Admin,+journal+manager,+01 AJPCR 23979 CR
Admin,+journal+manager,+01 AJPCR 23979 CR
Admin,+journal+manager,+01 AJPCR 23979 CR
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by abnormal social behavior which includes false beliefs, confusion, and auditory hallucination.
Antipsychotic drugs therapy increases the risk of developing diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease (CAD) in schizophrenic patients. Hence,
we have planned for a systematic approach toward the management of comorbidities induced in schizophrenic patients. A case study was conducted
in 42-year-old female patient diagnosed with schizophrenia along with Type-2 diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic
nephropathy, systemic hypertension, CAD-acute coronary syndrome recent inferior wall myocardial infarction. The patient was treated with atypical
antipsychotics, antiplatelets, antianginals, statins, hypoglycemic agents, and other supportive measures. The patient improved symptomatically. The
antipsychotic treatment for schizophrenia induces abnormal metabolic syndrome which results in decreased glucose and lipid metabolism that
leads to obesity, hyperglycemia, and dyslipidemia associated with cardiovascular risks. Often antipsychotics are combined with benzodiazepines
and antiparkinson agents to reduce the risks caused from large doses of antipsychotic medication. However, people receiving first-generation
antipsychotics have higher prevalence of developing diabetes mellitus and cardiac risks compared to second-generation antipsychotics. Hence, we
conclude that atypical antipsychotic drugs such as amisulpride, aripiprazole, and ziprasidone should be given to schizophrenic patients because these
drugs have little effects on abnormal metabolic syndrome when compared to other antipsychotics. There is a need for proper screening of blood
glucose level and cardiovascular risks assessment before the administration of antipsychotic medications to schizophrenic patients and also during
the course of treatment regularly.
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
org/licenses/by/4. 0/) DOI:
People with untreated schizophrenia have a higher risk of obesity, Table 1: Estimated prevalence of modifiable cardiovascular risk
Type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and hypertension and factors in people with schizophrenia
contribute to the overall cardiovascular disease risks [7]. However,
in this case, the patient with schizophrenia and diabetes mellitus left Modifiable risk factor Prevalence (%) Relative risk
untreated for an extended period. The pathology of schizophrenia Smoking 50–80 2–3
resembles that dysregulation of hypothalamic-pituitary axis and Dyslipidemia 25–69 ≤5
high serum cortisol levels in people with elevated serum cortisol Diabetes 10–15 2–3
increases gluconeogenesis, insulin resistance, and metabolic Hypertension 19–58 2–3
syndrome [8]. The prevalence of diabetes and cardiovascular Obesity 45–55 1.5–2
disease is increased 2–3 fold in people with schizophrenia [9]. Metabolic syndrome 37–63 2–3
Since antipsychotic medications may also cause adverse metabolic
effects due to non-adherence, it result in irregular glucose and Table 2: Prescribed medication
lipid metabolism that may induce obesity, hyperglycemia, and
dyslipidemia which associated with cardiovascular risks [10,11]. Dosage form Drug name Dose Frequency
Due to withdrawal from health care among family members may
Tablet Clopidogrel+aspirin 150 mg 0‑1‑0
result in multiple comorbidities. The prevalence of modifiable risk Tablet Rosuvastatin 40 mg 0‑0‑1
factors is shown in Table 1 [12]. Tablet Carvedilol 3.125 mg 1‑0‑1
Tablet Furosemide 40mg ½‑½‑0
Management given Tablet Nicorandil 5mg ½‑0‑½
The patient initially was admitted with chief complaints of a severe Tablet Losartan 25 mg 1‑0‑0
headache and otalgia and was diagnosed with external auditory Tablet Trimetazidine 35 mg 1‑0‑1
canal edema, otitis externa, and perforated eardrum. The patient Tablet Amisulpride 400 mg 0‑0‑1
treated with tablet ranitidine 150 mg bid and tablet amoxicillin Tablet Pantoprazole 40 mg 1‑0‑1
250 mg+clavulanic acid 125 mg Q8 h, and ear drop ciprofloxacin Capsule Becosules 1‑0‑0
1* bid given for 1 week. The random blood sugar and postprandial Ear drops Ciprofloxacin 2 drops 1‑0‑1
Tablet Metformin 500 mg 1‑0‑1
blood sugar were assessed before tympanoplasty and diagnosed with
Tablet Vildagliptin 50 mg 1‑0‑1
Type-2 diabetes mellitus, continued the medication along with tablet
Tablet Levothyroxine 100 mcg 1‑0‑0
metformin 500 mg bid for next 1 week. Meanwhile, the patient was Tablet Spironolactone 25 mg 0‑1‑0
identified with the history of insomnia and mental abnormalities
for past 8 years under no medication. Then, she was diagnosed
with schizophrenia, treated with atypical antipsychotics - tablet
amisulpride 400 mg 0-0-1 for next 2 weeks. Subsequently, she was
found with abnormal thyroid stimulating hormone value-13.8,
and diagnosed with hypothyroidism, Type-2 diabetic retinopathy,
and nephropathy and continued all medication along with thyroid
supplement tablet levothyroxine 100 mcg 1-0-0 for next 3 weeks.
During the treatment, the patient developed with breathlessness and
ultrasound scan was recommended and reported with mild pericardial
effusion, and acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Consequently, coronary
angiography performed and the patient diagnosed with CAD - single
vessel disease, elevated myocardial infarction. The patient was treated
with tablet clopidogrel+aspirin 150 mg (antiplatelet+thrombolytic)
0-1-0, tablet rosuvastatin 40 mg (antihyperlipidemic) 0-0-1, tablet
furosemide+spironolactone 40 mg (diuretics) ½-½-0, tablet
nicorandil 5 mg (antianginals) ½-0-½, tablet losartan 25 mg
(antihypertensive) 1-0-0, carvedilol - 3.125 mg (antihypertensive)
1-0-1, tablet trimetazidine 35 mg (antianginals) 1-0-1, and continued
along with previously mentioned medications for 1 week. The patient
improved symptomatically and was discharged with following Fig. 1: Pathogenesis of schizophrenia-inducing adverse metabolic
prescribed medications (Table 2). syndrome
Jagadeesan et al.
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 11, Issue 6, 2018, 1-3
level combined with measurement of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) both AUTHORS CONTRIBUTIONS
before and after administration of antipsychotic agents and medications
include oral hypoglycemic agents like metformin which shows significant Dr. Jagadeesan M - contributed in choosing the topic, guided throughout
effects on controlling the diabetes mellitus along with coadministration the progress of case study and cross-checked the case study on
of atypical antipsychotic medications [15,16]. If the blood glucose completion. Kiran Kumar R - contributed in collecting the pieces of
level is higher than 450 mg/dl, then insulin therapy is recommended. information regarding patient for case study and accounts for case
The additional management includes dietary modification, increased study writing. Justin Jacob Abraham - contributed in collecting the
physical activities, and weight loss reduces the incidence of Type-2 pieces of information regarding comorbidities pathogenesis for case
diabetes. Hence, in this case, the patient with high HbA1c, high blood study and accounts for case study writing.
sugar level should be treated with metformin and vildagliptin which is
significant in the management of Type-2 diabetes mellitus. REFERENCES
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