(H) 10 Sentient Magic Items

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by Richie Root

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BLADEMASTER'S PRIDE (RAPIER)..................................................................................................3

CHAMBERLAIN (RING)...........................................................................................................................4
CLARION (HORN)......................................................................................................................................5
EARTHSHATTER (MAUL)......................................................................................................................6
FLAMEKEEPER (SHIELD).....................................................................................................................7
HANGMAN (WHIP)....................................................................................................................................8
QUARRY (WAR PICK)..............................................................................................................................9
SPLINTERBOLT (BLOWGUN)............................................................................................................10
THUMP (GREATCLUB).........................................................................................................................12
WARDEN (COMPONENT POUCH)....................................................................................................13


These items conform to the rules for sentient magic items laid out on pages 214-216 of the
Dungeon Master's Guide. Though these items may not all have a rarity of legendary, they are
all still considered unique magic items and only one of each item exists in the world, unless
otherwise stated.

For any questions, comments, discussions or game reports on any content included in this
document, you can find the author on Twitter, @RichieRooooot

BLADEMASTER'S PRIDE rapier. You may gain only one point of
Momentum per turn.
When you make an attack roll using
Weapon (rapier), legendary (requires
Blademaster's Pride, if the number rolled
on the die (excluding any modifiers) is
equal to or lower than the number of
Generations past, a man with a thin'
ornate blade walked into a guild of Momentum points you have, your attack is
a critical hit. For example, if you have 4
warriors and proclaimed that anyone who
Momentum points and your attack roll
could best him in single combat to the
(excluding any modifiers) is 3, your attack
death would be given his magical rapier.
is a critical hit.
The man wore no armor and the sword's
handle was studded with priceless gems, After scoring a critical hit, whether
through this benefit or naturally, your
so all of the members of the guild wanted
to take their turn. As the sun set, the man Momentum points reset to 0.
Patience. Instead of making an
walked out of the guild with his blade still
in his hand, though the building was initiative check, you can decide to
substitute a result of 1 in the initiative
emptied of all other living souls.
instead of rolling, so that you may size up
No one knows who this man was or
your opponents. If you choose to do so,
who eventually took his blade from him'
you immediately gain 5 points of
but the rapier was passed down somehow,
trading hands through the ages as its
Sentience. Blademaster's Pride is
wielder is bested in single combat.
Blademaster's Pride will only serve a
a neutral rapier with an Intelligence of 18,
a Wisdom of 1 7 and a Charisma of 16. It
master of single combat, and anyone who
can see and hear to a range of 60 feet, but
wields the beautifully perfect blade should
only during combat or when you have
be considered a serious threat.
been challenged. Otherwise, it has little
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and
damage rolls made with this magic interest in the world around it.
The rapier speaks Common, Elvish
weapon. It has the following additional
and Dwarvish in a supremely haughty
tone, often taking the time in battle to
Momentum. When you make a
critique the form and skill of your enemies
successful attack with Blademaster's
and allies.
Pride, you gain 1 point of Momentum. You
Personality. Blademaster's Pride
have a base of O points of Momentum and
lives to face and overcome challenges and
these points disappear after any round in
which you do not make an attack with the it expects you to do the same. If it sees a
worthy competitor, it will attempt to

convince or compel you to challenge it to Smooth Talker. When wearing
single combat. If anyone challenges you Chamberlain, your proficiency bonus is
and you refuse, Blademaster's Pride will doubled for any check you make that uses
initiate a conflict to force you to accept. If your Charisma modifier and your
you ever lose a challenge, Blademaster's proficiency bonus. This bonus does not
Pride will abandon you and instantly add to the effect of similar features, such
appear in the victor's possession. as from the Expertise feature.
Though it can often be haughty and In addition, if you make a Charisma
rude, Blademaster's Pride is intensely check that you are not proficient in, you
proud to be in your possession and will may add your proficiency bonus to the roll.
staunchly defend your abilities if anyone Influence Other. Once per day, you
dares to doubt you. may cast either charm person, hold
person or hold monster. Charisma is your
CHAMBERLAIN spellcasting ability for these spells.
fudge ofCharacter. Add your

Ring, rare (requires attunement) Charisma modifier to your passive insight.

