Sonnet II 2 HW Activity
Sonnet II 2 HW Activity
Sonnet II 2 HW Activity
II by William Shakespeare
PART I. – Reading and Analyzing
Go through the Poetry Process: 1) Read; 2) Define; 3) Hear; 4) Re-read; 5) Analyze / Consult an Expert
1) Read and annotate the poem.
2) Once you have read the poem once, go back and define the words that you don’t know. Add
them to the chart below:
Word from Sonnet Meaning
1 besiege Surround, capture, force
2 Thy Your
3 Livery A special uniform worn by a
servant, an official, or a member
of a City Company
4 Totter’d Move in a feeble or unsteady way
5 Thine Your
6 Thriftless (of a person or their behavior)
spending money in an
extravagant and wasteful way.
7 Thou You; your
3) Hear the sonnet by watching the video in the folder for today’s class (4 March).
4) Re-read with your new understanding of the sonnet and answer the questions below:
A) To whom is this sonnet addressed? You should know based on the introductory lesson to
Shakespeare and the information about the numbering of Sonnets.
NOTE: Submit your work from PART 1 (vocabulary and answers) to SCHOOLOGY as a PDF document.
Part II. Reading a Sonnet Emphasizing IAMBIC PENTAMETER
Record yourself reading Sonnet II. In particular, we want to hear YOU emphasize the IAMBIC
PENTAMETER present in this sonnet. Upload this to the same Schoology assignment, but as SUMBISSION
2. If you can’t record directly within Schoology, upload an MP3 (or M4A or any other file that streams
within Schoology).