are commonly used as the capital ships in fleets due to the
Accel: 1.89 gravities max sustainable acceleration. greater protection offered by their defenses. They are
The Vengeance class straddles the line between earlier usually accompanied by Cruisers and Escorts, as they are
and later Imperial ship design. The ship can be seen with the so large and slow that they prove ponderous to maneuver
beginnings of the characteristic armored prow, although as
yet the extra armor had not been added. Today. the Apocalypse Class Battleship
Vengeance remains part of the Imperial fleet reserve, Dimensions: 9.7 km long, 3.1 km abeam at fins approx.
regarded by most admirals as an old warhorse, past its best Mass: 70 megatonnes approx.
days. Vengeances have also been identified as part of Accel.: 1.3 Gravities max sustainable acceleration
Traitor fleets, dating back to me mass mutiny that split the The Apocalypse class is an ancient design that is
Imperial fleet in half during the Great Betrayal. Since then generally believed to have been the precursor of the
Imperial ship design has slowly evolved, but within the warp, Retribution class battleship millennia ago. The superior
where time does not follow a linear path, ships can survive technologies used to construct the multiple lance turrets on
untold millennia as if it were only yesterday. the Apocalypse have now all but been forgotten and so the
The active Vengeance class grand cruisers that are part small number of examples of this ship can never be
of the Segmentum Obscurus fleet are generally deployed in replaced. The loss of even one will always be keenly felt. It
squadrons whose ongoing mission is to patrol and defend has been theorized by Naval strategists that the vessel was
the systems lying around the Eye of Terror in a constant vigil specifically created to counter the ever-growing numbers of
against Chaos incursions. Other Vengeances are scattered battleships and grand cruisers that attempted to lead Chaos
across imperial fleet reserves throughout Segmentum raiding fleets from within the Eye of Terror.
Mandragora Apocrypha
Carrier: The Emperor-class Battleship comes pre-equipped
APOCALYPSE-CLASS BATTLESHIP BATTLESHIP with four Jovian-pattern Landing Bay Components in two
ARMOR: 12 SPEED: 3 SHIP POINTS: 90 Port and 2 Starboard weapon capacity slots, which may not
be removed. The hull’s space has already been reduced to
DETECTION: +25 MANOEUVRABILITY: -10 account for these components; however, when the ship is
TURN RADIUS: 45° HULL INTEGRITY: 120 constructed it must be able to provide four Power to these
SPACE: 120 TURRET RATING: 4 components.
CREW: 250,000 CREW, APPROX. Extensive Prow Sensor Probes: The Emperor-Class
Battleship cannot take the Armored Prow component due to
WEAPON CAPACITY: 3 PORT, 3 STARBOARD, 1 PROW, 1 DORSAL extensive prow mounted sensor probes.
75 Mandragora Apocrypha
Oberon-Class Battleship However the Victory class is known to have existed as far
back as the Great Crusade.
Dimensions: 10.2 km long, 1.2 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 70 megatonnes approx.
Accel.: 1.6 Gravities max sustainable acceleration VICTORY-CLASS BATTLESHIP BATTLESHIP
The Oberon was designed to be able to deal with any ARMOR: 12 SPEED: 4 SHIP POINTS: 98
threat, and therefore does not need to be escorted by a
squadron of frigates. It lacks the swarming effect of the DETECTION: +25 MANOEUVRABILITY: +0
Emperor Class Battleship's attack craft, or the sheer amount TURN RADIUS: 45° HULL INTEGRITY: 110
of firepower that the Retribution or Apocalypse Class SPACE: 100 TURRET RATING: 4
Battleships can deliver. The Oberon can, however, deliver a
combined attack of ordnance, lances and weapons batteries,
that the others cannot. WEAPON CAPACITY: 3 PORT, 3 STARBOARD, 1 PROW, 1 DORSAL
The Oberon is now rarely used in major fleet
engagements, the more specialized ships being preferred by
many Imperial Admirals. It is used instead for patrolling Extensive Prow Sensor Probes: The Victory-Class
dangerous areas, where its ability to multi-task comes into its Battleship cannot take the Armored Prow component due to
own. It can be a base for patrolling squadrons of attack craft, extensive prow mounted sensor probes.
then taking the fight directly to the encountered enemy. Due All Power to Lances: The Victory-Class Battleship can fire
to this, it can patrol large areas with only a small, or no its Lances as if they had doubled range. In order to do this, it
escort, freeing those ships for other duties. must forfeit all movement during that turn.
Backbone of the Fleet: The Victory Class has been
OBERON-CLASS BATTLESHIP BATTLESHIP designed with a particular role in fleet actions and as such, is
restricted in the Weapon Components it can or must carry:
ARMOR: 12 SPEED: 3 SHIP POINTS: 90 Dorsal: Lance Weapon Components Only
DETECTION: +35 MANOEUVRABILITY: -10 Port and Starboard: 1 Lance Weapon Component and 2
non-Landing Bay Components per side
Prow: Torpedoes or Nova Cannons Only
Victory-Class Battleship
Dimensions: 10.3 km long, 1.2 km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 70 megatonnes approx.
Accel.: 2.3 Gravities max sustainable acceleration
The Victory Class Battleship is a class of Battleship of the
Imperial Navy. Suspected to be a heavily modified variant of
the Retribution Class Battleship, its internal layout and
weapons systems greatly resemble its predecessor.
However a key difference is the substantial level of Lance
systems equipped to the ship in place of the Retributions
large amount of Attack Craft hangers and a Nova Cannon.
Its exact origin nonetheless remains unclear, as the
Techpriests of Mars refuse to disclose the classes records.
Mandragora Apocrypha
Complications willingly than others.
Before creating a ship, the ship’s captain should roll once
on each chart to determine which Complications his ship
All voidships have a story. Many are thousands of years suffers from, and note each down on his ship’s sheet.
old, and some were laid down while the Emperor led
humanity on the Great Crusade. In that time they have
watched the millennia of history come and go, seen the tides Ship Points and Component Costs
of war ebb and flow, experienced hundreds of captains,
thousands of crew. Due to this, a ship in more than a When constructing a starship, the players are limited by
collection of tech-systems and armor plating. Any veteran one other factor—the amount of Ship Points generated by
voidsman knows a ship has its quirks and vagaries. Some rolling on Table 1-2: Profit Factor and Ship Points on
vessels leap eagerly at the first hint of battle, their drives page 26. Basically, the more Ship Points a charter provides,
burning hot and their auger arrays probing eagerly. Others the bigger and better equipped a player’s ship can be. When
falter at danger, their systems shorting and sputtering until first constructing their ship before beginning a game, players
the vessel turns tail and flees. can only build as powerful a ship as their total Ship Points
Some ships are solid and dependable, their systems allow. Hulls and certain Components have a Ship Point
lasting long beyond their date of operations. Others play value listed, and once the players have completed their
tricks on their crew, phantom returns ghosting the auspex vessel, the combined ship point total cannot exceed the Ship
displays and strange sounds whisper on the internal vox. A Point total generated by rolling on Table X-X.
good voidsman knows the personality of his ship, and treats Essential Components are for the most part an exception
it like another member of the crew. to the ship point rule, and can be taken freely. Since each
In game, these are represented by the ship’s ship needs them, their cost has already been included in the
Complications. Complications have benefits and detriments hull cost. Certain specialized Essential Components do have
that make a ship unique. There are two different types of ship point costs—to represent their value and rarity. Any
Complications. Past Histories offer details about the ship’s Ship Points left over after creating the starship are added to
construction or salvage, and the issues that may arise from a group’s starting Profit Factor. However, the Ship Point limit
its past. Machine Spirit Oddities describe the strange only applies at ship creation. Afterwards, players are only
personality quirks the ship’s machine spirit has picked up limited in which Components they can put in their ship by the
over the millennia. While not “alive” or even self-aware, ship’s Space and Power, and their available Profit Factor.
anyone who has been aboard a starship will swear that they
have desires and fears, and perform some tasks more
77 Mandragora Apocrypha
Table 2-2: Past Histories
Roll Result
1 Reliquary of Mars: Somehow, this vessel has been outfitted with ancient archeo-tech systems from mankind’s forgotten past. When
constructing this vessel, players must select 1 Archeotech Component of their choice. However, any Tech-Use Tests to repair the ship
suffer a –20, due to the highly complex nature of the machinery. Additionally, the tech priests of Mars regard the vessel as holy, or at least
having holy components. Some may petition to visit the vessel, others may want it for themselves.
2 Haunted: Some nameless horror haunts this vessel’s past, leaving voidsmen to whisper stories of ghosts wandering through the corridors
and cabins. Reduce Morale permanently by 10. However, strange premonitions flicker on the auger arrays, granting a +6 to the ship’s
Detection. Additionally, all non-crewmembers suffer –5 to Command Tests involving boarding actions or hit and run actions against the
haunted vessel. The presence of these spirits may cause many other issues, depending on their origins and how they came to haunt the
vessel (something the GM should determine).
3 Emissary of the Imperator: The vessel is a veritable monument to the power and grandeur of the God-Emperor’s might. Awe-inspiring
and terrible, it lacks subtlety. All Intimidate Tests made by characters from this vessel gain +15, while all other social Skill Tests suffer a –5.
These bonuses and penalties only apply if the character is known to be from the vessel. In addition, few will be able to see beyond the
symbolism of the vessel—xenos see a threat, faithful Imperial citizens see a symbol of civilization (or possibly chastisement), and heretics
and rebels see a hated foe. Their reactions will be colored accordingly.
4 Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Beneath this vessel’s unassuming exterior is a dangerous spacefaring predator. The captain selects three
Components. When scanned or subjected to anything but a thorough internal inspection, these components will either not register on the
scans, or appear to be a different Component of the same type. Thus, the ship might hide additional armor plating, or a small macrobattery
may be much more powerful than it appears. However, the ship suffers –2 Power to maintain the systems creating the illusion. The ship
may also have concealed smuggling compartments, unseen passageways, hidden cogitation-override programming, or other secrets.
5 Turbulent Past: Over the years this ship has been used to perform deeds dastardly to some and heroic to others. The GM selects a social
group (pirates, heretics, the Imperial Navy, the Inquisition, or inhabitants of an important locale like Footfall). All ship’s crew suffer a –20 to
social Skill Tests when interacting with that group. The GM then selects a second group naturally opposed to the first. All ship’s crew gain
+20 to social Skills when interacting with that group. The additional problems that could arise from being hated by a particular group of
people are limitless.
6 Death Cult: Amongst the low-decks indentured crew, strange perversions of the Imperial Creed have arisen, glorifying death to celebrate
the Emperor. Reduce Crew Population permanently by 8. However, reduce all Morale loss from any source by 2, due to the crew’s
unwavering faith. Additionally, ship officers and members of the Ministorum will have to deal warily with the cult and its leaders. Death cults
do produce skilled assassins...
7 Wrested from a Space Hulk: The ship has been recovered from a space hulk - a mass of wrecked ships that drifts intermittently through
the warp and realspace. The ship is very old (and thus of high quality), but those who know of its origins whisper that it is cursed. The ship
gains +1 Armor, +1 Speed, and +3 Maneuverability. However, every time the crew suffers a Misfortune, the GM rolls twice and chooses
the worse of the two. The curse can have many other effects as well, many ill, but a truly skilled Rogue Trader can turn any situation to
8 Temperamental Warp Engine: The ship suffers a flutter in its Warp Engines, an inconsistency that no amount of maintenance or
supplication can eliminate. Whenever the ship travels through the immaterium, the GM should roll 1d10. On a 6 or lower, the journey takes
an additional 1d10 days, on a 7 or higher, the travel time is reduced 1d10 days instead. However, once in a great while, the ship will leave
the warp to unexpectedly find itself someplace other than its intended destination. (This is at the GM’s discretion, but should not happen on
a regular basis.)
9 Finances in Arrears: The ship was purchased with borrowed funds. The money could have come from a criminal organization, influential
noble, or even a member of the Inquisition—but no matter the source, the debt must be repaid. Whenever the crew attempts to complete
an Endeavour’s Objective, they must accumulate an additional 50 Achievement Points to accomplish the Objective. However, the ship’s
financier supports his investment by providing aid and information. All crew can count their financier as a reliable contact. Additionally, their
creditor may require the crew to perform specific missions that they are in no position to refuse.
10 Xenophilious: Through dealings with some xenos race, this vessel has been outfitted with examples of their blasphemous technology.
When constructing this vessel, players must select 1 Xenotech Component of their choice. However, any Tech-Use Tests to repair the ship
suffer a –30, due to the strange and blasphemous nature of the machinery. Should the character attempting the repairs have Forbidden
Lore (Xenos), the penalty is only –10. Also, the forces of the Ordo Xenos have an interest in the vessel and who controls it.
Mandragora Apocrypha 78
Starship Armoury Plasma Drives
A plasma drive does more than move a ship. It also
"Tell me, governor, have you ever seen a Mars-Pattern Macro
provides power to all of a ship’s other systems—the vessel’s
cannon fire? It is a thing of beauty, really. The anticipation as the
fiery heart.
ratings load the shell into the firing chamber, the recoil felt throughout
the ship on firing... All of that, however, is but an appetizer to the
sheer destruction caused upon impact. As you can tell, I am quite Heraion Pattern Class 1 Drive
fond of firing my weapons, and currently, there's an annoyance in
The STC standard drive for transports has been extended
your Hive City"
to provide additional power in exchange for less available
The following Components may be used to construct a
starship as normal.
Heraion-Pattern Class 2a “Sprint Trader” Drive
Classifications The Lathes have long advocated increasing the size and
power of a drive in exchange for space. The mis-named
“Sprint Trader” Drive (it can be equipped on most smaller
For components, there are two special classifications
vessels), takes that philosophy to an extreme.
used in the listed component tables to determine which hulls
Oversized Engines: Increase the starship’s Maneuverability
can take a particular component. These two special
by +3, and Speed by +1.
classifications are defined below:
79 Mandragora Apocrypha
Jovian-Pattern Class 8.2 Drive Hit, the subsequent dice roll to determine severity is always
a 10.
Second in the “Class 8” series of drives produced by the
Jovian shipyards the 8.2 is designed for light cruisers.
Reliable Construction: If this Component becomes Saturnine-Pattern Class 4a “Ultra” Drive
damaged, depressurized, or suffers a Critical Hit (including a The popularity of the battlecruiser concept led to a general
4 or 6 result on the chart), roll 1d10. On a 4 or higher, the acceptance that it was theoretically possible to overload the
effect is ignored. hulls of existing cruisers with weaponry capable of
challenging the grand cruisers of previous millennia. The
Jovian-Pattern Class 8.3 Drive existing power generating systems of most cruisers were
Third in the “Class 8” series of drives produced by the simply not capable of supporting the immense demands of
Jovian shipyards the 8.3 is designed for cruisers. such upgraded systems, so cunningly redesigned plasma
Reliable Construction: If this Component becomes drives capable of being mounted within the confines of
damaged, depressurized, or suffers a Critical Hit (including a existing cruiser hulls were created by the adepts of Mars.
4 or 6 result on the chart), roll 1d10. On a 4 or higher, the These engines are now revered by many magi as the
effect is ignored. pinnacle of human technological achievement.
Mandragora Apocrypha
Table 3-1: Plasma Drives
Component Appropriate Hull Types Power Space SP
Heraion Pattern Drives Appropriate Hull Types Power Space SP
Heraion Pattern Class 1 Drive Transports 40 Generated 8 -
Heraion-Pattern Class 2a Drive Transports 40 Generated 14 +2
Heraion-Pattern Class 2b Drive Raiders, Frigates 47 Generated 14 +2
Jovian Pattern Drives Appropriate Hull Types Power Space SP
Jovian Pattern Class 1 Drive Transports 35 Generated 8 -
Jovian Pattern Class 2 Drive Raiders, Frigates 45 Generated 10 -
Jovian Pattern Class 3 Drive Light Cruisers 60 Generated 12 -
Jovian Pattern Class 4 Drive Cruisers 75 Generated 14 -
Jovian Pattern Class 4.4 Drive Light Cruisers 65 Generated 14 +2
Cruisers 85 Generated 17 +2
Jovian Pattern Class 8.1 Drive Frigates 44 Generated 11 +1
Jovian Pattern Class 8.2 Drive Light Cruisers 59 Generated 13 +1
Jovian Pattern Class 8.3 Drive Cruisers 74 Generated 15 +1
Jovian Pattern Class 8.4 Drive Grand Cruisers 93 Generated 20 +1
Lucius Pattern Drives Appropriate Hull Types Power Space SP
Lucius Pattern Class 6 Drive Battleships 100 Generated 20 -
Mars Pattern Drives Appropriate Hull Types Power Space SP
Mars Pattern Class5.B Drive Battleships 97 Generated 22 +1
Mezoa Pattern Drives Appropriate Hull Types Power Space SP
Mezoa Pattern Theta-7 Drive
Saturnine Pattern Drives Appropriate Hull Types Power Space SP
Saturnine Pattern Class 4A Drive Battlecruisers 90 Generated 14 -
Saturnine Pattern Class 5 Drive Grand Cruisers 95 Generated 18 -
Klenova Class M Warp Engine design led to decreased effectiveness compared to the
Markov 1.
