This document contains definitions for various words beginning with the letters A through B, including words like aback, abhor, academic, access, adjacent, affect, allege, and blockade. The definitions are brief, usually only 1-2 sentences. The words come from different parts of speech and cover a range of topics from emotions to relationships to politics.
This document contains definitions for various words beginning with the letters A through B, including words like aback, abhor, academic, access, adjacent, affect, allege, and blockade. The definitions are brief, usually only 1-2 sentences. The words come from different parts of speech and cover a range of topics from emotions to relationships to politics.
This document contains definitions for various words beginning with the letters A through B, including words like aback, abhor, academic, access, adjacent, affect, allege, and blockade. The definitions are brief, usually only 1-2 sentences. The words come from different parts of speech and cover a range of topics from emotions to relationships to politics.
This document contains definitions for various words beginning with the letters A through B, including words like aback, abhor, academic, access, adjacent, affect, allege, and blockade. The definitions are brief, usually only 1-2 sentences. The words come from different parts of speech and cover a range of topics from emotions to relationships to politics.
************************************ ---------------------------------- have normal relationships: ◇ a barely audible whisper bias
WORD SMART BASIC : PART B : MED adjacent ◇ He works antisocial hours. ---------------------------------- an attitude that you have that makes you ************************************ next to or near something else: ---------------------------------- authentic treat someone in a way that is unfair or ◇ an adjacent area/room/building appall real, not false or copied: GENUINE: different from the way you treat other aback ◇ The site of the new building is to shock or offend someone very much: ◇ The letter is certainly authentic. people: be taken aback adjacent to the park. ◇ The scale of the destruction appalled ---------------------------------- ◇ Ideally we'd choose judges who are to be shocked or surprised, especially by ---------------------------------- us. awe without political bias. something someone says or does to you: affected ---------------------------------- a feeling of great respect and admiration, ◇ They were accused of bias against ◇ Bill was taken aback by the girl's used for describing behavior that is not apt often combined with fear: people over 50. directness. natural but is done to impress other something that is apt, especially a name, ◇ The place has always inspired me with ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- people: description, or comment, is very awe and wonder. bipartisan abhor ◇ His affected manner annoyed her. appropriate: ◇ They gazed in awe at their hero. involving two political parties with to dislike something very much, ---------------------------------- ◇ an apt comparison ◇ He is totally in awe of his father. different ideas or policies: especially when you think it is immoral: alight ◇ It seemed apt that the winning goal ---------------------------------- ◇ bipartisan support for the ◇ She abhors violence. burning: was scored by the captain. awry Transportation Bill ---------------------------------- ◇ Dozens of cars were set alight. ---------------------------------- not in the correct position, especially not ---------------------------------- abide ---------------------------------- ardent straight or neat: blase an old word meaning "to stay or live allege feeling or showing a particular emotion ◇ His damp hair was all awry. not excited, worried, or enthusiastic somewhere" to say that something is true or that very strongly, especially in support of ---------------------------------- about something that most people think is can't abide something someone has done something wrong or someone or something: balk exciting, worrying, or impressive, because to dislike something very much. It is illegal even though this has not been ◇ They remain ardent supporters of the to be unwilling to do something or let you have done it many times before: more usual to say that you can't stand proved: Democratic Party. something happen, because you believe ◇ By this time, I was getting quite blase something: ◇ The defense alleges that Jones was ◇ an ardent feminist that it is wrong or that it will cause about being on TV. ◇ I can't abide their chatter. beaten up while in police custody. ---------------------------------- problems: ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ He is alleged to have ordered the arid ◇ Voters would balk if either candidate bleary abound murder of a U.S. citizen. an arid place is very dry without many made such a proposal. not able to see clearly, for example to be present in large numbers or ---------------------------------- plants because of a lack of rain: ◇ They really wanted the apartment, but because you are tired or have drunk too amounts: alliance ◇ the arid desert landscape they balked at the price. much alcohol: ◇ Rumors abound about the breakup of an arrangement between two or more ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ bleary-eyed: I woke up bleary-eyed her marriage. people, groups, or countries by which artery bandy with a headache. ---------------------------------- they agree to work together to achieve an important road, railroad, or river: bandy around or bandy about phrasal verb ---------------------------------- abyss something: ◇ one of the city's main arteries [transitive] blockade a very frightening or dangerous situation, ◇ alliance between: an alliance between ---------------------------------- to mention something a lot, usually an official action that is intended to or one in which there seems to be no conservative Democrats and moderate aspect without thinking much about what you are prevent people or goods from moving hope: Republicans a particular part, feature, or quality of saying: from one place to another: ◇ The company was on the brink of a ◇ alliance with: Successive French something: ◇ I don't want people bandying my name ◇ lift a blockade (=end a blockade): The financial abyss. governments maintained the alliance with ◇ a system of rules that covers almost about in public. blockade of the harbor will be lifted at ---------------------------------- Russia. every aspect of their lives ---------------------------------- midnight. academic ---------------------------------- ◇ The car has to look good, but without beam ◇ impose a blockade (=start a blockade): relating to education, especially education ally forgetting the safety aspect. to smile widely because you are very An economic blockade was imposed on in colleges and universities: a country that makes an agreement with ◇ This chapter will consider several happy: the country six months ago. ◇ The book brings together several another country that they will work important aspects of the teaching process. ◇ He beamed with satisfaction. ---------------------------------- academic disciplines (=subjects). together to help each other, especially in ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- bombard ---------------------------------- a war: assert bearing to ask someone so many questions, give access ◇ the United States and its European to state firmly that something is true: the particular way in which someone them so much information, etc. that it is the right or opportunity to have or use allies ◇ He asserted his innocence. stands, moves, or behaves: difficult for them to deal with it all: something that will bring you benefits: ---------------------------------- ◇ The governor asserted that no more ◇ her proud bearing ◇ She bombarded him with faxes and ◇ Access to up-to-date financial amass money would be available. ---------------------------------- called his office repeatedly. information is important to our success. to collect a lot of something such as ---------------------------------- bellow ---------------------------------- ◇ Only 40% of 5-year-olds have access money or information over a period of assess to shout very loudly: bore to preschool education. time: to carefully consider a situation, person, ◇ "I can't hear you!" he bellowed. to make someone feel impatient or ---------------------------------- ◇ They had amassed a fortune worth or problem in order to make a judgment: ---------------------------------- dissatisfied, especially by talking to them accommodate about $51 billion in today's money. ◇ We tried to assess his suitability for berth about things that are not very interesting: to provide a place or room for someone ---------------------------------- the job. a bed on a train or ship: ◇ I hope I'm not boring you. to stay in: analogy ---------------------------------- ◇ the upper/lower berth ◇ I won't bore you with all the details. ◇ Designed by an Italian architect, the a comparison between two situations, asset ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- hotel can accommodate 600 guests. processes, etc. that is intended to show something such as money or property besiege bouquet ---------------------------------- that the two are similar: that a person or company owns: to make more requests, offers, a collection of flowers, cut and tied accord ◇ He uses the analogy of the family to ◇ The business has assets totaling $5.1 comments, or complaints than someone together in an attractive way: a formal agreement between countries or explain the role of the state. million. can deal with: ◇ a bouquet of red roses groups: ◇ draw an analogy (=make an analogy): ---------------------------------- ◇ The department has been besieged ---------------------------------- ◇ A peace accord was signed by both Our manager is fond of drawing analogies atmosphere with enquiries from students from all over bustle leaders. between business