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File No._SMT - 1707 Date: 21.12.



Empanelment of Structural Consultancy Firms

EIC-cum-Managing Director
Odisha Bridge & Construction Corporation Limited
Setu Bhawan, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar- 751012

DISCLAIMER ................................................................................................................................................. 1

1. Introduction:- .......................................................................................................................................... 4

2. Brief Description of the Bidding Process:- ............................................................................................. 5

3. Schedule of EOI process:- ..................................................................................................................... 5

4. Scope of Services .................................................................................................................................. 6

5. Eligibility Criteria:- .................................................................................................................................. 6

5.1. Conflict of Interest: ................................................................................................................................. 8

5.2. Fraud and Corrupt Practices: ................................................................................................................. 8

6. Submission of EOI ................................................................................................................................. 9

7. Amendments to EOI:-...........................................................................................................................10

8. Fraudulent and Corrupt Practices:- ......................................................................................................10

9. Right to accept or reject:- .....................................................................................................................10

10. EoI Processing Fee: .............................................................................................................................10

11. Submission of EOI: ..............................................................................................................................10

12. Number of EOIs: ..................................................................................................................................11

13. Validity of EOI: .....................................................................................................................................11

14. Disputes: ..............................................................................................................................................11

15. Acknowledgement by Applicant: ..........................................................................................................11

16. Right to Reject any or all Proposals: ....................................................................................................11

17. Language: ............................................................................................................................................12

18. EOI Submission Due Date: ..................................................................................................................12

19. Late Submission: ..................................................................................................................................12

20. Modifications and Withdrawal of EOI Proposals: .................................................................................12

21. Empanelment Procedure: ....................................................................................................................12

22. Award of Empanelment: .......................................................................................................................12

23. Termination of Empanelment: ..............................................................................................................12

ANNEXURE-1: FORM – 1 ...........................................................................................................................13

ANNEXURE-2: FORM - 2 ............................................................................................................................15

ANNEXURE-4: FORM - 4 ............................................................................................................................17

ANNEXURE-5: FORM - 5 ............................................................................................................................18

ANNEXURE-6 ..............................................................................................................................................19
ଓଡ଼ିଶା େସତୁ ଓ ନିମାଣ ନିଗମ ଲିଃ
(ଓଡ଼ିଶା ସରକାର ଏକ ଉେଦ ାଗ)
(A Government of Odisha Undertaking)

No: 7684 Date: 21.12.2020

File: SMT-1707
The Managing Director, Odisha Bridge & Construction Corporation Limited, Setu Bhavan,
Bhubaneswar invites Expression of Interest (EoI) for Empanelment of Structural Consultancy Firms
as detaied in the table below.


1 2 3 4 5
1. Empanelment of Rs.20,000.0 Three
Structural Consultancy As per EOI
Firms (Including GST) Financial

1. EoI documents consisting of set of terms and conditions of contract and other necessary documents can
be seen on the website: mdobcc.in
2. The Bidder shall deposit offline the Non-refundable Processing fee of the
Amount specified in the table col.3 in form of Demand Draft or Pay Order or Banker’s Cheque in any
Nationalize Bank drawn in favour of the Managing Director, OB&CC Ltd payable at Bhubaneswar,
to be submitted along with the Signed EOI documents in the O/O- EIC-cum-Managing Director, OB&CC
Ltd, Setu Bhawan, Nayapalli Bhubaneswar, 751012
3. The Last date of Submission 28.01.2021 upto 5.00 PM & may be extended time to time as per
requirement and the period of empanelment shall be for a period of 3 (three) financial years including the
year of empanelment.
4. Other details can be seen in the EoI documents.
5. The authority reserves the right to cancel any or all bids without assigning any reason thereof.
6. The addendum/ corrigendum/Extension date /Result if any will be hosted in the OB&CC web site only.
Memo No. 7685 /WE Dt 21.12.2020

Copy forwarded to the Deputy Director (Advertisement) & Deputy Secretary to Government, Information
and Public Relation Department, Odisha, Bhubaneswar with a request to get it published in size (10x8) Sqcm of
the newspaper in 2 (two) no. of leading Odia Dailies (The Pragatibadi & The Pratidina) & 1 (One) National English
daily (The New Indian Express) in Bhubaneswar Edition only on or before 22.12.2020 for wide circulation of the
empanelment notice. Complimentary copy of the News Papers containing advertisement may kindly be supplied
to this office for reference and necessary payment. E-mail: [email protected].