This variant on the warp engine was designed for vessels
Overcharged: Reduce the base travel time for a journey
following well established routes through the Immaterium
through the Immaterium by 1d10 days. It may be further
between relatively nearby systems. The design intent was
modified by the results of the Navigation (Warp) Test.
for these ships to travel without a Navigator. The Navis
Nobilite has lodged many formal complaints against the use
of these designs, but due to their limitations, and the speed Miloslav H-616.B Warp Engine
of Imperial bureaucracy, they remain in (very rare) use. Many ancient vessels, particularly cruisers, heavy cruisers
Adopting one of these warp engines is sure to bring the and grand cruisers of the early Imperium utilized a variety of
wrath of the Navis Nobilite upon a ship's captain. highly advanced experimental technologies. Many of these
These vessels can only ride the currents of the warp to technological advances have since been discredited in the
follow a calculated jump (see page XX). Multiple redundant eyes of the adepts of Mars, and are now regarded as
cogitation systems aid in finding safe passage. However, the unreliable and prone to catastrophic malfunction. The H-
systems required for a Navigator to interface with the Warp 616.b warp engine sits on the border of such suspect
Engine are not present. designs, not quite heretical, but somehow tainted with the
Mysteries of the Warp: No warp assessment is possible, so scent of the profane. Capable of great speed during warp
the dangers of the Immaterium are increased. When using transits, the engine is notably less secure than later designs,
this system, the vessel must make a daily test on Table X-X: more prone to attract hostile warp entities and generate
Warp Travel Encounters (see page XX). dissonant warp currents capable of swamping the entire
Static System: The Klenova Warp Engine is not compatible ship.
with a Navigator’s Powers or any Components or other Haste of the Damned: Reduce the duration of all warp
systems that modify warp travel. passages by half. However, any failures while Steering the
Vessel add an additional Degree of Failure (see page XX).
Markov 1 Warp Engine
The Markov series of warp engines is designed to propel Strelov 1 Warp Engine
smaller courier vessels more quickly through the Allows the vessel to enter and remain in the immaterium.
Overcharged: Reduce the base travel time for a journey Strelov 2 Warp Engine
through the Immaterium by 1d5 weeks. It may be further Allows the vessel to enter and remain in the immaterium.
modified by the results of the Navigation (Warp) Test.
Strelov 3 Warp Engine
Markov 2 Warp Engine Allows the vessel to enter and remain in the immaterium.
The Markov 2 was adapted to decrease the travel times of
light cruisers. However, certain problems with up-scaling the
81 Mandragora Apocrypha
Table 3-2: Warp Engines
Component Appropriate Hull Types Power Space SP
Albanov 1 Warp Engine Transports, Raiders, Frigates 10 11 +1
Klenova Class M Warp Engine Transports, Raiders, Frigates 10 10 -
Markov 1 Warp Engine Transports, Raiders, Frigates 12 12 +1
Markov 2 Warp Engine Light Cruisers 13 13 +1
Miloslav H-616.b Warp Engine Light Cruisers, Cruisers 10 12 -
Miloslav G-616.b Warp Engine Transports, Raiders, Frigates 8 10 -
Strelov 1 Warp Engine Transports, Raiders, Frigates 10 10 -
Strelov 2 Warp Engine Light Cruisers, Cruisers 12 12 -
Strelov 3 Warp Engine Battleships 14 14 -
Emergency Field
Some captains equip their Gellar field generators with
emergency cogitation circuits that activate the field
automatically upon detecting the warp. Though many scorn
the idea because of the extra power draw, and others are
distrustful of automated circuitry, such devices have saved
ships in the past.
Auto-engagement routines: If the ship unexpectedly enters
the warp, roll 1d10. On a 3 or higher, the Gellar Field
activates automatically, protecting the ship from any warp
intrusion that may have taken place.
Geller Field
Protects the vessel from the myriad dangers of the
Warpsbane Hull
The entire hull of the vessel is covered with silver, hand
Mandragora Apocrypha 82
Void Shields Single Void Shield Array
A single double-layered void shield. Provides 1 Void
Void shields create barriers of energy around a starship to Shield.
protect it from stellar debris and incoming fire.
Triple Void Shield Array
Bastion-Pattern Shield Array The ancient grand cruisers occasionally still operated by
Aside from their meters-thick adamantium armor, the first the Imperial Navy and certain fabulously wealthy Rogue
line of defense for most battleships are their void shields, Trader Dynasties possess titanic layered banks of antique
which can withstand barrages what would turn smaller void shields that fill cavernous field decks the size of small
vessels into debris clouds and cripple even cruisers. towns. These are hellish compartments, rank with the stench
Veritable cities of cables and power-habs compose these of ozone and prone to unpredictably deadly arcs of
generators, with their occupants wearing conduction suits to lightening from copper discharge points as the onion-layered
avoid lethal discharges from the system. void shields are pounded by enemy ordnance. Grand
Void Shield: This Component counts as a ship’s Void cruisers are capable of mounting triple layers of void shields,
Shield, giving the ship four void shields. making them more durable than all but battleships.
Triple Void Shield Array: This Component counts as a
Repulsor Shield ship’s Void Shield, giving the ship three void shields.
These standard void shields have had their frequencies
adjusted to better brush aside stellar debris and detritus. Voss “Glimmer”-Pattern Void Shield Array
Void Shield: This Component counts as a ship’s Void Void shields are an ancient standby of human defensive
Shield, giving the ship one void shield. technology, an almost un-improvable design. Their only real
Charged particle repulsion effect: The ship does not suffer flaw is the great power drain produced. Voss Forge world
penalties to Maneuver Actions when travelling through attempted, more than six millennia ago, to reduce power
nebulas, ice rings, plasma clouds or other celestial demand by reducing the phased shield pattern output. While
phenomena consisting primarily of small particles. more energy-efficient, this reduced the protective value of
the shields. No longer manufactured by Voss, some of these
Repulsor Shield Array designs are still in use in relatively safe regions where little
These standard void shield arrays have had their opposition is expected.
frequencies adjusted to better brush aside stellar debris and Void Shield: This Component counts as a ship’s Void
detritus. Shield, giving the ship one void shield.
Void Shield: This Component counts as a ship’s Void Flickering Void Shield: When this Void Shield cancels a hit
Shield, giving the ship two void shields. from any source, roll 1d10. On a 3 or lower the Void Shield
Charged particle repulsion effect: The ship does not suffer suffers a localized overload and does not cancel the hit.
penalties to Maneuver Actions when travelling through
nebulas, ice rings, plasma clouds or other celestial Voss “Glimmer”-Pattern Void Shield Array
phenomena consisting primarily of small particles.
This array can be fitted to Cruisers.
Void Shield: This Component counts as a ship’s Void
Multiple Void Shield Array Shield, giving the ship two void shields.
Twin, multiple-layered void shields. Provides 2 Void Flickering Void Shield: When these Void Shields cancel a
Shields. hit from any source, roll 1d10. On a 3 or lower the Void
Shield suffers a localized overload and does not cancel the
Segmented Void Shields hit.
Segmented Void Shields can divert power from its
decentralized Void Shield arrays to defend against attacks.
Void Shield: This Component counts as a ship’s Void
Shield, giving the ship three void shields.
Diverted Shields: At the start of a turn, a ship can increase
its Void Shield rating in one facing but decreasing the rating
in every other facing with a Very Hard (-30) Tech Use Test
until the start of its next Turn. Each degree of success
increases the selected facing’s Void Shield rating by one,
while decreasing all other facings by one.
83 Mandragora Apocrypha
Table 3-4: Void Shields
Component Appropriate Hull Types Power Space SP
Bastion Pattern Shield Array Battleships 12 4 -
Repulsor Shield All Ships 6 1 -
Repulsor Shield Array Cruisers 8 1 -
Multiple Void Shield Array Cruisers, Grand Cruisers, Battleships 7 2 -
Segmented Void Shield Battlecruisers, Grand Cruisers, Battleships 6 3 +1
Single Void Shield All Ships 5 1 -
Triple Void Shield Array Grand Cruisers, Battleships 9 3 -
Voss Void Shield Array All Ships 3 1 -
Voss Multiple Void Shield Array Cruisers 5 1 -
Command Bridge
This bridge has been modified to give the ship’s master
Mandragora Apocrypha 84
Flight Command Bridge Life Sustainers
Coordinating multiple wings of attack craft requires
constant updates and extensive tactical resources. This Life sustainers fill a vital role, providing a ship with clean
bridge adds constantly updated read outs, plotting systems, air and water.
and vox networks so that multiple attack wings may be
directed at once. Clemency-Pattern Life Sustainer
Flight Command: As long as the bridge remains This sustainer augments the traditional water filters and
undamaged, all Command Tests dealing with attack craft air purifiers with thousands of individual emergency-oxygen
gain +5, and tests to ready new squadrons are automatically tanks and void suits stored in pressure-sensitive lockers at
passed. regular intervals throughout the ship. Such extensive
Flight Control: All Trade objectives involving ground to orbit redundancies as well as multiple pressure bulkheads reduce
or small craft operations gain +25 Achievement Points. the impact of hull breaches upon a ship, allowing the crew to
rush to patch them before too many are lost to the void.
Invasion Bridge Lifeline: Increase Morale permanently by +1. This starship
Adapted from designs used by the Imperial planet-razor reduces Crew Population and Morale losses due to
squadrons, this bridge is built to support planetary invasions Depressurization by 4, to a minimum of 0.
by delivering pinpoint bombardments to ground-based
targets. Euphoric Life Sustainer
Improved bombardment directions: All Ballistic Skills The Euphoric is designed to keep the crew content and
Tests against planetary based targets gain a +10 bonus. the ship functional in even the direst of circumstances. By
Additionally, ground-based forces in vox communication with adding a steady stream of intoxicating chemicals into the
a ship equipped with an Invasion Bridge count as being vessel’s air and water, the ship’s officers can avoid the threat
equipped with a Multicompass (see page XX). of mutiny
85 Mandragora Apocrypha
Crew Quarters Slave Quarters
For some vessels, there are far more valuable resources
Even the lowliest crew require bunks and mess-halls to than the crew. For some officers, it is more important their
live in. quarters be extravagant than that the crew’s be liveable. For
either philosophy, these squalid and treacherous facilities
Bilge-Rat Quarters provide almost enough space for the crew to sleep when
Most ratings bunk near their posts. However, some they are not on duty.
captains insist upon their crew using hammocks and camp Dangerously Cramped: A vessel using these quarters
beds to sleep near the core of the vessel, where they are decreases Morale permanently by 5.
more protected from the vulnerable decks abutting the cold
void. This somewhat reduces crew casualties in the event of Spacious Quarters
hull breaches, but the squalid, rat-infested conditions are Some extraordinarily rare vessels were designed with
unpopular with the crew. comfort in mind over functionality. Typically reserved for
Living in Squalor: Reduce Morale permanently by 3. mercantile flagships, some lucky voidsmen find home in
However, reduce all Crew Population losses due to these spacious and comfortable quarters.
depressurization by 2, to a minimum of 0. Spacious Quarters: Reduce Population by 2, increase
Morale by 3
Clan-Kin Quarters
The ship’s crew is made up of a ‘kin-brotherhood’ of Voidsmen Quarters
bonded voidsmen. Tenaciously loyal, they see their ship as Standard living quarters for the voidsmen of a long-distance
no different than a homeworld, and will die to defend it. trader.
For Hearth and Home!: All Command Tests to defend
against boarding and hit and run actions gain +5. In addition,
all sources of Morale loss are reduced by 1, to a minimum of
Cold Quarters
While the ship has regular quarters for its crew, this ship
also has ranks of cryo-stasis tubes filling its deep chambers.
Here the captain stores ‘surplus’ crew...until they are
needed. This component does include regular crew
quarters, in addition to the cryo-stasis tubes.
Manpower Reserves: Once per game session, the ship’s
captain may choose to reduce one source of Crew
population loss to zero.
Pressed-Crew Quarters
The masters of this vessel have done little to improve the
quarters left from this ship’s Navy days.
Cramped: Decrease Morale permanently by 2.
Mandragora Apocrypha 86
Auger Arrays R–50 Auspex Multi-Band
The sensors of this ship have been optimized for
The starship’s eyes, allowing it to ‘see’ space far beyond navigation, at the expense of the sensor’s other uses.
the range of normal eyesight. External: This Component does not require hull space.
Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged
Bg-15 Assault Scanners by a Critical Hit.
Optimized for the support of planetary invasions, these Stellar Detection: Mapping protocols provide a +5 bonus to
scanners are designed to pinpoint the power sources of both Maneuver Tests to avoid celestial phenomena, but subtracts
planetary and orbital installations, the better to rain fire upon –2 from the ship’s Detection.
them. Long Distance Scan: When working toward an Exploration
External: This Component does not require hull space. objective, the players earn an additional 50 Achievement
Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or Damaged Points toward completing that objective.
by a Critical hit.
Incoming!: All Ballistic Skills Tests against planetary based W-240 Passive Detection Arrays
targets gain a +5 bonus. This network of arrays is dependent upon a series of
Mark your targets: When working towards a Military carefully placed and finely tuned receiving antennae and
objective, the players earn an additional 50 Achievement sensors distributed the entire length of the vessel. The
Points towards completing that objective. increased variety of sensors enables the system to depend
upon ambient signals to resolve data rather than
Deep Void Auger Array broadcasting its own scanning signals.
These, quite simply, are the some of the best sensors External: This Component does not require hull space.
created by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and are reserved for Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged
their own ships and Imperial Naval scout vessels. by a Critical Hit.
External: This Component does not require hull space. No Broadcasting: When on silent running (see page XX)
Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged this vessel may perform any Detection actions without
by a Critical Hit. penalty.
Eye of the Omnissiah: The exceptional sensitivity of the
array grants +10 to the ship’s Detection. X-470 Ultimo Array
This system of sensors provides the vessel with a broad
Mark–100 Auger Array spectrum of constant data of all events in the void beyond its
The Imperial Navy’s standard sensor array. hull. This is accomplished through a series of high-powered
External: This Component does not require hull space. emitters sending out a huge array of electromagnetic
Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged wavelengths and subatomic particles.
by a Critical Hit. External: This Component does not require hull space.
Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged
by a Critical Hit.
Mark–201.B Auger Array Active Scanning: The broad array of systems grants +10 to
A modified version of the Imperial Navy’s standard sensor the ship’s Detection, and a +15 to detect vessels on Silent
array, with boosted wideband gain. Running when using Active Augury.
External: This Component does not require hull space. Signal Beacon: Due to the intense energy signature of the
Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged array, vessels targeting a ship equipped with this component
by a Critical Hit. gain +5 to all Ballistic Skill Tests to fire their weapons.
Sensitive: Increased power draw provides a +5 bonus to the
ship’s Detection.
87 Mandragora Apocrypha
Supplemental Components Component on the target ship becomes Unpowered. This
weapon’s damage is not affected by Armor.
Ionic Blast: These weapons never cause critical hits, nor do
"Target at 40,000 kilometers and closing, auguries report solid lock
on drive signature. Prepare broadsides for area saturation...
they deal damage to Hull Integrity. These weapons may only
maximum spread." be combined into a salvo with other Disruption Macrocannon
- Commodore Hecate Corinth of the Lunar-Class Lux Angelus Broadside: These weapons must occupy a Port or
engaging Xenos Corsairs, 398.M40 Starboard Weapon Capacity slot.
Mandragora Apocrypha 88
Jovian-Pattern Missile Battery on the Critical Hit Chart, it effects two Components instead
of one.
This unusual weapon system relies on medium-range
missile pods rather than more ‘conventional’ macro-
batteries. The pods are mostly outside the hull and can fire Stygies-Pattern Bombardment Cannons
all their missiles in one immediate, devastating salvo, an As the name suggests, these devastating weapons are
advantage tempered by the lengthy time it takes to reload designed to reduce planetary defenses to rubble and support
them. military landings. Most often they use linear accelerators to
Labor Intensive: This Weapon Component may only fire launch massed salvoes of heavy magma bomb warheads,
every other turn. and though relatively short ranged can also be used in naval
combat. Often the rumor that orbiting vessels carry them is
Mars Pattern Macrocannons enough to force a quick surrender.
Destructive: If this weapon generates a Crit, add 1 to the
The most common macrobattery, these are reliable, hard-
result rolled.
hitting weapons firing kilo-tone ordinance, mounted along the
Death from Above: Bombardment Cannons act as
vessel’s dorsal ridge or in broadside.
macrobatteries and can only be mounted in a Prow, Dorsal,
or Keel weapons slot. When in orbit, the players gain +20
Mars Pattern Macrocannon Broadside towards any Intimidate tests against planetary based
The most common macrobattery, these are reliable, hard- characters. When working toward a Military Objective
hitting weapons firing kilo-tone ordinance, mounted in a against a planet, the players earn an additional 50
warship’s extended broadside. Achievement Points. When used as part of a planetary
Broadside: These weapons must occupy a Port or bombardment, bombardment cannons double the affected
Starboard Weapon Capacity slot. area, do an additional 20 damage to large units, and deal an
additional10 damage to individuals and vehicles.