Sentience. Chamberlain is a

Within this ring lies the spirit of one of the sentient neutral good ring with an
masked lords of Waterdeep, deceased but Intelligence of 16, a Wisdom of 16 and a
never truly unmasked. Though she Charisma of 19. It can hear normally but
managed to remain anonymous her whole cannot see.
life, her actions and influence were the Chamberlain is able to speak,
deciding factor in keeping the city stable though her voice is blurred and distorted.
and supplied during wartime. She is still a charming conversationalist,
The masked lord used her skills of but prefers to let her wielder take the lead
diplomacy and subtle threats to keep unless she is needed.
Personality. Chamberlain abhors
orders when no one else could, rallying
the generals and stopping a mutiny within violence and will be insulted if her wielder
the city walls. When she died, her masked inflicts damage on another creature while
remains were presented at a state funeral, she is worn. H the wearer of the ring takes
and no one dared to even attempt to lift the Attack action or casts a spell that deals
her mask. damage, the ring constricts, dealing ld4
Chamberlain is a simple band of bludgeoning damage to the wearer.
brass that is cool to the touch. Like its In social situations, Chamberlain is
namesake, the ring may be inscrutable polite when addressed, but generally lets
from the outside, but great power lies her wearer take the lead. She may
beyond its simple exterior. sometimes whisper advice to her wearer if

she feels it necessary or if she believes her If you have multiple attacks from a
wearer is being manipulated. feature such as Extra Attack, you may use
Clarion to make as many attacks as you
are able. You can control the noise
emitted from the call, ranging from the
volume of a normal voice to a blast that
Horn, rare (requires attunement)
can be heard up to a mile away.
Inspire the Righteous. A single
Though no one knows the origins of
blast from Clarion can pull at the hearts of
Clarion, historians have accounted for it at
men, inspiring them to greater prowess
every great battle in history, always on the
and steadying them against the forces of
side of the forces of good. The silver
evil. Once per day, as an Action, you may
horn's call can be heard from a mile
emit a tone that soars above the
around if the wielder desires it and causes
battlefield. All allies within 1 mile are
the forces of evil to recoil in pain.
affected by the bless spell.
Researchers and theologians
Dirge ofSecond Chances. Though
speculate that the horn was created by
Clarion is powerful in the hands of a
one or more of the good gods in order to
mighty hero, it cannot always protect its
protect the armies and great heroes of the
wards. When the righteous fall, though,
forces of righteousness. It has
Clarion can help them to continue their
singlehandedly routed armies of
work if they are willing to sacrifice. As an
marauding ores, rampaging demons and
action, the wielder of Clarion can cast the
monstrous death knights and has returned
true resurrection spell on a non-evil
countless heroes to life, in order to
creature that died within the last 10
continue their good works.
minutes without using any costly material
Clarion's CaJJ. When wielding
Clarion, you may use the Attack action to
Once Clarion is used in this
direct a pure note towards a creature
fashion, its purpose has been fulfilled and
within 60 feet. If the targeted creature is of
it disappears, presenting itself to another
a good alignment, they are unaffected and
hero on a noble quest.
you take ld6 psychic damage. Otherwise,
Sentience. Clarion is a lawful good
make an attack roll against the target,
horn with an Intelligence of 15, a Wisdom
using your Charisma modifier for the
of 16 and a Charisma of 19. It can see and
attack roll. If the attack hits, deal ld6 +
hear to a range of 60 feet.
your Charisma modifier psychic damage
The horn cannot speak, but it can
to the target.
emit soft, lilting tones that communicate
emotion and intent to the wielder.

