Learning-Plan High
Learning-Plan High
Learning-Plan High
2. Share their insights about the ways on how to reduce the effects of human activities
a. Subject Matter
Subject: Science 7
a. Daily Routine
How was your morning class? Did you eat your Yes maam
breakfast for today?
That's great!
That's Right!
How about Greenhouse Effect? " Greenhouse Effect is a natural process that
warms the Earths surface Sir."
Very Good!
“These are the Carbon dioxide, Methane,
What are the different greenhouse gases Water Vapor, Ozone, Nitrous oxide and
that are present in the atmosphere? Chlorofluorocarbons.”
c. Motivation
" Played the Video" " After watching the video I have realized that
the Philippines is really a rich country when it
So now that you've watch the video what can comes to our natural resources and I feel so
you say about the Philippines ? blessed that I have witness the true beauty of
d. Lesson Proper
Very Good!
What are the water forms that is present here in Rivers, lakes, straits, swamps, gulfs, falls and
our country? bays.
Why are these body forms important to the These bodies of water support the survival of
environment ? diverse organisms for food as well as for
economic activities.
What is Endemic Species? "Endemic species are plants and animals that
exist only in one geographic region. Species
can be endemic to large or small areas of the
earth: some are endemic to a particular
continent, some to part of a continent, and
Very good! others to a single island."
What are some examples of endemic species Tarsier in Bohol, Tamaraw in Mindoro and
that you know ? Mouse Deer or Pilandok in Palawan .
These are
some of the
birds in
* Yellowish
Monarch Hypothymis azurea catarmanensis
What are the minerals that you know? Gold, iron ore, lead, zinc, chromite, and
The Philippines' top mineral exports are copper,
gold and nickel. Other target minerals include
quartz, mica, iron, gypsum, feldspar, chromite,
calcite and sulphur. Some target non-metallic
minerals are sand and gravel, limestone, marble,
clay and other quarry materials.
Put check under the picture on natural resources found in the Philippines.
1. As a student how can you help in preserving the natural resources of the country?
2. What are some ways that you can suggest in order to ensure the sustainability of our
natural resources?
Make a poster slogan about ways on preserving nature and post it on social media in order
to raise awareness to people specially to the younger generation.