Mezoa-Pattern Macrocannons
The forge world of Mezoa has long advocated a Stygies-Pattern Macrocannon Battery
modification of the standard Mars-pattern Macrocannons to This variant of the macrocannon is designed to fire
increase damage at the cost of range and space. heavier ordnance than the Mars Pattern. These alternative
shells contain an adamantium core that cuts through the
Pyros Melta-Cannons heaviest armor.
These squat, oversized, and highly insulated Penetrator Rounds: When calculating damage dealt by a
macrocannon are designed specifically to fire shells tipped salvo that includes shots from a Stygies pattern
with powerful melta-charges that detonate with furious heat. Macrocannon that were not absorbed by Void Shields,
Inferno: Whenever this Weapon Component inflicts a reduce the vessel’s armor by 3. This reduction is not
Critical Hit, it is automatically a Fire! Critical. permanent, and only takes place while calculating that
particular salvo’s damage.
Ryza Pattern Plasma Battery
These weapons are rare and expensive examples of the
Sunsear Laser Battery
ancient art of plasma-craft. Their power draw is These laser batteries are common on Naval frigates,
considerable, but so is their effectiveness. providing a balance between power used and damage
Vaporization: When this Weapon Component rolls a 1 or 2 inflicted.
89 Mandragora Apocrypha
Sunsear Las-Broadside Small Weapon: Las-burners may be installed in Dorsal or
Keel weapon capacity slots in ships of frigate size or smaller.
With enough power, a ship of the line can mount entire
Versatile: A ship with Las-burners gains +5 to the opposed
broadsides of long ranged laser weaponry, giving it
Command Test made to resolve boarding actions.
impressive offensive reach.
Broadside: This weapon Component must occupy a Port or
Starboard Weapon Capacity slot. Mezoa Pattern Hybrid Lance Weapon
This recent development from Mezoa remains highly
Thunderstrike Macrocannons controversial. It substantially sacrifices range, but increases
damage potential by integrating an emitter into the lance
An older version of the Mars Pattern, these macrocannons
design. Some ship’s captains have complained that the
lack range and power. They are most often found on
reduced range requires a change to ship’s tactics.
Mandragora Apocrypha 90
Table 3-10: Lance Weaponry
Component Appropriate Hull Types Power Space SP Strength Damage Crit Rating Range
Dragon's Breath Lance Weapon All Ships 13 8 3 3 1d10+6 3 3
Godsbane Lance Capital Ships 9 4 3 1 1d10+2 3 12
Godsbane Lance Battery Capital Ships 13 6 3 2 1d10+2 3 12
Las-Burners All Ships 7 3 2 2 1d5+1 3 3
Mezoa Hybrid Lance Weapon All Ships 13 6 3 2 1d10+5 4 4
Mezoa Hybrid Lance Battery Light Cruisers, Cruisers 15 8 3 1 1d10+4 3 6
Starbreaker Lance Weapon All Ships 6 4 1 4 1d10+2 4 9
Sunhammer Lance All Ships 9 4 2 1 1d10+3 3 9
Sunhammer Lance Battery All Ships 13 6 2 2 1d10+3 3 9
Titanforge Lance Weapon All Ships 9 4 2 1 1d10+4 3 6
Titanforge Lance Battery All Ships 13 6 2 2 1d10+4 3 6
Landing Bays open during the Strategic Turn when small craft are landing
or taking off. If this Component ever loses power when the
hatches are open, this Component becomes Depressurized.
Huge warp-capable vessels are the focal point of nearly
every space battle. However, smaller craft can often provide
the assets to completely turn the face of an engagement. In Hold Landing Bay
order for a vessel to carry a wing of attack craft and launch When a transport hull is repurposed for exploration or
them quickly enough to affect a combat, the vessel must be needs additional security, its captain may take the extreme
equipped with a landing bay. In addition to housing, measure of adapting the Main Cargo Hold to carry attack
launching, and landing those craft, a Landing Bay will also craft. Though the massive carrying capacity of a transport is
carry spare craft, parts, and equipment necessary for routine not entirely eliminated, it is substantially reduced.
maintenance. Jury-Rigged: These adaptations are less than ideal for the
When acquired, a Landing Bay comes equipped with one craft launched and landed in the makeshift bays. Attack craft
squadron per point of strength (these may be fighters, launched from a Hold Landing Bay reduce their movement
bombers, assault boats, Aeronautica, or shuttle craft). on the turn launched by –2 VU. Craft attempting to land in a
However, the GM may decide that the players have to Hold Landing Bay must pass an Ordinary (+10) Operate +
Acquire the small craft separately, or, if he prefers to offer Maneuverability Test to land safely (squadrons should
his group more versatility, he can have the landing bays make one test per squadron). Success means they land
come with two squadrons per point of Strength. The types of safely. Three degrees of failure or less means they veered
craft in these squadrons must be designated when the bay is off to make another attempt. Failure by four or more degrees
acquired. Any replacement or additional small craft must be indicates that the craft has crashed into the bay (or one craft
Acquired separately. Generally, Imperial landing bays’ for every degree of failure, in the case of squadrons). The
structural designs require them to be included along the port Component is immediately considered Damaged. Outside of
or starboard flanks of a ship. Certain patterns may allow combat, craft can spend more time landing. In this case,
otherwise, but unless specified in the entry, a Landing there is no a Test, but it takes a half hour for each squadron
Bay must be installed on a Port or Starboard Weapon to land.
Capacity Slot. Retrofit: This Component may only be installed to replace
an integral Main Cargo Hold on a transport (which is why it
Heraion-Pattern Landing Bay does not have a Space requirement, it takes up the space
Heraion-pattern Landing Bays are characterized by the normally reserved for the Main Cargo Hold). Only one Hold
huge opening that offers an unobstructed view of the void. Landing Bay may be equipped on a starship. It does not take
up a Weapon Capacity Slot.
Only the occasional crackle of an energy field disrupts the
Structural Impact: The Hold Landing Bay installation
view of the yawning black. Prior to entering the warp, a
vessel equipped with this Component must engage the huge requires cutting massive holes in the exterior of the
security hatches to seal off this opening from any view of the transport’s hull. The vessel’s Hull Integrity is permanently
warp. reduced by 5 when this Component is added. In addition, the
ship suffers a –5 penalty to its Maneuverability.
Energy Field: The security hatches on this bay must be
91 Mandragora Apocrypha
Jovian Pattern Escort Bay revealed by successful Active Augury—it is too large to be
Jovian-pattern Escort Bays are designed specifically for
Overheating Systems: For every five degrees of failure on
light cruisers. Their smaller capacity keeps them from
a test to fire a Ryza-pattern Nova Cannon, the firing vessel
supporting as many fighters and bombers, but also allows
suffers one Critical Hit. If a Component is affected by the
them to be fitted onto a smaller warship’s frame.
critical hit, it is always the Nova Cannon.
Nova Cannons
"A Space Marine once said 'Walk softly, and carry a big gun.' Well, I
carry the biggest Emperor-damned gun around!"
Mandragora Apocrypha 92
Table 3-13: Torpedo Tubes
Component Appropriate Hull Types Power Space SP Strength Damage Crit Rating Range
Fortis Pattern Torpedo Tubes Light Cruisers, Cruisers 2 8 3 6 - - -
Gryphonne Pattern Torpedo Tubes Raiders, Frigates, Capital 2 6 1 4 - - -
Mars Pattern Torpedo Tubes Light Cruisers, Cruisers 2 8 2 6 - - -
Voss Pattern Torpedo Tubes All Ships 1 5 1 2 - - -
93 Mandragora Apocrypha
weapon, re-roll any dice results of 4 or lower. The results of
Table 3-14: Torpedoes the second roll stand.
Torpedoes Speed Damage Crit Rating Range
Plasma 10 2d10+2 10 60
Boarding 10 2d10 - 60 Virus Warheads
Melta 10 2d10+3 9+ 60
Virus 10 2d10 - 60
In cases when a vessel must be captured intact, but the
Vortex 10 2d10 6+ 60 target’s crew are considered expendable, virus warheads
are considered an ideal solution. Pirates more interested in
inert cargo, salvage, and the possibility of expanding their
fleet lust after these rare and unstable armaments.
Plasma Warheads When a torpedo armed with a Virus Warhead successfully
These explosives are the standard armament for Imperial hits a target vessel, roll damage. Provided the result
torpedoes. These systems are designed to blast through a exceeds the target’s Armor, the vessel immediately suffers
spaceship’s armored hull, using their high speed to punch 3d10 damage to Crew Population and 2d10 damage to
deep into the target vessel. The plasma reactor that powers Morale. The ship does not, however, suffer damage to Hull
a torpedo’s drive forces it deep into the bowels of the ship Integrity. A character must immediately make a Difficult (–
and then overloads, contributing to the fury of the warhead’s 10) Command Test to isolate survivors from the infected
detonation. This reduces complexity, making their crew. If this test succeeds, the spread of the virus is halted.
manufacture comparatively simple. Thus, these torpedoes However, if the test is failed, the vessel will suffer the same
are the staple of Imperial Navy warships. damage again each strategic turn until the test is passed.
Terminal Penetration (3): When rolling damage for this Note that this test must be taken for each successful
weapon, re-roll any dice results of 3 or lower. The results of warhead strike in a salvo.
the second roll stand. The danger imposed by Virus Warheads is not entirely
one-sided. If a Torpedo Tube armed with these weapons is
Boarding Torpedoes Damaged, the vessel counts as being affected by a virus
More manned spacecraft than torpedo, these fulfill a warhead.
comparable role to assault boats. However, boarding Terminal Penetration (1): When rolling damage for this
torpedoes are less maneuverable and less armored than weapon, re-roll any dice results of 1. The results of the
assault boats. To offset these flaws, they are also much second roll stand.
smaller targets. The crews of a boarding torpedo are able to
make minor adjustments to the torpedo’s flight path. Vortex Warheads
Consequently, these are always considered Guided Only a few remaining Forge worlds still maintain the
torpedoes, though no additional Acquisition cost is required technological craftsmanship to manufacture these rare
for this feature. Note that boarding torpedoes do not have a weapons. The Vortex Warhead is not a crude explosive
Detection rating. No additional guidance systems may be charge, but an arcane device that tears open a rent in the
added to boarding torpedoes. very fabric of reality, consigning vast chunks of its target into
When a boarding torpedo successfully hits a target craft, the warp. The swirling energy within this tear in the fabric of
roll the weapon’s damage as normal. If the damage exceeds reality immediately draws all matter in its blast radius
the target’s armor, the torpedo does not inflict damage to through it, leaving gaping wounds in the target vessel.
Hull Integrity. Instead, it immediately inflicts a Hit-and-Run When attacked by these torpedoes, word of these
attack. horrifying weapons spreads like wildfire through the target
Terminal Penetration (2): When rolling damage for this crew. In addition to the Hull Integrity damage and the Critical
weapon, re-roll any dice results of 2 or lower. The results of Hit from each Vortex warhead, each successful vortex
the second roll stand. warhead strike also causes 1d5 damage to Morale. Vortex
warheads ignore Armor when calculating damage.
Melta Warheads Maintaining and safeguarding these weapons requires rituals
These weapons are even more feared by starship that have been lost to most enginseers. If torpedo tubes
captains than standard torpedoes. Mercifully rare and armed with these warheads are Damaged, the torpedo tubes
extremely brutal, melta warheads detonate a precisely- are immediately destroyed. Further, the vessel is
organized series of melta charges upon impact with a target, immediately subjected to three additional Critical Hits at
burning through hull plating and consuming sections of the locations of the GM’s choice. In addition, when an upkeep
vessel’s interior in a roiling conflagration. test to resupply Vortex torpedoes is failed by two or more
A hit from a Melta Torpedo that deals damage degrees of failure, the new Vortex torpedoes are defective.
automatically causes a Fire! Critical Result, in addition to any These torpedoes will detonate damaging (but not destroying)
other Crits it may cause. Carrying these extremely volatile the torpedo tubes at a time of the GM’s choice.
weapons is nearly as dangerous for a vessel as it is for its Terminal Penetration (5): When rolling damage for this
targets. If Torpedo Tubes armed with these warheads are weapon, re-roll any dice results of 5 or lower. The results of
destroyed, one additional Components of the GM’s choice is the second roll stand.
set on fire.
Terminal Penetration (4): When rolling damage for this
Mandragora Apocrypha
Guidance Systems And Modifications Seeking Torpedoes
Only a very few of the major Forge worlds maintain the
All torpedoes are equipped with a guidance system, a capacity to manufacture seeking guidance systems.
machine spirit that detects targets and steers them into a Torpedoes equipped with these systems employ adaptive
terminal embrace. Most torpedoes use similar guidance cogitators and logic engines that continuously analyse their
systems, but some rare weapons possess advance systems. target’s defensive actions. The combination of their rarity
These specialized systems often enable a torpedo to cleanly and combat effectiveness has granted these torpedoes a
avoid the lion’s share of a target vessel’s defenses, making near-legendary status. Seeking Torpedoes grant the
every torpedo a much more effective weapon. In addition, torpedo a Torpedo Rating of +30.
some torpedoes might have guidance systems designed
specifically to work at higher speeds due to boosted engines. Short-Burn Torpedoes
Guidance systems are purchased for torpedoes. They may
These torpedoes are equipped with an engine that burns
be purchased separately at their Availability, or purchased
much hotter, but for a significantly shorter length of time.
with a torpedo using combined Acquisition rules.
This change in the engine dynamics leads to an increased
acceleration that grants these torpedoes a higher velocity, at
Standard Guidance Systems the expense of a shorter flight time. This, however, has a
Most torpedoes possess these machine spirits, which use tendency to overload the augurs of a standard guidance
augury systems to scan their flight path for ship sized mass system’s machine spirit, meaning a quicker and more
readings, radiation output, heat, and other identifiers. All aggressive machine spirit must be used instead. These
torpedoes come with a standard guidance system normally, torpedoes move at a speed of 15 VU per turn, rather than
this does not modify their Availability. Standard Guidance the 10 VU of all other types. However, their massive fuel
Systems grant the torpedo a Torpedo Rating of +20. consumption reduces their maximum range to 30 VU. In
addition, Short Burn Torpedoes grant the torpedo a
Guided Torpedoes Torpedo Rating of +15.
Tight beam communications from the vessels that
launched them continuously control the flight paths of guided Cargo and Passenger Compartments
torpedoes. This enables a talented pilot to redirect these
weapons up until the very last moment before impact. The Areas in the ship designed for cargo or passenger
additional navigational thrusters and communications transport, presenting a captain with more ways to earn
equipment are rare, but the patterns are still in production at Thrones.
a number of Forge worlds. At the beginning of the torpedo’s
movement, one Character or NPC on the launching ship Barracks
may make a Challenging (+0) Tech Use + Detection Test.
For a truly enterprising Rogue Trader, a war is just
Success means he may change the direction the torpedoes
another business venture. These barracks allow him to
are moving by up to 45 degrees. For every degree of
attempt just that—by filling his ship with thousands of troops.
success, he may slow the torpedoes movement speed that
Soldiers: When working toward a Military objective, the
Round by 1 VU.
players earn an additional 100 Achievement Points towards
If an enemy vessel has previously used a Focused Augury
completing that objective.
Test to identify the torpedo tubes on the launching vessel,
Reinforcements: If the ship is transporting troops, it gains
they will have identified the hallmarks of the guided torpedo
+20 to all Command Tests involving boarding actions and Hit
system. In this case, a character on the target vessel may
and Run Actions.
make a Arduous (–40) Tech Use Test. If this test succeeds,
the target vessel seizes control of the guided torpedoes and
may redirect them towards any target within their remaining Brig
flight range. Guided Torpedoes grant the torpedo a Though almost any ship has a brig, some vessels have
Torpedo Rating of +20. more elaborate facilities. Some brigs are filthy, open
chambers where prisoners sit enchained in squalor, their
jailers only visiting every few days to hose down the gutters
and release the dead bodies into the void. Others are
Table 3-15: Torpedo Availability spotlessly efficient walled off oubliettes where the occupants
Torpedoes Availability
Plasma Rare live in maddening solitary confinement for years at a time.
Boarding Very Rare Stern Discipline: Increase Morale permanently by 1. In
Melta Extremely Rare addition, any Intimidate Tests made during Shipboard
Virus Near Unique
Vortex Unique Actions gain a +5 bonus.
Guidance Systems Prison Space: When working towards any objective in
Guided Rare which the capture, storage, or transport of prisoners could be
Seeking Extremely Rare
Short Burn Rare useful (such as the creation of a penal colony or holding
Standard Guidance System - prisoners of war during a military campaign) the Explorers
earn an additional 25 Achievement Points towards
completing that objective.
95 Mandragora Apocrypha
Cargo Hold and Lighter Bay Shadowblind Bays
Warships can be converted to haul cargo, but this can Behind and beneath each standard cargo bay is hidden a
often have an adverse effect on their combat performance. second, ‘mirror hold,’ void-shielded and static-screened
Hidden Spaces: When working toward a Trade or Criminal against any prying auspexes.
objective, the players earn an additional 50 Achievement Mirror Bays: When working towards a Trade objective, the
Points toward completing that objective. players earn an additional 50 Achievement Points. When
Unbalanced: Starships are precisely balanced, something working towards a Criminal objective, the players earn an
this modification effects, meaning they suffer –3 to additional 75 Achievement Points. Location of these bays
Maneuverability. when their systems are engaged requires an Arduous (–40)
Scrutiny Test.