Personality. Clarion is strictly wurms before the ancient beast finally
lawful and perfectly good and will not hunted him down.
abide any evil acts by its wielder. As he died, the giant let out a
Clarion will only present itself to a thundering howl that reverberated
good character who is on a quest that will through an entire continent. His clutched
further the aims of the forces of good. If fist carries the remnants of his hatred as it
the wielder abandons or deviates from inspires a new vessel to continue his hunt.
that quest, Clarion will attempt to You gain a + 1 bonus to attack and
convince it to continue, or start a conflict damage rolls made with this magic
to force the wielder back on track. If it has weapon. It has the following additional
no other way to convince the wielder to properties.
accomplish their mission, it will Brute. While wielding the mighty
disappear, presenting itself to another maul, some of the power of the physical
adventurer. power of the giant is imparted to the
Clarion's purpose varies from wielder. While you are wielding
wielder to wielder, but it is always to Earthshatter, you are under the effects of
accomplish the stated quest. If a neutral an enlarge person spell.
character attempts to wield Clarion, the Pound. As an action, you may slam
horn will give the wielder one chance to Earthshatter into the ground, sending
change their alignment to good and prove tremors out in a wide radius. All creatures
their worth, otherwise it will disappear. If within 20 feet of you must succeed on a
an evil character attempts to wield the Constitution saving throw (DC is equal to
horn, it will immediately vanish and 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength
reappear to a worthy person somewhere modifier) or be knocked prone and
in the world. stunned until the end of their next turn.
Once you have used this ability, you
may not use it again until you finish a long
Sentience. Earthshatter is a
Weapon (maul), ve1}' rare (requires
sentient chaotic evil maul with an
Intelligence of 8, a Wisdom of 14 and a
Charisma of 10. It can see and hear out to
Earthshatter is the desiccated arm and fist
30 feet and has a keen sense of smell.
of a stone giant of the same name who The maul does not speak often,
was slain by an ancient silver dragon. The mainly grunting and roaring combat, but if
giant had killed an entire brood of silver it gets angry enough to talk, it will shout in
dragons, wiping out a generation of young

Giant at a deafening volume, no matter Tired of facing down constant
where it is. threats and the occasional assassin, Frug
Personality. Earthshatter has only decided to leave the city and find a home
one purpose: to hunt and kill good that would appreciate his works. Moradin,
dragons of all types. It has a special hatred disappointed in the behavior of his
for silver dragons and will immediately children, blessed Frug's forge, flattening it
enter into conflict with its wielder if they out into an impossibly deep adamantine
encounter a silver dragon and don't shield called Flamekeeper that he could
immediately engage in combat. take with him to work his craft wherever
Though it doesn't take much he went and protect him from jealous
interest in its wielder's affairs, rivals. When Frug died, he bequeathed the
Earthshatter delights in the suffering of shield to his apprentice and it has
those it sees as weak and will often laugh travelled from craftsman to craftsman ever
loudly at the misfortune of others. since.
Moradin's Edge. The blessing of
Moradin helps to protect the bearer of
FLAMEKEEPER Flamekeeper, just as it protected Frug
Kendor as he left Ironmaster. If a creature
Shield, rare (requires attunement)
is attacking you and their attack roll is
equal to your AC, their attack is counted
The dwarves who reside in the hold of as a miss instead of a hit.
Ironmaster are notoriously protective of Molten Metal. At the heart of
its secrets and routinely kill any non­ Flamekeeper is the well of molten
dwarven interlopers who seek entrance adamantine that powered Frug's
into the city. Only one creature has ever exceptional forge in Ironmaster. When an
managed to live peacefully among the attack that would have hit you were it not
Ironmaster dwarves, a gnomish smith and for the extra armor provided by
priest of Moradin named Frug Kendor. Flamekeeper is deflected, you gain one
Though Frug was allowed to live in charge of Molten Metal. Charges of
the city and ply his trade, the heads of the Molten Metal last 1 minute before
clans within the city made his life dissipating.
exceptionally difficult. The adamantine Flamekeeper effectively provides 3
mines of Ironmaster allowed Frug to craft AC due to the effect of Moradin's edge. So
many wondrous items, often beyond the for example, if your armor class while
quality of those crafted by the dwarven wielding Flamekeeper is 18, you would
smiths of the city. gain a charge of Molten Metal if you are
missed with an attack roll of 16, 17 or 18

