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Eumind 2022-2023 Tanisi Go Green

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EUMIND 2022-2023

Go Green
EUMIND 2022-2023
Go Green
Group 3- Ecological Companies
What is an Ecological Company?
Ecological companies make a positive impact on
the community and environment around them.
They are not only conscious about the way the
materials are sourced and the processing of their
product, but also about the end of life and the
overall impact of their product. It aims to use as
little water, energy and raw materials as possible
to reduce its carbon footprint. While keeping the
environment in mind, it also keeps its employees
and community in mind and tries its best to ensure
that they are not harmed by the on goings of the
organisation. They keep profit and their impact on
the world at the same level. They genuinely have
to care about the mark they leave on the world.
How can one ensure that a company is sustainable?
Nowadays, green washing and tokenism is often the direction many companies decide to take
to increase their overall audience and customer base. To ensure that the companies you buy
from are actually sustainable you can look for these signs:

1. Looking for transparency in its policies and how

they make, package and recycle their products.

If a company is transparent with its policies, it

becomes easier for the consumer to understand how
the company implements and ensures its policies. If a
company claims to be sustainable, but does not
provide much information to its consumers, it can
often be a red flag.
How can one ensure that a company is sustainable?
2. You can look for waste conscious packaging and their use of shipping
options that reduce their carbon footprint

If the company uses biodegradable packaging that does not cause as much
waste and is better for the environment it is a huge plus. It should also track its
shipping options and third party organisations that help them ship their
products to consumers to ensure that they comply with their sustainability
How can one ensure that a company is sustainable?
3. They are open about how they recycle and reduce the waste produced while making the
product. They take responsibility for the end of life and are overall open about the way their
product is processed and how the waste is recycled.

They must take responsibility for the end of life of the

product and try to reduce the impact of the product
when it can no longer be used and must be disposed.
While taking care of the emissions produced during
processing and transportation is extremely important,
the end of life and disposal of the product has a huge
part in the overall carbon footprint. Go for companies
that are open about how long the product lasts and
can give you information on how to dispose of it.
How can one ensure that a company is sustainable?
4. The certification of a company can tell you a
lot about their green initiatives.

1% for the Planet- These companies pledge 1%

of their revenue to environmental non profit
Climate Neutral- These companies take
many precautions and efforts to measure,
reduce, and offset their carbon in order to
neutralise their carbon footprint
Certified B- These companies have achieved
an impressive minimum score on the B
Impact Assessment which is divided into five
areas: Governance, Workers, Community,
Environment, and Customers.
Being Environmentally Friendly in Business is
90% of the younger generation believes that companies
must act to help social and environmental issues.
Nearly 40% of employees prefer to work at

81% environmentally friendly companies. Heightened

employee retention means less turnover.
In a 2019 Nielsen report, 81% of According to the 2018 BSR/Globescan survey of
customers said that it is very business leaders in charge of sustainability and
important that companies corporate social responsibility, respondents identified
implement programs to ethics and integrity as the No. 1 reason for pursuing
improve the environment.
business sustainability.
Being Environmentally Friendly in Business is
According to a report from The New Climate 75% of corporate
Economy, 95% of plastic packaging — the equivalent sustainability
professionals say
of $120 billion annually — is wasted after the first use,
and microplastics have been found in 114 aquatic 75% that businesses
need to get better
species. at including
sustainability into
Industries must drop carbon emissions by 40% by 2060
business strategy
to stop the planet from warming over two degrees
Less than 33% of
In combination with action from governments and other
people said their

stakeholders, businesses that take action on climate businesses are
change by adopting green policies, technologies, and actually engaging
with sustainable
strategies for growth could realize a total of $26 trillion in strategic planning.
economic benefits.
How can Companies be more Sustainable?
1. They can map supply chains to ensure
that the shipping options used by them
or third party companies are in
compliance with their policies for
sustainability. Companies may not know
the labour conditions or how the
materials are sourced in foreign areas.
They must keep tabs on it. If more
companies are required to share
information about their proceedings
with their customer base then they will
take more efforts to keep a track of their
supply chain.
How can Companies be more Sustainable?

2. Companies can measure and follow the impact

of the raw materials used, the amount of energy
and resources used, the carbon emitted during
processing, the end of life of the product and
recycling of the waste produced.

3. The business to business spending and

advertisements also matter when it comes to
sustainability. They must support platforms
that support their ethics, values and
Interviews with the Companies

Interviews with Customers

We have conducted the interviews but were unable to reach them on a videocall. Hence, we
have the transcripts of the interviews.

