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Catalogo de Libros de Guitarra

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which include Guitar
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Linked INDEX
Click a Category and GO!

Methods And Studies................................................................................4
Guitar Collections......................................................................................5
One-composer Books And Sheets.............................................................6
Guitar Duos............................................................................................ 17
Guitar Trios............................................................................................. 18
4 or More Guitars................................................................................... 19
Bass Guitar................................................................................................. 20
Banjo.......................................................................................................... 22
Mandolin................................................................................................... 22
Sitar............................................................................................................ 22
Mixed Ensembles (with Guitar)................................................................ 22
Flute And Guitar..................................................................................... 22
Mixed Duos............................................................................................ 25
Mixed Trios............................................................................................. 25
Mixed Quartets...................................................................................... 26
Mixed Quintets...................................................................................... 26
Larger Mixed Ensembles........................................................................ 26
Flexible Ensemble...................................................................................... 26

Key To Symbols And Publisher Abbreviations......................................... 27

Out of Print / Custom Print Service Details............................................. 28
Affiliated Publishers Areas Of Distribution.............................................. 29

Note about prices

The prices shown in this catalog were current at the time of production. Prices
are subject to frequent change, and readers are advised to check the current
price at our website.

Carl Fischer Music Theodore Presser Company

65 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012 588 North Gulph Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406
www.carlfischer.com www.presser.com

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Prices and availability subject to change without notice. All prices are in U.S Currency.
International copyright law may geographically restrict sale of materials listed in this catalog.
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Guitar Grimoire Guitar Licks Series

The Undisputed Leader Learn from the Style Masters
The Exercise Book – Adam Kadmon
This book offers an entire foundation for developing Blues Licks
your dexterity, working with 3- and 4-note scales by Richard Belgard
and chordal “coils” for Major and Pentatonic scales, Blues Licks will help lift a guitarist’s read-
guidance on how to pick patterns and diagrams for ing and playing abilities to a new level of
each of these “coils.” Also included are special exer- competence and finesse. One of the primary
cises to strengthen your playing abilities. goals for any blues player, regardless of level
GT100 – Book – $28.95 or style, is to increase his or her understand-
ing of the vocabulary of ideas that shape an
improvised solo. The licks in this book (with
Also from Adam Kadmon's Guitar Grimoire Series…
play-along CD) are borrowed from the great
masters of the blues such as B.B. King, Albert
Scales and Modes King, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, Eric Clapton and Stevie Ray
The most comprehensive book on scales and Vaughan, among others.
modes ever written with over 6000 diagrams and GT201 - Book w/CD - $17.95
GT1 – Book – $23.95
Country Licks
Chords and Voicings by Todd Barth
Every chord of every key and mode presented Country Licks offers the interested player a vast
with thousands of diagrams and charts including library of over 80 hot Country licks that will
polychords, chord substitutions, inversions and help any guitarist improvise more effectively
movable voicings in the Country music style. Learning and mas-
GT2 – Book – $23.95 tering scales and chords is vital, but to be a
good player and improviser it is also essential
to have a usable set of melodic ideas to enrich
Chord Encyclopedia each solo. The licks are designed to be played
The most exhaustive compendium of guitar chords ever
with a variety of ten common rhythmic pat-
terns or “grooves,” derived from actual hit country songs. The play-
GT13 – Book – $28.95 along tracks on the CD are a great way to experiment with the licks
the user has learned from the book.
Progressions and Improvisation GT203 - Book w/CD - $17.95
An exhaustive compendium of chord progres-
sions that shows you how to use scales, modes Jazz Licks
and melodies over them by David Peterson
GT15 – Book – $28.95 Produced by Don Mock, Jazz Licks introduces
some of the most celebrated licks from jazz gui-
tarists (Joe Pass, Pat Martino, George Benson,
Scales and Modes DVD et. al.) and other celebrated jazz instrumental-
(Compliments GT1) ists such as Charlie Parker, John Coltrane and
UÊ i>À˜Ê̜ʫ>ÞÊ>˜ÞÊÃV>iʈ˜Ê>˜ÞʎiÞʜ˜Ê̅iÊvÀiÌLœ>À` Miles Davis. With the help of a play-along CD,
UÊ ˜VÕ`iÃÊ«œ«‡Õ«ÊV…œÀ`ÃÊ>˜`ÊvÀiÌLœ>À`ÊVœÃi‡Õ« beginning and experienced players can enrich
DVD2 - $19.95 their playing and their feel for jazz harmony
and rhythms with this collection of exercises
and examples. Each musical example or study
Chords and Voicings DVD is presented in staff notation and tablature
(Compliments GT2) format.
UʘÌÀˆV>ÌiÊ`iÌ>ˆÊœ˜Ê…œÜÊ̜ʫ>ÞÊany chord GT200 - Book w/CD - $17.95
inversions, and movable voicings
Rock Licks
by Jay Roberts
DVD3 - $19.95
Jay Roberts guides the reader through tech-
niques and licks to help give aspiring guitar
Progressions and Improvisation DVD players the sound they need to rock! In this
(Compliments GT15) book and CD package the player will find the
UÊi>À˜Ê…œÜÊÃÌ>˜`>À`Ê«Àœ}ÀiÃȜ˜ÃÊ>ÀiÊVÀi>Ìi`Ê>˜`Ê secrets to playing licks in the style of their
see how to create your own favorite players. Rock LicksÊvi>ÌÕÀiÃ\ÊUʈVŽÃʈ˜Ê
UÊ ˜…>˜ViÊ>˜`Êi˜ÀˆV…ÊޜÕÀÊ܏œÃ the style of Jimmy Page, Van Halen, Randy
DVD4 - $19.95 Rhodes, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Gary
Moore, and fourteen other greats of rock gui-
Bass Grimoire DVD Ì>ÀÊUÊÊ
(Compliments GT3) and help him or her understand the phrasing and feel needed to get
UÊi>À˜Ê…œÜÊÃÌ>˜`>À`ÊL>ÃÃʏˆ˜iÃÊ>Ài ̅>ÌÊ>Õ̅i˜ÌˆVÊÜ՘`ÊUÊ/iV…˜ˆµÕiÃʈ˜VÕ`ˆ˜}Ê«œÜiÀÊV…œÀ`Ã]ÊÃV>iÃ]Ê
created and see how to create your own hammer-ons, pull-offs, bends and just about all the rock guitar tricks
UÊ ˜…>˜ViÊ>˜`Êi˜ÀˆV…ÊޜÕÀÊÀˆvvà you can think of!
DVD20 - $19.95 GT202 - Book w/CD - $17.95

 •  Return to INDEX
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GUITAR Dumond, Arnaud

36 Études de Style................................ (LM)
____ 564-02806 12 Études faciles, Volume A.............. $15.95
____ 564-02799 12 Études faciles, Volume B............... $15.95
METHODS and STUDIES ____ 564-02800 12 Études faciles, Volume C.............. $16.95

Ablóniz, Miguel
____ 564-01013 Arpeggi per la mano destra................. (BB) $11.95
____ 564-00014 Esercizi essenziali mano sinistra.......... (BB) $14.95
Aguado, Dionisio
____ 494-00368 Arpeggio Studies.........................Papas (CO) $3.95
____ 494-00189 Eight Lessons................................Papas (CO) $4.95
____ 564-00036 Metodo per Chitarra............................. (BB) $63.95
____ 564-02821 L'atelier guitare(s) acoustique,
Volume 2 (w/CD)........... Bordonneau (LM) $40.45
Barth, Todd Freeman, Steve
____ GT203 Country Licks (w/ CD).......................... (CF) $17.95 ____ CF00003 Camp Jam: Rock Solid (w/ CD)............ (CF) $24.95
Gagnon, Stephane
The Art of Chords.................................. (CF)
____ GT205 Book 1................................................ $19.95
____ GT206 Book 2................................................ $19.95
L'Art des Accords (Art of the Chords)
(French edition)................................... (CF)
____ GT207 Book 1............................................ $19.95
____ GT208 Book 2............................................ $19.95
Gilardino, Angelo
Studi...................................................... (BB)
____ 564-00408 Series 1............................................... $34.95
____ 564-00407 Series 2............................................... $46.95
Belgard, Richard Giuliani, Mauro
____ GT201 Blues Licks (w/ CD)............................... (CF) $17.95 ____ 564-00431 24 Studi, Op. 100.................................. (BB) $18.95
____ 564-00422 Metodo, Op. 1....................................... (BB) $27.95
Bogdanovic, Dusan ____ 564-00432 Studio, Op. 111..................................... (BB) $16.95
____ 564-02130 Counterpoint for Guitar....................... (BB) $89.95
____ 564-01717 Polyrhythmic and Polymetric Studies (BB) $22.95
Buckingham, Jack
____ O4692 Flamenco Guitar.................................... (CF) $13.95

Kadmon, Adam
____ HPB11 Alternate Guitar Tunings
(Hip Pocket Book)................................ (CF) $6.95
The Bass Grimoire................................. (CF)
____ GT3 Book................................................... $20.95
____ DVD20 DVD................................................... $19.95
Carcassi, Matteo ____ GT100 The Exercise Book................................. (CF) $28.95
____ O762 Classical Guitar Method....................... (CF) $16.95 ____ GT103 The Fingerpicking Book........................ (CF) $23.95
____ 434-40008 Method for Guitar (Eng., Sp.).............. (PR) $14.95 ____ GT13 The Guitar Grimoire
____ 564-00204 25 Melodic and Progressive Studies Chord Encyclopedia......................... (CF) $28.95
(Berben)............................................ (BB) $19.45 The Guitar Grimoire Fretpad................ (CF)
____ O101 25 Melodious and Progressive Studies, ____ GTA6 Bass Medium..................................... $4.95
Op. 60 (Fischer)......... Olcott/Bickford (CF) $9.95 ____ GTA8 Keyboard Medium............................. $4.95
____ 564-01704 25 Études, Op. 60 (Lemoine)............... (LM) $23.95 ____ GTA2 Small.................................................. $4.95
____ 494-02153 25 Melodious Studies, Op. 60 ____ GT12 The Guitar Grimoire: A Notated
(Orphée)............................................ (OH) $19.95 Intervalic Study of Scales................. (CF) $24.95
Duarte, John The Guitar Grimoire:
Chords & Voicings............................ (CF)
____ 494-02478 12 Studies for Guitar, Op. 140............. (TU) $18.00 ____ GT2 Paperback...................................... $23.95
____ DVD3 DVD............................................... $19.95

 • Guitar Methods Return to INDEX

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The Guitar Grimoire:

Progressions & Improvisation ........ (CF)
____ GT15 Paperback...................................... $28.95
____ DVD4 DVD............................................... $19.95
The Guitar Grimoire: Scales & Modes (CF)
____ GT1 Paperback.......................................... $23.95
____ DVD2 DVD................................................... $19.95
____ GT105 The Guitarist's Keyboard
Progressions Book............................ (CF) $24.95
____ GT4 The Keyboard Grimoire........................ (CF) $24.95
____ HPB7 The Major Scale (Hip Pocket Book)........ (CF) $6.95
____ GT9 The Mini Bass Grimoire (Complete).... (CF) $5.95
____ GT8 The Mini Guitar Grimoire - Roberts, Jay
Chord Substitutions......................... (CF) $5.95 ____ GT202 Rock Licks (w/ CD)................................ (CF) $17.95
____ GT7 The Mini Guitar Grimoire -
Chords & Voicings............................ (CF) $5.95 Sandole, Dennis
____ GT6 The Mini Guitar Grimoire - ____ 414-41142 Guitar Lore............................................ (PR) $19.95
Scales & Modes................................. (CF) $5.95
____ HPB8 Pentatonics & Power Chords
(Hip Pocket Book)................................ (CF) $6.95
____ HPB10 Progressions (Hip Pocket Book).............. (CF) $6.95
____ HPB9 Quick Chords (Hip Pocket Book)............ (CF) $6.95
____ GT102 The Quick Chord Book......................... (CF) $8.95
____ GT104 The Rhythm Guitar Book...................... (CF) $19.95
Larrson, Jytte Torpp
____ 497-00314 Catalog of the Rischel and Birket-Smith
Collection (Cloth)..................Danner (OH) $44.95
Martin, Juan
El Arte Flamenco (w/CD)..................... (UN)
____ 564-02061 Volume 1........................................... $20.95 Segovia, Andres
____ 564-02903 Volume 2........................................... $35.95
____ 494-00195 Diatonic Major & Minor Scales............ (CO) $5.95
Papararo, Guglielmo ____ 494-00196 Slur Exercises & Chromatic Octaves.... (CO) $6.50
____ 564-00624 Tecnica degli arpeggi........................... (BB) $20.45 Silverman, Jerry
____ 414-41144 Scales Into Chords................................ (PR) $4.95
Smith, Elisabeth Papas
____ 494-02487 Smith's Theory Book for the Guitar..... (CO) $7.95
Sor, Fernando
____ 564-01531 20 Études.................................. Segovia (TR) $17.45
____ 564-01899 24 Lecons progressives, Op. 31........... (PW) $19.95
Tárrega, Francisco
____ UE14430 Etüden (Studies) .................................. (UE) $14.95
____ UE14431 Technical Studies ................................. (UE) $19.95


____ 494-00194 Method for the Classical Guitar........... (CO) $15.95 (Listed by Editor or Arranger)
Peterson, David Bruckner, Karl
____ GT200 Jazz Licks (w/ CD)................................. (CF) $17.95 ____ UE30223 Guitarra Latina: Songs & Dances
Pick, Richard from Latin America (easy)................. (UE) $14.95
School of Guitar.................................... (OH) ____ UE31456 Mexico: Canciones Populares (easy)..... (UE) $14.95
____ 497-00313A Volume 1........................................... $12.50 Caceres, Oscar
____ 497-00313B Volume 2........................................... $12.50 The English Lutenists............................ (LM)
Prat, Domingo ____ 564-02161 Volume 1........................................... $32.95
____ 494-02835 Index to the ____ 564-00744 Volume 2........................................... $32.95
Diccionario de Guitarristas................. (OH) $29.95 ____ 564-01262 Les maitres du XIXe siècle..................... (LM) $35.45

Pujol, Emilio Hoffman, John

Guitar School........................................ (OH) Songs and Dances................................ (PR)
____ 494-00311A Book 1................................................ $29.95 ____ 414-41068 Book 1................................................ $9.95
____ 494-00311B Book 2................................................ $32.95 ____ 414-41069 Book 2................................................ $6.50
____ 497-00312 Book 3................................................ $24.95 Lacaille, J. P.
Rist, G. ____ 564-02722 Themes classiques................................. (LM) $15.95
____ RE30006 Studies for Guitar in Spanish Style...... (RE) $9.75 Mourat
____ 564-02827 Les classiques à la guitare, Volume 2 (CN) $34.95