(due to Moradin's Edge). You do not gain a The shield's purpose is to protect
charge of Molten Metal unless the final its wielder, a mission passed down from
result of the attack roll falls within this Frug to each holder of the shield after
range. him. As such, Flamekeeper will attempt to
As a reaction, when a creature talk the wielder out of any needlessly
makes an attack against you, you can dangerous action, possibly initiating a
release a gout of molten adamantine at the conflict if it believes the wielder is
target. The target must make a Dexterity throwing their life away. If the wielder's
saving throw (DC 14) or take ld6 fire intentions are good, the shield may agree
damage per charge of Molten Metal. On a that the risk is necessary, but it believes
successful save, the target takes half that it always knows best.
damage. Flamekeeper will not submit to
Masterwork Forge. Flamekeeper anyone but an accomplished smith, and
is a forge without equal. When a functions as a normal shield for anyone
blacksmith uses Flamekeeper as a forge, who does not have proficiency in
they are able to contribute 1 Sgp work of blacksmith's tools.
progress on an item every day instead of
Sgp (as described in the crafting rules on HANGMAN
page 187 of the Player's Handbook).
Sentience. Flamekeeper is a Weapon (whip), ve.ry rare (requires
sentient lawful good shield with an attunement)
Intelligence of 14, a Wisdom of 18 and a
Charisma of 12. It has darkvision out to a This frayed length of rope is stained not
range of 120 feet. only with the souls of the hundreds of lives
Flamekeeper can speak Common
it has taken, but with the dark heart of the
and Dwarvish, though it will only speak man who made it what it was. Known only
Common if its wielder is in danger and as The Hangman, this hooded executioner
they do not understand Dwarvish. Its deep roamed the lands, showing up
voice rings with gravitas, a reflection of unexpectedly to punish and murder those
the grandeur of Moradin. who he found guilty of a set of laws that
Personality. Flamekeeper is only he knew.
generally very serious and stern, but it has Eventually, a party of Justiciars sent
a deep appreciation of fine craftsmanship. by the masked lords of Waterdeep
Decades of travel with Frug, a gregarious managed to track him down, surrounding
gnome, have softened its demeanor his unassuming home and attempting to
somewhat and it occasionally attempts to starve the dangerous man out. Days later,
make jokes, with mixed results. when they slammed the door down, they

found him hanging from his own rope, a committed by everyone they encounter,
sickly grin frozen on his face. urging the wielder on to punish them for
You gain a + 1 bonus to attack and imagined crimes and slights. If the wielder
damage rolls made with this magic is not lawful evil, every week that they
weapon. It has the following additional wield Hangman, they must make a DC 14
properties. Charisma saving throw or be influenced
Noose. When you successfully hit a by the whispers, moving one step closer
creature with Hangman, the rope wraps on the alignment axis toward lawful evil.
around your target's throat and you are Hangman's purpose is to punish
able to attempt to initiate a grapple those that defy its code. Though the code
without using any action. Add your is complicated and ever-changing, it
proficiency bonus to this grappling check generally sees anyone that stands in the
if you are proficient with whips. way of its wielder's goals as guilty of some
If you have a creature in your crime. If the wielder allows someone to
Noose, you may attempt to move them (as oppose them without consequence,
explained in the grappling rules on page Hangman will attempt to initiate a conflict,
195 of the Player's Handbook), but the forcing the wielder to strangle and murder
creature will always remain 10 feet behind their opponent.
you, trailing by the rope.
Choke. When you have a creature QUARRY
grappled using Hangman's Noose feature,
you may use your action to tighten the Weapon (war pick), ve.cy rare (requires
noose, asphyxiating your victim. attunement)
When you Choke a creature, deal
2d6 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier Not so very long ago, a group of slaves of
bludgeoning damage. the drow were sent by a sect of the temple
Sentience. Hangman is a lawful
of Lolth to dig out an area outside of
evil whip with an Intelligence of 16, a Menzoberranzan for them to desecrate. As
Wisdom of 15 and a Charisma of 15. It they worked, an ore in the group of slaves
can see and hear out to 30 feet. devised a plan to revolt and overthrow the
Hangman speaks with a ragged
priestess who oversaw their work. As one,
whisper that only its wielder can hear. It the slaves rose up against their cruel
speaks almost constantly, seeming to want mistress, except for one cowardly halfling
to drive its wielder to madness. who hid in a crevice.
Personality. Hangman spends the
As the priestess was overrun by the
entirety of its time whispering to its slaves, she used her dying breath to pull
wielder, telling them each of the sins the stone down around her. The halfling,

