Experimental Investigation of Machining Parameters For Aluminum 6061 T6 Alloy

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 7, November-December 2022 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Experimental Investigation of Machining

Parameters for Aluminum 6061-T6 Alloy
Hardeep Singh1, Ganga Singh2, Dr. Dinesh Kumar3
M Tech Scholar, 2Assistant Professor, 3Professor & HOD,
1, 2, 3
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Jan Nayak Chaudhary Devi Lal Memorial College of Engineering, Sirsa, Haryana, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Hardeep Singh |

In the present work, Turning Parameters were optimized using Ganga Singh | Dr. Dinesh Kumar
Taguchi Method. Also, the effect of turning parameters such as "Experimental Investigation of
rotational speed, feed rate, depth of cut and material removal rate on Machining Parameters for Aluminum
surface roughness of Aluminum 6061-T6 alloy was investigated. L9 6061-T6 Alloy" Published in
International Journal
Taguchi’s method was used for designing the experiments and
of Trend in
optimization of turning parameters. Nine experiments were Scientific Research
conducted with four factors having three levels for each factor. and Development
Results revealed that spindle speed has a significant effect on surface (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
roughness and it is the most dominating factor affecting the surface 6470, Volume-6 |
roughness with contribution of 52.38%. The optimal parameter Issue-7, December IJTSRD52611
combination of Aluminum 6061-T6 alloy bar for minimum surface 2022, pp.1330-
roughness is found to be A2 B1 C2 D i.e., rotational spindle speed 1335, URL:
(A) at 900 rpm, feed rate (B) at 90 mm/min and depth of cut (C) at www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd52611.pdf
0.8 mm, and material removal rate (D).
Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and
KEYWORDS: L9- Taguchi Method; Surface Roughness; Aluminum International Journal of Trend in
6061-T6 alloy; Robust design Method; Turning Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