Encloser: - CD with Soft copy (PDF) Sd/-


Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd

Memo No.7686 Dt. 21.12.2020

Copy submitted to the Commissioner cum Secretary to Government of Odisha, Works

Department, Bhubaneswar/ Engineer-in–Chief (Civil), Odisha, Bhubaneswar/Chief Engineer (DPI&R)), Odisha,
Bhubaneswar for favour of information.
Memo No.7687(18) Dt. 21.12.2020

Copy to the General Manager (Civil)/ All General Manager (Projects)/ Sr.Manager (Admn.)/
Sr.Manager (Tender)/ Sr.Manager (P&D)/ All Sr.Project Managers, O.B.&C.C.Ltd /Steno to Managing
Director/Record Room/ Notice Board, Head Office,upload website “mdobcc.in” for information and necessary
action and for wide publication. The Sr. Project Managers, O.B. & C.C. Ltd., Cuttack, Bhubaneshwar, Puri,
Berhampur, & Bolangir are also instructed to display this Notice in the Notice Boards of their respective Offices.


Memo No. 7688 Dt. 21.12.2020

Copy to the Manager (Fin.) I/C, O B & C C Ltd., Head Office, Bhubaneswar for information
and necessary action.




Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd


1. Though adequate care has been taken in the preparation of this document, henceforth
referred to as the Expression of Interest document or the EoI document, the Applicants
should satisfy themselves that the document is complete in all respects. Intimation of
discrepancy, if any, should be given to the address mentioned below latest by date
mentioned in Section 3 of this EOI. In case, no such intimation is received by the said
deadline, it shall be deemed that the applicant is satisfied that the document is complete
in all respects.
Odisha Bridge & Construction Corporation (OB&CC)
Setu Bhavan, Nayapalli,
Bhubaneswar-751 012
Ph. No.: 0674- 2390043. E-mail: [email protected]
2. Neither OB&CC nor their employees make any representation or warranty as to the
accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information in this EoI document. Each
prospective Applicant should conduct their own investigations and analysis and check
the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this EOI document and
obtain independent advice from appropriate source(s) before submission of their EOI.
3. Neither OB&CC nor their employees will have any liability to any prospective Applicant
or any other person under any law for any loss, expense or damage which may arise from
or be incurred or suffered in connection with anything contained in this EOI document.
4. OB&CC reserves the right, without any obligation or liability, to accept or reject any or all
of the EoIs, and at any stage of the process, to cancel or modify this solicitation process,
or any part thereof, or to vary any of the terms and conditions, or to cancel this solicitation
process to initiate a new process without assigning any reason whatsoever.
5. Neither OB&CC nor their employees will have any liability in case of non-receipt of any
correspondence from them to the applicants due to the postal delays.
6. The applicable laws for the purpose are the laws of India. Courts of Bhubaneswar will
have jurisdiction concerning or arising out of this EOI document.
7. The applicants are expected to know the relevant rules and regulations of the respective
authorities concerning to this project.
8. This EOI is not an offer by OB&CC, but an invitation to receive responses from eligible
interested agencies to provide Legal/Solicitor services to OB&CC. OB&CC will empanel
limited agencies who fulfill the eligibility criteria successfully. No contractual obligation
whatsoever shall arise from this process.
9. The evaluation shall be strictly based on the information and supporting documents
provided by the agencies in the application submitted by them. It is the responsibility of
the agencies to provide all supporting documents necessary to fulfill the mandatory
eligibility criteria. In case, information required by OBCC is not provided by agency,
OBCC may choose to proceed with evaluation based on information provided and shall
not request the agency for further information. Hence, responsibility for providing
information as required in this form lies solely with agency.