and football. the air around the Earth or around the country. a lot of noisy activity in a crowded ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- another planet: ---------------------------------- place: accumulate analysis ◇ Saturn's moon, Titan, has an bestow ◇ the bustle of the big city to get more and more of something over a process of studying or examining atmosphere mainly made of nitrogen. to give valuable property or an important ---------------------------------- a period of time: something in detail in order to understand ◇ the atmosphere (=the Earth's right or honor to someone: cache ◇ Over the years, I had accumulated it or explain it: atmosphere): The burning of fossil fuels ◇ The king had friends on whom he a quantity of things that have been hundreds of books. ◇ problems for discussion and analysis results in the pollution of the atmosphere. bestowed land and privileges. hidden, especially weapons: ---------------------------------- ◇ The study included an analysis of ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ a huge cache of illegal guns and acquisition accident statistics. audible bewilder home-made explosives the process of buying something or ---------------------------------- loud enough for people to hear: to make someone feel confused: ---------------------------------- obtaining it in some other way: antisocial ◇ The sound of a door opening was ◇ Too much choice just bewilders you. cajole ◇ the acquisition of property making it difficult to meet people and clearly audible. ---------------------------------- to persuade someone to do something by WORD SMART BASIC : PART B : MED [ 2 ] encouraging them gently or being nice to badly): The roast was burned to a cinder. putting several things or features to say that the opposite of what especially in a slightly dishonest way: them: ---------------------------------- together: someone has said is true: CUNNING: ◇ I had hoped to cajole them into helping circulate ◇ The hat was a fantastic concoction, all ◇ He didn't dare contradict his parents. ◇ You crafty so-and-so! us. to move around continuously inside a feathers and ribbons. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- system or area, or to make something do ---------------------------------- contrary creed candidate this: condescend completely different or opposed to a set of religious beliefs: one of the people competing in an ◇ a machine designed to circulate warm to behave in a way that shows that you something else: ◇ People of all races, colors, and creeds election: air think you are more important or more ◇ a contrary view/opinion have to live together. ◇ the Democratic/Republican candidate ---------------------------------- intelligent than other people: ◇ The introduction of such a tax would ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- circumstantial ◇ Try not to condescend to the children. be contrary to our policy. crucial cavalcade circumstantial evidence makes it seem ◇ We waited 20 minutes before she ---------------------------------- something that is crucial is extremely a number of important people, things, or likely that something is true but does not finally condescended to appear. controversy important because it has a major effect events appearing or happening in a short prove it: ---------------------------------- a disagreement, especially about a public on the result of something: space of time: ◇ There is strong circumstantial evidence configuration policy or a moral issue that a lot of ◇ We believe the question being ◇ a nuclear accident that prompted a against him. the way in which the different parts of people have strong feelings about: investigated by the Commission is one of cavalcade of new safety regulations ---------------------------------- something are put together: ◇ The election ended in controversy, crucial importance to the country. ---------------------------------- cite ◇ We sell computer systems in lots of with allegations of widespread ◇ Anderson played a crucial role in the cavort to mention something as an example, different configurations. vote-rigging. team's 3-2 victory on Saturday. to play, dance, or have fun with explanation, or proof of something else: ---------------------------------- ◇ the recent controversy over the rates ---------------------------------- someone, especially in a sexual way: ◇ Bates pulled out of the competition, confines banks charge for exchanging currencies crusade ◇ He was seen cavorting with two citing personal reasons. the borders or edges of a place: ---------------------------------- an effort over a long time to achieve scantily clad women. ---------------------------------- ◇ They spent most of their time within convey something that you strongly believe is ---------------------------------- clarify the confines of the school. to communicate ideas or feelings morally right: CAMPAIGN: celestial to explain something more clearly so ---------------------------------- indirectly: ◇ a crusade to ban tobacco advertising very good or beautiful: that it is easier to understand: confirmation ◇ These results will enable us at least to ◇ a crusade for equal rights ◇ celestial music ◇ Could you clarify your remarks? a statement saying that something is convey a sense of progress. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ He is expected to clarify his position definitely true or accurate: ◇ A good photograph can often convey cumulative ceremony today. ◇ The claims have received independent far more than words. developing or increasing gradually as a a formal public event with special ---------------------------------- confirmation from a team of experts. ---------------------------------- result of more and more additions: traditions, actions, or words: coalition ---------------------------------- conviction ◇ the cumulative effect on the body of ◇ a ceremony to honor those who died in a temporary union of different political confound a strong belief or opinion about repeated doses of the medicine the war parties that agree to form a government to make someone feel surprised or something: ---------------------------------- ◇ an awards ceremony together: confused, especially by not behaving in ◇ She holds deep religious convictions. cunning ---------------------------------- ◇ a coalition government the way they expect: ---------------------------------- someone who is cunning uses their char ---------------------------------- ◇ She confounded her critics by winning convoluted intelligence to get what they want, if something chars or is charred, it is coax the race. very complicated, or more complicated especially by tricking or cheating people: burned until its outer surface becomes to gently persuade someone to do ---------------------------------- than necessary: ◇ a cunning and resourceful criminal black: something: confrontation ◇ the novel's convoluted storyline ---------------------------------- ◇ Cook the peppers under a hot grill ◇ After dinner Lily was coaxed into a situation in which people or groups are ---------------------------------- curriculum until the skin chars. singing several songs. arguing angrily or fighting: correlation the subjects that students study at a ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ Tom and Sue were anxious to avoid a connection or relationship between two particular school or college: charisma coherent any further confrontation. or more things that is not caused by ◇ Our mathematics curriculum is much a strong personal quality that makes in which all the different parts fit ---------------------------------- chance. A positive correlation means that broader now. other people like you and be attracted to together in a sensible or pleasing way: congregate two things are likely to exist together; a ◇ curriculum planning/development you: CHARM: ◇ The writer presents this complex to gather together in a group: negative correlation means that they are ◇ on/in the curriculum (=taught as a ◇ a man sadly lacking in charisma character as a coherent whole. ◇ Tourists congregated along the river's not: subject): Latin is no longer on the ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- edge. ◇ the correlation between personal curriculum. cherish commission ---------------------------------- wealth and health ---------------------------------- to keep something pleasant in your mind out of commission conjecture ---------------------------------- dainty for a long time: not being used or not able to be used: the development of a theory or guess corroborate small and attractive in a delicate way: ◇ I cherish the memory of those happy ◇ Five of their rescue vehicles were out based on information that is not complete: to support what someone says by giving ◇ dainty china cups times. of commission for repairs. ◇ purely conjecture (=a guess): The information or evidence that agrees with ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- cause of the crash is purely conjecture at them: BEAR OUT: daunt chide communal this point. ◇ Details of the killings were if something daunts you, it makes you to criticize someone or speak to them in owned or used by everyone in a group, ---------------------------------- corroborated by official documents. worried because you think it will be very an angry way because you think their especially a group of people who live in connoisseur ---------------------------------- difficult or dangerous to do: behavior is wrong: REBUKE: the same building: someone who knows a lot about a corruption ◇ I admit I'm daunted by the job, but I'm ◇ The company was chided for its lack ◇ a communal kitchen/garden/stairway particular thing and enjoys it a lot: dishonest or illegal behavior by officials going to try my best. of original research. ---------------------------------- ◇ She thought of herself as a wine or people in positions of power, especially ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- compatible connoisseur. when they accept money in exchange for dawn christen ideas or systems that are compatible can ◇ a connoisseur of fine cuisine/art/jazz doing things for someone: the beginning of the day, when it begins to BAPTIZE a baby and officially give it exist together: ---------------------------------- ◇ The bank was closed down amid to get light: a name: ◇ The proposed new regulation is not consensus allegations of corruption and fraud. ◇ I don't think he went to sleep until ◇ She was christened "Annabel." compatible with our existing policy. agreement among all the people involved: ◇ the arrest of a number of officials on dawn. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ We are still hopeful that further talks corruption charges ◇ They had decided to leave at dawn. chronological concede will result in a consensus. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- arranged or described in the order in to admit that something is true: ---------------------------------- covert deception which events happened: ◇ Myers was forced to concede that contentious secret: the act of tricking someone by telling ◇ arranged in chronological order competition had badly affected profits. causing disagreement between people or ◇ Detectives often use covert video them something that is not true: ---------------------------------- ◇ "All right," Matt conceded, "I probably groups: CONTROVERSIAL: surveillance. ◇ He was accused of obtaining money by cinder made a mistake." ◇ Sex education in schools remains a ◇ He stole a covert glance at Lily. deception. a small piece of something that has been ---------------------------------- highly contentious issue. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- burned almost completely: concoction ---------------------------------- crafty defiance ◇ burned to a cinder (=burned very something that is made or produced by contradict good at getting what you want, refusal to obey a person or rule: WORD SMART BASIC : PART B : MED [ 3 ] ◇ She spoke with a tone of defiance. ---------------------------------- dread said or shown in a very strong, clear ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- diminish to feel very worried about something way: exorbitant definitive to become less: DECREASE: that might happen or is going to happen: ◇ He refused my offer with an emphatic an exorbitant price or amount of money better than all others: ◇ Her enthusiasm was by now fast ◇ She dreads going to the dentist. shake of the head. is much more than is reasonable: ◇ This little book is the definitive travel diminishing. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ It meant borrowing money at an guide to Moscow. ---------------------------------- dreary emulate exorbitant rate of interest. ---------------------------------- disciple making you feel bored or unhappy: to try to be like someone or something ◇ exorbitant wage demands deploy someone who admires a famous person ◇ dark and dreary weather else, usually because you admire them: ---------------------------------- if a government or army deploys soldiers such as a political or religious leader and ◇ life in a dreary town ◇ a legal system that has been emulated exotic or weapons, it uses them: is influenced by them: ---------------------------------- all over the world interesting or exciting because of being ◇ Troops have been deployed in the area ◇ a disciple of the Nobel prize winner dynamic ---------------------------------- unusual or not familiar: to counter a possible attack. Andrei Sakharov very lively and enthusiastic, with a lot of endeavor ◇ dancers wearing exotic costumes ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- energy and determination: endeavor to do something to try very ---------------------------------- derail discourse ◇ Profits have doubled under his dynamic hard to do something: expanse to prevent something from continuing in a long and serious speech or piece of leadership. ◇ We have endeavored to make the a large area of land, water, or sky: the way it was planned: writing on a particular subject: ◇ We're looking for someone positive and vehicle environmentally friendly. ◇ vast expanses of farmland ◇ Disagreements between the two parties ◇ a powerful discourse on art dynamic. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- have derailed peace talks. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- enhance exquisite ---------------------------------- discretion eclectic to improve something, or make it more extremely beautiful and delicate: despair careful and sensitive behavior that does an eclectic group of people, things, or attractive or more valuable: ◇ an exquisite hand-painted vase from the feeling that a situation is so bad that not upset or offend people: ideas is interesting or unusual because it ◇ The measures taken should China nothing you can do will change it: ◇ The investigation will be carried out consists of many different types: considerably enhance the residents' ---------------------------------- ◇ To my utter despair, the car would not with the utmost discretion. ◇ The song displays an eclectic mix of quality of life. extinct start. ---------------------------------- influences. ---------------------------------- an extinct animal, plant, or language no ◇ In despair he phoned the embassy. dismal ---------------------------------- ensure longer exists: ---------------------------------- making you feel unhappy and without edible to make certain that something happens ◇ The Tasmanian tiger was declared deteriorate hope or enthusiasm: DEPRESSING: food that is edible is safe or good or is done: extinct in 1936. to become worse: ◇ dismal living conditions enough to eat: ◇ The lifejacket had almost certainly ---------------------------------- ◇ The weather deteriorated rapidly so ---------------------------------- ◇ edible mushrooms ensured her survival. extricate the game was abandoned. dispense ◇ The food in the cafeteria is barely ◇ Our new research strategy ensures to get someone out of a difficult or ---------------------------------- to provide or supply something, edible (=it tastes very bad). that we get the best possible results. unpleasant situation: devastate especially officially: ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ Pete had managed to extricate himself to seriously damage or completely ◇ the failure of the country's authorities elaborate entitle from a very embarrassing situation. destroy something: to dispense justice very detailed and complicated: to give someone the right to do ---------------------------------- ◇ Western India was devastated by a ---------------------------------- ◇ The government's new healthcare plan something: exuberant huge earthquake. disperse is the most elaborate yet. ◇ Membership entitles you to reduced happy, excited, and full of energy: ---------------------------------- if a crowd of people disperses, or ---------------------------------- season tickets. ◇ an exuberant crowd diabolical someone disperses it, the people separate elegant ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- evil or cruel: and go in different directions: elegant places and things are attractive era exude ◇ diabolical forces ◇ Soldiers fired tear gas to disperse the because they are beautiful in a simple a period of time that has a particular if you exude a particular quality, people ---------------------------------- crowds. way: quality or character: notice easily that you have a lot of it: diagnose ---------------------------------- ◇ an elegant silk dress ◇ We are living in an era in which ◇ Carlos exudes enthusiasm. to find out what physical or mental disposition ◇ an elegant room/house/restaurant technology is developing very rapidly. ---------------------------------- problem someone has by examining them: the way that someone normally thinks elegance noun ◇ the Clinton era fax ◇ These questions help doctors diagnose and behaves, that shows what type of ◇ She moved with natural elegance. ---------------------------------- fax or fax machine [count] a piece of personality disorders. person they are: ---------------------------------- evacuate equipment used for sending and receiving ◇ When Eva was first diagnosed with ◇ He is not known for having a warm element to leave a building or other place copies of documents in electronic form: cancer she was twenty. and friendly disposition. an important basic part of something because it is not safe: ◇ What's your fax number? ---------------------------------- ◇ This movie is not suitable for viewers complicated, for example a system or ◇ If the alarm sounds, all students should ---------------------------------- dictate of a nervous disposition. plan: evacuate immediately. fiction to influence or control how something is ---------------------------------- an important/essential element: ---------------------------------- books and stories about imaginary events done: distort ◇ Our new management system includes evoke and people. Books that give facts about ◇ Their choice was dictated by political to change something such as information two essential elements. to bring a particular emotion, idea, or real events, things, or people are called circumstances. so that it is no longer true or accurate: ◇ Advertising is not the only element in memory into your mind: non-fiction: ◇ Common sense dictates that we ◇ The paper was accused of distorting the marketing process. ◇ The recent flood evoked memories of ◇ Hardy wrote poetry as well as fiction. approach her with caution. the truth. ---------------------------------- the great flood of 1972. ◇ a successful writer of romantic fiction ---------------------------------- ◇ The program presented a distorted elite ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- differentiate picture of her life. a small group of people who have a lot exempt fiscal to see or show a difference between ---------------------------------- of power or advantages: allowed to ignore something such as a relating to money and financial matters, things: doleful ◇ the