 • Guitar Methods / Collections Return to INDEX

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Savio, I.
____ 494-00232 Ten Brazilian Folk Tunes....................... (CO) $6.95

Ophee, Matanya
____ 494-02724 More Tangos, Milongas, Habaneras.... (OH) $24.95
The Russian Collection......................... (OH)
____ 494-02124 Volume 1: 19th & 20th Century........... $19.95 Sokolow, Fred
____ 494-02125 Volume 2: 4 Concert Etudes ____ ATF112 Solos for Classical Guitar...................... (CF) $15.95
by Sychra....................................... $19.95 ____ ATJ306 Solos for Jazz Guitar............................. (CF) $14.95
____ 494-02126 Volume 3: Russian Folk Songs
(Rudnev)....................................... $19.95 Thomas, Rex
____ 494-02127 Volume 4: St. Petersburg Composers $19.95 ____ A05I214 The Faithful Guitarist............................ (RH) $15.95
____ 494-02128 Volume 5: Soviet Composers............. $19.95 Various Composers
____ 494-02129 Volume 6: Music for Guitar Solo
(Asafiev)........................................ $14.95 ____ UE13973 Easy Pieces from the Time of
____ 494-02130 Volume 7: Moscow Composers......... $29.95 Shakespeare, Volume 1..................... (UE) $14.95
____ 494-02824 Volume 10: Selected Concert Works ____ 564-02772 Promenade dans le temps.................... (LM) $13.95
for the Russian 7-String Guitar...... $19.95 ____ 144-40414 The Red Cedar Collection (w/ Fl.)....... (MR) $25.00
____ 494-02445 Tangos, Milongas and Habaneras....... (OH) $24.95 Ward/Crawford
Papas, Sophocles ____ 494-02152 The Königsburg Manuscript (Lute)..... (OH) $89.00
____ 494-00228 60 Solos for Guitar (Pick Style)............. (CO) $5.95 ____ 494-02147 The St. Petersburg Swan Manuscript
____ 494-00214 Flamenco Solos for Guitar.................... (CO) $6.50 (Lute)................................................. (OH) $98.00
____ 494-02062 Latin American Solos............................ (CO) $8.95 Worms, Claude
____ 494-02061 Papas Memorial Collection.................. (CO) $10.95 Duende Flamenco................................. (CN)
Student Guitarist's Delight.................. (CO) ____ 564-02318 Volume 1A......................................... $41.95
____ 494-00230 Volume 1........................................... $6.95 ____ 564-02319 Volume 1B......................................... $57.45
____ 494-00231 Volume 2........................................... $6.95 ____ 564-02320 Volume 2A......................................... $56.95
Perez, C. ____ 564-02324 Volume 2E.......................................... $65.00
____ 564-02804 Chants et danses traditionnels ____ 564-02325 Volume 3A......................................... $46.95
du Chili................................................. (LM) $25.95 ____ 564-02328 Volume 4A......................................... $65.00


Adler, Samuel
____ 114-40509 Sonata.................................................... (PR) $7.00
Agibalov, Alexei
____ 494-02822 Selected Works for the 7-String Guitar (OH) $9.95
Aguado, Dionisio
____ 564-02644 Fandango Variado, Op. 16....... Caceres (LM) $21.45
Ahnfelt, Oscar
Pick, Richard ____ 494-02480 Blott en dag..............................Eriksson (TU) $4.00
____ 494-02829 Selected Solo Works................... Ophee (OH) $14.95 Albéniz, Isaac
Prat, Domingo ____ 564-02587 Asturias (Suite Espanola)........................ (PW) $6.95
____ 494-02117 Tangos de la Guardia Vieja.................. (OH) $12.95 ____ 494-00243 Cádiz................................. Barbosa-Lima (CO) $4.95
____ 494-00249 Córdoba...................... 19 Barbosa-Lima (CO) $17.95
Rhoads, Bill ____ 494-02695 Favorite Spanish Pieces............ Romero (TU) $23.00
____ O5480 Holiday Melodies.................................. (CF) $6.95 ____ 564-00040 Granada (Suite Espanola)............Abloniz ( BB) $6.50
____ 494-00278 Leyenda (Asturias)........................Papas (CO) $4.50
Rivoal & Lambert ____ 564-00041 Mallorca (Barcarola)...................Abloniz ( BB) $9.95
Chansons & Danses ____ 494-01959 Mallorca Barcarola, Op. 202..... Switzer (TU) $8.50
d'Amerique Latine.......................... (LM) ____ 564-00043 Rumores de la caleta.................Abloniz ( BB) $7.45
____ 564-01557 Book A........................................... $24.95 ____ 564-02750 Sevilla.................................................... (PW) $5.95
____ 564-01558 Book B............................................ $23.95 ____ 494-00306 Sonata....................................... Cochran (CO) $4.50
____ 564-01559 Book C........................................... $20.95 ____ 564-00047 Tango..........................................Abloniz ( BB) $8.50
____ 564-01701 Book D........................................... $20.95 ____ 564-00048 Torre Bermeja............................Abloniz ( BB) $10.45
____ 564-01702 Book E............................................ $21.45 ____ 564-00049 Zambra Granadina.....................Abloniz ( BB) $6.50

 • Guitar Collections / Solos Return to INDEX

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Alcázar, Miguel Six Suites............................ Sadanowsky (BD)

____ 494-02101 12 Preludios.......................................... (OH) $7.95 ____ 564-00111 Volume 1........................................... $33.45
____ 564-00112 Volume 2........................................... $32.45
Almeida, Israel Sonata II........................... Barbosa-Lima (CO)
____ 564-00740 6 Choros................................................ (LM) $21.45 ____ 494-00304 Volume 1........................................... $7.95
____ 494-00305 Volume 2........................................... $5.95
Andia, Rafael
____ 564-02777 Sonata, BWV1001.................................. (PW) $8.45
____ 564-02118 Improvisacion al estudio de Cano....... (TR) $25.50 ____ 564-01361 Sonate No. 1.............................Mikulka (LM) $21.45
Andrushko, Andriy ____ UE16710 Suite in A minor, BWV997.................... (UE) $14.95
____ UE14474 Suite in E, BWV1006a (w/ Facs.).......... (UE) $17.95
____ 494-02505 Hutsul Rhapsody................................... (OH) $4.95
____ 144-40306 Suite No. 3, BWV1009............... Leisner (MR) $7.95
____ 494-02554 Partita.................................................... (OH) $5.95
____ 494-02691 Suite No. 3, BWV1009.............. Romero (TU) $15.00
Anonymous ____ 494-00332 Three Easy Pieces.........................Papas (CO) $3.50
____ 564-00065 Greensleeves (Berben)......... Gasbarroni (BB) $8.50 Baksa, Robert
____ 494-00267 Greensleeves (Columbia)............Papas (CO) $3.50
____ 494-02492 Duo Concertante (w /Hpsd.)...........19 (CL) $41.00
____ 564-00066 Greensleeves (Transatlantiques) Nobla (TR) $7.95
____ 494-02364 Sonata da giardino............................... (CL) $9.50
____ 564-02267 Romance.................................. Penicaud (BD) $10.95
Balada, Leonardo
Araújo, Francisco
____ 494-00277 Lento with Variation........ Barbosa-Lima (CO) $5.50
____ 494-00347 Virtuoso Waltz No. 1............................ (CO) $6.95
Bardanashvili, Josef
Arcas, Julian
____ 494-02558 Concerto for Guitar and Orchestra
____ 564-00075 Bolero.................................................... (BB) $8.50
(w/ Pno. Red., audio CD).................. (OH) $29.95
Arregui, Vicente
Barrense-Dias, Joseph
____ 564-01464 Piezas Liricas........................... Gilardino (BB) $39.95
____ 564-02807 Cores do Brazil...................................... (LM) $22.45
Asafiev, Boris
Barrientos, Carlos
____ 494-02494 Concerto for Guitar and Chamber
____ 494-02830 Bomba Pa’ Yo!...................................... (OH) $5.95
Orchestra (Solo Part w/ CD).....Segal (OH) $24.95
____ 494-02805 Periwinkle Memories.......................... (OH) $7.95
Asencio, Vicente
Barrios-Mangoré, Augustin
____ 564-00077 Dipso..................................................... (BB) $9.45
____ 564-00518 Danza paraguaya.......................Abloniz ( BB) $8.45
____ 564-00078 Getsemani............................... Gilardino (BB) $9.95
____ 494-02700 Doce Piezas para Guitarra........... César (TU) $29.95
____ 564-00079 Pentecostes............................. Gilardino (BB) $11.95
____ 564-00520 El ultimo canto...................................... (BB) $11.95
____ 564-00080 Suite valenciana.................................... (BB) $16.95
____ 564-00521 Valzer No. 3........................................... (BB) $10.95
Asia, Daniel
Beauvais, William
____ 144-40239 Your Cry Will Be a Whisper.................. (MR) $16.50
____ 494-02528 Five Lyric Pieces.................................... (TU) $10.00
Assad, Sergio
Beethoven, Ludwig van
____ 564-02063 Aquarelle............................................... (LM) $25.45
____ 564-00151 Für Elise ....................................Abloniz (BB) $7.45
____ 564-02262 Jobiniana No. 3..................................... (LM) $21.45
____ 494-00333 Two Bagatelles.............................Papas (CO) $3.50
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Bennett, Richard Rodney
____ 494-02139 Adagio................................................... (OH) $4.95
____ UE14433 Impromptus ......................................... (UE) $11.95
____ 494-00213 Bach Album (14 Pieces)...............Papas (CO) $7.95
____ UE16717 Ciaccona (Partita No. 2), BWV1004 Berio, Luciano
(orig. Violin)...................................... (UE) $13.95 ____ UE19273 Sequenza XI per chitarra solo ............. (UE) $29.95
____ 114-40517 Classics in Tablature.....................Segal (PR) $6.95
Complete Works for Lute Sadanowsky (BD) Biberian, Gilbert
____ 564-01341 Volume 1........................................... $29.95 24 Preludes........................................... (OH)
____ 564-01391 Volume 2........................................... $28.45 ____ 494-02102 Book 1 (1-12).................................... $15.95
____ 564-01545 Volume 3........................................... $24.95 ____ 494-02103 Book 2 (13-24).................................. $19.95
____ 564-01522 8 Preludi........................................ Rossi (BB) $15.95
Blanchard, Harold
____ 564-00110 Four Suites (Lute)............... Sadanowsky (BB) $43.95
____ 564-02156 Fugue in A minor, BWV1001.....Mourat (BD) $11.95 ____ 494-01961 Innocent Meandering........................... (TU) $10.00
____ 494-00274 Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring.........Papas (CO) $3.95 Bland, William
____ 494-00276 Largo (from Cantata 156)......Damaceno (CO) $3.95
____ 494-02753 Three Dances........................................ (NR) $11.95
____ 494-00281 Minuet & Musette.......................Papas (CO) $3.50
____ 144-40188 Partita in A minor...................... Leisner (MR) $6.95 Blyton, Carey
____ 564-00094 Partita No. 2............................. Schinina (BB) $15.95 ____ 564-00173 In Memoriam Django Reinhardt......... (BB) $10.95
____ 494-02692 Partita No. 2, BWV1004............ Romero (TU) $18.00
____ 564-00095 Partita No. 3............................. Schinina (BB) $11.95 Bobrowicz, Jan Nepomucen de
____ 564-01071 Prélude (Suite No. 1)......... Sadanowsky (BD) $15.95 ____ 494-02104 Grandes Variations on a Duo from
____ 494-02447 Preludes and Fugues from Don Giovanni by Mozart
The Well-Tempered Clavier.... Sánchez (OH) $29.95 (La ci darem la mano)......................... (OH) $7.95
____ 564-00100 Preludio No. 1.........................Carfagna (BB) $6.50 Bogdanovic, Dusan
____ 564-02900 The Presti-Lagoya Collection,
Volume 2............................... Zigante (BB) $73.95 ____ 564-01498 Introduction, Passacaglia and Fugue
____ 494-00201 7 Small Pieces....................................... (GW) $5.95 on the Golden Flower....................... (BB) $14.95
Six Pieces......................................Papas (CO) ____ 564-00179 Sonata No. 1......................................... (BB) $13.95
____ 494-00221 Volume 1........................................... $3.50 ____ 564-01120 Sonata No. 2......................................... (BB) $18.95
____ 494-00222 Volume 2........................................... $4.95 ____ 564-02726 Variaciones Casi Latinas....................... (BB) $15.95

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Borges, Paul Cassadó, Gaspar