Compartmentalized Cargo Hold
Cargo holds have been installed across the ship, spread Ship’s Stores
out to minimize their effect on the vessel’s handling. When captains venture into areas beyond the light of the
Storage Area: When working toward a Trade objective, the Astronomicon, especially on long duration exploration
players earn an additional 100 Achievement Points toward voyages, the lack of proper repair facilities can become a
completing that objective. serious issue. As shipboard systems become damaged
beyond repair or outright destroyed, only spare parts can
Evacuation Bay help. If the ship has sufficient storage, a wise crew can stow
When smuggling goods, it can be essential to be able to backup Components for just such emergencies
get rid of those goods in a hurry. Sometimes, there’s an Spare Parts: A Ship’s Stores Component may hold
unexpected Imperial entanglement. Other times, that additional Components (acquired separately) up to their
entanglement is something even less savory. In any case, combined Space value, allowing the crew to use them as
there are times where it is far wiser to have an empty cargo replacements if the Component is Destroyed. Replacing a
bay than one filled with expensive, but inconvenient, goods. Component is accomplished in the same manner as making
This bay is ready for those times. Extended Repairs, except that success also replace any
Stowed and Secured: When working towards a Trade desired Components. In addition, when making Extended
objective, the players earn an additional 75 Achievement Repairs, repair two additional Hull Integrity.
Points towards completing that objective.
Quick Exit: As a free action, a member of the bridge crew Xenos Habitats
may open the cargo hatches to forcibly eject all of the cargo Dealing with xenos is dire heresy to the Imperium—not
into the void and initiate an immediate cleansing of the hold. that a Rogue Trader would let that stand in the way of profit.
Quarters that can simulate the environments of alien worlds
Luxury Passenger Quarters can further facilitate relations.
Comfortable quarters for passengers earn Thrones—and Comfortable atmosphere: All Charm and Inquiry Tests
make for jealous crew. made with xenos aboard this vessel gain a +10 bonus. All
Paying Customers: When working toward a Trade, Objectives for Endeavors involving non-hostile dealings with
Criminal, or Creed objective, the players earn an additional xenos races gain an additional 50 Achievement Points.
100 Achievement Points towards completing that objective. Suspicious: Most Imperial citizens are taught from birth to
Class Division: Decrease Morale permanently by 3. distrust the xenos. Decrease the ship’s Morale permanently
by 2.
Main Cargo Hold
This hold was designed for moving bulk cargo.
Stowed and Secured: When working towards a Trade
objective, the players earn an additional 125 Achievement
Points towards completing that objective.
Mandragora Apocrypha 96
Augments and Enhancements the void.
Shadow in the Void: When travelling on Silent Running, all
Tests to detect this vessel have their Difficulty increased by
Devices and systems that will boost a starship’s combat
two degrees. When completing a Criminal objective, the
players earn an additional 50 Endeavour Points.
External: This Component does not require hull space.
Armor Plating Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged
Additional adamantine plates protect this vessel from by a Critical Hit.
Armor: Increase this vessel’s Armor by 1. Excess Void Armor
Dead Weight: Decrease this vessel’s Maneuverability by –2.
For some captains, there is no such thing as too much
armor. Excess void armor layers heavy plates over existing
Armored Prow ones, building up a formidable defense at the cost of speed
The trademark of cruisers and battleships of the Imperial and maneuverability.
Navy, heavy sheets of adamantine 20 meters thick cover the Armor: Increases this vessel's Armor by 3.
bow of this vessel. More Dead Weight: Decrease this vessel’s Maneuverability
Imposing: A ship with this Component may not have Prow by 3 and its Speed by 2.
macrobatteries or lances. This ship gains +4 armor only in its
fore arc. This ship also does 1d10 additional damage when Field Bracing
The ship’s hull and structural supports are ribbed with
powerfield generators, which can greatly reinforce the
Augmented Retro-Thrusters vessel’s structural integrity as long as they are powered.
Multiple maneuvering thrusters draw immense power, but Hull Support: As long as Power is supplied to his
offer impressive performance nonetheless. Component, the ship’s Hull Integrity is increased by twice the
Agile: These thrusters add +5 to the ship’s Maneuverability. Power supplied, up to +6. Should this Component be
External: This Component does not require hull space. Damaged or supplied with less Power, the hull loses this
Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged bonus value proportionally. This cannot bring the ship’s Hull
by a Critical Hit. Integrity below 0. The amount of power supplied to this
Component may be increased with a Challenging (+0) Tech
Auxiliary Plasma Banks Use Test (this counts as a Free Action in starship combat)
A ship’s drive can produce more power if equipped with and may Unpower other Components at the GM’s discretion.
extra banks of plasma generation and containment systems.
Of course, there is a danger associated with housing Fire Suppression Systems
additional hab-block sized containers of plasma aboard a The vessel is equipped with additional systems such as
starship. specialized extinguisher gases all designed to combat
Volatile Power: This Component generates power, rather flames and keep them from spreading.
than requiring it. If this Component is ever damaged, the Flame Extinguisher: If the Bridge is powered and
ship containing it takes 1d5 damage directly to Hull Integrity, undamaged, a character may activate this system to
and its plasma drive is set on fire. extinguish one Component on fire by making a Difficult (–
10) Tech-Use Test (this counts as an Shipboard Action in
Defensive Countermeasures starship combat). If successful the fire is extinguished. This
The vessel is equipped with a package of false auspex Component may be used once per Strategic Turn.
reflectors, thermal buoys, vox screamers, and other devices
designed to keep an enemy vessel from accurately firing on Flak Turrets
it. Designed to dump as much ammunition into the space
Single Use: When deployed, the countermeasures apply a – surrounding a vessel as possible, Flak Turrets dump a
20 penalty to all Ballistic Skill Tests made to attack the ship steady barrage of explosive shells that strike incoming craft
for the next 1d5+1 Strategic Turns. Torpedoes suffer a –30 by chance more than by design. Because of the massive
penalty instead. Once used, the countermeasures must be ammunition expenditure and the flak-wall’s interference with
refilled and refurbished with a successful Upkeep Test ship sensors, these batteries are not always used. The
outside of combat (and at a technological system with void ship’s commander must decide at the start of each strategic
yards) before it can be used again. turn (as a Free Action) if the Flak Turrets are in use or
inactive that turn.
Empyrean Mantle Scattershot: When in use, Flak Turrets increase the ship’s
Most dirt-dwellers would find the idea of hiding something Turret Rating by +1.
as large as a starship to be ridiculous. Of course, most dirt- Wall of Fire and Steel: When the ship’s flak turrets are in
dwellers have no idea just how utterly vast space is. With the use, it suffers a –10 penalty to Detection.
right energy baffles and screens to diffuse and mask energy
signatures, a ship can become nothing more than a hole in
97 Mandragora Apocrypha
Gilded Hull
Some captains place opulence and style over substance
and protection. These gregarious fellows are wont to dress Minefields
flamboyantly, wear impressive yet impractical armor and A minefield reacts to a vessel inside its boundaries
wield flashy weapons more suited to a trophy room than the by making a Scrutiny Test with a Skill of 40 with +10
battlefield. Such men also often gild the armor plating of their modifier for every full 20 Space the vessel has (the
vessels, to the point that they sacrifice protection for larger the ship, the more mines it activates). The
grandeur. mines suffer a –40 to the Test if the vessel is on Silent
Armor: Decreases this vessel’s Armor by 3. Running. If the mines detect a vessel, they strike it
Impressive: Any Fellowship Tests made by the captain of with 1d5+2 explosive hits, with this test being done
the ship (while either on or in sight of it) gains a +10 bonus. each round the vessel is in the field. Each hit deals
1d10+2 damage, and the hits are combined as though
Lux Net from a macrobattery salvo. Armor and void shields
Not all Captains are able to make their way back to proper protects against mines as normal. Mines are too small
port facilities to repair damages from combat, and often they to be located via normal Detection; an Active Augury
must make do in safe asteroid fields or backwater systems— Shipboard Action reveals any minefields in within 10
quiet areas to afford them uninterrupted time to complete VUs but immediately causes 1d5 detonations if the
essential refurbishment. In order to hasten their repairs, they vessel is already within a field. Ships can attempt to
call on auxiliary power sources such as Lux Nets. These navigate a minefield in the same manner as for an
huge solar energy collectors use micro-thin sheets spread asteroid field, with a Hard (–10) Operate (Voidship) +
across hundreds of square kilometers to generate additional Maneuverability Test instead of a Routine Test and
power. They are especially useful when the main drives are each impact dealing 1d10+2 damage. Mines can also
damaged, but can draw unwanted attention to a crippled be detonated remotely with a Challenging (+0) Tech-
vessel. Use Test if the activating ship is no more than 10 VUs
Power Source: Lux Nets are only functional (as in, they only distant. This instantly causes all mines to explode,
generate Power) on stationary vessels inside a solar system, causing 1d10 hits to any vessel within 1 VU of the
taking 2 hours to deploy and 10 to retract. If the ship has to minefield and emptying the field, but revealing the
move for any reason during its operation, the Lux Net is activating vessel even if the test fails. If the Minelayer
Destroyed as the fragile material rips apart. The net also Bay contains unused mines and is Damaged, there is
counts as exposed when deployed (see page XX). When a 50% chance the bay is Destroyed. The vessel
conducting extended repairs, a deployed net adds +1 to the takes one Critical Hit; roll 1d10 to
number of degrees of success on each week’s Tech Use determine the result.
Minelayer Bay
An often-used tactic among pirate fleets is to strew a Power Ram
heavily trafficked shipping lane with mines, and then pounce Whereas some traders desire the obvious intimidation of a
on any unfortunate ship crippled by their massive huge armored prow, others prefer a more subtle approach
explosions. Starship mines are huge and can explode with and sheath an otherwise unremarkable ram beneath their
catastrophic effect. Most are automatically triggered via an ship’s prow with power-field generators. When activated, the
on-board passive auspex to home in on nearby vessels, but ship’s ram glows with hazy light and is often the last thing an
some can be remotely operated to achieve greater enemy captain will see before impact.
effectiveness. For starships plying common transit lanes External: This Component does not require hull space.
through a system, they are a frequent worry that requires Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged
constant vigilance. by a Critical Hit. Power Field: This Component allows a
Minefield Ahead!: When acquired, the Minelayer Bay starship to do an additional 1d10 damage when ramming.
Component contains enough mines for 3 deployments, with
an Upkeep Test at a suitable port required to re-equip with a
Reinforced Interior Bulkheads
new complement of mines. A successful Routine (+20)
Tech-Use Test can deploy mines in a spread covering an Additional adamantine plates in key locations make this
area 4 VUs wide, deep, and high behind the ship; this can vessel hard to destroy.
Hard to Breach: Add +3 to Hull Integrity.
also be done as an Shipboard Action while in combat (such
as in a Stern Chase!). To prevent mines from accidentally
setting each other off, the fields cannot be set to overlap. For Reinforced Prow
more information on how minefields work, see the Minefield Though not as imposing as the titanic adamantium beaks
sidebar. of cruisers, a reinforced prow can offer crucial protection to
smaller vessels, or any ship that wishes to mount forward
facing weaponry.
Adamantine Plates: This ship gains +2 Armor in its front arc
Mandragora Apocrypha 98
only. This ship also does 1d5 additional damage when Asteroid Mining Facility
For some traders, trading minerals and materials is not
enough. They prefer to harvest their profits directly. An
“Storm” Drop Pod Launch Bays asteroid mining facility consists of bays of mining lighters,
Honeycomb launch structures cluster along the vessel’s tractor fields, adamantine drills, vast internal refineries and
keel, ready to spit drop pods full of assault forces on stowage bunkers for the minerals mined. A single ship can
helpless planets below. remain amongst an asteroid field for decades, accumulating
Steel Rain: When working towards a Military objective, the a vast wealth in minerals. However, an asteroid mining
players earn an additional 50 Endeavour Points towards facility dominates a starship.
completing that objective. Mining Rig: An asteroid mining facility Component allows a
Drop Pod Deployment: The players may use drop pods vessel to conduct mining operations in an asteroid field (or
(see page XX). The “Storm” design is equipped to hold 20 similar location). This allows the vessel’s crew to construct a
pods, although it may only launch 10 every 30 minutes or so Trade Endeavour based on those operations. When
(in other words, it may launch 10 pods every Strategic Turn). completing this Endeavour’s objectives, the players earn an
The pods must be recovered from the planet’s surface additional 200 Endeavour Points.
before being reused.
Astropathic Choir-Chambers
Tenebro-Maze Though all ships have a specific area set aside for the use
The interior of the ship is a maze of passageways, blind of their Astropathic Choir, some ships have vast chambers
compartments, and triple-sealed pressure-hatches. Enemy specifically designed to amplify astropathic signals and boost
boarding parties become quickly lost and separated, while the power and effectiveness of the ship’s Astropath
the defenders spring cunning ambushes from behind Transcendent.
hololithic bulkheads. Psy-locus: When performing Astro-telepathy in this
Hidden sally-ports: This ship gains +10 to all Command Component, an Astropath gains a +10 bonus to his Focus
Tests when defending against boarding actions and Hit and Power Test. While occupying this Component during Space
Run Actions. Combat, any psychic powers the Astropath uses have their
Incomprehensible Layout: When a Component on this ship range increased by 5 VUs.
is selected to be affected from a critical hit, it is chosen by
the ship’s controller, not the attacker. Auto Temple
The Auto Temple is a fully staffed temple of the Imperial
Variable Figurehead Creed mounted within the vessel. In addition to tending to
Imperial ships are often partly identified by the figurehead the needs of the crew, the Auto Temple may be dropped to a
mounted on their bows. In an effort to obfuscate a vessel’s planet’s surface from orbit. This enables the staunch
identity, this Component is capable of reconfiguration to missionaries to directly tend to the needs of the unwashed
assume a different form. When installed, the Variable heathens with the full resources of an Imperial Church.
Figurehead has up to five different design patterns, which When a vessel needs to leave orbit, the Auto Temple may
are commonly all variations on an Imperial Eagle. Modifying be disassembled and returned to the craft by a work crew
these patterns or creating additional ones requires an and lifters. This process takes two to three days.
extensive refitting, as the process of reconfiguring its form is Tend the Flock: The constant support of the Temple’s
purely mechanical. Priests increases Morale by 2.
External: This Component does not require hull space. Convert the Heretic: When working towards a Creed
Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged objective, the players earn an additional 150 Achievement
by a Critical Hit. Points towards completing that objective.
99 Mandragora Apocrypha
Table 3-17: Augments and Enhancements
Component Appropriate Hull Types Power Space SP
Armor Plating Escorts 0 1 2
Capital Ships 0 2 2
Armored Prow Capital Ships 0 4 2
Augmented Retro-Thrusters Raiders, Frigates 3 0 2
Transports, Light Cruisers 4 0 2
Cruisers, Battlecruisers 5 0 2
Grand Cruisers, Battleships 6 0 2
Auxiliary Plasma Banks Escorts 8 Generated 5 1
Capital Ships 10 Generated 6 1
Defensive Countermeasures All Ships 1 1 2
Empyrean Mantle Escorts 3 0 2
Capital Ships 5 0 2
Excess Void Armor Escorts 0 2 2
Field Bracing All Ships 1-3 1 2
Fire Suppression Systems Transports, Raiders, Frigate 1 1 2
Light Cruisers, Cruisers 2 2 2
Grand Cruisers, Battleships 3 3 2
Flak Turrets All Ships 1 1 1
Gilded Hull Escorts 0 1 2
Capital Ships 0 2 2
Lux Net All Ships 10 Generated 2 2
Minelayer Bay Transports, Light Cruisers, Cruisers 1 4 1
Power Ram Light Cruisers, Cruisers 2 0 2
Reinforced Interior Bulkheads Escorts 0 2 2
Capital Ships 0 3 2
Reinforced Prow Escorts 0 2 1
Capital Ships 0 3 1
"Storm" Drop Pod Launch Bays All Ships 1 3 2
Tenebro-maze Escorts 1 2 2
Capital Ships 2 3 2
Variable Figurehead All Ships 1 0 2
† This component may not be selected more than once per vessel.
Mandragora Apocrypha
them. Such use would be heretical, but might enable a background effects, greatly aiding in many a difficult
novice to puzzle out a device without catastrophic effects. negotiation.
Research Facility: This Component grants a +20 bonus to Songs in the Void: Increase Morale permanently by +1 and
all tests to identify, analyze, and repair artifacts of ancient or gain +10 to all social Skill Tests.
xenos origin, or to any tests to craft single items (such as a
single weapon or piece of armor). This could include Munitorium
Scholastic Lore, Forbidden Lore, Tech-Use, and Trade Tests
Although all ships have a well-armored room to store their
(as well as others at the GM’s discretion).
munitions, this facility contains massive stockpiles of
weapons, from small arms to macro-cannon warheads.
Manufactorum Well Armed: When working toward a Military objective, the
These small construction facilities are capable of players earn an additional 25 Achievement Points toward
synthesizing additional parts required to perform Extended completing that objective.
