Trompenaars Vs Hofsted
Trompenaars Vs Hofsted
Trompenaars Vs Hofsted
Trompenaars Vs Hofstede
As opposed to Hofstede, whose primary objective was evaluating work values,
Trompenaars sought to learn more about how workers behaved both at work and in
their spare time. Because it informs us what people are thinking and seeing,
Trompennars' model is focus-oriented. A framework for their behavior may be
observed in aspects like specific-diffuse, internal-external orientation,
universalism/particularism, and individualism/collectivism, achievement-appointment,
neutral-affective. Hofstede, on the other hand, discusses how people's values
influence their behavior.
Trompenaars' achievement-ascription and Hofstede's power distance have certain
parallels. When it comes to valuing something, some people are more concerned with
whether or not it's considered "high class" or "low class." Hofstede later introduced a
new dimension of long-term vs short-term orientation, which is similar to Trompenaars
sequential-synchronic time since both exhibit attitudes toward time.