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Retail Marketing Strategy Implementation and Resource Mobilization

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Retail Marketing Strategy

Implementation and
Resource Mobilization

By: Matthew Bompat

Matching of Outputs and Outcomes



Matching of Outputs and Outcomes



Moderate Match between Perfect Match between
Outputs and Outcomes Outputs and Outcomes
Strategist must configure the Total Enterprise or Organizational Delivery
System which lays out the entire continuum from the Resources needed all
the way to the Outcomes realized.

Two basic issues that must be settled in following the model

(1) What technology should be used by the enterprise?
- technology determines both hardware and software
(1) What organizational modality should be adopted for implementing the
- organizational modality clarifies what parts of the delivery system will be
implemented by the enterprise itself and what parts will be outsourced,
subcontracted or delegated.
Enterprise Delivery System: From Resources to Outcomes

Product – Market or
Resources Inputs Throughputs Outputs Output–Outcome Outcomes
(High Productivity, (Right Quality,
(Right (Right Quantity (Desired End
Efficiency and Right Costs, (Perfect-Fit)
Amount) and Quality) Results)
Economy) Right Time)
Customer Outcomes
Pesos ▪ Money ▪ Resource Flow ▪ Positioning ▪ Quality
People ▪ Manpower ▪ Operating Systems ▪ Packaging ▪ Delivery
▪ Management and Procedures ▪ Place (Location) ▪ Affordability
▪ Methods ▪ Management ▪ People (Selling and ▪ Impact
Processes, Distribution)
Supervision and ▪ Promotion
Control ▪ Pricing Market Outcomes
▪ Worker Motivation, ▪ Sales
Skilling, ▪ Market Share
Deployment, ▪ Geographical
▪ Products
Compensation and Reach
Control Services ▪ Product/Service
▪ Support Services
Physical ▪ Materials ▪ Technology ▪ Volume Growth
Assets ▪ Machinery Application and
Financial Outcomes
▪ Materials and Work
in Process Flow ▪ Profitability
▪ Layout ▪ Liquidity
▪ Operations Work ▪ Solvency
Flow ▪ Turn-over
▪ Quality Control

Resource Mobilization Strategies, Action Programs, Performance Indicators

and Deployment Activities and Tasks Key Result Areas
Vision, Mission and
Major Components of Strategy Implementation

Functional Strategies
Projects Products/Services

Factory Construction New Products and Marketing

Expansion Services
Branch Selection, Product/Service
Organization and
Development and Extensions
Construction Value Added Services or
Acquisition of Enterprises Product Additives
or Assets
Other Product/Service
Other Projects Variations
Matrix of Major Components in
Strategy Implementation

Existing New Product New Product New Product
Projects Product A B C D

Existing Project 1 Functional FS 1B FS 1C FS 1D

Strategies 1A
New Project 2 FS 2A FS 2B FS 2C FS 2D
New Project 3 FS 3A FS 3B FS 3C FS 3D
New Project 4 FS 4A FS 4B FS 4C FS 4D
The Flow of the Major Components
in Strategy Implementation

Enterprise Strategy

Functional Strategies Outputs

Operations Marketing Product A

Product B
Organization and Product C
Finance Product D

Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Project 4

Action Programs
Table 14. Major Action Programs for Each Strategic Option

Branching Franchising Export Mergers and Expand Products and

Nationwide Acquisitions Services
1. Location 1. Location 1. Export market 1. Assessment of 1. Conceptualization,
analysis and analysis and analysis and potentials for development and
selection selection choice of country merger and/or testing of possible
acquisition products or services
2. Architectural 2. Development 2. Legal, 2. Valuation of 2. Set up facilities
and engineering and marketing of organizational and enterprises for and operating
plans franchise financial merger or programs to deliver
package and evaluation acquisition products and services
3. Construction 3. Selection and 3. Selection of 3. Management and 3. Product/service
projects training of partners, operational piloting
franchisees alliances, agreements
distributors, and
4. Recruitment, 4. Supervision, 4. Establishment 4. Organizational 4. Product/service
retooling and monitoring and of production development and commercialization
routing of evaluation of facilities culture building
managers and franchise
staff operations
5. Central 5. Logistical 5. Marketing 5. Synchronization 5. Marketing,
support services support program Program: of systems and logistical and
positioning, procedures administrative
product, package, support programs
people, place,
promotion and
Activities can be drawn and carried out according to their stipulated timetable. Action
Programs under the strategic option of Branching Nationwide are fleshed out below.

Table 15. Selected Action Programs and Their Activities

Location Analysis and Architectural and
Selection Engineering Plans
1. Mapping all possible 1. For chosen sites, 1. Prequalification
locations. determine their and bidding out
appropriate sizes
A and designs
2. Generation and selection of 2. Architectural 2.Awarding of
C location criteria. drawings and contract
T 3. Gathering, arranging, 3. Engineering plans 3. Fund
analyzing and synthesizing of mobilization
I market and consumer
V 4. Application of criteria on 4. Cost estimation 4. Project
possible locations construction and
I monitoring
5. Choice of locations at 5. Approval of 5. Inspection,
T management level (all possible architectural and testing and
locations are presumed down engineering plans acceptance
I to the most attractive ones).
6. For chosen location, scout
E for specific branch sites.
7. Conduct pre-feasibility of
S branch site including technical,
market, operational,
organizational and financial
8. Board/Top Management
go/no go decision on each site.
Activities should further be broken down into individual Tasks.
Tasks that must be accomplished on a day to day basis
Following up on the location example given, Activities are spelled out n terms of their
respective Tasks as shown below.

Table 16. Selected Activities and their Tasks

Activities Activity 1 Activity 2
Mapping All Possible Generation and Selection of
Tasks Locations Criteria
1. Secondary data research 1. Convene management
from public and private committee to solicit
sources on all possible possible criteria based
T locations. on functional
2. Analyze data as to objectives.
A population sizes, 2. Align functional
income levels, rate of objectives with overall
S growth, infrastructure enterprise goals and
utilities and density of performance indicators
K commercial and 3. Determine the final
residential districts. criteria
S 3. Analyze points of 4. Set minimum numerical
access, transportation targets for each criteria.
routes and traffic flow
of people.
Program Evaluation and Justification

• Strategist still has to ensure that the Action Programs adopted will be
economically viable and operationally doable
• Strategist must conduct a more thorough evaluation of the Projects, Products
and Functional Strategies

Feasibility legal and financial evaluation studies
pre-feasibility must be done to ascertain that all branch
market and franchise locations are sustainable
operation and that the products and services
organizational, yield good financial launched will capture sizeable markets
returns and
Program Evaluation and Justification

• Program decisions must be justified

- in terms of required financial rates of returns, sales volume generation,
operational and human capacity limitations, and customer satisfaction
Resource Mobilization

Only after the Programs, Activities and Tasks are laid out can the strategist really
determine the Resources required for Strategy Implementation

Three important Resources must be ascertained:

• People,
• Physical Assets
• Pesos (money)
Diagram 20. Master Budget

Internal Sources of External Sources

Funds of Funds
BUDGET Customers’
Revenue Budget Cash Cash Inflows Advances
Collections Short Term Debt
Operating Expense Cash Cash Outflows Long Term Debt
Budget Disbursements Stockholders


or INVESTMENT Interest and
BUDGET Financial Charges
Property, Plant and Dividends
Working Capital

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