Repairs for a damaged starship. These parts are Ordinatus Extremus: All macrobatteries on this ship gain
synthesized from raw materials—generally obtained by +1 to their listed damage.
mining a nearby asteroid. Volatile: If this Component is damaged, it explodes. The
Manufacturing: If attempting extended repairs, each ship takes 2d5 damage to Hull Integrity, and a Component of
Manufactorum adds a +10 bonus to the weekly Tech-Use the GM’s choice is set on fire.
Test. If paying for repairs, each Manufactorum adds a +10
bonus to the Acquisition Test to restore Hull Integrity. Murder-Servitors
Additional Templates: Manufactorums are equipped with a The ship possesses a stock of ancient, skull-faced killing
variety of templates for construction, so each Manufactorum machines. Sealed in cryo-stasis until absolutely required, a
adds an additional 10 Achievement Points for any Trade mere dozen can be successfully sent on hit and run raids to
objectives. In addition, the Manufactorums may be able to maim and kill on enemy vessels.
manufacture small numbers of personal items. The GM is Death-dealers: When used to conduct a Hit and Run Action,
final arbiter of what can and cannot be manufactured, but this enhancement provides a +20 bonus to the opposed
generally it should not be more than a few dozen of a Command Test.
Common item.
Precise: When determining the Critical Hit inflicted by a Hit
and Run Action they participated in, the character
Medicae Deck conducting the raid may select any result between 1 and 6,
A life of exploration invariably leads to encounters with rather than rolling.
unexpected life. This unexpected life can lead to unexpected
injuries as well as novel diseases. Every living quarters Observation Dome
includes a basic infirmary, but those are not equipped for A gigantic observation dome made of diamond panes and
every variety of injury or disease. Similarly, an infirmary is armored glass adorns this vessel’s spine, allowing an
not equipped to treat the number of badly injured survivors unrestricted view of the surrounding void.
from a badly damaged ship or planet-wide epidemic. A Engraved Star-charts: When working towards an
Medicae Deck offers the facilities and staff to address both Exploration objective, the players earn an additional 50
of these possibilities. Achievement Points towards completing that objective.
Diagnostics and Treatment: The Medicae Deck adds a Cure for Claustrophobia: Increase Morale permanently by
+20 bonus to all Medicae Skill Tests performed within this 1.
Component. The number of patients that may be treated
without penalty is increased to three times the character’s
Intelligence Bonus.
Pilot Chambers
There is a special kind of esprit de corps for those that fly
the myriad attack craft on a starship. From hotshot Fury
interceptors to steadfast Starhawk bomber crews to Shark
For the Rogue Trader who desires only the finest in attack boat daredevils, their skills and readiness can mean
shipboard accoutrements, a Melodium is ideal. Most are life or death for the entire ship. Launch bays equipped with
fashioned as grandiose chambers covered with all manner of ready rooms allow them to maintain constant readiness for
gilded pipes, horns, and other instruments which can the next mission. Training sensoria systems allow them to
produce an endless variety of musical tunes. The room itself constantly hone their skills and Ministorum chapels allow
alters shape via clever brass sidings and panels as it plays, them to ready their souls, all making them into relentless and
the better to accompany the melodies and vox-repeaters
deadly weapons.
throughout the ship carry selected tunes into its farthest
Combat Ready: Pilot Chambers grant a +2 bonus to the
depths. Attack Craft Rating of all squadrons aboard a starship.
A Melodium provides uplifting tones designed to instill
feelings of duty and loyalty throughout the vessel, from the
lowly ratings and voidmen to the officers. That sometimes
this is due to subliminal infra-harmonics lacing the melodies
is kept a guarded secret. The hall itself can be configured in
a variety of ways to produce the desired internal music and
xenos craft. An unnatural seeming node of bone-like Energetic Interference: A ship with a Shadowfield must
structure is mounted on the ship’s bridge, which connects choose whether it is using its Void Shields or Shadowfield at
directly to the Mimic Engine. Though such a device is a clear the beginning of combat.
sign of heresy, the deception is of immense value to vessels
that must travel through xenos-infested systems. Shard Cannon Battery
Cloak of Deception: By concentrating on memories of The xenos race that created these weapons has long
vessels previously encountered, the ship’s Navigator may since vanished from the galaxy. Many examples of their
make a Hard (+10) Perception Test to modify the pattern of technology remain, however. Designated ‘shard’ weaponry
mimicry as a free action. To all sensors, the vessel will by xenotech scholars, their shipboard cannons do not seem
appear as the type chosen. The cloak is immediately pierced to require power or even ammunition. Theories abound as to
once visual contact has been made.
how they operate but none has been proven, as every
attempt to disassemble one has resulted in catastrophic
Recovery Chambers failure.
These foul smelling and slime-filled Components must be Unknown energy source: This Component may not
transferred intact from the hulks on which they are found. become unpowered for any reason. If it is ever destroyed, its
They are typically found on several different designs of alien ship takes 2d5 additional Hull Integrity damage, with no
derelicts recovered from the Halo Stars. Little is understood reduction from Armor or Shields.
of their technology, beyond the necessary connections for
power and ventilation. Any Inquisitorial vessel would be Runecaster
greatly interested in studying these chambers. For reasons Another example of Eldar technology, runecasters are
that remain unclear, Recovery Chambers are apparently often housed in large, vaulted chambers. In the centre of the
capable of healing virtually any known sapient life forms from
chamber, clusters or rune-stones float suspended above a
virtually any injury. The injured person is simply deposited
wide crystal lens. Xeno-tech researchers have re-
into one of the many ooze-filled openings within the appropriated the devices from their previous, unknown
Component. Then, the opening seals over, and the healing purposes. Through some incomprehensible means, the
process begins. device is almost prescient—aiding Navigators in avoiding the
Miracle of Life: When in the Recovery Chamber, a lightly- worst storms of the Immaterium.
damaged patient automatically passes one Medicae Eye of the Warp: Navigators using this Component to pilot a
Extended Care Test each hour, instead of each day. A ship through the empyrean gain a +20 bonus to all
heavily or critically-damaged patient automatically passes Navigation Tests. Additionally, any journeys made using
one each day, instead of each week. this Component take half their normal time.
Fate’s Price: After healing, the character’s luck becomes Fuelled by Fate: This Component never becomes
fickle for a time. During the next game session, any time the unpowered for any reason.
character wishes to spend a Fate Point, roll a d10. On a 1 or
a 2, the point is spent but it has no effect.
Warp Disrupter
By capturing a moment of perfect agony and then
broadcasting it into the warp after massive amplification, this
A defense found upon some Eldar vessels, the Component disrupts all psychic communications within a
Shadowfield protects a vessel by concealing it within a region. Unfortunately, in order to capture that moment of
cloud-like fog of darkness and false shapes. Even if a vessel suffering, the psyker who broadcasts the signal must
is able to identify the presence of such a shielded starship, undergo physical trauma.
little information about its Components or its precise location Transmit the Pain: When activating this device, a psyker
can be identified. Installing this Component in an Imperial immediately takes 2d5 Damage to a body location of his
vessel is a clear sign of heresy. Of course, the choosing reduced by Toughness but not Armor, plus 1d5–1
consequences of heresy may be much less severe for some levels of Fatigue. The psyker must then make a Difficult (–
explorers than the threat of being identified.
10) Focus Power Test. All attempts at warp communication
Darkened Craft: This Component grants a +20 bonus to the
within the star system suffer a –10 penalty for each degree
Silent Running Maneuver. Any Active Augury or Focused of success.
Augury Shipboard Action attempted against the vessel
suffers a –20 penalty.
Rolling Fog: All ships firing at a ship with a functioning
Shadowfield suffer a –20 to their Ballistic Skill Tests. Any
Pilot Tests to perform Hit and Run attacks suffer a –30.
Mandragora Apocrypha
to provide entertainment for clients during trading, providing crew has a Crew Rating of 30.
a +10 bonus to all Commerce tests made with trading Poor Craftsmanship Servitor Crews have a Skill
partners aboard the vessel. Best Craftsmanship versions Characteristic rating of 20. Good and Best Craftsmanship
provide the same bonus, but also permanently increase Servitor Crews have a Skill Characteristic rating of 35 and
Morale by 5. 40, respectively. At the GM’s discretion, certain Components
such as a Temple-shrine or Clan-kin Quarters may no longer
Secondary Reactors provide their benefits to a Servitor Crew, while other
A vessel equipped with Secondary Reactors uses the Components—such as a Servitor Reclamation Bay—may
not impose their usual penalties.
additional power from augmented plasma reactors to rapidly
increase its speed for a limited amount of time. These
modifications are most popular among those vessels that Starchart Collection
need to escape from them. Agents of the Mechanicum are It is a very lucky ship’s captain that has access to a
always reluctant to make these modifications, as the collection of starcharts, and even more so if those starcharts
machine spirits of the engines equipped with them are so are actually accurate. Such starcharts are full of information
often in pain. This upgrade invariably dictates a substantial about particular regions of stellar space—stable warp routes,
increase in the amount of time that the vessel must spend at lost words, and safe havens to replenish crew and supplies.
repair docks. Often, this information is hard won, costing countless ships,
When upgraded with Secondary Reactors, a vessel may and the lives of their crew. A starchart collection allows a
activate the system to increase its Speed by 2 for a single ship’s Navigator to reduce warp travel times by 1d5 days, to
turn. This activation requires a Difficult (–10) Tech-Use a minimum of one. In addition, when working towards an
Test. Even if the test is passed, the vessel’s Speed is Exploration Objective, the players receive an additional 25
reduced by 1 during the turn following the speed increase. If Achievement Points.
the Tech Use Test is failed, the ship does not gain the +2 A Poor Craftsmanship Starchart Collection imposes a –10
Speed, but immediately suffers the –1 Speed penalty penalty when rolling on the Warp Travel Encounters Table.
instead. If the test is failed by three or more degrees, the Good charts reduce travel times by 1d5+5 days (to a
vessel’s Speed is reduced by half until the engines are minimum of one), while Best charts also grant a 50
repaired, requiring an Emergency Repairs Shipboard Action. Achievement Point Bonus, instead of 25.
The Secondary Reactors may not be used again until these
repairs have been made. Storm Trooper Detachment
Secondary Reactors reduces the ship’s space by 1 for
It is not common for a civilian vessel to have a contingent
raiders and frigates, 2 for transports, 3 for light cruisers and of Imperial Storm Troopers— an elite regiment of soldiers
cruisers, and 4 for any larger vessels. trained in the Schola Progenium and assigned across the
Secondary Reactors of Poor Craftsmanship impose a –10 Imperium. However, those Rogue Traders with connections
penalty to the Tech-Use test. Good Craftsmanship amongst the Imperium can sometimes requisition such
Secondary Reactors extend the Speed increase to 2 soldiers from friends in the Imperial Guard. Shipboard Storm
Strategic Turns. The rare examples of Best Craftsmanship Troopers are specially trained in boarding activities and ship
versions gain the bonuses for Good Craftsmanship, and security. To obtain Storm Troopers, a captain must have a
increase the Speed by 3 instead of 2.
Contact or Good Reputation with the Imperial Guard, in
addition to the usual Acquisition requirements.
Servitor Crew A Storm Troopers detachment has too few numbers to
In some cases, a starship captain will choose to forego a launch full-scale boarding actions against other ships.
crew of flesh and blood. In their place, he will command a However, when it comes to hit and run raids, Storm Troopers
ship of servitors. Often he will keep only a close cadre of are deadly efficient, and when put in charge of defending
trusted senior officers. More rarely, he may be the only against boarders, they are likewise skilled and ruthless.
unaltered human left on his ship. Servitors are less skilled When a ship with a Storm Troopers detachment conducts a
than a human crew, and unable to adapt to changing hit and run raid, the raid doubles the amount of Hull Integrity
situations. However, having a crew that is resistant to injury damage dealt. When a ship with a Storm Troopers
and will always follow orders can have its advantages. detachment wins an opposed Command Test while
Having a servitor crew imposes a –10 to any Ballistic Skill defending in a boarding action, it adds 1d5 to the damage
Tests to fire the ship’s weapons, as well as a –10 to all inflicted to Crew Population.
Command Tests made aboard the ship. In addition, the ship There are no Poor Craftsmanship Storm Troopers; a
may not initiate boarding actions. Finally, the ship’s Crew Storm Trooper is by nature extremely well-trained. Good and
Population can only be replenished by forge or hive worlds, Best Craftsmanship detachments have even better training
and cannot be replenished through pressgangs or emptying in shipboard and zero-gee tactics, and grant a +5 and +10
a world’s prisons. bonus to opposed Command Tests, respectively.
In exchange, however, the ship always counts Morale as
100 as long as it has a Servitor Crew, and all Crew Superior Damage Control
population losses are reduced by half (to a minimum of 1). A This vessel has been redesigned to deal with the inherent
Character must also make a Tech Use Test (as opposed to dangers of void combat. The hull has coated with a sacred
a Medicae Test) when performing a Triage action. A servitor unguent that can seal gashes that might otherwise lead to
Targeting Matrix
The Targeting Matrix adds an additional system of auto
cogitators and extended range augurs into the vessel’s
weapon systems. These systems dynamically calculate
targeting solutions that compensate for the relative speeds
of both the target and the firing vessel. In addition, they may
identify weak points in an enemy’s defenses and identify
decoys so that they are not targeted.
This upgrade provides a +5 to Ballistic Skill Tests when
firing all Macrocannons and Lances on the equipped vessel.
These systems are not compatible with other types of
weapons. Poor Craftsmanship examples of this upgrade are
not capable of integrating with all of the ship’s weapons.
Rather, they can only modify a single Macrocannon or
Lance, chosen when the upgrade is installed. Good and Best
Craftsmanship versions do not grant any additional bonuses.
Turbo-Weapon Batteries
Turbo-weapons are not actually weapons, but a class of
upgrades built into macrobatteries. Increased power, recoil
compensators, and even more potent propellants all can be
used to make shots fire further and more accurately. The
turbo-weapons upgrade allows a single macrobattery
weapon component to ignore the penalties for firing at
double its normal range. This upgrade may be acquired
multiple times, once for each macrobattery.
Poor Craftsmanship Turbo-weapon Batteries decrease the
Range of the weapon component they upgrade by 1. Good
Craftsmanship Turbo-weapon Batteries increase the range
of the weapon component they upgrade by 1, and Best
Craftsmanship adds a +5 to all Ballistic Skill Tests made to
fire that weapon.
Vaulted Ceilings
Imperial ships are known for their cathedral-like designs.
However, some captains go even further, sacrificing space
to give their ships towering corridors with vaulted, gilded
ceilings that seem more appropriate for a planet-bound
cathedral than a starship. Some captains have the arching
expanses covered with ornate murals extolling their deeds
and the accomplishments of their ancestors—real or
Mandragora Apocrypha
Torpedoes, Nova Cannons, And Launch Bays: Replenishment
Unlike ammunition for personal firearms, every ship has a finite supply of torpedoes. Each Torpedo Tube Component lists how
many torpedoes it is able to hold. Once that number of torpedoes has been fired, the ship may not fire more torpedoes until more
have been procured. Procuring additional torpedoes requires an Acquisition Test, with all pertinent modifiers applying. Each type of
torpedo has a Availability rating, and in addition, if one wishes to purchase multiple torpedoes, scale ratings apply as well. The one
exception to this is Craftsmanship. Torpedoes do not have different craftsmanship. However, due to their rarity and the difficulty in
producing them outside of a Forge world, all Acquisition Tests to procure torpedoes not made on a Forge world suffer a –10
modifier in addition to any other modifiers.
Nova Cannons
Like torpedoes, nova cannon shells are difficult to manufacture, and unless one is serving in the Imperial Navy, even more
difficult to procure. A Nova Cannon Component comes with a finite supply of warheads (default storage of 20, although different
Components may store different amounts). Once those warheads are exhausted, procuring more requires an Acquisition Test, with
all pertinent modifiers applying. Nova cannon shells have an availability of Extremely Rare. However, due to their rarity and the
difficulty in producing them outside of a Forge world, all Acquisition Tests to procure Nova Cannon shells not made on a Forge
world suffer a –10 modifier in addition to any other modifiers.
Small Craft
As with torpedoes, starships carry a finite supply of small craft, although they often are equipped with large stocks of spare parts,
and may even scavenge damaged and derelict interceptors and bombers after battles to refit and reuse them. However, being an
attack craft pilot is an extraordinarily dangerous job. The number of possible ways a pilot may meet his end is considerable, and it is
no surprise that the Navy’s pilots are a superstitious lot, adorning their craft in lucky trinkets, holy relics and non-regulation paint-
jobs all intended to bring fortune and longevity to their pilots. To replenish Small Craft, simply elect to make an Upkeep Test for
each eliminated attack craft squadron at the end of the battle, using normal Acquisition Test rules. If they fail the Upkeep Test, the
squadron counts as half strength. If they fail the Upkeep Test for a half strength squadron, it has been destroyed—the one or two
remaining attack craft and their pilots distributed amongst other squadrons to bolster their numbers.
pace combat is a terrifying experience. Massive Beginning of the Round, and taking Strategic
batteries of macro-weaponry fling shells and munitions, Turns
torpedoes the size of hab-blocks streak through the void,
Starting with the ship with the highest Initiative roll, each
and ships are consumed by fire or explode with the fury of a
nova. If a void shield fails or armor plating buckles, ship takes a Strategic Turn, during which it will make a
thousands of lives can be snuffed out in an instant. However, Movement and Shooting Action. Players may take Shipboard
there will come times when a void captain has little choice Actions as well.
but to run out his guns and prepare for battle
The End of the Round
Rounds, Turns, and Time—in Space Once every ship has taken its Strategic Turn, the Strategic
Round ends. Continue to play successive Rounds until the
Space combat is handled in a similar manner to normal GM determines the combat is over.
combat. Space travel is normally handled in Narrative Time.
