Streaming Article
Streaming Article
Streaming Article
grouping on students?
By Nina Hood
Earlier this week a teacher wrote to me asking what the research says about the impact
of streaming in schools. We have briefly touched on this issue in our resources on high
expectation teaching, however, have never tackled it head on. Given the prevalence of
some form of attainment grouping in New Zealand schools (this article touches on a
number of different attainment[1] grouping practices– streaming, setting, banding and
within-class grouping), exploring the research in this area seems a worthwhile
undertaking[2]. For anyone concerned about educational inequality, what I uncovered in
the research makes for some pretty grim reading.
Arguments for utilising some form of attainment grouping suggest that separating
students into ‘ability’ or attainment groups enables teachers to stretch the most ‘able’
students and to support those who are ‘struggling’. While the rationale is
understandable, the evidence suggests that grouping by attainment typically
exacerbates inequalities in education rather than reducing them.
Overall, the evidence demonstrates that streaming or setting has little if any overall
benefit in terms of student academic outcomes. Digging a bit deeper, the research
suggests that while there may be small achievement gains for higher attaining students,
the impact on students in lower attaining groups is negative. The evidence on within-
class attainment grouping (a practice used most frequently in primary schools) similarly
suggests that there is less benefit for lower attaining students, and that within-class
attainment grouping is most successful if groups regularly change, students can move
between groups, and that all students have opportunities to receive high quality
instruction and to engage in rigorous tasks. Recent research found that in classes that
utilise some form of attainment grouping, ‘low attaining learners fall behind by one or
two months a year, on average, when compared with the progress of similar students in
classes with mixed ability groups’, and that this effect is particularly strong in
mathematics where setting is most common.[3]
Streaming and setting also have been found to have a negative impact on the social and
emotional outcomes of many students. Research suggests that streaming can
exacerbate the effect of socio-economic background on educational achievement,
thereby reinforcing already existing social disadvantage experienced by certain groups
of students. Furthermore, streaming often increases racial segregation within schools
and there is evidence to suggest that streaming decreases students’ acceptance of
racial difference and general positive interaction between racial groups. Streaming also
has been shown to have a negative impact on the self-concept, confidence and
motivation of students in lower streams, which in turn negatively impacts on their
academic achievement and progress.
[1] Attainment is used rather than ability due to the literature suggesting that schools
often confuse current (or recent) educational attainment with a notion of innate
potential academic ‘ability’.
[2] This article has drawn on a range of research studies to inform the arguments made.
See in particular: Higgins, S. et al. (2015). The Sutton Trust – Education Endowment
Foundation Teaching and Learning Toolkit. London: Education Endowment Foundation;
Johnston, O., & Wildy, H. (2016). The effects of streaming in the secondary school on
learning outcomes for Australian students – A review of the international
literature. Australian Journal of Education, 60 (1), 42-59. Taylor, B. et al. (2017). Factors
deterring schools from mixed attainment teaching practice. Pedagogy, Culture &
Society, 25 (3), 327-345; Taylor, B. et al. (2019). Why is it difficult for schools to establish
equitable practices in allocating students to attainment ‘sets’? British Journal of
Educational Studies, 67 (1), 5-24.