Assignment 1 Rubric Scomp

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Assessment Rubric for Written Assignment (SC025) Attachment 1

Subattribute 1 2 3 4 5
Analysis Not able to organise and Finds difficulty in organising and Able to organise and Able to organise and analyse Excellent organising and analysing of
analyse gathered analysing gathered information analyse gathered gathered information or data and gathered information or data and
information or data and fails or data and finds difficulty in information or data, but clearly describe the possible clearly describe the root of the
to define the root of the describing the root of the does not clearly describe roots of the problem. problem.
problem. problem. the root of the problem.
All Input, Process, Output are At least one correct At least 2 correct Input and process correct All Input, Process, Output are correct
Design Not able to provide Able to provide algorithm Able to provide algorithm Able to provide clear algorithm Able to provide clear and accurate
algorithm to represent partially and does not fully but does not fully to logically represent the algorithm to logically represent the
solution of given problem. represent the solution of represent the solution of solution of given problem. solution of given problem.
given problem. given problem.
No algorithm is provided  Provide only one algorithm Provide one correct Provide both algorithm Provide both algorithm
(pseudocode or flowchart) algorithm (pseudocode and flowchart) Both algorithms are correct
 Algorithm contain error(s) One of the algorithm contain
Implementation The program is developed The program is developed The program is developed The program is successfully The program is successfully
but contain errors hence and run but does not solve and run successfully but developed based on presented developed based on presented
cannot run. the given problem. does not fully solve the algorithm, run successfully but is algorithm, run successfully and is
given problem. not user-friendly. user-friendly.
Program contains syntax Program run but contain logic Program run but contain Program run, no errors but not Program run, no errors and user-
error error runtime error user friendly friendly
Testing and Did not provide any Provide only one sample Provide at least two Provide sufficient sample Provide various and complete
Verification sample output. output. sample output. output but did not cover all possibilities of test data with
possibilities. complete sample output
 Provide 3 sample output More than 3 sample output
 Did not cover all possibilities Covers different possibilities

Originality Perform a task with lack of Perform a task with limited Perform a task with Perform a task with trust, Always perform a task with trust,
trust, honesty, sincerity and trust, honesty, sincerity and acceptable trust, honesty, honesty, sincerity and honesty, sincerity and transparent in
transparency. transparency. sincerity and transparency. transparent in most situations. any situation.
Not consistent Consistency of implemention Consistency of analysis and Consistency of Design to Consistency from analysis to testing
and testing Design implemention steps

Documentation  The report is incomplete  The report is partially  The report is complete  The report is complete, with  The report is complete, with clear
and contains many complete and contains a few with minimum clear explanation of all steps explanation reflecting well
unfinished steps of unfinished steps of problem explanation of all steps in problem solving. understanding of all steps in
problem solving. solving. in problem solving.  Provide at least 3 references problem solving.
 No references  Provide one reference  Provide 2 references  Report is neat and correctly
assembly for academic writing.
 Provide more than 3 references
(using APA format)
Total score = 30

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