Other situations, such as dodging a hurtling asteroid at the Surprise
last moment, are best broken up by the GM into the standard
Turns and Rounds. However, certain situations— particularly
Surprise affects the first Strategic Round in space combat.
ship-to-ship combat—require a slight adjustment to the
As in regular combat, the GM must ultimately determine
Structured Time approach.
which vessels are Surprised, based on the actions of the
Space warfare is very different from the close-in, personal
players and NPCs and the environment their ships are
fighting of hand-to-hand combat and short ranged firefights.
operating in. Here are some guidelines to take into account.
Great warships can spend days chasing down their
Hidden vessels: The fury of a running plasma drive is
opponents and hours maneuvering into position for single
almost impossible to hide in open space. However, a
devastating volleys from their broadsides. Therefore, the GM
canny captain may use a convenient asteroid field,
should break up space combat into Strategic Rounds and
nebula, or even planet to mask his engine signatures.
Strategic Turns. While these function mechanically in the
alternatively, ships can go on Silent Running to lurk in the
same fashion as the Rounds and Turns of Structured Time,
cold darkness of space while his opponents fly right to
the interval of time they represent is longer.
them. A proper Scrutiny + Detection Test with the ship’s
A Strategic Round lasts for roughly thirty minutes, during
detection equipment may warn of the danger.
which, each ship involved in the scene takes a Strategic
Ambush and treachery: In some situations, a friend may
Turn. Each Strategic Turn overlaps, so the actions of each
turn to foe in an instant. Such situations are highly
ship occur almost simultaneously. However, in game terms,
dangerous if the ambusher is in close formation with his
each ship acts in a sequence determined by the combat’s
target. He may not even have to maneuver to place his
Initiative Order (see below). A Strategic Round is completed
target squarely within his sights. Although it is up to the
when every participant in the combat has completed their
GM, a skilled scanner operator may detect the last-minute
Strategic Turn.
powering up of the weapons with a Challenging (+0)
Scrutiny + Detection Test.
Space Combat Overview Extenuating Circumstances: Ships’ scanners and
detection equipment are fickle devices, and easily fooled
When a Round of space combat begins, the GM and by powerful celestial phenomena such as solar flares,
players follow certain steps to determine what happens. magnetic storms, and unpredictable gravity fluctuations.
These steps are similar to those followed when regular the interference may be powerful enough to mask the
combat begins, and the differences are specified below. approach of attackers.
Using these guidelines (and any others he deems
Surprise necessary), the GM determines at the beginning of combat if
anyone is Surprised. Any attackers firing on Surprised ships
It is certainly possible for one ship to surprise another in
gain a +20 bonus to attack rolls against them during the first
combat. Since Strategic Rounds last a half hour, it is highly
Round of combat.
unlikely that even a surprised crew will be completely unable
to react. However, the attacker may be able to land a few
crippling blows as the defender’s crew struggles to prepare Actions
their ship for combat.
During each Strategic Round, each ship receives one
Initiative Strategic Turn. Like regular combat, each ship can perform
At the beginning of the combat, the captain of each ship Actions during this turn. The Actions a ship performs fall into
rolls 1d10 and adds his ship’s Detection bonus (the tens digit three categories: Shipboard Actions, Maneuver Actions and
in its Detection characteristic). Bonuses that apply to a Shooting Actions. Each ship must make one Maneuver
character’s Initiative in Structured Time (regular combat) do Action and may make one Shooting Action during their turn.
Each of these Actions must be performed by a separate
player controlling the ship’s crew. Each ship may make a Crew Rating
number of Shipboard Actions equal to each player character
or one Action per its Crew Rating Bonus (whichever is
If the players want to have a crewmember perform any of
greater), taken by a separate character or the crew. Each
the following Actions, they can. If they do so, the GM or the
ship must then make one Maneuver Action and may make
Players will roll to see if the Action is successful, counting
one Shooting Action during their turn. Each of these Actions
the crew member's appropriate characteristic (see Table 8-9
must be performed by a separate character or the crew.
Individual characters will take their turns during their ship’s
In general, the NPCs aboard a vessel may perform a
Strategic Turn. They do not roll for initiative separately. At
number of Actions per Strategic Round equal to the tens
the beginning of each ship’s turn, the players (or the GM, if it
column of the NPC crew’s Skill rating. So, for example, a
an NPC’s ship) determine which Shooting Action, Maneuver
Competent crew could perform three Actions, while a
Action, and Shipboard Actions the players will perform, and
Veteran crew could perform five. Players should keep in
in which order. All Actions (and the order they are performed
mind their NPC crewmembers are rarely as skilled as they
in) must be determined at the beginning of the starship’s
are. Also, GMs should use common sense when dealing
Turn. Players may perform Actions in any order they choose,
with the delegation of tasks to NPCs, and are encouraged to
so an Shipboard Action may be performed before a Shooting
require the characters to perform certain, more important,
or Maneuver Action in order to provide it with a bonus, or a
actions personally. The idea is to keep the players involved
ship may move before or after shooting.
in a combat, and not have it come down to a series of NPC
Individual characters will take their turns during their ship’s
activities and dice rolls.
Strategic Turn. They do not roll for initiative separately. At
Table 4-2: Crew Rating can also be used to generate
the beginning of each ship’s turn, the players (or the GM, if it
statistics for the crews of enemy or NPC vessels. Enemy
is an NPC’s ship) determine which Shipboard Action,
vessels can perform a number of Shipboard Actions (or
Maneuver Action, and Shooting Actions the players will
other actions such as firefighting) equal to the number of
perform, and in which order. All Actions (and the order they
Actions other NPC vessels can perform.
are performed in) must be determined at the beginning of the
starship’s Turn. Players may perform Actions in the
corresponding Phase, so a Shipboard Action is taken during Table 4-2: Crew Rating
the Command Phase, and a Maneuver Action is taken in the Crew Rating Rating Examples
Maneuver Phase, etc. Incompetent 20 Navis Civilis, Ad-hoc crew
Note: Actions often require a Combined Skill Test, such as a Competent 30 Pirates and Corsairs, Navis
Operate (Voidship)+ Maneuverability Test. After all, even an Crack 40 Astra Navis Militares
ace pilot must rely to an extent on his equipment. To make Veteran 50 Astartes Cruisers
these tests, add the ship’s ability, such as Maneuverability, Elite 60 Veteran crews of the Astra
Navis Militares
to the character’s Skill, such as Operate (Voidship). Then
perform the test using the combined value. When using
crew, skills are replaced by Crew Rating.
Port Fore
Aft Starboard
Aft Aft
Disengage Warp.
In response to such an order, the Navigator may make a
This gives the starship a chance to flee the battle by
Very Hard (-30) Navigation (Warp) Test. Alternatively, if
making a radical course change and shutting off its systems,
the Navigator refuses, the captain may instead choose to
attempting to hide amongst the vastness of the void. This
make a Punishing (-50) Tech-Use Test. Roll a 1d10 for the
Maneuver may not be performed if the starship is within 8
duration of time until the voidship make it’s translation. If he
VUs of any enemy. The helmsman makes a Opposed
passed the previous test subtract the Degrees of Success
Challenging (+0) Operate (Voidship)+ Maneuverability
from the duration, however, if he failed the previous test then
Test against a Challenging (+0) Detection + Scrutiny Test
add the Degrees of Failure to the duration. At the start of the
from opponents within 20 VUs. Provided their number of
next Strategic Turn after the end of the duration, the vessel
successes is greater than the successes of each enemy
translates, and the combat is over.
ship, the ship leaves combat, and may not reenter it.
Due to the complex nature of Warp Travel, all efforts must
Once a starship has successfully disengaged from combat,
be made to make the translation into The Warp as stable as
it may not re-engage its opponents unless the GM
possible. At the start of each Strategic Turn, the vessel must
specifically allows otherwise. Additionally, the Disengage
sacrifice it’s Maneuver Action in order to sustain the
Maneuver cannot be used to initiate a Stern Chase. This is
Emergency Warp Jump, and additionally cannot make
because the disengaging ship is shutting down all non-
certain actions for fear of destabilizing the ship’s Gellar
essential systems, including its engines, augur, and
Fields; including firing any of the ship’s weapons, using the
weapons, and doing its best to pretend it isn’t there. It will
hangar bays, committing to a Boarding Action or Ram!
remain that way for several hours or even days, before
Action, and any other actions at the GM’s discretion.
restarting its systems (hoping that everyone else has already
While a successful retreat from the battlefield is a small joy
left the area).
in itself, the ship is still in danger, as the perils of The Warp
are now more dangerous than ever. The condition of the
Evasive Maneuvers Step 2, Locating the Astronomicon, is Lightless. If the
This is used to help avoid enemy fire. The helmsman Navigator refused to aid the captain in this action, then the
makes a Difficult (–10) Operate (Voidship)+ condition is instead Sightless, and the rules for committing
Maneuverability Test. For every Degree of Success, the Warp Travel without a Navigator apply. In either event, roll a
vessel imposes a –10 penalty to all shooting attacks directed 1d10, reduced by the Navigator’s Perception bonus if
against the starship until the beginning of its next Strategic applicable (for even a Navigator who refused to aid in such a
Turn. The starship suffers the same penalty to its own scenario would be insane to not attempt to locate the
shooting during this time. Astronomicon once they had entered The Warp). The result
of the previous roll indicates how many Steering the Vessel
Emergency Jump Tests may be attempted before the Navigator is able to
Thought a Navigator never follows this order unless no attempt to locate the Astronomicon.
other option remains, some daring captains have been Regardless of the Navigators compliance or presence, roll
known to call for an emergency entry into the warp to avoid a a 1d10. On a 6 or higher, the ship has translated into a Warp
devastating defeat. This action is incredibly dangerous, as Storm. Begin resolving this Warp Encounter prior to
not only is an unplanned jump perilous in the extreme, it also proceeding to Step 3, Steering the Vessel.
leaves the vessel vulnerable until it can translate into The
Mandragora Apocrypha
combat is being fought on a grid-map, you can use Diagram Torpedoes resolve Critical Hits differently than almost
3-2 and 3-3 instead (depending on which way the ship is every other attack available to a vessel in Ship Combat. This
facing). If there is any question between whether a target is is for one very obvious reason—accuracy. While
in a ship’s fore or aft arcs or in its side arcs (such as if you macrobatteries, lances and attack craft can all guide their
use the example from Diagram 3-1 on a grid-map), the target attacks to various degrees, the final approach of a torpedo is
is considered to be in the side arc. What arcs a weapon my largely automated and fairly clumsy by comparison.
fire in are determined by the location the Weapon Consequently, the chance of a torpedo scoring a Critical Hit
Component occupies on a starship: Dorsal, Prow, Port, is determined by damage and random chance rather than
Starboard, or Keel. operator skill. When a torpedo rolls damage, if at least one of
the dice values equals or exceeds the value listed in the Crit
Dorsal Weapons Rating of the torpedo’s profile, the torpedo causes a Critical
Dorsal Weapon Components are mounted on the Hit. If the torpedo has not done damage to Hull Integrity, it
starship’s spine or up most decks. They have a wide firing does 1 point of damage. Then roll 1d5 on the Critical Hits
arc, but less weapons can be installed in the relatively
limited space. Dorsal weapons may fire to the fore, port, and
starboard. Defenses
Prow Weapons There are three principle defenses for starships, Void
Prow Weapon Components are packed into the starship’s shields, Armor and Turrets.
forward spaces, and are often weapons that must run along Void Shields create an invisible energy barrier around a
much of the length of the hull. Prow weapons on transports, starship. Miracles of lost technology, these barriers serve
raiders, and frigates may fire to the fore. Prow weapons on two purposes. First, they brush aside swaths of dust and
light cruisers, cruisers, or larger vessels may fire to the fore, detritus adrift in the void that would otherwise scar, befoul,
port, and starboard. and even destroy a starship (though they offer little
protection against especially large objects like asteroids).
Port and Starboard Weapons Their second purpose is to absorb the terrific energies of
incoming fire. If it absorbs too much energy too quickly,
Port and Starboard Weapon Components are installed in
however, the void shield collapses, and must bleed off the
broadsides along the left and right sides of the starship,
accumulated energy before it can be raised again.
respectively. Port weapons can fire to the port firing arc,
While Void Shields are a more than adequate defense
Starboard weapons to the starboard firing arc.
against macrocannon shells and lance beams, they are
useless against slower-moving attacks such as torpedo
Keel Weapons salvoes and bombers. Consequently, most vessels possess
Keel Weapon Components are often on long masts or fins a number of small, lightweight defensive weapons,
below the starship’s belly, and are rare on Imperial vessels. collectively known as turrets, incapable of harming a full
Keel weapons may fire in any direction. starship but more than able to destroy enemy torpedoes and
attack craft, as well as help defend the ship in the event of a
Torpedo Mounting boarding action.
Torpedoes differ from macrobatteries and lances in a Armor can take many forms, but is often layers of
number of ways, particularly in the manner they are fired In adamantine and ceramite many meters thick, covering the
all cases, torpedo tubes, torpedo launchers and other outer hull of the vessel.
equivalent Components must always be mounted in either a
Prow or Keel weapon location. The forces exerted upon a Void Shields
vessel when firing a salvo of torpedoes are such that only Void shields function by absorbing incoming hits before
certain mounts can properly contain them. For this reason, they can be resolved against their target. Whenever a ship
on any vessel of Grand Cruiser size and smaller, torpedoes chooses to fire on another ship during its turn, the target
may only fire into the Fore arc, regardless of where the ship’s void shields (assuming it has any!) will cancel a
weapon Component is located. number of incoming hits equal to the strength of the shields.
In other words, if a ship has one void shield, after an attacker
Critical Hits determines the total number of hits going against the ship,
that number of hits is reduced by one. It does not matter if
When firing a weapon, if the character rolls a number of the hits are from lances or macrobatteries. However, void
successes equal to the weapon’s Crit Rating, the shot has shields can be overloaded. Once they have reduced their
caused a Critical Hit. If the shot does not do any damage to strength in hits, they overload and shut down. Any remaining
Hull Integrity, inflict 1 automatic point of damage. Then roll hits in that strategic turn will hit the target, and any further
1d5 on the Critical Hit chart and apply the result to the target. shots fired against the target by attacking ships will also hit
Each Weapon Component should be resolved against the the target unimpeded by void shields.
target separately, not simultaneously. (This is important due
to the manner in which void shields work.) Righteous Fury
does not apply to shipboard weapons.
Hit—whether from doing damage past Hull Integrity or from a Unpowered Components
Weapon Component’s Crit Rating—will destroy the vessel.
Unpowered Components have no gravity, no lights
(besides emergency stablights), and any powered hatches
Note: This method works best when used with unimportant
and the like will not operate. A damaged Component is
enemy starships. In an epic duel between the characters and
unpowered, but also contains other hazards, such as
a nemesis, the regular Critical Hit chart is likely to be more
shorting electrical lines, ruptured bulkheads, and leaking
exciting and interesting.
pipes and air-lines. These can also create noxious vapors
and, combined with failing air-purifiers, mean that character
Fire, Depressurization, and Other Hazards in the Component without a breathing aid such as a gas
mask will suffer from suffocation. Other environmental
Quite a number of things can go wrong on a starship. effects may exist in a damaged Component as well.
Crippling blows from enemy guns can depressurize
compartments, failing generators can plunge cabins into Destroyed Components
darkness, and a careless galley-steward can light entire
Destroyed Components are nightmare mazes of twisted
decks ablaze. These problems have an adverse effect on
metal, raging infernos, and the bodies of the crew that once
the ship as well as unfortunate characters caught in them. A
occupied them. Destroyed Components are extremely
ship’s Component is either intact, depressurized,
hazardous, with nothing more than twisted, jagged metal
unpowered, damaged, or destroyed. Intact Components are
shards, live electrical lines, no air, or raging fires. In game
fully functional.
terms, the Component is considered to no longer exist,
Disabled Components: This result appears multiple times
though the GM is free to invent a suitably nightmarish
on the NPC Ships Critical Hit table, and is a simple way of
environment for any character who must enter the space the
noting that a Component has stopped working for some
Component used to occupy. A destroyed Component
reason, and must be repaired.
immediately suffers the same effects as depressurization
and cannot be repaired, only replaced at a forge world or
Damaged Components star dock.
Damaged Components are non-functional but can be
repaired, cannot be used and will not provide any bonuses to Depressurization
the ship until it is repaired.
If a Component is depressurized, the air violently vents
over a number of Rounds (the GM should determine a time
depending on how big the hole—was it a micro-meteor or a
lance strike?). Any characters attempting to exit the
Component treat it as Difficult Terrain as they battle high
winds within the compartment. Once all air has vented, all
characters inside the Component suffer the effects of
vacuum. It is assumed airtight hatches will keep
depressurization confined to a single Component.