6 Venezuelan Pieces....................Papas (CO) ____ 564-01463 Works for Guitar..................... Gilardino (BB) $37.95
____ 494-00224 Volume 1........................................... $4.50
____ 494-00225 Volume 2........................................... $5.50
Boríslova, Nadia
____ 494-02804 Arbatski Vals....................................... (OH) $6.95
Bournet, Pascal
____ 564-01101 Dennla (10 pièces)................................ (LM) $18.95
Boutros, Laurent
____ 564-02784 L'apatride.............................................. (LM) $12.95
____ 564-02785 Suite caucasienne................................. (LM) $13.95
Brescianello, G.
____ 494-00290 Partita...........................................Papas (CO) $4.50 Casséus, Frantz
Breville, Pierre Onfroy de ____ 494-02529 The Complete Works of Frantz Casséus,
Volume 1: Music for Solo Guitar....... (TU) $24.95
____ 564-02842 Fantaisie pour guitare............ Gilardino (BB) $28.45
Castelacci, Luigi
____ 494-02257 Fantaisie sur un thème Viennois,
Op. 65................................................ (TU) $10.00
____ 494-02258 Fantaisie, Op. 99................................... (TU) $10.00
____ 494-02259 Grande fantaisie, Op. 100.................... (TU) $10.00
____ 494-01261 Variations on a Theme of Paisiello....... (TU) $8.50
Castelnuevo-Tedesco, Mario
____ 564-00242 Escarraman, Op. 177............................ (BB) $28.45
Platero y Yo, Op. 190............................ (BB)
____ 564-00247 Volume 1........................................... $29.95
____ 564-00248 Volume 2........................................... $28.45
____ 564-00249 Volume 3........................................... $28.45
Brouwer, Leo ____ 564-00250 Volume 4........................................... $30.45
____ 564-00189 El decameron negro............................. (TR) $22.95 ____ 564-02516 Sonata (“Omaggio a Boccherini”)......
____ 564-01063 Preludios epigramaticos....................... (TR) $14.95 Gilardino (BB) $49.95
____ 564-01033 Variations sur un theme de ____ 564-00240 24 Caprichos de Goya, Volume 4........ (BB) $25.95
Django Reinhardt............................. (TR) $19.95 Cauvin, Philippe
Byrd, Charlie ____ 564-01259 Rocktypicovin........................................ (LM) $16.45
____ 494-00233 Three Blues for Classic Guitar.............. (CO) $4.50 Charlton, Andrew
Byrd, William ____ 494-01651 A Medieval Tapestry............................. (CO) $7.00
____ 494-00293 Pavana and Galliard...............Breznikar (CO) $7.50 ____ 494-01664 Rondo Fantasia..................................... (CO) $6.50
____ 494-00292 Pavana fantasia and Galliard Breznikar (CO) $6.95 Chen Yi
Cagnard, Gilles ____ 114-40946 The Points (Pipa)...............................19 (PR) $15.95
____ 564-02787 Cinq Préludes, Book 1........................... (CN) $16.95
Carcassi, Matteo
____ 494-02448 Adieux a la Suisse................................. (TU) $12.95
____ 564-01056 Variations sur Clair de lune...... Meunier (TR) $12.45
Cardoso, Jorge
____ 564-01085 Falta envido........................................... (LM) $27.45
Carulli, Ferdinando
____ 564-01084 Duo, Op. 11 (w/ Pno.).......................... (BB) $31.95
____ 564-00226 18 Piccoli pezzi..................................... (BB) $12.95
____ 494-01262 La girafe à paris.................................... (TU) $9.00
____ 494-01962 Introduction et thème varié,
Op. 276, No. 3........................Danner (TU) $9.00
Chilesotti, Oscar Roberto
____ 414-41067 Nine Preparatory Pieces......... Hoffman (PR) $8.95 ____ 494-02551 Da Un Codice del Cinquecento
____ 494-02821 Raccolta di sonate diversi................... (OH) $12.95 (or Lute)............................................ (OH) $39.95
____ 494-02794 Solo and Variations on Nel cor piú, ____ 494-00218 Six Renaissance Lute Pieces........ Neidle (CO) $5.95
Op. 107.................................... Ophee (OH) $9.95 ____ 494-00336 Two Lute Pieces...........................Papas (CO) $3.50
____ 564-02694 Sonatine, Op. 7, No. 3.......................... (BD) $9.95 Chopin, Frédéric
____ 564-02725 3 Divertissements, Op. 18.................... (BB) $13.95 ____ 564-02846 Frédéric Chopin: 8 Pièces
____ 564-00227 24 Preludi, Op. 114.............................. (BB) $19.95 (w/ CD)................................. Lalanne (LM) $43.95
____ 494-01963 Variations sur l'air ____ 564-00271 Studio, Op. 10, No. 3.................Abloniz (BB) $7.45
Ah! Vous dirai-je, Maman.......Danner (TU) $9.00 ____ 494-00234 Three Preludes.......................... Tarrega (CO) $7.50
Casares, Oscar Roberto ____ 494-00342 Two Preludes................................Papas (CO) $3.50
____ 564-02847 Mélodies Séfarades et ____ 494-00348 Waltz, Op. 69, No. 1............................ (GW) $3.50
Danse Hebraique.............................. (LM) $23.95 ____ 494-00349 Waltz, Op. 69, No. 2............................ (GW) $3.50

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Ciebra, José Maria Dubez, Johann

____ 494-02793 Theme and Allegro (We Have Lived ____ 494-02797 Fantaisie on Hungarian Themes
and Loved Together).................. Ophee (OH) $7.95 Ophee (OH) $9.95
Cimarosa, Domenico Dyens, Roland
____ 494-00307 Sonata Boghen XV.........................Artzt (CO) $3.95 ____ 564-02770 After Christmas Feeling........................ (LM) $19.95
____ 564-02670 Sonata in B minor................................. (PW) $4.45 ____ 564-02167 Chansons Françaises............................. (LM) $41.45
____ 494-02368 3 Sonatas (Nos. 15, 46, 53).................. (TU) $5.00 ____ 564-02030 Citrons doux and Le quatuor accorde (LM) $21.45
____ 564-02743 30 Sonate.................................. Giuliani (BB) $48.95 ____ 564-02029 Hommage à Frank Zappa..................... (LM) $24.95
____ 564-01326 Hommage à Villa-Lobos....................... (LM) $27.45
Cordero, Ernesto
____ 564-01153 Libra sonatine....................................... (LM) $24.95
____ 494-02828 Perugia, La Catedral de Taxco............. (OH) $7.95 ____ 564-02703 Mes Arrangements l'Amiable.............. (LM) $35.95
Cordero, Fernando Cruz ____ 564-02189 Santo Tirso............................................. (LM) $18.95
____ 564-02038 Songe capricorne.................................. (LM) $22.45
____ 494-02831 6 Divertissements................................. (OH) $5.95
____ 564-01563 Tango en skaï........................................ (LM) $15.45
Corelli, Archangelo ____ 564-02692 3 Pièces polyglottes.............................. (LM) $27.45
____ 494-01358 Allegro (from Sonata Op. 5, No. 3)........ (TU) $3.75 ____ 564-01421 3 Saudades, No. 3................................. (HM) $19.95
____ 564-02803 20 Letters (w/ CD)................................ (LM) $57.95
Cosentino, Saul ____ 494-02311 2 Hommages à Marcel Dadi................ (OH) $13.95
____ 564-02647 Argentina (Pno. Red.)........................... (LM) $29.95 ____ 564-02027 Valse en skaï.......................................... (LM) $25.45
____ 564-02771 La recoleta............................................. (LM) $20.95
____ 564-02763 Revelacion............................................. (LM) $14.95 Eisenberg, Alexandre
____ 564-02762 Tiernamente.......................................... (LM) $8.50 ____ 494-02508 Prelude, Chorale and Fugue................ (OH) $12.95
____ 564-02718 Vals muy nostalgico.............................. (LM) $12.95 Eötvös, József
Costa, Carle ____ 494-02106 Willow Variations on the
Corazón del agua (Pièces Originales) (LM) Polish Folk Song Wierzba.................. (OH) $7.95
____ 564-02801 Volume 1........................................... $16.95 Fays, Raphaël
____ 564-02802 Volume 2........................................... $16.95
____ 564-02776 Iberia Fantaisie...................................... (LM) $12.95
Couperin, François
Ferrer, J.
____ 564-00289 The Couperins . ......................... Duarte (BB) $16.45
____ 494-00229 Spanish Favorites for the
Debussy, Claude Classic Guitar...........................Papas (CO) $8.95
____ 564-01808 Chiaro di luna............................... Rossi (BB) $6.50 ____ 494-00331 Three Dances................................ Dove (CO) $3.95
____ 564-02037 Clair de Lune...........................Kleynjans (LM) $19.95 Fetler, Paul
____ 564-01666 Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum...... Rossi (BB) $7.45
____ 494-02511 Folia Lirica............................................. (OH) $4.95
____ 564-00308 Rêverie........................................... Rossi (BB) $9.45
Dell'ara, Mario Feuerstein, Robert
____ 494-01770 Song of Love......................................... (CO) $3.50
____ 564-02730 Trittico................................................... (BB) $13.95
Delpriora, Mark Foden, W.
____ 494-00223 Six Short Preludes........................Papas (CO) $3.95
____ 494-02727 Pocket Sonata....................................... (OH) $8.95
____ 494-02506 Tango “Caffé Carciofo”........................ (OH) $8.95 Fonseca, Carlos
____ 494-02556 10 Short Studies in Kaleidoscope........ (OH) $7.95 ____ 494-00191 Seven Brazilian Etudes..... Barbosa-Lima (CO) $7.95
Diabelli, Anton Fornerod, Aloys
____ UE14440 Sonatine, Op. 68 (w/ Pno.)................... (UE) $13.95 ____ 564-01074 Prelude.................................... Gilardino (BB) $14.95
Dowland, John Fortea, D.
____ UE13972 Four Easy Pieces.................................... (UE) $9.95 ____ 494-00303 Soleares........................................Papas (CO) $3.50
____ 564-00336 The Frog Galliard.................. Gazzelloni (BB) $7.45
Selection of 26 Pieces for the Lute Fossa, François de
Sadanowsky (BD) ____ 494-02837 Les Adieux À L’Espagne: Quatrième
____ 564-02276 Volume 1 (10 Pieces)........................ $14.95 Fantaisie, Op. 11........... de Montiano (OH) $9.95
____ 564-02277 Volume 2 (10 Pieces)........................ $20.95 ____ 494-02107 Selected Works for Solo Guitar............ (OH) $19.95
____ 564-02278 Volume 3 (6 Pieces).......................... $20.95 ____ 494-02827 Troisiéme Fantaisie, Op. 10
____ 564-00343 Six Pieces.................................... Duarte (BB) $16.95 sur un Théme de Beethoven............. (OH) $9.95
Varietie of Lute Lessons........................ (BB)
Frammolini, Patrizia
____ 564-00347 Volume 2........................................... $14.95
____ 564-00350 Volume 5........................................... $16.95 ____ 564-02729 Sweet Is the Guitar............................... (BB) $11.95

Duarte, John W. Freidlin, Jan

____ 494-02479 Birds, Op. 66......................................... (TU) $15.00 ____ 494-02110 Letters from Arles................................. (OH) $9.95
____ 494-00207 For My Friends (9 Pieces)..................... (CO) $6.95 Galan, Carlos
____ UE29170 Hommage to Antonio Lauro
____ 494-02111 Sonata Breve......................................... (OH) $9.95
(Three Waltzes, Op. 83).................... (UE) $16.95
____ 494-02524 Pequeña suite venezolana................... (TU) $7.50 Gianocelli, Bernardo
____ 494-00302 Simple Variations on Las Folias............ (CO) $3.50 ____ 494-02366 Tastegiata and Bergamasca... Klickstein (TU) $6.00
____ 494-02451 Three Dances, Op. 128, 137, 138......... (TU) $15.00
____ 494-00341 Two Pieces (Larghetto & Prelude)........ (CO) $4.50
____ 564-02659 Variation sur un Andante de
Nikita Koshkin, Op. 129................... (LM) $28.95
____ 494-02477 Variations on an Italian Folk Song....... (TU) $14.00

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____ 494-02481 Suite for a Musical Clock.............. Zohn (TU) $5.00

Suite in D minor............... Barbosa-Lima (CO)
____ 494-00319 Volume 1........................................... $6.95
____ 494-00320 Volume 2........................................... $5.95
Harris, Albert
____ 494-00310 Sonatina ......................... Barbosa-Lima (CO) $5.95
____ 494-00317 Suite (7 Pieces)................. Barbosa-Lima (CO) $7.95

Gilardino, Angelo
____ 494-02726 Ikonostas (Omaggio a Pavel Florenskij) (OH) $8.95
Girard, Anthony
____ 564-02814 Des pas au-dessus du vide................... (BD) $9.95
____ 564-02812 Le Soir à Midi........................................ (BD) $9.95
____ 564-02813 Pluie fragile........................................... (BD) $10.95
____ 564-02811 Transparence......................................... (BD) $9.95
Giuliani, Mauro Harrison, Lou
____ 564-00415 Concerto, Op. 30 ____ 62105-570 Por Gitaro .............................. Schneider (PS) $17.95
(Pno. Red.)....................... Oubradous (TR) $29.95 ____ 61627-571 Serenade (w/ opt. Perc.)....................... (PS) $13.00
____ 564-00419 Grande Ouverture, Op. 61................... (BB) $13.95 ____ 494-01766 The Lou Harrison Guitar Book
____ 494-00593 Introduzione e variazioni, Op. 102...... (TU) $8.00 Tanenbaum (CO) $10.95
____ 564-02273 Rossiniane, Volume 1, Op. 119-121..... (PW) $48.95
____ UE16704 Six Variations (Folies d’espagne)............ (UE) $12.95 Hattori, Kazuhiko
____ 494-00588 Six Variations, Op. 49........................... (TU) $7.50 ____ 564-02773 Kyo . ..................................................... (LM) $21.45
____ UE11320 Sonata in C, Op. 15............................... (UE) $16.95
____ 494-02372 3 Tarantelle e Balletti.................... King (TU) $9.00
____ UE16713 Variationen über ein Thema von
Händel, Op. 107 .............................. (UE) $11.95
____ 564-00434 Variations on a Theme of Handel........ (BB) $8.75
____ 494-00592 Variazioni, Op. 101............................... (TU) $8.00
Gómez-Crespo, Jorge
____ 494-00285 Norteña (Homage a Aguirre).......Papas (CO) $4.50
Gounod, Charles
____ 494-01965 Faust Waltzes............................... Ferrer (TU) $5.00
Granados, Enrique
____ 564-00440 Andaluza (Danza Espanole No. 5) Haug, Hans
Abloniz (BB) $7.95 ____ 564-01476 The Complete Works.............. Gilardino (BB) $56.45
____ 494-00344 Two Spanish Dances........ Barbosa-Lima (CO) $6.50
Haydn, Franz Joseph
____ 494-00346 Valses poéticos................................ Bolt (CO) $6.50
____ 494-00240 Andante and Menuet...... Barbosa-Lima (CO) $4.50
Grandstaff, Phil ____ 494-00299 Serenade........................... Barbosa-Lima (CO) $5.50
____ 114-40497 8 Variations on a Minuet by Purcell.... (PR) $5.95 ____ 494-02482 Sonata in G, Hob. XVI:8........................ (TU) $5.00
____ 114-40498 10 Variations on a Prelude by Chopin (PR) $5.95
Herrero, Oscar
Grieg, Edvard ____ 564-02788 Traité de Guitare Flamenca, Volume 4 (CN) $70.00
____ 494-00280 Melody (from Lyric Pieces,
Hoarau, Jean Christophe
Op. 47, No. 3)....................... Segovia (CO) $3.50
____ 494-00339 Two Pieces ..................... Barbosa-Lima (CO) $4.50 ____ 564-01407 Bassas-nova (7 Pièces).......................... (LM) $21.45
____ 564-01265 Chansons Brésilliennes......................... (LM) $21.45
Guillien, Jerome
Holguin, Guillermo Uribe
____ 564-00812 Douze petits blues................................ (CN) $24.95
____ 564-01475 Pequeña Suite, Op. 80, No. 1 Gilardino (BB) $21.95
Guimaraes, Joao
Horetzky, Felix
____ 494-00314 Sound of Bells..............................Papas (CO) $3.50
____ 494-01359 Grandes variations, Op. 16................... (TU) $8.50
Hall, John
Ivanovici, Joseph
____ 494-02555 Influences (21 Intermediate Etudes).... (OH) $8.95
____ 494-00250 Danube Waves Waltz..................Papas (CO) $3.50
Hand, Frederick
Jackson, Jonathan
____ 114-40393 Late One Night...................................... (PR) $3.50
____ 414-41152 Trilogy................................................... (PR) $9.95 ____ 564-02727 Suite for Guitar..................................... (BB) $11.95