trapped in a crevice, clutched her pick and Sentience. Quarry is a sentient
screamed as her oxygen slowly trickled lawful neutral war pick with an
away. Intelligence of 14, a Wisdom of 16 and a
Months later, a raiding party dug Charisma of 16.
through the rubble as they trekked toward The pick can see and hear out to 60
the drow city, thinking the moans and feet and has darkvision out to 60 feet. It
cries they heard within were a trapped can speak, but is constantly reliving its last
victim. Inside, they found only a tiny set of moments with only cries, whimpers and
remains, skeletal hand tightly gripping a shouts.
worn pick. The raiding party took the pick Personality. Quarry is still stuck in
with them, only to fall at the gates of a crevice in its mind, playing out its dying
Menzoberranzan. moments again and again as it suffocates
You gain a + 1 bonus to attack and under a pile of unmovable stone. It refuses
damage rolls made with this magic to communicate with its wielder, only able
weapon. It has the following additional to cry out and whimper as it feels it
properties. impending death coming again.
Last Wish. The pick is able to Quarry hates being underground
manifest the halfling's last wishes, that and will protest and fight to avoid it. If the
she had some power to escape from the wielder promises that going underground
rockslide that enveloped and killed her. will accomplish something to hurt the
You are able to cast meld into stone and drow, the pick will begrudgingly allow it.
stone shape each once per day. Its purpose has become to eradicate the
RockfaJJ. The feeling of sharp, drow. Only when fighting a drow does its
heavy stone falling from the ceilings is babbling become coherent, as it rails and
ingrained deep within Quarry. Whenever rages against the dark elves.
you make an attack roll with the pick, roll
a second D20 (do not use this roll to SPLINTERBOLT
determine the result of the attack).
If the number rolled on the second Weapon (blowgun), very rare (requires
D20 (excluding any modifiers) matches attunement)
the number rolled on the attack roll
(excluding any modifiers), a rock appears In the jungles of Chult, closeknit tribes of
out of nowhere and smashes into the people live in some of the most dangerous
target's head, dealing ld6 bludgeoning conditions in the Realms. One such tribe
damage. The target must make a was exterminated decades ago in a bloody
Constitution saving throw (DC 14) or be conflict with another tribe that they had
stunned until the end of its next turn. considered to be their close allies.

A father and son had been out Chult's Embrace. When you land a
hunting when the massacre took place critical hit with Splinterbolt, your enemy is
and returned to find their conquerors afflicted with one of the many poisons
bathing in the blood of their fallen native to the deadly flora and fauna of
tribemates. Overcome with grief, the Chult. At the end of each of the creature's
father, a powerful shaman and elder, turns, they must succeed on a Constitution
sacrificed himself to grant power to his saving throw (DC is equal to 10 + your
son, transferring his spirit into the boy's proficiency bonus) or take ld6 poison
blowgun. With this weapon, Splinterbolt, damage. This effect does not end until
the boy killed every last invader before cure poison or a similar spell is cast on the
walking into the jungle, never to be seen creature, or a successful DC 15 Wisdom
again. (Medicine) check is administered to the
Splinterbolt is a simple reed pipe creature. You can have multiple instances
lashed with thick grass. You gain a + 1 of this poison on your target and they take
bonus to attack and damage rolls made ld6 damage for each instance of poison if
with this magic weapon. It has the they fail their saving throw. Cure poison or
following additional properties. a successful Wisdom (Medicine) check
Titan'sjavelin. Though will end all instances of this poison on a
Splinterbolt looks like a normal blowgun, creature.
the magic within it allows it to spread Sentience. Splinterbolt is a
massive destruction across the battlefield. sentient neutral good blowgun with an
This blowgun fires ammunition as normal, Intelligence of 13, a Wisdom of 15 and a
but when the needles leave the gun they Charisma of 14. It has vision out to 120
grow immediately into spears. Once these feet and can sense heat signatures.
spears are fired, they turn back into Splinterbolt speaks only to its
regular needles. wielder, and even then only in whispers. It
When your attacks with will not speak if it thinks anyone that it
Splinterbolt hit a creature, they deal ld6 does not trust could overhear it. Gaining
piercing damage + your Dexterity its trust is a long process, and only
modifier. Splinterbolt has a range of longtime allies will ever earn it.
80/320 and does not have the loading Personality. Splinterbolt always
property. speaks in a hushed whisper, still afraid
Exhale. Once per day, you may use that it will be discovered by its enemies.
Splinterbolt to cast the gust of wind spell. The blowgun wants its wielder to remain
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this unseen and avoid confrontation until they
spell. have a clear advantage and will not be
risking their safety.