େସତୁ ଭବନ, ନୟାପ ୀ, ଭୁବେନ ର – ୭୫୧୦୧୨, ଦୂ ରଭାଷ – ୦୬୭୪ – ୨୩୯୦୦୪୩
Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd
Setu Bhavan, Nayapalli, Bhubaneshwar – 751012, Tel: 0674-2390043, Website: mdobcc.in, Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
In this Volume of the EOI, unless the context otherwise requires, capitalized terms shall have the
meaning given below:-

“Addendum or Addenda Means an addendum or addenda to the EOI

“Annexure” Means an annexure to this Volume of the EOI

Means the Odisha Bridge & Construction Corporation Ltd.

(OB&CC) or its authorized representatives who has invited
applications from competent and interested parties for Expression
Empanelment of Structural Consultancy Firms.

Means all the laws, acts, ordinances, rules, regulations, notifications,

guidelines or byelaws, in force and effect, as of the date hereof and
which may be promulgated or brought into force and effect hereinafter
“Applicable Law”
in India, including judgments, decrees, injunctions, writs or orders of
any court of record, as may be in force and effect during the
subsistence of this Contract, and applicable to the Project.

Means a single business entity, including a sole proprietor or a

partnership firm or a limited liability partnership firm or a company,
“Application” who submits an application for empanelment /eligibility and
qualification submission along with EOI document fees under this EOI
within the stipulated Due Date and Time of submission.

Means the Person Authorized by the firm to sign the Application,

correspond with the Authority, make representation to the Authority
“Authorized Signatory” as part of EOI / bidding process and sign the contract on behalf of the
applicant / bidding firm through valid Authorization document in
his/her favour.

Means the process adopted by OB&CC for empanelment of the

Selected Applicants on the terms and conditions set out in the EOI,
which has commenced with the issuance of the EOI and which will
end on the date of final shortlisting of selected applicants is over.

“Earnest Money Deposit Means Security to be furnished by the Applicant at EOI stage in
(EMD)” accordance with provisions of this EOI.

1. Introduction:-
The Department of Works, Government of Odisha is the nodal department for undertaking all large
public works’ projects in Odisha. The Department has been tasked to undertake wide range of projects
in the realm of buildings, bridges, roads, drainage works, canals, area-based development, public
housing, restoration of natural or built heritage, heritage corridors, landscapes, industrial
infrastructure, etc.
The Department intends to undertake a large portfolio of projects across various sectors that will have

Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd

significant impact on the growth of the state of Odisha. These projects will be undertaken through a
combination of funding from sources such as – budgetary support, Central Government grants, multi-
lateral support, deposit works and PPP.
Odisha Bridge & Construction Corporation Limited (OB&CC) was incorporated on 01.01.1983 under
Companies Act, 1956 as a Govt. Company, as is the nodal organization undertaking these projects
under the administrative control of the Department of Works, Government of Odisha.
It is a Government Company sponsored by Odisha State Government within the meaning of section
617 of the Companies Act. Since its inception, it is working as a Govt. of Odisha undertaking
Organization. Its main objectives are:
• Development and redevelopment of public buildings and allied infrastructure including heritage
structures, tourist destinations and its surrounding environs.
• Construction of Bridges/Roads
• Maintenance of Bridges
• Toll collection
2. Brief Description of the Bidding Process:-

OBCC intends to empanel professionally managed Structural Consultancy Firms to assist the OBCC
in various structural design matters relating to its Roads, Bridge or Building projects. This
empanelment of firms shall be valid for a period of 3 (Three) financial years. OBCC reserves the
right to extend the empanelment for another 2 (two) years on the same or mutually agreed terms and
conditions subject to satisfactory performance.
Agencies (henceforth “Firms”) with experience in this domain are invited to submit their application for
the same. Any further information on the project could be availed from the official website of OB&CC
(www.mdobcc.in) or by communications to the address mentioned below:-