elites of wealth and power rule, obligation, or payment: especially taxes: ◇ Neil is color-blind and cannot looking sad: ◇ members of the political elite ◇ a tax-exempt savings account ◇ fiscal and monetary policies differentiate between red and green. ◇ a doleful expression ---------------------------------- ◇ Currently, developing nations are ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- embed exempt from certain restrictions on flag dilute dominion to fix something firmly in a surface or carbon emissions. a piece of cloth decorated with the to make a liquid less strong by adding control or the right to rule over object: ---------------------------------- pattern and colors that represent a water or another liquid: something: ◇ She let go of the knife, leaving it exile country or organization. A flag is often ◇ Dilute the bleach in a gallon of water. ◇ At that time the island was under embedded in the wood. a situation in which you are forced to hung from a pole called a flagpole: ◇ He was drinking a glass of wine foreign dominion. ---------------------------------- live in a foreign country because you ◇ The American flag is called the stars diluted with water. ---------------------------------- embroider cannot live in your own country, usually and stripes. ---------------------------------- dour to decorate cloth with a design of for political reasons: ---------------------------------- dimension not pleasant, interesting, or exciting: colored stitches: ◇ poems written by Victor Hugo during flag length, height, or width: GLOOMY: ◇ an embroidered handkerchief his exile in the Channel Islands to become tired or weak, or begin to ◇ A hologram represents an object in ◇ a dour industrial city ---------------------------------- ◇ The country's former leader has been lack enthusiasm: three dimensions. ---------------------------------- emphatic living in exile for two years. ◇ After a long day, his energy flagged. WORD SMART BASIC : PART B : MED [ 4 ] ◇ The conversation was flagging until the ---------------------------------- ◇ The army's regiments spread over the about something: were making a serious mistake. mention of her name. formidable area in small garrisons. ◇ guarded comments ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- very impressive in size, power, or skill ---------------------------------- ◇ He was being fairly guarded about the imperious flank and therefore deserving respect and often gaunt details. behaving in a proud and confident way to be at the side of something or difficult to deal with: very thin, usually because you are sick, ---------------------------------- that shows you expect to be obeyed: someone: ◇ Meeting the energy demands of a big tired, or worried: guru HAUGHTY: ◇ The president entered the room, city is a formidable task. ◇ His face was pale and gaunt. someone who other people respect and ◇ She held up an imperious hand. flanked by his advisors. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- go to for advice about a particular ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- forthright gene subject: implore flattery saying what you think and feel directly a pattern of chemicals within a cell that ◇ a style/fitness guru to ask someone to do something, in a praise that is not sincere but is intended and honestly, without being afraid of other carries information about the qualities ---------------------------------- very emotional way, because you want it to get you something that you want: people's reactions: passed on to a living thing from its haze very much: BEG: ◇ She decided that a bit of flattery might ◇ a forthright politician parents: water, smoke, or dust in the air that ◇ "Don't leave me!" she implored. bring results. ◇ a forthright comment/statement/apology ◇ a gene for breast cancer (=that makes makes it difficult to see clearly: ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- you likely to get it) ◇ There was an early-morning haze import fledgling fossil ◇ in the genes (=passed on through the across the valley. a product from another country, that is recently formed and still developing, an animal or plant, or part of one, that genes): He believes that shyness is in the ---------------------------------- bought with money from your country: without very much experience: lived many thousands of years ago and is genes. hideous ◇ China must produce more food to ◇ fledgling democracies that could be preserved in rock or as a piece of rock: ---------------------------------- very ugly or frightening in appearance: reduce its reliance on imports. overwhelmed by new waves of refugees ◇ fossils of shellfish genre ◇ The corpse had a hideous grin on its ◇ cheap imports from South American ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- a particular style used in film, writing, or face. countries flout frail art, which can be recognized by certain ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- to deliberately refuse to obey a rule or physically weak and not very healthy: features: hobble impose custom: ◇ He is frail, but still manages to walk ◇ The novel did not really exist as a to prevent something developing or being to introduce something such as a new ◇ Skateboarders know they will be with a cane. genre before the 17th century. successful: law or new system, and force people to prosecuted if they flout the law. ---------------------------------- ◇ There's a whole genre of movies about ◇ The whole organization has been accept it: ---------------------------------- frank city-dwellers lost in the wilderness. hobbled by mismanagement. ◇ rules and regulations imposed by fluctuate honest about the situation or your ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- national governments to change frequently: opinions, even if this offends people: glare homely ◇ They have imposed restrictions on ◇ The price fluctuates between $1 and ◇ He was brutally frank in his glare at to look at someone or something ugly: trade with foreign companies. $2 per kilo. assessment of our chances. in a very angry way: ◇ a homely child ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ They glared at each other across the ---------------------------------- inaugurate fluent frenzy table. hover to start or introduce something new and able to speak a foreign language very a state of uncontrolled activity or ---------------------------------- if a bird, insect, or aircraft hovers, it important: well: emotion: glean keeps itself in the same position in the ◇ He hopes to inaugurate a new, more ◇ I'm fluent in three languages. ◇ The next speaker whipped the crowd to learn small pieces of information by air: democratic era in the country's politics. ---------------------------------- up into a frenzy. asking questions or watching or listening ◇ An army helicopter hovered overhead. inauguration noun flux ◇ She was in a frenzy of rage. carefully: GARNER: ---------------------------------- ◇ an inauguration ceremony a condition of continuous change: ---------------------------------- ◇ Their decisions were based on hue ---------------------------------- ◇ The climate appears to be in a state of fringe financial information gleaned from the a color incarnate flux. hair cut in BANGS: Internet. of every hue in human form: used for emphasizing that ◇ The committee's ideas were still in ◇ My fringe needs cutting. ---------------------------------- representing a wide range of attitudes or someone is very similar to what has just flux. ---------------------------------- glisten qualities: been mentioned: PERSONIFIED: ---------------------------------- fundamental if something glistens, it shines because it ◇ Politicians of every hue want to stop ◇ They looked at me as though I were foil relating to the basic nature or character is wet or covered with oil: the fighting. the devil incarnate. very light thin sheets of metal used for of something: ◇ His forehead was glistening with ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- wrapping things, especially food: ◇ a fundamental flaw/weakness sweat. hygiene incompetent ◇ Wrap the cheese in foil to keep it (=something basic that is wrong): Some ---------------------------------- the practice of keeping yourself and the lacking the ability or skills to do moist. people see this as a fundamental flaw in goad things around you clean, in order to something: ---------------------------------- his argument. to deliberately make someone feel very prevent illness and disease: ◇ the worst and most incompetent foliage ◇ We'll have to make some fundamental angry or upset so that they react: ◇ personal hygiene administration in living memory the leaves of a plant or tree: changes in the way we do business. ◇ goad someone into doing something: ---------------------------------- ◇ I am completely incompetent; can you ◇ red flowers and dark green foliage ---------------------------------- She was finally goaded into losing her ideology show me that again? ---------------------------------- furtive temper. a system of ideas and principles on ---------------------------------- folly done quickly and secretly to avoid being ---------------------------------- which a political or economic theory is increment a way of thinking or behaving that is noticed: grandeur based: one in a series of increases in amount stupid and careless, and likely to have ◇ a furtive glance an impressive quality that a place, ◇ Marxist/socialist/revolutionary ideology or value, especially a regular increase in bad results: ---------------------------------- object, or occasion has: ◇ the dominant free-market ideology of pay: ◇ The judge described the incident as an gale ◇ It was a landscape of breathtaking the late 20th century ◇ annual increments act of folly. a very strong wind: grandeur. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ It is absolute folly to go mountain ◇ It's blowing a gale (=there is a strong ---------------------------------- impediment incumbent climbing without the proper equipment. wind). grandiose something that makes it more difficult for someone who has an official position: ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- designed to look very impressive, but someone to do something or more difficult ◇ the campaign to re-elect the incumbent foolhardy garble really looking artificial or silly: for something to happen: ---------------------------------- ignoring obvious dangers in a stupid to communicate something badly in ◇ a grandiose building ◇ impediment to: The size of the service indifferent way: RECKLESS: speech or writing, so that it is confusing ---------------------------------- sector is an impediment to economic lacking interest in something or lacking ◇ It was foolhardy to get involved in the or not accurate: grapple growth. sympathy with someone: first place. ◇ The military must improve its to fight with someone: ---------------------------------- ◇ indifferent to: It's easy to be ---------------------------------- communications to avoid garbling vital ◇ The argument led to them grappling on impel indifferent to money when you've never forage transmissions. the floor. if a feeling or idea impels you to do been poor. to search in a wide area for something, ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- something, it forces you to do it: ---------------------------------- especially food: garrison guarded ◇ the political forces that impel Congress induce ◇ They spend their days foraging for a group of soldiers living in and not giving much information because you to spend tax dollars to cause something, especially a mental food around the city. defending a particular place: do not want someone to know everything ◇ He felt impelled to point out that they or physical change: WORD SMART BASIC : PART B : MED [ 5 ] ◇ Both treatments were effective in interval loom mogul be/draw nigh inducing remission of the disease. a period of time between two events: if something unpleasant or difficult an important and powerful person in a to be going to happen soon: ◇ They hoped their work would induce ◇ The normal interval between our looms, it seems likely to happen soon: particular activity or industry: ◇ The end of the world is nigh! social change. meetings is six weeks. ◇ The administration is playing down the ◇ a media/movie/supermarket mogul ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- notion that a crisis is looming. ---------------------------------- nimble indulgent intrigue ---------------------------------- molecule able to move quickly and easily: allowing someone to do or have what to make someone very interested in lope a very small group of atoms that form a ◇ Her nimble fingers moved effortlessly they want: knowing more about something, especially lope off/into/towards/along to run with particular substance: over the keyboard. ◇ indulgent parents something that seems mysterious: long slow steps: ◇ water molecules ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ That old house has always intrigued ◇ I saw him come loping along the road. ◇ a molecule of carbon dioxide notion inference me. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- an idea or understanding of something: an opinion you form about something that ---------------------------------- lug monstrous ◇ I haven't the faintest notion what is based on information you already have: invariable to carry or move something with cruel, unfair, or morally wrong: you're talking about. ◇ inference from: It's impossible to make never changing: difficulty because it is very heavy: ◇ I find what you say monstrous. ---------------------------------- inferences from such a small sample. ◇ When anything went wrong, his ◇ She lugged his bag out into the hall. ◇ a monstrous waste of money nuance ◇ make/draw inferences: They hope to invariable response was to blame others. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- a slight difference that may be difficult draw inferences about how information is ---------------------------------- lush motivate to notice but is fairly important: organized in a person's memory. jar used about places where many plants to make someone feel determined to do ◇ A translator has to be alert to every ---------------------------------- a glass container with a lid and a wide grow: something or enthusiastic about doing it: nuance. infinite opening at the top, especially one in ◇ lush gardens ◇ She knows how to motivate people. ---------------------------------- very great, and seeming to have no limit: which food is sold or kept: ---------------------------------- ◇ He was primarily motivated by the oath ◇ The possibilities are infinite. ◇ Please buy a big jar of pickles when luster desire for profit. a formal promise, especially one made in ◇ a teacher with infinite patience you go to the store. the feeling that something special and ---------------------------------- a court of law: ---------------------------------- ◇ the peanut butter jar impressive is happening: muck ◇ an oath of loyalty infuse ---------------------------------- ◇ The rain did not add to the luster of something unpleasant, offensive, or of no ◇ Even today, all new American citizens to give someone or something a jargon the occasion. value: officially take an oath of allegiance. particular quality: special words and phrases that are only ---------------------------------- ◇ Why do you read this muck? ---------------------------------- ◇ The best teachers manage to infuse understood by people who do the same mane ---------------------------------- oblige vitality into the most boring subjects. kind of work. This word usually shows someone's long thick hair: municipal to force someone to do something ◇ Her paintings are infused with a that you dislike this type of language: ◇ She has a rich mane of black hair. belonging to or relating to a place that because it is the law, a rule, or a duty: natural strength. ◇ medical/legal/computer jargon ---------------------------------- has its own local government: ◇ Employers are legally obliged to pay ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- mangy ◇ municipal elections the minimum wage. initiative jostle old and dirty: ◇ a municipal swimming pool ◇ They felt obliged to offer him the ability to decide in an independent to push against someone because you ◇ a mangy old sweater ---------------------------------- hospitality. way what to do and when to do it: are trying to move past them in a crowd: ---------------------------------- murmur ---------------------------------- ◇ Mr. Hills showed initiative and bravery ◇ We managed to jostle our way to the manifest to say something in a very quiet voice: obstinate when dealing with a dangerous situation. front. to show something such as a feeling or ◇ Frances murmured an apology as she not willing to be reasonable and change ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ability, so that it is easy to notice: left. your plans, ideas, or behavior: inordinate kaleidoscope ◇ Jane manifested an unwillingness to sit ◇ He was murmuring in her ear. STUBBORN: much more than you would usually a scene, situation, or experience that and talk to Lydia. ---------------------------------- ◇ I now see that my obstinate refusal expect: used for emphasizing how large keeps changing and has many different ---------------------------------- muse caused problems for everyone. something is or how much of something aspects: mantle muse on/about/over to think about ---------------------------------- there is: ◇ a kaleidoscope of colors the authority or responsibility connected something in a careful slow way: opulent ◇ It all took an inordinate amount of ---------------------------------- with someone's position, duties, or beliefs: ◇ He mused upon his relationship with something that is opulent is very time. keen ◇ Edwards took on the mantle of team his own father. impressive because it contains the best ---------------------------------- keen sight, hearing, etc. makes you very captain this year. ---------------------------------- and most expensive things: inquiry good at seeing things, hearing things, etc.: ---------------------------------- muster ◇ We sat in the opulent surroundings of a question intended to get information ◇ I have a very keen sense of smell. midst to try to produce as much of a feeling the Ritz Hotel. about someone or something: ---------------------------------- in the midst of something such as enthusiasm or determination as ---------------------------------- ◇ There have already been over 300 laden while something else is happening: you can: orchestrate inquiries from people interested. carrying something heavy or supporting ◇ Nixon went to China in the midst of a ◇ He was trying to muster support for to plan and organize a complicated event ---------------------------------- the weight of something heavy: crisis at home. his proposal. or course of action so that it achieves the insinuate ◇ Passengers got off the train laden with ---------------------------------- ◇ It demanded all the willpower I could result you want: to say something unpleasant in an boxes and suitcases. mingle muster. ◇ Their main line of work is indirect way: ---------------------------------- if smells, feelings, flavor, etc. mingle or ---------------------------------- orchestrating corporate mergers. ◇ He even went as far as insinuating that languid you mingle them, they become mixed mutilate ◇ a well-orchestrated PR campaign Roger was a liar. very slow and relaxed: together without completely losing their to damage someone's body permanently ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ He lifted his hand in a languid fashion individual characters: by cutting it or removing part of it: organism integrate and pushed back his blond curls. ◇ Leave the dessert overnight for the ◇ Many of the bodies had been badly a living thing such as a person, animal, to change the rules of a place, ---------------------------------- flavors to mingle. burned or mutilated. or