Effectiveness of Nutrient Mixture On The Level of Haemoglobin Among The Adolescent Girls With Anemia
Effectiveness of Nutrient Mixture On The Level of Haemoglobin Among The Adolescent Girls With Anemia
Effectiveness of Nutrient Mixture On The Level of Haemoglobin Among The Adolescent Girls With Anemia
Volume 6 Issue 7, November-December 2022 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Anemia accounts for a majority of the nutritional 15-49 years in Madhya Pradesh is 52.5% and that in
problem across the globe and it is principally pregnant and non-pregnant women is 54.6% and
engendered by deficiency of iron. Although it occurs 52.4% respectively as per NFHS 4. (Veena Melwani,
in all the age group, prevalence is on a higher side et al., 2018).
among women of childbearing age. Its prevalence is
National nutritional anemia control programme In
inordinately higher among developing nations,
India implemented through the primary health centers
because of low socioeconomic status and indigent
and sub centers. It aims at decreasing the prevalence
access to healthcare services.
and incidence of anemia in woman of reproductive
Anaemia is the most common nutritional disorder age. Iron deficiency is the most prevalent micro
worldwide. Anaemia is common during adolescent nutrient deficiency and anemia were associated with
girls due to demands of increased growth and impaired cognitive functioning, lower school
menstrual blood loss. WHO estimates that anaemia achievement and most likely lower physical work
prevalence among adolescent girl is 27% in capacity. Adolescent girls are at risk of developing
developing countries and 6% in developed countries. iron deficient anemia because of the increased iron
According to NFHS 4 53% of women aged 15-49 requirement for growth.
years are anaemic in India. The prevalence of
Anemia is most common nutritional deficiency
anaemia in pregnant and non-pregnant females aged
disorder in India and remains a formidable health
15-49 years is 50.3% and 53.1% respectively in India.
challenge. Anemia is defined as a condition in the
2 Similarly the prevalence of anaemia in women aged
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52564 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1064
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
which the number of red blood cells (RBCs) their technique and who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The
oxygen -carrying is insufficient to meet the body’s inclusion criteria were Adolescent girls in the age
physiologic needs. It is a condition when the normal group of 12 – 19 years, Adolescent girls who are able
number of RBCs (<4.2 million/µ1) or haemoglobin to understand Tamil and English and the exclusion
(Hb) level <12g/dl) in women and <12 in men. criteria were Adolescent girls with other
comorbidities, Adolescent girls who are not willing to
Adolescent, as defined by World Health organization,
participate in the study, Adolescent girls who have
it usually the period of life between 11&19 years
irritable bowel syndrome. The study was conducted at
during which most of the girls reach their puberty.
Kondanchery, Thiruvallur District. Structured
This is the period, where rapid growth and visible
questionnaire was used to collect the demographic
changes are witnessed in terms of physical, mental,
variables and observation schedule to assess the
intellectual, emotional, emotional, psychological, and
Haemoglobin level. On day 1 pretest was conducted
behavioural patterns. And during such rapid changes
among the samples and on the same day Nutrient
in physical growth they are also prone to Anemia.
Mixture was given to the samples and the posttest
Globally, anemia is the most common and inflexible was conducted after 7days. The data was collected for
nutritional problem affecting around w billion of the a period of 1week and the collected data were
world’s population having major impact on human analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
health and social and economic development; and
more than 89% of this burden occurred in developing Results and Discussion:
Section A: Structured questionnaire to assess the
countries Presently, the prevalence of anemia among
adolescent girls is on the rise in India. Since demographic variables on geriatric patients
The table 1 shows that most of the adolescent girls in
adolescent period signalizes the beginning of
the experimental group, 16(53.3%) were aged 10 – 14
menstrual period in girls, they are at a higher risk for
years, 12(40%) had secondary education, 30(100%)
nutritional anemia. According to recent statistics,
residing in rural area, 20(66.6%) were Hindus,
there were about 1.2 billion adolescents worldwide,
23(76.7%) belonged to nuclear family, 18(60%) had
which constitute one-fifth of the total world’s
family income of 5000 – 10,000 per month, 1(56.7%)
population and the figures are escalating. Developing
received information through TV/Radio.
countries account for about 5 million adolescent
population, and in India about 21% of the total Whereas in the control group, 19(63.3%) were aged
population are adolescents. 10 – 14 years, 13(43.3%) had secondary education,
30(100%) residing in rural area, 20(66.6%) were
Statement of the problem:
Hindus, 21(70%) belonged to nuclear family,
A study to assess the effectiveness of nutrient mixture
15(50%) had family income of 5000 – 10,000 per
on the level of haemoglobin among the adolescent
month, 14(46.7%) received information through
girls with anemia.