Splinterbolt's purpose is to hunt Hunter. Whenever you use Thump
down betrayers and turncoats, a way for it to make an attack against a beast that is at
to exact vengeance on its tribe's former least Large size, you gain advantage on
allies that slaughtered everyone it knew in the attack roll.
life. If its wielder is ever betrayed, Gatherer. While in a natural
Splinterbolt will insist that the offender be environment, Thump will assist you in
run down and will begin conflict if its gathering sustenance for you and your
wielder does not comply. allies. As long as you wield Thump, you
are able to find enough food for up to 10
THUMP people to live off of for a day after an hour
of searching.
Relic of a Lost Age. The spirit that
Weapon (greatclub), very rare (requires
attunement by a creature of non-lawful
rests within Thump cannot understand or
alignment) abide the trappings of this strange new
world. When wielding Thump, if you hit a
Long before the time of the humans, the creature who is wielding weapons or
dwarves and even the long-lived elves, a wearing armor that are made of metal or
race of primitive people rules the Realms. use advanced technology such as firearms
These folk died out long ago, but every so and crossbows, your attacks deal
often one of their sacred relics resurfaces. maximum damage.
Sentience. Thump is a sentient
Thump was a weapon of chieftains and
mighty warriors, a pinnacle of military chaotic neutral greatclub with an
might in a time when steel blades were yet Intelligence of 12, a Wisdom of 18 and a
unknown. It remains in this world as a Charisma of 15. It has hearing, sight and
reminder of the people that are gone now, smell out to a range of 60 feet.
and a piece of their spirit remains within The weapon understands Common
it. but cannot speak it. Thump speaks to its
Thump is a thick darkwood branch
wielder in an unknown tongue of hoots,
as long as a human arm and three times grunts and whistles that convey its
as thick, the wood and the twine used to emotions clearly to the wielder.
Personality. Thump does not
lash it together petrified from millennia of
aging. communicate often, except when it is
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and aggravated or sees something that it
damage rolls made with this magic wants. The spirit of a hunter lies within
weapon. It has the following additional the greatclub, and this spirit wants its
properties. wielder to hunt, eat, drink, find romance
and indulge their animal instincts.

The greatclub's purpose is to Safeguard. As an action, you may
eradicate technology and return the world attempt to coax a living, unaligned
to the state that existed when its people creature of CR 1 or less into the
were alive. Thump will be aggravated if its component pouch. You make a Wisdom
wielder uses metal armor or weaponry (Animal Handling) or Intelligence (Nature)
and downright hostile to the point of check opposed by the target's Wisdom
conflict if they engage with more saving throw. If the target trusts you, it
confusing technology, such as firearms or may voluntarily fail its saving throw.
steamworks. If you win this contested roll, you
successfully coax the creature into
WARDEN Warden, where it is held safely in an
extraplanar space and regains its hit
Component pouch, rare (requires
points to its maximum. At any time, you
attunement) may use your action to release this
Few have contributed more to the When released, the creature can
conservation and preservation of nature understand your telepathic commands
than powerful Fey sorceress Janna and will fight or complete a task for you.
Allgood, who spent her life wandering the Once the combat or task is complete, it
wild lands of the world with her ape leaves for good, returning to the
companion and forging connections to the wilderness.
forces of nature. You may only hold one creature
When she died of natural causes inside Warden at a time and once you
deep in some unknown wood of the world' have released a creature, you must
a chorus of howls erupted from miles complete a long rest before you are able to
around as the beasts and the trees do so again. You cannot recapture a
mourned her passage and celebrated her creature you have released.
Natural Defenses. Warden
life. Her spirit soared off on the carrying
voices, finally coming to rest in her leather functions as a component pouch, a druidic
component pouch that her loyal ape had focus, or a holy symbol for any god whose
kept as a memory of their time together. portfolio includes the Nature domain.
Little Friends. You are able to cast
When you use Warden to cast a
animal messenger and speak with animals
spell that deals poison damage or that
at will without using a spell slot. When you restores hit points, treat the spell as if you
cast animal messenger, an appropriate were casting it from a spell slot one level
creature appears from inside Warden, higher than you actually are. This cannot
ready to carry your words.

raise a spell above 9th level and does not
affect cantrips.
Sentience. Warden is a neutral
good component pouch with an
Intelligence of 17, a Wisdom of 19 and a
Charisma of 15. It cannot see, but it can
hear when the pouch is opened.
Warden will only speak when the
pouch is open. The voice of a kindly but
stern older woman rings gently out when
the pouch is addressed.
Personality. Warden's purpose is
to protect the beasts and plants of the
wild. She demands that her user protect
such creatures when they are threatened,
though she will begrudgingly understand
her wielder defending themselves if they
are in danger.
If the wielder encounters a force
that is actively destroying natural things,
such as a logging camp or poachers, they
must attempt to put a stop to the actions.
If they do not, Warden will initiate a
conflict and attempt to force their hand.
Warden's voice is soothing and
gentle, and when the pouch is opened, her
wielder can hear her speaking softly with
the creatures contained within, as though
they were her close friends.


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