plant, especially an extremely small institution, or organization so that people linger ◇ Polly felt hope mingled with fear. ---------------------------------- living thing: of all races can enter it: DESEGREGATE: to stay somewhere longer or spend ---------------------------------- mystify ◇ tests to identify the organism that ◇ Laws were finally passed integrating longer doing something than necessary for minute if someone or something mystifies you, causes the disease all the restaurants. your own enjoyment or benefit: very small: you cannot understand or explain it: ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ I like to linger over breakfast and read ◇ The soil contained minute quantities of ◇ Investigators are mystified by the ostentatious integrity the newspapers. uranium. crash, which claimed 104 lives. intended to impress people or attract the quality of always behaving according ◇ Many students lingered after class. ◇ The chances of success were minute. ---------------------------------- their admiration, in a way that you think to the moral principles that you believe ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- narrator is extreme and unnecessary: in, so that people respect and trust you: loft mode someone who tells the story in a novel ◇ an ostentatious display of wealth ◇ She had a reputation for honesty and an upper floor in a factory or similar a particular way of doing something: or movie: ---------------------------------- personal integrity. building that has been made into ◇ an efficient mode of production ◇ Marcel is the first person narrator of pact ◇ I trust we as a nation will maintain our apartments: ◇ E-mail is becoming an increasingly the novel. an agreement between two or more integrity and influence. ◇ a loft apartment popular mode of communication. ---------------------------------- people or organizations in which they ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- nigh promise to do something: WORD SMART BASIC : PART B : MED [ 6 ] ◇ We made a pact never to tell anyone petulant ◇ The conclusions in the report were prosperous reel about what had happened. annoyed and behaving in an unreasonable based on a false premise. rich and successful: an object shaped like a WHEEL that you ---------------------------------- way because you cannot get what you ◇ We started from the premise that the ◇ With economic expansion comes the wind string, THREAD, wire, or FILM palpable want: situation can get no worse. promise of a more prosperous future. around in order to store it: if a mood or feeling is palpable, it is so ◇ a petulant child ---------------------------------- ◇ The town is increasingly prosperous. ◇ a reel of cotton strong that you seem to feel it physically ---------------------------------- presume ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- yourself: phenomenon to think something is true because it is prototype refrain ◇ The tension in the room was palpable. an event or situation that can be seen to likely, although you cannot be certain: the first form of something new, made refrain from to stop yourself from doing ---------------------------------- happen or exist: ASSUME: before it is produced in large quantities: something. This word is often used in paradox ◇ Violence in society is not a new ◇ I presume you've already ordered ◇ Designers have built a working official announcements or signs: a person, thing, or situation that is phenomenon. lunch. prototype of the car. ◇ Please refrain from smoking in this strange because they have features or ◇ a study of the phenomenon of physical ◇ Ellen could only presume that he didn't ---------------------------------- area. qualities that do not normally exist attraction care. provision ---------------------------------- together: ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- the act of providing something that regal ◇ We get this apparent paradox of philosophy pretense someone needs: typical of or appropriate for a king or people migrating to an area that has very a system of beliefs that influences a way of behaving that does not honestly ◇ The Red Cross is in charge of the queen: high unemployment. someone's decisions and behavior: express your real feelings, thoughts, or provision of emergency relief. ◇ regal powers ---------------------------------- ◇ the latest philosophies of management intentions: ---------------------------------- ◇ a regal bearing parody ◇ The school has a child-centred ◇ She said she was really pleased to see prudent ---------------------------------- a literary or musical work that copies a philosophy. us, but I could tell it was just a pretense. careful, and using good judgment: regress serious work in a humorous way: ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ It may be prudent to get some expert to return to a previous and usually less ◇ parody of: a witty parody of the pit pretentious advice first. developed state or condition: Orpheus story a very large hole dug in the ground in behaving in a way that is intended to ---------------------------------- ◇ Tommy's speech seems to have ---------------------------------- order to obtain a particular substance or impress other people but seems false or qualify regressed since he changed schools. pawn type of stone: QUARRY: too deliberate: to have the right qualities or be in the ---------------------------------- a person who is being used by someone ◇ a gravel pit ◇ It's so pretentious of her to greet right situation to be considered as reign who is more powerful to help them ---------------------------------- everyone in French. something or to receive or do something: the period of time when a king or queen achieve a goal: plausible ---------------------------------- ◇ Only people over the age of 18 are rules a country: ◇ pawn in: We are just pawns in her likely to be true: REASONABLE: prevail qualified to vote. ◇ the reign of Queen Elizabeth II ambitious plans. ◇ A bomb was the only plausible to be the strongest influence or element ◇ 90% of the boat people did not qualify ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- explanation for the crash. in a situation: as refugees. relish peculiar ◇ The story was plausible but that didn't ◇ We hope that common sense will ---------------------------------- to get great pleasure or satisfaction from strange, often in an unpleasant way: necessarily mean it was true. prevail and an agreement will soon be quell something: ◇ a peculiar smell ---------------------------------- reached. to cause a violent situation to end: ◇ Being a role model for younger players ◇ He told me a most peculiar story. ponder ◇ In the end, the Chinese view prevailed. ◇ Mounted police were called in to quell is something he relishes. ---------------------------------- to think carefully about something for a ---------------------------------- the riot. ---------------------------------- peddler long time before reaching a decision: prime ---------------------------------- repress someone who sells something outside or ◇ Injuries to key players have left the most important: PRIMARY: radiant to prevent yourself from showing a by going from place to place to find coach pondering his options for the next ◇ Our prime concern was the safety of someone who is radiant looks extremely feeling: customers: game. our customers. happy: ◇ I couldn't repress my curiosity. ◇ a fruit peddler ◇ Mike pondered what he should say to ---------------------------------- ◇ a radiant bride ◇ Repressing an impulse to laugh out ---------------------------------- his wife. principal ---------------------------------- loud, she thanked him and walked out. peevish ---------------------------------- main or most important: rascal ---------------------------------- easily annoyed, especially by things that precise ◇ The principal aim of the project is to a child who behaves badly but who you reproach are not important: exact and accurate: provide an answer to this question. like too much to be angry with: an expression of criticism and ◇ He could be peevish and irritable at ◇ Lara was able to tell me everything ---------------------------------- ◇ Come back here, you little rascal! disappointment because of something bad times. that had happened in precise detail. pristine ---------------------------------- that someone has done: ---------------------------------- ◇ There is no precise definition of a something that is pristine looks very ration ◇ In a voice full of reproach, she told perennial storm. clean, neat, or new: a limited amount of something, especially him that he had let down the whole class. always existing or never seeming to ---------------------------------- ◇ pristine snow/beaches/lawns food, that you are allowed to have, for ---------------------------------- change: predator ◇ in pristine condition: The bike was in example when there is not much available resent ◇ Money is a perennial source of an animal that kills and eats other pristine condition. or when someone else is controlling it: to experience angry unhappy feelings disagreement among couples. animals: ---------------------------------- ◇ They cut his daily ration of bread and because you think you have been treated ◇ The Wizard of Oz is a perennial ◇ The birds have to be protected from procession water. unfairly or without enough respect: favorite with children. foxes and other predators. a line of people or vehicles moving in a ---------------------------------- ◇ The girls in the family resented all the ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- slow and formal way as part of an event: recede attention that Peter was getting. perpetrate predecessor ◇ The anniversary was marked in 1689 to move back from a high point or level: ---------------------------------- to do something that is harmful, illegal, the person who had a job or official with a huge procession through London. ◇ The flood waters receded. residue or dishonest: position before someone else: ◇ in procession: About 10,000 women, ---------------------------------- the part of something that remains after ◇ The military perpetrated many human ◇ Algood seems to have learned nothing carrying pots of milk on their heads, recipient the rest has gone or ended: rights abuses during the earliest phase of from the faults of his predecessors. walked in procession from one temple to someone who receives something: pesticide residues in food the conflict. ---------------------------------- another. ◇ She is this year's recipient of the ◇ the historical residue of discrimination perpetrator noun [count]: predicament ---------------------------------- award. in school systems ◇ It's time the perpetrators of the crime a difficult or unpleasant situation that is profess ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- were brought to justice. not easy to get out of: to claim something, especially when it is reckoning retrospect ---------------------------------- ◇ I understood her predicament, but not true: a calculation or measurement: in retrospect persistent there was nothing I could do. ◇ Many wildlife smugglers profess to ◇ By my reckoning, it'll cost forty-five considering something that happened in continuing to do something in a ◇ If everyone had followed the rules, we have an interest in conservation. dollars a month. the past, using knowledge or information determined way: would not be in this predicament. ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- that you did not have at that time: ◇ Although she told him she knew ---------------------------------- prophetic recuperate ◇ In retrospect, we should never have nothing, he was very persistent. premise describing something that will happen in to get better after being sick or injured: allowed that to happen. ◇ His persistent refusal to pay eventually a principle or statement that you the future: ◇ He's recuperating from major heart ---------------------------------- led to his arrest. consider to be true, that you base other ◇ His words proved oddly prophetic. surgery. revelation ---------------------------------- ideas and actions on: ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- a surprising piece of information: WORD SMART BASIC : PART B : MED [ 7 ] ◇ Recent revelations about his private ruddy well and make good decisions: not regular or frequent: new regulations. life have dented his popularity. red and looking healthy: ◇ a shrewd politician ◇ The explosions were only sporadic ◇ an attempt to stifle ---------------------------------- ◇ ruddy-faced men ---------------------------------- now. innovation/debate/democracy revenue ---------------------------------- shrill ◇ sporadic showers ---------------------------------- income from business activities or taxes: rustle a shrill noise or voice is very loud, high, ---------------------------------- stilted ◇ tax revenues to make a sound like the one that leaves and unpleasant: sprawl stilted movements or words are not ◇ The magazine had been losing or sheets of paper make when they move: ◇ a shrill cry/whistle to sit or lie with your arms and legs relaxed and natural: advertising revenue for months. ◇ The leaves on the branch rustled and ---------------------------------- stretched out in different directions in a ◇ I praised them in my stilted German. ---------------------------------- shook. shun relaxed or careless way: ◇ stilted conversation/speech/acting reverence ---------------------------------- to deliberately avoid a person, place, or ◇ We sprawled in front of the fire and ---------------------------------- a strong feeling of respect and saturate activity: watched TV. stout admiration for someone or something: to make something completely wet: ◇ They shun all forms of luxury. ---------------------------------- slightly fat. This word is less rude than ◇ They spoke of the old man with ◇ Heavy rains saturated fields and ◇ She lives alone, shunned by society. spree "fat": reverence. pastures. ---------------------------------- a short period that you spend doing only ◇ a stout pleasant man ◇ a reverence for tradition ---------------------------------- sidle one activity, especially something ◇ stout legs ---------------------------------- scamper to move slowly in a particular direction, enjoyable such as spending money or ---------------------------------- revile to move quickly with small light steps: usually because you are nervous or do drinking alcohol: stride to hate and criticize someone or ◇ The boy scampered up the tree like a not want to be noticed: ◇ a shopping/spending/buying spree a long confident step: something very much: squirrel. ◇ The children sidled past her into the ---------------------------------- ◇ In three strides he had crossed the ◇ Reviled as traitors, they now want to ---------------------------------- kitchen. squalid room. leave the country. scarce ---------------------------------- a place that is squalid is dirty and ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- if something is scarce, there is not very singular unpleasant: strive rhetoric much of it: very good: ◇ the squalid conditions in the camp to make a lot of effort to achieve a style of speaking or writing that is ◇ Fresh water and medicine were scarce ◇ a singular success ---------------------------------- something: intended to influence people: in the flooded region. ---------------------------------- stamina ◇ We strive to be accurate, but some ◇ angry nationalist rhetoric ◇ scarce natural resources siphon the ability to work hard or make a lot of mistakes are inevitable. ◇ anti-American rhetoric ---------------------------------- siphon or siphon off to move liquid from effort over a long period of time without ◇ women who were striving for more ◇ the rhetoric of freedom/reform/law and scenario one container to another through a tube: getting tired: freedom order a situation that could possibly happen: ◇ Siphon off all excess liquid. ◇ I don't have the stamina to work all ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ◇ The most likely scenario is that ---------------------------------- night. sublime rhythm Brooks will resign. skulk ---------------------------------- extremely good or beautiful: a regular pattern of sounds in music that ◇ I am trying to think of all the possible to move around or wait somewhere in a stammer ◇ Sublime music filled the air. you can show by moving, hitting your scenarios. secret way, especially because you are to keep repeating a sound and have ---------------------------------- hands together, or hitting a drum or other ---------------------------------- going to do something bad: difficulty in saying certain words because subsidy surface: scorch ◇ Why is he skulking around in the of a speech problem, nervousness, an amount of money that the government ◇ They began moving together to the if you scorch something or it scorches, it bushes? excitement, etc.: or another organization pays to help to rhythm of the music. burns enough to change color or be ---------------------------------- ◇ Nina, blushing with embarrassment, reduce the cost of a product or service: ◇ He tapped out the rhythm on the table. damaged on the surface: slacken began to stammer. ◇ The government pays subsidies to ---------------------------------- ◇ The forest fire was contained after to become slower or less active, or ---------------------------------- farmers to produce particular crops. rift scorching some ten thousand acres. make something become slower or less stark ◇ a housing subsidy a disagreement between two people or ◇ Who scorched this pot? active: used for describing a building or scene ---------------------------------- groups: ---------------------------------- ◇ Interest in the project shows no sign that is very clear and plain to look at, suffice ◇ After the war a serious rift developed scour of slackening. often in a slightly unpleasant or to be enough: between the two former allies. to search a place or document ◇ He slackened his pace. frightening way: ◇ I'm not sending a gift - I think a card ◇ The government denied there had been thoroughly for something: ---------------------------------- ◇ She disliked the stark brick walls and will suffice. a rift with the UN. ◇ scour something for something: Jake spasm the steel window frames. ◇ Two examples should suffice to prove ---------------------------------- scoured auction sales for the furniture a sudden movement in which one of your ◇ The hill formed a stark silhouette this point. ritual they needed. muscles becomes tight and painful: against the sky. ---------------------------------- something you do regularly and always ---------------------------------- ◇ Athletes know that cold weather can ---------------------------------- sullen in the same way: scourge induce muscle spasms. stench showing that you are in an unhappy ◇ Their meetings became a weekly ritual. something that causes a lot of trouble or ---------------------------------- stench of mood, and do not want to talk ---------------------------------- harm: spectacle a feeling you have that something is ◇ a sullen look rivalry ◇ the effort to keep the scourge of drugs an unusual, exciting, or impressive event very unpleasant: ---------------------------------- a situation in which people, teams, off our streets or sight: ◇ As the battle approached, the stench of summit businesses, etc. compete with one ---------------------------------- ◇ Watching a lion chase its prey is one fear was everywhere. summit or summit meeting another: scrawny of nature's most exciting spectacles. ---------------------------------- a meeting or series of meetings between political rivalries very thin, in a way that is not attractive ---------------------------------- stereotype leaders of two or more countries: ◇ There is friendly rivalry between the or healthy: spectrum a very firm and simple idea about what a ◇ a summit of EU leaders two teams. ◇ a scrawny half-starved dog the whole range of ideas, qualities, particular type of person or thing is