The table 2 shows that most of the adolescent girls in
1. To assess the pretest and post-test level of
the experimental group, 17(56.6%) were aged
haemoglobin among adolescent girls with anemia.
between 10 – 12 years at the age of menarche,
2. To assess the effectiveness of nutrient mixture on 17(56.7%) had regular menstrual cycle, 20(66.6%)
the level of haemoglobin among the adolescent had 2 – 3 days of menstruation, 16(53.4%) had
girls with anemia. normal blood flow, 23(76.7%) were non-vegetarian
3. To associate the post-test level of haemoglobin and had checked haemoglobin level recently.
among the adolescent girls with anemia with their Whereas in the control group, 13(43.3%) were aged
selected demographic variables. between 10 – 12 and 13 – 15 years at the age of
Methods and Materials: menarche, 15(50%) had regular and irregular
The study used quantitative research approach and menstrual cycle, 16(53.3%) had 2 – 3 days of
Quasi-experimental research design with the sample menstruation, 15(50%) had normal blood flow,
size of the study was 60 who has adolescent girls with 24(80%) were non-vegetarian and 19(63,3%) had
anemia who were selected by purposive sampling checked haemoglobin level recently.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52564 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1065
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Percentage distribution of duration of menstrual cycle among the adolescent girls in the experimental
and control group
Section B: Observation of haemoglobin level
Table 3: Frequency and percentage distribution of pretest and posttest level of anemia among
adolescent girls in the experimental and control group
N = 60(30+30)
Experimental Group Control Group
Level of Anemia Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest
F % F % F % F %
Normal (12 – 15 gm/dl) 0 0 20 66.7 0 0 0 0
Mild (10 – 12 gm/dl) 20 66.7 10 33.3 19 63.4 19 63.3
Moderate (8 – 10 gm/dl) 9 30.0 0 0 10 33.3 11 36.7
Below 8 gm/dl 1 3.3 0 0 1 3.33 0 0
The above table 3 shows that in the pretest of experimental group, 20966.7%Z) had mild level of anemia,
9(30%) had moderate level of anemia and only 1(3.3%) had severe anemia whereas in the posttest after the
intervention, 20(66.7%) were normal and 10(33.3%) had mild level of anemia.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52564 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1066
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Percentage distribution of pretest and posttest level of anemia among adolescent girls in the
experimental and control group
Table 4: Comparison of pretest and posttest level of anemia among adolescent girls within and
between the experimental and control group
N = 60(30+30)
Pretest Posttest Mean Difference Paired ‘t’ test &
Mean S.D Mean S.D score p-value
t = 15.305
Experimental Group 10.29 1.06 12.63 1.12 2.34
p=0.0001, S***
t = 1.511
Control Group 10.22 1.06 10.25 1.05 0.03
p=0.142, N.S
Mean Difference Score 0.07 2.38
t = 0.256 t = 8.498
Student Independent ‘t’ S – Significant
p=0.799, p=0.0001,
test & p-value N.S – Not Significant
N.S S***
The table 4 depicts that in the experimental group, the pretest mean score of anemia among adolescent girls was
10.29±1.06 and posttest mean score of anemia was 12.63±1.12. The mean difference score was 2.34. The
calculated paired ‘t’ test value of t=15.305 was found to be statistically significant at p<0.001 level which clearly
infers that the administration nutrition mixture among adolescent girls was found to be effective in reducing the
level of anemia by increasing the level of haemoglobin in the posttest.
Discussion: Hence the research hypothesis H1 that Hence the research hypothesis H2 that stated earlier
stated earlier “There will be a significant difference “There will be a significant association of posttest
between the pretest and posttest level of level of level of haemoglobin among adolescent
haemoglobin among adolescent girls with anemia” girls with anemia with their selected demographic
was accepted. variables” was accepted for the demographic
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52564 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 7 | November-December 2022 Page 1067
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
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