In the process of machining, raw materials are successfully achieve the intended results, process
transformed into desirable components with the parameters must be carefully chosen and divided into
required precision and size. Metal cutting is a highly control and noise elements. It is necessary to choose
nonlinear and linked thermo-mechanical process, the control elements in a way that cancels out the
where mechanical work is turned into heat through impact of noise sources. To achieve the best results
plastic deformation involved during chip creation as from the process, the Taguchi Method entails the
well as due to frictional work between the tool, chip, identification of suitable control parameters. To
and work piece. investigate how different process variables affect the
machining process, analysis of variance (ANOVA) is
Robust design Method
The Robust design Method is also known as Taguchi employed.. The method is based on the Taguchi
method. The Taguchi method, a statistical technique method, and in order to analyse the performance
created by Taguchi and Konishi, was first designed to characteristics, the signal to noise (S/N) ratio and
enhance the quality of manufactured items analysis of variance (ANOVA) are used.
(developing manufacturing processes), but later its Turning
applications were broadened to numerous other Turning is a very simple procedure that typically
engineering disciplines, such as biotechnology. results in cylindrical surfaces. A lathe is the name of
Professional statisticians have praised Taguchi's the machine tool used for this kind of activity. One of
achievements, particularly those related to the the most often used operations in experimental work
creation of designs for analysing variation. In order to and metal cutting is turning.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52611 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1330
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Cutting Factors in Turning are as:- temperature, carbon potential, holding time and
spindle speed: Speed always refers to the spindle and quenching time. So, his aim is to obtain optimizing
the work piece. In turning V in m/s is related to the condition of different parameter in order to get
rotational speed of the workpiece by the equation: sufficient hardness of low carbon steel as per
requirement. Taguchi and Fuggy logic approach both
V = πDN
are optimizing software.
Where V is the cutting speed in m/s
P. G. Inamdar et al. [2]. optimise the surface
D is the diameter of the work piece, m;
roughness in conventional turning operation using
N is the rotational speed of the work piece, rev/s.
Taguchi Method for the material medium carbon steel
Feed: Feed is defined as the distance that a advance EN8. In this work cutting speed, feed rate and depth
into the work during one revolution of the of cut are taken as performance parameters to achieve
headstock spindle. It is usually given as a linear better surface roughness. Taguchi Method is used to
movement per revolution of the spindle or job. On obtained the main parametric effect on the surface
most power-fed lathes, the feed rate is directly roughness using their levels and factors. L9
related to the spindle speed and is expressed in mm orthogonal array is used to design the experiments.
(of tool advance) per revolution (of the spindle), or Also analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out
mm/rev. F= f*N mm/min with the significance factor of 95%. After the
Here, F is the feed in mm per minute, f is the feed in experimentation, it was found that cutting speed has
mm/rev and N is the spindle speed in RPM more influenced on the surface roughness in
conventional turning process than feed rate and depth
Depth of Cut of cut.
Depth of cut is practically self-explanatory. It is the
thickness of the layer being removed (in a single pass) Abburi et al. [3]. developed a knowledge-based
from the work piece or the distance from the uncut system for the prediction of surface roughness in
surface of the work to the cut surface, expressed in turning process. Fuzzy set theory and neural networks
mm. were utilized for this purpose. The authors developed
rule for predicting the surface roughness for given
Tool nose radius: tool nose radius effects the strength process variables as well as for the prediction of
of tool as well as it effects the surface roughness of process variables for a given surface roughness. Ali.
the work piece very much et al. [4]. recognized the importance of achieving
II. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY dimensional accuracy, good surface finish and
The objective of this study is to illustrate the maximum material removal rate in the machining
procedure adopted in using Taguchi Method to a lathe process; and optimized the cutting parameters viz.
facing operation.The orthogonal array, signal-to-noise Feed, cutting speed and depth of cut for maximizing
ratio, and the analysis of variance are employed to the surface finish and material removal rate for an
study the performance characteristics on facing aluminium alloy 6061. L-8 orthogonal array, signal-
operation. In this analysis, four factors namely speed, to-noise ratio, analysis of variation has been
feed and depth of cut and material removal rate were employed to study the process characteristics, and L8
considered. Accordingly, a suitable orthogonal array Taguchi method experiment design has been used to
was selected and experiments were conducted. After optimize the cutting parameters for the material using
conducting the experiments the surface roughness uncoated inserts. An experiment has been conducted
was measured and Signal to Noise ratio was to confirm and verify the effectiveness of Taguchi
calculated. With the help of graphs, optimum optimization method. Surface roughness and material
parameter values were obtained and the confirmation removal rate are found to be maximum at 11.6%and
experiments were carried out. These results were 14%; and minimum at 4.4% and 3.7% respectively.
compared with each other to find the optimum Cutting parameters viz. cutting speed, feed rate and
combination of the machining parameters for surface depth of cut are found to be affecting the machining
roughness. process at 45%, 36% and 19% respectively for
minimum surface finish of 0.256 microns with an
III. LITERATURE REVIEW error percentage of 4.4%
Rajesh Mahto et al. [1].discussed the process
parameter of heat treatment of low carbon steel by Abhang et al. [5]. carried out the experimental work
using Taguchi approach and Fuggy Logic approach. to optimize the cutting parameters viz. feed rate,
In bearing industry, when shell of bearing is heat depth of cut and lubricant temperature in the turning
treated then shell has not optimum hardness due to operation of EN-31 steel alloy by using tungsten
unsuitable process parameter such as carburizing carbide inserts. The work aimed at explaining and