Analysing the Website of Radiance Renewables
Radiance Renewables is one of the fastest growing renewable energy power developers and it
aims to provide custom built affordable solutions that deliver economic savings to customers.

Q1. Does the website reflect the sustainable policies of the company?
Ans. Yes the website reflects the company's sustainable policies. It first displays the motto
'Energised by Innovation' which tells us about its aim to sustainably power the future. It also has
amount of carbon emissions avoided, water saved and jobs provided. They have vividly detailed
their policies of vibrancy, sustainability, eco-enabling and reliability.

Q2. Could you give 2 suggestions for the improvement of the website?
Ans: While it does present its policies, the first thing one sees is the revenue they have acquired and
their parent company. This is important but they could put their policies at the forefront. They have
mentioned all the milestones they have reached, but they could elaborate on how they have
reduced carbon emissions and saved water
Analysing the Website of GreenTurn
GreenTurn is a company that installs solar panels, evaluated solar energy systems and provide
consultancy related to this field.

Q1. Does the website reflect the sustainable policies of the company?
Ans: Yes the website reflects the company;s sustainable policies. They describe the mission and
vision of the company quite clearly and highlight the importance of solar energy in today's world.
They specify that tehy work with both residential and commercial areas. Their aim is to provide and
promote solar energy.

Q2. Could you give 2 suggestions for the improvement of the website?
Ans. They have not specified the policies as in depth as they could have. While they do describe the
different tasks they do this this field, they do not mention the policies as clearly. They do not
describe the amount of emissions they have avoided or the amount of waste reduced.
Comparing the Two Organisations

Radiance Renewables GreenTurn

It is more open and clear about its policies. It
It is not as clear about its policies but still describes
emphasises and gives a lot of importance to
them. It does not give an exact idea of its polices

It does not manufacture solar panels. It uses

It installs solar panels, provides consultancy in the field
panels to generate electricity in plants which is
and evaluates on grid systems.
then supplied to the client.

By installing panels, the waste and carbon emissions

By supplying electricity instead of installing panels,
are mostly occurring during transportation. Installing
the waste is reduced, but in the long run it is might
solar panels is an investment as it lowers the cost of
be a bit more expensive than installing panels, as
electricity in the long term. Companies and people who
the givernment may not consider it a viable option
use solar energy are also given subsidies by the
for grants or subsidies.
government for it, making it cheaper.
Why are Ecological Companies Important?
For decades we have gone without caring about the
planet and the climate when it comes to business.
Business has become all about profit and the ones who
are in power. Now it is important to keep profit and the
climate at the same level now that the planet is dying.
Business can no longer be just about the few at the top,
it now has to include the community and the
According to the scientific journal Environmental
Sustainability, 27 billion of solid waste will be produced
by 2050 because businesses prioritise rapid production
and turnover of products for maximum profits. CO2
emissions will lead to a temperature increase of two
degree Celsius by 2050. If businesses don’t try to make
change then many species will not survive past the 21st
Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations has contributed a great deal to make the world a better place to live in,
the SDG goals being one of them. These goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals
designed to be a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.The
sustainable goals we would like to highlight through our project are :-
Goal 7- ‘Affordable and Clean Energy’
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Ecological
companies can provide clean affordable and sustainable energy to citizens.
Goal 11- 'Sustainable Cities and Communities'
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. Companies
can work hard to ensure that the communities around them are safe, clean and can help
them in social and economic situations.
Goal 12- ‘Responsible Production and Consumption Patterns’
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns. By responsibly producing and
disposing prodcuts, companies can set trends to make a greener Earth.
Only recently have we understood the importance of a sustainable future. Over the years as our world
has started to understand the consequences of climate change and global warming, they have started
taking initiatives to make their companies more sustainable which have left a positive impact on the
community and the environment. The shift to a sustainable energy system is a long-term
undertaking, which requires immediate action to improve energy efficiency and reducing fossil fuels
while implementing carbon capture technologies, but a necessary one.

Sustainability not only helps our environment but it also profitable to companies as reduced business
costs, more innovative strategies, an improved reputation, and more new customers who value
sustainability, all work to increase the amount of money sustainable businesses earn.

The companies we have taken as an example, GreenTurn Energy Limited and Radiance Renewables,
have reduced their carbon footprint by using sustainable energy produced at their own power plants.
They have reduced their wastage by a great amount by precisely calculating the amount of resources
necessary for each project. They consider how the products will be disposed of and how well they can
be recycled, reducing the waste produced even at the user’s end. Many such measures taken by them
should be taken as an example for other companies to advance towards a clean,green and sustainable

Tanisi (Team Leader)


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