like: ◇ a summit meeting on AIDS ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- situations, etc. that are possible: ◇ He certainly doesn't fit the stereotype ◇ The summit will be held in Madrid in rout secrete ◇ the parties at the center of the of the emotional Italian. June. a complete defeat of an opponent in a to produce a liquid: political spectrum ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- battle, competition, or election: ◇ Glands in the animal's skin secrete tiny ◇ wide/broad spectrum (=a large range): stern supple ◇ His touchdown completed the rout in proteins. The course covers a wide spectrum of a stern person, expression, or statement able to move and bend your body very the fourth quarter. ---------------------------------- musical activity from opera to rock. is serious and severe: easily and in a graceful way: ---------------------------------- sentiment ---------------------------------- ◇ A smile suddenly transformed her stern ◇ Do some stretching exercises to keep rubble a belief or an attitude toward something: spite face. yourself supple. broken pieces of stone and brick from ◇ I had considerable sympathy with the a feeling of wanting to upset someone or ◇ The judge issued a stern warning to ---------------------------------- buildings, walls, etc. that have been sentiments expressed in his letter. cause problems for them, especially the driver. sway destroyed: ◇ His party had encouraged nationalist because you think something is unfair: ---------------------------------- to move or swing gently from side to reduce something to rubble (=destroy it sentiment. ◇ a candidate motivated by political spite stifle side: completely): A bomb reduced the houses ---------------------------------- ◇ out of spite: She refused out of spite. to stop something from developing ◇ The ladder swayed precariously. to rubble. shrewd ---------------------------------- normally: ◇ Their bodies swayed to the music. ---------------------------------- able to judge people and situations very sporadic ◇ Businesses are being stifled by a lot of ---------------------------------- WORD SMART BASIC : PART B : MED [ 8 ] swoon a limit at which an arrangement changes. the particular ideas or beliefs that ◇ a volley of abuse to be extremely excited and impressed For example a tax threshold is the level influence the way you think about things: ---------------------------------- by someone whom you like or admire: of income or profit at which you start to VIEWPOINT: vouch ◇ The entire audience seemed to swoon pay a tax: ◇ The war is described from the vantage vouch for phrasal verb [transitive] when he appeared on stage. ◇ above/below a threshold: The point of those on the winning side. to say that something is true, correct, or ---------------------------------- company's turnover is well below the tax ---------------------------------- good based on your own knowledge or synchronize threshold. vehement experience: to make two or more things happen or ---------------------------------- involving extremely strong feelings or ◇ We can vouch for the software - move at the same time or speed: thrive beliefs: everyone here uses it.. ◇ The synchronized explosions brought to become very successful, happy, or ◇ a vehement protest/objection/denial ---------------------------------- chaos to the city center. healthy: ---------------------------------- waft ---------------------------------- ◇ Children thrive when given plenty of venture if a smell or noise wafts, it floats tangible love and attention. a new business or activity: through the air in a gentle way: important and noticeable: ---------------------------------- ◇ a new/profitable venture ◇ The aroma of freshly made pancakes ◇ The plan will bring tangible economic timid ---------------------------------- wafted through the air. benefits to the area. shy and nervous: veto ---------------------------------- ◇ tangible evidence ◇ She gave me a timid smile. to officially refuse to approve or allow wane ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- something: if a feeling or power wanes, it becomes tantrum tinge ◇ The president will veto the election weaker or less important: an occasion when someone suddenly a small amount of a color, feeling, or law if Congress passes it. ◇ His enthusiasm was waning fast. behaves in a very angry and unreasonable quality: ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- way, often screaming, crying, or refusing ◇ Her brown hair had a slight tinge of viable whet to obey someone. This word is usually gray. able to be done, or worth doing: if you whet a blade, you make it used about children: ---------------------------------- ◇ The present system is simply no sharper: SHARPEN ◇ have/throw a tantrum: Alex threw a tract longer viable. whet your appetite (for something) tantrum and screamed loudly. a large area of land: ---------------------------------- to increase the feeling that you want to ---------------------------------- ◇ Vast tracts of land were being planted vigil have or do a particular thing: tapestry with these trees. a period of time, especially at night, ◇ a TV program that will whet people's a variety or mixture of things: ---------------------------------- when you stay in a place to wait for appetite for travel ◇ rich tapestry: life's rich tapestry of trait something or to give your support to ---------------------------------- emotional experiences a particular quality in someone's someone: whirl ---------------------------------- character: ◇ Bill kept a constant vigil by his wife's to spin quickly in circles: taut ◇ character/personality traits bed during her illness. ◇ Whirling gracefully, they crossed the firm or stretched tight: ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- dance floor. ◇ Check that the rope is taut before trajectory vindicate ---------------------------------- climbing. the high curving line in which an object to prove that someone is right, or that wistful ---------------------------------- such as a missile moves through the air: something they said, did, or decided was slightly sad because you want to have or teem ◇ The bomb followed a high trajectory right, especially when most people do something: if it is teeming or teeming down, a lot of toward its target. believed they were wrong: ◇ a wistful expression/smile rain is falling ---------------------------------- ◇ I feel vindicated now since the court ---------------------------------- teem with phrasal verb [transitive] tranquil ruled in my favor. wretched to contain an extremely large number of calm, still, and quiet: ---------------------------------- very unpleasant, or in very bad people, animals, or objects that are all ◇ a tranquil setting/scene/village virtue condition: moving around: ---------------------------------- a good quality or habit that a person ◇ The whole family lived in one ◇ These rivers teem with fish. trend has, especially a moral one such as wretched room. ---------------------------------- a gradual change or development that honesty or loyalty: ---------------------------------- temperament produces a particular result: ◇ Patience is not one of my virtues. wry someone's temperament is their basic ◇ trend toward/to: We've seen a trend ---------------------------------- funny and clever: character, for example their tendency to toward more violent movies this year. vista ◇ The program was full of wry be happy, angry, etc.: ---------------------------------- the view you can see from a particular observations about married life. ◇ She was famous for her long red hair trifle place, especially a beautiful view: ---------------------------------- and fiery temperament. something that is not very important: ◇ We spent a few moments enjoying the yearn ---------------------------------- ◇ a mere trifle vista from the hotel balcony. to want something a lot, especially tepid ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- something that you know you may not be warm when it should be hot: uniform vivid able to have: ◇ tepid bathwater a set of clothes that you wear to show having or producing very clear and ◇ He yearned for her love. ---------------------------------- that you are part of a particular detailed images in the mind: ---------------------------------- terrain organization or school: ◇ I've been having extraordinarily vivid yonder an area of land, usually one that has a ◇ He was still wearing his school dreams recently. Yonder and yon can be used in the particular physical feature: uniform. ---------------------------------- following ways: ◇ familiar/hilly/mountainous terrain ---------------------------------- void as an adverb: ---------------------------------- unprecedented a situation in which something important ◇ Look over yonder. thatch never having happened or existed before: that is usually present is no longer there: as a determiner: the hair on someone's head, especially ◇ The government took the ◇ fill the void: It will be difficult to fill ◇ yon hills when it is thick and messy: unprecedented step of releasing the void left by his departure. an old word used for talking about ◇ Charles ran his fingers through his confidential correspondence. ---------------------------------- someone or something that is not near thatch of silver hair. ---------------------------------- volatile you ---------------------------------- utmost a volatile situation can suddenly change ---------------------------------- therapy as much as possible: used for or become more dangerous: a form of treatment for an illness or emphasizing a quality or feeling: ◇ a volatile stock market WORD SMART BASIC : PART B << 끝 >> medical condition: ◇ We attach the utmost importance to ---------------------------------- ◇ Massage is one of the oldest therapies. public safety. volley ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- volley of a lot of questions, insults, etc. 447단어 정리 threshold vantage point all spoken or made at the same time: 예문 없는 단어는 정리 하지 않았다 .