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52611 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1331
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
demonstrating the systematic procedure of Taguchi turning machine. Dry turning tests were carried out
parameter design; finding the optimal combination of on hardened AISI 4140 (51 HRC) with coated carbide
cutting parameters using the signal-to-noise ratio; cutting tools. As a result, they observed that the feed
knowing the significance level of each cutting rate has the most significant effect on Ra and Rz.
parameter using ANOVA analysis; and therefore,
Ahmed [8]. developed the methodology required for
finding out the effect of lubricating temperature on
obtaining optimal process parameters for prediction
the response i.e. surface finish. It has been proved
of surface roughness in Al turning. For development
experimentally that better surface finish can be
of empirical model nonlinear regression analysis with
observed with cooled lubricant and higher depth of
logarithmic data transformation was applied. The
cuts Al-Ahmari [6]. developed empirical models for
developed model showed small errors and
tool life, surface roughness and cutting force for
satisfactory results. The study concluded that low
turning operation. The process parameters used in
feed rate was good to produce reduced surface
the study were speed, feed, depth of cut and nose
roughness and also the high speed could produce high
radius to develop the machinability model. The
surface quality within the experimental domain.
methods used for developing aforesaid models were
Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and neural Choudhary et al. [9]. discussed the development of
networks (NN). surface roughness prediction models for turning EN
24T steel (290 BHN) utilizing response surface
Ilhan et al. [7]. focused on optimizing turning
methodology. A L8- OA factorial design technique
parameters based on Taguchi method to minimize
was used to study the effects of the main cutting
surface roughness (Ra and Rz). Experiments have
parameters such as spindle speed, feed and depth of
been conducted using L8 orthogonal array in a CNC
cut, nose radius on surface roughness.
For the experiments, we have taken the Aluminum alloy. This Aluminum 6061-T6 alloy contain 95.8 to 98.6 %
of aluminum, chromium which range is from 0.04 to 0.35% and copper 0.15, Iron 0.7. First of all we considered
the microstructure of cooled Aluminum alloy which contain small amount of Manganese 0.15%, Silica 0.4%,
zinc 0.25%.
Table 1 physical properties

Table 2 Mechanical properties


From an Aluminum alloy bar, nine bars were cut by power hacksaw
Turning operation is started after setting the work material
Turning is done on nine individual bars as per L9- OA
After machining on lathe machine, we measured surface roughness of each bar by surface roughness tester
Two readings (repetition) on each bar was taken by help of surface roughness tester.
Taguchi experimental design is done and we find the optimal combination of factors and their levels.
Experimental Design
L9-Taguchi method, a powerful tool for parameter design of performance characteristics, was used to determine
optimal machining parameters for minimum surface roughness in turning process. The optimal level of the

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52611 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1332
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
process parameters is the level with the higher S/N ratio. The lower the better criterion for the surface roughness
was selected for obtaining optimum machining performance characteristics.
For lower the better criteria, S/N ratio values corresponding to the experimental values of surface roughness was
calculated using the below equation.

Nine experimental runs based on the orthogonal array L9 were carried out.
Design of Experiments (DOE)
The DOE help for conducting experiments in a more systematic way. The process parameters with their levels
are specified in Table no. 3 below.
Table No. 3

Orthogonal Array (OA)

OA allows for the maximum number of main effects to be estimated in an orthogonal manner, with
minimum number of runs in experiment, L9 orthogonal array used as shown in Table 4.
Table 4 Orthogonal array L9


Nine experiments were successfully conducted based on Taguchi L9 method and machined samples are shown
in Fig.
1. The experimental results for the surface roughness along with corresponding S/N ratios are listed in Table

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52611 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1333
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470

Fig 1. Machined work piece

Table 5 Experimental Results and S/N ratio

Analysis of Mean (ANOM) In ANOM, mean value of the S/N ratio at each level of the process parameters is
computed by taking arithmetic mean average of S/N ratio at the selected level.
Best combination so generated is A2 B1 C2 D
VI. CONCLUSION 6061-T6 alloy.
This work presents an experimental study in which
Optimal combination of the machining
turning operation is performed on Aluminum 6061- parameters for surface roughness is found to be
T6 alloy using carbide tool. The effect of four
A2 B1 C2 D, i.e., at spindle speed (A) at 900 rpm,
machining parameters namely speed, feed rate, depth feed rate (B) at 90 mm/min and depth of cut (C)
of cut and material removal rate on the surface at 0.8 mm, and material removal rate (D).
roughness was investigated. Experimentation was
done as per Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array. Response Tool Spindle speed contributes maximum
variable (surface roughness) was measured, signal to (52.38%) followed by depth of cut (31.97 %) and
noise ratio values were computed, subsequently, and feed rate (15.64%) to minimize the surface
by investigation it was found that A2 B1 C2 D as best roughness.
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