Depressurization deals 1d10 damage to Crew Population,
and 1d5 damage to Crew Morale, but does not make the
Component Damaged (although a depressurized
Component may be damaged for other reasons, and vice-
versa). The Component may even be used, provided the
crewmembers wear void-suits.
open crew quarters into space, shooting ringleaders, holding travel to the surface. This will restore a ship’s Morale to
hostages, and generally showing the crew the dire maximum. If the planet (or asteroid settlement) is inhabited
consequences of their actions. If the characters win the by a human civilization, this process will only take two
opposed Skill Test, the ship suffers 1 Crew Population weeks. If the captain is willing to spend some gelt, (making a
damage and 1d10 Morale damage (the crew fears and Routine (+20) Acquisition Test to represent money
mistrusts their ruthless commanders), but the mutiny ends. distributed and reimbursements for damage caused to local
If the mutineers win any of these tests, another opposed drinking dens and brothels), he can restore his ship’s Morale
Skill Test is performed. If the mutineers win again, the cycle in a single week, and completely restock his supplies as
continues. If, however, the mutineers ever win one of these well.
tests by three or more degrees of success, the mutiny
succeeds. The characters lose control of their ship, and will
likely be forced to flee quickly lest they be killed by their
Table 4-8: Crew Quality
Quality Crew Rating
former crew Poor Incompetent Crew (CR20)
Common Competent Crew (CR30)
Good Crack Crew (CR40)
Replenishing Morale Best Veteran Crew (CR50)
Restoring a ship’s Morale is often surprisingly simple. The
low decks dregs that make up the majority of a starship crew
are an easily satisfied lot, often content with life’s simple
Replenishing Crew Population
pleasures—or the promise of Thrones in their pocket. If the Restoring Crew Population can only occur at a planet
starship is currently involved in attempting to complete an inhabited by humans. The captain can make an Acquisition
Endeavour, the captain can bribe the crew with gelt (or the Test to restore his Crew Population to maximum, hiring on
promise of gelt). new crew members from among the locals. The availability
At any point during a shipboard journey, the ship’s of the crew should be considered Common (+20), though
captain—or another authority figure—can attempt to restore this can depend on the world. A hive world may have a large
Morale by losing 50 Achievement Points (from those going enough population that crew are considered Abundant
towards his current Endeavour) and making a Routine (+20) (+50), while an isolated outpost may put a premium on
Charm Test. Success means he has quieted the crew’s manpower (Scarce or even Rare). The GM can choose to
concerns (or distracted them with their greed). Frigates, add bonuses or penalties due to the scale and quality
transports, and raiders regain 1d10 Morale, while light (craftsmanship) of the crew being hired as well. Failure, of
cruisers and cruisers (being larger) regain 1d5. The captain course, means the Characters must look elsewhere for their
may do this as many times as he wishes, however the crew. See Table 4-8: Crew Quality above.
difficulty of the test should increase by one degree each time However, if he prefers, he can send teams of press-gangs
he does. After all, Thrones are only so good when you have into the planet’s less savory locales (be they slave camps,
no place to spend them. slums, or the underhive) to ‘recruit’ new crew members. If he
A captain or another authority figure can also make a does this, a character who is skilled in subterfuge and has
Difficult (–10) Charm or Intimidate Test to rally the crew, contacts with the criminal underworld must make
regaining 2 Morale for every degree of success. This will arrangements if the press-gangs are to be successful. The
only work once per game session, however. details are up to the GM, but at the very least a Common
Of course, the best way to restore a crew’s Morale is to put Lore (Underworld) Test will be required to find the right
into port. If a starship reaches a habitable planet with no contacts, and a Commerce Test must be made to secure the
traces of civilization, the ship can spend three weeks at deal. Failure could mean that other criminal elements take
orbital anchor, replenishing supplies and allowing the crew to violent exception to the rogue trader’s plans, the local
magistratum might step in to arrest all of the characters, or at the GM’s discretion.
the planet’s general population might violently rise up This method is an extremely simplified means of tracking
against the Captain and his party. The benefits, of course, Crew Population and Morale loss, and allows Explorers a
are paying a few press-gang crews will not cut into a means to drive off enemy ships without destroying them.
Captain’s finances. The only drawback doing so is Again, this should only be used with enemy starships that
decreasing the overall Crew Rating of the ship by -3. are minor and unimportant to the plot, not major adversaries.
A third option is to strike a deal with planetary authorities
that will allow the rogue trader to empty their prisons to serve Squadrons
as his crew. If he does this, he restores his Crew Population
without cost. However, he immediately loses 1d10+10 points
Starships of all species and factions operate in close
of Morale—which cannot be restored while he remains at
formation for mutual benefit. Particularly in the case of
this planet, as well as decreasing the overall Crew Rating of
raiders and frigates, squadrons of lightly-armed craft can
the ship by -5.
often overwhelm larger, more powerful vessels together
No attempts to restore a starship’s Crew Population or
when they may not be able to do so alone. In larger battles,
Morale can increase these values above the starship’s
even cruisers will form into line squadrons, combining their
maximum Crew Population or Morale values. Any
considerable firepower into a single, devastating force. A
Acquisition Tests made to restore Crew Population or Morale
group of two or more vessels may be formed into a
do not count against the number of Acquisitions an Explorer
squadron, at which point they will fight as a single entity.
may make in a game session.
This requires a number of changes to the way the vessels
act. Below are a series of rules and guidelines for grouping
NPC Crew Population and Morale vessels into squadrons.
The matter of tracking Crew Population and Morale adds a
layer of bookkeeping to starship combat that may prove to Squadron Composition
be a needless complication for a GM, particularly as many of
Squadrons are composed of two or more vessels of similar
the effects of a starship losing crew or morale are long-term
size. Under normal circumstances, only vessels of the same
issues unlikely to be a worthwhile consideration with regards
hull type can be grouped into a squadron. In some cases,
to an NPC vessel.
however, it may be desirable to group frigates and raiders
However, the matter is not so inconsequential that it can
into the same squadron, or to group cruisers and
be completely ignored. The hindrance of depleted crew and
battlecruisers or grand cruisers. In broad terms, the different
failing morale are still significant factors in space combat.
tendencies towards speed, structure and armament of a
Consequently, a faster method of resolving damage to crew
given hull type may make combining different hull types
and morale is presented here.
difficult in practice, particularly when the hulls are very
NPC starships are able to sustain an amount of Crew
Population or Morale damage equal to their ship’s Hull
Beyond that, the way that squadrons carry out actions
Integrity plus Crew Rating Bonus. Therefore, a ship with a
means that wildly different armament can cause problems as
Competent (30) Crew and 40 Hull Integrity could sustain a
well—a squadron with only one torpedo-armed vessel will
Crew Population loss of 43. This value cannot exceed the
not fully benefit from spending actions to reload those
ship’s maximum Crew Population or Morale value.
torpedoes, as the action is wasted for every vessel but the
NPC starships do not suffer the regular effects for Crew
torpedo-armed one. Typically, squadrons may be compiled
Population or Morale loss as indicated earlier. Instead, when
of transports, raiders and frigates, light cruisers, cruisers,
they exceed the described threshold, they have either lost
and battlecruisers, or grand cruisers. However, at the GM’s
enough men or morale that they no longer have the
discretion, different hull types can be mixed in squadrons.
resources or stomach to fight, and attempt to disengage
from combat during each subsequent turn. If they are
brought to 0 Crew Population or Morale, the ship becomes a
empty, inoperative tomb with no crew, or the crew rises up in
rebellion, killing all the senior staff. With the latter result, they
may still attempt to flee, fight, or negotiate with their enemies
Stern Chases
In some situations, a starship may prefer to flee from opponents, rather than stand and fight. Perhaps a smuggler wishes to run
naval blockade, or a privateer is chasing a valuable prize. Perhaps a ship simply wishes to flee combat, and her captain is doubtful
of his chances of successfully disengaging under the enemy’s guns. In such situations, players have the options of using the rules
for a stern chase—a flight and pursuit between two ships that might last hours, or even days. When the chase begins, the GM
determines how many VUs separate the pursuer and the pursued are. Then the two Voidships roll opposed Operate (Voidships)
Test. If the pursuer wins, he decreases the distance between the vehicles by 10 VUs per his number of successes. If the pursued
wins, he increases the distance by the same amount (10 VUs for each success). This continues once per round until the distance
between the voidships drops to 20 VUs or increases to 300 VUs. Once the pursuer closes to within 20 VUs, the pursuer brings their
quarry to heel. The fleeing ship may surrender, or combat begins as the ship desperately tries to fight its pursuer (follow the rules f or
space combat). If they fail, their quarry escapes into the vastness of the void. Faster voidships add a bonus to these tests.
Compare the speed value of each voidship involved—for every point the faster voidship has over the slower voidship, that
voidship's helmsman gains +5 to his Operate (Voidship) Tests.
The time it takes to accomplish a stern chase roughly equals two hours per opposed Operate (Voidship) test required to
successfully accomplish it. This time will be spent whether or not the chase is successful. Remember, while a Stern Chase takes
place, both ships are visible to each other, but out of range of each other’s weapons.
scythed through their opposition effortlessly. an enemy vessel, the bombers may commence an attack
Craft Rating is covered on page XX, but is essentially an run, closing quickly upon their target to deliver their payload
abstract representation of the combat effectiveness of a before retreating back to the carrier.
fighter craft, in terms of weapons, armour, manoeuvrability, Make a Challenging (+0) Command+Craft Rating Test
and speed. (this will either be from a character aboard the carrier, or
from a character leading the bombers personally), gaining a
Bomber Operations +5 bonus for every squadron of friendly bombers after the
first. A successful test causes a single hit upon the enemy
Massive and lumbering compared to other attack craft, vessel, with an additional hit for every degree of success.
bombers carry vast arrays of energy weapons, missiles and This is up to a maximum of three hits, plus one additional
bombs designed to damage the thick armoured hulls of maximum hit for every additional bomber squadron after the
starships. With a skilled crew, a bomber can be devastating, first. If the bombing run scores at least four degrees of
using deft manoeuvring to deliver their payload to the success, the target also suffers a Critical Hit. Roll 1d5 on the
weakest parts of a vessel with a degree of precision that Critical Hit chart on page XX and apply the result.
cannot be matched by longer-ranged weaponry. Each hit deals 1d10+4 damage. Add together the damage
As an Shipboard Action, all bomber squadrons currently rolled from each hit, and then subtract from that the armour
ready within a ship’s launch bays may begin a bombing value of the target ship. Bomber attacks ignore void shields.
operation. The bomber squadrons may be grouped up into If, for any reason, the target ship has multiple armour values
one or more wings consisting of two or more squadrons, or (such as from the Armoured Prow Component), then the
may operate as independent squadrons, in any combination, lowest armour value is always used. The final total is the
as desired. Upon launch and again at the beginning of their number of points of Hull Integrity the target ship loses.
parent vessel’s subsequent Strategic Turns, the bomber After delivering their payload, the bombers withdraw to
wings may move freely a number of VUs up to the speed of their carrier to refuel and rearm.
the slowest squadron in the unit. They may continue to
operate away from their carrier for no more than six Strategic Torpedo Bombers
Turns (four if the wings include fighters), as fuel and life
support supplies begin to run low and the bombers are Certain rare vessels have been known to carry a variant of
forced to return to their carrier. Upon moving within 1VU of normal bombers known collectively as torpedo bombers.
Ork Craft
Fightabommerz +8(+5) 8 25 Multi-purpose craft: The Fighta-bomma is “designed” as both
an interceptor and bomber. When used as a bomber, its
Rating drops to +5.
Assault Boats +8 10 15
piloting an assault boat, he may not also lead the boarding Planetary Bombardment
parties) then begins a Hit and Run Action (page 119) against
the target, ignoring the Operate (Aeronautica) Test and
"Tell me, governor, have you ever seen a Mars-Pattern Macro
gaining a +10 for every assault boat squadron that cannon fire? It is a thing of beauty, really. The anticipation as the
successfully landed. ratings load the shell into the firing chamber, the recoil felt throughout
After delivering their payload, the assault boats withdraw the ship on firing... All of that, however, is but an apetizer to the sheer
to their carrier with any survivors by the shortest expedient destruction caused upon impact. As you can tell, I am quite fond of
route. firing my weapons, and currently, there's an anoyance in your Hive
Craft Ratings
Voidships in low orbit can prove to be an incredibly
The types of fighter craft are many and varied. Each valuable asset to soldiers on the ground through punishing
spacefaring race approaches fighter craft design differently, planetary bombardments. The damage done and area
and often a single race has several different types of attack affected by a Planetary Bombardment depends on the type
craft for different duties. The Imperium, for example, uses of weapon used. Each type of weapon, macrobatteries and
the Fury for space superiority, the Starhawk for anti-ship lance weapons, deals different amounts of damage to
attacks, and the Shark for hit and run raids. All of these small individuals and vehicles.
craft have different capabilities, performance tolerance, and Anyone caught in a Planetary Bombardment takes
effectiveness. In space combat, this is represented by Craft damage as normal and with the usual benefits of armour,
Rating. Craft Rating is a way to represent the performance of cover, and the individual’s Toughness Bonus. This damage
a type of attack craft. It is an abstract value representing an cannot be dodged or parried. If they are not killed outright,
attack craft’s manoeuvrability, firepower, and durability. This they are surely at death’s door and will need immediate
value is represented by a bonus added to certain Tests medical attention if they are to survive. The GM should also
made when fighters, bombers, and assault boats make feel free to apply other conditions or effects, such as
attacks. deafness, mental trauma, or permanent crippling, to the
Table 4–10: Common Attack Craft Ratings covers survivors as he sees fit.
some of the most common attack craft and their ratings. This Lance Weapons: When used in a planetary
table also includes general squadron sizes—how many bombardment, the initial impact area of a lance weapon is
attack craft are in a squadron. These numbers should be relatively small, typically no more than a few hundred
treated as guidelines, to be modified if the GM feels it metres. Anything directly hit by a lance is completely
necessary. If the GM wants to use an attack craft that does annihilated, with no chance of survival. However, the
not have a Craft Rating, he can use its Manoeuvrability ensuing blast wave affects an area of roughly one square
kilometre, setting buildings afire, boiling away bodies of
water, and leaving little behind but ashes and molten
Extended Repairs
To survive amongst the deep void, starships must be
largely self-sufficient. Nowhere is this more apparent than in
the case of repairs and maintenance. Any true void-faring
vessel has bunkers full of fuel and storage holds with
additional supplies and ship components, from delicate
cogitator circuitry to massive adamantine plates to weld over
hull breaches. Though the supplies are seldom enough to
completely repair a starship (especially if it has just come
through a truly nasty engagement), they are enough to let
the crew patch up the worst of their ship’s injuries.
To perform extended repairs, a starship should locate a
suitable anchorage, perhaps high orbit around a gas giant in
a deserted star system or nestled against a large asteroid to
avoid detection. It’s crew will then spend several weeks on
the repairs, determined beforehand by the ship’s captain.
For each week at repairs, the member of the crew directing
them must make a Tech-Use Test, tallying the degrees of
failure and success. If the degrees of failure outnumber the
degrees of success at the end of the specified time period,
the repairs have failed. If the reverse is true, however, the
repairs succeed, and the ship regains 1d5 points of Hull
Integrity. This cannot take the ship’s Hull Integrity above its
maximum. In addition, a successful repair attempt restores
all damaged, depressurized, and unpowered Components to
Mandragora Apocrypha
Stage Three: Locating of the Astronomican: The
Navigating the Warp Navigator attempts to detect the Astronomican. The
Astronomican acts as a beacon for the Navigator, making
Geller Field active and stable, Warp Drive engaged, power drain it easier for him to evade the horrors of the Warp during
within operational parameters. All hands, prepare for transition into the journey.
Warpspace. Emperor guide my sight." Stage Four: Steering the Vessel: The Navigator uses
his innate abilities, experience, and the power of his third
- Navigator Octavius of House Pyanoe
eye to steer the ship through the Warp route, while
attempting to detect and evade potential hazards.