Handel, George Frideric Jaffe, Stephen

____ 494-00247 Concerto in A ____ 144-40361 Spinoff................................................... (MR) $5.95
(Pno. Red.)................... Barbosa-Lima (CO) $9.95 Janacek, Leos
____ 564-01030 Passacaille............................................. (BD) $11.95
____ GT209 On an Overgrown Path (Series 1)
____ 564-02669 Passacaille............................................. (PW) $2.50
Bresnick (CF) $19.95

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Jirmal, Jiri Lauro, Antonio

____ 564-01506 Baden Jazz Suite................................... (LM) $25.45 ____ UE29175 3 Venezuelanische Tänze .................... (UE) $15.95
____ 564-02745 Play Bossa Nova & Swinging ____ UE29172 Triptico ...................................... Duarte (UE) $13.95
Guitar Joke........................................ (LM) $13.95 ____ 494-00345 Two Venezuelan Pieces...............Papas (CO) $4.50
____ UE29173 2 Venezuelanische Tänze ......... Duarte (UE) $15.95
Johanson, Bryan
____ 494-01658 Fresco I.................................................. (CO) $5.50 Lautrec, Louis
____ 494-01661 Mortua Dulce Cano.............................. (CO) $5.50 ____ 564-01388 Guitare des Villes et
____ 494-01652 Simple Suite, Op. 13............................. (CO) $4.00 Guitare des Champs......................... (BD) $17.95
____ 494-01762 Two Cats Fugue (w/Hpsd.).................. (CO) $16.00 Legnani, Luigi
Johnson, John ____ 494-02810 Andante and Allegro............................ (OH) $8.95
The Lute Works of John Johnson......... (OH) ____ 564-00488 36 Capricci, Op. 20............................... (BB) $23.95
____ 494-02151 Guitar................................................. $40.00 Leisner, David
____ 494-02150 Lute Tablature.................................... $60.00
____ 144-40120 Billy Boy Variations............................... (MR) $3.00
Joplin, Scott ____ 144-40413 Nel Mezzo: Sonata for Guitar............... (MR) $19.50
____ 494-00255 The Entertainer..................................... (GW) $3.00 ____ 144-40125 Passacaglia & Toccata........................... (MR) $4.95
____ 564-02272 The Entertainer.......................Kleynjans (LM) $14.95 Lendle, Wolfgang
____ 494-00279 Maple Leaf Rag..................................... (GW) $3.00
____ 564-02671 Maple Leaf Rag..................................... (PW) $4.50 ____ 494-02502 Anniversary Paraphrase
____ 494-00325 Sunflower Slow Drag............................ (GW) $3.00 (from Marilyn to Astor)..................... (OH) $5.95
____ 494-00350 Weeping Willow................................... (GW) $3.00 ____ 494-02379 Carmen Fantasy.................................... (OH) $9.95
____ 494-02115 Variations capricieuses
Jose, Antonio d'apres Paganini.............................. (OH) $7.95
____ 564-02571 Sonata (Revised)................................... (BB) $51.95 Lennon & McCartney
Karmon, Michael ____ UE17222 Beatles for Guitar........................... Ross (UE) $19.95
____ 114-41084 When the Sheep Won't Come Lhoyer, Antone de
(A Sleepless Nocturne for Guitar)..... (PR) $8.95
____ 564-02732 3 Divertissements & Introduction et
Kauffman, Jay variations sur un theme ecossais,
____ 494-02370 Juicy Fruit Shuffle.................................. (TU) $5.00 Op. 43................................................ (BB) $13.95
____ 494-02371 Spooky Blues......................................... (TU) $5.00 Llobet, Miguel
____ 494-02369 Threnody (Lament)............................... (TU) $7.00
____ 494-02450 Variations on a Mongolian Folk Song (TU) $18.00 ____ 494-00204 Five Catalan Folk Melodies..........Llobet (CO) $7.95
____ UE14438 Three Catalan Melodies........................ (UE) $9.95
Kenyon, Stephen
Logy, Johann Anton
____ 494-02403 Maumbury Rings & Dancing Ledge.... (TU) $14.00
____ 494-02402 Scottish Suite......................................... (TU) $15.00 ____ UE12102 Partita in A minor................................. (UE) $11.95

King, John Magen, Eli

____ 494-01968 El fandango rosade............................... (TU) $7.50 ____ 494-02116 Theme and Variations........................... (OH) $5.95
____ 494-01969 Soledad.................................................. (TU) $6.00 Maldonado, Raul
____ 494-01967 Suite for Guitar after Dali..................... (TU) $15.00 ____ 564-02830 Trois Pièces............................................ (BD) $14.95
Kleynjans, Francis ____ 564-01161 2 Thèmes andins populaires................ (BD) $18.95
____ 564-02041 Les coin des guitaristes, Op. 119 Marchelie, Erik
(4 Easy Pieces)................................... (LM) $24.95 ____ 564-02716 Guitare en Herbe (1 or 2 Gtrs.)............ (CN) $15.95
____ 564-00471 Petites pièces intimes........................... (BD) $11.95
____ 564-02042 Suite antillaise....................................... (LM) $18.95 Marco, Tomas
____ 564-01707 3 Miniatures, Op. 102........................... (LM) $12.95 ____ 564-02734 Preludio para invocar la luz del dia..... (BB) $11.95
24 Preludes........................................... (LM)
____ 564-01038 Book 1................................................ $30.45
Martelli, Henri
____ 564-01039 Book 2................................................ $27.45 ____ 564-02843 Quatre Pièces pour guitare, Op. 32
____ 564-01014 2 Valses.................................................. (LM) $12.95 Gilardino (BB) $35.95
____ 564-02677 2 Valses Estivales.................................. (LM) $22.45 Martin, Eduardo
____ 564-01044 Valse Vénézuelienne............................. (BD) $10.95
____ 494-02525 Introduccion y Danza........................... (TU) $14.00
Koshkin, Nikita ____ 494-02526 Dos Piezas para Guitarra...................... (TU) $15.00
____ 494-02463 Da Capo (24 Easy Pieces)..................... (OH) $12.95 Martin, Frank
____ 564-01509 Les elfes suite........................................ (LM) $25.45
____ UE12711 Quatre pièces brèves ........................... (UE) $13.95
Krakowa, Mikolaj
Martin, Juan
____ 564-02749 Why, Venus above me.......................... (PW) $3.50
The Exciting Sound of Flamenco.......... (UN)
Lansky, Paul ____ 564-00526 Volume 1: Zambra Mora................... $13.95
____ 494-02733 Semi-Suite............................................. (NR) $14.95 ____ 564-00525 Volume 2: Mi Rhumba...................... $13.95

Laparra, Raoul Martin, Robert

____ 564-01462 Cuadros (Scènes d'Espagne) Gilardino (BB) $28.45 ____ 144-40281 Diary of a Seducer, Volume 1:
Guitar Solos......................................... (MR) $8.50
Lauridsen, Morten
____ 61888-205 Dirait-on (w/ High Voc.).............. Smith (PS) $4.00

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Massenet, Jules Moreno-Torroba, Federico

____ 494-02795 Mélodie-Élégie, Op. 10, No. 5 ____ 564-01297 Sonata Fantasia....................... Gilardino (BB) $35.95
Bosch/Ophee (OH) $2.95
Morgan, Alexander
Masson, Thierry ____ 494-02843 Echoes of Prague.................................. (CO) $5.95
____ 564-02769 Mes prèmiers pas (w/ Pno.)................. (LM) $13.95
Moulaert, Raymond
Matiegka, Wenzeslaus Thomas ____ 564-02356 Suite pour Guitare.................. Gilardino (BB) $33.45
____ 564-02077 Opere scelte.......................................... (BB) $55.00
Mourat, Jean Maurice
Mayran de Chamisso ____ 564-02764 Jazz in 8 Easy Steps............................... (BD) $10.95
____ 564-02744 Vagabondages & confidences............. (CN) $11.95 ____ 564-02765 Jazz in 9 Easy Steps............................... (BD) $12.95
Melii, Pietro Paolo Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
____ 494-01265 Capriccio............................................... (TU) $5.00 ____ 494-00261 Four Themes.................................Papas (CO) $4.50
Mendelssohn, Felix Mozart a la guitare.................Kleynjans (LM)
____ 564-02002 Volume 1........................................... $23.95
____ 494-00287 On Wings of Song................................. (GW) $3.95 ____ 564-02798 Volume 2........................................... $25.95
Merlin, José Luis Mozzani, Luigi
____ 494-02164 2 Aires pampeanos............................... (TU) $10.00 ____ 564-00580 Feste laraine.......................................... (BB) $9.45
____ 494-02163 Catedral de los pájaros......................... (TU) $7.50
____ 494-02454 Sueno con Caballos.............................. (TU) $14.00 Mronski, Stanislaw
____ 494-01783 Suite del recuerdo................................ (TU) $15.00 ____ 564-02748 Easy Pieces, Volume 1........................... (PW) $7.00
Mertz, Johann Kaspar Mudarra, Alonso de
____ 144-40109 Elegy........................................... Leisner (MR) $8.95 ____ 494-02696 Fantasia..................................... Romero (TU) $10.00
____ 114-40262 Kindermarchen..................... 19 Leisner (PR) $13.95 ____ 564-00587 Fantasia No. 10..........................Abloniz ( BB) $7.45
____ 114-40275 Liebeslied................................... Leisner (PR) $3.50 ____ 494-02696 Fantasia que contrahaze la harpa
____ 114-40261 Romanze, Op. 13, No. 11.......... Leisner (PR) $6.95 en la manera de Ludovico.... Romero (TU) $10.00
____ 144-40267 Tarentelle, Op. 13, No. 6........... Leisner (MR) $6.95 ____ 564-00588 3 Fantaisies faciles................................ (TR) $10.95
Meyerriecks, J. Muñoz-Molleda, Jose
____ 494-00208 Four Preludes........................................ (CO) $8.95 ____ 494-00252 Differencias sobra un tema...... Segovia (CO) $5.50
Mignone, Francisco Murcia, Santiago de
12 Etudes......................... Barbosa-Lima (CO) ____ UE34481 Suite en ré mineur ...................... Scheit (UE) $16.95
____ 494-00236 Volume 1........................................... $12.00
____ 494-00237 Volume 2........................................... $12.00 Mussorgsky, Modest
____ 494-00286 The Old Castle
Milan, Luis (Pictures at an Exhibition)...........Papas (CO) $4.50
____ UE14458 6 Pavanas.............................................. (UE) $16.95
____ 564-02454 6 Pavanes...................................Mourat (CN) $16.95 Narváez, José-Luis de
____ 494-00220 Six Pavanas....................... Barbosa-Lima (CO) $8.50 ____ 494-00251 Diferencias on Conde Claros
Barbosa-Lima (CO) $4.95
Milhaud, Darius ____ 564-01533 6 Diferencias on O Gloriosa.................. (BD) $20.95
____ 564-00543 Segoviana.............................................. (HG) $13.45
Nather, G.
Miranda, Ronaldo ____ RE30029 Lyrische Suite, Op. 75 (Gtr., Vcl.)......... (RE) $10.50
____ 494-02553 Appassionata............................... Zanon (OH) $14.95
Nazareth, Ernesto
Molino, Francesco ____ 564-00601 5 Choros........................... Barrense-Dias (TR) $13.95
____ 494-02796 Vive Henri IV (Air Chéri de Français
avec Huit Variations)................. Ophee (OH) $6.95 Nicolosi, Nino
____ 554-02297 Spiel (w/ Perc.)...................................... (BB) $15.95
Molitor, Simon
____ 564-02737 Opere Scelte.......................................... (BB) $35.95 Nobre, Marlos
____ 564-02309 Rememorias, Op. 79............................. (LM) $21.95
Mompou, Ferdinand
____ 564-01333 Cancion y Danza..................... Gilardino (BB) $20.45

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Paulus, Stephen
____ O5023 Two Moments for Guitar...................... (CF) $3.50
Pavlov-Azancheev, Matvei
____ 494-02730 The Great Patriotic War Sonata Ophee (OH) $19.95
Pedreira, Norberto
____ 564-02793 Zamba para belen &
Vals de primavera........................... (LM) $13.95
Persichetti, Vincent
____ 164-00148 Parable XXI, Op. 140............................ (EV) $2.95
O'Carolan, Turlough Pettoletti, Pietro
____ 564-02706 Turlough O'Carolan's Compositions ____ 494-01360 Fantaisie sur une mélodie russe,
Bournet (TR) $25.95 Op. 32................................................ (TU) $7.50
Ohana, Maurice Peyrot, Fernande
____ 564-00604 Cadran lunaire...................................... (BD) $19.95 ____ 564-02844 Thème et Variations................ Gilardino (BB) $25.45
____ 564-00609 Tiento.................................................... (BD) $12.95 Piazzolla, Astor
Ophee, Matanya ed. ____ 564-00647 5 Piezas.................................................. (BB) $17.95
____ 494-02724 More Tangos, Milongas, Habaneras.... (OH) $24.95 Picchianti, Luigi
____ 494-02445 Tangos, Milongas and Habaneras....... (OH) $24.95
____ 494-01361 Two Airs of Rossini
Orbón, Julián (Preghiera, Cavatina)........................ (TU) $8.00
____ 61654-570 Preludio y Danza ................................. (PS) $5.00 Pick, Richard
Orekhov, Sergei ____ 494-02249 Interludes.............................................. (OH) $12.95
____ 494-02248 Troika Variations................................... (OH) $7.95 ____ 494-02559 Selected Transcriptions for Guitar....... (OH) $5.95
Ourkouzounov, Atanas Pino, Andres
____ 494-02404 Frammenti............................................. (TU) $10.00 ____ 564-02820 Preludio y Vals...................................... (LM) $18.95
____ 564-02774 Sonate No. 2 (Hommage à Bartok)...... (LM) $18.95 ____ 564-02824 Recuerdos de Otro Tiempo.................. (LM) $21.45
Pachelbel, Johann Politi, Adrien
____ 114-40644 Canon over a Basso Ostinato ____ 564-01255 Autour du Tango.................................. (LM) $21.45
(Tab. Ed.)................................Warren (PR) $2.95 Polupayenko, Mikhail
____ 114-40288 Pachelbel Canon........................Warren (PR) $4.95
____ 494-02800 Fantasia on Zaporozhye Themes
Ophee (OH) $5.95