EIC-cum-Managing Director,
Odisha Bridge & Construction Corporation (OB&CC)
Setu Bhavan, Nayapalli,
Bhubaneswar-751 012
Ph. No.: 0674- 2390043. E-mail: [email protected]

3. Schedule of EOI process:

The Authority shall endeavor to adhere to the following schedule:

S.No. Event Description Date

1 Issue of Advertisement on or before 22.12.2020

2 Uploading of EOI on or before 22.12.2020

3 Doubts if any Shall be clarified through e-mail
4 Last Date of submission of Proposals 28.01.2021 by 5.00 PM

Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd

4. Scope of Services
The detailed scope of services may inter alia include but not limited to the following:
 The Consultant will design the structure on the basis of requisition from the corporation.
 Review of design submitted by the agencies.
5. Eligibility Criteria:-
The Structural Consultancy Firm (the Applicant) fulfilling the following criteria may be eligible for
submission of the Expression of Interest in the specified format and along with relevant documents.
1. Bidder must be a Company as registered under Indian Companies Act, 1956/2013 or a
Partnership Firm registered under the relevant act / laws or a Limited Liability Partnership
registered under relevant act / laws or Proprietor-ship firm registered under relevant laws in
India or an equivalent law outside India. Only Individual firms shall be allowed to participate in
the empanelment. No Joint Venture firm shall be considered for evaluation. It should be
accompanied with Certificate of Incorporation/ Partnership deed

2. Should have minimum annual financial turnover of Rs. 50.0 lakhs from consultancy services
during any one year within the last three (3) financial years ending 31 st March 2020 duly
certified by Chartered Accountants only shall be accepted.
3. Should not have been debarred by any Central / State Government / Any other autonomous
bodies/ International & National Organization in the recent past. Undertaking in this regard on
the letterhead of the bidder is required
4. Consultants should have necessary expertise and experience in at least 3 projects regarding
Structural design related to Roads, Bridges and Buildings, independently review activities
associated with structural design review during construction of Roads, Bridges and Buildings
projects. The value of such projects should not less than Rs. 10.00 Cr each in last 5 years in
Govt/Semi Govt./Reputed Private Sectors only. For experience in any past Consultancy
assignment, experience certificate mentioning the client details, Order value, project start date
and date of completion, etc. from the concerned issuing authorities is required to be furnished
5. Availability of key personnel: The Applicant shall offer and make available all Key Personnel
meeting the requirements specified below. The below requirement is only for the selection of
a firm for empanelment. Actual requirement on project-to-project basis shall be mentioned in
the RFP document to be issued to the empaneled consultants.

Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd

Sl. Key Educational Minimum Professional Minim Remarks
No Personnel Qualification Experience um
1 (i) He should have minimum10
yrs experience as Structural
Engineer in high rise building in
various RCC works involving
modern construction
The agency
(ii) He should have minimum10 should have
Graduate in Civil
yrs experience as Structural minimum 2
Sr. Structural Engineer in Roads and nos Sr.
having M.Tech in 1no.
Engineer Bridges in various RCC works Structural
involving modern construction Engineer out
Technology of total 3
(iii) He should have
minimum10 yrs experience as
Structural Engineer in Steel
structure in various steel works
involving modern construction

2 Graduate in Civil He should have minimum10

Sr. Engineering yrs experience in Highway /
Transportation having M.Tech in Transportation Engineering 1no.
Engineer Transportation involving modern construction
Engineering. Technology

3 Graduate in Civil He should have experience as

Engineering Structural Engineer in high rise
having M.Tech in building / Roads / Bridges /
Structural Steel structure preferably in 2 nos.
Engineering. various RCC works involving
modern construction

4 Geotech Graduate in Civil He should have working

Engineer Engineering experience of minimum 10
having M.Tech in years in study of soil properties
1 no.
Soil Mechanics for calculation of bearing
Engineering. capacity of soil along with soil
testing aspects.