The primary role of all Navigators is guiding ships into,
Stage Five: Leaving the Warp: Hopefully, the Navigator
through, and out of the warp. Whilst the rest of the ship’s
has successfully steered the ship to a point in the Warp
crew and the ship’s captain maintain the systems of the ship,
where the vessel can translate to its intended destination
keeping the vessel’s plasma and warp drives functioning and
in realspace.
its Gellar Field strong, the Navigator carefully studies the
Each of these stages and the tests requires are
currents and fluctuations of the warp as well as the distance
detailed below.
and strength of the Astronomican. Using this information, he
tells the captain to make course corrections and when it is
wise to leave or enter the warp. Stage One: Divining the Auguries
The actual Translation—as entering and exiting the warp
is known—from real space to warp space or vice versa is Before a captain orders his ship to enter the Warp, his
relatively simple and does not require the skill of a Navigator, Navigator must perform a complex ritual, which includes
though his input can be invaluable lest the vessel find itself perusing any existing navigation charts, to determine
immediately assailed by an empyreal storm, warp rift, or whether the auguries are favorable for a safe translation into
worse. Once the vessel is in the warp, however, not having a the Warp. The Navigator attempts a Challenging (+0)
Navigator would leave a captain with no idea as to the Psyniscience Test to interpret the ritual’s results. He can
vessel’s position relative to real space, the distance they also use any charts (see page xx) that he may possess at
have travelled, or where they will end up when the ship exits this stage, to help with his plan for traversing the
the warp except crude guesswork based on existing warp Immaterium. Basic charts grant a +10 bonus to this Test,
charts. Detailed charts provide a +20 bonus, and he gains an
The order to enter Warp space is the most dangerous additional +10 bonus in either case if the Navigator created
command a starship’s captain can give. Even a successful the charts himself. Falsified charts or an interrupted ritual, in
transition through the Warp can exact a horrific toll on the contrast, may inflict a penalty on the Test. The Navigator
minds and bodies of the crew, and so a journey through the only ever benefits from the best set of charts that he has. If
Warp is never undertaken lightly. A journey through the he passes the Test, the auguries are good and the Navigator
Warp should be an adventure in itself. A GM who reduces can confidently tell the captain to give the order for
Warp travel to a mere series of dice rolls is in danger of translation. The GM tells the Navigator the stability of the
trivializing such a perilous and feared enterprise. The rules in route.
this chapter allow the GM to describe in detail such a journey If the Navigator fails this Test, the GM withholds the Warp
and bring the hazards of Warp travel to life. If no player is Route Condition until Stage 4: Steering the Vessel. A
playing a Navigator Explorer, these processes can be Navigator can try to divine the auguries at a later date to get
undertaken by an appropriate NPC aboard the vessel. In a more favorable reading, but cannot do so for another 1d5
such a case, it is up to the GM to determine which of the days as he must re-prepare for the ritual.
tasks for Warp travel the characters must perform, and
which can be reasonably handled in a more abstract, Rite of Appeasement
narrative fashion by an NPC Navigator, to allow the If any of the dice the Navigator rolls for his Psyniscience
Explorers to pursue duties more tailored to their particular Test result in a 9, the Navigator senses a Warp storm
abilities. brewing nearby. The captain can decide to purify the vessel
with sigils and alchemical incense to prepare it against the
The Fundamentals of Warp Navigation wrath of the Sea of Souls, which this takes 1d5 days. If the
captain insists on translation without these precautions, the
Navigating the warp in game terms consists of a number vessel translates in the fury of a Warp storm (see page XX).
of stages at which the Navigator must test to perceive the After any purification rites, the Navigator must again read the
nature of the warp and then steer a course through it. These auspices.
stages are:
Stage One: Divining the Auguries: The Navigator
determines the auguries for the journey by consulting Table 5-1: Warp Route Conditions
charts for the Warp route and performing esoteric rituals. Condition Multiplier
Stage 2: Translation: Before issuing the command to Stable Route 1
translate into the Warp, the captain enacts various rituals Unstable Route 2
Surly Route 4
to avoid misfortune during the journey and must attempt to Haunted Route 8
quell rumors of bad omens among the crew.
Mandragora Apocrypha
Helmsman has to make a Challenging (+0) Operate that the vessel arrives at its intended destination and as
(Voidship) Skill Test. Failure results in the vessel taking close to the intended time as possible. However, sometimes
1d10+12 damage to its Hull Integrity, ignoring Void Shields. a captain may demand an emergency re-entry, perhaps
Following this, check to see if the storm has abated. Roll because of a damaged or destroyed Gellar Field, or to evade
1d5. On a roll of 1 the storm is over. On any other roll, it a particularly dangerous encounter. Doing this virtually
continues. Once again, the ship may exit the Warp or guarantees that the ship is catapulted into reality far from the
continue to fight the storm. Steering the Vessel still intended destination and perhaps years, decades, or even
continues (1 steering check for each round of fighting the centuries away from the intended time.
storm) and it is entirely possible for a ship to complete its To determine how accurate re-entry into realspace is, the
voyage and exit at the destination all while fighting a Warp GM compares the duration of passage from Stage Three. If
Storm. the ship exited the Warp early for any reason, it is always
Severely Off-Course.
Warp Horror
The fury of the Warp manifests as a monstrous, tentacle On Target
thing that wraps itself around the ship and tries to tear the If the Navigator’s Degrees of Success outnumber the total
hull apart. The crew train all available guns against the number of Degrees of Failure, then the Navigator has
creature to try and blow it away before it consumes the maintained a steady and accurate course. If he can perceive
vessel. The Navigator makes a Challenging (+0) the Astronomican, it acts as a beacon to guide him to safety
Awareness Skill Test. If successful, the pilot makes an and the vessel re-enters realspace in the desired location.
Operate (Voidship) Skill Test with a +10 bonus for each If he cannot perceive the Astronomican, he can attempt to
additional degree of success made by the Navigator's do so one final time (see page XX) but if it still eludes him,
Awareness Skill Test. If the Navigator fails the ship is taken he must make a Hard (–20) Navigation (Warp) Test to
by surprise for a number of rounds equal to the degrees of bring the ship safely to the correct destination. If he fails this
failure. If the Helmsman fails, treat as a Stern Chase (see Test, the Navigator has veered slightly off-course (see
page 132). below).
The monster attacks each turn with an automatic hit at
Strength 3, causing 1d10+14 Damage, and with a Critical Slightly Off-Course
Rating of 5. Its attacks ignore void shields. It counts as If the Navigator’s Degrees of Success is half or equals the
having Armor of 12 and a Hull Integrity of 50. If the Gellar number of Degrees of Failures during Stage Three: Steering
Field is damaged, the creature has Strength 4, causes
the Vessel, the Navigator has veered slightly off course. If he
1d10+4 Damage, has a Critical Rating of 4, Armor 14, and a can perceive the Astronomican, it can guide him to his
Hull Integrity of 60. If the Gellar Field is not functioning, the desired destination; he needs to make a Hard (–20)
creature has Strength 6, causes 1d10+8 Damage, has a Navigation (Warp) Test and, if he passes, he counts as
Critical Rating of 3, Armor 16, and a Hull Integrity of 80. being on target, arriving as described above. If he fails the
Evading this monster results in fleet formations becoming Test, or cannot perceive the Astronomican, the GM should
roll on Table 5–7: Inaccurate Re-entry to determine the
exact location and time of arrival of the vessel.
Daemonic Incursion
Warp predators materialize within the ship, intent on Severely Off-Course
preying upon the vulnerable crew. The Navigator can dispel If the Navigator’s Degrees of Success is less than half the
this attempt with a Test of the Soul. If the Navigator fails the
Degrees of Failure from Stage Three: Steering the Vessel,
Test of the Soul, or the Gellar Field is completely destroyed
the Navigator has veered severely off-course. If he can
or non-existent, the ships and crew will be attacked by the perceive the Astronomican, he can make a Hard (–20)
daemonic swarms. Inflict 1d5 damage on Hull Integrity, Navigation (Warp) Test, and if he passes, he counts as
Crew Population, and Crew Morale. Additionally, each player being slightly off-course, arriving as described above. (he
character takes 1 damage with no armor, Toughness Bonus, may then attempt to correct his course further, provided that
or Force fields able to prevent the damage. The Navigator he has time, as determined by the Game Master). If he fails
must continue Steering the Vessel testing until successful.
the Test, or cannot perceive the Astronomican, the GM
should roll on Table 5-7: Inaccurate Re-entry, adding +40
Stage Five: Leaving the Warp to the result, to determine the exact location and time of
arrival of the vessel upon re-entry.
"Blessed Emperor, guide my sight. By thy gaze, let the tides of the
Warp be stilled. By thy strength, let the horrors fear to cross our path.
By thy light, let my path be clear and true."
Arriving at a Mandeville Point
In order to safely utilize the Warp for travel, one must first
- Warp Guide Keneba Nefere of House Visscher travel to a System's Mandeville Point. This is the closest
distance that a ship can safely enter or exit Warp Space
The unwritten law of the void is that a captain is not from its intended destination. When arriving On Target, the
supposed to give the order to re-enter realspace until Navigator has reached the system's Mandeville Point without
signaled by the Navigator. It is the Navigator’s duty to ensure further issues arising, much to the relief of crew and captain.
Limitations of Warp Travel and are almost never the equal of the worlds in the Primary
Void ships entering or exiting the warp within the Primary
Ships coming out of the warp must appear some distance
Biosphere of a system must pass an Arduous (-40)
away in deep space or risk destruction among the graviton
Navigate (Warp) Test in order to do so safely. Failure
surges in-system. Because of this many civilized worlds
causes 1 automatic Critical hit on Table 4-4: Critical Hits
have specific jump points marked by beacons to assist in
(see page 127), plus one additional Critical Hit per every
navigation. An ambushing fleet will often lurk nearby, in the additional Degree of Failure.
hopes of catching a ship unaware.
Due to the high risk of destruction, almost all Navigated
jumps make their intentions to arrive beyond the outer rims
Inner Cauldron
of any given system, or within the designated Mandeville The Inner Cauldron is a hostile region, scourged by solar
Points of a given system. However, due to the vagaries of flares and arcs of radiation, and whatever worlds exist within
the Immaterium or through deliberate, insane actions of it are harsh and punishing to life. Toxic atmospheres and
emboldened Captains, occasionally a ship will emerge within incredible temperatures are common on Inner Cauldron
a system. In game terms, each system is divided into three Planets, as well as rich mineral deposits that spur on
general areas, or Solar Zones. They are the Inner Cauldron, development, despite the hostile conditions.
Primary Biosphere, and Outer Reaches. How entering or Void ships entering or exiting the warp within the Primary
leaving the warp effects a Voidship is described below. Biosphere of a system must pass an Hellish (-60) Navigate
Note: Arriving well within a system's boundaries is normally (Warp) Test in order to do so safely. Failure causes one
an intentional action. All Navigators are aware of the automatic roll on Table 4-5: Catastrophic Damage (see
dangers associated with risking arriving too close to a page 127),as the colossal gravitational and warp forces rend
system. As a result, there are no randomized ways to a voidship apart and buckle its hull. Only the truly skilled or
accidentally slip into these dangerous areas as part of the truly insane Captain would ever consider the risk of this
Warp Navigation mechanics as presented. maneuver!
The Projection
The final stage of the Astropath’s act of astral telepathy
involves the projection of his thought-signal into the Warp.
To do this, he must open his psyche to the Warp—an
extremely hazardous act that might lead to madness,
Daemonic possession, or death. However, a Soul-Bound
Sending The Signal endangers his physical body as well. The deluge of swirling
energies assaulting his psyche can manifest as bizarre and
Once the Astropath has completed his preparations, he
disturbing effects on his recumbent form. An Astropath has
can launch his mind-missive into the Warp, hopefully into the
little control over this, and when he enters the first stage of
waiting consciousness of an ally and not an enemy. He must
projection, the GM should roll on the Table 2–16: Warp
make a Focus Power Test. The difficulty of this test is
defined by his distance from the intended recipient (or the
area he wishes to cover with the message) as described on
Table 6-1: Astropathic Signals and Broadcasts. Coherency
If the Astropath has not performed the necessary rituals of The result of the Focus Power Test determines the
contemplation, then he suffers a –20 penalty on the Focus Astropath’s effectiveness at sending the message. Refer to
Power Test on top of the base difficulty. If the Immaterium in Table 2–17: Message Coherency.
the area from which he sends his message is particularly
unstable or is suffering the effects of a Warp storm, the Psychic Phenomena
Astropath suffers a –10 penalty on his Focus Power Test in The Astropath manifests psychic phenomena as normal.
addition to any other penalties. However, if he did not perform any ritual of contemplation,
he is unprepared for any assault by Chaotic energies or
Warp Effects entities, and any roll for Psychic Phenomena is
When he opens his mind to the Warp, an Astropath automatically treated as a Perils of the Warp result.
Mayday! Mayday!
There is a chance that the message might be intercepted An Astropath might send a broadcast
by malign forces. Frequently, these are Warp entities, but message-especially an urgent call for help-in regions
sometimes mortal agents such as sorcerous renegade unknown to both the players and the GM. If an
psykers or even other Astropaths might attempt to intercept Astropath character attempts to broadcast a signal but
a message. If the Astropath shrouds his message and he the GM has no idea how far it is to the nearest
fails his Focus Power Test for Astral Telepathy, a malicious recipient or even who that might be, he can roll on
entity intercepts the message on any roll of a double on the Table 6-5: First Responders, adding the Psy Rating
Focus Power Test. However, if he does not shroud his used by the Astropath for his Focus Power Test (and
message, an unfriendly presence intercepts the message on an additional +20 bonus if the characters are within a
any roll of a double, even if the Astropath passes the Focus populated area) to decide if anyone is within range. If
Power Test. The GM must decide what sort of hostile entity the potential recipient is farther away than the signal
has intercepted the message. Whatever has intercepted the strength allows, then the message simply fades in the
message must make a Challenging (+0) Opposed lonely void. Whether the responder is friendly-or
Intelligence Test against the Astropath who sent the hungry-is up to the GM.
message (this represents the interceptor attempting to grasp
the meaning of the message encoded by the Astropath). The
GM can assume that the interceptor has an Intelligence of
5d10+5 unless he has a specific enemy in mind.
If the message was shrouded, the interceptor suffers a –
20 penalty on this Test. If the message was broadcast, the Table 6-5: First Responders
interceptor adds a +10 bonus on this Test, representing the 1d100 Roll Time Elapsed Recipient is...
01-10 1d5 months ...in a nearby Segmentum
comparative ease of intercepting a broadcast message. If 11-25 1d5 weeks ...in a nearby sector
the interceptor beats the Astropath on the Opposed Test, the 26-40 1d5 hours ...in a nearby sub-sector
GM refers Table 2–18: Message Interception. The GM 41-60 1d10 minutes ...in a nearby system
61-80 1d10 Rounds ...in a distant solar system
should not reveal the result of the Opposed Test to the
81-100 1d5 Rounds ...in a nearby solar system
players unless the Interceptor loses by 2 or more Degrees of 101+ Instant ...in the same orbit
when he declares he is searching for signals or at the end of
Receiving Astral Signals the day) until he either receives the signal or fails the Test by
3 or more Degrees of Failure, at which point the signal
The way that an astral signal is received depends on dissipates into the aether. The difficulty of the Test is
whether it has been sent as a focused message or a outlined on Table 6-1: Astropathic Signals and
broadcast message. Broadcasts.
If the recipient is in a meditative state when he attempts
Focused Messages this Test, the recipient receives a +20 bonus. In contrast, if
If a focused message gets through to the intended he is in a dire situation where he cannot focus on the signal,
recipient (after an amount of time determined by Table 6-1: he suffers a –20 penalty to the Test. If the recipient is
Astropathic Signals and Broadcasts) , the recipient must beyond the message’s signal strength, he suffers a further –
pass a Psyniscience Test in order to “pick up” the signal. 20 penalty to his Psyniscience Test for each additional range
The recipient can make this Test once each day (either bracket.
Astropathic Relays
Astropathic relays are techno-arcane installations found
both aboard major star vessels and in spires and facilities on
important worlds designed to boost an astropath’s gifts.
Sending and receiving from a relay provides an astropath
with the following benefits.
Astropathic Choir: Astropathic Relays include an
Astropathic Choir, as detailed above.
Dispersal Scoop: +10 to Psyniscience tests to detect
astral signals.
Hexagrammatic Warding: All rolls on the Psychic
Phenomena and Perils of the Warp Charts are at –10.
Astropathic Relays utilize the same base time for an
astrotelepathic message to reach its destination, the
distance that such a message travels, the required Psy
Rating one needs to send it, and the Focus Power Test
difficulty for doing so as listed in Table 6-1: Astropathic
Signals and Broadcasts.
Fleet Operations
Rogue Traders are able to maintain fleets. Outside the rigid structure of the Adeptus Terra properly, each Warrant Holder holds
the potential to amass the largest fleet allowed by the uncompromising bureaucracy of the Adeptus Terra. The following optional
rules are designed to represent the amassing of the fleets.
Moving a Fleet
Travelling with a fleet is harder during warp transit and requires a great deal of cooperation between the Fleet's Master Navigator
(typically the one on the flag ship), the fleets embedded Astropaths and the Navigators on the attendant vessels. Astropathic assets
used in this manner are unavailable for any other purpose throughout such a trip, preventing interstellar communication with a fleet
travelling the Immaterium.
The fleets master Navigator makes all Warp Navigation Skill Tests, but suffers a -10 per ship to all associated tests due to the
stress of coordinating all maneuvers with the other ships in the fleet. For this reason, very large fleets will typically have one Master
Navigator per squadron and will assemble at a rally point prior to travelling en masse to a target solar system.
Before the Navigation may take properly, the ships themselves must merge their Gellar fields, grappling onto each other. This is
done to ensure that all ships will arrive at the intended destination (more often than without). In order to do so, the flag ship performs
a Challenging (+0) Tech- Use Skill Test. A success indicates the fields have interlocked. A failure may indicate many things, up to
the Gamemaster's discretion, however 3 or more Degrees of Failure means the ships will separate at some point in the warp. When
this occurs, the Master Navigator may attempt a Navigation check with a -10 penalty per ship in the fleet, though each other
Navigator may 'assist' the Master Navigator and cancel out their ship's -10 penalty if they themselves first pass a Difficult (-10)
Navigation (Warp) Skill test.