Paganini, Niccolò
Concerto per chitarra ed archi, Secondo
la Grand Sonata ...................... Lendle (OH)
____ 494-02803 Guitar part , rehearsal CD............. $24.95
Ponce, Manuel
____ 494-02802 Score and String Parts.................... $39.95 ____ 60248-571 Concierto del Sur (Pno. red.)............... (PS) $24.95
____ UE16708 Große Sonata (Grand Sonata).............. (UE) $14.95 ____ 564-00653 Homenaje à Tarrega............................. (BB) $11.95
____ 494-00313 Sonatina and Minuet..............Campbell (CO) $4.95 ____ 61060-570 Scherzino Mexicano ............................ (PS) $5.00
____ 61081-570 Seis Preludios Cortos ........................... (PS) $5.95
Pahissa, Jaume ____ 61204-571 Sonata for Guitar and Harpsichord .... (PS) $22.95
____ 564-01298 Cançò en el Mar...................... Gilardino (BB) $17.95 ____ 61172-570 Sonata Mexicana ................................. (PS) $9.95
____ 564-01478 Tres Temas de Recuerdos....... Gilardino (BB) $24.95 ____ 61358-570 Suite . .................................................... (PS) $9.95
____ 564-00654 Suite in A minor.................................... (TR) $15.95
Papas, Sophocles
____ 494-00337 Two Pieces....................................Papas (CO) $3.50
____ 494-00193 Complete Tremolo Book...................... (CO) $6.95
____ 494-00205 Five Christmas Carols........................... (CO) $4.50 Preiss, Jonathan
____ 494-00206 Five Solos for Guitar............................. (CO) $5.95 ____ 564-02731 3 Rhapsodies......................................... (BB) $13.95
____ 494-00215 Six Easy Flamenco Variations............... (CO) $6.50
____ 494-00316 Spanish Romance.................................. (CO) $4.50
Presti, Ida
____ 494-00256 Étude du matin..................................... (CO) $4.50
____ 564-01568 Segovia.................................... Gilardino (BB) $26.95

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Pujol, Maximo Sagrini, Luigi

____ 564-02003 Elegia por la muerte de un tanguero (LM) $22.45 ____ 494-01362 Variations brillantes sur un
____ UE29180 5 Präludios ........................................... (UE) $21.95 air de Rossini..................................... (TU) $9.00
____ 564-01414 4 piezas cristalinas................................ (LM) $27.45 ____ 494-02260 Variations brillantes sur un
____ 564-02640 14 Études, Volume 1............................ (LM) $28.45 thème allemand................................ (TU) $10.00
____ 564-02658 Imagenes de abril................................. (LM) $27.45
Sainz de la Mazaregino, Eduardo
____ 564-01881 Sonatine................................................ (LM) $20.95
____ 564-02760 Stella australis....................................... (LM) $22.95 ____ 564-01428 Homenaje.............................................. (BD) $5.50
____ 494-02199 Suites del Plata, Nos. 1 & 2.................. (OH) $14.95 Sanjuán, Pedro
____ 564-02759 Trilogia del brujo.................................. (LM) $21.45
____ 564-01299 Una Leyenda........................... Gilardino (BB) $19.95
____ 494-02464 Variaciones sobre un tema de
Atahualpa Yupanqui......................... (OH) $7.95 de San Sebastian, Jose Antonio
Rak, Stepan ____ 564-01073 Ermine (Nostalgia).................. Gilardino (BB) $17.95
____ 494-02118 Balalaika................................................ (OH) $9.95 Santorsola, Guido
____ 564-02761 Games for 6 Strings (26 Pieces)........... (LM) $25.45 ____ 564-01280 4 Piezas latino americana..................... (BB) $18.95
Ravel, Maurice ____ 494-00330 Three Airs of Court................ Carlevaro (CO) $5.95
____ 494-00334 Two Brazilian Pieces........ Barbosa-Lima (CO) $6.95
____ 494-00294 Pavane pour une enfante défunte
____ 494-00340 Two Pieces (Ringraziamento &
(Columbia)............................Franklin (CO) $5.95
Tempo di Minuetto)........ Barbosa-Lima (CO) $5.50
____ 494-02326 Pavane pour une enfante défunte
(Orphée)...................................Dyens (OH) $7.95 Santos, Enrique
Regondi, Giulio ____ 494-02120 Suite Alcazarina.................................... (OH) $9.95
____ 494-02809 Air varie de l’opera de Bellini Sanz, Gaspar
“I Capuleti e i Montecchi”...... Hackl (OH) $9.95 ____ 564-00747 Canarios................................ Gazzelloni (BB) $7.95
____ 494-02119 10 Etudes.............................................. (OH) $19.95 ____ 494-02693 Danzas Españolas..................... Romero (TU) $15.00
____ 494-02826 10 Etudes.............................................. (OH) $17.95 ____ UE14469 Folia, Españoleta, Matachin, Españoleta,
Preludio o Capricho, Corriente........ (UE) $12.95
Scarlatti, Domenico
82 Sonate.................................. Giuliani (BB)
____ 564-02007 Volume 1........................................... $79.95
____ 564-02008 Volume 2........................................... $79.95
____ 494-00260 4 Sonatas............................................... (GW) $4.95
____ 494-00264 Gavotte......................................... Smith (CO) $3.50
9 Sonatas.......................... Barbosa-Lima (CO)
____ 494-00211 Volume 1........................................... $8.95
____ 494-00212 Volume 2........................................... $7.95
____ 494-01767 6 Scarlatti Sonatas...................... Phelps (CO) $12.95
____ 564-02668 Sonata K19 (L383)................................ (PW) $4.50
Reinhardt, Django ____ 494-01363 Sonata K149 (L93)................................ (TU) $3.75
____ 564-01422 Improvisations 1935-1949 (w/ CD).... (LM) $41.95 ____ 494-00308 Sonata L238...........................Damaceno (CO) $3.95
____ 564-02779 Sonata in D, K335................................. (PW) $6.75
Rist, Georg ____ 494-00309 Sonata Pastorale............................Artzt (CO) $4.50
____ RE30005 Three Flamencos................................... (RE) $9.75 ____ 494-00436 Three More Sonatas......... Barbosa-Lima (CO) $7.95
____ RE30004 Two Flamencos..................................... (RE) $9.75 ____ 494-00235 Three Sonatas................... Barbosa-Lima (CO) $7.95
Rochberg, George Schiffman, Harold
____ 114-40631 American Bouquet..................Rochberg (PR) $19.95 ____ 494-01656 Rhapsody ............................................. (CO) $6.50
Rodriguez, L. Schumann, Robert
____ RE30008 Guitarra Argentina................................ (RE) $12.00 ____ 494-02167 Kinderszenen
(Scenes of Childhood)................Aron (TU) $15.00
Romero, Celedonio
____ 494-02040 Tango Angelita Schwenkglenks, Jurgen
(Voc., Gtr. or Gtr. Solo)..................... (TU) $5.50 ____ 564-02254 Puchero................................................. (LM) $25.45
Rossini, Gioacchino Sciola-König, Andrea
____ 494-02166 La Danza (Tarantella napoletana)......... (TU) $7.50 ____ 564-02728 Sonata per chitarra............................... (BB) $10.95
Rougier, Thierry Scott, Cyril
____ 564-02758 Matematico no fuba............................. (LM) $17.95 ____ 564-02845 Sonatina.................................. Gilardino (BB) $35.45
____ 564-01040 3 Musiques populaires......................... (LM) $18.95
Rubinstein, David
____ 494-02485 Quintessential Steps............................. (CO) $5.50
____ 494-01690 Segovia.................................................. (CO) $4.50

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Starobin, David
Segovia, Andres ____ 494-02734 Three Places in New Rochelle
____ 494-00200 Album of Guitar Solos.......................... (CO) $6.95 (w/ Perc.)........................................... (NR) $11.95
____ 494-02486 For Carl Sandburg................................. (CO) $4.50 Starobin, Michael
Obras para guitarra.............................. (BB)
____ 494-02751 Chase (Amp. Gtr., audio CD)................ (NR) $14.95
____ 564-02240 Volume 1: Preludios y estudios......... $53.95
____ 494-02735 Joshua Variations.................................. (NR) $11.95
____ 564-02241 Volume 2: 23 Canciones.................... $53.95
____ 564-01815 Volume 3: Transcripciones................. $81.95 Stravinsky, Igor
____ 494-00338 Two Pieces............................................. (CO) $5.50 ____ 114-40671 Les 5 doigts................................Regnier (PR) $5.95
Seroussi, Ruben Szczepanowski, Stanislaw
____ 494-02501 Canco I Dansa....................................... (OH) $6.95 ____ 494-02503 Introduction et Variations Brillantes
Shand, Ernest sur un Air National........................... (OH) $5.95
____ 494-02399 First Concerto, Op. 48 Tagliamacco, Roberto
(w/Pno. or opt. Str. Quartet)............. (OH) $39.95 ____ 564-01295 Jeu Oublié............................................. (BB) $9.95
Shields, Joseph Tansman, Alexandre
____ 494-02527 Four Crucial Moments.......................... (TU) $10.00 ____ 564-01311 Posthumous Works
Silva, Jesus (critical ed.)......................... Gilardino (BB) $75.00
____ 494-01657 10 Preludes........................................... (CO) $8.00 Tarrega, Francisco
Skinger, Jim ____ 564-00842 Capriccio arabo..................................... (BB) $7.95
____ 564-02778 Capricho arabe..................................... (PW) $11.95
____ 494-01797 Suite Ibiza.............................................. (CO) $7.95
____ 494-02005 El Diablo (Estudio de Sevilla)........... King (TU) $12.00
Sor, Fernando ____ 494-00275 Lagrima & Adelita........................Papas (CO) $3.95
____ 494-01970 Fantaisie.................................... Romero (TU) $15.00 Opere..................................................... (BB)
____ 494-00258 Folias de España...........................Papas (CO) $3.50 ____ 564-00816 Volume 1........................................... $22.95
____ 494-02557 Grand Solo, Op. 14......................... Fisk (OH) $9.95 ____ 564-00817 Volume 2........................................... $32.95
____ 494-00219 Six Minuets...................................Papas (CO) $7.95 ____ 564-00818 Volume 3........................................... $37.45
60 Short Pieces............................Papas (CO) ____ 564-00819 Volume 4........................................... $80.00
____ 494-00226 Volume 1........................................... $7.95 ____ UE16687 Original Works for Guitar..................... (UE) $14.95
____ 494-00227 Volume 2........................................... $7.95 ____ UE13408 Preludes ............................................... (UE) $13.95
____ 564-02574 Sonate, Op. 15, No. 2............... Caceres (LM) $18.95 ____ 564-02567 Preludes and Mazurkas 1..................... (PW) $5.45
____ 564-02073 12 Minuets............................................ (PW) $15.95 ____ 564-02589 Preludes and Mazurkas 2..................... (PW) $5.95
____ 564-01266 Valses et menuets de ____ 564-00822 Recuerdos de la alhambra.........Abloniz ( BB) $6.95
Fernando Sor......................... Caceres (LM) $35.45 ____ UE14427 Recuerdos de la Alhambra
____ 564-02780 Variations on a Mozart Theme, Op. 9 (PW) $12.95 (Tremolo-Etüde).................................. (UE) $9.95
____ 564-00800 Variazioni, Op. 9 (on a Theme ____ 564-00820 Tango..................................................... (BB) $9.45
from The Magic Flute)......................... (BB) $11.45 Tesar, Milan
Starcevic, Nikola ____ 564-02775 Jazz Images No. 2................................. (LM) $13.95
____ 494-02825 Asiana V................................................. (OH) $6.95 Thomson, Virgil
____ 114-40280 Two-Part Inventions.................. Leisner (PR) $5.00

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Tirman, Michel Wagner, Melinda

____ 564-02701 Guitare, Fingerpicking ____ 114-41078 Arabesque............................................. (PR) $5.95
15 pièces instrumentales................... (BD) $25.95
Wallace, Frank
____ 494-02452 Stubborn Oak........................................ (TU) $11.00
Weiss, Silvius Leopold
____ 564-00883 Balletto.................................................. (BB) $6.95
____ 494-00366 Ciacona...........................................Artzt (CO) $3.50
____ 494-02401 Ciacona.................................................. (TU) $8.00
____ 494-01364 Courante royale.................................... (TU) $3.75
____ UE14429 Fantasie........................................ Scheit (UE) $9.95
The Moscow Weiss Manuscript
Ward/Crawford (OH)
____ 494-02145 Guitar transcription........................... $29.95
____ 494-02144 Lute Facsimile & transcription........... $65.00
____ 564-00889 Ouverture et ballet............................... (TR) $15.95
Torroba, F. Moreno Six Lute Pieces.................. Barbosa-Lima (CO)
____ 494-00312 Sonatina (New ed.)................... Segovia (CO) $8.95 ____ 494-00216 Volume 1........................................... $7.95
Towner, Ralph ____ 494-00217 Volume 2........................................... $6.50
____ 564-00890 Sonata No. 5 (Dresden)......................... (BB) $9.95
____ 414-41165 Suite for Guitar..................................... (PR) $12.95
____ 564-00891 Suite in A ...................................Abloniz ( BB) $14.95
Turina, Joaquin ____ UE29168 Suite in D minor......................... Duarte (UE) $16.95
____ 564-02223 5 Dances gitanes, Op. 55..................... (TR) $29.95 ____ 564-02568 Suite No. 12.......................................... (PW) $6.95
____ 494-00301 Sevillana (Fantasia)................... Segovia (CO) $8.95 Wernick, Richard
Ugarte, Manuel Álvarez ____ 114-40921 Da'ase.................................................... (PR) $5.50
____ 494-02523 Tantanakuy............................................ (TU) $8.00 ____ 114-41102 Trochaic Trot......................................... (PR) $4.95