N.B: As per the availability of above Sr. Structural Engineers the agency will be intimated

Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd

5.1. Conflict of Interest:
5.2.1. An Applicant shall not have a conflict of interest (the “Conflict of Interest”) that affects the
Empanelment Process. Any Applicant found to have a Conflict of Interest shall be disqualified.
An Applicant may be considered to have a Conflict of Interest that affects the Empanelment
Process, if the relationship between any two Applicants is established through common
holding, either directly or through Associates, of at least 25% holding of equity/profit sharing
in another company/firm, or in each other.
5.2. Fraud and Corrupt Practices:
5.3.1. Applicants and their respective officers, employees, agents, and advisors are required to
observe the highest standards of ethics during the Empanelment Process. Notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained in the EOI, Authority may reject an Application without being
liable in any manner whatsoever to the Applicant, if it determines that Applicant has, directly or
indirectly or through an agent, engaged in a corrupt, fraudulent, coercive, undesirable or
restrictive practice in or affecting the Empanelment Process.
5.3.2. Without prejudice to the rights of Authority under Clause above, in the event that an Applicant
is found by Authority to have directly or indirectly or through an officer, employee, agent or
advisor engaged or indulged in any corrupt, fraudulent, coercive, undesirable or restrictive
practice during the Empanelment Process, such Applicant will not be eligible to participate in
any tender or request for proposal issued by Authority either indefinitely or for a period of time
specified by Authority, from the date such Applicant is found by Authority to have directly or
indirectly or through an officer, employee, agent or advisor engaged or indulged in any of the
activities mentioned above.
5.3.3. For the purposes of this Clause, the following terms will have the meaning given to them
a) Corrupt practice means:
 Offering, giving, receiving or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to
influence the actions of any person connected with the Empanelment Process (for
the avoidance of doubt, offering of employment to, or employing, or engaging in any
manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any official of Authority who is or has been
associated in any manner, directly or indirectly, with the Empanelment Process or has
dealt with matters concerning the agreement or arising from it, before or after its
execution, at any time prior to the expiry of1(one) year from the date that such official
resigns or retires from or otherwise ceases to be in the service of Authority, will be
deemed to constitute influencing the actions of a person connected with the
Empanelment Process); or
 Appointing or engaging in any manner whatsoever, without Authority’s prior approval,
whether during or after the Empanelment Process or after the execution of the
agreement, as the case may be, any person in respect of any matter relating to the
Project, the Empanelment Process or the agreement, who at any time has been or is
a legal, financial or technical advisor of Authority on any matter concerning the
Project. For the avoidance of doubt, this restriction shall not apply where such adviser
was engaged by the Applicant or any of its Associates in the past, but his assignment
expired or was terminated at least 12 (twelve) months prior to the date of issue of the

Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd

EOI, nor will this restriction apply where such adviser is engaged after the expiry of
the term of the agreement.
b) Fraudulent practice means any act or omission, including a misrepresentation, that
knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts to mislead, a person to obtain a financial or
any other benefit or to avoid an obligation;
c) Coercive practice means impairing or harming, or threatening to impair or harm, directly or
indirectly, any person or the property of the person to influence improperly the actions of a
d) Undesirable practice means: (A) establishing contact with any person connected or
employed or engaged by Authority with the objective of canvassing, lobbying or in any
manner influencing or attempting to influence the Empanelment Process; or (B) having a
Conflict of Interest (as set out in above Clause);and
e) Restrictive practice means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding or arrangement
among Applicants with the objective of restricting or manipulating full and fair competition
in the Empanelment Process.
6. Submission of EOI
6.1. The EOI application (As per format given in Annexure 1) shall be submitted in hard copy having
the title as “Empanelment of Structural Consultancy Firms” The applicant shall send the
documents by post to the address mentioned herein below before the submission due date as
mentioned in this EOI document.
6.2. The applications should be submitted prior to the due date of submission in hard copy bound
properly to the address mentioned in Section 12 below.
6.3. The application shall include following document (including but not limited to):
i. Letter of Application (Annexure 1)
ii. Organizational detail (Annexure 2)
iii. Financial Capability of Applicants for fulfillment of conditions in accordance with section 5.
iv. Technical capacity of Applicants for fulfillment of conditions in accordance with section 5
6.4. Besides above documents, following supporting documents also need to be submitted along with
the bid:
i. Original documents certifying applicant’s legal status
ii. Certificate of incorporation
iii. Letter of Authority for EOI submission, in favor of Authorized Signatory
iv. Latest company brochures/ capabilities statement
v. Audited Annual Accounts for the last 3 preceding years i.e., 2017-18, 2018-19 and 2019-
20. In case, the Audited Annual Accounts for 2019-20 is not available, the agency may
furnish the provisional statement duly signed by the Chartered Account/Auditor.
vi. Certificates of completed work/ projects and experience details during last 5 years

Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd

6.5. Applicants shall submit the EOI in the prescribed format (Annexure 1) in English language only
and in case of documents and certificate in other language the same shall be supported with
translation in English language.
6.6. The EOI shall be submitted along with a covering letter together with the desired supporting
documents and proof on the letter head of the Applicant and each page of the Document should
be duly signed by the head or Authorized signatory of the Applicant under a common seal.
6.7. The page numbering of each page of the EOI application should be done correctly.
7. Amendments to EOI:-
 At any time prior to the Application Due Date, the authority may, for any reason, whether at its
own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by an Applicant, modify terms and
conditions of EOI through issuance of corrigendum and addendum.
 Any Addendum or Corrigendum of reply to queries thus issued will be available only on the
website of the authority.
 In order to afford the applicants a reasonable time for taking an Addendum in to account or for
any other reason the Authority may, in its sole discretion, extend the Application Due Date.
8. Fraudulent and Corrupt Practices:-
If an Applicant is found by the Authority to have directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged
or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or
restrictive practice during the EOI Process, such Applicant shall not be eligible to participate in
any tender or EOI issued by the Authority. Broad detail for fraud and corrupt practices can be
referred form Clause 5.2.

9. Right to accept or reject:-

The Authority reserves right to accept or reject any/all application without assigning any reason
or incurring any liability to the applicants.
10. EoI Processing Fee:
10.1. The Applicants are required to submit INR 20,000/- (non-refundable) including GST to be
payable in the form of Account payee Demand Draft / Pay Order in favour of “Managing
Director, Odisha Bridge & Construction Corporation Ltd” payable at “Bhubaneswar” along
with the Application as non-refundable cost of EOI Processing fee.
10.2. The EOI processing fee shall be submitted as Part of Application in a separate sealed
cover. Any Application not accompanied with EOI Processing Fees in the acceptable
amount and form will be summarily rejected by the Authority as being non-responsive and
Applications of such Applicant shall not be evaluated further.

11. Submission of EOI:

11.1. The EOI must be inserted in sealed envelopes, along with applicant’s name and address in
the left-hand corner of the envelope and super scribed in:
“Empanelment of Structural Consultancy Firms”

Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd

11.2. The EOI shall be addressed to OB&CC, Bhubaneswar at the following address:
EIC-cum-Managing Director,
Odisha Bridge & Construction Corporation (OB&CC)
Setu Bhawan, Nayapalli,
Bhubaneswar-751 012
Ph. No.: 0674- 2390043
E-mail: [email protected]