Vallet, Nicolas Werthmuller, Franz

Selected Lute Works............................. (TU) ____ 564-02736 Sonata in A............................................ (BB) $18.95
____ 494-00589 Volume 1........................................... $6.00 White, Michael
____ 494-00590 Volume 2........................................... $6.00
____ 494-02122 A Sephardic Life.................................... (OH) $9.95
Vassiliev, Konstantin
Willis, Rex
____ 494-02560 Sonata for Guitar.................................. (OH) $9.95
____ 494-02256 Capriccio cantabile............................... (TU) $10.00
Verite, Alain ____ 494-02453 Two Songs of Christmas....................... (TU) $6.00
Atmosferas sudamericanas................... (LM) Winslow, Richard K.
____ 564-01098 Volume 1........................................... $16.45
____ 114-40730 Variations on a Tune of
____ 564-01099 Volume 2........................................... $16.45
Stephen Foster....................... Leisner (PR) $9.00
____ 564-02686 Choros (10 Pieces)................................ (LM) $14.95
____ 564-02781 Valsinhas et rumbarinhos..................... (LM) $13.95 Yekutieli, Lior
Villa-Lobos, Heitor ____ 494-02504 Moods (4 Pieces)................................... (OH) $7.95
____ 564-01795 Aria (Bachianas Brasilieras No. 5)........... (LM) $21.95 Yepes, Narciso
____ 494-00245 Chôros No. 1 (Choros Typico).....Papas (CO) $3.95 ____ 564-00904 Jeux interdits......................................... (TR) $9.95
de Visée, Robert Yradier, Sebastian
____ UE34480 Suite en ré mineur....................... Scheit (UE) $16.95 ____ 494-00289 La paloma.....................................Papas (CO) $3.50
Vivaldi, Antonio Zavaro, Pascal
____ 494-02449 Concerto in A, RV82 . ........................... (TU) $9.00 ____ 564-01070 Nylon Music.......................................... (BD) $9.95
____ 494-00248 Concerto in D (Gtr. solo)...............Byrd (CO) $5.50
____ 564-00877 Concerto in D (Pno. Red)............ Yepes (TR) $24.95 Zifrin, Marilyn
____ 564-00875 Concerto No. 23 in C ____ 494-02123 Rhapsody for Guitar............................. (OH) $5.95
(Pno. Red.)....................... Oubradous (TR) $26.95
Zygel, Jean-François
____ 564-02794 Sonata in La Maggiore
(transc. of Trio in C, RV83)................. (BB) $21.45 ____ 564-02715 Lune faucon.......................................... (BD) $5.00

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GUITAR DUOS Gnatalli, Radames

____ 564-01329 Suite retratos......................................... (LM) $25.95
Albéniz, Isaac
____ 494-01263 Tango in D, Op. 165 No. 2................... (TU) $5.00
Assad, Sergio
____ 564-02261 Jobiniana No. 1..................................... (LM) $27.45
Bach, Johann Sebastian
____ 494-01365 Fuge C-dur (Fugue in C), BWV953....... (TU) $5.50
____ 494-01366 Fugue (from Concerto BWV909)............ (TU) $6.00
____ 494-02131 Sinfonia from Cantata 29
(Ratswahlkantate)............................... (OH) $9.95
Bartók, Béla
____ 494-02063 4 Bagatelles from Op. 6................. Dick (CO) $8.95
Graf, Richard
Beethoven, Ludwig van ____ UE33337 Guitar for 2, Vol. 3 (w/ CD).................. ( UE) $26.95
____ 564-00932 Chiaro di luna.......................... Schinina (BB) $9.95
Granados, Enrique
____ 494-01367 Duet for Two Guitars and Eyeglasses (TU) $15.00
____ 564-01700 4 Danses espagnoles..............Horreaux (BD) $19.95
Bensa, Olivier
Grieg, Edvard
____ 564-02783 Toccata.................................................. (LM) $18.95
____ 494-01517 11 Lyric Pieces............................Estrem (CV) $14.25
Boccherini, Luigi ____ 494-01518 Holberg Suite, Op. 40.................Estrem (CF) $12.75
____ UE18984 Introduction and Fandango
Haydn, Franz Joseph
(3 Gtr.).................................. Wallisch (UE) $18.95
____ 494-02060 Scherzino......................................Papas (CO) $4.95
Bontempi, Paolo
Jouvin, Pierre
____ 564-01078 Genesis.................................................. (BB) $11.95
____ 564-02768 Sonatine................................................ (LM) $21.95
Castelnuevo-Tedesco, Mario
Kleynjans, Francis
Les guitares bien temperes, Op. 199... (BB)
____ 564-02143 Volume 1........................................... $30.95 ____ 564-01797 3 Romances, Op. 100........................... (LM) $24.95
____ 564-02163 Volume 2........................................... $29.95 Kruisbrink, Annette
Chabrier, Emmanuel ____ 564-02790 Album de Pièces................................... (LM) $23.95
____ 564-02675 Idylle........................................Kleynjans (LM) $16.95 Leisner, David
Debussy, Claude ____ 144-40169 Mirage................................................... (MR) $10.95
____ 494-00351 Clair de Lune.................Martinez-Zarate (CO) $6.50
____ 564-02700 Five Preludes...........................Horreaux (BD) $11.95
Dutilleux, Henri
____ 564-02721 Petit air à dormir debout..................... (BD) $5.00

Liebermann, Lowell
____ 114-41045 Nocturne-Fantasy.................................. (PR) $19.95
Linn, Robert
____ 494-01654 Forward, Inward, Afterward................ (CO) $16.00
Machado, Celso
Fossa, François de ____ 564-01359 4 Ponteios bresilliennes....................... (LM) $25.45
____ 494-02132 Ouverture du Jeune Henri ____ 564-01043 Imagens do Nordeste........................... (LM) $28.95
de Méhul................................. Ophee (OH) $14.95 ____ 564-01156 Modinha brasileira (2 or 4 Gtr.)........... (LM) $30.95
Six Concertante Duos.....Schneiderman (OH)
____ 494-02806 Op. 17, Book 1.................................. $19.95 Margola, F.
____ 494-02807 Op. 17, Book 2.................................. $22.95 ____ 564-02741 Sonata Seconda......................... Falcone (BB) $13.95
Three Grand Duos.....................de Kloe (OH)
Martinez-Zarate, Jorge
____ 494-02832 Volume II (parts)............................... $19.95
____ 494-02833 Volume III (parts).............................. $19.95 ____ 494-00352 Danza No. 2.......................................... (CO) $5.50
____ 494-02834 Volumes II & III (score)..................... $39.95 Millet, Fernando
Franck, Cesar ____ 564-01418 Culta al Cafecito................................... (LM) $25.95
____ 494-02134 Prelude, fugue et variation, Op. 18..... (OH) $9.95 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Gaquère, Boris ____ 114-40420 Overture to the Opera
____ 564-02819 Xeque-Mate........................................... (LM) $25.95 La Clemenza di Tito.............. Newman (PR) $5.75

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Oberleitner, Andreas Satie, Erik

____ 494-01972 12 Beer-House Landler, Op. 10... Long (TU) $15.00 ____ 494-00591 Trois Gnossiennes
(2 Gtr. or Fl. [or Vln. or Ob.], Gtr.)... (TU) $7.50
Ortiz, Alberto Rodriguez
____ 494-02522 Variaciones sobre un tema Scarlatti, Domenico
de W. A. Mozart................................ (TU) $15.00 ____ 564-02795 Due Sonate (K227, K336)..................... (BB) $10.95
Ourkouzounov, Atanas Scheidler, Christian Gottlieb
____ 564-02674 Fantasia bulgarica................................. (LM) $28.95 ____ UE14439 Sonate in D (or Vln., Gtr.)..................... (UE) $16.95
Paganini, Nicolò Scriabin, Alexander
____ 564-00972 Grande Sonata in La................ Schinina (BB) $20.95 ____ 414-41136 12 Preludes, Op. 11................. Norman (PR) $4.25
Papas, Sophocles Soler, Antonio
____ 494-00326 Sylvia Waltz........................................... (CO) $3.50 ____ 494-01368 Sonata in E minor, M.1, R48................. (TU) $8.50
____ 494-01264 Sonata in D, R84................................... (TU) $6.00
Pedreira, Norberto
____ 494-01369 Sonata in D, M.34, R92/4..................... (TU) $8.50
____ 564-02792 ¡Y Llego Manuel!.................................. (LM) $13.95 ____ 494-01370 Sonata in A minor, R118....................... (TU) $8.50
Pettoletti, Pietro Sor, Fernando
____ 564-02796 Divertissement sur un thème suédois, ____ 494-02312 Marche funèbre.................................... (OH) $12.95
Op. 11................................................ (BB) $16.95
Various Composers
____ 564-02704 Duo panorama (64 Duos),
Volume 1.............................. Fayance (TR) $30.95
____ 564-02184 Guitare à deux.........................Goudard (LM) $34.95
____ 564-01096 Jouons en duo.........................Horreaux (BD) $21.95
____ 564-02829 Les nouveaux duos classiques...Mourat (CN) $31.95
Pièces classiques en duo........Horreaux (BD)
____ 564-01857 Volume 1 (very easy)......................... $29.95
____ 564-01858 Volume 2 (easy)................................ $29.95
Vivaldi, Antonio
____ 564-00876 Concerto No. 3 in G (Pno. Red.).......... (TR) $27.95
Yepes, Narciso
____ 564-02093 Jeux interdits (2, 3, or 4 Gtr.)............... (TR) $26.95
Piazzolla, Astor
____ 564-01505 Lo que vendra....................................... (LM) $25.45
____ 564-01048 Tango Suite........................................... (BB) $29.95 GUITAR TRIOS
Piris, Bernard Albéniz, Isaac
____ 564-02695 Bamboche............................................. (CN) $16.95 ____ 564-01258 Bajo la palmera............................Rivoal (LM) $23.95
Politi, Adrien Bach, Johann Sebastian
____ 564-02757 Ba' Rock................................................ (LM) $19.95 ____ RE30009 Suite from Peasant Cantata..... Behrend (RE) $12.00
____ 564-02756 Suite Livorno (2 or 3 Gtr.).................... (LM) $24.95
Gragnani, P.
____ RE30011 Trio in D Major, Op. 12........... Behrend (RE) $12.00
Karas, Anton
____ RE30026 Harry Lime Theme.................... Behrend (RE) $12.75
Masson, Thierry
____ 564-02766 Mes prèmiers pas (3 or 4 Gtrs.)........... (LM) $28.95
Monteverdi, C.
____ RE30018 Scherzi...................................... Behrend (RE) $8.50
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
____ RE30020 Eine Kleine Nachtmusik........... Behrend (RE) $21.95
Ponce, Manuel Piazzolla, Astor
____ 494-00355 Five Pieces for Two Guitars
____ 564-01316 L'evasion................................Tremendo (BB) $11.95
Martinez-Zarate (CO) $6.95
____ 62157-573 Twenty Easy Pieces Sekiya, Naomi
Patykula & Mullen III (PS) $27.95 ____ 564-02740 Voices Along the Path.......................... (BB) $16.95
Pujol, Maximo Sor, Fernando
____ 564-02645 14 Études, Volume 2............................. (LM) $27.45 ____ RE30022 Andantino................................ Behrend (RE) $9.75
____ 564-02848 Tres piezas de otoño............................. (LM) $37.45
Thibault, Jean Marc
Rossini, Gioacchino ____ 564-02719 Latin Colours (w/CD)........................... (LM) $26.95
____ 114-40456 Overture to the Opera
Barber of Seville................... Newman (PR) $17.95 Traditional
____ 564-02705 Chocoanos.................................... Riano (TR) $24.95

18 • Guitar Duos / Trios Return to INDEX

www . carlfischer . com www . presser . com

Various Gounod, Charles

____ 564-02805 La Guitare en trio, Volume 1.......Rivoal (LM) $21.45 ____ 144-40145 Funeral March of a Marionette
(4 Gtr.).................................... Caluda (MR) $14.00
Willis, Rex
The Floating Ancillary Ants.................. (TU) Jirmal, Jiri
____ 494-01973 Score and set of parts........................ $15.00 ____ 564-02755 Baden Jazz Suite (4 Gtr.)...................... (LM) $35.45
____ 494-02002P Guitar 1 part...................................... $2.00
Kruisbrink, Annette
____ 494-02003P Guitar 2 part...................................... $2.00
____ 494-02004P Guitar 3 part...................................... $2.00 ____ 564-02738 10 Miniaturas (4 Gtr.).......................... (BB) $20.95
Lauridsen, Morten
4 or MORE GUITARS ____ 62376-573 Dirait-on (4 Gtr.) NEW..............Tennant (PS) $19.95
Leisner, David
Albéniz, Isaac ____ 144-40452S The Cat That Walked by Himself
____ 564-01158 Asturias (Suite Espanola) (4 Gtr.; Score)................................19 (MR) $76.95
(4 or more Gtrs.)......................Rivoal (LM) $25.95
____ 564-01167 Sevilla (4 Gtr.)..............................Rivoal (LM) $25.95 Lhoyer, Antone de
____ 564-01591 Tango (5 Gtr.)....................................... (LM) $23.95 ____ 494-02552 Air Varié et Dialogué (4 Gtr.)..... Ophee (OH) $24.95
Assad, Sergio Machado, Celso
____ 564-02702 Uarekena (4 Gtr.).................................. (LM) $51.95 ____ 564-01358 Dancas populares brasilieras (4 Gtr.).. (LM) $38.45
Bensa, Olivier Martin, Frank
____ 564-02849 Fanfare et Canon ____ UE33942 Quatre Pièces Brèves (4 Gtr.)....Brüderl (UE) $44.95
(Ensemble, at least 6 Gtrs.)............... (LM) $24.95
Millet, Fernando
Duarte, John W. ____ 564-02838 Astor está contento (4 Gtr.)................. (LM) $30.95
____ 494-01655 Diptych No. 1 (4 Gtr.).......................... (CO) $37.95
Rak, Stepan
____ 564-02099 English Suite No. 5 (6 Gtr.).................. (LM) $37.45
____ 564-01826 Summerset Follies (6 Gtr.).................... (LM) $35.95 ____ 564-01508 Rumba (4 Gtr.)...................................... (LM) $23.95

Dyens, Roland Sanz, Gaspar

____ 564-02754 French Pot-pourri (4 or more Gtrs.)..... (LM) $39.95 ____ 564-02839 Fugue & Passacaille (4 Gtr.)........Rivoal (LM) $25.95
____ 564-02786 Suite Polymorphe Tarrega, Francisco
(4 Gtr. or Gtr. Ensemble).................. (LM) $68.95 ____ 564-01004 Recuerdos de la alhambra (4 Gtr.)...... (BB) $10.95
Goss, Stephen Telemann, Georg Philipp
____ 494-02836 Under Milk Wood Variations ____ 564-01592 Concerto in D Major (4 Gtr.)............... (LM) $30.95
(Gtr. Quartet, Narrator)..................... (OH) $29.95

19 • Guitar Trios / 4 or More Guitars Return to INDEX

www . carlfischer . com www . presser . com


The Collective
____ CO2 Afro-Caribbean & Brazilian Rhythms
for Bass (w/2cds)..................Various (CF) $24.95
The Bassline DVD
____ CO4 Fusion: A Study in Contemporary Music Originally released in the summer of 2005 (in Scandanavia), BASSLINE
for Bass (w/CD)................... Traversa (CF) $14.95 has now been updated and remastered in English! That’s right,
____ CO6 Contemporary Rock Styles BassBooks Publishing has partnered up with Bassist and educator
for Bass (w/CD).........................Kelly (CF) $14.95 Henrik Deleuran to now make available BASSLINE: The ultimate private
study for beginners, intermediate and advanced players.