12. Number of EOIs:

An Applicant is eligible to submit only one Application.
13. Validity of EOI:
EOI Proposal shall remain valid for 120 days after the date of opening of technical proposal. A
Proposal valid for a shorter period shall be rejected as non-responsive.
14. Disputes:
All legal disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of courts at Bhubaneswar only.
15. Acknowledgement by Applicant:
It shall be deemed that by submitting the EOI, the applicant has:
a) Made a complete and careful examination of the EOI, general condition of contract,
submission formalities and evaluation mechanism.
b) Received all relevant information requested from OB&CC;
c) Acknowledged and accepted the risk of inadequacy, error or mistake in the information
provided in this invitation document or furnished by or on behalf of OB&CC;
d) Satisfied itself about all matters, things and information necessary and required for
submitting the proposal and performance of all of its obligations there under;
e) Acknowledged that it does not have a conflict of interest with any other Architectural
Firm/consultant; and
f) Agreed to be bound by the undertaking provided by it under and in terms hereof.
OB&CC shall not be liable for any omission, mistake or error on the part of the firm in respect of
any of the above or on account of any matter or thing arising out of or concerning or relating to
this invitation document or the selection process, including any error or mistake therein or in any
information or data given by the OB&CC.
16. Right to Reject any or all Proposals:
Notwithstanding anything contained in this invitation document, the OB&CC reserves the right to
accept or reject any Proposal and to annul this selection Process and reject all proposals, at any
time without any liability or any obligation for such acceptance rejection or annulment, and without
assigning any reasons thereof. OB&CC, also, reserves the right to reject any Proposal if:
a) At any time, a material misrepresentation is made or uncovered, or


Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd

b) The applicant does not submit sufficient information as being asked for.
17. Language:
The EOI and all communications in relation to or concerning the Selection Process shall be in
English language and strictly on the formats provided in this invitation document.
18. EOI Submission Due Date:
Duly sealed EOI proposal from the applicant filled in all respect must reach OB&CC at the
address, time and date specified in the invitation letter through Speed / Regd. Post or courier. If
the specified date for the submission of EOI proposal is declared as a holiday for OB&CC,
Bhubaneswar, the EOI proposal will be received up to the appointed time on the next working
19. Late Submission:
EOI Proposal received after the deadline for submission prescribed by OB&CC will not be
entertained and will be rejected.
20. Modifications and Withdrawal of EOI Proposals:
No modifications to the EOI Proposals shall be allowed once it is received by OB&CC,
21. Empanelment Procedure:
The broad procedure for empanelment of consultants constitutes as under.
a) Invitation of Expression of Interest (EoI): OB&CC invites the application from eligible
consultants to submit their expression of interest to participate in the empanelment
b) Submission of EOI: The participants will submit the EOI to OB&CC along with the details
as required in the prescribed manner.
c) Scrutiny by the OB&CC: OB&CC will scrutinize all the EoI proposals received as per the
eligibility criteria mentioned in this document.
d) Empanelment: The eligible applicants would be selected for the Empanelment on the basis
of their credentials, competence and previous work records.

22. Award of Empanelment:

After selection, the name of qualified applicants shall be uploaded to www.mdobcc.in

23. Termination of Empanelment:

If in the view of OB&CC, the performance of an agency is not satisfactory/ agency has failed to
safeguard the interest of OB&CC, OB&CC may at its sole discretion, terminate the engagement
of the agency, for particular project as well as terminate the agency’s empanelment with the
OB&CC. OB&CC, in doing so, shall intimate the agency in written termination letter. The decision
of OB&CC in this matter shall be final and binding.

Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd



(On the Letterhead of the Applicant)

Odisha Bridge & Construction Corporation Ltd.,
Setu Bhavan , Nayapalli,
Dear Sir:
Ref: Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Structural Consultancy Firms for Advising
OB&CC Ltd. on various Structural Designs

1. Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of…………………………………. (hereinafter

referred to as “the Applicant”), and having reviewed and fully understood all of the information provided
in the document provided by the Authority in respect of the captioned EoI, the undersigned hereby
submits the Applications in response to the EOI.
2. I/We have studied the EOI document carefully and understand that we shall have no claim, right or title
arising out of any documents or information provided to us by the Authority or in respect of any matter
arising out of or concerning or relating to the shortlisting Process.
3. This statement is made for the express purpose of qualifying as an Applicant for the aforesaid EoI.
4. I/We shall make available to the Authority any additional information it may find necessary or require to
supplement or authenticate the qualification statement.
5. I/We certify that in the last three years, we have neither failed to perform on any contract, as evidenced
by imposition of a penalty by an arbitral or judicial authority or a judicial pronouncement or arbitration
award, nor been expelled from any project or contract by any public authority or have had any contract
terminated by any public authority or breach on our part.
6. I/We understand that you may cancel the Process at any time and that you are neither bound to accept
any application that you may receive nor to invite the Applicants, without incurring any liability to the
7. My/Our Application is consistent with all requirements of submission as stated in the EoI Document or
in any of the subsequent communication issued by the Authority. .I/We would be solely responsible for
any errors or omissions in our Application.
8. I/We understand that any omission, commission or mis-statement in facts provided by us will make our
Application invalid at any time during the shortlisting Process and also after the empanelment; the
Authority reserves the right to take appropriate action accordingly.


Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd

9. I/We understand that the Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the Applications and
reserves the right to withhold and/or cancel the shortlisting Process without assigning any reason or
10. I/We hereby irrevocably waive any right which we may have at any stage at law or howsoever
otherwise arising to challenge or question any decision taken by the Authority in connection with the
empanelment of Agencies, or in connection with the shortlisting Process itself, in respect of the above
mentioned activities and the terms and implementation thereof.
11. I/We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the EoI Document.
12. Notwithstanding any qualifications or conditions, whether implied or otherwise, contained in my/our
Application, i/we hereby represent and confirm that my/our Application is unqualified and unconditional
in all respects.

Signature of the Authorized Person

Name of the Authorized Person

Date ……………………..


Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd

Applicant profile and status

Sr. No. Description Particulars

1. Name of the firm

2. Status(Legal entity)
3. Address with pin code
4. Contact person (Management)
5. Contact number
6. Fax No.
7. Mobile No.
8. Email Id.
9. Web address
Details of Registration under Indian companies Act
(Copy of the Registration number to be furnished)
Details of PAN
(Copy of PAN Card to be furnished)

Details of GST Registration No.

(Copy of GST Registration number to be furnished)

13 Contact person (Name & Address)

14 Contact person Mobile / telephone no.
15 Contact person email ID
Details of employees of the applicant

17 Any other relevant information

Signature of the Authorized Person

Name of the Authorized Person

Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd

Date ……………………..


Summary of General Experience

Sr. Name of Client / Period Project Cost in Remarks

No. project Agency


1. Supporting document with respect of each work experience to be furnished by the


Signature of the Authorized Person

Name of the Authorized Person

Date ……………………..


Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd


Sr.No. Financial Year Total Turnover of firm/ Annual Turnover for Last 3 FY
company (INR) from Consultancy Services

1 2017-18

2 2018-19

3 2019-20

Signature of the Authorised Person

Name of the Authorized Person

Date ……………………..

Note: Audited annual statements (Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account) for last three
years to be submitted by the applicants. In case, the Audited annual accounts is not available
for FY 2019-20 then in such a case, the agency may submit a provisional accounts statement
duly certified by its Chartered Account or Auditor.


Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd


The details of professionals (On payroll) shall be provided as per bidder’s standard format


Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd


1. Is the applicant currently involved

in any litigation relating to the works. Yes/No

If yes: give details:

2. Has the applicant or any of its constituent partners Yes / No

been blacklisted/ deregistered by any agency in India
during the last 3 years from the last date of
submission of applications. If yes, give details:

3. Has the applicant or any of its constituent partners Yes/No

failed to perform on any contract work in India
during the last 3years from the last date of submission of applications.
If yes, give details:

Note: If any information in this schedule is found to be incorrect or concealed, qualification

application will be summarily be rejected.

Signature of the Authorised Person

Name of the Authorised Person

Date …………………….




Signature of the applicant MD, OB & CC Ltd

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