BassLine is 3 hours of comprehensive Bass study organized progressively

by difficulty, guiding players through the essential topics of melody,
fretless playing, acoustic playing, solos, and more.

As a special bonus, each lesson can be downloaded as a PDF file on

the computer, in standard notation or tablature, making the lesson
even easier to understand.

This DVD promises to improve a bassist’s chops at any level!

Bass Guitar – BBV001 - $19.95

Deleuran, Henrik
____ BBV001 Bassline (DVD)...................................... (CF) $19.95

Kadmon, Adam Klayman, Don

The Bass Grimoire................................. (CF) ____ CF00004 Camp Jam: Rock Solid (w/ CD)............ (CF) $19.95
____ GT3 Book................................................... $20.95
Marks, Steve
____ DVD20 DVD................................................... $19.95
____ GT9 The Mini Bass Grimoire (Complete).... (CF) $5.95 ____ GT204 Developing Reading Skills for the
Contemporary Bass Guitar............... (CF) $14.95
____ WPC3 In Session with the Dave Weckl Band
(Bass Guitar; w/ CD - Mix w/o Bass) (CF) $24.95

20 • Bass Guitar Return to INDEX

www . carlfischer . com www . presser . com

Daily Grooves
for Bass
Book with CD
by Patrick Pfeiffer
Becoming a great bass player doesn’t happen
Oppenheim, Tony overnight! It takes practice, discipline, and
____ 414-41138 Slap It! (Funk Studies perseverance. Daily Grooves for Bass is jam-
for the Electric Bass) (w/CD)........... (PR) $19.95 packed with a different groove for every day
of the year – 366 total (just in case you start
your groove journey in a leap year!). These
funky, hip, and inspiring grooves will get you
reading and playing grooves worthy of any bassist’s repertoire.

Establish a fun and healthy practice routine without the “chore” of

trudging through a typical exercise book. The grooves are limited to one
or two measures and then repeat, just like bass grooves in real playing
situations. So capture the musical flow of each groove, try them out in
your own band and enjoy riding your “groove-wave”!

sixteenth-note feel, triplet feel, and more
Pattitucci, John
____ BF22 Sixty Melodic Etudes............................ (CF) $20.95 COMPAREYOUROWNlNGERINGOFAPARTICULARGROOVEWITHTHE

Bass Guitar – GT214 - $17.95

Pfeiffer, Patrick
____ GT214 Daily Grooves for Bass (w/ CD)........... (CF) $19.95
Redding, Noel
____ GT5 Bass Guitar Method.............................. (CF) $14.95

21 • Bass Guitar Return to INDEX

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Albinoni, Tomaso
____ 524-06995 Adagio (Fl., Gtr. [or 2 Gtr.]).......Mourat (CN) $19.95
____ 524-02748 Sonate in A minor (Fl., Gtr.)................. (BD) $17.95
Allermé, Jean Marc
____ 524-08308 Flute & Guitar Stories, Volume 3
(Book and CD).................................. (LM) $51.95
____ 524-02749 Greensleeves (Fl., Gtr.)................Carlos (TR) $8.95

Erbsen, Wayne Arriagada, Juan Chrisostomo

____ PCB103 A Manual on How to Play the ____ 524-06500 Tunes and Dances from South America
5-String Banjo for the (Fl., Gtr.)............................................ (LM) $37.45
Complete Ignoramus (w/ CD)......... (CF) $14.95 ____ 524-06374 Tunes and Dances from the
____ PCB104 Starting Bluegrass Banjo from Scratch Great Cordillera (Fl., Gtr.)................ (LM) $38.45
(w/ CD)............................................. (CF) $18.95 Asia, Daniel
____ 144-40276 Embers (Fl., Gtr.)................................... (MR) $18.50

MANDOLIN Assad, Sergio

____ 524-08335 Circulo Mágico (Fl., Gtr.)...................... (LM) $33.95
____ 524-03052 Jobiniana No. 2 (Fl., Gtr.)..................... (LM) $39.45
Scarlatti, Domenico
____ 564-01911 5 Sonate (Mand., BC)........................... (BB) $56.45 Bach, Johann Sebastian
____ 524-02924 Deux Largos (Fl., Gtr.)............... Handel (BD) $13.95
____ 114-40542 French Suite No. 5 (Fl., Gtr.) Hagedorn (PR) $16.95

SITAR ____ 494-01629 Menuet (Fl., Gtr. or Melody Instr.)

____ 524-02997 Sonata BWV1033
Smith (CO) $4.00

(Fl., Gtr.)......................... Sciola-König (BB) $18.95

____ 524-02996 Sonata BWV1035
(Fl., Gtr.)......................... Sciola-König (BB) $22.95
Baksa, Robert
____ 494-02337 Celestials (Fl., Gtr.)............................... (CL) $18.50
Bensa, Olivier
____ 524-08350 Sonate (Fl., Gtr.).................................... (LM) $35.45
Boehm, Theobald
____ 524-02753 Nel cor piu non mi sento, Op. 4
(Fl., Gtr.)............................................ (BD) $11.95
Rao, Harihar
____ 60634-930 Introduction to Sitar . .......................... (PS) $17.95 Cardoso, Jorge
____ 524-03003 Al Compas de la Viguëla (Fl., Gtr.)...... (LM) $43.95
Carulli, Ferdinando
____ 524-08276 3 Piccoli duetti, Op. 191 (Fl., Gtr.)....... (BB) $34.95
____ 524-08270 6 Duetti, Op. 51 (Fl., Gtr.).................... (BB) $34.95
Charlton, Andrew
____ 494-01662 Caprice (Fl., Gtr.).................................. (CO) $8.00
Chassain, Olivier
____ 524-02759 A Surgente, la source (Fl., Gtr.)............ (BD) $9.50
Chopin, Frédéric
____ 524-05477 Valse, Op. 64, No. 1 (Fl., Gtr.) Mourat (BD) $11.95
Schramm, Harold Cimarosa, Domenico
____ 61478-930 Traditional Indian Melodies................. (PS) $15.00
____ 524-02779 Deux Sonates
(Fl. or Vln. or Mand.; w/Gtr.)............ (CN) $22.45
____ 524-02760 Sonate (Fl., Gtr.).........................Mourat (BD) $12.95
Cordero, Ernesto
____ 554-00398 Fantasia mulata (Fl., Gtr.)..................... (BB) $11.95
Corelli, Archangelo
____ 524-02762 Sonate in E minor (Fl., Gtr.)......Mourat (BD) $12.95

22 • Banjo / Mandolin / Sitar / Mixed Ensembles - Flute & Guitar Return to INDEX
www . carlfischer . com www . presser . com

Damase, Jean-Michel Kleynjans, Francis

____ 524-06656 4 Facettes (Fl., Gtr.).............................. (BD) $20.95 ____ 554-00520 2 Arias, Op. 92B (Fl., Gtr.).................... (LM) $13.95
Debussy, Claude Krantz, Allen
____ 554-00312 Le petit berger (Fl., Gtr.).... Gangi/Gatti (BB) $11.95 ____ 144-40435 Song of spring with Little Variations
and Fantasies (Fl. or Picc., Gtr.)........ (MR) $10.95
Desportes, Yvonne
____ FG-AK1 Summer Music (Fl. or Vln., Gtr.) ......... (FH) $21.00
____ 524-02765 6 Danses pour Syrinx (Fl., Gtr.)............ (BD) $17.95
Krouse, Ian
Desrosiers, Reed
____ 62058-781 Da Chara (Two Friends) (Fl., Gtr.)........ (PS) $17.95
____ FG-RD1 16th & 17th Century Music for
Wedding & Festive Occasions......... (FH) $20.00
Dorff, Daniel
____ 114-41327 It Takes Four to Tango (Fl., Gtr.)......19 (PR) $13.95
____ 114-41023 Serenade to Eve, After Rodin (Fl., Gtr.) (PR) $14.95
Dowland, John
9 Pieces (Fl., Gtr.).......................Mourat (BD)
____ 524-08415 Volume 1........................................... $17.45
____ 524-08416 Volume 2........................................... $16.95
Fauré, Gabriel
____ 524-03491 Pièce (Fl. or Ob. or Vln., Gtr.) Gebauer (LD) $19.45
Liebermann, Lowell
Furstenau, Kaspar
____ 114-40610 Sonata for Flute and Guitar.................. (PR) $10.00
____ 524-02768 Suite de danses (Fl., Gtr.)..................... (BD) $16.95
Loeillet, Jean-Baptiste
Garlej, Bruno
____ 524-02780 Sonate in A minor (Fl., Gtr.)................. (BD) $16.95
____ 524-06296 Duos en toutes saisons (Fl., Gtr.)......... (LM) $23.95
Maggio, Robert
Gelli, Vincenzo
____ 114-41009 Traveling Songs (Fl., Gtr.)..................... (PR) $15.00
____ 494-01543 2 Divertimenti (Fl., Gtr.)........ Thomatos (CO) $6.95
Marchelie, Erik
Giuliani, Mauro
____ 524-08349 Sonatine (Fl., Gtr.)................................ (LM) $28.95
____ 554-00437 Theme, Variations & Menuet (Fl., Gtr.) (BD) $16.95
____ 524-08446 Tango (Fl. or Alto Rec. or Vln., Gtr.)...... (LM) $23.95
Gossec, François Joseph
Martin, Robert
____ 524-02772 Gavotte & Tambourin (Fl., Gtr.)........... (BD) $15.95
____ 144-40439 Japanese Gardens (Alto Fl. Gtr.)........... (MR) $13.95
Granados, Enrique
Masson, Thierry
____ 524-06498 Danses espagnoles Nos. 4 & 5
____ 524-07248 Mes prèmiers pas, Volume 2 (Fl., Gtr.) (LM) $18.95
(Fl., Gtr.)............................................ (LM) $30.45
____ 524-06499 Danses espagnoles Nos. 10 & 11 Mercadante, Francesco Saverio
(Fl., Gtr.)............................................ (LM) $28.95 ____ 524-08434 Larghetto et Allegretto
Grau, Jean-Pierre (Fl. or Cl., Gtr.).........................Rivoal (LM) $24.95
Clair de Terre (Fl. or Vln., Gtr.)............. (CN) Merlin, José Luis
____ 524-00786 Volume 1........................................... $21.95 ____ 494-02483 Evocacion y Joropo (Fl. or Vln., Gtr.).... (TU) $15.00
____ 524-00787 Volume 2........................................... $30.95 ____ 494-01976 Progresiones para Pauline (Fl., Gtr.)... (TU) $10.00
Handel, George Frideric Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
____ 524-02773 Sonate in A minor, Op. 1, No. 4 ____ 114-40405 Divertimento No. 2 (Fl., Gtr.)...... Hand (PR) $12.00
(Fl., Gtr.).................................Mourat (BD) $13.95
Handler, Leonard
____ 114-40172 Suite for Flute and Guitar . .................. (PR) $4.95
Haydn, Franz Joseph
____ 524-07564 Sonate in C (Fl., Gtr.).................Mourat (BD) $13.95
Hoover, Katherine
____ PP145 Canyon Echoes, Op. 45 ....................... (PP) $18.99
____ PP159 Caprice ................................................. (PP) $8.99
Hummel, Meyerbeer & Auber
____ FG-B2 Flute & Guitar Facsimiles from the
Romantic Salon (facsimile)............... (FH) $15.00 Myers, Stanley
Ibert, Jacques ____ 114-40805 Cavatina from The Deer Hunter
____ 524-03113 Entr'acte (Fl. or Vln., Gtr.).................... (LD) $27.95 (Fl., Gtr.)................................ Taggart (PR) $5.00

Kauffman, Jay Pachelbel, Johann

____ 494-02456 Jinx On You (Fl., Gtr.)........................... (TU) $17.00 ____ 114-40928 Pachelbel Canon (Fl., Gtr.)........... Dorff (PR) $4.50

Kessner, Daniel Paganini, Nicolò

____ 494-01763 Circle Music II (Fl., Gtr.)....................... (CO) $14.00 ____ 524-02797 Sonate No. 1 (Fl., Gtr.)......................... (BD) $15.95

23 • Mixed Ensembles - Flute & Guitar Return to INDEX

www . carlfischer . com www . presser . com

Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista

____ 524-02799 Sicilienne (Fl., Gtr.)....................Mourat (BD) $15.95
Petrov, Andrei
____ 494-02512 Two Old Melodies (Fl., Gtr.)................. (OH) $14.95

Schocker, Gary
____ FG-GS2 Dream Travels....................................... (FH) $17.00
____ 494-02701 Once Upon a … (Fl., Gtr.)................... (TU) $20.00
Shankar, Ravi
Piazzolla, Astor ____ 524-04656 L'aube enchantée (Fl., Gtr.)................. (LM) $44.95
____ 524-07278 Cinco Piezas (Fl., Gtr.).......................... (BB) $31.45 Skinger, Jim
____ 524-07277 Le Grand Tango (Fl., Gtr.).................... (BB) $27.45
____ 494-02027 Just for Friends (Fl., Gtr.)...................... (CO) $7.50
____ 554-00341 Histoire du tango (Fl., Gtr.).................. (LM) $39.95
Stewart, Billy
Polseno arr.
____ 494-02029 Joy! (Fl., Gtr.)........................................ (CO) $8.95
____ 114-40449 Three Duos (Bach, Gluck, Fauré)
(Fl., Gtr.)............................................ (PR) $5.00 Telemann, Georg Philipp
Pujol, Maximo ____ 524-08264 Sonata in A (Fl. or Vln., Gtr. or Vcl.)
Sciola-König (BB) $23.95
____ 524-08329 2 Aires candomberos (Fl., Gtr.)............ (LM) $36.95
____ 524-05762 Suite Buenos Aires (Fl., Gtr.)................ (LM) $33.45 Tisserand, Thierry
Radaelli, Carlos ____ 524-03517 Bossa de la Rue des Arts (Fl., Gtr.)....... (LM) $23.95
____ 524-03004 Petite Milonga (Fl., Gtr.)...................... (LM) $21.45
Ravel, Maurice
____ 524-02784 Pièce en forme de habanera
(Fl., Gtr.)...............................Ketcham (LD) $17.45
Rivoal & Lambert arr.
Chansons & Danses d'Amerique Latine (LM)
____ 524-08228 Book A (Fl., Gtr.)................................ $21.45
____ 524-08229 Book B (Fl., Gtr.)................................ $21.95
____ 524-08230 Book C (Fl., Gtr.)............................... $21.45
____ 524-08234 Book D (Fl., Gtr.)............................... $13.95
____ 524-08235 Book E (Fl., Gtr.)................................ $15.95
____ 554-00809 Book F (Fl., Gtr.)................................ $21.45 Various Composers
____ 524-02556 5 Rondos (Fl., Gtr.)............................... (LM) $28.95 ____ A05I215 The Faithful Flute & Guitar Duo.......... (CF) $16.95
____ 524-07246 8 Petites valses (Fl., Gtr.)...................... (LM) $28.95 ____ 524-07582 Flute and Guitar in Concert
____ 524-03051 7 Chants et danses du XIXe siècle (Fl., Gtr.)............................. Griminelli (SZ) $40.95
(Fl., Gtr.)............................................ (LM) $28.95 Pièces Classiques ......................Mourat (BD)
____ 524-05479 Volume 2 .......................................... $16.95
____ 524-05482 Volume 3 .......................................... $19.95
____ 144-40414 Red Cedar Collection............................ (MR) $25.00
____ O5004 The Rosewood Book (Fl. or Rec., Gtr.) (CF) $21.95
Vivaldi, Antonio
____ 524-02791 Concerto in G minor
(Fl., Gtr.).................................Mourat (BD) $12.95
Waldteufel, Emil
____ 524-03005 Amours et printemps (Fl. or Cl., Gtr.) (LM) $23.95

Rochberg, George
____ 114-40594 Muse of Fire (Fl., Gtr.).......................... (PR) $25.00
____ 114-40593 Ora Pro Nobis (Nach Bach II)
(Fl., Gtr.)............................................ (PR) $15.00

24 • Mixed Ensembles - Flute & Guitar Return to INDEX

www . carlfischer . com www . presser . com


d'Angelo, Nuccio Adler, Samuel
____ 554-02317 Introduzione e aria (Vln., Gtr.)............. (LM) $28.95 ____ 114-40726 Ports of Call (2Vln., Gtr.)..................19 (PR) $50.95
Debussy, Claude Buyanovsky, Vitaly
____ 554-02341 Le petit negre (Vcl., Gtr.)...................... (LD) $17.95 ____ W2639 Espana (Hn., Gtr., Cb.) ......... Kazimierz (CF) $19.95
Garlej, Bruno Dodgson, Stephen
____ 554-01059 Duos en toutes saisons (Vln., Gtr.)...... (LM) $16.00 ____ 494-02728 Sonata for Three (Fl., Vla., Gtr.) Ophee (OH) $24.95
Gervasio, Raffaele Gervasio, Raffaele
____ 554-02299 Violakit (Vla., Gtr.)................................ (BB) $13.95 ____ 554-02298 Invenzioni di aprile, Op. 103
(Fl., Vla., Gtr.).................................... (BB) $29.95
Gilardino, Angelo
____ 554-02328 Sonatina-Lied No. 2 (Vln., Gtr.)............ (BB) $32.95 Granados, Enrique
____ 524-06542 Danses espagnoles Nos. 2 & 12
Gragniani, Fillipo
(2Fl., Gtr.).......................................... (LM) $35.95
____ 564-01077 3 Notturni (Mand. or Vln., Gtr.)........... (BB) $13.95
Linn, Robert
Hovhaness, Alan
____ 494-01665 Splay (Fl., A.Sax., Gtr.).......................... (CO) $18.00
____ 61340-358 Suite for Alto Sax and Guitar
(A.Sax., Gtr.)...................................... (PS) $14.00 Piazzolla, Astor
____ 554-02329 Le grand tango (Fl., Vla., Gtr.)............. (BB) $32.95
Küffner, Joseph
____ 494-01975 Serenade in D, Op. 97 Schocker, Gary
(Vln. or Fl., Gtr.)........................Long (TU) $15.00 ____ CW-GS17 Garden Music (Fl., Vcl., Gtr.)................ (FH) $25.00
Laburda, Jirí Scholl, Carl
____ 114-40269 Duo for Guitar and Contrabass........... (PR) $9.00 ____ 554-00469 Wiener Gesellschafts Walzer, Op. 22
(Fl., Vln., Gtr.).................................... (BB) $38.95
Leisner, David
____ 144-40143 Dances in the Madhouse Stanley, Ted
(Vln. or Fl., Gtr.)................................ (MR) $14.95 ____ 494-01764 Jungle Music (Gtr., Fl., Cb.).................. (CO) $12.95
____ 144-40307 Nostalgia (Vln. or Fl., Gtr.).................... (MR) $15.00
Telemann, Georg Philipp
____ 144-40151 Sonata for Violin and Guitar................ (MR) $12.00
____ 444-41017 Three Moons (Vcl., Gtr.)....................... (MR) $9.75 ____ 494-02168 Trio Sonata No. 5 in A minor
(2 Treble Instr., Gtr. or Vcl.).....Welch (TU) $17.95
Nather, G.
____ RE30029 Lyrische Suite, Op. 75 (Vcl., Gtr.)......... (RE) $10.25
Paganini, Nicolò
____ 554-00572 La Campanella (Vln., Gtr.)........... Canci (BB) $17.95
____ 514-01292 2 Sonate (Vln., Gtr.).................. Bonucci (BB) $17.95
Ravel, Maurice
____ 554-00449 Pièce en forme de habanera
(Vcl., Gtr.).......................................... (LD) $30.95
Sor, Fernando
____ 554-02342 Dix Seguidillas (Hn., Gtr.)....... Bourgue (LD) $26.95
Toselli, Enrico
____ 494-02765 Serenata, Op. 6 (Vln., Gtr.)........... Long (TU) $5.00 Vivaldi, Antonio
____ 114-40513 Trio in C (Lute, Vln., BC)...............Segal (PR) $20.00
____ 114-40514 Trio in G minor (Lute, Vln., BC)....Segal (PR) $20.00

25 • Mixed Ensembles - Duos / Trios Return to INDEX

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Bensa, Olivier Karmon, Michael

____ 554-02320 Tango (Vln., Accn., Gtr., Pno.).............. (LM) $28.95 ____ 114-41085 Frets vs. Fretless
(2 Gtr., Str. Quartet)......................19 (PR) $54.95
Gilardino, Angelo
____ 494-02469 Fantasia Concertante on the Gran Solo Martin, Robert
Op. 14 by Sor (Gtr., Vln., Vla., Vcl.) (OH) $29.95 ____ 144-40471 Water of the Flowery Mill
(A.Fl., Gtr., Perc., Vln., Vla., Vcl.)...19 (MR) $64.95
Karmon, Michael

____ 114-41083 Four Tales: Chamber Concerto for
Guitar (Gtr., Cl., Vcl., Perc.)..........19 (PR) $89.95
Ourkouzounov, Atanas
____ 494-02704 Three Folk Songs (Fl., Vcl., 2 Gtrs.)...... (TU) $25.00
Torok, Alan Weckl, Dave
In Session with the Dave Weckl Band (CF)
____ 494-01716 The London Quartet
____ WPC2 w/CD Mix w/o Kybd....... Dave Weckl $24.95
(Vln., Vla., Vcl., Gtr.).......................... (CO) $28.00
____ WPC3 w/CD Mix w/o Bass...... Tom Kennedy $24.95
____ WPC4 w/CD Mix w/o Sax............. Jay Oliver $19.95
MIXED QUINTETS ____ WPC5 w/CD Mix w/o Gtr.............. Jay Oliver $19.95

Lhoyer, Antone de
____ 494-02510 Concerto for Guitar, Op. 16
(Gtr., 2 Vln., Vla., Vcl.)....................... (OH) $39.95
Martin, Robert
____ 144-40406 Charred Beloved
(Fl., Ob., Gtr., Vln., Vcl.)................19 (MR) $40.95

26 • Mixed Ensembles - Quartets / Quintets / Larger Ensembles / Flexible Return to INDEX

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Key to SymbolS and PubliSher abbreviationS

For additional information regarding affiliated publishers, see page 378.

© For sale by Presser only § Not available in all 19 Custom Print Edition
within the U.S.A. and countries due to Available on demand.
Canada copyright restrictions.

PubliSher abbreviationS
The following publishers are represented in this catalog.
For territories of distribution, see page 378.
(AG) Abingdon Press (MB) Editio Musica Budapest
(BA) Irwin Bazelon Publications (MC) Mercury Music Corporation
(BB) Edizioni Bèrben (MR) Merion Music, Inc.
(BD) Éditions Billaudot (MS) E.B. Marks (MarksPrint)
(BH) Breitkopf & Härtel (OD) Oliver Ditson Company
(BL) BriLee Music Publisher (OH) Editions Orphée
(BQ) Balquhidder Music (ON) Ongaku-No-Tomo-Sha
(BT) Batterie Music (PE) Pan Educational Music
(BW) Bärenreiter-Verlag (PO) Porter Productions
(CD) Camden Music (PP) Papagena Press
(CT) Capo Tasto (PR) Theodore Presser Company
(CF) Carl Fischer (PS) Peermusic Classical
(CL) Composers Library Editions (PW) Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne
(CN) Consortium Musical/Éditions Combre (RE) Ries & Erler
(CO) Columbia Music Company (RH) Ron Harris Publications
(CR) Coronet Press (RK) Robert King Music for Brass
(DS) Donemus (SN) Spartan Press
(EE) Emerson Edition (SO) Sowerby Foundation
(EV) Elkan-Vogel, Inc. (SP) Boccaccini & Spada Editori
(FA) Fa-Mi-Ro Records (Coach Me™) (ST) Sound the Trumpets
(FH) Falls House Press (SV) SoundandVision
(HC) Choir Project (SZ) Casa Musicale Sonzogno
(HD) E. Henry David Music Publishers (TH) Thorpe Music Publishing Co.
(HE) Hunt Edition (TR) Editions Musicales Transatlantiques
(HG) Heugel & cie. (TT) Tritone Press and Tenuto Publications
(HM) Hamelle et cie. (TU) Tuscany Publications
(HP) Hildegard Publishing Co. (UE) Universal Edition
(IM) Israel Music Institute (UN) United Music Publishers
(JO) Editions Jobert et cie. (UT) Vienna Urtext
(LC) LeadChoice (WB) Woodbury Music Company
(LD) Alphonse Leduc et cie. (YE) Yorke Editions
(LM) Henry Lemoine et cie. (ZS) Miscellaneous Special

inStrument abbreviationS
Bar. — Baritone Horn Gtr. — Guitar Sax. — Saxophone
Bsn. — Bassoon Hp. — Harp Str. — String(s)
B. Cl. — Bass Clarinet Harm. — Harmonium Tamb. — Tambourine
Cb. — Contrabass Hn. — French Horn Timp. — Timpani
Cel. — Celesta Hpsd. — Harpsichord Tpt. — Trumpet
Cemb. — Cembalo Marim. — Marimba Tri. — Triangle
Cl. — Clarinet Ob. — Oboe Tbn. — Trombone
Cym. — Cymbal Org. — Organ Vibr. — Vibraphone
E. H. — English Horn Perc. — Percussion Vcl. — Cello
El. — Electric Picc. — Piccolo Vla. — Viola
Fl. — Flute Pno. — Piano Vln. — Violin
Glock. — Glockenspiel Rec. — Recorder Xylo. — Xylophone

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Affiliated Publishers
Areas of Distribution

Abingdon Press Éditions Billaudot Ongaku-no-tomo-sha *

World U.S.A. & Mexico U.S.A. & Canada
Alphonse Leduc et cie. Éditions Combré Pan Educational Music
World U.S.A., Canada & Mexico U.S.A., Mexico
Balquhidder Music Éditions Françaises de Musique Papagena Press
World (see Billaudot) World
Bärenreiter-Verlag Éditions Jobert et cie. Peermusic Classical
U.S.A., Canada & Mexico U.S.A., Canada & Mexico World (except Europe)**
BassBooks.com Publishing Les Editions M.A.C.S., Inc. PIC Productions
Batterie Music Éditions Musicales Transatlantiques Works by Henrique C. De Almeida
World U.S.A. Players Circle
Boccaccini & Spada Editori Editions New Rochelle Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne
U.S.A., Canada & Mexico World U.S.A., Canada & Mexico
Breitkopf & Härtel Editions Orphée Porter Productions
U.S.A., Canada & Mexico World, except Europe World
BriLee Music Publishing Co. Edizioni Bèrben Propercussa Brasil
World U.S.A., Canada & Mexico Works by Ney Rosauro
Brouwer New Music Publishing Elkan-Vogel, Inc. Ries & Erler
Works by Margaret Brouwer World U.S.A., Canada & Mexico
Camden Music Emerson Edition Robert King Music for Brass
U.S.A., Canada & Mexico U.S.A., Canada & Mexico U.S.A., Canada & Mexico
Campanile Music Press Falls House Press Ron Harris Publications
Capo Tasto Music World World
World Famiro Records (Coach Me™) Sound and Vision
Carus-Verlag U.S.A., Canada, Mexico World
U.S.A., Canada & Mexico Hamelle et cie. Sound the Trumpets
Casa Musicale Sonzogno (See Alphonse Leduc) U.S.A., Canada & Mexico
U.S.A. & Canada Henry Lemoine et cie. Sowerby Foundation
Choir Project * U.S.A., Canada & Mexico World
World Heugel et cie. Spartan Press
Colgrass Music (See Alphonse Leduc) U.S.A. & Canada
Works by Michael Colgrass Hildegard Publishing Company Tenuto Publications
Columbia Music Company World World
World Hunt Edition Thorpe Music Publishing Company
Composers Library Editions U.S.A., Mexico World
World Irwin Bazelon Publications Tritone Press
Coronet Press World World
World Israel Music Institute Tuscany Publications
Costallat (see Billaudot) U.S.A., Canada & Mexico World, except Europe
D. L. G. Media The John Church Company United Music Publishers
Works by Donald L. Gruendler World U.S.A., Canada & Mexico
Donemus LeadChoice Universal Edition
New World (except World U.S.A. & Canada
British- and Dutch- Mercury Music Corporation Vienna Urtext
controlled Territories) World U.S.A. & Canada
E.B. Marks Music (MarksPrint) Merion Music, Inc. Woodbury Music Co.
World World World
E. Henry David Music Publishers Miramuse Yorke Editions
World Oliver Ditson Company U.S.A. & Canada
Editio Musica Budapest World
(Note: New Liszt Edition only)
U.S.A. & Canada

* = Selected publications only Bold = Wholly-owned subsidiary

** = N.B. restrictions on Lauridsen choral titles in U.K., Ireland, Australia,
New Zealand, China, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa)

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